. - u f . - M&subM itfsm . ' WT ... . fP9k i i I; 1 i i i ' 1- ': I- . 1 ( V i- 1 s ,1 V 1 5 f i i 1 W " -i ADVERTISEMENTS. ""A NEW ar NORTH CAROLINA. The undersigned ace preparing, and will publish us ,wn a. the necessary Surveys, &c, can V; obtained, Sew Large and Owiplete. M ai of Nobts Carolina, five feet' by three. weil engrave k1 nnished i the best style It is adiu.Uei w all aide, that cT work, is a great desideratum in ir State, and it is w consequence of the frequent em-anies on this subject that the undersigned have embarked in the enterprise. , , The irfy attempted work ottfets kind is that of.McRea pdtfriw tti 1803; and since then the Counties, Towns, R.mds atid PosUoftices have increased in number, and all r works of Internal tmpt-ovemeuts, with small excep tants, been set on foot. It is intended that the" New Map, now proposed to be published, shall contain, accurately laid downi all the Na tural Featurw of tlie State the Inlets, l$arbors, Sounds, -Likes, Rivers, Creeks, Mountains, &e. f Also, the puMtc improvements and artificial divisions. The Uiilruads, Plauk roads, Counties, County towns, .Post-'dfices, Cities, Village,, Post-roads and Cauals, Col. leges. Academies. Ac., 4c. )' The Maf 'U retc'y bjf the summer of 1855. WILLIAM D. COOKE, ; . SAMUEL PEARCE. ; . TEEMS: In bet Style, Gilt Rollers and First Impressions, $ 10,00 In Plain Style! Black Rollers,. . .. . . ..j. . . .-. t,u information from any source, and which may be of ser vice in mukingjtbe above work, will be thankfully receiv ed AH communications should be addressed to - . - V WM. D.1 COOKE. ' R-ileijthi August, HH. 22 Papereeopying the above ndvertisemerit'for six months and callin attention to it editorially, viR be entitled to n ropy of the flap. In all cases. marked copy t the Paoer eiintaifiiiig ihe notice, must be sent to he "-Suuth- "... 1. . .vJ CT o ! I. fcT r r 1. fetSON S F I T 05R IA L, For X" the. Trar 18-V. Al. M. Halloo, who h is edited the " Pictorial " from ninineiiee:nent, having bought 'out the late proprietor, : Mr. F. Gi.f.asox, will c induct this popular and widely cir ' ciliated p iper on his own account. The new volume will ' ,bt ndically improved in every respect, and will be pub r;" 1 shed on tiner p-tper.1h in ever before, which quality will ' bj continued henceforth withmircliaiiffe. -Many new and ' popular features W.U at once be introduced, and the liter arv detmrtrnent viil present ah array of talent and in terest bevimd anvtb:n it has before attempted. The il lustrations will bo finer, ami bv better artists than have b fore beon enraged upon the paper, and altogether the pnb'iciiion will' be vastly improved and beaujifk-d. Arrangements have been made for represei)ling during the ye ir views of ihe most notable buildings and localities thr ".ilgh.Mit the Uniied Stales as well as giving likenesses of the most pr.miiiient characters, male and female, of artist and nie:i of genius, such as have by their own in dtlstrv and sk 11 made f. r themselves a fortune and nota .' ble European scenes and occurrences will be given from Week to wejk, f nu ng a br Uiant illustrated journal. . TKKMS : INVARIABLY IX AUVAXCE. 1 -subscriber, one -vear, . - -. - ' - $5 i'O 4 subscr ber. " 10 0 . in ' " - - - - - -20 00 . Anv person .sending- 'icfeen subscribers at the la.t rate, will receive ihe 'eeeutetnth copy gratis. Address M. M, UALLOU, Publisher and Proprietor, : Cor. of Trem.mt and Bnimtielil sts., ; Boston, Mass. . Nov. -ir, -51. 52 - iiiisr pr :.nt).j !-sMi r screen. ! r i ; .vi.vo.li.-:, Yoi!ti-s patknt. im-; pirta it t Millers -nid Mill Owners. Tins machine re-i cu ved thr first pre inirn 'it lh North Carolina -late Fair, ! ao'l w i.j iei-.-..in n-ii led to the public as the best how mi ; use in ih" St.ie Sfven hi i Ired t th.-m ate n w runuins' I I i N 'ih Carolina, all of which are now in njieration ai d : h'tV,. ;ivfii ih:( lii si entirf sati.-f.iction, in regard both to j iv''o i.nie.eiaiid durability, -ome h'ivini rim six years j :rid perl rm as -veil now as they did at first, and have no j b.4-1 out of order one d iy. We h'lve thrown out ten ! d!;l-re n Sinn VLich tifs to make room for, this. They I A-e --iirr mifd for five years, and delivered at-tho Mill any : vviieiv i'i the State. ! Mamifa.-tured a id sold by j - A McMANNAN, S uth Lowell, Oranae Coqnty, N . C. iSf v! it ihi- 'dvertis meiil mil and keep it J.i u- I ). H5, In27-tf. - 11 I vvs AM) Oil. . A Jferv large supply of .t -all kinds 't I'vivts, Uius, am lid arxishes to hand :a,f.i lov s.li- low!- tn in can he bought elsewhere, on the -Min.-t ai cim.ti wlr iv.g erms bv P. F-; PKSCUD. , - I null. Ar Tel:-. HATS! THE II ATS ! I .j A -.uliwr supply v-by Express) of 'those beautiful flat hi ol, M leskiu llais, ' ' Also. Ihe Slunghaiilat. Aw Style ttnt;notl Sfef. II. & R. S TUCKER Dec ls-,4. i ' 1-tf. t V. vV furnitCre store, the. SUBSCRI- i her his opened a FuniiluVe Store oil Fayeitjvil'.e S.ro;!, "pp.site Ltwienee's H.itel, Where! he wi:l keep eo.is'aiitsy h inj a good stock of Furi'ijture, such us B. ireois,' tV.irilr.ibjft, Cli rrs. Bedsteads, Rocking Chairs, 'Revolving Ch iirs, and every v ir'et- of articles usually kepi io sti.'li st.ibl.sh'iients, made of Mahogany, Walnut, UojM.ii, ..l.iplv Ac. '." All articH-s in his line manufactured!' to order with despatch'." Uerjyii-'ui'j faithfully executed. I I VOFFiX MAKIUG. I lie h:is piw:led hiiiise'f with n new ind handsome Ik'-trse, and : grepjinnl to manufacture Collins of everv d.'seiiptlon, if Mahogany, Walnut or .liiore commoii Wood. ' ' f -f : lLs terms shaHTfe reasonable and his utmost endeavors given to please. The patronage of tha public respectful ly solicited. i ' HENRY J. BROWN. . Raleigh,' Oct., M, 13.4. -, ;. n-iO Sm. CAJLRIASE MAKING. I1A f.KK III COACH FACTpliY. J I A3IS At GORM VN, H WING EN- . I --irrf-'d thinr esnhlishineiit bv ihe addition of -li-n- j kins' Sli v - 'larsctt .-tr.;er. are fully pre, rired t,f execute '.or.lers for I'.tRRlAOKs d everv description. Employing experienced workmen nd using the best of materials, their w ,rk wiil always be. fiiiished in a style warranted to aive satisfaction Repiiring do.ie with neatness and despatch. Fietoiyon HargeifrMriwt, near t!ie Baptist Grove, and at Clark's Id stand, near the Mawnic Hall Raleigh, Juno 15, 135 1. r n2S 12m. pi-nspizrTUS rn;t mil TilESATUitD VY EVENINtf POST, established Aji gait , l.i-i t Weekly edition between ini';'""1 and ;o,ooo. The lo ig period of over "3 years, dnring vyhich the Satur d.iv Evening Post has been established, alid its present immense cn-cu'iitio'i, are guarantees to allj who may sub scribe to i that they will receive a full return for their mo -ey. u iirr mgV-mei'ts so fir for the pomingyt arare such its we trust will he thought worthy of the high rep- ; illation of the Post. Positive arrangements' already have been made for conlr billions from the g fled pens of Mrs. Southw.irth, Grace Greenwood, Mrs. Denison, Mary Ir ving, Elixa L. Sprmt, Mrs. Crlen, Fanny Fern, and a new contributor, whose name, by reqnest; is withheld. In the first paper of January next' we design commenc ing the following Novelet: SIX WEEKS OF COURT SHIP: bv Mrs. Emd eF. Carlen, author of "One Year of ',Vell.iek, Ac. W'e purpose following this with nn origi 1 . nal Novelet, des-gned to illustrate, incidentally, the great Evils of Intemperance, entitled The Fallsiof the Wyahis ingj bv a new and dist nguishiHl c mtribirtor We have nlsi iii-ide :u-rangemeuts f.ir Two Stiiries.1 to be entitU-d The" One d l Sisters, and the NabobsVVill; by GraceGreen wooil.anthor of 'GreenwiMid leaves 'Haps and lishaps. Also, the following add tion-.il contribnti.Mis : New Series of Sketches, by Fanny Fern, author of 'Fern Leaves.Ac Mark, the Sexton, a Novelet, by Mrs. Denison, author of the Sifii-mother,'"'iloine Pictnres,'Ac Nancy Selwvn, or the C.l.Hid with a S.Iver Lining; a Novelet, by Mary Ir- i vinp-. And last, but br no means least: from the ftscina-! 