r :: -- v . . -v"- V. , .. - v s """'" I . . ... ' ' T"K - ' , ''if.'- k W di, tfc, tbt nd tlx Dd tBy iick tea. that xk en4 WILLIAM D, COOKE, PROPRIETOR. A i I N 1) E P El DEN T Fill LY N E l.SPllE R; TERMS, VOL. IV XO. 45. RALEIGH, NORTH-CAROLINA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 201 a4 Mm E3 tion isei iver wer hy 5. ress edi that tiled rth ptr I the ned rood re at the ). : rmit n be ipl s.ia oder If. -4i Is ' di kS 7:: v re te B- , it t- " e at vt , at M ! t ' SELECT POETRY. ODE. BY H. WARD. To God, who crowns the rolling year With blessings, scattered far and near, Be grateful praises girin ; , His power matured the waving grain, Hegare the sun-beams and the rain, "And gentle dews from Heaven. The tender blossoms ft CPtYt FanneOy the Soatb wlnd'i balmy wlog; Were nurtured by His care ' He clothed the fields with smiling green, And caused each well-known rural scene To bloom divinely fair. O, happy ye.' who drive the share And many a fellow field prepare, In joyful hope to sow! For you their fruits the orchards yield, The corn stands bristling in the .field, In Autumn's golden glow. The flocks are bleating on the hill. The herds are lowing by the rill ; The barns are filled with grain j While purple clusters of the vine; With Autumn's ripened stores, combina To cheer both hill and plain. With grateful thanks, to God we owe , AH that our hearts enjoy below : And at our annual Fair, Let songs of joy ami praise abound, '. To Hira'whns hand again rath, crowned With gifts the rolling year. IT IS THE HARVEST- It is harvest ! it is harvest Fruitful season of delight ; O'er the hills, along the valkys, How the prospect glads the sight Ply the'scythe, and ply she sickle, Blooming maiden, stalwart swain Frames wax stronger, hearts grow nobler, Reaping of the golden grain. It is harvest ! it is harvest ! Garner up the precious corn,. Fill your ricks and fill your barns, Till the last load home is borne ; But be generons, O ye farmers, There is plenty, never fear ; Leave for little Ruth the gleanings. And the droppiijgs let her clear. It is harvest ! it is harvest! At the last great trumpet's sound. Who will rank among the wheat 1 Who 'mid worthless tans be found 1 In life's spring-time, gentle reader, Now the seeds of luve and faith ; There's a harvest, there's a harvest, And the reaper, it is Death. From the New England Farmer. THE MINIATUEE. . ' ORf WHY I AM A BACHELOR,. "Why don't you get married V is a question w'th whicujdoultlessjevery old bachelor liasUeen annoyed a thousand times. I say annoyed, be - v j - i cause what can te more annoying to a sensitive rman and I think all unarriedm men are more or less sensitive upon this subject than to have the question blunily abked him "Why dou't you get married i" But, although the quesiion has been asked ' 10 many times, yet it is very seldom that the questioner receives a 'satfactory answer to his inijuii), even if he is fortunate enough to re ceive uny kind of a reply. Now one might suppose that after a person had ariived at au age, when no one could, with reason, think or imagine him to have any tlioughts or intentions of taking the hy menial vow, the above question would no longer be put to him ; but such is the fact, nevertheless, . only the inquiry is now sometimes changed to, . ''Why didnt you get married- ?'' The last ques tion has been addressed -to me several time", but I have never, until rtcently, thought it worth the while to trouble or tax the patience of the inquirer, by- giving a de6ni'te ant er and per haps I should not; even then, have given my heart's history so fully, if it had not been drawn from mer-notso much by the direct question, hut in an indirect and unexpected manner.' About a year since, I was taken with a vio lent fever, which brought me so low that I was ... h'n time in recovering from the effects of it ; and even now, I feel that I have not quite re-- gained my usual strength and health. One day, after I had become considerably bet ter, I was sitting in my chair, thinking of the past "of t e scenes and friends of yore" wish-1 ,ng I could see or hear from those who are yet -'I've, and following with my thoughts those ho have gone to the spirit land, win n, with startling vividness,-thete came before my mind the vision of one friend one dear friend Avbo once caused my heart to thrill with a j y which i known only to those wl.o have tiuly loved. I opened my desk and took from thence a mina ture and unclasped it yes, there it was that ame, sweet image, upon which I had so often gazed in joy and grief, of the gemle being with whom I had, in days that ar forever past.speut o many happy hours. . Wfii:e thus engaged, the door