;a i" L. , ...l''"l"l"U '.."!''. !L I"-1. L . '..LI L ..-'i , .T . -U.- -i-u p. , -i,rL ..J !ij.;Mr. .j.. . L , jFTV " " v V v- ' ( -. L - r--;p:-r- ;y ; ... : . . . " ' J " "" ' '" ." T ' I. h ,.UJ-l:.;iilBL, f43.rstti sAfl I oit l s',Id 8n this mar - - t-- - i... f,,;i1 a,'s oi-soi-xa ;.-4ii,U:M;3ktwfe- Nfl "'.'liPsb'N ;.f14,w i'tr4 i-C--. - -r--.' J'.. . 1 - " - ' ."m'"4. t;;- xrT,vi. ".-9 Grocers and (rv. j ' V lT- Vverett. Goldsb"to, Greensboro."1 a .a 180 9m geptemoer .n. twis WILIIANS WH U. MUBLI. ; BOBT. M. OATU. - o. 126 Pearl SH. I :'.CL. -mt attention 'n WTnew orxvnufl'iv- ; ' ,f- BEFEKESCE8 i ' . i-wiiO j ' .' Rhodes S kjo t i't"; im a v'. it 7 Wirk, Pres t. 4.m af Baulc, i:harl"tte, Dj-wev. Cxhier: State Bank, Raleijth, N C Vh8f NVwBern. NO ; G W William & Col flngnesa - , M .JrtiMtdbSPres.-Ex Bank. Co- Chft rtesi- . A .,.t.-' A tMmata Oa -InK- luiubia imery. -ti -. Bo ,""f,;. v.,,.a A Bush.: Mttbtieu Ato..i Cbacles s erville. Columbus, 418, s , b-l 1 1 tin i geptembei J it-- ' Formerly r "r j ! STKAlT0NifeTH0MP)AXv - i flit OGEE S, LI QUO BDEALEBS i CO MM I S S IO IV MEBCHi NT Si i Nt 12 0I4'SireeC,-'Pitei?8iurg, Va. dcit enwianmeitt.-ol CQITON. TOBACCO, TU4 r?.ic,liL p-R.Arv. ana all inda of Onu.ry froducel & Icdwe'tbt-fr best personal attention toII business enf iHment of jrries aor, iParUcu.a o filling orders, for all eonSW iii . . .-..ii. vimtahnmrht-ant anl1 imanmniiaiinn. : "nTTr0N45H0.0lSt I MdLWAlNE-&v 9 WHOLESALE. 11 M. T jheir : services tu the Trade North and Southland to the Planters uf VtittiiiA ana nwnin vAtt"VA,nAi in the purchase and sale or 2 s-.i'.ia'! Groceries, UUVU iHavV. ) ; Thej trust by strict personal ajtnltoii.,.!. all business, confided 1o their care, to seen re a contiDnaoce of the cim. fldewwsoitbemlljtoqn vneMMprn . of which onr senior was so loo a member. Robt I. McIlwaisk, Kaiss r.orrs S. S. Bbidgers. . ." i Mr KUWAKD GRAHAM; of the" fate firms, of Mcfl . gmWn, jisd Hamilton A3raham.ban be'fonpd . "w'th'ns. where he will be pleased to see IrtrfriendsY August is, isn5. . , .n":' -ioeiir' j N0RRTS & BALKWINr.i " ! 1 Ho. 18n HANOVER. WJj P BAtTIIUQftEg 1 COMMisStOyvMERCHASTS't&B'AtOF; Cotton Yarns, Sheetinga." 0$naburffs . and ; Cwltn Solicit cmsignments fninr the. Iftontlt ' "it. V." , 5. 1 Ther will jnake liberal casB adrancsand pxgoiiseaiick returns at full market prices . , f'4i s n f -7 A : Refer t any Af the Baltimore Bajks or Dry Goods' Jnhbinp- Merchants AI. to Wm. U. PuVW. &w E. B Bentle, Esq , H t K-ntE-Vi , EiRhmond.'.'Vai and to liur, w f. Warren k Co.t Mcl.wane, Sm A Cd., Petershnrg.Vji.i June line 14, 1-63 y :;,sV;4':;.; Ulr'yi' H' BOBT. . JIAKTIN.. fiBT-TAirffAaJLL,! 