'ting and powerful pen of the Post's own exclusive contri butor, YIVl A. a story of Life 'a Mystery, by Mrs. Emma D E. N. Southw'orth - . ' . t In add lion to the above proud array of contributions, . we sh-il' e-rtteavur to k-ep our nsiial variety of original ske'cl eaand Letters, Picture of Life in our -own aud for- eign h B l, choice selecVons from all siiireesi Agricultu- . ral :it c es. tuner,! .lews, Humorous Anecdotes, lew of the Produeennd Stock Market, RankiN'ote List, Ed t orials, Ac , Ac, our object being to give u.-complete record as far us our inets will d nit. of the Great orld. KNG.K VINGS. In the way of Engravings we gener ally pre-e it at least two weekly; one of au iustructive.and the other of a humorous ch aracter. 1- The postage on the Post to any part of the U. States, i paid qunrterty or .jenny in auvance, at the ollice where it is i-eceived, is only -6 cents a year. TERMS Siiur'e copy 2: 4CDDies5: S do., anii ram to getter up of c' ub, It'; IS, do do so do f-joj 55 The in.mey must always be sent in advauce. Ad-' dress, always post-paid, i ' - DEACON A PETERSON, No. 66, South Third st; Philadelphia, j , ' '' "... ! : i Splendid lot ofSHAWjLS. Plain, Plaid, While i Silk.Cr.-u't D . Gloves, every quality and price, j Cah so.jn as we wish them to be ! Cah EVANS t rOOKE. Sept. 23, 1851 42 2.', Cheap Place. IN S.tore everything in tlie way of STAPLE GOODS, Caiie -es. -Brown and Riench Shirtings and Sheetings, l. nen Dnper, Cotton Fta-mel, Carpeting.. We call th attention of oor friends and the pnblic gen erally i o the stock, assuring them hit no pains will be H in d to tiive satiafact on. .EVANS & COOKE, Sept ' l3, H54 ,4i 2;. Cheait Place. , Opposite E. L Harding's Clothing Emporium. rviA V ATS. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, UMBREL- J t s an i UTV noes, lull assortments. W. H. 4 R. S. TUCKER. Oct. 16, n45 tf. Business Notices. Kew Full and Winter Goods foi '134-'o. T. X. FEUTEESS, Mebchaxt Tatloh, Ko 15, FayetUvilU Street, Kcfldgh, X. C. AFTER tendering his sincere thanks to his fcvends and pau-ons f.ir the libar-.tl supj-ort thev have here totore given him, would respeciftil I v inform them, and the citizens ot Kaleih, and viciuitv getierailv, that he bas on hand a very hu -e, lioautif ;! and varied asso-tuient ot Cloths, Cassiisii-rt? and Vesting. Shirts, Cravats, Col lars, Ac , a p.rtuu of which iie will eniinieiate for their benefit, as weii as for the btttctitof the members of the Legislature, and Strangers Yiaiting the citv. Ail ruav rest assured that if tbevTwill.ca.l oil him, at No. 15. Kav ettjtVille Street, thev will be able to purchase all or anv ot thMirticles in the list below, at such prices as waif en sure generally satisfaction : Ijt pieces sup. Fre'uch cloth. Sup. light nd diU k blue French cloth. Sup. brown Ftench cloth. 4lo green do do. do mulberry du do. do olive br'n do do. do do -green .do do. 9 pieces sup. bik, 'French Doeskin Cassimere. 67 do do fancy do do 6-' pieces blk. fi'd. arid fancy silk Vesting 1 pieces light tig'd embr'd". and Tinsellea do. do. ith a variety ot plain, black, and fancy Velvets and l iuo v esungs All of which will be manufactured bv him iu a stvle ! unsurpassed, rt K. laliING 600DS. 25 doz. sup. patent dress shirts 20 " " " linen collars. Silk under shirts and drawers. Merino do do do. Cotton fleeced. . do. ' " bleached and unbleached do. Fancy Merino Cutis. " " Neck Comforts. Silk F.lastic Suspenders. Ladies' and Gent's Jnhoulder Braces, Buckskin, S.Ik, anAlil Cloth money belts, 8 doz. blk. satin stocks. ; White satin and fancy silk do. . ' D. and fancy linen handkerchiefs. Do. figured and fancy silk pocket do. ' - Silk, Mermo, and Cotton, half hose. Black, white, and fancy KidJ!oves, Fancy Silk fleeced. Cassimere and Kid faced Gloves, 12 doz. sup. fancy Cravats, Iilack, silk. While and figured, satin do. READY MA.JE CLOTHING. Rlack dress coats, from 12 to dollars. Do. and fancy frock coats, and fancy cashmere business coats, A lirge assortment of black and fancy over coats, and fancy morning robes. Do. do. cadet and steel mixed jackets. B'ack and fancy cass. panls, Biack and fancy s lk vests, Fancy silk, cashmere, and white and fig'd. marseilles vests, liovs' Black, and fancy frock, sack, and overcoats, Black and fancy pants, Ac. The above articles were all selected by himself in New York, on reasonable terms, and wiil be d sposed of at a small per cent. As his stock is extensive and Co np'.ete, he has no hesitation in saying that he can and will give the purcna.-er as good or belter bargains than any house in this or any oilier city. Call at No. lo, Fayetteville Street, and you, shall have bargains for your money. Paris and American Fashions for the Fa'l and Winter of lavt-.Vi just received and open for inspection. WANTED i nmediafelv one or two APPREX 'REXTICES, of good moral character. T. R. FENTRESS. Dec. 2, 1V4. 1 it. MEDICATED INHALATION. -CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED, AS TREA V ED BY DR. E. N. TR IS I', with his celebrated I1YGEN AND OXYGENIC VAPOR. Dr. Trist, gradual" of the Royal College of Surgeons in London, ami the rvcipieM of diplomas fram the Long Instituiioii of Edinburgh and ihe Hoiel des Inva idt-s tf Paris, having settled pei irifnenlly in New York for the practice of ins profess. on. bei;s leitfe to suffgej-t t.i the cit izens of the l.'uiteil Stales that s.-veral years of study and successful experiments inEnsland and Scotland, a- well as other pails of Europe, with Consumption :n alius 1 forms, enable him to warrant, hot only, relief, but a com plete cure to all those suffering wiih this great national dis- I ease. - r Dp. Tri-t deems it unprofessional to advertise ; hut orh- ; ers having represented lh--m elves a.- ;he oiiainators ot the i Inhalation Treatment, he would say lo the afflicted ihat ! h" alone is e it t ed lo it- lir-t intro.luction, and would e: Ut hi all aainft using ihe useless ai d dangerous com pounds advertised by incompetent persons. "'Take it thy bkd and Walk." Dr Trist woulJ sny io ihose interested, that he ha- had manufactured, lor the use of his patrons, his " Patent In haling Tubes," .through "Inch the vnpor is conveyed lo the p ins -ittf'jctcd. and which earnestly commends lor the. ehoeriiia results wh. eh hive i.tlernled their use; and iho fact, th-it they may be used by the most feeble iuva.id with out any u'upli-aannt symptoms. ' To those residing out of ihe city . Dr. Trist will forward one of the luhaiins; Tubes, together wall a package ot the Vapor, sufficient to last three months, accompanied wish ample directions 'or use, on the receipt of a letter contain ing Jl;li Ten dollars, and describing svuiptoms A cure is warranted in.all stages if Consuinpti. n. Bron chitis, Asthma, and all other affections of ihe Throat. Lungs, and Air Passages. Incase of failure, the .money will he returned Add ess ( post paid; Di. E. N. Trist. 68 Grand Street, New York City. E DUE WORTH FEMALE SEMINARY. -THE Tm-sdav the '2d of January, 18i5, and elo.