r WILLIAM B- COOKB. ' 1.9 .PJIEWS. ) AS INDEPENDENT EAMIY NEWSPAPER. TERMS, -1 TWO 80UA1S JE1 AMEI mttoottti to all tf)g Sn tote of Sfie gouty, Cttemture, mc atton, titulture, MtHtsjt ittarfots, VOL 1Y NO. 21. SELECT POETRY. THE CANDIDATE. . A worthy citizen, who e nauje wasBrown, . , Bethought hiia-e!f, one diy, "... I Tb w knti mast have iUrturn, .y .-" -And .every dg bis nay:". f . - . So to h'unself, at oiwe be said i 44 jle hinks I'll try my fate, 1.1 A d Tor some office ar. J the spoils, I'll be a candidate " V Ha ! h ' ! " laughed, " Brown stock shall rise; It wi I r i-e a elamor high, ; Wt.e t B RO-W-.V, . My name shall be in every eye, - V Ad ctv ry tmigue shall pe. k it, And Cine herself shall burst her cheeks, As throng i her trump she'll 'ieak it." lie" told his. wife, and from her face Q ikk vani-he I every frown, Site smiled lo think that oon she'd be The livable Mrs. Brown. The bale Browns all ceased their play, A nl s.tid that they expected Sit lo.iger petticoats to wear, But p.mls, when PA' elected." So Mr. Brown, he went at once Tc the sovereigns of the n.iliun, ' Ah I soon persuaded them that he Sijunld have the nomination. AWd quick his name on every wall, : 'Oi fence, on post, through town, : I:i! mlunuioih. capitals w is seen, - Till all wa IJiowii! Brown'! Bicows'!! " 'I -. ' v 5 This male Drown lmppy, bu', "alas! - "W)io c in cn'tj-ul his fate" II. AA II. II Ai dyei'to 'earn t!ie tii.d.-i of one io U a crnhdate. ports were soon abroad that ha d aken what wasn't hi'n, id that, ;.t one time t his life, 11 3d spent souie ye ;ra i.i prison. - Oiip p .rty swo:e his roar: iae bid II j.1 ne'er been Ve it by paron ; A.jOlher one could easy jr..e Itejd-once co:MmiUevtar7on ; A io'i.rth knew him a murderer, . WjnYli raised, at once a bobbery ; ..AS tii could swear that he besides '. II '(i toiie a hihway robbery. Tlije i!a ivea,said that he was bora In Irejai d's Isle no grren ; : Kile others slid In llindostan T.j.- light he fir-t had seen AJ'pLd vif", quite the rever e, A ' Kriow-N-atliitiV" hi.;) did call; Ard .i.ne man bet t hat- he could prove IIj .wi.su I boin at all. Bim bore it well, but 'twa no use; lid fell, benca h these shocks; ;':; 11 coald'nt steer his bark at ajl, , ; Atlumg so many rock. J $ibe. ten, drove half mad with raj?, ' lid hung hiin-e!f at. sujown, ;L M s. li a widow, and : -v"a-s ie.u!ady dote IB HOWS. -n ' lliECID STORIES. MTHOSBAND'S PATIENTS. Btj. -VR3. MADELINE LESLIE. .. In a little ingle or nr ok, formed by a cesat;on of t-e b :d b,u;is, rising abruptly from theea, mig'y ne-t!ed a small cottage, it such it may ca led. here from morn till eve, and from evfj ill m..rn. may be had the loicc of God ".t " ' s& nMo tiie crre . wat-r. 'Thus far. but no 1 1 tliis q I't rstreat lived little J.tnies TdlDo .a'd, with li s mother and sister; and -f , tlt"Uh at a di-tan 'c from any other habitation, y t they were not a'raid. When the stoim .1 g d, and the ocean roa ed, th -y. only k.'j.t c.j.er within fheir neat aud cliefol abode. Tf.e. fe't S'a'e tinder tlie prot. c ing care of Ilim - wh-i-giv.'ili 'to the se.n his decree that the wa- : tors s!. odd not pass his cominai.d.' When ti e ' l ing day of summer cain3, then would' Jamie ie..id ins li tb sister carefulljr down the low bliiff ub n wiiich their home was built, an 1, g mi) : ..Idling her from st jne to stona, would soon rea h tle sni oth, hard beacht which lay for a mile in e ei.t before the.cottage door. Here their merry cii.heii were never tired of playing, sometimes c!l.eirng a quantity '-of clean bhcllsfatid carry i if g them to a rock out of t!.e reach of the com tids,and using them for plates, with which iey could set out their noonday repast; some .ttues I ui ding houses of the fiI:e, clean sand ; 'ib'yh covered the beach. ; .1 Jamie aiid Lottie had never known another : ljme ; and tlu-y loved the bright waves whish ' t'er kept rolling .'and breaking in i white surf ijiiou the shore, Th. v could haivilv have ktiow n Ifow iq sing and sLou, a tliey did from mornii g ttil ti ght, wi.ho'ut the ace mpaniment of the 1 Vjieaking billows." They g ew to be &3 expert iticed as uiaiiuers in calculating the ebb and ; oof the tide, as.d the length of time btfure :'ae wave-, would rise to their laud-marks. But h t leave Jamie and bis sister standing Nvith bare fcet just out of re:;ch, as they think, tin; next wave, running backward and shout- a-J wvib great glee, tis it leaves tlw ir tiny shoes", 1 f u 4t tha cottigc, where Mrs. McDjualdf 'v uh her w.rk. , ': or two before Jamie was born, Jane i.h her young husband, left their ii.itii A 1., A :.. . . . . ui uie Aorth ot texjot aud. and came t'J find .i hm j,, tll js free Colintrr Tm it ; as ! i.t th. y l a in an indistinct ide. in what that t '"dour convsted; but womlrous reports had r-Hchedthem fom kindred and friend, wh wiae u fiud ilieir foi tuue la Aawrica; iJ th-ir lies to their father land being one by rne cut off, is father, mother, and s'ster were taken to a h awn'y country, then it was that they determined to seek a new home iu this western world.' I',' . 