WILLIAM D. COOK, ) T . ' - 'Mill 1 1 t ii. . : -it i- : , , i- - - - : .,: - X H JJi If 0 1 A f Ji Jtl. TERMS, TWO DOLLARS PEE AKKCffl VOL IV -0. II. ATA 11 - - ' :' . . " - .. . J- : "? lL - . ' SELECT POETRY. ItALKIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, I85i SONG OF THE FARMER. by the ' Peasant bard." Gie to the lord his palae grand, And halls of s-piendid pride ; i. A flavor nil his dignities, -r ... And all his pomp beside ; ! Give' me the Farmer's Deaceful home. j ' - Beneath tfio mapl high, v- ' r ' ufj' varbrs-' -lie tlfes: ' ' . The waters prattling icjiu, , The citizen mav love the town, A lid Fashion's gaudy show ; ' The brilliant pagantry id Art May please the eye. 1 know; : But Nature's chatm delight the heart, 4 All simple though they be ; , The acres lroad. the stre amy vales, The lowing herds f.ir me ! Whnt though the bronze is on our cheek, T-il calloused is our h'ind, ... ith honest pride we stand creet, The ucibies of the land ; For ' patriot Tiuth." that spirit bright, In tine wide world so tare, Point proudly to the Farmer's home, A ud .cries My own are there. i . CHORUS Then here's fiim who tills the soil, ' Tiie-.Uue", "the .Mronjr, the braveJ ' Without Inm ;ft wiu d fly the land, And Commerce leave the wave; Ai d yet no Tiow.n nf hauteur cold - Disiains his mauly brow ; llarl to ih larimr, thrice ail h ul ! Luid ol'the inlghiy pl'W. what ! Nothing ! Men, reputedly re-peetable men, too, daily commit oue of the most fearful ,-ins noticed in the Bible Uasplieme and insult that mighty One wh- holds their Ihes in His hand for no earthly reason but indiscretion. And further, I have had frequent occasion, George, fo notice the effect of this thing in your business, and I can assute you that; in a mere' y worwiy sen-, it h deteriotaung lo -ybur inr esK -1 coulT tell ou':otnMMvltaty'voii liar lost bv tins verr-'liRbltThr?! r-n fr SB mm -story THE SIN OF PROFANITY. A Tl;UK STOkV. Fii-u- n w.is a y.'.tin tn:in oe g a l'i"i'i'; ; lii' tftliid- alha: l s li s oiieinieK i.ll I s ; au i ii Was'ji if i tl i w I aware of t e I'l t- Tlie.'iiuhi of sutirtgf" luid b-vii lim lui tWe.' year, wjieii as al v, up n i t;ik tlie fdi.orial ckfa-' f a pajM-r of an iud.-peiol-e a nu l r foi motion clia act-r wliich wh- u h- er -ifititw -xi-if ice ii Ui. town of B . 1'ros pt-ri y w ts li;s. a.nl tli R eorder . .on olvnine I a :a ge L-irculnt'on: But tl,ee. -0..11 .-ifer apj-e.i- e I aiiotlu r si.et-t in 1 -. wliioii I eoame qu te appolai; in a sh.it tint . hi liis . wn. Th. Gxz tie picked i1hvv" in th Ueoorder'. m.tu rieiii. an.l aru J nVrc-lv on matters of tiikut m .st imp .itaiicvt the n-iiion : while the di- t or .of (he iM were on ih?. ntost aiiiic;t!ile teims 1 Utiii'i ftabl'. liiivarelv. But i,( tlii nml.in,. ii tH-ar.iig uj'Oti tnyta'e.' ' . Iia- a coM . luort-ing 111 the winter of 18 "win 11 Mr. Fei.ru-)ii bounced into th.-.-tore of n-i kUI r!y friend-, with a uG...od morning, Mr. "An ! if-Kid Morning, fiiotid Ferguson ; how are yoti :"' '. ''c.l, I'm o-S'," said ,.,.rgp,- rtibb;no; his .lian-fii over the stov.- ; "but its a d d t-olj iiiur iiijir, ain'rt it "U" ,Ht dut vp.i -ay ;ih! Wi'.liauts., orawlv be lo ke l over his -lek at our .friend. "Ueallv Id not kno.v how cod th t is; but it shonl.l te very, very c Id, G.-orge, bvfie I would use sc!i au exi Initial ion.' "Do you tit. an to, insult me I" said Firgus m, with" a fiusliinneve. " li.sit t oti ? By no u nans ; i-i- an in.stilti tor iae to air.-ct yoiir attention to 'your own laugtHue! In I ed. do yo 1 11 , th nk, George t!t it it is k gr ind' 111 stake you haw mado in not 1r.se1v.ug yoiir -laiigii.-rge so pine that it might b. free. for c in nent, n all occ i.-ions ?" . "Mr. Williams, .whit do v.-u mean ? I do .'n'-'t.wd.-r.-ian I tin., I Are you j ,kin- me? or j i-'-i is iti" u J .kin :.'.( orgv-Iaiid on swh a .-ulj.ct. f"- from it. I m aar- (hat my . conduct is Xvr! :t ang ., y vU, bin George Ferguson, li '"" - v. I havv.-k iobb u for vears nvt-r Kp" 'au a xou. mode's side in frock and ,l: Uave to s. d yoi Ujon my knee I haw iei,,, y... r pr ie s' from'' i'.fanc'.-aiid of - y-.rea your mLl;nali n t- HAm 1 1 , ia.rouMe, ai.d now.' G-'owe' I a ' H-UXi"" t show y u wJiat a fo ,Huglit--v : ..',-.. jt Lau t$i' directionof ijie pinting of I)r. Morgan's -: discourse. You re member what h feeling was produced in his con oregution some time since, by a powerful ser mon on the vicious tendencies of theatres ; and you remember equally well that many thous and copies were primed for circulation. Now I know. Groig, thai those 'pamphlets ere meuittobe done .at your office. But as Mr. 1 luh..