- At - ! 4' w -;V if --' . PROCLAMATION nr We F Ve t dn tr ike 'tTnitedr Stalei of America -A fourth' article of the Const itutaono fine ITnited States declares that the United Statesahatt guarantee to' every ? ate in the Union republican form of ftorernment, kbd shall protect each of them ttgainatavaapoa and do-,, meatus violence f and, " s , ' " . T Whbbbas. Tbe President 6f4hetJni ted S tateff Is by the fldnstitutiou made Commander-in-Chief -of the A1" ad waTy. as welt aa Chief KxecutiTe Officer o the,, ported States, and Is bound U w1eofc flfolly we uto wet3ee of .President of 'the United State? and tok care 4hat the'laws be foifbfulty executed i and ; , Whbksas, The rebellion, whtch has been-wared by portion of the people of the United States against .the pro JUrlv constituted authorities of the government thereat tm She most violent and revolting "form, but whose organised j i forma have now been almost entirely overcome., has in its revolutionary progress deprived the people f j the State of Norta-Uaroiina ot aii ci vu government ; -ana.-' fiO"' It bacomea necessarrand proper to--etrry ot --a b, the obligations of tbetJntteil States lo the peo T,le of North-Caronaa in secnriug thamjli tbenjoynient of a reoublican form of gorernineat-" ? . ' J x; V M r : m an Ttotf iBercii" v --& w u v hv the CorfBtitntion fifths TlnitAd Rtotfls and for the parpo8e.-f.nabhng.the loyal people of sJ to oreanue a State trovernmen V whereby iascice ho Atahlished. domestic tranQuilitt.rasare(L-and lAvil citizens protected 4n -all 4b.eir rights of iife liberty . and property, I, ANDRSW J0ttN80NPrwdent of the v " United States ana uemmanaerrin-uniei ot-ine Army and. "Nary of the United States, do hereby appoint. WiuAam ,W, Holdbn, ProvisionaJ.Oovernop -ofJtbe- State of," North? Carolina, whose duty ft shall be, at the earliest practicable' ' period, tp prescrrbe anch rules and regulations aa may be' necessarV and proper for convening a Convention, com posed or delegates to -be chosen biT -that -jjportion. of tha;, people of said State who are loyal to the United States, and no ethers, for the purpose of altering or amending the Constitution "thereof, and with authority to exercise within the limitsof said State all the powers necessary and proper to enable sqch toyal peopleof the State of North-Carolina to restore said State la ta vonstitutlpnal -relabons , to4he Federal go Vernnaeni , and " to - present each a Kepublicao form of State government as will nti tie the State to the L" jmaranteeof tha United SUtea therefor and Un people o ' protection by the United States aairfst inva8iott,-jnsurrec-tion and domestic Violence : Erovidedy Tbat many election that may be hereafter held? forhoosing;dlegates to any State Convention, as aforesaid.tiQ person shall ie qualified, as an elector, or aha,H be eligible as a niember of such Convention unless he shall have previously taken and subscribed to the oath or Amnesty as set forth in the Presi? dent's proclamation of May 29th, 185, and la a Toter quali ' fled as prescribed by Jhe-Constitution and lawsof tbe 8tute of North-Carolina in force immediately Defore the -'AUhr; day of May, A. 1).,1361, the date of the m called ordinance. of secession-; and saia (jonventtoo, wuen convenea, or ine Leirisiature. that may, be thereafter assetabled, r-will ftre- soribe the qua ifications of electors and the eligibility df : nemons to hold office under the Constitution and laws ol the 8tate a power the peuple'f the Several States com-, posing the Federal Union hive rightfully exercisepV fronj,. the origin of the government to the present tjme ' And I , doOlereby direct . ; .. ; ... . .. - lThat the military commander cf the department, and all office ra and persons in the military and; naval ser vice, aid and assist the said Provisional Governor in carry log into effect this proclamation ; and they areeqjoined to hxtjun from, in anv ravr bindennimpedinif or discoar- aging the loyal people from the organization of State government as herein authorized. -" ' :c- - t Sectmd That the Secretafy of. State -proceed to put :n force all lawa of the United "State. the adrbinisiratioo, i - i .1 . i-A! . l: U'A- the geographical limits aforesard-'. , - " Third That the Secretary ot the" Treasury Proceed to- ' nominate for appointment assessor of taxes and collectors 1 of customs and internal revenue, and such other officers of t iha Trtnsurv Deoartment as are authorized bv law. and put in execution the Revenue Laws of the United Statet within the geographical limits atoreBaid. V - ; VT- ?.J ' In making the appointments the preTerence shall e "' given X.o qualified loval persons -reaming within tbedis-, tricts where their respective-duties ar to be- performed ; ' but if eu table residents of the districts shall not be found.' then: persons residing in other States or districts shalt be appointed. , r . - ; , . 4-t-- Ihurth That the" Postmaster General proceed to estaW lish post routes and pot into; execution the postal taws of the United. States within the said $Uto, giving, to loyal residents the preference of appointment but if suitable - residents arc not fouAd, then appoint ageiits from other Fifth That the District Judge for tha Judicial ; District in wbicb-JVortn uaroitnaia mciuaea proceeu hi ootu vmrw within said State, in accordance with the provisions of the . act of Congress . . ' a. -. .. .