-j ;4 CITY AND STATE ITEMS. 4 0 'c, Provost Maeshiw Jul J 24th,. 1365,-Tbe au . ties baveclosed down another liquor saloon, confia- Hi"- the effects of the Tendor of the " ardent.1 citing . t..M n amber of the complaints brought Into this from counties thirty, fifty or "hundred miles Of e jarse. it it impossiW for the Provost Marshal 0 bear bat one side, end it wooid be manifestly unjust 1. t.im to decide after so doing ; therefore, a great saany Ledmen go away disappointed, beeanse the Provost Mar ' , ,it i8 sstonishing bow many ainereoi ways mat woro be pronounced) didn't give them a paper to get their "critter," "wife." "children or things," as the ease" maybe. ' " - - i -- -- r -v. Governor has appointed tor the Insane Asylum the fOlIOWIUR ' Dr. Charles . Johnson, ' j Wake County: Dr. R. B. Haywood Dr. R Burke Haywood, j Cel. W, Harrison. j-. Col. Sn H.Rogers, ! tL. pT Henrv. . Ti. I B ertie County. , i'.L io.inm for the Deaf. Dumb, and the Blind: mb, and the rake County, ur. y i i J. C. Palmer, ' S.H. Toong, W. W, Vaas, . Q. Bnsbee, B. S. Tuker, J. R. Williams, ; 14 Ret. T. B. Eihosscut was ordained a II mister of the Bantist Cbnrcb, Sunday evening last. The Presbytery consisted of Rev. T E. Skinner, T H. Pritchard, :K. Jt. rnhb. and Rev. Mr. HowelL The ordination sermon was ehed by Rev. T. H. Pritchard : the charge by Bev. T. E Skinner; the Bible presentation by Rev. Mr. Howell, .j the nraver bv Rev. N.B. Cobb. We understand that be g to take charge of the Baptist Church at Warreaton. - We are glad to see from Northern -prints that oar enter' -rising fellow-citisens, J. M.Heck and K. P. Battle, have arrived safely in New York City. We judge from the tone . of the press that public attention has been turned towards immigration to this State. ! We are glad of ft. ! We need the bone and sinew of the North amongst us. ; Let them come, and buy aud cultivate oar lands, and aid in placing- the old North State upon a firm and- prosperous footing. ' The Record has for the present discontinued the Daily issue, and will issue until further notice a Semi-Weekly sheet. This is owing to the protracted illness of the se nior Editor, Mr. Buffham. Kdwasd Pateick, senator from Lenoir and Greene, was in this City yesterday evening. He. reports all very quiet below. - "- --.!.'' Smith & Co. The advertisement of this enterprising firm, in to-day's paper; presents many attractions to the purchaser. They hare a full stock of fine articles. ; See Col. Boyd's third page. advertisement in the fourth column, Ucishav 4c Thor barn's Indies :: Saloon, lee Creana On Hillsboro' Street,' at the old stand of A. Drake,) Js the nlace for Ladies tego and enjoy their Cream.' We have visited the Saloon and find it fitted up is the most approved style. We were much pleased with the accom modations and find the. Cream of the first quality. The Saloon, is in a pleasant portion of the city, free from all disturbances, and we are sure Mr. Henahaw (of the firm) will do his utmost to please the taste of his customers. Give him a call. . i r . . , . : I New York Markets on the 19th. Cotton. Under further , liberal receipts the mar ket was unsettled and prices fully lc lower. , The sales included 1,600 bales. We jjow quote : Upland. .Florida. Mobile. N. 'O. & T. -Ordinary, . 84 Middling, ' 48 Good middling, 49 84 35 - 85 48 49 " V- 49 60 60 , j ; 51 SfeoAB. Tbe market firm, with,' however, a less active business. Ibe sales are 800 buds. Cuba at 1 lie to 12c, including fairand - good refining grades j also about: 4,000 boxes naana at from 131c to 15a -.: r !;';. :,-..r;;;'t. .v- PUBLIO MEETING IN GRANVILLE COUNTY. Pursuant to notice, the people of Granville met at Oxford on Saturday, the 15th instant for tbe nor pose of selecting candidates to represent this Coun ty in a State Convention, whenever the same shall be convened, by the proclamation of His Excel lency, - W . 1 W . tiolden, Provisional Governor of North-Carolina. . I 1 On motion of John P. Harris, Esq., the meetine was' organized by calling Lunsford A.'Pasch&U to the chair, and appointing Isaiah JR. Fuller, Sec retary. On motion of CoL Edward Dalley, a committee consisting of three lrom each Uaptain'g District in the County, which committee was selected by the delegates lrom eacn district then present in the convention, was appointed to select three persona as suitable candidates to represent tbe County in tbe said State Convention. The committee having retired for a short time, returned, and through their chairman, T. L. . Williams, Esq , recommend the. names of Hon. R. B. Gilliam, Dr. Eugene Grissom, and James S.. Amis, as' suitable persons to represent the County in a Convention of the delegates of the people of tbe State. Whereupon, on motion of Elijah Winston, Esq , the report -ef the committee . was adopted by the convention. - ;' , - The chairman then appointed Rufus Bebbett and Col L. C. JEd wards, Esquires, te inform Messrs. Otissom and Gilliam, who were understood to be present, of Jtheir nomination. In a few minutes the committee returned and reported these gentlemen were present and would address the aneetiag; tbi" each one of them did very ; briefly, acknowledging the .bonor bestowed upon them, and aceepting the nomination. 