V .'''. 1 I 1 1 .!".'' W1ELIA.U p. COOKE, j. AF INDEPENDENT FAMILY NEWSPAPER. TERMS, . TWO DOILIES FEB AN5EM t V Slclotcfc to all rtjc 3n tcrcats of Eije Souti), Citeraturc, Mutation, agriculture, tefcs, 0 iWarfcet, &c. IV, --NO. 15. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, MARCH .10, 1855. . ! ' WHOLB NO. 160 SELECT POETRY From Blackwood's Magazine. THE WALL-FLOWEK, .. .. - ' ; ' ,. . . . . : r V, i V Thfe Wall-flower the Wall-flower, Slow beautiful.it blooms! learns above the ruined tower, ike i-uidight over lombs; It siheds a halo of lepose ' Around the wrecks of time. ToWauty give the flaundng rose, '. 'he Wall-flower Ls sublime. Fl.cjw-cr of the solitary place ! (r.y ruin's golden . ciown, Thlt li-nclyst rm luncholy grace o haunts ot' oil renown ; Tliu in ntk'St ter the battlement ljv strife or storm decayed ;. An! Th i lil lest up each euvions rent Times canker-tooth hatu made. reJ, roots outspread the ramparts oer, W here, in war's stormy day, 1'cfcy oi iKiugl ..ss ranged of yore 1 ncir lauks in gi i m -array ; Thp clang of the field is fled, The beacon on the hill ( - - . No more'through midnight thlizes but thou art blooming1 still! Whither hath lb d the choral band : Thai lillei the Abbey's nave? Yon dark sepulchral yew-trees stand er many a level grave. In ..the belny's cievi.es, the dove . Her young brood. nurHetb well, W iile thou, lone (lower! dust shed ahove A fweet decaying smell. In he season of the tulip-cup, Vtieu hlossoms .clothe the trees, llo.v sweet to thru". the lattice u, jint ce..t thee cn the bieeze. ; Th butterfly is then abroad, ' .'he be is on the wing. And on ihc .hawthorn by the road 'I tie linnets .-it and sing. Sw ?et Wall-flower sweet .Wall-flower! 1 hon coujuirst up to me Fu. I manv a soft and sunny hour Of hoy hood's thought less glee ; Wllen j y irrxti it the daiuiws gr, i woodland pastures s:reen, Ami sinnm r skies were far more blue, ' 'I'Lai. since itii y e't-r have been. - . Now autumn's pensive voice is heard Amid the yellow bowers. The robin is tire regal bird. J.n,l thou the queen of flowers! lies sings ou th- laburnum trees. Amid ibe twilight dim. Anjd Araby ne'ec gave the breeze . iuch scents, as thou to him. j Riqh is the pink, the lily gay, The rose is .-tinnier s guest : l,l4.l a: e thy c'jarm w he n these decay ijifloweis first, his!, aud best! Thl-re may lie gau liei m the bower, 'And stateliei oh the tree. "But Wall-flow ,-r love I Wall-flower, Tbou art the flower for me! r wlij feared neither burg or injins, and who cou! J srtim the Mississippi, and single handed whale his; weight in wild-cats before breakfast. Yet Logwood had a weakness; he was excessivtly t.uiiid in the society of females, lie adored the whole sex indiscriminately ; but he seemed to iKpW!freflra reach to be admired but not approached. I do jnot know to what to attribute it, unless, in-d'-ekl, it was a conse ousness of his want of per sonal attractions and accomplishments ; but in early times the sight of a w hite female complete ly Unmanned him. It is not to be wondered at,t! en. when it is told that Logwood's heait htar ily thumptd hi- ribs upon making the dis covery that a family had suddenly s-itled. on the Bar, within two huudr-d yards ot his ctbin, in the: fall 1851 e;-p' -dally when it is made known that one of the tVmales of that household w-as a widow tf some thirty-tive years, whose husband liad died on the plains early in the Spring. Logwood saw ht-r,- and in that case, to see was Lut to admire, at least on his part; whether or I'olih-- widow was similaUy aff-cted we will en deavor to make tlie sequel show. Yes, in mountain parlance, Logwood 'weaken ed to the charms of the widow, and the conse quence was that af er one week, he could occa sionally be seen sneaking round the cabin of his adored: with a M ile i' shirt j eeping up stiffly aroii d hi-throat. For thus oujagonsly habit ii g himself, he was ca led to accouut 1-v the boys, and as such .-ingular conduct required an explauaiion ot' some kind, Logwood was compell ed; to point to t! e widow as the cau-e. i.M' course everv encouragement was rr'ven to hiqn; sh.- c;iinforts of a lime, and tlio pleasure 'of i-iiariied life were pictmved t him in" tlitir mjst slowing colors by the entire mess, an 1 10 occasion was Iroin tiiat time heticef th s ighed byfany of them when in Company with the w i3 ovy, of exalting Logwood's exce.lence. The wilow:. doubtle.-s, wasshiewd enough to suspect everything of hat sort, and laughed at tfe etfect; u she could not.be insensi.de to Logwood's if she was to his honet d-.