- - ' - ..f - ' - -Tbe Attorney General will instruct the proper officers to - ' libel and bring to judgment, confiscation and sale, a I pro perty subject to confiscation, and entorce'the administration: -of justice within said State in all matters within the cog nizance and jurisdiction ot the Federal Courts. . - ifrttk That the Secretarj of the 'Navy take poseasaion of all public property belonging to the 'avy Department vithin milt-crMiornnhicalrhmits. and Dot jn o Deration all acts of Congress in relation to naval affairs havings applica tion to said htate. . - 1: i , " , . . &nnth That the Secretary of the Interior put in force the laws relating to the Interior Department applicable.to ' the geographieal limits aforesaid. - Ib testimony w hereof I brave hereunto set my hand and " ' : nansAd the seal of Uw United States to be affixed. ' AOne at me Vl&J Of nwuiugwu, .uto . ncuj-uium uj of May, in the- year of our Lord one thousand j l- s eight hundred and sixt fiveand of the Inde l - ' pendeoce f the United , States the-" eighty -ninth. i t . '. '. ' - -- - ANDREW JOHNSON... By the Presidents -. -.' - r W-- - - "- . Wiluam aSswARD, Secretary of State.' :-;- tfi:r PROCLAMATION. . By the President f the United -States of America."- . , v "frmrHEREAS,; THE PEESIDENT OT .THE UNITED, Vw. States, ou the-eighth.'day of -December, -A. .D.-, eighteen hnndred and sixty-fcree. and on the twenty-sixth day of March, A. Dw eighteen hundred and sixty-four, did, . WHO toe oojeci vo Bupprpws tuts wsiiuk. touwnuu, to ur dnce all persons to reiura to their loyalty and. to restore tha authority of the United-States, issue proclamations ' otfering amnesty and pardon to certain persons who had, - directly or by implication,-participated ifi The said rebel lion; and,;- , - " r f-r . Whbbbas, Many persongf who had bo engaged in wd rebellion, have, since the issu ance of said : proclamation, failed or neglected, to, take the .benefits .offered thereby j Wkkbbas, Many persons, iwho have been, justly deprived. or all claim to a i-neaty anajparaon nereunaer oj reason of their participation jdireetly or hy implication, in aid ' rebellion and continued hostility to wegovernmcnt of the . United States since the date of saia proclamation, bow ae ' sire to apply forand obtain amnesty ahd pardon ? Ir-'i " . ,. To the. end, therefore, that the authority of the govern ment of the United htates maybe restored, and thai peace, order and freedom- may be established, I, ANDRE W JOaNSON. President of tha. United States; do- proclaim nd declare that I hereby arrant to IT. persons who liave v "directly or indirectly rarticiuated in the'existing.rebellion, '1 j except as uereiuaiier cicejjin, bjiuwvjouu, jfiuuuu, mn - restoration of all rights of profierty, except W slav a, , and- excent in eases where "lee-al proceedings, under: the laws of the United States provid ng for the confiscation jtf . 'property ot persons engagea in rebellion,' nave oeea.jjBsn intea, hut on the condition, nererthelftw, lout every s,uch - person t shall -take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation, and thenceforwardkoep and mauitain said oftth inviolate, and which oath shall be registered for permanent - preservation, and shall be of the tenor and effect following, lo-wit: - r " s -, do solemnly swear or amnn, in "presence of Almijrhtv God. that -I will henceforth 'faithfully support. protect and defend the Constitution of .the United States, and the Dnton of tbe States thereunder,, and that I will, in like manner, abide bv and faithfully support all laws and proclamations which have been made during thcexisting reoemon wun reierence to tne emancipawos wjiavea .So help me God. ; . -. ' '' - The following classes of persons are excepted fixni the benefits of this proclamation : - ' . i-T V lirtt All who are, or sha'l . bSVe been, pretended oivit vr.uipiumuix omcers, or oinerwise, aomesuc.ur loreign aeents of the pretended Confederate envernmetrfc " r Second Al who left judicial stations under; the.United States to aid tbe rebellion.. t ".i-s,- c- r Third AM who shall have been mil itsry or naval officers ot said pretended won federate government, aopye the ran 01 voioou id tne army or ueutenanc in-tne navy , . iourlUAU who left seats in the Congress of the United States to aid the rebellion. L . - , Fifthr AW who resigned or tandered resiirnatioDs-of their commissions in the army or navy of the U nitedijiiatea to evade dutydn resisting the rebellion. -? . , Sixth-, All who have engaged in any -way tfl the treating otherwise than lawfully' as prisouerw.if Warpersona found in the.United Stale's service, as officers; soldiers, aeameuf or m other capacities. ' r, Seventh Ait, persons who. have been or are absentees from the United States Sot the purpose of-aiding the re , ight& AlhmiHtary end aval 'officers' in" tha-' rebel service who were educated by the. government ia the atuitary Acndemy at Westvroi0ior;the'junited States Naval Academy . -; 0 fis ' - .:- iwfa All ner8onswho".held "the." pretended offices of- uovernora of States in insorractuin against tbe : United; Dtavea. - , Tenth All persons' who left their. nomas- within the jurisdiction and protection, of tbe United States, and passed . beyond the federal military lines into the, so-eaUed Coafedt -. erate States for tKa nnmu. nt .iti.Mi.. ! 