- -. ... ." ';; - '.. . ' ' i ' ' :.'. -, k--Vi-"' '-; U.,:; , ' -' i -' wm, mm mmm k m mm mm tm h i " imm ";; v H3 3S S O U'T I E E BJ W:1131I I, f J S E CONRAD HILL GOLD MINE. ",car permitted, 1V a friend, to publish the fol ; extr act from a private letter, in regard to the ,ff"1 Ililil mine.- This is jully considered one, C"r ,ot' valu:ye mines in North Carolina, a nd f tHC ual" to the McCulIoch and North Carolina fa!l'V T's mines. The letter is'writteri by a -entle-ComP 'li; h,s .pent several years among the mines of fjnia- From another source, We learn that a o 1,4,110 , ,., Uv,.;o-!.;n!r four pounds, has lately lid pui , r p.nt to the letter: beeaiaken qui - - . T ,,,ve been to Conrad Hill to-day, to see what .l.mrr. I Mll!-enU yOU.a ui nidi nu.tv- 1 e '- i hu h Mr Bootes, the clerk, gave me. -I saw in?. "'v , . , , Tin - : C((py U out of the Uook. . amis &iau,incni io wi- hi"1 "J - - ll. .. in.l. rT.,n 1 ..... -v-vl.- lin ihp iitternoon oi uiu ism .iu..j ncw i ima!irain ri95 nwts., -2 nrains. from 10 tons -of ore, in, -Ampins 20 1-2 hours weight in sponge 225 n rold2l0 pwts,, 9 grains. On the afternoon r furs i21 pvyt-"..' in amalgam, or 251 pwts., 3 jjrs, 19 t fluxed. Also, from 4 bushels of ore, as a test rfl-Vrt of the vein, we obtained 34 pwts., 16 '-grs. in lram, it yielded 14 pwts.,1 18 grains, considered .rold.' pure .'Their 'best. ore is on the south end of the vein. The vein is from 0 to 8 feet thick and very rich, they l Mist .'truck it. rTheyteffi .struck rich ore in thc.ff.hiiu shaft their prospects are very good, and the mie shows well.'; ANTI-SLAVERY. t . . . - 1 . C , . l- in. Ai.1inf PIT ll OG The comparative iepue wun-u vin wmj.jr. . - .vl',1 during the last two years, seeiw again in Jlyerof. being disturbed by the introduction of ,t" nal 'disputes' into the halls of Congress. With . thVra"vetnetits of parties, and the intrigues of po 1 ians, in regard to the proposed territory of Ne-'jLia-we can', have nothing to do ; but with the liier to .which the-disn of that-subject b ,. uiford.-'d an oppoKtunityVjf nporary resunec tkm e are always disposed to wage an unrelent in" war;, and it is.none tlie less our !uty. : th.it we protess -to be neutral, to eejio the iiot-s of warning now : "sowndinV -throughout the. confederacy. The p.-ace, .if ''-t- the. existence of the Union, is again in "peril ii"" ... , ----j wW-feels'atr- interest in its safety, ought' to rouse him-c'f t an attitude of defence. '. Whia'isVititi-sJavery What is it-as active elenieiit of the moral and political movements of thi'dav? As a mere opinion, that slavery is an evil ; it "is one ' thing ; -as "the watchword..of a. fac tion "which is at war with the constitution, laws, ;mJ pu'icv the country, it is another, and a very d ffireivt tliinir. - So far as the northern people are unwilling to be slaveholders themselves, we respect tlioir teeiings, and recognize their right to act in aaoi'Janoe. with thera. We know not that any disposition has ever been shown, or any attempt mtide bv the south, to interfere with or restrict, in :inv -inaaner whatever, the right ot every citizen to think and act for himself in regard to slavery. The ri flit of : tli e northern people to enjoy their opini ons and practice their principles in every State and Tenitoiy of the Union, is universally recognized. and limited onlv bv those guards which the laws of the country have thrown around the rights of other people, lhe man. or INew England oi-Whn, mav reside in Florida or Texas, and continue, without molestation to the end of his days, as free from a'.l personai participation in the guilt of slave 1 iv 1 . r . 1.:. c. a ot- llOiUit:"-,. as lie was 111 ni iiniivu liitc. .ii.iiu-o.a- verv, then, in thi1 asi ct of it, is a thing against which we have not a word to say. We would not violato its, immunities, or cast reproach upon its But wall .that anti-slawry spirit which belongs to an organized, meddlesomeand malignant faction. we Juice a quarrel and a coi test in which the south can never vield without dishonor. It is an ajrores- sive and insultinir spirit, which, not satisfied with the exemption of the north from what they call the cufje of slavery, seeks to compel their fellow-citizens of the south to abandon their opinions and princi ples!' and to relinquish those privileges which the Constitution of the country secures. L'et us ex amine for one moment ipto the character of this dangerous and insulting aggression. ' The const"Uut,ion of the United States was adop ' ted voluntari'y by the slave-holding population of the South, and the iion-slaveholling population of the. Xortli. They were, t(f course, mutually and in common, responsible UYv its principles and provi sions... In the adoption of that instrument, the nor thern people fraternized ' w ith those of the south, as slanh'thtcrs, and guaranteed jto them, as such, the rights they then enjoyed. There was no Un ion formed between the northern people and the .negro slaves -of the South, except through iheir bieiters. Such was the state of things, after the adoption of the present Constitution, and there be no question that under it, as then under 1, the southern slaveltolder, as s?cA, stood, in evt, imaginable respect, upon the same footing with ty northern man who owned no slaves. 