. - - - ' !' -U3 3 , jcx. casso area iaigTa t TTSSSSDM.Yi' JVLY ST, 1 ti Tto ibf J H smthtjn, tht. ' 'fomfcirtfyIhCTm M the rper; snol tawuiil the same promptly 4 Bf. - W8wtfl jyj. m .., t-iam. uasrrnwutwewewiwwv . r.,,.. Antwen nvw t J" ' P.Eaton k Cow, Baltimore, va : r- tW aMitktiii of the ' MUM) 1 . JvVbave been .wp1 .ell lataWli Ererybody W ' J siiswem area !rarin Ato omiltotlcjee Jk fa we concede, va, jntjA vdisoBSMsowtethBth 4 rmtntiott TMe'dbBOtproTK to tio, The eo aWot'sui .ply aay that we reject with scorn tM doetdz .tte'fcslmpi sfcaW right par-he cVkd of'tta see 'indepeuelice ancl4 absolute spy- fsattonai tmepryw Beaere wiaKinsnMoricaiionr of the constitution by the people of fSUb states, A 4beirwas swi fetencS&i cf BOfereiuutlind, that or ml ue nupvwee ior wmcn uie nauuiuu gT t.k etnwejrf wa created, thaeebecwettt. ? Ve l beUere that the gorernment thus fornied, denting Vita powers from the same source from which &e .a &&$&atm&ag tj MJtlffl3ee:5Q3a rpowerestahBalwa a snpe I iriof soi higher .aorereagntj; with the ?right and, 1 the' powet? to conV tte states, so as to compel I themQ keep within ihe limits of the powers t sersei to them by the cioistitution. ,We think. 1 there Can be no cutAbou ' this. The constita ' tiod ordained itself to be u the supreme Jaw of the 1 iandt,' and declares that ";the jodgeain eifery state thali be bouiid thbyV anything ul thV constitu tions of the states to the contrary1 iMtwi4 Jug.v This, we think, establishes onr proposition. ; Sot tiw manner in which the. States ' were to be thus eontfoHed 'was ' throoch the national Judi- To the.hmited-.e: Uxnit ,ext(o the-powers reserred A t by the conrtitntion to the states, they -ara pndV l Vjwndent of each other, and of the national gor- Batrw&ue they are thus iaaited sovereirntiea. eaeh with its ' rseparate and independent enstenee, ther SMaeertheless parts of -the great whole--parts w ; .f i the grand American nation.' M The Tiuon of . the states cUstinet as the billows, yet one as the 1 j ees.' TMi was a toast giT en in the city of Rich-"-mano'we believe, some ten or ntwehre yearr-tgo, - 9 V-tdkin '-:yf4 Txarl j &igoHek;t;iws thooghtto have been borrowed from Jiontgome- tj "Ode to the Sea pat pe Jhi as, Jt may, Jt J was unaoDtecuy tne nsppiest figure erercnosen to illustrate the exact relations of the states to the ,; general goroenment. The billows, though sar- t distinct, and independent of emmethet; are Pyst sypait 4f the mkfj oon, ioadjyocah no moreaepsreie them from tliat ocean, -thanyotf cm dbsttvn iri pCNSfc ecisely so - with the states. Theysre separate and distinct from pach jther,ret parti jmd paj jVgreat aKtFWO jtegaBfy sn4: comtifatioBally separated than the IjIDows can be sgtarated fromthe greold oceasw Such so.Uejbf .costiJjlid.' toctmt3 and Ihe Union of tiw'"rtstVneWsBett, STBirlBjtii'1 ;i--""i iz-Yf. ;jj Th6 rreinibfflie tfnitec Botes being Ssrgeiy national .m im nature, its laws, of course, 4ot ocratpjon bnp the4ji. tmaO Dnite4,3Utea. . The eontntioBmakai Utnwom4nty,oriftejadenttft8ra the UwsarV faithfully executed Against all classes of j of & enthorked call : out the miUtia- of; thtft wbToft JgSfafr State, if neeessary, to put ft down,Awea' -as to nsethe regular army and nary. Jn the case of WlyfiinsiirrtiQn ikiPil-rsmPresS.; dent wasMngtonref ercjsed tluapowr, and called P9JmJ'Mm ii.. sr rrr?f WtWWimi' rWI ogovmiment let Wtoquirehit were the rights and powers of j twigQWjfesj rStaadgtL powers of the states were certainly ifAj4 lttttons, i Tney coold, idtef or ssacad their sererai state eomtlonj.- tol Tided theyjnaerted Nothing thereby confficting f -VeQrimea-,j'or instance, theyeonMnethsje forms ;goTmpnentjifcee 1 riarantees to erery state sock form &ern- f ment In faciWhateyer they mllTV-5one in - rtolatkmof said-txmstiton, or1UwsoTtrfe, . wintaidT'rhdrrwertw ly limited sad mrcm&Mr fcf uth Baited 8tatesuTha4 constitution: ,ney could roltonch. t Thfiy were tjoirnlla observe all Uws passed to' pursuance thereof, imta they weri tepefied or declared unconstitutional by the soi ' PBfll&'&l had say right to jngei Tho-rWted wrffl aH the sow .crdgn powers whses icesessed, thejr ; were nererthessatiiens of the United States, and as much bound by the constitution and law OTgan',;nd fag m Uws whkh, had ! been inampursyiaoethe acts were simple nullities; and ifielrefiectjBrf: to