i CITY ANi ?T4TE -ITEM& - OTE-XATEST NWS. . ... s .r. ri t -i "Oil1. --..i .lia of . .lAn Council of the Protetaaat but which wtwfi&H-jtH Wid1 $ejStea,, ftWt. jftSW? ?H9-T1 Th, punotoalatlwawlaefieot e VWqCMl4yji,7ff1 tlT Teqaestedi btaiiliapittwwri frolwbty -J .. p Bislrapef tifritooasef JtetfaatSaveJiaarf Thursdayi Sonde,9 Tuesday, Ij ---?t7 Saiishurjv ir r.n ttnwii Thursday, Sunday, SeplwiftttMwiitomn '.tiriiV- Tuesaay,. .. ,:b r mart Jairtri Wednesday, 7. nvTffmS' 8, Dxfoadi . M n eri ij-,f3l1 -10.' LotfBBam'Vf -; SandftJ, r. Other 8tw PESf? py Testintion by e wwy wnn npw.fH W-ihat jthe body of 1H ioVW e deftid. jtgimeat ffew York TaliAtdwa.t.wfcFMlik jtiBrern4 wu accompanied bfWir ethei aoftierii vhanere-amed ".t the time be deeaW lktra tl of an old man, and eoefcol, bjft jSeaSat ap i attitude te exeowe-on ureal, wnereapon me son oi uua old 'man Interfered, when the aoldier iaAed'opoAluA and was in the act of palling the trir, when'tte toat eboi bim. He Ured about an hour or twikfe othef tiro made good their escape; ---f- - - Tbertfes eoaSVnea we iroSt Ulbh, tU military atboriiies,! and jVebaiT appear before aHilitaiy Com. BJMion, Uk(Vfl;Wep ?J ; f o-day .the guard made adeeoent upon Ruor jhoj on theborni equare,aietteTiTle Bblet;afiacatiaute k r ..ill. nf K amltit end trdmincr k fV tcmra.' : I .. Thia h aa old, veil eatabrisbei; f nn, uoat fcrombly known to oarekikeol aidtfe eopW of tke State geneK Uy. MOTra Taeker ArCo. nar1 avtMW atkrtti beat good! on fhelr frfeW are 100, spent with theu will not take winga and raigraie aMae of ueaeoaja, out way wuo ua ana aaa 10 tne weans oi iae State; apeak for them i i S!beTarxTiage oa the part of our people. See their adTertisemeni. j j J i r.' ,3i m z ; ! Xt will be aeen br reference Jto aaoihe colnmit of thla uaner: thaSt tfie eotemriainff firm of SterKar. Oattpbali and eeileat aenee ef aoaool books. These?Jpeka are wntten ; and compiled with great ability, and are peculiarly adapt ed to the wants of ear eommOa ackoolav 4 A better selec tion cin acafcely be obtained. They hare mei 'srifh oAi Teraal fivor coKoftk-Garola, and fqrthe Jat ojr yeare hare conatiUUed afosost the only text-booka of ear schools y7Ta-- ?i.ri ritA WjulH! ' ';,-,,,. "'r . Coemtr Conrt Ortul!UkMi.rf'!-' ; 1:. According- ta pjarioae nstice giieo the Jblleirfng gei tlemen, Magtstratej appointed by JJotj Boklep, for Iredell Conaij, appeareo ai joewsn jaoaae in otstesTiiie. vu the 8d oCloMtaad were, by John H. McLaughlin, Esq duly qnaMeeT by taking thi hennesifry Oath. ,Tbey are: John H. McLaaghliaJ JohB DaTidson, James W. Wik Twrner Win. J. Brswlry, Taomaa A. AJluon, Jno. Toang, Thomas A. Watts. W. l.BalL John 8. Patterson. R. tt. Tb Wloarii gentleaaen were.IAejTrards eieeied a &tial Omr.- i H McLenghlin; T '-A Allieen, John J)a - tdaon,4 M Serogga aneV John Yoimgr i,--av a -The following gentlemen were elected Cesaiy OSaeta j tUntbiw Oarav AlexsisderjerWl'Sasson ; i Oouuttr Solicitor, it A McLaughlin. : iw: r i ; a . A regnlar termof the Cecirty Coart for Iredell Conat, will beaeUr on ihtf&d Monday in- Aogaat, thin montbj for the tra&aaetiofl any ImttB .yb panlPrti arejmeyftfrejpest j&W daya in ahowiBg . aja thstanoo'pfi , jidnal who ends aw ftakngb the prees eiegrainato the Northern papery and krettVln haM toinxennr tbe honnd: We tope he wflfbe discovered and sent from ear midst, as a dangerous falsifier and mendactous Ha S& mart at thia time; wheo'etfry word apokeo'baa Its effect ptw the pub lie mind: and whten aata or reUrda the tMrbtrreM of the 'cnariot of the Republic, on the broad road' to reeosstrue ttoa and pactncauon. aaouM Ba-cmanea. a en sain ua nefoBowmglnspectanotfileiUowatum appoint-.ed.for'Kowaa'Cetiaty-i 4h i &i-J M Coffia, S fl.WUef, JB'M(Kibbins, A J : iBiriyV-if af BaronardJeaseBarger, JobnPBytnsr. Jft itfa John A ttrauam, Jacob r Uoodmad, Jotov vanijDr & ennsipoca.. r . .. . .v . . - i AtMtftirinm A Atwell, Wiftiapv fi jlaster, Uea Bose. ' 1 ;-v:."!;iiv4 J: ji3'?--i,-Aavi! -. U'. -''v ZttJtr' M j3 If cKenaie, LevfCorrelCjaeob Correll. - . MaramCdXwtK M Shavei, Joan F Bodge. Levi Trexler. - Ntel4y't Jiitl Join D JobaaotvJ JB fKeele, Tbomaa Barber. Sttttry 7iar. , . . 8 - -. ! -. , . r t- ..... ... . . . i i .'