5! ' ' """f:-' : ., . s.f" ' " '-AV-; J' -': "-V -- --f". 7- v " ' ' : ; V ' . Vl M ' ; I ' ; ' . ,''.... !'- ' . . r a.'"- ' ,;v: ' " . . .. . . 1 i - 'i --.!! : '."5 it , 'Me -n - WILLIAM V.. COOKE, j I ID E P E I D El T E A MIL Y NEWSPAPER. : TERMS, " TWO DOLLARS PES ANNUM ' 1 - Bcfcotctr to all fijc 3n Unst& of Sj)e Souti), Citetaturc, atwn, Agriculture, 3elys, tf)c iWarfects, fcc. I- ii VOL. IY NO. 13. RALEIGH, XORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1855. WHOLE-NO.1 168 V - 1 1 ? ii- led he ihe led xid. eat the ). rafe j be ipa' s in cud. der- SELECT: POETRY. A WORD OF THINE. A word of ihine how haih it dwelt, Like music in uiy heart; And woashipp'd it, apart ; , ' . Mv 'spirit like a ruirror setms, ; Th.tbtill,: where'er I be, , In h 'PIy thouglitH, oe luippior dreams, Reflects but only thee, My love, Refle'-ts but only thee; I marvel what my life had been If tliee I ne'er hud known ! Tliy form, ihy beauty, never s-een ? Nor beard thy lips' dear tone ; ' It seems as if my heart were born Tliy slirine alone to be ; For every pulse from eve to morn S. ill beats for only thee. My love,' Still beats for only thee ! s SELECTED STORY. THE CONVENT OF ST. LUCIA. FROM THE CEKMAN OF ELISK POLKO, It was on the fea't t( t ie Acenion of our. Lor -in -the ' year 1704, tii.it the bell of the beauiiful fonveut of St. "Lucia, near Koine, ran t!ic hour of evening prayer. Crowds of pious worshippers throne.j to the gates. It was in-tvre-tiu to" w.i eii the various groups as tliey passed bv, the picturesque costumes of the fo reigiiers, the white- veils, the beautiful women adorned with flowers, and the tall proud men, v. kh sprigs of frrt aut oran;fe-blossotns iu their bosoms." In every eye was the glance of full life of -pleasure, of joy in the common spring. The-flowing sun seemed to imprint a warm par-ting kiss on ail these brown, richly-colored "'cheeks,'. to "embrace- wiik his setting rays these strong, manly forms, and then gradually fdiroud ed his own glories iu the rosy veil of evening twi light.. : The windows of the little church giowed: with the reflected ligbt. Within, clouds of in cense we're risiug, and the pale light of the can dies on the "altar couldsaarcely pieree the float ing vapors. . A dim twilight prevailed ; the irnage of St. Lucia ..was almost covered with colly wreaths an 1 flowers, and looked likea May queen ; the priest extended his arm in ble-'sing, the multitude -of the faithful sank dp-, on their kuees : then from the high concealed choir, resounded the "Kyrie -eleisou," of the nuns.. How softly those gentle voices floated - on the air. llow glorious and elevating was tlw niusrc of ralestrina. - Sub ime and pure the expressive air ros; amid those combined voicis. wliicli often strove t overpower, to submerge it, but still conquered by its triumphant notes; , modestly yielding, .they at' length united har-niouioii-ly in tiie soft accompaniment and the - glorious' .finale. The trembling souls of tbie hearers now .rose j ibilaiit. to heaven, 'as if up borne on mighty, wing-; uow's iuk weeping back : to earltl, as .if held, there by tender, invisible chaiusl It seemed as if the parti ug light, of day had converted itself in.o sound; every heart opened to its mild raysf and to every eye the little chuich seemed tided with wondrous light. ' . Then, suddenly in the "Gloria," a sopiano voice w is heaj'd, ..wli -e -urprisiyrg notes roused .the. multitude from their sweet delirium. The voice was of penetrating clearness, almost pierc- T ing in its purity, overpo.veriug in its fulness. Its tone had nothing in comin g with that of the other si tigers tlier.sjund did not m ngle with other sounds ; a'oue, free from any melting weakness, full and high, it floated up and down . the vaulted arches of -the church. The "Cre do" the wondrous voice was silent ; another ruilder soprano took its place. At the close, however, in the heart-moving "Agnus Dei," and '-Iona nobis pacein," again, like a glitter ing, poJislied,.ail conquering .-pear, it pierced the heavy clouds of incen-e. There was no excite ment in it. .There was no mere youthful fre.-h-iessiii th'jse notes, it was a voice characterized W n.ifhr are nor sex a voice that gave the . -. impression it had always been so, and must al- '..ys be so. , The pef.p;e were powe'r ully affected. " Iloly '.ry," . murmur, d an old "woman, " that was i E,Jt the s ng of a lis i.ug woman ! ' And cross.