1 W' I . " ; Immediately pnn landing, tiny were crdi anywietby ir IntA , neat comfortable abode, which in i s many c h 4 ven'ences, forniel such a ciitritst to their trans atlantic home, that they looked shout them with woiideiing and admiring eys. After they j ! retired for t lie t.iht they held a loij,g conveise ) upon the probability or even posil.ility of thnir ieerbin eqa ly well situated. W hen they arose in tlie mo nin, lefrnslud an 1 invigiraled for n w duties, liope quickentd each step and ligiited each eye. - For a tine everyth'ng went on smoothly. Junes McDoiiad was active and strong, and ! .soon entered into an eng'igement with a farmer, ! who found in his new wurkmn a trustv and faitlilul lnnd. Jam4, remained with her cousin, an I proved hee f of great as-;5stance in the i business bv wliieli the worthy Mrs. Dme in- ! " '' jc ea ed the wages of herhusb md. Thei lotl1es were nevr so tii r highly washd, nor so nea ly j pifstd as.wlien J;ne ' was to the fore.' Thus they continued until autumn, when James was thrown out of emplo me-it for tlie winter; an 1" j from tins time po.if Jane dated the b ginn ii of hor troiibles. I cannot stop to relate all the tri als made bv Jam- s to obtain permanent employ -niei.t, that lie mig'it have a'Cttled l;ome, which he cou'd call iiis own ; no. nor the reservu an I sourness which gradually clianged lis ouce bright and h ippy eountcnance. My story i- mi-re f little. Jamie thin of his parents. Hut 1 will just say, that though his ;oo.l wi 'e di'l "ot f .il to sympath zo deeply with her hu-band in every fresh disapp in mcnt, y. t s'ie always en l-.'v r d to 1 a I him to feel that they were in t he '-Viands of Ons who knew sill lhe:r WH-nts, and who wou d guda their 'little bark at last into a s if.) port. Tho.ig!i James McDon dd do ir y lovetl his wife, yet. on one oiut ihey widely difter. d. Jatiti liad U-en b'essed with a pious mother, who had early ta-:r''t h-r not on'y to fear thi- Lord, but to tr.ist hini in all her Wft5'. Ti e goo I old lady us. d so say, 4 ;t"s niii'gii'; b. -.......- . nir mw niic c!-ar, and then turn t aitlieriielp jrW n torms betide; but trust him alway, an 1 hn'nd your au'.l m ther's words, 'He'd ne'er forsake you. ' J-me ued to rfpeat tids to her husband, and ty toiusp re hint with new ho; e ; but beg adua !y "ave u; more -n 1 m .re. u:nil aimo-t their eiitiie f support deend d up n her exeit ons. Th swas so gradual, liowever. tha' Jane had removed to t!.e btt!e cottage where we fouu I her. a d which was given to her f r a merely u m n il rent,.and her sweet J.nnie had eome, a ri h boon' to the waira-heai td mo' her, before th father "ho'.ly despaire 1 of In coin ng ri. h, and shipped as a sailoron board a inerchant ves el going out from a neighboring poit. ' The. young wtf.; felt vey - ; - ad when she found ber husband wa r.aMv in to leave her- a'one in a strange lai d, p ciaity as, somewnat cnvcia t-y the inongiii of the separation, Jaine- had renew d his former j kindn --s and atiec i 'ii towa d her, and she had begun to look forward to blighter days. j lie went, however, and until the opening of hurftory I,aI returned but tw:ce. E.cli time "e n?ll,rl,a ffM ' a "'g 'S ! tt" ueterii.niii to pursue, it no laitl.er. J ut viwh time' iiUo' "f,eT remainii.g at liom- a few I m nIl', 'grw- W'T tuonotony ot ins ,.r.tt...r Wfn U I, . 1 . . .1 '"V "c "S"" "ur,,lFlu.,'"'"1 ..lev.. .ii tiuit ure i iu ui n suiur wa oeuer than this, and took the first oppoitunity todeave; In the meantime Jamie had tH'eti deiigb e l to we'coiiiif a little sist -r to the'r sea-sid'3 home. .Mis. McDonald was will known, and esteemed by all the neighborhood and had b en ab'e, du ring the watering season, when fasiiionable visi tois resor e 1 to the pi ic, toubtain a good sup p rt by taking n nice washing. Brides the regular pay.for her work, so prompt and la'tbful was .