. " J. N." thb Pkilosofbbb; OxiToa axs Satirist, whose renown baa 'preeetedbJfiijS, : day and pmd w viait. Vf T- aas a tfieory of hie own,' which we may style a Theory ot 'Paeificafipn Jle tafcea tbe sitnation sTs. be Buds tt,and arguing from his - stand point proves both pasties jtbilAC late contest to have been wrong, in that they-misapprehaaded each other and fought ? wUhonfenaoiiDg jto fevebjat Joppvebeionon; and that both parties were right in that they ttoaytt 'tbe ! - -were' gnai4 trriwi:f': Saqpv i - J, K." ia.a martyr, wRItagry yiejd upjhia Jwaaon to "the dungenaor the Buwd'aeias and his deebelieYid iUinvaJaribUU.-" J. X" retorna to Bicnntond'toyVwIterd' haturea then fc Okie, where heSrtn TAAnreRVfle letnoeratie ConveatM, ' irWvJajfieeeaa . Jl.kaa been no. DafQaa'n ddrlfiit tbe T-war! V wM shortly return to Baleigb aa jier oae.of; hje unique orationa, for thar. bitgntoMmt and improvemeat of the Tsopla. te t man. iv - -; ' New Advovtlaeaaeataa r toftVouVof 4 try. 2ft protf jrbawe aay, tbe. nnpenaa fot of adver tisements. from all quarters, preaented betowiaaJBeiea4 r 4 K; WhlaAle Dealerala Fewf1?eaaalla! Liaaoii;; Winea. and Brandiea-T J Flaea , Wteleaaie DmggiataWobn Laary .. f tpV&r&ei&f&fltfmfn e-W BAB A'Co i i "awMwt n Commlask.rfMercljfaCTi Dibble ! 'rBt faTpf8aaaitia :;;otofib Sends sad Baak Kfltp mMMMiVAh P :CoaiaaK.nMerebatits Stonboaas A Maeaolaya ! jaaeuon eaiea ui uw www rroperj-rywi Ae0aar8aiewdl :eneeffcj -Ar.HW 'n'M.swtwat . See Col. Bojd'a adv Vewsaleaawreportod Strawberries in Nevsda are so large thai they GSR : ; ..... . . . . ' r srtiidiiBtanSbaEnaM properly. to-oar. f i rf i; i s CT e-beiipon oepttedisbej?nejt ajtime. 4 fAjSowayMwweaUsaa pes -who nracn noa- i fitaiity Wlof-11irUMIieplie IThat i -4 was in the hospital ntarlr all the time Ik wmi S'er'ArajMACJfAxa &IW,.-'Tel V; TAll Trac aewToaa. la a wm. ua . and tne local naner Lner Wis thrtraghoat the State of xfanUtt As the i fVetirfng from St. thoLc Cbaife&.Tast 'Albanv. at the dose 01 aVewfiaaillnntWeAMy aortton ofthe flooring. v&orieea feet.aauareave wav nearlho- fptecipitatinethoee.QDon it into the coal; cellar 7 ,W.VllMfi. s r-rns 1 5e-vx-f a.-'L-A . aal -loCa1! A . . I 7) ;:. -.Jr-:,f:;VyKaeag' (R, WrPattewen X. W. Walker. of Akbamai TelS& Selden, of Norfolk, Ya. were pardoned fyy tb:Pres ingtttEV. is t u -'VliVZh6 0ouD dw ' I Ser(Jn;VriI E. D. teoaiid, ' commander of General .MxeanL'a ileadqnart.4, Cavalry is isot AUtKly, of N6wyork1is In Ihrt cito .1 J&onrat&lt?' iha1x beeiioifttionsl tol- geiheT with Major Geoeral WilarQ& Qmen of wisooen bewre'tbiBlitaryomiii8SJon! aout The i. Ezeeative : Committee' of the EeDabricati State Central Cotemktee alibied thffiltaeW affel brief flelJate m t8 the time of holding tb cosrentkmi itdjoarBed t Wednesday The Bute Ctoowltrf ttoLoy lgev mped i delegates 'froW pat the SUte, met in Albany ob the 9th. There was large aAtowIaijoxiie aeitovionf wp? piace ft "he- Cnnafd UiunihiTi Cub ArriTed in ,Kew Tork, onAiBai inii to'thetHh nll:ivb day litter than those prerkms- VrThV8teiq?8hip T bee givra ini Lond ThelJnited SUtessued for poeseasjoii Mkoanttty of cotton whieh'Prioiean, notorioos rebel igent and blockade runner, ctalmed to hare a ; pnpT -. lien . i J uvdWtainhilnd rjpon,; inasmuch aft fbe had lost twenty thousand pOQBda oy toe rejoei gOTernmeni r ,ice v")coiir Wood rated that the XTnited States must take the cotton, fco V w iimng. abwere; bound tb'respect the Agreement entered into with regard to this afore mlA Mttrm Vw the Wbal MTerninent. td whom U .originally . belonged; 'Priolean was appointed re ceWer of the propertyon hia going security to the extent of "twenty honsttdr pounds, and subset qoently the cotton was Wded orerib him by the TrpoopockBoard;; t"s' ! : The rash of emigrants to Jthia" cbun&y from the North of Europe Is setting tn with more than usual .vehemence. Fifteen thousand Polish exiles are ma. king arrangements with the Swiss government for transportation to the free soil of the States. , From ITotway the exodus bf the most valuable part of the population is so great to excite the fears of the au , thondesv trWare en j ; ' The PaTis ' correspondent of "the London Ifaet, nsually Texy.weU informed, throws out k fiiot that apoleon is Irepaxingto take up the Mexican ques tion on bis own v account aa'soaa j Maximilian returns to'fcmitr-'; " ' .. ;."V"" ' 't 1 No adwnee