TILLIAU D. COOKE, PROPRIETOR. VOlIl'-XO. 51. ED ARTICLES. 'Se bride of, the wreck. BEAUTIFUL STORY. :-T I I Us a Ioq1 y sorfcuf a bachelor, and ha J Btver vet known bat joun men style "the ' ' of -nassion I bad enough, as my old .bAa--heJuL fits of it : but he has RaU - ccemed. io love me all the letter, he d ine .now-very much as. two pieces of V !am,. chip cling together when drifting at e sole survivors of a thousand tJc , UU - ' wteck"'"'0' e 00 ni p iji ' e s -that sailed with EW wars ago, ii: Qtlici; one u left afloat. I Ladiu a sailor from niyi boyhood, and when I a- tweDty-five, I may sjifcly say no man was - rt-e iit t command a vssel among-the mari- Bc of England. An J .at this time.; my uncle i;,,! Kfi me his fortu e.l I had never seen 1: W.1K- knew of his existence : but I l.i now sLeakiii" eviJeiice of the fact that he ! j(,tednol-)DW.- ' - as very young and strong in 1 ml., and I j "i e .t . ...... i ..,..,. .1 1 5w pO-cScU i'l, I lie icuim oi soon- uivumuus , - . "wv ,,r What bar was there to mv enjov ! k fieen rtcoads before the watch on deck call Miitheood of life ? Xo bar indeed, hut e'1 sudJenly to ihe man at the wheel, "Port !v tho lack of means of etijovmeiTt.' I !tit -ilv a s i :tilur in every en.-e. my eum-atiou was us: ,f, and I had some hooks, but my tastes ' m.EauticaI, and pined on shore. You eai'V ' mitand( then, why I built mo a yatch aud i i -jk-n'l much time on her. bho was a nno rait, au I uiwu to my taste in every respect . i 'tieineuiher with a s-igh now, the us I Lave ..-pent in the "Foam." happy j j ' I ue.J to mjd o n-iderably in mv cabin, and i aicvunt l"r ine motion I had telt in any rea ouMy.jmlced weekly, in vit- d parties of ! 80nab,e w7Jl t ngth fell asleep, and the, .':1t-en)en"tocruisjf xvith uie. Vul the loot of a 1 rckillS of my vessel, as she flew before the . ij had never been on the deck of mv to it, .J I beg in to have an old bachelor's pride in 'fact. Yet I confess to you a secret Tong ,'lk some ort of afieclion dillerent from anv iit-retofc ' e known, and ar sth-s n- ss whn a Inked of beautiful women- in mv itres- "ne -ummer evening I wae- at the old hall duch my Uncle Jitd and was .euiw-tjly ahm lone. ,' I- Lwan.'s sunset I was surprised while iTng -riny l o hy.tl.e eutrai.ee of a genih in.ii vly announced, and giving indication of no excitement. 'our pardon, sir, for my unceremonious en-ae-. .Mv hres have run away with my and da-he 1 it to piece' .m ar your park '. My father was' badly iujuivd, and inv ris .u.. w watching him. I have taken ihe 'o ask your permi-si m to bring them to residence. .. . "t cruise mv consent,- was iu-tantlv friven tmyowu 'cai-riiige despatched to the park IMr. Sai.Wir was a-g-ntlemen of fortune, re i'ig al.ou! iuty mih-s from me" and his fatli- I 'D iov;i,f -fty years or more of age, was on ' iy. in c..uij,;iuy with Irs son, to his son'.- tdere to die and be buried. They were "L-' is t .me, but 1 made them welcome to i use as if it were their owiS and in-tsted Vir using it. Sinclair was the first woman who had -J my doorstone since I had been posses- rt .the kail, and well miht she have heen by. better men, than I. She wa; very '-aa i very beautiful of the size of Venus, "A all men worship as the perfection of beau i ;t haying a soft blue eye, shaded by jot 'iibryws, her face presented the contrast PJnn- of whitene-s in the completion, set off hiav,;n bur, and yet that hair hanging iu F'ffrili, fmU KJ 1... ,..V. . fil ...i "l olt: fai-e lit lin witfi itm ovi-vsairn rf irn. , r . . irust an;' t'Qmplete cemfid-.-nce, either in all "u "r e se m her own indomitahle jirter Eavn ; tr Marv Sinclair had a mindJof her 0 t!lel. - -. i. r atierditd in my house, and I attended H-mi precession that bore his remains "and valley to the old churct in which ; testers were laid. Onc aft-r that I call: t! family, and then avoided Ahem. I fou what was the cause of the aver -Ii! 1 t'J entering: that house, or ar.nro.iel.ino- s . - i r - o J-n.-e of that matchless girl. I believe !.'f"a"e'1 ibe m'gic of her beauty, and was r"iej wit h .... ...j vnn iiiinuiilllur.S O) 1V )ve -e l..ved by her. I knew her a-so, ia. 'irf tV, it 1 i;-?.; the n',We' lhe ?4cat.-d. the relink, j 1 Was none ot these. What tli.ui ...n.l.j i , i ' ;, r """,u 1 llie i y.e.oe . io ine cnarms a lOUlsitfl liu-.i ia-f.oul ! " yttr i l sed, and I was the verv bov in mv ; di, a flu, , . e , T , ; - Oinditsof her. ,a,J 'mies that I did jv icu.muu iuatll i not love her. a ! ders. in.tr- determined to Drove i; hv Anter. er i . ' lOi I 1 .1. 1 .1 ... 1 --v. jl leii'rrn i iirrtw nivse r in London societv. and was lost m - ' -- - l. I'D' 9, a crowded a-semblv I was in 'a i j. a recess, talking w;ith a lady S Stran.. . .l.