separate their respective" states from the Union. ! They stniTrmained a parti great ws are parts of the mtohrVbcMn governments, "wl&Clat onceMtaA . SJ preparation to aaatatotSsemael "fTf ,ttmentof the Uni tod,Stateiwisnoihi Inauguration of a crand t Action' 4'-n't-ui tegnnM to jceHstan,threto,lii true that they profasaed to do sfl this to the tXbrala wHcSTtasy contend'eoul not ILsieolrtneSr eommit treason. It is trrat r Tt-te cart ntit treason, but it is e' t t is that I. f eanr 1 authorise its dtims mi Ax ment ..Jol tt H, state conventions eoul i it . ttscre t -raseit ? ' rf ' B-ww w .,7 J from their allegiance IH he livim Jtf HM United Ststes,iiehjr eL dtiiene of their rtctiTO it!.. Thn when Uaeettoensefthe United, Stmtea h; composed, eaidconrratiooa. andwbo filled the tJfecuUT im -toyaUiiveoCoes ef the iSoaieaieceded-: ttitta, ii wall as of tbamso-called Confederate States, attempted teaMuntouVTbe itottti they had selected for thenv of States, that government had .no alternative left but wisrll ft:imkieetBPtl- the snonussn fffff nspgento hjjoroe of arm. We never cooltf seei&dw 1 President Lincoln, oouid have Hoa of Uxe ISthjef jLDrii.U&31..cai:fol ; the TveiWWJiwtuiea iUa3u anau w coraa we- faadoar why, Ttegiiiier!7orft-par wonta We reflpooded to it-routptI! How nmcB watrj sua ram isej nugat ajiTP aarea mwbh te5soh eoiei wjapperat ;S' Bat we ro raach further,.tha,e. J7iconteod; rdikt the rebellioa should have Ven trashed oot in it iifUtethVsheoId Itafe Jteen nipped io the hud. (iothias was erer better known than tne act, inac ior manr monuw oefon uo prrsuiea m Wectfetr of IStheBrtciegf mpcracy tthe Soutlk comprising: a bjj'ge majontroof he neop oXto 'oihm States were detormmed Sipon Wklng up theUmon, thj ev eut of MrXiaeolo's efrctiWi- Sheen Gscte bamg wea known to the goi ernment, we think its eeurse was.plnhv thinly it shcnld at onee have ssade the most ample prepar Ations tor maintaining the national authority, i ft ouldhave Jiotified the enaieentents ot the ijouth - T - - - - - ; t-t - , , j should he been such as m pout Wos them thai it was terrw fn 'earnest Jt should hare mapned f n fkhs Jbhartoaient pew erTul fleet to the (BoaiHWtwoun, wun a Jvy lnfMce on board, It should hae done U this and much mere; wttaont waituij to hear the tesutt ef thf presHen.tlsctkmk (or very -man .ef hat Mr. UncolQ l would be; elected,:' Hiring done this, It should harestrKken' SoathrCarolh a erribfe Uow, opo lo coauBis sio'o of the first atert act, towit: the passage of her' ordinance of secession, But , perhaps thlf T would nerer hare become necessary if the goTernuMnt had srte'wfth becoming protaptness and gor The chlvalrr of South Carolina even, might have auafled. b&r the mhty power of the geternmOBt arrayed 4 against her in deadly earnest Sudi jajeourse would unauoxsarj liars ooeo punaou- a- wa naanaa president of thsr United Stateit jroIrA IT ths Drssidenlialbair bed been filled at that time -by each ft man sJ Alezanor'BsnuItonVen'ryC or Andrew Jackson, this war might have" been prevented; Z s L".5u Bnt most nnfartunatelr for; thenationr it was MecLhy nmaa-of e different ' orderattMach- aain. Safivrfrom masJng any afiurts. to provent the 6'estrnction ef the government, 'bm retny seems to veonmTvedr ifhe did not encouragoiu Id meesage to Congress fat December, 1861 he did indeed teU the . nalcontents.that a, ststo-had m right to secede, yet eogely declared fhaftne go.v ertmwt had. no right to coerce a s tate if she shoold ntteoxpt to secede. This was simply saying to thett secessionists of tiie South, go aheed Trith yor (Mutopaoieichenieej.di my administration at least,' yon shall never he diatairbed,ad-it was said. thatWwas induced to take the position he did by secessionist m his Cabinet Howell Cobb. ; But Cobb was not the only traitor Whleh he had in his Cabinet. There ws Jacob Thompson of i JiWtnnt r2k -nd -M-iirtH.r? rw4 It is onus oi iwppi mougw it iiecsssary io am;aV4tlml far todicateaT and bledeo to him eWchearfnl eominissr,i the iegettm of NotOarolina to persuade that body to caff a Convention horder ) thaCfinf god eld state might seeede from the Union 1 and torn u toe rUion against toe gownmiet pf Abe-Ummd States. - She appointed Jscob aon and Mr- Buchanan. . eonsented that ha migh leave bin post to the Cabinet to order to fullfll the- mission. He accordingly came nw-Washineton: CHty to Bighea1us issto returned aaoresnmea toe piaos m the Cabtoet than either of these. WweBaeVt decretory of War. He bad taken an oath itotsup-4. port the Constitution of the United States ahdTbeld -f abigh plaofrtothe' govertmeat Yethe took ad-1- plot He iiiid States tD'hestoran iha jriuS sVienak to th. .K , ilEliftLii " f Leaiast the coveraaMnk aeaiast the .governoseat -W' think few, t lesw trwiwoathan tJajsUIljsre to J bi cart wrc&m batoryj HeitHertUrt tf -Arnold 1 r Churchill, ia ear opinion, surpasses (Smchansn mast nave been cognisant of alt tl self of these traitors to lb Cabtoet It is With deep bumUiattou'lbat We refer U Ihese things. Tethflh? ihistory! sheuid.be rtedicated. TSnM thenwul be Budiansn a ration' ttpenv its Jwsewiif wpif sweu wrauyju; eas 1 as something little short of a traitor? Oegnrba JSbP? JPfl W ewMoa aK.na: aaaas :Pideatitohinw;fi ; .m j . tvn iwa-.cava oirressM wkmv, vv 3 intended lwejsetHo!denn abates ef swjeded states. . We temarfced awhilsaro thtflr otdlnfeexnfl liefot mw&mti& tiae, that tliey did aot-separaU-their sUtes from the Union. Bat all their oflcer stones or&itoi thalf place by treason, The government of the Tjgfted SUtes.have eieeided,Ahst ItoVlilMtW years they have.merery beenci states without any ministration of their Kate orernmeots; lTEeit Jtoff, pretendistf terooien&t. l'&tffa national gOTeroment to ' havr been -mere' 1k: wilVnot even admitthst' they -were wveronsenb ks' taenv as matter- of courseLAevery'tbhir done fewMW, i;&e anil rand toidb; jsjf: ejh'mttieut ?fltw-r4ti oe1pjthafcit of the South have forfeited ited their nlacea hw trawuinJ and that it is imperative tkat aeir gotaramenm4 tionwhetWthi5govehtoientflaiod;coiTecUy or3 not, to deciding that the rebel ststo gRwrnmento Wbtot'veramrttSlo Whatever our! IntodmlyM itii auGeibrTuS tlio-' eral grvernmenVaa7aee to abide bjr the 'decisions of thecoVernment to all its-WrttoBir todroW Iti ;desfructfiw, . 5TrS7 rvj "t W aoT.iiope Atxestoroxi njlRWetsafmontfktBin. peace and maiaw to our ato-UrSM A PW frlf T4-ttes&fa4i..---t;vf.3f. 1 T"D.,D8wtn M ea orto:tw! '. n. v-;';::". J.'"Trw,wftie- ana miny inoasana jotoier ..11 never been out of the Vnton, All loyal dtisens ; In tir-a hsfT rae rtt under the eoO 7 su. and Uws xl U Uc States, to whicl j the ens t X the m; t loyal '.-ites are entitled. i j bo; ity car - ruiiy 1 rercis; prse rirhU now for 8 -a .l. : W .... er Z t T O - ws: r?cj su;3 irrernrpnts, iwha have been .-ittf .thevtythftMss fotfore thai iour yu;w The state gor-H ernments having thus been for mere than four y 1 In aImimm. It beeomes aeeesssry to;iorsanis: t &e ones. How Is this to be dons f We do not tee &w elselt wnM Be done than toe way In "which" provtsionai governors tn tnose sutes, whose duty iwrriii Mtepo - the., peopm . of iheir. Jtespectir autosy te whom the taifc! bf tafH8bto(r ernmenta is entrusted. This is the oalv leritimate ;waatspf gov- ments that to be-jorganized will at ones recline atheist wutittional -wsnUtioM ,withi thefedenJ ternment' by sending senatorr ahd i.-? m pMW$k dpi. ,that the , wort ,ot reorgantsatioo I pmoeeding as Bolden will, we understand, issue a proelamatioii toe few days, toe day of election for a state alf;at the jearpia In a few aontha, furtheTes we shall have the civil ThmpabUStaie Codntio'n' was held 1st were very intarsetingrj rThe Sepnbliesjr -purty ars ;suwe ofjiucoeto to t Sia'ihAjioWnbeC ectie&l'imt time alone can telLi iTherJetootratfd u paiiyBaT. BitosriOi cosiroueaane aie.Tana ;na ittoentlstogdortogthe waY bas-be abU to divi. theui, Wa maynawecoar ao-.eneoaa'f telu The delegates, bled at. Temperance Hal at lemnorary Chejrman, and adressed the- ConpoC fi. aeviileL of llercer, ws appointed tempo SeqreUry, and Csptato Georgs flalsted assisy !C.CcmmIti4baresoliiou sMnileaof orMiuzU. uon, c, wwre appotnieo. ;.; r C -ar-r.r1-i1i 4M.v-. 2"vy ''Ij:'.- i f a resmnuoa to rater aaresomiions oa state ana National aSdri witheof debi brought iut strong speecntrom uepree. , tuiateoi or xssex. Ur &yof evatihgthyfi 'jTJv:vra eocaiiJxe i: amteeffCapUto'Hialsted remarked to eondusion therswaa no nag decorating . thi'mlClnmt-risl- soeil pronred r but-fiibted HkheiQrrr his 1 point which was to defeat, the resolutioa of refers ported Uenerat JuOson KUpatrick, of Sussex coon ty, ss President, which was received with applause.' Geo. Kilpatrick made a speech denoanetoar the coppernesdaorfirSd iBentifn the strongest? terms, which was received witi treat enthusiasm. 