iiad yet taken place in Uni ted States fire tweb ties, which were quoted at 69 J in liondon on the 20th ult f . The Costa Pico brought San Francisco despatches and files to the 8th olL, containing rry interesting details of events m the golden State, .The loan in behalf of the Mexican republic, which was some-' time ago placed,. on toe California market, was Ibejng pushed forward with energy and Was meeting with, I considerable: saeoess. . The thirty thousand stand - Tt,.f v;w VAa of arms purchased in; 'San Francisco for President Juarez, of Mexico,' several months ago," seized; by our government authorities, and afterwards released, had been again seized on an attachment for debt against the'' If exicarj kgent having charge of them. ThoMexieanCoesid Fraaeiscohasreceived a decree issued at Chihuahua by President Juarex, declaring null asd of no effect the imperial decree in reference to je the Mexican church property, on the ground of Maximilian a usurper. fttfSS. r ThAKtcAraithia JAtnerie. from vannao. on the 1st ibt,safrivd ia'New' York Od-lhe 9(h. . Business in thar plsee wsVqutto-brijiki tbetooantry people bAringfor aouietime been coming itf in targe dduw bcra'"withvtbefi;i produce '. aod'to . tuake prchaeav Very little, however, was doing in cotton, and' the stock on "hand. V" comparatively snil. ;J Consider able excitement bad been created in : the city by an encounier at the Pulaski Hdusefw'eeq1 'i captain hi the national tray and.Colonehfiowell, a brother in law of Jell tlavis; and' inodiej.ixeoefcer the CbniederacyS 'jThe t 5Defy:i!tt stited' while drank, indulged in wdecent and treasonable ; remarks, faryfhich the Union' officer took them to tasK aoa gave taemp urasaing, an, is auqeu, ne also gabsequently served trb 'other rebels who jtook theifparU GAaeyal nQeoyge j MercerV the late Teb arjtnj; haqbeen arfeSted in SaVknnaJi iM sent to 'Fort Pulaski, tfe v v,-. , eColItaS OvbrlAirdHOater. K AID raOH TBS, BOSEIAN (MVKBB1VRX, v l-r- f.-:r4.;wt i'PWf-;Jnl OQ .1 RAK . r A' 1.'ain'fla? PetarahW OS ..41. r r .ZHC A teierwamiw A-Biwourg, uiy;zo, only just reccivea, says mac a rrarsaw jou rnal an- tioaaees that the plan for a telegrapbio4mo JbetWeen foaiac- I ' Russia arid America lias been ' approved and -signed dollars, and "booda representing, four hvndred; and a. . 1 v i . " . 1 . - a . 1 1 -. n- 1 tmrty-wur taooaaaaaia aoaareu aouara nave aireaqy FfuiNlttekded that-thja rate shall be nmni8Qerrfiv yars.- a . r 71'! ti. LoctsviM.B. Ky.. August 8. t885l' art fntflAM. gross from l ne HlXtD. as printed. LOUI4VUXB. August 9. 1865. . - a . . Gallatinlfufffl-o Congress, Warii S57; BmRht58.' It :.'::.i.ia W PAMfAa, August S. A8I4L the 000 nsjorny wr vongrtna..: f- ; m The Z7nion Prea makes the following estimates alfXfcogtwoaalrM First District -Trimble; democrat, 8,000 mijorf- .J4 ty. t-rir-.i ; t -; Second District I eaman. Union, is pi elected, j . tlp.rr;x,I!-;i,rr ; i Third District This district Is aficWs The feanees are even between LowryantP ftnder. j I j etr-f rstsvery,' fi;l ;6opn ma 1 HtlSt 3 Sfl -i ,oiui wwwiH. J9PWw aar fSetefh-Distfttb 8,000 I msiority. ;: tim Ui at. ; w,t : '' i i tnsjorisy. f -jKts-u j.ijj yi 1 fa-VANUiWattl4 Troendment, 4000. Oy WOe Vfkf 00 W9'1Brnuwny naertafe8.t' . I wvi,i s . iA e. l t belnrt:ttMr'dba4hAtt Tbo ai '?:f s ' FAYaTrEVlLLE STREET. Ns capiUCkf; Aa'jtl-f kjo-jbimot of J ' (A lewdoore belowjthe Yfirborongnouae.) t 1 . : .a f ". 4. 111 . k 1 ' gtaiteatr&t (IsnBesvA l IIJiABBaatlam anil 1laartaWi US 4-eter y aden, fiBr., WnwidaieootmtT, a(iio evwai; .iawwMWii mj,wti&ea.w j w k taken : lit ntL whatxbA doetnp Il(t k. l.ilinna theonlatisni ax .iJeqkifjt whole sjimi rejiderTnerenti HrnMamiau Be,tui(i..tQ be iifLed and tea a an lnwnvjoc 4k. .. x- iL . . m i ii ' -ii.s dHth.MAltM 'SVA t .sr:handa drawn en of abanand atUt 16 that Abe eoUtd&tJiaalhM &a aJl ntW rmdieS- tatlea. IB rtTILlo iate otb iJireeWoj spaajb.tbemandife,an we4L.aatiae)e4 aj,'lotharaer t ime : baa beoome leshr . cheeHnL a' Active M'Cae UseUdfba of.bei! Opeo jmyaecraatsj irjaatek-Wltaj awpiefr.eMcev,M io ;fJeungy. 