- ' ' v:;. i' ' v. - ; - ; - - ij --- .:-v- . . w,- - if : .... . " ' ' " - - , .('. ' " " Vl5-; ' -'j. ' ' I i . ' r ; ift-1 life Ma frtsM''-: : ' ! , ; . I '' ' 9 A FAMILY EWSPAPEE-NEUTRAL IN.POLITICS. TERMS, LLiA U I). WOKE, P81PKJET0".-" TWO DOLLARS PEE etotcti to all tlje Tmtemte of Eijc Soutij, literature, true ation, rtculte, Mm&, tije iWarfeets, to. II A LEI OH, NOR III CAROLINA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1854. WHOLE NO. 160 ! fit i i . i vi i 3i, . ?hitt ptijrknltGrii! gritty. ?EOc:'iDn:c.i d A- AV Coral i.. a St,tr ' &.v 'y&rf'b S?o fWy, f; -7. itcotnl Anvn;i! tfW'h.ld ia ''w : Oa-. 1'ma SHt" Agt '!' ural Sdcie ty tiff in lit- C 'iniiO' s I la f i- ilm Capit j, on cn !h t i"iifinr the J$th ! O L'vJ' r, 185 i u r s-msit , tu i djMorr-iitxTit,' t!i PwsiUtUfiUi-' II. Maj " Win A. Eaton m- vtd that the re i e- on dos U adopted, which k : rr a. C W.i.. It. IIlt iiv.'VeJ, that two bundnd cojiins i,f ih utemoriitl to the L-gi!alure 1 j j'liiiud a .d M-iit. to ihe ineinhers previous to the tn-vinjr of t he L gi-latuie, which was adopt d. II. !. i v Kl t ti movd that J. it. IIa!!rht-nf II n -K l.uur. W. V. Wbitakt-r and R. II. Sin .h l appl'iiited a committee to presint tho1 aU'.ve tin mot i if to the gisiaturewtiicli; was t MISCELLANEOUS ''if.-:'? i.-"r.-!k-aiit,': -niton mouow appointea tn livV,ftf;5r-,;fi . it i i ."T hij k m . ' j h;Jtlio e 4m-'.oV:j Asgates to atten S tbe bu at liters- v persons pve-nt u"B- are n .t inevniwf!-' tU-o- It.i No'lblk aiMl Richmond. ; tjt,tv ! alio-..'.. t - .!..' frv:',:-.; jvi '1 j I i -.rt s to-the '.Petersburg Fair are, C. L. K A uiiiv-l t- f IV. s; ! nt i Il-atm, I V D--. R. C. Pritchawl, W. A. Esiton,-- Hi lit "i." ' !!-" !!. !; . : . ! i. x.f !iv- f on -in ! fidojv.--i. ;-t:tl,- I t (K' A t f soti. ar d D-. L W. Bauh. l .r. : iX-i'c so ihe Nmf lk Fair ar.R. A. ITamil L'".i- Thomps n, W. S. Iliil, J. S. D.iiiCv, R. 11. Smith was al. ed to 0 : r': - t-'iiii. V; t f f:it;'ihi'r '-tl ' ;t i id" r rmui i v C.t r .r!v;i .0 ;i,n 'us--u i. :::! ! J ! " V." 'i" t . r 1; c tic h.; i ,V 4S o!! .tliO it the t;t o A-rriftt!': ! ! V.A -.x K IT '! :t:.- --diii-- rf. '- ''"; ' '!' I.-t ill- ' n ; .- i K. 1'. :', ! !t( S, j H O ' -. - Y 1 .- of th v i ; ; r i i -'-"Ji" -1; (I J R". J:riou!-u ;n oi' t!li. tiiili'.! , c .io the ' : -i V -! " - ;; ' : .y' t t i.ru t- ;. ' ..'.!: ;., ai.-T'i i V nil 't ItLi: !;iy i In; fol ov. . ; IKl..ec: II; i. 15 o . K. L y. J l-ti "ir win. tc-itht1!- i ..., ! ard U U'cd'tltS-l. I F.Y-. wi;:;, il :' lento Ei!iKf. A ire i i fil . lion W C Her !: !..- o !i 'eu.a'' . I ! --is ' ft- ' t!'e '-ichinotid Fair are, II n. T : Ruffi... II n. K. Rayner, J. S. Biid-. , ti Ei! ..it. an.: 11 K. Fxirgwin. On inot oii the IVsdent appointed the f.,1-lov.-iitiT.. committees for the next year. C.i'.Mtn e on lieeeption, L. O'B. Bra it-h, G. V Mort'eewi and the lion. K. Rayner. . (Aitiiir.ittee 'o i vite a speaker to deliver the ! .r.'ttmal .ddress before the Society, R. A. hhu ;i!un", R. R. Bridges, hud Dr. it. O. Priteh- ni. i it? eommit e io c nf;-r with otlier agtifultu ;! M-c'eiies as to the best time of holding the .I! I F its in t!ie future, are, II. K. Ru-gwin, ;r ' J. S. Bridffe'ts. O e.! i:nii tee appointed t.i''.m'ne a conn's 'i': asurer J. F. Uuteliins, Esq.. reported ;-jfi the r chairman, S. W. Vlittii:g. thtit ! ".- tinis were ali correct and that titete is at .',2 in .he tie.isury, 4,386 40 subject to .. .-.;..5.er of the Society. T!.'"tv; lieing nothing further before the Socie- !v. I; v ai moved and seconded that the Society :".!;,. "j is So meet on Fr-day evening tlie 20il: of , i !h ; , at 7 1-2 oclock, P. M. For the Southern Weekly Po.t. LI ARY EK SEUR ; A TaDE1 SKETCH- BY JOBt'SiKE. A tale more strange ne'er g ae'd the pet's art, ,,,Aud ue'er d d tkituu )lay s 4U nwaii. TlCKELL. " In tha t'i' y st rn jmit i Kei t u. ky liear tl TVnte l.iie l e the aiuiful ant, rfeiised vitSajro of.L'-4r'furriiinjei 'A? ttcii arnl vop a oucouiitry The citizensif tttt distiiiju,..sh X.il uy v; great y-u .i e -i'.HT iixi fit of - tilivsit id uwtijs rv inch j-ecuivs to them '.iiiatiy f t:.e c tnforCab-l tuxuties of life. It may tlike ih reader as a strange faei, but it is 'nv(ithehs tr te, that the -r edit atiou of fe- i maie.s is e n-)i!ere of paiamoiint inij ortaiiee, j while -that f t! e oj.jMire mx, he-id. -s tin- mere !