WI SWTS MWMgjijmo 116 MISCELLANEOUS. From the Dollar Newspaper. ( KEEP DABJL If yon would dwell in peace and joy. Hare happiness without alloy, In usefulness ysur time employ i Keep dark. . : t ' . ' Be this your motto, well obeyed. Consult yourself if lacking aid, But seldom have your wants displayed ! , .Keep dark. When gossipers around you throng, And talk of neighbors loud and long, And whisper with a slsnd'rous tongue Keep dark. In this strange world if you would thrive, And keep your wealth and worth alive. And in the mines of knowledge dive Keep dark. t n !-. i . j1 ' Whatever your lot or where you go, -In summer's heat or winter's snow, In palace rich or cottage low j Keep dark. Off BEnrO AWAKENED BY a SEBAHADE. BT A. FLOYD FRAZlKJt. When in the shadowy realm of dreams, i Serenely arch'd with cloudless skies, Where fancy roaais 'mid. fairy isles, , And myriad forms of beauty rise We half forget each coarser tie, That links us to the world of pain, And dwell with forms .f life more f.iir Than those of earth have ever been. - ' -But when upon the midnight air The pensive notes of Song are heard And through the Spirits' echoing halls j The chords of tiding deeply stirr'd Each pure emotion swells more free We bask upon a happier shore Each buried love the charm renews, And Heav'n seem's nearer than before. Personal Chakactkr of Queen Victoria. As a witV, the Queen is said to be jealous and exacting. But she must indeed be despe rate in her demands if she is not satisfied with the, severe shrillness and decorous demeanor ol the Prince. Sue ha a Warm temper, and that which, is ofteii its accompaniment a warm heart. Indeed, slie is . fen compelled to place a chain on tiiat rebellious member in order to rei r.-ss the woman and .maintain the Queen. At tne Walewski's eel -brated ball of last sea sou, she recognized at the door of th saloon, a lady whom she had known, and with a look ol joy, rau to greet her, wln-n suddenly recollect ing, with, a look half sorrow iiil, half playful, she checked the affection of the woman and resum ed the dignity of the Queen. In person. Queen Victoria is about five feet two iucbes, but the shortnes of her m-ck gives lie figure a look of duinpness. Her head i yrac ful and well set oil, and Isidore, who i- ministei of the exterior, sjieaks in raptures of the lengih .-flijjl I-lE-ch It I'linnnja nf li..r lutii lii4.,tfi wVi.m. fold the small ear isnestled like a pietty shell. Her head and hand, which latter is the mem ber that was wont to inspire that half patriot, half bondsman enthusiasm of O'Couu-ll, are hei best points. Her eyes have the full leaden look common to the Gulephs; her skin is of a cream colored hue, and her expression urn etined, espe cially when flushed. Yet theie is about her a consciousness of her position, andso little dis played of that consciousness, and mr English self-possession is so felicitously combined with a certain German bon honimie, in this (instance boane-femnie, that even those who. know her only by sight, carry off an impression that they have seeii the lace of a stereotyped, but highly respectable, steady domestic, jolly, good heart ed, rather choleric an 1 exi-itab e, but well d s posed, although small braiu'ed English woman of the Anglo German type. Iron, coated with an alloy of le d and tin, in which the quantity of lead is nearly equal to or exceeds tnat ot tin, answers as well as lead or galvanized iron for roofing, cisterns, bathes, pipes gutters, window frames, telegraphic wires, and lor marine and other ntii-TMises. A small nuanti r r - J iron is coated, hardens the coating, but dimm- ishes its power of resisting corrosion, but the addition of a little antimony not only hardens l. . : i .. i , i i , , mo i-unwiig, out hiso manes il less oxiuaoie less liable to corrosive action. Iron, coated with the alloy of lead and tiu, or of lead, tin and an timony, may answer better than lead for vitriol chambers, and may sometimes be used instead of' copper for the sheathing of ships. Milk now performs other offices besides the production of butter and cheese, and the flavor ing tea. It has made its way into the textile fabrics, and has become a valuable adjunct in the bands of tbe calico printer anJ the woolen manufacturer. Tnstbe class of pigment printing work, which is indeed a species of printing, the colors are laid oh the face of the goods in an iusoluble condition, so as to give a full brilliant appearance.- As a vehicle for effecting the pr. cess of decoration, the invaluable albumen ob-tained-from eggs was always used, but now niitk is substituted. The finest idea of a thunder storm extant is when Wiggins came home tight. Now Wig gin is a teacher, and had been to a temj-r-ance meeting and drank too much lemonade or something. Ha. came into the room among hiawife and, daughters, and just then he tumb led over tbe cradle and fell whop on the floor. After a while he rose aud snid: -Wife, are you hurtr "No," -Girls ate you burtr "No." " Terrible clap, wasn't it?" A Missouri editor announces that the pub lication of his paper will be suspended for six weeks, in order that he may visit St Louis with a load of hear skins, hoop poles, shingles, oak bark and pickled cat fish, which he had taken for subscription. ; , Cowles, in his excellent "History of Plants," notices the rirtoe of hemp thns laconically : ."By this cordage, ships are guided, bells are rang, and rogues are kept in awe." There are two things that epeak as with a voice from heaven that He that tills that eter nal throne must be on the side of vii tne, and that which he befriends must finally prosper and prevail. The first is that, the bad are never completely happy and at ease, although posses sed of everything that' this world can bestow, and that the good are never completely misera' ble, although deprived of everything that the world can take a way. A Great Mistake. The Boston Post, in reference to th wear and tear of coin, fays that a gold coin would last twothousad years before it would enteirely disappear. Mr. Pliatgander B oomsticks thinks that th- re must be some m's take his gold coin, of the large-t dimensions generally, taking no more than a week to diaap p. ar, while he has known a double eag'e to be worn down to the size of a three cent piece in the If the do- tor gets his living by .pill age what does the lawyer get his by ? By bad deeds, to be sure. Men are never so ridiculous for the qualitk8 they have, as for those they affect to have. ADM'fiSEMENTS. . 8. W. WESTBUOOKS Proprietor of the Guilford Pomological Gardens and Surseries. WOULD respectfully call the attention of our Southern citizens to his select collection of native and acclimated varieties of Fruit Trees, embracing some 40,000 trees of the following varieties, viz: Apple, Pear, Peach, Plum, Apricot, Clierrr, Neclarine, Almond, also a choice assortment of Grapevines, Raspberries, -Strawberries, etc., etc. All orders, accompanied with the cash, will receive prompt attention and the Trees neatly packed and di rected to any portion of the country. P. S. Persons wishing Ornamental Trees can be sup plied. October, 15. 