- , '.'"."i. ig!iri 00 T HE R M; W OS It Y P'OgT 202 full ! and he died, perfectly eonTmced at par ad itself would b g'ad . commg. . The celebrated Danger, was f hef to . the celebrated financier Grlmode laKe i . nrv. Grimaud died a martyr to his we las wju v ,. . eoicurean tastes. He aimng ou lies grat, when he allowed his appetite to digestion, and be died of the ex- ces; Bartbe, the author of " aiw? - fidelites," also fell on the field of the dining- room. He was extremely snori-eiguu, ate of every thing o. the table. He did not consult hi appetite, but his servant, asking him, Have I eaten of that !" 44 Have I had any of vthisT It was afier partaking too freely, both of tt this " and. " that," that poor M. Bartbe let his temper get the better of bim in an argument, and atroke of apoplexy sent him under the table. ; His cook deplored in him the loss of a . man of taste. The cook of the Count de Tease, Master of the Horse to Marie Antoinette, was famous tor dressing artichokes. The great Monll.an sur, rA him. however; but this feat did not save .. e A.rr la lava in noVertV. The elder Robert was, perhaps, equal to either of II H H.rLlL 11 UIU SlViC j tbem in tbia or in any other respect connected with hia art. The great Careme, ignorant of inv ftverv thine else, was at least an accomplished ..... .... " 7 table, were sold, like tie second-hand pies from the royal table at Versailles, for fabulous prices. As I have before intimated, it was for Leo X. the Careme the -Krst invented those succlent, but orthodox, dishes, which pleased the pontifical palate at a season when gratification by gravy would have been scandalous! It, was in ibe Baron Rothschild's household that Careme the Second invented his famous sauce piquante, the result of his studies under Richaut, Asne, and the elder Robert. It was in and for France that Careme published the learned and curious work of which he is the reputed author, and which lie may have dictated, but which he could not have written. It is marked by philosophical in quiry, instruction and pleasant trifling ; and neither book nor-reputed author has be:n excel led by. any artist, or any example of kitchen lit erature, thai has appeared since that period. Before the age of Careme, the popular kitch en in France, was not very superior to our own ; and the patrons of tavernes and traiteurs were as coarsely fed as our frequenters of ordinaries. But as royalty fell, the restaurateur rose ; and when, in 1 786, the cooks of Louis XVI. begun to augur badly of their prospects, three provin cial brothers, BartbeLemy, Mannielles and Simon, opened their famous restaurant, " Les Trois I teres Provencaux" iu the Palais Roval. and constituted themselves the cooks of a not h' r "King, -the sovereign people. The neiv esiab l i . .. iisiiment created an era in the h.s'.ory of v oke , ' an1 m a n sf all alt n A ln . . 1 i . ......... I . - oi Hit graues oi reputation, n-sorieu to Hi lai k's of the Brothers. General Bonapavt and iarr.s were to be seen there dady, before ih-y.tok' their cheap pleasure at the theatre f .ld!! . Montausier. During the wars of the Empire it was the chosen stage for the farewell banquets of. brethren in firms, and t thisnerio tij're ceipts amountedr?ro lioTtlesrfhlih &Da criij j daily. Ibe triumvirate f proprietors. endurtd longer than any such union in the politica. world; and H was not till the reigu of Louis Phillippe that the establishment of " Lts Trois Freres" descended, under a new propriety, into a more unpretending position than that which it had proudly sustained during half a century. The casseroles of the savoury brothers had re mained ' unshaken, while Kings and constitu tions had alien around them. The fortune of the Provincial Brothers tempt ed another country cook from his obscurity ; and some four years after the formerhad set up their tables in the Palais Royal, the immortal Very thrust his feet iuto wooden clogs, au i trudged from a village on the Meuse up to the capital, to give it a taste of his quality. He n chanted Marshal Duroc with some of his ptiis, and-henceforth his fortune was secure. He married a beautiful woman, whose pen kept his books, whose face attracted customers, and whose heart was devoted to her husband. A quarter of a century sufficed to enable Very to die immensely rich, after working excessively hard, and to be magnificently entombed in i lie Cimetiere Montmartre, under a marble column. which bore the engraved assurance that " his whole life was devoted to the useful arts " Beauvilliers appeared in Paris about ties une lime as "the Three Brothers;" he m id' i unmade his fortune three or four times, und U e l poor, three years after Very died so rich. iVau villiers was the author of "X' Art du C ut.er," a book almost as interesting as "The Art f Dining;'' and one cannot. name either without standing mentally chapeau has! before the author. Beauvilliers was famous for his splendid wines and heavy bill. The Veau qui tette was renown ed for its sheep-trotters. The reputation of oth ers was built upon kidneys ; that of Very, on his entrees truffees. The " Three Provincial Brothers" enjoyed a wide esteem for the way in which they dressed cod with garlic. Baleiue kept a house that was crowded by the admirers of fish ; while that