-votion. The fact was, the wid w was a woman who had seen considerable of the worid, and knew from a' fifteen years' experience of inatrini-nial life that a .J poverty migL ' p s-1 dy eiot toa h-. r under the same roof, yet it wa- rath r incon.-ist-eni; and, luring out-grown all girlish fancies of ilove ai d- lomanc . lik a sen-i . e woman, .-he locked Upoll anothtr maiiimoirial alLance s rictlv with an eve to LVisiness. L gwood was pretty well supp.kd. witlf lucre ; a-certa iied beyond a doubt, lllSCELLJlMOuS "LOGWOOD' AND A CALIFORNIA WIDOW. . A M . Yes, t! wewd,' fu the to him li far as to in our m .d. iik.-a Ilol the J to surt li lie was NINO RKCOI.LECilON OF "49-'50. e bovs would always call him 'Log ;twit::st nd ng all his pries"ations to i 1 ,. , f u-i . . .. i:. i C.'UirillV. U. 11 kilf. liailic war. mob ttj'j iuru swore, threatened, and even went so ivt'.v roii 'hlv Ivan lie one little lellow vs; out hj g.aiuihy became reconcil- itnie li l s. pher, to that winch he had wi-r 10 re'medv, and s m an -we red to that naaii as wed aV to the oae which his parents beqUealt d hi u and it was a-out all they did m in o the woild with 4'oaU Woods. a rougii. uututorei spcimen of the baek wool-Mian. sti.d six-fe. t-s'x m his s cks, - I- . : I . I - T .1.. IdlA 41 i a .u emiaieu roin iosa eaiv in ici). vi though t ie ex:ent of hi erudi.ion Went no tur llier than a very iini.;e. 1 Miowl.-dge of the trst elenieut- hi au E.gli-h edu -aii. u, and uncouth mau .d a ever sdiar beaus of to aci Coi.jai appr ael - sits J euj.i r.ame t':i bv the b .oiher. - : Akho t'is t ack; might. hud bee was a i: sin n as in person, vet ne was a tine feelings and a- good a leart as d "('Aithouv .-UMthii.g.) the iik and iiundeibuss. i eirt: alone did he owe l.is name r-f 'Lcwood ;' an i although he cou;itt-i:iuieed with i ' , unteign i; -upon 1 i.il;.reOal Oi!ll r t.i ua'.n it w w'io-e ues . - i aice -v ti an i this the widow had mhU toe sun es which she liad bestow el Ujtoii hi ill during the two or three occa.-ioiis on which t ey had met, made L -gwood duubt, like Lich aitjl whether hliad not always 'mstook his er s n.'- But sin'uten h- was there was no reason to d-dibi.for never had he ben known tc exercise -o great caie in his ure-s as during the mouth which elap.-ed pieviotis to hi fikst attempt to pay the lady a regular visit. S -vera! tunes .n he attempted it, bat as often had h;s cou rage tai ed him, tinril at la-t,-froin ind -.cations quite unmistakable, we were ma le conjM nt that hejhiul deteimii.ed iipo;i the tini.- to tarry out hisl ieoluiioti which was to he the Sundty evening following: Early Saturday auemoon, hejstopped his latnirs and commenced pr.-j r ng h tne f for it by washing and diyii g one of the wa te -hlrts with whicii th. presence of the lad v j onjtlie btrha l induced 'him to piovide h m-e!f. aujl puttii g the remainder of his waidrol e in r-rair, and tiie next morning saw hint arr ived inthe very ch iice-l suit that it li .d prabablv ever been his lot to appear in. He waited r tind quite absiractedly duiingthe dav.apparen ly inmani,ed at the thougat of l!iixial to which hewiis about subjectiu"- hiin-elf. The boys winked at each other, but sai 1 no thing. Evening came, and at leng h eight o'clock, ani Logwood was still in hi- cabin; hut in tit-teen minutes after, the ites ess-iarv courage w as suilimoned. and he sauntered slowlv towards thej c;bin of tiic w.dow. How matteis wou d l ave terminated 1 4im unable to sav, had n t ac cident stepped to the a d of the ba-hf d lover. Asj he whs passing the door for the tenth t me, the '.ather of the lady in question, an olJj man of ab ur s xiy, happened to di-cover rni, and invitwl him in. He at first refused, but subsequently agreed to 'step in for a mo ment.' and the n it minute he was in the pres . nee t f his charmer. The cabin was divided inivj two appartments, one of w hich wa- oc-- u- pi. A as a sleeping room or rooms, and the ! other answered tor the purposes of dining and proximity nearer her than U-n feet, took occa sion, while applying a hale more fuel to the, fire, to lesson that uncomfortable distance by taking a seat within three feet of hi in. This was indeed trying to the courage of unfortunate Ww ood, and uow the- combined warmth of a blazing fire, froirrthe heart of which he "had irot. the courage lo-move, and the '-excitement of hi situation otherwise, huge drops of perspiration began to" gather upon his forehead and course down his lace. He pulled his handkerchief from iiis pocket and commenced mopping the sweat from his eyes; but the mu-iard wth which it had been well dus ed by the boys was uot calculated'togive much relief to his watery optics by the Application, and two of the rogues who wer,e watching the operations within through a displaced chinking, saw that all things w orked as desired. Of course, the more his eyfs became affected by the mustard, the moie he rubbed them; and the more they. were rublted, the more he f uced into tl em. There could be but one result ; he became as blind as a bat ; the pain was perfect ly maddening. He snatched his hat fiom the bench beside him, and leaving solelv on chance in making it, made a rudi for the door. But he was adly in error regarding its point of coin pa?