48 lm. , The "Star" will please copy 3 months. FOR SALE. XO 1 HORSE AND A ROCKAWAY. Applv to W. 11. A R. S. TUCKER. A Sept. ay, '55. 4- BLACK Moriantique Silts, Black and Colored Clonks, Plain and Watered Silks, Black aud colored Talmas, Plain and Plaid Silks, Shawls and Mantillas of the lat est importations. Just received, and for sale at II. L. EVANS. Oct. 6, I'855J . 46 TNNETS- Collars, EcUmgs, Ribbons, Un- 1 J derleeve, Inserting', Gloves, ilosery, Jjouantiqne Trimming. Just to hand at No. 2'J, Cheap Place. H. L. EVANS. Oct. fi, 1355. 464- T?RENCH Merino, French De Lanes, Hack Atpacca, Efi .1 glish Merino, Common DeLnies. Canton Cloth, Coburgs, Plaid Cashmeres, Bumbazine, Ladies' Handker chiefs, Geut. do. Call aud examine before von buy. 1L L. EVANS. Oct. 6, 15". " 46 FALL AND WINTE& S00DS, FOR 1855. THE Subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to his friends and customers, that his FALL AND WIN TER STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS are now ready for examination. He deems it unnecessary and uncalled for, to speak of the amount of. his Fall's pur chase; his stock will speak for itself. As to prices it is generally uinljrstood, all right down, nowx, DOWN to the lowest figure. He invites one and all ( no respecterof persons,) to call, and the goods will be shown with a good will and free of charge. II. L. EVANS. One ili or above R. Smith's corner.' Rale October 6, lr65. 46 GaAND DIVISION SONS OF TEMPER ANCE OF N. C. rMlK next Annual Session of this Bodv, will meet in I Town of Charlotte, at 7 o'clock on Tuesday night, the 22d of October, 15". A full attendance of the Repre sentatives' is earnestly invoked. Busiuess of vital impor tance to the cause will be brought up for cons deration. Qime one, cmr.e all, and let us have a grand rally, and beg n the work of Philanthropy and Patriotism With re newed energy. Return tickets, free of charge, will be given Road. all Representatives who travel on the N. C. Rail A. M. GORMAN, G. S. Raleigh, Sept. 29, 1855. 45-4t. CLOAK AND MANTILLAS. JUST received a most beautiful and desirable assort ment of Cloth Cloaks, and Mantles. Such as Fine VelvetJCloaks, Velvet and Moir Antique (in combination) Cloth Mantles and Talmas. S.Ik mantellas, with fringe and Lace, Fine merio Shawls and Scarfs. Men's Travelling Shawls and Blankets. - W. H. & R. S. TUCKER. Sept. 29, 1355. 45 WHITFIELD'S HOTEL, WKI.DON, N. C, JOHV SMITH, Jr., Proprietor, Fomierl; ' Charh-itim, .S. V. SiKAI-S, KIVTT CKXT8. Left, hand side going S uth Right hand sidi.' going North. August l-, 1855, tf. "CHEAPER THIS EVER." I . , . . .. N order to make room, and better arrangements fiir m mc coining iini season, we oner our remaining stock of Spring and Sunimer goods at reduced prices. fersons wishing to purchase will an, well to give us a Call, as we are disposed to sell on the most reasonable terms. Call and see the stock of Hats, Calicos, Muslin. 4c. W. H. t R. S. TUCKER. Aug. 18, '55. 3;itf. A NEW MAP OF NORTH CAROLINA. The undersigned are preparing, and will publish a oon as the necessary Surveys, Ac, can be obtained, a New, Large and Complete Map of Nokth Carolina, five feet by three, well engraved and finished in the beststyle It is admitted on all sides, that such work is a great desideratum in our State, and it is in consequence of the requent enquiries oo this subject, that the undersigned hare embarked in the enterprise. The only attempted work of this kind is that of McRea' published in I8i3 ; and since then the Countfes, Towns, Roads and Post-othces have increased in number, and all our works of Internal Improvements, with small excep tions, been set on foot. It is intended that the New Map, now proposed to be published, shall contain, accurately laid down, all the Na tural Features of the Statethe Inlets, Harbors, Sounds Lakes, Rivers, Creeks, Mountains, Ac. Also, the public improvements and artificial divisions. The Railroads, Plank roads, Counties, County towns Post-othces, Cities, Villages, Post-roads and Cauals, CoU eges, Academies, Ac., 4c. The Map will be ready by the rammer of 1855. WILLIAM D. COOKE. SAMUEL PEARCE. Information from any source, and which may be of set rice iu making the above work, will be thankfuliy receiv ed. All communications should be addressed to , ..... ;--WM. D. COOKE. ivaieign, tiaren, i!sa. Papers copying the above advertisement for six months and calling attention lo it editorially, will be entitled to a copy ol" the Map, In all cases, a marked copy of the Paper containing the notice, must be sent to the "South em Weekly Post," Raleigh. N. C. STAUNTOX ACADEMY. rfHE next session of this old and favorably known In JL stiUitkm will commence oa Mondav, the 3rd of Sep tember next. The Principal is gratified to announce that an arrangement has been consummated bv which he wiR have the assistance of Mr. JOHN GARBER, a Graduate of the University of Virginia, and late Professor in Mossy Creek 'Academy, who bears ample testimony of bis quali fications. The coarse of instruction will be" through and complete, embracing a full course of Mathematics, Latin, Greek, French, &c. Pupils will be thoroughly prepared for the advanced classes of any College or Universitv they may desire to attend. Uuder the arrangement for in; coming aession, n is connaently believed that the Staunton Academy presents advantages that cannot be surpassed. The additional buildings are now far advanced towards completion, and the Principal will be prepared to receive boardei s on the usual terms. TERMS FOR TUITION; r-nghsh Department Mathematics and Ancient Languages 30.00 40.00 10.00 ' ,u un?" L WT either of e teachers. An. 11, 1355. " LMsaj, A. M. Principal i 37-tf. SUPERIOR FRENCH CLOTH FROCKS 1-50 JUST received. Terjr tastefully goap tSd irl NOTICE TO PERSONS APPLYING POR AGENCIES FOR THE NEW MAP OF N. C The subscriber is receiving Urge number of applications for agencies for his New flap, all of which desire an an swer. He take this method ol saying that be is not pre pared at present to make any arrangements for AgeDCies, but will give notice in due time He cannot reply to tet ters unAe-s a stamp is enclosed lo nay for such reply. Wm. D. COOKE. Raleigh, Aug. 11, 1855. THE NEW HOTEL, WELDON, X. C, IS NOW OPEN for the receptiou of visitors. This Hotel ia new and uewlv furnished, and the Proprietors will use every effort to keep a GOOD HOUSE, aud reu der their guests comfortable. ' They respecifully solicit a share ot public patronage. 