! '. -.; '"-' i,-.' -K: :Mr ,' v--;''-----:?'l'::.'V' t-' -i 'i- :, ! !:f;;. " ; -.-f - -. : - i . :???Yi , . i.M.n.ai i. i mi iIiI.h.ikh.... n Mmumim mim' ifum'ii niynii -ir:jr-' md.,,', ",.7n"'. jr wii imimmii in l:: A.'nt ' il f I r?Tf ''? j- .a ;J2Xl9'ClB05;-toofc J yy, ;-'-s JOMILLSX. Abmwaxt fcwroav?. ? S:.. . j sb4 logleonr-of mind ifT pajpow C t citisen of tmm,nU iV&m ltMW ettttot f the ootratry. tat thst emj WWoiiM s,-prvfJiftd pfti-lJ: not suspect otb sinistw fSonr;' i'f - ' .:'"; . j'- rir-rk';4- 'f I; '-dUMntto bo? decefred and efrandeWben Ifcsy: not ixpeetit It enables shrewd, conning and fledgnlfiig: men to plot and to Jntrfgoe,'and to'ae : eontpllsh tbeir purposes by. sncb' indirect means, Wittouf being eren suspected, nntlT ' their; accomplished, or hsTe ftXtiA, and Ihero is no Jcger any object tor doplcHy. , V.i; ; " 1 This strong and striking State characteristic was lately exhibited to a remarkablejd tariOoS times, letters and telegranm had been sent , to many of the most popular Kortiiern papers, sta ting that great disaffection existed in North-Oarb-lino v that her citizens had determined , that tbe sUres should not be set free ; that they bed bmded ' iosetfier to hang Union men and negroeT assooti ss the national troops should be. witMrawn 'Oomkhe SUte, and that they bad bopsW nRjthe war debt of the State, and had detetmioed that it should not be reiected. but tbe tf snooia i? ssanw pa. m i"! wer! S pobliabed cftiiens and the peoens were that f the true pMitipVao Se oldoubtry had 'I been sq jo jnsch misunderstood.' tb ninm went to work to deny the truth of these TetrtHferetW Tarious publieStions, snd to ststo the true position n 'Frbnj jthe subjoined Semi official dispatch to the of the citizens throughout the State. ' This was New-Tork HenM may be gathered some idea of done in all honesty iid simplicity,Sritii much meek- the immense number pf men, actually , thi ser m and sorrow. anA hot one man m the State, for 1 fee of the United States;, at the end of the war. eren a moment, suspected the cause andurce of : so much misrepresentation and slander. pn .irMifv it bft hpcnma known throoeh Tsrious' f reliable soarces,'.tbat these false "reports were' all j gotten up by a regular plot ana assign, mat men were hired and paid to make aid get up these lying, alanderoas sensations. . That men were, employed for no otiier object, than to write and to telegraph to all sections of the North for tbi purpose of gi ving . them as wide cnxuhvtion-and as thorough rentilation is ipossible. Their object could not be accomplished at all, except these slanders, were cirealated through the entire Northern country, j Tberefore,they were so managed as to begotten into all the leading newspa pers in the Northern States and to be read by erery body. : : -! l; -V; ' ' - One of the objects of all these slanders was pecu- niary gain. It 'had become widely , known that many of the citizens of North-Carolina wished to oeU tiieir lands ; snd it was known that many would be compelled to sell, and that the citizens of the Stats were not able to purchase. Tbe great object then in this plan, was Ad prevent people from emi grating from the Northern States to North Carolina; that these lands should thns'be compelled to' remain in the market without buyers, till, the prices re quired by the owners should greatly decrease; when, the very men who , had originated sad circulated these slanders, would buy up the lands "at these 'reduced rates ; and then; letters and telegrams could again , be circulated to order, calculated to induce Horthern snd Western people to move t North Cnroiina and purchase lands.' nough k known of fhese schemes to convince any fair minded man that . an extensive association of men, ome of 'them oT ' large' means, bad formed themselves wtobesds and -focieties for this purpose and what we have seen , mm) read, is only a part of this general plan. When we are apprised of the object for which, they were ' working, hoi man can fail to see the shrewd cunning jf the plot, and the probability of. its success, if there had been any facts for such a plan to start upon. Bat happily for us, we are peaceable and