-ii T i JUt Ifc uScln,j,i. 1 cauuoi oescnoe iu, was visible to my companion, r rrtt - .... are sid, ' ou are unwell. Mr. St. yu i 4. not j V i"ur face became suddenly cana'n )0Ur Land lrenWeJ so as to shake tleI:Cabk to '"M ; but I was star . j houncementof Mr. and Miss Sin Wher, Mnds;lw te ller's was en ten nr on I , . ' more beautiful than ever. r 1 did not V v... t - -uvj"i out i ata so. 7f aefcotci. to all lj,e 3n Thrice afterwards I was warned of her pres ence in this mysterious way, till I believed that there was some mysterious link between us two of unknown, but powerful character. I have since learned to believe the comnunion of spir it sometimes without material intervention. I heard of her frequently now as engaged to iMr. Weller, a man whom I knew well, and was ready to do honor as. worthy of ber love. When at length T ry vidence.of ; the rnmor, T left'tandon, and saw them no more. The same rumor followed me in my letters, and yet I was mad enough to dream of Mary Sinclair, until months after I awoke to the sense of what a fool I had been. Convinced of this, I -went aboard my yacht about mid-summer, and for four weeks never set my foot on shore. One sultry day, when pitch was frvinjj on deck, in the hot sun, we rolled heavily on the Bay of? .Biscay, and I passed the afternoon un der a sail on the larboard quarter-deck. Toward evening pfancied a storm was brewing and "",M, m"e a11 reaa' Ior 11 noked on taffrail t... ,uU.gfit, aua men turned in. Will you be- lie.v me' I feit thflt strange thiil through ray veins, as Ilav in mv hammock, and nwnt ndtk I'"r.t our helin ! a 8ail on the lee bow steady I was on deck in an instant and sw that a s.iff breeze was blowing, and a small sflir..-r J showing no lights, had crossed our fore-foot j within a pistol shot, and was now bearing up to the north-west. The sky was clojidy and ' e oreeze was very steady, ami I went below again, and after endeavoring vainly to e . .... . I j win i, gave j ist motion enough to my ha. .mock Ij lull me in a sound slumber. But I dreamed j all night, t f Mary Sinclair. I dreamed of her, j but they were unpleasant dreams. I saw her, j standing on the leek of the "Foam," and as I would advance towaid her the Tonn of Wt ' e,L!er would inierpose. 1 would ranev at times that mJ a"h was around her. aud h er f, il'm vvaa r..cti i , " - . ' 1 '".-r : .-against ..j , . c .-.urau laving on mv snouiaer and then by the strange mutilations of dreams, it was not I, but Weller, that whs holding hen aud i wasciiained to a post, looking at them, and she would kiss him ; and again the kiss would be burning on my lips. The morning found me wide awake, reasoning myself out yf my fancies. By noon I had enough to do. The ocean was roused. A tempest was out on the :-ea. and the "Foam"' went before it. Nig it came down gloomily. The very black uess of darkne-s was on the water as we flew before the terrible blast. I was on decked, lash ed to the whVtl, by which I stood, with a knife. W e had but a rag of sail oik her, and she mov ed through the water more hke a bird than a boat trom wave to wave. Again and 'again a (due wave went over us, but she came up like a duck aud shook off the water and dashed on. Now she staggered, s a blow that might have stove a man-of-war struck her, but she kept gal. lanrly on ; and now she rolled, heavily aud slow ly, but never abated the swift flight toward the shore. It was midnight when the wind was highest. The howling of the cordage was de moniacal. Now a scream, now a shriek, now a wail and laugh of mocking madness. On, on we flew. r I looked up, and turned quite around the horizon, but could see no sky, no sea, no cloud, all was blackness. At that moment I felt again thestrjinge thrill, and at the instant fancied a denser blackness ahead - and the next, with a crash and plunge, the "Foam" was clear gone ! Down went my gailant boat, and with her an- . otner vessel, unseen in the black nght. The wheel to which I had been lashed, had broken loose and gone over with me b-fore she sank. It was heavy, and I cut it away, and it went down in the deep sea above my boat. And seeing a spar I seized it, and a thrill of agony shot through me as I recognized the delicate figure tf a woman, I drew her to me, and lash ed her to the spar by my side, and so in the b.'ack. night, we floated away over the stormy ocean. MyT. companion knew dead. A was senseless for ought I thousaud emotions passed ' through mv mind in the nevt fiv- mimitoa Vhn mF . . . "uu uu iiij sugni, spar f What was the vessel I had sunk ? Was I with . . . - ooov ot only a human beinyr, or was there SIV1.t nf i;& lf, And MnlA T r., U a flame ? Would it not be better to let her sink than tl of ,i,:... ,SL anu agony. X C her hands, her forehead, her shonl- In lhe(i,.nse darlrnens T could nor spa a I f