3 J T. J. JAKRATT & Co, Proprietors. MEALS always ready on the arrival of the cars 33 tf. July, 1S55. AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS are wanted in every county in the State and in aU the Southern States to canvass tor the " Carolina Cultivator," a monthly Agricultural jour nal apply to the Editor of this paper Raleigh, April, 1855 . NORTH CAROLINA BAIL ROAD Schedule ol Mail Train from and after tbe 10th July. WEST. STATIONS. Goldsboro', Boon Hill, Mitchenor's, . Stallings', . Raleigh, Mornsville, Durham's Hillsboro', Mebane's, Haw River. Departure. 2.00 a in. 2 47 " 3.25 " 4.10 " 5.i0 " 5 56 " 6.47 " 7.40 " 8.15 " EAST. Haw River, Mebane's, Hillsboro', Durham's, Morrisville, Raleigh, Stallings' Mitchenor's, Boon Hill, 1.00 p.m. 1.32 ' 2.07 " 3.0M " 3.51 " 4.40 " 5 35 " 6.20 " 6.58 " 8.00 Si.OO 14.00 13.64 12.12 14.92 11 53 9.75 12.25 127 p. 2.02 ' 2.55 " 3.46 " 4.82 " 5.30 " 6.15 " ti.r3 " 7.40 " Goldsboro'. The Mail Train going West will meet the Freight Train at Hillsboro. The Mail Train going East will meet the Freight Train at Durham's. Raleigh, July 2nd, 1855. . 80 California bv a Caroliwan. THE LAND OF GOLD. REALITY VERSUS FiCTlON. BY HINTON K. HELPER. 1 Vol. 12 mo., 3 00 pages ; neatly bound in cloth ; price 75c. Ertract.it from Critical Notices. " The author sees all the lions of the Eureka State, goes into the drinking and gambling saloons of San Francisco and gives us an account of their interior, witnesses a bull and bear tight and describes it very minutely, meets with Chinese, Digger ludians,and all the mixed nations that frequent the new States, works at the mines, boih North ern and Southern, and gives in bis experience, which, in one case at least, is very amusing, and, in short, presents a picture of the entire country as he saw it. We believe the book is destined to attractattention. There is a fresh ness and nvrtU about it which removes it from the class of common works of .travels." S'nithtrn Quarterly Re view. ' Aside from his own experience, the author advances a number of statistics aud general facts in proof of the truth and in vindication of the severity of his-a'ilegations. The book is very entertaining, and will be read with (,-reat interest by every body." DaltimKre Sun. ' The author 'is a North Carulinian. He has written his b.sok in a very agreeable style, and relates Many in teresting incidents." liulthtnire V 'j fitter. " It i-s well written, and cannot be read but with won der and ainazemeut. The work must have a great run." BalHtmtre i'nti-ft. " Mr. Helper supports his inferences and deductions by au array ot facts ami figures which stand wit in buld re lief when contrasted with the statements sometimes made and believed that California is hardly less than an earth ly paradise. As we design shortly to give an extended notice of the book, we forbear more comment at the pre sent time, farther than to say that we have also resided for several years iu the "golden State," and know per sonally that most of the statements made in the book (dismal as they are) are strictly true." Sutional Ameri I'jin.. " It isa book of merit in point of ability, and of value in its facts and truthfulness. ' Hhhmitnd Examiner. ' This book, from a Baltimore house, is really a capital book of its kind. There is au air of cleverness over the whole volume that !s exceedingly agreeable, aud several of the chapters are remarkably welt' clone in a literary uoint of view." MethodUt Protestant. " It srives perhaps one of the correctest outlines of all that is connected with California, which we have in print." Watchmttn ami Observer " He writes as an eye-witness aud slashes up Califor nia life with the free and easy style of one who knows what he is about. titchmmni Lhrtstian Advocate. " The author is his own publisher, and we hope that the book may, and think it will, prove remunerative to ' him, lor it is creditable iu very inaiiv respects, and de serves a fair share of success. It is plain and honest. The i " Balance sheet" is alone worth the price of a copy. When I we say, Heaven help you, Hinton Helper! it is with sin cerity. Slay your Lana ot uoia yiela you a golden harvest." lp York Minor. For sale by W. L. POM EROY. 47-3m. MUS. IV. II. SMITH respectfully informs the Lad' ies and Gentlemen of Raleigh and vicinity, that she is prepared to manufacture any kind of Ladies dresses iu the latest stylo and most elegant manner. Also Geu tlemen's apparel executed with the greatest neatness'and dispatch. All she asks is a fair trial. Charges very moderate. Ri.leig'a, September 15, 155. 4-1 tf.' j ifAND PAPER. i SUPERIOR Article oi Sand Paper. Nos. from 1 to 6. ! J For sale by H. D. TURNER. H.ileigu, September 15, 18.3. 43 iBTTPn A wi rinrrip D I nni. .fill I iweanis vjoou vt niie seller raper, price a.Oo. '. ' II I a r,.... w.rti. vi :2i jo Reams Good Blue Letter Paper, price ?2.oo. A Ream, worth fl.M. 2u0 Reams Good White Foolscap Paper, price $2.00. A Reitn, worth $2.00. io sale br 11. 1). TURNER. N. C. Rook Store. Raligh, May 19, l5. j;5 CASH MUSIC STORE. MUSIC AT THE REDUCED PRP'ES. WILLIAM HALL & SON, 239 Broadway, (oppo site the Park,) have reduced the entire Non-Copyright Music of their extensive Catalogue to nearly oue hall its former prices, and have also made imoortant re ductions in their valuable Copyrights, consisting of the principal worits oi me lavotite ana ceieorateetieomposers, Wm. Viucent Wallace, M. Strakosch, Geo. F. Root. F. H. Brown, J A. Fowler. Wm. Dressler etc.. ftp. In affixing our new prices we have so arranged 't.thar they are represented by the coins ot our own currency, and we have made them, as far as possible, in decimals. fllL -11 I II - ine onee wm oe maKea on everv mece ot mimic Th- Non-Copyrights thus- Reduced price. cents-" and the Copyrights thus ' Copyright, cents;" All the INou-Copyright Mus c printed previous u this arrange ment will be sold atone-half the old prices. .t A proportionate reduction will be m;ide on nnr Tn struction Books, &.c, &c. bincc the study of music has become an essential branch of education, a reduction in the price of Sheet Music has been demanded by tho public, and wo have no doubt that the plan we have adopted will increase our sales sufficient to warrant ns in carrying out our enterprise to ita fullest extent. Our Catalogue already contains the works of the best European Authors, ana we will continue to reprint such as may hereafter be published all ot which will be oA at less than one-halt the prices of the foreign copies. We will continue the manufacture of piano-fortes, octtars, flutes, &.c , &c, and also, the importation oi' EVERT ARTICLE OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, and Will Sell lot Cash only, at greatly reduced prices. A majority pi the Music Publishers of New-York, B.. ton, Philadelphia and Baltimore, having