-. ' ' .J- ; 'rs -"-,1 -r' -1 :'".V5 '.-?. a J ..jmSS Hid e n r m i l y WILLIAM I: C00KE; eu! vbscasi s'fiiioq did jidfc-a ,.-hs(tnoi oi lBtKjca ,OjJ ,ifijti3 vd f -ba.o t b addlr, gaooia b-ashsqxs jsosii baa JsseiW sd; uuq !::( 1. .in . i... .. t ft fe. : .'jt'. :i; J.S OJ '"' A t-' .ituq 4dv. W MlllirPElfin i i ;i:c ! -asbash bat g:g?t c-d baa gioagU vi;i2 jn. RflOUMOOOTn U.-iaffft-i -war A n.U i'-'-;:ifrf li.t .2': e-wor ;io soae-iiq ai :ost dJ cn:d sve bc fsoU-.q Io I . ..f .rk .4.. u; jinji'y-.-fc 'id; U'"s;iid ,anol :iJnil"r I' L ,rr-ii..iinn.J. ...hi 1 Tr-Timi ' ' ' " W. V"S' fs ""' 'tJt-r I ?!' Yi io nrtbaqtraoo o iK-s W . rf:' e...l .-t o.t-. .... ; ' , t y., ; .i s. -0 eiiUh-nt -d- -y. i .ico!. -b? feeV -'-aa 3sdw sauVt oi -tV.wA .;!. .f:-, -vd; 1 i -avoo vdJ friK evr iadi ir.id Mai &:(f'1 "7 ''.' vLf''-,: rrr J 4 . " ihjoVjs ' tb ' -' " ,j , - ' ,' -: rT.-LgLxgtgrL'y- ! . ., kaaiMiu an: iHyoiUla a .iihy sj io mvis , , , , . a -JC' iPr W3 Itf? t; Joftfnal f Commerce. . . - . : . , ' I : BYWlifctAM A6SS WAtlACE. ' .Of Ponee.De 'Leon flow. -it.. .... . -..r. It s'p irfcled in an emerald gl ide, - ' And ce'iisele'lvr the' wliteri' played In onC'unl!:tdbwefd gl'W, ' V ' While rnuie mwrnbfd'frrin enctr wkvc " For niaA tiC ifl)t0 ftO"Mr'e tlie'rftve I"- I saw Earth's "nations r.ushjng tliere j , ..- 1 Iie;ird lUelr in'ing!t'd cry J oyo u s as tr' u rhpet :k bio w n "tjiy1 gods' ulVt nevermore ih'ftH SieP ' -'- t - And tbn ltt-y tfrrew Vhemsiltrt 'beside !. That jj3. inpi if ajkliftgl-'gloricnw tide Uf InniortaHty: ' j-. - 1 And fraiilif, drank the n'eclar rolled Above the bed oi peafls and gold. , . ... 1 ... : In btinded Iidsts thi-y Inughed fliem home ; And as1 ihly passed,- thrir eyes DeJiiSnt gazed oti1 every tomb, - . : ;And ct)allfedyiyijill:Uie kif?i-" - - Furiuw.'Vtlieyfiangy ,hnu boeial soda Q furtslyy surerly veiarertrud?, , ,a , And .12arih;o;ur .P,mjdise.l":. t Eterual :yoptfs lerjiaj. .Iis-----" Tle cods ibc-niselves have only this !" ..' ..3fjT'VifuoD cthsflged: bmfentiifiei (j It H"nwdi.had pasged Jin .9.' i1 . , Tl)e Earh stiU wore, hep lobeji of ,gfin, nd all ;l(,Ueavif? V:VC. , But sorrow sat on every; fice In coitaged glen and palaced place, Despite the li'tieraray, , And evvrm!re:I,bard, ajery.; ..-v -.;- " Wail, up Ae Vii o tc w , -. .. Xlijs fitn8. glorious .city,camc!-- ,-'...:.:'. , :A aty by.lbe &i:r . ; . With m'glity;,rq.Nr4sarid dttzaling.dviAiea t . limit fvT et.erivityv .,-, .... ..s; There. up ;ind down.l.he; cyVjWays,; .. from morn till eve, a mournful, maze i' J Ot crowds went fisteksly " And evetmdre they in:ide the moan, rf. . PoDcath, Bwcet Death we 'long alone!, 'i r, :. o -hi - r. , : ' "Ji- ' Why should theyjive ahurc-! ngw. Exh.uted : Oh no more For them there stretched a track unseen On.oce.in or the shore. The loathed tle presence of the beam '- For them no' iniisie iii the s refin j r . Alike h ni'jilit-Mhff STuinins bloom,-' 'j ( And-Iuartiln was otie H;8sU:Uk'rag .tumD. I s iv. the m'Qrity'lr'dVr st.-;nii . Ueide the pier, and ca-t '; A phriHtlv'sfinle- iipon:the''s:iiI '1 hat elm g around his rntist. The. staiesmiin Howvd hislaund d head AVhat other 'jjariatttU cukl it Wed ?. . . .3.-. ; . AVI Futures hc.'jd ihe yast'. , ;. t e ardiatft-ioiaji. iirtist Bcatit-yaU - , jAnHo loflfed only lor, tie; pall. . .,; fi SThere. was a band the latet born : t- ,'v: ho had refuse ! to trip, . vV livro Lean's i'aliil fomvti.io rullcd, V , .. ilQglo' I.I UUIn ljpT-!:: : " , And Uicj-j jif aJUil()neL.witlj-. whom . A ce.iseless agny jnuj gK)utn . . . C ainted not a fellowship: t Oiilhese he .Cn dying, o.ih-8 yonld gn?e..--In envious haie through :dl the days. - - .'1..:' - I-" ' ' " And ronc.-hy one I s,tvv thcin;fold To phurvtjv rtpt ,th.eiir p;doii, : ' . And. smiling, rose-like, sofily smk Tn Death uinjestic calm-'. 1 No offi ited' deep was theirs no shroud : Too-seIRshw-thit undying cfod . Even-foftthe fiihefel'-pwrnis: . In every deal one seemed a foe . '...feome cliange. at leasttheTdiead coujd know. My Tision Hum?ed Ion? canturies .: It seemed had lapsed away : -.. :The Earth st Q.1 woihcr.rohes of geen, And all the Heavens wrnfgay ; ; But every mart and palace hn'll : ' ' ;Wa crnmhUhg swiftly-to trre fall, ' And dark, brown mo'?e lay '" -' '-'-i '. On all the roofs, andTound the eaves The ntighitihade Wove Its loathsome feaveX ') ' J A sullen madness' seemed tft sit : 'Ij . " -On raostf men i a . few3 -" ;t i C T3ie:finet Aonta-itw'phrtmxy's p'iae ;W ;'. , SliU darker wilder grew.. j.; : - ; - I saw them plunge tho-Jiljlterina blade . v tJbtq th eir hearts no burial, shade. The aching foreheads knew t Aih ever rose the plaintive moan, j " For Death, sweet Death we lonjr alone!" Ti ere was nor marriage rjte, nor birth ; Even Live. herself ' wa dead AndIIop'e, -and all mpn care ''for, then .