, ! .. T ,"..' i ' , ' .. . JOS. S. CANNON, Editor. JOS.- WliillOLbBN, Assistant Epitor. M OHNINGr EDIT ION. I Asiatic Cholera. . W WJMlS lWDg across ihewa ports concerning the cholera. The basin of the Mediterranean has been Viaiijkf eterOointy North-Carolinians Pardoned. y.l ha foliewiwg Mw UH3seo.ity.ang" haru been uai aonea dj the Pres dent: 1 i i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ver, M L me -en destroyer, and latterly! MarseaeJ3as auft'J Wpaton, f 4hn G William v John E Williams. Thoa rw io some extent, ConstshtiBopIevone of fthi ( 3 .'TiTiM iwwara-k ooo,j p r Htmw,! Levi M dlrtiW nit;.. wu 7 t cottlW P fitinback. R Simanton7 U 'Un0.h - Wedacsday, !Sejt. S7, James if NewsomJ! Addison annin. J B Kmc. GEORGE L. HATHA WAT. 7 Business and Trawling Agent tor the North-Carolina " Stan dard,"' now oa abostuess tonr for this paper. ' Mr. Hathaway will "visit tha. principal eitfos- of Horth-Carolina, Virginia and driest cities in the; world, ballsy failed. PSM f :SSfc51 its more terrible -ages, before the violerce of the disease : could DrAe&edM iWwe. ? fKaVltbavi-f-tf mcH it i Vague rumors have been circulated in London I Edmund Jacobs. C Perkins. John Pool Km PrJ England; also, that persons have 4ied ia that T)ort i from the Asiatic nh-.n.,...!.... 1 !R? ;r 5 My Edward Pat- ; throughout I hat enlightened and densely DODulated kingdom to arrest the calamity which tVesn tit A He baa thJJnith. V ItaleiirhJ September 230, 1S65. CANNON A HOLDEN. PreiNlea Johnson and His Policy. Since the war happily came to an end, the entire population of the northern portion of the United States hasdiyided into two great political parties. rick, A J Jenkins, A J Hes ter, J J Thaxton, Perry Tomlin, S M Tomlinsdn. Gabriel AI L I K lar .'M LoganBMTiJohnM&MutinsiUmirt. Cowled j , """' iowies, jamw a UiayweJI, Knfus W ; Danielavid ;lf CaMeji ?.)cfe?y R jlMoir, j John B Odom, E 8 Pr..ctor, G B Pulham. H K j 'SierAfiln H Mor rison. P R McAradv. R M MarHn n V m;u we apprehensive of wandering ! W ri Brvin, John 1: of the myriads of tosa .vessals, Fuller. SanoMel E.GJrarI SXMariaM WIBelL E it ... --- VUViV M hiciiu w mia country r it seems finppssible that the invigorating breexea that dance over the broad, acres of the Atlantic should ever bear such a poison on their wfartf to thii Ibuntry. it is not that we Are apprehensive of wandering muua , uui one iGl KL iGI VINO GOllll vtvttvii l p rnr ;k homeanJ Jriiffea byamplvili to ! knt iVft T"J. 'tWaadard" office, but ntmteiE and wifii Jn r.i. n: f lMe to attend t the besa, k.5 ifebed aome per! is i;M'i&5Q&wfatitj&-l:f .-. F ' ' W 8 TAKEN J-tOM Jl AJ. BKSTLEY, Br GEN. A. Rl Lawton, tCoafed.) at or near Dunnlle ' Va -rtane and.tai;, white afar in forehead, fine t leacd action. Was l-at aec-jpqaaaanooi lr-ondwa, Greensboro, N. G. i The above reward will be paid for the at : : I -Peteraburi. V. 8 IiPECOLUMff ! ("SSSlS MONET SAVED irvia, me apprea p -aiurope to i. "-?y, xv n rourvrt,a a ourwei Wt-u l Brick- bear: in her bult swrklhat may 1 kMm Wps IW (Dur- eK.lmosi uVUversal deat inWr niiAL UWn, L . I s f 'AUaTUlUUHIL VW I I IHniAl If LIKIlawiH.iA-4 I TT .T Jl passing continually America,; maV inra Givision 01 parties nas oecoine very tnorougn, light A Bat S 7.r Z ' I TJ ' T i we Ik upon thereparationslnadeln- lonj Jas F Ferguson; TfO HerWrldh" Hill YTt their feelings and awch excited m their aealous ad- England t6 inYnl th: vocacy of men and measures, t :,j - : ',.. orfeace 'taEFIO I . .;;--?,ft:,, . . . - . - - - t- i i ;; wKava i au ill i 4-" - - - 1 u .11 v- tinij. - ; Ibese parties originated in the policy of the re- ; vade Ensland at Ian v timef w m.iat nono t Attf of Mrs. Moore. -Urgj Wh tr.k .mU ; constructiofTof the government of the SUtes lately most serious apprehensions for o.,r J,w .fcVJt A 1 of the late Thomas Moore, the' V Ai H ciL .. j t.n n . . . . I .: . -j r .. i . i i w uiwirci-' in reueuion. vne pany 01 me DeODle Conte;,d that 4 W t. .u- ,Tr.