88 ADE RTISEMETS. VIEW KOCTE FOR SOTTTERN TRAVELLERS ji Do-ect from New York, Philadelphia nl Baltimore to Norfolk, Weldon, Raleigh, Wilmington, Charleston and Anrusta, Mobile and New Orleans. , SPRING AND SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Daily, except Sundays) via Bar Line and Seaboard A Roanoke Railroad, to the above mentioned place, the Schedule be ing so arranged that the Traveller is subject to no night travel on the Railroad from New York to W ilmington, N.C .- : Throuzn ticket from N. York to Wilmington. N. C. 15,00 do ' do Weldou.N.C, V,0- do do Norfolk k Portsmouth, K5) do Fhilad. to Wilmington, N. C. lt.cO do do Weldon, N.C, K,CP do - do Norfolk Portsmouth, 6,.V do - Baltimore to Wilmington, N. C, 12.o do do Weldon, N. C, 8,50 do do Norfolk A Portsmcutn, S,-0 For further information and Through Tiekets, apply in New York at the New Jersev Railroad Office, foot of Court land St. In Philadelphia at the Philadelphia and Balti more Railroad Office, in Library St la Baltimore at the Office Baltimore Steam Packet Company foot of Lmou Dockx, or on board the Bav Steamers. ... Omnibusses and Bag-gape Wag-onsare pronded on the Line, by which passsengers and their baggage are convey ed through Philadelphia and Baltimore free of ail expense and Baggage Conductors, whose duty it is to give infor mation and check the baggage to the several points on this route, accompan v the passengers. Passengers from New York aud Philadelphia will have their Bag-giige checked to Baltimore and thence on board the Bavboata to Norfolk, Portsmouth, 'Weldon, Ac. The'new and, splendid Steamer NORTH CAROLINA has just been added to the line. The steamers Georgia and Herald have just been thoroughly overhauled, new. boilers, state rooms, and every other convenience to make the passage comfortable and pleasant. One ofthe above steamers will leave the Baltimore Steam Packet Company's wharf, L'nion Dock, foot of Con--cord street, for the South, daily, (except Sundays) at o'clock, P.'M., or immediately aher the arrival of the ex press train which leaves New York at 9 A. M., and Phila delphia at 2 P. M. . I he following is the schedule - Leave New York Leave Philadelphia . Leave Baltimore Leave Portmouth. . , Leave Weldon...... Leave Wilminsrton . .9 o'clock, A. M., . .2 " P. M. ..6 " P.M. " A.M. ..I " P.M. . .10 " P. M. For Aneusta, Charleston and the South, via Manchester Railroad, now tiiiinhed. X3f Passengers for Richmond and Petersburg, or any other points on James River, connect. with the James River boats early next morning after leaving Baltimore. All passengers for Edenton, Plymouth, Newbern, Wash ington, Weldon, Goldsboro', Warsaw, Raleigh, and Wil mington, N. C, or other point on the Seaboard and Wil mington Roads, will hnd it the most pleasant and agreea ble route. M. V FALLS, Agent. . Raleigh, April 8, 154. 2L tf. PRING FASHIONS! J. J. BIGt iS A Co., are now receiving their Spring and Summer Stock of Goods, consisting in part of the best French and English Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, which will be made to order in the most approved stvle, and a pood tit warranted. READY-MADE CLOTHING. Black, Blup and Brown frock and dress cloth coats. White and Brown Linen and Drill coats and pants. White and Fancy Marseilles Vests. Silk and Satm Marseilles Vests. In fast every article usually found in a Clothing Estab lishment. " A lot of fine Hats just received, made bv Oakford of Philadelphia; also, a lot from Lightfoot A Co., Philadel phia - . Our stock will be replenished every week by the Senior partner, who resides North. J. J. BIGGS & CO. Raleigh. April 8, 180-1. ai Rw. - N. B. Our terms are cash, six months' time to punc tual customers. By this arrangement we assure the public we can sell as cheap as any house in the State. J. J. B. St Co. KEEP A LOOK OUT! WHEN YOU SEE EVANS A Cooke over the door, walk in. No. 29 Cheap place, under the Sky Light, one door above every body. There are so many crowding next door to Messrs. Evans and Cooke, we .wish you to " look out." We have received our entire supply of Goods, consist ing of every article kept iu a lirst rate Southern Retail and Wholesale House, and feel confident it would prove to be the interest of all who wish to save in purchases to give our stock -an examination before buying-. Hardinir will be at home in a few days bringing with him- what's nice. - - - EVANS & COOKE. Raleigh, March 17, 1S54, 1.17. ti'. UST RECEIVED, AT THE OLD STAND, ONE door above R: Smith's Corner, a beautiful assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods. Plainand Figured Silks. Plaid Silks pf all colors. Black Si lks-'of all grades. A great variety of Berages, Tissues, Chaileys, Under leeves, CollarsCaps, Laces, Ac, Ac. Do not forget to. call ai the "Old Skv Light," No. 29. : EVANS A COOKE. March, 1S54.' ' nlT.tf. BONNETS AND RIBBON'S! BLOND. LACE, SILK, Straw, Leghorn and Florence Braid Bonnets. Also, a good assortment of Ribbons of all patterns and prices. EVANS A COOKE. March, 1954. ul7. tf. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR! PLAIN, PLAID AND Stripad Linens, Tweeds', Kentucky Jeans, Cottois ades and North Carolina Cassimt-n s. EVANS A COOKE. March, 154. uK. tf. OOTS AND SHOES. J. MILES A SON'S PEGGED Boots. Also, fancv resr$rd and sewed boots. A ve ry large assortment of Shoes" tor Ladiei and Gentle men. EVAN'S A COOKE. . March, 1854. nl7. tf. HATS. In store a new supply of Beebe's latest stvle, including voting' gents" HATS, LEGHORN, STRAW; PEDAL AND WOOL HATS. EVANS & COOKE. March 24 16 tf , CI ALICOS, Muslins, Ginchams, Irish Linens, pocket J Handkerchiefs," Blu and Brown Shirting and Sheet ings. All the above Good? bought for this Spring trade and have to be sold in their season, so call and ect " Bar gains." EVANS &. COOKE, Opposite Harding's. ; March 25, 1354.. 16- DEiVTAIi SURGERY, W. F. BASON', M. D . D. D. S , begs leave, respectfully to otter his ser-' Yieea a Medical, Surgical and Mechanical , DENTIST. Those who think proper to favor him with their calls, should make application either before, or the first oppor tunity after arrival, at such places as notice may be. given. Janmry 7, 1854. 17 tf CALL AT PESCUD'S Drug Store for your sup plies of -American and Foreign Peufcmert, Tooth and ll.ua Brushes. Coarse and Fixe Combs, Soaps and Shaving Crkams, Pomades and Hair. Oils. Pescud keeps a large stock and sells at a small ad vance to consumers and the trade. Sept 24, 1853. ' . 4:1 F MAHLER & CO.. dealers in Groceries. Confee- tiorrary. Fancy Goods, Giocerv. &c.. Raleifrh. N . C. October 6, 1853, a4 tf. PETER W. H1NTON, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, Nos. 25 and 25 Rothery's Wharf, Norfolk, Va. Special attention paid to selling Tobacco, Flour, Grain, Cotton Ac, &.c. Also, to Receiving and Forward ing Goods. 1 i Refer to Chas L. Himto.., Esq., Wake County, N. C ; J. B. G Roulhacu Esq., Raleigh, N. C; George W. Havwoob,, Esq., Raleigh, N. C; William Plummeb, Esq., Warrenton, N. C. May 28. 1853. ' n26 ly. PAINTS AND OILS A verv large supply of all kinds of Paints, Oils, and Varxishks to hand and for sale, lower thau can be bought elsewhere, on the moat accommodating terms by P. F. PESCUD. Sept. 24, 1853. ; 43.--- LAW NOTICE. The Subscriber having removed to Raleigh, offers his services to persons Tiavin busi ness in the Supreme Court and in the Superior and County Courts of Wake and the adjoining counties, as an 'Attorney and Counselled EDWARD CANTWEI.L. Raleigh, Jan. 23, 1S54. . .. WINDOW GLASS. A large supply of all sizes and qualities, kept on hand or frdered, to suit any ize saab at very low rates. .f . Also,' a good supplv of PUTTY. Dealers will pi ease give me a chance to fill their orders before buying else where, if they want good bargains. - P. F. PESCUD. Septj-84, 1853. 4S TEW?AND VALUABLE pX'BIJCATIONS-For X sale at the N. C. Book Store, by 11. D. Turner, Raleigh, October 1853. The Book of Nature, by Shocder Al Mullwk. 4 The Land we Live in, a Pictorial and Literary Sketch Book of the British Empire. Philosophy of the Mechanics of Nature, by Allen. The Geological Observer, bv De La Beche. Annie Grayson, or Life in Washington. The Teacher and the Parent, a treatise upon Common School education, containing practical suggestions to teachers and parents. 