-:' . . 1 ' ! -. .- - ' . -'-r ; MMMS 1 .... , i i .... .. i i - ... i r .... i ii ' " I ! . WILLIAM D. eOOKE, ) i ronPBfFTOK. ) FAMIL Y I NEWSPAPER. TERMS, v TWO DOLLARS PER ASSCM SJetotrtn io all tje 3n Crests of Efe Soutf), Cttemto,- ,;mc atton, multe, SCe&s, fye Ma&tts, VOL. IV NO. 12. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1855. WHOLE NO. 167 v'l-- IE MDE PENDENT SELECT. POETRY THE TALL GENTLEMAN'S APOLOGY. i . f BY KOBEKT BELL. Upbraid me not, I never sworo ; For thou art only five feet high, And I am six feet three. I wonder, dear, how you supposed That I could look 60 low; There's many a one can tie a knot AYho cannot fix a beau. Beside?, you must confess, my love, TIic b?irNiin' scarcely fair, For never could we make a match, Though 'we might m.ike a pair? Miniate, I know, makes one of two, llut here's the horrid bore, Jly f iend's declare if you are one, That I at least am four. . 'Tis true the moralists hare said, That love has pot no eyes, But why should all my sighs be heaved, for one who has no size ? And en our wedding day, I'm sure, I'd leave you in the lurch, For you never saw a steeple, dear, In the inside of a church. "Tis usual for a wife to take II r husband by the arm, But prey excuse me should I hint A sor t of fnd alarm, Thai when I offered you my arm, Th t apjiness to beg, Your highest efforts, dear, would be , To lake iue by the leg. I do admit 1 wear a glass, Because' my sight's not good ; But were I .always quizzing you, It miht be deemed rude ; And though I use a concave lens, By all the od's, I hope, My w ife will ne'er look up to me Through & Ilerschel telescope. Then fare-thee-well, my gentle one, I ak no 'parting kiss , I must not break my back to gain So exquisite a bliss ; Nor will I weep lest I should hurt So delicate a fluwer The tear that fail from such a height, V ould be a thunder shower. Farewell and pray don't throw yourself In a basin or a tub, For that would be a sore disgrace To ail the six feet club : But if you ever love "gain, 1 - Love oft a sma'ler plan --: For why extend to six feet three, The life that's but a span ? SELECTED STORY. .: BORROWING TROUBLE. BY. MRS. S. P. BOCGIITT. " The ch'fklren are very late this afternoon," cxclainjed Mrs. -Ashby, as she suddenly arose from her work ."and looked anxiously from the window. ' Only "ten minutes past the usual time, Lncv." replied her sister, to whom the remark' ivnii rid dressed. .But they are not iu sight, Mary, and I can' see for along di-tanee in the direction of the school house,' I hope no -accident has befallen the n." , . . . ' ' . ''No dagger of that, Lucy. It is a direct road, and AY i I ic is a brave la !, and well able to protect both himself and his s'ster." . "Still tlieie are a thousand things which might happen to tliem. Willie is very thought less.' I caunoi help feeling anxious at their de lay." Mrs. Asbby resumed ber sewing ; but it was with a troubled countenance, and in a few mo- htr statiou at the 'window. "Twenty minutes past the time." she Dress - ' r 1..- : etuly exclaiiried. '"This will never answer, t muH ctq io m et them, Marv." ''You are .not' well enough, Lucy. Think i, i vou were yesieruay, ana you are.tii(i feeble. If vou are reallv auxious co'ncernincr the - - -" - o r!iil.t.. I ...til t...ooH" QliK.v,,..t. 1 J.-...U i they will be here directly." . '.''Von do not know a mother's heart, Jary. I rntt go at once. They may have been run r,i-,.. i .. ' . ; uv some passing veu;cie. This idea, although an exceedingly improb , able one, seemed like reality the moment it en- . IT. ri 1 4 1.1 7- : .. . . . throwing on ber hat and shaw 1, she walked with fajid steps towards, the school house. Contrary to: her expectation, she did not meet the child- J CD J TrU nn tl... ,. oiT T-inf ha s1ii Mmp in Rirrlit. rf t ' fcll 1 HI ,..k(V . ' . . ..... ... w V- l"e little seminary of learning, a noisy group isMieii trt.m it, among whom sue soon recogniz ed ;ber two darlings. ; They ame bounding to- . ward her with joyful-shouts of welcome. . And whv were you kept in so late ?'' asked the relieved mother, as soon rs her voice could . be heard. "Mother, I f.rjrot to tell you," replied AVillie, " that school begins an hour later in the after noon thanpt did, and so we cannot come home so early as .we ued to. But it will give us more IlmnX- . 