4" martin & TNNAHini, WILL GfVfc PROMPT PEliNAL' AttiSrXI til th" su e of "! ? -c looacco, cotton, - - f FIout, Dacrtn &c. ind respectfully slicii cpnsiaa-nt4'roaa-thir oM friends . and h.pnbTlear7X,-, W : 5, WHi a wi fill orders for Gis on the 'mofayfcaUe t ah terms. July 38, tgfiS I i. B STENHoCSE. - ALZXlSr HAtA CLAY - WHOLESALE ANUTrLCRS Afjf 1 At"6or 'Ola's-attd iTwaefctf ee.V ' " 0HAIM.OTTE.N.XJ, . , c TnURfHASE ANDSEI LWITONJAND ALlL'toTHER BT Pn d uc. na order; m .-W!Si ' 8aiuas wmisjed, u oa abaU rComsiaad tonr prompt personal atteirtnin.""' --V Jordan Wombje; lRaugb. . Dunlop. M.ncure A CoM Richmond, Va. -s-: Kent. Pail A Co . " . J Martin .TanabiU, PefeM&rgVa-. . . genai-are cui'iier, lead, iron and other mines, water-powers Ac. ihn.ugh i el table agetofSTtTeYer wnnty, accurate inr- I matioit will ofef ivea iabotftlDartienlar IociliUes. tractaoT I .UaJUAi.:.,;- . ,ar,-i & 1 Will likwLA. mtdcrlake fiot last inn f deata 10 North Carolina and alaewherejbyanitoritnerwiae - - : CommanitioOaeooawiaK' (mm moderate.- - j-b ' A.vt-'r Uipr. m t. :t5rf f ia r-' - , TB E A AlIERICANfSIJIP lii-x b--.b y FRAHCls ma ornmarldi?r. $Xg2.10WA4 ALS Js now ready to receive Freight at. Morehead jJCJJa 9, 4be!fbof..r9rtj- ,For,rejght oripassage ropflto ' V v? Jf ttBSESL W .,L ,3TT1 Utr Jiew Berne. Iff . Morehead Cjty. leptember ! !.' lw ''SmpIOVEDOTtXI TohW.L. Pomeroys Book Store. TBBBNO?R!slfGNBI5B'lltAVE TQ INFORM ' thecitizens of Ra'eigh that M naa'HreatoVed -fte above named StoTe, where he id 4'',rceiJmS Goods, and offers thetn'f.w saiheid fu caslf Wrtiing of taloid raniy-WodWI'' WM 'DresifTrirtnlingfina'RfbbnV Tult-Bmait AnHalcifi sn Linen and Birds tya DpenJeansoPiipf &i)otLml&tBtm&?t MWES.AENT'S.ANIl JlISSSESiWw .irlH y ' U wi , bHUtb BOOTS' AND 8H09! : 1 Z,h,?ySFfk$,-, iiitoiiii ds(4au.iitS.At4 OUILERYrfpRFrMJRYr -- READV.ln:AnKhiOVHIliriiva ,i i1! ROHRNBA W. L PnmmvV KookMor . . ! e ' - Mil 13 Aft LE. HECK A CO.. RALEIGH. N. C. I la peetfu i will buy, sell and leftse,"53just titles of par taxes on, 1 irjx' ma tK renri-are nfali' kinds Virreal tastale, gold, 1 I .i 1 :TV S flP r' fl' XT-. iQ-l 'nnirtl f . .a. ... ..;.jXl,J'liXr,4r- f k .Pw -nr.aikd I Favetterille St , Raleigh N. C FORWARDING oAND CQMMISSIOK? CALVIN DIBBLE, A: 1 i&a: ft si- 0U toilwrS'. lit- ! ; S-, r 4 - HvSf n& kw. k .' ' -t.irf " i . J '.,Ti- Hi "ft -i- Tj '. IK: A. ' ? 1 SHEETING, & jtJ Dly long experianca ia tbe.Staple ProduqU pi Umi Sootk; I trust riU enable me to giro satisfaction to any-one ftvoring'nie Hn heir business. T -'i "" . j j i- -;! situ'! i -' i i .':' u t i ' '. : Orders fillea for sill DESCRIPT105COF GOODS. kinds of . -.: i v l v- - '- 4; MACHINEIIY, v -,j i .hare superior facilities: - For. Wbicb U Uf Agents AIoroV :cXJ ana Geo. TDEWTiNew Berne, N. 0 wllj Hheir, .per- sonar'nttentioal to ihe- 1 - "Payments of Taxes . x r. a a - s - a . 9 i heal a. -3s : 4 -' i J k On all Produce consigned to me. Hkwwav LIBEBAJL CASII ADVANCES n all sbipnaentswnett SeaiTeg . , ; New Yorki Au H!;siJ865?