of Robert was distinguished for the 'graceful attention with which previously ordered dinners were served ; and that of Hen neveu for the splendid boudoirs iu which shy couples, too modest to encounter the public gaze could dine in private, and cease to find ilie.ir modesty oppressive. Beauvilliers', as I have in timated, was -a costly house; but it was not therefore the mosc excellent in Paris. The ex cellence of a dinner is not to be determin d la its price. Four years ago an illustrious party dined at Philippe's, in the Rae Montorgut-il, at a far lower cost, and after a fa more equisite fashion, than if they had joined the Epicuteans of the Clarendon, at 5 per head. The party consisted of Lords Brougham and Dufferin the Honourable W. Stuart, two other " Britishers," andCouat D'Orsay and M. Alexandre Dumas. The dinner on this occasion was a recherchee af fair. ; It had been as anxiously meditated upon as an epic poem ; and it was a far pleasanter thing. "The most successful dishes," says the author of " The Art of Dining," " were the bisques the fritures a T Italionnt, and the gigot a la Bretannt, out of compliment to the world wide fame of Lord Brougham Alexandre Dumas, M. Philippe produced some Clot de Vougeot (like his namesake in High life Below Stairs,) he vowed should never go down the throat of a man whom he did not esteem and admire ; and it waa voted nrat-rate by acclam- ation. , , The French 'repast are not always good, even when they are rather costly.; In 1807, a party of twenty two sat down to a repast at the vouner "Robert's" in Paris. The Amphitrvon of the feast was M. Daolouis elusive of wine, amount were but three or foijrat dishes, and two tTj three sauces. The djtent of the guests was 1 general, and the give the feast allowed that the dinner was- not good as that ot the 44 SocieU des Metf? at Le Gacque's, which cost only ev4DC9 Per head, ordinary wine, liaueurs. arid included. " Mats, a ..diner, Messieurs, p,M Nw whether it be Deitial obliviome cwen scruple Of thinking tooelT on event, , i ' no know Why yet I IiveJ. ' this thing's to do I' " SBAKSPKASt. ' It is sometimef that great men are made so by the force'umstances. It' by great ness we mean IP'bitiou of great and bril liant qualities'p'ds true, only so far as it furnishes apajiltnwxor rtneffujfactj fiere are three reauisites lo Greatness : the x. possession of great qualities, the determination to exercise them, and a trainvof favorable circum stances. Of these the latter is least requisite. The second, which implies decision of character, is absolutely 'indispensable' to success of any kind. Those who, through want of it, meet with d sappoinlnifcut, rarely attribute their failure to the right cause, but almost always charge it upon circumstances. This is attributing to them an amount of influence over our destiny, greater thau they really posses. We may, in some cases we' must, be guided by them : it depends upon ourselves whether they shall control us. He who sits still, and waits for success to come to him, will never attain it. The moun tain will not come to Mahomet; Mahomet must rise and go to the mountain. He who is bent upon achieving success of any kind, will not be intimidated by adverse circumstances, but will wrest them to hi own advantage. He will turn aside the stream of events into a channel, which, with'- much labor, he has excavated, and, trusting himse'f to the current, will be borne onward 'to the accomplishment of bis wishes: yet not without labor. Skill and at tention will still be requisite to enable him to steer clear of the obstruction which threaten to retard his progress, or stop it altogether. Tue passage which I liave placed at thediead of this article, discloses the two chief causes of o'ir trimming inactive, when an unaccomplish ed '.i.jc t i-, calling upon us for exertion. Bestial o'. iv;: n, w hen" interpreted, means, I suppose, th;it .'oipid insensibility which nothing but the si'oi.g. i inducements can move to exertion w hi. h " Will not stir without great argument" and . jn then, will seize upon any pretence v. hu'lr s re as an excuse for relapsing iqto its ftjrWT- J.kJJ"--f-no.mqr strik VrK- y.e-v oi -no. mqr striit CarVTC&, : evan is contained in the character? so WrjbVy sketched by Scott, of the Saxon prince, Athelsane. Possessed of great personal strength and skill in arms, be needed some motive sufficiently strong, to rouse him from his apathy, and'prevent hi.ni from re lapsing into it. His exploits-at the storming of Front de Beeuf's-castle, show what he could d when sufficiently roused. Such a motive was wanting, and so lie lived on. " And the chief good and market of his time Was but to eat and loep." Undue precipitation, every one must see, is daugerous to the accomplishment of any (object we may have in view. Too great precaution, or thinking too precisely on the event," is not leSS :0. " There is wtide in the affairs ot men. Which, taken at the flod, leads on to greatness." But it is essential that it should be taken at the flood. If we waste time in idle apprehensions up n the biink, the flood will subside, and with it our hop. of advantage. Nothing de.