-" lll,r herself vehemently, she uttered a low pray-er- Iler startled dark-haired neighbor nodded a"tit, aud whispered the excj.imuion to a "tuan kneeling beside her, - whose searching Sl mees tried in vain to penetrate the grate of 'he cl.oir. : . The mass. vv;is over. The women, greatly ex- cHcd, left the church, the, men shook their heals-: every one- spoke of the marvelous sing- er? Tlie tapers were extiugui-hed, and the lev ly twilight of an Italian evening put an end to a thousand-'questions, doubts and expecta- 1 tiunsv -.' - . The next day, when the morning, the snail-- 1Xi'Z, radiant morning of Italy, looked with lov eyes into the windows of the little church, :au expectant multitude was already assembled there. Every faee was turned with an expres sion of "eager exectation towards the choir from hiehfivatiiis.were to be sung. And again the ?''Ce was heard, sgain every, heart trembled ith mingled,fear and joy, and again the hear rs were filled'with wonder. . Suddenly, abloom- uiotiori, cried, oat, "Holy Mary! I see the wonder! It is a child singing!" And, in truth, there was to be seen behind the grate the slender figure of a girl about ten years old, -from whose open lips the enchanting sounds flowed forth. The features of the child's face were severely regular, but devoid of all excite ment, and her young cheeks 'were pIe and transparent. From the moment of this discov ery, the excitement of the people increased from one hour to another. Early and late, crowds hastened to the convent to hear the wonderful little singer, whose voice could be distinguish ed iu the loudest chorus ; and the report of such great powers enshrined in a child's form spread through the whole neighborhood, extend in even to Home, and the rush to hear mass at the convent of St. Lucia became everyday greater and more violent. , But the number of the faithful who received the miracle for so it was considered -in thank-fulne-s, was small compared with the multitude who, in the restles-ness of a new excitement, filled their hearts and heads with suppositions and doubts 'concerning the person of the song stress. " It is one of the b arding scholars -'of the convent who sings, so they say there," was the -report of some. " But, at all events, she is grown up, at least eighteen r nineteen years old, and, owing to some natural defect, has the appearance, of a child. No child on earth can si rig so." "No, n," exclaimed others; '-they have been imposing upon you with their silly tales. It is one ofi he young nuns sister Barbara we' know aifi. about it ; and that young child was only listening." 1 ""Not at all," replied some of the women; "a miracle has been wrought. St. Lucia has sent the pious Abbess" Theresa an ancel from: heaven." "What childish non-cuse are you talking there?" exclaimed a poweiful-lookmg man, with a sensible, strongly marked face. " The whole thing is a piece of shameful deception. We are taken in,- imposed upon, to get the sil- ver coins out ot our pockets." Toe people crowded round him, and the orator continued. "iYes, listen to me, and the truth of what I say will be clear as daylight. A few words will ex plain the whole mauer. The convent is poor; St. Lucia wants a new velvet dress and golden hangings, and, to do all this, they must get large alms ; so they thought of a plan for at tracting credulous p ople here. They have had a machine constructed in liome, a piece of clock-work in human form . that tings, a w;ix doll with flute stops. I teil you it is no child or man either that trills away there so loud and clear ; it is a horrid puppit.'' The excited crowd listened, shuddered, cross ed themselves,-'argued, contended, and at. list be!ie' ed. "Li very truth, Matte is in the right of it !'' thundered a Hercules, as he clenched his fi-t with a savage gesture. "The Mug-ong is a piece of priests' trickery, and nothing more! Who ever heard such a child's in"i!io- a child mlh a voice strong, enough for a giant ? Suf fer yourselves to be' imposed upon no longer ! lhe miraculous songstress is uoi-hin" but a wooden doil witl a wax face. The thinr is wound up like a click, and sings just as they set it. 1 have seen such figures m ore than once at a famous old professor's iu Koine." "es; an i it is uo wonder we felt a "cold shudder when those clear, pare, flute-like notes struck our ears; it was a foreboding of this deveiish trickery," -added another, wklr kind ling eyes." "This abo-tiiuable imposition is a scandal to the church of St. Lucas ; we must not suffer it ; we must expose it, put an end to it, and ad the saints will help us iu sujh a gjd work," chim ed' in a third. There was a perfect tumult among the excited multitude. The women, with expressive ges tures, described the riid wax face of the pup pet and its dead glass eyes, and said they could not distinguish a word of the sacred anthems she had sung. Alany had distinctly heard a strange rattling uoise at. the end of the " Gloria." "The clock-word had ruu down then,' they whisper ed to one another. The men grew more and more excited by their own violent words, and the most gentle of the women began to kindle at the angry looks of their husbands, and lovers, and brothers. A universal pilgrimage to the convent was re-o.ved upou, to demand the sur render of the maciiiue, the deceptive singing doll. As the evening red began to fade a.vay trom the sky, and the orange-blossoms gave out their sweet oders, aud the 'fluttering nignt-moths flew around luxuriating in the fragrant air, and the stars shoiie forth like soft lamps in the dark dome of heaven amid all these peaceful influ ences, a numerous crowd of men, turbulent and