- ?; 100 3m . w SHAFER! & 0BT00Dr A. S. SHAFEK, Late of Petejsburg, Va., P. T.'NORWOODa late of Warrealon, M. C. NOO'MMI8tON' MBRHCANTS, No, 5 Water Street,..New York. AVamNMEKTS OF COTTON. TOBACCO. NAVAL J Storey Graiaa and ail other, Southern pniducts solid- i n.H 'rmm Mrrint Mannfactories Planters, and hothers will receireonr prompt indiTidoai at 1 attention. U urn tO &ia.W Laaeiteri Prwnden Kaiffb and Gaston Railroad i Mcllwain. Son Co.. Peterwborjr. av, ! Donnana A Johnann, Pterbdrtr,' Ve; r ' i B WirHeSaperintendent . Railroad' S K A . V iirler Esd .' Itaienl. N. 4Ja- - - - L..ia4. BiehliydaBllwctewsiawyNrCh--' --7" June m-'i.i j ?Tjl i V i i, Vd ' - GENERAL COMMISSION ' MERCHANTS. FAY ETTEV 1 LL E ST R KET a n RAtEIGII. K. 0. t c 1 SOLICIT CONSIGNMENTS OF. COTTON, rOTTON SI 4'Mitf irj59dltn wCsHerthajidtsa aad Cunntry. Proaeav i ? a t i i tin - 944. if. BVr i Special attention giren to the sale "of FLOUR, BA- UtKU. r 1 r C03)WKar3lENTsl80LI(JltKD. -At Md Stand. 4tb door. North aide Hargett Street, RaJ- Augaat ll,'5. . .(.8 tf 1: kOi- t- ..f'(Foraierir N. M JlaBTnt, Son A Co.) ' 1 A j-.it' - RESDilED-M Y-OLD -BUSINESS, AND RES- Cpmicnjuentf of tl Rihda Of Prod nee. To tb sale of which-1 wtH dero nvr best efforts. ' L,;o jtWncaaoK'a WareHoHse. corner ! of Canal an UK. .1 - i if-T- nlilfiF XV n.llI m. o. . rTaei wd 9ani: 1 E &EN ER AL? 0QSLM IS10 ER II ANT FOB THE- SALE OF ;- i . TqBJ RA W dvio 'dbtTON,' t.YA-'.NS Orders wiriiJf P1' f tf009 '"Robt TtTSwEpfoir.N. Y. City. - -;;J , C P MnxnSm PrfhtB5tnJfVS Kink, Greens. iJ.-.?3 DAi.JwoRTatCq CompanT Shops: N JO, 70 . V. 0 V iliT ral cash advances made on consignments in Foraaleat.4 W&lrtLthrfStN'lk CO., Ralelgh;Aoedsi-7,'AV:VVA." nfcl 04; tf fh t AND fnmitj IMPORTERS I OF QOmSTE. SUGAR AND i.T-ora4i3z3'jidurTA. No. O Nortli ICater Street, KM'. -o.f9T I i:JK " 4 Whfi enfodnee" wfim iKlVrfi" .. W boodi'rti6 1 Europe r the Northern tiiea. and ral cash advances made tnereon. 1 rigWn. -4' 'S?G0LU 3 a;i!. - - .-::.:f.ii I? f .i-'.a fcJS ItfdNET SAVED DY i' . . COMING -'if AND -;! Coming: .11 the Time, J. KINSEY'S NEW GOODS ' ! OF THE "';" )" LATEST STYLES; ? 1 HAVE JUST RETDRJfED FROM NEW YORK jritba larteand well sriiecied stcck of StaD'e and Ncy Urv Uoods b'Ki'8 and tb(es. Huts and Caps, uarqware Groceries and Crotfcery, which I riff r fr sale at the low .eat prices. --Call- and examine the following BEAUTIFUL GOODS : SXenimack Prints, Wanhegan Prints, , ' Bicnmond Prints -1 Sprague Prints, if i k Clencove Prints, Freeman Prints, . Concord Prints, i London Prints, - ' ; S, ilhlnn Printt ' 'I mourning Prints, A GREAT VARIETY OF Zephyr Knit Hoods, : - Zephyr. Knit Mafia and Tippet-, . BreakfH.t Shawls, . .:: f -''; I iSontasM, . ':;,-.'.;;;: -;.;i:'- Twlllaht-, . -j.'