-irable is gained without sornetak. But if the risk is small, and the advantageimportant, we ought not to liedtata. He who at this day would scruple to iross the Atlantic, though earnestly de-.rou.s --f o doing, becausa of the remote pos sit. Iny of being drowned. wouU be thought to carry his fears to an absurd extent. The mer chant ho acted upon this principle woufd'.suf fer his bales to remain in warehouse, not daring to,c.tuiiiK them to the possible dangers of the Sea. r It is well to count the cost of an undertaking before deciding to carry it into execution. But by dwelling too much upon the unfavorable side ot the picture, it will apper.r to be darker jthan it really is, till" we are induced to remain idle, or, if not,-to decide upon active measures, when the time foi carrying them into tflVct has gone by. We cannot set limits to the strength of a de teriniiied resolution, or to the effects which may result from it. It is qnfortunate that it has been s- often exerted in a bad cause. Yet, even here we cannot help admiring while we condemn. Who is not struck with the indomit able will of Marios, who, as he satjarnid the ruins of Carthage, an quteast from human socie iy, unmoved by the desolation which surround ed him, formed the daring resolution that he would ag tiu enter Rome as a victor. Success cro ud his efforts, and a few months after saw bim for the evehth time invested with the con sular d guity. There is no difficulty in forming resoluiions; unfortunately it is much more difficult to abide by thorn. The only gravitating principle which can bring down the magnificent air-castles of the imagination, to a place upon the solid earth, is labor, well directed and unremitting. With out this, the most promising resolves and the most lofty aspirations are alike ineffectual. " The flighty purpose never ia o'ertook, Unless the deed go with it.": IL A. Tas Bklls and thk Sttmnt.- At a cer tain evening party, a haughty young beauty turned to a student who stood near her, and aid , " ? "Cousin Joh, I understood your eccentric I have agreateuriosi- V TO'"rnging on the sofa. : fr-titZ said he. "mv beautiful Newiahes to be introduced to you., .. . v nn, .qrawiea tr Wy(-ELDOSyawn. fchreturnejLto his cousin and advised her toaster the iutrtfducticn till s more favorable time repeating the answer he had received. The.beauty bit her lips ; but the- next ment'sfieaid, "Well, never fear. I shall mo- iuist off beingMnxroductd ;,After borne delay, L was led up and the ceremony of introduction performed. Agree ably surprised by th beauty and commanding appearance of Catjiarine, L made a pro foundly low bow ; but instead of returning it, she raised hereyeglass, surveyed him from head to foot, and then waving the back of her hand towards h?m, drawledmt, "trot him off, John ! that's enough !" A TUBKISH LADY BATHING. x .... Her attire is aUfirst removed. An attersdarit takes a glove everyday it is a new glove of undressed silk. $$5 disengaged band she pours over her mistiwV.suitker basin of warm water. Thus, byJ " f rle friction with purities wTiich are deposited on the skin." -This finished the attendant covers the lady from head to foot,-by means of a mop of downy silk, with a lather made of a particular emollient soap, pe culiar. I believe, to Turkey. Upon this soap depends much of that poach-like softness, and snowy whiteness of the skin for which Eastern women always are so remarkable. It has the reputation of removing stains, spots and freckles that are not deeply marked, in the cuticle. This part of .the matter having been carefully per formed, the lady is again deluged with water, heated to 110 or 120 deg., and poured from a taus (basin) of silver. Large towels we might call them sheets, of the finest white muslin, rich lyembroidered with flowers and gold, are wrap ped around her ; and she is led into a saloon, where, reclining upon a heap of cushions, she sinks into a soft, dream-like languor, that might become faintness, were it not for the assiduity with which a slave fans her. As soon as she is sufficiently recovered to bear it, another slave combs, perfumes and disposes her hair in orna mental braids. The hour after the bath is one of gentle, sleepy loveliness. Colloquy between an English Lady axd a "i ankee Officer. Soon alter the revolution ary war, Capt. P., a brave Yankee ofii er, was at St. Petersburg, in Russia, and while there, accepted an invitation to dine ; there was a large number at table, and among the rest an English lady, who wished to appear one of the knowing ones. This lady, on understanding that an Ameri can was one of the guests, expressed to one of her friends a deiermination to quiz him. She fastened on him like a tigress, making many in quiries repecting our habits, customs, dress, manners, and mode of life, education, amuse- jnejjts&c., &c. inena jj - - 'vvi t-p iWWNNi.y - I ,hWr comfeany, except' the lady ; she was determined not to be satisfied, and the following short dialogue took place. Lady. Have the rich people in your country any carriages ? For I suppose there are some that call themselves rich. Capt. P. My residence is in a small town upon an island where there are but few carria ges kept but in the larger towns and cities on the main land there are a number kept in a style suited to our republican mauners. Lady. I can't think" where you find drivers I should not think the Americaus knew bow to drive