suddenly open d and my physician came in. I made an 'in voluntary effort to cotctal the miniature, but unsuccessful ; he saw it, and also, it tnay be the traces of emotion upon my cheeks, for as he canie forward he glanced t my face and then SELECTED ARTICLES. at the minature, as that had sometbTngTo do with my appearance. He is a kind hearted man but rather inquisitive, and I was therefore not surprised that he desired to see the miniature. He took the picture, and gazed upon it with such a strange expression of admiration and surprise, that I was somewhat startled. He looked up with the greate&t curiosity depicted upon his countenance, and askedHow diJ votf come by this, why it' he checked himself by with it which would he very interesting to hiin. As we were on quite intimate terms, and as his words and manner had also awakened my curi osity, I could not but comply with his reque.it. And here is the 6tory, gentle reader, in nearly the same words as I related it to him. From my early youth I have ever been a pas sionate admirer of the wild and sublime in na ture ; indeed, I have often thought that there is no feeling, or emotion of the soul which gives me more delight than that which arises from the contemplation of the vast, grand and mag nificent. 1 always experience a deep, heaitfeit, pleasure, and an elevation of mind, while stand ing upon some bold mountain's brow, and gaz ing far away o'er forest, plain, village, lake and river beneath, and into the blue depths of illim itable space above ; or while walking u on the slippery cags of the. sounding sea, and looking far out upon its heaving bosom, and watching the wild waves as they break and break forever upon its beaten shores ; and when a youth, I inward'y resolved that if ever, I arrived at the age of manhood, this yearning of the soul for the boundless and infinite should be gratified, so far, at least, as it was in my power thus to do. At the age of twenty seven, having laid up something agaiust a "rainy day," aud being "free to choosu and'act at pleasme," I determin ed to avail myself of the opportunity to behold nature in some of her noble as( ecs. My plan was to go first to the White Moun tains of New Hampshire ; from thence to the St. Lawrence and Ottawa rivers, across Lake Ontario to Niagara Falls ; from then to C'n- '. ci 'iiati, and down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to New Oi leans ; from thence, by ship, to New York, 'and from there, by trfe Hudson river, to my home tigaiu in Massachusetts. In accordance with this plan, Istartedfor the White Mountain-, and having arrived there found that the pleasure which I had anticipated in gazing from their lofty heights, and in view ing the beautiful and romantic scenery aroun 1 them, as more than realized. It was with great reluctance that 1 prepaed to leave a place where nature displays so much of her beauty and sublimity. A week had been spent very pleasantly at the mountains, and 1 had conclu ded to start the next clay for Montrea'. But I resolved to have one more ranlbJe over the hills, and through the ancient and majestic forests, which then covered, for the most part, that portion of the country lying within the vicinity of ' the mountains, before leaving the place ; and accordingly, in the eariy part of the day, left my boarding-place and set out on foot foot, with staff in hand, upon a new route which I had not vet exploded. So euchauting was the scet.ery on eveiy hand, and 60 frequently did the views change into new, and, if posssible more pleasing combination., at ditiereut joints along the roud, that the sun h:id Mink far to ward the western horizon, and jet I had not thought of leturniug. The road now led direct ly over the top of a high hdl, or range of hills, upon arriving at the summit of which, and look ing westward, I perceived an immense, black thunder cloud arising ! Already could 1 see the Huntings flah and dait from one dense mass of cloud to another, and hear ihe low muiterings of the distant thunder, Believing that the shower would be upon me before I could return far enough tp ohta.n shel ter, and thinking that the town of S couid not be more thmi a mile or two ia advance, I hastened on. But I was "mistaken in the dis tance, for before I had reached the town, or came in sight of. any dwelling, the cloud had come up and overspread the whole sky, making it almost as dark as night ; the constant glare of the vivid lightning, and the sharp, rapid peal of thuuder, almost blinded and deafened me ; and near at hand I could hear the loud rushing of the rain, already a few large drops began to fall arouud me. Just at this moment, while lookii'g this way and that to discover, if