1 uin- i ' .r t r persons wo ave Deen engaged in tnej estructieu.af the commerce of the United States amatbe ?t . Dd, al1 Pens who have made raids into the X 0 Iro? VDia' beeo-engeged inrde'stroyiorf the Commerce of . the tTnitoA Mt.i.v... .-; i.v. .iS nvers tbat separate the British provinces frdnvthe-Cnited i?lKA-'lll!'Jld';f ft when 4hey seek; - v... j, iu , ubu6u uerwi ny taxing ane oatn herera prescribed, are in miUlary, naval or civil eonflrrement of custody, or under h.mrla nt tha ofwil rii;.- v .tti authonlies or agentsnf the United Stales, prisoners if . poi wui uetainea ror onences or any Kind either oe Ioror after conviction. 4. J: -- V, . 4Vrte6?ith-rAl persons who have voluntarily partfcipa V1 73 i - s - 'i . 4L J haTavBii6t- Jhenceforwar,4 kept and maintained- : VrnmAcA ih&t Rnecial annlication tnav-be made'la. the Prooiont fin- narffifn -b ahv nersen belonging to ihe ex- :mtjA hIaaaofl. -a.ad isnch clemen cv will be liberally extend ed as may be consistent with the fajuts of ihe-casa and the I Jtj. .ik. TI.U.J . . -, t v The; Secretary df State WHKataWUfc-leaod..fLl:..-t5Ana fnf-iuliMTnliifctx'inar fimrAlnsr ihe said amnesty1 oath sos to inaart itf- beflefife-tohft rpeopleiraHdgutfrd I the gnvernmant against fraud.-vt "4 lit testimony wnereot. i aave uereunio ae ropwau Jr1 : V-f caused tbe seal r the miteatates w te.ui: - :. Done at the City of: Washington, the twenty-ninth day of i i ay, itttne year oi- uut Atoruoir hw j kv f eight nuuareaanu. eixty-uve, - : v-rs? nendenoe m the, United States theeigbty-U Ttv ti PnuiSilAtaiK WatwH.' Sxwabp, Secretary of Statrf AGREEMENT' . In Jlelatleo io the Iatroduction, Goodand Sttpplle. V "r s "1TN PURSUANCE " OF TBE STlT SECTION -OP THE JUL Act of CongreaW'approyed: July, 184.it is herebv bTwmekuttoiiv.tao7a U. montuiy arnonpta as mey anu uesire ui"-j i the respective postal , - ' - - - : ; - 1 . Goodal wares aod.JuerchandUwT may be taken to other p places, lhan vmi fitary posts, to r,be .di3pnsed,Of as -above provided, the Commanding General of he Depajtmentu All parties' who commence business -after.the publication of "tbia agreement, must file an oath of loyalty with the. 8upervbg Special-Agent.. -t j m6ftELDf ; Sup'g SpU. Ageat Treas. Dep'W - ; S4 tt TOO"rADE N PRODyCTS- N ORDERi TS AT' MIS APPREHENSION, AS FAR as mwaible. miv he removed in relation to the purchase, sate and: Bhlpment ,-of? products, tbe conclusions ; of;the . '. 1 .1 .- :H ..nK14elkA1 ninA- gowrBn)e.n-ib renon lucres ..it- jjaiu. jiuunduv. reiterated by ma as' Treasury Xgent. . Fias-That trads in all omdaetSOontrab&nd articles 'excepted) is ABSOLUTELY.' FREE. Any one can ,pur- cnase ixxtoa, ttooaccqt xurpeoiine, puwsvunui products-without permit from any Treasury. agert. All statftmenta or assertions to tk contrary are. without foun-. datiou and ahouio.be totally diareparaeogts . '7 . Sacoim All products purchased byparties other- than, cotton can- he-Bbipped to -the Northern market by-eimply paying?tbe regulars government fees and duties to f the Onatoma officer.! OKK'ionaTttoi the Cotton purchased &bd,i "offered for hiporent must be delivered to the- Purshasmg wjthooi CHAKQa NoH aeisure - whatever Will bemade of any'article a person has the right to -purchase or shyi. ; Thikd " Contraband articles-" a re abandoned, captured . and ebfiscated property. These - of offurso no -private part, w.U attemptto purchase a QX, $ - 4"-. Stip'g.Spl. Agent Treas Dept yewbern,JgM June8,l665 . f6toU - JOHN G LrONG, ' x. ' 'V Formerly with - v LANCER,; BROTH ERS & CO.i s, : - --Af SIOBHOK0 AKO BALTIMORE, "' -, ..,-. I '" r i7 Now with r X- LATHROP, tUDlNGTON Se CO, IMPORTERS AND' WHOLES ALE DEALERS IN Foreign ; and Domestic Dry Goods, . -Dress Goods. White.. Goods Woolens, v , t Jl .Hosiery, Carpets, Ndtlons, ' S?6, S8 AND' 330 BROADWAY,- v-' jrswroBK. Oalfinu' fha. attention or. Southern-Merchants to the above advertisement, .tba undersiirned would respectfully inform hie friends and the trade tbat tbe house of - 4. " ;LATHROP, LUDINGTON & CO.,- u U one of the largest f v . " Dry" Goods Jobbing. Houses on this continent, possessing great advantages, and pre pared to offer every inducement to huyers. ".Ti . . -t-v - ' ' J- G. LONG, a June 51885.- f 43 lm2w.- SAFBR; NORWOOD,-! A SSAFRi.LatVor Petersbar'st Ya". P..T. HOftWOOB, Late of Warren ton, N.C COM lUISSk OJXrM E RHC A If TS, ",JT- '"J Broadway, New York. .r iriONSIGNMENTSto'E COTTON, TOBACCO. NAVAL 'Stores, Grains and all other Southern products adtiqi-ted-' x ."-- " - f Orders from - Merchaais vManufactoriea. Planters -and others will receive our prompt individual attention, . . Go. J. MUorehead, Greensboro'', N. C, .. '.- r r ; - W. J. Hawkins, President- Raleigh and Gasfoa Railroad, n . i T- . j t - . ir. ... .-... ''. - Martin A FannahUI Petersburg, Va.,-" , -.EA-Vogler, Eso.alem, N. C , S. P. .Richardson, Rockiogbam, N.XJ. - ' - -'June8,"1865. " -''45 it $10' .REWARD! ' I BAD THREE MULES STOLE? ON THEMORNING pf the fib, from my stables, 9. miles .west ;ef Raleigh- ,One biackr; -mare- mute-4-one'.moase colored' norsetnuie. ehunxyiintt one. nay mare, mute, aonnt. ; yeaxaoia ,4. -wilt pay the above reward for their delivery ,to me at my, boose, 9 miles west of Raleigh, en.the pld Uavwoodoad.