- Forever buried. : ' ': ' ,;' Tite nAtfons' felt their enrlh a tninbj Any prison diorrse-rsfttransr and gloom, , " Vrjile by their mndness ''red, ' ; ''I They ever1" mad tbst uful mran,- ao-" "For Dcfltb, swee D'ath-wc4of alone f.'; Refer tn Wn-hriiprth Tfvinpr's eTuisltefr writtcjn cxiuim (,( l)e LeunV search kti the Florida Fountain of immwtalitv . VrKCMIf: ( )in.U a ci r mviwirirv tl 'tA ..;h)sirg thii fresher ehami- of youth. What is . --"5 moM, to be efiorM th.- hxs of ymith'iil Tel ing,; the, crnshing 0f high ' ap-ariotis'i-tlr? louering of jtlte ainisl of lite, "and the '.devblio'n ;of its best energies to debasing cares: If the' 1'ein Le kypr;young,it'',,,atti-s.llot' ihat jjie . A rowdy, intending to be very witty, inu aco-ted i la ly in the street : " Madam, canod inform me Where-1 Can see the plef.h'Qn ?'. iir.. '. j.-: r."""-' j; "U . II 1 ;.I ,T .T ,' J.a-'I'1 5.1. ... 'f, I had a'tb'okm'g-gti;vss:'i'id shblv'ytfu a Vry e niydlev' "Tiie To'wdy slid! ' ; '' large twinkle of unusual satisfa(ctioalnfei4.jBaJl3xrou j may ftepenif ypbiPitr4htA)oitSffir4f.lhe ; wbTltawIigl:: t; ''71:r.v I we are jtctunHy to have a donation-here'H be ! jtair ids ofb.cttUf Wd. piiAappsaiid j mountains of cukesniid mole hills of jellies and ! lots- of Ottief3"goo 1 TTiTiig's". Wwe'iHavjB a; Uiee-tHiG -though?" and Igie-HHNew ier . stool cIp8ef'jUithefaef;.iet.a4T gifted beri weet iae -toi-the oae .tbat gazetL aIqw-u tcadlyi upwh'eK' ; Ti 'was Vgrea't-Vi''y "Iheris: $cnj jr- tist looking into tlie;frqnt wiudow of tlie.pajson-: tiQ p ii lor just at the niotfe ).. Her. might; have b'-qu' athed.such a sw'eel picture, of; the gast to us. 1-her reosii alwie would have been thie, with f W Sr rt fiia-msuK.n;U.eyiy, f.u ro led iu large, guen umows aoou uie; auge- ijjh'd on a p :ir ot . buip'.shed andirons that 1 mu-t, have been cftst in the very samejiatte.ru lieu akr Uiscoijrss so Qiiariiiuiiy auoui; there, tao. was the lame, old cloclc, !?et in one corner, its top .l eachiuy: wLtliin a halinuh of the j . . v :.-r-.--l..j : ? i . " . .J. -J- -Vurj. s.. ( eilin', iind the h;gli-b:ck chairsand tbe low mantel, and the.sti iped.cai pet. would have been carvtcl in ail our niemones- d in an a sweet domestic ... v- .... vision ot uii i'ld-n.-Unie, - !... ......... x r ;i i i t. ..l.ci 1 m 4 , out t. ."ny;'' f wc.e, at- n nil, the fi.iisb.ng. touch ot ..t home; tihleaa. die sat thejv," the wry incarnation of an o!4 Pur.itan fajm:sterstra;glit an ealutjind; stern, w.th. ttie flame-light .rolling, over ii is jji gad fojvhead, and. twitifjg its If .famong' the, hairs; MVOu,,,gut.;y,;:vvhite as,WO,j...sows,J fornnni; uch a picturique ounira-t to tlie Lrovn: ' i lock upon ..wb.ichbis fia.nd a0lai, so.jtei,dei' Nobody c,S'led M-'iifger filler, jiahdspmefc butj there were times.' aid '.his Nyas on,'! of them, i when shoj was .-.very . e.autifu'1... Tbose. plaits pfj .-.. ft: Jllf. ich b.ijc jfatiiercj back ?h'oin .tnher chevk,, trie' snnlin mouth, with vtsj twiii . ,(UHirles8. aiid th.se cWUiazel eyes, .fille -..iUi .the, Jght.of a bntm thJsa. o.its. jhinthi-! met" made Jlagie. Jier ;mpuie(. .cbud .ati, j doubly thi..p,asoji'ij!"darIjpg, or. he was..wid- ow.er. certainly j iui,rydd,and , uwered .about 'donaimn nu c t JJ v,a.e.j;ou ceria;n7.i.yyrjie AJsggie,! that you apnot.)tilig. t:9.9;Jfl,jlii-iftiiVir1' g.iud jiieud's mir"ses hv.3 gtri l.aeight I in nun siem.iace .was D.e.,iujHtui,s.,y; peflLpyer ."P, inde'? J.!..p-'. .People-arwaysexpect jo i b 1 gene, ous at ..lofiatin. .3;de.i J'emepablr pn hi-t ot- d;.D't,'I .-Jlhoijlji ut ..vq?nAute ; t c 11 and .1. vei.ily Jbeliv I dj-l np.th:cg;for j i a inojKj.i attetward ut Jgpk'.at the ,pr(.:se.ts.f re- j ce.;red an s:bpr .-.Ibeni .to in;aiuiia..,an3 Uie ! 