. ... Ladlea lehvrB Hats, Pearl Braid Feather Hat. J , Black Pedal Victo'ia tiara, -" " ; Ladlea'rirtiined Jockey, Children' Velvet Gkngarry nati. LADIES' . DRESS WOOLLEN GOODS : .Wool Delaines, ; j .. Mix Delaines, . i Plaid Poplins. . Striped Poplins, Saxony Plaids, Swiss Ginghams, Ladles' Merino Drawers, ;,-- f; ' .... . Balmoral Wains, Hoop Skirts, Ladles' Extra Fashioned Blerino Vests. ffainsobx, taKnfe& Brilliaiites,1 Irisli Lliea, Handejcbiefk, Ladies . and Hisses ; iiose, Children's Balmoral Hose, Linen Cufli ; . - and CoHan, Bibbons of every de- f mnTttinfi TjadiM' Colored Ber- I lmslisle Tnread: Gloves, " Silk tops ; Corsetts, ' J 9 ' . . Men's Gloves, Combs, Ttiittnni I Hair Oil, i. v.,; Extracts and ; ..-. ii Pomade. TJ S" u Hen's Beady-Made Clothing, Hats and Caps. Padlocks, .f v- Chest Lock, . . ;'?-: Ghi.la, :-; Y i -. f fintt HinSra, t-f Rita Locka, .- ..FUea..,, ... Aiuurs, Screws,'' Knives and Forks, Shf. Knires, 1 ..... Shoo Thread, fTammerH, . . i- Awls,, .i . ; Cotton and Carriage Triuiniiugs, &c. WOot varaa, ii.t GROCERIES : Best Java Coffee''1' " H; r .tr:. ...... if.BIo. Coffee,,, r. , .. ' voJ:: Best Green Tea. " I ." ' Black Tea, Crushed usar, 1. r 1 ' Brotim sugar, Best N, O. Syrnp, Soda, !0 tf !! .v.'SM Splc,',i-!-" Jlialsons, . r.-tjE an at t (joppenu, Candies, P)ckles,! Xzm 'mil Ml--fv Black Pepper, .-I'f.f .'. V ... -4"; iiS'iitt' Blustara, ; t ; 1 VS: ,i Race timgrer, London '.Sauce; ? irotter, cbeese tHiat Jr -tpiif.Ji it' ffe P-nnntr, Merchants are reneoffnlrjr inVited' to cair nof : examine my assOKnteril of GjOdslin store, I hare inter :pureb4e at a I trmes addk-nav O'SOdsavewiaiaawi : lowest wboiesale-trce--aerpre.-i en ninRe it for Tur iintafvsaaitozif- tnaj mM 1m!un gooU y u ajtfy , want. Fat e'teville St., Corner of Market Sqnare MISCELLANEOUS EARLY 200KS, 1 PRIODIOAIiS, STERLING, CAMPBELli nALBRIGHT; : k "DTTT TnTlTio . n . j : .:,. . . wiuoaxtivo Aji; AlaAi.ixta' IK'iJOOIvS,? STATIONERY ft fywpmVE to PDBiisii ooTt owk" Sfcarea of tV?5ik!'naitin of Friaiert, Spelling Books, .frtia Lalin-Gramrnar and rassar1. " olfer our Books to - fc? j t 04 Book'e,,eW on aa aiodenMe ieno8 aa ar of. rebTt)ublner8 in any part of the United tjtates-.j . . - ww vi iisra Ml two, HUICM KB 8br. ' :,i i . -..v. A .i., ."j !-.-.- ii, : AUKU8U0. 5. !- 7-8tn NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS 1 1 mM M I ' ' ' TV Mr tra r vuur, w you may nave to wait for kitOPT.BOOK 'M'ITa: PRINTED COPIES, JS5TER- First Part, Miicbnli's intermediate Geoffraohv. onneii pnmarj, aliui intt-rmediate Geographies Cross aas-nic Text Booka;: MoGm.y' Mat. 2nd. Srd 'and 4th Keaders,,l)av.ieti. 5iiw hchunl Arithiutica, Bnln'a Latin V tary Speller,; Slate PenSi yranunar. nuinon s Knghsh Grammar, Webstar'a Elenieo- s, rilates of rarions aises. Ban- ier" inwtn and rd Raanat-a H'ihfltA,fH Primtn.. ckjuooi uieimaarv. barker's Philosophy, Smith's sGram , mar. llutier'a GrHium.tr i W.htr r.,n .iiiak..a. n;ii;.. : " VlHVl'IB.A CUB, 1 1 . ' A larjre consigrnmenl ofj Bibles and Teslanjents from the otihctj, iUr sale or uvusuim at oocjety :V,'";V ALSO o"0wn p""ry Grammar.. Eleuientary I" pirsi Keaaer.; ; .. . . w . Second i . Third j . '. --.'