1 jfare nu ?6 iUe. ad in about tLlkifit "Wfljf?tae.t swaa..jawn:wiw1ri t gare tUea& and he waa Of.Si;, aye after she , eomjoseneed,. using tjiems r aly Opctorfa JbtB oaed fiheoqfe my family, which consiata oT eigitteni'.arBiti end colored, and bare ot ledTii docdjirtag: .the year mmw.b i treat tm, ilaeT eertareiy are tne oee .family sae4iciAeret : diano AW -JfTS caa reoemajna tnai as such f'. isswM.Be F TlHriRriE "W. DEEMS. VRAM E - ' 'TOJLTfTAit'SM ALL 01 NORTH-CAEOLINA, BB- ' J spectfolty informs bis friends' aei the Mereaaata or ,the Sute generally, that ainee trn close of the wr bebaa , located himself with the" iiouse of Lroh ab PassanoI, No. . ' Bait. St4 Baltinfore. Mfl.," Importer of Faster Goods. Hoslerr: and ITotiana of ailt Kinds, and wiir be p. eased to aae them whenerer they visit 'the City OnTbOSioeaa;o o(krwiae.'it .N! waam y ft ii it 4. 185: f f 0a--is8n "1 ' fijr-Tt BUOGT5 Axfet. f SpHrigs; f 8pokes and flubs, s 4 Band, Patent Dash Leather; Enamelled Cloth,; f, 1 v-'-ffimotlrClfnajaa'JaSailas'--. CarterXbopBrf;';an TOOLS and Locks, Hingea, 8crewa, Taeka Brads, Naihv Ac. f t Aiea.jtcb, - BaaoSaws,. Cbiaela. Augni mSCQSBW PUtea, Handle. Screws and Ti Asu m aaperb ito)k hqU8EH0LD FD&N ira, e. - 'acka FDBxNISHINO GOODS and H ABDW ABE arrinncr tor evarr steamer from. If ew-Yoirk o Newbern, , '-J - : ;.T s j- t - t3P Look for the sign " SAanwAaa. ? and the number, 44, FayettetiUe street, Baleigh. , v .- ...f . i S f.'GA&BAWAY, r v;t: ;.'!, With ttUtT ft LWI8. - - Aug 11 '! . 8 8t KEEP COOL, AND .! fc C O M JP O R T IB 1 Ml TaIIEN CliOTHING EVERY iCBlPTION OF AT WEOLESALB AND RETAIL ! I C. MI FiLERISS, 01 iNK DOOR ABOVE TUB PROGRESS OFFICE, 'on Fayetterille street, has joat receiTed the most ex- tensi re stock of -v fd- :t: ,tii,: V . i : . . - - GENTLEMEN'S 8UM8IER CLOTHING ever shipped 1 to North-Carolina, which was purchased directly from tbejnanafkcturera, and he is therefore able tonsil tbeaa at Baton as law as New-York Prices I This is no fiction. Give bim acalL Raleigh, July 81, 1865.- . j ; i 80-tf. SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY, FTtflB NEXT SESSION WILL BEGIN ON THE 7th OF X Angnat. and close end of December. TsaMs; Payable atrictlv in advance Board.' washina Tend Tnition, $35 per. session.! Musio on Piano, $15 j on Gaitar, i2 t French. Latin, Aa. each S10. Drawing and. famung. each n. s useot Ltorary .fi.au. . Boarders will furnish fheir own towels, but no bedding' or table furniture reuuired. "I ' ; ' A deposit should be left in' the hands of the Principe 1 ; to meet contingent expenses for books. Jfor Circular, address . i I j r. REYBOBT, DSCHWEINItZ, M 1 : I". T ' Salpm. N. C. July81,.lM5. . t 88 8w - PLANTER HOTEL, I THIS HOTEL IS NOW OPEN AND PATRON AGS solicited from my friends and the public generally, it ' Mr! A. J. PARTINnascbarge of my business and will do all in hie power to render onr irnests comfortable. r A limited number of boarders taken by tbe week at a reasonable rate. - -V f ' -" ;!.;: WT. BAIN.i Kaiwgn, Jaiy la, laaa. . y i v: -78 lm. BEWABD I I LOT ON SUNDAY NIGHT. aTJTOLEN FROM MY tc 85th; inst.; a pair of mulea. One. bay. with shoes . A ' behind only ; the other, mouse colored, unshod, bavicg a wart on left ahon Mer, near the lower bame-tie.. They bad been little worked of Into, and Were in common, order TheT were traced oS the nexf ; dav about twentv miiMi aouthwardly-tdward 'Smitkfield. I wilt give $2000 each. for the return of the mules, and (40.00 for the capture of tbetbieC -fi -t .-it" . wc, -j -; j :i t t . b. F; MOORE. RaWgh, June tOf18S5. 4-1 WALTON HQUSE, : t h'ilPAljTO.I UNDERSIGNED H A VI N G LKASI) THE ririHE a 00 re note tor t nnmDer ot years are now refittii it, and patting it in good order for the accommodation -af tbe wane Aad those who wish to viait Meiwantnw mn. h eejey or fresh jaenotain breeae will find at the Walton jteasea geoa conMortanie rooo aceommodattBgaervaata and the beat furnished table in the SJ ate. T , , u .-.-.ivr. VM;-- j . .H ?nflUNT WALTON Morganton, July SL 1864 f iaaiB WaMSUAJI. i JlS?,T0-DO ALL; KIND -Q F - WORE-UPON A4 Ladie lwse GeoarWionee neteeahat of S.1 F. Moore and the Presbyterian .fnagc-w-iU l p. Moore and the Presbyterian Parsonage; w ,Balga.yuljr 4, ises. f !vs 1 j - s -; T Ss-ftC 1 ;vw-vbs: Wa IS PREPABgD 'iQ ApCOMMDDATB SIX i-j xia. eiKwiawewenien.witai awaru ana: iodgirig and :Tnnaieat " tit fetfur Raletgh, JUMSS,18aiL io ftfc 1 ri j-. vvasaara noirutaaroiiaa RaiLraafi. N" f STA'vasVTijaJN;tI. JtiWtW' iaa? a 1 Or A UTaTTT 4 t If ITITT Vl wUtT MitVta I: A.aBaWW JG K.8QL- L ...