-t; n .. . .i' r- Gen. prook Mmmanding thatilrtary drsrffc nas directed Major Roberts, of his personal sta$ to co operate with the j health cMcers of jthat port in a general inspection of our coast,., with a view toes.; tablishirtg post hospitals; quarantine grounds and .other matters essential to the threatened visitation. We are glad to record this fact i Preparations now made, although the danger may seem remote, are suggested by the 'experience of former days, when this 44 pestilence that wasteth at nooc-dav " sulked in our midst r i. ! . n ,-f sent generation of the Morire faoifle ' But while these general preparations arVUinV I " f.. 'r' maae, no family throughout the couotrr should ibei without proper remedies, or to allow themselves to remain ignorant concerning the nature of this dis ease. They have; heard it spoken of with deenest abhorrence, and its nam ued as a synonym for death. It U moat horrible, most fatal. We, there- fore, extract -for the information bf our readers the following communication addressed to'the National rwnilR SUBSCRIBER. IS PREP V RED TO AOCOMHO- " 7k vale!?iz (j'Pbr4,2f if0 approaehiag ConvenUoih -with b.ard and. lodging, Residence n MTrn fstreet " September 27. (. ,. is8-5t COMING fiitffiY, Art. Olerkahin f h. w n oTT.- VB TaR now. Aagoit 18, ia53rM8 -nSr M nounce bim8elta candidate for Aaaia. A,fi. of the enanrog Convention. ?- Ml-tMi 1 AH. I is -ftiiS; AND fSDmM a new. and. WondertbL SPWixn u ,mur -rHf -'?' f; '1 7 1 J j Angnat 28, 1865. ( Biddefordajpe-tniailH J'iiAT 5)fr; ' '? Cominir AH tho Time, these States should not be allowed to assume civil .- ramataj?d take their pos'tion in the Union for a great whileto conle ; that they should be ruled by martial law, and that civil law should ultimately be offered to them only on the condition that the black man should -be made politically and socially equal -with the white man. The principle of the other party are that civil law shall be restored to the rebellious States at once, and that they shall take their original posi tion in the Union and tinder the United States con stitution when the next Congress shall convene, and that the white men of each and every State shall have the control of the government. - r President Johnson is at the bead of this latter party. lie stands fairly and firmly upon the pro visions of the constitution in his government of the wbola country, North ani South. For two years -the reflecting portion of'he citizens of the country have leared that we should never again see the pure poet died at Sloni -4 1 11. . - 4 ' . 1 loii nonage on Monday, September 4tbl at ih'a pear toiDccopv'a greaf place in Ifer husband's noW try, butrarely'wasVgreapdetQattached to I his "' ThrougBf M iM leVeWaod'f4uVnaW he 'is said, telling what she did, describing how she look- re?OTdTn: how sha wa admired , He .marl:; nea rer in ju, wrf her history is hummed tip in h'Metht; mrs., Moore was the last that remained of th4; pre- ne Moore fai Alabama. l: The i Conventiori has pasfled ah prdthanc0 dividing . the State into six Cpngressional AstricK tlie com mittee on the secession OTdinancawill report early his week. A n ordinance 'also' abolishing s'lavrV A-MOJTHI AGENTS' WASTED TOft ' 4BtV, City Baifdiag, Biddetoi d, Maine: H -i , pamper ,i ;;, p u. IRftm - rHft rOlA' WliJG STATE V ETOf. THE CpNW. show that after all the Tinlsaitiii. v.r 4..