possible any place that w ould afford me the least shelter, I espied a house or building of some kind in a valley at my right. As my road seemed not to lead towards the bouse. The side of the hill was covered with young wo d, and such a thick growth of underbrush, that I could see but a few feet in advance. The declivitv became quite aleep as I drew near the foot of it, and rushing lapidiy down I came suddenly upon the brikof a precipice, some twenty five or thiity'ieet iu height. I made an effort to save myself by seizing hold of a sniidl shrub, but such ' was the momentum of my body, that the shrub came up, roota and all, and over I plunged. When I came to my self again I was laying upon a bed in a sma I room. It seemed to be morning, for the sun was 6hining brightly, aud through the open window (it was in the month of June) I could hear the merry voices of the birds singing with the fresh joyousness with which they usu ally sing in the early part of the day. I glan ced about the room, and beheld a form, which In hit, as yet, partial unconsciousness, I almost fancied to be that of an angel ; it was a young lady. " She was standing at a short distance bora the bedsidii, with her face turned partly from me, and with her eyes uplifted as if in prayer. Such a vision of "wouderful lovliness" methought I had never before teen. Cou'd it be that I was dreaming ? Her form was sym metrical ; her hair was of a rich auburu color ; and her completion was of the most transparent whiteness, except where the sign of health was implanted upon her cheek. She life'l'darlc t)!ue PIT?; arte m i r- -- 1 " . J lectu.il cast, bore an expression of modesty, sensibility, and inexpressible sweetness. She was dressed with simplicity, neatnes, and taste. Her lips moved, was she praying for me ! But I could bear the suspense no longer. "Woman or angel," said I tell me where I am ancHioW came I here ? ' She was somewhat startled, and the color left her cheeks, but it quickly returned, and she looked towards me and smiled, and it was such a smile ! It was an intelligent, sympathetic smile, and such an one as she would doubtless, have had for any person in like circumstances to those which I was then placed in, but it thril ed through my inmost being like an electric shock, and I felt very sure that she possessed a kind and affectionate heart. She answered me by saying "The doctor is here, I will call him, and he will tell you all about it," and then disappeared through the half open door. In a moment the doctor came in, followed by another man Mr. W , the owner of the premises. My situation was soon explained to me ; after the shower of the previous evening had passed away, Mr. W went out to look at a tree which the lightnings had struck 8nd coming near the foot of the precipice, down which I had. fallen, discovered me, upon the ground in a state of insensibility. I was taken immediately to the house"; a physician was sent for, and during the whole night every effort had been made to restore me to consciousness, but without avail. Tho physician and others iu at tendance had left me for a few moment's to par take of some refreshments, and the young lady of whom I have. spoken, whs watching by me during their absence, when I suddenly, as before mentioned, recoveied the use of my faculties. Fortunately, noun of my bones were broken, but I was so jarred and bruised, that it was f nearly a month befbrrIeou1d tfalFaBbut wiri- ! out rrri'Sit. nmn. o t . The family of Mr. W , which consisted of himself and wife, three young children, and the young lady Clara E- , who was a boarder, and teacher of the village school, ws a pleasant one ; .and they were all kind to me, so that I rapidly recovered. My first impress ions of Clara were in no w ise altered, unless it was for the better upon becoming acquainted wirh her ; fhe was as love'y in character as she whs in form and feature. She was well educa ted: a good singer and great lover of music ; her manners were graceful and winning; and above all, she was a professor, and as I thought nt the time and perhaps afterwar.lT had no good reason to think otherwise a possessor of ihe religion of Jesus. As these we're all the qualilhs one could desire in a friend, and such as I always wished that dearest of all fiiends to p. ssess, it was not strange, but ptrficcly natural, that I should, with great willingness, let Lve bind mv heart with his silken cords. When I had so far recovered from the effects of my fail as to be able to continue my journey, I found that the desire to d so had vanished ; my on ly wih, now, was to be near the bject of ray love, to see her, and to hear the sweet tones of .her vuice. Mr. W