'This was lhe spirit on both sides at that time, and the mutual fOljng'of 'parties, whvn a compact is ''made between tli1? has a great d.-al-to do with the in terpretation " the instrument c through w hich it whs: formed. - : lhe antt-sla eery spirit of the pivsent v is di rectly .the reverse, of the patriotic sp'uit of the tunes in "which tin. Union had its birth. T(ie fac tions.' and parties animated by: it, have declared their determination to discriminate, at every, step Vt the federal, legislation, between the slaveholder -.f he non-slavehoMer, by excluding the furmer. ev, upon coti'litto-ps, from parts ot the national '" ji ai. -According1 to this policy, the northern wan may remove to any - territory of the United .States with all his moveable property- whilst the 'southern man . is to be forced by-law to dispose of certain classes of his property, or consent to forfeit it, -before he-can be allowed to do the same. Once an igaiti -since the organization of. the govern ment,, has the .south been compelled to acquiesce in ''mproinise w Inch . her ipatriotism dictated, and tiie monster has, for a w hile, reposed upon his ac-quiiioiis-; but ;ho is now awake once more, ciamo nng us loudly as ever for the exclusion of the south "a slave-hblder,-froin soil in which' lie, as such, has ;1S Jeep an interest as the dictator himself. : Wlir luine U in fj,,- (1-.,.d e.-.-iwa .ami nntrirititn'of tile nortlmi-n 1. k ... 1 . v. 1...1: Ihat-th tMSV 1110 Wllll'mr "t a. an tlri lowl lmno f n .hinting world destroyed, bv a monster reared and turned in their midst. Lint we must tell them Mat tins monster had his birth, in the desire of the northern. people t-j exhibit their aversion to slavery, b? creating a d,ishiction, where the Constitution 'ade no different?, between the northern and; the southei.n man. Tbev must abandon this distinction, liK-originated in a uwral theory,, foreign to, the fctitution, and incompatible wuh thaieqility '"di was recognized bv it. Tbev must cease to "uind that slavtlndders shall be" excluded from territories of th Uhiled States, to which Mc oarins, Fourierites, Jesuits, and every species of cial evil allowed at the northhas unrestricted i-me great Do lv ot the northern people Joiiid return to that'cordml and kindly union with ,'e south which was 'cherished by their fathers, lte could no longer be any danger to the,countrv jm tnose bands of traitors who have organized tiiemselves ino anti-slavery societies. Tliey would perish for want of nutriment in the soil of their birth. - tl rD J)oUGLAM has b'een appointed to address Literary societies of Western Reserve College, lSfii"' a' l'ie "ext commencement, in July, 5. . and has accepted the appointment. t LITERARY: NOTICES. The January number of our little truant friend the School Fellow, has been received. We are glad to welcome it back .to our table. The present is the first ii umber of an enlarged and improved series, beginning with the year, and we can cordial ly commend its contents to our young readers. The high qualifications of the Editors Mr. W. C. Richards and "Cousin Alice," and a number of accomplished contributors, warrant the assurance that this neat little monthly is destined to abril-. liant success. Price One Dollar a year. Address "Evans and Brittan," 697 Broadway, New York. . We hae received the January Number of that venerable standard agricultural publication, the Southern Planter, published at Richmond, Va.; by P..D. Bernard, and edited at present by F. G. lluffin, Esq. This periodical formerly conducted by the distinguished Virginia farmerthe elder Mr. Ruffio, has an established character which needs no additional praise. Y& shall highly prize it . as an exchange. The " Ladies' Keepsake:" for January has also been received. 