ature of her fac- nor teJ jf g)ie were 0lj or young scarcely white or black. The silence on the sea was fearful. So long. as I had been on the deck of my bt, the wind whistling through the ropes and down the spars had made a continual sound; but n .w I heard nothing but the occasional sparkling of the spray, the dash of a foa, cap or the heavy sound of the wind pressing on my ears. 3 At length she moved her band.feebly in mine. How my heart leaped at that slight evidence that I was not alone on the wild ocean I re doubled my exertions. I passed one of h r arms over my neck to keep it out of the water, while I chafed the other hand with both mine. V,ltthe clasp tighten. I bowed my bead to INDEPENDENT I A .M 1 1. V tmstg fHitemttgtot RALEIGH, NORTH-CAROLINA, SATURDAY, wards hers. She drew me close to her laid her cheek against mine. Ilet it rest there it might warm hers, and so help to give her life. Then she nestled close to my bosom and whis pered, "Thank you." Why did mv brain so wddly throb in my head at that whispered sen tence ? She knew not where she was, that was clear. Her mind was wandering. At that in stant the end of the spar struck some heaw ?&e.kMdeGU uver n, and to my joy we were left on a float ing deck. I cut the lash from the spar, and fastened my co panion and myselt to the new part of the raft or wfeck, I knew not which, and all the time "that arm was around my neck and rigid as if in death. Now came the low, wild wail that precedes the breaking up of the storm. The air seemed filled with viewless spirits mournfully singingaud sighing. I neyer thought her anything else than a human being. It was that endeared her to me. I wound my arm around her, and drew her close to my heart, and bowed my head over her, and in the wildness of the moment I press ed my lips to hers ina long, passionate kiss of intense love and agony. She gave it back, mur muring some name of endearment, wound both arms round my neck, and laying ' her head on my shoulder with her forehead pressed against my cheek, fell into a calm slumber. The kiss burns on my lip this hour. Half a century of the world have' not sufficed Jo'chill it's influence. It thrills me now as then ! It was madness ; with idol worship, of the form God gave in the image of himself, which I adorned iu that hour as even God! I fee1 the unearthly joy to-day, as I remember the clap of those unknown arms, and the soft ptvs sure of that forehead. 1 knew not, I cared noti if she were old and haggard, or young and fair ! 1 1 only knew and rejoiced with j y untold that she was human, mortal, of my own kin, by the great Fattier of our race. It was a night of thoughts and emotions, and phantasies that can never be d. scribed. loriiincr ilawned iri-nvdc tl ,.7" tx j i ", , , . , htrht showSflme a driving cloud above my head it was. welcomed' wftrrS. shudder, -I hated with ihatform clinner to me and mv arm: a- round it, and my lips ever and anon pressed to the passionless lips of the heavy sieeper. . 1 as ked no light. It was an intruder of my domain and would drive her from my embrace. I was mad. But as I saw the face of my companion grad ually revealed in the dawning li.dit m-r m - "i ' "V J began to make out one by one the features, and at length the terrible truth came slow ly burning in my brain, I mourned aloud in my agouv, 'God of heaven, she is dead !'' ami it was Mary Sinclair. But she was not dead. We floated all day along on the sea, and at mid night of the next I hailed a ship aud they took us off. Every man from the "Foam" and the other vessel was s.tved, with one exception. The other vessel was the "Fairy," a schooner yacht, belonging to a friend of Miss Sinclair, wiih whom she and her broiher, and a party of ladies and gentlemen, had started but three days previously for a week's cruise. I need not tell you how I explained that strange thrill as the schooner crossed our bow the night before the collission, and What I felt again at the moment of the cra-h, nor what in terpretation I gave to the wild tumult of emo tions all that lonz n'fidvt. j I married Mary Sinclair, and I buried her thirty years afterwards, aud I sometimes have the same evidence of her presence now that I used to have when she lived on the same earth with me. HOW TO MAKE AN AQUARIUM- We extract the following from Kingsley's " Glaticus ; or, The Wonders of the Shcre :" ' Buy at any glass shop a cylindrical glass jar, some six inches in diameter and ten. high, which w ill cost you from three to four shillings ; wash it clean, and fill it w ith clean salt water, dipped out of any pool among the rocks, only looking first to see that there is no dead fish or other evil matter in the said pool, and that no stream from the land runs into it. If you choose to take the trouble