united, and such associations cannoi worktrat their schemes without somo lasts to sustain them. ! I ,Tht other object was purely and entirely poiiti eaL Great political movements are on foot m-tho I. Korth, and elections of importance are soon to take plsee. President Jehnson has laid down: for tbe South, and for his administration, a trury,couser , ' vative set of jinpfesq- principles upon wnietr v every cooserrstive man North and South can utiite" hd mustrunite-but principles intolerable Shdide .' testable to all ultra and fanatical men of asiooa.' political effect "upon partf schemssiind eheo- tians, these fanatics helped to ft upthWsIarlder,r pon our people, to show that the Presidejni's plan. nhi uucrij uuteu u norw 'uarouna, ajxi tnas noaa Knt tb nltr finttinl 4uitua: aM : iii i ! tneTrqet thaintherp States upon Such se6s-, tional reports would give the fanatics great temporal ry streegtK iTfue mA stf ength could not last long : e'SBt in4lm niesiiaap .election in mk .m.Iw. Bilrbt h.raar1 mnA (km f. ti..: i Mli rrrwinvvirf 'vvwata.j as a permanent OT ...'.cSWHff fiPll su, ilsndeii?, we aro.a unil TO'Qiuet people, -and uope to remain socU That HsV-CUrolSaa.,u'C f to Jiow. JCorkBera Ima JfoosantfeaiBO this .CS34oorn ey tbsUls of war. ara .now .tnHi AA-lui'An floyaltxagserion j ryw-o. wiuu uieir J&rfOW4 1 r feU by us an here to btf ew ZbJ2ftuA SJH J- .tJ i l . w . towmelj-sriouaii- sresent to our readers this morafnir a cKrt LT .'''iWiiflaaoi rua f coucerniajr this' cosevrniag this ; -LttS rlefsb psparsv ia adrocalg thopecoJiar .ima and aUranU of JJorth Carolina for Nttfbv emisratum, say piers, are eTeaCWe J i- lather rwaeat aeooanta.Dublished a .t1 ' j attkmtopnrsAcuts Union men snd the coJdYadlo 0 . pUilf that Ute, Whilo ad mil tin 2 instaneea af Thik and that the peeplav generaily-ara iaoiet and ; peaMowsigStiriuaenrj ffartli.1 fa An abtipsavery Til ; 1 the revJ .cTastufoaues and thaxatisiMof cum," rDo Wtjchban only toad to f urtlorSrtan r--?-.?T'rr--," 01 ueir pxoperty. -t tfona stmiar,.aaiaiuer, was shot and iri?ed.a Jast Saturday week, at Mountrffle, Uncasfsr coual .IT. yt Pa., by w, Brokman, a:80 fc tom 1 ; -. ., . ,. H. ; "" " - - : ' . ": .--'If' )' . .H.. ' -'- . i ' " . ' : - 1 f 11 i IP - W S '.. K r J i L .f , a . -tf" IS'- - - - ... t .. .. ;i l ...... . . .. .. . . .A AM . ' 4 1 . r . - -. - ' . ? ! . . ' 1 1 .it utb ovsru w en zz run -f.tti. - Crolin hu been called c to f ( 1 fl ' tbousaDd men lof!x Tr sd? !r -iVp ment, for the porpoeeof iainjllwtliin trtnraLiSon fa ine xofiifryr enoagb Boldlen in serrterfiyf' tUvoA weoLl V neat b willing (or the present st least, to let Mci4)Ube. .tiuntlian's throne is fast crnm- 1 bling. 1 Witboot more msteririaid from France t F nAn.AnrTT: wilt moat crabablT be force 'iDnb. easts : vtstocs. The nnpopnlaritjr of Jlazunilian in France - Iwa not yet btd one fot,1 iad 1ik likely' tdriiv .crease,. i ccutai,idnot.lo-s X ttiis abOotlJSJf of ShrY1brceltf TOto isawt V tobaosb4oa ssued-to ov troops is that:ridnity to .peserri'l s strict neutrality in Mexican affairs. " 1 Gen: GranfcoweTr;ij rped,MkTeiid at Quebec that the French would hare to ware : Mexico, paeeably ieydK f . ; they would. This does not neeeswriiy implicate ns in war with Maximilian ; bfiades; we ; mwsh doubt whether, this prudent! general said as" moch. He . feelst as we aifeel, ! adWntege of ear uafornetcmd4tioaj sad thro . - . :.":-,.. . . ....V!.. . . ! bg Maxi?jHl?,'i upon Mexico,' and may hate Said as mOcIiaS that : bat be hardly committed himself, L the leading general of this nation,' upbntallorsign oiBwar j k . The administration has two great bordensupon ' it at present-tho reorganixation of the Soutbiera - SUSrts disposed of, then Maximilian wffl be attended to, it in the meantime, he is jioi forced to tesTe Mexico, as bo most probably wUTbe. , : f . 1 j Tbe Immensity ef tbe BeMvcee of the United -' '- v j - .' .: s states. - - - ' -K . But the most sorprishig; thlngfalhe quietude that I prTi ; wrouguum. xurvu, nuiwiuwnaing the digbindmeUt - of an army,' wbioV 'ootntnn'btred even the: Grand Army of the first Napoleon, ij Nor can the financial resources of the country be" better illustrated Amn by the fact, that as each soldier of this immense multitude is mustered out, hereceires his-paj in full. It is indeed a subject of wonder Inspiring respect and awe for the gorernnjent and involuntarily infusing one with the belief that this is truly' the most powerful and enlightened govern ment oa the (ace of earth : ' ' ' !