n:s.i 4 1 I j m : r.ii f't'l ' 1 i ' , CM WILLIAM ) k. FAMILY N E W S P AT E II N E U T R A L IN POLITICS. TERMS, TWO DOLLARS PER ANCM m -a ta w aMBMMMi, -ji M-j mi i i i t VOI, III -0. 45. Aurocit.vrtts of the members of 0 '-Fr.irn tlie Artliur's IIoiHe Gazette. PAHLOR AND KITCHEN, ' : or;, -' '.. , . TIE TRIALS OF E1DDY M'CARTY. cy Mas. s. r. nowriTY. t- . j- An' is th; the iTao- vT J;e 1 am to "be after 'r p;rytng my fifty cen's an' ibid a sitooation to my j H 110t i,isnre her bed and board for liking, yer honor V im,uired a n.sy cheeked good j U Pt six months so ftilly as she had supposed, humored, looking Irish woman presenting her- j An' what will become of me while you are sejf at the door of one of the-most extensive in- seeking for a suitable sitooation,' she inquired t.-jlVreiiec ofTh-es in the city. : with a; cn-st-fhllen countenance. ' In troth it is I'The same iny croo.l woman.' replied the the desolate craytlmr I am in this land ofstran sprue... !j: t K "man wit'iiti. 'I'av nie your fifty cems "tm-'r1 Laiil regis;, r your name on my ! ' ll " from county Longford ye are V inquir v to';-. -;:., ' ;arc as plenty as blackberries. a r sjx-ctable looking. Irishmau, who stood ' Voii. j, v.: ,,a;v p, teil u-hat wag's von desire np'" the threslrod of the open door. a tfl k-hii .of u-oik vou mv best suited for.' f A :o i i wr, I wan' a!! I can get and as t e ;: . i' difelv to your honor. J ip u Wiiat Ve li-i.!'. ay- "U !c fi aeeutomed to dole- ita a ow'f. reiiee, vou-know.' I'.uv w ha't di .' V. t . ,. llli ' If.lith an' hhav. tio ii;--i.-reiie-.' :it all. I will ju-t tu: in v lian. to any l ! i-ij--. '11 w ! i.ong. liaye-vo.-t t-. n m t-ne country, my friend jjmd wnat-is vour nam.-: aked the Jit - ,tl man in a (in.: e formal and. bu-iness like man ner as henu ii 'd' over tii 1. ."v..- ..f his book. 1 lil.ir M -t !.n . ise ii..:ior, ii 1 laud- ,ed iirAai 'iikv just tw. lv.- !e. i! a..' ' Twelve Jioiirs aio ! A regular trrcenhorn '." ejaeu'ated tin' dealer in ' domestics of every de seriplion,'' ii: ddi ; his p ti siHp-.tided. II ow did vou iiad our way iieie o .s"oii ! Have you . lVieuls in t ie- t itv '.' ,s No: bit of a -hi. nd barrintr those that I 'make bv my conduct, and I hope to cnil yer honor, o.n'e oft he-.'number,' was the smiling reply. ' llete is the; iil'. cents, and when will you give m : flic place ' As s olr as -possible. ;oo-.J woman. .These thing.' take a Utile time vou know I have no '-otKC-oi, -my books jiist now-wh. w sh for a. i greenh-'in. bii; there are .alwavs pletity ta.ming. Of course you- will'go for low wages while you iu e iv.t in i i : . i iWhaps s.'ver honorj, was the doubtful re- ' ply, but "the laming is the hardest. Fin aisy : taught iho ae-h.' - '-That's a good thing. Biddv. Will vou try a situation as- general lens maid ? or will vou 'Wp to one hranch. say cooking, chamber work ' or taking care ot children. . 'h he childer are too much bother intirelv ver hoTior. bl ss " their swate faces; .! as ty the cooking and ' chamber work. I would make a poor hand at them. What is the other place ye men! ion d '.' I'Gen ralhotisewoik.- In a place of that kind .ymrwould b - expected, to do a little of a good many things.' v " 'That will suit me yer honor. It's dull work, d.ing one thing all the tiuu.-. And now, if it. plase you .-iiiy trunk is forneust the door, and I wiljbe after takin it where yer 1 or may diiect,' 4our trunk! Oh th.-u must b.- lett at your lodog, nun, a suita.-le p.ace is procured. - Not a brpta Ulgmg have I save the ship and I was to' g-t out ot her. But sure I h.ue p u.l myutty e,, and yer honor will be- ; inend me and hud me a ho.i.e. -. Assownt-s m,s,,,!,i0 Ihddv. In the meantime look out lor some de-aim plae to lodge and take your trunk there at a.tice. Come here for an hour or two every morning, and if you like in t.ie attei noon also. 4 An' shall I tell the good people who take me in that" yer honor will be accountable ? en- uiroU Uivi'I lJukjuy soiiiowhat purplwtod. BcDokb to rfll tfjc iU the -mk; klksdcrc committee. ! 