-'e '-u the last Thursday in .May. The increased prosperity of the School has required ihe erection of a large additional buililms. This is so tar comple'ed as to he ready tor the ree tion of unpds at the opening of the Session. The dormitories are designed to accommodate tour pupils ; thev are thoroughly ventilat ed, heated with hot-air flues and supplied wnh waier Irom a reservoir m the upper part of the -building. The sleep ins aparliucnt id' the old building have been so altered as to be warmed in 1'ko manner wnh hot air-flues. The whole arraiijeuieots have been made with reference to comfort and convenience. Th various departments of instruclion ar filled by able and thoroughly qua'itie.l teat hers. Terms the same as heretolori-. TEACHERS. " Richard Sti-runu, A. VI., Principal and Prixfossor ot Natural science, and .Mental and .Moral Philosophy. Wm. L. Scott, A. B., Piotessor ol Ancient Languages anil m ithrmatics. Miss L. F. Richahdsox, Assistant in the English Depart ment. J..J icq'-es Eyers. Protessrir of Modern Lauiruares and Oil Painting. .Miss C ii. Carlton, Instructor in Water Colors, Pencil, Crayon and Polychromatic Drawing. Henricd Schv'okr, Professor of .M usic. Mi--s' VI. Dkwey, i ,.... . Mis- O. C. Harris. Ass,8,a"to Mus,c- The Doui '-t c Departnient is under the care of Mr. Thomas McNcely ann Lady, whoe attention is exclu sively devoted to ihe coinf. rt of the household. For further information apply to RICHARD STERLING. Greensboro, N. C Dec. 195-1. 4 tt. NORTH CAROLINA INSTITUTION FOR THE Ue'tj and Dumb and the blind. The Sessions ol this Institution will Hereafter commence on the First day of September of each year, and Continue ten months. This ehansre has been made m order to bring the vaca tions into the mouths ol. July and August, which, on account of the heat of thai season, are less adapted to btudy than the oilier mouths. It also brings the Com mencemeiit oi the School to the season when the Sheriffs ot the ditlerent counties are comma in to make their returns, thus affording a good opportunity for parents tc send the.r children. The following are the Officers in the Intellectual Department ol this Institution: WM D. COOKE. M. A., Principal. J. A Waode l, M. D ,") Rev. II. Hardie, (Professors and Geo. E. Ketciiam," f Teachers. Chari.es M. Grow. J !ty Applications tor admission should be made to tie Principal. . Raleiah, August 14,1854. if FRANK LINTON MALE AND FEMALE INS I TUT E. FriinLIln Qiinti, X. C. Mr. ice Mrs. D. S. Richardson, Principals. Aided I'i) eiiId (JuitiiirU id AsxixtanU. THE ensuing Term for 1855 will commence on Mon day, ihe I st day . f January. A punctual attendan-e is solicited The two Departme ts are distinct. Board bom 7 to .9 per mor.ih For a Circular of further particulars addressed the PRINCIPALS. Nov. 2, l-tol. h-i 8w. RE! MOUNTAIN FEM4LE ACADEMY. The Exercises of this Institution will close on the 5th and (ith of December next, at wh;ch time there will be an examination, and the Public are respectful) v invited to attend, an Address will be delivered on the second dav by A. W. Mangum, Esq. The next session will commence on the 4th f January next, and continue five months, under the supervision of Mr. John P. Bailey and Lady, assisted by Mrs. Lucy F. Young. Th.s Institution is situated 12 miles East of Hillsboro, in the Comity of Orange, on the main road leading from Roxboro' to Raleigh. Parents and Guardians who wish to place tlieir Daughters and lA-'ards in a healthv section of country in the midst of an intelligent and Religious Community, aud under experienced and efficient Teach ers, will tind in this School all they desire. Terms Board (m (lights excepted.) English from S, .5t t! ; I.ium.1M a'i'iMI i,irli,rl!n lunl . - , J. " V .......... 1UK . lICll," ,rfc?.W; Pai,,tll,g and t'mbroidrySJ.oo; XeedU- I work $3.00 I A.PARKER, V RICH'D HOl.LEMAN nKWcK' -'-Committee J. A. McMAXXER, Nor. 25, 1854 S GO TO H VVES and o-et r. u- u STERESCOPIC PICTURES! TheV ?t'au,'f of the dav. ' aremeo,aer Crayo DAOrJBREOTTTES taken in the nMw i. HAVEN'S. Go and see them. te8t U T Baletgh, 5ot. 25, 184. ra Business Notices. , . i . QUMMER ARRANGEMENT. between Norfolk and i O XewVork : Passage and fare only , state room in ! eluded ; the swift and elegant steamships Roanoake and ! Jamestown. Ueing fitted in everv respect occirirdina ro the Act ot Congress, will leave Norfolk lor New York, i every Wfcxeshay ami Saturday mornings, at tem ' ..'clock, with the United Slates Mnil. arriving i New ' York early next day : returning they willleave New York everv Tcesdav and Satuk'iay alie.noon, and arrive Pl Nclbik the follnwin" day. For passage apply on board, or to ' J. M. SMITH &. BRO. June 1853. , n-2'J if- YH71LLIAM A. CWYER, Factor, Commission and V Forwarding Merchant, Wilmington, N. C. gives particular attention to the sale or, shipment of Naval Stores, Cotton, Ac"; has all necessary wharves, sheds and ware houses for the accommodation of Produce, and will make cash advances on consignments to lorn or his friends in New York. ' September, l-s3. - TOIIN . LOUDON. & SOV, Grocers and f Dealers in Metals,- Leather, etc., No. y-i Mam-St., K ehmotsd, Va , offjrs f.-rsale Swedes American ar,d Eng lish roii, all kinds and sizes; Bnglish and American Bi.istfrep. Cast. Shear, t'.ERM.AN. round, octagon aiid SrRtNo Stkf.l: McCormick & Pai.mf.r's Mould Hoards; (iround Wag..n and Cart B.xes; IIorse-Shoe Naii Kods : Tin Plath. Sheet Zinc, spelti.r. mm opener Solder: Block Tin, in Pig? and Bars; Bu.vitRs Sheetinu i and Bar Copper ; Siiekt aed Bar Leak and Wire; ' Sacepn Handles Hi cket t-ARsanil iuckf.t iiamjuj . j Sorp. Dinner, Breakfast and BVkf.es' Tin Plates ; i Tinned and Black Rivets; Boot and Shoe Linings, ! RiNniNd. if. . &.c : Carpet Warp, wlvte r' eoli -J uoloied : j Sole Leather. French and ! GttoCEKIE SDK ALL KINDS. American Calf Skms; rpO-JOLMiSRYMKN TAILORS 1 wish t... employ 1 two or more first-rate Workmen, in my line ot busi nes?, to whom I will pay the highest j'jjjy pqg Raleigh, Now. 18--3. ' 8-tf. IMTIMJ INK JIAM1F ACTIIRV, NO -2(.f FRON T ST., between Moniaomery and Gouvern-enr-streets. Hast River. Ollice No 1 Plait-street , on ihe second floor. The subscriber continue to liinnufactnre, mid liaseonstauily on hand, Printina Ink of all the varie ties ol qualities a nd color. Printers mid Merchants will find their orders executed- it mod -rale price? and may be assured of receiving as eood an article ns there is in the market. . GKORGE MAT1IFR N. V ., Jan. fi. 1854 tf p . r . P E S C U D , RALEIGH N. C, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS. I -vYE-WOOD." AND DYE-STUFFS, OILS, PAINTS, arnishes. Window Glass und I'uttv. Glassware: French, English and American 'Perfumery ; Fine Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Fine Tooth and Hair finishes, 1'aii.t Rruslies ; Surgical and Medical Instruments, Trusses and Supporters of all kinds; Sp'ees, Suutls, Manufactured Tobacco; all the Patent or Pm prietarv Med c ues of the Day; Imported and Domest-c Cifrais; Pure Wines and lirandies for Medicinal purpo ses ; Extracts for Flavoring, Imported and American. Warranted Freh and Genuine tiarden Seeds, always on hand in the' proper season. Choice Toilet and Fancy iii-liclcs. A-.c. 'A-e j My Purchases are generally made for"nh, and j roods oilered as low as they can be obtained from any I similar establishment in this section. Warranted to be j Frfsh, Purr and Genuine. i Order s Irom fh ('nun try promptly filled, and satis- faction guaranteed, with regird to price and quality. i Physician' Piccrip ions will receive particular j attention at all hours of the day and night. j Physician furnished with complete stocks of M"- j tlicines, Shop Furnitnre and Instruments, at Alorlhcru nriei's. ll-" tf. i - i N EW JEWELRY cc NEW STORE. PALMER Fayetteville Street, in elegant style, are now in receipt of a Large and Sp'en'did Stock . of new and Fashionable (Sold and S.Iver Watches ; Clocks, Jewelry, Silver ware ; Cutlery, Walking Canes, Spectacles of every rurietv, and a general assortment of all articles in their line of bu siness. Citizens and Visitors are respectfully invited toca'I and examine our elegant stuck, and we feel satisfied they can be suited in making whatever purchases thev may de sire. PALMER & RAMSAY Raleigh, Oct. 16, 1 !.!. u4f -5w.. IOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS. The Subscriber ) having ju-t remrned from Ihe North has the pleasure of informing his friends and the community in general, i hat he has laid in a good supply of Roots, Shoes ash Gaitkks ot'h's own personal selection, which will be sold cheap for c ish. He woii'd also inform the public that he will continue, as heretofore, to manufacture limits. Shoes and Gaiters in the line.