excited, took their way to tiie quiet convent, thundered at its ivy-wreathed gate, aud urgently demanded admisdou. The' alarmed prioress directed it should be opened, and stepped for ward to meet the agressors. With a cry of terror, the nuns tad taken refuge iu their cells. The venerable face of this pious woman, her tall figure, and the crucifix she held on 'hirh before her, produced an effect upon the multi tude ; their confused cries subsided, the women fell upon their knees, the men retreated, and only one spokesman reverentially approached the prioress and announced to her the wishes, suspicions, and demands of his companions. . Astonishment and distrust were pictured on the features of the earnest woman. - "My children," she exclaimed, M is it possi ble that you accuse your mother Theresa of such deception ? Is it possible you have degraded yourselves so loy, and wounded me so deeply? Go hence ! repent and bewail your transgres sion ! for that voice which has led you into this deplorable error, that voice which has stirred and excited j-pao, p owerfulJyt cune' from the breast of a chi!J blessed of Heaven. Ji floated down from the innocent lips of a . maiden of Sinigaglia, but ten years old, who receives her education at our convent.' " We want to see the child," exclaimed some rough voices. " Yes, yes, we must see the en chantress, hear her speak, touch her face and her hands, and feel her warm breath !" And the cries grew louder, and the gestures more threatening. The exhortations of the abbess were unheard, and the usually quiet court of the convent was filled with noisy voices. Mother Theresa disappeared. She returned, urging forward towards the excited ciowd a pale, tender, trembling girl. Her regular fea tures aud colorless complexion shone like yel low wax beneath her smooth dark hair, and her large-dark eyes gazt-d with terror on the strange expressive faces before her. " Angelica," said the prioress gently, " be not afraid. e c unageous ; help thy mother The resa and'and these duluded "people. Lift up thy voice and greet the queen of heaven." Angelica opened her lips, and began an an cient, simple " Salve. Regina;" but with a power, purity, and sublimity, with a precision and calmness, that involuntarily bowed the knees of the silent multitude. The deep peace, the unspotted innocence to which th'ese tones gave utterance could only come fiom a breast uticon--ci"iis of the sweet sorrow s aud bitter pleasures of life, its roses and its thorns. The clear pure notes resounded far in the beautiful n:gbt of that blooming land. Glorious aud soft, the starlight fell on the heads of the crowd, on the youthful brow' of the singer, and the earnest face of the deeply moved abbess. When Angelica euded, the prostrate figures arose, and, with that overpowering, irrepressible enthusiasm which is the peculiar characteristic of the south, pressed round the child. Sobbing, they kissed the little hands of the smiling girl, the hero- of hf-r gariBi, her glwv4$kik:, her feet, caressed with tears of rapture, blessed her, and a unanimous, .triumphant shout rent the air" Long live Angelica Catalina." , Mother Theresa soon after procured the re moval of the wonderfully gifted child from the convent; she could not endure the crowds that disturbed her still asylum. But, in after days, she bilteily repented it, for the little Angelica in a si o't time grew, as the w hole world knows, into the great Catalina. Europe was at her feet ; and what a dowry of splended robes, neck laces, and glittering crowns would St. Lucia have from this adoration ! MISCELLANEOUS. SKETCHES OF THE GENERALS Fiom an article in the Philadelphia Ledger we couilense tue following sketches of the master spirits of the'piesent Eastern war. "Nicholas was born m the year 1796. He is the third son of the Emperor Paul, whose tragical death by strangulation is a matter of history. In the period of his life, the prospect of his ascending the throne' was extremely re moteindeed highly improbable Alexander his elder brother, occupied the sovereignty, aud Constautine was the nxt in the natural order of succession. As in th'i case of most of the vounger branches of sovereign houses in Eu rope, a considerable portion of the early- period of Nicholas life was spent in traveling from court, to court, in varied attention to the beau ties of military command, iu which he distin guished himself by the improvements he effec ted in the efficiency of the Russian army. In 1825. Alexander died, not without suspi cions circumstances attendant on his death which were probably strengthened by the fact that the succession devolved not upon Constan tine, but Nicholas. It was not without diffi culty that he obtained possession of some power. " The Sultan of Turkey was born in Con- 1 stantinople, in 1824, and ascended the tarone at the age of sixteen. He was a mild and gen tle youth and inherited the reforming tenden cies of his father, andt.tfye softness of his Christian mother. He is tall and slender with black eyebrows, pale fac and thick