. Schuul. ArithmptiR. Binghsm A Latin Grammar. Deems First Reader, and E Pel', and Sabbath tuuui otioaa generally BRANSON FA RRAR, j Raleigh, N. d July 29, 6. -lALL? ON BRANSON & FARRAR AT y. i hoi r old I stand tot Books Stationary, r Ac. Socli irvds vls as are ordered wilt be nbtsim-d if to. tw bad in lh Dnrted rflatea. They at act as Agents tr the purchase ad tae. of aach- taino- as may cume in their ' line of Ditsinesa. - ? trodace, also, will be taken in barter for goods. BRANSON & FARKA'R:- Nu. 40 .faetterilie iStnei,. -RalelgV. NtC. wv.-.. : . i,. - :-. 5l-itf. . ;Jnne 22, 6 NEW MAP, 0 ' N0RTI1-C AROLIN A, ( 6 BY FE'KT, FINELY. EMBELLISHED i. ua AMrjving8 ana rayitiiig, . . rp HIS IS THE LA RfcJ KST,, THE - FI N EST, ! TH E M. BEST, and -ti AC(;URTE Man ..f the. jState eror paiJtd -Xba balance of lie entire Klition is now in our hands : hencn. the woik cannot be bad at anv kLhtrr .MS isON A PARRAR. ! Kaletnh, N (j. 94 tf .... . i AngnstV. ?K : NEW STOCK l NEW STOCK! I j 'IfUT RECEIVED FROM TUB KGRrH, A GREAT aa.riefy of j School and Miscellaneous Books, j A splendid assortment; of JufenTfe" Works. Also Music , f bjrMrrapha; Prtiodicaia. Ac. c Ac. . ' ,U. - " tW All at ihe Very '0e8t teima for Cash. Call! soon and look through our stock i . : . . i . . - BRANSON A PARR Alt. Raleigh, August 30, 1SB5. r. . Il3j-tf NEW BOOK BINDERY. II A VINO SECUKKO TUE SERVICES OF MR Dicks, a first class Binder, we are now prepared to do : . u Bindins of all Kinds, at short notice and in the very bet style Blank Bocks o i 11 aeacnp'ins mannnictnred t order .11 . I.-. .. . C . U O iHtMV Call at'ih'e store of BRANSON A FARRAR, ' ' Raleigh, . C. ' r :: 814. tf. July 22. 65, MISCIvLLANEOUS. HEAL FSTATE AGENCY NORTH CAROLINA ADVERTISER. rpnUE DNDEKSIGNED HaVB ESTABLISHED IN the CiU f Kaleigh an Agency for the purpose of : having and nelln g Heal Estate in North Carolina In con liectlon therewith, aaq as auxiliary thereto, they will pub lish a doub e sheet twenty-lor 'ojlumi5 ; weekly newspaper, nheiein will be advertised, free' of coat, all lands 'r.flered . for sale ihrnighhHjrageneVyand which wtM be devoted to the dissein nation Vf information concerning the agri rnUural. nnutral, manufacturing, and other resources of the State By means of t mpetent Agents in every County they Wl show ihe present advancement and special cupa bilities for future development of each. - I Ii will be found. n iuvttiat ion, that o State in the Uan cao.precent wichj a conibinatioo of advantages aa ' Nortb?t' aro ina ' Situated midway between the colder- ro gTons of the Nor'h and ihe wore qopica' cMines i f the Souib, its lai dtisireiching from the Sen eoast