-t stvle, which c.innot be surpassed either in this or anv other place. HENRY A. DEPKIN. TO THE TRADE He lias on hand a good stock of all kinds of Leather Lining and Binding Skins ; Flench and American Calf Sk tis, together with a good lot of Oak and Hemlock Sole. ng Leather, which will be sold cheap for I he cash. HENRY A. I EPKIN, West side of the Capitol. Raleigh, October 7, 1S.",4. 14. "m. A M ERIC AN ARTISTS' UNION! THE AME- riean Anis's' Union, would rcspecilullv announce to thr- citiens ol the United States and ilie Camillas, that for j the purpose of cu'tiv.itinsx a taste tor the tine arts throiigh ' out the country, and wiih a view of enabling eveiy family i to become pofseg-vd ol ii gallery of Engravings, by the ' first Artists . I the Ae. They ha-e di leiiuiin-d, in order ; lo create an extensive sale for their Ensrnvinsrs, and thus not on y give employment lo a lar;;e number of artist- and i oihers.bu inspire among our countrymen a taste for works . ot art, to prrscnt to the purchasers of their engravings, I when -J"0,0'0 ,,l winch-a re sold. 2 0,0 io Gifts, at the o j timl cost of S-150,(100. Each purchaser ot a One Dollar Engraving, th lefore, receives not only an Engraving rich j ly worth llii' money, but also a ticket which entitles him i to one of the. Gil's when they up distributed, j For Five dollars, a liighiy finished engraving, heautiful- ly Painted in Oil, and Five G ft Tickets, will f,e sent ; r i Five dollars worth of splendid Engravings can be s'lecld ; from the Catalogue, and ellt by reluni mail or express. ! -1 copy of Ui' Catalogue, together with a specimen of i one of the Eng aving-, can be seen at the ollice ol this lal!.'r- . r or each Dollar scut, an r.n;r iving actually worth that sum, and a Gift Ticket, will immediately be lorwaided. AGEXTS: The Committee believing that the success of this Great National Undertaking will he materially p omotcd by the ene-gy and enterprise of intelligent and persevering Ag ents have resolved to treat with such on the most liberal terms. Any person wishing to be. omc an Agent, by sending post-paid.-! 4-1 will receive by return of Mail, a One Dol lar Engrav i.ig. a 'Gift Tucket," a Prospectus, a Catalogue and a'Tothei u'ee6ssary inlortnation. On the ti ia cimpieiioti of the sale, the Gifts will be placed in the hands ot a Committee ot the Purchasers to be Distributed, due notice of wh eh will be given through out the United States and the Camillas LlT vF GJFKi. 100 Marble bus sol U a-diington, at - $100 10,000 1 10,000 10.000 i 1,0 ' -V Clay, - - - - - 1 " Webster, - - - - 1,(0 " " Calhoun, - - - -5" elegant Oil fain inys in splendid gilt frames, size :i x 4 ft. each, j 1(X) r-legai.t Oil Paint'osr--. - x 3 ft each. 100 lt)0 ltX) LO 50 10 5 00i 5,0. iO 5,0iO 40,000 500 steel plnte Engravings, brilliantly Colored in 0,1, rich gilt frames, 24x3o in. each ) lD.iHiO elegant steel plate Engravings, colored in oil, ot the V ahington Mo- niimcnt. 'M x "26 in. ea. 2. ?,UOli ice; (ilato engravings, from 100) difieient plates now in possession ot and owned by the Artist's Union, of the maiked value of from 50 els to SI each. v 4i;coo li,000 22,0)0 1 first class Dwelling, in 31st st., N. Y ' citv, f 2 Building Lots 100 and 101 t-ts. N. Y. citv. each '25 x 100 It. deep, at f 100 Villa Sites, containing each 10.000) ljSX) sq. ft. in the siburbs of N.Y. City, and I i commanding a magnificent view of j- the Hudson River and Long Island j Sound, at j Perpetual Loans of cn.di, without in- l I terest ors'-cuntv, -.'5 a. j j 50 Do do do of ,0u each, i 100 Do do do of 50 ' i 2 0 Do do do of it) " i 2,'H-,0 D-. do do of 5 " 500 50,000 5'00 i 5.000 5 ():) 5.1)0 10.000 ; Reference in riir-ird to the Real Estate. F. J. Visschfb j & Coi, Real EstiffeBr.kers, New York. Orders, (post ! paid,i with numevnclosed. to be addressed, j J W. HOLBkOOKE. Sec'y, oor, Broadway, K. Y. j 55" The eugr.iviigs in the Catalogue are now ready ! f". i r I ! i .ii-,- - a . . ' T) LOOM FIELD FEMALE SEMINARY. This In Ist,tution, which hastieen 20 vears in successful opera ton, is situated nithe village of Bloomtield, Essex county. New Jersey, aimut 4 miles from Newark, and 12 miles from the city of New.. York, i The different departments of instruction are under the ) care of nine teachers, who arc thoroughly prepared for their work, not only by an intimate practical acquain tance with the branches taught, but by an "aptness to ; teach," which is even more important to insure, success. Every facility for ime!leetua!.;improvemeut, such a ; Maps, Globes, Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus, j Library, Mineralogieal and Corchological Calunets, I hate been provided, so thai this Institution, io every j respect, will compare favorably with the best institu- tions in the country. ! Circulars comainins terms, and other particulars i may be obtained of Wm D. Cooke. Esq- Prineinal . , tne North Car dina Instiruti.in for the Deal and Dumb "l the R ind, either by personal application or by letter, of the North Carolina Institution for the Deaf and Dumb pott-pain. il. B, COOKE, I p . . U L COOKE, ' Bloomfield, Essex Co. N. J. ' imnnwrgt at H. & R. S. NEW STORE, NO. w THEIR T NVTTE attention to their large and magnificent stock of . AT c " "tV?t C " ' " j X rf-c, selected expressly for iheir own trade, viz : . ( Paris qualitv RAYE aud PLAIN POULT DE S0IE, rich Plaid and Brocade. ROBES Dr'E'NFANS, in new and elegant designs. j Extra Rich PLAID POPLINS and A ALENCIAS. Paris Priled M. DE LA1NES and CASHMERES, new and confined styles- 1 Paris Embroidered COLLARS. CAPES, SLEEVES, DRESSES, IIDKFS, Ac. Paris made CLOAKS and MANTILLAS, in Velvet Satin, Moire, Antique, &c. ALEXANDRE'S superior KID GLOVES. . fcrTV The Above in addition to their usual assortment of STAPLEGOODS.as well as an immense vanety of SILKS, MERINOS, BOMBAZINES, &.c, must form the most extensive and attractive stock m the city, they oner at eXRememli-r that we keep constantl v on hand, a full stock of Gents' wear' of all kinds, namely cloths, Cassimers, Vestino-s c ' 4c Hats and Caps. our hat department is especial! v worthv of a purchasers atteniion before jmrclias-ino-' ehTewkerc as we have them from a A'"r A'o'i rrr, to a ir.de A.vike, and an Eye-i pener,) also a choice lot of groceries, salt, &c., a full assortment ol crockery, Raleigh,j Sept. 10, ISM. S. PjERKY, DENTAL S.URGEON, PARTNER of mid successor to, the hue Dr William R. Seolt, having taken charge ol the othce occupied by his late partner, wi 1 continue the business, and hopes by closely attending to the duties ot his profession, t ineiii the confidence of all whojmay favor him with their pat ronage. CERTIFICATES. Raleigh, Nov. 2, 1S54 Dr. L. s. Perry, Sirm In,tt, Sir : It affords me pie; sine to stale that lluneollen hea d ur late friend, Dr. .U m. R Sci-tt. wi h whomyou were associated in business, speak of your full and correct knowledge of the theory ot Dental Surgery, ai.d expiess his great satisfaction with the opeiations and work which, during the present year, you performed under his eye. I know he was perfectly willing to leave the office under your charge, and looked forward io the day when he should retire from the practical of his pro'cssion and leave you his successor. 