1 A-Vice President from each buny andV Secin- The Committee on Resolutions reported a series ss followsW 1 .war had not been aiailare scoordhur to ocratic dedamtion at Chicago, but had tawamism suf in sat KaswvsmKIa ansa si im e avi fT fl tVrtoJe .. I ' L 8. MMoiL That President Andrew Johnsoo, President bv his bold denunciation of traitora at the outbreak J ' ot tha-rabrilion, by bis devotion : to the Union through theasTweajt t trials anoVby bis conduct to the,didargejof e biacolfr datiea ioopoecd pon hasaeoaeea ,mr tognest eonnaeneet ana we i,fi.fapb. tJnKffnf Jcom Itbejanka of the neonle. as fitttoa: ivMand 1 3jc nanent of deameratie tanobUeaSK nrtoetoks 1 and J while we mourn the loss of the . lamented Uncohv i r w reloiee that hie mantle . has. fallen noon one bv J birth and education, position hod sftsociattons. ad-.' mirably qaaJwea tosal jruhKtbe perplexing ques J ,SymnathisWit(l th lionito be watched. - - - - I ' ' - 5. JA 3enebiT of indictment erainst the Detne- ;crU5 prty for ittf treason .and hosUJity to the war puu iu uu .wiu WHUUHgtuiat to We 4Sef ana slavery ent must and shall prevail is' New 3torsey.f f 7. The untold blessings of ,freedmeo delivered from Mevery. . ju, t-y, s-..-- ' 8. Grahtude to tne arniysad j navy lor their va osUe services, i ein. fet-ij . 9. Economy promised to" Stot expenditure; " I 10. Thanks todUzens of TorefcnrbirthTor tlielr m appregs.ng tti (on,and . iii' : . .' i l eounwj wnicn na atfopteav umss as t iU own cha-'f dren. i i kiHiJ z,M iioi'H Si'. f ,( Ur. Geonre Halsted called for hU'resolat ton to ?fi' reference to the riebtn of ootored." metC and after some excitement all Were, postfkooed until after the nomination. i' - : l-m -Ruprs i ' if;' i"-:i-. The Convention was opened for Mteraftaans, and after Marcus L. Ward and A. G. Cattell had i been nominated, a. d!Mt front TUrm nnminiMAGmii KjCatrick which took Jika wildflra).and, hawas noratastod :bv thai deleeates from several ether cettntiea; " The excitement was so high that a mem ber proposed to make 1 the nomination br scefsma- Ttion. Hon. The friends of .the other candidatetoeistsd fe on a ballot and the first ballot resulted as follows : Cattell, S65rWaroV250: kilpatrick, 149. M 8ecoftd'ballot-iOatten, WardVt44; OpV triek, SSliMv8 w'Hf,!")'' . " i mud ballot Cattell, I trick. 218. A motion to Uk Foorth ot-CttelLltatliaDatnck. 178 1 i - T tnti Ward, 149 and lSaroas Li War4 wa deciarad tn4 nominee of the partr for Governor of the fitatev 3 W-fTftMW ii-'AaiH b'5e&Ys;i ftlt anrl tKa WMmunt Muilut' ' T .'.- '. ! , ,The resolutions of the committi aM 11. Halsed7s reaototion The SUtoQaalrat ComaiitteT wis snnointed and tne uonvention sdjourned. i i j m m - . 7 fWlWrA was ydbd. at, a; meetinr of ijthe Daawaatto.Suts Cammittse,. on Toesdsy, ; the 18th. to call a-8UttJonveniaonJat Woreester oaj the SSAyricBapV&fterf :h4t1ea". Jlg!emdetegtft for each dty'or!to"fnit and one additional for,efioteeeu$pat the last Gab- . Iowsillatoe, vllssesrttaatts TTermont'? Utoaescta ewJevsey;:Ohto,Wiacoa8la?aa4 may add Kerttt-Catolina, and teoit proy W &e ether Southern S totis.1 j -Jfl V- ( . lHry, of Ms&n&iv5 effj wmpvww dv m xauuiaate ior tne coave; He is tcrinsii, "sn would ' nuke sn:CS8eAsASaaeins 3A.m Shu 1 Baltimore transported from rfcuodred ajviipatnca, and others, toi 9 a aWl -' SI 9 H'aCTT-.- . J . m .a Esq.. tbe.lato Commoner from Clay and Cherokee rrir. I?rTerty3oiirsr'N thef r " tnrt was suchii; f ?man, sT '.?ghlr ;"p ;ibU r x ion. He was uc?ii fonn'r .roe t tne t ests f . s eonstitnents si - . . ' s;r -,a -: t to tut;use it vet' nd,: ulon, Be has bei nomled by Mr eitueni uens for a seat into appreeehtog convention. .We treat hewiQ be elect tod, Ccan4t31sCeolib more jrorttv msato represent them. rri i vinn gmoram Tl - rti - - , - - of maausarlnt sent to this eountrr hr Mr. toe origin the addresses ot. thm rTc5ati of .twfeiitviiria mtnhj sad numeral l05CTmTicipalhie8,jO Switfbndcefs loo in the Ute csrarvanditiiei no lew-nniveraid sorrow ceaSw members ;of jta; eraL fonfnO, and most of the leadtog civil, militsry-JBttd eantottal-of3cer, and very; jnany teachers, lergynien otinttetiaena. Ia Jrothj ay;sfll g& tbpy compriee, tie aggregited and congregated voice of sU SwitsertafM' whose LhjBarts, hopes and prayeff werje, with aa-doring the COUNTY. n At a large aM respeetaale meetiBg bM at Shoot , tog Preefe pj'eeipeViClay County fl. Plptt, Esq-. , 'waa-'caUed totb ehau-J and -K, Iff. SmhhJ was ap- J ; pointed, iwcreury iut .?