combined against ns, in ordor to prevent the public from receiving the benefit of our great reduction, have refused to tupply our orders lor their Muaic.or to purc'iase Music Irom us, or lo sell to any one who dare furnish us wiih their music. For a short time our stock may be incomplete, but we will at once proceed to re -publish all the popular Non-Oopright pieces of their Catalogues at the reduced prices, and we have no doubt, but we will soon find those who will dare sup ply to us all our other wauts. We are determined to sell to the public at the lowest nrices. consist. -nt wiih n r. monerative profit to the Publisher and Dealer, or Teach er, ana Wiii neuner umei into, or submit to anv combina tion for a contrary purpose. It is of course understood that it ia impossible for us to sell the music of other publishers, except those who have adopted our relorin, at the new prices, and it is therefore necessary that the public should select from our Catalogue in order to avail themselves of the Reduced Price. Cat alogues sent to any partofthe United Stntes tree of charge & Dealers, Seminaries and Teachers, supplied on the lowest terms. KT Sole Agents in York lor Prince fe Co's Melo deons. Orders from any part of the country, inclosing the money, will be promptly andfaithfally attended to. WILLIAM HALL& SON, Broadway, (oppoaite the Park.) NewYork. . May W, 1355- 26 tf. would call particular attention to our stvle of Rum. mer Pants. They are "just the thing." One hundred pair just received. E. L. HARDING. April 21, 1355. 2i WANTED. A SITUATION AS TEACHER of the English bran ches in a school at the South is desired by a young lady now engaged in teaching in New York. Satisfacto ry references will be given. Application may be made to th Editors of the "Southern Weekly Post. I Dist. Arrival. 12.25 2.42 a. m. y.7 ) 3 20 " 11.58 4.05 " 14.92 5.00 " 12.12 5.51 " 13.64 6.42 " 14.00 ' 7.35 " 9.00 8.10 " 8.00 8.42 " R. S. W. H. AT THEIR NEW STORE, NO. 8 I" N VITE attention to their large and magnificent stock of I ttc, selectea expressly tor meir own iraae, viz : Paris quality RAYE and PLAIN POULT DE SOIE, rich Plaid and Brocade. ROBES 1)'EXFA'S, in new and elegant designs. Extra Rich PLAI I) POPLINS and VALENCI AS. Paris Printed hi. DE LAINES and CASHMERES, new and confined styles Paris Embroidered COLLARS, CAPES, SLEEVES, DRESSES, HDK.FS, A. Paris made CLOAKS and MANTILLAS, in Velvet Satin, Moire, Antique, Ac. ALEXANDRE'S sunerior KID GLOVES. The above, in addition to their usual assortment of MERINOS, BOMBAZINES, &c, must form the most extensive and attractive stock in the city, they offer at extremely low prices. Remember, that we keep constantly on hand, a full stock of Gents' wear of all kinds, namely cloths. Cassimers, Vestings, Ac, Ac, Hats and Caps, (our hat department is especially worthy of a purchasers' attention before purchas ing elsewhere, as we have them from a Kruno -Nothing, to a Wide AuxU-e, and an Eye-Upener,) also a choice lot of groceries, sail, c, a iuu assorimeut 01 crw.erjr, uiu Raleigh, Sept. 16, 1854. CDnPRE A CO., General Agents, Commission and c Forwarding Merchants, Princess Street, Wilming ton, N. C. C. PcPRE, 1 DAN'L B. BAKER. August, 1S54. 3 tf. T)USBEE & BATTLE, ATTORNEYS AND COUN- sellors at law, Raleigh, N. C, will attend promptly lo any business entrusted to their care, in the central ! counties Courts. of the State, aud in the btate and iederal Qcextix Busbee, Cotnmissionerof Deed, &.C, for New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Texas, Arkan sas, Tennessee. Aug. 1854,' n37 tf. GAZETTEER OF NORTH CAROLINA THE undersigned is engaged in conjunction with oth ers in the preparation of a Gazetteer of the State ol ' North Carolina, and desiring to render the work as com plete and satislactory as possible, respectfully solicits the countenance and aid of the citizens ol the State iu further ing the undertaking. The miscellaneous character ot the materials out ot which a Gazetteer of the State must ne cessarily bo constructed, suggests the importance of secur nug the cooperation of persons in every County w :o may be able to furnish such minute and local information as could be obtained from no common source. Relying up on the intelligence and public spirit of our citizens, the un dersigned takes the liberty to request that persons in any iwrtof the Slate will at their earliest possible convenience, luni'sh him in detail as much information as they possess or can obtain on the following points, viz: 1. The names of the Post Offices in your County, and the distance and direction frun the County Town. 2. The names of the Rivers and Creeks, gi.ing the gen eral direction in which they run, and where they empty. 3. The name and location of Mills, Factories, Foun deries, etc., ifcc. 4. The Schools and Colleges, with the - number of Teachers and Pupils. 5. The Churches, designating the denomination of' each. 6. I'he character and productiveness of the Mines, aud Fisheries and the principal article ol export. 7. The number of Lawyers, Physicians, Merchants and other professional men. 8. The general character of the timber and the soil in different parts of the County. To those who hav t so promptly responded to the above request, the subscriber rel urns his sincere thanks.and hopes that many others will communicate as much valuable in lormation as they can collect, on all or any of the forego ing subjects of enquiry. W. D. COOKE. Raleigh, August, 1854. Papers in the State giving the above a ewnser t ions and calling attention to it editorialy, w ill be entitled 10 a copy of the work. OA.INTS AND OIL. A very large supply of 17 all kinds of Paints, Oils, aud V a rn ishes to hand mod for sale, lower than can be bought elsewhere, on the most accommodating terms by P. F. PESCUD. j Sept. 24, 1853. 43. FIRST PREMIUM ! SMUT Ac SCREEN ING MACHINE, YOUNG'S PATENT. IM portant to Millers and Mill Owners. This machine in ccved the first premium nt the North Carolina State Fair, and was recommended to the public as the best now in use in the State. Seven hundred ot them are now running i:i North Carolina, all of which are now in operation and have given the most entire satisfaction, in regard both to performance and durability, some having run six years and perform as well now as they did at first, and have no been out of order one day. We have thrown out ten different Smut Machines to make room for this. They are warranted for five years, and delivered at the Mill any where in the State. Manufactured and sold by JNO. A. McMANNAN, South Lowell, Orange County, N. C. lET" Cut this advertisement out and keep it. June 10. 18.-i5, n27 tf. BONNETS. A HANDSOME a.-s rtment of Silk, Lace, Leghorn and White and Black. Ribbons a large assortment and very cheap. Collars, Uudersleeves, Chi mezettsf Gloves. Plain, and emb. Handk'fs, Hosiery &c. at the same place. H. L. EVANS. March 31. 