5rd edition. , Gothic Architecture, applied to modern residences. Il lustrated. " The American Engineer, Draftsman, and Machinist's i Assistant. With 20(1 illutrations. - j Miner's Domestic Poultry Book, illustrated with over ' 400 portraits from life. ;. Diary and correspondence of Jno. Evelyne. Knick-Knacks, by L. Gay lord Clark. Lieber on civil liberty and self-government, 2 vols. . Sam Slick's wise-saws and modern instances ; or, wbi b said, did, or invented. Water-Drops, by Mrs. L. H. SigonrncT. JUcturei on Life and Health, by Alcoti. Bomerville Physical Geography. The Lost Senses, Blindness and' Deafness, bv Kifto, D. D. F. S. A. . Notes on Uncle Tom's Cabin. ' - Tasari's lives of the most eminent PaintersSculptors and Architects 4 vol. . Meniel's History of Germany 4 vols-. Richardson's Geology. " " ., : The British Cabinet in 185S. ' Memoirs of Ae-jrreat metropolis ; or, London, from lie towsr o tha Crystal Palace with numerous U laatrauons. . Ortobar, 136s. 6-1 Business Notices. SPRING STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, etc., etc. The subscriber is now receiving his Spring and Summer Stock of articles in his line, embrac ing everv variety -of grade worn by Ladies, Gentlemen, Children" and Servants, comprising the largest assort ment perhaps ever brought to this market. Among them are lots of new stvles designated as ' Eureka," "Talmas, elegant stvles ; children s Ankle Ties, a great nnd hand some variety, besides a large quantity of the most fasiona ble and tasty articles, quite tK numerous to mention. jjf- A lot of the finest English and FrencbjKid Slip-peTs--very superior. . He has also received. a choice stock of manufacturing material which lie offers for sale on reasonable terms to ..... . i . " i !.-:-t. :n i. ....i ftiw Ki Mistomers. I.IlC iniui; , nnu nuiin t:ii wc ui.utt. ij . ; , ' i .- .1.. u...-. i : ....,..-:,,.. .-,-lrr,. or, in his eniDlov in . tuc in n: iv, ii . t ; i 1 1- ouiii-i mi ' l" i - j I - . l i C. . 1 , .... tor Mini 'lui mjw. ' Th..,,i-fl fi.r tl, lihoriil share of natronatre he has received, he hopes, by nccomniodting sales and strict at- j tent ion t-i business, to merit and receive a continuation of I gacic. the same HENRY PORThK. Fayetteville-st. Rak-igb, March 25, 15'-4. " nl7-5w. G'" AMES FOR 18."4. The Game of the Bugle Horn' T or, Robin Hood and his Merry Men. The Game of Conundrums. The Game of Qualities: or What Will the What say ? The Game of Round the Horn. - The (fame of Speculation. The Game of The Yaukee Peddler: or What Dye Buv? Uncle Thomas' Game of American Chronological Cards. The Game of Snip, Snap, Snorum. The Game of Dr. Fusby. The Game of Dr. Busby. Also, A Large assortment of Dissecte Maps and Pict ures. Alohabet Blocks Ac. For Sale at the Raleigh, March 4, 1854. 13 tf. TETTERS BY STEAM. Signs, Signs, Signs, Wm. C. j Mi'kfht, Sign aud Ornamental Painter, No. -35 South-Third Street, Five doors above Chestnut, 1'hila. W:. C. M. has on hand the hirgest and best assortment of Carved Block Letters and Figures prepared in the City. He can upplv "thein beautifully finished for Siens, 'ready packed for shipment, at J.4 hours' notice. He is enabled to sell at prices defying competition, and at the same time constantly increasing his stock by means of Steam Power. And "newly invented machinery. March 4, i.h-,4. "13 3m. fi ENTLEMEN'S DRESS ARTICLES. We can now f exhibit, without doubt, the best assortment of Gent Dress Goods in the city. E. L. HARDING. Rajeigh. Nov. 9, 1853. . 9 BOOTS AND SHOES. The undersigned takes the liberty to inform the citizens of Raleigh and the sur rounding country, that he has just received from the North a splendid and elegant stock of Boots and Shoes, which he will sell at the lowest price, for Cash. Thankful for the former patronage bestowed upon him bV a liberal public, he solicits a continuance of the same. " HENRY A. DEPKIN. West of the Capitol. N. B. A good assortment of Shoe Lasts, Findings, Ca"!f Skin, Lining and Bindings. Shoes kept constantly on hand. Raleigh, March 15th, 1S54. 15 tf. TORTII CAROLINA BOOK STORE. Henry D. Tcrxeu has for sale, the Supreme Court Reports, uniform sets or single volumes, i rice reduced. Iredell's digest, three volumes, Swain's Justice. North Carolina Form Book, Also, at greatly reduced prices, in quantities, or by re tail a complete assortment of School Books; Blank Books; stationary and Fancy Articles; Juvenile aud Toy Books; all the New Publications as soon as issued; thci Standard Publications in every department of Liter . atnfe, Arts and Science aud in every language, Ancient or Modern. Music Books &nd Musical Instruments. Writing Desks of Leaiher, Rosewood and Mahogony. Work Boie, do do and Paper Slachie, Walking Cans and Whips, great variety. Choice Gold l'eus in Silver and Gold Cases, ' Velocipedes, Gips, Hobby Horses, Barouches, Wheel , Barron s, Ac. , Z-tT" Mathematical Instruments and Thermometers in great vnrietv. BOOK BINDING. in every variety, promptly executed in the neatest manner. J2T"Select Gardkk Sr.F.ns Every variety warranted fresh and good selected from the most approved Seeds men and Gardeners in the Northern Country. Raleigh, March 4, 1S51. 13 tf. ICE FOR 1854. The subscriber has made arrange ments io receive a very large supply of ICE FROM BOSTON. The plentiful crop of Ice the present season, will enable him to supply the article much lower than it was last summer. To regular Customers, trim (lire nottet fafhrcfuinJ, of their intention to take Ice during ihe sea son, il will be furnished at the very lowest price possible. As,soon us the cost of ihe cargo can be ascertained, the terms will be published. WM. D. COOKE. TMIE SUBSCRIBERS ARE NOW RECEIVING JL their Spring Stock of STAPLE and FANCY DRY '.-GOODS, comprising every variety and style of Dress Goods, worn either oy the Ladies or Gentlemen. Their Stock is unusually largo and was selected in person bv -one of the firm, with great care -and attention, to which thev respectfully invite the attention of their Customers and the public generally. March 24, 16-54. W. n. A R S. TUCKER. 16 tf " AMTILLAS ! MANTILLAS ! ! A ver'v largr assort - . 1 ment of Siik and Black Lace MANTILLAS AND POINTS. W. II. & R. S. TUCKER. March 24. 16 tf CJILK & OPEN STRAW O FLATS. March 24. BONNETS AND INFANTS' W. II. A R. S. TUCKER. ' 16 tf F ANS ! FANS ! ! Mourning nnd Fancy FANS. W. H. A R. S. TUCKER. March 24. 15 tf D RESS TRIMMINGS AND EMBROIDERIES. W. H. A R. S. TUCKER. March 24. 16 if R IBBONS AND GLOVES. W. U. A R. S. TUCKER. 10 tf ' March 24. fTMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS-Steeple Tops. U W. H. A R. S. TUCKER. -March 14. 16 tf TOBINSON'S GAITERS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS IX W. H. A R. S. TUCKER. March 24. 16 tf 4 BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF LACE' GOODS, Collars, Chiiuizettes and Uuder-sleeVes. W. II. A R. S. TUCKER. March 24. . 1C tf SERVANTS' Ac. GOODS. Marlboro; Stripes -and Plaids, W. H. A R. S. TUCKER. 16 tf March 24. TTATS! HATS!! HATS If you want a HAT of X A anv kind or description, call TUCKER'S, and vou will find a Ma at W. H. & R. S. immoth Stock. Any one can be suited, as their stock embraces all sizes, from an infant's number to an old fogy's extra, their object befugto combine Old Fog vism and Young Anit-ricanism W. H. A R. S. TUCKER. March 51. H tf A kegs Blasting POWDER. M,CV0 feet Safety Fuse. Jukt in store, 1 V W. H. A R. S. TUCKER. 16 tf 'March 24. ANOTHER supply of those beautiful medium browu Mole-kin lists. Called "the voting Man's Hat " something Entirely new. W. H. A R. S. TUCKER. Feb. 1, 1)4.- " 11 .TEW Molasses and Fresh whole srrain Rice Just rp. reived by V. H. A R. S. TUCKER eb. 1?, 185 J. ii 10 DOZi N, ARMS Shovels. W. H . A R. S. TUCKER. 11 Feb. 18. 