'1' .-7 fi- MISCELLANEOUS. ? ; '.'ts . . ' J I v " . .i ji" isn't tVt;4 1 JOS. S. GANNON," .Editor. ; 'giS-SS 1 . s I . . . .. -... 1 1 . ....... .. . ..: .ii- i. ..t, ... . . i .S . . . r : I 1. . . - - . i 1 . .. . j - ' . ... - r . . t .. 'H?;;: T':'.Vf,'-"i.-'f.rjlV'" NEW GOODS ' ' and n "ir , ' ' 70S. WM. HOLDEN, Aswtant Ewtdk.1 ' .. . , ,TE RMS t btflfltite I STANDARD rl - 6 months, l month'. .. . j oo ' Weekly, 1 ye. s .months, 8 00 '-V i ' - l month,'...;? e-sv 50 Cash is advance. RATES OF, ADVERTISING, j . v- . PAYABLE IN ADVANCE 7 (Ten Lines or less, minion tjp, or one 'inch space, to i constitute a Square ) , 7 v 1 Square, 1. day!$L00-r-each additional Insertion, $0 60, 1 week : .60 square . -I 8 00 2 " t 0 00 t&O 800 . n : 8ISO - I month- TO 00 , : y. 400 t " 16 00 8 80 00 6 00 1 0 1 TO ADVERTISERS IN DETAIIm - THl BATES Will, BJt AS FOLLOWS ; ' Quarter Column 1 month... .1..... ........ 180 00 8 u 80 00 40 on 80 00 8 8 1 8 S Half Column 48 00 ft 60 00 One' Column 50 00 75 00 100 00 Spcctal Noncas will be charged bv the square one dot ' Jar for each insertion, Ibroae weekj and seVentj-fire cents for eacn insertion, ior one monin. Advertisements must he paid for 'when handed in, other wise they win no appear, j The aboTe rates will be inflexibly adhered to '.. MUM: CANNON. A HOLDEN. Raleijrh. June SI, 188iS. ' FORWARDING AND COMMISSION. -W. Bu.ABBWtoV.;'!P;; ' , ' -BKNJ H. BAKOIH K. C. COMMISSION HOUSE. AITDEEWS BAUD III, Wilmington, C. ' .nn immtDjfinfi-h' tuvc cuTiUIIunrn .1. Commission and Forwarding House in Wilmington, and offer their, seTices for the Sale of Cotton; NaTal Stores, Sheetings, Cotton Tarns. Tobacco, Bacon. Flour, Ac . Ac , and to purchase for. merchants or others, nj A an A in Hiiinurt.t Office No. 2, Sooth Water Street, np'stairs. 120 9m SIIACKELFpRD, HAAS Ac CO., s fJrvrAr' ftTirl Cnmrnissirm MereliaTitB.' No. 32 North-water Street, WilmiagtoB, N. C. I : RarsBKRcas. ' Baker.Cowperi'eiflW v j B J Gregory, John Everett, Goldsboro,' Robert Sd an and Rich,'d Sterling, Greensborol . Tr U If Arrinofton.' " September 18. ' - 180 8m LIWIS S. WILUAM8 WM. G.NOBLS. BOBT. M. OA r .-WILLIAMS, KOBLE & OATES, - . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nd. 126 Pearl' Street, New York. Special, sttrttion giren lo the sale of COTTON, TO BACCV, NAVAL STORES, TARN ,ANav domestics. " . i - ! " TEREHCB6 : i Dayis, Rhodes k tfcv New York ; A YtoYeal Co Richmond. Vs..: John Lyon. Peters bars'. Va. r W.' Sutherland, DaByille. ; John, T Davis, Ljachbont, Va.,i Jobn Wilkes, lrest. 1st Na BahK Cfiarmtte, N. C.,; Chas. Dewey, Cashier. Sute Bank, Raleigh, N C . ; Hugbfg Dill, Newbern, N. C; G WWilJianas A Co.. Cbarleston.S. C., ; R M Johnston, Pre '.Ex Bank. Co lumbia.S O. Phinixr A iTfavton . " A ocnnrta. Oa - John Rossi Son, Macbn.- Ga.i F. Gilmer, Montgomery, I 1 am,; uamuton. xoqng s onsn, noone, Ata.,; unaries Baskeryille, Columbus, Miss September 4, ld5. . 118 lm HENRY STRATTON; ;5 ' JOHN J. THOMPSON. Formerly ' ' ' . I . Late of . Sir HFUBT 8TEATTOK. , -. PKBBLBS, FLCMMCB CO, - "RATTOK' or THOMPSON GB0CEBS, LiauOB DEALERS ."- ;'v.j.; ; AND COMMISSION MEBCnAXTS, No. 12 Old Street, PetersburgT Va. Solicit consignments of COTTON, TOBACCO, TUR PENTINE, GRAIN, and all kinds of Country Pnidoce. and pledge their best personal attention to all business en. trusted to thir inr , .. . A general assortment of Groceries and Liqaors COnBtantlT on hand. ' ' .. . Merchandise of all kinds bought and sold on com mission.' oinAiiuH &, XMUJiraua, fetersburg. Va September 4, 185. '.. US lm McILWAm;& CO.. WHOLESALE GROCERS T AND Aoa. 79, SI and S3 Sycamore Street, PETEHSBURG, Vai ! - . - -1 - .1- - . ' ; f Tfl E SUBSCRIBERS RESPECTFULLY OFFER . their serrices to the Trade North and Sooth, and i to th Planters. of YIRGlNLi, andOlBmCAitOLiNA. m toe purchase and sale of , L Groceries,' ' :'! , ' " , Cottori,r Tobacco, :, i 'M;1 i ' - TheyVhat hT itriot i..i -'" ...c j j i a " r'"i( aiibii im iu an oaatnesB confided to their ; care, to secure a,coatinnai.ce of the eon- . fidence so liberally bestowed on the late firm of - f MclXWAINE, SON A COI, :, of whicn our senior was so long a member. f v s-?r ' " nAlfn jV - MclLWAINE A Cb.! Robt D. McIlwaikc, . i - . . Fbakk Potts . ' 8. 