1355. . 18 J OHN .. GORDON, & SON. Grocers and Dealers in Metals. Leather, etc.. No. 94 Main-St.. Richmond, Va., offers for sale Swedes American and Eng lish iron, all kinds and sizes"; English and American Hi.istered, Cast, Shear, German, round, octaoon and SPRING Steel; McCoRMtcK & Palmer's Mould Boards; Ground Wagon and Cart Boxes; Horsr-Shoe Nail lioDs ; Tin Plate, Sheet Zinc, Spelter, and Spelter Solder; BlocklTi.v, in Pigs and Bars; Braziers Sheeting and Bar Copper; Siievt and Bar Ieab and Wire; Saucepan Handles Bucket Ears and Bucket Handles ; Spcp. Dinner, Breakfast and Bakers' Tin Plates; Tinned and B:.ack Rivets ; Boot and Shoe Lininss Rinding, Sec., &.c ; Carpet Warp, white r-A colored; Sole Leather, French and American Calf Skins; Grocerie sop all kinds. EDGKWOltTH FEMALE SEMINARY. GREENSBORO', N. C. The next Session of thirlustitution, which has now. leen in successful operation for fifteen years, will com mence on Wednesday 1st Angnt. The course of study is designed to be thorough and sys tematic, embracing every thing necessary to a solid and ornamental education. It is very important that pupils be present at the open ing of the session. A few days' absence at the com mencement of the year when the classes are formed and new studies entered npon, may embarrass the pupil lor weeks. Catalogues containing the Course of Study, Expenses, &.C, will be forwarded on application to RICHARD STERLING, Principal. 29 6m. Standard copy 3 months. PRINTING INK MANUFACTORY, DEPOT nd Office No. 81 Cliff St., opposite Harper A Bio. I he subscriber continues to manufacture, and has con stantly on hand, Printing Ink of all the varieties of qual itiesand color. Printers and Merchants will find their orders executed at modi-rate pneesand may be assured of receiving as good an article as there is in the market. M A GEORGE MATHER. N. Y.,May 26, 1855. tf. . B- A Stock for sale, on hand at the Office of the Southern Weekly Post," Raleigh, N. C. THE NORFOLK BULLETIN. 1 IIH8 one OX thf lurcrowf firnlatirna ,n ilia 1,. - r . . .u ,n,j nuu l- ' " H '.T 'vP section of country. The subscription is only tour dollars per year payable inrariahly in advance. It is a fine paper for families containing a complete direc v"7 the Dusinesa firms in the city. Persons from i H arolin8 W0D1 finl il to their interest to subscribe a t.ne-Juetin, in preference to any other paper publish ed in Norfolk. The editor would sell an interest in the paper to any one with capital, willing to engage in snch an enterprise. Address the editor of the Bulletin. .orTollc. ' Joly, 1855 85 tf. FOR SALE. 'pHE OFFICE AND FIXTURES of the "Metropoli- tan' a . , (v.. f l I i . n - . . uc,tii nr sate uj toe rropneior. me of- am H 'ft TVUITlvm .- l Jnly 28th, 1855. ' 35-tf XT Standard copy till forbid. rHIS PAPER has recently been established in Nor folk, Va., bv Thos. W. L'nshur. Eso.. editor and nro- netor. It wives all the news, foreign and local. nt suppuea witn every tnjng necessary for pub lsnmg a Urge paper, also with a good job assortment, lermsmade known by applvingto the subscriber, TUCKER, FAYETTEVILLE STREFT Silix, Satim, Dress Goods, Embroideries, Cloaks, Mantillas STAPLE GOODS.as well as an immense variety of SILKS, glassware, uoine ana see. YV. H. A R. S. TUCKER, 41 CIGARS AND CHEWING TOBACCO. The lovers of the weed will be glad to hear that the subscriber has received an invoice of SuDerior Ciffars- fine cut and Lamp Chewinir Tobacco, various brands. and some Smoking Tobacco, as fragrant as they can find anywnere. f. H. rtSiiJVU. Sept. 24, 1853. 43 """I ALI-, AT PJESCUO'S Drue Store for vour sun- lyj plies of American and Foreign Pbkfumkrv. Tooth ana mair ubhshes, (joarse ana fixi Combs, Soaps and OBAVIXG CKKAMS, i'OMADES and UAIH OILS. Pescud keeps a large stock and sells at a small ad vance to consumers and the trade. Sept. 24, 1853. 43 Glen Anna Female Seminary. T 0CATI0N, Davidson Co., six miles West of Normal Yj College, and Six miles from Hunt's Store on the Plank Road. Tbisteks. Rev. Dr. Deems, and Rev. Messrs. Closs and Hudson, of the N. C. Conference, B.B.Roberts, Esq.. Salisbury, V. Moouey, Esq., Gold Hill, Jos. Shelton Esq , Thomasville. Tbachers. Miss Margaret G. Nixon and Miss Sarah L. Hampton. f Tehm. The seventh session will open on Wednesday the 12th of September, 1855, and continue five months 1 he price of tuition is graduated as follows : In the Primary Class '.', in the Second Class 11, in the Senoir Class $13, Music cm the Piano, with no extra charjre for the instrument, $ 1; French if i ; and tvien paid strictly in arlntnce $1 iciil l deducted f mm each of vient charf(. Board, (exclusive of lights; iii'a month, when one half is paid in advance ; otherwise the charge will be $7 a month. The pupils will be charged from their entrance to the close of the session, and 110 deduction will be made for absence, exce t in cases of personal or family illness. A Circi lar May be obtained by addressing Joseph Shelton, Esq , Thomasville, Davidson Co., N. C. Aug II, lS,r. 37 Uw. AKERY AND COXFECTIONAlivTPuttick and Mitchell would, respectfully inform the public that their establishment is now in the " hill tide ol successt'ul operation," and they are prepared to execute all orders in their line, in C;ike and Bread-Baking, Candy making, &c, vc. Nuts, Fruits, Groceries, &,c, always kept on hand. CIGARS. Our stock of Cigars is very large, some ol them of the choicest brands.such as Ele Gratitude.Cobden, Regalias, Silvas, Excelsior, El Ciervo, Steamboat Prin cipes, and a variety too numerous to mention. Parties in the city or country furnished with every description of Conl'eotionaries, on thetshortest notice and most reasonable terms.- BRIDE'S CAKE carefully packed and sent to any part ol the State. Sugar and Molasses cakes, also Candy, mutable lor country stores, packed in barrels or smaller packages, cheaper than thev can be bousrht at anv other ; house in North Carolina or Virginia. Low profits and quiCK sates, is our motto. Raleigh, May 28, 1853. n26 tf. MORE CLOTHING. T. R. Fentress has just re ceived an elegant lot of superior cut velvets for vest ings. Also, a splendid assortment of Gentleman's Morning robes, made to any order. Call and examine, anil you will find at my establishment, a full Slock of Goods in m, line, not to be surpassed by any, either in quality or cheapness of price. Remember the houseNo. 15, Fayetteville Street, opposite Pescud's DmgStore and Pomerov's Book Establishment. T. R. FbNTRESS, Merchant 1 ailor. Raleigh, November 3, 1853. 