1854, HOPKINS' HOTEL, a few yarsd north )f THE COURT-HOUSE GREENSBORO, N. C SOLOMON HOPKINS, Proprietor. February, 21 1S53. .tf. 50 DOZEN SHIRTS just received. F. T. inpnren Raleigh, Nov. 9, 1953. g." MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. The next annual meetiugof the Med ical Society of the State of North Carolina will be held in Raleigh, on the second Tuesday of May, ith of May ) 1S-M. The Society will convene" at 4 o'clock p. m. Delegates, permanent members aiid the profession gen erally are invited to attend. S. S. SATCIIWELL, M. D.. , A , - Sec. N. C. Med. Society. March 9th, 1854, lAi. rVK NEW STOCK ! ! E L lTnni;,.n. i, ?.,. V . ed,' and opened his stock of SPRING AN D SUM. MER CLOTHING, comprising all the llpw unit HgithiKIa styles of Fine French Cassimere Pauts, Marstilles and Silk Vests, Superior French Cloth Frock and Sack Coats ---besides all the medium qualities. These Goods are made up exprfstly for our own sales, consequently the OariunU are wiflu in the latest and best style .We can confidently and safelv recommend our goods to wear well, as many can testify who have purchased from ns for years past. Our arrangements are such that we can take measures nd have garments made in the best stvle, and a good 'riT grisranted. " 6 , In reference to Dress Shirts, we would call the atten tion of our customers to our styles. Orders taken, and shirts made to measure, in two weeks time. In fact we are prepared to suit our customers in everv respect. : pr Call at HARDING'S for good GOODS Raleigh, April 1, 1854- . Business Notices. BAKERY AND CONFECTIONARY. Puttick and Mitchell would respectfully inf rm the public tliat their establishment is now in the " lull tide of successful operation," and they are prepared to execute all orders in their line, in Cake and Bread-Baking, Candy making, Sec, Ac. jNuts, Fruits, Groceries, &c, always kept on hand. CIGARS. Our stock of Cigars is very large some of he m of the choicest brands, such as Ele Gratitude.Cobden, Regalias, Sjlvas, Excelsior, El Ciervo, Steamboat Prm cipes," and a variety too numerous to mention. 85" Parties in the city or country furnished with every description of Coufectionaries, ou the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. BRIDE'S CAKE carefully packed and sent to any tinrt ntthi stnt Kutrar ana iioiasses chkcs. aiao uanui, , " ,- i t t j - .. - - i - i t 11 .1 . ... ..rtlri..l m Komi fi wng ur i BUiinmc lor couiiliv muic3, yav- m i-. - j ' i , , , , nackaaes. cheaper than they can be nought at any other house in North Carolina or Virginia. L( jow prohts and quick sales, is our motto. Iialeigh, May 28, 1853, n26 tf. FALL STOCK, 1S50. NO. 15, FAYETTEV1LLE ST. RALEIGH T. R. Fentress, is now receiving I his Fall and Winter S'ock of Cloths, Cassirnms, and ! Vestings, and a superior lot of Ready Mado Clothing, to which he invites the attention ot his ota customers, ana the public generally. Having become connected with the far-tamed manufacturing establishment of Groshong & Tupman, of Newark, N.J., he is p epared tosellcloth ins cheaper than it can be bought elsewhere in the State, and bemg determined to carry into practice the old maxim of " Quick sales and small profit?," customers may call at No 15, Favetteville St., assured that their wants can and will be supplied. The quality ad sty le of my Ready Made Clothing are not surpassed in this country. FOR THE YOUTH. In order to save both time, trouble, and expense to mothers, I have introduced into my establishment a lot of Boy's Ready Made Clothing, to which the attention of the Ladies is very respectfully called. If encouraged in this much desired branch of my business, I shall continue to keep on hand a very great variety, for boys from 6 to 15 years of age. The great advantage I have, from my connection with Groshong & Tupman, will enable me to keep my stock replenished, weekly, with the latest and most ap proved styles and fashions. I continue, as usual, ihe manufacture of garments ; and having in my employ, first rate workmen, ! promise to give satisfaction, ootn in quaiuv oi guuus, auu "'jiuiiu ship. , , Gentlemen who furnish their own goods, may reiy on having their work as well done, as if lfurnished them. Cutting done, promptly. To my former patrons, who have stood by me for so long a time, I return my sincere thanks, and humbly trust to merit a continuance ol their favors, by strict attention to business. T.R.FENTRESS. Raleigh, November 3, 1853. .. 9 HARDING'S Ready Made mode styles and Gen prnl Emnorium. Favett ville street. A magnificent assortment, all sizes ibr men and boys, well made goods. Every article sold is guaranteed in every respc-t. tins Stock was selected and made up under my own super vision expressly for rny sales; believing that it is the hpst nolicv to "manufacture eood Readv Mado Clothing so that the purchaser can buv without the trouble of hav- ing nis wearing apparei maue to oruer. uniutnicii w fiiid upon examination upwards of Ten Thousand Dollars worth of the choicest oods ever opened in this city . Raleigh, Sept, 1S53. 46 M 015 CLOTHING. T. R. Fentress has just re ceivecl an elegant lot of superior cut velvets Ibr vest ings. Also, a splendid assortment of Gentleman's Morning robes, made to any order. Call and examine, and'you will find at my establishment, a full Stock of Goods in my tine, not to be surpassed by any, either in quality or cheapness' of price. Remember the houssNo. 15, Fayetteviile Street, opposite Pescud's Drug Store and Pomerov's Book Establishment. T: K. FENTRESS, Merchant 'I aiior. Rftleigb, November 3, 1S53. 8- PHILADELPHIA TYPE A STEREOTYPE FOUND- eru would call the attention ot reduced prices of their present Printers to the greatly list. Thev now offer Pica ut 30 cts. -Small Pica 3-i " Long Primer 31 " tJ.nirgeots 37 " Brevilr 42 " Minim 4S " Nonpiriel 5S " Agate 73 " Pearl $1 OS " .Diamond 1 CO " Determined to spare no expense in making thuir es tablishment as perfect as possible, they have recently g.n up a complete set of the justly celebrated Scorrn-oi"T Letter, from Diamond to English, to which they particularly invite attention. Having lately nude numerous additions to their stock ol Fancy Types, Borders, Ornaments, &c, their assort ment is now unrivalled in the United States : and their improved methods of casting, and of preparing metal, enable them to furnish orders in a manner to insure satisfaction. Printing Presses, Cases, Stands, Chases, Galleys, Print ing Ink, and every article used in a printing-ollice, con stantly on ham!, at the lowest rates. Second-hand Presses, and Typeviiscd only in stereotyp ing, at reduced prices. liooks, Pampnlets, Music, Labels, &c., stereotyp ed with correctness and dispatch. N. B. Specimen Books will be sent to Printers who wish to make orders. L. JOHNSON &. Co. No. S Sansom Street. Oecembet 20, 1S52. ESIGNTNG AND ENGRAVING ON WOOD. Pub lishers, Stationers, Merchants, and Others, who re quire Illutitraiionsl'or Advertising or Ornamental purposes, are respectfully invited to notice the subscribers " En graving Establishment." Specimens of fine and bold work, in every style always on hand. All orders will receive immediate attention, and to save delay, please state whether to be finely executed or for what purpose and at about what price cut. Designs artistically arranged, in a manner, style anti pric" to suit all purposes. Those in want of illustrations, will find it to theiradvantase to order of WHITNEY JOCELYN & ANN IN, Artists and Engravers on Wood, No. 60 Fulton-Street, IVei York. March, 6, 1S53. I).VR!SEN'S (Late Pai'isen A King.i Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee. Express. Be sure and direct your correspondents in New York, to leave their orders and goods at Parisen's Express, ?,i Broadway. Messrs. Conck'.in A Co., Agt'iits, as the proprietor lias no connec tion with any other concern, and will not be responsible for goods left at any other olljce. WM. B. PARISEN, ,S'e I'rupriftor. Petersburg, Va., Dec. 7, 1S53. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Between Norfolk and New York : Passage and fare only ij, state room in cluded; the swift and "elegant steamships Roanoakc and Jamestown. Being fitted in every respect according to the Act of Congress, will leave Norfolk for New Vork, every Wednesday and Saturday mornings, .at ten o'clock, With the United States Mail, arriving in New York early next day : returning they will leave New York everv .Tuesday and Satcrhay afternoon, and arrive pt Norfolk the following day. For passage apply on board, or to J. M. SMITH ct BRO. June 1853. n29 tf- A XES ! AXES ! ! AXES ! ! The well-known superiority of the GENUINE HARTFORD COL LINES' Axes, has induced some manufacturers to stamp their axes II- COLLINS, and such axes are frequently sold as mv manufacture. The GENUINE COLLINS' AXES, which have been made under my direction for more than twenty-five years, and which have sustained such an unrivaled rep utation, are invariably stamped COLLINS & Co., HARTFORD. They are to be found at our Depot, in the city of' New York, and at the principal hardware stores in the large cities. SAMUEL W. COLLINS. March 29, 1853. 