-. and Mr. Allenford were talking on the superior beatify f your work, Mr. Hughes said he shoti'd feel nng in entrusting such a job 10 a per-on addicted to pr fanity. Web, if men choose to be so foolish, let then ," anorily interrupted Ferguson. " But t!ieyf is as urgent, and if men avoid you l.eause ou dist.Ie ise tliem. then vou must.' i change your ways, if their friendship is of any importance to you. But no it an crn b; blaiin ed for . bj. cting to su j-cting the mind of their children to being led to a disregard of precep s I c iu une.! in your paper, by the weli-known fact j 1 bat you their propounder, are addicted to pro- tan ty'. a know, as well as I or they, Mr. Feig.son. that such apparently insignificant m i;ieis d tindonb edly have a bearing on the nio-a s if the joung. You tlo not see men swear at an cveijng piny, do you ? And you wool I not swear in the presence of Dr. Mor-gfn-, or ICev. Mr. Howard; which shows p'ain I.. that you are as well awaie of the fact as anv l,oly." 'is, i!li iins,vsaid Ferguson, as that gen ie nan ( a -se.J. " 1 am aware of it well aware. But do you not know that it is a very hard mat ter to re(Va:n J" Ves I suppose i- is, vt.ry. Yet men do it. Il i- said to be as difi. ult io conquer the habit -T as 10 breik off fr m the use of tob-co or ar- .len: spirits ; bat thu I do not believe." " But it is true, Mr. WtUiams. I filct I be iev it is harder. A man has coinm ind over oismusc es, and, as the Q ,ak-r advised, mav keep hi hand vide op -n when tempie.i to drink, an.! s . di.tb!e himself from conveving the ihino- to his m uth. But in this case the mu-cL-s have no part it is the will. A man may keep ids hand open, and yet swear like a troojer. Ha! ha! ha!" ." Dou't laugh. George ; the subject is a se rious one, an. I demands -serious consideration. However, I can ive yuu a good a rule as the Q lak-r's. if it can so apply; although I fear as mind control musdes the rtmedy is a poor one But, if vou wi.-h to trv i: wKi-r temp ed to swear, keep your moiitli s mt !'' 'But, Mr. Wi.liaius, an oath fills from one's lips as easily as breath heaves from one's lungs. I -hould never swe e at ail if I h.id time to think of iL beforehand, and lam not ha f the lime aware when I do swear." 1 " Bec.uis-, (I sutpose I am 'not thnrnj.i imbued Nvithaf.-liugofthe necsstv of such a siep-which, however, my friends unite in telling me, is great. C,n you suggest.a .emedy for my s,? If sot I w,th latitude "No never. It is a fiict. Because I never saw very forcibly any reason ,for it. I know tliat it is wrong and yet. there is do feeling of guilt in my miud, similar to that which follows a theft or a falsehood. But I cannot stav lono-ar Mr. Williams. Gorxl morning." 'God morning'" , M r. Fergu son wa ke-1 do wn the street w rapped in profoatid meiJitHtion, and so absorbed was he th 4i&-edUi (Hs. ; c i , ... - . retrace Ins stepS aM oath fell from y s tongu He bit his lip w,th vexation, for he now observed iV,and instantly be curs, d his own carelessness -Hhus aga n sinning. . It is thus that the hab it manifests ite!f when once acquired. Our swearer saw fully the magnitude of his vice, and he determined 10 "wrestle with the madman," like the fabled-Greek, until he should dadi him over the precipice. For two: weeks Mr. Ferguson strove resolutely with his failing, but with li;t!e apparent pro" gress. He broached; the subject to his wife, and she (women are always right on such mat ters) tully agreed with him that it was his duty, b. lor G,,1 au 1 before mau, to con.pier himself' It was the want of a deep, firm, sens.b c.nvi... tion of the tearf,ll,ie.s, of his sin that prevented him from doing o. One cold. idy day in March, Mr. Ferguson came in flora the street, and banging the door alter him, ran up to the We, simpping his fingers, an I exclaimed, with an oath, "How cold il K cut doors, Mary !'' ''Hush, Geoig -; h. re is Dr. Morgans!'' Fergus;,.! U rU i:.m.e4 He stood in 9sf. j ishme.u a moment and gazed incre iul.-usly at tl.e clergyman, who. for his part, w.is as greatly astonished as himse f-not at the recoutr!