-he to Iter emploe:s, that many of th- in b'camvs her fa-t ftietid-t,' an 1 for m my of the comforts he c.ttage contained, she was indebt. d to their kind b nelac i.ns. Her nea' cottage,- J wit i its br'ght nowrrs before tlie door, beoame i lerea-ingly a favor.te resoit for the 1 overs uf the s a ; and gem rally, on a p!ea-ant sfiernopn, s me invalid who ha I resorud to t'ie salt w iter (or the benefit of li s health, might b se- n -it-ti.g lene rh her hu ulU loof, looking out upon th-mgbty expanse .f water, and couming the white s'a lsiu the distance. i In this jay summer and winter parsed. Bu-ied iu her work, and c.mte.ited.in the soi. ty and affections, of her cbi.dren. Mis. McDonald had l jiig siue ceasd to mourn at the hb ence of her l.u baid, though slid never retired to rest nor eomtuem e I the duties of a new da witho it kneeling b ide her li tie ues, implo ing Gou's ble.-siug-upon -the watideier, a. d asking her heavenly Fa her to preserve him from t'ie dau g rsot the deep, an i above all, bom ihe temj iations of - his unr. newe I he.vt. This da ly prayer was so c nne:tcd ill tue m'nd of ittlo Jamie wi,l his father, that he ofu ncalie I Lo ty, and said, ' Coiue, sis y, now mama's going to ' ask Go 1 about p pi.' Mr. McDonald had already been absent for ni Te than! two year; and during that period. j bis w.fe had never heard foui hm. lie had not previously been aosent so long at a time; and Jane jused to awake during a s orra, ai d hear thrt thundering of the b Ho s, and f.ncy :hat, above the war of the sea, sIVj g add hear her own James ca'Iing for help aijd then she would draw Ucjcuildmi tJoStito her bieat,afli RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURT iY, pray that God Almighly wouM be the p-otector f her absent husband, and bring him safely to his home. One day when Jamie and his sister, tired of play, returned to tlie cottage, i hey were Surprised to free a man in tiio small .sittiniy-r.Kmi, h dnrtf their esteemed friend, came to p rtheir mother, up-m knee. Jinie did pot re-J . 'e .!. ''..' -r-. - '"' - rtH inemoer ins utiier ; and L.ottie tiad not wen him since she was a baby ; so the childn n stoid in the door-way un perceived, yet wondering at the R:ght of their m uher's joy, when she discovered t'nem, and si d, 'Jamie, my y, don't vou re member your own father?' Jamie hung down his head, and walked ba h ully forward to take the extended hand, whlchis moth, r, catching up L tty exclaimed, ' See James, ha-n't the baby grown to a fine si.e ?' The father express: d great, pleasure at the growth and improvement of the cbildien. When supper was p-epare l, Jamie gave up o his father the the seat at the head f the able, which he had.OvCiipied evor since he could lememher, and w i ted. for him to say grace. But when ho saw his father In dp himself, and about to comm nceeitng, hi' little f.ce turned very red, and he looked at his mother in gieat dis tress. 'Pap-i,' he snid in a wry s lemi tone, 4 won't you a k God to b'ess this supper V 1 Mr. McDonald laughed, and said, 'what a little Methodist you've made, ihe boy !' Tapa,' said the boy earnestly, 'won't you p'easn to pra V 'Why.' said Mr. McDonald, ' who prays when I'm g .re T 'IHo.' ' W, 1!, then, pray now, only be very quick about it; I'm desp rate hungry.' In a very serious manner. Jamie foiled h:s h inds, and a-ked God lo bl ss his food, and make them al g'od, aud make pap i good. Af-t-rwards they at their simple repast. Manv a month ha I passed since James bad h 'ard the the voiee of pray r, and he seemed impressed by ihe s.jrioiis;ies and earnestness . f the chiid; and as Jane made no re,inai k, t!:e supper was rather a si;ent meal. When ihe lime came for ihcirWening praver, -f ... .-J 1 to k her liit'e ones into.-the ine- room, and there kn It with them, and thanked God for pre serviug h 'r hnsba id, and bri.iging bioi lo his home in safety. Then she p.,ur d out h r whole heart in prayer f r his soul,- thai be might be come a child of Go 1 and an heir of immortal g'orv. J .nre lo ked very wistfully a' bis moil ei as she arose, and wied 'he tears fr un lw eyes with his apron. But she ks ed him aud hi.-si-ter, and ha ing heard their prayers and hymns, laid them in their be I. ; ' No: many day- passed b fore the inmates of the cot ag ! had en; i rely cmc l. Mrs, McDon ald was not Lncr in. discovering that her dear zj husband, for wh se reiurn .she had so earnestly prayed, had become a drunkard ; and when in trritid hu was shockmclv profane. When j sober, a kind of tespect for his wife's feel ngs had hitherto prevented him from swaringin her presence, liut p ;or Jane w pt bitter .tears as she thought of .her hu band's wick da ss, and also of the dreadful influence he would have upon her b loved "children. At fi st Jamie ajp-arcd compk-t ly stunned by thi vo lev of oaths which h s father poured out; but on recovering hi nself, he began to tell h m it w as very wicked to ta!k s , and that Go I wt.ul I'nt let birr, live if he did. James was be side hims-lf with rage ; and catching up a eh .ir hrew it at the h.ld, te.ling hiin h'd teach him to stop his impudence. But the frightened m-ther hal snatched him sway ; aud, with ber ch ldr. n in the small bed room, she wept as if her heart would break. She lo ked b.ck one we lc, and thought of the il mnv lleAC- f.il life; she ill u led, with her chil- i iv r ! . . ... 