1. yo.mijf.gir! cauirlit jpL'ir., breath a ihgugU some j 1 words were tivmbli.iig. ojj jiej; .hp. bich,it, wcte j mu pr shame :tQ .utter; .a , ..udden...sl.iadi5j trck j off a the pparkiing. Ijotn lu-.r ,.facef, .and, beavjr j tua 1. s gathered, it h-r.eyeg.. .,'-Qvpiip i'd.o.ii't' VOU i 4ciiieinbejjr'.. and.tlieie was a sob b'-h.in.d.eyyiy "old .,. was there,: tlen,. ap.d and, 0,1 - musu speak. H,. so was. U;dpb.r... Sljeroaued ratlu-r ..than sj.gke the, n-me, ..buvyiuj. the face 10 tbu hands Uiitl ..were., clasped on her father's knee, whije htj- whole frumtLSUook like a fri'iht- cued child's. .. . ,. ... ! Paison Uil!er'..5priug to lus feet a.a njan i do -s when he is suddoulv stung. His faoe'was j very wiiite, Mid i.L.s e.j)r.4.ss'tpti pf di-pleasurefal- j mot (e d'tul asdic looked, down ou the tremb- ! iing.gir'. ...''Maggie, l.pw - dare ypu.!, have 1 npt said that his name "' . , . ., ; , ..,"1 knowjt father.", She. lia:! gai.ae,d cottrage ; now. awdTiftediher Jiead'tlioughit steuiea. as if : a s,,ri?8ar3iLtl'aS 'ef's sV9luJ4 bS-""- i bfor,&Haji Rei n .jrebuke.. "J knWyjtaitcr, ! Jt.gd .o''!give yie, Ph not h,ejp jtj it ,hfts j ai.ngjoiig a buriiiug nnd "a paio, at.njy Ujjar.t i that at ja.st.ii.would find its "way 4ver.myilips. 1 hat cry! it would have .melted a heart of stono to lieai;it. ".It .w.asp full of de.-p, undving --l ;V- .a v.-.. - .- s.. - . . :. .y tetKleriies.s, andye'l' so-much giKf.walled.thjougj it. . . ... ..... . -., . .. ' Ii ii'iu-T have smote heavily "iipon'fhe pastor s iieai c. lor Ills I; C.e waxeu paiei, auu nie.irru-cies VoiiiVd his' strVing ihoutli "quivere'tr a'ltttte,' h'tit this time heTdid n.'jf sp'iali. . A m..nieni1ate1-"'a'nd"a);d were tistJd afdn'l1tHe'inihT8te'r',s afid -4 voice wH s.U'irig' p;ea."liigfy,:"'iyou' wont be t g'ry Widi'' frr3,iwriour VHBa"X8w:i"'aSaai -.r.u ";l,e1,0 1;,V,S loo-v AhdT'cau't heipThiOk: mg'ofin; fJ?Vft "neis h'omCrihTit'fplHyed Ved with JtJflder the sltadrrw :';t Aa $.uriihek . but yondei ; the bro-her by whose ' side I have: . ' ', ... - ows to scl.oui: tiie Piolher that-T l-.t . .lT-.nvi' iy . ' ; ; ; :i,'Io-v .l'lVj w6 'all were of :bim, too,' don't" you'remeiiiber, papa? and l.bw 'generous' and noble hearted he was; though I kflo'w1 he was; iash"and wayward it 'times'. " 0 ''How mattima' used to "love him, too almost better than slits ilia uie, I believe, Vecauseie ' " - i' OU 4t4.l had your own gray eyes, aud broad foref Lean 'see her own watching lain v ben we sat dbWn'in 'iSa "teehing by her sjcta till her eyea grew' moist" witif piTde' arid "tenderness and stle ' would Fend down and kiss Ins cheek and say, JUL i--3 0J3:t y rB , -! ! "Baljh, jj5 hoyvyoui axe ytrur fetber, evtiytioolj pfjiPu,.; ; . .1 ,-a- iii. . q.Aziov :o i bi.iiaina.gaini paga4;JIfciuIeasfl!ycauvtbioi Jr uife dpwujmd tftlknabarit hkBan4-:tlieiai4 g-.ifeW- Af,aPS hrfpft86ed.oyriors(m:IIiilr,8 if bft-bad jiened bis. lips ufco-.eeekler;: hu r lfe 5 "g.ftkfeeyesj Tcersbtijk& a pair ibai .lyiSSr tbe sa w tiiriwird3die(i .''jaPc :-&bt&rMg0b ycruklihatQ WJ1'!?? tp,ja .Qbair.JieoTefuWd ito foBowben SB9kv?rrr:hiso.:viw IceiBfelad t at first, but'it grewtrojig and atotn as je 4roctsairtUi;c o.t.;. vly1chilr ypur-rhaye .tot; niglrtt-yrolatotbithe .m pat- posi tiv pm nijin dI' jayje r.,laid. pin yonv ;Btjji, I.feaawfjMt ,wa;Jtter-loK$! fjp.birn .jvJdclu-you cuuld upt stifleubat gau&ed: Wi . jjoi thia; und so gently, as you bttve pffendeidv Jifosp;.y.oui, But nvfer,.neye? .again sk Bie ito-.italkpf --Jjinii He wsia ijiy ch.il4 :. once,-, but. her baiJW.bie8 S-Q sipce that hoM.r when, I. turidjbinj'fipin. cay lct. ta denounce;: bi.l;. iJisobejiionliay, worse tUiel-..H. UUliderorl,; . : . 'Jt.tniay laera Jiatsh. 1& yt Maggkv? epptiftur ed.. the, prpu,-or..li:lifld x'biferl; tlw:ilQW.;er that brpke liui tho Uit Aisijihf -chirbjit j it .is ia-ej;tlrehj-:dJ.np.aB4.4ftW2 , the. rponj! ivjth.,str.ngly ,ag taifc4..tepi;and!-Jil .ivliUe Jtairs ,sliojui; -inouMifuily .,Jn -fire!i3.)t. ,"'.T did not, forget, tbat I rwsar- ftlrftr tiUujty ,, .evuicil,. nig,...,."ji)wld3' -jpW; ult:.a,(l - ; . s -o.m... rT t;X knew .utfis.-ccii.-i. n ; i.y" j.muc oga(t. thAl j waa vcu;d ofd; atid: iuy j4ftty . tp :ii)y ,feilo w ; hjen demamied ,..iSW v j;.a.; T-.n4 j 1 ... '.Aiid he uent cAitfivin urand a enrsfe i uiion t i i i ...:a .lpu.-,:ajS&aiU intVut' "befpe jqr kaii: vyej' igS;aj ,4itjd .wlii!esliei4--litV. ivas- tin its :prijne, i iUy-bcd , avIi 9 fhe ,-lays-ttq night.