8. Bhidgbbs. ' j Mr. ED W Attn attintu r ri . t n " Kuv, i.ic ji ruin ill pi c 1 1- waine a Graham, and Hamilton A Graham can be found - i "v. v ,icascu ui mm ilia inenas. t . KORRik & BXLD WIN, i 18, HANOVER COMMISSION MERfTirTrrft HfnV IM3E Ul IV A j i MiZrJLS?-y" "M?"rgs ana uotton. ' B rflEJriM :V.UJB mrwt - jT .TV a . I 1 vvilAiiMAJWaViil iuuituuu.1 ua - iI "BoiBnments from me OOUtn s 5 V- tbwpbj i ;in,-ai tj., - " I he vill -t.. 1: 1 - . -1 . . ..TDD D:.i...-.I O l. 1 sr rt " ' ""aaakv II Uvfnl tIIBU AU fHO rBinna.i jf. 11 "HI US BL I II I I IMaBMA mmmmm . mm . : . w -ii v ii nKK w OI n 'llDJore TJanlts, or Dry Gooda BW iflAAjV I i J ' Hill wIV' " VB?q , Kicnmood, V, and to ! Jnn7ri865 ' 'T"6' 800 , Petersburg, Ya. X0BT. A. KABTnT, 7r : - '. i BOBT. AJNNAHliI MARTIN & TANNH1. tffiW PERSONAL ATTENTION Tobacco, Cwttoi, f :5UWheat, Corn, j :,.f':.- ! t 8tb Jfioar, BAcoot Ate, aash4Krm. JrtJ2.J85. 1 . -snr' 7- aj jta4L J-arwanLixig and CoiitmisBion Aeiit BT A- r.; . ZT : 8cesMrtfitii,i-,--i ' 1 rtoar, Bacon, ce.i W3I alan ir J '.- i' ..I, , A ! -ruer ior Woods ,n -the nost favorable 77. , ",el" C W-S"i?-"u .V''V. 7i. -jrr.: rr. a." oiliwau akd aBfafaction 1 to uT "at ft SeDMM riZL-XwBe in iwn?itt(an.d tivBtyines-,. tl3L0Na im !.. : J-tOLiCIT)WTOTSro- JT,1""11 aiLgotKU. ana: every nreeantinn ufc'T""" om v iWMAAAwdAVAr - am; ikuuaa i, Iotr1ffiiu? Afmmm fJK wHtlttentlon given to thef sala'pf .FLOUR, BAi- j tton 3?1d andTrders IMsdwwrT SL CONAND LARD:1; j- 7jo,ce Bongoe nn s)M.-'r .sold . ominls. f ltrP?4'1 hflr ale'fr .FL0DR. BAs- hased and-orders IlteofiiKliCORN OfKjrV SSr-d -, . -. -:--;i::777.'.. -7-7 S ;' 4.;.. t :ricp: :-i- -'- -rif-:r,i t: M;;i FORWARDING! AND COMMISSION. CALVJN ,B. DIBBLE, COMMISSION MERCHANT IS? Pearl St., Hew York. j 1! COTTON, NAVAL STORES, GKAIN TOBACCO,.' YARNS, SHEETING, &c 'My long ezperinea in the Staple Product of the South, I trust will enable me to give satisfaction to any one fsToring me with their business. Orders filled for all DESCRIPTION OP GOODS. Particular attention paid to filling orders for nil kinds of lIlACailNEllT, For which I hare superior tacilities. j Mt Agents, A. Dat, Goldsboro', N. C ., and Geo. M.;Dewt, New Berne, N. C, will give their per- soaal atteation to the k Forwardinsj,' Imnringr and Payments of Taxes On all Produce consigned to me. - -. 1 i They will also make jLJIOEOAX. CASH ADVANCES On all shipments when desired. : NYefo Aag. Il 165. J 100 3m J i nEif hit in. zrionnis, COMMISSIOJI MERCHANT 99 Pearl and 62 Stone Streets. . .WILLIAM L. HILL, FORMERLY OF HILL A A.UB. xxoart-BaT, ttienmotKl. Va.. and Mr. Cbablbs D uux, 01 a. are aasciated with me in condocting a GENERAL COMMISSION; BUSINESS, . J AT 89 PEARL STREET. N , Y. All Consignments of Raw Cotton, Cotton Yarns, Cotton Cloths. MttniltVrtnrorl and I jnf Tnkiuun V...l t-.. t 9 .- . . J . ..wmv". a. a 41111 cn, 1 , Ktee, and bther Southern produce, shall have onr prompt! We buy on order all articles of Merchandise. ' Liberal' advances made on consisrnment. Manufactured Tobacco can be shipped bond without urepavment i me excise tax, . I. -i. - . Ail ikft sMtMi'V' rtnuH arnjl ina.NiiViAaa a : j a. i a , ; i j? j i " - . . Duipiienu win ue torwaraea upon application m w I f HENRY M MORRLS. " A; W1! . irv t f - . yi .- : ' j Formerly of Hn.L A NoarLBBT, Richmond. Va. sTjraa W !! . . BB4B.O. B UllilA, Formerly of Miltpn. Joly 1,' IW5 5 ' ' i v Si i 8S 8m. ! SHAFER & NORWOOD. j A.' s.'HAFka.'jrtVor PetnU P. T. NORWOOD. Late of Watrento. if. r COMMISSiairBJ!RHCAiVm : omci t-i 1 No.' 5 Water Stnct. BJ' Vrt rlOSIGNMENTS OF fWrTCXN, TOBACCO. NAVAL J UAAauA. 