- crftov, aow WS Jria-uroiina Kai 1 uin m uai re aaiiKtwt aaza.a - l:rATf tftockWdaleesi Ba1oaafn'evtA ijpauJLljSi 'elasaetWojeeato "wr hoi i - '. OAtllDin'! . V," k .S0LUBLa, -7 ':-1 :r;Baurrela 250 ktilmA,lt :l r STJPEn.l?qC5PnATE Off ainEV cKjn a Tmjj is-aiJ o.vJ t t AH areas No. co.coartiAiidt st7N, v;:: rrS..lSCeaca.lrjt ib w -LmoiA ,., . I Ia Se . -a a a --- 1 va, .1 T ra T fan ,IT I Ml. 1 lft.. ...: ,i ,ia. . T "8i " it a, ii w Al. TAjlAfjjm.-: ?-' git -wetf.l, iJJL.vw.JLMf trtWJf.-; I OGHT.CTAVbVROREWOOJI -CASEii JS t PERfECt' t:i t tin .. ilTp Faietteville street. the Ptphps ;Jrectiops accompM 1 o-s2jai ' t '-f OP GOVERifMSiofei -ACpntW SALtSJJwrJORHES. MrjLK3, AttllT 1TAO- f t WuaKlfiS5,AD WTIIB .'' .rf ? 'ilStyi'Wtaiiatieajaaal TdwsaajntibeJUaU: S? "i DrS aoAed AUleaerjsvejtrolaeat, a - 1 if i 1 . a ' a - t iZ&J&H-1i Sockiawar. r iiht mn li. . ii in --7 . J , - j a ru i v,-irtMi aiup'a aeeenty.SBi a lam adtee, M Tarmm wliare.4enetotbVww !f s 9aaet ljp, profit AatAe eeM ware mateiwd. ; bdwue -in tbie e4saaat,.DesvMJata .are ... . , . w , " - f 9 o'clock A. nadw the direction .tJGnLr A7 M Gi. ;-"P'W?-"A l J--, - "-'-v as-Hit ; - r.0HtttntKe WednewiayfTnnTsdar: andtri-j day, AiWnstWfdth, and wtW 18?5;!nder t'direeN .tion of Cant D. VT. H: Bat a o m t- ' ' atOIockAMy:; At L0U1SBTJRO; WvafiVtiM. rtn M,h,-,A -. a ,1'L.l J ?WMW,tmdel'tbe direation of Cap.? D W flu at, A Q ro-o'ewcx, a as. m :Ti.-ifleRlTt :; - A GMSilW'oaB oar. Aaroat Slat. tuLRTUHnKr iat So nn . tbe direeMoaof Cap. D W A Pat, A OVSaleJtb eom- A OTLDSBOBtr ba-'tbeanat' and Wedneadari SeV rtembW tstb and StKltsaA. AMr i triKih A jtt A 9 at " Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A M., le.UnnvnntTv AiaiwJ sna 'www t tm " i ii " a. w jsaie to commence at iuo ciock f k AM-jeacbdai,: -Vi V .Uut-inlOO Mt -; At HEW BERNE, oa Tbawday, Friday' and Saturday,,; August 24th, SStb and 28th;1 865, tinder the direction of : Capt JJ.W ff Dat, A QIC; Bale to commence alio o'clock .A XL, eaefa day; .. j, ? ; -r-; leollt i Baleigh IL pnly Si, 1S5. ; 82tf . "T AUCTION SALES. . - t - UNITED STATISSWIILITAB Y RAILROADS. '' ;v Omcioj AasBSAirr QaAaTasMASTsa, t -i i ? ' " V M-? Waanwgton, D.?C Jnly S5, 1865. ; ' ATJCTIOW-ALB OF ROLLING STOCK. K Will be sold at Public A notion, to the highest bidder,., the following rolling stock r ' - , M ; - - ', 'On TDTESPAYr' September1 1 r'at utbe Portland Co'a Shop in Portland; Maine, Six :' () Locomotive Engines. L On TB UR8DAT, reptember l , t Hinkly A Williams' Shop in Booton, Mass , Four ) LooomotiTe Engines, j ' On M0ND.AY, September 25, at Ken net t Square, near Philadelphia, Penn Fifty (50) Box" Freight Cars, four feet eight-and-a-half inchgoage. - ;;t ' ' i On W ED ESD A. YV September 7, at Wihnmgton, Del Eighty-foor () Box Freight Cars, fire foot guage. The abore stock is all new, and of the rery best qnality. The Cnsrifaes are ire feet HmseiL. fire foot drireri and I cylinders J 6x24 inehes They can be changed to narrow ajuaxc M a iriuing expense. . " - , , Bales to eommence atlO A.M.' r w :: . Terms : Cash In Government funds. ': ' " . . j' t H. L. ROBINSON. !" orTen VOioaei ina a' i- u. 1 Aogost SS, 185S: MISCELLANEOOS. Ha. f3. "i."'4'' ' AMMONIATED BQNE f.- SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF lilME, ft orTHaaoBTArraovaDoeAUTT. - ' A SUBSTITTJTB FOR PEKUYIAH eUANO. 1 OFFICE, NO. 194 WATER STREET, ADJOIN ISa tmiTBO, HTATXS , HOTEL, i , ' " ifEw roRi. . My Super pboepbal e of Lime is not an exberiment. Ten years trial of it upon all kinds of Crops and Soils has proved its Value each year, and that it is of uniform quality.! Packed in barrelain good order, uniform Weight 850 lbs. JulySU185. ;''?.,.!;'; '' 1:7;, '88 8mis - :::ii.r: ; j.r : ;;V HissiNGr" - - "? . . !" ALLEN W. COZlRT, OF. GRANVILLE COUNTY, N. . C,' was wounded aai captured tbe last of March,.: near Petersburg, Va. No direct neifs has been heard from I bim since. Aged 20 years, stout built, dark complexion, j dark hair and eyes, ft feet 1 or S inches high, belonged to 1st N. C. Cavalry. Co. B., Barringef'a Brigade. Any in formation concerning hiov would; be gladly . received throajrh Daner or letter, by his widowed' mother. Addrese.. . . . , SABAH COZA.RT, Baleigh, N. C. . i 94 -tf ,Angaat?,,i8S.i a n AiiE chjlwce; vrv O R SALE OB LEASE. ' ORf , il? Steam Enfirine.'eieht horse power, in' perfee with thirty feet shafting, twenty. si pulleys, Circular Saw, two Grist Mills, baildins 60 feet b 25, Blacksmith shop , and toola. Dwelling House with an excellent garden, one naif acre or land. For runner information enquire at 1 j ' "STANDARD" OFFICE Baleigh, AngnstlQ.lgSlt. j , . 