-s from the spot where he was st iii iing. for instead of jumping out 'of the door he j onped into the arms of the widow, who, unable to ac count for his strange conduct, had risen to her feet and was standing in fiont of the bench upon which sffenad been setting. Widow. Logwood, and bench were in an instant piled upon the floor together. The ladv screamed and Logwvod made another plunge .for the door, Ahich he succeed' d in reaching and getting through in some way. just a the old man m ale lis appearance. Iut hi- troubles were not en ded ; tlie boysjiad p'aeed a barrel in front f the door, and over it h- roll- d just in time to receive a bucket of cold water in hi face and eyes, completely drenching him. Njw enabled lo see aliitie better, he raised to his feet, per. tectly boiling with wrath, and the first ol jec which met his imperfect vision was the old man who was completely i-wildere I. Logwood, without knowing or earng wIid he was, but i-elievinrr hint tu some w-tv connec irick pl;iyd uj on him, knocked ling, and then started fo;- the river to bathe hi- yes. ' - In about an hour Logwood returned home, find.ngail the boys in bed, an I not caring aboui di-c tvering to them his sanation, 'turned in' withouta 1 -lit: The next m Tning he a; trib it ed the inflamed ap earanee of his ev's to a bad cold, nor did any on. deem it advisable to ie him understand that he knew t the contraiw' i The ladv and the- f.mii'v w s-lv keni the cir I - 1 i i uiii"tance to themselves, although thev never could exactly exp'ain it; and it was tiot until I atVr Logwood leit the bar, that the mvsterv wa S solved to the widow. H-i always bel eved tin- ladv was concerned in the plot in some way, and the opinion of the fair sex. and of wi h ws in particular, uuderwi m a grea1 change in con-e-qtience. He never call d upon her agdn, but the next day of the evening of his lo-t visit he gave his white h;rts to an Indian, and from : hat day to t' is has never troubled himself about matrimony. (J olden Era. miseries of war, famine and ice. His fingers soon lost their power ; his drum became Bifent ; and before he reached Smoieusk, thin fav'giite companion of his march had dropped fri&Lis hands, and sunk into the wmtry snow. ? f $S At Smoleu.-k. our hero's strength fciVvSlt' Tr1'bge'r;1 ami piucuea aiiKe wiut coiu Kiiciuiuger, U9 it out of the ranks, and was made prisoner' by some Russian serfs, who shut him up in a dreary mill, where he lay more dead than alive during ' a night of intense cold. He was aroused from this state of torpor on the follow ing morning, by finding himself once more in the clutches of his barbarous captors, who dragged him along a cku-eway, one sido of which was bordered by a frozen river. Some of tlie party began to dig a hole in the ice, while, others gave him to un derstand by very inlelligible signs, that it was intended for his accommodation. The terrified youth besought them to spare him, and a-ked their pity for his mother's sake 'so tender a mother, that she would break her heart if he did not return to her.' This piteous appeal had no effect upon the peasants, who, of eOurs:, djd i glaIiC towards 1 not understand a single word of what he. was saving. Some iaugl.ed at the strangeness of his language; some mimicked his impassioned gestures; ami one of them had ju-t iol!areC the i unhappy Francois, With the 'intention of plung ing him into the river, when suddenly was heard the merry tinkling of bells, and there cam.- da-hi; g along the causeway a large and parjfment, he turned to Lejeune: 'Allonn, allonnj les, yours a nous voir, votre talent ; joue, joue;' soye pas hontee.' (Equivalent to 'Come let us see a specimen of your talent.' Poor Francios was nearly at his wits' end, on reewving this command ; for tlie dmr?, :L Tns. only -instrument, and never in his life had he.even touched a pianoforte. However, he felt that his life was probably hanging on the result of this moment; and so, assuming an air of con fidence, and bowing low to the ladies, he seat ed himself before the instrument. At first, he placed his hands g.