! 1 , ' ':v-..-.; - fTfti ll'Ai.' Karma. , B:fiHjWwJ Emto "0 .i tG J AfnW for The Standard; : ThefotlowiAg. re tta authorized agftts tf tbo. j Standard. TteywiHrtcelF Sahstriptfons foe the p toer, andv transmit the same promptly and safely., I VTa appeal to onr friends to exert themselves,, ia jtmler to extend the influence and circulation of the Daily S5H 4-f ' Junius B?Whitaker, GoldaboroYN. 0., , Waltet l)uWrjr ' Kinstop, N. .C. ' . . :' , "T. I ' . ! tju, v. ,narnsonT aewoero, i u 1koS. Campbell, Beaufort, N. O, -4 u.: S. M. Petteogill & Ca, New York City; ' VL'Broek Holden, Leasburg, N. 0., VYuu-lVJiaton & Co., Baltimore, Md. -03 jv r "Then the mariner, ia "surrouaded and overpow Wcdlby the storms and thVtempests, and for many Jays apd,nights is driven by the fury of thet winds i ana me -craves, no joses bu umi lugwnruu -tances, and becomes the victim of the maddened el cments. 0 Bat when the storm subsides and : the sun e mariner refera to his -most auelHoQ. lriclidinjg;.:.tbe abolition cf .slavery apd the dtohismost reliable caperi arid- reconstrucrton of their State constitution so as to again eppears, the tbcotiedtiartsjaQd finds where he b, and what course to steer to reach . bi original port of destination. 5 r : " ' SoTn.1 time Of ; great moral and religious; depres sion arid"- reVjulstohV thepilgrim plods , his ; weary way over barren sands and burning: deserts, to the tomb of his nrophe', There he refreshes andn , f pires himself witK all the original and "authentic sources of his faith. Thus having familiarized and , eainusea nimseii, ne oeueveH no wuijue oie 10 low in the straight and narrow, path originally de signated by the author of his faith. - ' ; : So in times of great political storms and convuK sion8 men and nations 'have been driven and con trolled byithe storms and ' tempests of revolution. They have entirely forgotten and disregarded the . charts and books of their original faith and author ity. : ' But when the revolution is over and men are enabled to be governed by reason and justice, it is H pf udent and proper to recur to the great charts of our eovernment and to the original authors arid founders, of our faith. Happy ia the nation that has such sources of light and knowledge to refer to, ' and especially happy is t our nation in having one -that wa known to be always right one that nev er madeli mistake in judgment, ; Such a man was Gen. Washington. From his earliest to his latest day he was never mistaken in : a man or in a principle. Wheri he was yet a lad, he accompanied Gen. Braddock to the Western frontier, where the 'General disregarded Washing ton's advice, and his whole expedition came to a most disastrous endU'. Every one is familliar with" the opinion be early formed of Benedict Arnold and A aron Burr, "which opinion he never "had cause to j change or to modifyl' . The same may be said of the" aieadfast faith and attachment he at first formed for Alexander Hamilton, for General Greert and for General Lafayette. All of these men proved to the world that they were precisely what Gen'l. Wash ington xfiginally supposed they were,-: ' Be would permit nothing to control his judgment, ' i: not evenj his attachment or his affections, j His love and regard for Lafayette was unlimited and without bounds, Ibut when even that bosom favorite became fanatical On the invaaion of Canada, Washington ' turned his face against him and caused Congress to , break down the project. His attachment to France was a feeling of the deepest gralitude,smoun . ing to almost adoration, but when Genette, backed . by. the multitude of foreign and native citizens, ' clamored to force the United States . into a foreign -war for France, General Wasliington for weeks and' months stayed the tide of public opinion and dared to save his country against her Will. " I His judgment came to be so known for good and so highly reapected.'that when the eminent men who formed' the Constitution" of the United " States ; were aboot to dissolve finally, he most briefly; told ' them, that in his opinion the number of represen tatives they had provided in Congress was not suffi cient to command the respect and confidence of the country. ps suggestion was received and adopted, as if it bad come from a prophet or from one. Who rose from the dead. . It would have been well if his suggestions against founding political pSrtiea on geographical discrimi ' nations and sectional! interests, had been 1 received with. the same spirit and the same effect. But it is now too late to profit by that advice, except to ac knowledge that its author was, in this matter as in ' all othervaiways right, '.: aad always wiser than all other men. ." !.." His Farewell Address was written with .great care and intended to bless and make prosperous his countrymen from that day to the day of generations yetanborn. If We had heeded its teaching our A nation wouia nave Known nothing but peace, hap-. " piness njyprOsperity, till this hour. Let us try to heed it hereafter, that herealter we may know nothVl ing baneace, prosperity and happiness! The closer we follow if the more of these blessings wo shall pjoy,'' and the farther we depart from it the." mor of sorrow apd trouble will come upon .ujs.' As" a itortioo applicable to our condition at this time) we Select theollowitfg extract - It may pot apply to ns as separate nations, but no one will faUtosee, f its fitness when. we contemplate it as different parts- ot Jiae same nation:, ; . : v. v f In th eaeoation nf such a pkn, nothing Hs eaore essential than that permanent inveterate an tipathies. against particular nations, and "passionate attachments for othersj should be excluded; and that, in place of them, just arid amieable' feelings towards all should be cultivated. The natien which indulges towards another an habitual hatred, or an bahitual fondness, M, in gome degree, a slave.' It is ' A alive to its animosity or to its affection ; either of which is sufficient to lead it estray from its Yiir . and its interest. 