- l We have ascertained from official sources that on the first: day of last May, there were one million and fifty I thousand men enrolled in the army and on tlm pay rolls. Since that data there have been dis charged a little over seven hundred thousand, leav ing in round numbers about three hundred ' and thirty thousand still in tbe army and on the pay rolls. t 1 . ; .. U 'I.'-, ' j; j '-'': . ' ;' Of the number dfecharged' about three hundred thousand are now en rquU and at their sereral ren desvous, to be paid off and , mustered . out.. ( Tbe funds sufficient to meet 'this demand are in the hands of the paymasters,' and are being paid out as fast as possible. The others who .have, been dis charged, or over four hundred thousand, have been fuHy paid eti and mustered out ' Tbe rapidity with which this part of the work, is performed .may be inferred from the fact that the official figures in the departments at, Washington show that therebare bees payed off and mustered out in the hut thirty days orer two hundred thousand men. The Secre tary of the Treasury 3haa rpromptiy faroished the funds necessary for this enormous expenditure, and there has bees' nO defa on that seoeunt. v-. . , This shows 'that General Parsons, of St. Louis, in bis recent speech, in stating that about eight hundred thousand men had beep discharged from ouyarmiegy was.iot so wide of the mark -as many aupposeoV ;Tbese enormous .figures show an in portant foci in Yegsid to the finances of the govern ment, and, most hife ;been of beneficial effect, not only in increaskig the ieoafiaenee of the people ie our financial situation, but to greatly relieve the Iressurr, partmentrfrpn),ihe .ewbarrassmenU which minj of our,peoplo supposed beset it,4 Ths GotxkkobV Pkoclakatioh. Newspapers ffjU&$ffiffi lpniMn requested to insert the following; after tha paragraph ending Mand conifiedby:-aieast two Justices of jtho Pesce.'!; -The niatter te bo thus inserted was pre pared toaddedM the proclamatioo ia the Baletgh- papers, and Is deemed important for formation to CHerks, Justices, and . pp generauj.-: J oitices wiU deUver.'tho certified copy to the person ut1URu .uu reum ue original to botrsns milted -to tfciseiSci. ; Y JJ'it . J UStlCeS OFtne Peace are S-Uttariurf t4m;n;a MPfJ -hXrhAPresHki j I ".-.ZZlZilTZ mm-l"y aisw-ai-SsssjoB Wed on -Tues- . , w - .. wiuia,wN orar;j rule, was .hn.J sea enamnaoi Trnej eajHcoiwea sKged owe, as Mr. Walker fa one of the solid mn of that city, and was respected.1 tor bis opiSieno 4n the days when ed that the of Tennmeea ;Wb4.ter than e lrtid reporier present in which i J erUf reporji n was w aoi.iWTD, ?Tbe Hsebting a addressed by .GeaeraL Fisk, she com wiKfiiaoer WffMsn; and' wte brim full of en- , 's resqiutionssnow that'theebnven- ! ? 1 of . i 7.. t . - - - - -:rna macs raen,iw eauea lor inir. assutar ce in ' putting downtha-rehenion.- Soer that a petition: of thespien to te.lUtUTe'jbf Te-nnesaeehis' not bienacied oppo j J'bdj. They then protest, as part of the population of the Aate recognized by GongressV"Sgainst tha sdmissios of -the - Tennessee Gonressmen InUthe :Urirted Biattt Cong-ess, un less tbe TetroeffIislaraeShitir recftiJe then3 Dosltion before CoOCTesa 'meeb. "TThk" lakes bold! boldly and shows wh 'the darkjes, meatv j Another, j colored coaveotiott Was feel&ia garrfabsrg raster- uay. jr. x. utrcua ivul.- i . J .r.-yi nr.rrifr.f ' 1 1 Marriage or Adsixax pinjsjac. A New York rrHmondAnt writ--. V ""f" f correspondent writes ; ii 1 '.None but the-hour dsserrft-the 'AIr., Tbe4 evening paper ? extta 'lle-'fdlowing announcement: ' f i iIarrieoVDahlfJf& Inst, Bear Admiral J. Dabkr United it ates Navy, so Madeline Vintou GOddaroV daughter of Hon. S. F. Via ton, of Ohio,: ,H. 1 V. ' j I have only to add that tha o&efaVh:m4Mi! wis tbaKev. Dr. Commings, of St Stephen's Churcb; i V TV". ""ay wea oAxrapciep u yery un- wrauuuus awoBw. t JSttft tesc JHesos aitber PS rat. The .happy couple hare wona Jtff oa a tnp to Nugara, , r . .. are worth OBfy one doQar escfi in Baevoa 'Ayrta,:.