lived in a small village about two miies from the middle f the town of S , and as my intended tour had been given up for the present, thither I went to re-ide. As I pos sessed some skill in the art of house-painting, and as it was a growing plac, I soon fouud plenty of woik. But now I was in a dilemma : Clara did not know that I loved her, and how should I make her acquainted with the fact ? If I had not been one of the diffident kind, per haps tho task would n it have seemed so diffi cult ; but this bving the case, it was with great effort that I summoned courage suf fficient to reveal to her my true feelings. I durst not trust myself to inform her of the fact, verbally, but sent her a letter. Her reply con tained all that I could have expected, and show ed the consciousness of woman in love affairs. She'mentioned that in our limited acquaintance, nothing had been noticed by her which had led her to form an opinion of me otherwise han fa orabIe. " A more intimate acquaintance with you," said she, " I should like to form ; although by this I do not wish to have you understand that I am giving you any encouragement to ex pect any thing farther of me, unless time, and such an acquaintance, should serve to strength en the feelings of affection which I now have for you. You must excuse my, perhaps, seem ing coldness, for I feel myself comparatively a stranger to you ; and of course I cannot feel the same towards yu as towaid a tried friend. I I am far, however, from having feelings of cold ness or reserve tow ards you, for I trust and be lieve that von are a Christian : and in those whom 1 bslieve to be such, I can more readily feel confidence than in those who are not ; for I know that there is something purer, holier, and more enduringin their love." She conclu ded by saying that if it was my wish she would be happy to receive a call from me mention ing the time. Of course the invitation was ac cepted with great pleasure ; and to our jor, at the close of the interview; we found that our mutual love and esteem had been greatly in creased. I now became a regular Visiter at the house of Mr. W ; and in the society of my dear est friend, the gentle Clara, found that bliss for which so many sigh in vaitt-reciprocal love. Ourtastes and inclinations were very similar; and our sentiments and" opinions were" alike, es- v,tilfxfrtnT thoughts, and teei- ings, we tound such happiness-as we had never before experienced. She too loved "the sublime and beautiful in nature, and many a pleasant walk and ride did we take together, over the bills and mountains, and through. the lovely val leys of that beautiful region of the country ; and many a time did our voices blend lovingly and harmoniously together in some sweet old song, for I was a singer. But this happy period of my life was destined to be of, short duration. Clara's school was now closed, and she returned to her home, which was in a neighboring town, several miles dis- tant. I had not yet seen her parents, or any of ; the family, and being an entire stranger, and as ; 1 have said before, rather diffident, 1 was natu rally somewhat anxious about the reception they would give me on my paying them a visit. I went ; and was received with even more cor diaiity than I had dared to expect. The family of Mr. E , of which Clara was the youngest, was large; but most of the chil dren were married, and settled withn a mile or two of the old homestead, so that not on ly two, besides Clara remained at home a brother and sister. Mr. E was a farmer, and somewhat wealthy; he owned a beautiful farm, which was pleasantly situated upon a gent ly sloping hillside ; his house was a substantial and thorough-buiit dwelliug, and plaoed upon an eminence which commanded a wide and ex tended view towards the south-east, a view of orchards, meadows, farms, houses, foieits, aud in the distance, the blue sparkiing waters of a lake. When I saw the farm of Mr. E tor the first time, I thought that my eyes never beheld a more beautiful place, but it was Clara's home, and the fact, perhaps to me, made its charms more apparent. The children of Mr. E were well educated, and thought themselves as good and smart as any body ia toH'D, tynd per haps they w.