1$ is embellished with an engrav ing illustrative of the story of Rip Van Winkle. The National Magazine, for February, is be fore us with a very rich and varied table of con tents. Several of the articles are well illustrated and readable, and under the heads of " Editorial Notes and Gleanings," "Book Notices," "Literary Record," " Arts and Sciences," the reader will find a most comprehensive and instructive miscellany. The first Number of the " Aspen Leaf," a hand some journal, which has just commenced its trem ulous existence in this city, is now on qut table, and has received a hearty welcome. "Leave have their time to fall," and we presume to bud also. The publishers have taken time by the fore-lock, anticipated the Spring, and expanded in advance of competition to the breeze of Fortune. Although the httter lady is very coy, . " And variable as the shade, By the light, quivering aspen made," i we sincerely hope the flirtation commenced with her by the publishers may afford them all. the amusement they desire. TMENT. STATE INTELLIGENCE. Robbery. We received the following in an extra from the office of tire Starj in the East, da ted Elizabeth Citv, Jan. 28th i854:i-Last night the Jewelry and Drug Store of Mr. Jas, M. Pool, of this place, was broken open, and a large show case completely swept of its contents, consisting of gold and silver watches, silver spoons, breast-pins, ear-rings, bracelets, gold chains, and. in fact every thing of value, found in the case, together with a lot o'f knives, portmonaies, &c.,the whole estimated at about $2500. The Commissioners of the Town and Mr.oof offer a reward of $200 for the recov ery of the property, or detection of the thief. We hope the press will notice this, and put the public on their guard, in case any jewelry and watches should be offered for sale by suspicious persons. Star. : ., Richmond Court. At Richmond County Court, last week, Alexander C. McKiflnbn, Duncan Mcln-: tyre, and John P. Little, Esqrs., were elected a Special Court for one year. Before the voting commenced, W. F. Leak requested it as a favor of the Magistrates, that no .votes would be cast for htm as he had been of the Special Court for sev eral years, and he wished, at an early day, to re sign his justiceship. ' At the same time, Thomas T. Covington resign ed the, office of Register, .and Andrew J. Veal was was elected in his place.-p-Fay. iArgus. Five new baggage cars: have just been completed by Mr. Uriah Wells, of Petersburg, for the North. Carolina Central Railroad. So much for Southern manufacture. Rich. Bulletin. In our humble opinion they might have been made nearer home on equally as favorable terms as they were done in Richmond. Our first duty is to " our own people who have embarked their capital and skill in endeavoring to build up the in terests of the State. Star. Burnt to Death. A negro child about five years old, belonging to; Mr. T. B. Hill, of this vicinity, was so badly burnt yesterday ,by its clothes catching on fire while its mother was out of the room, that it died in a few hours. It had on woolen garments and a cotton one between them, which were almost entirely consumed.- Hillboro Rec. WtiiiteShad. The first White Shad taken from the Cape Fear this season w'ere placed, in market this morning, and sold at $3 for a pair, the only ones caught. Wil. Journal. INTELLIGENCE DOMESTIC. Fire Loss of Life, itc. uYew York, Jan. 30. Hay ward's extensive India Rubber Works, at Colchester, Connecticut, comprising five large buildiAgs, were burnt last night. The loss is very heavy, but fully covered by insurance. Mr. Stark, an overseer, perished in the flames. Five hundred hands have been thrown uut of employment. The weather north, since- Saturday, is said to have been the coldest jn record. At Concord, Montpelier, and many other places, the thermome ter has stood 32 degrees jbelow zero. The harbor 'of this city is obstructed by ice, and it is snowing very hard. The Pacific Railroad. Washington, Jan. 30. It is stated that the Hon. Solomon Foote, Freesoil Senator from Vermont, will shortly bring forward the Pacific Railroad Bill. It proposes a' capital of $75,000,000 one-third of which is to be subscribed by individuals, one-third Idaned by the governnffent till 1855, and one-third to be given by the U. S. Goverment, m consideration of which, the mails, troops,; etc., will be transported free. Messrs. M. M. and F. Tr White of Cincinnati, recently inherited an estate in North Carolina, a part of which was eleven slaves. They were offer ed $10,000 for tha slaves which they refused, and the liberated slaves recently passed through Cin cinnati on their way to Indiana, where they will settle as agriculturists. MEWS DEPAR Destructive Fire. iVew York, Jan. 29. A fire occurred here to-day which consumed the Co lumbian Foundry, together with a large number of dwellings. Large numbers