-.vJ- ; P: YATES. . RaJelgh, June 8, 1865..-- . ' 45 St ipd. -' - .y , - - " t ACCOMMOMTION - if ACK fflHE-Slt BS CRIB ER? WOULD" REPEfJTFULLY- running 4 HACK, to and from the Cars, and: to.any part . k' jOrders left at my house, near the -Gas Works, will be Abjo for hire, a rood HOESfi ANT BUGGY, hr t :DR.;Br UtJRH&rlTAYWOOD r OFFERS Hia PROFESSIONAL SERVlCEaf JO THE -a w citizens -or naieicfn. Aimee at pis resioence- j VMaylWS-' W. B. jCHlilGH RAtElGH, . C, -BTTT I LP" A TTEf N D VTO THE COLLETfO Of , Ww - Claims' aga inst th 'tjaarteTmaster'a and- fommia 8817 Departments-'of tbfeUaitedr-StaSrv pdrcbaseapd sale.-oo Cpmnaiswn. of. l-' 'StpckpRprndAi rSpecle TBpnfc -?fote ndlrReal. Prompt 'atte&tioii ;givea 'to alfc ustBeslaced .?bia. fflHB" CNOERSIGNED fOLtUIT-f PR0pd3-itS.0R Fthotnsaoe Asylum;"''' - i-''; ' - xuTniBuruir uikcu uuttuittiu cuiiu wwuwii t Tjne wooa can- eeaenwrca upon tne line u iw asnnnut -y - 1- """r-.V -i. -- feost: sr. 8T., SALElGH, V (OldStand ol TUCKB ANDREWS A CO.; i Ml. WHOLESALE AND .RETAIL? DEALERS I - ORQOEKIES. V,' !PR0TISt01S, y 4 i Tjr - w ': " HATS -A.Nf) CAPS. ri Tr ' 1 boots: a$b bh6es, :ri WIT, B. UTTEa. , 6E9. , r'PBJSS - n , ui?e o,.jjcw: 48 lm. Tf O; S,"BAI1)WIN, : ; -"w- i uwr -Office .with ,V- SHAFEK;;WHlTFOED, & CO.t ' ' 7F A S H 1 0 N A B JkE CLiOTHIE RS, ;CL 531 Broadway (2nd floor ' , - - . : - rNEW'TORKU 7'.."v To r: rienclsvitt v Raleight and thronghoat 1 1 0 - r , 2?orth.Crolinau : - , i TOrAVING CONNECTED MTSEL WITH THE FIRM -JOL of Shafer, Wbitford'dc Co.; 8S1 Broadway, N. V shall he pleased -to.wait on any old friends and patrona, - . The STOCK OF CLOTHING, at wholesale and retail, is extensive. , . x GARMENTS made ti order in latest styles t reasonable pncea.; - t . to. BALDWIN formerly of Wilmington and Raleigb, N.C. sax ' - . -. ' . : ro Aprif l1,!8tR, -s - BrP . -WILLIAMSOK& : CO."' COMMISSIO ?C . M E R C H A NTS, 1 , - -FAYETl'EVILLE STREET, ; i fU.,- (D C. Murray's Old Stand.) ? HAVING OBTAINED THE PROPElt PERMIT TO sell tbe articles ennmerated below, we would respect fully aak consignments from Farmers and othenfwho nave noeh articles to dispose off - ; ! ; r Cotton Cloth, Cottoa Tarns, Bacon, Flour, Lard, 8ynp8gr, Rice, Meal, Corn, Oatt, Wheat, '.i j r Long Foragei Bran. Ship Staff Tallow, , Wax, Candles, Soap,' Fish, Lambs, J : r ; Chickens, Butter, Eggs, . . . (-.' !''. . 1 and' .' - ' Vegitables of all kinds. Bsrssa to: . : "" President and Superintendent Raleigh and Gaston Rai road Company. President and Superintendent North-Carolina. Bailroad - jQhn Sloan, Greensboro. N. C -! .-.t :.; I S Williams, Charlotte, N. G. - , fw i 8 Frankfort, Salisbury, N C ; ,...v.. . Tilghman and Cooke. Weldon. N. C. r ' . : ; Ev A.-' Williams, President Exchange Bank, Clarksvflle, Virginia. r - .,)-. - r ; r 4 E. A. Rawlios, Woodswortb, Virginia. . - ' ' 1. ; Raleigh, N-C," May lr1965.. ! - . M-f,' -1:; ! lBLTJMENTHAL,; QUARTERMASTER AGENT U. S. MIL RAILROADS . -"itUTAET MV1SXO I8St8Srm. . " COOL SOB AcFOMTAIN COiNliTEOTlOiNlErlY; . CHOICE HAVMA CIGARS, T - Six doorr South of the Cepttbl, on Favetteyille St . 'A HEARTT FAiD f REDELLS Old Store; f i jtateigh, aiay ior JB , ; J - J 4 25 Irn fX Wf D. BtJTCHlNGS - ,TjeT0ULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM MIS FRIENDS mrA A. flnMtil. imhamITw lia- 1.A U 'S.hw.. I. as heretofore, to do all kind of . . - IKVMt-.au IT UO U UU IT UrCIIKTHU: t SpTlTiR . AWP H ATfcTJTgRST TtliP ATPTTfffl .; in .best ouumer. and' with jprompthess, at hii Shop, first rawtj uuww luBovuiu uihik t uvuwa varoentir aoiieitea. . ., , ---"w. j . - , . - ii. ?wr 5. A 'LIBERAL -REWARD. WILLfeEJrATD FOR THE TXli delivery at this office of k Package of Officer Cloth. ing, takeb from a car,' at' tbia place,. on tbe night of the (8Mhiuat. . - - April 8$, 1885. H-tf. FOR SALE 1 A COM PEETE - FILE - OF THE N.' 0. STANDARD, iijL.: (Semir Weekly.) fronrthe 1st of January. to tha : nresAnt time tlriiw 75 " ' -. . . --v -- 45- - . AhW. a file of tbe DAILY : RICHMOND! MTT8RR ;ftr"186Cl88?and part of j54 Price tiCn .r , ; nese, papers ara no oouud, out nre rratiged-, in the 1 BDeeui acoofwoir to uate. - . va BY ORDER OF TBE'SECRETARYtOF WAR A t Rewad,of, ' fc. r-v - vf i.T5ENTT-FIVE THOUSANP TK)LLARS H -lierjby ffferedJbrTfho arrest knd delivery ' for trit of I: urn trill outnin.n.t 1i.:. .? " - . i jriNi44i.ia.Ri Autio, .xkeoei .wovernociot Virginia. , f "-1-" H. W. HALLtCK.- ?r 20-tf... - v - -r waiuuo. am- UAnaAJtt.r - (formerirofthe,nj;moJBthawaj ACo; Wilmiagtm, N.O.) TO RTiratLAft ""Attention, paid to tbTe kale or bouttiern ifrr)duee . Uxdars for, goods With cash fi H A'P ni KF iV tt n TT ft fc 1 CORNEBk.pE,,KEW BERK ANB- PERSON JBTS., . I . nppiyjtt tuis otuce. 1 -s.- '. -i jla. bifhsnt or - raopucrs or as. insvebbctionaht- I pv- 4 An ootto not produced by persons witl their ownlao, I Leave Morehead City fbrNew,Bjne:940 ATM.! r . Urau.utt;' naautiary division oi toe ame, . rrr- 7 i " "- i -7" T i T f.muuaurun AHDUt?LUSBORO-.UNE.'