-re. My visit was a very pleasant one, and I re turned home, happier tl.an ever. Three weeks past away befoie I saw Ciara again. She met me at the door, as at my first visit, but I saw, instantly, that there was a change in. her man ner towards me. The cause, of the charge of course I could not divine, but the expression of her countenance, and the Wfiy she returned my salutation, told me as plain as words could do that something was wroi-g. There was no one at home but her parents, wbb received me with the same cordiality as they did at my previous visit. The evening passed away phasamly, and there ws nothing to mar my happiness- except that the change, which I have mentioned, was sti 1 visible in Clara's countenance and demeanor. As soon as we were alone, I asked her if she had received the letjer which I had ent, informing her when I should come, thinking if sha had not my visit might have ben unexpected. She an swered in the affirmative, and asked if I had re ceived one from her. I replied that I had not, and wished to kno whnt 3t contained. She hesitated a moment, and then said that she had retained a copy of it, which she w ould show me. She procured it, and took a seat at some dis tance from me; and I, with feelings which lean not describe, sat down and read the following iines: " You may, and doubtless will be surprised at what 1 am going to say, but, knowing my own feelings, 1 think that it is right and best that I should say of it. I know that I have given you encouragement to hope and expect that au intimate acquaintance might he continued be tween us ; but considering the matter, which I have done the past week more than ever before, I have concluded that it is not best so to do. My friends are, some of them, not pleased with the idea, and that of course would be unpleas ant for me ; and I am yet youngs and am hap piest when I feel free to choose and act at pleas- ure. in is is not Decause x iuiuk mai l am de serving of one better than yourself, for I know that you have very many excellent qualities, but because I feel that I do not love you as I am capable of loving, and as I should wish to love one with whom I expected to spend a great portion of my life. You are worthy of a true, lasting, and affectionate friend, and such an one I hope you will soon find one who is more worthy of your love thau myself. I tdiall always feel friendly toward you, for I have nothing against you, but from anything farther than friendship I must ask you to excuse me." After reading the letter I sat perfectly still for some moments, for I was to astonished and bewild ered that I knew not what to think, say or do. At last I ventured to speak. ' " WThy Ciai a !" I exclaimed, u is this true ! can it be possible that it is not all a dream ?" She replied in the affirmative. After a few moments of painful reflection, ! went to her, and npon my knees besought her, with tears, to re call what she had said. Every argument, eve ry entreaty which despairing love eould sum mon forth from head "and heart was used, but they were powerless ; she, to my surprise and grief, remained unmoved. I then asked, what her friends had said to her which had caused such a suddenchange of feeling tdwards me.--She replied ttfit a sister who was married, and lived about a bile 'distant,' and whom 1, had teen, at my former visit, had, together, with her huS band, said ionsiderabk" to W wlilcV iad'ten-. ded to influence her egaintt iae and thai "ioon after my' first tisil, tie sister, who lived at h'ome, had advised her'not t have me come again, as signing s -reason .that I Sas - not smart -was much older than Cfara, and aTTTXoTTgTfsirr had not yet quite arrived at the age when a woman isycleped an "old maid," yet such she already was to u all intents and purposes" at least so far as I'had an opportunity to read her character. She was very stiff in her manners, very neat and precise, and very tenacious of her whims and opinions. Already she had rejected three , offers of marriage, which proved as I thottgnt (perhaps I was mistaken) the hardness of her heart. I will here say that if there is any person or persons in the world whom I despise, it is those w ho are continually meddiiiig with the love af fairs of the young people about them telling this and that which they have seeu or heard ! and using their influence either for or against one party or the other. This trifling, and de ceiving, and tattling, concerning the best affec- ions and sentiments of the soul, shows a mean ' and contemptible spirit I care not who is the guilty one. I speak not this out of any ill-feel- i jngs arising from my own experience, for these j were my thoughts previous to my having any i experience upon the subject, but for the good ! of others. ' Not being fully satisfied that the influence of ' Clara's fi iends could be the only reason of her j estrangement, I askid her if there was nothing ; else that had helped to caue the change. We ' had always been very frank ami open hearted ! in all our intercourse with each other, and I felt ; assured that she would tell me all. She replied , that a cousin of hers, of whom she had always ; thought