1(J 12m. "1T7ILLIAM A. GVVYER. Factor, Commission and V V Forwarding Merchant, Wilmington, N. C. gives particular intention to the sale or shipment of Naval Stores, Cotton, Ac. ; has all necessary wharves, sheds and ware houses for the accommodation of Produce, and will make cash advanc.es on consignments to him or his friends in New York. ' September, laoS. - 2 N' OTICE. The late partnership of .Mclhvaine. Brownley &, Co., having expired bv limitation we will continue the Grocery and Commission Business, under the firm and style of Mcllwaine, Son i Co.. and hope by constant and faithful attention to the interests oi our friends, to merit a continuance of their pntronaae and support. Our Stock ofGroceries will be large ahd commanding, emtiicina a general assortment of goods in our line (intoxicating Liquors excepted.) We shall give stnet attention to the sale ol Produce on Commission, and will bo prepared to make liberal ad vances. A. G. McILWAINE, ROB'T P. McILWAINE; K-OB'T A. MARTIN, JOSEPH B. DUNN. Petersburg, Va., Japi-" 'S. OIIN . GORDON, & SON. Grocers and Dealers in Metals. Leather, etc.. No. 04 Main-St.. Kicitmona, a., oners tor sale swedes American and Eng lish Iron, all kinds and sizes; English and American Blistered, Cast. Shear, Germax, round, octagon and Spring Steel ; McCorjjick & Palmer's Mould Boards; Ground Wagon and Cart Boxes; Horse-Shoe Nail Rods ; Tix Plate, Sheet ZInc, Spelter, and Spelter Solder ; Block Tin, in Pigs and Bars; Braziers Sheeting and Bar Copper ; Sheet and Bab Lead and Wire ; Saucepan Hasdles Blxxet Ears and Bucket Handles ; Socp. Dinner, Breakfast and Bakers' Tin Plates ; Tinned and Black Rivets ; Boot and Shoe Linings, Binding, &c., &,c ; Carpet Warp, white fA colored ; Sole Leather, French and American Calf Skins; Grocerie sop all kinds. TO JOURNEYMEN TAILORS. I wish to employ two or more first-rate Workmen, in my line of busi ness, to whom I will pay the highest City prices. , , - T. R. FENTRESS. Raleigh, Nov. 1S53. g-tf D 00k s JUST PUBLISHED. REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY OF N0.TH CnROLEi IN THREE IiECTURES, b y REVi F. L. HAWKS, D. D., LL. D., HON. D. L. SWAIN, LL. D., and HON. W. A. GRAHAM, LL. D., TO WHICH IS PREFIXED A PRELIMINARY SKETCH OF THE BATTLE OF THE ALAMANCE, (.nd WAR OF THE REGULATION COMPILED by ILLUSTRATED BY SUPPLY of this valuable work has been received bo in ;eipt Add part of th? lar anu tiv. Untied States u; on the receipt ol one dol tiiree cent postage stamps. Address, WM. D. COOKE, Kaleigh, N. C. ELEGANT BOOKS, prepar -d and published ex pressly for the fnll and holiday sales of 1853-4. All iT the following are splendidly illustrated. The White Veil, a bridal Gift, McCauluV's lays of Ancient Rome, The Bow in the Cloud, or "Covenant Mercy for the Afflicted. RosrerV complete Poetical Works, Campbell's complete Poetical Works, Moore's Irish M.ilodies, Kdith May s Poetical works, the Proveibialist and the Poet Cabinet of Modern Art, first series. Cabinet of Modern Art, secoud series. Lvries of the Heart, Etc., by Alaric A. Watts, Records of" Woman, Songs of the Affections, Etc., bv Mrs. Hemans, Read's Female Poets of America, Hart's Female Prose writers of America, Tupper's Poet ical Works, Leaflets of Memory, an Illuminated Annual for 1854, Friendship's offering for 151, the Snow Flake for lo4, Affection's. Gift for ls'4, the Gem Annual for 1?54, Christmas Blossoms, a Juvenile Gift for 1854. iliit ler's Roval Quarto Bible: Elegant styles. Butler's Small Quarto Bible ; Elegant styles. Longfellow's Hyperion, Ladv of the Lake, Book of" the Passions, by James, Grav's I'oclical Works, Specimens of British Poets by Campbell, Book of the Heart, Chnracterstics of Women, by Mrs. Jameson, Poetry of the Year, or passages from the Poets, de-ci iptive of ihe Seasons, Griswold's Female Poets of America, llalleck's Poetical Works, Pilgrim ol Beauty, Poeins of Amelia, Sacred Poets of England and America. For Sale by H. D. Turner. Raleigh, Dec. 24, 1S.V1. 15 "T 7" ALU ABLE SCHOOL BOOKS, published by T. V Cowperthwait, &. Co., ol Philadelphia, and sold by booksellers generally, Mitchell's Series of School Geog raphies. Mitchell's Primary- Geography, third revi.-ed edition, illustrated by more than 100 beautiful engravings and 11 coloured inajis. The present edition of this popu lar work is printed from new plates, the fourth stereotyp ed fi - the book since its trrst appearance twelve years ago, within which period more than a million copies have been circulated. Encouraged by the extensive patronage bestowed on this work, the publishers have taken advantage of the present revision, much to improve it in every respect Such alterations in the text as recent geographical dis coveries and changes rendered necessary, have been made. The maps have been greatly improved and several new and beautiful cuts, designed by Billings, and executed in the finest style of the engraver's art, have been added. Mitchell's 1 ntermeliaie Geography, revised edition, in quarto form, containing maps and reading matter in the same book, illustrated by more than 40 colored maps, and 150 engravings. This work occupies a medium space be tween the author's Primary Geography, and the well known School Geography nnd Atlas, of which last book it contains about two-thirds of the amount of matter. For convenience of use, and leliable maps and mat ter, ihis book has no superior. Miiclieil's Schnol Geography and Atlas, fourth revised edition. The present tcvision has been altogether more thorough and complete than any heretofore attempted. The book has been entirely re-written, and fully brought up to the present time. Advantage has been taken of many suggestions kindly ofieredby distinguished practical teachers, to i m prov; :he work in its geneml plan and ar ransemcnt ; and it is believed that it will hear the closest criticism, both with reference to its geographical accura cy, and its-adaptation for use as a school manual. The At la- accompanying the new edition contains thirty-two beautiful Maps handsomely colored, and finely executed in the best style of the engraver's art, fully rep resenting a.'l the recent sieocraphieal discoveries, w ltn the United States' M:ips especially, ?reat pains have been taken to exhibit correctly the numerous railroads of the country, new county lines, and tire true position ol manv new and important towns, not generally represent- ed in beu' Atlas New and'excellent Maps of Wisconsin, Michiffan, and Texas, have been introduced. Others, showinff the va rious routes to the Pacific, by the Isthmuses, of Panama, Tehuantepcc, and Niearasua, are now added, together with a new map of tho Sandwich Islands. The information obtained with reference to the new States ami Te rritories west of the Mississippi, the discove ries of Lt De Haven, in his search for Sir John Frank lin, and those ol late travelers in Central and Southern Af rica, as also in Australia, have been incorporated in the work. In short, it is believed that no discovery or :ha:isze of any importance for the last ten years is left unnoticed in this edition. The Atlas also contains nine quarto pases of statistical matter, arranged in tables, and obtained from the most authentic sources. These tables exhibit the height of the principal mountains nnd volcanoes, the length of rivers, the area of the principal islands and lakes, the extent and pop ulation of the diliereiit countries, and the population of the principal cities upon the globe; all compiled from the latest and most reliable authorities. In the. department ol United States' statistics, th: tables are very complete, and exhibit iii'.iy t-it-civil, industrial and political condition ot the country. as shown by the census of 1850. In addition to these tables, is one showing the railroads and canals ol tne L'nneil tntes, a'm one presenting at a glance tne im- I portant events in the history of each Stale, and what will be invaluable to every teacher, a full table of the ' Educational Statistics of the Union. Mitchell's Geographical Question Book, comprising Geographical Definition", and containing questions on all the Maps of Mitchell's School Atlas-. Mitchell's Ancient Geography ond Atlas an ancient, c'assieal and saered Geography, embellished with engrav ings ot reniarkaole events, views ot ancient cities, andva- rioits interesting antique remains, and illustrated by an an- j cient Atlas, containing 19 elegant coloured Maps. There are no geographical works published in this coun try, that are more in demand or that have a wider cir culation than those of Mr. Mitchell. There are up wards of 350,000 copies pf them soldannually, and about 250 persons constantly employed in their manufacture. The arrangements of tho publishers are such that they ar-e enabled. to give correctly all the latest geographical discoveries. They publish the only full series of Geog raphies in the country, and having in constant