- K :i .trAid. if.Jiebpgid 4F PS 'g'fj1 b.jvojijd point l$in..iktiiaA:g3iVf aud Lifa wjie sprang 4dJy iWo"e ! blur and she tj.j iike-c,ua aimo,t inphd a. the'litflrtdbf hoc pul b4?JJtJ!jaif4 facfc iYi'tti'ouJd'tj't say the word lo him when you knew 'air ihu. time ' itljai .-firfltJsaa'swg down on you from hea-j ven; and that, if she cPVWipeakre would. "Bd. qgepber.i John?, she--would cy, that asm ted mother, 'he-is .ow.-.-beyp :"par-..- ujt7-bons,-idw iy-ytJlweQfftfaw. diave ., watchied Ugether and over whom we haye'uid: 10 manyiprat -j ers. L ;-i0:rP5k'' idth ppelfj .of 4.1e 'cl.Mturej sprang upfviojjely.re. Ijer- )ipi ""CcasHtg for.a uipjueutbreJiidlclukiaJi. of lhe made; erW.ct'myvruotUer. bndsi 4wn: nij;' yu?per.si .frpip .boo4,4b..? staw --Eorgiye -: bini j fox ,SiU,bn Jorgivc.hiu). w: : ,- : ; ; . ...j And-ii.t eHje4 gjtH:apna&.hft:.flpftkejd; C3ii;tljJe,d'arQf,;.iscbidj PTJVmit jrasj L wi tbe Jight of; hr; giritthat auge4 .Wasj .fjntjh4tfc jbji. ; vov;;iptv his dead ;v;ile vas! kmt-c: ;.i:'.-;-. q ci.A - ii-.i-J ; , lie .sag k-. jdo-w ,and-;,bue4 iM fttce:-r.in hi Vaifjdj the ,grat3deptbso bi .heai't.yvertj at last! .bipen jMp-and. .tlir kws J.rk;Ued. .tliiQrU:his;jf' .: ,It if a SAid-stry0 ar.:pir; .pen. caauoi-lLugerj .....Faugh, Uiatjjj,? tehood.-; lUIjib.-fE'UesV': iriUlehetrjpftauj wasaUvayjBjCm-ij 'F'HiWial Vn'dMr4ri.ssmi'nT'':1ifl-:'nc jqgjjg ajJJis.ipri. ,vi,h (tb rtEt, haidef VliuJi'JdF'a;th,'-aud tfsud-leiri revhluimnlin'' iaiJbief' c,baracue.rTrI 6 ., r.T.'.;-fc J: jjHileiwB'ty7 ripfHd-'him rrf :nTl' liigips'sel It was a great misfortune, but the twjo, eRjlsio?:'feh-lirn'isg, rive result ' f artly Hrfi-HnfefV understood. .xach.. o.th,er--Piison Ililler was a gooil f.areutiaad; a cbrisiior ;lu.tiie.was i, lineal e,pedanirAf-Jie;pl''lft-ilaafcbu6etfscpurita3is audibis bigl.ktwe4fl.oY? fpri 'ighfr and. .-justice, Jds.pallll, iaftexi'.'k.fJn;Hie -tt'ns one--iljch the ;raildprw &e& d$$$9P$W ofe .iOTv:time ;ou!.4 nqn5piij', ;forstbfcy rwee-. hfc luthugbt. j Ualphtllillev Wthomc . ft.t.ciglrtee.a. AVitii ;J all: bia faidLs itlitiie.-wej-aarialiy iickiveinB.itiys ij aiH,t,.Mitpnlsive Ptttui'ejbat'lsiather'sireginifcn ;! hajiea .t eveje that-piiis. gentle motber had .-been; too indulfienuaad so:.neidi.er:hads(s j ceedfd jn-hacnioirizbig th. discordant . lelemeais of Jris.b.aract-( .--.i:-;s I :...: A few words wi l tell the rest. lie entered ihe laijre uieTCaTiriteficAfteof tits uncle in Xew Y'rk: 1 he relki.m of kfT'ltareiltal "discipline proved tob'snddeTii toF l'alph AVas' un'Scauainted y?',t'rl'.ih'e wofarifhtff is'ottn ':iHfe ''tial iitfl'e fitted 4iim itf belife1 6wVr maJtf.' It Ulle''di3 6'toVyie wal rJeCoyed iflt8 ft amblffjg SaipU induct d'ftf .-.1 's? --V-'S.L.- :5:!:Si W .T5X;S i.s.I.ie.'f iil-J ,.ij course, lie was ax- hi si successiui, aim -iuis pbnrpteirf hirri to; stake " LgerSutfi'8 of" moneys Tfreii the? t'de 'turned;' 'kffd 'one''- ni'gtit 'liaiph Hiller'TUsu'ed out -lnafSy frotti the ga'mUmg sa lobtr, for he- was in dept live hundred dollars. A' few"oys"bf: unmitigated nverey ivent b and the WTecucd fo'ntlrdiscuVcred thatth'erg was rro nrkhbdTtscaping ditectibt? but by'difraudnfg this "'deiit.' L-;'; ; There whs bufoneVax'ti yloJii ; not ' be robbeiy,; ilTten3P,a i Raipli's ear'Jb;ryou ri; wjn1)aci your money j nl. v "vn. For the sake of both families." Ralph's uncle .tebiild-iBote ghn Aisi-'npWw'fcAisity, .-but.aicoin--pa-nbJnrlion:a -mh&tl.e-8l3amg twypiw1Piitt8i-:icke S - tenepadhSi ofe bi4aUle8aldi if4fet:4o There was featfuhsieii 4&SCCat iafig ymft-- :tyaa'!sof tbe:sp!adtiedts thetbt'a diStrSt- j itd .iHbtberrand ibesailtteMaggia'At-tetet finding his son inflexibtej'pafSptf' littler tspote cleiar'Shd slow; i'Ealfdi UybMti&tafe'-iJtd my ittmiaands pr:go out that door-no longer & ohild Jjf giiflel":ArnlEaIfiiai-4tit,i' lv T-c: a uiv; turned and fastened his eyesiwWhscli'wilftp pfeihBg:eggen'nes3i;ori thes physician, ; thal' his t h&tf vaa tr amgely -toTtohial y b 2 ' i '6 : q . c Tuaiioctor blwatifc bi9c-hancl-ay.''JfMydr - 1 ', " i 1 ; V . .ill air; it . w.cmta lonriy oe;ruei Janss tO'letevve j you .now. You .probably sea woti - live - a tort- j nijrht." v,.,'::v-;o t.-i ..::'? :-:r k The invalid turned with "A:-low moan1 upon bisujaneri, and :the . doctor erA bVVtl softly. 