- x ... . , . T.i.a.9 40 uow pesajuoua jmroauceo? oy w com- mittee consisting of, Byran Bron, Br A. IJatheSon, ' Uirsbal Pavis, aiha Eoberta, were ataalmoos- ir adbnted ttfii&L 3. -.?-j.5vi5 , BnoUtd. That we hail with ti nexnressibto-'-aaiia. V ftetfefn the restoraticra of the Union, cemented with . 7TT - the blood or our. fathers; With iU old .landmarks of ,1 sseiVtTbthaUnien is more dear tomi than ever ott account of the miseries loueht unbn ua y the wicked iebelftoa; ananhaV ire wHlcUng to ana cnensu it u we.ture wiw renawea araor. . MMiHk hi wa,uBacr io u tv nown oar fi unfeigned thanks for bis bold end manly icotftse foa Ws Mpointinent ai Frovisional .tvornor e iiorth- wouna Dweu wiu wr neany approval j ana tnat we reeonuneod hia nomination for Governor by the people; and in the -event of hn betog Ik candidate weIedge to htotitoearnest aappor t . i i ' EatltdL, That these proeeedtogabe published to toeSitot aiid iVojrt,. and; that other loyal 'papevwbe ttested to'aop'y r" :x"'' r i -T. - is Tbe tneetinglwai addressed Jn! an' abtoanjater esting manner by Wfl, Herbert, Esq. -.J ? r tt;.. w-V4V '- H. I'LOTT. Cbm. , aVG.SaarBVSec'y. : : ;- - :; - - -PUBLIC MEETING m CLAT CGUlJTY. : the eountyot Glay, on the 18th nny 805, , -On motion H..,PIott was called to the chair, and . G. Smith sppOiatsecretory. tilr'v-j On molion. a committee We? appointed to" draft resolBtwnar six t Byrem BrowirMamhal avia, B A. Mathison, and John Roberts xho tepefied the following, preamble ii.nndV rasototiona.. which were adopted, wjthbne disseatinis. foice, th'is geav;! tiernin 'beinsr, opposd , to the, npmineionfGov.. olaentvernori' 4 11 !, ' ' Whereas, having been, for, the last four years sub jected to arbitrary power, caased b the' disruption : ef the .Government, and said disruption having caus ed the .irdsvnd daatation- toaweep over our country-, whieh our people have felt to no tooonaid. w rerable extent: therefore. ltL That we bail peace and the restoration iof.tbe Uion with muchjoyj th.twe arwUIig to ienaa neipuur aamTa restorer porOx traroUaa to herrarinr temiimr f h t4)e. TTn Tnn v i TO' reoi the bold and de&- ant course tnat uov. w. Holden kaaoersued to HTor.w uvuhaBs uueny aarmg iu war. awfeso That he Waoar first ohotoe for Provb. icU1?overnbrf T r ' -l F 4 ' '&l94d, That we are willing to give him all the -ft. L ,a a'i a i" '! . assistance ta our power, -m reaoring the state to a posttjoB wnjcn, will protect life, uberty, and our eut laens to the pursuit of haptssiv t I V Rmol9td;Tk W recommend thathe be nomina ted br aaonveBtton fhr tiovemor: iad m ikt ret nt 1 'u;sHAodin jB-stUi.:tluW.: h im par earnest Support.; -4- - The meetinsT was addressed to an emcruent mani ler vy aar. neroen ei voeroKee.. - " - -. ' NT T T .TMT1.I1 . - e A'1 ir .', fbrthelStaftlard. For many years (say since the cognomen of Bto' VanWinklia North-Carolina has been a fmodei Stole, In ntorais, in industryTtorbimar, hi politics to nearlv everv thiesr vott can name : and now tbf warisoverahelleoTDS aeteTailned to ?ival all others andVemalh a riattarrt BUte tot be tost So JarDnoa,aronnJ. Heavl hleMBfft aitteaa her -. While velive we will eheriwi Protect and defend her. Though wttttagsmay ilieec tnd soaaVs dafaiM hrp aearisawu woe ajiaasess ariBeverweaaaaeaeri. $euywilerfs.m hw: mtoJiatomoaiBntarily. venoto her Revel av tioaarr clorr. end thus- did not seer bet as Wa d is 185, subsiding into peace apd' ordeC, W tbaamsa LioUedV tiieia torhrrw in States as in cat2 smdaR animate things--of eomlnelttdingmaa sat ; tha for TtlalVifnown the'; Ufe&i&Xi fMofcbew' aviy anu noBoraoiy ueieaan u an w ay w, tad repent and -co to work. Tbefeto somethiiui io Wood, wherever she -takes sides.8he IT tree ; when she eoes for Wshe isoes for it offlAii jfreatL 1 ,waea sua roes for peace sne ciaima tne wonsaisow I w Am. m w m m. . AW - 11 wealth headier-bar ooiamn. L J 3j We arehiw abjdinj; peppje, ani'this rasldent 1 "T H nouwea ner as one woruiT i ui,. nyyui. TSorto ahede&mg ikV3 Shd s odr aeJnra ItWaf-. itjookf ery. bad, but Ur might hare beeav waOurndIre oorjfirm resolve to abide bio dwt wesre hopefnl