-i udiments oi an Etii;! sli educati. n, is for the 111 .?.! 1 .mi if not eiiMie'y ueglect-d. Ti is cii ; 1. 111 n uitra'lv .io iu e- a great i!is-imda'it o( ! ta.; r. heie n ihe -exi s. and -not untie ptd tly ; cois s il. tiles ic if'iiib e of a seri. u- nature, i At lie tiiir of wliieli we write, t!ieiv liv d an ! old yei'tleiiian ..t" m'ne.s- w. ahh n the place, d s -1 j ! 1 1 -i 1 d a ik Tor hi- liopi' alit .m l il.e ! ral v. lie li.ei an only daughter, whom lie i iiaI tak- n ti.e U 111 -t pains to e.lu.ate. was smil ng a sweet adieu. Her p teous vo ce and broken eja-. ulations soon drew a ciowd of. listeners around her, to whom t-he itla;d the rueful stOrv. that .-he had Keen beaten and left in a state of ho, eless poverty, hy her husband. The description of her hasband's person left no doubt-upon the minds of any that he was,the tea-tie w th whom Miry had eloped, t The go d . : r . j:. : : . . , I get by going to such place! How long, I j wondei, before you will learn that you are not ! ike otlier folks, and can't go amongst 'em ?" j Not I ke other folks!" repeated poor little j Hughwhen his sister had tucked him up care-;' stand fooling any longer." And away went Sarah, fo lwd by most of her mates, while Lil a re'urned to the school-room, to search tor a mis-ing book. " Tha it k you Miss Winstan!" These words, pnip'of -L , .n.otwthteibg-thropeh- 1 ghot tbrongh hh hart at-these careless words. ty for g'B-sip, , were easiiyoojred by ,en?:of ado) si ndt rnisery 'Tkef KT e very" t hing inf s adn. s nd . misery. i ue?; t every .t.heyLTOff:tqwmfbrl.h pef.-ua-tou, however, could induce her to remam 4iuger than one night. Early next morning she staru d on her way, indulging itt the d-lu-sive h- pe that she would yet overtake and re claim her disso'ute husband. Three days after wards he was found dead by the wayside. The c tizens of L , much to their honor, Iwd her decentlv interred, and a marble slab placed over her grave with the in'crption, Sacked to the Memory of the unknown Wife. fully in his warm attic, and gone down to pve- sl'oken a1most i" her ear, as she was landing pare a wash f r his sprained, wrist. He forgot for a moment his bod ly p dn, in the pain which " Nat like pother fo'kst no indeed, l am' not ! But. how. am to blame for it ? I didu't make lie raised the blanket from his face, and peered into the darkness with a kind of super stitious fear at the question he had involuntarily asked, for he had hot forgotten what his dead mother had taught him: that God was good, 1 I and that he did everything for the best. ! "I don't know what we shall do with nunph. over her desk, caused her to lift h r head with a start and a blush of suprise. The deformed Hugh, now a youngmau of some seventeen years, stood by her chair, gazing at her with those mournful, deep black eyes, which had of ten won her Wtn path v. - Bless you for your words of kindness! they have done more forme than a hundted prizes cottf.1 ! I have learned that there is at least one in the world who will judge me by truth not by siijht In the pulpit of one of the principle churches f D , rises Sabbath by Sabb tth, a pa'ef -iced. gent or audible remark. The caus4 was decid- ed almost by acclamation. The jury returned with a verdict for the defendant . . j Nor did the effect of Mr. Henry's speech stop i" there. The peop'e fre so highly excited by the Tory audacity of sch a suit, that Hook began ; to hear all around in a cry more terrible than j that of " le-rf:" ias the cry f u tar' and i feathers ft om tliy-plication of wliich nothing saved him but a pF dpitate flight Mid the of his horse. f ! to k ep Irm out of harm's way," said his father, i "gwoa man. . whose Ueiormuy is u.e nrsi ' the next morning " He has such an into! ra- j tVaU,r" to catt'h the e-ve of a stranr- U 18 n,t : b!e eur os tv to see all that is .r..i..r on in the 1 you hear him speak-until you ca ch the Not m K w. r.. ihe 1 1. si i ri . a e insini. tors .111; loe !. !,! .1 v 1 lii 11 a done to ec te I r to a 1" e I of le-u-iiini a"l iin-i.'ly a- a " mmivs rxtiento,"1 sSe w a- s-nt for two ears to a ch-biat-d ( !;..:,! institution ia the No. tit. Miry Eu-eur ; vv s ii-r',teen wt e a s't-e r nitiat.'t!. ami a ' !.it I ccoi-pl sin d. T a lovely face he ad ' t:ed ail tn- gr. c s . f the female eh f'Cter. ! There was' .li' lloli, hovevi-r wh'c'i Mary ha l idai was a love tor r ill one. one r.