1 1 T ! Ar. i. be li.-r si. p. HMil her Jam e learn ng .so iai io read that she was 1 king torard to the time when he would be able lo read a chapter in thi Bib' e, which had been her mo.her's, and whic i had been s .carefully prese vei. But Jane wept st 1. more biuerly as she thought uf that blessed mother's adv ce to h r,n t to many a man who did Hot fear, God; and'siie felt that her puni-J- meut, though long do ayed. had now c hie ; for .!. nk . K ..1 . t 1 1 o t-1 1 tii r AjitlV (!lU"!f- o ' dietice to her mothers commands, yet she knew thai she had done so contta y to her of.en ex presd adue and warning. The vety wretch edness her mother feared, had. now fallen to her lot. Toor Jane kue't and prayed anew for wi ilnm hiwI strrio-'L!i to bear the affl ctioa which o her ow n wilfulness had bioughiupon her. Truly she had need f strength ; f r now that his fam ily had wi nes ed lis degtad ition. James seK dotn came home sober; and, when intoxicated, hi, wife and cl ild en soou learuel that thei only .-afety was in Flight. Somet tnes, however they cou d not escape him, and the children wou.d sen am with' flight as their father cruelly beat their dear m. ther, or threw htr heavily to tie side of the loom. Orce Jamie starttd from h's hiding place un der the table, and stood directly befoie his au gry father, aud said, 4 Pap i, you musn'i. beat my mama so ; I cu let you ; it's very wicked.' It was a strat gi sight t-- see the angry man with a chair or .-to 1 rai-cd over his h ad to strike ; but he was ane-ted by the voice of his child p e -d ng for his mother. So neti-nes the p ea w.nl'.l 'mi ced ; and he w uld mutter an grily to him elf and slink w..y to UI. But at other tim s he wou'd kCze the lKy by Lis arm Ur leg, aad tirow lim to the otkjr aide of the .Jered an for t tight, rsonii HiUe Lef to cornniain loathe public autliont,.e:srf,','Ati have li-m taken up. " "? But it so happened that the day on which the ; kind neighbor isi:ed her, James had returned ; from the village sober. He had obtained a j b of work, and had brought tcrthe cottage some fool for his fam'Iv. Jane now thought herf prayers were an.-wered ; and her heart was buoyed up with hope of brighter days. 4 Oh !' said she, 4 It's not now that I would have the heart to comp'ain of him, and he so kii:d the Jay.' She related to her sympathizing neigh bors the unusuil kindness of her husband. For a day or two, until the job wa fiui.-hed, James con inued qaiie sober; but then iuteuding to make up for lost tim, he came home so furious, that Mrs. McDonald catching her children iu her aims, tied down thechtf toward the sea, and there h.ding with them behind a sheltering rook, she gave way io the most passionate grief. All her blight hopes were now da-bed to the ground. U. c.'ii cious of the lateness of the hour, she still sat un il she found herse'f in a great ch ll. Sh j ins'antly arose, and stealing like a criminal l enea b her own roof, she found her husband, as she had expected, lying uncon scious on the bed. She took iu the children, ai.d giving them their supper, she heard them say their pra;; er., and put them into bed and lay down beside them. Jamie seemed unusually w..kcful, and tried to comfor4. his mother. 'Mama,' he a ked, 'Don't 1 grow some every day ?' ' Yes dear. ,' Wed, so n I shall be a man, and Til take you away wh iv pap i can't come, and then we'll Ire happy ag t n ju-t as we were before he came, only mama, I wish we could live here. I.'s so pleasant lo In ar the l ud. sea. What makes papa so w'eked and beat us so?' 4Ii's rum Jamie; it rum, does it all. Before he drank rum he was very kin to as.' . Jandi crept closer to h FBot-j : " ... vou! nvhat cduld sisTynd ,JdV .tUoufl l'o ir Jane comforted her boy wijh the promise hat si e never w-uld iaste f it ;aid then she I old him as she had often doae before of that blight world where there is no d.ui.kenn -ss, no s mow or ciying, but where all t ars w ill be wip ed from ev-ry ye. Jamie asked G l Ui piease to take them ah to heaveu. O.i ! ho.v of.en did the heait broke ri rtiother think of that earnest prayer. Af'er some lima the poor weary wi'e 1 st the reine librance of her sorrow in sleep. But not long. She was suddenly awaken, d by a shrill coug't ; and she started at once to her feet. She well knew the sound, and sprang to relieve her sick chi d. She administeied to him such rem edies as she had at liand, but to no effect. She then tried to arouse her seu-eles hus band. 