-- ".f?i rl" paironage beretofoVi, btowr i , t Lowes allowed np to Jan. 1, 1865, CIS! 900 Excess ot assets over I labilities. tZ n "ir-WlhWf ft iHreeWhave ordered the c.l lection be3odividnarhnjl. .nr .1"!. constituonal liberty and freedom that our revolu- J Inteltigeneery trusting that they ar Ireed its piain, practical suggestions T ; ; " Two significant factsthat the choWa i ra ging in parts ol Europe, and that Jtfew,Yfk?cityjif at present in a verv dirtv condition il-llv. to the pestilence-persuades a paper of that city to reprint the subio ned letter fr, Zm.ijX dl. ton druggist and anothecarv. first niihlicki e..-i jrears ago m a Boston papw We advise our read nonary tamers enjoyed. But ;tp our great aston ishment the President has announced already that he $hall be guided solelyand entirely by that in strument, and what is . more important than this i bate announcement he has commenced the practi cal work under this plan. He pays : " Ishall use my best endeavors to .make my administration national and not partisan. Perverting power or -influence to partisan ends, is only less criminal than attempting the nation's life' Certainly the father of his country never announc ed a nobler principle for the government of his pe o- la spite of threats and reraoifetranees day by day the President spreads the protection of the constitution over us, and lends us all his aid, and all his power, to restorers speedily to political and constitutional equality with other men and other States." ! -' Thus it is, the President has determined to ad- minister the government on the well grounded prin ciples of the constitution. This is all we want, and exactly "what we do want. Our only hope is to put ourselves under, the protection of the constitution as soon as we can, and until this is accomplished our only dependence is to follow I with earnestness and sincerity the plans of the President, trusting that his great power and influence will be sufficient to shield us from he fanatics until we are restored. If President Johnson's plans adopted for dur re organization should fail, there is no hope for us, -but to remain, for I years under martial ' law, and! finally to enter the Unipn with the black man our equal, politically and socially. The contest is a plain - and unmistakable one, whether the white race or me oiacs snau rule j in Worth Carolina, It is, therefore, the unquestionable duty of all citizens of the State to ;give President Johnson a cordial support And we think it would add strength , to our cause, and give expression to the wishes of the people, if the -Convention would pass a series of resolutions, endorsing the administration Of Presi dent Johnson, and pledging North-Carolina to honest and enthusiastic support of his policy. i ' 1 - ' To-day the Sentinel Ogives the administration' I . . i i ueen passea oyi a vote of 89. to 8. The ordi nance erases all former provisions of the Constitu tion in relation to. slaves. ' It Is thought that the Legislature will pass aU the; necessary laws for the protection of the freedman. ,r 'v ' , of ,0 Pn FSom , ;:iLpsea.vj,T-j-! sufficient to erTr .11 IiRa,..;.,. ine uompanr aha 11 be patronized PA t ha u- n. U r.i a T i . $i3;on4i r f 4.848 -H.tfi,49'! XL 491 8,69 i . . - for. th Jk." ZT, r'""' le P"1""' as e- . L. I ; ," -r- "",ku may oe aoaea to the aaseU now in band, (or the par meat of liabilities , ! -:-,,ifr." . ... " ' i wcu crjki.ru ers to take note ol the remedv thua mhMd j Key. Dr. Hamlin, nfflnncuntini. , . ,,- . ' u.UMUiuic. Kavtu uun tJ K Y? bjJ:he fn0WlnS s5mP Proration, during! tbe ternble raging of cholera in that city a lew years since. ! In nn mo.M;j ,i .. i. -i .. i ,vww..i we reoteav lau wnere the disease could bereach in 00 less enective in cholera mnrK..o .