'Iv no means. I have, nothing to do with j r j your I boarding place,' replied the astonished clerk: "Then give mc the fifty cents if you pla.se, and I will settle for myself.' I A long explanation at length s-t Biddvright, land a. e Vc.ii mieTiened " tliaf "(AV "pvment'c? 'eoinprenenaed that (fie pViyment The y-ry same, an' sorra the day it was j when I left it." :iv relation to Dennis MeOarty '' continued the querist. ' First cousin to him, may it plaze you, 'an' a likely man he ( Mavhap yeare a kin to my wife, who was Esther.- MeCarty before she became Mistress O' II lev, an. if ve.like to share our poor lodgings ve are. intirely welcome, until-the gentleman eati find you a place.' A torrent of thanks from Biddy were cut short by tic Irishman shouldering her trunk and lead- in the way to the one small attic, room where his wife and four children gave their guest a ti iendiy weleoine and fjlt themselves well repaid tor tin- t'-iiq.orary iiiiam venieiices to which the visit subjected them by tii' pleasure they felt in .aiding the new comer, and in hearing from the 1 , hicli still seemed1 to 'hem their h.:nv. For several succeeding davsrdid Biddv present ; herself at the. intelligence ollice, ,1'Ut without success. More experienced h dp was g aierally ; desired. At"." length however a family residing in the I outskirts of the city, in a situation deemed too '"'ar out by the owiccWsofrary,.c)nsented to receive her upon trial. - ' Vou will not find our work difficult Biddy,' remarked her mistress as she visited the kitchen upon being informed of the arrival of the comer. ' I dare say not, mam. when I once get the fashion of the place, I'm aisy tached nia'am.' ' VVell. Biddy, we have just breakfasted as you see. The firsf thing to h-done is to clear up. 4 Of com se, yer ladyship ; jist to wash the dishes an tidy the house. ' Exactly, Biddy. After this is done come to me for directions concerning dinner.' Mrs. Anderson retired with the pleasant refiec- ti ir that she had given all necessary instructions. She w.as but a new housekeeper, for the first eight or nine ears of married life had been passed tit a boarding house. Since entering an establishment of her own she had been blessed with one of those all accomplished domestics who require neither assistance of direction from the mistress but are quite competent to conduct the-household aftairs themselves. But she was ; wear.ed. of the quietness of an almost country hie, and found a more desirable situation in the , centre of the city. , Let us try a greenhorn,' suggested Mr. . Anderson. ' You have leisure to teach her and ; she will be more contented than !. lived rn the city for several r.,,' No doubts of her capability of directing enter- ; ed the mind of 1 is wife and she willingl vassented. j 'On the whjole, I think I should prefer it' j she remarked, j 4 An ignorant person will be ; more respectful! J disliked to enter the kitchen ; wheu Catharine was here. She evidently thought j herlf aa my auperioT., Uvczts of Elje Soutlj, Citcratarr, fotw RALEIGH; 'KttRTH CAROLINA. SATURDAY. ---oj jai- V - h V - This oiMrr ivin'r rprf.-iit tie crounj on which iho North Carolina llesulntors wore foutf-il bv Gov. Trv:i. inav Ii;h, 1.771. 1 lie fioiioii v;i f . ; ! ' i t neirthe Alamance river in the ; pros.'iit Ccuilf v hrarm t ! i: .-a rue liaiin- A I j nriarnu'd, wituout w. u-r- or lnhitarv i'iraniation, i (Jcsisrn except, to in-it uiH'ti a re.lress uf tiu-ir ; tliirtiiii; tr Mo.!. a.-tacki; ! them in the muhi. of 1 to c nciliaie th j. o ii' S. Some of 1 :i regulator.