-- , .ji.. r : -.. Printed eooiea -of thm 'Amntmtm JWfV .;n flshedtofhe Chwk?:whb wffl distribute them to the I Jn8t.Dmef administer the oatlu The A'nhttanaWeraarit etTMkri--irni.,nttkU a! hii 1 of negro ostholtotilik essCdedr. 1 UmsL!riMj Cut tie uib In 1,400 nj ''k V ' A V r-TSMblinndzea were paid out front tbe onI fifty miles were ran at fifty minutes past wsal TkeSe) thTm7KT!. Juir 28. -1 . t e Fi vt hundr jnswticr mife of f 0lo were paid out at fiftx Jnwutes jpast .ten J. to-day. The distanosfooliltj minntesosiaiaa A. It 4o,day Tbe signals Art pexleCV r -Vict WI .---t. JUnwoo xx I'-'Xl 1'-IWi ..Frra lumd- aDdfifty nVuO'cal mUes ol .etbls jid out at fifty mtnates psst font, . iC'Uhiff , i ia. The EUfctl DT-Autar Jsly , ihs jst.non UfBU, ..ifct ! ITtKroki'Tk Qpssjwroww, July to, 1865. Screw hundred miles of the Atlantic eabTf .paid out-onw hoadred and fifty yesterdaywhetf inia- latieik'yssikak; ause not known. Further par tktilars had not transpired. ' tf'nl , : OFfrtDefecitaCibVd fT Uu Corre8poDdeae.of tbe Loudon Tisteaj ' i ii :s ; fyiiJiiwAnrsday. Vuiy imSt I lAt lsstUo mystery tf the hreaiAwol'-Uo able Is known in all its details. The master of the Hawkt wbfch returned iieKfthis.vening;-Esriog left the great ship tost night, brsgfoll partieBlars both of -the extraordinary! nature of the accident arid the still more curious! manner in whTchll was i discovereuVfui iU asxrtainsdv th:eabtihtMrled in and the piece cut euL Wheaabont eighty-Crfles off fond, with dead calm !wear, the ship koine i six kneUa thcable, Wfsaro told, nimioa'Ou as sofuy as.a j:sutrope jne osnsj teat signals were being sent through, when suddenly both those to snd from the shore gave; most serious Indfeitions of faulty insulation.. The utmost alarm was felt on this discorery. The CcectiOUs of the instrvmenta 4 wervcarciujij ib mmwwu, uu uivfpiH rigu ex actness observed in-tho final tosts. All cave this ? eamoresnltwhat-vrasl inT.erta1iand ommoua1 propr, the Return: currents from VaTentia showed an equal loss. Notice was- isstantiy 'given to Mr. Canning and-Captain Anderson, and toe speed of the Gimt Intern, whki was tiiea iaS 00 fathoms, , was Teduced to almost a standstilL' It must be remembered that all these signals . were sent and received through the whole length of MOO nautical miles, orabout S.70Q statue miles of Wire. 2 - -Loeauznro ths dxtbcti va reoa. - yalentia was, instantly, wmmutticated wj)hl and fhe wbbte'oleoxrfcatatlif to work to ascertain by the reslstanoe tests whether the fault was in the ship or is tha ' etghty'.sules that had been paid out. Trials of 00 delicate a nature and of Buchritaf 4uronaooe tb- ' theSaccess of the undertaking were,' of course, eondueted with the most rigihmreantiinv and the' caleomtionsbased . upon their data made 'and. re-made to inwav -certainty. Tha result of all was a unanimous decision that the- foult;wss net os, mard,-;hut Jn tbe eighty miles of submerge wire. , When thb decision had been arrived at tile cable was at osca oux 'Cppoard tbe Great Eastern and the length under! water teSU, ed by Mr. Saunders. With wotidtirful skill hie tests at oncelocalixe4" the po$ wherf the foult exist ed eleven miles front ibi sterol oT, tha ship, snd withia a quarter of , o ntilo -from where it actually was. - . . f. '..';' Hi r .Instantly preparations were made for getting the Great Eastern round, and employing the windiog-tn apparatus .fixed forward specially to be used In case of such 'mishaps. ' If was hoped, 'of course, that its- use- would never be reqoued, and ' rery r)naf be lieved that; whether required or noti It would never accomplish what it was intended to aehieva. The re salt proved the fallacy of both hopes and. fearsj The severed portion, of tha sabtowas passed id to the fotchtne, and, the 6'reat Eaatetn steaming back w the rope's course, the worit of reeling in; at once began. L The cable came up with singular ease;' The strain on .the dynamometer of the machine sever exceeded dghteenhuBdred