to the tooun Uiina, vie d, bouniiiul- returns bf cotton tobaccoj rice ; grain, fro l is. p"S unge, grapes and other proc act, while in itabo.M m lie rich mines of go'd, and iron, coppery lead, ealJ and Mher niipeia 8, its rivers aff ud water power ? sufficient f..r the mt'St extensive factories, and in its forests are bouadtosit implies of naval St. .res. ttmb rand materia! for taunmg ' Under hej Treceut change in the system nl labor it become theintres -uf propnetors to part, with a portion of thi ir real estate, and it is the .object of tL is .en lerprise, through agencies in. Boston'rNeW York, Philadel pbia,iialim"rtf, .V ashlnsfion. and otlii-r "chif cities, to bring these abundant ..resource of-the ?fate't the notice . f men of energy and cktiital. U get together. tbe.sdler and the bnver, and . totd in starting JJrtlj 4rojna in a career of prosperity hi i e'ofore unknown. ; v . r ' The Advbbtisbr vriil b' furnished free of charge; to alt customers and t o'beis at one dollar per 'annnmi' The' first samber.will ba issued by this C'st ief 4aly or abnner,. if the p and necesarr material already ordered,'Caii.be proenren from New Vi rk before that tinie .Those desirous to advertise m -the fiistjnupibr will. please communicale to tb" odetsfhed at Ouet- Moderate comthissirtns wi!i ae charged wbete sale are made. " .Ralejgb, N, !. EXCHANGE 11(TEL, ' lflLLBpbSTfiEt,1:f. ,. :.. o . .JtALlLJIGir,- N..3- . raiHIS POPULAR HOTEU SITUATED ON -THE FI I net Sireet in Ihe beanlirut CHjr'of 0ks;T has ready earm-d the rHpuiationnder hrfjiianajjemeotoX its experituced Piopri tor?), of being-the best Hotel n ?he Sinth. It is located within a few Jyarda of the State .Cap itol, and in near the bmrineaa pan of the City ' ' f ;f If pleasant d clean! b da, a- liberal rabe, and respeet ful and attentive sei vantarirrll make guest. c mf. rtab1e, thfisoMi bacounted oni at thexchange .Hotfil. - r . Randall, a co.ti K September 12. ..; '".?.-.. i,y i 1 Mztf : .i;G.,YiiEiLWRirxHTl.ca:v: , Shipping and CommI8lon Merbattts, "' ' "'" 113 Wall St JSaw Yob.. t . 1 v," j ' Cotlpn, ;Tobacccr, Njarai StoresKAfSk AT.yeceivad4tt- 'Signroent. . " !; 1 i: i'.'i.mw.- v?yrM i';' ' A member of the house ts now in Raleigh pnrcliasjig Cnttiw- A'l persona deMrtng to se1lf witrdo ! 4fl ca.ll on O- D tox". at thtireof P. . A Wl)E. . Ctat'an ;the South side of Hargett Street, next Eaatfof Wil4ias-A Haywtide-,c;-.irt.rf''t. fl"..--L ? kt.l'- U ; ; Septtriberg ; , . h : ""lrr? TWO OR THREE JrTjjf BER "tlNE BOOT and Shoe- "Makers' can find cohstanT emptoment at g.-wat.'Wrweai,fcf'aaFtoyV' r, H v f-- i S!WiiB - V .t m fc-Vxi ' J r r rA raa XEGS OF -2r;ASORTJl5f iSIZESffJR ; sale by W 'R Andrws 3 ?ln J" ft'jtl irwJjiH-J!0w8 tfi : September 18. .viznAn t . i WOflD l.i vWtDOD ! ! ! . . aV3U1 CWISKtT ' K08 O...R 41jD3iPgED . Cords of Kl ; Ofck Ijdte'n.Mli8 T" be 3e'iv:nd immentatety Appiy ai me -manaara omce tor tiiriiier.iniorujaijivu. . September li I 't SPPt GRpjQfUlJ ES, &a F t0V Wi GyOO CIGAIt CALL AND SEE LEE'S LARGE STOClt 'IWRpD FROM iJATANA, CUBA. I r;i;:;;.l:::o:. 