1- 1 T , II -1-1 ii m. "no io eat our ainners, ana l snail . lite uiai. : better;' A rapid walk of half a mile in Mrs. Ashby's present 6tate of health, was quite too much for her. It was with great diflBculty that she re traced ber steps, and upon reaching borne she was quite unable to sit up for the rest of th8 evening. ' v ' Sister Mary looked concerned,and wished she could have persuaded her to have remained" at home; aud her husband was evidently disap pointed that sho was. not able to meet him at the tea-table, and said, with some vexation of 4pmnhat borruwiiis; trouble. It would come fast enough Without looking for it." But Ljjcy wou!d not give it up. ; It was a part of her very nature. Blessed with a comfortable borne, a kind bus band, intelligent aud well-disposed chHdren, and beinjr herself of an affectionate and amiable dis position, there seemed nothing wanting to ensure her happiness. But the constant inclination to borrow trou ble was a dark cloud upon her clear sky. Per haps Mrs. Ash by had not read the fable of the pendulum, or if she had, she must have passed over the mori with little attention, as we our selves have too often done in by-gone days. She had surely never learned that one moment must not be-burdened with the trials of the next. TJer spirit wou'd often taint from anticipation of the duties, the labors,, the trials to temper and patience, which may be comprised in a sin gle day. But this is unjustly laying the weight of many thousand moments upon one. " One moment comes laden with it's own little burdens, and is succeeded by anoiher no heavier than the last ; if one could be borne, so can another an 1 another. But as we have said above, Mrs. Asbbv lived not in the present, but in die future. Trifles light as air, imperceptible to human vision, magnified themselves hi the distance, and awak ened dread and consternation. Iler sister, who bad resided with her siiice her marriage, was of a far more hopeful aud j yous temperament, and her cheei fulness frequently 'diffused sun shine throughout the litfle family, when but for her, ail woird have been wrapped in clouds. Let us forget the restraints of ceremony, and invite ourselves to pass a social day with Mrs. Asbby, introducing ourselves even into her sleeping room at an early hour one bright Sep tember morning. The biind bad been left par tially, open the evening previous, and the light of the morning sun streamed somewhat too brightly into the pleasant apartment. Awaking suddenly from her morning dreams, Mrs. 'Ash by uttered an explanation of dismay, and shaking her still sleeping husband, endeav ored to aroii-e him by representations of the lateness of the hour. " No !a er than usual. I think, Lucy," was his quiet reply, as lie proceeded to. ris j iu a very leisurely manner. " No later ! Why, AViiiinm, do you uot see the sun ? AYe must be half at? hour behind the time, and you know you h tve important busi ness to attend to this morning, and must leave early." - "Very true; but 1 think we are iu time. Look at the watch." "The watch has run do an. I will go to the clock when I have finished dressing. But uo hurry, William, -for T assure you I am right." Mis. Ashby's toilet was but half completed when she became alarmed lest the girl should have overslept herself, ani that no breakfast would await them. "No fear of that," replied her husband. "Ann is always up bright and early. Breakfast will be on the table the moment we are ready for it." ; " I hope so ; but it is wonderfully still down I slairs. And sister Marv, can she be sleeping still ? She generally comes to assist me with the children, but they are not awake yet. "All of which proves that I am right in. sup posing it to be no Uter than usual," remarked Mr. Asbby,-smiingly. '' We shall see. You had beer lose no time," Was the leply. Before Mrs. Asbby was quite dressed, one of the younger children awoke and claimed her at tention, and she could not run down to look at the clovk as she bad intended. For the next half hour she was constantly employed, and con stantly iu a state of nervous agitation lest they were too late. At the end of that timeber sis ter tapped at the door, and obeyed the summons " The chijdren dressed already !" exclaimed she. You are smart this morning, Lucy. Only half-past six yet." "Only ljalf-past six ! And I 'have hurried my life -out for nothing. AA'iliiam wanted to have breakfast at seyejt, precisely, and, I was so afraid e should be Lite. I declare I am all in a tremble." " Lie down then for a few minutes, and I will take the babies down stairs." "O, no, I must see if AiIIie and Clara are ready. I neglected to attend to their morning lessons yesterday afternoon, and I fear they will not be prepared for school." " I saw the children studying while you -were engaged ith your company," replied her sis ter, as she left the room with the little ones, " It does not do much good for them to