'Antipathy in one nation agaicjt 'another, disposes each more readily to offer insult ?and injury, ip lay hold of slight causes of umbrage, 'and to be haughtr and intractable, when accidental t trifh'ng'occaeioae of -dispute .occur; .Hence fre- . -quentcoliisioos, obstinate, envenomed, and .bloody contests. ' The Nation, prompted by ill will and re sentment, sometimes impels to Waa the .Government, contrary to the 4est calculations of policy. The Government sometimes participates in the national propensity and adopts,; through passion, what reasdti would reject ; at other times it makes 'the ntmositr of the nation subservient to projects of hostility, instigated fcy pride,' ambition, ahdother ' mistercO.. pernicious motif est AePeacepiten, , omeumef pernapa the liberty, ot natWDS-Das been Great excitement was caused in Troy on Wedncs day laatby the discovery of an attempt . to fire the St Charles' Hotel. ' 'Phosphorus was deposited in (en oiertat piacef anoot tne Danaing i Kim Mary J. Harris, of Chicago, has been ac quitted of the. charge of mafde ring A. J. Burroughs J in thlrilfori, lopori: ihe'pWof irisaniToe" 4 tfUJ wal very-interesting, and tha pdpfllace deeply yroptthjzd frith the young woman tit I : Aboat on hundred and fifty applications for oar .ITtfpjon ire received "by the' Attorn General on the JOtfal, among them the petitions of Lieutenant Gen eral N. B. Forrest, of the rebel cavalry andi'prt Pillow notoriety ; W. B. Brooks, M-rebel JBenator froni Mississippi, arid Imemberofthe convention J uk ;C XJii t IlJZ&lLa ,va uivu uMjavu uw viutuauvo VI i loooo,otindon;J5ngland,-;The.o .don granted were to a few obscnre,MdividuelaW the President that ; day were Mr. Jackson; of Geor gia, formerly Minister Resident near the court of Tierina ; Milton Brown, of Tennesse, and William R. Smkh,-olabanmHrhewere formerly inein ters of the United States House of. Representatives, and are nere to potain tne .ecuuve ciemency, uav '5n op bpen nrominent Tehels.: - 'i' : m s -f i V. Xfterriew: f tbe ;sd6th'; parbllnaDelesatlOn H-wftn:!:the' Pmideiit.!,- - 'v w', The Sod!th Carolina delegation had an interview of soma lenirth with the President on the .afternoon ojf tboilth:eite the conTersation was of a mutually pleasant and agreeablecharacter. They, assured the. President Of the disposition of the people of their; State to . acquiesce in the result of the war, jirid accept the consequences attendent upon the fa'luFe.of the're- maKe n more m &cuurunv wnu iub.icjjuuumu form of goveroment, -giying ttt the . people directly the election of "Presidential riectora, and equalizing ; i representatiea in tne Bute Jegisiainre, . c xne President ulked to. them very plainly and firmly, but' kindly, indicating the policy which he is deter-; mined to pursue, and the duties which they have to perform in settling existing difficulties and restoring the Slate to its former relations with the general government. . j. :- ;";.!- ' 'iv 'V,. Gen. E well, a prisonerof war, .baring taken the Oath of allegiance and; given bgrids that , be will respect it, has Wen permitted by. the President to return to his home in Virginia on. parole, to report once a week by letter to the Secretary of War. President Lincoln having directed, under date of the 22d of MaTch last, that Mrs.Xweil should have the benefit of his-amnesty pj-oclamationjand she' havingtaken the required oath, President Johnson permitted her to return to! Nashville, her former residence, and take possession of the property,' as decreed by the District Court of Tennessee. - . I PoUtieal. The Republican State Convention was held in Trenton, New Jersey, on the 20th. There was a grand rush of politicians. : . : On the 19th, at the same place, . a turnout of the war Democracy numbered five men and one boy J mostly of one family, the Halsteads.- -i In the - Republican Convention- the. following names are spoken of for . Governor : M. L. Ward, Newark ; A. G. Catlell, Camden ; T. ,H. Haring, Bergen ; and G. T. Cobb, Morris. The chances are supposed to favor Cattell. - Gen. Kilpatrick is present in the Convention. The question of negro suffrage is largely agitated by delegates. - The democrats and conservatives of the Eighth District of Kentucky have nominated Gen. T. T. Garrard for Congress.; : -. . . The .Legislature of Connecticut has designated the first Monday an. October for the people to vote upon the amendment to the constitution, striking out the word " white." ; ' Pardons In- Arkansas. The President received a letter on the 19th Jfrom Gov. Murphy, of Arkansas, in which "the latter an nounces that hereafter he will not recommend for pardon residents of that State who have . participa ted in the -rebellion: He says" this class of persons gave such demonstrations on' the Fourth of July, and on. other recent occasions, as satisfied him that they bad better! be kept oh long probalionand prove their loyalty by acts of an unmistakable char acter, before their; petitions lor pardon should be considered.. ,;!' - '.. .. The Rev. Henry Johnson, of Chesterfield, Vav .whp shot and killed a soldier while robbing his gar-' den, has been sentenced to five yeais confinement in the penitentiary. .