-.l wah ni i evervtltiug of a runantic , e i!.;r I" il in her w y, ami it a- n t iottg the ti" ct .t sti,-ii a course wa- v a . till-. ;!t ! in th- hour i! ivetv li vi ir ih ig n th5 vilhge. was !:C ! in -in t ! , (, she creep foai herph.ee 1 i u eo.j In r wav to a In tie rnu ei v.u lieili lhiun.larv f th Village. I th nk of these, win n once carried away by the wrist was strotg arain, little Iluffh w;i packed I tiJt of his eloquent ? ! . li to a country cobbler', clo-e leather-p fumed Ves ' lluSh l,f l''ne1 ,lis end' IIe ismeas ; b,p I tired bv his soui in the sight of id I who knew I I; was a new thin to him to be immisoned 5l'm- 1Ie 1,as s,r,ven Uol,,.v- b ,1,e l,elP of 1,is CD J ifVon, morning until night, waxing end whit Mak-r, to fit that soul for companionship with ' tiing pegs, or driv ng them into the .0. gh sol.-s i spotless apo-ties aim angets. ana a ray to e: r.at. ,,e. I II I : ,.f r.-j.ose. an I j t . .t to 11 s t! ! T e' e ih 1 il'le in inidiii-rhi ii r v. N. C. s Af i ui'' il di tt - si i 1 ifiirnii! ia fhu- Iiaiv . i2T ti'. e.ino; f i V .-v' ;i n o iloll. 1 r 1, tii-.e-s b i'oilo H ; 1 : itn !i-' i : . RTF . W. in . 1 r '-r '. u : t )- ;.i u ; n. s: ' r. . 5. 1' v ... ' L'ui , ( . ... Ml 11 !l 'i 'Op '.O' '!'; -'n-.s T o A.Cudu l.iir.-r.s. t M nsdili the I i I l;'1 the ;' 7 ' 111 j :. i"'. i ' ii , j- . 1 ii-a-- i V.'eKe A;,-.. V.e i.. . . h ut : Friday Evkxino, Oct. 2.0th. H . North Caio'ina State Agricultural Socie-- . : according 10 adjounimemin the Coin- j ( tis i;n!o the I'resid'-nt, R. II. Smith, Esq., in t won .1 s t for hoitis upon It- moss Cu ba; k. " r oi inj; biieht !r ams" f th p oceedings oi' the - rh iiv 'I he .0 v.e e '0 d and approved 'i i n:- o evident a- pointed the preci: V. I t'liuie and M'e t 1 , sl.e knew not what, 1111 h. us,- .. lr in : lie v.il g ". reminded her was t me 10 lia-t n In me. Maiy seldom . . it . 1 si., ke .1 marnaire. 1 1 4 . . 1 r l world that he'll t tr neek b ok-n amon- I otii ins eye, an 1 me enmunabm 110m And Mary, the lovely Mary, what Wratne of the-e ci y boys. I'll send him to niv skiVs I ''V' that ou foI"get to P!ty the speaker. her ? L -ng years had been added to the et -r- j ,-otts 11 in the country, to learn a sh-emakcr's I Vou Jo not womier then' ,bat he is willir'? to uity of the past, and yet no tidings j had been trade." " j come before the public eye weekly, even with .ec" ived .f the unfortunate girl At last, when j -The b st trade in the world for su.-li as he." I i!k' Wl''g,lt of natural defects; lor who can all hope wa- lost, and that lone parent tnw replied Dolly. And so. as soo 1 as the spra withered with age and trouble, cot.sid -re ! his ch Id as a being of another sphere, a leitel1 was ha-'d d h in bearing s 'veral post marks. Willi tr mhlitig fingers he broke the seal : it wa- from his lo-t Marv. As he read it, a saddened sni'ie ilhnidiixte I hi- f -attires, which gave plate to one of in. ff .hl- jov, and mnrmnring, " Th ink Go 1 '." "'I hang Go! !' he f-H upon the floor, This I it -r from Mary announced that ! r hiis'.Hi 1 was dea I, and' that a- quickly as iie c 1 1 I arrange h r affairs in . Cuba, she. w ould eome once mori.' to the bosoni of ln-r doting pa rent. SI e had beeu treated as a -hu e ; her grentes! wish now w as to be treated as a.dauiiier. Tli i! wish is gratified. In the same hoii where tw. ntv years ago Mary indulged, her 10 ina tic dispo-1tion, she now finds greater pleas ure in m uisteiiag to the wants of an o'd ;md decrepit parent, sustaining him byher kindr.e-s ;in l directing his thoughts to that land w here -orrow and separation are unknown. Chapel Hill. of shoes, new or o'd. Not a kind word evert':! 0:1 the poor hoy's ear. If he did his woik fa' lit fully, he received no word or look of encourage inert. If he. fe'l to musing as he sometimes', of their own pure light seems to have, fallen upon it. id, he was roughly aroused by a shake, and a 1Iiail 'av j owl to the effect that he "didn't cam-the poacher's ! sail If any one wonders at seeing after the church services are over, a young, proud, beau iful wo- her whit hand upon the deformed 's arm, to walk down the richly-carpe'ed 1 t . . 1 t 11 r . j t. his victuals.; should like to know what i llsk y nave t.ut to iook into uuas iaee mr the solution of the mystery. Lillanot only loves the crppled form at her side, better than the most matchless ones of earth ; but she is proud of her noble husband ! i iii sr ! t ., V- ill s'iCU -"I ,! iOliOWHIg ('O )I- c j Iviecutive Co nmittee, Ir: F. A Crndir, . E.