study unless they have some one to direct them," thought Mrs. Ahby, as she pnsaed hastJly to Yv ilhe's room. " I do hope they wiIl not lose their places in the class." Willie's bed was vacant, and pleasant voices were beard in the garden. The mother peeped iroui iue open window, and was re-assured she saw him seated by bis sister's side in the lit as tie arbor with his book in his hand. -They are good children," she said to her self. Tbe thought:. was a comforting one ; but; new anAickiea wcjc awaKenea by a glance into tbe kitchen. Ann was iust sHHnr !, Km V uiiui , "Ham not broiled yet! Why, Ann, did I not tell you that Mr. Ashby wanted his breakfast earlier than usual ?" T, Yes, ma'am. " You bade me have it ready at seven o'clock. It wants a quarter yet." You will te late, Ann' u Not a minute, ma'am, .-Trust me for that."! nicely broiled bam and the dish of smokinc born- miny, and the family gathered around the table. Nothing had gone-wronjr. All was as it should be. And yet poor Mrs. Asbby was actually un fitted for the duties of the day by the nervous anxiety which she bad indulged, lest they should not be puuetual to the appointed hour. A cloud was upon the brow which should have worn tbe serene cheerfulness of a hnppy wife aud mother, and ere the meal was ended, it had spread itself more or less over the littla circle, and a ffloom. for which it would have been difficult to account, was felt by all. Breakfast over, lessons well re cited, and children sent to school, Mrs. Asbby with a mind much relieved, took her accumstom ed seat in the nursery'; and while busy with ber needle, superintended the sports of the two little ones who remained at home. Iler sister joined her after performing some domestic duties which devolved upon her. For a while all was cheerfulness and content ment ; but anxiety was soon awakened by the flushed countenance of the youngest child, as she came to-her mothers side, aud said, appeal mS'V " l'ut away work, mama, and take little Manny. Sick, mama, sick." . "My darling child," exclaimed the alarmed mother, as she hastily took the litfle one in ber arms. " AVhat can be the matter with her, Mary ? See how feverish site looks." '"Her face is flushed, but; bu skin is cool," replied hen sister. "I do not believe she is much sick. She has beett running and jumping too long while we were busy talking, and now she needs rest." " But I am afraid of scarlet fever, Mary. There h ive beeti tuo cases in he neighborhood lately. It is a dreadful disease," aud Mrs. Ash by shuddered as she spoke, as if she already be" held her child a victim to it.. "I not think of it, Lucy. There is not the slightest symptom of that complaint. Your ag itation distresses the child. Be calm, and she will soon fall asleep." Mrs. Asbby made an effort to follow her sis ter's advice, and the little pet was soon sleeping quietly in her cradle. I'm: red spot had faded from her check, hut even this could Hot a. lav the feats which had been .awakened. Every few moments the mother would bend anxiously over her, feel of her pulse, listen to her breathing, and n Jea'vo'r to detect anv symptoms of approaching disease. In vain her sister endeavored to ie-a-stire her. It was not till the little shim hero r awoke, ap parently in perfect he dth, that the sunshine of thespirit was restored,, and then, alas, it 'was tob quickly obscured bv clouds. Mr. Ash by was late at dinner. This was in itself a most alarming and unusual occurrence, for he was the most punctual of men ; but when to this was added the fact that he gave no rea son for his detention, aud appeared thoughtful and abstt acted dining the whole meal, it wari no wonder that a thotwmd fears were awakened in the mind. of his poor wife. Previous to his arrival, she had pictuie J to herself pressing dif ficulties in his business, suddened illness, and other unlucky occurrences, which served to tor ment her excited imagination.' In answer to ber anxious inquiries, he had assured her that he was quite well, that nothing unpleasant had happened, and so forth and so fo th ; but after he had again left the house, the remembrance of his thoughtful' and somewhat peculiar man ner was sufficient to keep alive ber apprehen sions, especially when she recalled a whispered request at parting,. that she would put the child ren to bed in good season, as he wished to have a little quiet talk with her in the evening It was very evident that something unusual bad taken place, and in order to fortify ber mind for the worst, Mrs. Ashby gave full scope to her imagination, and prepared herself to meet with the most unheard of misfortunates. They