lips. At first his career was timid and resolute; but of late years he has manifested considerable energy. His reign promises to prove the most important in the modern history of his country. " Lord Kaglan, Commander-in-chief ot the British forces in the East, eighth son of fifth Duke of Beaugord, was born in 176S. He en tered the army at the age of sixteen, as a Cor net in the Fourth Dragoons, and he accom panied the Duke of Wellington to Denmark, in 1S08. He subsequently accompanied him to the Peninsula, and enjoyed a greater amount of the commanders confidence than any other officer in the army He distinguished himself in the engagements at Fuentes d' Onor in 1811, and in the storming of Badajoz in 1812. It was to Lord Fitzroy Somerest (now Raglan) that the governor of the citadel surrendered. In the memorable battle Vittoria and through out the brilliunt campaign, Lord Fitzroy Somer set distinguished himself by his activity and dar ing. In 1814 he married Emily Harriet, se cond daughter of the last, and sister of the pre sent Earl of Mornington consequently niece of the great Duke. At Waterloo he lost an arm, and that decisive victory terminated the first act of bis military career. In 1807 he was made a Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath, and on the death of the L)uke of Wellington, to whom he had been long military secretary, he was raised to the Peerage by the title of Lord Raglan Made privy Counsellor, aud ap pointed Master General of the Ordinance. . Prince Menchikoff was born in 1783, and is the great-grandson of Peter the Great'a i- vorite. In stature he is abov the middle height; his gait haughty, though s. Jy afiected with a limp, occasioned it is aii ! J a wound which be received it 1828, when t . agc-d "against the Turks at Varna. It is fif i that one eve ning,' having; given instaT ' - ich be ; was desirous of seeing implici- , be traversed the whole t!ntflp, and cs 't. return--' ir.-Oro'ttiAiiilMfc-eJina i' s:VlMf With, bis legs, stretched wide apart, wuue ue too , prach of EnuhT At thai moment the loud roar of artillery was heard," and the Prince fell to the ground. Great was the consternation in the camp. On - being taken up it was found that a cannon ball ' had passed between the Prince's legs, and wonnded him severely in the thigh. The Annual Register states that he was so severely wounded that he was compelled to relinquish the command of the army. Prince Menchicoff is one of the most extensive land ed proprietors in the empire, and counts serfs by thousands ; but bis avarice is unbound, though-in St. Petersburg, his establishment is on the most lavish-- footing. His hatred to foreigners is intense. .Not one, even an ambas sador, has been permitted to enter his palace. " Francis Canrobert, the successor of the Count St. Aruaud and the Commander-in-chief of the French forces was born in the Depart ment of Lot. In 1 835 he embarked for Africa, where he distinguished himself, and won the applause of his superior officers. He returned to France in 1S39, with the-decoration of the Legion of Honor, and in 1840 he was on duty at the camp of St. Omer. In 1841 he returned to Africa, and again signalized himself. In 1S48, while the cholera ws raging in the garri son of Aumale, Colonel Canrobert distinguished himself by his courage and bis labors. He returned to Paris in 1850, and took the com mand of a brigade of infantry, and was also at tached to the Prince President of the Republic as aid-de camp. On the 14th of January, 1S53, he was appointed a Geueral of Division; and more he was placed at the head of the First Division of the army of the East. At the bat tle of the Alma he received a wound and before his departure be was known to be occupied in profound studios, having for their object a knowledge of the theatre of war, as if he had a presentiment of his future destiny. This is the officer to whom has been confided the duty of sustaining the high honor of France, iu what is likely to prove the terrible siege of Sevastopol." . . . . .... BEAUTIFUL OLD AGE Mrs. Sigournev, in her book " Past Me vidian," just publu-hed gives the following charming picture of contented and virtuous old -"'7 -rr --turner: -4 - I or.ce knew an aged couple, who for more than sixty years had dwelt in one home, and with one heart. Wealth was not theirs, nor the appliances of luxury, yet the plain house in which they had so long lived was their own. Humble in every.' appointment, that they might keep fiee from ' defjt, they we.-e respected by people iu the highest 'positions, for jt was felt that they set a right example in all things. Every little gift or token ot r membance from Iriends and all wiio knew them were friends awakened the fresh warmth of gratitude. Though there poi tioa of this World's goods was small, beuevoknee, b'eittg inherent in their na tures tound frequent iexpie-si..u. Always they had by them some book of slight expense, but of int rinsic value, to be given as a guide to the young, the ignorant, or the tempted. C-r;.ia's aiso, and simple medicines for debility, or inci pient disease, they distributed to the poor for they were .