'Janre is dying! Jamie is dying ' she cried in his ears! But she was obliged repeat edly to g i to her suffering boy, when he would instantly fal. b:uk into unconsciousness. One iem-dy after another she tried, and wrung her hands to see how ineffec:ualy for his relief. At length, rendered desperate by d spair, she succeeded in aw akening James. She implored h m to lose no time in bringing the Docior. Jam-s was rea'ly frightened at the distress of the child, and willingly started off on his errand. When the Doctor arrived, the poor little fel low was somewhat relieved; but was sti.l dan gerously ill. The physieian remained with him until morning, when he left his patient asleep. But to '.he croup succeed, d an attack of lung fever; and the Doctor wa-r before many dys. ob'iged to ack'.owledg; to the heart-broken mo- the, thai h- r Jamie, her firt born, must soon leave her. Tue sweet boy hinvelf was aware of th:s, and calling his mother to the bed-side, lie held out h's. burning hand and said, Mama, I'm going to die; aiid I'm not sorry "except for you. But who will take care of you when I am gon ?- p p i comes home a gry w ho,will tell him h's wicked?' i ' Poor Jane could only answer in teat's; James soon came in and the little finger beckoned him .to a seat at the bed-ide. ' Pap i,' s iid he in a feasl-le voice, 4 You krow I'm going to(Go I ; I can't stay here any longer, be g .od when I'm g ne, so that mama will have somebody to take t ue of her.' James cou'd not tedst the pleading of his dying boy ; he b jan to weep, drawing his coarse .sleeve acio.-s his eyes. , , S.c'ng his father weep the dear child eontinT ed, 4 Dear pap i, won't you be good and n t beat marui any more? Every body's father dou'i beat every bady's mother.' James cried a'oud. ! Don't papa,' said Jamie, please d -n't cry s because L have a great de d to say to you.' But thu p or child legan to cough so violently ihat. I e co-ild sty no m re at that time. Mrs. Mc-! Donald t ook him iii her arms, and rocked hini g-iiitty after having administered his medicine. VI soon fell asleep, while James went out be fore the door, and sitting upon the step, wept loag anl bitterly b-jcausu he was about to h-e h's toy. Though s of other days came c'0d ing into his mii-d, an 1 he struck his head with hi.s hard hand, wishing he had never left l is talker UuL Hera he sat alter uateiy woepiug room. At such seasons Mrs. McD.n: far more n account of her chihlrc herse f. S e began to consider ''vfhat to do fr the security of their lives n Si tae of the neighbors, hewftoff APRIL 21, 1855. and thinking, until his wife called him. to per. sup- After tea, he took a seat near the bed, and sat looking with great tenderness upon his suf fering boy. lid was not wholly hardened by yeariB of profaneness and crime. d M1? R,rtIy pen d his eyes to see his father ga7Yearfu 7"i " 4 Dear Papa,' said the litt'e fellow, l would, not ave slept, if I had known'you were here. Wi 1 you ph ase to take me up, I want to talk, and jit don't hurt me i-o much when I am up.' Jmes with unwonted tendeine-sput the com forter around the sick Ivuy, as he had seen his mother do, and sat down with the child in his arms. Poor Jamie missed the tender arms of his gentle mother, but he said nothing. His little heart was bent on doing his father good, and bringing happiness back to the home he was soon to leave. 'Papa, said he, laying his head back on his father's arm so that he could look him in the face, 4Mam isays you were kind to her. and ioed her very much, and when you came home slie used to tun out to meet you, instead ol'hidmg away. She says it's only rum, naughty, wicked rum, that makes you beat us all, and say such awful words. Now papa, I'm going aay from here, and you won't have any little Jamie; and mama won't have anyb. dy to take care of her. ' Dear papa,' continued the chiid, putting up his hand to brus'i away the tears that were p tiring down his faiher's cheeks, ' won't you please -o be good to her as you ued to be, and never drink any more rum ? Then when you die y..u can go to Heaven and see me there, and I"ll show you wi ere Jesus U, because I sha'.l be theie a great while perhaps before you go. 4 Wilt you, dear pupa r The last word could hardly be distinguished. The pale sufferer lay with closed eyes and throbbing brej.st. e.itiie'y exhausted. 