-ntly up-n it, and moving his fingers like drum sucks in time with some fa vorite regimental air, he began to hum the tune, while he swayed his head and body from left to right, and right to left, with all the im- I portance of a fir-t-rate professor. He was wont in after life to describe the w hole scene verv humorously. ' I expected every moment.' said he, 'that my preserver, would have called in a couple of lackeys, and ordered tln-m to pitch me out into the snow; but on casting a furtive : ter expressing thV!l from taI mlar to oil cake. One pint of "I cake could not be replaced by two poufeL1 Wheu attempt was made, there waKOUud esl.ally a decrease in the amount of bufc" COQta,ned ,n milk. Th. A,n;tv Ar A06 craj?ea FOR HOUSEKEEPEES. - Milk is Bread. I have more objections than one to milk in bread, but the most serious is, that persons of advanced age, who are in the . daily, use of milk-made bread, will be expected to suffer, from an over supply of osseous or bo- maining fodder, the amount of beets, cirriots, effected. Bread should be always made with potatoes and straw is liberal, a bad taste u the j water, and when so made it is suitable for the sged and the yug. the sick and the well. And as for sour milk, a microscopic view would, I butter, will be less perceived. Mairtt Farmer. MAPLE SUGAR The following is an account of the process adopted by Mr. Woodard, who obtained the premium from the State Agricultural Society in 1847, for the best article of maple sugar : " In the first place, I make my, buckets, tubs and kettles all perfectly clean. I borl the sap in a potash kettle, set in an arch in such a manner that the edge of the kettle is defended all around from the fire. This is continued through the day, taking care not to have any thing in the kettle that will give color to the sap. and to i keen it well skimmed. At nin-ht I leave fire mil. 1 tK-rceivcd that he was . , ', , tMion'Mi miut-r i ne Keiue n orm iiip Tienr v presume, present additional arguments against its u-e. Water Cure Journal. To MtKE Fnrrr Ties. No under crust should be made to apple or any fruit pie. It is always heavy and not fit to eat Dace a narrow rim of paste around t e edgn of the plate, and fill it with the fruit, either raw or stewed, and cover it. The juices will be reta:ned much bet ter, and it will save' a sight of flour and butter, which is no-trifiing consideration in these days, and what is of more consequence save dyspep sia, which costs more. After cutting they aie taken ont with a spoon. To Cleax Kio Gloves of axv color. Take white s -ap and make a very thick lather, r..i.K.. . : ss .i i- i l nu'i Miiiiicvimi v lowaici- n .s uau,rincrs. as . . , , . T , - ' :or qure to svrup bv the next morning. I then if'to make then remark what a treasure he hud ;lke u out J,- lLe h tUwu a procured tor them; so I took courage, struck j flaimc! into a tu!,, if it is ,weei ,.uug!( ; i,.e. lusuuiiiei.l more oo.;iy, sang my song . ifnnt t ,,nf :t : a (.i, a.i,,,,, i,,,,., ..-..i, T ,.0 . i.,,. .. , ..... . . a- moje en.phatica'ly, and took st II greater airs , hnig ou a m a niamitr thal j cjm wilh a dean fianuel ,;n it dlT; R,,ieal th9 upon myself; whereupon the worthy gentleman SW;Kff it on aud off the fire at pleasure, and fin- j process, until the glove is dean, being careful v.-..j"vt ill.-; nr.ii.i-. nun UC 1 11; I H , C I ICU Oil i. OlaVO, with a soft brtt-li, such as gentlemen use ia shavirg. and put the glove upon the handj handsome sleigh, drawn by thtee beautifu hllle Yi.itkin 1i.t.ms. Seated in the sleigh, wrapt up in costlv furs, was a stout, hale-looking geutle uian. "What are you about there, my children?' inquired he o! the seifs. ' We are oi,lv drowning a Frenchman. ' 'Oh! is that ail V rejoined he. ' Mo.-s eur, m nieiir '.' cried ti e unhappy drummer, as he struggled to free hiinse.f fro.n the hands of the serfs. 'Yervfine, indeed?' muttered the fur-clad gentleman in an angry and supercilious loiie. Yery tine, indeed ! Here i a fellow who comes nish boiiiii!-. then strain into the tub. and let it i that it is done n oni. L-K- not i.,ntnrfltA ihn o. rt nuuuS came over, anu ciapp.-u j stanJ u1 tl)Q next morniIlff. I then take this me amieaoiv on uie : snou:or, savin': Ire and Land thp svnin in tlie keltie and Vint ir alti .rreili. i ,, r J i ' r - e bnnn, tie bn uti, ois que vous .-ave; v us al e - .i , ,i , a- t . v ' J i i er in the chaldron, and sugar it oil. lo c.anfv .. i. . ..ii ' 1 1 oi 3 coueue, ane. very wen. very wet, 1 See vou j 100 lb-, of sugar, I use the whites of five or six I eggs, well beaten, about one quart of new milk, kid. and '' it wili look To Make Fine Pancakes, Fried without BniEK or Laud. Take a pint of cream and s i new laid eggs; beat them well tog ther; put in a Quarter . f a r und of surrnr and one nut- among us a. ! lie mtsciiKt he c n cupol.t of Ivan the Great; and ticpyjjt set- fire to Mo-cow, tears down the cros- fro the of k undeistand; now go to bed !') Aever was an order more readtlv obev.