-A ' larrbcea. A remedv so eac.ii,, .j j ! efficacious should always be at hand. T ! Art ordinary phial of it can be , had or twenty -b?e cents, and no familv shnnlrl h. liight. j Tbe writer of this r,l" mghtssince, and having been evidently atUcked wuu cnoiera morbus the nast week its almostmagical influent in affbrdin Vr r" excruaating p.in.1 he ardently hopes'tbat every ?rnmW,h8e tine8 Wl11 cahe article dX f eT,Pape, nd pro?ure tbe edcine without delay. j Its prompt application will I relieve pain and, presumptively save life; t v F ' J Take One part laudanum, I "A One part camphorated spirit, " m Parl8 tincture of ginger,'' 1 I I Two Parts canainnfn i rr J!!??6 lPooM iaa wine gbiss 0f water lZ ia oosuue. repeat tbe dose in three or wa UVUlOf h ' Mobile. : T5 a f m m ... rrJ '-uiy, who respect to the negroes, as eo serious as to call for the Immediate adoption of measures to prevent an outbreak.; The Govern. or of the State is said to havo ordered outa suffi cieni lorce tor tbe purpose. A f -4 a.. .a. .1 "v luo ,r4uw' o' me subscribers, we take pleas ure jn publishing a statement from Warren County giving reasons why so small ' J uuuor to ititb erorv m.r. t. . , i t Jm .; , o "v ; , ""pw nine ana i -vu?:i AOUt or theTefnsar,,f cJaroao8 to receive ibe Cur. wncj ,n emulation at the time of the losseT Tb cart not reasonably coinplam iof aome drtay, Ofnoti iehn 'aTions or nolo? given br iosnrra for oahaif their aonaaf nr. "lums. which tfie Companr had rigrf ta reqairK- naJSnr C7er rK,le8,ed bT the Directors, arid all Mffil''' much added to the IcZ T ,ll.,D,D",h,Dg to that amount, tbe premium note to be dluct:ta'eaaB,f,was 'ao -rr."-!, - pi me countrv wi I fl. ' ft I If Tr ? r .-.--- - -j late Priecipai D.M"keepe7 or fh? 5 8 T B ventfor""- " keeper of the vention September is. N J. KINSEY'S - 1-. MlSCLLANEorjs. El OP THE S LATEST STTLES. 01) tfAJfKBJU AND BROKEftsT V " " " Deposit Reneiv. i ; Buy and sell Gold, Silver. Bank V tp4 WeLibraHl. .September 25. H. O ICKLLOeo low- - Will deroi. k-i. "ro N. c. II HAVE JUST RETriRYEn viinu vmv vntir M. with a large and well selected stock of Staple and Fancy !KELLOGG At Dr Goods. Boot and Bdt S-t ij "'- i V3r- CK .uu viwu rr, wnicn a oaer ior sale at tbe 1 price, van ana examine tbe followinir - JtffrPtTL GOODS: Merrimack Prints, Jjj WanbeKan Prints, Ricnmend Prints, , Spraffuo Prints. Freeman Prints, , Iondon Prints. Aioion Prints, Seotemher. as i ' urer Bank Notea : i i i ' 'I 18 Prints, ;:i .I. wu,w opportunity o r qmilify himself as a voter. No doubt the. gentlemen elected are the choice of the county, and would have received a much, larger vote if therehad been any opposition. To the Editor of the Raleigh Standard nnJSww At,':'i,4V vote 52? Untj n YW TeCent e'tion of delegates to the Convent.on, will give rise to iriuri ous mISCrtpce ton abroadi Jfr J" Jar feeling and sentiment in the County, onleis Uie t" Sentinel and Progress copy. 188 l.w t- . HtAETT, A. T. MIAL. Henry- Hoy?. ; iPX K TflE "BA.The President of the Philadelphia Board of Public Schools has ad dressed letter to that body urging the necessity of being prepared ; for the choleia, which, he says niay be expected next year: He refers to the con ditions, atmospheric and other, on which tha bti logout and the spread of the disease depends, and he deems it ef tbe highest imnortan r,oil;, ngs all the out houses and grounds, should under go thorough inspection and cleansing.! These sue gestions are as timely for Raleigh as Philadelphia. The following paragraph we find in the last .foreign - - i - ' , I -. . . - r-- news: an i According to the returns by the authorities of Marsei U there were seven ty-three deaths