1 : ; TOBCuS OF ALLK1N US ! Batter, Cheese, ' ' : Sugar, Tea, Coffee, i " A GpaEAL ASSORTMENT OF i AT WHOLESALE AND HEX AH. 1 .,, IMPOUl El AND NATtVB ".' Wines and liquors S6M to Officers and responsible CitizJ K ,L Bottle. ; P! ': ; 1 '' - . Ol.n ST A Mil -i FayetteFille Street, one door trow th Crei ' of illorgan. Raleigf-, Keptember 8 5 ?. '!: ' 1J7" 'j CLOTUIERjAXb MEHGHAKT TAILoA, i : Fayeiumiie St., Kaleih, fti M 17 OULD REPECTFULLy iNVIfu! THE ATTES' " w lion ot al hia ctiMii aalced stock of ! , ,'"'"P8mi BKpAD bLUTII, , i , ' ii; ; ; , DOESKINS, t ! . of allkinds, and!p.rticn:.r:;ohJ CASSER i IMPORTED GOODS. ' . J Ganik. ii b. madeupin the best and latent ftl Its mi reusi.nsito trius.i " ' 'Hrt. t..tk i.f Redyajfade Cloininar, auitabla for an aes is v. ry arge awd wiii hep complete by new weekly ar.rira's 'iium Noi?.hero cities. - J 7 Ue ao keeps large assortment ot Gents Furnishing ucU an detcriptious Shoes, t oois. Hats, and a g .od manv other , articles too OAJiaeruu to mention. i sep vmber i?. - ;126. u IVlfcGOBB&SONS. OENEIUL COMMISSION Norfolk, Va. .. .;v;";.: j P AftTIOULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL: kinds of Hoi ibACarbiina Produce,' , Baraaascts: , l , Jfibn Pool. Eq . Berne Co.. N. C. - Gee. W. Brooks, Elizabeth City, N. C. : . .Win. il. B.gley, .' .Gen. Wm. E. Mann . I. "1 'Bo'-resa,' Han-fson A Co.. Norfolk. Va. John Wiiliuuis A son, Baltimore, Md. August j, ;i WOOD J WOOD ! ! WOOD ! ft I WE WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR I 10 Cords pine Wo. d, ; s" Coios Oak., r hick.ory, ' ; To bedelireied here within the next so dvs ' ' s- , . , " ' B P WILLIAMSON A CO. Raleigh, September 9 . 123 if WANTED. fWlWO FRESH MILCH CO Ws$ AT. THE EXCHANGE jm.. noiei. i : 1 ! i RANDALL A CO. Raleigh, September 2S. " ';' lay ll - 4 . LEATHER. . ; . SIDF-S SUPERIOR RUSSET lEATTfER,. . 2o do , Extra JSolo do 5 dozeoX'aif Skins. ' At B P WILLIAMSON A CO'S, 1 ! September 2T. "188 if , . I,,,-,. 0 , .. . . ,. ATTLTIO ALTS! H E R E 1 YOU ll CHAN CJ K ! f A Foil and Complete Histoiy of the War in ! '--i--r ' One-Volume for $4,50 1 We are at lasi enaMed to meet tbfc wants of the gnat mass qf the people by xifferitig t his new work wh'ch will contain J0"t feOoc'oseiy printed octavo, pages, (including uiosirationsi emoet isned . wjtn .nniuerous aua beuUMlul steel plate engravine an"d valuable muns. and bound m American Moniccii, gitt back, and sprinkled edges for 4 W) Disabled soldiers wih hud Vothis a rate chance for profi"-. table employment. Scd for leni in the AMERICAN PUBLISIIIQ AGENCY,' : , 6UC Chestnut Stree:, Philadelphia. : September 26.:" " T" ; .. . 