had never been wealthy, but her husband's business had ensured every comfort, and of late it had seemed to be increasirg; but now she doubted not that poverty in its sternest form awaited them. . From the contemplation of a vivid picture of -want and misery, she was aroused by the en trance of her sister with her hat and shawl on, evidently prepared for a walk. " Not ready yet, Lucy ! Did you not tell me to be prepared to go with you at four o'clock?" " To go where, Mary ?" "" AAThy to order your new bat, to be sure. Did we not talklt all over this morning ? But what is the matter. Lucy ? You have been weeping. Are you id f" - - "Not seriously," was the evasive reply, for Mrs. Ashby shrunk a little from the clearer light of ber sister's mind. " But I have changed my plans about the hat, Mary. The one I wore last spring, will answer very well for this fall." " AVby Lucy ! Did you not tell me that Wil liam disliked it very much, and bad particularly requested you to purchase another !" "Circumstances have changed since then, and I doubt not he will be quite contented to see me wear the old hat. - There are many who would be thankful to have one as good." " Undoubtedly, and jouxold me this 'morning that you intended bestowing it upon, poor Mrs. AValton, who I ara sure would bless ou for vour kindness." " I must be just before I am generous, Mary. You will know all in time. Let us say no more about it," and with an effort at calmness which ended in a flood of tears, Mr, 5 Ashby turned to leave tbe room. . ' ;- - -r ; .,.- But the arms of ber sister were, twined around ; Ker, and hr aflectu'uate sv, ' .VC" "" drew from ief ilw cu.e Let .-ujnsy. , to tbe kind hearted: Mary thai her sister's fears were imaginary, and her tears uncalled for. It was enough for her , to know that Lucy was in trouble, and she endeavored to soothe her as tenderly as if she bad been a petted child. Past experience had taught ber that it was useless to reason with her or endeavor. to con vince her that there was no cause for apprehen sion. Opposition only served to render her more positive, and her sister therefore wisely sought, as soon as composure was restored, to direct her thoughts into another channel. "I think I will call on that poor woman whose case was brought up before the benevolent society, this afternoon. AYill you go with me, Lucy ? Do, it will make you feel better. There is nothing like forgetting our own griefs in min istering to those of others." - " If you really think I ought to go, Mary, I will make the effort, but I should prefer remain ing at home." " You had much better go. AYe will be home before the older children return from school, and Ann is at leisure to mind the little ones. Come, get your hat and shawl." The fresh air, a pleasant walk, and the cheer fulness of her sister, had in a degiee dissipated the melancholy fancies in which Lucy had in dulged, ere they reached the humble abode to with their steps were directed, and her mind be ing less engrossed, with her own sorrows, she was better prepared to sympathize with the scene btfore her. Their knock at the door was answered by a .bright-eyed little girl of six or seven - years, who invited them to . walk in. for " mother was busy and could not come to the door." Upon entering, they found the mother bend ing over a cot upon which lay a man hardiy past toe prime of life. lie appeared to be in great bodily pain, and his wife was endeavoring to do what she could forbis relief. .Two child ren younger than the little girl who bad admit ted them, were playing around the floors " Your husband has met with a sad-accident," remarked Mrs. Ashby, as she approached the bed. - " He has indeed, ma'am," replied the woman, looking up and cm trvinsf to her visitors; " but we have reason to be thankful that his l.fe is spared. He is in grent p iin this afternoon, but . the doctor said we must expect this." "How did he meet with this misfortune ?" asked Mary, advancing to her sister's side, and looking compassionately at the face of the poor sjifferer. . " Ho is a bank-Jigger, nra'am, and while busy at his work three ilays since, the earth caved in, and a large, mass of stones and rubbish fell upm him. One leg is broken, and las whole body, is dreadfully, cut and biuised. But, thank Gjd, the doctor says he wili do well. 11; is siron" and healthy and can bear a great deal." " Did you depend entirely upon bis daily la bor for support, my good woman ; or have you something kid by which will help you -now that be is ill T "Not a cent, ma'am. John is a sober, indus trious man, and as kind a husband and father as ever