? ' V - - t '.. , '-Jlicakon..VA..Mavg:li86S. I frri"tr7;ri,r'D"u ''"'rr -teGoldshriro'fo?WilmlntflnatA.lflP.lM.i ) ftO fulA'nviir inni 1 v - I GoVernmeutlspeciaUv appointed for thLpurposfs: under 1 - Wilmington for ddsbore. at 4 ZQ A. M. r 4t ? aX?f? 11..' TULES ANI REGULATIONS Concerning Cooamercilrlntercoarsej 4 'I - ' ' ( ,.; .CDTlV5 0KDKR,v "1 posed, .peraojisvresiiftnu in insnrfechonarr States "from t unnacesaaryttjmercial- mtnotjojx ind, 4 enwmrag j4 ?Ar.r4 lj v -f- -" "!.si "r -1 of the States of Teananaee Tfi-cinm' North Owofina Ktmlh-l '-.lWiilih..';jLj.j.m Tiru .- Mr..i: .-. I uuvwju AioiBmnas tieseasx ineaiissBsippi nverassnau v haamKr kitil. r-.5f:i:i. -T H ilijtary pecopa- rriiinvDOsed bv . linn' oiruv.,ivn - -i.-: j! j V J "acts Of ConfiTess and irnJatiomt- in- tininanp thnof v:..v.auu ',r;woH8 B re.m,oe Vr - larescnbed by the Sei etary o the Treasury, and approved by the President and excepting also from the, eifect of -ihi$ order the following articles contraband of war tovwifci Arms, ammunition, altartieles from -Which ammanttioB la naaau&e tared, gray, unifrme anotclotbr locomotiVesr, carV mvii H uu,- wm mncninery .' itr operating- ran roaas, telegraph wires, insalutors, and ingtrumeots '&roperatiB2 -telegraphjelinea, ', 4 ? v . VM"T Pit AigB Will vat J jMtU - UIBI 9 iU BUJ . above , named -be, and ha sameare hereby,-revoke; md that no military -or naval officerria any manner interrupt i5nterfore with the Same. i--with an v buataeK ether - vesse Is. engaged therein,' undey proper ui6ority pursuant , Conoetiiing Commr vial-Inter eon With' a Tie ofcarrylng out the iurposes tire,vas xDressed -16 his- executive 1 order." .Apnl a&tbr4865 o relieve alilpysilJciiteqnpd'wetl-. : uianosea persons, resiginevm insurrectionary states tro ar unnecessary corameroial , rejlrtctlorisr and to iencouTaue?" -them to return to peaceful purauit?. jh fwlwingVegala':-! .vju v yi toy1 iwf ouv f a i msrvmuer tivtsr i7iuiuerc intercourse :io and between: the" States of Tenheawaf V giiyia.i North.-aroHna'Sou-Cariilwa, Georgia,; Florida,) river heretofore declared- in insarrect, udihfr lay it Stites' - .i'f""'- - j , M - "V -f" in-un..i 4-K-uI'iU'-atSi2je..'k-:SJV sifuuui, u isBiBBiyui, toa uuuisiaan eat-i 01 toe anssissippr Shall, be conducted under Ihe sopervisionof jofficersOf the naoeuuiD. buu uiucin nui.iiivaii n 1 i iiti m b -a, ith aiiixiaifiiim.- 3. S. .-H . The: following articles are prohibited, and none such r-J-.. Lit.:. J" i" li:A-J. be Allowed to be transported $0 or within antState hereto fore dec-la red in insurrection except out Government w wiiria sari 1 1- accouat. viz: Arms, -ammunition, all articles from wfch ammunition- ia manufactured, srrav uniforms and oloth.w , loeomotrrea, cars, railroad iron, and'machiosry for 'ope rat-v hi? railroads, telecr&bb mtea. inantatira.iaMt itntrtiTnnntir ur vuerwtiDtr tcieifrauu luxes. , ir - , s IIIv.-Anotwrs or- Pkodocts allowed, aso PlXces tro J WHICH SUCH JI4T Ba TaASSPOUTID v " It haVintriieen determined and ac-reed nnjin "hv thnbrnft per officers of the War bud .Treasury Pepartments; in ac eotdance with the requirement of aeotionj) ot the act of jmy,aH4, tnat the amount of goods reqired to sopplj ue uciKuuni u; iujiv perwu reaiuing in insurrectionary oiwCT,; wiiuio ,iuo nuuii! : lined 01 ine Jwoiieq - iorcea, ehatl be aumoont eanal to the sremeeate applications therefor.- and. that the hlaces t winch eiich gopdsnwy be taken shall be, all places within socb lines, that may be named, in .the several applications, for trans portation ujereto, his ineratorearrceiedlbat eleargnce 8h&l he granted, upon application, by any loyal personvor party, tor. all goods and merchandise -nof prohibited, in such amountsand to suebjiiaees which, nndeVthe revenue -and collection Jaws of the Uoited Stales, name been created porta 01 entry and delivery the coastwise trade, as the applicant may desire. ; . j. - vi ! - .. r IV.. Clbaeakcb. " . ' " " Before any vessel shall be cleared for -anv port within the insurrectionary States, or from one port to another therein, or from- any such -ports to a pott in the loyat States; tbe master of every aneh vessel shall present to the proper omcer or customs; or otner omcer acting as such, a manifest of her cariro. whieh manifest shall set forth the character of - the merchandise composing said cargiaad, 11 snowing no proniniieo articles snail be certified by such officer of the customs. " " -'I " 'v Yi AaaiyAi. Ajto DiscBinea or CXaoo m as. Issuehbc- JOn the arrival of any uch vessel aii the port of destina? tipn, it sbalr bethe duty or the master thereof forthwith i to -present to the proper officer of 1 he eujtoras the certi fied manifest of her cargo ; whereupon tfce- officer shall cause the vessel to be discharged under hii general anner-t .vision ; and, if tbe cargo is found-, to correspond with the manuesi a..oertnicaie to tne enect Bnau . oe given' to satd master. . J r f ' , - ,slf there shall be found on hoard anv orofaibtted artifiW. such articles shall be seized and held aubiet4o the nnWa - 'of the Secretary of the-Treasury; and she' opeer haJ? iormwiiu report -Krtn -department an the tacts oMht ease;! ana anv Mich vessel arriving from any foreign porti or from any domestic port without a proper clearance: on' with contraband articles on board. ShalL with fhe carsro. '.factory evidence that aoon all merchandtae'so Ehiwoed -the. taxeS and fees Teduired hy law and these regulations have heenjpaid-or ecured-.to 'be paid,xbich? iact.ivitlt the amount o paia. snau oe certineo noon mKmauiieat Demre-- , clearance shall be granted ' and rf, ttpon anj arielefi so . ahiDPed.i the fees- and 'mternat--revenue I taxes, oi either --shall enlv have ieen Secured io be Aald .ieh fiust ahall iHe' 1 ...1 J .1 T . OB . il. . f . V UUM9U' UUUU' .HCK VI.HIIKB1. DO - LUO-'-lirtll. P"!" tlifllSHr Bl.