employ a strong geographical force of map engravers nnd others, and being very largeiv engaged in the publication of the various States, ard other maps, they are enabled to pre sent ihe School series correct, both in maps and matter, up to the date of publication. Raleigh, April 20, 1854. ly 4 HOOK FOR TLE PEOPLE-Just pubfish . ed A New and Practical Form Book. Containing Forms of- all those legal instruments important to be known by the people ot North Carolina, and designed, also for tho use ot Justices of the Prarc, Sheriffs, Clerks, j Constables, Cm oners, fc, tic compiled and arranged 'roni the best authorities, By CALVIN H. WILEY, Esq. To which is added, The Constitution of the United tiites and of North Carolina. The number of Forms in this work is much larger than can be lound in any Form Book heretofore published in North-Carolina ; and while it is hoped they will meet the wants and exegencies of the public, it is also bt lieved that their accuracy may be relied on, having been examined and approved by some of the most eminent lawyers ot the State. From Hie alphabetical order of the subjects, and the complete alphaoetical Index, it will be easy to find any desired matter contained in the book. 1 The price of the book will be One dollar, lor which sum it wiil he sent to any part of the State by mail free of postage. The trade will be supplied upon the usual terms. Any persuti enclosing one dollar in a letter, or that amount in postage stamps, will receive a copy ot the book by return mail free of postage. Be very careful to send tor " Wiley's New Form Book," and address, WMD. COOKE, Raleigh, N. C. BAILEY'S ENGLISH GRAMMAR is com mended to the special attention of Teachers. In less than lour months it has passed through two editions and is fitted not only for ihe school as a text-book, but as a book ot reference. As such, it is used bv Dr. McGuffcv in the I rnvi rsitv ol Virginia, m his lectures on Gram- mar. suit by many literary men in the different professions. Published by Clark & Hesser, Philadelphia : and sold by booksellers generally. Price 37 xi cents. 240 pp 12mo. . NOTICES. - . Superior in ?.mic respecis to any Grammar now before the public. I believe it will greatly aid in diffusing a more correct knowledge ol our language. Dr McGuffey. Jusr such a manual as the, teacher wishes to place in the hands of his pupil. I'rof. Campbell. Simple as an elementary work, and suited to complete the education of the English scholar. Rev. J. Greer. Grammar which has done all that a Grammar can do. The best exposition of the English language with which we are acquainted. :Y,ir. Intelligencer. We cordially agree in opinion with Dr. Mc Guffey, and confidently expect it will become a general favorite. Southern erkiy Vast. As near to perfection ks is likely to be reached. The author has gained his object. Portland Mirror. A decided improve migil on other compendiums ol Grammar. Christian Observer. Suitable for a standard of reference and appeal' on the difficulties in Grammar. E. N. Grattan. A source of authoritative, if not final, appeal to which we can refer with as much confidence as to a court oi lit erary men. Nat. Intell. Promises to be the ' book ot the age," in this important department of learning. Richmond Whig. This Grammar is destined I think, and thai deservedly to supercede all others. Rev. B. M Smith. January 7, 1854. 17 tf PRINTING INK MANUFACTORY, NO. 296 FRONT ST., between Montgomery and Gouvern-eur-streets, East River. Office No. 7 Platt-street, on the second floor. The subscriber continues to manufacture, and hasconstantly on hand, Printing Ink of all the varie ties ot qualitiesand color. Printers and Merchants will find their orders executed at moderate prices and may be assured of receiving as good an article as there ia in the market. GEORGE MATHER. N. Y., Jaa. 6, 1864. , tf. Business Notice. BUILDIXG HARDWARE, and Tool store exclusively. The largest establishment, of the kind in the U. S. Wm. M. N'Olure A Brother, "S'o 2e7 Market St. above 7th, Philadelphia. Manufacturers' Depot for Locks of all kinds, n ar ranted quality ; Pat. Silvered Glass Knobs, &c ; Premium Porcelain Knobs, over 100 Patterns: Silver Plated Hinges, 4c, with the most complete assortment of all the modern patterns in this line. Builders and dealers are invited to call and examine our stock. Illustrated Catalogues, sent by Mail, if desired. Hot air registers aud ventilators, at factory prices. Person at a distance who wish to order Goods, and desire an estimate or particular description, can write to M Clire & Brother, and all information as to Goous and Prices will bo given by return of mail. All orders put up under the immediate supervision of the firm CALL AND SEE US. March 4, 1854. 13 6m. TXCEIiSIOR Spring Fashions for gentlemen' H. t R. S. TUKCER JUj Hats. just received by W Raleigh, January 2G, 1S54. CIG lo IGVRS AND CHEWING TOBACCO. The vers of the weed will be glad to hear that the subscriber has received an invoice of Superior Cigars Cne cut and Lump Chewing Tobacco, various brands, and some Smoking Tobacco, as fragrant as thev can find anywhere. P. F. PESCUD. Sept. -24, 1833. 43 (Sbncational institutions. "VTORTH CAROLINA INSTITUTION FOR THE lM Dea f and Dumb and the Blind. The Sessions of this Institution will hereafter commence "on the First day of September of each year, nnd continue ten months. . This change has been made in order to bring the vaca tions into the months of July and August, which, on account ol the heat of thai season, are less adapted to study than the other months. It also brings the Com meucement ol the School to the season when the Sherifls ol the different counties are coming in to make their returns, thus affording a good opportunity lor parents to send their children. The following are the Officers in the Intellectual Department of this Institution. WM D. COOKE, M. A., Principal. ' J. A. Waddeil, M D..T C. L. Cooke,. I Professors and (5eo E. Ketcham, Teachers. Charles M. Grow. J Teacher of Music in the Blind Department, Miss E. A. FITZWILSON. DT Applications for admission should be made t th- Principal. Raleigh, August 14, 1852. if. BLOOM FIELD FEMALE SEMINARY. This In stitution, which has been 18 vcars in successful opera ion, is situated in the village of Cloomfield, Essex county. New Jersey, about 4 miles from Newark, and 12 miles from the city of New York. The different departments of instruction are under the care of nine teachers, who are thoroughly prepared for their work, not only by an intimate practical acquain-tanee-with the branches taught, hut by an "aptness to teach," which is ever more important to insure success. Every facility for intellectual improvement, such as Maps, Globes, Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus, Library, Mineralogieal and Cor.ehological Cabinets, have been provided, so that this Institution, in every respect, will compare favorably with the best institu tions in the country. Circulars containing terms, and other particulars may be obtained of Wm. D. Cooke, Esq., Principal of the North Carolina Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, either by personal application or by letter, post-paid. 5: E: gooEE: i Bloomfield, Essex Co. N. J. ) September 17, 1853. f 6 tf. A C.4 i Oer ARD.-MR. JOIIANX BAUER, a native of rmanv, who has speut several year's in the U- nired States, as a teacher of music and modern languages, oilers bis services to the citizens of Raleigh in the same capacity. He will give lessims on the Organ, 1'iano Melodeon ' and in Thorough PliNwherever desired, and will also instruct individualsfejCiasses in German, and French, and if required, in tlSincient languages He will also give lessons in French or (lerman. Price of tu ition in music, $20 per session of live months -in lanua- ?es f 10. Reference may be had to W. D. Cooke, Esq., 'rincipal of the N.C. Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind. Raleigh, Oct. 13th. 1S53. 