8 DESIGNING AND ENGRAVING ON WOOD. Pub lishers, Stationers, Merchants; and Others, who re quire Illustrationsfor Advertising or Ornamental purposes, i,ioiwi.i,iiiiiij iiivucu io nonce me suoscnoers CiN- graving Establishment." Specimens of fine and bold j work.in'every style always on hand. I All orders will receive immediate nttnntinn. and to save delay, pleasestate whether to be finely Executed or i ior wnai purpose and at about what pnee cut. Designs artistically arraneed. in a manner. style and price to suit all Dumoses. Those in want ofillustrations. will nna it to their advantage to order of WHITNEY JOCELYN & ANNLN, Artists and Engravers on Wood, No. 60 Fulton-Street, New York. March, 6, 1853, WINDOW GLASS A large-supply of all sizes and qualities, kept on hand or ordered, to suit any size asu ui very low rates. aiso, a gooa supply ol run t. Lieaiers will p;-$ase give me a chance to fill their orders before buying else- wuere, u iney want gooa Dargams. P. F. PESCUD. Sept.. 24, 1853. 43 PETER W. HINTON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, NOS. 25 AND 26 rothery's whakv, ; NORFOLK, VA. - SPECIAL attention paid to selling Tobacco, Goaiks, Cotton, Naval Storks, Ac, Ac. Receiving and Forwarding Goods. v7' " REFER TO Charles L. Hinton, Esq., Wake County, N, C. J. G. B. Roulhac, Esq., JRaleigh, N. C. George W. Haywood, Esq., Raleigh, N. C. Flour, Also to William Plummer, Esq., Warren ton, N. C. Sept 23, 1854. 42 ly. MEDICATED INHALATION. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED, AS TREA ViED BY DR. E. N. TRIST, with his celebrated HYGEN AND OXYGENIC VAPOR. Dr. Trist, graduaf of the Royal College of Surgeons in London, arid the recipient of diplomas fram the Lung Institution of Edinburgh and the Hotel des Invaiides of Paris, having settled permanently in NewYork for the practice of his profession , begs leave to suggest to the cit izens ot the United States that several vears of stady and successful experiments in England wd Scotland, as well as other parts of Europe, wilh Consumption in all its forms, enable him to warrant, not only relief, but a com plete cure to all those suffering with this great national dis ease. - Dr. Trial deems it unprofessional to advertise ; but oth ers having represented themselves as the originators of the Inhalation Treatment, ho would say to the" afflicted that he alone is entitled to its first introduction, and would caution all aaainst using the useless and dangerous com pounds advertised by incompetent persons. "Taxe up thv bed and Walk" Dr. Trist would say to those interested, that he has had manufactured, for the use of his patrons, his " Patent In haling Tubes. through w hw-h th the pans affected, and which earnestly eomineoda far the cueenng results wnicn n.ive attended their use; and tne fact, that they may be used by the most feeble invalid with out any unp'easant symptoms. i o inose residing out oi tne city, Ur. 1 rut win lorwaru one of the Inhaling Tubes, together with a package of the Vapori sufficient to last three months, accompanied with ample directions or use, on the receipt of a letter contain ing $10J Ten dollars, and describing symptoms. A care is warranted intall stages of Consumption, Bron -chitis, Asthma, and all other affections of the Throat, Lnngs, and Air Passages. In case of failure, the money will be returned. Address (poet paid) Dr. E. N. Trial, 68 Grand Street. New York City. aO TO H AVENS and get one of his beautiful STERESCOPIC PICTURES. They are the order of the day. Cratojt Da6ckrrbottp8 taken In the neatest style by HAVEN'S. Go aad sde them. PlSSl Raleigh, Nov. 25, 154. 52- Insurance Companies NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL INSUHAHCfi COMPANY. AT TRE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company, held nn the . ytu inst. the following persons were elected Directors and Uihcers lor tbe ensuiug year . DIRECTORS: J. B. G. Roulhac, Raleigh. Henry D. Turner, do. J. R. Williams, do. T. H.Selby, do. C. W. D. tiutchiugs, do. James F. Jordan, do. James M. Towles, do. - James E. Hoyt, Washington. Alex. Mitchell, Newbern. Joshua G. Wright, Wilmington. John M. Jones, Edenton. W. W. Griffin, Elizabeth City. F. F. Fagan, Plymouth. W. N. H. Smith, Murfreesboro. H, B. Williams, Charlotte. . Geo. A. Smith, Milton. O. F. Long, Hillsboro'. Joseph White, Anson County. Josh. Boner, Salem, - . A. IT. Summy, Asheville. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. J. B. G. Roulhac, President. H. D. Turner, Vice President. John C. Partridge, Secretary. John H. Bryan, Attorney. J. Hersman, General Agent John R. Williamsj 1 T. H. Selby, Executive Committee. C. W. U. Hutchings, ) This Company has been in successful operation for more than 9 years, and continues to take risks UDon all classes ot property in the State, (except Steam Mills and Turpentine Distilleries upon favorable ten. Its Pol icies now cover property amounting to $4,500,000 ,a large PurIUUtLPf jyhich is in Country risks ; and its present calTwr?lrly Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars, in bondsTrtiperlv secured. The average cost oflnsurance upon the plan of this Company has been less than one third of one per cent, per annum, on all grades of property embraced in its operations. All communications inreference toinsurance should b addressed to the Secretary, post paid. J. C. PARTRIDGE, iVy, Raleigh, Jan. 9th, 1855. "XTORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSUR J.1 ance Company, Raleigh, N. C. This Company in sures the lives ot individualsf or one year, a term of'years, or tor life, on the mutual principle, the assured tor file participating in all the profits of the Company. For pol icies granted forthe wholeterm of lite. when the premium therefor amounts to $30, a note may be given for one half tne amountoi the premium beannginterestate percent, without guaranty. The prompt mannerin which alllosses have been paid Dy mis company , together with the low rates of premium presentgreatinducementstosuch asare disposed to insure Slaves areinsured for a term offrom one to five years, for two-thirds their value. Alllossesare paidwithin 90 days aftersatiafactory proof is preseniea. DIRECTORS. Charles E. Johnson, Wm. W. Holdm!. Wm. D. Cooke, R. H. Battle, Wm. H. Jones, F. C. Hill, Seaton Gales. wm. u. ti ay wood James F. Jordan, H. W. Husted, Wm. H. McKee Charles B. Root, O K K 1 r, V. R s Dr. CharLe E. Johnson, President, William D Haywood, Vice President, James F. Jordan, Secretary, William H. Jones, Treasurer, H, Wf Husted, Attorney. Charles E. Johnson, M. D. ) Medical William H. McKee, M. D. Board of Richd. B. Hay wood. M. D. ) Consultation. J. HERSMAN, General Agent. For further information, the public arc referred to the pamplilets, and lorms ot proposal, which may be obtain ed at the Office of the Comoanv. or anv of its Airencies. Communications should be addressed, (poet paid,) te JU11J G. WILLIAMS, Secretary S-i KEENSBOROUGH MUTUAL INSURANCE lir Company. Thj cost of Insurance on the Mutual pi in is but a small sum, compared with a joint stock company. This company being located in the Western part of the State, consequently much tho larger portion of the risks are in the West, very niauy of which are in the country. The Company is entirely free from debt : has made no assessments, and has a very large amount in ensh and good bunds, and is therefore confidently recommended to the public. At the last Annual Meeting the following Officers were elected for the ensuiim ven r : JAMES SLOAN, President. S. G- COFFIN, Vice President. CP. MKNDENHALL, Attorney. PGTiilt ADAMS. Sect.'Si Treasurer, W. II . GUMMING, General Agent. PETER ADAMS, Secretaiv GEORGE T. COOKE, Agent at Raleigh. January 1, 185. 