- -V,;;;u T-;: . i :. The lessees of the SpotUwood House in Rich mond, have received notice that -the property in their hands has been seized under - vm. confiscationH laws, j Similar notices has been served on the occu pants of several buildings,' private houses, 4c., ia saidcity.- V . .--.:Ju4i ;j ' d' v '- ' . AccnoN Sales Iop Govebnment Hobses. Since the close of the war the Quartermaster's Depart ment has, sold at public auction 17;S90 mules, and 14,670 horses; the receipts of the sales amounting to $1,606,635 93. j ' " .' - ' The Index, the rebel organ in London, has sus-J pended publication, j 4 ' " r '. J. f f ' j INTERNAL REVENUE DECISION...' The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has just made the following important decision in reference. to the duty on tobacco in the late insurrectionary States;. rf .vf ;,;':,,,f4 ,. Tobacco' manufactured prior to Sept 1. 1862. and Bold but never removed from-the place of manufao. t : i:.vi. i .i . . ..... , . .. .. . ? iujc, ia iiaure w tueiiia or uuiy imposea 0V tOe Cf ww in mrce. xooaccq maaa suusequent to Sept. U 1862, and prior to Jane 30. 1864. if it KRn sold, will be liable, to the rates of dutV imposed bv o i uiy -a, i.oo, ana tne amended act of March 3,1863, whenever it is moved , beyond the insarrectionary ftates ; if it i has rieve"r beenaojd but la still ih the possession ' of the manufacturer then it will b supject,,when sold Or removed, , to the rates of duty imposed by the law now in foree. Mahulactured tobacco, in the insurrectionary States made prior to April 1. 1865. and hot; nnA th manufacturer when sold, either to be consumed irr ' an insurrectionary State, or to "h said State, is liable to the tax imposed hy the lawl un hi wrcc, ivujrajia ine nandx of a purchaser', mjr w sum niucumietjr wunin tne insurrectionary States without becoming liable to tax ; but when the same is sold to be transported beyond the lim its of said insurrectionary States, it becomes liable to the tax imposed bv the law m t the first sale of the same tobaRnt viu m".. - '.4 manufiactarer thereof. $ Tobacco from Virginia T br North-Caro,lina cSanot be shipped by way of New York to New Orleans though the same ? was made and sold prior to the establishment of Collection Districts 4n said State, without the payment of the rax ,j.ne tax wouia accrue on tobacco manufac- inrea oy a nrm,. slioaw "jaftid? firm, on being dis solved, divide the Btoek on hand of mftnnfnirerl tobacco amongWi mdivioViil members of rtiiflf4 ii a saie oi sata tobacco Motiid afrerwardrbermade .to he carried beyoridthe limits of theimrnfmrtinn! ary States, the-raterbf tax would be determined by me ume wnen sucn mat eale ijwa&made. alntatt cases where any party: shall make claims- to 'have nis gooas reassured at a different rate from the cur rent rates underthe laws nfa in forceXi will ho incumbent upon him toahow'to the -entire satisfac tion of fhe assessor, that the precise ime when the pale was made entitles hint to a lower raUu of duty. John Wi McOM ot Vjranrikriea h4 avnttiftlw coromisston lo Baltimore W being a rguerrHls; hai i w iwk, - , 4ii?a- JXH Deem, IKXp AM StettnLp." :i fie akil DearJ&r ; After a iorig . interval the , llelhodist papers, from the .North Jbegin; to? reach juL The treat Question ensacin i your attention JsSems':to be the pinion, of. your, Church with the lhodj8tJS)piS5oBl - Qhri. Sflflih. .have . j j .i not discussed this matter, but I believe that eeoer- ally, it is riot desired on our side. - Recent events, - i fcpweyeij ?nakJj f So, UiBtworteTrjQurcIeJp tb New York Christian Aavecaie oi jaay jsoin, - mac there lsot "aftothersnbtrW Seeing now aeepijW'MfMwraMaewvuuMM jus stirred, and how full your papers are of this sub- lecL rvehfure; on the score of Mrlfra(tortticrT and because the only article .! have seen from your penis an indication -of gfHntoshow you mine' opinion?! r3PCriTifpr"r:-.' -T I mustpVetnisej thatjbo member oflthe North Carolma' Cieaference, kt df the Methodist Episcopal -Church, South, is responsible! for any sentiment or .' opinion I. write, i nor for the wpirtfc and .stylo of this. P communication. At the same time r mayaay that 'I know every j prominent layman in almost every -county of my State, ahd;alf.the leading ; ministers of the whole Southern Church. I Ui f Our first wishilwiifc.is, thagltir5 Cldrth jpfght be left alone, to do the work of spreading scriptural boliness over the lands,; we rhkyo pcoupiedj j But if - tha Northern Church is truly; desirous of a union 2 with us, such are thexaroumstapces to which no intelligent man1 can bet lnattfthJivei that we must meet the questions which you seem desirous to press upon us, and the importance ot which we cannot undervalue. ' 4 1 r r For any .hap OsucceBstori0yfertaresfr TOOJft Church, there are certain things: ia " my rjudemerit which you must not do, and .certain other things Which you may and should do, supposing tne pro motion of peace and of JphrjsCs glory to - he jour aim. : ,&tJ&Mf&.iX ki f-3 Neither Church must approach the other with violence nor vwith' a plan; which? 