-. 'litiori were Hnallv oerco)iie The foregoing engra". in is a view, on a small -de, of the residence of Cob Alexander Lillin; on, of New-Hanover, who distinguished "'r unaniiy at u.emuie o! jxioores iOcs?.io.t - t J;r zstxzJZzi, ..., The edifice represent 1 above was the Gubernatorial Palace of Gov. Try on, erected at New bertiei'. 1770. It is said to h ive been a te b e and elegant structure, with a latin inscription over t!: principal uitram-e srge-t. d by Sir Win. Drap--r of British celebrity. I So tl greenhorn w as decided upon, and our ' ! friend 1 ddv--as favorabl- a specimen perhaps I as could be found was introduced as we have Alas, -oor 1'iddv. ! Her trials had conimenc- ed. Tin- task of clearing up was a simple one to be si a, to an adept in these, matters, but a South Si slander, suddenly transported to the ; centre of i large city, Mid desired to pet form ! She is sweeping up now. mamma. The dishes some eoi moii labor, could hardiy have been; are till washed, and put in the ch-set. But, onlv ; more con iinded than she at the heterogeneous think, she washed them in the hand-basin and mass by hieh she was surrounded. 1 wined the tumblers with the skirt of her dress.' In her tvn country her father's house had! 4 Impossible' exclaimed Mrs. Anderson, spring j been her ionic. A bed, two or three chairs, a ! jg to her feet. 'Why did you not tell her, rude table, and the most essential domestic uten- ' Marv V si Is. were ! it -contained. No wonder that she looked an ind with surprise, and some conster- nation at ie vatiety and extent of her new do- j mains. " I 'An' sr I am afraid to touch the cups them- j pe! ves,' si 3 exclaimed, as she surveyed the : ' i . ! breakfast hie. from which the family had just : In haste, Mrs. Anderson repaired to the kiteh ! risen. V oe is me if I should chance to break en'. Experience had not yet taught her cir i one ; an' t un so delicate like. The glasses will cumspection, and she exclaimed as she entered i not need v shing. for sure the water was chine ' What pan did you use to wash the dishes, which they 'auk in them. I may "ive them a , k ( (0 whh. tlie t u f , j Aml suitin tle action to die words, Biddy j oxpojj;jollsiy hipped lip tie sj;jrt of her divss and cleared the glasses in the twinkling of an ev(? . i JIappy Mrs. nderson Quite unconscious of : ,ie duties devoi - ing upon her with a greenhorn instaHl as mis .ess of the kitchen, she had ar- ; ranged the po. ion of the house more immedi- J atey under her charge, and wasnow luxuriating ; on c wj a the last novel of the day in her haml j Oecask allv a slight remembrance of Biddy's ! . ' ..i i i- 'i . i 1 ' . . inf r ;c. u that she had directed her to come 1 to.' -r room after clearing up, made all right a- g.ii . andf'.e continued her employment undis tur ed. j. t length, the door opened, and her only chii 1, a lovely little girl of seven or eight years old, appeared. 1 Weil; Mary, my Ioto,' &c?d dxe food jaotiier, b.,!?s- aw1 .1.. ...... I '..(" ,,..,. ,.t tl wore asciti' fl o:i tin I'.ot. with no 'H'tinitc iriev;siiC Trvoi) refu-iii to negotiate, ami the earnest oinl.-avors of the ieac-all ciiizeiis maJe a brave resistance, bat for watit of aminu Anovi; we have a view of the residence of (Vnielius Harnett, distinguidied in our revolu- , ti;mai v iiislorr for if?s zeal in the patriot caue. ! Mr. llaiiietl was chairman or the committee of the Provincial' Congress, which reported at Halifax, the resolut ons of iriependenee, of closing her book, ' w hat have you been doing so long? flaying with your dolls or walking in the garden i Neither, mamma. I have been looking at Biddv. She does w.,rk so funnv. 