1 : 7- On -motronof CoL L. C. Edwards,' the Secretary -was .repeated .to inform Mr. Amis of his nominatfor. Rj VV. Xassker, Esqr., then introduced the follow ing eaolutiona, ibe adoption of which be urged upon theaeetiog in .! speech of marked abitny, elogueneeAodieaL in comaienting upon the reso-. lution thichcommend8 the'eourse bitbrto pursoed by Gov. Hoiden, and recommending him to tbe people forMsivil Governor, his speech was character ized by the-bcoad and Uberal views of an Intelligent statesman.'- v . - ... -1 .-. On motionof Cot R. P. Taylor the resolutions were unanimously adopted. " Retolied, ht; after having appealed; to arms, :and'ihvofcdt&e aid of the Almighty, in a contest the-most .bloody and criiel, brought abont by the wieked doctrine of secession, wherein tbe'-decis- ion oi battle has been against as it is our duty to aceert-oix't position quietly. -4-.'.'- Retohed, That we rejoice at the cessation of hos tilities and; the return of peaee; and j chat now, as heretofore, jmd for the future, it Is our deliberate purpose to abide by the Constitution of oar coun try, cIaimrQg its protection and enjoying our righto and privileges under it f ;?";' ' "1 t, r Sesolved, That in Andrew Johnson, the President of tbe 'United States, (a nati ve son of North Caro linay) we'believe we have a friend, both faithful and true, aad on his wisdom, integrity and patriotism; we rely with' confidence.' . .... 1 -.'- ; Reelve&, That our thanks are due and most eor ' dially tendered to Gov. Hold en for his aealous ef forts in behalf of the interests ef North Carolina, andmostparticularly for his efforts to secure the re lease-ot. the property of the State. . . - ; Rexlvdt, That W. W. Holden combines more jdvantagos for rendering valuable service to the State, ef :Nerth-Carolina and her citizens than any other tain.; that he poaseises the confidence of the ' PresLdeat ef the United States, and the confidence of tfae people of the SUte of North-Carolina, and weluowihis determined purpose to maintain their interest arid to promote their happiness'; and for thesei reasons we recommend him for Governor of toe ;Stateef North Carolina, and promise toire bun cerdial and united support, " v: V ' ySetehed, That we deplore the death of Presi dent iLmceln, and regard his assassination as the rgreatestotnational calamities. i . . jTbea on motion of John F. Harris, Esq.r the saeeUng adjourned.- - ci- , ,-: t o t, L A. PASOHAU Oxainntn: The Atlantic Cable. "A privfrietter from UrllOvru TYi Field tfatr that the Great Eastern would probably leave the Nore on the 11th and Valentin on the loth of July. All representatives of the 1 press &f America. England and France, are to be excluded from the Great Eastern during hiajing of the leableV the Tl.in-.nh nnncitrnftf inn flnmninf Wtvino tt .&Af the undertaking believing this course necessary, as some of the members of the press might enter into conreraatkm wit -the eneirjerW and thus distract their attention from' their highly important duties ! A journal of the trip and its results will, however, be tarnished the press immediately upon the arrival 'of the 43reat -Eastern at .Heart's Content; and the connection being made with the -shore at that ter minus of the line, i ' As the cable across the Gulf at St Lawrence, be tween Cape Breton, N. S., and Newfoundland, is now seriousiyJ deranged for the first" time in seven or eight years, it is probable the messages from and to the table wUl.fatTe ta be sent across tbe Quit by steamer, irhicb will delay the press reports from four to sixnours. fW. -,, , , Should there be enooh of the Atlantic cable left tQ stretch across the Gulf, (eighty miles,) which Is confidently expected, it wQl, we understand, be im mediately laid,; and thus in a few days not only res- tore the continuity of the New York and Newfound land line, but. place' the two continents in uninter rupted; telegraphic communication.' . - ' ! : :V -V - 1 i m m.m O. The postrbfilce at DanTQle, Va., was opened on the 19th, and mail communication will hereafter be regularly had between Washington and that point' Trains run regularly on the road between' Rich mond and Danville, j ' There is no trouble from guer rillas or other soaroes. nt r: --! ..