very highly, and whom she had not ; seen for a considerable length of time, had made ' a visit at her father's, since I last saw ber, and J that although his stay was short, yet he had. by ; his agreeable manners and conversation, im ! pressed her very favorably ; indeed, she went so i far as to say, that .although no words had pass ' ed between them upon the subject, yet she . thought that her aS'iieEj4-fca& wait-stcatev than for any one else. : My pride was wounded, and my heart was I filled with revenge against those who had been ! the means of all this ; for I knew that Clara was j naturally too easily influenced, and I felt assured ; that if her fiiends hd not set her against me, ! she would not so readily have yielded to the at- ' tractions of her cousin. My pride bade me ! leave her at once and forever, hut love was ! stronger than pride, and I felt I could not leave ; her without one more effort to win back her j love. 1 a-ked her if she wished me now to go, and return no more ; if she wished to forget ' all the- happiness we had experiemed in each other's society, all the pleasant hours we had passed .together, the words of live then spo- ' ken," and to remember our acquaintance with each other only as we remember a dream of ; the night. She made no reply for some time, ; but at last, bursting into a flood of tears, she exclaimed, "O ! I have done wrong, I know I have, 1 ! shall never be happy again. What shall I do ?"' i " Love me," said I, " as you have in days that are past, and if you think you need my forgive ness, for auixht which vou have said or doue, all shall be forgiven, nd I know that you w id again I be happy." " But 1 know '.that my friends," replied she, "will say a great deal to me if I continue to ! love you, and what if they should so influence me as to cause my feelings again to change V " Borrow no trouble from the future,'" I an- j swered ; ." perhaps they will not say anything ' more to you, and if they do, you will have a good opportunity to exercise your firmnes, and to prove your love tome, by quietly resisting their influence." There was a pause for some moments, when suddenly she put her arms about my neck, and kissing me, said, " It shall be as you wih, I d , and will love you." With rapturous joy I pressed her to my heart, and the cloud which had so suddenly obscured love'a golden sky, as suddenly disappeared, leav ing no traces of its former existence except the tears which were yet upon our cheeks. I did not knew until now the full strength of my love, j but what had passed caused me keenly to real- fa it. " If you continue to love me as you now do," said I to her, " not friends or enemies, or all the world, shall cool my love or drive me from your side, will you say the same to me ?" " I will," she murmured, and again her sweet lips itnpi eased a warm kiss upon my brow. We parted as usual with mutual expressions of love and esteem ; but, gentle reader, we never met again. My next visit found Clara not at home, but she had left a note for, me which read as follows: " It is as I feared it would be ; I do not feel towards you as I ought, and think I shall not : I have no reason to think that I shall ; there fore you must excuse me from anything farther. As I said before, I think tuat as my ieelmgs are towards you, this is the best course for me to pursue, and shall therefore pursue it. If my feeling3 always change so I shall never marry, but I presume that time will increase my firm ness, at least I hope that tbw may be the case." l' it attempt' to describe my feelings af ter reading the noVt for 1'conld not make them U.? j"but'-thW who Lave been in similar circumstances, and such will readily un derstand Witbouin deacripiion.' I will only say, that I Ld no unkind feelings towards Cla r?.fvr I Ufltved.tbaf ibe;fta4 acted conscien tiously. She. was JOUB f and inexrjeriena in cauMTllUt 1U1IV known tame, in'an unfavorable riglrt. 'There are but few young ladies, thought l, who would not be influenced bv the above taets, more or less. Only once, at a subsequent . ! .3 j:j . . , . . ' .v : l per.ou, aia me tiiougnt arise that perhaps she j was after alt a coquette; that she bad t. Id me j of the influences of her friends oVer hr. nw.