to dip up the water over a boat's side so much the better. "So much for your vase ; now to stock it. Go down at" low spring-tide to the nearest ledge of rocks, and with a hammer and chisel chip off a few pieces of stone covered with growing sea weed. Avoid the common and m.iiMwr L-indc (fuci) which cover the surface of rocks; for they give out, under water, a slime which will foul your tank; but choose tlie more delicate species which fringe the edges of every pool at low-water mark ; the pink coralline, the dark purple, ragged dufse (Rhcdymenia), the Carra geen moss (Ohmdrous) and, above all, the delicate green Tjlva, which you will see glowing everywhere in winkled fan-shaped sheets, as thin as the finest silver-paper. The smallest bits of stone are sufficient, provided the sea4 weeds have hold of them ; for they have no real roots, but adhere by a small disk, deiiving no nourishment from the rock, but only from the water. Take care, meanwhile, that there be as little as possible on the stone beside the weed itself. Especially scrape off any small sponges, and see that no worms have made their twining tubes of sand among the weed-stems ; if they have, drag them out, for they will surely die, and as surely spoil all by sulphurated hydrogen, blacknen, and evil smells. " Put your weeds into your tank, and settle them at the bottom; which last, some say should be covered with a Ia)'er of pebbles ; but let the beginner leave it as bre as possible ; for ' the pebbles only tempt crossgained annelids to crawl under them, die, andjspoil all by decay ing; whereas, if the bottom tof the vase is bare. you can see a sickly or dead f nhabitant at once, andtakehim out (wMch jfroJlreHst do) i y!" mvweehs7ififn the instant-.. na quTttiy m tne vase a' day or two before you put iu ajiy live animals ; and even then do not put ay in if th water does not appear perfectly cleaij, but lift out the weeds, and renew the water ere you replace them. " row for the live stock. I the crannies of every rock you will find sej-anemones (Ac hnice); and a dozen of these ony will be enough to convert your little vase into tie most brilliant of living flower-gardens. Then they hang, up on the under side of the ledgej apparently mere rounded lumps of jelly one iof a dark puiple dotted with green ; another ofa rich chocolate ; another of a delicate olive'; another sienna-yellow ; another all but white. Take them from their rock ; you can do it easily by slipping un der them your finger-nail or thi edge of a pew ter spoon. Take care to tear die sucking ba,-e as little as possible, (thoigh a tmall rent they will darn for themselvfs in a few davs, esiiy enough,) and drop tbem into a basket of wot sea-weed ; when you ?et home, turn them in;o a dish full of water, aad leave them for the night, and goto look at them to-morrow. What a change ! The dulliumps of jelly We taken root and flowered during the night, and your dih is filled from side tc side with a bonquet of chrysan themums; eack has expanded into a hundred petalled flower, crimson, pink, purjve, or orange ; touch one, and it shrinks together Pke a sensi tive plant, displaying at the root of- tie petals a ring of brilliant turquoise bead. Tat is the commonest of all the Actinae Memibrynn themum); you may have him when anu where you will ; but if you will search those rocks somewhat closer, you will find even more pore ous species than" him. See in that pool some ; dozen noble oues, in full blootn, and quite six , ' , ' , .4 inches across, some of them. If their cousins whom we found just now were like chrysanthe mums7 these are,ell,''qufi''gi arms are stouter and shorter 4n?proporli7mrThVh'' those of the last species', but their color is e.iual- Jv brilliant. One is a brilliant blooded-red : an other a delicate sea-blue, striped with p.nk ; but most have the disk and innumerable-inns strip ed and ringed with vaiious shades of gray nnd brown. Shall we gel them? By all menus, if we can. Touch one. Where is he now ?, (lone. Vanished into air, or-into stone ? Not quite. You see that knot of san.iand broken shell !v ing on the rock, where yjA dahlia was one mo ment ago. Touch it, (HoWi! find jt leath ery and elastic. ..'That is all - which remains of tne live dahlia. Never mincH-vOt-t vour tinker into- the crack under him, work him gently but firmly out, and take him home, and he will be as happy and gorgeous as ever to-morrow. " Let your Actiniae stand for a day or two in the dish, and then, picking out the liveliest and handsomest, detach them once more from i heir hold, drop them into your vase, right them with a bit of stick, so thot the sucking base is down wards, and leave them to themselves thenceforth. " Th se two species (Mcsembryanthemum and Crassicornis) are quite beautiful enough to give a beginner amusement : but there are two oth ers which are not uncommon, and of such ex- fppdino lnvdinica tti.jf I f 1. ...I.