a coach. Capt. P. We find no difficulty on that ac count, madam ; we can have a plenty of drivers by sendir-g to England for them. Lady (speaking very quick) I think the Americans ought tdrive the English, instead of the English driving the Americans. Cipt. P. We did, madam, in the last war ; but since peace we permit the English to diive us! The lady, half choked with anger, stood mute a minute, and then left the room, whispering to her friend The Yankees are too much for us in the cabinet, as well as in the field. Incident of the Qck en's Visit to Paris. At the bail at the Hotel de Vi He an incident oc curred to the Q teen which, not-withstandinc her well known self-possession, was near discon certing her. After the quadrille, in which her Majesty took part, she resumed her seat in the chair of state, when the Emperor a vailed himself of the opportunity to dis-patch au aid-de camp for one of the Arab chiefs who was present on the occasion. On his approach his Majesty took him by the hand and formally pre sented him to the Queen of England, when oc cured a truly graphic scene. The chief imme ately prostrated himself on the floor, and em braced the knees of her Majesty. The act was so instantaneous that, there was no possibility of preventing it, a.nd all that can be sai l is, that it was lucky the Queen of England and Mo. r were not found in such a position behind a curtain in swap of before such a blaze of 1 'gbts. The chief dressed-in his burncose, his extraordinary corded cap, buried Ids face in her majesty's lap, and spread his arms and hands on either side of her knees. The Queen bore it with great dig nity, though when the ceremony was over she turt.eu upon the Emperor a meauing smile, which afterwards broke out a good humored laugh. Another chief was afterwards presented, but his majesty took- the precaution of saying a few word to the dark son of the desert previ ously, and it was observed that he simply bowed after the European fashion. Paris Cor. N.T. Herald. Drying Pumpkins and Making Pies. Cut them up and stew them till they are soft and dry; pound and strain them through a colan der ; then grease pie-pans, and spread it on a quarter of an inch thick and dry it ; roll it up, and put it away in a tight box or bag, from the insects. Each one of these roils will make a pie. It is rery easy now to make a pie. Put it in sweet milk, and let it soak about two hours ; put in an egg, tablespoonful of sugar, a teaspoonful of ginger, and one of allspice ; and if you are lovers of pumpkin pie, as we are, you will pronounce it good. Ohio Farmer. ' , 7 Fried ApplebA dish of fried apples is quickly prepared for the table, which is often a consideration of jio small importance. Wash them cut them in two, take out the stem, core and calyx, and, unpeeled, put into a tin pan with butter, or the gravy of baked pork, with some water, in proportion to the quantity to be fried, cover them with a lid, set them on the stove, stir them occasionally until they become soft and be careful not to burn them. Ro manites, which are often almost worthless, baked or raw, "disappear with good gusto when fried.." We may truthfully pronounce despicable Pen ( ics, when fried, good ; but the Porters, Bellflow ers, Tall man sweets, and a long list which we might name, when fried, are really a luxury. Sour apples do not fry well ; they fry to pieces too much. Country Gentleman. Receipt fob.Sealing Cans. A Baltimore druggist sends us the following: ; Being frequently asked by heads of families what they will use for sealing cans and bottles, in which to f eenre prepared fruits and vegeta bles, I send youl the following recipe for publi cation : Take cam m on rosin 4 ounces, common. 1 ounce, corraon Vermillion 1-8 ounce. Put the whole tojvther in a common bowl, and heat by means ofan ethereal oil lamp filled with al cohol. Keel it fluid with the lamp as above directed whit the- bottles are b-ing dipped or the cans beife sealed. Should this composition get sticky act a little more turpentine. Sloan's Garden City The Resuit of Kissing the Butcher. "My dear," said anaffectionate wife, "what shall we have for dinar to day,?" "One of yar smiles," replied the husband. "I can dim on that every day.'' - "But I can?," replied the wife. "Then take this," and he gav her a kiss, and went to his bisins. He returnel to dinner. "This is aa excellent steak," sai l l.e; "what did you paySNr it ?' "Why, whit you gave me this morning, to be sure," repied his wfe. "The deuce you.'id'" exclaimed he ; "then you shall have money tie next time you go to market. A fashionable doctor ktely informed his friends, in a large company, that he has been pa-sing eight days in the country. 11 Yes," said one of the party, "it has been announced in one of the journaU." " Ai," said the doctor, stretching his neck very important, " pray, in what terms ?" " In what terms ? Whv. as well as I ran re member, in nearly the following: "There were last week seventy-seven interments1 less than the week before." ' The doctor's neck was seen suddenly to shrink down, till his head nearly touched his shoulders ; and shortly after he was missed from the saloon. fWWQ-o? the company.' l ickles. "An excellent way to make pick les which will keep a year or more is drop them. into boiling hot water, but do not boii them; let Uiem stay ten minutes, wipe them dry, then drop them into cold, spiced vinegar. Tbey will not need to be put into salt and wa-ter.'