-ly i na a u cituse iui uer inconsistency, uu; t lie uiea raade me so completely miserable, it was lau ished at once and forever from my mind. A .. . f,.. i . . , - i i Whether her friends had been talking to her again, or whether the love for her cousin had returned,' I know not j but the fact that her friends had, in the first instance, influenced her against m, and the suspicion that they had done the same in the last, filled me with almost un controllable feelings of hatred arid revenge to- wares them. I shudder even now to think of the black aud hellish thoughts that then rushed through my raiud. But thanks be to God, my better nature soon triumphed, else I know not what I should have been left to do. For weeks md eveu months afterwards, I could do nothing, or think of nothing, but the loss" I had sustained. It seemed as if every person whom I met, knew and mocked at my sorrow, and ! therefore shun ned society as much as possible. If the following lines had then been written, they would truly have cxpre-Sed my feelings at that time : "'A sigh that followed not a look to heaven, On lonely winds tbrough the mid ether tossed Some spirit yet unshriveu Mourned its ideal lost. All vanished iron, that purple mountain-top, All faded from the still, gray ocean-shore No soft, blow dew had drop From thy white eye-lids more. " Gone from the solitary arch of night. Gone fruin the all-mysterious heights of dawn ; From eve's pale, saltron JigUt, . From noon's clear fervors gone! o bending glory far, far up may burn, Xo liie-reviviiis gleam, No orbit of return ! ' ' Ah, miserable! what iihall hide the now ? What depths ot darkness cover thy despair? Take ashes on thy brow Dust for thy garments wear. ''All lost, all shivering, all desolate Struck to the tOtt with most immortal woe, Take up thy stuif and go'.'" But soon ' Far thrilling, lingering, through the mountain glades, I heard an awful, tender voice arise. That once, in thickest shades, Trembled through Paradise. ' Blind, but beloved ! shall thy dexd arise ! Did ever such ethereal essence die t Out of the dust arise, Thine agony deny ? I am ! I was ! e'er thine ideal uone ; I was its ombryo ; 1 its life divine : The Uncreated One The Teal, tU' incarnate thine. I gave liiee will, did I deny thee power ? Fire sunward flies thy loss is lost in ins Look from the fleeting hour, To mine eternity. " If out of life it seems to droop and die, So long as God amid archangels stands. Thy pure ideal on high Iu worshipper demands.' And iu time I learned to listen with submiss ion to that voice, and to worth p Uiiu " wi.o doeth all thing well." But 1 then resolved that Ill tne inmost recesses ui my uik ns should be treasured up forever, as a sacred re membiance, which buld never be unhaliowed by another; and through the long years that have since intervened, although my temptations to break it have been many, I have kept that resolve. u But you have not told me," sa d the doctor, as I paused, "how you came by this." meaning' the miniature which he siiilheid in hi hand. I have mentioned, replied I, that 1 possessed some skill in the art of house pointing, but my true profession was that of a mmiatuie painter. One day, while Clara was at Mr. YV th-i thought occurred to roe that she would be a beautiful subject for a picture, and. I wi.udrd that I had not thought of it befoie. Iwtsdy gained her cousent to sit for a m niaiure. Love seemed to impart an unusual skill t my fingers, for. I never in my life possessed such -power to delineate with truth aud vividness the fcutuies of the human countenance, as at that time. Iu truth, I was surprised at the beauty of that which my own hands bl wrought.; showing the pictuse to jU a a, after it w i li - ished, she exclaimed, whiie amudcatblush '" spread her countenance M You have used tiatte ry why did you not paint nearer to the truth l" But all who saw the miniature, thought thai uo flattery had been used ; that it was Claia to the life. .- . . , I alsa painted another, equally as good, which I gave to Clara; and thti I . have kept as the only relict of the happiest period of my life; not that my life has been an unhappy one far otherwise ; but in those happy days, I, felt a ful ness of joy, a completeness of happiness, which I have never since experienced. " As the doctor arose to depart, lie invited me to call at hit house, as soon as I feltable to walk o far it being about two miles saying with a mysterious loek, that if he rightly anderatood my character, be would thea tell m4 semethuig which would, at least, not diminish sny if ppi- nest. n .1 Having, as may well be supposed, a gra cu- house. . . - A young lady obeyed my "auinmoM at the door, at whose appearance I was so struck, that i nearly fainted. Could it be that my long; lost Clara stood before me, that she had preserved ' her youth and beauty untU now I or -was I - dreaming ? Thera wj th nm TTfnl farm. ihe tame sweet couutenance,tba same blue yea and auburn hair, that ouc were hers.