riiThlt 2? ithe ?)t,b f wich twenty-ninewe?i causedby cholera. At 1 o'clock in the afternoon oHhe $lst there were fifty deaths declared, of wK twentv eicrhr. tor. r i ... , ' r wuicn warm and hearty support " by a good deal of sore beaded grumbling, that everyone was not allowed to vote for the man of his choice This is some thing, we never heard of before. We have heard of no reasotr why any man could not! vote for just who be wished,' without regard to' age,! sex or color. It miy be-that some of his darling candidates could not get quite enough; people to vote for them, and did not getelected. Everybody is not of the same mind that be is. He seems to labor under the de lusion that President Johnson's only policy of re construction is to establish the Confederate govern-1 meht on a more permanent basis. No doubt be expected president Davis would be elected as a peace delegate to the Convention. ; These, however, are just such conclusions as we . should expecarom a print so far behind the times Yesterday he refused to advertise four hundred .vjw.,m uiiinonsot dollars of brass jewelry, be cause he thought it was the idendcal articles! stolen by. Sherman's bummers. For ten years this same jewelry hasten selling in New York for ten dol lars for a, flour barrel full, and carried into the country and retailed to such wiseacres as he who thought they were buying a splendid article p'f jew. lry cheap because it Bad been stolen, as though .. . . vu.u,.u m uummers could afford to steal iew- a oarrei and a still more mon fitroM hallucination has possession of him to-day it6r8at reunion, and that the Southed d5e when be states, that gates have been aa -onrrliallv .n.;. .e , , f ii buiaunn UI mn llmln Wisconsin Democratic Coaventloa. This body met in Madison on tbe 21st .nH maUdjGH qobartfor Governor. : TJeneral Hobart was the first federal commander nt J citv. I ' 1 !!:.'...;. - j The resolutions adopted endorse PresidAnf ; son's policy of restcrin the Union on the basis of the Federal constitc tlon, and oledo-e him qualified support ; oppose reirrb enffn .tL -'State of VVisconcin br interference with u :i u.r Ota'eS 5 ODDOae the auononam. il L ' ... , , .r - -uo.uu r 4ue wtii or habeat Tna iavor a most rigid economy in the ex penditures of the Government, and a strict equali: ZStlOn Of the tax burden C ; H , lucasesnai oe made known We have therefore deemed it proper tp publfeh the statement below. On the d. J .bZ?"?- -Kvv.. u pan OI me public, there was only one of the Ttwelve'Jtipfesent a W.rrX oath and to qnahfy persons to vote by granting the necessary certificsta ; This rUficate, aWrding to the procl.matn of the Governor, must be signed by two of said Justices. There eertainly would have been two of theustices ;in WarretoJ tot for absence of Mr. Thomas A. Montgomery.' oul Of thosftppoiated for Ibat.urpose who- raided ;ibut1TveJebarlt.vq'Xfew days be fore the election, a fact entirely Whown to our peopTe generally. Another Justice was sent for but did? not arrire in time to dd fry. good, as the' Jus tice who was present in the first instnA uJa Worenuj arrival. Very many fieVso bad delayed j tO talfft the ft.ttl linear . . 1 be dministeTed to them'onthe day of e'ectio they were greatly disappointed and mortified they found that it could not be done as they i anxious to take the :oath and vote - .11 HEARTT & MIAL, RALEIGH, N. C. V HAVE JU3TRETDRE) FROM NEW YORK WITH a well arlecled .mi VJlJL" t adirpiedto the market. - f j LADIES' DRESS GOODS ; ' I N , bedVtfthrk wiB; LADItsr HATS AND CAP, j pitiful asaortment, suited to all tastes. GENTLEMEN'S GOODS Of various styles and qualitiea, , , , .. f BOTs, gaITBRS, SHOES, For Ladies, Gent's andChiidren. ' HOUSEHOLD GOODS i " Of aU kinds iusuaJljcalkdiVnC f:'"' ' A GREAT VARIETY OF Zephyr Knit Hoods, 'I Scarfs 'Zephyr. Kmlt Stuff And. Tippets, 1 Breakfast Skerwls, V TwfliCBtS, ; ! ; NablaK. .