5 tf. 1 T ETROPOLITAN FEMALE SEMINARY'. itL The ubscriber proposes to open, on the second Monday in January next, in the City of Raleigh,- a High School for young ladies, under the above title. For this purpose, he has purchased the property form ed owned, and employed for school purposes, t.y the late Rev. J. J. F'inch. It is situated on Halifax street, a few hundred yards north of the Capitol, in a pleasant and desirable part of the city ; sufficiently near, to enjoy all the advantages of the city, and sufficiently retired to be free from most of its annoyance. He has purchased also an unimproved lot, in ihe same vicinity, -one of tho most eligible and beautiful sites in the city, upon which he intends, as soon as circumstances will admit, to erect largo and commodious buildings, with special reference to school purposes. Many circum stances conspire lo render Raleigh a most desirable location for a female school. lis proverbial healthfulness ; the objects of interest, which attach to it, as the capitol of the State ; its accessibility by means of rail roads ; the high character of the institutions it already contains; and its growing importance, giving promise of permanent pros perity, are all circumstances wnich cannot be overlooked by parents. desiring to give their daughters a polite and an accomplished education. The sub-criher will be assisted in the duties ot the school by rs. McDowell and other competent and experienced instructors ; and all the facili ties necessary to a first class school, will be promptly provi ded. The course of instruction wili be thorough ; embracing a" tnc ',ra,,ches us-ially taught in High Schools or Col leges, ana uiptoinas win tie granted to tnose wno com plete thecour-e. Certificates of graduation will also be given in Music and other Ornamental Blanches, to those who attain the requisite pr-'tii icncy. The sessions and vacations will be arranged to corres pond as nearly as practicable with those of Wake Forest College, in order that parents patronizing both Institutions, may have the advantage of sending their sons and daughters together. terms per session. Primary Department, $10 Preparatory Do. 15 Classical and Scientific Department, 2r Music on Piano and Guitar, including the use of In strument, 25 Other Ornamental Branches at ' the usual prices. Board including washing, fuel, &c., 60 Contingent Expenses, j Payable promptly at the end of each session. No deduction lor absence, after a pupil has entered, ex cept in cases of protracted s ckness. 1 he above terms are as moderate, it is believed, as the expensiveness of livintr and. the facilities, which will be provided, will justify! But experience has taught that Parents, who properly ap preciate the education' of their children, are more solicii ous about the character of the instruction imparted, than about the price paid fur it. Hence the prime object will not be to make the school as eheap as possible, but to render the instruction as effici ent ns possible. The subscriber flatters himself that the experience he has had in teaching young ladies and the satisfaction he has been enabled to give, w:ll be a sufficient guarantee, to all who may be disponed to pationize his school, that their daughters will be properly cared for, and faithfully instructed. And as he has undertaken this enterprise at the urgent solicitation of numerous friends, and under the im pression that important interests aiay be subservt-d there by, he trusts that he shall not lack that generous sympathy and liberal support which have been accorded to him elsewhere. , . , a. Mcdowell. Raleigh, Dec. 1st, 1853. 12 tf. T IVER A9OMPI'AIN r, Dyspepsia Jaundice, Chro--IJ rnc or Nervous debility. disease of the kidneys.and all diseases arising from a disordered liver or stomach ; Such as Constipation, inward Piles; Fullness of Blood to ihe Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, bour Eructations. Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming -of the Head, Hurried and Dif ficult Breathing, Flutter ne at the. Henri-' Choki ,.r v . t!. ,r c i " . . . ' --"ft v.. t v " n TT ', .'"r , 8 F dimness I Dull Fain in the Head. Deficiency of Pcrsniraaiirvn Vi. lownc-ss of tho Skin and Eyes, Pain in tho Side, Back Chest, Limbs, Sec, Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burnintr in sion ot Spirits, can be effectually ct:red by Dr HOOF LAND'S CELEBRATED GERM A.N BITTERS pre pared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON, No. 120 Arch Street Philadelphia. ' Their power over the above diseases is not excelled if equalled, by any other preparation in the United' States, as the rcuesa ttest, in many cases after skilful pnysicians nna laueu. These Bitters are worthy the attention of invalids Possessing great virtues i.i the rectification of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the most searching powers m weakness and affections of the diges tive organs, they are, withal, sale, certain and pleasant READ AND BE CONVINCED. p,eManfc The " Philadelphia Saturday Gazette," says, of Dr Hoofland'sGerma? Bitters : "It is seldom that we recommend what are termed 1 atent Medicines, to the confidence and patronage of our readers ; and theretore when we recommend Dr. Hoofl and's German Bitters we wish it to be distinctly under stood that we are not speaking ot the nostrums of the day that are noised about for a brief nennd nnH th ,.. J j after they have done their guilrf race of mischief.lmt of j a medicine long established, universally prized, and which j has met the hearty approval of tho faculty itself" " Scott's Weekly," said, Aug. 25 UK. Hooflasds German Bitters, manufactured by Dr. Jackson, are now recommended by some of the most prominent memberfs of the faculty as an article ol much efficacy m cases of female weak'ness. Persons of debilitated constitutions will find these Bitters advantage ous to their health, as we k nAW 4W,m .... ; . L . j salutary ettect they have upon weak systems " i MORE EVIDEXr.K 31st- Mre' Esq ' of thol,aily News, said, October," " Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters. We are trying this renowned medicine for a stubborn disease of the hwl ad cm wife troth tmilf to Ma o. W IHcbtcines. have taken the contents of two bottles, and wehave deriv ed more benefit Irom the experiment than we derived previously from years of allopathic treatment at the hands ol our first physicians." . - . r , - Hon. C. D. timeline, Mayor of the City of Camden, N.J.snys: "Hooi-land's German Bitters. We have seen many flat tering notices ot this medicine, and the source lrom which they came induced us to make inquiry respecting its merits. From inquiry we were persuaded to use it, and must say we found it specific in its action upon diseases of the liver Bnd digestive organ, and the powerful in fluence it exerts upon nervous prosstration, is really sur prising. It ca'nis and sfengthens the nerves, bringing them into a state of repose, making sleep refreshing. If this medicine was more generally used, we are satis fied there would be less sickness, as lrom the stomach, liver and nervous system, the great majority of real, and imaginary diseased emanate. Have them m a healthy condition and you can bid defiance to epidemics general ly. This extraordinary medicine we would advise our friends who are at all indisposed, to give it trial it will re commend itself. It should, intact.be in every famt.y No other medicine can produce such evidences of merit. For sale wholesale and retail, at The German MEricnre Store, No. 120, Arch street, one door below Sixth, t nLa dclphia, and by respectable dealers generally througnout the country. , . . , Sold by P. F. Pescud, Williams and Haywood, Raleigh and by "Dealers in Medicines everywhere. May, 1852. 2, y. QTANDARD MEDICINE. BEBERIN A. Robert OChristison, M. D. v. p. r. s f, President of the Royal College of Phvsiciansof Edinburgh, Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Edinburgh, and Ordinary Physician to the Queen for Scotland, on the "AC TIONS and USES of BEBERIN A." From the Sup- B lenient to the Second Editionof lr. CHR1ST1SON S ISPENSATORV. Edinburgh, April, 184$. "BEBERIN A is essentially that ofaTonicand Anti Periodic, and the forms of Disease to which it is applicable m e the same in kind as those for which Quina is employ ed. It increases the appetite, improves the tone of the constitution generally, and raises the pulse a little- but has not the same tendeucv as Quiua to produce ringing in the ears, headache, Vertigo, and other symptoms of affection of the Nervous System. It was first used by Dr. Rodie in ihe intermitients'of Guiana; and the subse buent tests of Dr. Watt, in Demerara, and by Army Surgeons, in the East Indies, leave no doubt that it possesses decided fibrifuge qualities. In many forms of disease in this country its efficacy is undoubted, periodic headache and other periodic Neuralgias readily yield to it. It appears to be specially applicable to persons of Strumous or Phthisical habit, and has been found useful in the latter stages of Phthisis to counteract general debility and want