wbJcbi wauo-uV-imj to- cable gaaranteed sot ta breaaunddleen tons, andequdi'rom imsfecifie gnrvityfto-suppbrt' eleven miles of iis weight io,wster, or through W jder.aeatiaiouudjlig8i hTe C'Sr-Jtettilajidi in tbe world. As wo have said,, within a quarter of a mile of the spot indicated by Urt Saunders tie fault was found . aud hothiug can morj strongly indicate the endTesS perils wltii wbfch successful submarine j telegraphy is beset thaa the trial and almost un- As the leng'hs - of- wire of one hundred or on 4 hoadred and fifty, miles 4WereAmanafaetndi t smKm9m uu &ww cjy uvt nviy wQimaaa wwas aaa ' barges snd coiled airnyMfm1Mbaid ibo Great Eastern.1 EiclitjuviW splioad up to that which bad preoeded it, and this was often done in the tanks themoelveav '-'The 00- j eration ofsplicfng- not'only- means ! joining the ooo. tios of the latter being tnade.at- different lengttm- the bits of wire cntJ out being Hhrown away. It seems, nowerer, mat one r um' acorns - et wire.- shout.two Inches long, and. ss,thcXss a stout dai4 J mg neeote ren on ino cort unnoticed,' say indeed. i who would notiee rtvTM for nWMrutnt think nf ftb rauch a spot might surery oceaswot: The weight of L significant as a shaviitf -fn-o 'carnUr'sshoW L pressed it firmly into th tarred id which forms' leniL 1 wnue in tna tank 41 ct&aAaarniniit wneu t .thisjpoirtioc came to be patdosf 4hoa9attdiametrv4 Of tbe eigftt leading wbeenr jwntcn .xave access 10 tiie paying out insf h jna add 'ha? weh of I ti)'e 1 jockey pulleys over Wosa.wb3sWksei asr" 1 J A S SL ax. .. at i a 1 t . . aa m l ? 418 piacu, oenc uie ; stous irmnrrso soarpiy faat tt , passed ' between too nempi' "pierced .tbe gutta parc&a tnrougn at least two or tbree of its folds, 'afid there remaiaoih niJthii. atae it found, and instantly recognixod aspiecwof -mm a spite jorntr - i t gradually j pretested SitiuJa Vere.:thoWfi to absolutely perfocj,i ,m kvO &sWi4 j how ths 6BKA9Afttttf!r:jncBArxD nuanra rax nsm? 5?f!! tha njeraundnklien ofc aw'aTe.-ljmoUon in her. -thereto waUrely perceptible to the feeling, aa t coma ceruuuiy not no ueiectea oy-'tiie sicbt. esvad caused a delay of ,aeariy twenty lour hours, doiu WHAT 18 AKSCrp. KD H0fKI VOB FSOX THIS !lX- Here it Is generally regarded as a most gatifyin Ivahd4mePalgariagTreII fqi. IfhoT maietsafoft tha attempt, that hit bidu eiTa aft ie di$oowrt at tUHZV-pltn inditaUditdh cable AauUfl-ty aveamg signals were reeetred from the Great U aefwjvj axTofawxra.ajwne was tnen mora toiLtw nunoxea snots &om 4andLreineinte oaaaonsano-avnoni5.ut watsr.wifla saitatf -distanceu' .The atrain'on the dynamoraetor in sinking the rope was Jeas UiaAfoOrtejmUiunared f weight, owing to the fcigh ispecific gravity of the cable, or, in otter woxdfL 4he .bulk of its tarred t.cMk njn2tf . lilt sr.L . I r-iT ""T1 t-t- ,--rs ' Tr. I TVT :7';gfencies can men ter;" Tirora tiai uaw lortai, cseri fsTr --- V iT.MTTi. Thorsdr Aftrnftrtn. I - ureal juwiern ac luir nia- 1 Uanco and al- Vf It-' " 'M:mmIuiIW OCT 1 1 ; t ; I ILLS, L4Lrw Before twelrs fcowriaore are Out the Great Easv fern wCl hat roannto 1,KK tsoms, wAeia, ifmf jllio publiemust -depend ,00 meffii- lor. JUronsthef vessal ksf. iiirf Mtl me smu. rttlU at lOertv to waiectwra wOA tiwTaTOTmsSnsr fJOsjSwrdoaJr to eMtnvncatio Y1elil The- eompresw sfon of .tMterJaphvarjing TemperatnTB of the Atlantic are tlradi Kmtootuia'&e- tntut that a- i w d. r v mw. M iiM tM-rnltandw Ai all shoals bapallTi eu welL f fscontpro w Taa Clara. fJit, 3 H L.. Agrt Bat, a Bl Awrdst t--lu- A. Us ; , IWrt srt W si ( The steamer Clara Clarita has not yetarried fTOra'NewfotmdTand; 3 an-w sJghf wsAthor grainy, teTy.thJcV , TO THE fOaVDIEJlS AMD SAlXOUS OF TUB r'T H UWrTED STATES r-'rt fa ffUhalr W k WatIaaJ .3T,i rA':-r t rr r 'i i J , . s?i w S,wt JUI90 ' . 3 Jt-'t -r . CO ojn uouomcnr -Asscciatwm; i . am - Toquestea1 to make an 'appeal to. yod trfaidJ tho -Sobfe erpriza wehcre m tiewr Aoaredt.ewr, thfr remaias. of Abraham Liccda, out'4ata aaitshla and raduriAg"moBuiMnt'tebfa ! Hi ao.ii xour owMa, voinjuarur aasumeo. m idb,d- jl;'-'-.'