'I?tu 1 J .It. -At tJi Va. .... k OraenP from Mercbnts. Manufactories Planters and AtllAFat Will- anfM,A Ana Bafvmwktr iwmAiiAwt j R. W; Laas.ter, President Raleigh 'and Gaston Railroad Vf T I : 3 r. . .... . wuiw,iu,duui;ii, r-etersDurg, va.. lAinnnrs rfnanson, reiersonrg, va.. 4 a IVasaSFXJVTS'lSni '.F ! I . ST WalBv-a UmbT1iS. .1. tV 4a BB?tVjB 5-5 tL 7 ' .. ' j .-. 11 . WALTER' K. MARTIN. ri v :, h ?(VonMriy-ir, MAHTjjr.wA Col - i ii COMMlSSIfMimCliT, ti HAVE BterJMSD iir OLD BUSINESS, AND RES- II . ,01 !.. .-L . i -.1- I ... .... Iff vJ'r ! -tiii K$uitmx?qi vi3.ili 1 - CoasigaiBBents of all Kinds of Prod nee. sTo ttsMlfof bichI will defb mv 'besf efforts . Office in Abdbbsov's Ward House, corner ' of Canal' and bStreeto. .'j ..i':- 3 ' --:f.;J; ' Jty-..1M; " - rf-r -K p:7i j .it - 17!' mmyii si-u4 6-rm B :"rRi iWj - . 7 RALEIGH. N. C---Urtt-H '..'-.-i COTTON C OTTON iOiotha: Yarns,, and air kinda of l Mercliaiidixe ;,and nntry ;Prodnc . MM 5 .A JlL J ...T AM. T' OTTON- -.; ' ; - f WSr"? FORWARDING AND COMMISSION. WAS, W BLOSSOM JAS. B ' BLOSSOM '.: f i jtoSIAB B. BbUSBOW & i- O 8 SO M, it O T H E K . (Soeoeaaore to Brnu. ....v. - "1.. - . - : LOftSOM &8OV,) 1 . COMMISSION MEReflANTS COTTON, NAVAL STORES. GB4IN, TOBACCO, 4 COTTON YARNS, SHEETING, Ao. t j T , No. 159 Front Street. W K vxr.xriYtt tr 1 I w. j .- Ji. ia Bin fi S?Tnee,ndeoo eonsignmento, on receipt of REFNCB8:-Tbe Bank of N. C . and other Banks at 1 Vm"gSnA1?wber WashiURton. Tarqpro, FayetteTille, - Baleigh. Salisburr, Charlotte and WadOhU.ro f iZJ 'trB'lei5b ' OjwIKrwal to s, tferoBftn taat place, of fjrwtrdim9 umuHsu,) pay SnP T1?" fwiCHt to ant shippiniridlrt ,4 1 J V ; Zoat!m WiTmiioBrC, CfcoJri Brown n C7. Washinrton, N. C , 8. If ! Jones Co,, NeWbenrN; win forward prodaea to us, free of forwardinff oommis aion. except on earal stores and giain, by si earner or sail injt yvae , as shippers may direct ; asd when dfsired, wiU pay taxes. Ac , at the shipping ports 4. ! N. B. -Consignments to us are covered by Fire and Ma ri ne Insurance, as soon as freighted, Trom all p'aces on all Railroads and Riyers in North and South-Carolina, Oe.r. gand Florida, and from all Southern Shipping Ports, thronjfhto New-York, whether advice of shipuiuDt is re eeivedorm.t r ; . Jare 87, 1865. - r 2 lyj NEW COMMISSION HOUSK SWEPS0H, mehdenhaXl. & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERvHANLS . FOR THE SaLEOF ' , TOBACCO, RAW COTTON, COTTON YA NS CLOTHS AND NAVAL STORES. EsT Orders soiicited for the pa rchase of goods I ' 79 Pearl Street, N. Y. kobt. B. Swawoff. N. Y. City. 1 BAMI. G MURPHT ' ,-. -. IJ i 1 boro'.N. C -.uicr oDKtWreens- r . if,. ... n : ... !.. iny Shopi Rirer P, P8.N C. w w nwcrsoR, daw Rirer I-7 lilberal Oxh aitorno. J band. ti 7 . ""'Bra.':un8'gnmenin June 27. 185. 81 m. ' J. B STENHOUSB. ALLAN MACAULAT. STEITHOTJSE & MACATJLAY HTniT 1jJ ttn a m:rv . ' ' - ROGERS AND I COUUlSSIOn nERCHAIJTS uar ui stand. Trade Street, IJWARl.OT'T'13 r i R(LHASE AND8B L COTTON AND ALL OTHER Prodube. on nrdr Businasa entmatAd tv not eKott iiamiMAiiJ vw bw arasaass vviuiuauu personal attention. j our prompt '"Jn-WbmWe,8r Esq.. Raleigh. " Jiuucnre s UO-, Kicbmond, Va. Kent. Paine ft Co . Martin A Tannmhill P.t.l... fr. August 14, 100-ly REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, &o. NORTH 'dAROI.INT L. AND A GEN C V. Kt5t.HPK CO., i RALEIGH, N. C, T . . J ' "" aaiUKt lit es ot. oar -taxes on r uioenninea. water-powers Ac. inrooern reliable aovnta in . . r KSll A be given about particular localities, tracts of Will' iikewiaa nndarlalrA Anlt.t;n- r i i .. p. , , v vi ueuia ib norm Carolina and elsewhere, by suit or otherwise I U mTWtiW,ewfileilti"1 Commissions and charges Raleigh, June 12, 5. . 