-..s; .-;-j7.. Iadiea lVeehorat Haia, GOODS We would reapectfuliyii thf tnti f veryjoon- ete stock of " ttent,0' of the Tnd, FANCY AND STAPLE s .r-."J" L " ALL AND rflififa DRY GOODS, which we are now pparedV oW. at prices which we feel aaannui ;n Jl be goods were selected ni . WAKU GRAHAM. Whose lon.,7l" DT. Pt, BD. has qoaliied bim to keUrct rmce of business on the a.nVfl l w in9 1 (; Noe. 79, 81 and 83 sirn... . c J!RP 'GRAHAM and Mr 7oZ .Veraily: fTT to Wr friend. Pearl Braid Feather ,- n. . V. . " 1 ntacv .a-eaai viataviai Tfaf. ladies Trimmed Jekval . ; Children Velvet Glengarry Hats. XADIES DRESSWOOU.FK r:nnnG Wool Delaines, I xeux uelaines, PiaiA Poartast' .vniloisi k.' Striped Poplins, i i Saxony Plaids, IjuIIm) Tl 'itll m-MMMm, - uiw jarnawtsra, xsalmoral Skirts, Ladles' Extra Fashioned Hertno Vests! September SJ5. 6 McILWAINE A CO. '' ISfi im i UotGeo;,Wai,hWiLi i' lofrf !.Bieeker's Cam! Late Revolution in JTew fengland. 16S9 New England's First FmitsV ? ? A Relation of Maryland in iM nanoKBrnnipn i uniu' ami w,.... tj... i vwuiui,,, inierwiinir n. ..n,, r .1. iDe iseWWeynimfl arn tW.,:.r,- ' " ' ISO 125 8 2S 400 ISO 250 ISO were jmsHOP iloPKiNs on Repsion. The venerable :rT nP,oi. Vermont, arrived in New York i " j't ousmess connected with the ab proaching Triennial Convention of the Episcopal Church and tbe New York correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger reports the following i .nection therewith: I & Soma nn. t!l ' i . ' w"rM"C:i'!0P "..he thoht there Bishops to the convention :r5fcLeoouine" r -..." . r. .pwMwas cnarae. would be any tropble in reacting ttSStbffi Bhops to the convention. His p.-.. "" - I feristic: I see by the papers to'dar tWtK. nXi" .-Fellows Grand lge atPRalmo arfhiyina? eroat familv renninn .nH -fk.. .t. 0j T."11"?1- ijAW-eoaal to that nf -i.;i- the .State" Per hap, the moon is made of green v T'Vtbe possible to throw the light of a few modern fact ttpon h;8 w.i remains, ,f he would ftvor us with a calL h p ; TTaArticAx Bsoas.T Our friend of the Sen ttnet, in republishing an article from the Standard, eaya, we have corrected a -eouple of dates wbir-h re probably typ. SS te in the repnn.Ityea felled kmgbt&c yBre .doubt tbat it's the Sentznel who make. the . belled knight not the king whose powers extend only to mins "belted k inirnta . . a . . w ' -T" iU,uu yir tjj, qrotber Seatinel . mu your words. 7J1 -tednesday, ,-or they'll for Principal berk'or, know Mr. MWe weli and w.ren u0n' W qualified for the poshirXifecS an efficient and SSLS-- " ? Ule Pasare in addmg our testimony to the rth acd ability o If r. Iloore. H w 'SfrW for .v V y l . v oc' "ewereat Warren ton on the day of election, and we know the above ftcts to be true, and that Juey could be JS-SSx, any shade of doubt whatever, to iJTr,J.ZllZOXil - 7 """M, ,nu we are well fwttffied that 2Wf?rcuwMaioned above net one half of the persons who . came to WarrlnL : ' o S wnonad a right to take .the oath 'and vote, liad ah opportunity to do so;ij ;, We! have i son to believe tla,t an of opportunity: to take the i " proper certificate, haeat di minished the vote in oher precincts;! fit istr.! that the Justices m.de appointments for the pdrpose . of administering the oath in different partg 0X County before the electiPn,' af.d .posted ritte J id vertisements uf the same, but a gat man, crt ' did not knowjwytbing aboil tit? while otheS sZ posed that thev could be qualified on ih?da?P0f .election, and, .herefore dfdiiot attend Several