1s -.tO'-requirt off eilhef.-to.iyieid ! convictions7 inl regard Jio certain.' questions which;; have heretofore been theusubiect of cen tentioa -between us, t the discussion of . which can never be profitable and never fail of irritation on both sides. The only objection I make to your article, is your seeming endorsement. of Mr. New man's programme, which is this : that your "Church should make overtures to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, on two general conditions, unqualr ifitd loyalto io the General Qoterwnenland tae ach aeptanceofthe anti slavery doctrine of the Phurch." I honestly believe that you Will .waste ypur.time with any uch overtures. They' vUl never li ae eepted by ovr Church as a Church : 'for the simple reason that they involve political issues with which the Church, as a Church, has; no concern. If we ever come- together, it mus be on-the"- platform of . religion and not ot politics. ; We have studiously kept party politics from Our Church, and by God's grace we mean so to do. Neither of these dogmas, even if both be admitted as political truths, is es sential to the salvation of any individual soul, nor belongs to the essence of Methodism. What has any Church to do with loyalty or treason ? In re gard to any particular clergyman or layman it is a matter for the State to decide. Let it be freely granted that when a man has been convicted in the -courts of his country of the crime of treason, no ought to be excluded from the Christian- Church, till it may not be a question for the particular branch Of the Church to which be belongs, to de termine who is, so guilty j and nA man who fovea, civil or religious" freedom ought 'to allow JhimseTf tO be a member of a" Church .which claims to itself the ' privilege of questioning; or the prerogative- of de termining biy loyalty. w j-- 41 " v As to the second part of the programme' in vol v-r. log the negro, why not, in Christ's name,- let the dead bury their dead? Slavery, as it existed . in the South seems to be at a perpetual end l.-Why let the negro in-the abstract, or the negro in the con tsrete, separate' brethren ? : When the " American Aoojuion pocietvj tam oi uissuiTiny uct-jmsQ r jis work is d&te, why -demand of us subscription to an opinion now utterly useless for practical teffect - The deluge, is over. We - have reached Ararat.' Having landed do y on-wish to shake bands T Then why, revive, w" attempt to keep alivemscussions'Of an'e-diluvian questions In regard to gome debatable point touching. the naval architecture of the Ark As to the negro in the concrete, why should the great Methodist Episcopal Church, alone of Chorcl -es, keep itself divided on him ? . ' Let hirii go or let "bi in stay as be wUL The reports of your mission aries show that he will likely go from you and trom, us, even if we keep up two Churches in the South. One of .your missionaries informed me that he had succeeeded in indacing the negroes in one of our cities to 'teceden from us, and playfully added that in a few weeks they seceded'? from you arid joined tho Africa n Methodist Episcopal . Church, y Far the. sake of peace andiof the negro,' do not let us qoar-' rel about hi preferences, r: M- ft ''.nvhn-! - - You need never come to us with -a proposition that the blacks are to be- members of the same An nual and General Conferences, to be the pastors of our families and tpe suitors of our daughters. iSo Methodist in the Souttvreputable for piety, culture or position will submit to-it - J- if iei'v Do your people really love us as brethren? Do they sincerely desire that tvo 'denomiaationa, iden tical in doctrines land nearly ' in discipline, ahall make a compact cerp in-, the isacramental host of God's elect t Are they more plilaothropists than ne grophilists f Are they more christians than fanatics? Are they-so longsighted thatrthey prefer the per petuating of a Church that has greatpuriiy of doc trine .apd. power of oganiation before - ephemeral- h- party ism r Ihen let them concur m the at jrender 4 of a forceless and useless abstraction. "? - J J ; And, if .you ,wih ustounite with., you," aa ,you cannot cotopet.it With thebayqriet, wfa it by' chris tian love. Let your papers cease to use expressions which the Editors Jtnow must, exasperate us. Let me teU the Northern Methodists kindly andfimiy, that if tbey attempt to crowd their Church in upon the South, whetherwe will or instead of secur ing a' union upon a basis of?fair concession and eqtnghte, they twill be responsi blo'fbr'ireating'a ' conflict' in which' animobrtiefr rwill' 5e t engendered which all christians must f deplore, and will inflict an incalculable damage upon Methodism-every where on this continent. Such a -course would dnve all:. the' r'pyctal.$vatect;'i' and "pious;" out of ' the pale of Methodism, and leave arefu'se any Christian Chorch ought toasbaiBedto gather., - W; v Zzi - Let .better counsels prevail, and aqch as become -true 'godliness,r: Let youpeople remember' that we are not seeking you, ;you are seeking us, and should approach us at least not offensively. ; .We cannot be won by any impertinent- taunts, such as some of your writers indulge as JtbDugb, CW4 needed what theyHpurging.5-.a r-mf&wi t Come to ut, if come i you rnost, in the spirit of love. -If :ever ourjphurches tlo become '-united, hv wiil be at what to many en jboth sides wilt he an immense sacrifice j-pf feeling arid- pfejudici, And to some probabir,-almost of principle. Gertainly it- will be ae tipoapar tde. ,W$ am ptowmi ;?WtTiot coercefl. 