of the inmates were turneo naked into -the streets, and the weather is intensely cold. " After the above, another fire occurred on Pearl street, near the Battery, destroying an entire block. ifty Irish families . were turned into the streets without shelter. A Female Soldier. There isliow before Con- r gress a petition from Mrs. Elizabeth C. Smith, of Missouri, who, in 1846, under the assumed name of " Ben Newman," volunteered in the Mexican war, where she served faithfully for ten months, when" her sex was discovered and she was dis charged from the service. "Ben" has married, and now applies, for her pay and bounty land. As the law applies to soldiers and not to men, this fe male soldier may be successful. Three Negroes Burned to Death'. We learn from the Staunton Vindicator that a house and kitchen on the farm of Mr. Pel tor, near Waynes boro', on South river, were destroyed by fire a few nights ago, and horrible to relate, three negroes, an old man, his wife and son, perished in the flames. The neerroes were the roDertv of Mr. Abel, of Albemarle. .The house wasooccupied by a son of Mr. Peltor. Every thing in the house, except a few articles of trifling value, was destroy ed. Tae New Postage Bill. The project for changing the rates of postage under this govern ment, reported by Mr. Olds a few days since from the House committee on post -offices and post-roads contemplates making it obligatory to prepay all letters sent in the mails, and proposes also to fix the rates of postage at three cents per half ounce for all distances up to three thousand miles and six cents for all greater distances. The Boston Committee having in charge the San Francisco fund have appropriated it as follows ; To the captains of the Kilby, Three Bells, and Antarctic, $1,000 each ; $800 to the officers of each of the three ships ; $2,600 to the crews of the three ships, all in cash. To Capt. Watkins, his officers and crew, the First Engineer, Capt. Pendle ton, and Lieut. Murray, $1,050, in the form of complimentary testimonials. Tobacco at the North. -The culture of the weed in Connecticut is said to be becoming ex tensive and profitable. In many of the river towns, tobacco is the principal crop grown. In order to promote its culture, a company has beeu formed in Hartford, with a capital of $25,000, for the purpose of opening a tobacco inspection warehouse iu that city. More Bequests. The late Miss Margaret Ten Eyck, of Albany, left the following bequests Theological Seminary at New Brunswick, N. J. $4,000 ; American Bible Society, $1,000 ; Ameri can Tract Society, $1,000 ; American Sunday School Union, $1,000 ; Foreign Missions of Reform ed Dutch Church, $1,000. The Highest Price ever obtained in the N. York market for wheat was given on Friday, $2. 55 a bushel. Flour also advanced to $9.25 a $9. 50 per bbl. wluolesale. At such prices it will take a small fortune to supply one's appetite for food. The farmers must be making money fast. Lamentable. The Norfolk News regrets to learn that an interesting little girl, the daughter of Mr. G. W. Camp, was so severely burned on Sat urday, as to cause her death in a few hours. Her clothes caught fire from a stove in the room where the children were playing. A Lutheran Minister of the Gospel in the village of Athens, New York, eloped a few days since with the wife of a very respectable citizen of that place. He is the father, and she the mother, of an interest ing family. Up to the present time they have eluded all pursuit. Terrible Explosion and Loss of Life. Ra venswood. Long Island, Jan. 29. French's-Cartridge Factory at this i lace exploded yesterday. All inside except two were killed. The loss of life is variously stated ft Ironi 20 to 30. Buildings lor miles around were shaken, and windows broken. Those killed were mostly boys and girls. The Soule Duels. The New-York Express says that reports from Madrid via Paris are, that the Marquis de Turgot has had his leg amputated, and is in a dangerous condition. If he dies as is believed Mr. Soule will of course have to be re called. Petersburg Express. ' The Southern Mail, it is stated, will be trausfer ed to the Wilmington and Manchester road on the 1st of February, at which time the steamers of the Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad company wjil stop running. Turned Minister. Sheridan Knowles is now a Baptist Minister. He is lecturing vehemently against popery ; and oddly enough, his son, Richard Brinsiey Knowles, has just become a Roman Catholic. Washington, Jan. 29th. It is stated that Hon. Trueman Smith contemplates withdrawing from public nfe in the spring, and engaging in the