-, bu't at the language he had heard. lie -nerii'g his eompo-ure, he saba. d the abahrd v,Uri bnjn with a kind "Good morning." and exLend"ed h"s hani. The salutaii. p was returned in a vvrv bir.assed tone, a-.d the two weie f..r sortie mo incuts sihnt. At I. ug h Georg- sp.,ke "What shad I say f.r myself, Dr. Morgans ?' "Say, (Jod forgive me, and enable me . avoid ever using such language, again while i MISCELLANEOUS. ; liv "I Have s.id ili-it, in substance; Ion? ago," said Geoige, "-ud it. is not enough. I cannot keep a resolution wbi.h is mereiv s.,Len the lips, without beingf.lt on the heart as well." "But Mr. Fergu-on, win do you not so feel it ?" said the clergyman. ' "Why have 1 not felt this befo.e ? ' groaned Mr. Ferguson. 'How couU a man be Z fool ish I lVepostcrous nd, after a paue "but true !" . My brother, you are wiser. You ' see gulh more plainly, do y..u not 1" I do ; but how am I to avoid it'' said Fer " THE PRESElffT POSmo:r OF THE 7&XR, ING INTEREST OP The operations of the ftast vear ainear to hav j , - 1 weu eitreraeiy aisaarantageous to a iarffe body of mining enterprises. ' When vor'we turn, in the State, in Connecticut, X.-w J ev. Pennivlvania Maryland, Virgnir ' ieedgthjoughout Mountains, we find proof M a vast extent of work which had been' Wpjed out " as a basis for operations, demanding aong series of years to perfect, and invoMng the expendiiiire of an immense auiount of catital. These works, or the germ of themv are now lying ijie, and the implements and fixtures becoming every day of less value, owing to dieir inaction. This process of slow destruction," however, is not the. nnlv evil which the stockholders are called upon to Miner patiently : many of the concerns are under the delightful process of a litigition for iudebt ness, arising from original puihase, supplies, professional services, or labor, wlich is calculat ed to swamp the relics of th property and create claims that, some fine dar, will fall as a tuundei bolt 011 the devoted partiej, whose names may ngure in the Company's ledger as stock holders. . ! Mining is at best an expensive pastime ; the trafficking with the .shares, in Wall-sirf exciting but the operations below the surface are costly, slow and uncertain. The more va u able the mineral sought for, the m.jre speculative the adventure, or it-mote the chance of success ion equally will, generality of Vonke of the fail ures have b en the nature of the minerals min, d in the Companies on our list uU hw. suceeeded, are included: Gold, 'Silver, Copper Lead, Iron, Zinc, Coal, Marble and 8,ate Com panies. Of all the large batch of Companies wh ch came into existence in 1852-53, but fi-w now rema n in activity-and yet cTaide'nds have been declared by more than one of those now irretrievably swamped. The Mining Interest of me country sutlers,-and will for years suff r, from the injury c .us. d by the .eckiessness of these schemes. The various States of the Uni-n are rich in deposits of the mo-t valuable miu- ftais, to develope which would ;;'fford K.ng-con-linued employ for vast b..,dies of men, and would pay l.bera ly for a legitimate investment of the surp'tis capital of other branches of comtnetce, l'"t as matters have been enducted of late it far better that the earth should'retain its ucaes for eer. To some extent, capitalists themselves are re sponsible for this defection. I a period of pros perity a-ud aceumtdat.on every one stands ra,ly to increase liis gaitiS? pd hie t 1. . . - -.-..u.., uiesp.r.t ot speculation permeates WHOLE NO. 166 er ; but here, a wooden pole is laid across the vessel. i the middle of which is fitted a sort of rocK.ng lloard. Two me sU on onft on each end, and by their alternate rising and sink ing keep the whole machine in motion, like the W)-JVn manufactured at Nuremburg. - wU,cn tne Jimperor Nichcls has issued in j which is very often the case, all doubt is at an d aL rtU In plain lanffuae-e. snavln loss of motion, between parts that were once moreable, and may exist with or without bony tumor. j 3 If a student were asked the question, What constitutes spavin ! He would j- chylosi and exostosis of the tarsal f hock v . ' . - r- , . uas issued ! m mnp" AtV:'f -x " x ' rehtticn to the TartarV'of mCiiU rn lf U can be r. ai he'ut- art. 1st. ii very Tartar mnhlK;A ri.-.