lived in the world. But we have seen hard times, aud have had a good deal of sick- ness, which has hindered our laying by auything for a cloudy clay. But God will provide. And is it not a great blessing that there are yet many weeks before the cold weather ? lie will be on his feet agaiu before then. And as soon as he is a little better, so that I can leave him with the children, I can find a bit of work for myself, which will keep the food in qur mouths." " I am glad that you can look on the bright side,v said Mrs. Ashby, thoughtfully. "But it may be many weeks before your husband gels about again, and even then he may be a cripple." "No fear of that, I trust, ma'am. . I always try to look up when misfortunes come upon us. It is tbe only way to get along ; and besides, it seems like distrusting Providence to be too anx ious and fretful like. We must do the best we can to help ourselves, and then be content with what comes." " Your case has been brougllt before the be nevolent society, and something iwill no doubt be done for your relief." L j " A great deal has been dqne already, ma'am. The doctor has offered his services fr,ee of charge, and several kind ladies have sent provisions of different kinds which will last us toitwo weeks, and. by that time things may look brighter, and I may get out to work." j $ " We will hope so, at least," said Mary, com-1 ing to her sister's relief, for Mrs. Ashby was al most overpowered by the determined hopeful ness of the woman, which formed a strong eon. trast to ber own anxious temperament. Plac ing a dollar in her band, and promising to see ber again soon, the sisters left tbe cottage. At the door they stopped to speak to the child ren, who were playing happily with some little blocks which they had collected from a new -building near to them. - - r "You must be good children, now jour father is so ill," said Mrs. Ashby, patting the' curly head of the youngest. " Are you not very sorry be is hurt?" ' - "We are very sorry and very glad," replied the eldest girl, looking up with a smile. "Moth er says we must be very glad that he was not killed, and we ara very sorry that he is sick, and we will try to be good." "That is right," was theep!y as the ladies passed on. . . A good lesson for me, I suppose you think, Mary," said Mrs. Ashbv wit'. lialfsmilf vS '.''4 'Zii,waiA.eit waaaytaii H.Sxtl'Sgj, kiiti. .in "A good lesson for us allLucy, if you mean the cheerful faith of that poor woman. . Such a spirit is of more value than earthly riches." " It is, indeed. AA'ould that I possessed it But it is impossible. It is a part of my very nature to be anxious and apprehensive of ap proaching ills." "And yet it is possible to overcome this weakness, my dear sister. For the sake of youV husband and children will you not try ? llovl many sad hours you pass from the indulgence of vain fears which are never realized. To-day ,j for instance, you have been miserable." "And perhaps with some cause, Mary. You must not think all my fears imaginary until AVilliam returns to call them so." " I am willing to await his coming, provided you will promise that if that apprehension proves groundless, you will never again make yourself unhappy by endeavoring to peep into the future, which is very wisely a closely book to us poor morals." "d will make no rash promises, Mary ; but I will confess to you that new thoughts and feel ings have been awakened this afternoon which will not soon be forgotten. I am well aware that i.iy happiness and that of my family is often im paired by this defect in my character, but I feel no strength to struggle against it." OCT O " AA'e must look to the source of all strength, dear sister. AA'e are nothing but weakness in ourselves. But see, there are the children -om-ing to meet us, -Willie and Clara aud babies and all. It is later than I thought." An early supper was soon prepared that the children might have their usual evening frolic, and get to rest a little before their customary hour. Mrs. Ashby had not forgotten her n.ew-Iorn resolutions, and yet she could not but express some anxiety respecting her eldest boy, little AVillie. .. " Only think, Mary, he is not asl ep yet," she exclaimed, as she returned from a fourth visit to his room. " And he is very restless. Do you think he is ill ?" Iler sister replied by pointing smilingly to the clock. " It still wants half an hour of Willie's bed time. No wonder that he is restless and wakeful. "' "A'ery true. I neyer thought of that," was the unusually cheeiful reply; an ! whh a praise orthy effort Mrs. Ashby actually waited until five minutes after the half hour