- . . , o ii is nui ui Willie lO laKtt a little trouble to get them. The one is Bellis, the sea-daisy, of which there is an excellent des cription and plates in Mr. Gosse's 4 Rambles in Devon,' pp. 24-32. " It is common at Ilfracombe, and a Torquay ; and, indeed, everywhere there , a-e cracks and small holes in limestones or slate rock. In these holes it fixes its base, and expands its de licate browny-gray, star-like flowers on the sur face ; but it must be chipped out with hammer and chisel, at the expense of much dirt and pati ence ; for the tiioment it is touched it contracts deep into the rock, and all that is left of the daisy-flower, some two or three inches across, is a blue knot of half the size of a marble. But it will expand again, afier a day or two of captiv ity, and well repay all the trouble which it has cost. "The other is Dianthus ; which you may find adhering to fresh oysters in any dredger or trawler's skiff, a lengthened mas of olive, pale- rose, or snow-white jelly. The rose and the white are the more beautiful ;, the very maiden qeens of all the beautiful tribe. If vou find one, clear the shell on which it grows of eveiy- ttimg else (you may leave ihe oyster inside, if you will), and watch it expand under water into a furbelowed flower, furred with innumerable delicate tentacula ; and in the centre, a mouth of the most brilliant orange ; altogether, one of the noveliest gems, in the opinion of him who writes, wiih which it has pleased God to bedeck His lower world. " But you will want more than these anemon es, both for your own amusement, and for the health of your tank. Microscopic animals will breed, and will also die ; and ypu need for them some such scavenger as-our poor friend Squin ado. Turn, then, a few stones which lie piled on each other at extreme low water mark, and five minutes7 search will give you the very ani mal you want a little crab, of a dingy russet above, and on the underside like smooth porce lain. His back is quite flat, and so are his large, angular, fringed claws, which, when he folds them up, lie in the same plane with his shell, NEWSPfifl gygg. NOVEMBER 10, 1855. and fit neatly into iisJedges. Compact little rogue that he is, made especially for sideling in and out of cracks arld0iraaIire',? he carries with him such an anrjaratus of cO'bs and brushes, aa Isidor or Floris never drearr&t" ofwith which hef KWM An f ifiA Ifl itrortr mnrriflilt r " ' v a ID 'at every moment, shoals of minute ai i'VL?uies and sucks them into his : tiny ms' osse W'U you -rr Sietttmr sea-weeds, if tHey-rame asTthef ought to do, will sow their minut spores in millions around them ; and these, as they veget ate, will form a green film on the inside of the glass, spoiling your prospect ; you may rub it off for yourself, if you will, with a rag fastened to a stick, but if you wish at once to save your self, trouble, aud to see how ail emergencies in nature are provided for, you will set three or four live i-hel Is to do it for your, and to keep your subaqueous lawn close mown. "That last word is no figure of speech. Look among the beds of sea-weed for a few of the bright yellow or green sea snails (A'm'fa.) or Conical Tops (Trochus,) especially that beauti ful pink one, spotted with brown (Ziziphnus.) which you are sure to find about shaded rock ledges, at dead low tide, and put them into your aquaiiuni. For the pre-ent, they will only nib ble the green viva? ; but when the film of the young weed begins to form, you will see it mown oft' every morning as fast as it grows, in little semicircular sweeps just as if a fairy's scythe had been at work during the night. " And a scythe has been at work ; none oth er than ihe tongue of the little shed fish ; de-' -ciipdon of its ' extraordinary mechanism (too long to quote here, but which is well worth reading) may be found in Gosse's 'Aquarium,' p. 34! j "A -prawn or two, and a few minute star fish, will make your aquarium complete, though you may ad I to-it en lie-sly, as ore, glance at the salt-water lanks of the Zool .gical Gardens, and the strange and beautiful forms which they con ;a'm will priiive to you sufficiently." A HUMAN CURIOSITY. At the second September meeting of the Bos toa Society of Natural Hi -lory, Dr. Kneeland read 'fe paper re lati ye to a. so-called Opate Indian, lie conemdes that she is a minber..oT6ome tn- diau tribe inhabiting the S.ei'ra Nevada moun- iains, which run for the most part through -he .Mexican States of Sonoma and Cii'?oaparal!eI to the Gulf (jf California; and that if she is an pate, she must have come; from the central part of Sotiora. These Opates are described bv Mr. Harriett asj a quiet; agricultural people, . living in ihickly populated villages, noted for their biavery again-t tiitj Apaches, an I altogether superior to their neigh! ors, the Yaqui. However, let this ,I.. ..!........ . .j . .. i c"1 itiuii- iu "uiuever ini'e oi a scattered race she may, she is at all eveuis a most curious, raie, and ihtere-ting specimen of humanity. 1 r. Kneeland scouts the idea, which seems to be sotnejwhat prevalent, that she is the speci men ot a hce half human aud half brute, and adds. : " The girl is modest, playful in her dis posit'on, pleased with play-things like a child, and at inuis rather hard to manage, from her obstinacy ftud impulsive manner. She is quite intelligent.'1 undeistands perfectly every thinr said t her, can converse in English, also in Spanish. She has a good ear for music, and can sing tolerably well. She can also sew re markably well, and is very f .nd of ornam nt and dre.-s. Her appearance is far less disgusting than the representations of her. The enormous growth of hair on the fice, and .the prominence of tiie lips, from diseased gums, give her a bru tish appearance. Her hair is long, very thick. black and straight, like that of the American Indian. The hair being of the same color ami character, grows on the forehead quite to the eyebrows, varying from one-half to an inch in length, having been partially cut off in the mid dle of the forehead. The eyebrows are very thick and shaggy, and the lashes remarkably lonf. Ihe hair also grows along the sides aud alee of the nose, upper lips, cheeks, and about the ears, which are large and with very large lobes. The chin is also well supplied with a black fine beard, or goatee, two or three inches long. The arms are hairy .for a woman, though not for a man ; on other parts of tb.e'body there can be said to be no unusual growth of hair. There is a great mammary development. I have measured her head carefully, and it does not d ffermuch from the average of these races, though the integu ments over the skull are preternaturally thick. She has, therefore, a well-proportioned though small brain, and is capable of considerable cul tivation. This head varies somew hat from that Oi an American Indian. There is no character istic prominence of the vertex, no flatness of the occiput or forehead, no want of symmetry in the two sides. The shape of the cheeks and the , complexion is hardly Iudian. The space between the orbits is large ; the eyes are very black and piercing ; and there is no obliquity to be noticed as in the MongoK The nose is flat, quite unlike the aouiline nose of the Indian, and vet not lilra that of the negro. The mouth is very large, and the lips prominent and rather thick. The gnms are in a curious condition, being swelled all round so as. to rise above aDd conceal the teeth ; they are not sensitive, and so hard as to allow her to crack hard nuts with them ; the growth in the upper jaw is chiefly hypertrophy of the bone, and in the lower jaw principally a disease of the gum resembling vegetations. The molars, bicuspids, and canines are normal, though the latter are imbedded in the abnormal fum, while the back teeth arefAd Sha i. to have had locisoiufrhat n, u , , 1 1 ;,a?n,Ustbeanerror, as sh Tias the sf ot on j li i "ow ln the upperjaw, nd thf J reason to believ. ),. ne; !'ad not4 ',tn0f I'l- ""njber. She has OeCiqeO Cmn, Wtilcaid lndip0, , if. . . re unman. . V( .. no n1Bg. 8 WeJi.formed arm, anu n5an ' anion ;-1rv-jL-rct woman in " very "respectf -pfertorniW alf ThuTf woman regularly and naturally. " She is entirely human, and nothing but hu man being quite unlike the mixed African. It may be here remarked that her complexion, soft skin, hair and shape of the head, face and nose, remind one more of an Asiatic than an Ameri can tyie. Her disposition, too, is mild and playful, her manners gentle and communicative, differing from the sullen, taciturn, and forbid ding ways of the American Indiau. It is well known that some authorities maintain that the California Indians are of Asiatic origin Malav, who have been thrown in some way on the American shore, from the Pacific Islands. The. notion also prevails amontr nianv of the tribes bordering on the Gulf of California, (among the Ceris, for instance.) tint they are of Asiatic origin. The girl seems cither of Asiatic origin, or of Asiatic and American Indian mixed. She is no specimen of a degenerate race, but an ex ceptional specimen, such as occurs not unfrequ ently iu all races. Hairy women have lived be fore her, without any suspicion of brute patern ity. The conformation of her mouth, in so far as it is abnormal, is more likely the result of dis ease than the character of a tribe. The causes of these peculiarities must be sought for amongst those which modify the products of conception, and impress various fancied, or red animal r. vegetable re-emlianee- utiou tlu 'it!!