- - e l 5 i - -: " "V Vl "ayi "ii-entions or. of host lie de-ig,,8, shall be put in pHson viaenre tbat he repents. Art 2,1. Every Tarter having committed a rouoery stiall have a leg or arm cut off. Art 3d If a Tartar commits murder without stealing, he shall be hung. Art. 4th. If anv TartL l-;n ... . , 0i ,, , - tieais ne ball have an arm or leg cut off, and after shall ! BE MERRY AND WISE Be merry and wiw-'ti. a song for each sea,,. The happy lark sings it in bright-beaming skies -And Hhy are we witfa &ncy anJ U is not to teach us-be merry and wise fts the song of the season, the plants as they rise, 1 he chorus of nature, be merry and wise Be merry and wise. i ywlr momenls of . We ai U 7eD,ng "maSe'nenl borrow w,l rfee " Ueoft sail to sorrow iu light barks of pleasure And.mg wh.le repentinbe merl y ' , lheresdanger, there's ma.ic-be Jrry d wise FARMER'S DEPARTMENT. SPAVIN, ITS NATURE CAUSE. SYMP TOMS AND TREATMENT Bv Gko.H. Dapd, Vetera" Surgeon BogtOD Mk. Editor: In gtisou. Mia; her a-k. 1 low can I sin agam Qf this ui on v. n i -i tl e .te I..L-I. ... . . " "... . .. o;.vi t. ijii i'Y'itiiii y 0:1 O: It. - risii'l, 5 A ; 'J . Mr. Wi li ins la 4 aside his pen f1 d it Kan e r , beh-.n-i hisde-k ' Mr. Fer -.,. " m " ,sv. ausAei; aA0 ed willino- . er'- lfe. thing, b 't plead haste, n'"Hl!ii-h e d ti.ail a ill.- office in the '" '-e-rtould !- in re at leisure. -, lH. -li,. ,r ... I 1 U cl rfM n, I 1 1 , k, u tain you ' If x- . .,v, 1 ' tne 1 ' M;-r" 'g is .,, nml l.a aent. . - i die first llie(li JO, ku,iVV? d y iu '1? ua wr -'id:cted to this habit of pro- A:i ' !i-r no I. ' t k, this, there are nvmy reas.-ns ''U,uuld beak yourself of it, at ad haz- .i !y comrad , ,eut-fo5 the Lord wilt . ini gultless thattaketh his name in N'evl, there is no umtifif,on aris;llg ' "i"s froin all, or newly all other sins! " ls riothinor lemntinn- in ?. t I , . 1 o "Pi'earance, 1 ' k at it as ou wilt, there !c . , - - excuse ;.wfon;. A, nan steas, F-,hai. from ... Ue II s that be m t c,'ku 1,;...oIi- a. .., . ...... or-, , ir..m 0'meilt ; i. hISaks ihe Saf.bnh iht 7 revel 4u pleasure ; but . ho twears for to what vou mav sa." "1 am placedju a d-licte po-itiou, notwith standing, Mr. Ferguson ; it is seldom that I have to endeavour to convince a person of your standing, that he is living in the practice of one ot the most enormous vices we behold." " Enunnou ? e ii me, but is not that an extravagant word, doctor " Not at all, Mr. Ferguson : by no mer:ns. All' And Jiere you at once advance evidence corrobo ratory of what you just stated want of ai.nre- jciatii n of the exlet.t of vour sin. Is it not an ieiiormity which U, actually frightful, t, behold. inai, men can listen to Gospel truths week after ween; can deliberately anu respond, God have mercy on us, and incline our hearts 10 keep ih:s law ; can ejaculate every ) Sabbath day, hallowed be thy name, and i then go out juto tne worhl and mock these truth, and hr ak th tt law, and sl amu that prayer, bv using iod's holy'nam-.' in ligia and frivolous conver sation P - "Strang!'! that never occurred to me be- fore br-th I i, m rra " Aain, do you con-ider, Mr. Ferguson, that every t rne you 11 the niiii nf (i.u i v;.. -101 w sh to tri e you n "s" an,atiiTi is a j.rayer, not meant for such bu. h in .iiiein. "" e"- D"t ti I. tor ali you know, acc-t-ted as suc.i I S-ipp ..e that the words are borne up t the thnme (,f Afmibtv God as prayers-then, oh ! how , ny soU!s have vo ,,rVed the Su preme Be,r to consign ,0 everlastinrg damna tion! If God shonl.l hear and answer those prayers, how many of your friends would find :an eternity of t..rm.-nt !" Mr Ferguson stan.-d from hi, cjia-,r and the oom. He was evidently agitated. The cler guuan pursu. d. "Oh! my deer sir. I fear for you, as for all those who are addicted to this dreadful habit- AYhnt will their portion in eternity ? Thou shdl not tile the name of the Lord thy God" in vain. ! the Lord will not hold him. 'guiltless that taketh his name in vain P' , ; "Did you -vr resolve, firmly and resolutely. tha you wo t cease ? Did i ou ever make one. real enerjetU effort s ali U off ihft babit K rest assured, my iri.-no, he that abhors n . 1. I will never use one. Learn to look upon the j thing wi;h terror, and you can never give tit ! terj,,w to "-' without, shuddering at the act. j Thus you are sat'.. Never write norrepeatj j ner think an . ath, and you wilj'eventually learn j to r. gird it as with d. ep repugnance as you die, J in your childhood. There is no-other 'way." ! Mr. Feiguson paced the room in silence. The j scene was becoming painful, and Dr. Morons rose to take his leave. "Remember, now, mv friend." said he i. , - ' . "j o lit' offered his hand, "m 'his bes vour boo.