4 Tbere were two other Oeeilpahis -tifi-ta'e -Sfmall, illy'in-nisbed-chaipr, i who Ver1 adjustment betrayed 4bTeabseeowiimi Vi liairfnofiiz'ng ktefctijtS&dlftesie Hvcir: bW ktxid "gifl; 4iSotrld tbafe: hlvrdly I'erfefit'd- hieseynth yJ,lfarid:ifonr summers had just braided their lihtfn-the golden air fhftfi'feU Hih dti(f "brigbif as lunset telo'ofr feefrb'oheTV'-'IafV f"r't6; cbrrd -flrjis jsleefvigP ijirl'-t-feet'My4 had.1'' linM ttFewfy -WOrtl U'-'tk)r4rdd-M;!''lmrf-1idadJieeu :rfiS9 futwring"!of'h'e l&tt'feWV lip'-SSrfiej tears dashing over his dark eyesf' yoJof-Svo,hid :bay kftbwfl-'-tee teft' fc tooY-'-v; r -'SPa'parp'R'pa did- ti do?tf aj? yiru mdst Jiel s4rio0'e was very !BwSfrnful, irSfl ile' tlfflel fingers gen'.fry'U'ied "those; of'ihd sitfc'rriaii awiay I 'fiupWiT v: - -;: ' '' '- ' ! "Yes, "Walters' O mV hfldTeh 'friT': feltil-i 'IfeH't therV 1 oaie:jd-(m'f pir? : frrgrit- inouriifully, wifh teat1 trreHirrg-' dbwri3':'r3s he4-UA..' a- ;''' , - lapkafml-and -hi$ pH'Vcrfrght nearer the averte.1 ; fafe;'of tfie sfttTrKri1, tS-rr't lyouaief'Ss-Avith yon I- "-Iis'Mn''sw4i7tK:to stay liirrttWhri-' veiV-" are gwiire'-'1 al''sflteiwWt either. You ain't got any body to leavel!iisKto 'uiftnfldHfianiW -'wtrrit to R 'iSffddly iMi'Mietl'fn TpttthgtriiiHf)S5jw. Thai h et'tt i Mirin4d o $S Fil w 'VrteeF ai '1 rls eyes seemed t - his cliild'likew'flanre--. ':eS,-1 h've;isomebt!y wifh "Kv-h?mi to Jf'al'ip von my fK6rc'iiH" Ad AlcAm'hrHnaroHitfd -th bo.- "'lAe ahinif, 'lohVarifVonVHere, 1 mid yoo-e'!neveY hfeard hiA1arrlt!f:', Vsilrei; i'buf thPiTgtfkbey- cur-''frfe 'father,' ' tTfW'lT "Vie ".erySte-ivWr fb b is '"mot her. - :cli Hd'r"e'n.' ' '11 ley txIidn't'AirSine tfuWHi.-It 'Was'tml'v"' ho;'tnUt bsiwd - ivand 'i slw dd have goaie"1 bal'tc !og' ago , if the ihounht that M"ir :waV: riiii tm-ivr 'The jailfe rassnd '-'J -Irad -plfrce3: heY 'tSicre'' tucrin't : withhold we. -Bt sBarl- uh ftuS!r ''): .od ,;thk-- "g;-tbiH e-ts 'so'm ebtrdy "w h fi VlS u rti il cri leave -'v bit-!''- - - - -X ':- ,; i,v :C : : : W Tlj IlihVi ! -Tire-world Ka-inot'dVait v?ry -Kinaiy-"w;rn nimsinre lie 'went out- nom Iws fc'Prtic Avfth tli 'furei of Hhc -''djoFrM" Prr-Wsdadi'-'1 - -'- '-' - ": ' ' d:'c'; lie was a-yoWtti'-'"rarhn " 'TeT;i!Tjjit;iIihd" lafk his gentle, wtfc in the grave two years before. i4 wapntme'nt, -pttrrty'that rjf cOTisHt'dtiotf- ai infirmity, succeeded, and so BaipK'iffilfer' c I! 1; ,Wr4rfa-3eate) ori--fm'y fehgeV'. "fe-wtldiave rbw?n ttivifiovy'baw'hot left the tav4rn aiid-wUd f r- the itaget5 T'kit'ovi-r junyf' tboiiiSn.l tfiiles Ehas-akeh 8iy last cent;'aiidss "tle-'ord man-'prmJed-to bring nk in dii cart witinn a fehojl dtfettc)f -$l c LVgreed to Jiic pvaiiiciwi; i-- -; 1 -r It Ava tr ifrige, .but LlfekJs4roiig tfmfl -eat ger tbert ukeW(i uiy' jo'iirneyttid ifoW 1 can i bard 1 y stand .- --T .- .1 ; .- ":--:' t :.jit It isithree --niHe, loi-td tlie5 ho'Use on -t'S? hill-" Yu.-or ;6e it,i XVatt'e With r; w'ghl bghfeiji ftortt; Iti a raigh -ibitdli "Jiae'te tea v me now, and if you ever get thefi'tl"-w9Pd did9niiib! man's .Kpd a4 WftiK ferHfefess j npn-r the 'pitei of jvibneftd i teaVfes whic (be winter vind : had-' leaped unTjfcTbe"-' tree. lt it ' rl kiliini-nn-'aMf-a u.fcQii i -.:. ifab-.-A!rl SttftftfttCKiU -jwj,- 5 e!..-vu0.enj,-mu 1 muu bed bule -Mary Hiller, wife watbhiiig br lnxjs-' trate:pai'6ut, with both1 hands wi'apped iii he brother's, "h'U get oold flfet-e.r- - n.ib ci ;ed" aTxranrlr wfstfully i&nHdre Wbds Vfecli la'Sark5' 'and barren afl arcm'rAl hiTta. '''here ?a noVrjl 7-ihft'Wfild- sec fhe 'irghtr froiti hg'6riitnt naw'3 Itwlliklirrg Irke-Sitafs 'Ihfouitf ihe fjigKiTatid ''Mi' jniiast fi'rid : -bis & why ;to;i tiei6's o"irb"euW i'"Cpme wtff iiiesister fn lai4,JrafrhfDg-avly3 Ito'taie'cbtld'i'H adct-Briiiy&dQbri was only aHve,c or if F vfaVo'ftrr'' bitf Sd "pap'ba's 'goii'eand SLuyas . left "him too!- :saj f-cWakicMVflu'tWvou nit you go for fnY : sHkeittle sit$'er.V'"' " ' i -.?'Ji.?-i, l:nnxf. ap, and I'm l.iur:!yfjji ltfaSi 'do i "b'braf; closing eye:ppeberf wram." rfwo'pii r cuumu i- : t-o-,, n,ii'.M mjui 'iiwr !' ; jja - Vos t- ..,r t Liiree sons iirnKe over inp. nni na .4 ina nut n r-mi t .1 j r r - iw .1 ' . J11.1, . no . oaiu lb t v . 