.".:' i -: ?:'.' tiqnal gverJMaeat. araaboat.terminatiogJf ixouare J returning from rictorious campaigns, and .from a war now nappuy" euueu, ib wnicn, wiwi nimv .you arers all cnessed io sava our country from 'derauon. iesttuctioo, and ruin, returug:to eojoy the.froits of Tictory, won under bis chief direction as tne eonstitutioBar iad dCthtf krntyknd navy ; your copstant,steao,nr faith ml friend your wise ad f'Am andf voor esmoonibn hkikH tha&rinflr and an- leAyinfT ocuJto'esJrhWtf go fb inaSepiUe Jds of the RddinTOtiieAiiktful period of real and ierrible war. .Thousands jL roa base already, been tforatly nitistered out1 of'the'aervice, bwimany thousands more are awaiting and preparing soon to . -wr : r. ' -'.Tift" "t; .. m . DC. . I our orgxDixauons wirr an, ;iD Mwnum iuv: oiaJ.an historical existence. ; fToffareo bo scattered all over a peaceful country,Tq'h6meamade happy by. y)uxnoble.effortsr Touljve toojoj, in all its splendor, tho Uberty of a nation that cannot die, but hb whom we chit fly honor, has not been pared fbjeurxe these splendid results, titotopes of ! ovary day for four long years nor! tont and ea coui'ageus by his kind salutations Jy bis almost in finUewisdcm; tonounselanddnwct-us through the - r-r suodenretnrs of .peaces UiiigbV. wbictt lour thorrado of .thaw who 4wavs wilt, locnaieewcBni wr-yeuuiiM mini. rft not fit, tnTi, BokIianl smlOTS, otaearwand K,lAB whAhn hM.n n lnnV Jn thWVtno relation to this great asdgood man, should emulate tbe generous spirit of an tnose regiments ana com- j)anieswbouliayf seut. contributions, to .onrAsso- riatiOT to ihe ambun of many Ihousandsof uollarA for the boroose atatedT and in like manner, either as they hare, done," fiend us coutriboUons in such rams ufir ,rcasonAWe;ilind yet jmOeieBtj magnitude to warrant tbe univei reputation yOT hare for liberality, bv readments or comnaniea be fore your orcanixationa are broken up, or as indi- rkluafa afterwards r -3 . .4 Sro t J Let the aaonumeat we ahall raise orar -hia dead body, whatever form it may assume, or however; f long mcits construction, be too wonc ot a nation, tha kind offering ofcvery branch of industry, of jedacatiou. of, religion of . the arts, of commerce, of every Ca am ATTii7ye u aauea aau auaoes of life, and all elements of our soaetTv.hut especial- Jyr let eTery soldier andsailor who bore the burdens j which baa ruade tbis,BaimnAortal, add to its dig- nity the sanction of" thefr". voluntary support, and n ths tesuvsgamest'of their emloraemenh f Lot it bo f saM4hat'tbo'8amtBea iwho oKht lis battles, and I horaigh tbetoojors aCiriBhhc, bregbfc, gar , I lauoa fo dim gravA mui. ouemigs tu 01s raemorj. Let admit" the' debt x grafituoe a I generous people owe ithesnle;red: I I -, It is-nroner that vou should basneciallT in formed on tha subject: indeed it oeeb be reuuv that all the facts of sour3,, juistory erganisasioeasd auc-,. I yeera, snouM De.maae pubnc agaia, tnat tseromay be W misunderstanding, od' two wayi of talking about how, when and where tbe Moeanieat tobebuil. Tha Assoeiatioa was organized finally job the Ilth 1 - of May, 1865, at Springfield. Illinois, under m , of our legislator, approved rebruary 24tb, 1869. iTha artieJes'of , tho AssocmtiarKara. j-fsmpliauca -' with that Uw, filed in theofie oX,tba SecreUry of 8tse,'s1vJaropBbKerrecordV f f di ; BTicUi.ThAssdt NatfonalfldnoomJMbnumen be 1 located at Springfield,' State of ;Illinoivan4 shall f continoo iwslstanco for the term of twanaw year.! S Mr 4 W'ThA Mtiifmi mih eh.TI . tY.m 'oreofors of this AaaodatioiK dnng the Jlrst' year of its oxktanea 3, Richard Ogteshy, Sharoa TyW dale, O.' H. Miner, Jama ?B. BerBridga, JNewtoav Batemsn, John T. Stuart, Jesse-K.'' Tubots,:0. M. atAOaW Ct OosTOtif Tlbslles'sls: Jno. -Williams, Jf cob Bunn, 8 U- Malvin, Samuel H. . Treat, David L. Phillips, all of whom-axa .neyj r berwH - - 53 ..