- . It-is ofiicially announced that the port of Tax- pan, Mexico, is opon to foreign trade. The Mexi can commercial agent in New York is empowered to certify all the invoices and manifests that may be presented ; thither. - foe the ... exportation . of merchandize - -i I t The Salvador pirates have been sentenced ai San Francisco to be hanged, and the sentence commuted by Gen. McDowell to impruMMiiaent for life in the case of Hogg and the leaders, and to 10 years im prisonment for the rest of the gang. -j j.The Railroad between Washington and Richmond is now fully opened. The bridge over, the River -Rappahanhock was finished 'on ' Monday. ' Two trains will be run daily between the two cities, be ginning on Monday next ' y The piers of the Suspension. Bridge across the Ohio river, at Cincinnatti, are neuly completed, and the wires! will be suspended in 3 short' time: The span of the bridge is 1,057; feet, the longest in the country. .The British Elections. England was for tha moment withnnt a Parlia ment The dissolution ' immediately- followed the prorogation on he 6th, and writs for the new elecv uoo were luruiwuu issueu. - j.ue eiecuou iu , xjou- don was fixed Sorthe 10 th, and inihe- provinces on the next'and following' day. .' ,; ' . t Lord Palmerston bad -issued an address, again soliciting the votes of his constituents at Tiverton.' He lays his claims upon the events of the past, ma-. king no promises for the future, and is altogether silent on the question of reform. , ' Mr. Disraeli has also issued an address' to his con. stituente. He. says the character of English insti tutions perhaps forever will mainly depend on tbe new Parliament, and he prays that tbe country will 'unmistakably decide on securing its happy consti tution in Church and State. . . Dispatches from Nashville, Tenn., Wednesday, July 19, state that President Johnson has expressed a determination that the laws passed by the Tennes see Legislature shall be obeyed, and that all illegal voters shall be kept from the polls. " ' Gov. Johnson, of Georgia, addressed a large an dience at Atlanta on-Monday. ; He spoke at Macon on the 19th. From thence he will go to Milledgeville and enter upon the discharge of his official j duties.-- The Rebel; Gen. Cheatham arrived in Nashville yesterday.. '.:" : - Forelsi News The Africa brings two days later news, and Liv erpool dates to July i.":;:" "' ;. -"' T '- It was reported, but is contradicted,' that the pi nto Rappahannock had . been seized at Southamp ton. The vessel is in dock at LiverpooL - Earl RusselL in correspondence with the French. Government, gives his opinion that the Confederate ' vessels may: be claimed wherever found by. the United States Government, unless "lawfully trans ferred toother powers before the cessation . of hos tilities. ' Bui the same Earl Russell writes to the British Minister at Washington, that these vessels cannot, during the war, be relieved from the risk of capture by sale to a neutraL- The cable fleet is gathering near Vatentia, a steam tog having sailed for that place with the shore end of the cable,-and three more being expected shortly to arrive. The Great EUstefn would leave the Nore on the 15th and Valencia probably on tbe 19th. Parliament has been dissolved, and writs- for the new elections are " issued forth with. Palmefstoh and Disraeli have published addresses. - Lord Cran worth is the successor of Lord 'WestburyC 4 The Austrian army in Italy and Dalmatia is to be redueed to a peace footing. The cholera is ofBcially announced in Alexandria, Egypt, and tbe deaths. has been as many as 250 in a day. Thirty thousand people fled from' the city. Later dates report fewer deaths, i. t, At the Cape of Good Hope there was a fearful hurricane on the 17th May, in which the English mail steamer vu lost totally, 17 other vessels ' wrecked, and 70 lives lost f t FOR SALE. EXCELLGNf. BOCK A WAY AND HARNESS. which can be seen at my residence, twh doors below Cooke's Hotel.:! ':.l-M:.,:-; .;;;!; - E. A. NIXON. 1 BaJeixb,Jaly!tSK 1885, ''2'. CV; -Jf ' PLANTEIVS ? HOTEL, u.. f kaleigh. n. ?td." 2 " rmHIS HOTEL JS NOW, OPEN AND PATRONAGE JL solicited from my friends and the public generally. ; Mr. A. J, PARTIN has charge of my business and will do all ia hi power-to render our guests comiorUble.,. A limited number of boarders taken by the week- ate reasonable rate.,. 1-" -'.W. T.BAIN.! Raleigh, Jaly 18, 188K. ; ,; , . - a , - 73 lm. ? SfTJSliq LESSONS.' ; "''"'"!' M" ' JULIA A. SAUNDERS WILL GITE LESSONS on the i Piano and GaiUr. and in Vocal Music, to sixteen Scholars, at homo, on Hiilsboru' Street.! - ' . : Txsks A18 per quarter for each. ; First quarter begins Jaly 1st. ! ; 47-1 m.eod. SELECT BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. iMLijalBORfiNJG.' rmEE MISSES NASH AND MIS3 KOLLOCK WILL II a - MiVA:. A. notl resume theejcereises of -their -Sehool en SibJnly . 