1 - " . .... , . distant :lI.lson.; a - - . . - r..'is i. t:', !. worft'yeu let uVcdiue-in f- '" ' ' i . Wall V wake tip panii Wak hiniBf ob-i Before Maggie could sj eak, nannaia'rflpg " He;iaH!ep,w-"sardf the fofsMfr' " 6, if fltere' was -bnlf sblffebo'd'y'Tiire ! rFhlok- E Og bli-M 1U0T y;"o'd "li bes .mid bflgg-fgov ihw st? ; gaa'.bb"- diMsWtf..nyi9i .V fc-ca i,f s:!!i flrro ynnp7 nr?t vl Iflr;trnrr-ts h:: ? T l ' n - j an il . . -. . r spa Bjt aa.4; -sake, tlie:3hTht;aver4fdbitiJV'Bl I thjeftlitwe urtft V li mtia a vted&vfe&aheary&k&Q. bfe iBJMBnbedr veitHl lflan4tirm0aittldfcaif " Wally, WaUy, I can't go any farthe q4?ti so tired and :;coTda8rtb'at tears wer frozen on tftr ilfi tfeat " I ,wan j 'td'ffe 3p"wn and'eo !to"sleei)5' The'tende'r'feei had battered iaionr? KraVelv for a' wIoVp rlu'tU- .?:ideof HloVe' f 'a'n?j 'feCujer'tilf at rastEey'd''eom'e a'filll' stof '"'m ' '.the 'road,1 some ''mTle ' and ahalf Mom iue - nouse on tne.lnll." i ''..'."nl6', ilry 'doirf Want to" go to sleep heY6 dn'lhe: ground where Itls so "col(i 'andlVard; Perhaps' ifieyMl'liave a mce'ld wlien we get up td"t1V'f !iousej'ou k'nejiv-.''' .t u'st"se.'n'ow7t's Kgteq UpahtT'libw" watro'"Ttwifrbe'wh'en' we ffet'tlie'ret Loine, I wpn t walk so" fastfhaVs " a cdod airl." i cau i, vviuiy,! cant, . juy teet are so j neavy tbey won t move, and. my" "fingers ache "sp j at theii'd's; just as if somebody was' biung 'erh. x tease let me lie down, W ally, and you cau pht your Sftri'S Ground" ii'ie, and 1 "can go to sleep J usts; yigTt its 'I Vo'uid 3 ri " t he : c'radTe ' at '.horn e ;? 6.nhe 6 cold was "berrinriimr to indui-e Jtriat teflfar'ev whicL would 'have proven tooTafaKi - - . a. " J. . T tii'ilie'rril;l. - ' '' ' ; ';' '; -:' '; i ' AVahelr " wns sufferlhg" ihteri siely ."wlth'iKe cold ' uy, huu iyi a iiiuiiiem ue iea lernpteu. io conir N" Uitlf'"'t1ie"'criild,,s reo u'esf, but the thought of nr- witii tiie child s request, but the thousrht of liis''ithr rdiVsecf h'iti agaTn.' '"," ''" ' "" " ; "' Thlre' Hvas'lfhl, "one method 'which could' 'inf fece'?'tM' c.Kiiif to' proceed, nd 'Walter "kS'iew wilt fha! tfi'eJ Irtfle ' faliitihg '"heart in" that Sei- -huinjL'e'd frame was "very warn')' with love for 'h'ittr; -and "fubbihg" the cofd'haTids ' w i'thail'liis ; targtit Hie sifd ' So'rtd'wfu'ny;' i".'"' ' '.'j'"" ' ; ;: ! : And' so' Jiiviry ou w iff'. Ieave"'fV"ai ter'too all th'aif 'Jo'rfe'Va'v aib'u- he." "ttyw'ilT seeni a g'reaj e trirt9theni"?ihe murmuredV 68 ,me twice; sister, and wrapped n dber"nands iigntly"l'ri Lis bw.ij th!y4reVSni !-.'S fd llfti -i'i'j. mer.ced their Tuurnev ), ex J :d iti locked down on 10 J:U c-'; ra5Cfe':eoi!,n;11?p t' nufe.and ai Mialf' waia"d?6mH'1islej'ATi ?' the"boy."'cQUi!cT!'Doti -- -h-Akiv. io t!weri .i:. sui, to- :sj,t. I see tti an angei went oetore pim and led tnej wav. ' .'' i;TSe iiverifV of 'the we'ath'ef ha'flh no rsi hes'snrVl:Tihe''gaffi iiiis ,t,v,c- .3i:':.f---'!0.qL -"o?$ji i.-iiu; j err-nTrrg reuiu. iwu me iioiff eie openeu iur iije cafofi.foitte dfd "aiid vounV were'at'mhTe"di 'ore, rinde? he :leHove'f"roof,chnil tiieliiirn of "inaiivi p voices n nfi !eTniu4caII v' with th'e'lou 3 cfackbii ntr: of the huge logs in the cliitnnevs!"0,' tney'werei Jt happy' company T" Y ou :couTd " have told that by'tlie smiles onCeycry; fiiye ; 1-v liieigTit"in ' tji'e; ces ot ail into vb.ien your own would navej :,f:;:,'::r,,,,::cr - : " KUfiss0 SlaffgietTve'got'fibtd of you a. nnnute wnile they re tnettinp-t e table, and want ftjlk and you jjfs't fid piep""?!! b'e.re,;4 crie.4'1ttinnalT,' wlu IO !"cnvpd''sbfKmfstrpv rpalm dVaiftn'g'6'ur fieVoinc ihto'a JariieVi'd fasiiioned pantry. " There," she said, aiding the t fleet oft her remarks by. emphatic punclies in her audi-! rot's nbs'anTlsfdesdd vou ever in vour Dornj days Miss Matrgie, see the like o' thVv Tliieej "rjarrels of btirf tW6vfto!e't;'heeses, "9 the Very WVfcutte'r, 'tbViy'ndtnitT o tTiej)la-j tatoes and apple sane, the .turnips. aud dough-j 'Trtrts'-whereJ on the olope airth we cajistow such s a beap is a marvel tbme, aiid jhe gfjod wiiah lv"ed:'a'sig'h"ofJtnlpgied satisfaption and'fa'trg.ue glairc'e:d ''rotfnaJthVcilo:sey piledsliefves." '" : "-MifrffarerfaHifflied'lier owh'cfa.v, npTiii&lauGfh tnat-Would mVe1 mltiBeW b& lif 'hofhf.g )l .1.1,1 . ,-1 . . I V't'-lt !.