'She is unaccustomed to our ways, dear. No doubt she will 'soon learn. But how does she get .along V ' Because, mamma, you told me when Catha- j rine was here, never to interfere with her in any way.' This was an unanswerable argument, for the little lady could not be expected to know that Catharine and biddv were two persons. Biddv?' 'The one foment, vour ladvship. may it plase you,' was the reply, ' 'But it does not please me at all, Biddy. That is the hand-basin.' ' An' sure ma'am, I used clane water, and not the same at all which we used for our hands.' ' The dishes must all be washed over again,' replied the mistress. We could not think of 'eating off of them. Here is the dish-pan, Biddv ; 1 and here is a drawer full of dish-towels. Prav. j do not use the skirt of your dress. It is too dir- tv to think of.' A slight survey of unswept corners and furniture wJtb AB 4 Ar-. .j ! . t.:,. . , , .., , j in disgust, while Biddy, with her temper con- i siderably roused, commenced her task of re- washing the dishes. 'There's not a dacenter family in county Longford, than Biddy .VcCarty's,' she muttered ; 4 an' to think of her calling me dirty. Sure, my frock is as clane as her own. Til not be loog v?ith her, I'm tkhririn. I IP ill 'A - - ation, multitis, OCfOBEU TiT' 1854." jS -si.- a - Tiik , f r g 'i:g eng av'uir taken from the ;oij an. J. "11 til" oaham. lej ivi n::- l!n- -e.-ie ivi-eTtioh ot the news ot liii.- iiatl j with a ..." . larnll.iii lc1ail!iig the niotv in!eret!iir faeN month le'oiv. Tin; llk-senevr ii;is imr et jllSt Oil' ! burgh.-ilve gathered around him with an ai'dod' of i their U tu po?tuies and eae-er tle.rts ee or h.-ar aiiimaiq every nosom, ati! I lie sr.nit of i u-, ,u ie:M -C3rd , , ;i of independence. n t!;e next day the ode! .rated iiistuiuient, tyk-d the Meekl. -nburg 1 ec!:uatioii Ii!dceidei;ce, was adopted bv the people ..f that eouiuv. ' A sh rt time, however, cooled I5iddi l-eselit- ment, aid, with a smiling countenance shv.pn-j sen ted jjierself at ihe door of the pallor, to ask i for directions concerning the dinner. .'Our!j dinner is a very simple all air. to-dav, ii'tuy ;; meieiy a tieet steak, potatoes, and a nee piMOHi; . lla- it ready at two o'clock ; Mr n wiil he at home at that time.' Alidersii 'I w I do my best endeavors, ma'am but vour yship ivmembers that I do not altogeth er understand the I'm ttisv tached. lOWevej. v..iiiiuii i, a.i-.-i,. x -iii ,'i (i.i ii.. ctions. 'l"h- steak is to be broih d, the potatoesj boiled and mashed, and the pudding baked ih the oven.' kadoii.piiljisKsQWevhAt amazed at tile amount'of her knowledge ; but the cloud still rested upon Biddy's brow. ' How will I make the pudding, .ma'am V 4 Oh 1 a common rice pudding, Biddy. Just milk and egts and rice. I do not know the ex act lirotSortions. but von cannot fail of T-ettimr it right. It is the easiest pudding ot ail to make. ' And is it in the stove I will cook the dinner, ma'am ( ' Of course. Have a cod lire. Biddv.' i If you plase ma'am, I'm (iiit'-ignorant like ! of a shjive. I never made a fire in one in my life. I'fn aisv tached ma'am, if vour ladv.-hiu I';m aisy tached ma'am, if your ladyship will take the trouble.' 4 Just; clear it all out, Biddy, and then kindle the coal with pine wood.' 4 Thank you, nia'am, replied Biddy, curtsey ing as she left the room. Half jau hour elapsed, and the dense smoke which poured through the house, summoned S Mrs. . Anderson to the kitchen. I j - ' . j ........ Tv.i jniwrt aij.j eieil tjcre j 4 Och, ma'am' an' don't ye be coming to the j upon her as a remuneration tor her valuable! Biddy obeys. The mistakes are t ointed out ! like of this,' exclaimed Biddy, as she entered, services, again presented herself at her old haunt, j an, the' mistress waits till they ' are rectified.-l-! 4 Your swate eves will be clane out entirely.' and reo nested that another .situation mitrht be: Ti,Q L-n,..l,.v r .1.,. k..Ji i i ' What is the matter, Biddv ?'' ! 