-I.llf9: 1 nort of destination of sUch' vesset-ahalh hold tha roods p untjl all such taxes and.fees shall b paid Recording toJauf' M.nd Jhese regulations,1 . -t,, inv.- ' r " - Tl- Sc?pit STrmss.H4. f- Persons desiring, to.' keep' a supply store -at any pJaoe. withia q . nsurrectionary State 'ehall, ake appfjcallon ; therefor to the nearest officer of the . Treasury. Department. Which application shall set forth that the applicant is toy at ,to me .uoverpment ot tue.-uni.tod Htates; and upon mmg evidence f such loyalty, a license for such -anon ly store Shall forthwith b6 STaOled -nnd the neraon-to whnm ths - license Is given shall -be anthorized M purchase goods at- anv otDer supply store wun in tne Jinaurrecuo&arv states.' .oral jsughoibe pomt4n tooUnitcdStat aa hevmay OBtevfc, ..--.-1 'rirS:. .'iVs-f.-m-i-JP-J' The party receiving such license Shall pay' therefor )he license fee prescribed by tbe internal rdveBueNlaw' J ExcicPTan Artiols. t - rAii.articiesoi local proouctton -ana Aa frtwh ; 'TretahleJi- nutiL.-: hotter" Ica. wood. coal. Ac . Ac.'. -mav'Withot-fee- or restriction, bo freey transportedand sold at sucb points) Within an insur- rectionary State as the owner thereof may desire; " v rfeirulatioijs jpresciiliedrby 4h;letwvfvtb. Treasury .Tana approvea or toe rreaioenw ana: oeore. snowing any, cotton or -omer proauv to oe snipped ergrawingoiear- antsiornny yessej -He, prorr-vcwaiima oiacerio person, scfiog ,aa such.. tBostireawre from the nuccbasine Asrent or the internal revenue officer a certificate that the oottoB is thereby free from further fee or Ux If tbe cot--" ton orobnsed to "he shipped is eiaimed and oroved to be - the protmct ofa.p -rson's-own labor otf'Of freedtnea vorV vtuera euiuioveu aua oaut sv uiein. loe.uuioer-win reauira - that the-hinmfltr.-fefl of "ihree cejtaviiar Bound. sKalt h- Tpaid or secured to be paid theTeofii " "t 1 j.r nr prouucroioer xnmo conoo woiverea lor aaipmeni the-eerirficate of r 5th .internal', revenob effieevAthat utt- in ternal axeS due t&ereon hara4een-xpileted ahd. paid; tuust vse proauceo nrior.taaneu proaucif .pemg sutypea or po inreruai 'revenue :mcer-vneB Mn.t t. ih. ndi.. ffin ii. BMSurpd U fo naid AS urOVlded ft--.-' I "s '?J, V Tha nrsviamas of theaa l-latmhsneeeasarU modified 'shall be considered aooticable to aH.-'abtpmeixt mland tc Or wiihinTiDsiirrectioBary States, by may means of trana fra 4. Via aArii)u a wis a UtuxnM Ar Ik. vfl v I i J - ANDREW iOHNSOSr. ;: rVeVXTnO'TTT ,Uwa of the United StaeS Z S t :-' - r Jaw defermioation tVmake ttte Peoobsss a f st" f f ftl' oowon proposed tojae-soippeoi bas been tesoid ny jbim, or -i ino vmr a,. c., ycr wo . .. -. that tweet v-fiva; Per ent.. of the value flheiwf Aa beett 1- paid to such ourchasimr Aeent iamoneyaad thaLths 4 Capitol .buildifcg-. ; 5" -. tH r1 - - Jwnsactiouaandw ;.tbemiaTauel manerSud forSas stall ioTioqs snau o sold in an iDSurrrt-.tinnr Hf. v IW any transaction Ui,?J' lar la Punxrt and meaning W. t 'L ?na l 'JL, -t , do aojeninly swear, In presence of AWofi Pod- ftt I will henceforth faUhfullj TwSS&S&S ui i;i(omuuMini bi-jihj UBlLea-SUteSVand AIT lava '.- - , --- - . 1 - T - . OBB ''JIOInanfllia-3aTOatD. Tl-. , FoitMSBlDiarrtiATioss-BvovTtr..' - - .5"T" h'v-MSjMW P" iniTOWeven 8btt.''.r.ttBrithft.tOtlr.dii.v nMdnr- KDC ;...Ti.- alt OtlleP reoillatinnn inilm BmiTni.o i..r..v-. j hv ttft Tiwiir" "21"J'!?iW, ra' ' v - ? swurr r j -w.vnvc mihit coinoierciai inter- ii!. Statiiof !1 " -v -L , HUGH McfJtTM,onrr - Seaitary of -the Treassry; v ' ' " ECtTrttE CHAMBER,"" Atf' "saorefo Cut, May W: intercoaraerwith and 8tates and parts f States' declared-. in -inanrrectioa . nreRrirrf-'h viK. 's. e - ine iteaaojieonwrmityjantbetaof ttero,hAyDghMaaeenaim py approYea,, i. . . ' , 1, -WvsS: taKrPKEW JOHNSONW- VJSS'IAL da JOY, Editors ana ProDrietori,: 'It mt.X)liai' .rf V - ttu-? Joatatwa e JJnion. oppose Secessfon, ana strive, .s , by argument 'and persuaiion-, i& x ' -.--T,: . ...... -.- eocooratre. thai sniritif 'A ' -.; t.' - ' - fe - r.-WTALTFTO THE4G0 VEBNMENT. I tf&lkLI a LiteratnreVr Hpon Vhlch tfeugro Peace and 1? C TWr 4 TMtU; "UU iai V&!Kifl -iV Square. New y'fc. fts regard for the BesinesA Htf Pinancial and Market JJerjorts iust and humane en ternriaw wti rMoii.ii x , r L . v-r. . f " v 1 s u arjttrofiae ox on cia&ses of People ,r-,,s Ka4i,;- ,1 i--f f THENORTH-CAROL'tSA TIMES, issued' every Hen "Particular attention in said to tlit. nmrnnt ri liyerr of the paper to its Patrons in-the CJty; an'd to ihe' cumirnjui .ranHiiHssin to tnose aOToad. r-' 1 '$h first insertioosa.c'euts eachsequeni insertion, v All 4dvertisemeute rnoBt Tje paStfor afL tho desk in the Counting Room previous to insertion. . - 45 tf. . THE DAILY jPEOGEESS. A ioNVPAPER ; -CAPITAL- OF. KOETH-CARQiaNA. 1CBAVING DETERMUS ED TO REMAIN JN RALEIGH SLiL apd make the PBOGftasraeof Uieperoianemfixtares ot the. Capital -of the StaleJ we Anneal -to our -frwnAa . n j 7k if J V -U. iiiruusueUjHJt; OUtjcriers 1- iSiarea 1 -.,J , v-wj,. ril V t of Ihe i v f. TENOtl.ATW PPR -4 vVfTir iCj -throughout the- State to exert themselves to .extend jta' rJiotema the-ghty .ainhiTsw.is--.ric,.s.