-kilfui iu extracting the spirit of h -A h from herbs, and a part of the garden; cultivated by their own hands, was a di-pen -ary. Kind, loving words had they for all the fullness of their heart's content brimming over in bright drops, to refr, sii those around. That venerable old man, and vigorous, his temples slighriy silvered, when moiethan four score years hadvi.rited them, how freely flowed forth the melody of his leading voice, amid the s acred strains ot public worship ! His favorable tunes ot Mear and Old Hundred, wedded to these simply sublime words, ' While shepherds watched their flock by night," and " Praise God, from whom all blessings flow," seem even now to fall sweetly, as they did upon my childish ear. These, and similar . anient harmonies, mingled with the devout prayers that morning and evening hallowed his home and its comforts ; she, the loved partner of his days, being often sole auditor. Thus, in one censor, rose the praise, which 'every day seemed to deepen. God's goodness palled not on their spirits, because it had been long continued. Tbv rejoiced that it was "new? every morning, and fresh every evening." . By the clear wood-fire in winter, sat the aged wile, with serene brow, skilfully busy inMprepara tion or repairs of garments,,, as perfect neatness and economy dictated ; while, by the evening lamp, her bright knitting-needles moved with quickened zeal,, as she remembered the poor child, or x wasted invalid, in some cold apart ment, for which they were to furnish a sub stantial covering. - In the later years of life, their childless abode was cheered by the presence- of a young orphan relative. She grew nnder their shadow with great delight, conforming her pliant heart to their wishes, and to the patera of their godly simplicity. When they were seated together, she read to them such books as they chose, and treasured their Christian counsel. Her voice in the morning was to them as the carol of the lark, and they seemed to live again a new life in her young life. She was to them "like the rose of Sharon and the lily of the valley." ; : i Love for the sweet helplessness of unfolding years, seemed to iucrease with their own ad vancing age. Little children, who know by instinct where love is, would draw near them, and stand lamp-like at their side. , Thus they passed on, until more than ninety years had been numbered to them. They were not weary of thumselves, or of each other, or of this beautiful world. Neither was time weary of bringing them, letter by litter, the full alpha bet of a serene happiness, and when extreme age added the Omega, they were well-educated to begin the bliss of eternity. . ' RANDOLPH AS A SATIRIST Randolph was unequalled in one thing in blending his sarcasm with his argument, so that he did not have to wander from the text to;say bitter things. He rtunded of the argument by some allusion or comparison, which waa goodas an illustration, and biting as a sarcasm- Ran dolph looked the embodiment of satire. Tall, emaciated,' bloodless, the flashing eyes, blazing over the. livid cheek, the skeleton finger, the finger, the proud and classic features,- cold and unsympathizing," or flush with' indignant scorn, the haughty air, the ; sheering lips, the sharp, bony face, aud the keen, shrill, pipping voice, slow.'disehDerate in its varied and most cfyr;;Jwn".' op a.itraaiMier" which well answering' 16 these organs of communica tion. There was nothing theatrical liT all thiSy though Randolph was the most eccentric of men. His eccentricities, unlike most men's so far from proceeding from va iity, come from a self-dependence and self-will, consulting his own taste and reelings, and almost wholly regardless of the taste and opinions of the world, if not actually scorning them. Probably no other man of his time could express scorn with such withering effsct. He felt more scorn than he uttered, even' when his utterance was most ex travagant His pride was morbid Luctfer-like. His dislike transformed the object into a thing ot utt. r meanness und boundless contempt. It is galling enough for a man to feel that another man looks upon him with contempt ; but to he under the basilisk eve of one w ho, in a tone of measureless superiority, looking the lord and j master, yeiy condescends to treat the gentle- vessei beneaU). The enclosur which wiH conr man with the contemptuous recognition ot a I . , , , , trembling culprit, and to administer to biin tai" sral hundred tons, is failed with guano judicial chastisement for his crimes, or impale j b? tlie Indian laborers, and a small line that en him for his follies to mark him out by hi wit j closes the mouth of the pipe being slacked, the for the general derision, and cooly dismiss him : whole mass is poured into the ship at a rate to contempt, as an object worthy of no further j wjlich verv 80un completes her car(r0- F notice this is a burden which few men have . - , . . the philosobhy to bear with