1 hope you will continue the business, as 1 'eel confident that you will give entire satisfaction to all who may re quire your services. cry respectful 1 v. WM. J CLARKE. Raleigh, N. C, November 1. Dr. L. S. Perry -. Dear Sir : In accordance with the desire of the friends ot our late friend, Doctor W m. R Scott, with whom yo i have been associate d in the practice ol Dental Surgery, for some time past, 1 have determined to de iver to you his oilier, instruments, and fixtures, until his executory are appointed, and in taking your receipt for the .-ame. 1 feel assured that you will give entire satis faction to his late friends and the public generally : be cause 1 am aware of the fact that he was very proud of you as his late pupil ; that he hnd perfect confidence' iu yon as a skillful and successful Dentist, ami thai he intended soon to resign his practice iu your bauds, owing to his failing eye-sight. , Wishing you prosperity, and hopins that you will reflect credit upon your late preceptor and partner iu ail your operations, I remain your sincere tiend, pjgTj) NOTICE. All persons indebted for operations performed at the office ut the late Dr. W. R. Scott during the prfsent year, are respectfully reqiusted to call and settle wiih the under signed immediately, who will tender them their accounts duly receipted. L S. PERRY. Surviving nan tier. N iv. 4, 1354. 4y if. F MAHLER & CO., dealers in Groceries, Conl c- tionary, Fancy Goods, Giocerj , &.c., Raleigh, N . C. ber 18iG, a4 tf. CIlrPRE & CO., General Agents, Commission and s Forwarding Merchants, Princess Street, Wilming ton. N. C. C- Pt'PRE, DAN'L li. RAKER. August, 1S54. oi! tf. T l J seilors at law, Raleigh, N. C , ivill attend promptly to ativ liusmess entrusted to tlieir cmi-, in the central counties of the State, and in ihe Slate and Federal Courts. QrtEXTix BrsBKK, Commissioner of Deed, &c, for New York. Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Texas, Arkan sas, Tennessee. Aug. ls.H. " n37 tf. . PETER W. HINT0N, COMMISSION MERCHANT, NOS. 25 AND 'Jfi iiothert's WHAUF, NORFOLK, VA. SPECIAL attention paid to selling Tobacco, Fi.oi-r. Grains, Cotton, Naval Storks, &c, &e. Also to Receiving and Forwarding Goods. REFER TO Charles"L. Hinton, Esq., M'ake Conntv, N, C. J. G. B. Roulhuc, Esq., Rale'gh,.N C." George W. Haywood, Esq., Raleigh, X. C. William Phmuner, Esq., Warrenton, N. C. .-.' Sept Hi, 1S,"4. 42 lv. t ORTIl CAROLINA BOOK STORE. Hknrv I) J TcKNEit has for sale, the Supreme . ourt Reports, imiforin sets or single volumes. Price reduced. Iredell's digest, three volumes, Swain's Justice, North Carolina Form Book, Also, at greatly reduced prices, in quantities, or by re tail a complete assortment of School Books; Blank Books; stationary and Fancy Articles; Juvenile and Toy Books; all the New Publications as soon as issued ; the Standard Publications in every department of Liter ature, Arts and Science and in every language, Ancieut or Modern. Music Books and Musical Instruments. Writing Desks of Leather, Rosewood and Mahogony. Work Boxes, do do and Paper Mach'e, Walking Canes and Whips, great variety. Choice Gold Pens in Silver and Gold Cases, Velocipedes, Gigs, Hobby Horses, Barouches, Wheel Barrows, ic. Mathematical Instruments and Thermometers in great rorietv. ' ' - . V. BOOK BtXDIXG, in every variety, promptly executed in the neatest manner. , " i ""Select GAKpex Seeds Every variety warranted fresh and good selected from the most approved Seeds men and Gardeners in the Northern Country. Raleigh, March 4, 1S54. 13 tf. GAZETTEER OF NORTH CAROLINA I 'IHE undersigned is engaged in conjunction with olh- 1 JL ers in the preparation of a Gazetteer of the State oil Noith Carolina, and desiring to render the work us com- j plete and satisfactory as possible, respectfully solicits the j countenance and aid of the citizens of ti e State in further ing the undeitaking. The miscellaneous character ot ti e materials out ol w hich a Gazetteer of the State must ne cessarily be constructed, suggests the importance of secur rina the cooperation of persons in every County w o may be able to furnish such minute and local information as' could be obtained from no common source. Relying up on the intelligence and public spirit of our citizer.s. the un dersigned takes the liberty to request thai persons in any part of the State will at their earliest possible convenience, funi'8h him in detail as much information as they possess or can obtain on the following points. viz : 1. The names: of the Post Offices in your County, and ine distance ana otreciion tr m theUounty Town unty town ks. giin- the gen- where thev emnry. . " li . I ne names oi me Rivers end (Jreek ? ral direction in which they run. and 3. Tim name and location of Mills Knetories . Kimn. deries, &.e., &.c. 4. The Schools and Coljeges.-with the number of Teachers and Pupils. 5. The Churches.designatingthedenomination of each ,6. '"he character and productiveness of the Mines, and Fisheries and the principal article of export. 7. The number of Lawyers, Physicians, Merchants an 1 other professional men. ' S The general character of the timber and the soil r. different parts of the County. To those who havj so promptly responded to the almve teouest.the subecriberreturns his sincere thanks, and hopes thsy m-iriy others will communicate as much vnh-able in formation aa they can collect, on all or any of the forego ing subjects of enquiry. . . W. D. COOKE. , Raleigh, Angnst, 14. Papers in the State giving the above a fewlnwr l'ms and calling attention to it educrialy, ill te entitled to a mtff wftha work- TUCKER, 8. FAYETTEVILLE STREFT Sills, Satiii, Drew Goah, ErnbroUerUs, Cloaks, Mantillas, anu glassware, lume aim V. H. & R. S. TUCKER, 41 X"I-AV ROUTE FOR SOUTHERN TRAVELLERS. i Direct from New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore , to Norfolk, Weldon, Raleigh, Wilmington, Charleston and ( Augusta, Mobile and New Orleans. , SPRING AND SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, Daily, except Sundays') via Uav Line and Seaboard A Roanoke j Railroad, to the above mentioned place, the Schedule be- ing so arranged that the Traveller is subject to no nighl ; travel on the Railroad from .New York to Wilmington, N. c. ! Through tickets from N, York to Wilmington, N. C. 15,'X) , do do Weldon. N. C, lli,"" do do -Norfolk & Portsmouth, s,5 ' do Philad. to Wilmington, N. C. It,o0 i do do Weldon, N. C, M.oo do do Norfolk & Portsmouth, 6,oii j do Baltimore to Wilmington, N. C, 1,'.0 j do lo Weldon, N. C, 80 j i . , 1. I .,....... r. . J, ' (IO (lo .XOl IOllv IV I OI IMIIOUIU, .,,,0 For further information and Through Tickets, apply ih New York at the New Jersey Railroad Office, foot ot Court land -St. Iu Philadelphia at the Philadelphia and lialti inoie Ra'lroad Othce, iu Libnn v St. In Baltimore at the Oilice Baltimore Steam Packet Company foot of Union Dock-, or on board the Bay Steamers. ; Ommbiisscs and Baggage Wagons are provided on the Line, bv which passsengers and their baggage are convey ed through Philadelphia and Baltimore free of ail expense mil Baggage Conductors, whose duty it is to give infor mation and check Ihe baggage to tlie several points on lli s route, accompany the passengers. -Passviieers from New York and Philadelphia will have their Baggage checked to Baltim, re and thence on board tire Uav boats to Norfilk, Portsmouth, Weldon, ic. The 'new and splendid Steamer NORTH CAROLINA has jusl been added to ihe line. The stet.oers Geokoia aud ili:i:.Li have just been thoroughly overhauled, new boilers, slate rooms, and every other convenience to make the passage comfortable and pleasant. One of ihe above steamers will leave the Baltimore Steam Packet Company's wharf. Union Dock, foot of Con cord street, for the South, daily, i except Sundays , at o'clock, 1'. M., or immediately after 1 lie arrival of the ex press train which leaves New York at y A M., and Phila delphia at L P. M. ihe following is the schedule: I Leave New York ' Leave Philadelphia Leave Baltimore Leave Portmouth Leave Weldou Leave Wilmington ..9 o'clock, A. M., . .J " P.M. ..6 " P.M. ..8X " A.M. . .1 " P.M. .10 " P.M. For Augusta, Charleston and the South, via Manchester ' Railroad, now finished. I Z' Passengers for Richmond and Petersburg, or any i other points on James River, counect with the James River boats early next morning after leaving Baltimore. All passengers for Edenton, Plymouth, Newbern, Wash i ington, Weldon, Goldsboro', Warsaw, Raleigh, and Wil mington. N. C, or other point on the Seaboard and Wil- lningloii Roads, will find it the most pleasant and agreea ble route. M. N. FALLS, Agent. Raleigh, April 1-54. 