'We arae'lxroreligtori arid -sensitive in our calamities, jf Offer 03 Methodism, a Church ot frp6wef,rllpvh) fraterditjE tf ifeoiplaat Drop, politics. Down with swords Up with olive branches. .Down with partis uiJjJiqnerat ?J8p witb. tho cross. . Acknowledge us to be i what we know we are, your equals in every-christian sense. Then; come with your hearts in your bands. Perhap we may be unite&txi cM)leige--rrvan and no portion of tbe Chorch. feow4whatiwe wiU not aoLcannot. pr,omse , what we .wil,l .do. I.wite purely .in the ititerests of the religidh-'of love,' and I earnestly , gray thaL North and South, our leading tnen may be clotheJa Witn tne1 imeekheisoll wfedom. and the Churches crowned with the beauty of holi ness.' ; , .V-'V":r,f-;iA,fV-' T,4 "i0- j f tJOme acBOng; os,BOt ae emissaries but-as visiting brethren, and youjjwiU be received.rpT6 yourself personally, brother. Stevtmts, would renew, tbe in vitation of years gone by, if the . war had not left ine lioosejesaaad someUssa. aiBut I cordially, invito J 70a to my neld of labor, and should i be bappy to, renew the intercourse which vou made so aereeable. I Iff memory of days before these- calamities, aodJ n tne love or Ubmt lasc'the'Krne Eternal, Im- m?ta Invisible, the only, wise Go4 our vior to inhmh l imit no kl.' .t,i i. - 3 .1 & rj- .si - f am, yonr oroiner, t, .v. , u. ll CHARLES F.-DEEMS, rr - jTo'ABcVSTaVjmiLIj, p. New York ! : FROMJTORTRESS' MONROE. , Edward"Howden was murdered hear the Gosport" Navy Yard on SuDday theaeth inst He was the saHor who made hla escapa with Lieutenant Cush-' ing aftei 3&troyipg the rebei:, ram Albemarle. One Henry Smith has been arrested on .suspicion of being Jhe murderer. V The steamer iColumbjai has: arrived from City Point, foliBaltimprgi .h. thoixjty.fifth Illinois regiment, CoL Stewart, -ooundJjome. The regi ment BamberS one thousand and twenty-one men," other regiments ha;vjng-been tnsolidated- with it r. ''iTfie steamereNorerrier and Robert Morris have also arrived fronFty Point, bound to : Baltimore, with troops, on board., . nA wwr f"r?jj; w . r ' 1 " " The steamer Iolaa, from City Point, has arrived, New-York ington. . 1 J '--'-''' '-'-''-' J " John Balcher and Wo. Evans, privates of Com pany D, Third ennfeylvariia aii.illeryi were arret ted last evening on feuapicjoixJ oft havbg :ixobjhed.a soldier of BaiteryB of five hundred dollars. H g Rev. Henry Johnson; of Chesterfield. Va., who hot arid killed a soldier .wfcile robbing hia garden,; ; hasf been sentenced to hveears ,csn0nement in the PenltettliuTil'V1'!.! (4-4 'ii'i..'i. "! . ' , The lessees of the SppUawood .House, in Rich mond, have received notice that the property in their hands has been seized under the confiscation lawn. -Similar notice have, been served on the occupants of several bufldingV' private" houses, &i, in saiu city. iiiss'P wvCl . iil -vxli - f.f The steamer Dictator has gone, to Baltimore for - i- ' - t - i. ' repairs, ys .j. ..; ; i ii.vfcj', ' - 1"" The steamer. Convoy has arrived from Richmond, bound to Washingfon.-Thisiill he her last trip; ' as the mail steau-routebet ween, Washington and: Rici mon.bas been dintoed and the maUs; will "go hy.jiuJiiereaftef.. i ' -, : The propeHer Leader has arrived from the asrr tern Shote, Va. - p---r--'v- -" - Bricradier General Mann ia here today Colonel James, Chief Quartermaster of this de partmemv amvea irum. iuDgwD iau e vwiuig. f ' 'TIS NOT A FABLE. " ' The immense and universal-demand for the Fra grant Sozodont is a marvel in Che Annals of Den tistry 1 . " It exceeds that of all other dentifrices eonv binedi Neither acid from ' the atomach;: nor any. other "corresponding element generated by indiges tion, can effect a-sett of teeth regularly purified by this Fragrant Yegetable, antiseptic and preserve-' tive. 44'4VL;4i:-J 'tii--..:;,; 2 -mwf. -., n ; DIED: r . On Satordty the 15th Jaly. at a: quarter past 8 o'clock F. If.; of diptheria, ANN I ED AVIS', the daujFhter of Dr. E. A and Columbia Crudup, aged 8 years aol 5 months. RALEIGH MARKET. ...... ..... ., .. ; .. j j... , .- .., J ... REVISED AND CORRECTfiD BY W. C UPCriURCH. ,.t- . Jm-rSSo, 168. FLOUR Family, . ,i . .i .... 4.. ... . . .-Extra Superfine, . CORK per bushel, , . . . .1 . . . .,. . B ACOJf-er ,lb., .-..V.'.. . . . ; 9 OOl 8 00 1 OOj rs! jj UTl'lsib per D., .... 3SGG3 -per dox , ........ ... . . 4 . . . , . 85 85 (ft ! AO CUEK-sii per 10., it PPLES Dried, pw bush , . j 40: a 00' sm ihoi . 1 25L-. : - 85 ; " ' 101 10' a CO PBA CJBE3 Dried, per bash. 4. ruTATVlsst iri8u pr. basn. ewcrop, ONIONS-Der buah . chickens. . .L.:.:: BEEF per lb, ....:.ir ...... 101 1U 'jiAM.it per 10., ..,......,4.,.,.. ; ... . lOii-, Bt ?6 OTBAl per DUsOt, 1 00 COFFEE per Ih.. . .......... 8. 8CGAR Crushed, per lb ,.. i J - Brown, per lb, -. .... .40 ,85 .Common Brown, per lb., ... S5 PEAS Red. per bush , Wbite, per bush.,' t 1 O ROUND PEAS ner baslL. . fi 90, 50 Flour aod Meal scarce, and in dftnaotL The Market ia II I" J .Li I . It very well supplied wfrh everything else. -4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .tsciaiiioLs;-i mHE UNDERSIGNED PROPOSES TO' OPEN 3. 