had expired be fore she again went to AVillie's room. To 'her great relief he w as sleeping quietly. As she descended the stairs, her htisbtnd's step was heard in the ball. She sprang forward to meet him, with ajl her apprehensions of im pending ill rushing vividly to her mind. He greeted her iu his usual quiet affeetiona'e manner. "Children ar. sljep," he exclaimed, as he en tered the sitting room. " That is well. I will have my frolic with them in the'inoruing. And -a here is Mary ?" " Gone to hef room, I think. I left her here a short time since." " Well, give me iny tea, Lusy. and sit clown by mv- side while I tell vou a bit of good news." " Good news, AA"illiam ? You are trilling with me." " Assuredly not. 1 'id you ever.knoAy me guilty of such a proceeding? Why should I not have good news to tell you .'" " But you looked so grave and thoughtful, and were altogether so unlike yourself, that I feared some misfortune had befallen u5." " Aud have been borrowing trouble all the afternoon .as usual. Forgive m, Lucy, but I really wish you would not do so." " I will try to do better, AVilliam. But tell me tbe good news." "You remember my little speculation in those western lands. It has turned out better than I could have imagined, and will bring me in ten or fifteen thousand, -clear profit." " Ten or fifteen thousand ? AA'hy AVilliam." " It is true ; but this is not the best of it. The old homestead of your father's, which you have sorrowed for so long, is offered for sale at a bargain, and if you still desire it I will pur chase it for you to-morrow." " If I desire it ! My dear husband, it would make me perfectly happy. But can this be possible? It seems like a dream." " No, dream at all, Lucy. You may consider tbe thing as settled, for I have the refusal of the old place till to-morrow. I went round there at dinner tirr., which caused me to be a little late." ! "And I fancied there was some great trouble in your business, and that we were to be reduced to actual want." " Never mi id that now. Only promise me that all these fancies shall be left behind when we remove to cur new home. Let this be an era in our lives, and one of the distinguishing events shall be a firm resolution from my dear wife that she will have no troubles but what are real. . Afflictions will come and strength to bear them will come also; but it is worse than use less to mar our happiness by imaginary ills." " It is indeed, William, and I will endeavor to get the better of this folly. But where is sis ter Mary ! She must share in our joy." ." " Here is sister Mary," was tbe reply, as her sister entered at the next moment. "But did you speak of sharing your joy, Lucy ! And how happy you look. AYkat has become of 'the failure?" "It has vanished with the rest of my train ot misfortunes, Mary ; and in its place has come such unlooked for happiness. You cannot guess i m il -.l. "ivutu.- But something, in sister Mary's face toTcf that she did not need to guess. A whisper from her brother-in-law, at noon, had told her at least a part of the secret, but he had charged her to keep it until evening. " And why, William," asked Lucy somewhat reproachfully, "why could you not have saved me those anxious hours ?" " You must fcrgive me, dear Lucy. The les son was for your own good. I saw the state of mind in which you were mdulrrinjr, and I deter mined to wait until evening, and let you see how far away such uncalled for fears would lead you. Am I forgiven ?"' " I deserved the lesson, and I cannot reproach you, AA'illiam. And I suppose I must forgive sister Mary, also, although one word from her could have turned my sorrow into joy." " It shall all be joy now, dear Lucy. The words were several times upon my lips, but I felt that I ought not to -interfere with a course which William saw to be right, but did trv best to comfort you in other ways." " And succeeded very well, my sister. The lessou at the cottage was a good. one, and well prepared my mind for this, lleneeforth I will endeavor never to borrow trouble, but ever to bear in mind that, ' sufficient tthto the day is the evil thereof.' " miscellaneous: SOME AFTER-SCENES OF THE BATTLE OF THE ALMA. AYk leave the reader to picture to himself the details of this fierce at'd terrible conflict. These few sketches are from eye-witnesses of what they saw after its cle.se : The battle field was dreadful to walk over in the evening and following day. The battle end c d too bite for us to remove even our own wound e 1 that day, and the fearful spectacle of heads blown eff, shattered limb-, broken arm, the groans and sij-hs of the wounded, altogether made a scene I. never wi-h to see agaiu. The slaughter was ten iae. The oldest gene rals declare that in no battle heretofore fought have so many dead bee:: heaped up in one spot. !t would bo impos.