- The Missing Aeronaut. The Cleveland Her ald, of October 17th, says : It makes one shudder to think of the probable fue of M-.. Winchester, who went up in a balloon from JS'orwalk, Huron county, Ohio, on the 2d inst. Over two weeks have elapsed, and no tidings have as yet reached his family at Milan of his fate Whether frozen to death in upper air and thus dash fed to earth, or buried in the deep bosom of the Lake, no word has come to tell. While we won der at his temerity, we must pity his probably sad late, ret there hope still, as the last seen of him his airy vessel was wafted towards the north sufficiently inflated, as we are told by the Norwalk papers, for a voyage of from two or three days. Maybe he landed in Canada, so far from railroads and telegraphs as to prevent tidings yet reaching his home. It is but a hope, however. The Norwalk Reflector says : "It is generally believed here that he is lost. As to the precise manner, if so, there are various opinions- Many suppose that he may have ascen ded so high that he became insensible and perished from cold. His fate, whatever it may be, is a mat ter of speculation. . We conversed with a gentle man from Milan a few days since, who told u- that Mr. W. h::d, for some time past, manifested a strong desire for ballooning, and that he bad ex pressed his intention of ascending higher and to make a longer jerial voyage than any other asro naut had ever accomplished. We are told he took only twenty five pounds of ballast with him, vvhich was about half as much as he took when he made his ascent from Milan a short time previous." The Norwalk Experiment expresses a hope that the press everywhere, and especially east of us, will speak of the ascension, and if it should be that he has landed safely, information may be sent to his family in Milan. Royal Courting. The London correspondent of the Boston Post, speaking of the rumored matri monial alliance on the tapif between the young Prince Frederick William, of Prussia, says : . 'The Times pounces down with unusual bitter ness upon young Prince Frederick William, of Prussia, the nephew of the King and heir-apparent of the throne, who is at Balmoral for the last few days, having come for the purpose of improving his acquaintance with the princess royal. It is now understood that a preliminary understanding was entered into, in 1851, that she was one day to be come the bride of this young prince, himself now about nineteen years old, and so far as character, in telligence, and personal appearance are concerned, her royal highness could not do better. But it is the misfortune of royal personages ihat these things cannot be divested of their political aspects when they are concerned, inasmuch as they involve ques tions of policy and alliance important to kingdoms, and the Times thinks that those most forward in promoting this match are not consulting the hap piness of the princess or the welfare of England. The connexion of Prussia with Russia is the great hindrance put forward ; and upon "this the Times bears with all its powers." lw Full Rig. A Cincinnatti (Ohio) paper con tains an advertisement of bonnets and petticoats for young men' wear, to correspond with the shawls, now so universally worn. COMMUNICATION. METROPOLITAN CORRESPONDENCE letter chi. New York, Nov. 3, 1855. Arrival of the Baltic Important news Decline in Cot ton Rise in Breadstuff A money crisU Successes of ifie Allies Russian Repulse ColvmUa College Anni otrsary Australia Steam Communication Thackeray in New Tori An entertaining book of Table Talk Two anecdotes from it A romantic piece of royal biog raphy The Japan expedition A discarded book by De Quincy A surreptitious re-print of it Cora and the Doctor Little & Brown's Series of the British Poets j Spencer's Poetical Worko 7 wo more volumes of Ma ' cav&ey'sHistoy of Englanrd Harper' Magazine. Mv Dear Post : There was some solicitude this morning at our breakfast Rabies, to know why the steamship Baltic had not arrived,, but that is all happily terminated by ljhe intelligence that she is "below". She brings late and rather important intelligence from Europe, the princi pal items of which are a money crisis in Lon don, the decline of cottou, the advance of bread stuffs, advances andsucceses of the Allies in Rus sia, and the prospect of a great battle in the Cri mea. I have not the details of all this intelli gence before me and cannot therefore lay them before your readers. I may expand these bare outlines a little, it is true, by adding, that the Bank of England has advanced its rate of inter est to ircs.per cent a .startling fact to moneyed men and one which presages nra panic in the charmed circle of gold. The decline in cotton of one-eighth, following close on the heels of a still greater decline in the price of that great staple is ominous of difficulties upon this side in paying our foreign debt, and the advance of breadstuffs is not a counterbalance to his draw back. The Allies are, reporting very favorably and have organised advances from Eupatoria. They have had a series of successful operations on the straits of