persons, through inadvertenftSfceri at home, and for thai reason their votes were W VVe deem it our duty to add that It '1 quainted with the P die, sentiment of ?hcuny" aredeadedly and strongly in favor ofapefdV construction, and a complete re-estabhshVent '-7f civil government at the earliest period oi 'tTLV srble, and that they are disposed to co EH ineir leuow citizens in other parts of ihe S if- I iu Lilts til I im i rnAnnitr.nMri . ? ... ' ... w 1u.,ii,ou3 spirit - - Wm. Eatoh, Jh; - - - -j iNATHt: R, f J0HE8. SheriflP : ' w AiW bite, (1X3. Clerk y liKINS, Thohas RevnolpsI -'"- Hs :,. ,:. ;B.. dwfiluamsv . ' ::THos;;R.Vfu.soarj J 1; .. T- I fcv JL..t7T -..,) "tHfj FAMILY GROCERIES I ; Of the best quality, such as , ' 7 . i coffee, ..'- V 7- "'!'.'".: r TEA, '7 1 - j CHERSE";'- '7 ?' 4 4 7 i5.;i Ate., Ac., Ac' In fine, almost any article usual T ned fo-J-n . which we will sell on Ihe best terms 7 ' i f The otd customers of the .Senior -iii-U-M.:' O. PRSLE GO., Merchants .AND, i- IMPORTERS OF COFFER SU0 AR AND. No. O NortliVater Street,' WILMINGTON, N. c. tb'Jr caSTC f 'f b&siness entrusted to Consignments of Raw Ootton, Co Hon Tarn a. rm.Bt;M When desired, produce will be shipped to e'nr Jj-. iieptember S7. - I i , ! . . , 00ow and Ctellajs,"BibDonr 6f 'eyery scnption, Ladies' Colored Ber liiisliale Tbjreacl Glores. SilktopsjCorse V DHDir IB HntruTlUt flimtl.-f. v.l " " . i '-a .M.,i.r ui iurxD.i.flrnii.a . 1 r : e . :r ! Raleigh; X.j. X -ft. Men's Glores, " sjomiM, ,.ltW Buttons, . Hair Oilj 7 , ; . - ' Extrauand icTi. iliii. 11 remade. Men's Beadadecaolinsr. T A ;, ;!i-7 -uTfi-JJJoibvSlioeslh.. 4 - . -:7,; - r1,-,j IjLato and Caps. ,.. 7 aa.:' : " v - : ' 7:' .. . ' . 7 . : f Padlocks. J " r-K A.Ui -j Chest Locks, iniJr .Chisel., AoS!?" BattHiDCe8t Screws, ! sjiw""" Forks, ' Sftoo Thread " r 'i rrrT-r t Hammers, , '); -4 ' V- NAILS r NAILS ! '::i. v1 iAAoJiiaiiiNXo. gates have been as cordially r...v- JI J" ?"e' other sections of the ,p?: low their example t :ttwo&JS& Odd Fellowship is a volnnia. .r ttlr'li: fess'rig Christians come together r t. pTO" manded to love one anothfr ' ' Sd fi&St?7 r shall do my best nnfeiy others to ohev it .in 7 10 obey' persuade . . . 7 . "rf . aav ' . : j ,.,1 . . it - 1 j . t - ' l-riDraTiLicoijj's Tomb Generai Grant paid a visit to1 thVtombobrabain .oco,n, w ;is xvioge uemetery; :bir Springfield Illinois. The remains are Tstill uhoni-&t ?iiL$m '? tbe reception-house, just as ther came frdni 1fasb?1 jngton. 1 A guardVtent' is Ditched 'onnti. 'i. bouse of the dead, on a rising knoll Srjrrottnded bV4 xanu) uniriu , ..-...j .v. . . . 1 ' . v w. . 1 ZUUIUIUO iBIDWI Mm, ti. I I irtfrfV !.! I'll Klf . night and day, and the stone doort are keprbpe-n'i 48 SiESPR10R RDEf LEATHER, so that the air mav circular ; SjtT J-TJSL , - ' A-l - .i-l " . " :rv 8wugu ui puce. r vnoKins i 3:; -f j;,, T a- protecis xue resnajns framUtAL! fusion, although one can see; the two m-Viii. f . . . . . w uAMa iuimn 1 . . . :rr.n ot tbe little son wiwas-carMedl AUCTIOIf ,8 f - 'j' i vi. aegs ao. 1K) do do. "Just received at September 87. NAILS, t PARKKR MILLS, -1 ? Sable Island Mills. 1 Biirh Shnala A.x h i B P WILLIAMSON A rwva g : -? fi8-tf GROCERIES : 60iSDW'awpiW . i LH"L TANNKRa nil ; " " ? - - yii 20 MPLS TANNERS, tL wr, this yi r.iti.i t jJaTI - 1 v" I.1' iL7 " T'f i (- -i Hr . U- i fhaaaeed of thei k k! i . ;f iJ?:V:4' f WIJLiniNGTOiX .... DAILY IDISPATCH ! v. o n i v .iit LtTi , . . :A..i. IT IS WITH PLlASURB TftAT WB AKlfonv 1 our friends apdlktro connected With'th s e8tabl.8ymehKrhi7fieI i North, -JiSt-? About ihe2ud Dar nMv.. 77: ? Plete. TSZ&S!t Best Java Coffee. . Rio Coffee, If K Mi 1 -Tusned Snarar. . ; . Brown Suiar; XiestK. O. Syrnp, w ,: -. i Black Tea, Mi .' cottok i Cotton flT4R AL,RS COTTON WANTED, FOR WHICH CraVreurtencjrorfcpeciewillbepaid. Sept. 28. VA. WHITAKER . ' GEO. BCLSIEBIT As CO., 303 Broadway, JVew York, WATCHES -.CHAINS GOLD PENS. . C D OLLAR EACH, Not paid MUtVK, ir1 .'