1-1 tf. CIGVRS AND CHEW ING TOBACCO The lovers of the wkkd will be glad to hear that the subscriber has received an invoice of Superior Cigars line cut and Lump Chewing Tobacco, various brands, and some Smoking Tobacco, as flagrant as thev can find unvwhere. "P. F. PESCUD. Sept. -J4, is.-,.3. 43 CI ALL AT PESfl'D'S Drug Store for your sup- tdies of American and Foreign Perfi me'rt, Tooth and Hair i!iu sHKs, Coarse and Fine Combs, Soaps and SllAVINO CltliAMS, PoMADIlS illld II.AIR Ol I.S. Pcscud keeps a large stock and sells at a small ad vance to consumers und the trade. Sept. -J4, is:,y. 4C. Guns, Ammunition, Jitlug r tci.lt, &c TOIIN' KRIUKH, Manufacturer, mjiiUr and U',...f.v ., .V-,,,7 Ik'der in Shot, O'tu, Mile, '.', Fi'hin.i 'i'ltl. li, and .'H l indx tf SjHirtiwr A'juii iitus, together with a general assortment of inaler 'mU f -'"''"', A: E. ( or. of Walnut and Sicn.d Stettf, hilildrij.!,;,,. ' All of which, and such other articles as belong to h's I ne of Uusiness, will be sold as low as can be afforded bv any establishment in the United States. In testimony of his skill as a manufacturer, the Frank-. Iiu Institute of Philadelphia, has awarded to him since, I two' certificates, six silver medals, and one recall premium ; and in is.4. tlie Crystal Palace of New York, awarded to lim a medal, the inlv one awarded for Shot, Guns and tidies in the United States. " Krider's Sporting Anecdotes," illustrative of certain varieties of American Game, with Remarks on the Char acter of the I)g, Ki,.jd Dogs, Snipe, Woodcock, Rail, Patn idge, Duck and Pigeon iiialch shooting, off the Rice Hunting or Reed Uird, Grass Glover, Bull-headed or Golden Plover, Canvass Back and Red Headed Duck, A meric.m Widgeon, Scaup Duck and Canada Goose. Price 1.0o. Address JOHN KRIDER. Second and Walnut, Philadelphia. 4. 33 IV. August 'i6, 1? I -K.Erc AND COXFLf'TIOXARYPuttick and , Mitchell would respectfully iuf.rni the public that , their establishment is now in trie " lull tide ot successful operation," and thev are prepared to execute all orders in their line, in Cnke and Bread-Making, Candy making, l&c. c. Nuts, Fruits, Groceries, &e., alwavs kept on hand r j CIGARS Our stock of C i sa rs is very large, some ol 1 'ne"1;." the choicest brands, such if Ele Gratitude.Cobdcn, , Regalias, hilvas, Excelsior, El Ciervo. Steamboat Prin ! C1IJ?1 "n1 a vnety too numerous t me. tion. I SCT Parties in the city or country furnished with every , descripti m of Confectionaries, on the shortest notice and I most reasonable terms. ; BRIDE'S CAKE carefully packed and sent to any . part of the State. Sugar and Molasses cakes, also Candy. suitable lor country store, packed in barrels or smaller I Parages, cheaper than they enn he bought at anv other : house m North Carolina or Virginia. Low profits and Raleigh, Xsy 28, 1353. n26 if. I A. A ORE CLOTIIING.-T. R. Fentress has just re- j iiis c"-5uul ioi oi superior cut velvets for vest- i Also, a splendid assortment of Gentleman's Morning . robes, made to any order. 8 a full S,o 1Mf V?6' U1".' you wi" find at tablishment, .l 1;,k i"ods ,n,my ll"e- n,M to b-' surpassed by d 'h i r'7'Vrchea,Vess 01 V- liemember lltu'r '. p" Fa'et,te,ll,J S'r.et,opposiie Pescud't, Drugstore and PomeroyV Book Establishment ,.,.. V FENTRESS, Merchant i ailor. Raleigh, November 3, 1853. g... DESIGNING AND ENGRAVING ON WOOD. Pub lishers. Stationers. Murnhoni. r.l n,.ir III,, .,.;i,r j omen,, who re- i f' r!jJ , ? onsf,,r Advertising or On.amental pdrposes, ! "'Hy mved to notice the subscribers !'Em- GBAVI.Vli ESTABMSHMFVT " n.lm.. f li A I 1,1 work, in every style always on hand. All orders will receive immediate attention, and to saveilelay, please state whether to be finely executed or lor whai purpose and at about what price cut. Designs artistically arranged, in a manner.stvle ami j price to suit all purposes. Those in want of illustrations, win nuu ii to tneirarfvantncr to order of WHITNEY JOCELYN & ANNIN, Artists and Engravers on Wood. No. 60 Fulton-iUreet, A'ew Fork. March, 6, 1S53. WINDOW GLASS. A large supply 0f all sizes and qualities, kept on hand or ordered, to suit any size sash at very low rales. Also, a good supply of PUTTY. Dealers will please give me a chance to fill their orders before buying else where, if they want good bargains. . . ' P- F. PESCUD. Books O LD NORTH STATE IN 1776. Revolutionary Incidents: and Sketches of diameter' fiiiefiv in the " Old North State." By the Rev. E. W. Caruthei's, D. D. Price &1 uo. For sale by H. D. TURNFR, N. C Book Si re. ' Raleigh, November, 154. l it. IVTOCK'S PATENT ROUND HINGE INKSTAND. i This Inkstand is of Glass, wilb a metal top, neailv litted wifh a Patent Round Hinge, so that it can easily k olosi-d when not in use. One stvle is made deep, to hold plenty of Ink, and the other flat, so that the dip will be j lost 4nflici.nt. and the Inkstand cannot be upset. I The simplest and best Inkstand for the Counting House in use. For sale bv II. D. TURNER, '. C. Hook-Store. Raleigh,' Nov. 4, 1354. 41 tf- THE WORLD IN A POCKET BOOK, OR UNt JL VERSA L POPULAR STATISTICS; Embracing the Commerce, Agriculture, Revenue, Government, -Manufactures. Population, Army, Navy, Religious. 1'ress Ge ography, History, Remarkable Features uud Events, Nav igation, Inventions, Oiscovcries and Genius ol every na tion on the Globe. An ample Political. Commercial, Ag ricultural, Manufacturing, Historical, Geographical, Sta tistical and General Svnopsis of the Uuited Slates; with the Census of 1S10, and Tables of Slate and Presidential Elections, Interest, Usurv Laws. Slc. Statistics of the Bible and Missionary Societies of the World, of Specie, Currency, Banking, Steam, Cotton, Iron, Coal, S lk, Crime. Ac. A complete history of every union, anc cut and modern, alphabetically arranged.. A biographical summary of eminent men, and the ages and nations in which they lived. A synopsis of Astronomy und Geology- ; mountains, volcanoes, rivers, mines, lofty buildings, temples, brid res, ancient and modern cities. The con querors, chief battles and sieges of the world ; and a con densed but complete view'of the ancient world.- A great variety of miscellaneous statistics, curious and useful in formation ; the whole being accompanied with a copious inde. I5v W.1I. Crump. Seventh Edition. Greatly en larged and improved; with acopious Appendix of chan ges and events, down to the present time. g For sale by H. D TURNER, - N. C. Book-Store. ' Raleigh, November, I854. 1 tf- A NEW WORK BY A VIRGINIA luAOi . M cond thousand in three weeks. Keceptiim ol 'A Ion.. " " l.nvir" tv MARION tlAHTLAXK, Olie nallO- some 1-Jmo. vol.; price fl 25. Criticism of thf Press. There are many incidents interlaced with the plot ; the whole story is ve'rv nrettilv written. Miss Hai l land may henceforth' take rank amo'ug the most succe.