-ibie to describe to you the frightful sc-ne which I witnessed in the square mile comprising this earthwork, the slope be neath it, and the slope above it, upon which were farmed the enormous squares of the Rus sian inf.intiy. The greater part of the English ki led and wounded were here, and there were at least rive Bu-sians to every Englishman. You could not walk for their bodies. The.most frightful mutilations the human body can suf fer, the groans ot the Wounded all formed a scene that one cannot forget. I was dreadfully tired ; for the band had to carry the wounded men to the rear, and assist the doctors to amputate, and , bind the wounds. I saw some dreadful sights that day, poor fel lows' legs and arm's off shells bursting near them setting their flesh on fire ; the stench dreadful ! AA'e were up all night attending to the poor fellows giving them, water, changing their positions, lighting their pipes for them : and the night was awfully daik and cold, and ljngon the battle field, the smell from the dead bodies, and the noise of the wounded horses was dreadful. I hope I shall never pass such a night again. The nert morning I went over the plain to look at the dead, and saw the plaea covered with wounded Russians fine, able-bodied men. I went up to one poor wounded Rus sian, and gave him a drink. He was in great agony, and he made signs for me to cut bis throat, he was so bad : of course I left him as he was. AAre were occupied for the next two days in burying the dead. Many of the Russians lived with wounds cal culated, to destroy two or three ordinary men. I saw one of the 32nd Regiment on the field just after tbe fight, lie was shot right through the bead, and the brain protruded iu large mas ses at the back of tbe head, and from the front of the skull. I saw the wounded man raise bis baud, wipe the Jiorrible mass from bis brow, and proceed to struggle down tbe bill towards water ! Many of the Russians were shot in three or four places ; few of them bad enly on wound Many tf them bad small crosses and chains fas tened around their necks. Many of thej officers had portraits of wives or mistresses, of t others or sisters, inside their coats. Tbe privates wore the little money they possessed in purses below their left knees ; and the men, in their eager search after the money, often caused the wound-" e l painful apprehensions that they were 'about to destroy them. Last night all these poor wretches lay in their agony ; nothing could be done to help them. The groans, the yells, the cries of despair and suffering; were a mournful commentary on tbe exultation of the victors, and on the joy which reigned along the bivou ac fires of our men. As many of our wounded as could be possibly pickedgup ere darkness set in were conveyed on stretchers to tha Jiospital tents. Many" of the others were provided with blankets, and covered as they lay on their blood. The bandsmen of the rejgiments worked in the : most cheerful and indefatigablemanner, hour -after hour, searching out and carrying off our wounded. Long after night had closed, faint lights might be seen moving over the frightful field, marking the spot where friendship direct ed the step pf some officer in search of a wound ed comrade, or where the pillager yet stalked about on his horrid errand. , . -. The attitudes" of some of the dead were aw ful. One roan might be 6eea resting on orie 'kagftr antfr annp4dln-thA form of - taking aim, the brow compressed, the lips clinched, the very expression of. firing at an enemy stamped on the face, and fixed there by death. A ball bad struck this man on the neck; an other was lying on his back with tbe s&me ex pression, and bis arms raised in a similar atti tude, the Minie musket still graspedHn his harids undischarged. Another lay in a perfect arph, his head resting on one part of the ground and his feet on the other, but the back raised high above it. Many men without legs or arms were trying to crawl down to the water side. The fogsnof the : night crept slowly up the hill-sides, and hung in uncertain folds around their summits, revealing here and there the ga thering columns of otlr regiments in dark patches on the declivities, or showing the deep black-looking squares of the French battalions, already in motion towards the south. But what is that gray mass on the plain, almost without life or motion ? Now and then an arm may be seen waved aloft, or a man raises