4erI4tn Deeirmewr. ;.xi&--2te ; ' -pt nt lnM I t (Areolar torwaxtea on ppiioton. SPECIAL NOTICES. Go to BLVXurrKAL'a tear a glass of lea Cool Soda Watbs aix doors south of Capitol, on Fayettevttle St. 144 tf. For good Cioia go to Birannu six doors aoutfc of Capitol, on Fayettevflle St 11 " " ! f 44 tf. , A Remarkable Case. . Disiasb nr which thi Lcxos ajtd Thboat an ls .VOLVBD. Mrsv Pbebe Parkinson - PatMbnrK. Va.. fAur; i 21, 1855,1 says s I hereby certify, that two years ao last June, I was afflicted with a disease eommoniy ealted the ! Breast Complain the pain and weakness in the- breast ' eontinued fo jnerease sathat I could not bear my clothes fastened on me for -the space of two years ; - I (band great difficulty in breathing ; . general debility prevailed over my whole system so much so, that I eould not walk the steps witho drawing myself mp by the banister ; had a eantimted backing eourh, which distressed no greatly ; wur urnes aunug my umess Baa aemorrnage w mm Lungs. All medical treatment failed te afford me relief; -it was the opinion of my friends that I wast die with the vvuouui.awu , . was mUTIBeO Q WWO IPO KJV M X .MO ATIC PILLS ; after using three boxes, stricUy according' to directions, I find myself in th tmfoynun pfftrf$ health ; I have a good appetite, have become asehy as I ever was,- sleep Sound and pleasant, and can perform any duty with as much strength and vigor s I ever did. They certainly have acted like a perfect charts! on me." sv For sate by the Druggiata. t Directions aeoompany each box; 8utto any part ef the 0mted 8tatesat U cenU per box; or S.60 per dosen. Address, 4 - : - - Jnry. Gldsboro'.N.a t MISCELLANEOUS BENNETT, Vx4NPEiT & CO, i . :. ., . j- i ; , .; ' l . 33 White Hall St.. ; ' j YORK. ALrai. R. BmiitTT, C.B. Bsmrcrr, 1 st B. F, Williamson k Co'a, Balefgh, N.C. ;. VAXFKLT. ... lfew York. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, --'...!...-4,:,,...v: FOB TBJB SALE OP COTTOBT, TOBACCO, COTTOIf YARNS, ... I . :.-J; : ' I,, i -I--::, I' j CIOTH, AND NAYAL STORES. Freight and Taxes arranged and Insnrance effected hy Railroad and sea, to New York. B. P. Williamson k Co., Raleigh, will fnrniah Informs-, tion concerning Taxes, Shipment, ke for consign meats to BKFCB TO;- - New York President Atlantic Bank, Fencer, Bennett k Bowman, John McKellop. W. J. Barney k Co. Raleigh Dr W.J. BawkinaPresident Raleigh A Gas ton Kaiiroaa, tsatue, ueca Uo , J. M. Heck, - Esq , 0. e. w iinamson uo. July .15, 18)5. 75-m. DOZEN SPOOLS GREEN A DANIELS Spool Cotton, white and black, 8de. fi,80 6 dosen yard 8hoLaee, - I 98 ;i 1 j. Corset ,f . -1 15 1 1 box 8 card! Hooks and Eves, ,14 slips black and drab Thread, 48 1 do, china Shirt Buttons, i 8 8 papers good Pins, 14 rows, : - S5 ; " Smith's Needles, - S5 ; S banks Darning Cotton, 13 18 spools black Sewing 8ilk, ' M S boxes Snspender Buttons, " 83 , 1 gioas good blaek Test Buttons. 80 .S pieces blaek Skirt Braid, M 87 8j quiiee Note Paper, j '85 : 1 pack fine Envelopes, . ' 10 y dosen good Lead Pencils, 18 H u " f Pen Holdara, S I I Steel Pens, f 10 : 8 pieces white Tape, ; 45 1 I- - tZos The abovegoods packed nicely in paper box, and for warded to any address on receipt of a a Greenback, by 1 SIOHN EERMtlDB. ' 81, N. EuUw Street, BalUmwre, Hd. July 19, 1885. i f r 78 1m. ALES. j ' ! " j - . . .j ' i . -. I ' - j; .!.!! . ' : .'); MACPHERSON A DONALD SMITH, (Late styled Smith A Brother, new xorav - i - BREWERS OF EAST INDIA AND BITTER PALE ALES, FQRjClTY AND SOUTHERN USB"; These ale, are of improved -qnality, brewed with great care, pleasant, nutritive and strengthening, aad. can be relied on for parity. - Brewery; West 18th st , between Tth snd Nh avh. July 13, 1886V ' ' f . i, : 75 8m. ! THIRD. AND LATEST ARHITAL LADIES' .DRESS GOODS. OF JUST RECEITED, ON CONSIGNMENT, ANOTHER supply of beautifal . i - ' I Jrem Ooela,t Consisting ' of J Summer j. Mouslines, Sbally ' Beregee, GraneOines, ana large -eeiection or latest style, best American Calicoes, Bleached Goods, Long Cloths, Pocket Handerkerchieu, A&, Ac; ; . . 1 These goods aire offered to Jobbers sad Country Mer chants on reasonable terms by tbe piece. : ' ' i JAMES IL TOWLES, Agent. July 15, 1885. . . . ; ! : , 76 tf. CHARLOTTE: FEMALE INSTITUTE. THE NEXT SESSION WILL BEGIN ON THE 1ST of September and close on theSSdof December. It. Tnaas: Payable strictly half in advance. Board t0. ' Tuition $2". -Mosio on Piano or Guitar,: 25. Singing Lmsons, (single) 825. - 8iaging in classes, $10. Freneh and Latin, eacn io. use oi risao, 3. . Boarders will furnish their own towels, table aankina and rinr, one pair of sheets, two pillow -or bohrteraees, on counterpane a cap and saucer," a drinking cop, and one doxen candles. Washing a separate, ehafge at the Lana dress' prices. : 'V ' f : - r XTOvisions wiu do iBwnwtat mrset prtee in payment hoard.' 