of xreat favofto the war' of nardon for our ! much, peli m JTZX "e vws oaaa w wmv sjs . ,-: . -?winst 0rtn4Jaronigth delations of Pere,to bV U'im. worthy of hex eis i. - r . torbood, she basjilso toiastimutous j)f interest ia preserving all she aa ot her jmeenaor preoerty, by 5ord1ally jjg- aeymiAtion of I her Governor, ami the eoeral teiilktion of the Federal 9??msS9tiW9 jrjfcfcer name as first to tha rinnepitjjDaidona ; mated, based of coureai oa Lapeedy applieationa to large anmbera, tha meaning oi vnicaaa. she daairerto ve-per; energies tree, and r& to Uin'wnrlr Af nMm With auVMia. !h ravwas fir1 7eiXU1W and aJljppp3$egod thai Prff?hffifft & prepsr, 'and before toe year nda showto the, world that jSi i rid the Uaidn agamVandtoea ner reaources to be tae baanerBtateet the JTedV -aral Power.- rfr -'v-1 ; JLjet the fr?rB?r;tArTSl lie AffSpr and aid her 'fvFVV866 eemetWatoptoud;iof-- 5tMVhitotagl oigloryoiti be-i ffeito the nwdiiefsrsiswjxriomiiacio with ithef Presadjentisafialterinlsidaw to.1 ffi fttiemmk the dimto Jbjoribfwesef f te Eevefse this-r-hold the torn beel of i tyrany kpoa; Memcbsportoe a4thr etndardoTi&t her of ctr wlU revolt at soii jx wiereeum ner owa welfare, and becomaue wettest Of therfraternity of Stotea. Doubt k woman's rir- I witMnaBa t State1 UeparrbJent en UhION ME&T1HG IN CLAY -an individual ; and a state of raodeL eflaracter at i Hio is verv6t-toshowh at' btbera. j Hence, lasy aWhM-mjhtt-H-ti last to cohtend of honor. ! ApoIv it to Statex. . f : Z: a r t . : so much diSarenet to oar tores sntre; .arks; 1 1 iber the minute workings of the plaaof thePr sident and of the Governor eover everr i sstanca of redress, but 1 the intent on their part to'do all their power, and avfeettjr so u tie uato pctoti For instance, it may be- the poL'cy iif the 'General Government, perhaps. ' tor Jbreak down sristocracyJUi the Sooth.(if tt nuisance now we have hothtoic to braakj Yet what tulerwoulJs fU fcrrt himself ss to exterminate without mercy herein, and destroy fJH$n& with foet "Had t m.00d WoYto 6ftohd7andvet reberaax I might be in some fktot eegreei draos of swpM porting neartiiy tne admifiutraceav wrnat louyraot. strip me of anv influence ibrexwd to order to vrecmt faify"ptsiBr"ftaetoprir ments need: the wealtoaothejiconcomiUnt iflu encs tocrdeVfo'atUtoto-aoythiRg beyond mere barbarism f ftonndM rn rthtl nvnie with ohftacation of the -tondod interest of t that South, leaving; the countrv to the bands of jeasttil popu lauon, how long do you suppose our atpttiy andi prospenty would endare r ;i;7raagogoes would ex ult in the prospecC Patriot, Ould shudder and turn pale at;the .Jdesr TisrgoVeeQt would soon epeut.BreTror; .1 p iButWelbtolre; no Idea w reMoranve euort j&ersa; uTccumstance8 ao veiy llatteng-fa JbV want of f eonttoeed predeheari?f ' .tesmanship. It wonhj mortify us as tsod tad hr : ; J;dtiseni, to averythtogelsea Siice't-tt nato thing: war ,aver. sgwnss asye "peace far Worse than wart In reach ofaooeess. and vet it slina from our .grasp t.'.tvir;- KMik&-Tmii . i '. .r ? 5 r& i It e net be so. because it most not our nras- perity ss a State is at sUke dependent nnder Pre- vwence, upon tbe powers tbs t be. and. we doubt not,! toe wni tbr, than noderdo, to relieving W broughtnpon tlirdj tha tnflnmtjlL uul iiitAMt tl.m . the beads of. the nation. -fcisW-T. ... 1 Should the deems ennndsted at the North some of theiultfphed sheetYTMVof denVtosf!ftrtitif th ik.:-J? representation from ' the SoatK fstJv4lAn I . . . . 1 ". -- -. " energy in five years woold pot be visible to the microscope I I There nvr was '..too much of it, Jess become ciphers Irv R would 1 awwito : inpeople. L np.toe New Bgland States to SneVdestfny,' di hav- lug uwiu:ug ui uw wm we uaiuer uovernment-. nothing to do i any Way, fto trutoX a Pandenio- ' neum as to Anathemas Msraoathas,wooid be melo dy of pious ascription to k t . ) Our people ; wish ;tofbe4 up and doing; let them; do.1 Enoonragewbere powibjearnish where troTf needfulbut in tha '.gospel of it, merey goeuioetore j udgment I ..We hsvehadan toterxiew.wit& anoid aflfigent resident of NorthCaroltoa.now of tha dtv. whose ecor ttoiden, not witn nearly an too prominent cit toens of that State of all shades of 'ctoioni' entitle his views to great weighC. Be gives na a very en coursginr account of the prospeots of restoration in the Old North