97-lm J. ROGERS. OF GRANVILLE COUNTY, s'.v. WW a Was wounded and captured at Fort Stedman, near Petersburg. Va i March 25th, Ko direct news has been heard from bim aince. 1 Be waa a member , of Co. E, 2Sd N. C Regiment Inhtntiy, Johnston' Brigade. 'Any ' information concerning bim would be gladly received by tig father, either through paper or Utter r if through paper please send copy to Raleigh (N C.) Standard Oflioc i Aoareas, naieigO xi. v. August Ttb, i85. ' i- THOMAS J. ROGERS. -5 : : -V W tf j " l mDAN i WOMBLE, QEOCER AOT) COIXHISSION 2lECHATffT. tOOB ALt KIND OF PRODUCE AND OTHER'GoOl W. Specbl attentioa given to the! sale of FLOOR, BA- At Old Stand 4th door, North -side Hargett Street; Ral eigh, H. O. hi-: -4 r -r l-J;, . - : August 11,1B6S.: , ,. , V8rtf LIJAISlAa AAI1A t UU SALti. 1 rmBK SUBSCRIBES OFFERS FOR SALE HIS" PLAN- U ITtin in GastonCoWntv.C' bn tbe watertof Tav- 'T "w.-rtSwintaininir R80 ares. About one-balf IS cleared - i un a a - 7 - t r .... I --d mnatlv under cniuvation the present year.. 'From S5 in in aerea i fine bottom htbd. The- buildinr are plain but OOmlorMDie. WIU au unu iou iu iw pras va the land, and judging from surface specimens, the indiea- ona are auucieMv vuwiiHguiE v ;T,of;UKWug;ex!dj-attons " Thr ia how a fineerOo.of I tut. A- .n ft i nffVri -for nale' taaainlv a'V"T6i "1'" win fact , that 1 ne owner resiuea w aiu?nju.wiuij, .mer alaVlssara tioW tPee. --'W ta.'Sftuatedtipon the line of the Wilmington, Chartotfe and Rutherford "Bail road j and about 44 miles from the, flourishing; t6wdfCnariotte, thoa making it;acoayenient and'Htuabft rnTdstment. zX rtion of the land fueeompoaea graniw; wouia oe nnew pteito the euUuVe ofthe grtpe and other jt. t . , v.i..na Tiri.hiBa' to axamiaatha land will eatr OMn M. fuaTiabWtbe prewnt tenait; wbd rm:poiat.ui the I n boundaries ! and for ftarthortaformaUas; toterms, J1I i?i'W-a3aaaiB.unf rTIuuS . ; AUGU f S rV lOMMlS8l OKALEH IN VKY TARI tfc4 sdnnHaaferCoatoar aad liMot Factor aearji appnea ear ww hiob win be STamtaascat New h n bearttsaedatNsw.rarM jt raA wtjli, WaieorBBtloay'l'' ai5o,.aiMn.ftiW'?wi.e If. ' " Cloth and Yam will be takeaio axehange'iwijaold oA fc? weoa rumtnf . an eiur wwr, snamw 7J vd i.i.'f til ' sinit v via iaiui 5 iin Tthhhii.aA&d'KtyeofS wareantaa-tooe aaitw tacc- . - . . . . . ... j Wgbly aaieaedtitolfanUavte aad aerfcay Haiahed." .so- i - t L4,nElpaeaaiMrf the daU efswitraieaB,aena, waariiiia aae txioa wnt br Exereaa--the ansae ef the igaatary altoald be marked oa each package to aoataitatataal 9t: .'Orders solicited sad yroiitptlyaxBaataAaa I 7 AadaaV IVlsSaV. ?d fceairaa-;-. "v -.sSm; ' us 3T0LI3TpUlrTACWS;sAi;UUTlA MIUS Hd lalfrooiAiiddle' Creek P O , Wake County. TOLEJr FSOltSB rCMtas,tlua A atlUS. AID Tuaadar. fSth test. mgni, a amAUUHATX JtSUZZ 3Mirlf drnitA aBveavaara .aldsnaxtrtir laaMi. spot In hie" left eye; als hasa-acar-on.xoe- offa bind legs, (tne uumsriwwju. w ps. recoiiee : rhich) betwi knee ana janaio uoera. rmra inju f tora '.MU1foigkjik frMp&WigaM PludEor j Re lineal to .SLV-did aasorfmeel-bf SiUa. CbaJfaZknlaS Alnareaa. MaaHna andCaiieeaea- rnuc nu.n. Ia i2L"" 1 awOTtij rttoaiery, fjtWrtiatefct :d5ttwir aumfi4t sSis65 1 . . ' i T - I ITnilMllfcl II . . ..-kr . . . :4.4WA? SRrfeBia,.: lar... tft . rtMA wftpii ivcViWi ? . .. . . ... ' l ' a - -i----. . , ... -I - . r - -.:- :rwTTT-v v',4-ia. ' id tr.TZtfvtTiw-vn sj-t;r n i t. imcrw. a4iidaalway-i: head,V Aadlaetat 4J-.ZLV"?Tr,2 fJ?.- 8t.at 4W4d atairf of A.IUnrte. ftS aeas- ans waiKaannraif ftmea of tbe day or nieht, ahdHhe -As eoapwrfea mmwb PyatoneT for tbe ? walk or the money expended it. Then there are. pretty lanfl scape dWMia the SaW whict FwiU enieHsensto iarwAa anKeeiatertbearaiflai. M BiflK h. i the indolent where they an loll and eat at-their leisare. 1 fn there ererythingee' eoit tbe eye aad tasle;-Pay AMartieanieutinjwB4rertUe6ntwewUl aeji at ue loaea easb prieeB .