1 is- i - . or board :. For Circular,' address, j July 7, 1865. Bxv.B. BURWELL, Charlotte, N. O. - j -wt. M? QUENT. . BUSBEE, ;. ATTORNEY & CQUNSELL0K AT LAWv Office In the Ceart Hnnse, Raleigh, N. C TT3 ARTICULAR ATTENTION GITEN TO THE EX Ja". A M IN ATION- ot TITLES, to CONTEYANCING. to the adjustment and settlement of Books and Aoeonau. and the COLLECTION oi Claims. ! Raleigh. July iX, 1865; 80 m. ; . IT ANTED. ,i..;.;:'.: i A SITUATION AS TBAOHER. BY A GRADUATE iim tf the Universitv of N. C and of Harvard College. He has had some experience in teaching: : : "Address TsAcnxa, eare of the Rev. ti. H. Is'eVv Geid boro', N. C. ; H -. :-r-V , - I .. ; July 81, 18f; r - T - - 80ur8t. ' l JUST IIECEI YETX. ' 50 DOZEN PAD LOCKS.: . 60 dos Stock 1 do . J i 80 do; Tiaee Chain. --; . At B. P. WILLIAMSON A COS. Raleigha.Juner18t5. p , 1 tf. SITUATIONS WANTED B Y TWO f PRACTICAL ACCOUNTANTS. GOOD references. Address. - a n n T x jjis 1 4sa - ;i a. o. v., vnee, naKiffn, a, J. P. S. Also aequsiated with Q. M. forms. m a .mm Ml . . Julyl2,l85. :f: :V'3. :" T4-f. b::p it CO.. AUCTIONEEUfiV Forwarding and j Cominlson jorchants, j PAYETTEYILLIt STABEE, ,' ! : 4 BALEIGH, I; N. a :fj: ;,.-. r.jnnei8i8.- -. ' k . ;. es tf.-' - . 1 t . ROSIN OIIv ' " ' CmP BABREL8 NO. 1 ROSIN OIL, FOB TANNERS tmtM cn oa consignment. . aoo neayy soie ljeainer. JAMES M. TOWLES. Raleigh, July 11, 1865. . r- . 1 tf. j . - ! '1- WAKTEQ, ftOTA BALES CP COTTOJf. 1 W V-" Apply tot ryV; -j-- Baleigh, July 8, 185. ' -0 . T. H. BJUGCA ,;yh- to tf. A GOTJD" SELECTION-OF POTS, 0TEN8, AND 8piders; also Exjtra Lids lately received, and fb sale at reasonabl - li WILLIAMSON Jll.M.TOWLRS. v.-:. i, ,. 78 if. i MISCELLANEOUS. i AUCTION SALES I. OPGOYERNMBST PROPERTY ITorth Carolina AUCTION .SALES OF BORSES, MULE3.ABMT WAG- 1 -j , vbo. txAKNESS AN 17 UTaAsf J - - : OOTEIlIfEIIirXT PBOPECTT, J VTrILL TAKE PLACE FROM TIME TO TIME AT fV; the principal Cities and Towns in the State - '.i - These sates wilt afford Farmers exeellent opportunities : to stock their Farms with any class of animals they desire iopiiiebase-' '-i-: -. ..... - 4 - Each sale will embrace a. variety of Btoek, Indndlnt Riding and Draught Borse-s and Males of every eUss. A : few very , large Males thoroughly broken: to baraesa and ' in fine condition, will be offered at each sale. ! - 5 ' The attention of capital tsU and dealers in Stock is par- -tieolarly called to the oeportunitiea here presented lisr profitable investment. l$tock purchased for cash at these ; sales may b sold on credit, with ample security, at a large advance, to Farmers who are depending on their growing crops for means to purchase ; or may be retained and sola for cash at a targe profit after the erops bse matured. s , l 1 :V1 f . TERMS CASH 0 DAT F SALS. , v ! I ! Sales will continue during Ibe month of August,' and witl be advertised in this euluma as soon as dates as' Sales of praperty named above will be held jet tbe times and ptaees named below, vis t r ; t m- At RALEIGH, on Wednesday and Thursday, Jaly SStb and S7th, Ifras under the direction of Capt I A. M. Ga aoevta. A. Q. M. ; Sale to commence at L M. each day, at tbe Baptist Qrovm. -j - -. . v . - i.-8 .., At OOLDSBORO', on Satardav, July S9th, 1895, under the direction of Cspt. Q. F. W. faur, A QJM. 8sie to eomme at 8 A. and eontiane untU 6 F. M. Si-i . At NEW BERNE, on Thnrsdsy and Friday,' July 27th and S8th, jl8S, under the direcUon' of Caps. O H. Wnssxsa, A. Q. M. 8-t. At SALISBURY, on Thursday, Jul v 87th, 1865, nader the direction of Capt. 1). W. H. Dxrl Chief Q. it. SSrd Army tJorpa.---.. '";--lh - r.: .v- Viz -;'-.. t- 88 Sti , At CHARLOTTE, on Tuesday and Wednesday, A agnst 1 st and tnd, under the direction of Cant. D. W H JJat. Chief Q.MK9rd Army. Corps.; , j 88 t-j; ti 1 vrrwiTnv . vj.. k..tnu 4;. reetion of tpt U. W. H. Dxr, Chief Q M. SSrd Army Corps.' .. j -,.y; ., -irt-n . j 8S-10ti At FAYETTEYILLE, on Friday, August 4th, under the direction of Oapt. A. M OABonrmj A. Q H.- i 8 lOt - .: h - .! J. F. BOTD, f '' I Col. and Chief 1M . Dep'tN.C. Baleigh N. C, July 24, 1885. H 88 tf W. H. & B. S. TOCKEB, WILL RESUME BUSINESS ON OR BEFORE THE first of August, fur the present, at the -store for merly occupied by McOee k illiams,eadjoining our old atanct They will offer to the public their nasal well se lected stock of ( " I ' ' ' " r FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, AND FAMILY GROCERIES, i f Consisting of LADIES DRESS GOODS, SHOES, GAITERS GENTS? HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, j WINES AND LIQUORS. NOTIONS 1 NOTIONS 1 ! NOTIONS ! 1 1 Ia fact, a gennl and miscellaneous STOCK OF GOODS. jj- Haviac seoured the services of THADEUS VcGEE. Esq.; aaSaleaman. they hope, by prompiness and dispatch, to . merit continuance of those favors so liberally extended heretofore. ; ; W. H, A K. S. TUCKER. s. iv- Their old customers who are indebted to them by note oracoount, can settle -the same in Prodnee, at Market rates.: : ? ,:- V 1 ' 'IS- ' 'i - Pntduee will be taken i a exohahge lor Goods,' tha ren dering matual advantage. j Tf sU A IV Ot AUUJsvJkAe ,:!'. ' TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. ' :-- -':-rrl '- t -i : : - - -1 - ': f ' i i We will fill orders, or make nnrehase in! the Northern Markets, accompanied by the Cash, on Commission. Our long experience in business enables ns to offer facil ities to Country Merchants, in the selection of their Goods. iT W. H. A B. 8. TUCKER. Relwjrh. July ll,185. f T8-tw8 DRY i CABPET1NGS, OILCLOTHS, ;i BOOTS AND SHOES, GENTS' CLOTHING, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, 'YANKEE NOTIONS, VALISES, &c M Cheap aa tbe eheapest, at JT. C. PALMER'S JEVTELRY Mvtn wm BTUK Fayetteville Street. f ATING SECURED THE SEBTICE3 0F MR. B.B. L Gnion. lonir and favorablv known fa ttusUitv, we hono bvftair nrices and attention to the wants of our ens. lorn ere to merit a share of public patronage. , :j i h i - GOLDSTEIN A WILSON. N. B.; Cotton purchased for trade or cash; Raleighi Aulylt,18i m ; ; 78 lm. I - " ' - - ' '' . FOR RfeNT. .) - . " W OFFER FOB BENT MY PLANTATION, 8 MILES Ja-Boath of Baleigh, on the SmMhfield road. 1 The building oon tains six rooms, and with little outlay can be made as comfortable as any in the country. It. is finely watered, having a well of the purest water in the yard; and several excellent spring at other point, i Also Orchards of fine fruits. There is land enough under fence for. a two or three horte farm. Could be increased to five horse, i; The land is generally good, several acres being rich law land, and a meadow, that prod aces, excellent grass. Possession will be given in time for seeding wheat Ac , 1 shall reserve to mvself the right to reject even the highest bidder, aa I wish it in the bands ot some one who can appreciate and keep in order so desirable a situation. Apply eriy to me or to Mr. GeojT, kgg; !iWe1gb,iJnly 15, 188511 ' ';t(:: 76-tt EDUCATIONAL. WAKE FOBEST COLLEGE. mOI, EXERCISES OF THIS rNSTTTUTIOS WILL X. be resnmed on Friday, July ; list, 1RJL; - j t l: i.wiA iii tw m in all branches uanaJlvtaurot in male colleges. ! A caulogue of studies may be obtained os application to any : member or ne racany. . Arrange-, menta nave neen awot vyw m avwrwi. in which bpy may aeoair a thorough Busineas edaeatmo. Tbe course ia this depart ment will be erainentry prnctt i d-s i. tn ha muMlallv nwnared lot anv Dwrswt ia t.a" ma fwnMM to antra. A rrnlar course oi lectnre fllustrated withampre apparatn, "kr ffHv v.i-,1 ptrilnannhv: ChMniatrv. and Amcultaral Chemistry. Occasional lestares on Botany , Geelogy, aad Minerology will be given.. i - i , Bxtensivh. Libraries comprising several thonsind vo. nines will be access i Die to an sinaenj. Taitiott per sessioa of SO weeks in Collegiate Dept ,; J80 - d.-a TniHnn m In advance t? bat efforts will k. m.iia in inrfnlm natrons in special case. Prorisi? will be received in pavment at current prieefc I x or rariaer parw-.-, June 2, 1865. "v;:ft ' ftS lm.' OXFORD FE5IAEE COEEECE. THE 1S9TH 8I8SI0N WILL OPEN . ON THE 8n Monday (the 17th) of July, and close with, the Annual CommWmeat on thi last Thnrtday (the 80th) of No- ;vember,l85.;... vr-' ., For terms, o ppj ""v" X H. MILLS, . V Oxford, N. C. 68 10C Jaly 8, 1885. CLASSICAL AUD, MATE1E5IATECAE SCIIOOE. M JUlen Et s Rjaefclw .L ' V J nnHE NEXT SESSION Of MY SCHOOL WILL COM. ' ' menee on Moedav. July 81st. Board can be bad ia the neighborhood fpr. a limited aumber of boy at $10 per month, iniuon lonuwra or xo weeaa, ao. t Vm il. mwuml. m adAiwaa i RlSvh. Ttf ft . ft kidULAM, ut uuvJaV rnneipu. GOODS Jjnly 12, 1865.1 78 Swfti. MISCELLAKEOUS. . "Wnasfgtoas TTeldon Railroad Cav -j PaiamaRT's Omen, A MfWNO OmllSoLKRlWHE f y1,!! R0" Vl?fdoB Rsllroed Company wfll he Tto inethit islled at the request of the Provisional J - v. nu vmwson. xwfl. a overQrwiBeBWta,torthepurpoociwsanisinthe I - - - at lis mmn . j h v All Stockhoioers. nnlese belonging to the axev4ed classes,; who take the amnesty oath required by thelSee. Ideat of tbe United States, can vote and take part in the meeting. ' f ! 1 A fall attendance i requested; either tn person or by proxy. , t 3. D. WALLACE, -' - ' - j President ' Jaly 11. 185. , mn 7-t4 Tarboro' paper copy Ult day of meeting. ! . H fMl POUNDS NICE WHITE LARD, JLW 4f in kegs and barrels. 9000 poupd nds-Raeon, Hams, Side and Shoulders. do Rice, in sacks. 200 do Dried Fruit, do , Bright, Brown Sugar. . do . Crushed Sngar. . . do Manufactured Tobacco. 800 300 600 509 do Snuff. Dosen Cases 'o1man'a Mustard; . At B. P. WILLIAMSON A CO., V L ) FayetteviU Street Jonel,18&. - SS tf. . .",:,; NOTICE. v SALE OF AlRMr MULES. QUAKTKKJIASTBB GnTRBAL's OlRO, . - ; I Washington, D. O, May i 15. IfTANY THOUSANDS OF MULES ARB BEING P&r lUL posed of at public sale at Washington. The sales will continue until the number of animals is I reduced ia proportion to the redaction of the armies, now : going on rapidly. : ! I ':V 1 - ? There are in the armies of the Potnmae, of the Tennes- ; see, and of Georgia probably Four. Thousand of tbe finest ; six-mule teams in the world. 