8choo1 for some ten or twenty young girls between the ages of eight and thirteen years; on tbe first ef Sep tember next ' 1' '." Taaira.-'-Tweuty dollars -perj. session of five months,' inmia butbucc . add it o ' 4' 4 MISS ELIZABETH G. HAYWOOD, At Mrs. Wm.' H. Havwood's. ' r Raleigh, July 85th, 1885.4 4. ! 4 " ' fr88 tf 4 . Hutssu w;mwi.-. 1 OLD STAND OF HENR PTER, . aa, FAXETTEVII.L.E abL4 ; " DRAIJtjpsr ALtKDS OF, r , , PROVISIOHS FANCY OOOD, Perfamery, CoiifectiQuary, Cigars, . v . xooacce, dec, note, r. $ TttJE WOULD MOST RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE ww to tbe citizens Of B&Ieigb and the surrounding country, that we have on hand a large, and well ! selected assortment of the above mentioned articles,' and are con stantly receiving fresh snpplies from the principal North' era Cties, which we will sell at a small advance W New York wholesale prices Ourmo'tois i : ! j v T SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK! BALES I I Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. IWe will not ne unaeraoia. WM. H. SMITH. SILAS HALSEY. ; Raleigh, July 25, 1 865. f, XTR A FAMILY FLOUR JUST ! Reeelreat and for aalebv SMITH A CO. July 86, 186a, ,- . i 88 lm " "4 1 " ' j CHOICE SUGARS OF just received and for sale toy J July 85, 1365. , H ,.; ) , EVERY GRADE, 4. : anna vu. . 4 f e8-r-ln Y1E ST OULONG AND TOUNGE IITSON JLP Teas, just 1 eseived end tor sal e. by l SMITH A CO. July 25,1885. ! aa lm "sraiF.srT nm Avn iivi r-nvvtrp MM Just received and for sale.by 8MlTHACa 4- BEST NEW YORK STATE BUTTER APCD Cheese, just received aad Jor sale by j L I t ,..4,.4 4,, vr? -.4.-t4 ,.SMITH A fc.' :. l July S3, 1865. i 1 . 4 f 8S loa BEST ADAM ANTINE CANDLES, 1 J urt received and for sale by s r. SMITH A CO. J July av 1865... ;t r f ... - ti 8--laa T3ES Ti SPICES OF EVERY VAJRtETY, ALav'Urouna and un ground, tost received and tor sale ay : .,, ...vtw,- ,L'J . -.A ' SMITH aTU. i- WWy YO, IWtd. laa -:- -i ' 4 1 ClTiWARPg BEST STICK CANDY ABO trench Oonfeotionaryijast received and for sale by fv ! - : --rswi, r'it--!----- .-:amTH,loo. Jnly25il8(15w tt:-: i i -1 88 It R3 A PER COLL ARS. PAPER COLLARS, as. a large stock just received and for sale by 4 : ' r -ivti, SMITH ACO.' I July 45,1865. ; -1 i4-r 88 I m ? . a144' H;i .4' 1 ' i rUALON'S CELEBRATED IflGHTlBioom- JA tog Cereua, and other perfames, for sale by . Raleigh, July 25, 18A5. 4. 88 1 m. itICH V BARE! 1 AND SPICY tit "BOOks" FOR GENTLE ilE !f ,OS LY. -Tula w have a epfeadid assortment of . . :? TH O SE Ji 0 0K8X" CAEDS An FANCYrABTICLES FOB 6ESTLEMXS KaJITjXO. tSQUlSITB AND inteeesting. .1 1 TUBI AtM. MOST , :4-i. fc&j iaSCaimVB UltALOftDBS t BEST TSBB OF '-TOKtAIM. I T 1 IST Uon't fail to send for one. . :: f .,;.dftaa-'B09,lbwYorlc:' PjO. ;Ls , .; Jnly16;t4f4-..rt44 :1 ' 88-8t 4 JOYVOOE & CO.. I fi. TRIBUNE BUILDINGS Nw Yoaav; It if BROWN'S7 IRON f BUILDING4PinuAtpan; Are authorised ltd contiactfor advertising in oue paper. 1 eMRSmILSONil iT ILL RECfil VB A FEW ; DAY BOARDERS, .'ww - vcB4uoace oq .oewoeru eireew : v 2 s 1 j JulyS. 18i".: -lw, AUCTION.SAIiE . O, GOVERNMENT' PBOPERTT 5 I at xiAxki&ii, m c. ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. JULY 88th and 871b, 1 . !' will sell at public auction, to 'be biehest lidder.atths place and times above named, the following property, via: i - Howe, llnlea, Artnt Wagoos, Spring Wagon. Hone and Male JJarnesa, Ac, 4ei the property oftbe United State. ' - "'. 81 will take place at ba BAPTIST GROYE, and will commence at t o'clock, A: M , eactr dmy. ; Each animal and article will bejnla separately, w ... Taaas. Cash on day of sale. . Qnartermaater'a vouch er will be received aa cash. Parties deairing Uo .make payment in.vonobera should present tbem to, jtae jander- By order of CokBoTB, Chief tMepVlf. O. . j A. M. UAttUU lifi, v Raleigh, N, Cn July 24, lftsii CapC and A- Q THE BINGHAM SCHOOL 18 tk SUCCESSFUL OPERATION AT M ville, on tbe N G. Railroad. Room for several new boys on Angost Iai ' Addres8 Waf: BINGHAM, MebaaesViue,&CL ,4 v , v. i ' 1 64t July 24,1865. ,100 ItEWAUD. , ; ; -v ONE HDNDRED DOLLARS REWARD WILL4BE paid for tha spprehensioB and deitvery of EJias, (tor merry my slaveVtd the aBthor (ties of Edgeeooobe Cnastr, N. C. The saie negro man- ia abont eigbteea .year old, weighs about. W5 or 170 poonda, abont I feet eight or ten inches higbVesppereokrt.aaoo&laeaa . On tbeoichtof tbe StbJaiytnat, the said man waytaid and knocked down Mr. W. Q, Billops, and robbed him of a doable case silver watch, withrtbe initials ft. D. inside jibe ease. Tb assassin theaatoleablaefc mara briakrand saddle from me and made hia escape. The mare's-Jigbt ere-ia a class eve." and blind, baa aaoae ef toner stand Jngon the. left sho&:der.4 A. liberal reward wilt M paid lorne maremna saaaie. . 1 - u jx r Elias ia supposed to be at New Berne. Wilmington, or Goldaboroi. ., : TH03 F. CHERRY, , , - 4 j BatUesbom', N. L ' - July 24, 1865. - 1 88 lw KEEP COOL, - ;f . - AND ' : COMFORTABLE. ; CJU)THIft:G OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT WHOLESALE AND RETAILU cm:, fabbiss, O NE DOOR ABOYE THE- PROGRESS OFFICE, on Fayettevilie street, has jest received, tbe moat ex tensive stock of 4 . ! . GENTLEMEN'S SUMMER f CLOTHING ever shipped io North-Carolina, which waa purchased directly from the manufacturers; aad he ia therefore able toBellthem'at 1 4 j; - j. -.. - - -4. ....... v 4 ;- . i : . : .... .... . - Bateaaa lowas lfewTork Priees This is no fiction. ' Give hisa a ealL . Raleigh, July Vi, 1845. 