- SI.,. j an .aih as yoti would a snake, for oh ! it is a j deadlier foe to your well-being, and its fangs are I niore oionous than serpent's ever were. Good .morning!" Ashe retreated from the doorway he repeat ed, as though reluctant to le fve the subject, in a solemn tone," The Lord will not hold 'him yuwicxs that tikethhit name n vain" As Mr. Ferguson turned 10 his wife, r'.a uim witli an encouraging smile Without a word in reply, Mr. Ferguson re- ureu 10 au stuoy, and kneit in prayer. God neata it, anu Diessed the supplicant. Then. xt numtrof the Recorder contained a powerful article on the sin of profanity, and frim that day the busings of the firm increased. A tone . f moral.ty s on settled unm, a Ferguson, which resulted in his eventually be coming pi us and honored. The Broken Bridge.-An 1 rish nobleman, on a journey, was info me-1 that his wav lay over a ruined b'i are, which he nau'd t .'.1 .li ed to pass at n gin. Htoideied bis postillion to call him wh they reached the dangerous place, tlun ivrai ping himse ' ui. in his cloak wCnt to s.'. ep. When they rea. h. d the bridge the iost lm, r-o-i. ed, but as his master did not awake, he drove on, and passed sately over. Some time after,1 the traveler awaked and called out,, ? " How is this, John, have you passed the bro ken bridue t" "Yes, your honor." 44 Wh" did you not wake me, as I order d you to do P 44 1 did not like to disturb your honor." "Upon my honor, if we had all fallen into the water and been drowned, I would hare put a bullet through your head." "By all the martyrs, if vou had. I would barn - j ' j - left your service the next minute if I had starr ed.", i- j WJllle maes o( and we see parties, reput- F.u..m ,;.Ke purchases in doubtful enter prises, without enquiry as to th i. i.:,i. the association or adventure is governed, or the liabilities attached to ihe stock. T.i ,1.,, r...... are, that speculators hunt up for special charters, which, gmng extraordinary powers, are oper attve ,n a particular section only, ami so the acts commuted elsewhere are of no legality -or they organize under a general law,pufled as bemg most liberal iu its provisions, but which lenes the most stringent penalties against the stockholders in case of failure. We are a.vare of the position of evrl pames whose stocks have been lr.r.!w .u this market, but are now totally ut of si-rbt and confident if stcps be not sneedde ..,1-.," . ' .place their aflai.s in order, such an overhauiino. win oe Had, that disclosures will uke place far outstripping 111 venality the far fam.ed "Parker Vein." ihere are many instances in this S ate wherein a subtle and bold man practising the ra.,ve lately had by a noted Broker-bank against one of the Geueral Law Banks U ,Iarge haul, by a slight investment in the unsale able stocks of companies, whose capital, figuring by hundreds of thousands, hod a tangible existence! We apprehend some such course of proceedings is afloat against the rm,;.- J . L ri l: - . t - - x , i.,o,,u varoima ; ior we nave before us a list of ver seventy suits against the following com panies in that region : The McCclloch Gold and Copper mining Com j. any, ; 0 The Jeep RiVER Copper Mining and Smelting Company. The Mineral Company of North Carolina- The Lindsay Mining Company. The McCc1.L0cH.aud GleNS Miniug Com pany. In addition to the above ennm,..; are pained to learn, that nearlv e-....L in North Carolina is in the same fxisiUon. There are other sections in which a similar litigation is going forward, so that it is a matter of difficulty, it ArnAti Tritrtvii A..-.:.t ...u voUSiaerarjie investigation, the probable future of any particular mininff ..-.r.c. tue present time the prospect is blank, dreary and unsatisfactory. U. S. Min ing Journal. answer to v. ; .. , - luouiry, as to the nature and curability of spavin, il I prop,e to offer a few rema.k on the 1 cause . spmpt,m,, treatment, and curubiUty of i sveial diseases peculiar to tl,. 1., '.- ?T I irony sirueLure o norses, so that you, as well as ,he reader, ay have an opportunity of judging fW your les, as to the nature nf,.l . t . ....vi uuKioniiv ot the . 1 . The raaladv is fihnilnr' jL S:: w mai vecumnga- mong children, known as hip disease, when the head olthe thigh bone unites to thenelvU- A .. - , . -..u .o oue pretends, at least never succeeds in effecting a radical cure. But as regards the horse, the disease is more complicated, because a greater number of bones are involved ; yet in eflect, the disease is less serious, because it does not prevent flexion and extension of the ioint proper. ' In a very brief manner, 1 have now consider ed the pathology, or nature of spavin, much interesting matter, (and really valuable to stu dents.) ,s necessarily omitted, in order to confine th s arttcle within the limits prescribed bv i-mr-nalists. . .. ' J Kow as regards the Cause of Soavin Iu r:uho:ogy; as we observe, d.