1 Man .of them were bought in the beginning of the war, p as young mules, accompanied the armies in all ihetrmaren ' . and eampa, and are thoroughly broken, hardened by ex i erase, gentle and familiar, from being so long antrounded I by the soldiers.. " i : ! - - The whole South is stripped of farming stock, and the ,. North also has suffered from the drain of animals, taken to v supply the armies, r r ' - I , f r. I' These animals sre sold at pnblie aoction i they will not bring anything like their true value ; and such opportnni- ties for farmers' to get working animals to stock their i farms, and for drovers and dealers in stock to make good " speculations, by purchasing them and disposing of them m the South, will never occur again. V i . ' i - '.J IL C.1 MEIGS. i i Qnartermaster General, - I ' ! 1 Brevet Major GeneraL Jnry , 1885. j I , M 88-Im. PEOPLE'S LINE (FOR NORFOLK j J. . . j AND ; INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS, . VIA CANAL. fjpHE FINE LOW-PRESSURE STEAMERS . ' MINNEHAHA, BCTGIJENOT AND WASHING , i- TON, IRVING, : wru, liavb ;Kxtr bxritb Taesdays, Tkarsdays. and Satarday. .,:.-...,:. ::,tBAVp-lbBrOLX.. X:- TsMs4nT Thursday s, and Sntnrdays. These Steamers have been pat on this route for the ae commodatien of theCitiaens of Eastern 'North-Carolina, I 1 awl will 0O run vw vu.iiv uemwu. .un uiun 1 tention will be paid to Freight aent by this Line.. and will be ran the entire Season. The most careful at- t es Kates aa low as nv anv otoer anno. ....... - i -i . . tr .v m uif :'i ' I -': , : : Proprietor. July 8.1865. - ; j -? -j - : 88 tf. Ueadqnarters Department of N. Carolina, i ! aiui I vt a Ob uniu, ! . Raiugbl N. C-, Jaly 7th, 1S8&- SraciAi) Oansa, J " "1 .;;J , i .; Noll. S f ?.l "B" T. COL. J. W- Mcdonald, tth a. t. vouua et A teers, ia hereby appointed Post Commandant ef the Post of Raleigh. Bv commana oi urevet-naj'veo. anii, ' j CLINTON A. CTLnEY, .T-lw ; , , I j Assistant Adj. Gen. JAMES R.HERBERT, y . PRODUCE ' ! - and!- : i ': r-A - .1 . .-.I GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, W West Pratt St., BaUlmore, Md. ELLS ALL AND EVERYTHING. QUICK RETURNS made. Custom desired an tbrongn sne oooui. : ;"; - .;v. ' ';"itxFx to r . :. ' X Mr. John B. Neathery, Major W. W. Pierce, aad others in Raleigh, N.C. Jalyl7,lP65. 78 lm. WEST'S NEWSPAPER AND PERIODICAL DEPOT, 'HERE MAY BS FOUND ETEXYTHIXG DT TBI btahouaey iuns, : AT LOW; RATES. OFPICB FIXTURES, SCHOOL BOOKS, ; . ! STANDARD NOVELS, d6a; A well as all tbe Principal Newspapers Teeeived fron i: v ".-site' ,Hi '.r. , r ;-! .( -xj -.f New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore. ' On ear counter may be found f v HARPER AND LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, NEtTTORK LEDGER, li,' t POLICE QAZETTE,, OUPPXR, BUDGET OP FUN, Ae, - 'r . together with with the ATLANTI0 MONTHLY, ' ' ' ; HARPER GODXTS, ftrxl PETERSONS I MAGAZINES, ! j With all tbe principal tftlpapa ef the dhyv , Raleigh, July 12, 1885. ' ' ' . " ' T41u f GOLD : FOIL FOR SALE. ;4t.,.57LE.3:,HEARTT,;;-i tC Apply to . Fsyetleviiiearree. ' ex t v 8 8-3 EE2 I H 3 o ' H a ft c 3- . .f $25--! ; O f : I - 3 - . .H : PH -;. - ... s , ; . ; (At the old hud of Heertt A liedeU.) WJunx7f1885. . , -; u DRY ;QOODS, CLOTHING, NEW GOODS ! O'COKSIQm ST. tOk M SIP A3TD OtfflES 8TBA W sttt$ W 10 Done India, ftiana a begaora ttaia, do" Biaek and entered 8elv fiatsA. --4?fl" " 20 do Ladies' and Cbildrena FUts, Hats t F i Shakers; f v:.rf'' : 800 do TaylorCoaUASffoid&ooliftts? V .. 10 do Packs Pfos,: V,.-- r .tt jdo Paper lfaedlea, "i 10 do ' Ladies' Boss, aad Oents' Balf Bov X' 'j 10 do Ladies' Gaiters, ef excellent emelity, ' ' 6 do Gents Gaiters aad Oxford Ties, - i ,;i do : Fanev Soapa. -. - hO Suits Ready Made ClolWngj Cassimere ivl 1 ! !' . : - -Linen, - : .," - V ' ' s ' i 200 Palm Leaf Fans; ' , 800 Bunches Cotton Tarn. l' 1 ' S500 Yards Bleached Cotton, 1 , 1500 Yards Brown Sheeting, 100 Cases Carolina Belle and 8oathera Star Snuff 1000 Paper Collars, Gloves, L, C. Handkerchiefs, Neck Tes. Buttons. Flax Thread, Cottoa Cards, Sboa Ijaces, Tapes, Al, Ae. Country Verehahta, and retailer, will do well to eall and examine onr stock. j ... B P. WILLIAMSON CO. f . .. FsyetteviIle8treot. June 22, 1885. ' . - 87 tt NETS GOODS ! NEW GOODS 1 1 . - f ; rpsr Kscarvco bt .-- - HENSHAV & THORBUEN. (Old stsnd of N. C. Bookstore, Corner of Favatteville Street and Capitol. Square.) ; , ,-; A LARGE AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Ladies Dress Goods, Buttons and Fancy Trimmings: an elegant assortment of Ladies and Gent's Hats. Gaiters. Booties and Shoes; also, some fine Freneh and American .rnnts, bleached and unbleached Domestics, Cheek and : Jnet Muslins. Brilliants and Cambrick Boopa, Onrseta, Wrappings of all kinds, Xid Gloves. French anOmerieaa J lowers, Ribbons, Laces. Tissue Tails, Bareges, Challie '3&pJt-nT,BIIBf nd Magic Ruffling, and Ready Mad : viotning. j - .