7 ! fiOtf : , 1 ' NOTICE., ii" i I Euying, Selling and Leasing Eeal Estate. A Lit, FKKSON.S V7T.nrvn Tr uttxt co. x nn A Lease Real Rstat . invito ... .v . rih.il,i. UiZl 'Vl "'."'" "fV" luo " ii - a. . u ,uo corner 01 Wilmington and Darin StrMta. Rli.V. n v : r ... i ,bwHN ibis nmnpl .atttntion, and spare no pains that win enaoie nim to itita Ant!r ..iarnw. - Being so well known to the otisvnsof Ralegh and Wake County, the undersigned hopes they will -ot heitateto v 2 o 01s nanas. i uta x. COOKE Agent tor wake County of the Pioneer Land Ollto nr-tf WASfTEn TO PlTRPniW A GOOD AND CONVENIENTLY LOCATED CITY 4. BBS. UV9IUCUDB AUDIT mi tfl ISi tfltl tV a a v " r a snfwt a- - " n . Da.llL.HL UKUK A CO.. Land AirpntK cue 1 1 icniicci Kaieign, June 17, 185. j 5gt Three Hnndred Cords of Wood Wanted. PROPOSALS WILL BE RE'EIVED FOR THREE bnndreil Corda rf 7fW1 lllolrnr. 'a.t ur 1 . . . be dtflivei ed at the Yarborongh House, on or before the ; 1 ".tk nf SB-its. WA. 1 l.' M t SB ' j Vl-,"reri 'i- rroposais lor 8 'natter quantities .; . w . ai. uurr. rninninr September 4, V5. T .' . J. . i ' Ilrt tf TO TURlNTINr MAKERS. SaTkk POUNDS HOOP IRON. 1 i I -FF V 20i Pounds Glue I For sale at. B P. WILLIAMSON A CO'S.. CnWATlAwiltj. CS A Kaieign. August 7, 85. i I 4tf D. T. CARRAWAY, I- ' WITH ' . f : 1 HART & LE WlS, Jlfannfactnrers and Dealers in! TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE niumt'iDp : . " ' mm.m,mmmf. AAM " mVM AwAfy HOLLOW A KB. CUXXIST AID SUMVAM. Tint.. ANO POCKET CDTILEBT, COOKIKS STOVES, 44 i Fayettevllle Stret t. Raleish N. c r. , . . . ' - . ' - r uaieign, joneotn, - -' 4i4m. - - rrr ; ' W B JORDA1T jiAanri.. JORDAN & CAKR, fSuscea-ors tn:JT3o . ft: J.uu . 'I. . i iWIflOLESALE AlilX RET IE DRUGGISTS, nismtlWES, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GI.ASS, DYE. STUPF8,5 SPICKS, PrCFVlIEltY FANCY ARTICLES, Ate. no.' 125 Sycamore St., Petersburg Va.J August 1, lSti& 1 OSJ mpd CANVASS HAMS A3m BACON SIDES. 3,000 I LBS BACON SIDES, BRIGHT. 1,00 do , do . ! do i Dark.: 1.000 do : An , rfn n ri 1 8' tierces choice sugar cured Hams, extra. o A.L: - j ...... ' j . . f'f..o urains ijara, i'! iDeacn, i.a.j a cits . k an i. ms-eacn ; i.v i t i 25 pails,,;, io , 80 lbs each, .',0(i0.' lbs prime Shoulders : i : 1 chest itlaclr t' O lbs North Carolina Hams, ti-T .,500 lbs-v . do . - Sides. . . l.S0 lbS do Xhnntdmi For sale by ... ; B. P WILLIAMSHN A CO t 4 i"-: ) rf-4fl- -fr . ,j tuimmtssMMi uercnants 1 11 ' - ; j . 1 ' - aJilvWANTBOTO PURCHASK OR REST. ?QTT FACTORY, IN GOOD WDRKING 0B- . -U r.""n" ngone4oer wouia i.Ce to sell or rent, will find it tnrtutir- .1.-... ..wmnitfi.watb the hndersigned. giving location1 and descrip tion af Ihn nmnnrtv immk.. ,.r .:ji.. t f i.- v ;t:iL..:d.:L ....i!f - i--.A-.. day. :.-Ts--A'lCO!HlSjs3'.iIi r'OoIdsboro, N. C ti-tBepta-nbsr 83, . ii v - tr' ? ,1 j " krn , Wi1 2 itS!M rj'S ..I?- - a-bi f: P.Att J..J1I- Ht.-J, - Fayetteville 8tieet: 7v,,-.t ,v... v $Atf neiga.Angw 7, ee. . BOOKS, PERIODICALS, &o. SOUTHERN BOOKS. STER 4 . PUBLISHERS AND DEALERS ! ? IN pOQKS, STATIONERYrfeci ' tGREENSBORON.!C;V7. i 1'' ' CSB rLI PDH -OUR OWN " SERIES OF Rw(ier h!, . : 5.or Primers, Spelling Books, bir,"aDDKll8h Gf"nrsl also Bingl ' Tehert J ?2S?Mn C8B8Wr We offer or Boks ferld h ki )okB?IUr8 on " moderate terms as are of. ferTJP?b,wh.er " 1 Par of the United States! ror specimen copies or lists of prices, address as above August 0. js; 97 8m NEW BOOKS ! NEW BOOKS ! ! JUST RJCCJEITED, v p , ..: yon may bam t watt v Call at once, jot ABOlher Arrival "CffilfflSPkW COPiEsjEMER f?Un 8 f,r8t Par. Mitchell's intermediate Geoeranhy V.unne 1 JPn.57I ! intermediate GeoffranhUai8? RdT wf B w """OnftjV 1st, 2nd8rd land 4th Readers, ayie8 New Fchool Arithmetics, Bullion's latin MSStl'r' VTebstaSe ders' 1st c',8,S1te8 of yarions wses,! San- ALSO A larire dnnuimm.. . b:ui 3 - j. i . hM,"o muiea aoa lesiaments from the American Bible Society-for sale or donation at Society- .tl.- ... 