- With trembling steps 1 followed her through the pass age to the room which was occupied by the doc tor as au office. He. was injthe room, and -immediately introduced the young lady to me as his daughter. My surprise and curiosity were now thotoughly awakened ; aud I suppose that my countenance revealed the fact, for, as soon a his daughter had left the room, he began u You are, as I supposed you would be, much surprised at what your eyes have just beheld, but I will soonsolve the mystery. About three years after you saw Clara for the last time, she married the cousin, of whom she spoke to' you in that last interview; and who was no other than tiie uu worthy friend who now .addresses you. We lived happily together as I thought for two years ; during which time, this daughter was given to us. But Clara was destined to an early grave. She took a violent cold, which so affrcted her lungs, that it Resulted in a sort of quick consumption; of which fatal disease she d:ed, after a sickness of only four months. For a few days previous to her death, her mind was wandering; but occasionally there were inter vals when she was perfectly sane. I well remem ber that at one such lime, she called me to her b. d side, and wished me to find her miniature and bring it to her. She took it, and gazed with n abstracted air, upon it for a long time; -and tt last, while tear filled her eyes, exclaimed, Alfred! dear Alfred!' And, closing her. eyes, Iter lips moved a few momenta as if in prayer ; and again her mind wandered..- As she had nercrBelatuuV Xtslb3i'tf?i"drd' nut question her upon the subject afterward, I therefore did not know, at that time, the mean ing of her words ; but when I law that minia ture of yours, and heard its history, her mean ing was fully understood. Her's was a happy death: for a short time previous to her. spirit's departure, she enjoyed the full possession of her reason ; and during this brief period, she express ed much joy at the prospect of .meeting, Him who had redeemed her from the power of sin, and had given her such a sure hope of soon join ing in that song of praise, which is fung by angel choirs around the throne of God." Kind reader, the name which Clara murmur ed upon her death-bed was mine ; but I did not weep, or feel any emotions of sorrow, for a calm and holy joy filled my soul a blest assurance, which i still possess, that beside the " liying waters" or in the "fair mansions," or on the celestial mountains of the M better land,". I shall ere long, meet the radiant form of the saipted, Clara, when all that now seems dark to me will be explained to my full satisfaction; aod.w,hen a love too pure and ethereal for mortal com prehension shall fill our souls with joy, extatic and eternal. , A Fcll-Bloodkd American. Tim Mullow ney, a jolly looking tar, with the richest of brogues, applied at tha Custom House, the, oth er day, for a " purfectibn " as an American 'citi zen. He was asked for his naturalization papers. " Me nateral papers, is it, yer honor wants," said Tun, with an insinuating grin, u an me a fulWblooded American V " You don't mean to say that you were not born in Ireland X Born in Ireland, replied Tim, 44 sure ilu . But thin, yer honor, I kern from Corfc to ' New Orleans, last summer; an' there the bloody mind ed musketeers run their bills into every inch of me, an sucked out every drop of rne Irish bloodt good luck to 'em, an now Tin a full-blooded American." , There was some philosophy as well as fan, in reasoning, but it had no effect, and the "last that was seen of Tim he was on his way to flie City Hall, to look for 44 the man that sells the nateral papers." Ar. F. Dutchman. '' "! A Law. Storv. A few years agp a couple of Dutchmen, Von Vampt and Van Bones, lived on friendly terms on the high hills of limestone. At last they fell out over a .dog. Von Vampt killed Van Bones' cauine companion. , Bones, choosing to assume the.killing to have been in tentional, sued Vampt for damages. They were called in due time into court, when the defend ant in the case was asked by the judge whether he killed the dog. " Pe aure I kilt him" said Vampt, but let Bones prove it." This .being quite satisfactory, the plaintiff in the actipajwas called -on to answer a few questions, and among others he aked by the judge at what amount he estimated the damages. Hedid notell understand the question, and so, to-be little plainer, the judge inquired what he tboughttha dor to be worth- J? Pe .fture, leplied Bones. 1 44 the dog was worth nothing,, but since he was so mean as to mu mm ue snail pay ae mi vaiue of him.". Boir many suits have occupied ilji at-, tentiori of courts how many contesta hav en gaged the time of the public, and bava jbfeen waged with. virulence ana; invective, having no more worthy difference than that of Von Vampt and Van Bones! ; i i i