Copper Mine business. Prohibition in Virginia. On Wednesday no less than 33, petitions in favor of a prohibitory li quor law, were presented iu the Virginia House of Delegates. A United States Senator is to be elected by the Legislature of Ohio, at the present session, and the 24th inst. is the time fixed to go into the election. Hon. John P. Hale is lecturing in different parts of New York State, upon the Senate, its members, and incidents connected with them. The number of tigers killed in Java during the year 1852, amounted to 717. A dozen lottery dealers were arrested in New York on Friday. The Ebib Troubles. Erie, Jan. 80. -The rail road track has been repaired, under the protection of the U. S. Marshal, and the trains are announc ed, to run to-iuorrow. It is feared, however, that the track will not be united, as the people lire deter mined to prevent the connection between the Cleveland and Erie? and the North East companies. Harrisbcbg, Jan. 30. Governor Bigler left here this morning for Erie, in company with Judge Knox. The Governor invited Judge Purviance and Hon. Wm. F. Packer to accompany him to superin- I tend the operations of the road and the Franklin Canal Company, should arrangements be made to use it until the Legislature takes further action thereon. There is a man in Orkney, Scotlaud, nearly nine ty years of age, who was about to be married for the ninth time. FROM LOWER CALIFORNIA The Walkek Fillibuster Expedition. News of the Mexican Treaty. The Aspinwall Courier of the!7th instantant gives the following inform ation : - - . Lieutenant Sweeny, now of the second regiment of the United States infantry, formerly of the New York volunteers, informs us that when he left San Diego, Dec. 34at Col. Walker had received large reinforcements, and was carrying everything before him the previous accounts respecting his having been closely pressed were ( correct- Prior to the arrival of the reinforcement he was penned up by a large force. Lieut. Sweeny also informs us that advices to the 31st ult. from the city of Mexico, received at Acapulco, confirm the report respecting Gadsden's new treaty. The new republic will soon be among the things that were. The Panama Star of the 15th inst. says : "The Pacific mail steamship Republic, Capt. A. McLane, unexpectedly arrived in port yesterday, having sailed from San Francisco on the evening of the 24th ult. On the 31st ult. stopped at San Diego, and embarked from Newtown the commissioned and non-commissioned officers of the second regi ment of U. S. infantry, who are returning home to recruit. " On the 7th inst., at 5 o'clock P. M., the Ram say route express messenger arrived at Acapulco, with New Orleans dates to the 31st ult., inclusive. A rumor prevailed in the city of Mexico that Santa Anna had ; ceded Chihuahua, Sonora and Lower California to the Uuited States for $23,000,000." FOREIGN. THE ASIA ARRIVED. BRILLIANT SUCCESS OF TURKISH ARMS ! ! ! Russia made to bite the Dnst I ! ! New York, Jan. 31. The Asia arrived at her wharf to-day. She brings important news relative to the warlike powers. On the 3rd, the allied fleets all proceeded into the Black Sea, except six ships which were left at Beicos Bay to guard the Bosphorus. The first division remains anchored at the Rapids. Dates from Sebastopool to January 6, state that the Turks had gained brilliant success on the Danube. They had stormed and carried the Rus sian entrenched Camp at Citall, near Kalafat, and put 2500 of the enemy to the sword. Had also attacked a body of 18,000 Russians which had been sent to relieve Citall. After a sharp encount er compelled them to retrent. The Russians are thus driven back from positions at which they had hoped to cross tlie Danube. The Turkish force in the battle was 15,000, and they had only 15 guns. It is admitted that'Omar Pasha brilliantly out manoeuvred the Russian commander, and gained many advantages on the Danube. He was form ally, noticed, on the 1st inst., at the Divan of the Four Powers to Ambassadors. The details are not given, but it is supposed to be the storming and capture of Karakal, with several skirmishes in Asia. The defeat of the Turks under the weak general ship of Abdi Kesha is confirmed,' but Gen. Guyon had gone with an army, and was invested with full powers to act. The spirits of the Turks were very much revived. The Sultan's Irad is published approving the decision of the Grand Council to open negotiations on the footing proposed by the Four Powers. Tur key is to serjd representatives to a Conference which will meet in some neutral city. The report is confirmed that Persia has resumed negotations Vith