1 i T on - - . i Our Own! Primary Grammar. ! juemeniary 1 " First Reader. Second I " j : I Third 1 j : '-. . M . , m 11 n iuciic. BinahRiVi-a I..t;n n n . . - j ) theSoVt S .?":- Reader, .nd School Books genewIlyT " " aiMl rf? BRANSON, A FARRAR, I Jnly 29, 65;" I ! ? Kaleigh, N. ?. ;1'S A ATtALI. V their bid ri : aSKAWSON & FARRAR i AT ilfl ttonH 4ns. U..Ai.. tx . - j, da TT . .DB"onarJr. c. such Pt;" rr . " " w'" e ooismea ir to- be had in the nnsii? Pf Uch thltf M W come in their line of Produce, also, will be taken in hartM- f..r 1 i on . S"-"! I o. u iayetteyilie Street, ! Raleigh. N.C. I ' ' : . 544-tf. June 22, NEW MAP OF NORTH-CAROLINA, o r 1-. riNRLY RnRRT.T.TMTinn T . r . witn Jingravingg and PaintiDff. T'UVEJIA1ES,1 THE FINEST, THE State . x . "iwwi uie enure eaiuon is now in our baods . heoce, the work cannot be had at any "he - . i ww Buy UUl U d I Bi.lf. i Oftiflua a r AKKAR. j Raleigh, N C. -.:. 94 tt August 1 fi5. NEW STOCK 1 NEWSTonirif J JUST RECEIVED FROM THE NORTH, A GREAT variety of . . r - i i , ! r School and Mlaeellaneoas Bookrai ! 'hoographs, Periodicals, Ac , Ac , Ac. 1 7 -,,'. j - c lu' viash. vail soon and look through our stock. - J - j, , . , I BRANSON A FARRAR. Raleigb,August 30, 1865. 113 tf NEW BOOK j BINDERY. ffi Ar.JW(i 8KUREDYHB SERVICES OF MR. I . " v "wn v. CaA cu kUUU Binding of all Kind. ! at short notice and ip the very best style Blank Books o f all descriptions manufactured to order t i l lf Blre 01 j - JJKAKSON A FA REAR, Raleighj N. C. July 22, 65. 81-t-tf. MISCELLANEOUS. JiEjAL ESTATE AGENCY NORTH CAROLINA ADVERTISER. 'HE UNDERSIGN ET). PiVE MTiRiicoin . mm - " "uii jj ij xf j A, the l.ltr Of Ralnirh an A nn f... tk. ... buTinsrand selhnir Km KTstniA i. fjtv. na.n.i:B t. - nection therewith, ana as auxiliary thereto, they will pub- iisn a aoup e sneet twenty-four column weekly newspaper wherein will be adrprtiat fpaa nf unit .ii L.jd ,.V7i' for sale through their agency, and which will be devoted to the dissemination f information concerninir the tri. rnltural, mineral, manufacturing, and other resources of the State. I By means of competent Agents in every County i her will show the present advancement and special capa bilities for jfuture development of each. - I j It will be found, on investigation, that ro State in the Union can present such a combination of advantages as North arnlina Hitn .trl miilma. k Yj . - - " wc.wccu tun cuiuer re gions of the North and i the more tropical climes (f the Sodth, its lands stretching from the sea coast to the rooun tains, yiejd bountiful returns of cotton, tobanm. I.r5, grain, fruits, pasturage,: grapes and other prooocts, jwtile 10 its boftom li minaa nf irnlit mnA I i coal, and other minerals, its rivers afford water power Mlfficient fltr th tnOHt .rtanaiva fmninrioa ..J J A. .- f. " i " .o, nuiA III its lUICOln -are boundless supplies of naval stores, timber and material .uuu... , uuuci iu reueuii coaoKe in ine system or lanorit becomes the interest of proprietors to part with a nortion of lhfir rent cctnto urA U ii,. w: r n' . . 4------ -- . io .uc i'ujcv; . vi :iu is en terprise, through agencies in Boston, New York. Philadel phia, nan imore, v asnintrton. and other chief oil ies, to bring these abundant ; resources of the State tn th nni; - r. - w .uv "'.10 h, ioe notice of men of enerirv and mnital tn ..t imuik.. . 11 and the buyer, and to aid in starting North Carolina in a career 01 prosperity heretofore unknown. j The AnvKBTrarn will lu funiohAt rMA -l L. k. .,, customers, and to others at one dollar per annum, j The "wuwi ire issueu y me nrsi 01 July, or sooner if the tVTM A.nd MWUMn Tr.aa.l. I ml.AJ 1 1 . ' . r ..wv. j ui.wiiai.iiQwir uiuereo, mn m nroenred fmm V Vnrlr ii.. ,1 ti . to advertise in the first number will please com monicate v t uuuci.iuueu uuc. noaerate commissMins will ae cnargea wnere sales are made. l.i JJATTLE, HECK A CO 1 ' 1 " ' ' j Raleigh i Nrt r. EXCHANGE HOTEL, ulLLSBORO' 7 STREET, THIS POPULAR HOTEL, SITUATED ON THE Fi nest Street in thai hoAntirnl xrii. r t..i 1 . r. vi.j in. viu 1 mm ai ready earned the reputation, under the management of its experiviiced Proprietor, of being the best Hotel :in the South.: It IB located within a f ,ii,;.v,r o.i.Tln... j 1 . r. ----- , uc owvvw- ltol, and is near the business part of the City i -If nleasant unit nlaan Kot. n i;iv.