composure. J3a- ! dieus Party Leaders. FARMER'S5-DEPARTMENT. VISIT TO A GUANO ISLAND Amongst all the new-fangled manures introdu ced by 'experimentalizing agriculturists, during the last twentv vears, not one has been so ra pidly and universally adopted as guano. Its astonishing fertilizing qualities, and easy mode of application have rendered it a general favor ite with the farmers, though the immense dis tance of the places from which it is chiefly ob tained, and its consequent high price, must lim it its use, even if the supplies were inexhausti ble. The Island of Ichaboe, on the west coast of Africa, from whence guano was first obtained iflarge quantities, is perhaps the most remar kable instance of a desolate rock becoming sud denly the port of destination for hundreds of ships, and the source of immense wealth to nu merous individuals. But Ichaboe was soon ex hausted, and the dusty treasure that had for many centuries been accumulating on its rocky bosom, was literally swept away. The once bu sy island has now returned to ifc former loneli ness, and the fleet of ships that gathered round it, seek on still more distant coasts, the fertili zing powder that shall fatten the impoverished fields of distant countries. More than half the guano imported during the last ten years, has been obtained from a small group of Islands called the Chincas, that lie off the port of Pisco, on the Peruvian coast. Of these Islands, the largest, Sangalian, has ve ry little guano upon it, the principle deposits beinar found on three smaller ones, the most northern of the group. These are distinguished as the North, Middle and South Islan is. The North Island has been constantly worked ever since the introduction of guano. The middle one has also been occasionally invaded ; but the South Island, on which we believe tha accumu lation to be greatest, remains untouched. Every ship bound to the Chincas is compell ed to anchor at Pisco, in order to pass the ne cessary custom-house formalities, before proceed ing to her loading ground. A couple of hours are then sufficient to carry her across the few miles of water that intervene, and she soon again drops her anchor amongst the numerous fleet that is ever laying off the Island waiting their turn to load. The odorous scent of the guano is distinctly perceptible at several miles distan'ce, and is far from unplea-ant, when thus mingled with the "pure sea air. The first duty of the crew after the ship's ar rival, is to discharge the extra ballast, and as the captains have no dread of port officers, or har bor masters, the sand or stone is quietly tossed over the side, until there is barely sufficient left in the hold to keep the vessel on an even keel. In the meantime the long boat is hoisted out of her berth amidships, and a part of the crew are busily employed in bringing off boat loads of guano fiom the Island, to replace the discharg ed ballast. The peculiar odor pervades the whole ship the carefully tarrtd rigging be comes a dirty brown, while the snow white decks and closely furled sails assumes the same dark hue. On the side next the mainland, the Islands rise precipitately from the sea to a considerable height, presenting only a bare, dark wall of rock. From the npper edge of the precipice, the huo-e mound of guano slopes rapidly up wards for a short distance, and then spreads in to a level surface that gradually descends on ev ery other side to within a few yards of the wa ter. Here and there, huge craggy points thrust their white heads through the brown crust of guano, which as completely filled up the deep hollows that have originally existed in the Is land, and would soon ,had it not been disturbed, have covered even the crests of what were once tall pinnacles. The only safe landing place is on a narrow strip of beach, the remainder of the Island being surrounded by low rocks, and small detached reefs; but the irregular formation has greatly facilitated the loading of ships, enabling the crews to accomplish that in a few days, which, under other circumstances, must have cost them studious weeks of labor. Close to the face of the rock the water is deep enough to float the largest merchantman ; and the stea dy constancy of the trdewiud, which rarely in creases here beyond i pleasant breeze, 'enables . the ship'to'lie in petfet safety in close contact with her two rrinst dangerous enemie rocky" isiancr, ana a dead lee stiot'TTz--'--' Having taken aboard hy her boats sufficient guano to fcallast her, the ship is hauled in close to the steep reef, to which she is securely bound w ith warps and chains, two anchors being drop ped to seaward, to enable he to haul off again when loaded.. Down to the very edge of the precipice, on its summit, comes the point of a triangular en closure, open at its base, and made of strong stakes driven into the solid guano, and closely knit together with iron chains. At the, point resting upon the edge of the cliff, there is a small opening, to which there is firmly attached a wide canvass pipe, which hangs