Britain, and will not at present attack the Turks. ; Death of a Princess. The infant Princess of Portugal had died suddenly. . SPAIN. A Princess Born The Soule Duels Young - Soules Letter, tc. The Queen gave birth to a daughter at Madrid, January 5. As mentioned in the French intelligence, the Marquis of Turgot, the French Embassador, who fought with Mr. Soule, Sen., has been raised to the dignity of Grand Officer of the. Legion of Honor. It was reported that the decoration was conferred as an approval of his conduct in the Soule affair, but the correspondence of the London Morning Post says that Napoleon reprimanded Turgot for accepting the duel, and that the decoration which was bestowed as a testimonial of his diligence in the international copyright treaty was withheld from him fifteen days, as a warning not to fight with American Ministers in future. Mr. Soule, Jr., has addressed a letter to the Ba yonne paper which contained what he considers an unfair account of the circumstances of his duel with the Duke of Alba. He writes : " You say that my quarrel with the Duke of Al ba took its rise in some remarks in some pleasan tries upon the toilet of Madame Soule, exchanged between the Duke of Alba and the Embasador of France ; and you speak with a sort of solemnity of the very particular interest which has been taken in the affair by the Emperor of the French. It may be well that, in spite of the aversion which your correspondents seem to have for truth, it has happened to them in this case at least, and no doubt through inadvertance. What they tell you in this respect has indeed obtained some credit here, and at any irate, gives a determined character to the causes ana object of the offence done to my T that it cannot cause to me the least anxiety. As regards all, except the two assertions of which I have just spoken, I repeat, there is not one word of truth in what our correspondents make you say. It was from the mouth of the Duke of Alba alone that the remarks reached my ears, which caused me to demand of him satisfaction j a stern and peremtory letter. This remark, you say, was only an incident pleasantry upon the toilette of Mme. Soule, the eccentric taste of whose dress had been noticed by the whole company. This is a version which comes too late after the one, of which you have made yourself the complaisant in terpreter. The dress of my mother had nothing at all to do with the insult which was thrown upon her. Her toilette, which consisted of a dress of velvet, from the hands of Mdlle. Palmyre, was that of a woman of taste and of good society, who knows how to unite that regard which the exigencies of the world com maud with the respect which a la dy owes to herself." t Mr., Soule then proceeds to contradict some state ments regarding the letters that passed between the Duke and himself, and then proceeds : "You say that I caused myself to be waited for on the ground, after having demanded and obtain ed a delay of 48 hours. I did not demand, and consequently did not obtain any delay. I arrived on the ground at the same time with the Duke of Alba, and the place of meeting, five minutes be fore the hour agreed upon. " You say that I was followed by six carriages full of Yankees, who reside at Madrid. I was fol lowed only by one servant and by the carriage which contained my father, my physician, one of ray friends, (French, like myself,) and one Ameri can the only American who resides at Madrid, aside from the jersonnel of the Legation. These were all left at a quarter of a league from the place of combat. " You give me 23 years of age. I am hardly 22 ; but, you take care not to sa)' that the Duke of Alba is 36, that he had many years of instruction with the sword, and that he had 23 days to ex ercise himself after having received my challenge, which he declined by explanations ample and satisfactory, before sending me his, which I ac cepted without hesitation, and at the instant. " You say that my hand tired quick under the weight of a sword which I found too heavy. The swords were heavy, it is true, but it was not at my instance that they were exchanged for lighter ones which the Duke of Alba had brought with him. " You say that I.was wounded. It is an error I have not received the slightest scratch. In fine, you speak of the promises which you. say I have made to give the lie to the English press, and to burn before witnesses the letter which the Duke of Alba had w ritten to me. I was incapable of making, and I have not made promises of this kind, nor of any other kind. I have nothing to do with the English press, which is altogether foreign to me. " The Duke of