-sfi, novelists of the United States. Xtir lurk- :, sful femali ( 'ffytMCi"iul AdrertUer. . . ' The construction of the story is quite artislie. and the sprghtlv dialogue, as well as the excellent tone pervad ing it, will make it one of the most, popular fictions of the present rear. Phil. EttH'n'J -ifnil. . From the first page to the last we have rcniP-with in creasing pleasure, ibis charming narrative of -a life of mingled jov and sorrow, of trial and consolation, of pas sion and' of peace. The' mo ral of the story is prominent and unexceptionable beauty and truth have clasped hands iu its recital. FrrJ. Afux. We t ike especial pleasure in commending this earnest, I chastely written ami juatcious siory, as one anion;: me brilliant ferns that have recently made their appear ance. ' From its affect.onate. heart -speak ing "Dedication to tnv ItmiUor nnd Sister " to its closc.' ihe attention is ri vi ted with intense and irresistible power. McMcaui. s j Ani'-r.ritn Cour. For sale bv II. D. TURNER. N. C. Bookstore, 18"4. n;: -'f- Raleigh, Aug. AMES FOR 1 8". 4. The Game of the Bugle Horns' or, Robin Hood and his Merrv .den. l ne ii line oi i ,oniriurums. The (rime of Qualifies: or What Will the What say ? The (J une of Round the Horn. The Game of Speculation. The Game of The Yankee Peddler: or What D'ye Buy? Uncle Thomas' Game of American Chronological Cards. The Game of Snip, Snap, Snorum. The Game of Dr. Fnsby. . The Game of Dr. Busby. Also, A Largo assortment of Dissecte Maps and Pict ores, Alphabet Blocks !cc. For S ile at the N. C. BOOK-STORE. Raleigh, March 4, 154. 1 .-tf. aEW music book. THE Hesperian Harp: A collection of" Psalm and llynur -Tunes, ltdes and Anthems; and Sunday School Infant, Revival, Temperance, Patriotic and Moral Pieces: containing also a number of Scotch, German,, Irish, and otiier tine compositions, Ac. For sale Iiv H D TURNER, N. C. Book-Store. Raleigh, Sept. 16, 1R"4. 4! tf. WIIKELER'S IlisTOItY OF ORTH V V Carolina to be found at the N. C. Book-Sn.re 11 D. TURNER, Raleigh. This work has hud an extensive sale and favorably received. The following opinions relative to the merits of this work have been expressed : Extract from the Report of tlie Joint Select Committee of the L brary of the General Assembly of North Carolina, at tlie last session ( 18 ,1 , through Hon. Wm. II. Washing ton i Chairman i. Senator from Craven County. 'The Committee cannot but regard tlie 'work of Col. Wheeler as a patriotic and praiseworthy effort to rescue froin oblivion important facts id" our early historv. and to elevate the character and standing of his native St. ne ; and, as such, would Cordially recommend it to the favora ble consideration, not only of the legislature, but of the ! people of the State at hu ge." ! Extract from, a letter of Hon. David I.. Swain, Presi- dent of the University of Norih Carolina, to Rev. Francis j L. Hawks, D. D., LL D., of New York. "Chapel Hill, W,l. "The Sketches of Col. Wheeler, in rciat'ou to this State, contain a great amount of useful and minute in formation, chiefly statist'eal and biographical, connected with every county in the State." Extract from a "letn-r of Hon. R. M. Pearson, one of ihe Judges of the Supreme Court of North Carolina. " R vnniuii, Mn.'i I, W,l. I have had a conversation with tlie oibvr two .lodges, upon the subject of the Sketches of NitU Carolina, which you are about to publish. " Wc concur in thinking that such a work will be high ly interesting to every citizen of the Suite ; useful as ai book of reference ; and wiil resuce from oblivion many facts that ought not to be forgotten." Extract fr om a letter ot Hon. George Bancroft, author of " History of the Uuited Stales." ' " New-York, Jivh in, S".l. "I look forward to the publication of vour work with great interest, in the hope , that vou nia'v till the gap in the history of your patriotic Stale.'" " Th s is a work of which everv son of North Carolina ought to be proud." Spirit of tlie. Ak, h'hiiji, " This work will be valuable, and ought to be in the hands of every North Carolinian." Pwrcul. (in ,,..!,,, '. "Too little is known of his histonv When the im portant information that Col. Wheeler' wilt impart, can be procured, every family ought to own a copy of this work. M'.i-ntain li-tnntr, li'irh-fi.idtoi " YU "L's',!lte not to sav, that this work will turn out one of the most valuable books to the ci izensof the Slate ever yet published. Watchman, So ;- tin. The last Legislature ordered fifty copies for the use of the Library and Executive offices." Raleigh, Nov. 4, 1S54. 40 tf. IIPWAN'S PATENT IMPIIOVLI) I'VE. j LET' MACHINE. (Thr Patents Granted.) 1st Patent, Combined on one Slock. 2nd Patent. Self feeding with Eyelets. 3rd Patvnt Improved Fastener, riv.-ting both sides. Alt parties in want of a good Eyelet Machine, aro stron ly recommended to use none but I.ipman's Patent Improved, which is decidedly the best ever brought before the public, possessing numerous advactages. viz : It is strong, durable ami not liable to cet nt of order. It punches the hole well, and to fit ihe Eyelet, and in one operation clinches the Eyelet on both sides. It saves lime, as the papers, etc., need not be reversed or turned over to clinch the Eyelet a second time, as is the cae with all other Machines. It is useful l.i the Merchant in filing awav papers, as well as to the Attorney or Conveyancer, the Shoemaker, Tailor, Milliner and numerous others, and a very labor saving machine. For sale by II. D. TURNER, N. C. Book Store, Raleigh. Nov , 1854, I'j tf. IN V V Ll'ABLE T O 3IOTII F: II S.- -TH E Child, a Treatise on the-Diagnosis and Treatment of the Diseases of Children, according to ihe simple laws of naiure without Medicaments ; and upon th,- Birth, Nurs ing, Attendance and Educati- n of Children, as well as tee most frequent diseases Irom their very iulancy to the period of pulierty ; Illostrated for ihe mas-, by a descrip tion of a Serie ot cases gathered during a practice of twenty-two years. For sale by H. D. TURNER. C. P)ookstore. Raleigh, Oct. 1854. " n45 if. A WOK FO It Tl.E I'KOPLE-Justpnblisl-jt ed A New and Practical Form Book. Contamine torms ol all those legal instruments important to be known bv the people ol North Carolina, and designed, also for the use ot ' Justice, of the Peace, Sheriffs, Clerks, Constable. Coi oners, 4tC., J(C. compiled and arranged from the best authorities. By CALVIN H. WILEY, Esq. I o which is added, The Consttlulwn of the United Mnrf audol North Carolina. 1 he number ol Forms in this work is much lamer than can Oe louiid in any Form Book heretofore published in ronh-Carolina ; and wbiie it is hoped tht-y wdl iweet the wants and exegencies of the public, it is also ft lieved that their accuracy may J relied on, having been examined and approved by Mime ot tlie most eminent lawyers ol the State. From me alphabetical order ot the subjects, ami the complete aiphauetical Index, it will be easy to find any desired matter contained in the book.. The price of the book will be One dollar, for which auin it will besent to any part of the State by mail free of fmsiase The trade will be supplied upon the usaal terms. Any person enclosing one dollar in a letter, or that mount in postage sumps, will receive a copy ol the book by return mail free of postage. Be very careful to send lor " Wiuri w roi Book," and address - vn..m mjwtw, a iiu Buwirn,, Books RAILEY'S ENGI.ISII uu' jmeiiueu io uic special attention n, i . ifc , man tour inoiuua u uaa passed i;r, is fitted not only for Ihe school ;ls , ' : : i ' "Mil lWouJ DooK Ol reiere.ice. as sueti, it i,. , .i. . Tl..:... i ':.... . iu me liiiu-isiij "i 'ovinia, n, , mar. and by many litem ry men in tf, - ll-rtu a:. PmMI,..,! !v Clark Ar. I ii. ,' ' '! -t oil-h bookselleisgenerally. Price Al i ... -mJ ' ' . iNOTlCES. -'"fl,! superior in some respects to ai, C, the public. 