-nionstrate, innaraa tion of one or more tissues proper to the point: which is produced by overwork, sprain or con cussion, the .tumor and transform;,.,! ,.e VI Hits I carnI in'o bo.iy substances, always beinrr , j mmeuess, muictes injuries of this character, yet they are not in all cases operative for some of our truck horses, especially those ued it, shafts, are often compelled to perform extraordinary feats of strength, that would in ordinary horses induce ligamentary lameness, ultimately resulting in spivin ; yet they are re markably free from it, the reason is they are tree from predisposition. It .s a fact, well known' to the profession, that aimost all spavined horses lnhnr ..ia. - - uuuci, ciiuer, local or camtitutional predisposition. Lonl predisposition, is determined by a short r"utu ,,UCK. 'fgthy canon, and upright paste rns. 'Ibis is the kind of hock that is most sub ject to strain, while galloping, or trotting fast on hard pavements. Constitutional predisposition, exists in breed, and is inherited from sire or dam. A snnvo. J . r-" 'ov-vi ! ,c l,lUMU"s tneclisease;efy of which I bably appreciate the value of con-eez information regarding the nature and cause of disease. For iu the first place, it aims a death blow at igno rance, quackery, and cruelty; practised very fluently under guise of Science ; ' between which, however, there exists less' affinity than between oil and water. In the -next place, it enables hinj to adopt prerentivevhy whicli; thchances of dreaseare lessened. " " '- '" '-".. -- e ' " It teaches him that physical defects are as certainly transmitted' : as r-nnrl r;f. ' a -1 though bad qualities are not always directly transmitted, yet the day of reckoning' appears in a future generation,' just so surely as like be gels like. ' Tn a future communication, I shall discuss other ossific diseases peculiar to horses. ne. lamawarexlut there .,';.. A .? evidce J" that have never been men in this, HS wdi as nt. 4: ; 6i 0- But m the majority of cases. snavi.,a Pirirs, whose whole practice is a scries of bC lT in tl.e fnn of a weak ders linked with ba.baritv: and w t. I a "y structure, which is pr ne to throw tiM.ally- heraldinrg to the w..rM t..i.. Ill , , m OSStOU ij) sion. Such animals are cures of spavin, and other incurable diseases ' ! 'T 0VerSr" from the fact that their on1 ;.. . cai,-:' ' frames har 01 cousemiene ' " "-ti.ivnu 11 eir Rrronnrtt. at er to convince evvrr ma,. ,.t .1. , . , . j ....... xsi me nicurauii- ity ot a certain disease whfi o ..... 1 . wueu so iniicn evidence is offe. ed to the con rarv . . . . out the only evid. nee worth receiving, is that qu-ntly, they are unable to bear heavy burthens, without strain or injury to the joints. The bones of horses predisposed to ossific 'fusion, in the form of tpdvin, splint and ringbone, are re lished by the scientifij .praciti.,, "' " '""rkabFJight, poius and brittle ; and on in- vtteiinary art, who have, by a Ion- course rf f satq-e w wonder how they have study and practice, made thems.-l L InF1 lh Ciirc-S tl.e reader has probably noticed in cattle large bony tumors under the jaw, called oslee sarcoma, which finally ends in caries, (death of the bone.) others, located on the hock and on vanous partsof the shaft bones: the nr.no,.. ing without any apparent cause, illustrates what FULL BLOODS & THOROUGH BREDS. Is there any distinction betweeu thorough bredand full blood ?-and if any, what ? is the subject of an article in a late number of the Farmer, and breeders are invited to give their opinions. I do not consider the terms, thorough K, I and full blood, as meaning the same thing, but j when applied to short, horns, to indicate very j dttierent classes of that stock. By thorough bred I understand that class of improved short hor. s, whose pedigree can be traced in the English herd book to the days of i the Collings anJ their compeers. By full blood, a class bred in this country from imported stock,, but which came without ; pedigree. - A cross between these t.wn ; o.ii r the pedigree should be traced through both sire and dam, to be thorough-bred. Mr. Hawkins thinks the distinction should be abolished. I have no idea that it will be done yery soon, the breeders of that stock have too deep an interest in the matter. Those who have thorough-bred stock will not'agree to place it onan equality with the full blood, and the own ers of full blood stock cannot be expected to sink to the level of common stock, and as it be comes a question of depreciation on one side or the .other to settle the matter, I have no expec tation of seeing it bhoitly. Ohio Farmer. . . ' -"v cuc-ui.