Kartell, capturing one town and beleaguering others. The Russians had attcked Kars but suffered a bloody repulse and a loss of four thousand men. They are reported to be entrenched with great strength in the northern part of Sevastopol and expect there to bid defi ance for the winter to the assaults of the Allies. The genera! tone of the dispatches from the seat of war is iud'eative of sanguine expecta;i'ns on the part of tht3 Western Powers, and of waning energies on the p rt of Russia. Of merely local news there is little to interest your readers. The annua! commencement fes tival of Columbia College in this city, was cele brated on Wedne-day evening with the u-ual eclat. There were public exercises of a literary naiure at Hope Chapel, and there were more private ones, of a gastronomic nature at Peteler's Restaurant on Broadway. Professor Anderson Mtiot the magician of that name !) entertained the audience at Hope Chapel, with an amusing j retrospect of Alma Mater, in which fun; fancy and philosophy (the three fs you know':) were amusingly blended. An alumnus of the Col lege Roosevelt by name lecited a somewhat I clever Sax(t)on. oemon the are of Pros id cat the present age, of which the poet sr id some caustic tilings vv no .-ha ains tv hi-s .eh 's taai sre against us, that we VVa-yJ.eiphu"r lores young dream " '"1ve-fty mueUiuery, and Oirtifril Columbia College, thus claims a modicum of the public notice once in every year ! A scheme of steam communication with Aus tralia is the subject of much talk and some ex pectation in our- commercial circles. The col onists have a "Steam Postal Communication Bill," which contemplates one of two great routes between Australia and the Motherland One of these is au overland route through the British East Indian possessions and by the Med iteranean Sea to England, a route advocated by ultra loyalists, and the other an oceanic route, via Tahiti, Panama and New York. This lat ter course will in all probability be the one re solved upon, and if so, it will rn ike our metrop olis a great commercial as well as postal entre pol between Australia and Europe, bringing Melbourne and New York within forty dayl distance of each other. Surely this is an age of speed. I must not forget to notice Mr.. Thackeray's debut in our city as the chronicle of the Geor ges which took place on Thursday night at the Universalist Chapel of Mr. Chapin.3 The building was pretty well filled, and the audiance received the speaker with very hearty, if not very boisterous applause. There were many thee familiar with his face and they at least feltjia good degree of pleasure in seeing once niofe its kindly beaming smile. His eyes were visible only through his spectacles but I am sure they were bright with gladness, and his til-verv-head was bowed many times with sincere emqtion. The author of "the Newcomes" was evidently welcome and sure of it. I cannot here anayze his speech, which was delivered with his usul ease of mannner, and abounded with the keep, yet delicate satiric humour of his mind It was both bright and strong bright with ni grammatic sparkle, and strong with genuine Saxon energy. I shall have more t-j say of this course of Lectures in another letter. " Table Traits with something on them" is the quaint title of a new book which R-dfield has jjust republished from the London Edition. It U from the inlustrious and equally ingenious pen jof Dr. Doran, whose " Habits and Men" I notiped only a few week's since. The present book is crammed as full of entertaining anec dotes about the tble and those who love it as an egg is full of meat. Its bill efface, m other words its table of contents is enough to- pro voke an appetite iu the most satiated reader. Every page has its bonne bouche, and might serve for a dessert of itself. Dr. Doran has col-lectd-a vast amount of -curious and Amusing 'tabje talk" from which I select a braee of an ecdotes as a sample of the' book. The first is about GREAT ME3T ASD THEIR COOKS. There are some men for whom cooks toil in vaini The Duke of Wellington's cook had se rious doubts as to his master being a great man lie so loved simple faie. Suwarrow was an other General who was the despair of cooks. His biographer says of him, that he was at din ner when Col. Hamilton appeared before him to announce an Austrian victory over the French. The General had one huge plate before him, a sort of Irish stew, with every thing for sauce, from which he ate greedily, spitting out the bones, "as was his custom." He was so delight- j ea with the message and the messenger that he received him as Galba did Icelus, the announcer of - Nero's death : with his un wiped mouth, he began kissing the latter, (as the half-shaven Duke of Newcastle once did the bearer of some welcome intelligence.) and insisted on his sitting down, and eating from the General's plate, ""without ceremony.