-T' . s 0-wa nava ootamea. irom ipe aty oiapm eld, a ; -A oeaa 10 aoouieix acres-01 -jnosi jDeauufai rrpuaoa. oarwhich Mr. Ii09bj)owlies buried, neafthe city 'ttf .Springfield, sdjoining Oakridge Cemetery, be- cessioisatan seasons of,.th,e jrearwttb sued a lo cation and such advantagea ar ttf mak it fn time. , i iTiierblsVftJpfoe fciation .wna Rr Lincoln" andtbo fSmnyof the -thospeaaj-place awhfireb4a ;areio,fiBaI1y lie; Wo shall m exhort tira nreiMuwtho vault for'' -Ws iffnal mfmg ptafee; abd Wswaiwlhobscrip1 ups aoau nare reacneu a sum iot jusiirr aomecmng a vTOrraea.esumaus, weajjpaoioe upon, ana. make the" necessary prelisirflaryarrgeAts for beginning 4ba-MoonmenL jWa have-jiow-in 'the bands of our4reasurer .oyer thirtr-five thousand .dl As fast .aa.contributlnns to the; fund 5aro toriv. mvasUdr jawterast bWiafelwvcrajBant, se -49Britlfw! bva Uit Mi kt atvf iia ;tsj2 V llmm. .1 what shall b I the material forltU ifoudmelti what kttallotit atsaf foi:cwsbTion awt-east. But H thJUfirb i above all tiun' firstunv seanrat sucha nrfi aom- of money as - shall justify os m -eraetingiri IMBsibiei SCOiBeritWbleWmaTerTreeDect. aball lrT,-,rew1"?in Hf?ih ! ttiaHuncwsiBauiauBa auiaixvi AASsatza wmiA f;lotkB';rjlk3nabtasta aneth ohailr Wreprfcy ironieaTixr , Mr : .a?w fi. acki, . j arsws wrerK eas aeoxaattan. bxwbom alLooatriba i htvtntavndoaatioaa'aaubaeripdoM bks for STffeu aso? communicaaons on thotubfact ad- JVer-f : tiAsSo4JJimaf W r- !Ha "I. 7aZ I A t jLl " i II A Z 1 " 1 ':" rsr ' T?ft.40es or iCtesbinei JU JU bSri ditertftlMdie, BKnunH iiiim iiiiii iin Timm is mne.. parTBerrniaxmsana fnerKtsWbor aavotxaed npaskr pe-oase;3flOTtnaircrj fiarg passengers trying to get out, and othera frriar to fet in, a decision has beant rrtdered imCourt a watenoo; new xors, giving tbe right or way to passengers making their rgress front the ears, It fn' i'fji c'ilttlUEDi i of C siott, to XTue BXTTB a JEI- n Ten aitk ' pes' cbT which fbraagei by Ae 'Mi a&4 cauaaffif SaCsbwry . ' There .reithe bpefr pir Z hos sasaay apv H-s ? woukd h. no&TiiKor. miaasss year'or aiaarai . Tki iniesssi! was knaJaJtegjfgaxggik he same Stale. , Soma tea years i W W rsWfri W Bort4niee -Bred.-He-weea asaa-af kMUpM.ua jaUfrity.aU - - , i a. ww i - CwawiHir for qaWffM Cowty. bwjey bees appoiat ed saebbyjaaQoVanao S aaert tiam nafiaaAa acata. rTinv W. W V mmm rimmmm. mm. -vr?. v7T,Tarrfs:i :srr,,:rfr d:r-n At Mentor JIJJOiiaf LIA P. JOSE la proauae or aer Ki Sfc'hasW i f SrOaaUflttSlaa'aa y Siarkitiie mwfti;si atUaafwerru ite tbat : staaqad ewy aetioa; ul m ? 1 1 1 1 1 .Ti .i.r t. iti. Em t : 7 ptia aa4 or an waoiaew aer V ------ aappeaktikt a 1 S.abrw,.of aiiai.of r-ttt -rtrmffuiitti ttiith tne BTiTiines rareTrrat. y&ii&t tttim' Bweetahai?a'g ' let aes for tbem th frmit'. natarer bte5m. J Bat: 1 ae toBUir esriaae if givea,' Ta'ripea only ta thaair oBealrea.'1 m a a(mli' -' 1 eoaaxcrsB baiut irnna 4fcOO i buiju nr. JZateL. 40 witb alt tte ceapoos attached aiae May, 18S1, 70, New York Exabaag aeafl alaeeaal. - !' V.C.JfeBSeTty-r!(etaB of laaaaleef Vortb-Gar-ollna, CapeeartJbariotfe.FaiWa, HiaeraaadFlaaasav f aerenmau, aaa koxboto;, so ; tezigtoo, TbomMntle aod , uraoaaa, ; j- w aaeaaow ' Voomiemsi, wasaia : eervittSi OreeBaboro" Jtateak RUQU Yiaeuaa an SocrHsaw Kora From 10 to SO date for ihe State Coorentwrnv aubjeet' to tbe action oP a AaU . j. i ,, . " w-td'' -4 , W. HOOD. Evaa aCaeeidate.ia tbe UeaatT f Wake, for fhe SUte GHirealioV-aabjeet to tbe aetiea h wuustj voisTeaDun, nowe one pe irl. Aug II Wi-td, ; -A wV-lliS elkVI ti lrtli; ; .-2r;. . . warn aaa Mercnmaaias, ik Yeopear41be storv (next t-ooor m ue azpress omeej aaa areaow readj Jo sajmir I deewoda of ,tbeir,frieii4a amLthamblie, : D&ES GOGlflANbXtRCHI -.- ,?i -Bi!fii ftltihfHiiii '4TF5 SPWh tIBf' I . I I HOfJKlNi BELTS AND BEW.BIBBQN. 2 .v pt tbi. baaatual gjrL taariUiaa 1beei-excWBged & tbe ftH rjs, 4 7 jrih kiimoimBX.OajM2mMSSH f ttoGPSttRTS.'' ' c rT 3 t 1. STa-J-i DAmrttf vrrv piipu wrrv wiiui . w' UVVAO OflW B1U T1IK1 'i-?)r-.t 1 IffTf shoes f ; shoes rf sirpEi 1 t AmiASsoBtiazwcfli aad QeatlemaavU ,-'? --- - v 3 -j W. itA B.B. TtTOCJKR, GROOERres t GKOCEOTraTjBfCWjriKS I Bnu& fiiw n..r;. Jfatian xeawwiT .rvxr taaBBeaBWfloal aad Liooeaa, a.js .r'i TOBACCO Aim ESCAM& 1 ini Excellent iaiti ftajg. ites ctts, solxCav ana, iftww.owvuMivj ummo, : Xltscaoicest aaa oeav, oraBCsot.UirAra. .. . La . .W.Ai, At TVuKlCK. V . FREITCH COITFECTIpIf EBIES f f - r ntZSi A,V W'kW Vte t k jmL. i' i. ' .(rBABAti -AJL JTllII.,i,t, ifrWKWILlViOPKy IX A FJTW TATS THfc MQST'. vTAHJB, uT..rt BAGGING ROPE AND TWimt Call at TUCKER'S for aayibutg yea waat aai fwa getaapplief KBpnet lAWA i j !!:: 100-4 tf j ' :: , '-: '-: BAUEIGB I'f '" f-. 