-ies iamiiuir with anatomy, physiology, and the pathological changes that occur in the hock-which kibe seat ot spavin-during the progress and termi DHUon of th. morbid phenomena. Such is the kind of evidence I shall attempt to offer. Let the iader fi a sort of irregular, or incomplete spavin which i J.n,eh.,7.0MA thesis, or constitutional pre exist without accompanying lameness. Jt . h found just beneath the bones composing ,he !7 Me' th&t hr...l- .1,. . 1 1 vi n ono-innte f,nm ....i::.. --.1 , .u me lorin ot a knotty tumor, technical, 4"cu,a2'w,I,i? aou exciting us coujiiiiiy, or oinerwrse. called exostoses; iu common 'lan.u in such case -he mechanism of the joint is not "u.ie.i, nenciN absence of lameness. But the jmn d may, from over wo,k. or sprain, become lame in a joint remote f om this ; the owner or attendant not possessing the requisif skill to d:scover the pnei.-e sear, finds a tumor at the- point indicated, and immediatek- the horse spavined, and this serves as an excuse ior adding to the poor brute's suffering .... - .uo ture .of fire, or blister; during the rest which necessarily follows the ai.n!ictir,n . 1 - r va vuo ur me -"er, lUe original lamenes disapo ears, and this .-. .o,ea our illustration ot one of the Imast.? cures of spavin, which in reality i,ever existed. Let 11s now consider the nature of the spavin. And in order to comprehend it, thereader should know, that the joints of the hock are composed of several bones, two of which form the joint proper, the remainder, eight in number, are ,. cerned in the articulation 'and composition of Kitame. Between ech bone s inu.i.., - cartilaginous cushion for the purpose nf narA- ing off cuncu-slon, and thus preventing injury ine oones ; wnicn would o herwise occur. lliese bones have all their proper cansnlr branes, whuh separate one fiom th r.ther making them distinctive points. A synovial membrane pervading ihe whole, furnishes ,. via "-joint oil") which suctessfuily o-uarda against friction. Spavin eenerally oriainates in influma,i e I. t "io penosterai tissues, (membranes pmper.to all bones their txteinal covering) or else, in the hgameiitary, or cartilaginous structure, contig uous, or within the ioints. A hio-h oraA rA C: fl . ' , o-B v... nammatory action, pervading for gome time, causes absorption of the cartilages between the small bones, they become consolidated and im movable. This cartilage being changed into bone, cannot possibly be restored, and is there fore incurable. " Spavin, having in this manner, an internal origin, is not perceptible; consequently, some persons are unwilling to admit its existence un til they can both see arid feel it If it shall commence externally, fon the inside of the hoet V , , - i - u the form of encrustation, termed exostoei jack"' Anion.? other noval.ies announced in New York is a conee.t by the Newsboys ai the Tab eraacle,on Wednesday evening. The preparation of Indigo in fWi ca is a process of much " scientific ingenuity." The plant is cut close to the root, heaped up in large walled reservoirs, and the whole U put under water. The hot sun aetm- .t,- VJ V CMS- face soon turns the water satnra, .i. juice green, when it is drawn off into other ves- eis, wnere py constant slirring and whipping it is brought into contact with the atmosphere, andhus gradually acquires iu beautiful deep blue. In other countries the Mrr5n Uiually tectd by an 01 nM or by water pow- Symptoms of Spavin: These vary accord ing to the nature and intensity.of the attack; yet there are some, always, present, so that a man of ordinery observation can readily discov er the seat of lameness. The First, is : Heat and tenderness on the inside of the hock. Secondly .