41 " f t)-tf. PERSONAL. V TCCTH BffltT TANKKRSLY, Co. F , 87th BEQI. JLA meet, Lane a Brigade, Wilcox s Division, A. P, HUVa Corps, was wonnded in. the fibt before Petersburg just previous to the evacuation. He waa. captured by the Fed eral foreea Any information, about him will greatly.-relieve a distressed family. Address .4... 4 GEO. W: SEAY, Petersburg. ; July22. 185. . " i . , n . 8t li ¬ LEWIS 1 CGIJNfeELLOR OI4DS, AT IaAW, I RALEIGH, SPECIAL ATTENTION TO WAR MATTERS: July 22, 1885.1 j ; " 81 2fe: . LIVERPOOL, GROUND AEUITI SALT. VUST RECEIVED DIRECTLY, FROM BALTIMORE, s 5Q Sacks Liverpool Ground - Alum Salt in original. sacas. - j , . j JUMrK 80; 1885. JAMES, if. TQWLES, AgentC1' ' FOR THE MACHINERY OF. THE NEUSE PAPER MILL Company can be purchased, on favorable terms, py early application to; the Treasurer. - ... Aaj .persons desirous, of embarking in tbe manu,factqre of paper, will find it to their interest to call on 4 h 1 .H. W. HUSTED, Treaanrer Breigh,July8,t85. i 4 4 ; 4 70 Im. FAMILY FLOUR, 40 BARRELS, 4 ' . 1a BL supernne, do a Sonds. I do 10 ' , do Meal, sice White. 50 Basbeta. Peas, Clay, Black and White. 00 Bnsbels, At B. P. WILLIAMSON A COU. .-i ,r I .-J Fayettevilie Street. - ' - 52-tf.' June 16; 1865. jvakted. " " SI M ISH TO BUY' 500- BALES- OF vGOOD COTTON j a. is eood order. for which I will pay the highest cash A price, either In gold or greenbacks. -" ; - S . lit k-f "' 5; i -4 THOSi f PERSOJC M Garysburg, July 11, 1845. m - ---- Tl -w iaf ' ' .... -l .. .aaA- u -4' - , : .. :- lotpa. DK, WILLIAM LTtTLE, fijE July ITi 1865.U Y8 8wC IFOR SALE. A YERY DESIRABLE HOUrfS AKD LQT IK THE .iac North-western. portion let the Uity, together with Household aod Kitchen Furniture. , - . For partieulara apply ta ; T.UGON. . July 2, 1365.U i . -: 'it. - Sllwpd- T -AND DEEDS FOIl SALE AT THIS 81 tf. -Office. 1. 1- i Jul 82, 185. 1 NEW BOOK BINDERY. EI A TING SECURED THE SERYICES OP If R. Dicks, a Brat class Binder, we are now prepared to do Binding of all Kinds, j; at short notice and in the very best style.; Blank Books of all descriptions mannfactured to order. 4 - ' - " ' 4 Call al ike store of . BRANSON A FABBAR, ; - ,j.,i.ffi .4, .... - 1 ffalaiilL W:'fJ.- ' July 89, I8AS. : ,-V:-: : y-.-.,.81r-tf.;4- JTOKTH KIVER . GRIFEIN, BKOTHER A CO., Proprietora., - r --.684a;;-jdotxrndi , y. - : L !newtor& L:,: .:L., MANUFACTURERS OF PLOWS, HARROWS, CUL; tiratora, Cotton Sweeps, Corn Mitls. Cot ton- Gins Ac Every implement wanted or the Planter. I ' Also, dealers In Field and Garden Seeds. j Also, Agents for Brace's Concentrated Manure. Bone. Send for CireuW. July S2r lS5. i .5 it' 81 m ' . ;HW IS, iHAIIWER' COMMISSION MERCHASTS FOR THB ISALfi OT Cotton Yarns, Sheetings, Oanaburgs anld Cotton. . Solicit consignments from the 86uthr j ' ' Tbey wilt make liberal eaah ad vances aod promiae quick returns at full hMrkervricea. M AmY''- Refer tOi any of tne BaKimnvi .Banks or Pry Oobda Bantley, EJ , JH.L lVE- Biohj&od. yJTand to Bill, Warren A Co Mellwaoe, Sua 4, Co Petersburg. Va. rjunei4,1866i-;i-4 ryUf ii,j ,...,. .r . SAUTED.' "fl ZMs bales pqiajticarrojr. iw wUlbepaid.. jmu-w nua uruor, tor. wmcn i tne best marlcAt JAitES M. TOWLBS. price RaWgh,lIa&'fi ''flitattSS 1 IN STORK, A LOT OF THIS SCaRCE AiTI TALUA bleartiete. 4 . JAMES. M TOWLES, OFFERS HI PROFESSION AL SERYICES TQ citiaena of Jtaleigfa and vieinity. 4 - Office at CoL-'Georee Uttkfa. ht'Wk-Z': Raleigh, July llooaC 'I f ' 1 i v, Aufltion eef . v, ,78 tf, MARKET. 13, Fayettevilie Street. Gold tl.S i Silver tl.80: North.r.s . 10 to 25 cents on the doUarj oiher Southern S0,e 8 to 20 eenfa on the dollar'; NortM'Sa R,Nott aixea,onpona on, $65.00, 4 -riina lioods, 0y AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS ''! i . ? .4 AND EE Al: ESTATE AGENTS 78 and 80, Srcamore St., Petersburg Ya v4 'jfSefera to Major Wm. H Orowev ReleMi JtTTjrE WILL SELL ON MONDAY. JULY gut 4T If o'clock, a lot of second-hand Cotton Machini. L11 i CastioM for one Water wheel. "enmw7,Ttt. ill Regulator, 1 Steam Boiler, a lot of Bteani Pit 1 8ingle and 1 liable headed Slide Lathe . : c -I ; iL. Frames and Rockers for 18 Cards. . Several Twineand Rope Machines. A lot of cast and wrought iron Scraps. S Nw and 2 old heavy cast iron Pinions. A lot of Beams for Drawer Frames and Looms Ac Terma. on the day of sale W. Nick Davis, Auctioneer. :N:. NOTICE 1 A I LIST OF BONDS STOLEN FROM AV iin pV85iU lPO P Mi7, on or abo flg 81.: 1A8, 82V 834, , 810, 817, M5S.S- v' "uuI7ndJaj, 185. " u , July, . 1858. - Oct, 1859. April and Oct. - a . tt - 4 ' 4 U ,'' AprH, 1855. Oct. 1858. If Also Six Virginia 8tate Bonds at tl.000 ) U Bond No. 4,92,- Date, January 8, 1858. Coupons mtW. Jnlyl, 1861. Jau'vandW " 18,711, u 4,028. 4,8Aa, " Jan. : w 1858. K to.i", Jnlv 1. 1854 Three oftbe Virginia State' Bonds. Noa. Amu 1 bj Sahsbory. Any other persttn banng any of tbew bond! in their possession, will be doing but an act of justice ia retarniEgthem tome. All persons are hereby warned fromAmaing for these, Bonda or Coupons, as applicattoa will be made for their reissue. r AH persona ir further warned from trading for s cer tfficate for 19 shares of Jgtock in the Raleigh, and Gsston Railroad ; and one share in tbe N. C. Railroad, m .rvi; . t tion wiU be made fortbeir renewal said certificates beiii iua mo sitiuo time ana -piace. . i 4 V ' ' WM. BLODST, Jr ! , , . Guardian for tbe Heirs of L. O'B. Branch, j July 18, 1865. 