-x-vz circulation.- 1-f? ' . - 4. - ,r ' - 1 ANDREW OessONj.' .Ba8tites,- Prisons and-sPeurta of Star Chamber haVinTHy-tharnsldeBtj.-.. . z'-kir:& v been, abolished by the Union armies, and the old Fla : W. ETnrTCB.'-Acting Secteiary of State. -?:-SJ-tf having been again- unfurled wt the UepitoFof-onrttodd oljf .. .-., ... .-.i. ..... - . .'i .' iitate aerer. agaiir. to be lowered bt treason, the niinlcrjih ;.r Yead those nanrta that riviWw "tr m,h.T. o,7 talent and abi)ftyr and we. shatl spare, ni;it her labor or ex-'4 pease w reoaw ner .paper wortay ot tne - Vapttal ol the "andall our : energie and whatevtir of Ualent wer mar tne paper somi oeemn oved Hortne nrKrvaunn or the- "one and to increase theV-pro&perityitif theWthetu In- the maoazemeat of .our sublieu&nniwt afulLlrnat ao North, no Soutlvno Jasvw, Wnatut-jvitl tahor,i -. . r J r- . tjnaw 4mi vufTa. vua v uotv country. -t f. . -1 v ? - ' . - the; weeklt. mriftttss:??. T$epubiicatiouo.t wbicirhaa been interrupled bytheflV rangement of the mail s. ill be resumed iromediatefy.'abd in umw ui;u oeBipp;iu tour irienqs to exert-taeaK selves in extending Oa- circulatoou.- t ; , - Daily fape?.ouoyear,A.. - .l-'vllfliMf'; -I 'i,-r,H-. . eix mouths. -rt - - - - 1 1.4 en- " J v V Weeklv naner ou'e ve-tr ) - - a"Yii-"" ' ' Persons aendrng us IUbaf teSor' raore,io-oue office at one timcWilrbearnwhed with the paper gratis" ;S'i . PENNINGTONvA CO? r , Raleigh, May, X865. , , .. , , 4. 5 daass worthy tbeeonfadence of the1e1ligdta,sssU 1Jrmty0CSrP8 uaDdVv ".' 1 , We hnvoaWtated With us in the E&ffil uUi&utV; f Sf ew,rk-Yoiupteers, A A A j of tbe paper nmllemeu of exnferienne t J JnnESoZ e?eral and PostAdjufant. t . . f .. , sumption; ancluMn6 City GoxfGomro jlggs.treBhtoeat,-f . ' ud Ratetgh'LIesT?; - .r rtARS T.kAVb NEW RRRWRS KfiR. H at JcrHTTvXA f?. 1 dTiARS LEAVE NEW BERN B ' E0R BALEfBH "AT lf il.3o A: M. " V -4 -'- For Morehead UittAt CtitP. f 7- 1-V. - keturningU v'-m J jf iWn A2 M. " -. "". Vj "May 821866. ,"- 4i.-Air:y"-t rost of ' Ralefjrh , N. 'C April SMs;?4 f V- " --r ' Post com-' OD3ce,Hn0thet IP- A..JJEP?t,PAlEm3 . rmBlE - UNDERSlGNEDiB AVIJ5G OBTAlNEDB B p jAecessarrpermitvfr;m theifiUtary. authorities, pro- pose to poQiWtt ia rne wty orttaierea-aTiaiiy'newspaper' to-be cju lea tne .aii!.iu.tt biw uttu. . . . l " This rnrier wiH t-rHain.a record of tha imnorraBt events A ot tnecooatrwboTn crvnaua military, tne latest military uucvimtf mc unecesn i luvMouuw vijiwiui- Cayorina and "of tha South, the daily, tmtrke! 'prices of " "v ? J. AJ-. V ABl Di NE- riunerintBrinpnti T V"'5 matter a, is usually .fonudf :in the colonms ef Q&tij news iffeaK;' papera. '. '-. s. v-.'-'1 V..'.r":.. d tol .Havrag Tipa Aspirations -te gratify; feaOr woeUever feel CaMed, npon to da so Bpeatornoue entiaeow WTarit toy -the great: -measures affecting thoiaterests of. -oar people. unwarped by pari wan feeling- or personal.- anlnwsfty'-"- -, a ; vPfersonsio tne-City desirtngtn feubseribe for fee Raleigh Record will -please cal I at Our eflic i the oTf u Register ! ' bfltldiBg, neaf the Court House; had oppojiUt'tli Yarbero "House, to give ns their namesS' J-", t""'- .TRRMS.-8tnirl eOnies 19 ots thrOO-tDOBths - S3 vu; 'nrix mootna oj" -drdcopief -.Advert rat Bg one ootlar A iioerat hr UHwnonih or veaf.t THft AKIfESTTjOATH. . ' " - The amneatj pattnoV aubstiutes 4he.ath and parole L retofere administered to aBlo"uMinJ-4..tf!5K t a n W-1, rt .f iperfiuiry after ihe wordsA' So help me iToo! "fa ex-- Bd. and threflrst nartf thit-4.&.i .u i te" aBHieatyoth,-4he.; parole . beini admiti - it w.rw npiied in ihe-oath' r ' , ' " " , -.Tbo following ia the present fofiA of the oath: ? v. . 4,---'----ido;SolemBryswear 4if the presence or f Uviqdrx God. that Jf wilt, bencelbrth faithftiiry suptwn. tiwtect and defend the CousfiuUoir of. the United Stat, md the Union of the State's therondrt anil tii.t-i aui ; - . t Lj manner, ahide by aai-fafthfully support. al aetsot; ""P" paajseui uwiojr lueueurg Teoeiuaawtb trfer- sieves, so JoDgnd so-far not repealed; modified JK' P'd.Jby CcngresiV by dacisioa of the Supremo 'Court; andOiat I witf h TikemannerBtide by and feu h ALf .a)l proclamatioua-of the- President made h?JL rebellion; baviny.reierencote alaves, . ?.?nf??'rt'1" otBodffied or declared void by the t decwluof ha Supreme Coart-So' Half .Ma Gko. ; ' V i-flSmestlonao.F the. Aeat nnstained work of the kind in thn rriH r t , vltk ibe Jtortmost- ifsgatine of the. day! The fiiWdo nntrnr hail .-V.f..l -j: - V... mJl?St!;pna,n't tbn Harper's Magaxiae.-Jtftft. -odui.Jtvtestafii (Baltimore) J8-- v - 'mfcf' P01" MonthVla, tBe' worJi-Aw'wt . i We mustrefer in tenns'of eulogy toVhe"high tone sTr-ll frl!T .f choiccshght and gen- . J;A -? iv. v VL"' fpeaa ot tins ; worK aa ttt. i .wui,i (a-uaeii tneracy ruoniiny ana -the more' RhiioSnnWcftl tmumta ki.j.:.i. .v;. -D8t features of. the iunrnal It -ho. vr. c he disseminaiiQD of a leva of rjure liJerature.--THOBNica'a w fmruraZutv,tondo. tibrav 01 miaceiBeoua readipsf. such as can not be found to the aame compass in any other puhlication that has oouie under SUBSCMPTrdlfS 7" ' v ? bliehei s have perfecfld, a system, of .amlrnfr by which thev can simrtv-4he( Mao4t.imi nrt w . .to tohose who pi ter to receivevlhir periodicals direOHy jiUlH l VUW (11 TUOllCatlOO ' - m -. i .'