'Tndade, ma'am' an' that's what I'd be glad to know. The chimney is burning, I'm think- ing.' 'Perhaps you have not managed the stove : right,' suggested Mrs. Anderson, hastily retrcat : ing to the front basement. 'Iput in the pine wood and the coal, as What can the woman mean ?'' most. Breakfast time comes, and she places it your ladyship directed,' replied Biddy, giving i "Jist this, and it plase ye. The ieddy you ! upon the table. After the ' meal is over, sh the fire a vigorous poke as she .spoke ' But ! M.nt me to knows no more than tneseif ; an' was I hopes for little help about the dishes and cleaf indade, the life is worried out of me with the t it not a mane trick to expose me to such igno- ing up, but none appears. Wishing to give the smoke." j ranee j" j clothes a good washing that day,' she sets by Mrs. Anderson had little knowledge of the " Well. weil. Biddy, there are an abundance ih, dishes and gives the floor a hasty brush' and necessary rules m making a lire or managing a stove but the emergency was a pressing-one. 'Are the dampets. ojxm, Biddy:' she asked after a moment's thought. 4 And w hat may those be, my lady V was the j natural inquiry. i Quite in despair, the 4 greenhorn' mistress for ' ced her way to the stove, fohowed closely by the 'greenhorn ' maid. i . j All tight, of course. A desperate pud or two j t ,)Unibt,r of Mr3 Williams' resi-1 moved to make room for various required delica I opened a passage tor the smoke. Tue'first be- j dence jn hor Bijdj. departed, and, before I cies, and the washing must be put aside while Sganto-burn. ni di fall was a"ain installed in a new home. i they are prepared. Yet the clothes must all be j "It wid go now. Biddy. Keep the dampers j wfls h(T rresL.nt InistrC9S frorn i completed in one day, washed dried, and neat- j open,' gasped xMrs. Anderson, as with streaming , A bustlinjr little 'body well j folded lor the ironing. No kindly word is ! e)es he left lhe kltciien- j Vl.rseii in t!;e use r,f ,,ots amf kettles, and bv no ; spoken or helping hand extended topoor Biddy, j The place of the experienced Catherine had , & ( eItdi a ieIl)ingjiand herself, W,ary enough, she creeps to her comfortless been temporary supplied until JMUdy s a.i.v.i.. j This was the first time the mistress had been i called unon, and little was she prepared for the j 1 .... j 1 exigency. ' lhe various preiiminary steps neees- sary to the projer appearance of a beefsteak, po ; tatoes aud rice pudding, were entirely above or I below her comprehension. She had heard it i called a simple dinner, and as such had selected j it for her new hand-maiden's first attempt. Quite elated that she had discovered the cause of the smoke, and had succeeded in making the lire burn, she took it for granted that all would be ready at the appointed hour ; and quietly seated herself to fit a new dress for Mis Mary's doll, to the great delight of the little girl. The clock gave notice that it was half-past one when Biddy again appeared. "Fire clane out, ma'am," she exclaimed, with the same good-natured smile upon her coui;t Dance. 'I'm not findiDg out the way of the stcrvft, at ail." rlys, tljc iWmfccts, &cT sovw. vv...-s, -r- ,--r' til. hi - llevohiiiouarv Ilistrv of X.rth ai...!ii;.M v. itti'seii at Charlotte, Me.'k'enl uiLr Co., oil the l'.Hh o Lextii.-rton. An exuress mier has itist ;.rr'Vei! CT I J eoiMieeu 1 with that ex-itltir event, which had (.c-cuie-.l ali'-htid from 1 1 i-i i:ib-.1 lioise ilie men r.f M. elii.n- r.a'notic interet which ihe artist has weil I'O lie- contents of the paper. An intense . xc:t' - ipnliy 'ripens mto ih" oi i-ti'-rtv .resolutions i And 'Mr. A lulerson wiil he home u dmuct ju Waif a:i hour. IL-w near U it readv. li.d. Sure, an' i- it tiio dime r ye mane '. Troth, liii aii" it s far i-iioiiii from beit-g r-adv. It's worl i iSu." at tiie lire ,! Ve been i ui V bies.