-.tnP W W. Whitale r. J. F. Ttiyjor. 'dcUa ,Wm. il Poo', S. W. Whilhu-;, W. y;' -I. A. linm Iton. D 1I -Da'-ie), Vv. II. .v N-cdhr.m Price, J. F. Jordan ai.o J. C. isc-'i:::ef of irangemenls. Dr. E A. Cni- oiaii- V. A. Fatuii, W. W. Whitaker, j'. .?..:'. Nee liain Pries S. W. Whiting, ,." I cues, . -F. 'Jordati, J. C. McRae, aid 't. :.!)!'. j Ctu. J P- Littlejohn, Chif Varshal. n I wh-n s'.e di-l. it was al- v,:ld and romantic wa lhat lea I ... 1 11.. i r li Tut- IO oellew llial -lie nau never cn- ' ..ii i t .onghi on thesnbj ci. j ').., biiglu -v..!iiiig in )et.oWr. f- ur months i after l ad ei.-ida d-d. a stranger dtove up Ilage h te . A t -g. tiler lie w as a nne Mian, at d his .outward appliance be t HUGH. THE HUNCHBACK. BY MARY IKVIKG. to t !, :, i I ri v i a w alt li, w'i. , i n m to ; t hi- o-.-n: ieinaiv nritnier- 1! i hat he ha I Uen aceus- ) reni.eu s. c etv. 1 laud u 11 lk fhat'o! J, iicivietanee fa tiish s a fill f'tt' f, ,; . o!.'.e;S itio' . Toe ai-peai-oii-i- .t ,'r.sM li -Iran-''" r i- a r.c'-i har-' S p. IS. Even w..id he spe iks j.a-ses froili 111 nth to 11 oath rn srcru; in iudo in til he is magnified into so:lie ex:r.O d noy pM'- na i all I it he 1 not a J tr-oti f nn- ominon ta.-it urntty he il be f.,i'c-'d to di ulge tt.-- ea'ee of his is t I if ire . , 1 ;.. .i.; iiVC-. 110 i A ep 1011 111 .111.- Not ma V m nute elajised after t; e I stranger entered t :e bar r 1 1 b- loie he was : -nr.-- u d'd aswaitn ! iiapii- tive i s i i i v 1 i ti ! a P. Tae-e Woit ies n.-ed everv mentis in th-ir ! po. r ' leant some! bin : of tin- -t'a g i's bu ! f.iue . but he fippi a ed 0 lake a secret pinb in j'eiing tiseiii va-ive jm-wvr. On -nbj c s not j ivi:!Mr.g 10 I ims- f. in- wa- in t! e ighe-t e-iee i 1 ; so. - a i i the S into . ev.uy tin lie a wel lor the go 1 - "Shame! for shame!" j " To treat a deformed child so !" " Whv can't vou look, man, t what you're. lie expeir'ed to do in the world V One Saturday, Hugh had the unusual ptivi I ge of h df holiday. With the v. Page hoys he could not go to play, for they had once drv eti him from their green, with shouts of seorn- fu laughter. So he turned down a shaded line, heart of this wood stole a still str ain o' co d water. Upon a moss-y kno 1, oniisbink, llugk threw himself down to cherish sad thoughts. "To be .a -hoemaker all my days, and stay in astjved-up shop !" thought he ; " I can't bear it! Rut what ebe can I do? Who cares for m ? Who is there that does not laugh at me? 1 w -hi was dead so I do." He 1 id his pale cheek on the soft moss, and water, d it with bitter tears. As he rai-ed his ill Veil t ;a eV : 1 1: t !' r a: t v 1 ii ,u. i-.'C o S i! ye-, Col 11 J B Cark, J Av ritt, Jr.. I oh II. T. 'lark, J 11. Vai borough, 1. O ! '4 . - ' O1. 1 I e- i eoiii d V".? le" O . 1-. :s-)tis -1 -.ie :i ir, !.- w'- etii: ;ty .:s i- I' th e :i-.i a il I 1 epori, U o'i m-inbei'ship oi 1 i-i - lncti was c h .01 n:i v . M. J :r-s moved th .t appo u"- d 'v e- 'i:n.ne all - 'V 1 S v v'j 1 1st Assistant, 2d 3d 4 h 5th oliins moved that the Secret a'-y send a i.Mr. i.ayneiV address to each -member "oei. ty which w as ca ried. r.-..; ion, the President appointed the ,fol g gent I men to attend as deh-g ites the r,-;!,;;-..l me.-ting of th- Uiii.ed States Agri- ', K;.e;.-tv in -Washington city : II n. O ml s Shdiin Hon. K. Rayner, H. X. Rm-gin, . Th m Si. an' on motion of Col Clark, .- -,.!:. th name of the Preside, t of the v - added to the list. '. ' Cooke 11 oved that t1 e thanks of th-.-yl-e ten e ed to Jno. Ilutchins, Esj., f.-.r ! vi a bill v 111 n f.-sted b. him in the ' " ...!a o'' V e buil ings upon the Fair id wb'ch motion was unniimotisly car le peet Tli. .Siiigi'h-.r e. i du t on . the parrot ,;inire- threw l'e,e whole band Ol go sijiper- a c ins;ei na! n (i. Their etui -sitv becatn int. n- . and oi c or t-'c- it was wui-pere.! among tin 111 that he wa- a -lisp'..-oil character, and s'.otdd be imue 'ihatel V aj-pr.1ien.eil and CO iilii in -o' , ':i l I he e -ind -ov- a g-"-account of l I '. hie believed. ' I at he w a- dnit-r tleeu ' 'row. la-t'C". H iotl er l-nat II i ite 111 t. "i.:. tl! er 01 '.tie t-oc JoljiS.; ae.u !" ,'i !. !.. !, fXK i -ry. it v be s of the '; g' '."'". which ' . J i; ' '', 1 ' - '. ,,.g";:-, .1. ' th. :.. a. v ; wiuc'.s. was accouiiis o; til I Iliil. 