-d ; ; a, R,w,iiinl of KjiWatn a-fll A wUli m.. or bttU b,...t ,n,.a d,';l, ,b.ae for jHM.r Francois was worn out with fatigue ; Srup before it is scald mg hot. I keep a mod- arufso much as will thicken almost, as much and eXCItemeilt. S" that he needed It t to 'WoO I p.ote fir, direct!.- under th ehul.lro., until i as ordinary ran..l- ftonr le.ttr vniir-i.an -cum is all raised; then skim it otf clean, tak- i must le heated reasonably hot, an 1 wipy wiih ing care not to let it boil so a- to rise in the ' a clean cloth ; this done, spread your batter kettle before I have done skimming it ; when it is sugared If, leaving it so damp that it will drain a little. I let it remain in the kettle until it is well granulated ; I then put it into boxes j consent to yield to him his protection. This j made smallest at the bottom, that wid hold i ed, tie them up immediately in a clean cotton iwasmanted; and Lejeune now found him-e'f i fiom fiftv to eveniv noun. is havii o- a thin i or lu en bag, and lung them up. This method - .- - . 1 -J ! placed under very favorable circum-tances, for piece of board fi ted in two or three inches. ab. ve j is preferable to heating in an oven, as that is soft slumbers to his drooping lid.' i About a fortnight afterwards. L&j -tine's pat ron receiv. d a visit from a nobleiaan of higher j rank than himself, a man of talent and uluca j lion, who took so great a fancy to the vounr' j drummer, th.-lt he a-ked his host if he woul I ! thin over it. and fry. To Keep Worms from Dkikd Furrr. Place I your fruit in a steamer, over a pot of-botling I water covered tightly. When thoroughly hat- ted with the j ;s rQ;e iut -C" 'tfr - ' " 'nd not only treated him kndiy,'l.tit i. the bottom, which is bored full of smad holes apt to render them hard, even if you are so for- hfmpi ter ash7 rahr Ttirong. ibe bo-Uore to Luru tham. . , ., Come, let us g on Filka,ccV.Kulcc"'T'-- ' mm',u ,um w yom g lady, a protege ot ; i put ((, ,he top of the sugar in the box, two or i 10 ubess a old rowL. i eei on tne sivin,. and pull oil the flesh tj-ofn the bones in as large -topFilka.' do you uiid.-r-t and music V inquir- addr s-ing his coachman, and throwing r?Mfsvlt back in hi- comfoitit! !e seat. A touch of the whip i- given, and tlie fiery 1 i tie steed ar- darting forward, when suddenly some now thought seeins to" have occurred to t :e nobleman, who call- .ut ' l'rav, sir. ed lie in Bu-sian of the tremo'ing dnimmer. Sauvez m in. inon b.ui luoti-ietir, sauv z mo; !' "Save me. my go-nl r, save me'.' cried out Lejune in an agoay -f terror, as be felt that hi existet.ee w as h:ti.g:iig by a slender thread upon the g -io ! otnVe of th- stnsn-er. '(..jo ! heavetis ! what a strange people the-e three thicknesses of clean, damp cloth, and over tluv, a board well fitted in, so as to exclude the I P;'Ces as possible ; then dredge it with a little air from the sugar. After it has nearly done ! nW aDcI f,T t0 a nice brown in butter, serve it draining. T dissolve it, and sugar it off again, go- ! u? with rich gravy, well seasoned, and thicken ing-through the same process in clarifying aud it with a piece of-butter rolled in flour. Just draining as before." " j before you serve it up squeeze in half the juice I of one lemon. ORIGIN OF VARIOUS PLANTS. Everv geir.l-'man farmer ought to be soine- ench are !' b-eived the nobleman. Ha f milfoil of theui have com- into Bussia, and not one of tht-m can, 1 i el. eve, sp. ak a woid f our auguage the baibarian-'.' And then turning w-.ih ati aif of self -coinplaceuev and conscious -nperiority to Lejeune: Meou-i-(tie, ra.o simie, save meous-que. vous ? Eh bieim. repoi.d mo vous. friiitiv-e! stir f.-r;e-piauo, joue, save? (Mu-ic, niu-ic, do y ou und. rs'and music f Ah, weil. answer me in French '. on the piano-forte, do yon understand V) , At anv oth- r time, Francois would have tns win', and the marr age proved a prosperous and a happy one. L jeune, in accordance with the de-i:e, of his patron, entered the Bus j sian sefTice, and through the influence of thi nobleman he acquired personal, and su' seqtn-n ! t!v hereditaiy. nobility. In after-life, he b.-came i - ; ailnd ly the marriage f his or.lv d :ighter with : j a distinguished nobleman, named L-hysanief, I who was high in power in the government of i Or ; and for the sake of bein" nar his child, ' WIiat acqua nted with the oiigin and history of j ; whom he tenderly loved. Fiancois L jeune or. i aT ordinary plan's and trees, so as to know J s he was now called, Frautz lvanovitch Le-! their nature, country and Condition. ueh I came to reside, in t!i;;t pait of the i ki-o ledge, besides being a great source of - ' country. It was here we fii.