- The great Coligny Was, like Suwarrow, a rapid eater; but he was more nice in his diet. The characteristic of Coliggy was, that he always used to eat his tooth picks ! i The second will make your readers acquaint ed with A QUEER EATER. "Among eccentric gastronomists,' I do not re cellect one mote remarkable than Mrs. Jeffreys, the sister of Wilkes. At Bath she slept through out the year beneath an open window, and the , snow? sometimes lent her bed an additional counterpane. She never allowed a fire to be kindled in this room the chief adornment of which a a dozen clocks, no two of which struck the hour at the same moment. She breakfasted frugally enough on chocolate and dry tjast, but proceeded daily in a sedan chair, with a bottle of Madeira at her side, to a board-ing-hpuse to dine. S ie invariably sat between two gentlemen, "men having more sinew in mind and body than women," and with these she shared her "London Particular' Warner.J TCTtsfcirtirjriv,ecouections, says that some mighty joint that was especial! well covered witli fat, was always prepared for her. She. was served with slices of this fat, which she swallow ed alternately with pieces of chalk, procured for her especial enjoyment. Neutralizing the subacid of the fat with the alkaline principle of the chalk, she "amalgamated, diluted, and as similated the delicious compound with half-a-dozen glasses of her delicious wine." The diet agreed well with the old lady, and she maintain ed that such a test authorized use." In addition to these picquant paragraphs from the Doctor's book I send you a chapter entitled "Pen and Ink Sketch of Careme" which you may possibly find entertaining enough to serve up to your readers in jour weekly miscella ny. There is a vast deal of the humorous and marvellous in another book recently published bv Redfield entitled uThe Private Life of an Eastern King." This is a picture drawn by an eye-witness of the manners aud customs of roy alty in the petty Sovereignties of British India. The subject of this narrative is Prince Nussir-u-deen, King of Oude of whom there is a famous couplet which by the bye, determines i he way iu which the name of his country shouid be pro nounced "The Kind of Oude Was mighty proud t ' As I have already intimated there is bo;h mirth and marvel in this extraordinary piece of r.yai biography. Its hunting adventures are not surpassed by those of Nuurod Cummino-s of South African memory. Nassir-u-deen was a good de.-d of a wag himself, and his personal ad ventures are full of fun. In a graven point of viewy his book is rather a melancholy picture of men auri Tworare in t!1 ETSUf' T . mi The Japan Expedition has prove a fruitful theme for book wrights. Among the various works which it has brought forth there is one of more than common interest from the press of J. S. Redfield. It is from the pen of J. W. Spalding, the Secretary of Commander Lee of the U. S. Frigate Mississippi the Flag ship of the Japan Expedition. The book is embellish ed with several beautiful engravings ' tint. It is a very graphic and entertaining narrative of what the writer saw during the Expedition. If there is one feature of ihe book more promi nent thau others it is he daguarreoiype minute ness of its observation 'which contributes great ly to aid the reader's coucepti -us of the scenes and characters described. The author does not lavish any praise on Commodore Perry, but on the contrary has not a little to say to the dis paragement of that officer whom he evident ly regards as an impersonation of eg tism and assumption. Thomas DeQuincy in the early part of his career as an author wrote and published a ro mance entitled "Kloster heini" which be has subsequently regarded with disfavor and regret so much so that he interdicted bis American publishers Messrs. Ticknor and Fields of Bos ton from embracing it in their collection of his works. Like honorable gentlemen as they are they forebore to republi-h it here; but an other Boston house, Messrs. Whittemore, Niles, and Hail, not having the fear of DeQuincy nor I fear, the courtesy of propriety before their eyes have issued it in a style nearly identical with Ticknor and Fields' series' of De Quincy 's works. It is an unnatural sort of sto ry somewhat of the Radcliff-an school and might well be consigned where its author wish ed it to go to oblivion. Cora and the Doctor popular story from the press of Messrs. Jewettand Co. of Boston, is finding a large number of interested .readers. It. is not like many of the tales of the day a flash, story but a narrative of social lite at once true and unpretending leaving on the mind of the reader nounhannir i 1 XV M"vuw. It is some time since I have mentioned Lit tle and Brown's beautiful series of the British Poets a reproduction and extension cf the fa mous Aldine edition of Pickering. I must not omit therefore to chronicle the issue of five ad ditional volumes very recently. 