of appetite, and check nocturnal pers piration. By many Oculists it has been found an effectual subslitute for Quina in Strumous Optbalmia. In Atonic Dyspepsia aud states of debility generally, it has come into common use, and it has found especial favour with many Accoucheurs iu cases of pregnancy, requiring tonic treatment ; for all these purposes it has come into general employment in this Citv and other places in Britian. The dose of Sulphate of Bebeerine is from one to three grains repeatedly as a tonic, and from live grains to a scruple as a fibrifuge. It may be given in pill with conserve of roses, or in solution. When spread upon the surface of water it dissolves almost immediately. ' Drs. Mackenzie, Macfarlane, and Lawrio, i asgyw; Professor Simpson and Dr. D. Mat-lagan, Edinburgh ; Dr. Nicholsonj Deputy In spector of Hospitals, Madras; Dr. Dempster, H M. 21st Fusiliers ; Messrs. Falconer, Anderso , Godfrey, and Doorward, of ihe East India Co npany's Service, have employed it with dei ided success, "where Quina, Arsenic, and other Medicines had failed, or required to be disi outinued. Dr. Macfarlane gives his opinion of Bebeerine as -Hows: " Glasgow, liith June, 147. " Ouring the last two years 1 have used the Sul date of Bebeerine extensively in practice. and -villi decidedly liencfical effects, as a general tonic and as an am i -periodic and ami- euralgic remedy. Besides being much cheaper than the Sulphate of Quina, it is not so liable to excite the circulation or nervous system; it can. therefore, be given in larger doses, and has frequently succeeded in my hands when other medicines have either failed or required to be discontinued. " JOHN MACFARLANE, M D." The following is from Dr. James A. Lawric : " I inve used the Sulphate ol Bebeerine extensively in ail cases in which Quinine and vegetable tonics are given I have found it so beneficial that 1 have lateiy j -ascribed it more requently than any other medicines of the same class, and would beg to recommend it strongly to the c .1 Ti. r i .- notice oi tne proiession. i nave loumi a succeed in Neuralgic pains when everv other medicine had failed. "JAMES A. LAWRIE, M.D., " Professor of Surgery, Anderson's University, " Surgeon, Glasgow Royal Infirmary." Of the purity of the Bebeerine, manufactured by Inner- arity &. Co., Dr. R. D. Thomson gives the following L-eruiicate : 'Glasg szow Ui ese. lth Afav. 118. " I have examined a sample oi Bebeerine, prepared by Messrs. Inneraritv and Co., and have no hesitation in stating th.it it is tlie best which I have seen in the market. It is quite soluble in hot or cold water, and is therefore we'll adapted for prescriptions ; affording with water an almost amber-coloured solution. I consider this medicine, as maiiiifactuivd by Messrs. Iunerarity &. Co , to be an elegant'proparation. " R. D. THOMSON, M.D. Lecturer on Chemistry in the University l Glasgow.' Dr. Mackenzie, Surgeon-Oculist to her Majesty, (for Scot land,) and Lecturer on the Structure, r unctions, and of Glasgow, Li-seases ot the Eye, in the Cmversiiy gives his opinion in as favorable terms. in a Keport (to ut. D Maclagan, of Edinhui!ih,'i of a second series ot case: loved. Dr. Watt savs where B-.-bcernie had been emp " Thai one paroxysm does sometimes come on ofte its lull exhibition ; hut is Jar as my experience yet goes, no second paroxsym. It is impoitant that lh:s r-iu uld be fully known, otherwise disappointment is sure to follow. ' We have good reason to anticipate how far superior Bebeerine will prove in those diseases (Intermittent and Remittent Fever.) in that il lews the head and nervous system comparatively free and minHet-tcd ; while in no case within my knowledge has it ever caused irritiibility of stomach or cold sweat. " P. F. WATT, M.D., "West Coast, Demerar.i, 1846." lnnerarity tSc Co., have just received the following com munication lrom Geo. W. Campbell, Esq , M D., Montr eal. " Montreal, loth May. 1S13. " Sirs Your favour of the 23rd March, "along with the box ol the Sulphate of Bebeerine. received four days ago Since then, a medical friend, who was suffering severely lrom Periodic pains over the frontal Siim-.es, which had forse.era! dnysresisted the nv of Sulphate ol Quinine, had been, completely relieved by it. " I remain. Sirs, ur obedient servant, " GEO. W. CAMPBELL, M IX "Messrs. lnnerarity & Co., 'Glasgow." "Bebeerine may be given in Wine, Water, Syrup or other Liquids ; "but, like Quina, is incompatible with earthy and alkaline substances, or their carbonates: with Tea and Coffee it also incompatible. " DR. RODIE." Professor Simpson, of Edinburgh, Discoverer of Chloro form, recommends it in NEURALGIA and periodic Headache rte vol. xv. Transactions Ruval Society, Ed inburgh- Edinburgh Monthly Medical Journal, March, 1-45. Having made "pretty extensive trial of" Bebeerine in Edinburgh, makes the following ob servations in a letter to Dr. Maclagan, in January, 1-45: " Vou. know that Piorrv and others have somewhat frighteuJd us accouchers from employing Quinine dur ing pregnancy : and alleging, as they do, that serious consequences may ensue from the use of it. Nor is Arsenic a medicine which one would choose to exhibit to a pregnant female. Though thus deprived of the advan tages to be derived from the use ot these two potent remedies in Periodic Neuralgias, latterly I have used the Sulphate of Bebeerine in instances of this kind, and, as it has appeared both to me and my patients, with th most perfect success. I prescribed it about a couple of months ago to a lady who had oue of the most severe attacks of forehead and face Neuralgia that I remember to have seeu. lt came on towards noon, and kept her in blindness and agony for some time. The ordinary medical attendant on the family had leeched her, etc", without relief. I advised the Bebeerine to be given in two grain pills repeatedly during the. interval between the paroxysms. As the medicine seemed to have no effect, I gradually increased it, till on the third dav she took a bout half a drachm of the Sulphate during "the- fourteen or sixteen hours' intermission. To tell 3'ou the truth, I was beginning to despair of seeing ihe sufferings of my patient in any way relieved by it, and would have chauged it for some other remedy next day, but such was not required; as, after the large dose i" mentioned, the usual tit was greatly less in severity, and in a day or two entirely disappeared. Of her-own accord, im patient fell back upon the Be bcerine pills some time afterwards, when the Nenr.ilgia was again threatened and it again speedily disappeared. "Last year Isaw a similar case of periodic Tic in the face of a lady far advanced in pregnancy. I: yielded rapidlv when the patient was using the Sulphate" of Bebeerine alone. I havea lady at present under my care who h;is been suffering from distressing pains" in the face, shoulder, and other parts of the body. Before I saw her she had been put on the use of Guiacum, Colcbicnm, etc., under the supposition that the pains were rheum atic. They occur with a kind of irregular periodicity. The patient at the same time suffers from monorrhagia. Quinine, Arsenic, etc., have failed to relieve her. Latterly I placed her upon the use of the Sulphate of Bebeerine, and at my last visit she stoutly declared that she had derived far morej benefit from 'this medicine than from any others I had previously prescribed for her. " I have a patient from India, where she had suffered from Ague, and whose stomach seems always to rebel against Quinine. Since coming to Edinburgh she has had repeatedly a recurrence of Aguish symptoms, and has taken Bebeerine for them without feeling those symp toms of gastric irritation and headache which Quinine seems to inflict upon her. " In other cases where I have employed the Bebeerine either as antiperiodic or as a tonic, "it has caused far less of those irritatingand stimulant effects which we see produced by the use crQuiuine." Testimonials from North-Carolina Physicians are in the agenjs hands, certifying to the virtue and success of Bebeerine in Neuralgia and other diseases. Prepared and Sold Wholesale by 1NNERAR1TY and Co., at their Chemical Works, Anderston, Glasgow; Glasgow Apothecaries' Cot. For sale by Wm. H. Dippitt. Wilmington, N. Carolina, Ageat for Southern and Western States of America ALUCANDER SPRUNT. I Wilmington, N.C. Price f'2 50 for Bottles of one ounce ; $21 per dozen t Druggists and Practitioners. October Wife, lata. 7. CHERRY PEOT ruU, Por the ra'pitl Cisrr of .