himself for a moment, looks around and then lies down again. Alas, that plain is covered with the wounded Russians still. , Nearly six long hours have they passed in agony on the ground, and now, with but little hope of help or succour more, we musf have them as they lie. For .the past two days, says a surgeon, under date of Sep. foth, I have been literally in a sea of blood, as I have been employed attending on j the wounded Russians on the battle field of AU ' j ml No description I could give would realiz ! thelhorrprs of war the dead, the dying, horses, guns, carriages, pelc-mcle headless trunks, bo j dies minus arms or legs, mutilation of every sort j and-kind my blood almost freezes at the re-. I collection. Every available hut was improvish i ed into an operating theatre, and under every I disadvantage we performed the most formidable i surgical operations. You may judge how r- peditiously we had to get through'things, when i I mention that I extracted twenty-three balls in j less than three hours. Dressings were out of the question. Our surgical bivouacs were rea- . dilv known by the number of legs and arms : .-trewn around the scene of our labors. Indeed 1 cannot 'liken the field of battle for two days after the fight, tQ anything better than an aba ! toir.. My assistant for compressing arteries wns I the first passer-by, and when his nerves failed ! him, I Itad to wait until some one else came up, j I will not say much for the result ot my ampu i tations, as directly one was concluded I laid faiin on a bed of hay1 or traw, and left him to the vis naturcB medicairix. In the redoubts i the Russian dead lay literally heaped on each ; other. No one, I believe, knows the Russian loss. I counted myself more than 400 Russians dead in less than three acres, and the wounded were beyond ray calculation. Their supplica tions, asl passed through them, were heart rending wken I had attended onetbeie were O .'t twenty unintelligible supplications from those around me to give them my surgical aid. "Nothing," says a writer from the camp near Scbastapol, " could exceed the attention of the English soldiers to their wounded foes ; and, on the other band, it was delightful to witness th& tearful gratitude of the latter for such, attention. After forty-eight hours I found the Itussians in the field, still groaning from their wounds. I As . our own men were to be attended to first, these were necessarily left, with legs, arms and breasts shot away, during cold nights end burning days, without care or dressing. Many a flask of bran dy and water did I expend in relieving their terrible thirst; and bow ray heart, did bleed when around j the necks of every one of these soldiers I found tbe cross and virgin and child. When I relieved them, they expressed their gra titude, first to God, by kissing tbe cross, and ap parently 6aying a short prayer ; then, by hold ing my hand to their'lips, and pressing it to their hearts, until my feelings could bear it no ' longer, and. I longed for gome private spot where I could sit down and weep. t . . , , Actios of Mind - ox Mind. Whatever draws a man out of himself, makes him wiser, and better, and happier; at least, if it does not, tbe fault is his own, and he has to answer for abusing one of the most effectual means of im- ' provement which Providence has placed :within his power. He cannot benefit others-without being benefitted in return, either by the influ ence of his own action, bis own feeling3or by the gratitude with which it is more than repaid on the 'part 6f bis fellow-creatures. Ascetics may say what they please; but seclusion is neither favourable to wisdom nor to jrirtue, and, least of all to enjoyment. The diamond pol ished by diamond-dust ; and the fine particles thrown, off in disclosing the sparks of a hundred inferior ones may be required to bring Out the lustre of a gem worth a thousand. The attrition of minds of all orders is equally necessary for perfecting e capacity of the least, and develop ing the capacity of the least, and developing tbe excellence of tbe greatesL". Montgomery. - -- '.. - a '-jf ' ' u-i 1 t. . I. '- - America Machlnehy ,ih.; FiBE-Aasts.Mes-srs. Buck, of Lebanon, N. H. have just completed ' a large order for their improved machinery, "for the Royal Armory at AVooIwich, JEjiglandJ"Messrs. Robbios & . Lawrence, " at Windsor, Vt.nailxe- . cuted another order for the same pafty andrdestfna tion, to the extent of $80,000 S Thtfflatter is ex clusively for the manufacture of Mime rifles, guns, &x, for which purpose our American machinery! is, and long has been, unrivalled by any in the world.-. k