2a tf. "VTORTH CAROLINA INSTITUTION FOR THE XI Deaf and Dumb and the Blind. The Sessions ot thislnsUtution will hereafter commence on the First day of September of each year, and continue ten months. This change has been made in order to bring the vaca tions into the months of July and August, which, on account of the heat of that season, are less adapted to study than the other months. It also brings the Com mencement ol the School to the season when the Sheriffs of the different counties are eoming in to make their returns, thus affording a good opportunity lor parents to send their children. The following are the Officers in the Intellectual Department of this Institution. WM D. COOKE, M. A., Principai.. KT" Applications for admission should be made to the- Principal. Raleigh, August 14,1854 tf. . B LOO MFI ELD FEMALE SEMINARY. This in stitution, which has been 20 years in succcsslul opera ion, is situated in the village of Bloomtield, Essex county. New Jersey, about 4 miles Jrom Newark, atid 12 miles from the city of New York. The different departments of instruction arc under the care of nine teachers, who are thoroughly prepared for their work, not only by an intimate practical acquain tance wiih the branches taught, but by an "aptness to teach," which is even more important to insure success. Every facility for intellectual improvement, such as Maps, Globes, Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus, Library, Mineralogical and Conehological Cabinets, have been provided, so that this Institution, in every respect, will tompare favorably with the best institu tions in the country. Circulars containing terms, and other particular may be obtained of Wm. D. Cooke, Esq., Principal of the North Carolina Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, eithef by personal application or by letter, Ji. B, COOKE, - . . . R. L. COOKE Pnncjpal- Hioomneid; Hissex Co. N.J. i N. J. January, 1855. S 1 tf. TAILEY'S ENGLISH GRAMMAR is com AJmended to the special attention of Ttaehers. 1b less than four months it has passed through two editions and is fitted not only for the school as a text-book, but as a hook oi reference. As such, it is used by Dr. McGufiey in the University of Virginia, in his lectures on Gram mar, and by many litem rv men in the different professions. Published by Clark & Ilesser, Philadelphia ; and sold by booksellerspanerallv. Price J7 U' i pnm. 40 nn l-2mn NOTICES. Superior in some respects to any Grammar now before tne public. 1 believe it will greatly aid in diflusing a more correct knowledge ol ourlanguage. JJr MeGuJcy. . Just such a manual as the teacher wishes to place the hands of his pupil. i'rof. Carnvbelt. Simple as an elementary work, and suited to complete the education of the English scholar. Rev. J. Greer. A Grammar which has done all that a Grammar can do. The best exposition of the English language with which we are acquainted. nai. intelligencer. JlSsially agree in opinion with Dr. Mc Guffev and confidently expect it will become a general favorite. Southern Weekly Post. As near to perfection as is likely to be reached. The author has gained his object. Portland Mirror. A .decided improvement on other compeudiums oi ( irammar. 'Christian Observer. Suitable for a standard of reference and appeal on the difficulties in Grammar. E. N. Grattan. A source of authoratative, if not final, appeal to which we can refer with as much confidence as to a court ot lit erary men. Nat. Intell. Promises lo be the " book oi the age," in this important department of learning. Richmond Whig. This Grammar is destined I think, and that deservedly oj supercede all others Rev. B. M- Smith. January 7,1854. If. P. F. . PESCUD, RALEIGH, '. C, WHOLESALE A.VD RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, DYE-WOODS, ASD DYE-STUFFS, OILS, PAINTS, and Paintera Articles ; Varnishes, Window Glaus and Putty, Glassware ; Irench, English and American Pertuuierv ; l ine Toilet aud Shaving Soaps, Fine Tooth and Hair Brushes, Paint Brushes j Surgical and Medical Instruments, rrustes and Sumorterof alt t inrlix Sim no-is Snuffs, Manufactured Tobacco; all the Patent or Pn prietanr Medicines of the Day; Imported and Domestic Cigars; Pure Wines and Brandies for Medicinal purpo ses; Extracts for Flavoring, Imported and Americai Vtarranted Fresh and Genuine Garden Seeds, alwavs on hand in the proper season. Choice Toilet and t ancv articles, Ac, Ae. fW My Purchases are generallv made for Cnh, and ffoods offered as low as they can be obtained from any similar establishment in this section. Warranted to be Fresh, Pare and Genniae. Orders from the Country promptly filled, and satis faction guaranteed, with regard to price and qualify. Physicians' Prescription will receive particular attention at all hours of the day and .night. Physicians furnished with complete stocks of Me dicine, $hop Furniture and Instruments, at Northers prices. B25 tf J . KID GLOVES 30 DOZEN ALEXANDERS, Bagons, Courvasiers and Caldesaegeur make, ior Gents and Ladies. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER. March 81, 1855. ia . Cooks. A BOOK FOR TliE FEOPtElTi ,, , t una door ' Forms ot all those legal instruments imnnri t known by the people of North Carolina . l5nt also for the use ol " uei Justice ' the Peace, Sheriffs, Clerks r Coroners, tfc, jc. t eotnpilod ana arrangeoirom tne best autho'ritie. By CALVIN H. WILEY. ' To which is added, The Constituting t n States and of North Carolina. -i J ' LHn H'h. nnrnkiiT n! Fnrmiiin this vnrk i. , can be lound in any Form Book heretoto 'bi "onn-vBTonna; ana wniie n is noped thev will l wants and exegencieeot the public, it Ualsbhfl j thfilT AkiTTav m t K rl rT how l L . 1. I . . J U i - --VIWl K ftnnrnvpri Kv nma a4 h mnst . AUI11'Di ri j " ciiiiiirIII im-it.w. theconipleiealphaovtica! lndex.it u ill 'UDJ??,-f, aesirea matter contained in the book q The price of the book will be One dollar, fowl sum .. wi.. or-m in.nv partol the State by aiai u' postage. The trade will be sunDlied m.nn ,d . ' 'Vr" be supplied npon the Any person enclosing one dollar amountin postage stamps, will receive .,, ;.. r.l in a by return mail free oj postage. Be verv ruL(', . or" Wn.KV's. K vw Form Book." and .JaZZ"" 10 k. cookk. r,i:-:i r IU e b i c i n c s . teiuiliifj!i nrvw . mn . test aapcrlor Blediclne in the cure lu L ? ' DlainU, Chiht and Fever. Dvs,.nn. r,,.,. 