'I hey contain the complete poetical works of Edmund Speu sar." This edition has been carefully and labo riously ediu d by Professor Chddsof Camb idge University -who has also prefixed an admirable memoir of the distinguished poet. There are nlready beautiful and valuable editions of this rare and subtle poet extant, but the palm of su perio.ify for form annotation and cheap ness no less must be assigned to this edition. Messrs. Little and Brown announce their inten tion of carrying ti,e series forward to complete ness wuh rapidity. They have issued already nearly Uty volumes, and have twenty more in press. There is no edition of the British potts at all tobe compared with this. , Messrs. Harper and Brothers have received the advance proof sheets of the third and fourth rolumes of Macauley's History of England, and will speedily produce them in exact correspon dence to the three various editions published by. them of the first instalment of this moat v--' and fascinating chronicle the thin Western World greau Harper's Magazine has just comply (l immense circulation of nearlv Uiun monthly. In all the elements of rpopuarjt; UIUCIOCTt ivv it wuoniuca LU SUrpasg UlUUI my I" iuw nun Yours, driven quite to a corner a evv WILLIAM D. COOKE, i JAMES A. WADDELL, M. ,D. e ditor5 RALlUOllTtrT SATURDAY NOVEMBEE lfj77855, Terms-rWO DOLLARS PES AOTnnt ifff Three Copies,,.. Eight Copies,. . . " .n i , o ? Ml Price l en Uopies .15 i wenty L-opies, so a (Payment in all case, in advance i " JOf Where a club of eight, ten or t won.,- sent, the oerson makimr nn ,h. ,.i.,u 5 sutA. o r c viuy Wlii DP Antiii copy extra. lliueentnjec the Southern Weeklv P. t0 aot 48 Aln Sto?ALs DISCONTINUANCE According to a purpose long entertained "Southern Weekly Post" will afWti... issue, which completes the fourth v Inm its history. Two very gnod reasons will w tor an explanation. First, the Post has t oeeu profitable to the Proprietor. Sn0! since the publication of the " Carolina ( ivatok" was commenced, it has been hii to confine his editorial care to that paper,, but for certain cireumstnnees-that need specified, the Post would for this reason been discontinued at an earlier day. W leave rf the public in our present capacity, some reg.et, on account of the iimh courtesy shown us in various quarters- )U; StrVPPS -.iilfl n-t l.n .i..n.l 1 , w " "c uiueu, witi justice our patrons or onrsevles. THE POLAR SEA. Since the return of the adventurous Dr Jv and the confirmation by his testimony of theory of an open ocean near the North! some efforts have been made to account f. on philosophical principles. It appears to simple comprehension very unnecessary tor to imaginary theories for theSsoltition c! question. The geographical conformatic: the globe is sufficient for the purpose. If; is no land at or near the pole, that porik the earth's surface must necessarily beoccs by an ocean unbroken by ice. b.-e does form in an open ocean. The northern coa-Ameiica,- Greenland, Europe and Asia, their numerous islands and indented s! where the prevailing winds and currents rested and confined, offer peculiar facilttit the formation of iee-bevg. The e are I At .i. l . -. i , , aiom; tniougn straits ana cianneis, tiil tin way of egress into the open sea toward South, they are exposed to a warmer c and gradually melt away. In all this we see no mystery wh There are no obstacles from ice formal tho Polar Ocean, simply because there s: projecting headlands, to form a basis fir obstacles. It must be remembered tooiLs earth is an oblate spher ed, flattened a poles. The expanse of wat r therefore, sun lDg the pole, must be like a revolving and the water, ltaving a. direct lentrifu:? dency, would prevent any lasting accuiut of ice-leigs iu its c utre near the po e. WHAT IS SPACE? We once hea-id read au in enioa essari Nothing. The properties and relations impoitant element of the universe, weie u of with scientific precision aud great .ton: of langu tge. The nat ure of space is a ki subject, but Strang.? fci say, though 'd nothing" in its essence,- ih re is no olj contemplation in the whole lanse of h i c- thought, more positive, independent, an structable. In a general sense, space is univ limited in our comprehension by no imag: boundaries, but co-extensive with the prcl of God. But we may for special pui poses. of a portion of space, and assign to it sue metrical limits and forms as we choose. space occupied by a book, for example, re j .after the book is removed, a far moreen; and unchangeable thing than the matt ject itself. You may call it xwibwg ' please, but it is a nothing which dimeit- figure, and divisibility, and which will cl your edbrts to obliterate its image from OWn mmd. ' You cannot think o! it a 8 ' or a nothing, merely of the past. Its pr existence forces itself upon you, and if y fJnno Jnnr to Stndv ita rirnnertieS. it 1 o j - t t ' you like a spec re ! Piecisely such are some of the q"e" which divide sects and parties at the pi day. "Viewed in themselves they are ne" thing, when comoared with those princip '6 "men couLiiuie i ic ncss of all. But these minute differences' constantly contemplated as to acquire, well known law of the human mind, a de: importance which does not belong to tb rea:itv. Their insijrninVai.ee seems, most a ly indeed, to give them ;i greater fK"H The zeal with which some men will ..: :t i ,iir ... ' i .. ...; in cli U1 t iMuie uiJiereuoes ueiwem p" ' state, is absolutely astonishing, ti" we that in their eyes those differences Ji'ei as wide and deep as the gulf bet een and Divt-s. The exaggerations 0f -error boundless and as barren ofiall profit ment. as undefined nd unoccupied sPace' Judicial Bigotrv. The Asbevilje ( dprctaUr. says ihat recintly, at Jac rior Couit, Judre Manly 'decided thai professing th- docuiues of Universal lf' incompetent witness in the Courts ot and, in consequence, two or three that peouasi.-n were ruled out. witn1 liet1' Wis are at a los to perceive Judicial Bigotry " of Judge consisted. of la. ii- was a qiiw" , i )ur opinion his Honor, rauou'v . 1