Alba has taken care not to lay upon me the slightest requisition, well knowing what account I should have made with it. Be sides, such a requisition, with the respect to the letter which he had written me, would have served only to create the impression that it might con tain something injurious to his character. "And you crown your recital by a description of the combat, which represents me as having been the whole time of its duration at the mercy of the Duke of Alba, and scarcely able to hold out my sword. " In order to confound the detractors, who hide themselves behind you, I have only to place under the eyes of your readers the account which has been given of the combat by our seconds that is to say, those of the Duke and mine. Will you, sir, rectify the falsehoods which your correspond ents have made you to utter ? I am unwilling to doubt it, but if you refuse, I shall find means to unmask and to brand the infamous calumniator of whom you have made yourself the echo and gua rantee. I am, sir, your most obedient servant, "Nevil Soule." The Great Snow Storm in England. The snow storm in England, of the 3d, 4th, and 5th of January, was almost beyond precedent. The Lon don Morning Chronicle says : All traffic on the different railroad lines is stop ped. On the Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln shire lines three luggage trains are imbedded in snow at Glorsep, one on the Stockport, and4 one on the Staleybridge branch. The snow in some places on the North Stafford line is said to be six teen feet deep. In many places in Manchester it is a yard deep. Several accidents are reported. The snow was eight feet deep between Retford and Newark. The Midland and Lincolnshire train got snow-bound. All the lines, in fact, were impassa ble. ' Street Traffic in London. Yesterday (Jan. 4.) witnessed a greater interruption in traffic and business than has occurred since the celebrated cab strike of last year, owing to such a tremendous fall of snow on the previous night, as completely to block many of the inhabitants of London in their houses, a strong easterly wind having drifted 'the snow in exposed parts to a heighth of three or four feet against doors, walls, fec. So great a fall of snow has not been known in the metropolis for many years. In the earlier part of yesterday morning foot passengers were few, and hardly a single vehicle of any description was visible. Most of the omnibusses which ran drove three, and in some instances four horses, and fully one half of Jhe cabs which made their appearance had two horses, generally tandem. As might natural ly be expected under these circumstnnces, an ad herence to the ordinary fare was out of the ques tion. The railway stations were as deserted as the street stands. In some instances as much as 5s. were given for cabs for a distance barely exceed ing a mile. But the most serious interruption a rose from the effect of the snow blocking up the various lines of railway, owing to which the mail and other trains were delayed to an extent un known since the introduction of railways. Prince Albert. The intelligence brought by the Atlantic fully confirms that of the previous steamer, in reference to the Prince Consort, who has, we think, deservedly incurred the odium of the people of England. It seems that the Prince has made it a VntW be present when the Queen received her minister and without any 'loyal right so to do, participate in their deliberations and not content with, tbi he has been in the habit of corresponding frequenth ly with British Ministers at foreign courts, without the knowledge or consent of the Foreign'Secret tary and often gave them private instructions in dependent of those furnished by the proper officer of the Crown and his interference had grown t 1 such an extent that not a single dispatch could be sent off without having first been submitted to him and his consent obtained. If these charges be true and they are affirmed in the highest circles it is very likely that the- whole matter will come before Parliament, when it will be fully determined who is, and who is not the British Foreign Minister. We are sure that such conduct will not bet . - w . .... I tolerated by the popular and legislative opinion o Great Britain. Baltimore Clipper. . Coldest Yet. Froze to Death. The Times publishers a table: of the temperature of the coldest days in England since 1810. It appears thati January 3, of the present year, the weather was 7 degrees colder than at ony time during that period, the thermometer having fallen to four degrees be low zero, which for England, is something very ex4 traordinarv. All accounts" that we have" seen statd that the season has been unexampled in severity Nobody can remember anything like it. Two of the London police were frozen to death on (hi nigh of the 3d inst. MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. MARRIED, On the .1st inst., by Wrni. McMastera, Esq., Daniet Wilkeson, Esq., to Miss Delila Jones. On the 14th inst., by James Elliot, Esq., the Hon Milton Worth Hicks to Miss Dianner Myrover, all of Ran dolph county, N. C, : DIED. At Louisville, Kentucky, on the 16th- of December, 1853j William H. Burgess j' of Madison county, Tennessee, iu thej 40th year of his age. ' THE LATEST MARKETS. WILMINGTON ) MARKET Wholesale Prices. 