4 lie looked o much like d-'aih that. James in aff. i-ht Called out, 4 Jane, come quick; Jamie's going s ILs mother was instantly at lis side. Indeed she h:.d not been f.tr away. She had lal'en into a seat b ick ot the rocking chair ; and there she iMift.,&:r1y ening to every wo&y her sweiln.g her d tiling clri'ld'winre 'Me& for every wish ol md in her apron. Without removing him from his father's arms, Jane In Id camphor to the nostrils of her dy.ng boy; a:sd when he sdowly opened his eyes, wt his parched lips with drink which the Doctor had left him. Iu his eat nest desires for his f.ther, the boy bad exausted his rem lining s:rngth, anl lay paining for breath. Just at this lime the phy sician entered ; and t.kiiig his sw.et 1. Uie pa tient from his father, whose s.rong fame was so a'itaied and shaken with the violence of hi- f -el'ngs, as to prevent a proper care of the d ar boy, laid him geiitly iu bed, propping him up with piilows. Mr. McDona'd ro e to ler.ve the room; but Jamie cruel t'e,-bly, 4 Papa,1 and putting out his hand motioned for his father to sit by his side Though not ab'e to sj cak he looked at him with the utmost ten lenn ss as the bowed bead of his father was buried in ihe p Hows, while h s bro -d bieast heaved and fell with the violence of his emotw rs. After aking some medicine from the Doctor tie was rel eve I ; and again turning to his fa ther, s-rtid, ' Did you sa you would, papa ?' The Doctor looked itifquiiing'y. lie saw tha' a scene of uncommon interest had taken place, aad lie determined to awa't the result. Toor James! The fountain of his feelings was broken up. The haid shell which druukennefs, aud jwofanity and other crimes had formed around hiss'-ul wa- fractured, and an air -w from the Divine quiver had pene rated it, though di ree ed by the feeble hand of his infant ch ld As the words, 4 D.d you say you would papa,' fell oa his ear a new purpose was formed wijhin him. lie arose from his eat ; with a great effort he stifled his sobs, an I fal ing on lis knees, said, 4 Jamie, my own dear boy, I will promise. Majf God help me to keep the vow I now make to my dying child, that I never, never, more will ta-te of rum !' , A fervent 'amen burst involuntary from -the Doctor, while-J.-.ne f l upon h r knees to thank God for the unexpec e l answer to her prayeis. A heavenly smile played on the sweet coun tenance of the sufferer while he ca'mly fold.d his little hands on his breast as if in praytT His work was done. He was now ready to be offered. A gasp, a sigh, drew them all quickly around the bed. The dy ing eyes pa-sed loving ly fiom father to mother wi.o sto. d boding his beloved sister in her arms, and then re.-ting for a inoipeut upon his kind physician, they w. if slort ly c!o-td, newr to be opened uut.l the inoru ing of the resutrecdon. James McDonaM arose from the bed side of his Jamie a new man, w th hoj es and "resolutions fiiliig his soul, to which he had hitherto leeni stra: ger, and w hen in after years the h me which Jamie h id loved -obec ame i leirow n, and another little Jamie had b n given to t hem, these pa rents never foigo', when at u:ght or morning they bowed before the family al ar, to bless God for their dear first little Jamie who was now an aDgel in heaven. In a quiet liit'e knoll, but a hundred yards above h'g'1 er mark, lie- t'ie body f the lit tie subject of this sin plo sketch, where the ro 1 ing waves which he so much loved are ever swelling a reuieai to tte memory pf tie. U Ipoited. A FAMILY DINNER, . f MY FRIEX.i'S SiORY. "But, really, Mrs. R .biusonjs a very excel lent lady. Ym certainly must ke given her some 5use of offence." My friend laughed. "You are right," ho said ; "she is, as you say, a very excellent lady, andm ascej3dyTrry having pffen led her a&tnaneani ' goodiiany years ago, and inecoverably sank in her estimation. Mrs.- K'obii son has never for gotten ihe offence, and I verily believe never wi l forgive it. On my wo;d, 1 am sorry, but it cannot lm helped." "And the dlence?" " Was a very innocent one on my part, I as sure you ; though I can scarcely think of it now without a blush at my snpetlative simpli city. It taught me a lesson though." "Which was" " Never to accept a gentleman's invitation to a family dinner. I'll iell y..u all aloi:t it," said my Iriend; and forthwith he told ihe Ll.o.wing tale : I It was several years ago, as I told you, and I had been some days in London a p'ace by the way, ibat I hate I ke poison. I had busi ness to transact with Robinson, and called at his office about noon. 4 I dine at two precisely," said he, wheu our busitie-s was concluded, 44 and if you'll look in and take dinner widi us quite in a f.mii'y