1.1- er 1 ed that l' ,: i "-oi; d. v. ' ' oti il. s :e-y. Dr h. ee o, iwo i t on :o-"mii- 1 reasur ' ' IT anied.a.id n . 11. ' i ;':'. . f 1 . . iu.-!:t;ss befoiv he '.. : of IHeitl :cul:t'. e b R B i Igets, mnh". It R. i -'.: o. ! i a mir ! was a roblwi, w! i!s a thi d wa- stir - that In ! -!.. o Li,!ii:ii.iv,-i nll-'-dll-r s;s a re Soil f.r his he- . ., 1 i !l Je Nxo . movext that the sum ot one nun-. , to ,,1 lirl- dted d -i! . be paid John Ilutchins f.,r servi. es f T(. lmWr ,,ndered u de. the direction of the .committee j . ini,(;!Hl).,v ,umm .,, .,.,1 hatt.ok of at. angements, wi.Uh was carried. ' place betw.-en' h'un.and tlie i ranger. Ar-aign- i ir; Win. R. Holt, moved that $400 be paid j 'Qt j,. ioiv ,,. ngust b- dy f go-sipt ers so in. D". l' A. t 'luduj' to reimburse him for expenses ncur ed in the discharge, of his duties, which was c tied, expe-. ted y. the b.-d-r d:s;.hie.l some want t self iios-e-s n wh?e; a- f.rih. villi construed as an vhI-re-' of gmh, and it is unceitain w ChL W. Ihimphey moved that the thanks f Wnn'd have be n t'ie cti-. q iein . s, had the hai re 1: oj-'i..e atut :V i.'.-ive.d y ! 'i' -e;v.'beiu. i W tS 111 '. i: a av-7 no lint. 't - 1 P. :!- . o K, 11 , w .t eti 0,011 So- oe'e e et y . -n.t Mit'tsd.: 1 1. U.e . Cor4 ng o rvi;s f It 11 s Th a:d a Tti - r ' ti.- si C.h. i in CO!! ry, l'h 1' L ! - HAY Eveiii S Agric'dinu'o v- t.H V e;s ;.uj 11 'i - 11 7 v. -2 o'-l K-k p -1 , E ., iii h eha: r e,i. fh ' t 1 e ,.f 'ifj-So-.-ielv l tender d to those ladies who Ikhc vssis'ed ..n de orating and attend ng Floral and .P. ep'ion I la Is, and also that the.thmks ,,f tin- Soci ty be tendered to the citizens of-Ral-eigh and .its vic-.nity for their hospitaliiy and a ien ion to the visitors during the Fair, which was wiia'..iuious!y carried. Mr. R ,v. er moved that the thanks of th-- ; North Car lina State Agricultural S- ciety are 1 dee .oid are hereby tend- red to R. H. Smith, j Fs-i., ate Presid nt of the Society, for the abili-- j. y, and urbanity with which he has dis- 'i i ciTi.t gedi th. duties of his office during the past nt j yea , an I -fat he has our be.-t wishes for h s J pro-j) nt- a d happiness, d s On ii. ion the Society dj inhed fine die, J. F. TOMPKINS,. in K Oil . th i! mi. te fo 'o ' n ho -I b I. it e ! f O . U oi r J..ef !:e I'the -1 !!; j i r " ill fi"ieil .a Alatna-ic Ilec. Sr,tiry.' t l 1113 Uiert bei'i2 Vf'.re the ucieLiuor il could not ! I . I 1 1 : (.Av vzzi. -ra iter Mavazzi nas written to his 'friends hit he will embark for New York on ; the 25 ill of Jimriry -ext to r -s me his dis courses ujioii " Romanism," aud other top cs, iu j not !e i -oire-in n a' assenibiv who-e Ik-Hi r i iu 'gm- n s w; s no' t be mi-b d by an id'e cun- i - i : . - iu'"v- . j j ' Finding it impossible to learn anyth ng about i him th.-H nig t. they a. reed to lay oer that j important 'bus m-ss until next morning, when i they could e ter upon it with more vigor; W ith j this'unders-andi g th y di petsed. each one to i hi. home, ti list n,' that th- " nattering eye of i slee" wo i!i mi v i the mv-tery which enwrap- ped th' smgu ar s anger. Moiu ng came : he mysterous stranger had "one, ud Mary, the leatit:ftd and accomplished M;.ry En-tur, IukI eoue with him. Many at j ui:i!'- were made to o ertake them, but ali pioved a orttve. The on'y inform Uwi that could be obtained was from an oi l gentleman leu mi e- d sUnt, who averred tha he heard 1 lm Vll ll.-Kll .liif trio I btr'iiv apay i" Sls o1o k he piev oii night. " One w ek af er Mar , elope-.-ent, a pa'e. hag- treading upon : Such were X few of the eja-ul tion- p tired out by a group of men, on th" outskirs .f a crowd ass nit, led to witness a grand exhibition i :f fiiewoids. on he eve of a -fourth r-f Juiy. Tne fi'st spe.k'i had pick d up from t'-e dus-y ii,,ss a elnid, w.ho had accident ly been knocked down in the g ner-d crowding and jostbur. and w ho no lav app nently sensele-s in. his arms. " W o is it ' what is it?" inquired one and anoth r. ! " U's Joe Paitei son's little hunch backed Hugh "'answered the man; '-and pit 'tis they c mid .'t I ave kep him out of this crowd, lie has been knocked down and banged ja! out, till I a n not -u e whether there is any: ite hti in him." ! " B inghim here, sir!" exclaimed an elegantly d essed ladv, whose carriage hid been di.ven ju t ut ide of the ring which enciichd the comI.. j 4 Oh, mamma! he is dead! the roor boy !' cried the y ungest of her children, wph tears .11 h- r pitying blue eyes. " Jasi as well if he were," sai I ano'her la- y . in tin carriage. It is cruel k -ndness to let such a de o'rmed ch Id live to g ov up." "Hush ! si-ter," returned the tir-t ladv, he is oniing to. Remember, the child; pr.