- COUGHS, COLDS, FIi;iS BRONCHITIS, WliGOPINv CROIP, ASTHMA, CGNSHIPTSON- "And by the river, upon the bank ihereo' ; all trees for meat. w,t,ve le-ij shall mil ,;. .,, tureof shall be for meet and the leaj Slim cine." Here wan hope lor the sick reevrdrci i ,nu every year adds new proof to the assurance promises shall not fail. As medical Science discover ami design i; medies nature has given, one by onertke-ii.- j.; fliet our race yield to the control of -ait Oi ladies we suffer from, non, htis eariied nn -ie vj. untimely grave than C n-umption of the L,n joined we give some evidence that this too tna and that Pulmonary Complaints, in ali 3 heir I' be removed by Cheery 1'kctoual. otf Space wilt not permit us to punnsn nere any of the cures it has effected, but the Agent 1 . -i will furnish our Circular, free, whereon are lull and indisputable pi-oof of these facts Sufferers: read and judge lor yourselves. 17OR 1NH.UENZA AND WHOOPINt . Nashville, Tinn., June 2fi, 1S51.- Sir: l'f ii.' i; , Hill, : corcii : !!::,t,j:: W, neatedly used your Chkruy Pectoral I Cough and Influenza aud haye no hesitation in i.-. ,. . t:, ' ing it a complete remedy. Four of my i liiMun t.M, been afflicted with these diseases, and the free hh- is"; Pectoral has always utloidod almost instant n JAMES OLoVER We attest the truth of the above statement M. McOIVl'Y, Editori fthe Na.hu,., Y J. M. ZIMMERMAN, Drug.'i-t FOR A CONSUMPTIVE COUCH. ' Pittmht..; I .. Feb. -S, 1851. Dear Sir: For three yea is 1 li.iv afflicted with a Cough, so distressing that 1 fn -qm.-i-;: y im paired of recovery ; much of the tune I was ol,!iL-. ij'i , 1 up all night in my chair, as liiy.cough would sm! r-i, when 1 laid down. Having used mas y remedies !tii... much relief, 1 at last tried the Cherry Ph top w !,;, ;, under Providence has cured me altogether. 1 am with gratitude vours, JAMES MrCANUI.I'ss THIS IS ONE OF THL NCMF.ROl'S i'l't;r OF ASTHMA WHICH HAVF. KEEN ACCR Kill f'. ED TO CHERRY PECTORIAL. Albany, N Y April 17, 1818. Dr Ayer, Lowell. Dear Sir: I hnv tor years been afflicted with Asthma in the wotst ) in,, that I have been obliged to sleep in my chnir ft'r a lat fiart of the time, being unable to breathe on my bed lad tried a great many medicines, to no purpose, until in physician prescribed, as an experiment, your Chenv Pee toral. At first it seemed to make me worse : but in less that a week 1 began to experience the most gratifying rel.i irom us use ; anu now, in lour weens, tne disease is tirely removed 1 can sleep on my bed with comfort, : enjoy a state of health which 1 had never expected tin joy. ' GEO. S- FA RANT Commission and Forwardins Merch; -w-From the PRESIDENT of AMHERST O ti i LEGE, EDWARD HITCHCOCK, M D.. LI V T 1 ij-. II .. 1 t. ii occ. .i. v x r.K. oir: i nave useu your i. nerry t o i..;a in my own ease cf deep-seated bronchitis, and an: -rafted, from its .chemical constitution, that it is an ailn.itnb compound ior the relief of Iarynginl and hronei.i.v ii '. ciilties. If my opinion, ns f its superior i haraet. : fn be of anv service, you nie at iiheiiv to us--, it . - , ylri pioper. ' ED WARD u ICTHCi K iv Amherst, Sept. 12, 149. Among the other, -distinguished authorities who 1 . v let their names to reeommei d this pn partition r,- ;!, f p known to them for affections ot the I'lnffs. arp : PREStntNT Pi.rkins. Vermont Med Co''. u . Hon. Chief Jusucv Story. Sup. Pencil, I. S A Prof. Valentin!; .Mutt. New York Prof Or.EAVF.i.ANn, Bowdoin Med. College. Prof. Bt iTEia ltLD, Ohio Med. Colic'src. Ca.naima.v Journal or Medical Rlview. Boston Med. anp Sufg. .Joukxai,. Charleston. S C Mix-u al Hfviev. Niiw Jersey Medical Retorter. Hon. Henry Clay. V S. Senator. Hon- Geo. P. Marsh, Am. Anihassoi to Tn kev Gen. EyA.Ni r.r. Iin nes, J'r silent of "!);.. Rt. Kev. Ep Power, Lord Bishop of Toro-.tn. Kt. Rev. Bishop Keise, of the Meth. Fpis t h. Archibald Purcell, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Also many eminent peisonatres in foreign eeiintr i s. Not only in ihe m. re dangerous and distifssinu tii'ea' of the Lungs, but also as a f.imiJy medicine for occasional us--, it ia the safest, pleasant est and best in the world. Prepared and sold by JAMES C AVER, Practical Ciie.yii.t: Lowell, Mas Sold in Raleigh by Williams &. Havwcmp, P. 1 Pescud. and by Druggists and Dealeis in Medicine every where. M'av 6. 1854. . . 3n snrance Companies p RKENt'BOUOUGH MI'TUAL VT Company. The cost of Insurant- INSUIJAM "F. CC oil the V 1 11;:: plan is but a small sum, computed with a joirt. s:. i -it company. Thi cotniKtny being located in ti e V..-i. in part of the Slate, consequently liuieh the la rue r portu n -J the i i-ks are in the West, vuy ninny ol which aie :h she country'. Th Company is entiiely tree from debt : has maii. r-. asser-snieiits. and hi. very luree .amount in cash u good boiids,atid i& ihcn-fure'contfdeut!' recommend. J m the public. ., ' At the last Annual Meeting the followii g Oliiccrs were elected lor the ensuing year : " JAMES SLOAX Pr.vdr, t. S. (1. COFFIN. Vice Btpsulrnt. C . P. 'M EN IXEN H A LL, ' AtUrveu PETER ADAMS, Sect. fc T rror.um. W. H. CEMM1NG, General Agent. PETER ADAMS, Sccretaiv GEORGE T. COOKE, ii-Wfn? IMash. N ORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL INSURANCE Company. -This Company has been in su-eessiui operation for more than 7 years. and continuesto tuU ri.4s upon ail classes of property in the State, (except Pteim Mills and Turpentine Distilleries,) upon favorable trrm? Its Policies now cover property amounting to $l,.'('0,Mti. a large portion of which is in Country riks ; and it-present capital is nearly Six Hundred Thou.-and l.l!.n. r: bonds properly secured. The average cost of Insurance upon the plan 1 '!: -Company has been less than one third if ow- pi r.c-n! per annum, on all grades of property embraced "in ii operations. The following persons have been elected Directors and Officers of this Company for the present year: DIRECTORS : C. W. D. Hatchings, Raleigh. J. R. Williams, do. jfi'.n l ri n nose, DeriFV D. Turner, J. B. C.. Roulhac, S. W. Whiting, T. H. Selby, T 1 , do. do. do. do. do. Geo. McNeill. Fav. t'ettvviiie. Jos. G. Wright, W ilniianon. James E. Hoyt, ashingmn. James Sloan, Greensboro. John Cox, Edenton. . Josh. Boner, Salem, Joseph H. Pool, Elizabeth City: . F. i. Faftan, Plymouth. Alex. Mitchell, Newborn. W. N. H. Smith, Murfreesboro'. II. B. Williams. Charlotte. John B. Barrett, Milton. A. T. Suminy, Ashevilie. All Directors authorized to receive applications. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. J. 11. G. Roulhac, President. 1 II. D. Turner, Vice President. S. W. Whiting, Treasurer. John C. Partridge, Secretary. John H. Bryan, Attorney. . ' Hersman, General Agent . VV . vv hiting, l J.R. Williams, Executive Committee. John Primrose, ) All communications in reference to insurance ghouldl addressed to the Secretary, post paid. J. C. PARTRIDGE, Ser'y. J ORTH CAOLINAIUT UaITTiFH INSFK JLl ancc Compat.y, Raleigh, N. C. This C-omi a: v sures the lives of individuals tor one year, a teim et' .- -or for life, on the .mutual PF.iNcin.E.tlie assure1 let in' participatinii in ali the profits of the Compnnv. I ' i I ' ': icies granted for the whole term ot lite, when the punnet", therefor amounts to 30, a note may be giyet: ir cm -I -aii the amount of the premium bearin'interest at 6 percent without guaranty. The prompt manner in which all losses have been pa:(i by this Company, together with the lowrates ofpreiu-t"--present great inducement to such as are disposed to in? "f Slaves are insured for a term of from one to five vea. for two-thirds their value. All losses are paid within 90 days after satisfactory pf,,oi is presented. DIRECTORS. v.-hasi.es E. Johnson, Wm. D. Ha ywood, James F. Jordan, Perris Busbee, H. W. Hl STED, Wm. H. McKee, Charles B. Root, VV .M. . HOLDER, Wm. D: Cooke, W'm. R. Scott, Wm. H. Jones, F. C. Hill, Seatos Gales. ITT 1IF ( T OFFICERS. Dr. Charles E. Johnson, President, William D. Haywood, Vice president, James F. Jordan, Secretary. William H. Jones, Treasurer, Quest. Busbee. Attorney. Charles E. Johnson, M. D. ) Medical William H. McKee, M. D. f fioara of Richd. B. Haywood. M. D. ) Consultation. W illiam D. Cooke, Dr. Wm. R. Scott, Executive Com mittee. -WSJ AAV 1 , C-J . X V VV A. HERSMAN, Generni. Ageht For further informntion thn nublic are referred to th pamphlets, and forms of proposal, -which may be ob: alli ed at the Office of the Company, or any of its Agencies. Communications should be addressed, (post paid.) to JAMES F. JORDAN, 3t0r'1- f i