-...d inoinelit L:i mule despair. Mrs. Anderson repaired to baby all the aforenoon. There are few places the kitchen; but her presence availed little. ; where the help has an easier time. j Mr. Anderson appeared. No hie; i:n dinner, i The week passes. Biddy's frock is not mend Ilap ilv, he was a man of reat exnammitv, not ; ed. and. for want of a change, must be worn in easily diturbe i by trifles, a:ei s'.iil more happi- ' rags. Then comes a reprimand for being un il ly, peri laps, it was a leisiuo day, and he was in , dy. Cannot .she use her needle i Alas, pour tio haste to return ;o his insi:u ss. Hy kiudle.i lbddv ! there is little use in replying. Silence the fire himself, and encouraged the two inexpe- i is her only refuge. rienc d o..ks, niiiil the proposed dinner, minus j Once more sh presents herself at the intelli the jmddiug was upon the table. i gence office. J "We can never get along with BUldy," ex-1 "An' sure you must be after finding mja Li lftUiittd ,tti.AJian,a iUa imnkii.to aeiiir, quite exhausted with heat and uuusuai exertion. ; baby : lliatis rather dittcult. I tha t "Only think, she does not even know how to ; you Ioved children. - kindle a fire, or cock a steak I" j " An' troth an' I do. Blessings on their swate "And Biddy can never get along with us,'' ! 'ces, but not when I'm doing general house replied her husband, " for we io not even know : wrk. The two trades don't agree." enough to teach her;" and, in spite of his good'j The man of business smiles, and directs hr nature, he looked somewhat doubtfully at the j to another Lumber. h'-Jf burnt, half-raw pieces of meat which were! New trials present themselves." BiJdy's pres placed bef-re him. lent mistress passes b ut little time in the kitcfi- ' You advised me to try a tjreenhorn,' " con-1 en. No matter .for tiiat. Biddy has acquired tinued the lady somewhat rejiroachfuliy. ! considerable knowledge within the past few " I did my dear,"' was the playfui reply, " be-1 weeks, and feels quite competent to. go ou by cause I was not aware that you belonged to the ; herself. But the lady pays a dailv visit of in same class yourself. Nay, do not he offended, speetion. Nothing escapes her scrutinizing tye, It. was a mistake of mine, I acknowledge. Send and all must be set right at once, no matter how Biddy away as soon as you please. I wili find j inconvenient the time, or how various the duv you an experienced gi before night." j ti. There is no telling at what hour she will Mrs. Anderson's clouded brow cleared at once, j nppear. Perchance, Biddy's hands are in the TI,.. .1 ...iiiiii mr .--ooii .(. j'iii iievi, nii-i in rtiiotu-i er hour, Biddy, somewhat consoled by a bright : half dollar, which had been generously bestowed j i 1 o i procured for her. " An' be sure that ye ask the leddy if she is a ! greenhorn." she continued, after staling the case I ! to the gentleman w it hin. ' Don't he after serv-j ing :ne the shabby trick again."' i "Ask the lady if she is a greenhorn I"' ''shah- L hv trick!" ejaculated the person addressed.; (.e ,dHCe. Jt me see. There is Mrs. Williams 1 in Hamilton Avenue. She is in m-ed of a girl for general housework, and expects to give low wages. &o ot course, sue win imko a new comer-; is q uU's ,ie p)ace fur you, Biddy. She is a smart, j working lady I" understand." "That will suit me, long life to yer honor! I want the mistress who knows how to tache me. It's aisv tached, I am. mother of a lame i family, and the wife of a man with a very limit- r ed me income. Here Biddy was regarded merely as an assis- tant, a sort of drudge ready to do wnat no one j FI"' appointee Hour. Une by one else could make up their