-t;rT Vi.r-ij VcP'LS1 Ko IreteHe Street,-opposite iSS2!??rt-,i,i thld Ml'of As Drake, owBills. "SU.1I K fi iOanelerka wtllaiwsva awrvw th !it ndhaTeaJwayapjrvdT)bligingandpoUto..i-' in- - t I - RaltighT August 2, 1S65 a1t bi! ; i .a HO-im ;..i;. '!. "i r ! .; i. l in.-..'i - j," i ., LADIES DRESS i arauwi UUUU9 L- i h- :. For Ladies Dresses. Also for Tg4tlen7a'' wear " J HEAYr :B1TE MirErDRiiiWjrds PINE DLEACflED DOMSTfiS v - J f 1 ' l B00TS6flOS Ac, A- I;. JAMES M. TOWLES, Ag't, 54 tf. CARPET1NGS OIL CLOTHS, iiQKNTS CtbTHmOADIESDlifiSS GOODS. YANKEE NOTIONS, VALISES, Ac. . "J"'ff Cheap asecbeapVsi'" , J. -C, PAL3IER.'S JExY.EtBxTBTOREy 5 i''4:l!a'yetteville4 street ;'..-. - A V ING SECURED TtTE SERTICES OF MB Bj B Guion. lonz and favorablr: known itf thia Oitv :w hope by fair prices, and attention to the1 wants' of our ous lomera to merit a share of poblic patronaire. ' ' - ; '-T. WOUDSTKWr ! WILSON. N. B.' Cotton pnrehased for trade ercash.'' -Raleigh, July 1 1S6S. '75 lm. THIRD AND i LATEST i ARRIVAL ' OF JUST RECEIVED, ON C0NSI snnnlv of bAniitifnl ' " ANOTHER : rr v 7 . : , Dress .CQs,y,, , ; Consisting of Summer :M6nsline8, ShaHv's Bereges, Granedine8, and,' a large selection of latest, style, best American Calicoes, Bleached, Goods, Long Cloths, Pocket Handerkerehiefs, Ac; Ac. '-.-. - ' . These goods are ottered' to Jobbers and Country Mer chants on reasonable terms by the piece.' ' . J AMISS H. TUWUfii,- Agent. July 15, 1835. 75-tf. No. 18, HANOVER. ST., BALTIMOKE, ; COMMISSION ' MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF Cotton Yarns,! Sheetings, Osnabnrgs 'and Cotton. Solicit consignments from the South . : They will make liberal cash advances and promise quick returns at full market prices. . . . , v . Refer to any of the Baltimore' Banks or "Dry Goods .vuuiiik nnyuwM. aim hi nuiiai rowers, Jusu., a. 1 Esq', . H, L. Kent, E.' RfelinioBdi-iral,; and to rren A Co.,.McHwaDe, Son A C04 Fetersborar, Va. AU W 1 ABM , AAp . AM , IVU 1 jK4.B .AMVUUIWUU. V f-i fUU mil, warren Jone 14, MISCEtL AIEOTJS, :'SitCHTiPfJT-p4 I c o a n Q; a asm wood ' ' ; J 1 - r -'F -; AND - 38L South Cttlvt Stjeet 8. CHESTNUT, ! . E. CMARSflAlJl BAiiimuni,. . August Si ' rMs,i 4 !-vj.jwji.im 1 r BOSTON ICR FOB. SALE ! MTE SHALL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AT W W toe corner ot wtimnigton and UargettStreeta, ' . Boston Ice for Sale. " ,s , r, . ! J ( ,': 3s .FOWLER A.GIFFORD. -rr 3J' mHE ADV FUTlSEfl. WALO-IIAJa-fJOO QJt 1L Pi.UOQ. would like to. become a partner in some busi ness where the above amoaot ooUtd'be invested) Would have no objections to hard work ; can aecure a good credit' in the Boot and snoe trade, utve aCuu description of tbe E business."' Address r tV- JS. MtWKK, . , . 1 i f- ox 2,001"rortland, Maiaei Augnst, 185. i J :f 5 lw lOEG0,TIATE ALOANFOBt 2,500 . pert t hefwf, for thirty flaysr; Undubt 0 v idayfl Undoubted aeeutily hedged. "Appiy to. . . - -'Ba - .a . . Home intelligence QlJice. BalajgAest?,!!?, ,fBVOXEN FRENCH CALF SKtN. , JLlf 15 ponnda black Sewfafe SUk. 7' J.B' '"tO dovn soft iUts. " T- r t Ffraale'aFj BJ WILLIAMSON MOa.'v: I - --; FaytteviUe3Streetfc Raleifih, Aueust 7, IMUT. ' i4-tf t; jawv' t' ' T- fW-- TO -TURPENTINE MAICERS.' SafsarB UNDS piBo; truant pbun For sale at, i B-F. WILLIAMSON CO rayetteville Street' t Salaidh, Auguaf T, 1865. 0 5 ri 1 at iSME35lTBBVr KESaVaf 1 Lr, BALES VjOOO vdaLA paina. J 1 . aw auuuneaes voeq a - .'1 : fell : I d .BaUrgn. Aust7,Wi. t -3 cua: -n aTborrSN axes. saJLUC doxea Long.aaadleiSbo' 1 IWUVteaiflida If A 'ft Aan,Aal UTIa. avasa taaaksanaev faiv wjwai aa iCaale" j P-l. rWILIJAMSCLX o- Q U-l ffyetev iBa!W,Angast7,as, C' -c - i ' .-i ' CO wa, aniVTNSAr. its wv : aTriraJL : ' . i anS' SLPjrse drv SO dVt aorCiniC r I VAMSON A Cp-Ri reiKn te fl , . 61 tf. f sTBAKBo orr r I a wrC.nncwirn un noiwr.e'K ntHwri "wwrP? "Wf Wi pwrtla( r itvJ fUl Anltara mmnt WV v.:. i t. cat.- f.':-.-t- . . T3T7 - flollara for eithea-of theVY'liKWashd.Ti - - . .r z WVa " dEIAl ireMHiTU erhtkW !4Aa wiU' . . - i. i - Z TTZ ; -. . if" GNMENT, pC!nni.T. iPlMlTAtttC L'lljctTei: .4-Tr Bel un !..:- .u ft. .n vn " W W .mi. . re- J . f-" t i waUai Ii rfifT. yff;JP AWiUil! wrv i fJM a ww-1 OTDMriT witv s i xaw.