-babiy has a 1110 bet to love him, if he is a hunchb ck !" ' Ainl he has a iouI, too, Aunty." Sj oke tip little Lil a, with a reproachful look in herhaif dr ed eyes. " You are a strange child, Li la ! i Iook at the tirewoiks!" L But ;he bl -zing r ck'ets had lost half tlieir. ..ttraction for L 1 a; and when her mother p;o posed leaving hem for a few minutes to take the deformed i-oy h 'me, as his arm was v.-ry piinf 1, she c n en ted gladly. 1 u 1 de laie. I 1 eer will ride with you aga'n, siser Wi.stan," said the aunt, disdain uilv ; ' Yon aie always picking up some object of (i s tiess o s o k my nerves. I sha 1 not get this teat nr.- out of my dreams for a month !" Ldla e anc d at the boy, whose lips and eye lids tr mbled, though l e lay perfectly stilt on the eu-hio s.- Hugh had heard all; but it wss uoth-ng new to the pojr deformed thild to hear r dicule a d scorn heaped upon him. Yet it wounded him not le.-s deeply, for he had a sen si'ive spuii, which had g'own sore in its harsh contact wah a selfish world. In one thing Mrs. Winstan had guessed wroi g; Ire had no mother in this world, but was cared for in some small m-a-ure by a boisterous, drinking father, and a roUih, but well meaning sister. Dorothy, the sister, came out to receive him, soon after the carriage stopped at their dwe' ling a tmbling-down block in the diriiest street i f the subu ibs. She lifted him out iu her strong, led arms, thanked the lady for her kiuditess. in a Pud, shr.ll tone, and then stood to watch the horses as they trotted away. " Oh, Do! y r moaned the boy, 44 please carry ELOQUENCE AND HUMOR OF PATRICK HENRY. Patrick Henry was a d stinguished orator and patriot of Virginia, who lent his powerful in fluence to the ause of the revolution. Hook w as a Scotchman, a man of w ealth, and suspected of being unfri. ndly to the American cauhe. Du ring the distress of the American army, conse quent on the joint invasion of Cornwadis and PidlJ ps,Jsl7St, a iir. Venabk an-army fir missarv, had taken ten steers for tin' use of the n.l I , .1 "ll I ev.sat length, thev lighted on a clear blo-soa, ! troops. Hie act had not neon anctiy legal ; of ti.e fringed gent-tin. As he took the ilov.cr alul- ,,n the advice of Mr.. Cowan, a gentleman nlrs hand, it seemed to him as ihougii ils of some distinction in the law, thought proper; f inged blue eve looked lovingly into his, say i g ," God m.ide tin! ' to bnng an action of trespass agiinst Mr. Veiia- ble, in the district court of New- London. "God made you e; made you sweet and 1 Mr. II my appeared for the defendant, and is b atriful, but how did he make tneV reasoned j said to have disported himself in this cause to th - b wilder, d b y, whose rebellious fe. !h gs I. the infinite enjoyment of his hearers, the unfor tunate Hook aUay- exeepte I After Mr. Henry became animated in the cau-e, says a corres pondent, he appeared to have a complete con trol over the passions of his audience ; at one time he excited their indignation against II.ok, and vengeance was visible iu every qmntenance ; again, when he chose to -relax, and ridicule him, the whole audience was in a roar oftanghter. He painted the di-tre-ses of the American army, exposed a'most naked, to the rigors of a had bv n m-aus left him. Still he looked e ly into the flower. "I don't laugh at your hutched shoulders Hugh" H seemed to him again to be saying softly. " No vou don't ; and if there wa one living bin eve that looked as kind as your-" he ; stopped and thought for a moment of l.tt'e Li hifand hir mother. "But that was only pi.ii ; even kind people can never 'ove me. 1 0 del- if the angels in Heaven will 1 ve me ? j win ers sky and making the fiozen ground over j My mother will I know," and his lij stiembhd, J which they trod, with the blood of their unshod i ' I'.ut I am af aid I never shall be fit to ao to j f0(t. " Where is the man," he said, " who has ! her, if these naughty fee! ngs stay in my heart! j f,n American heart in the bo-om, who would