way" iNow Rol inson. you know, is an old fiiend of our family ; and that, one might have said was ulKcitnt wairant lor his ini ation. Moreover, I had been paying him money, and that, per haps might have been considered, a second war rant. And at the back of tT?pe, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson had spent a week, only the summer before, at my fuller's hou-e in the country, where thev had been entertained witli h's ac customed hospba ity. So, ta'iing all things in to consideration, I was weak eno ;g'i to clindis the invitatieu with au acceptance, before I kuew what I was about. Iwasrathei ex.d d'rectly afterwards, though that I lu.d not itfu ed; for ihe'tiu h is, I was btf?e" Ttrni t , .'i a . L-. . I I....... l . rooms in the city. Now, if there is one redeeming feature in Lon don, it consists in its facilities for ea ing and drinking. The very beau ideal of d ning is to be attained on'y in a London din'ng ro in.. I dou't care what you may think of my taste ; but tor good me .tand well cooked, comfmt, and freid .in fiom all ridiculous ccromoi.y, a Ljtidou dining hou-e against all the world. It happened that on that day I had planned mv dmner to a f.ac ion -w here to d ne, what box to occupy, what jo;nt to fix upon, what v. getabl-s, what pudding, what chee-e. I had deferred read the morning paper that I might look at il there at my leisure. I had foreor da.n. d my afurnoan engagements also. Aud all this 1 was weak enough, as!I said before, to set aside, to oblige friend Kobiuson, by taking a fam ly dinner wih hiin. Wed, as I lef. h s offi e the church clock op p site struck one, aud I had an hour up n my hands. I had a ca 1 to make two or three miles away ; but to go theic and return punctually t Uobinson's at two o'cloik precsely, was out of the ouesti n ; so I had no resource but to saun er away the tedious hour that intcivened. I pa-sed my dining rooms with a sigh of re signation, itared in aliheshop windows, w. Iked down to Cheap-ide, ent ml St. Paul's Church yard, looked up at the clock, aud found that a quarter of an hour had barely been consumed. To while away the succeeding la'f hour, I pas-ed up the steps, and entered the north door ot the cathedral, deposited the demanded two pence in the otit-sti etched hai.d of the j-.nitor, and sauntered among the monuments liming my p oceedings so w ll that on retracing my steps and reaching the door of Robinson's prir vate residence, the clock was on the point of striking two. ' , Stf tar,;well l thought; "I shall not be accu- ed" of .keeping the family dinner wit:ng at all events; though I date say my friend Robn s n is got in by this time. He said two pie-ci.-ely, I remember." And I boldly rang the bell. "Mr. Robinson is in, I snppose ?" I asked of the servant, who answered the summons. v 'No, sir, he is not at home," . ' Oh, he soon will be in, I dare say ;'he said he should be at home by two. Is Mrs. Robin son within ?" 44 Yes, wr. What name, sir And after the e formali ies were duly gone through with, I was usherd into a small par lor, and informed that Mrs. Robinson would "be down" directly. . Wei', I sat and sat, ivnd could not avoid hear ing a hurryii g and kmring along the passa ge, up s airs, and down stairs, and, for any: thiiig I know, in my lady's ehamber. At leng h, af er a quarter of "Kn hour's delay, duiii g which time I had been nerv. usly fidgeting about and lon nn" every moment to hear friend Robinson' ring of the bell, and foot in the pa-sage the door slowly open-eT, and m walked Mis. Robin sen. She had evidently j-or rather as I g-us3-ed, though rightly been caught in dlshablie, an 1 has been occupied ever sinco my arrival in etting herself, to rights, or whatever else the ladle may call it Of course, this did not tend to make me welcome, though, t do the lady just'ee. she was too well bietl u sLow say par licular &igu of cLUpIeosure. . 176 On the cemtrary, intleed, sh received ta4 with to!erb'e cordialitj was . jlail to see to-1 and s forthinquired how lowU had been ia Lvudon, Kowfriei.ds 'were in th Country, how -ng a stay I iutended making, and all that sort f thing. I Tiris is all very well," thought t, fcbutit says nothing Hbut dinner, aud I am Ralf famished. : v . . ' In lout meao b'knoi!rk'e ning ' t appo'utraeut 1" - -;'"' T- J v F.ve minutes, perhaps -and perhaps ten " passed in this sort e f t lk ; and th( lady, I could percei e, l-egan to grow mighty fi.jgety. 44 Ten to one," thought I, ' Mrs. Robiuson was on the point ofserviug up ihe family dinner as I came in, and she is afraid of the roast being overdone, or some other catastrophe of like niature. How shall I manage it to set her feet and hands at ! 