-n eMBt, w f m. - . . j -wimut .vi smw r TBT tv;t " aiinionanie art e. rafirr ia Tamsta riaaaaat iau i i ' i : . i a v . a .. r A great i eitwiet ronse;ani GenttrinenV and ysJaa:oafvWM atyleavand ef'the Ineat qnaljty Vatia,,;a - Boob and Shoes of aH sorts made ae oreTr by, experi enced workmen, and of be best material ; Meong done witfc neat neas 'anddispatr oa find ings ef ever deserfption- kept oft t and rf sale? -'t, L Tjnpo j - TTtrrA Mia fgnTw- i PAPER AT LESST THAN-HANlTFllC- Ha, Ceniwctlon with the ComWAed ifemoDlr fi"!wm, i'fiat'lak.Prteesk-'l t awl v. t0 ;ef TAPER t)f every 'deacriptien to'oe" ronrvd in this untry. Bookseller. Stationery Printers andfl.nd- f !,saTe tto"ey bjrsf examming'niy stock. , Orders try maiiprompily Hed. "5 6 BY SFEETyvFIN ELY EMEELLlSff E D THTBE LARGEST. TJTElWTT'rRE ever bobhshed: -'Hia h.i. r Jt . - uovc vi tuo cubn euiuutbiii ntiw tber '.I' V?? Week Mont - vr ApnUj. 1865.- j.? j,-?v i. tf iTI AtES OF COtTOaTf. T f,BM SITTJAf iOS7WAWXE Y TWO .PRACTICAL -Anf50nNlATa T nnim i references, i. Address, .... .! ) f,. 4 wt pTiTii 'J ' f AfjPcsOmosJ Baleigk-N, C. Ft S- AUoaoanaintod with.0. M ftu-m. , .i V July 12, 1865. : ft" .-.t. rii ; jL. .0f "wt Tlff "' " IS fair wide and eowtaftima'al 31tl- W on saW-J - JASf Mi'TOWlW-krtnKw., w f Bleigh,Augast i i.3ear ;T" ; ; ; ew: book bjwpeiy.. r '' " HAT I N G SECURED rTBE. 8EBVJOESOF MR. Dioka.a first clasa Binder, we are oownrevit-kl to do Binding of all Kinds, at short notice and Jn the veifeit'tty&UB&l all deScriDtions bianufactdrerf Ui nrdeaf " ' ,J1 ocks o f Call at the store of , ': flBANSON Jt'AB&AR, Jnly 22, 165, , a:,Jt. f 1 tf. .. - . ' !... TZ . . . ' . , .1 j. f , ......;v - : .; WAflTED... s f A SITUATION AS TEACHES, B i. of the UnirersUy of N: Cc sndol KAtMtXDUATK HarvavA-College Ue hac bad some experience in- teacMn.- Addi TxACBfeAre f the Bev.-ft flr IwTc?; Golds boroVN':C. 3w-,ui mw -fiidttM. V rtf TT w.-i.iv.i ev--,...,. fNOTftJlQaliieaT ffABMERS 0R-ANY70TyB?R F A'BtTE9HCHTI VI NG IT Cotton for sale are'-rovi ted to ealt oh theWIAeriker "before dnspesiagof the 'ua&e-tt mftlit resuftTft lieir in- leres y ao owng," -y -- . iaflr;-vjtowri Office ua. aaliOX SfcfReJBighJWrC. July 39, W65. r a TTTjgaarvt 'r aiwi'' aw wTtW1 ICE CREAM SODX ATER bpKBDiticfiBfi Raleigh, May 0yiS65 . 9tf It : --!- .... H.i J.. (Successor to IsSitt Dissoswkt" TJoonrxo. Jr.) 1 tur OB. S00 BALE OP .PRIME, COTf UN. IN goad r4er, fur hih ha best,nutt price iU be-paidl ,JAMEe) XOWbKM. 4,i )pawi..nrrr. Jjiiylfl85, -1 ri3i tsii LWATHER -AWtf' tWi,J( C'Uw L.IMH red ftbeep L"t HOW.. isLLA Cm , at reaB4bricea5 rfcVilniing. ftW Rf,nrt.4K.4 Ka' a XUS.t 7. 185. fw . u n.i9-m Tl?'v.i.'. .' . - vSS'.'; i. y-1 Aina FA- LABGB AND fl aN DS9ME F AM ILT CtttKItOS and Harness; for Sate'ortsxebaage- FetpaAieular a (.- : ''v.i ' Bidtrewav. WarrwCw. .-C. 4-tf a.v.. .) ,v if..t. V li , I.-, a t .li titm.i mt oj. . .r ' -MACPITCRSON Jk:JaNALlSMlTUt (Late sttled nft ABaethati) 5acrn iia-.JTTq.a H sv4-t...tMawTcvkjliA'--irM '..Hrtsw 'B'EWKB9'Mtt V rj twaa ; ir 5-jyts?T 'iitbi if "an d ?Bitt itrpa le ales, FOR CITY AN aArPFRN-iWK . av(-t4 "sMiTJ a:fa a&m,. ...-?-ttk Ttes,afartTnBj re. pleasant, notntive aB MMitntr. lud aan ha r4Stfeini?tSh n-Streeta,rrf ,Ttoortre lanre and'-vdrv Kiui rikr fj.; f of chihJren"a8h6t Tintint n. iw.r3.i,. , "irrf'-rjHWV ue worx cannot oeladt any o rrt vpressea.to any poiotj tlo.' , JULiS, thiAtlipii, a.lf 6&.tiVS JP : 1.4. Amencau,; Calf ktna, arwuaco& kins, and Shoe FindiM" sn-neraU v. 16 be Ton nil -tir-r - i aw i '-. i .es.A ua - - - ' tL. 94 I . KMWMT. WMI lHUK.JIHWMnri BiouMaam IL Jli .i ' i . . .J! 4i.J-tw-,..r i L ,. I . ;i .... - mm , . anx.tvaiciaa X aTVft. A?T 1 TV i afWia VuTISAf lAA2LnLTn l- WllttrV?Aireat ,.r '.. RM .wj l - 7 ,nr"" JIUWI " '-lVi!lIS HAt I. r , Ml AMJL3IPKW '.'t.Ht aflflOfceuwiiWi t. .... - I I fl I i T 1 " m ' 9 l 1 JCimmS- y ir?4 ata.ii s ' sitr 'r 'rT - "C ' - .8 eo av lwirttWWBW teoiai03HC"flu W-LS.Aec r. v. . 9 sdjiMiansadfctmaiw'. ,id tbe collection oi vwa-ff s,rnfir-fnv i i lUle'dtnyxIlH4A. t-il.i I OA-AIA r b-U. ei ta:xnwn a i if' 1 a u. .rvnooHCstiwjgf 'IK key. LAXEAJr ff 1: 1 ft f4 if !! 1 j I il v .1 I V I -""j. i h . . rawwiui ' - r- abi naajority. knl 1.' . 1AS , . wt : Ifr1865., j , :. . i ; ; i at

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