-Inability to flex the hock with P . - . pertect ireedom, the act being accompanied with a sort of " catching up," or springhalt motion : spring-halt is a remarkabe feature of spavin, and it has been noticed by several writers, Shaks- . m - - . feabe, ior example, thus refers to it ;-r- " One would take it. That never saw them pace before, the tpdvin, And tpring halt reigned among 'em. Thirdly : The animal starts stiff and lama "planting" his toe on the crround. rather than LJ the heels ; he improves, however, after a short anve. Fourthly: The above symptom connected wun a tumor on tne inside of a hock, in the re gion of th small tarsel bone orr)ude all doubt Yet the tumor as I have just observed is not necessary to make out a case of what is technically called inter-articular spavin. Treatmeat of Spavin: No man can possi bly succeed in curmo spavin. We mav palliate j r relieve lameness and hasten anchylosis fstiff ..... - joint) and render the subject useful for certain 1.1 purposes, Dut tnere will always exist a certain amount ot stinuess about the ioint which is con- 9 sidered unsoundness, and a hard trot will often induce temporary lameness. In the treatment of spavin, we borrow an il lufttration from Nature the best and wisret nf doctors she strengthens a weak joint, by mak ing it solid and unyielding, and this must be our object in its treatment Medical men always have this object in view viz : to produce anchylosis, to hasten ossific ef fusion, and render the sensible tissues insensible In the early, or inflamatorT staire. ret and cooling lotions are indicated. In the latter stage, counter-irritants ; uch as preparations of . cartbarides, fcc, are generally irtedto. . : 'tyfTrTbe read toreated in the welfare of 44 Watock," will pro- WHAT IS THOROUGHBRED? As I am a new hand in breeding stock, I am interrogated often what constitutes thorough- bred stock. I know that thorough bred ' through and through, ' As to the number crossings that constitute it, I am not positive some say seven crosses make it Now, as you are residing in a country where, il, v,J j -" v.cmcn should be well posted, I wish you would give me information on the subject, being an old hand at breeding stock.1 H. T. Wollaho. Castine, Daike Co., O., Sept 26. 1854. We should define animals as thorough bred which breed true that is, invariably produced offspring possessng the same distinguishing characteristics as themselves. This is thease with the race horse, which is claimed to be of pure, desert Arabian blood, on sire and dam's side, imported into England, and bred there, the history of which may be found in the -English Stud Book. -t ' ss: There are certain breeds of cattle which ap pear to be thorough-bred, like the Devon, the black Galloway,' the cattle of ChiH.n(rworth arK and oilier races, in Europe, Asia. -& We presume our correspondent more partic ularly refers to Short Horn or Durham cattle,', which are not what we: should call thorough'1 bred, a few tribes, perhaps excepted. Tha - A TT J vie not like to name now, because many bree- ders would feel as if the exception 4 sous; and suchs the want of proper knowledge, both in England and America unn ti,a ject, we doubt whether pur doing so would re- suit m anything better than stirring up a hor net's nest about our ears. When the ft net mMliniH vara .... TT J ' w " v utucu amoiic ' the breeders of fchort Horns in England t,iZ O -"I wa VUV purpose of getting up a Herd Book, it was pro. posed and agreed to by the most distinguished breeders, that such cattle onlv hnnM r J. - this Herd Book; as were known to h. U possessed Short Horn characteristic- in .n nent degree; and that their progeny alone should be considered thoroughbred. Bat this r. ' terwards overruled by other parties whn iwv. sessed inferior blood ; and the result was, that all sorts of grade Short Horns CAVA rmrmtiAyl to be m-erted iu every volume of the Herrf . so that it is of little value as a tmid- tv'-. o V lUUSfl who know what these choice tribes were, and now they have since been bred. An nJm.i' have a pedigrea page lonir inlh fLJ ul. so that it is of.little value as a guide, to those who know what these choin. tK, j how they have since . been bred. An animal may have a pedigree a natro U : i,- tt-.j . 15ook,and stilL Owinor tn srvma Af(l,-..:-. : . O W UV USI SA9 All it being bad blood, it may not be near so good as one with scarce any Herd Book pedigree at all. This, long experienced breeders know to't their cost to be a serioas fact -.-(: ,,-t. Seven crosses are not thorough-bred, nor rnany: tiroes seven ; though the first may s pass for tol-v erably well bred in certain kiods of amnioi. , Tliis roaysonndke over refinement to some i vm lei us respecuauy asir, if they should cross' aDevon bull on a black, hornless cow, and this i ' progeny again with a f pnre Devon, and a how many generations think yoowould it take tqwipeoot'th stain of the black-Wiv,T-i him answer who a K 4 .'1 fi ' I J

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