minds to undertake, j they come straggling along, each claiming at No danger-that the tumblers would be wiped on j tention, delaying the morning work, and pre the skirt of her dress. Tumblers were far too !, venting Biddy, whose turn comes last, of course, valuable an article to be entrusted to her charge. She miHit scrape the sauce'-pan, wash the iron- pot, scrub the floor, sweep the side-walk, run offj errands, make the fire, and, above all things, be ready at all times and seasons to take the baby, No matter what Biddy was doing washing, ironing, scrubbing, or cooking, baby must be taken. There was nothing to be said against this. Children must be taken care of, and Mrs. Wil liams herself was always busy. But then it was hardly just to blame poor tfiddy the non-per , .WHOLE NO. 149. formance of certain tasks which he w.nihl .! i have performed had her ... I !::mU bevn at liberty. j "Is the side-walk cleaned off, Bid dy r j " No, ma'am, not yet ; but I'm nftr going to it directJy." aBrtjvi5i"St dona bbfore thiia ... i 1 J A A rC t ! while we ave at brpVfastr' " " " Yes, ma'ara, bat may it plase you. ! I had the baby this morning. Wei!, tlierei has been time enough 1 to' do it, if you had managed right 1 You mn-r learn to htep quick. I al-wav- do." - 1'oor T'.i-i.'.v '. it was all step with or. His.; early, hurry up the work as quick a p.sille. leave all in order, and seizing a few leisure moments m the afternoon, steal to lief own room, piiig to put a few stitches in a todn fr.X'k. or rr.LTed apron. The needle is haidlv threaded ere the summoos hv o' i imi " Iiddv. have you cleared up j" "Yes ma'am. All is right." " Hurry then, and get ready to take ive-t i!i ti! - nt : t!ie b-dy." j Work must be put by at once. -1 i 1 v smoothed her uncomb- of . ' v h ei hair. dei, in dress and ue- ! se. iids. aby is flatting and fret ful. The mother giadly resigns her chaige, and take ur her ne,-dle. The g.rl keeps me baby evening She looks tired and out of spirite. I iie mistr.rss wonder what ails Biddy! She cannot he tired, nothing .to do but to tend the situation w here there is no baby." , , .vvn. j iciiiv; iil uflc ui LilC ClOSeto SilOW'S many errois, "Bid.h- but rr. ,. I,,,,,?,, .i'- i w n.jvi.vi.i,- ui iUO ui ca is i ecoiumenceu. but there is little hope that it will be finished without another interruption, Washing dav arrives. The ladv inform li-r new girl that she is particular about the wash- ling. ' j Biddy hopes she will give satisfaction. . j She rises enrlr, and exerts herself to the ut- lurns to the tub. The usual visit of inspection is made. Thing3 certainly Jiave a disorderly appearance. Biddy summoned imperatively, and reprimanded far her neglect. She pleads washing-day as an el- j cuse, but is assured that a tidy girl will have . everything as nice on that day as on any other, ITheu comes the dinner. No regard to Biddy a convenience. The heavy wash-boiler must be room in the attic, so fearful that she will not bk up by the time in the morning. There must be no delay about breakfast It must be ready to a moment., But very seldom are all the family I 1 4 1 1 '., from breaking her own fast, which has, doubtless, en a long one. Sunday arrives the day of rest. But the prospect is no more favorable. This is the day for company. The mistress herself aids in $he preparations. A great dinner is necessary. If it ended here it would be well, but those never ending dishes Biddy may relinquish all hope of attending church or vespers, or even a run in the evening. It would be impossible. She may- drag through her work, and then hurry to bed, (of another wiahing-day is approacbiofr ... i f i I I r i i 1 ; ! - i i.i-.' i i i 5j : 'If 4 i! -i I t 1'4 i t .1 i 2- r if. t If i I t. i i f i i t

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