- in tT' : and which, in some im . lic.-ile in to arrest or modify animal deveh pm. rn . '' The girl was present at this m. e:ii -r of t' e Society, and was, consequent I v, fo- !v and care fully examined. She was found n. ,t noiiiHii in every rcsp"ct, with notliii g r ma: !Td b- :' o-it. her, except the abnormal yiowth of h.-cr r.nd the morbid condition of the nums md alveolar process. imicii.' i 'ire a wn 5 rl selected stuek It would -be as pasy tocompile a D;ctionary' of Cooks, as of Mu-icians or Painters ; but it would not b.'. so amusing or so edifying, except perhaps totho-e who think more of their stom ach than of. their mind. But it would then be attractive ami useful to the majority of reader ; for ihe sages themselves are not unmindful of their stomach es, and, according to a safe, thev would be unworthy of the name if they neg lected that vital matter. , . Jolinson, von know, lived in an age when things wvr- called bv their real names, 'J'appelle un chat tin chut was lhe device of the plain spoken, when not onlv men, but ladies, bold as the Tnalpstiw of Young's pungent satire, loud'y dated to imme what nature dared to give. Ir Johnson, lheu, says, "Some people have a foolish way of not minding, or pretending not to min i, what they eat. For my part I mind my belly very siudi ously ; fori look upon it that he who does not mind his belly, will hardly iniiid any 'thine else !"' To the word, then, even a B'ogi-iphical Dic tionary of Cooks might be c-q li'ai no- : but as my present mission is int to wr le .-.u Km-vclo-1 sedia, but rather deferentially to oik-r mv htt'o sketches to gentle, and not too critic d, lea-i.rs, with leisure hall-hours at their c .u.man i. so do I offer them a sketch of Cau-me, a- tne knowl edge of the individual may sta.id tor that of th class. He was illustrious by descent ; for one of his ancestois had served in the household of a Pope who himself made more sauces than saints, Leo X. But Careme was one of so poor and s numerous a family, that when he came into the worldhe was no more wvlc m.j than Oliver Goldsmith was : the respective parents of the little cared-for babes did notkn-.v what future great men lay in naked helplessness before them. One wrote immortal poetry, and starved : the other made delicious pastry, and rode in a char iot ! We know how much Oliver received lor his 'Vicar ;" while An'hony Careme used to receive twice as much for uieivlv wiiimtr out a recipe to make a '"pate." Nay, ('areme' un touched patties, when th"y left r.yil i:ib e, Weie brought up at a coast which would have sup ported Goldsraith for a month ; and a cold gared entremet, at the making of wS.icii Cuciiie had presided, readily fetche d a hie her price than the public now , pay for the ' Complete Works'' of the poet of Green-Aib -nr court ' Careme studied under various great in istei -, but he perfected his studies under Boucher, -' del services of the Prince Talleyrand. The glory of Careme was so eo-eval with that o Napoleon : those two individuals were great men at the ame period ; but tho glory tf one wiil, perhaps, be a little more enduring than that of the other. I will not say whose glory will thus last the longer ; for as was remarked courteous ly by the Oxford candidate for honours, who was more courteous than "crammed," and who was asked which were the minor Prophet., "I am not willing to draw tnvidions distinctions !" In the days of the Empire,- the era of the greatness, of the achievements, and of the re flections of Careme, the possession of him was as eagerly contested by the rich as that of a nymph by the satyrs. He was alternately the glory of Talleyrand, the boast of Layallette, and r&gXri:?iTr'-j7x.J3-I?-rr& -"lUBJir.'nOf-SS. tmWeVW-ate harolf ,y : TERMS, TWO DOLlifiS PEB iAA'IU WHOLE NO. 207 thereon k- ki 7 7 "io-uoojt, witn reHecUons (i5Wjpl,a0l0Phil1 a"d g-tronomic. But Careme W8S ft as untatthlul but h . whifih- irom nower to tiowerr Tie Emperor Alexander dined with Talleyrand, and forthwith he sedu ced Careme : the seduction money was only .100 sterling per month, and the culinary ex-, penses. Careme did not yield without mufch coyness. He urged his love for study, his de sire to refine the race of which he made himself the model, his love for his country rand he even accompanied, for a brief moment, "Lord Stew art" to Vienna ; but it was more in the way of policy than pastry : for Count Orioff was sent after him on a mission, and Careme, after flying with the full intention of being followed, to London and Paris, yielded to the golden solici tation, and did the Emperor Alexander the hon our of