.5 -"f'v xrfThTposuiBeoo' HAftpl5H'S-MAG?AmlH24 Oenls year, which must berpaid at tbe wtVwhter't pbst-offiee, - 4 t 1 -- ,J .. i - - . ; u , .. - "V ' HASpaa'a, MAfiAnif,jone yeari .., . . AnExf Copy of ttherthe! Vaqazxns or, W:i. will , ujfua gratis jvr every vjuo, oi vs .orSBCaiBtas fHj eHCh,-.a ene'-remittancd t r of. Six Ct.pjea : lor "$20 OQl -j- j Back Numhers ean -hff Mimlwt t trh llm.v AComolele Sei. aoiv Comnrifirrrtr'Twentv nlnoToriimpa . ' in neat oiuth bi4d4g, wttl' he sent by express, fiht at , expense of. purchaser 'ftr' ---S-V -jper 'volume. op Its relomes;. hyailpnltpadi 43 'oo, u. Cfloth-CBsea-for binoU THE JRpCLAMATJOIf. ; T 1 A,PKOCLAHATl0sf,ly. TfJT PHSSlisaT OF H& CNITEZf1 ''W4t's5fcUt appears from leTidncein.theBiir.,aH of Mlrrtary' Justice,!; that ithearoci6Ui murder cf Ihe laie 1 A-resracnt, K&UASUhlWpi, and the attranpredti- . aassination-of thaJlon? Wit H. SBWARn.Seoreta J Static defferson Davia. -I ate bf -RiebmoBdV Vai and-Jacib Th rnn ; son; Clement C, play; Beverly Tucker, Georgajv.; Sanders; w. v. vtearyv anq wner reoera and .traitors ga msf the-' uovwnnren voi ne united atesj saroored m vanadtf . -- taow,-,in reioT.e, .iotne end ' that juancw v- wwj-:A'N1RfiWtJOBNSOir.-PriWnf' the llSffcA States. doifer and promise, ov-tbearreat of said "WrsonartrT . either of Jhem,-;wi thin Ihelttfittaojhtbe United Stat a, sv: Must they jean rbe brought 4a triaf,4fie fpllowing it"-ardi'.r x'Ce hundred .tbousuud dollafsfnt Ihe arrest of Jetftirjwu.; Datia t -Vvi yf".. . 3L'-- Twenty-five thousamtdollarsr ilhe arrest of Cleuicat Clay, r-' ' - -- t j "i - -twenty.nve-Ahonsaod. dollars -tor-: the arrest tf Jacob wenty-Bre-thouBand dollar W ihe' trrst of Oeoi'e-- Jit Sanders. v L - , " "-t -- , - " ' - Tucker, and - "! , ' . .Ten thousand dollars for the West of fUlani'U;vGlesy:''.1 Lite Clerk of .Clemen tX) Clayt . . ' - . - The Provost Marshaf Ganeral of the-ited 'vStatesir ; directed 10 caoflft a descrfpi ion Hjfaid oeraoua. with notice ' i .of .the above rewards.- to be pobJilied..'; in testimony "wnereer. i tuveoereuato ' set tnybaad and w caused- the seal of Ihe United Kiattai tit be afil ;i yj'jDqne.atvtbe City of Washington, the second dayif ilAf;s attioetyearof out fjord one thousand tijht but d red; and one thousaad iieht but d red" isixtjn ve.-and of the- indeoendeuca ofahe United States itf TT.tTxvlftTri?TioifflrB iffr rtTJi-TTij vrf"ir i mmm a-ok a. o,.. V. , Capt SG-F Smith. 9th-Maine Volunteers. A A GeneraE '1 . . . .1. n.-. f.t .. 1 -. . w -. .. -w . .... ' oinintr uurCB p jjyer.Hi iiegiineii. ngunc wtnuterm, CaptE R'MosberrI6&th New York v otuBieera,- AC D C. rr--- ,. .ar.v- JUreutitd vVanderxeel 68 to- New. Xpi -Offioerior IlSth Regiment Jf YorkYoltttiteers, w t 'Tnt,h'r, r.Lnt ni rUfUm..; -v N ' TE 1 WVatht ajor,' s' , " ' " p: "K . -jm J JonnsoDLrient vouyommanding TE L Wakaf alor; .r " ' NichoUs,p GrffctigAdjutant -Officers of 9th Maine, Volunt4cravw y- -. 'V Hehry B wirdswonB.'AdJatant," .Geotge S By Quaitermaater.,, " - kLfent Wm A-Babcockvtlommandina CO-A.? -ftani L r MeKennv. ft.'.' -JaptBenf J Hill, -4i. - D-J CnbtJC Beal- ' lf".-v-, E .v,: i" Aiieut w- r weaning--. ir;i - - ' ';- , ; v 1 . Cant Geo S ColBafh "1 fsf 4.a Mann ' 4. IT KonHnaL LfaA jot thKAota al and. Acting eld ' .a? r. . ; "f . "S" '--B.'.nai.av w.nv. wMywMafiwwii'WSH BUM UV t, yiOVli ,in, 4th Ifew Hampshire Vpjttnteers. rX John B Rohefta,Captatn.t!p; tt'Comoiandlng'Ofliceti 'Q W Buckihs.Oaptaia Co Ki Regiment Quarterniaster .nud Company Gommander.' 1 , " ' A DP DearbrfnT Surgeon. ,r. - ' . TrV! y. ; Alfred Marlandr Jet Lieut Co ui Awaiting Mosterf Act- ag vojuiau,-.!! ,t jjoseph, Wiagat. O A; Awaiting. MusterActitigCom- ander.-it i -v--r-s' f' '-'. L A Gay. 1 at Lieut Co GLfJommandinCo P rh LMcD Hussy CaptCo CrCoiuoiandioglNiin s- " I f Wmjt Bareri Cap CtfE, -Commanding Civi"". - ' ;c-a .-wouipgtJfit-Atiettf iovvromanoirg,a.S-. i C LCbapman Capt Co F Commanding CoP..; j. L, ro wd , Ser (ft o G Co m mn d i B g" Co -1 J , i.B Frank Fogy pHnoipaij'Mosician Co,H'j;CommahdiBg- . -GF'QuimbyCapt3oJ, Command ipgJo Ii" s-v - vGeo W Uucfeftwf Lapt e, lvCommandtBg:Co ii aohH . Robeii;.,Cpt-Ath-New Bampahire' lofimtry, . Commandmo xtectmeni. s -r. v - -s a.": Office I3ths 1 3 3 LuwTejtce. Major. hs Indiana Yo1aateersv V r,,Conand5?.'-;r RVanj ArHutant. - ' . ,"VN AChamberlaiiirAS!.iMalSirgeo; k! 1c I'lorV Pnnt (lummanmo-it -A ' ' wm A neteoum, iAntx;ommnbdiVf vO C - -' R'yGraham, Capt'Com banding Co D.X.'fi t r ' ?f; t w Tjsieppv T;apt vommaadtngCo.iS. y 'j 1 tii i' Tw;7Tvra?VfcV.7 t-.w- ' TfL.v m w w ar ikat' Mah u h-imh a ..a. . a - a . x mam a C Lieut AC Stochmi Commandmg-Co 'A. - - V 1 J . . Lieut A Col lier, r - - . , . B.N C ' -3 - , - 1 Capt Wm H Shaw, I 1 1-:? . ' i 1 . Capt E B Savage" , f 'K J n . ' -v Lieutj Ar Mm 4' : e: .i-i i h V J ACotvin, Lieuf Col Commanding, j .-j. s ta, l - ? nJoseph U Allen, fflajey-'., F V - t. "j J -j.E W Chureb,,Acting AojuUnl tmdVQuarkrnjaalfiy.TJfa : ?' L'eut'Ed JseQqes.'.TJ(imm8Bdjn.CA.:.-:'v-:V wLiBttt S. B. Foot. Command wc Co B.- x . f J '3 i -I1 j 3 I .ft. I'li 7 - J "1 ;i I 1 i it "!' - h -v . b.' "At 1 1 m . ... .. .-f - - The firstnnmber of Thursday mormngtiexs.