-.i 1.1.1.''.., ! ' . l . , - -- -' mute, auu respecs- -ful and attentive servants will make guests com fo table. thetU tn twt IVinntut nn At Hi. T..I..... -.. September 18. 7 - i25-Utf G: WHEELWRIGHT & COL Shipping and Comiiilssioii JHercliaiitg, 7,. J ;t 1IW WAUj sr., 1JSIBW Yobjc - - i Cotton, Tobacco. Naval Stores. Ac An wivJ J. aurnment. i - I i- .. . 7A member of the honse is now in. Raleigh pniYhasiBr Co" -A il arsons desiring to sell will do well i toTcall Ail II IB . - fnlrmmmm 'ma. AL A . mm. . I - WTt Tim . M ' mmmmt ! tbeouth 1 sMje of Hargett Street, next East of Williams A Haywood's.!--.-' J .1. v' i. .. .. ii TP S.R TRE DUMBER ONE BOOT . JI : and Shoe Maiceni -in- J - j- - -- ... vuvowut tuiuiwiuieiii 11 rwagwAt Hrwe.1 AiCo. Factory. 7 r i - ; I NAILS I I 20 !! ifSSOBTEDi SIZI0R f---7.J; ' September .18 j WOOD! WOOD!! WOOD!!! t ' JPiTO f cdNTRACf FOR O E HUNDRED 4'nib V)A8b Md jJickory, and .mine .oeei!y?mniately:ppfy'mt th SuSdard '? office ftw further umatron, ' , September I X88-f " a & CO ; - ' - " (Bopsass, "UoLt lAwKiHaosf ) M' .' i IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS In' t4 1 POBEIQH AND DOMESTIC! " ' S ' mRY aoorisj Wo. 258 Ba.tfmore St., Opposite Hankr St., baxtimore. I andjSr' Merch8D,s to ell. GREAT REDUCTION 1 IP YOUWANT A GOOD CIGAR CALL AND SEE IiEE'S jLAIIGE STOCK ! JUST IMPORTED PROM fl AVANA, CUBa ALSO " - ' '. . .. ! i TOBAtCuS OF ALL KINDS ButterCheese, ..Sugar,,Tea, Coffee, F'0ir, potatoes, AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT bp. AT WHOLES AXEAITD EETAH. I J: ..IMPORTED AND NATIVE WINES AND LIQUORS W Office d resp0nslbIe. CitiM0 j, iu ' AT ivicKIMXfnv's Fayetteville St,eet, one door irom the Corne, Jaorgan. j Ra'eigl-, September 2 fi5 " i 1.7'tf M. GRAUSMA1V CLOTHIER AND MERCHANT TAILOR, Fayettevilie St.,' Raleish, IV C. WSKS! .WM THE ATTEN selected stock ot era a inenas to ins fioeani BROADCLOTH, i DOESKINS, of all kinds; and particularly to his IMPOKTED GOODS. f ' best aoi tatert .- U5 1I11UCUM J lntJ sty les fu reason-ibie terms. liarm.n I a will K.. . J .. . z all aLT U r ,R,ad-ade Clothing, suitable for tLtff "7Va'and be kept complete by new weekly arrjraiji from NoNhem-erties 4 G,,r,da' kC? na ,r'.'tW8-rtnt f Gents Furnishing Goods of .j dcripimna Shoes, Boots. Hats, and a g.iodman- thc ariicies too nnnnJ..,-'. .t. ; GENERAL COMMISSION and foe warding MtucxiANTs, Norfolk, Ya. . ARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO kinds of Noith-Carbiina Produce. i ALL references: Benie Co.. N. t2. John Pool, Esa- vieo. Brook; Elizabeth City, 'N. r ' A-l t V 111 R. H;.ff!fl. - c. Gen. ffm. fc. Mann. " " Burress, Hanis(.a.& Co.. Norfolk Ya John Williams & yon, Baltimore, Md. August H, ,. 96 3m WOOiO! WOOD ! ! WOOD!! i WfJnVLA PY TnK HIGHEST PRICE FOR ltiO Cords Pine Wood, 50 Cords Oak or Hickory, j To be delivered here within the next 30 davs. i ! .' u o . . B P WILLIAMSON A CO.! j.iciSu, oepiemoer 123 tf A SITUATION" AS TEACHER IS DESIRED XT, in some pleasant neighborhood in this StateJ i one hL'Lf 7ITid mPttr ' 'ostrupiiop in the ;Eoglih branches, Latin and the rudiments of Greek Satistactiy vKauu..y now id possession, eiren by the Persons desirous of employing a Teacher can addressl for r- W. J. U I o . t .'' ' Gaston, N. C. September 19. . 'i3i2w rp WENTY-FIVE MEMBERb OF THE C0NVKNTI0N p" .cn be accommodated at the Planters' Hotel. " n l 7m-7"'rlLre servants.-! and good things to' eat ... lurniBueo, lerms moderate. Patronage solicited, WM T. BAIN. RaJcigh. September 12 Per A: J Pxarix WIRE, JTAIL KO. AKD MIKE T IRON. .Illlal " WIRE RUNNING FROM NO 6 2,0tf lbs Nail Rod Iron, -8,000 " Sheet. Iron', 'Vnl 7 S,B,tion Iron 3 to 8 wide, . aur.se nnoe iron, 4; 0a Sh ,vel Plato Iron. S For sale by B P Wi LUAMSON A CO , n.ut w'-a . 