1 berty, aed her heart at rest ? "' j " I hope 1 am not detaining you; madam ?M I stammered at last for want of something better to say. -If you wtli allow me, I will take up a book and amuse myself tii I " I My lady cotdd scarcely repress U start of as tonishment, wl.i.h plainly said, wj.at on ear h do.s the man mean ? She did not; say this ver ba ly, however, but supplied its place w iih Did you wi?h to see Mr. Robinson particularly ?" " Why, my dear "madam," I replied, with a faint attempt at a smile. "I certainly did ex pect to sie Mr. Robinson ; he told jme that two o'clock precisely was h s dinner hour." ' 'lhis .ime there was no disguising her real feelings Mrs. Robinson's brow dkrkemd like midnight. It was plain enough; now what I bad only surmised before that Mr. Robin.on " had not thought it neces ary to give his lady " due notice of bis expected guest. ; Perhaps be ' had forgotten the invitation he himklf had giv en two hours before. Most l.kely 4. I thought, for the hands of a dial on the mantel wjjie point ing to half past two, and no Mr. lilbinson. 44 1 am hfraid, ray dear madam," I said 44 1 hat tbeie has been some slight mistake. Mr. Rob inson certainly asked me to dine-with him at two o'clock ; but peihaps it is not convenient. And as he probably Jias been detained? and I' aio e and put ray band on my bat. 1 bad . tet ter left this unsaid; it put the capjng stone cn faith ully at all times. "'Pray, don't thi k of such a thing as leay- ing, Airs. lioD.nson exclaimed witu a gum ouiile. Mt happy to" 6ee you -ht our poe r table. I dare say Mr. Robinson will be in soen ; uibst likely, as you say, he has been detained in his office ; he often is. Peihapslyou will he o kind as to excuse me for a few iiiinuus. Mr. Robinson won't be long, I am sure." And without waiting for a reply, the lady dwtppear- id more hastily than she had entered the par- or. ' Thinks I to myfel' "Heie's a pretty riiessl If I cou'd but make my o tit unseen, I would.' Aud I blusheJ to my fingers', ends, till they fairly tingled. '" Hang all family diuners, and the men who invite their friends to them!" I . unconscioudy ejaculated, as 'I lescated uiyteif in a mool of desperate res'gnation,! Friend Robinson's house was noli a very large one, and it was not long before I heard distinct ly enough, the opening and shutting of door", not over and above gently. The; street door was op ned too and shut, at. d opened aud shut again ; but no Mr. Robinson. Soon afterwards, from . the r giou below, I fancied 1 heard the sounds of fizzing and frying, or someth ng akin . to it. Then in the dining-room adjoining the par lor in which I sat not a conch of joses, by any means I heard the creaking of an uplifted ta ble flap, the rattling of plates, the I clattering of knives, forks aud spoons, and the jingling of glasses. ' J 44 Come," thought I ; 44 it will be all right at last. But that Robinson where can the man have got to?" , ' --- j . - Thanks be pra'sedl the door bell' rings at last a louJ, sharp ring, which none but the , master of the house is privileged to give and enter Mr. Robinson. 1 - f 44 Ha, youjiave been here before me, I ee," said he, try ing, as it struck me, to look uncon- i : terned ; 44 1 have been detained, but, better lata than never; " and he applied his hand io the .... beii. -. ; j .... j -; :;, , , , 44 Tell jour mistress that I ani come in, Sa rah," said he, when the girl entered, firy led in tlie face. 44 Diuner is ready, I suppose I " 44 Misiros says I am to ted you that it will be WHOLE NO ready in a quarter of an hour, sir, -said the -, damsel. Bless me! Does yoirVmislrrss know what -' time it is?" exclaimed Mr. 'Robiilson,' looking at his watch, which, as well as the dial, pointed to a quarter of three. j Mi-tress wauls lo fee you, sir; for a mintel 1 if you j lease," continued the girlj evading her . in. ster's queston, as altogether beside the taark, Mr. Robinson was obedient to the scmaiocs, , . . and disappeared. " 1 ' It U no use if people will talk lond, itVra ab surd iu them "to expect other people w.lf put their fingers to their ears. I told you. just now that friend Robinson's house was' not a large one. And it was a very sonorous one. Now, tilese circumstances put togetherj. will exona' rate me from' the charge of listening which I did not The fact is, I could not help hearing First, a gentle murmuring in a female voice, from some place below stairs sounding very much like a remonstrance, bnt the import of i which I cou'd not, and I did not particularly 1 wish to make out; though. I might peesiUy ' ' i si I hi