-0 7 on the kitchen door ? i Y-es,'I iielrevc-lt was'; dear rn.ef 'iFcTdes seem as if there Afafsarfo'intf,c and' Il'ana wentu't witifsnclr" kn; air of 'ti.fe aTtr ib at iTliicUed another laugh5, TOnf Ma-ggief "WliicwasBoen slioft ivii iiaou'ecJaafibnf ness alive ! what have we got here !.' Another m6m"errY tftnA laelttH&'dpoY''' Two lite chrfeff eft "stOd riler'r- Yheir'.lirhbs v ere irjrff atfd ;t4fei f tfeih"swas" Bl u e Vilh" col d . It was a itiffr! :6igfTt IS tKy"" ve'r'e.ln tlteFit ernd,,:'a5ttre urfgeVoulaaelaifen f her brother's arm had not upheld her. " 7 ' . ' - Pf1fa?e''iffi4'&fliedJ-a loirg"way arm ha t' pirlled "both 1 The chfiuren'Tn to" lb (house. '"' - 4j-"'-" 4 - ""-'.; " "'.; ; " " Let'you come in, you poor little soula-!'-' sli,e 'cried with .tears .of guine&sy.pit.tytollifig dbwh'"her"'c'heets: FTn ' thinkjng thgiiuxe, that wouldn't do this would never -get jrjtp. ihe ;greaVdobr above, ,' (nre cjose tomfr Jusi? dook at them littLe red arms, .Miss Alaggte.; . ! -r-rr.- hra ri -.ft -;.'-:. '-3 - Maggie Hiller didn t speak5fpp4ler:3fa Vas, too full for tbatujtsbj bntjiowy and.unloips jeneS'girrs bonnet-s.trijg" andjtbe;cu,fr4J(f in a golden shower over her bands. 5 j .3 cj WaTiy, anT'lI try.'- Aiid .WaJ'er resh hps,"'hot'twice or i;lince To" trjeue pues pT Lh ijlNevcr yon m1nT''fla'nnkhyorlr4ih"d a' place I nnTeti4erc',; ami baric' !" VaSri't tfiat a'linock' at !: ii filidw ,fdsd fai btvtbui asdi j bW) d vm ssswsil- :!; Jadj ,bviidd rrrir; "i r.Mti 'li i o L i)Ln ;-ljJ'jS1bj'h;'l di jfas yiv faonU fli i&di me ?P JeB;R..go,h6d when xftft rarfa JTffl me. tire ing eainestness uviiaiiatT J-.iB ali Tifla aiK9y u.e .9.97 ;and.we:il;bav.e fpu, fixed oi in a,ia;n- -tjir -' ta tlie eiQund '! .' , ! . ,;Ci v1nij lP .JB.P- i oer rrorm , many vpicea . peached (,Lue, kitchen. Maggie' ahd Hannh.jwVed wildly at.eaf hftjljer 'ahd Uieh 'tVie Monger lifted' (tb.e. ittleiipm her i'ap'junj skid .brjskjj, 'S.tay. witi i.lienilau-; Inalififl f'tse, what js,the.iiatter.;. o ... " A' inan white aud. .attenuated .a .onAirien i 1 from the. dead, stood in the center of 'tbe- rpom, ! sLanng wnuiy apouv liim. ... oijouy.-k.nejwajiyu; the eyes of all the guests . 5 .werj fastenedJnAVOu- d.er afrd dismay : upon Jiiji) lor,, he liad.rsJid ; wildly in and was;. stafmg. about, the conauy like one.dem.enbd and yet uv hadnq, spkes , .1 said nobody knew him,, but agii.djd t soon a' her eyes rested on .hiip. Tiiete .Kiis a ry,ofJ; : ' "dl11 ; tiaTj.li,' my brother then with one bou.nd her : ill'nis were wrapped about, hjsi.-ck, u.d Jif lim v.-.w-r.:ri f .' t..' . i.i t.. i.' v ' Oh? Maggie, then, vou , hye,. i- fratlgu lie iv!nsnrpil.t!ip'w,aib tiiinfh- " -Forgotten .j oii4jRaiphi ( D"d joji th)njj:that the, sister tbat lujd Hen4, 111 ypur ,aous.id, kS'dd i .by your sTde'.at prajei ;.rwhp4ie,v,vr, l,gd..a joyvpr sorrow that she duln.t te yu Qd ypn jfljik 'fo'rwaro, and'his tipvls.)vere..veryenjiej ae nl1 ' rXalpti, ;mv boy. vuii. ai e:Ytdouia butne again. , ' b:f!.r ;i .7! .1: 'a1. 1 1 I . ft-..., v v .i .i l I couTddie in" peave,'-: . - '-", ..: t dymiajius she drew pGwn .tpv.; Jijadj.toierjips j an'd""'whispered. ' Waffgle,-,whi Jaji'bc.ccuites j rbaci: (ell Lim that his mo'tnor luvecLherb-vY.to $Vko c-'.:v -'i .bnalcl !o.da nl I kh children msh ed to., tb,e.,sileij Jiej Prep,4., i j, 1 notseosai!jng.sa j into a'chair -indstheu. W. thtt-fiivstiline. sd .S-jn;(egr .pU. tbects on 'liTuer and Ustigjiter.;-, ,t0ij, bjregg jme ' lo n cai'e ;you andfpritty syJteouiU,. bery tender to tdem .Lcivi oi :iv-.'-.-C- -;"; 'Tlia at hpine. .. It was thy t'.thgaye.gqri wuen j, woKepitnjne.jA'pya Q.n9-p.r..J1idTwas J'JnJgi t J9i?) jbQVb fl asyiag. Ti ani .go'inj. fastirt.atj'ax .cpynlVy wi.erjjpthgr Ilis ' jieal sank . upon ,Maflrjrit3'. isb.OB,lde;i:1,aftd ! when tebevjnked. j.jljib, J(l;.Jwjtb1.;4m long,"l 1 f;: u.-naq ,aori : 3.U.1 ,it;tii6 dunaiwn, wpjcli iad,oi?njCj3a so auspiciously, closed wTi..m3ny.f3r.8Bfler w;as..a rainboy of diojie iy tJie.Utia ts.,pf.jtJehief tH-Ji.' ;.:-..i ) M iO j'Tb'e snpatUingurjgliijoei flad occurred .ctee )$T s'l eiide r sn ado wf optli.e .; rpt4f, an.d jCjjshajt inev're aUrComins...J -i t, .J, -.- II ,1.119- 3 A r Where the moBntainsiiise jn,thpisprfiJie5ol. emn beauty, wdth the igre)& -6eroH of that eter- . ... , . M. . - ... T t-e Mf sjfijsNxi-Tfifo.':'beJBth iBgcd>ds-aloairiA'nQ WatildasS'-arW iauj- difinttti verpeti finsth&" sborfer't i&tdb&m&x Hete, is:a ib;wnoftle 'teteei; 4,-Idft, E? Adi$ EWa4;CdorW!