4 77-8td. ESTABLISHED Iff 1847. PAPER j AT LESS THAN MANUFAC i. , . - TURERS PRICES t N Connection with the Combined Monoplv j i f 4 J; fr Hick Priees. I; OFFER THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED stock of PAPER of every description to be 'found ia this country, I Booksellers, Stationers, Printers and Bind era will save money, by first examining my stock. Orders by mail promptly filled. - - - 1A.;P. HARD,, Wholesale Paper Dealer. No. 44 Beekman Street, S, Y. (The Old Stand.) : Julylfi 18S. . ; 77 lai f ' ' " m i i . ' ' I I1OSX4 BOII I I HEREBY, 'GIVE SOTICB THAF IN-APRIL LA8T there was taken by a party of Federal, soldiers,' from any bouse, in Wake County, among other papers, a Bond ' for about Sixteen. Hundred Dollars, ($1,600) given by M. MeC. Stephenson, about nhe 1st January, 18I1 or nst and payable to me. I hereby , forewarn anv and all per sons from trading or otherwise using said Bond. ' - 4 ? SARAH B.L. STEPHENSON. July 18, 1865. ' ' 77-lwpd FOR LEASE ! flPLEIfDtpOPPORTUIf 1TY ttt THE SOUTH TO NUKSERY MEX AUD POMOLOGISTS. rTTIHE SUBSCRIBER WILL LEASE FOR A TEEM JL ' of yers not less than five, the celebrated far-famed and largely patronised 4. . V : ' 1 - " NURSERIES, know as West Green, aitua ted- four miles west from Greeasboro'i NortbrCaralina; and immediately on he tins rXt the Rortb-Csrolina Central Railroad, convenient to sap- pi? aemanas-ruircug&out tne tsontn, &outbweit and tbt East. '-1 , - " , . . WEST GREEJf V is supplied with an extensive variety ot the finest speciifie&i of Fruit Tress ever brongUt into the country. The vise vards supply a- most desirable ; assortment of superb TJrapes, and tbe Floral Gardens and Green Houses are stored with an endless variety ot Evergreens, and tbs most beautiful Flowers. The coaracter of these Nurseries -ia 4 " V -; ;" " . ;HJGHLX ESTABLISHED thranghoot the Southern States, and for several yean so. great has been the demand from ah parts of the conntry that many could net be supplied. 4 The improvements- 60 the place are very extensire, large and convenient Green Houses, with ample heating ana irrigating &cUitie. A neat and comfortable dwelling house, with the necessary-yard houses' attached ; and nu merous comfortable and convenient bouses for families of employees j Wagon and .Carriage Houses, Good Stsbies, -Cow ,Lca4c.X--. J : " The lands attached consist s of 750 acres, a part of which Jfinely TIMBERED. ; Wheat, Corn Oats, and all kinds of vegetables grow abundantly. The farming land is susceptible of great im provement, having a fine subsoil, gently undulating with considerable' bottom land, and about 80 acres 4 f VERY FINE MEADOW. The locality is as healthful as any in tbe State, hsring excellent Wells .and .Springs, which supply rood water bountifully. Ic6 may be stored every winter.. ThesoeieW -of the neighborhood . is very good, and excellent school 'convenient, .jv': ,t..;.r .4'. i To nersona desirous of enras'mir in th frait business. a'nd growing Fruit Trees, Greeny House Plants, and Floral Shrubbery, an excellent chance is offered. No part oftbe country caa.offer -..-i-- a-jij ' The Interest iti fruit growing is destined tobegreaw id ioe oQHvoern ouiies man in any otner bpciiod 01 ,u Country." The soil and climate are so well adapted to tbt growing of fruit that many will make it a speoial basinets. "July 18, 18i. 77 gwtt Headquarters, Post of Raleigh, If. C, ! . " ; :.v ..' Jdit I5th,.1866. Gexxkax Oanaas, ) ! Ne.:I.t4..44;:4---v- .' TTUMEROUS COMPLAINTS HAYING BEEN MADE ill about the reckless meaner in which horses are drtrea through this City, thereby endangering tbe lives of pwee trians, it is hereby ordered that any soldier o'.01? found riding, faster theu a trot or slow gal low shall, as immediately arrested and npnisbed; 'By order of - r . , 1 Uf.wt nniT ia. u. McDonald. A7h M Y. ;' CommandingJ'0'' N.r.V,PotAdjt. Gaoaoa E. Avairr. Caut. 8d InC I ! Jnlyl7,18e!. -;; ;;; , 7 - f H. J. MENNIJfOER, WHOLESALE. DRUGGIST, ! -.. - Vi .4'i3 . . . . , ;.i v , , v; ;r . NEWBERlf E, If. C. - .O . . V . , W . T 1.n.nM Jf.l a .9HWSiair w waaai. vissoswat ei uwi Julyl7,186iS' i ; 7-tt 4.LOST! f a or , t" im rr rr noon Tf l CLIPPBO. akyoaiJU 1A-Liuuunau tuvr, ua i jHL but unequallr? the right one quite close to the bM. Answers era to the name of "Taa" A liberal rewsre be paid upon delivery at Room No. 1, Headquarters 10th Raleigh, July 17, 18R5. , 76tL f Et.EGAIfT Ft7R!fITURE AT AUCTION. "TTILL BE ISOLD ' AT : TOWLES AUCTION, Of f ww Saturday, large collectioa of spreodid Furniture, in excellent condition, consisting' in part of 4 , lFIne mahogany 8ofiw-t-!-; .;4.-; - ' Sofa bottom Chairs. 4 r r-1 Red Ivet4 dV4 . 4 ,w r : 4 1s- Reception d;tV a i 1 .-Large, Wardrobe.- v. . . 'tSJckBeaateada; 5?' ' .-.--"-v.' ". 1 " Walnut and single fo. aad Mattrasa. I 9 . " Hair Mattrasses, aad a lot of good boueehold T' ticles au4 kitchen utensils. : ' . , . r " - I '" : ' ' 4 - aim '.' ' . I One first-rate mule Well conditioned and ia good order. ' One fine new, heavy, oil cloth carpet, bright colors, i feet wideyeontaining M y'da. - - - i . u-.u JAME3 M. TOWLES, l- ' --' : j4 -4i-?-?ii . . , Anetioneer. r RaleigMnl20, '85.i4 . - 7-M. I "CU 45 Zj4iLLUi .'i ...4 ... S I 4 i - -i- 1 I

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