State. v? He is very wonodent that the following paragraph, from an edttorislattfcie hi the Cbronide' of Sunday, does not gifea fair idji; of the real condition vaf public sentiment in the State:-: m--- - -: . There is to the Sate. "We are awarej hiachiantsg oulsb to Governor Bolden, ou aocoont of oM pbliti cs difierencee; which should 'not cootounded with hostility to the Government t. but rtbeane is a safe rule which may goid-theaathoiiiiea 4a dis criminating between the sentiments' iof mere ppowi einmv io tue rTyTtsioaai uovernora, ana uissBeeuon to the Government i t He asserts, with confidence and emphasis, that the influential men of all parties; almost Without exception, sod Without regard to - formerpolitfcal differences, consider the appototmerit of 14 i'Holden as Governor as the wisest and best that opuld bate been made nnder toe drcumetencesv and that, what Thto eppowtienjae further sssrm, wflTttotml ruwr ew viaajosja sweat ajas twaavv vi sovviiUs; Ut fvis- proportions formidable n6ogh to excite any seri ous apprehensions as to the entirety successful reaff toration, at en early day; f North GarouaaJ to the bosom ef the Union as a truto total and Drosnerous Commonwealth.' Owing to -the 'wisajMaig1iten-i ed views and; sUtosaMuishfp elGoVetnoiCden, every possible orgsetoed. eneoaaagememtr being eiven to the influx. of, Northern emiaration aind Northern capital,' whict fitter, to couseqoeace; to j rapioiy seesinginvesiment in ner rauroads, iron , and goldmines, as wril as Tn her rich ;egrfcultural toterests. ' The majoritr pf herlptontira are piran tog a huouna 1 and Judlciousr courso towarda their lata slaves; and thavresultie that the vexed iabor qoestkm" bids fair to bo speedily settled 'lipbn basis which wfH promote the interests of botit white and black. Of course, there are those wbouaavtoc always been hard and cruel masters wfll vefoae toT laeknowiedge the new relations erring t bet weenj tinialva and the tnfAmmtr-VTiA' hA arftra22b it Jtl themselves and the freedmertrand' whtf wflr seekto4 injure the UaeEa in every possible way, but they tmPfJmW- 8&rmOv ration of the people are compMeivBeusted with their four yeaJto'expenenWef th fruits of re bell ion, and long for the old peace and prosperity un sder the Union. .They . ae'onlv anvous to know what tie actual poliey of theGoverQment is what rt neema essential totoe otaro staSityind prea.U.sUmp for Xfemfai : : a L BORBtNK 4 co. C ' - He. - - . m . 7r-- - . r- - 9. ;perity oT the whole counlrTrlre3r to vield m. f nearly, c amouesuoning assent- and , co-operation, iif KO a Jioerai aamuture oivtiortaern energy, en r rprise, and capital, they w shrewd to see saat taa-alwnemtivsoareea f entitle her. to a large: influence and power in the councils eC Hhe Uaiom as ftttto baf We are re joiced to be convinced that: aa lavortbti stlte of Sfiura exists to the Sit.Wston ChtonicU. :4 s i Celereat CUIantaaj - fTe Insert the' Mowinii:carrespdWo toeftotemtto iUava emorro eauurea-.oonne;. io tnems t Deer General Tbera fa- etne" sim eoinected I seaai aes aaus. - w hmi ff -f iT'TffTf ffiavimiHr' sasasBsaaaa to exist, and in regard to i whieh-J 4h peoptoeoe ailv need further liehfc U I ntewthmteoenected with thffadeatniw e to J nct.ej6lnbrmed. the late Majrw-Dsrw Waisworth. while to eooaniandof ftoelspment'ef toto trt ia the earl v period of - thwarlHb6TeWd!'tbst rmy eaoers i new hlfteadige$e such entbority, which togfSns&eralS exteat, and under t& plea af military necessity, without the consent of the parents of eucb'Aildrfen. lrfl BewidboWf ectiim 1vBMa lei rtaailiaSiai fT" lt ITiTii Ii - ' ' 1 i - i ar ' T T taeir maenitrrea cmraren , u RfcWfMk fsaeoeiAniyw, J885. i The question then i t i ,, w .i 't i;! fiorpmm. i wtoch aw .resTsteo!. comes op, era such indentures regarded ss valid by the government, or bv vour denartment F Aia Whx j rrnss nave peen saopied 9a, toe anbiectr YerespeaunyryoarsrAc- .11 A . W WlowfngWi. 0WaWkWnMo wasaiHOToai July ta.am&tzi Bespeetolly retarned to Dr.