4 , , : 1 REPORTED EXPRESSLY FOR THE SOUTHERN WEEKLY POST- By W. A. GWYER, i Commission Merchant, Wilmington, N. C. "I ; January 28, 1854. Bacon New, arrives freely and meets a ready market at- 11 llgC hog round. Beef Fat, comrrjands a ready sale at 6 6 cents. Butter Strictly'prime is scarce, worth 25c per firkin. Candles Tallow 14 16c ; Adamantine 22 30c ; Sperm 40 60. Stock ample. Coffee Stock liht and prices firm ; Rio 12J 13c. Corn Scarce, arid wanted ; the late advance in bread- stuffs has reached here, and prices are, fair. A cargo sold at 80 cents. ' Cheese 11 12c, as to quality. Cotton The market exhibits less firmness since my last review, sales at v4 c. Floor Searoa, find prices are very firm with an upward tendency ; superfine $7 $7,50. Several thousand barrels have been shipped tp New York. Hay Arrivals qf 150 bales, which was readily disposed of from wharf at $1,10 $ hundred. Lard-Plenty and dull, sales at 10 lOJc. Lime None in; first bands ; the article is scarce and ia demand. I Molasses-Several cargoes in the market sales from wharf at 21 2c and in lots as wanted. Nails $4. . ! Pork Fresh $6 ; Mess $17 17 ; Prime $16. Roisn Common dull of sale, the high rates of freights restrict operations; last sale $1 1,10, according to size of barrel. j ! Rice cents. Salt 1000 sacks Liverpool brought $1,40 $ sack. A! cargo of Turk's Island retaiiling at 55 60c. i Sugar Porto Rico b 7c ; Granulated & 9c. ; Loaf 10 11c. Market well supplied. 1 Tar A slight improvement is perceptible in this article sales at $2,10$ barrel. Turpentine This article arrives "sparingly, and is in ac tive demand, at adyanclng rates. We note sales at $4,10 for yellow dip ; $3,28 for virgin ; scrape $2,35 $ barrel of 2801 lb. j . j- Spirits Turpentine This article has materially ad-f vanced since my last report. The market opened on Mon- day with sales at 61c $ gallon. Further favorable advices1 having been received from other markets it continued to ad vance with sales at 62, 63 and 64c $ gallon. Holders ara firm at 65c, but buyers are cautious, waiting further advices. The stock in market is light. Respectfully yours, W. A. GWYER. NORFOLK MARKET Wholesale Prices By ANDERSON & REYNQLDS, Grocers, Forwarding , and Commission Merchants. No. 10, Roanoke Square, Norfolk, Va. January 28,. 1854. Breadstuff's Our market for breadstufls is very excited and prices unsettled. SaTe of white and yellow corn yester day at 90c ; mixed at 85c. To-day we hear of sales at: $1 $ bushel. Flour sales of Superfine at $8, and extra $9&" to-day held higher. Demand for all kinds of breadstuffo equal to the supply. Cotton Dull at 9K 9c. Grain Oats 45 50c j Blackeyed Peas $1,05 : White Beans $1,2$. ! Groceries Remain about the same prices. Coffee is not quite so high, say a reduction of $ lb. Lime-$l,12j $1,18 for Thomaston, and $1,25 & $1,313 for Washington. Salt Blown $2 ; Ground Allum $1,40 $145 ; Turk's. Island 56c $ bushel. . Spirits 65 cents. Tar $2. ! ! Respectfully, ANDERSON &. REYNOLDS-. RICHMOND MARKET Wholesale Prices. REPORTED EXPRESSLY FOR THE WEEKLY POST, By J. N . GORDON & SON, Grocers and Commission Merchants, RICHMOTO. VA. January 25V 1854. Bacon Virginia and North Carolina hog round 9 9 ; new Western Sides 8 ; Shoulders 8 8c. Butter Sales at 25Xc. Coffee Prime Rio is scarce. We quote common to fair qualities 12 13. No Laguira in market ; Java 14 14 Feathers In demand at 50c Flour $7K $8 for superfine ; Family $9 10. Grains Prime red and white Wheat $1,80 $lyBS; Com, 75 ; Oats 40 42K ; Rye 85c. Molasses Cubf 24 to 26c ; New Orleans in barrets 32 33. 1 - Rice New 1 5c. Sugars No prime Porto Rico in market. New crop New Orleans 5 6, for fair to prime qualities ; Coffee Su gars 7 7K- ' Tobacco The breaks since the commencement of the new year have been small. Sales for common to fair leaf $7 $8 ; good $8K 120 ; fine $10 $12. No sales of fancy manufacturing this week . Receipts small. Wool Tub' washed 33 37J. I J. N. OdRDOK it SON. F c c c c c (