1" B Qm. Jaundice, &ck HtadacJtt, Scrofula, Salt RhewT'lZ!?!? Ai a Femal Medicine thev art lit. . .1. . . aMMdinr to th riir.tu. w " "".- Ul- of PUes, after all other remedied 10 "oi They purify the blood, cnalUe th. , tlon. restore the Llvrr. kih..!' -I? ' cul.. erefry Org.n to . h.riilC.M d Also f?yiaid'' O"-. Bronchitis, Crrmp. ?Jte Sid- " " arising fro?Z ranged state of tht SUmnri j. Jz... -j . feeling from eating too htarty food, in Mteak and dytpeptic AoC VI7 k TJP A HTH irn . uuuu,1.u, ivJ jjjj, fUiLiAjX VEGETABLE. T1,ma ixn . . l- "".pwtorant. Tonic, and Aperient. 0m fT "r..., . ume" more power to cure dimm than a one dollar bottle of n, r ufTl. n.i..' "v parill that were ever mart, ; nd , BimpieKtriaI onI' will prove thif important truth. 3 mi. . -n 1 h V-, -, , ' r " 0 r 1 n . Loosen th. Phlegm, nd Cler the lj,ns, and otheP SecPe, . "", matter, and there it not another remedy in the whole Mtm M?ica capable of uuiwuug ucii neaiing jroprruci to the Lungs and Vital Or rau ax these Pills. They Cure Co.ttvene.a, produce m good, regular Appetite, and. Strengthen the Systems Price 25 cents per box. containing 25 dorea of Medicine Call on the Agenta whoNell the Pilla, and ft xUe Planter t Almanac ghatis, giving full particulars and certificate, 0f TOrti Both kinds of the above-named 1'ills are for nale in Every Town and Village in North and Bonta . Carolina . And at Williams &. Haywo'od, Raleigh, N . C. April 28, 1855. 22- a TIIE GREAT NATURAL REMEDY . roa INDIGESTION & DYSPEPSIA. TTfR. J. S. HOUGHTON'S PEPSI N,ihetrm 1 DIGESTIVE FLUID, or GASTR IC JUICE, ttil holds the first place among all the varic us mm dies foi these painful and destructive complaints. It i Naturei own Specific for an unhealthy stomach. No art of mti can e,Qual its curative powers ; and po sufferer fruw li" digestion ana Dvspepsm should full to trv it. J&'ILLIAMS, HAYWOOD A CO.. ij Wholesale and retail agents. Raleigh, March 17, 18.5. . lfi- puis. FOE ALL THE PURPOSES 01 A FAMILY PHYSIC. There has long existed a public demand for an effective purgative pill which could be relied on aa sure and perfectly safe in its operation. This ha been prepared to meet that demand, and an exten sive trial of its virtues has conclusively shown witi what success it accomplishes the purpose deignei It is easy to make a physical pill, but not easy u make the best of all pills one which should ha' none of the objections, but all the advantages, of every other. This has. been attempted here, and with what success we would respectfully submit to the public decision. It has been unfortunate for the patient hitherto that almost every purgative medicine is acrimonious and irritating to the bow els. This is not. Many of them produce so much griping pain and revulsion in the system as to mor than counterbalance the good to be derived from them. These pills produce no irritation or pain unless it arise from a previously existing obstnic tion or derangement in the bowels. Being pwe'T vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity ; but it is better that any medicine should be taken judiciously. Minute directions for their use in the several diseases to which they are ap plicable are given on the box. Among the com plaints which have been speedily cured by them, w may mention Liver Complaint, in its various fonna of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap petite, Listlessness, Irritability, Bilious Headache, Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Pain in the bid and Loins ; for, in truth, all these are but the con sequence of diseased action in the hv. A Ml aperient they afford prompt and sure relief inLoa tiveness, Piles, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, hcrot ula and Scurvy, Colds with soreness of the boa?, Ulcers and impurity of the blood ; in short, any and every case wtiere a purgative ra requuj cessfu; T3 f V Ejrysipeiaa, x aipiiauoii ox u - - 7 . frelf iiacK, stomacn, ana siae. nej wu - s taken in the spring of the year, to purify tne Diooo and prepare the system for the change of An occasional, dose stimulates the storoacn ana bowels into healthy action, and restores the appe tite and vigor. They pnrify the blood, and, by tow stimulant action on the circulatory system, reno vate the strength of the body, and restore W wasted or diseased energies of the whole organic Hence an occasional dose is advantage-. s, though no serious derangement exists but u necessary dosing should, never be carrie- tso v as every purgative medicine reduces the t&e'j$: when taken to excess. The thousand cum a physic is required cannot be enumerated hare, on they suggest themselves to the reason of every body; ami tt ia confidently believed k P1" answer a bettor purpose than any thag wnica n hitherto been available to mankind. When ux virtues are once known, the public will noloneei doubt what remedy to employ when in'' cathartic medicine. Being sugar-wrapped tnej pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, n harm can arise from their use in any quanerr. , For minute directions see wrapper on tne do. FBEFARED BT JAMES C. AYEB, Practical and Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Prie 5 Cent, per Box. Jive Boxes for AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For the rapid Cure COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS BR0CHITI8, WHOOPIKG-CpFGII. CROUP, ASTHMA, A&D f CONSUMPTION. This remedy has won for itself snch from its cures of every variety of pulmonary diw that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the dences of its virtues in any community where has been employed. So wide b ttjjj fulness, and so numerous the cases " ,j, that almost every section of the i 'a in persons publicly known, who have bnre fromsJarmVg and even debate hseasl lungs by it. use. WTien once fried over every other medicine of lU tod U too.PP rent to pe observation, and where its virt known, the public no longer hesitate wnt u,-ee. S1n$oy for the distressing and daus tions of the pulmonary organs which are to our climate. And not only m f.Ziies tacks upon the lungs, but for the milder van. ef Colds, Cochs, Hoauutbsb. Sc., "lidna CHitDBMt it is the pleasantest and safest me that can be obtained. , voiiirhont As it has long been in constant use wf" this section, we need not do more f.f evef neonle its duality ia kept up to thbest My has been, and that the genuine HAYWOOft' P. i -wsoi ! asd WILLLAJia Ralhsb, N. C. March, 1855. , U -1 (TR 'iiyfteiis-a I They have also produced some iingu"v 1 cures in Rheumatism, Gout, Uropsy, ur...