becoming the head of the imperial kitch en in whatever place his Majesty presided. But the delicate susceptibility of Ca .eme was wounded by discovering that his book of ex penses was subjected to supervision. He flung up his appointment in disgust, and hastened across Europe to England. The jealous winds wished to detain him for France, and they blew him back on the coast between Calais and Boulogne, exactly as they did another gentle man, wiio may not be so widely known as Car eme, but who has been heard of in England' under the name of William Wordsworth. Careme accepted the omen, repaired to Paris, entered the service of the Princess Bagration, ii d served the table of that capricious lady, maitx tVhotrl. As the quests uttered ecsta ic praises of the fare, tho Princess would smile "pon him as he s:oo.. before her, and exclaim, "He is the pearl of cooks! It is a matter of -nrprise that he was vain ? Fancy being called a-, ' pearl" by a Princess ! On reading it we think of the days when Lady Mary Wortley Monta- j gue put nasty footmen into eclogues, and deifi I ed the dirty passions of Mrs. Mahonv's lacauev.. 1us r;i V,l.tjineuc H.ilg'etnvn. ami:, ( I.ima tMrr.-. i - " -tr-. lis services to ihe EWKsh' '" - A mhiMfa of ' ' .i ' ' W cv Tk . . v.v,un vi t eui.rt. mere, every morning, seatjj ed in his magnificent kitchen,. Careme received e i7.- mi . . ''ow. tne visit of "MiloKStewart who seldom left him without presents and encouragements. In deed, these rained upon the immortal artists. The Emperor Alexander had consented to have Caiemes projects in culinary architecture dedi cated to him, aud, with notice of consent, sent him a diamond ring. When Prince Walkous ki placed it ou his finger, the cook forgot his d gnity, and burst into tears. So did all the other cooks in the Austrian capital, out of sheer jealousy. Careme, two yeras before George IV. was King, had been for a short period a member'bf the Regent's household, He left Vienna to be present at the Coronation ;.but he arrived too late; and lie does not scruple to say, very ungen erously, that theTianquet was spoiled for want f his presence, nor to insinuate that the col leagues with whom he would have been associa ted were unworthy of such association, an in sinuation atooce base and baseless. After being the object of a species of semi-worship, and ielding to every new offer, yet affecting to des-pi-e them all, Careme ultimately tabernacled villi Baron Rothschild in Paris ; and the super human excellency of his dinners, is it not writ ten in the "Book without a name" of Lady 1 Morgan ! And was not His residence there the object of envy, and cause of much melancholy, and opportunity fr much eulogy, on the part of George IV. ? Well, Anthony Careme w$nd have us believe as much with respeel to him self and the King ; but we tlo not believe a word of it; for the royal table was never bet ter cared for by- the royal officers, whose duty lay in such cire, than at this very period. George IV. is said to have tempted him by Of fering triple salaries ; but all in vain ; for Lon don was too triste an abiding place for a man whose whole soul, out of kitchen hours, was given to study. And so Careme remained with his Jewish patron until infirmity overtook his noble nature, and he retired to dictate his ! immortal works (like Milton, very I) to his ac i compHshed daughter. Les beaux restes of Cftr ! erne were eagerly sought after ; , but he would not heed what was no longer a temptation ; for ' he was realizing twenty thousand frances a year j from the bookseller, besides the interest of the J money he had saved. Think of it, shade of ; .M l ton ! Eight hundred pounds sterling yearly : for writing on kitchen-stuff ! Who would com ! pose epics after that ? But Careme's books were 'pics after their sort, and they are highly credit able to the scribe who wrote them from his ! t.otes. Finally, even Anthony Careme died, ' like cooks of less degree ; but he had been the j imperial despot of European kitchens, had been "beringed" by Monarchs, and been smiled on by - princesses ; he had received Lords in his kitchen and had encountered ladies who gave him a great deal for a very little knowledge in retnrn ; and finally, as Fulke Greville had inscribed on his tomb that he had been the friend of Sir Philip Edney, so the crowning joy of Careme's life might have been chiselled on his monument, indicating that he had been the friend of one whom he would have accounted a greater man than the knightly hero in question,- namely, il Maestro Rossini ! Careme's cup waa thereat i ot K. al ; i rca of Ith i J 1 V v. j i ' - a j. I f t 7E:, re --ite. fat-. ir a m?mmmammfrmm&i&Mmkf- -i I 'ssi0.-aur " : " lw.tiBwiWi mm

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