l eau't he'p them, either. It mu-t be Godjuot have thrown op-n his fi-Id, his cellars, his j made me for something, as well as t!ds dear j bains, t-: e doore of his house, th poitaN of his liuie- flower ! Yis he gave me a soul the lr. tie J b.east,- to hae received widi open aim, the giri said that! Perhap-my soul can do some-j m. anest so'dier in that little band of famished .hiug in the world, though my body is po--r and j patriots ? Where is the man ? There he stands crooked. I'll try ' j but whether the heart of an American beats And with these little mag'c wo'ds, Hugh s, rang up from his kn-11, buttoned the ilower in his vest, and made bis way homeward to his BIDGEAKDBADOSi OR, CHILDREN) Ts. NO CHILDREN. BT wj 0. KATOK. i Mr. and Mrs. Bidge and Mr. and Mrs. Badge were next door neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Bidge j had eight children four boys and four ghU; but the Badgt s haa neither chick nor child. Disappointment and discontent are the com- . mon lot of mortals. The Bidges were mortal so w ere the Badges, and discontent! reigned'su pretne in the Bidge house, while disappointment was the prevailing feature in the dwelling of the Radges. I The fact was, that Mrs. Bidge hated children, and in turning herself into a Bidge 6he had got I more than she had bargained for. Sad was Mr. ; Bidge to contemplate the lack of maternal affec- tion which was evinced by his wjfe " Ain't they your own children !n he would ! ask, jiathetically. 'j' " No they ain't ; they are yours T she would i spitefully reply ; " I never wanted any. It is your own fault." There was no answering a remark like. that,;, i. and Ridge, like a Christian, put up with the : taunt, partly perhaps because he ! thought he deserved it, and at any rate because he couldn't help it. Mrs. Bidge said she couldn't help it, ! and of course the little Bidgas couldn't and so there they were, a family of Bidge martyrs, en veloped in a daily cloud of discontent. ' ' Disappointment was the feeling that knocked ; the daylight out of the happiness of the Badges. -They were an honest, frugal, strajghl-foi ward, philoprogenitive, hard-working coiiple, and it; would give us pleasure to record that they were destined to multiply a virtuous posterity, had such been the agreeable fact; but it cannot be 1 disguised any longer that the Badges had been i married for ten years, and had appeared to pay , no more regard for their country's! census than if they had been foreigners, resolved to take no part in swelling the ranks of native Americans. vliut ,weJEtrJ iMtiilier leipj j PJV rai rtiwi hop or hling ourselves at" conclusioos.-"- "WW should aj.proach them carefullv by a reasoning process, and when we investigate this matter of i the Badges, with the scarcity of their lalwls, and that the sole reason why they fell shoit of: the true matrimonial mark, was the same as that which prevents the poor from becoming rich they were not able. ' The perver-ity of mortals is past all bearing. They are always grumbling at their situations. The Badges grumbled because they had no children ; the Bidges because they had ; and if the Bi lges had been the Badges and the Badges the Ridges, no doubt they would hare grumbled just as much.' Such unreasonable people de serve t) be made examples of, and here we do it and exose them, right in print and in public One of the severest trials of Mr. Badge was to sit in his parlor, with a back window open, and see Mrs. Badge lookiDg out into toe back yard of the Bidges, praising the little Bidges at play, and enjoying the good fortune of jtheir parents in having them. It seemed to him as if Mrs. Radge did it to tantalize him. This was on charitable in Badge, j ' - ' O, comjxTo see i" the little Bidges! 0,do Five years hive flown. In the hall oa village academy, a knot of s hool-girls are discussing a weighty matter. The young men of the acad . my have been delivering orations of their own composition, f r a prize; and the le-ult has as tounded every one. " Is it not too bad," says fcSarah, "that such a f- How should win the prize?" "-Why, has he not as good a right a.1 any of t' .em ?" asks a blue-eyed g rl of fourteen at her 3t de. Oh, riffbt, to be sure! but I shouldn't think sin in his bosom, you. gentlemen, are to judge." He tl en carried the jury, by the powers of his imagination, to the plains of Yoiktown, the surrender of which had followed shortly after the act complained of ; he depicted the suiren der in the most glowing and noble colors of el ...... r..n tKu undienep saw before their eves the humiliation and dejection of the British, as they dren ; they are so innocent and fall of little, marched out of .heir trenches; they saw the cunning, interesting ways. Howj happy and triumph which lighted up every patriot face, Pu bUC - .1- ' r"" nd lril ihe shouts of victory, and the cry of . luclcy some peopie see ! 