-'i tfiO- fJ..ry.Tt),KiK .: h Ladies' Gold eased Watches 8' 0 8ohd SUver-Cased WatcheV . 17 Soltaire Diamond Rings. 100 Neck and Guard Chains, 2600 Vest and ChatelairietJhaib's. S.OeO'Gdld and Onyx Brooches. 8,poe Pearl, Coral, Ac brooches, 4 0.K) Gold, Pearl. Ae W Drops; S,50n Gents' Scarf and Breast IW 4..W Gold Chased Brace tettw , fT,500 Ovl BawTBleiv I.W0 Gold Watch Keys ffadSlidea 2,0tQ Gold Steeve ltatotal S.OCO Miniature Loeketa nnKi. f; 8,000 Miniature Lockets,' Dial Face. 3,600 Gold Thimbles, Amlets, Jkc! i.w jaasonic nna and Emblems. 800 Plain and Chased Gold Bines. 4.JO0 Stone rf and 8ignet Rings, ? W Ladies' Buckles.'bhanr.s.'Ae , , M SSI W 445 '"'"T. 150 to2C0 ' Spice, nnimef, i U.'r !, I Soda. -f ted 0lthrHii rwHrH . r -'e.-r r woW .h .7 1 1 .TBRBgj ; 'Use Yeaffj i ;;?.';, : Six Munthv .,.- 1 inrte 'nlD8i i : One Month, u'il-HHl 4 JWe respectfully solicit tl tbe DUblie freti.rallv.i : ' l4r Omci, Nb:74t i i-arket Street M L sSmith Build inir.7 7 . ' pireet A" t,be old Peter WnmlidM etoWf C tlO 00 . 5 oo : .l'v,.-?.tAii.;U:.. 1 eoi PtiMgoprJfriends and PielueA 0-J" Copperas v m t,-?i,it -'I .H.i.itA 7 . '. ! i.l A 1 Irrii.a1rd;Sn&11 'Slastard, r ' - - Baee3inffe: .:t er. '.-.".9-: : , - -f LT y!fc 85 18 40 ,6 4 4 4 H8 2 ---.-4 " 4 " 2 5 " $x 3 u 4 t -8 8 " 2 s 100 45 11 45 60 15 SO II II 15 II ' I 10 t 7 I S 19 1) U r.Z "u"iniuDa mmrs. ate.. tS Tbpns. Crosse? J? S.NK) Gold Pena. Pnl. jTI ? A4, 7.0OJ Gold Pens, Case and PweiL 29W P?. Ebony fioW i.vwrSMiTesjaee Pitchers, Ae4t: 1,60 Silver Casters. CruetHiln. a. 600 Silver Card and Cake Baafata. at . , . ' X latlfk W. tA. sTMu. ! S9" Taaand Table TSpooas,; 8,000 Table and fieftsart KaSa.7, ?.00 8ilTer Fruit and Pie Kairesu 4,0. OPawa R.Da, 8aU Spoons, Ae . A lnA arV.a a w- T " "f .vvw vwaarwajeJf-orM,A - i Each and ever tWki... . J Lid kf ,?emV-.' Theatre, j, laeed.in simi'ai; eDTflopeiMJ 4 M 8 " IK" 1- a so 13 13 4 7 10 s s T I. T 4 iO 41 II Jl JO I I 1 i .. -. ' - r -n "t"i r n r- i - - f i 7Vv !?; '..) S 'I'J'.i FARlllwFOR! on ATUKrin- ...u j ' 1 ; wwwq uu WO TP ARM .CONTA lNi a. - l Eondofi Slow l n I I I Ml I I I I r tir. .... ' " ."riou i mTrrHAVieypwii'r..... t ic -fi.ii rw-;ii''i!t .vaxicii iw I -M r " '"" , ' , . fi I Remnants and puckarea m:iS5EEL beariaada4ra. Tii.-..?. 18 .very ijjood .. mtoaaa A it?.f?TawTorlr.wliii . wili y addreaa, will koow vh- Stf r 8endiB Certiacates, payrnr Pt,? ' th bnea- twentavseento 5eh KvTwill n&1?!ft',Wrtyfo'i Sixtjsr.)r f 0j and One Hundred for $18. : , .JBO-n recelTina; Certificate for aa article they ; ifJi3,,8,re'? rexenaage fer Say other art lets if a:, list df the same tuIimi. .. R.i.:. at. - .Kladle . V jAablie witb selecUons from a rich and iief ll'CZi very bMAsst vaioe i IT .v5'yteweaa-aaiir money ; rQ to re!,. I ta JLT Lrrr-, V."' "- ?ioes, c.., er .H ; IO Ml.OM.iat.Ji V: j : " V'TlUin m in. Iwiniul.. .1.3 . . J .T' -f V ww i . . a aa ace ibi auiv - . aui ar tuu wauim lunn m - , a 1' I ..v.. rs- 80S Braadway, , INivaliaBa at .iiTiZ Kl?.fTO?TJSfwrrork4iwlia will I -r.TO'J,-3rJr a-u- w- lowesfrwlmwui" valrerl. i the yc5i? uHjreai to hn. ru nvTwinaiHHw wrm inr Tin t r t ? - ntrn,. n n n.n B4' r? wsWJUotioaeci. 7 1 1 i-i PftJPlLI1K f f ATTORNEY AT LAW, ; 'i - - .- , N 18? 5. .2-;t alA-- 1 M ;.rW?,fr';;.;' jTr -. ?-r JH-t'H. :I-v.l ,fl .4- :,17 17 . i I wuiuiiaiiii nw. r. . m jr. - i i ? .'rrrv. . "fP'r o -

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