-t met him. and ! pleasure, and very desirable, wid often enable ; made his acquaintance. We remember him 1 him to explain phenomena in the habits of ma-' weli a lively, courteous little man. with dark ay planus that otherwise ; would appear iuexpli ; eyes and givy hair. His usual attire was a ' cable. ! b.ack velvet surtot.t. ' Wheat, although considered by some as a I Most probably the firmer French drummer ! "ative of Sicily, original! came from the cen- I still dwells in the fir east of liussia. among I . as. i . ! leune- . bjs 1 tral table-Sand of Thibet, where it yet exists a3 THE FORTUNE OF A FRENCH DRUM MER IN RUSSIA. T:-ere dwelt at )rieans, in Fiance some forty or fifty years : go, a worthy young couple nani- ...1 Io,, voi.l Mmvim T.eieim, I bee vvra n.mr it. ' ' I! 11 1 . .1 11 ill.. Li i- . 1 . .1 .. .1. . . . .... . worldly goods, but rich m the jovousness ot I . , 1 . . ,. , j it sounueavjKKe l ue sweetest mus;c in ins ears, for it gave him In p,. He quickly perceived the drift of the inquiry, and immediately replied : ' Yes sir, I am a musician, and if vou only save my life, I wili play ali day, and all night too for displeasure the first attempt to fa-ten m, -yet it stack to him 1 ke pitch and 0 the head ol a mourning mgger ; ,kg ro,,m He found the lady and her moth- 1 i- he g a he was c died Long Woods, er .'t ho,u au l w.t!l- ,ie aid Jf tlt, pence p ,v Nt d toLogwonl by an hombn uf jthe olJ gen;!eluan Logwood, managed evtive i as t. organ Oeued . ltu en-i.e to jmake td 'long: a- coi himself ouite ea-y tor the, time e t r Ivor articulation of the letters ; being. In t!, ,re .-.f lour th nl.l U.Ir - i :.. i i . i,.. nioiiieo ii 'lie; oiu iouii. u-- 1 e I to p.olioU ce it vouttdul lite. A time went on, thev became wealthy in sonsa!s ; but these we-ie not des tlned to be the tay of their parents in ad van cing life, f r as each oise of them re-v uj to manhood, he found himself, e. titer f.om choice or necessity, enrolled in the service of Napoleon the Gteat. Ou-j only U'V remained to ch-'er t;;e jiarental home : he was s;ill a child, and the darling of his mother, who fondly hoped to keep him alw iys by her s;de, and with this vicw.she labored bard to instil into his mind a love f peace and hatred of war. Yain, how ever, were poor Marie's 'endeavors', for Fran.-ois even in his earliest boyhood, listened with avid ity to tales of war and gloiy; and when the note of preparation sounded through, ut France for the great Bass an campaign, ls imagination became so inflauied by a iove of in litary adven ture, th it he flung himself int i the vortex of that g'gantic en er prise, an I soon found him-elt in the midst of the Grand Ar:i.e serving as drummer in a distinguished regiment. The position of Francois was not, truly a verv dis tinguished one, but he already regarded himself as a hero; fordid he not s-rve ' l'Empereur,' and I was he not one of the Grande Armee, by whom Russia was to le overrun and conquered ! Now and then a thought or a sigh wou d be given to his go ni mother, who had wept so bitterly at his departure, but he was a g ty, light-hearted boy, and soon became the favorite of Irs com rades, so that each graver thought quickly van ished from his mind, and he dreamt only if the adopted countrymen ; but when he hears of the gallant deeds of his true- cow fat notes upon the heights of Seba-topol, who know, but that hts spirit mav be chihing ben -ittli the bondage of Russian .despotism, and -that he mav long to find hm.-elf once more servii g under a name he had once reveied-aud idolized L'Empereur Napo.eou ! 'FARMER'S DEPARTMENT. a grass, with small, mealy seeds. , . live exists wild in Siberia. Bailey exists wild in the mountain" of Ili iiiiii.iya. I Oats were brought from North Africa. I Millet, one species is a native of India, anoth er Egypt and Abyssinia. Maize, Indian corn, os of native growth in I America. j Kice was brought from South Africa, whence J to Europe and America. I Peas are of unknown origin. ...11 ...l t. V 1 .... , - , iu wu lu i p , room, and m a utu red l . fewlmmutes after, without frivin? him a mo o w; h Wck,1-, man- a v. ry near m reflection, the old man bid Logwood i . logwd. tin I to humor the j ke ; gd night and followed suit. It was then that .the vie; i uis .c .nfusi n at having id- j the horrors of his situation lr:m fon-inf thi-m- . i T .I . 1 , ... 1 : -t i ... - SA tls tiuiasiue I, 1-OgwcKH.i was au. aeu ; seiteS upon tDe mtnd of tl, i , . v. - , i ' i iiniw iove , as lie vs. until nnay lie wa known iy uo , saw ir.m-ed alone in the presence of the w idow. I glories that lay before him. . ,! 