1 nelieve li will greatlv , ..' ' i'll'.liiHrl correct knowledge ol our iai.t'um-V - h. i. ' tj 111 Oitii.v Or M. jusi suen a manual as me tear hi-r u , I il'i .1.. I I,. ,. I I. .......... I ....- .. '. " l.-lir.-. ilie nanus in iiio i itj . t-athti! . 'I i; Simple ns an elementary wmk, ainU, , the eiiueatfoii of ihe Engiisii scholar' 1 ' ' i(' Grammar which lifis dou- all tlmt i' ' J The best exposition of the Krr'lH,' V,,'' '''"l,"i-M we are acquainted.- AV. InlHlcHce'' w We cordially agree m oi,n,i,l ; , and coiirident'v exi cri ii wiil 1,,-r- " r 1 Sr.iitierii rrl.iy 1'ust. As licit r to iK'iicction as is liki 'v author fins game. I his object.- I'm ii... , ,:'''"'Nil ''.i'; A decided improvement on i Uramiiinr. Lln isiKii. (J, .-nrrrrr. ' i" :: Suitable for a slandanl of reference . difficulties in Grammar. . A f,', " :'''l;t;i A source of auihoiatative, ; ,Hl 'hi,"'.'. i we ea , tcfer with as much conlideiiee !"" a!l"!!'r era ry men N-.t lnUll ' l"a'ij,: Promises to be ihe - book ol the ;,..',. - .. ' dennrtiuent of learning. ' n:in 'i i I'lii l.r!:,n,:i l..ot.. ..I l.i i ' i ii:i ' " ... , ut ciun-ll 1 inn K to supercede nil others. Her.';. )i .Iiiinary 7. Isl51. an. I "Mr, jlnsnrnncc Com pan U'.g. "TV OKTH. CAROLINA MU'll'M lit-j ll -anee Compm v, Raleigh, N (' '( i ' ! A I livu .V,.l...:.l .. 1 "l! ' I I i . s,u. o ov o- VI IllUIVIUUillt IO! oIl( Vl '11- or for life, on the mutual i'KiNcii'fi;.i"l;! Mr. pai in ipauui: in an me pronts ol lli, i,,,. ' :'-h., .; L- I A l n ivomuauiwiui, nilUlt-irilll Ol iJ,. w inereior amounis io 5JO, a note m.-iv he , ,1 1 1.., tne amount oi tne premium be.-inn without guaranty. lilV; The prompt niarmet in-whirh all by this Company", UgHher with the , present great iiiducemeiitlii sucli Slaves are insured lor a term oi for two-thirds their value. All lo-sesare paid within UOd.-ivs is presented. aiti r-nii; DIRECT O I! S . Chari.es E. Johnson Wm. D. Haywood James F. .Ii.iRnAX, H. W. IlrsTr.n, Wji. H. McKee Charles B. Root, W m. W Wv. D ot.M C h e. t.i W.m. li. j,,, I''- C Hi,., . Seaton t,j' OFFICER S. Dr. Chari.e E. Johnson. ',.,,,, V ILLIAiM ) tlAYWOop. re rr ma nil JAMES f . Jor.PAX, Srrirtin iLi lAjr 11. Jones, Trrnxurrr 11. W HrsTLD, Attmiiry Charles E. Johnson. M. D. i V. Wn.uAi II. Mc-Kee,.M. D irni Iiieilll. J5. IlAVWoop. AI. I) ) f y 1LI.IA.M D. Cooke. i r mix, nliili,,,! W. W Iloi.riFN. C c-xcriitirr C, ' ii m- Charles U. Root, ) tmtti-e J. 1 1 Eli S MAN For fnrtlier'informati.-ii, th, . . . ; , ( pamphlets, and forms of pn p, s,,, , ed at ih Olii.-c ol'tht-Compaiiy.or in Comniuniciitioiis should h,i 'a,.,ii. lirUPTIU ).., ,!'' relcir,,; : U:;a .... "' a.- - ... , JAM l is K I.'mW .v.. I" I i REENSIOHOl'(,'H TT Company, 'the ct st ..... :.L. " ii Ml 'ii , ! Ii-m.i: LVl j. A V, plan is oui a small sum, company. Thi onipnnl part of the State, conseqiii the risks are in ihe West country. '.. -a i mi he;,., , ,.. 'Mil ii 111 I. . V, ! 1 II, 111 a-, , 1 j.r,. The Company is eniiu-iy fn-e c i assc-smeiits. and h.-is i: v rv ; , .. . good bonds, mid is there folc'c n o, ; i i r the public. ' ' " At tho Inst Annual Mt, li:.. . ! ;, ; weie elected for the ensuine v, ii, JAMES SI.UA.V iltf.,!,.t s. ;. coi v.,., i , . . U. P. MENDEMi V, , PETER ADAMS .v, ' i W H. CUAi.MiM, (,.,,.,. PETER ADAMS .v .-. ' .till -; I. i ;,, L ii oj - rx -ijU. t.i.oKGi. r ciicixi: January J m5". ,..-i; III VOKTIl CAKOUSA MI. Ji AI. i: 1 Company. ' his C'onipanj M operation lorinoie than 7 jeurs.a'i.u , oi.iimi, upon ail classes ot pioperly in tliv S uit , ii ii i i i . " ,:iii :i,.m ami i iirpciiiine UlStllieries,, i:-, Its Policies now cover property am. Liii,i, t-shmg' a large portion of which is in c..l;, m , ... sem capital is nearly Six Iluiidicdl I ii.-nsa: ii ! Ooiuis propel Iv secured. The ar, n gi cost ol Inswrance Company has been lers t)i:;li , i ( ii, per annum, on all grades oi i, , operations. The !' Mowing persons have 1 , and Olhcers .',! this Company t,,r ,i , .DIRECTORS C W. D. H,iTcl,ii,s J)ir, J. R. U iliiao.K do. do.' do. lio. d-. Henrv D. Turner, J. B. G. Roulhac. S. W. h'oimr, T. II. Scil.v, " veo. .we.Nelll, f;fvtttei Jos. G. Wright. Wiii, Jiuiies E. Hovt, Was! asilupy; James SJoaii-'Greend:....' John Cox, Edciiton. Josh. Boner, Salem; ' j Joseph H. Pool, Eii.-iK ii; Ci.i. J" I- Fagan, ni,iii;;i. ' Alex. Mitch.-;',', X. ivicri. W. N. H. Smidr, M,ii-lr,-,si,ro'. H. B. Williamr fhariotte. John B.,P,arier., ViSi n. ' A. T. Summy, Asin-vil!.-All Directors aiith, ri', il I-' r.-.-i-ive a;,-liea!:,is OFFICERS OF THE OOii;.N. J. K. (. Roulhac, Prexiiln-t. H. D Turner. Vic I' rer.nl mi. . S. W. Whiting, 'Vrrnn.riy. John C Partridge, Secretary. John II. fJry.m, Attnrnrti. J. Hersnnin, Cr'nernl Asent ft. W. Whiting, ) J. R. Williams, 5 Execvlire Ci-nnnillff-J"hn I riniro.se, ; All conimmiicatinns in reference t ir.siirnnoc-sh' n addressed to the Setretafv, p -st-panl. ' j. C. PARTRIUGEiN'''. l c b i r i n c s . LIVER' HLAIPLAI.NT, I .1 A V X I) I (' K 1) Y S '.: T'SI A. cuiiOMc or m:i:yoi s dbUiT I) e. se of tlie Kidneys and all d si acs arising j from a Disordered Liver, r j Stomach, snctr as Coi.stipul , n. i Inward 1'il.s, Fullness, or ml the Head. Acditv f the Slona.cii. sea, Heiii-tljurii, lisgust for 1 , ,.,1. H--' ness or M'eiglit in the Stomach, ,.iir ijW tation, Sinking, or Fhr.terii g at the l'1': '. i Slomacli. Hwimniing of liie Head, Heirioi "'' , Diflicult IJreaibing. Fluttering ut il.e lii.r- 5 Choking or SiitiV.rKtiHg Setisutiotis M ; " Lying Posture; Dimness t, Vivi,.i.. It.:-''-1 Webs bifore the Sight, Fiycriu d I'i, I l'li1' in the llet.d, Delieieiicv i t i , i.-t- 5-" tion. Yellowness of the Sk;:. u4 iyes, Pain in the Side I i;c!. t ;''. ! Limbs, &C,. Sudden Flu-li, s ef i Ileal, Hurtling iu tin I' c-U, Constant luii.giniiitf.-o -Evil, and great De pression nt Spirits cau be EUt-ctualiy - ' -cured by ', DOCTCtti H (OKL.Wf'S ' CELEBRATED GEF. AN EIIXEES PKlMIII.il BV DP.. C. M. JACKSON. 'J HUMAN ill-Jill IN V. s'l.'KK.; A. 1 20 Arch -St . r. t. nnr .. '.(,. i r 'i ir ,' : '.'" ' '' T1 HEIR POWKR OVI Ji Tl.'K A BOV V. IJlst is not excel), d. .1' eoiiaili d. l,v anv ..tUer ln V'1" ' in lie United St..tcs, as ihe t-urci attest, afer skilful ) hysieians bad failed. .. , , These Bitters are -worthy the attention of l TU Possessing great virtues in tv rectification if da' ! and lesser glatids, exerciisiiiu le must seurc lijt'V I ' of lU'l in iveiikiiess, and affections vt (lie il. -restive oil: till.1 are withal tafc, certain and pleasant. Cert if rate of Wtti. -A Alrr. ; Hi STsvii.Lt, Vadkiu f".. N.C--N.,r. ist., Dr. C. M. Jacksox. Fear --All, n, ? fIfrV" to you my sincere thanks Ibr your di-c v. n "', .' cine, which, to say the lcasi of 'it 1ms elfecleri u ,,l, ". liiiiiJ ,1 :U all other medicine, that I have taken, liaie tiiUri' .i to do. 'Hootiand's Gernian Hitters' have , ' "4 '' ' ..,..' .. ,,,'., ,; ... , ('., ii ''. r. I' hayi,erer ftli t the'i'i.t vf ti.iirn My easels noja f,r','j"l. er to this community, as' jm well km wn hi tl s'1" 'v surround: r-'- counties, at, in tinlv savtlmt ii k r. ". j has astonished all my frit nd und nlat-a ns, n- ' "" a Cveryining rccotniuei neii, ut.u uotlin g u ii u " ' until 1 was prevailed upon to try the liituis. 1 ,IJ"j! liKortv to nmkp Htiv una t,t il,,ti clta.tl. ti't ll beDetit of the afflicted, you niuy think j n pi r. WILLIAM Y. AT""r;iP These Bitters are Entirely Vct;eli,lie, tlir.v !i ' fi ' and strengthen the system, never pruMrale it, at," r'"' used for infants as well as adults. j . , For sale Wholesale by Druggists, in all tlnj rr,liC 1 cities, and at retail brapoihecar.es and storekil,i" ' every town in the Uuited States. ' ' Price 75 Cents per Bottle , F.r sale bv Wtlliuh s At Hi.vw d, and P. F. ikeigh ; Dr.'K. Hooker, Hoge'n, Store, auu AH - A""' t Bvii, roresiriite. t--t-, . -: u. UUUJU4 tLmtintrJ fj AvtgmS U9i