-, . ; : ' . . The above firm has also opened ; A -GllOCERY ON HII.LSBORO STREET ' (Old stand of A. DrakO Where lamniea can be supplied with GROCERIES oft. kinds, at the lowest prices., - Just received, a large assortment cf Kerosene Lampa. Cmekery, Tin Ware, Paints. c, Ac Ae. f V It is our intention to establish onrselves in this City. We respectfully ask the cititenr to give ns a call. Our Clerks.(weU known to you, W. C Stronaoh and Chaa. Me Kimmon.l will always, we feel assured, do their utmost to supply the Wants of customers. r . l" J- J. HENSHAW, . - ' C. I. TBORBURN. Raleigh June 14, 1885. 61 lm. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. N STORE. A- BEAUTIFUL 8KLECTION OF THE I latest Wyle j SPRING GOODS ' For Ladies Dresses. Also for jrwitle&sn'a wear FINE BUACK DOESKIN CASSIMERE, ALL PLAIN AND FANCY DO, , j HEAT? WHITE LINEN DRILLINGS, FINE DLEACHED DOMESTICS, - ' BOOTS, SHOES, AeAe. " s . - JAMES M. T0WLES, Agl. Baleigh Jan il, 1865. .w,C M-tf. 04Tkrii YDS. ENGLISH LONG CLOTH, JVV" 8000 Yards 4-4 Browa Cotton, . .v j- 800 Bunches Cotton Yarn. - .-, 10Q Coata' and Taylor's Speof Co tie. ' Cotton Handkerebiefa, 80ft Hata. , 8hoes, Envelopes. Ac. Ae., , At B. P. WILLIAMSON i OCR. June 1, 18H5. ' - r v.ea fC:--. ; MISCELLAKEOUS. IMPORTANT TO MILL OWNERS. vi - ; J. A. McMANNEN8 :f. CEtEBllATED raPnTED SMUT AND SCREENING MACHINE? rmHE; UNDERSIGNED 13 NOW PREPARED TO it furnish this indispensibkv article, highly improved with-flated teethe, sand and oookle ecreens, and will ship them from Durham's Depot to any poiat ia tbe United States at the shortest notiee. Price $15. .Will take in payment Bacon, Lard, Cotton Tarn, Leather, Flour, Iroa. -Salt, or Fish, at market price, or money. -Old maoliiaeo . of my make taken if tbe easting ia not broken, for which $85 Will be allowed. Alt articles in exchange to bw wallow up in good order, and delivered at tbe point of destinaUoa . of new Marine, each party paying their own freight. ) Alt letters directed to me at Durham's, N. C, ear of W. Cheek. Railroad Agent. J -'--'-r. H-- Cot this out and paste it.np in the mtIL i JOHN A. McMANNEN, . .July 8,1885.. 8T-wweU Headqnnrters, Post of Raleigh, t July ie,l8H5.. ' Gkxsxai. Oanaas : 1 ' -. : No.l8 f . ALL SUTLERS, STORE KEEPERS, AND OTHERS,, are strictly prohibited, under penalty of eonflseuwo of theif stock, from selling any article of civilian's wear-t iag apparel to enlisted men, tinder clothing only excited i I';;; ::;v:;.;;;v-:Pab. :il, ; ; ' All soldiers are eautiooed against appearing in the streets of this city in citizen's clothing. They mast weae tbe uniform prescribed in Army Regulatioos. . . . The Provost Marshal is instructed to see that this order., is strictly enforced. j ! By order of " " - I v v jos. m. Mcdonald, 'U. Lt. Col. 47th Jf f. V, - - . ; Commanding Post. GnoaosE Avnira, ' ..-- -'v.-.n Captain and Post Adjutant' TA 1& j . HARDWARE PA 11 M I N C 1 MP It E ME Ti TS. lrmLOUaus, cultitators, corn pla nteb. 7 HAY AND MANURE FORES, HOES, RAKES, SCYTHES anASNATHS, ; . s DITCHING SPADES. SH0TELS, (long and short handles,) :' :. -.:"'A AXES AND HANDLES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, HATCHETS AND HAMMERS, . . 1 ' 'SCYTHE SHARPENERS AND STONES, FRYING PANS, COFFEE. MILLS,." . - PORCELAIN KETTLES, NAILS OF ALL SIZES CURRY COMBS, Ac, Ae. f i For sal, cheap for cash, by t '-j " ' " " ' 1ATIXER & CO. : . f .. a.nL hmwlw niwnmiiJ torn B. H. TadicO.! ' ' : : f - V rrr-J . - .7.- .T- Baleigh, Jaly 7, 1885. .' Fayetteville Street. : i eiHxTeop. -r y XVATE COIf pIGIfacnTfl. i - 64Ot LBS. KW BACON, SIDES A V D XrlVOiy Joints. Prime Fsmfly Lard, fas Keg. . -, 10 Barrel la Soda, Batter, aad Boston Cvasksx. :.;;Gd Soaerasaoen, Castle.. :-hh . r . 1 mie kohisb taopawv .t-'-.-.-- ..- . . ' s v t ft Barrels nice Dried Apples aaev . BaJa hMvV fetrined Domesties. . t 7m and a 4 Bra. Sheeting end Span. -a : r3onrLaiser. -. -. . : Bat brands Smokinc nd CUsrtor Tobaseo. Garouaa. ittna Bell and Btar Bonn, ana oe-ars. AAMES M. TOWLES Altai Baietf Jan x7, 1885. a h. T ... ;r vr A..s..aBM - a : n " COI LEeiATE INSTITUTE. , ;: AA . be rejameA on. Tnujsoay, - departmeaL fajapptted by teehts of sAiBtf rieBca. For. psteujars, HjfVjx-ntLOOX: , aiy i -ow. WpTiTIlTAJBOaOLf T1AHTV OF 1 Htockholdevs of h tyn ,F48 X;:B1JalytiW5, .GbxkavOskx, ... .T .. .... ..' v WITH SPECIAL bRDE C. Armv of n vaw,'"?' j a, t!eih. Jan 8 1885. T-l 1 w ACfXJKuanwiB) i 11 ii nt n 1 :5gS.belrfed; 1 t. m. riMiiniiBiiri. f.f " 4 "I j. .- lacftLBB, oec y. AnT 11.1835. -78-eodlCt Baleigh, Jirly W,18k; -in v,,.-. -.j. .... ;;.4.,jiT:Mii iKtS is'.

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