-i The4lyrtJlK'!ah4tfr i sborlened-Ht Likzie? iheiber-AirrvisfS.7neal ;iuto iUnieHattje't beCpnies ilwi'-ftrtU Har. j th fyMa ttiev "Wsl V w e like sdni rt lJti aesf Jmd! ; then : you know,-liziie 'anff Hatti ared ftahlfaf 1 and -endearijrgi f :r'e.i- .wnrrl h; dice TTTW Oi.-ar flam who was rebalinz a very interesting taU he hacb r. 1 1 r I'VitoilW. S4bfrtJ;iaBf--bSjIi' tive. U, and the little one looked nn with -r.nnnf.- eat. you know." . . 'c - :. . , .. .. j i- 1 gfim? bpttea and pWv, of Ralnh ffiller. was amid v engraven the. words thyuM M?i;'str llii jVolaeri' valfavs' doert be re!oicin c-ryfor vw sometimes ns?e.up a cry that wanders oyerrhe whiCejilarns,aD,4 iatbej-ed uryamong thechpos jusr. rea in a newspaper.. vvtuLe the litt e, lela low was thinking pt bis .mistake, the old bons?-, dod walked in, shaking bis tail, and looked. Jddi ,ailjrv.-u bna ett liedi oi Doit sfjjaa Rjf evh sL ELoria viiidaldo doo 0; as ,e-:'ri oi bad ijf tc LOVEI eAETEE5AND wAUBAGFJSa fli ixiusLcruanr uamexr t uneinmre xerscrjeiiny raa meer, ' " i j s j eu,ucar 'uy ,MmcoTenng a wOuuTn Sutf-iy two" dfh'ers .-geealclilitasfoh's t the hw&m in thmwmMnmii. tS-aivtioJni? iu uro uuai. . a young man-wno was nasirny. "threV'Tm fore anroritf else nWtiy4"itd'-prcvvi'ftie1V Kttirtieleg'inrf-ft $&tygMer. :;"1'- S;''f iir ""51 atle1 mtusel re Terschel nng. On" "be"! ilg" tar fit d hottr, m hihde:m'' tetle& aktftheeS'it'tf heMefltioniwa tM'theVe iritlst 111)6 o meB'me'wxiTfri Hvio' hvid HeTrffeV pfferi SlW sen4; for riers"bArod k'rH-Hh "hiah who threV bis ctojk or Ste r1 i-Wlf!-:WlffitencrrTn!ttf ' ' aM' u I c"haght ou; would 'ro'fu'.: 'Theii'l'Mll mwbrrjuTliett my" Hfe w'as il(r.,da1igef"ybu fffferVd one hmid:red:d'icatii'to skvei'rhff.' -Tfiiifts th4 price yotf et :uppfi rrfy1 biind. - HeVirre -tyofive hrrrVJied. - oHr have ftmi'iaoEd tln-st nt tor' the sfj'ae.''Mbihsl6'urt.'' aid-iSlV:iniHcH'' andry o'uri J,3 atfll stHltttn- erf :: prddigiotisPf whife adding dneof tKp- ocrificaf pariphrftfees by wbfcli "worrteh' 'spbalf"of khW' bkuty T. am ' conlidere5d' rdpiHsWeV-"' I wis W9 mari f fifHttcdiateTy ; f he tnW yW'Ire tfrprisea;aIii!'U'' frank 'with bu.toe en fo('-iyon-beari:ieJ"y6u five1 seen'-ffiyaftfr. Yo'tt-hereriderM mea greaH,' WtTViceV Mcm ie'r. - Wilfh-oift yVu all thr" yxiung mWof Box-Mee-oald; hav : sfeen& ifM c aVlrjrjrd ci hsWe inarrit'd ' fheitl ttll f T 5buHd; "tiave killedi 'myselt.1 Iftt ; if : y'ou :;aW "nbt ' freef ir l ot 'W happy as tp -: please 'yo4, 4i-feb'all give my hand and my . fortune Wasmawiio ittlMfH To ytii at 'yes'oPhrj0 ttlwsand TleBiyeS ! 'i-tMrf'3fjiai hf TlieiirtyriiF.ge:fopk plirceJjan J 'Va Kkfjlll 394Hei&.pro&Hb!y- we hA'e dd1 partTCufirh'tjft f ne laAeilii oFfioef :w"e1-e itMted 5to'thejSpt?als ahd mptuon'Msed. otiifteijAe Mlow'mcbrrlilL''was fi5uWtO:br ;prdpetbf -of sujt'the- Itroaw an Ef yaieTB'pl32aIy 'da the?ri:fitoy':fa4!k ffialI:i'W,plJairl, iandailodtr8rj aYweriteilsT'Tiie rbtestsaiilagB W-ltWSm, feierreif law xmtd Bif a a'rflat- 3id tiiht tb4f f Imytlrfe ATidof terofcfrlg that they4idli6l'ertygiarieri:r'tK 9 May iit0.'''"-i" .'3 OiJewsi t :bvtisi&bP4id 'l4iy-iatt't8cllxtae einsut.iJijrJtel'jirete4? of-ddiifcTrttrW Xrle 4teewnatyl'br4i"'gavsiJ twlyS0El4f iaiRig -initehlefftT4 ellSIw1!i,i8ata 44er'e4e4,t,,6 fygar itiitjyci ryie5' WfcSfga "imit-'4rgafns4 WrAfii bvrJorcmgber,, ftp.an4prf .W iwhfctb cocoon in w ii,. ts Z It.' ,' - i sJ-t- J . . -ww - v iVMiew Jf CJ 111 ir, without 1 .1iU tins re , when hrbors'fMffieaWeMeid ino-tJiittNb pfeSetltf'filrtef fbadttftPS-un. rWveMlie4'lfflsrrefe tlreSfkAi&SW fJei 1 '( itrc. i. 1 1 11 1 "6 hHf J&WSWWlAPWlffiiiitBM rSyifc 'hifcss t;! lQ;bcai 'v;i pfficej .4eirMfbg4, itfmn$n&t th iamcfamfliByB , 'how to stand up" bis spor"y5'fc'4ywfefeV,'lwB : klyac'ilfitiftie fp!kitiS& 4ld F'locbtagfei'flrttMnWan 1 byaiirigat'faa'44 . t bfanJiYuaig AieftaieftignXy tforalefrj and witbcryat(BrJl',tkiS' most-obsolete " IntitutioA"'j88ii7i11 LcftBjrirr3- feSiMSuffpWa, k6Tdnknoir aSe WhWotfSS t'cribWf' iTbn'Hftiief Viri ot ffl, 10P eatw fiinr, uut uow muca . oener IIURJ BJ. Wece it notior fiie.trsUiatll ,ton-t?fi. rIaa-AMSnl bUfgittRsbj oi t2Life'wlerJskata'-irp'5xrb' --!. U-n nitn a .to beta i (trtsG "wwtnr- or caxcninff. ana v s : - f - 1 " 1! 1. , z i! .-aji!; fi1 .J ' " t 1 '-.-ip 4' t .-'1 I r