11 I w ,uU Lflve snalchd his "at and'departed. i 0a the entry of the French into Moscow, no ig!i Logwo ;d was as peaeable and in -f- : hus a kind of f.scina ion fixed him to hi, 1 rtd I.a .1 his head higher than Frin,, T .;,, !?4an infante as lLe ,a?t U tur" I aa, the,e tb P febow sat, until the sweaJ I and he beat m drum with an air of s much to danger. let it com - in what shape rafted from every.jK.re of hi, huge lly. The imnor ance as if the success of the whole xpe- He h id-be -n raised ,n the backwoods, lady was very agreeble, felt very ,au.l, at home, ! ditioa depended on the flourish of his drum- a ou several hunting excursions to the am Lojky Jjlountaitis, and bad once a companie I a evej , sympathizing with her timid admirer, did ythiug in her power to relieve liis embar- governrent uaVtf fro n lnde; endanc to Santa rassment. He attempted to converse with hi Fe; cn had only thtj effect of creating w t hi i h eUs that fie was still LoBan Woos, a mm that there was no hope of hi moving in equendy. the s;ght of a ho-tile ndian : com an on ; b .t he scarcely knew wh it hesa'af . . i -. f . t : i I j ' ' n a con- , or iow to a t Tha 1d w pitied him, and fin- sticks. But now a new leaf in the pages of his life was about to be ojeiied. Mo-cow .was bunt, and thf French army began it disastrous retreat, amid all the inclemencies of a Kussitu winter. Fiancois was obliged, like his conirad s, to set out on his homeward way amid the combined you, if you p!ea-e.' ' Well, you may thank your stars for it'.' said the getfllemau laughing. ' Come, children, let him go". There! I g ve you twenty topecks to drink.' ' Thank yon, sir ; there he is for you.' S saying, they loosed their hoi I up n poor Lejune, who, on finding himself safe in thesieigb, was m bewildered with j.y, that he laughed and cried, and bowed and smiled to ab around him His gratitude was so expansive, that he not only ihauked the uoblem in, but also the coachman, and the veryinuujikgs, loo. who had been on the point of drowning him five minutes before. A moment moie, and he found himself whir ing along ly the side of his preserver, who, observ ing tnat he was quite blue and shrivelled with cod, kindly wrapped a fur mantle round him. In a short time, they drew up before a large house, and w re received at the door by several s rv ants, to whose care France is was consigned. They conducted him into, a w arm apartment, chafed his ha.f-frozen limbs, and clothed in a suit of comfortable garments. Then they set food before h m. of which the poor boy g adly partook, as he was quite exhausted with hunger.. His benefactor now appeared, and addressing him in his ow n peculiar dialect of French, Mos sie, mossie, vene vene,' beckoning the youth at the same time to follow him. Lej-une obeyed, and soon found himself in ihe presence of two young ladies, who were t a ed at w o; k in a large drawing-room. 'Here, my children,' said the father, 'is a gentleman who will instruct you in mu-ic and trench. He will teaeh you the true Parisian account. You have long been teaching me for a master, and I have just been so bcky as to ptci up one for you atSm lenk.' Then advancing' towatd thu old epinnet, that stood at one end of the af- HOW MUCH SHOULD A COW EAT? Yeiches are natives of Germany. Since the drought has become severe, the ; The Garden Bean, from the Ea-t Indies, milkmaids brii g in light pails of milk, and the i Buckwheat came originally from Siberia and but.er atid cheese diminish in quantity in pro- j Turkey portion to the number of cows milked. The reason, as every one knows, is because the cows do not obtain food as succulent and nutiiiious as heretofore, and also Ix-cause they do not obtain enough of what there is to eat How much "should a cow have to eat? Ac cording to a series of experiments, carefully ly person, well versed in the principles of feed ing in Bavarii, a translation of the repoit on j Cabbage grows wild in Sicily and Naples. The Poppy was brought f ro a the East. The Sunflower from' Peru. Hops came to perfection as a wild flower in Germany. Saffron came from Egypt' The Onion is also a native of Egypt' Horseradish from South Europe. Tobacco is a native of Virginia, Tobago and . . . .i r . I . . . . . i I . . -1 . I C 1 which we find in the country gentleman, oi tue j vjalilorma. Anotner species nas a.so ixxu iuuuu 17th tilt., furnishid that paper by S. W. John-j wild in Asia. son. who is at present in that country, it should j The Grasses are mostly native plants, and so be one-thinietb of the cow's live weight. Thus, I are the Clovers, except Lucerne, which is a na