-Ghaaj A. Lee. Seve- ral caseaioi iadeoture baTeceA betefbAB : I have ijJetfded tot bCdfe (oobtf.bebexinial wli2dut eonseot otrtne Qsrantrr inea8xoiri orphan, not vnthootHbe eooset bf n-Tf3cert)f4this bureau, or a raHismfeby 'aae Ifol&oio&slora the estahlishmeat of this bureso,, Upited6 States Q4 W may he lagardeC to? ihr aWtanS oOcamU' tbebui.iWarW Wfieiereay ond ef.tbem has bound out a child wi then thrtMi Lconient, that oonsentHshaeidbe obtained, otherwise; Tt.UwIpnnLm fgKibwiC -wwuiBMrwoicn oeiongtsaveTV and S&vs fieoJ essaruy passed away with it, '""-'' S'J i:Mk HOWAEDf. laGelv3(&ma ; - f , VIED: aaagater ef 0r. Of W. and aUri" 5 uwi u r-m o d.. emaeJieWiWawZ.f1T. mSimUJ 4a warn risn.: . i " few flleewitlo.t.m-; otr ""i71 "tk; l . . . . " : ona was th ... . saaam 1 ever wilMed: WsWATr W enytiaesn. ttle expmUons mat .0 sWuJiI CJ pale would come on. with lw dpli.Sl nrt iaipIori.gIKkhe.woId aee W jI ner ismeb tjeev aa.Uto a.T ZTW 1 Jhf Wi;,,for fooa the AnceU cam. .-u. f SfcJ - 1 j TWe Umb 'te tji ,Mior oe. T V ;f-4t- ,. e!hy dieamUaa bed J 'Geatleaad BMakaad nild. With bteeaiagaoa thy head. yieurbsmm thy hand, Beds' omy)uiow laid, " Haste from uua fearral hud, Whara flawera n nn;.u. . fV'fehe these liWelambe." f i t ... - .-rwiny Breastt PratMtian tluw .I..M ... f 4 I , i. . . . 4 - v. . -. ."v una in ma. Wils Jaly 18th,' 185. f.klpWwUl please eopy. rva ' ..-. f I worthy thaa Jtra. HELEN MAR LiS -84 lr J wi tmaiww oiwi in memorr'a . - 4. m. "T . - " e"'owr'w, nwmi, crave imi it 1 MtlM,'a y h.was.the sbeduiiit3rw'N in ""k we agreeable. Dieaamt i I onmer. the warm sad miMMrM iuL 1111 ' I . . . ". ueWJTkJ. ..i 1 free to its esJestia! home. T"! w ooir aaorament in i... j. - m wij Maoramei P- . M aa-neverend Biahop UtkiBto. ;i wiHweeeeriahfWiwpeeB fti "i?'1' - - mb. mui nin .1 lt i , vicNiruniiii f-rr andtM q "Yet the dread oath (hum IM Bm.vflUit8everlatiijjpftrtaU jjigk MeeviIIN.c; July 22od, 185. it 4 NEW ' AD7ERTISEMENT8T Anctbaoeers Commission Slercosu, WW wua,M BT aOCTfOS, Is PROWm . WW , MrHtan ad Va 4iAill u. . ' uvr If I B WILLIAMSON a 00 ' Ealeirhf July tT, 183. v, , . Aootioneen, ij. Wa. J. BAXBB. ; ; fCLASfcll OOWPXB. f.B.jom JsAKER, COWPER & CO. BaalhM BsUlaUag, FaVette viUe St., dftOQ -sli55 . .!vvU i ox sr tae Capitol, 1 OFTKR TBWRlSESyiCES TO THE PUBLIC AS OOUsXCIlOH A.GXBTS AlTn ATrnpwnra nb 8t0Vaod tU principal (Jitie, (j, the Ceiled Statei. tati tLT?. Ob Il.'UOWrV EH-'PrM't. Ra.t R.MtJ V-,:i..i litterftlwrB, Drexel Co., Tenaet 1 DaTiiM Snlpbta--?A j t'. .. V:" :;' " k c white, a Pi MeadetU - ClJt'ar ' A Jo hn U, Patton. Eiebmpni iMr-JhSSS f hitakertt 4 fK b i ' don Col Jforfutav ' " -i . HijBtea A ltaaa. Martin 4 Taaoahill, Peterabarz. atarrw Uoiwl -W, JI. Wright, N. . Mnoa, Wit . Dewer. &ah , 43en. J. Youag, J. J. sua. 55A- ft?! Charlotte. , , Oliver a Co.. Hnirhoa M. imh, rw r 1 n; tiiifotti'. t-:S4.J..-.a.i raTEAREiWOW OfFERlSCh OTB STOCK 0? wW Watches and Gold Pens at reduced prvea, Watch "" t, fiSW. 13 t85, $30 od'npwirtk tPafaodase,ftoin $S 4 SM per doaen. Snl a KAV M. BUM tV: . -A. 208, Braadway, New York. - :. I - s-n AT OlffiTni AP CJTY; TILYSl 1551 rrrtHia PJUJPBitTTf is. ale sbbviceabl ho .-therSteWsJeodid ooditi(Ku- The tale will uk eptaeeas ta ci,f otp r. a Brow, reaaa Pat guirt- . at ton n'tbet A. U-. Moadav the 8 1st dav of Jb(t lftxs mnA mtimu treat day to Aay entU att-tbe property U dispeaed of. IwiMT i:FottQ M.MereliaftdCilt.C. . Jrty a.'lSSawii,H ; - ' , .0, . .- f. st-41 .j'- a,MiA 0 fc-; i.rr i,i.rf,-r T tft:A fl SECURED TflB SXRVICE8 OP at. AAL Diets, first daas.Binder, we are now prepare! ! a aoerwafmeaend m me very heat style. Buna ww eUeKWiptMKMi aaefltafilctared to order. t . .CaJU ai;Uajee elVh 1 1 BSJkNS05 4 'TABBAV "- r ; ftiwt !' .-j-tfiBwaf. .3 Bftleifbj a. v. J..JMVlBsw.wjfet'sl..v: t 81-rt yiyrjwi?tltU TTIUASI UTTL OFFERS HIjI PBOFE&iiowAL gEB7ICES TO fit eitisens of Kaliie knA - ----1 a;;, t T-? ta-. A. ltortawteraartioa ot the City, together Huaaehold and K.itcb5e Viruttm. : hirseaatkaUemataas-a . . .fw-Tl'llW; IT A ITU CtEEDS TOT2' fJALKr AT 11 Joly fce,lS3.. 4,UivJia.J 81- - --i , . aarvV smzsV t4 W tlt tSA'iwia aeU at pahlio . eeeooa, lionet, atefee, AnsWal Spring Waeeea, Bw aedUtofneasjAaA 8ale wilf leae place at tbeAPTI8! GEOTK. aad etmueeneeat o'clock"!. M eh day J , , ,.i Eaeh;ejOaaiaAncaeil A aoM espeietrrjv- laaju-vasa ea eay r saMv ltaanermaaer '"Tj. will be reeeiTed.as eash:' Parties, jiawnaf Jte iymt ia voeehera itmrie'imaMt them UfVkt P itmiid!'teee -eigeed fbi e;,mlBainateCre hiddliii wrtarty 6m Pf eraeref BoriJ Chi: fUTTTK st. axd rioar.-.Sfo.pie.. be seea eteersSri!? CCZD miction TlTn-prrt m. . . . t A '.-ti ,i? v.'til -5 ...Mi A vvl siel. .1N " f" -!: ir:.l-.,,v' r