7 , ' Commission Merchants.! Raleigh. August 80, 1S(!5. i, lli tf . JUST ARRIVED, 25f If 1 u FINE TABLE SALT. AND FOR r- 'e5: T F. LEE'S, 7.' .; McKimmon's old stand on Favettevitie St oepiemoeri;. :.. 7 . 128 tf MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA. SESSION 1 -'T TrE?UALu:JlH'S,S 0P LECTURES. IN THIS !i irLU!l!'.qiZrhlc1,a8 cnled ih successful oper;:. rw" ""',u w"r Wl" emmence on the 1st of Novem. FXES: Mfltrimilatinri . P-r., mi. . ' .11 v ! "w.rS AioKOtS. Ch K """ f Atf UU luST rfl liir of lyiot,m. sia o-fc. J5ean of lh Acuity, Richmond. VaL "ct'rem"ef 7 12S-taw2mpd WANTED. flTI WO FT? TTSHr ur 1 , .tr .m i,. , . ... -1 ! . 'll1 ': ' J Hntll " v 7 a 1 1 HK t(JH ANGE RANDALL A CO. '" ' -So tt Raleigh; Seprember 25. 7 7 ? I'KiaiE OLD BOURBON AND MONONGA- iitt.v.Ai nuisiiiij j SUPERIOR COGNAC -k. BRANDY, HOLLAND GIN, Ac, Ac. MBS P WZ "a Whiskey, ' v i 'i5i?P";CfgJPft Brandy,: ' f' lrf do HoUaml (iin, r - - ! r - wo luvvittutrrv.-. -j - r. ' JO. do ,., ,; Port Wine, n.-: '''.'-'i :'t;." Madeira. : ; ' 7 " 20 baskets Champague, Rova! Crown . : Jnst received ami w k - ,u- w.!, J?. Tfc. 1 .-2-i & iB ; IV WILLIAMSON? A CO: fcl : siSnWte6? mMmMfr : iai-rtf t 4-jOttlsV'jARDa BROWN SHEETINGS j JXLF W9 5ti:i yard, Eoalish Long Cloth,. . C-t f--' 5' bunches tlotton Tarn, " B. P. WILLlAMSuN A C08. ' : c - General Commission Merchants.,. . . ,e,o August 18 6 ' j -V 7 v pZit , OLD LIQUORS AT, ' WHlTAKEli'S; J. ,rli Hm rabntttoglsoci.rf Srfia .i FAMILY SUPPLIES, together with an assortment of '" ' ' GENUiXE OjLD jLIQIJOIIS. ' CHAMPAlG.NE, ; v ' - . . I ' ! QOSGRES3 fiOCTRBON WHISKEY, OLD PORT WINE, : :' ' " s MADERIA, SHERRY, CLARET, AC. . - - ' ' I ;v OLD HENNESaV LONDON DOCK BRANDY VINTAGE OF 1840, AC; r CHOICE LOT HAVAKA CIGARS. For anything in the wax of first rate : Groceries, Provisions, Liqnors, &c., Call on E. A. WHITAKER, At his old stand on Hargett Street English Letter and Demi Paper. .1 reams white wore Letter ruled. 5 109 , white laid Demi unruled. : 7; For sale by. the ream or case. - . "-' Dealers would do well to call and examine. Buyers the quantity can secure a gceat bargain at l ' Raleighs. Sept. 14, 1S65. J. j. nraiTAat.K'M. , liS7 tf. NEWS ! : NEWS ! NEWS! ! ! At West's Xewspaer and Periodical V'-' - I !r DEpOlT"' ' i. ;7;- ADL5S. TIIp ?LD NORTH" ST ATEwiLL FIND fi Godir 's Petron's and, Leslie's Lar.es,Boots, con tuininir all he . atest fashiona: Kib.. a ,i...:-; .. a times on ii:r counter . . w., ei loutcais. mar n tiinnrl at .11 ischol p.. ks, y i)c by the best compooers, consisting (if KoJor. OffiVe fix v-. , i . ico auu i iim rumemai. Afso, ures and, Siati.merj of the best ouality, both and retail. t low prices' - wbolesaiii Pos:ma f'erioii:ca . August Hiem'and withpm annnllul ;k w . . rr.. .n .cirBuapera ana Sat l.iw rules. : 13 1, l sH '" " 114-lm DR E, BtJRKE HAYWOOD -rFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THE V citizens of RaSeigh. Office at his residence. S -Mavisfiy . , , , r, ..... m-ft COTTON! COTTOX1! COTTON I iV WASED IMMEDI iTELY, So BALE PRIME COT t'Di by RPWIIiiiuiinviKn l28--tf PR6FyESSIONA. R eward Warren, of north-Carolina. Das removed. ImiiniiiBrilr t K. r o-i.: where hejwill practice his profession in all of its branches and give (-special attention to Sure-erv Hp will .ln pare yourig men foif graduation in Medicine or for entering toe fin or Kavvl ' Offip 4S OiiltrllnnI Slr.a September 14. - ' 12?-lm JfcjTRATRD OFl NEAR CHaPE:. Hlf.T. 1 s-twf k!" deeolRav llorsn. mihup lnn .aa m i j. .hiell. abiiiuf. 7 vear.10 d. hr-nnrfrnt M . Jfa a . , , . ,' - -' .uc iitv null A un the left Boulder, over an old brand U. S When last seen he was oil the road; to Fayeitevllle. The above, reward wtll.be i4d lor bis delivery to me at this nlaee. I ilT II -1 n wd Kftleigh , Sttembnr 8, '65. 