0, do see !" said Mrs. Badge, clapping her hand-. ' What is there so rery interesting about a parcel of children making fools of themselves f growled Badge, secretly wishing ie had three or four to begin with. I " P'ools of themselves P said Mri. Badge ang rily. We were all fools, once, Badge, and some of us havn't altered much since. For my part there ia nothing 1 delight in so much a chil- " Wi.shington and Liberty," as it rang and echoed through the American ranks, and was reverberated from the h lis and shores of the neighboring rivers. " But hark L what notes of di-cord are those wh ch distuib tbegeneral joy. ha deformed piece of humanity would be , and silence the acclamation of victory i They very forward to push himself before otlur peo-1 are the notes of John Hook, hoarsely brawling pie!"' ' j through the Americon camp, btef bee bief !" 'Should he not make the rr.os.t of the g fts j The whole audience were convulsed ; a par God has giv n him ? It is unjust -Sarah ' He j tieuUr incident will give a better idea of the ef won the prize faiily, and spoke nobly ! you feCt than any general description. The clerk of ought doi to be so unkind!' the court, unable to command himself and un- " I suppose you tkink no prize too great for willing to commit any breach of decorum in his him. " Peihaps heill offer his services in es- place, rushed out of the court house and threw cor.ing you to the pc-nic next Mo..d iy, in re- himself on the grass, in the mot violent parox- turn for your eloquent defence of his ngh s. ys-m laughter. ' The Lily of Lisbon Academy,' asPr f ss .r Here he was rolling, when Hook, with very R. . ailed her, would ke honored by such com pany." , "She would indeed be honored, Sarah, by 1 .,,..) h.d look ni woiiwn. 1 He erv 1 ictu e 1 me up s a rs :,i , a;U1 Ikt. ?. .Wvnu any maiji of esteem l'rn one whose opinion is wo.th something!" relie.1 th blue-eyed girl, proudly arching her grxvful n-ck. " Did you never learn thse lines i Watts I wuuld be irit-asfed by my oul ; The mind's the EStnre of the man V " 'You are a most unaccountable girl, Lilla different feeling, came out for relief into the yard also. " Ji-raray Steptoe," said, he to the clerk, "what in tlie world ails ye mon!" Mr Steptoe was only able to say, that "he could not help it." " Never mind ye," sa d Hook; u wait till Billy Cowan gets up; he'll show him the law!" ; . v ' Mr. Cowan, however, was so completely over whelmed bv the torrent which bore upon his client, that when be rese to make a reply to Mr. 1 n T" IOU we -y o 1 1 - ' .. 1 11. WiBsuutt But. good mningl-I murt uttl Harj, U was Bcarcely ablo to mka m i&X " Bidges ?" echoed Badge, con temptaonsly ; Bi-Iges ! It is nothing but Bidge, Bidge, Bidge, with you, from morning till night.- Why don't you think of the Badges!" : V Wi.ere are they f retorted Mri. Badge, sig- nificantly. looking aronnd. - ; . " I suppose 'I'm one," said Badge, with offen ded dignity. ' " We'll,' said Mrs. Badge. And you're another." " And what then P ' u Ain't we a family P said Badge,; half pathet ically. - " . ';'"'" 1 "" 4 j 1 ; Mrs. Badge burst into a sneering langh. M A pretty family, ha ! ha ! We were aMnucb, of a family before we were married. Wha:' the use of getting married, if we are s family f Look at the Bidges." ; "V " ' 44 0, dear ! There you go again P ezclaihiei Bidge, and for half an hour the chiidleM ooupTa engaged in a, regular squabble of eriminaUona -. Let u look 14 at tne 116x1 r 8e what the Bidges werej doing at that precise lime.' "Sam's tore hi trowsera,-Lizzy's fkick ii spoilt. Tom's got a splinter in'Iiis foot and; Sally's lost one of her bracelets 1 This i 'what ' eonM of having a squalling family of yonng ones to both er oat.' life ouW'OoT iH3 Pi" Wliera thcrVs r t 1: : '"' 3?.-; ;- s r t --- Pi: I'' H'T ;t'..-1 ?; f it k e? m ' I rd .;.!.. V : V i ti i f I 1 j - .-' t? !':