down the face of the precipice, and passes into the hold of the Te11 Jrts.ot ,ha I,!Pe ow-lmes lead to the mast-heads of the vessel, and from thon rn deck, where they are tended by the crew, who alternately haul upon and slack thorn, so as to ! keep the long pipe in motion and prevent its choking. But however well they may succeed I in this effort, the men have considerable difficul j ty in avoiding some such catastrophe in their own persons'; tor the guano, after failing from so grejit an elevation, rises through the hatch ways in one immense cloud, that completely en velopes the ship and lenders the inhaling jof any thinglsabut dust almost a matter of impossi bility. The men wear patent repiratiors, in shape of bunches of tarry oakum, tied across their mouths and nostrils ; but the guano mocks at such weak defences, and a brisk continued fusilade of sneezes celebrates the opening of the pipe, and accompanies, in repeated volleys, and unwilling teaw, the unremitting shower of pun gent dust. Iu the meantime, a gang of Indians are at work in the hold, trimming aDd levelling the guano as it pours from above. How they contrive io exist at all in such an atmosphere is a matter of astonishment ; but even they are unable to remain below longer than twentv min utes at any one time. They are then relieved by another party, and then return on deck per fectly naked, streaming with perspiration and with their brown skins thickly coated with gu ano. The two parties thus alternately relievinc each other, a ship of seven or eight hundred tons is loaded in two or three days the-Indians working during the night, and filling up the en- I closure, readv f r shipment the following day. j - o . - .:iuiu.i ..lulu Ul lit... Vj''J WIG UUrtlS of the ves-el anchored off the Island. The guano is dug out with a pick and shov el down to the level of the rock, and on the North Island, the cutting thus formed, is in some places from 60 to 80 feet in depth in others it is only a few inches ; but these shallow spots are comparatively rare, and usually border on some deep valley, firmly packed with the precious substance. From the pressure of the superin cumbent mass, the lower strata have become al most as hard and compact as the rock itself, and the color deepens from a light brown or some times white, at the surface, to nearly black at the bottom of the cutting. The guano of the Chinca" Islands is said to surpass all other deposits in its strength and fertilizing qualities, and this is chiefly attributed ', to the fact that rain never falls on the Islands. Owing to this extreme aridity of the climate, the saliue particleof the manure are never held in solution, and are therefore less liable to be lost by evaporation, than where the surface of the mass is frequently washed by heavy rains. Large lumps of very strong and pure ammonia are fre quently turned up by the diggers. The thick fogs that in certain seasons are of nightly occur rence ou the coast, convert the outer layer into into a greasy paste, which is immediately baked by the suu into a hard crust, that prevents even the fogs from penetrating into the interior. The crust is completely undermined by the birds that still frequent the Island in large numbers, These are miaos, garnets, penguins, pelicans, di vers, sheer beaks, and many other sea fowle, but the most common is the guano bird, a very handsome creature, beautifully variegated and decorated with two endaut ear-drops. Natu ralists, delighting iu hard words, call him, I be lieve, suliela variegata. These web-footed col onists form regular towns beneath the crust of the guano and various settlements, communica ting with each other by galleries, running in ail directions, so that it is deemed almost impossi ble to set foot upon the untouched surface of the island, without sinking to the knee in some feathered lady's nursery, and either smashing her eggs, or mutilating her hal.-fledged proge ny. The egg-shells, and the remains of the fish ' brought to feed the young birds, or to be de-' voured at leisure by the old ones, must form a considerable item in the deposits. Thickly tenanted as are the Islands, and the air above, the waters beneath are uo less full of . life. Shoals of small fish are continually pass ing through the channels. "Whales ateirequent ly seen, rolling their huge bodies in the offing ; and the numerous caves that perforate the i-' . lands on every 6ide,-are Jinhabited iy colonies of seals and sea lions, that wage an unceasing predatory war upon the sparkling shoals that : pass, unconscious of all danger, their gloomy surf-bound territories. . -? ' ' ' ' V.' ;: Not a blade of grassnor even a particle of moss exists upon thernu, The present only one brown 'zri tt-VJcg ' food f;r the tiniest nibbler thai ?LgM4:'';ru . corn ; and yet they possess sufficient fertilizing power to transform a barren desert into a fruit ful garden ; and they annually furnish food in other lands, for thousands of hungry mortals, I who never even f heard of its existence! jThey are also completely