if the cow weighs 500 poinds, she should, tiye "of Sic.ly. have 20 pounds. j The Gourd is an Etstern plant. The following is an extract from the report ; ! The Potato is a weli known native pf Teru "Our trials have confirmed he view that tows, j and Mexico. t "ive the gr a est po-sible quantity of milk, j Koriander grows wild near the Medilerra must dailv receive and con-umeone-thirti-th of nean. their live we ght in hay, or au equivalent there- j Anise was brought from the Grecian Archi f.r. If more feed b-given, the excess goes to j pelago. Dollar Newspaper. the formation of flesh and fat. without occa-ion- j in-a corresTK,ndigg increase in the yield of j Fkcit Trees. It is a theory among fruit 1L- bat if. on the contrary, less feed be fur- growers tiiat the peacti is ac-iroyeu oy co.u m i' i a,o,1T,t and value . f the milk wid i when the thermometer reaches iu degrees De- L .r-iHT'J, -'- - - be imm-d alv and considerably diminished." j low zero, and that this tree cannot live when We cannot now say what number of pounds j the temperature is at that point ; but, an exami of nreen rrass would, as a general thing, be ( nation of the trees in the western part of New equivalent to one pound of one hundred pound 1 . . i . 1 . u THE MOST PROFITABLE KINDS OF ' POULTRY. The inexpeiiei.ct d lover of poultry is likely to -be bewildered with tlie extr.vagant and contra dictory recommendations of hew kinds of poul tiv, which are everywhere forced on his no; ice; and in his natural anxiety to seenre the best, he will sometimes gain wisdom at considerable; cost. The sellers of fai cy-poultiy are not the worst men, nor are tin y on the other hand free from I- the- tenipiatiom to sell as w ell, and as soon as ! possible. Besides they are often deceived in i dieir purchase, and quite as mnocently repeat j the deception when they sell. The question then, how to select ones stock, j i? interesting and important to one who is going ! into the business. A few hints' may prevent loss and discouragement. Buy of a re-pousible and conscientious dealer. You can find such near by, or farther off, and i the difference of a few shillings in cost and transportation, will be more lhan overptid in j the certainly that you are getting the thingyou i order. Then if you are deceived, the mistake I Can be corrected more easily. Buy, if possible, those kinds only, whose mer-1 its have been tested in the climate in which you live. This may not always be possible; but when it is so, much loss may be avoided by ob serving this caution, Novices should not try costly experiments. V Buy young birds rather than old ones. From six mouths to a year and a half old are the best ages. Use the judgement of an impnrtial and ex perienced friend, if possible, in your purchases. Among the kin's ho-e meiits for profitable rearing have been best tested in Ohio, are the Cochin Chinas and Shanghais for s:z and rapid i growth, ihe .Dorkings for fineness of fibre and delicacy of flavor; and the Black Polanders and B aok Spanish for layers. With these kinds, S especially the Dorkings and Black Spanish, the i young polander may be sure that he is by no i means poor'y furnished. j If he is disposed to indulge his taste at the j expense of his purse, he may buy some Sea- bright Bantam3 Sumatra Games, Golden Pheaa j ants, ai d some others . But if he wishes to make his investments pay, be will be cbary in respect to them all. He w ill make the solid reture in the weight of thebrrJ and in the number of eggs, the rule by which' to test the merits of all the offers that are made to them. Ohio Farmer. : ' of good hay, but it is pretty evident that the most of the milch cows in our vicinity do net ; attain it now, in common pastures. The same experimenters also lay it down that in order that cows may vield abundant and good milk in wintc, they must recive a certa n quantity of concentrated food, such as bran, meal, or tape oake, the substance left af- York State, fai's to show that any injury has yet been received. Ose Pair of Pigs, according to Allnutt, will increase in six years to one hundred and nineteen thousand onebundred and sixty-nine -taking the increase at fourteen times per annum. A pair of sheep in the same time would be but sixty-fair. Galls from tbx Harness or Saddli. Major Long, in his va'uable account of his ex pedition to the Rocky Mountains, says, that his party found white lead moistened with milk to -succeed better than anything elese in preventing the bad effect of the galls on the horses' back in their march over the plains that border the mountains. Its effect in smoothing or sothing the irritated and inflamed sulfate t admirable. . Y American Farmer. 7 V