182 tf ! fT5 REWARD. 2JT0LKN-FROM MY STAPLES TV ttAT.iriaiT ON tile liifh't of thn' 19th A larirn i nul tl,.. ;v:. I.-- ana white hind utn n. hJ.t.i uiun m, iki if ... abovr th. hoof. He has marks of harness otv him. His loreinp is. cut Alfio.a nne McCiellan black Saddle and Bnd e. A reward of twenty five dollars will be paid for tht h-rse tind saddle. n1 fiitv t,.ik. .n.L : of the thief SION H RCHlVtl Kaieign Sept 21.! ; . '18i-tf t HENRY R KNAPP, SHIP : BROKER AKD COMMISSION No 45 Broad Street,?1 ivktw vm?Tr -x -Tl Parlicn'ai uttlntirm naiH In hn.i.. O r . V r ., ,, i. . r.- uiwcnra, ArmviB ions Hardware, A, and advances made on consignments of Cotton Rosm. Ac. ; September Ifi. 1 ' .v 7; ' ' -l rTSIoHi ' " fBtHRSURSCRIBEKS HAVE ASSOCIATED Ja. themselvesrtogether under the style o& i'H 7 .13 AVIS, T3ItAI:E fe 'Cni! for the lirn.sfl ot Aiiutiiitii.i. . wu.i. 7..,: tall. Dry Goods Business, and have token the tore Kv 14 .vcauiore Street, fr many years oeennii. hr fl H. DaviJ here they will be orepared to exhibit, aboot I h OT lS.-Iitrrn hir n larf-a and wu.. .am-a a .iB . PLE AND fAWlWGOSlT troroih. tr fru-nds and the public generally, that liberal patronage so long extended to the old firms of , ; M. M. DAVIS At CO.. and CRn. n. nitrn ' .' 1 . ..; ' -jv. , j rut Thfir Inner liTnunMu,. tti ti,. n.U ii 1. n 'i .-- p--- . . ... jij viiuua ouHineas in this city.hpir perfect acquaintance with the wants of the Virginia and North Carolina Trade, and their superior &. Cllities for ohtAinintf trnnA iii;r. : . .1 . - -5 '"... ! y . .cut iu sarins- IDey will be enabled tn oftpr lnHnium'. 1.1 .. 5. qual ed by any bouse in the city. . . ; WHOLESALE nnYERa7 - I -i . Are nArtifenlarlv ronm.l 4 : . . 1 . --7- -.v. w Mituiiue vir SIOCkiSj We are determined to offer them Goods as low as tbev Can be bought in the South. M. M DAVIS, " ' . , i ' -I : , J V JJHAK.E, -- "' D 7 J '" " i, GEORGE H DAVIS, Petersburg, Va., Sept. 4, 18W :, . t igJm' DOZEN AYES. j s5 dozen Lonir hand! Shnri V,-i pounds No S and Wire, For Site at ! B. P. WILLIAMSON A fffPS . rayeitevnie Street. . 4 tf Raleigh, August -7,'sJ. j ' ' - ! ' ' W A TTP Els. -V -." '-: - LADV DESIRES A SITUATION AS TEACHER IS a private family . She is com i tent tn to.n, k. ... dinarr aii higher, Encash branches. French,' German. Italian and drawir.g Kbe will giye and require the best reference. Address, statinar terms and other nartinlAra - ; the Editojrs of this' paper ilSV-LMNlr' ; j TEACHER WASTED. V DFSfRR THE SKHVP ES OF t'NE TBOftOtTGHLY lanaliried to; teach the EUurliah branihMi. ' Fronh aimI 7 I .it f 1 n anH t null, iih tha nicimi U.I.A.J aham ,V . 1 . . J ' October, j I woo Id prefer one not younger than twentj. mur years 01 xg oeciaeo in ner management ana very . StHct. ny tudy who can answer t the above. Wishing' Mtnat ioni can near of one b.y addressing ' - - " 4 if nne by addressing ' " "-' ' " 1 g ,or. Mb. Wn. J. HOLLEY, Keterences fiven ana reauirea liEWIS P. OLDS LAW OFFICE :41 REMOVEI TO THE LATE GEN BRANCH'S OF. ficejon Hi ilsboro Street' Special attention to War " matters." (Will attend all the Federal Courts ol the State -The Government . baviofl- etitahliAhAA. i. n.j .a nr.! ' .Claims at .Washington, special atjentioo; riven to! thn : :MimU ItMrf lhuriiliiih nm.A.H... ... B - . ' - r',""K' '"f," ."BCTiunuu oi sucu aa are commit- - tM fn inAeantnflhunHliu' j : : i; ..!. ....... i , September - r. I . w ';,'tT- l5--tfv a us- A - i - - WASTFn.'.-. " -v.... A- IFaT0 VA27 0F B nfj N E NT QU ALlFIC ATIQN3 .;X3n..m a;j Itlnic Teacher, desires" a situation ss suchT in achol or.familv Will ats.. assict in the "other braacbv es of the School., Foi; further particulars address, 1 - f ' I r i v-' '-i'-vB M ORRELIfc - T .BJ. lT r' , Faje,ttoville,ILU w (IMS Mi - - A;:. . ,. ; if ; .. : ti.-'-';' m - .' 1 fi ll -1 4 1 If! I IP' ": ! - 77'W

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