destitute of water the In- ; dians who live upon them, being supplied, with this necessary of life by' the shipping, in turns. Every article of food is brought from Pisco, to which port the guano diggers occasionally re-; sort to spend in extravagance and dissipation their hard earned wages. The Commandant re sides on the North Island in a miserable cot tage; four poles stuck in the guano, with grass mats or a few reeds stretched between them, and covered in with a flat roof, of the same ma terial, form specimens of a high order of the ' Chinca architecture. Furniture is of course un known, and clothing as near so as possible ; but the high wages given to the laborers appear ta balance the disagremens of their position ; br several Englishmen are amongst their number. i. Some of these are employed in mooring the 'ships alongside of the rock. Guano has been used for agricultural purposes in Peru, ever since the invasion of the Span iards, and there are good grounds for believing that its use was known to the Indians long an terior to that period. It is now chiefly applied there in the cultivation of maize and potatoes, and large quantities of it are consumed in the haciendas that skirt the banks of the rivers which flow from the mountains through the de sert, raising in their passage through the arid ocean,, long green Islands, of extraordinary fer- -tility. The mode of applying the manure dif- fers considerably from that adopted with us. It is never used with the seed ; but when the plants are a few inches above the surface, a long shallow trench is made close to the roots, and in this a small quantity of the guano is placed, the white being always preferred. The trench being laid completely under wafer by dams and sluices, erected for the purpose, or, where no such system of irrigation exists, other means are adopted for thoroughly saturating the soil. The potatoes produced by this mode of culture, are' perhaps the finest, both for size and quality, in in the world, and the extraordinary rapidity of the growth, after the application of the manure, is most astonishing. THE IAMPAS. A correspondent of the New York Spirit of the Times enquires as to burning for the Lamp as, and whether that is the only cure for it. With the hope that we may perhaps save one horse from the unnecessary and terrible torture of the burning iron, we undertake tq reply. Burning for the Lampas is as good and as humane a remedy, as is suffocation between two feather beds for the hydrophobia ; both have been practised by the ignorant, and both . are effectual. The horse, to be sure, survives the infliction, while the feather-bed patient is bound to die? But both of these barbarous remedies (?) have long been discarded by civiliz ed and intelligent men. We have occasionally had cases of this com plaint in our stable ; and have always attributed '" it to over-feeding. But in no single case, how ever bad, within our knowledge and experience , -as an. amateur V. S., has it resisted a course of bran mashes, continued for a day or two ; with '- -, the addition, in one or two instances, of a purg ative of saltsor aloes. The first thought of our farm hands always was, to take the animal to the blacksmith's to be burned. Youatt says, "The bars occasionally swell, and rise to a level with, and even beyond the edge of, the teeth. ; They are very sore," and the horse feeds badly on account of the pain he' suffers, from the pressure of the food on "them. This is called the Lampas. It may arise from inflammation of the gums, propagated to the' bars, when the horse is shedding his teeth and young horses are more subject to it than " others or from some slight febrile tendency in -the constitution generally; as when a young horse has lately been taken upfrora gTass ; and has been over-fed or not sufficiently exercised. At times, it appears in aged horses; for the progress of growth' in the teeth of the ' horse is continued during the whole life of the animaL ! - In a majority of cases, the swelling will icon subside without medical treatment, or a few mashes and gentle alteratives will relieve the animal. A few slight. incisions across the bars with a lancet, of. penknife, will relieve the in flammation and cause the swelling to subside ; indeed this sacrification of the bars in Lampas will seldom do harm, although it is far from be- ' . ,f ing so necessary as is supposed The brutal . custom of the iarrier, who scars anLburns down s ibh the bars with a red-hot iron, isino8tobjectiQna!-jlv.yt "it ble, It is torturing the horse to no. purpose, .. r and rendering that part callousOD, the delicato'-iw; -m sensibility of which all the pleasure and safety 4 -or riding and driving depend 5It may.be pm'iva .'" dent, in case of Lampas, to examine the grinders and, more particularly, the tushes, iu order to ! r. i ascertain, whether either of them is making its way through the gum. If it is so, two incisions across each other should be made on the tooth, S : f

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