4y JL FtmTHlS DATE TBK CHASG8 b-MAEOl J3a XBeLaad L-rbt, wita, aglfh ToitiOO, aull be iltt TBe zerBMpmeBeaa aajgaat wmivwiii aatf Dee. 1 Sfi3 "W W WWJrrWPWOi "Nevs 'JaajsaMaain JEfVr r.UlI jf it,M - KaL tBBiat liaises. : .Mir-mtfaaVa . . I!;: 100- be SewbeYa Tifoea aaeVwibBlBBtoB-B erald: "wO ttBBaaAaBodJNaeiitWtoj iCaak KCaMjPasr, Agat 1 ftesA eiglj'BB Wtdsiadaj. the tth day ; of Septeaibes aextj to iaPBMM xar win b oeia n bv iJirr W, malm LlteeaditHof tbeeiNiMratMos 1 nr' t oim oiyaunii w htjwhb lammm IM WW11M ill Aagort is, iJ ; L i '-.: l'L. 100 d. CO nT L01TO EXPEBISXCS IN THE 8TAPLB POT raeteaaiBB beid twill). baaieteijaavaBBBe Hew Tort, ABgnst J p. wuxriiisoa: wiu gsara-AncTio rAtf aAjeMeaU,iS A'ldda Caav '-ST --t c -T- - - - . -. M 1A1J BL. - aA ' At. MmtaWJ Kt Wfc wbbji wtzv lyaAA AW bbw- JBIf Bbjjsr u U iN tbe ftMfai Btai Btbra tr ta if If &jbt iesee DepenawBt: j -A i teaee Depart meet; r - J pesBieea' tueea, 1 . 1 1 BAjri - fcnul tit if lt9r?P V' ! i- m j at ' I OW SATCSaATTTT AartscsT, I laoa targe lei rood raniom foV?veeBJ tpffOilTfZMAni 2TGat t - It will be to the bntres? a iSkriieB helda Cettoa to aauea ue Baaentned uaaediaiwfrj .-i tei t. . MMI 1 - - 1 ! Ealeigh, Augasf 14, 1W3 WU4VESTVCXJ3L-lOS-tf I . " am 3 I it"- ... , 1 e' bj AatwHie, isss p 7?ISXE3A1VB p VeAWSt J JS4 ' " BaLrNGBRDOK TnTgpgnrTwix aOTEL s a r j - TBsriM baw. Ya ' -rf- aoqL, w . n. avKxxxvr. mmerlTer tha-K.n . r"" 'Jo II ??vAAwa AiutrtSST CLASS lithe laraeat dW Bouse ia tWtfSt48 BRJ6 Wareaa a nnntiuATV a avtw aw' watt wasted: fimfew . , f gaaea aad eomrt eoited SftbatasteetalL "". ueeatioa Bee behtr aemr all the di ajjtM,i8SS.-M i PHIlAftUEl,Pai A, b FiElA&M i i-4.Uie U I I . f f 9ii itTritii inmmj, wnn . Sale at rerj lowest awtet pri LOU i. S STDIBaciS. wtiwAJiSjLUS AJtU KCTAiL-G)CBS ilu coniiigiTifmasctiyADti ; JaaaWofobll.e2 Doalop. MoaeareA Co, atehmowL Va Keat, Pi A Co . .: -'if. lOO-lj T" " 'T-"!'." ALSO'"- WMinVitlikc ' BURIAT 'CASES, f - StA (At H- 9. Browars old Shop,) I AJEIQlUJlj Oraera &x Wiataaee Jrrfjgf AjewB,riE.,iaa5. m-tw&i TOT TOBBv "AJfD 'BEE r-AtWTlOf. -V-tf, Alurtaj the Ih iBst , large In hf whie Hea "r." 'Beat r .1 . . J AM2 M TO WLEST Adcir. fsaaartABfaatviSW Jj M-tt J ! - 1 '-At. ?.:. r ' : 1 , OSf OTBAltf V0STS tatatr dataa. nar w)t 1 nraei aa-anes that jaa waat fa the Sfetiooertr Cae. U -- . j j afyffav -BbAB&K JEaiattmtatA .t. i:.- 1: JUST EECEITEXV- BG,AlCr . P1HDSOKE TMS5T ff Mrr. BmaAliarfefu s n ?t tiSfSffWBOTBlPSiif I I "AT W i 1 . T W - . - ew . m. .. iWrtt pmvm Haehanta St.l .lUJna-A kkows Tarda aWlisb Lona; Cloth, , .W;baB0b H:ilijaHili'iis..i .IfllXlA AtneaeaAosma- serav JLUAaWOKAXOS. ! ueBerai jUletdLAarast , 185. ConiauawotJaeraaaata w-tf otii:arAi f 'i ' . - n CtlAJfGE OF TIBUBwVv. ifair A3TD APTXBV T.40 P. MBSDAY AUGUST llta, tsaBfc Xraiaawttt awo sAilkwav mmtiUortber or4en i LOA, 8eJisbBrf, S,4S Satubery, 5,00 jeavBUBariaiav ' ,"0 . BL. aaeare Cbariotts, lyJA a. ufiafiAba-. asS'' J mj i&ss.kW.ie ArrfvaBeJeav iAoro biMaM TmiAtBBeta Bait aad yeat, Wjtb tbe Hafrffr COeatoa, Ifttaf PeirrabdrgBd jbi Itohbt and wtt tb ic c mniarr Jieirreaa Tot ttoioro'; aewuerajiaoi beadtatv aBdWDBlmHoaf fe-ltM - FrelgU TrahrfosreS IUWb at II A aL CherkAU, at , TbelTiiTTTam eW: wTrd 8BnAnawacB WiSf VotTMare ceo aelbre ewUriag' Um waibh -a .aoaiHDBaa fcewia ue ewieetea. - l .k.Mi&'.4A -k..:A X:. .-.....- ., -"H. Wilr-. -J wfUtot ' V""M ttiu - fe-4tCTXtif TOEAlTEitBEsU. Iatain tTlLlV&lrO TslWatilW Ji W eebcafcVa4aigT orBcaBblaBO lxt 3foaks,-aoff tieaeoi I?.,7r- fay! ftvww j Olar-HouAa: AeT Biaak?" Bookstore BairAB3Baaalal . a n AUieia B BBAB r yVrVaTlwi-r'. -y-- " JA T. CAJUTAWATf ' Ta WAaU AAtDWASA. BljAatfABBiprABLB .AT Tiw s.:I fi-t& k0TS3.l8S5. -f -T Jf,imvJ PUBlilSBEIlS'AGENTf tsruTira ntnaT BmLDigQ. - rwiAwn-raiA, Are sataeriaed ta eootmct for adrwrUstag ia ear ppf L ' "Mb 1 eited.! " ' ASBOB i"r'P SOX A CO. r,' - in 4 B"i3eTri! U f?aip. -Wtf3to 1 .00 AM. tOi 1 u il BBjraVlAi3ai jntOtion, W P M- t . g . i;wli - 4 it a4 aa sjaz.I a nl M

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