187 tf . tt "" .... DRT GOODS. .TT" -j ' 1 865; - 1865. ; We w!d respeettully call the attention of the Trade o onr very oon piete sioca or,. . , -.. - i ; . FANCY ANU STAPLE , - ., J , : - FALL, AND WINTER PR fw (jQO PS. ' which" we are now prepared to. offer at t ,"-.T.:t - ..Is'- .,. . T . 1 at prices which j we teel assured will, compare favorably, with thftse of aov ofher mat ket.J tf!u -' ' ;J ! i The g'juis were selected apd- purchased by Capt i ED WARD GRAH AM, Whosp fot g experience in the business ha qualified him to select goods gitHab'e to tha trade; iaceof business onhaaecend fl .or of i : -" Nos. 70, "si and 83 Sycamore Stref, ,j where Capt. KDWaKD GtiAliAM and Mr. JOHN Mc- NKECE will-be ihannnr,to IseTTTlctr oldTrienda aiid.lbe trade generally. - ..!... ., t ., v WdLWAINEACa I lil AS TAKEN V RO U -M AJTiRENTLEY : B V GRH Ai p fV.w La t"n. iC'rtifed; or. neaj JJanyiRev Va . anont tne 1 tn t Anl at, a uream (;oiored Mare, whit maneaad twr,! whitf sif in forehead, fine st leand action. Waa jwaa eew n wossfSSioB V.f SM ; J V Edmondaih. In Greensbono'c jPf. 0k The above reward will be paid for the eterjtbtnrflr. v Septombet 87.' f8 n Jle-NO'WCEa-" . (. u c.s tu,r;2:4 vi$ and Leasinir Real Estate. ar - ' imi4aae ReatEstt:.ra lirritad to"!', aooa the sob- scriber at his -Hotel. onVcbe aoraee. of Wihnuwtoa and if give entire saffsritetiim-' " " ' ' $8efdg an welt kflown to the eit-M-of Ralaicb and Waka Ooty, v theiadvrwgned , bP s Jer wil I , not - be itafaa to P pu ineipoui,ncf.s in niRimnan. s utu. t -uyuivJS .... -. rAgent fqr Wiifce CMlnt'of the'PioneerLatid 0tn.' 'SfeptembrJj!,.A6if? .R. V -ttf"1 A: GpOtt AN I CONY $$i IENTLY, 4AA'E i(TY . Residence, j Apply imv.ediakly to -" , :" .- iWf JJATTLE, HfiCK AC0 jr, -pnwfta '';!'-'i !4i fi--.!... ioi fteaatatNA f efgbeJEnpe 171. i tKree'-Sftridrea jDorda of "Wootf WattteS.-3i rtol6VatSi wtLL BE REEIVEP. FOttijTrPHEl 'J-yilairWliriekoVi an Oak Wawdb.a ; T. -ai be dlivei ed at the Yarbo'oaeb Hose. osier bpfitratba Mswt xnnooeav'uo T jrttnjat.fliroier, quanes ;il,l rejl . Mo tl.iPfe MiMMjr.x'! it, m efrRSr 7T3 5 ,f r atOf ;!jjf 44-4a mfe iTR-f RBCKIVEOnwflw It -P. WllMAMMn to .ayeitTUi? P'eei : uayieatreets, Kaieign, , Q.. wjio promise to gve tpe i tajsnieVs'his jr)piptatt6ntioniin'r spars . no pafo fifths i wmetmtj'e utm fo I f "gjl 1 A. WBlf AsrCR HAS JUT RECEIVED'AlrrjTH. aLJ er lot of new go.,d embracing all aorta of Ssefnl FAMILY SUPPLIES, togetaerwidi an aaoortonent of ' GENUINE OLD LIQUOIISr 1 CHAMPAlOKfi, : 5:..:.:.--..--i- ;:;..'lt ft fclf O ! , ;.3,r,:te:, t, .C051GSES3 BOTJIiBOS WiilSKET, OLD PORT WINE, ;!. SHERRY, CLARET, Aa . .! Mii'.f. vam otf-W OLD HENNESAY LONDON DPC BRASSY .sjjr lis VINTAGE OF 1840, Ac CHOICE LOT HAVANA CIGrAI1 'Seclt f:.i ai: i a A , i Foranythrng la the way of firsl rata Groceries, Provisions Lijin(rs, Ae .1W l ' E. A; W fIITXKEH,A fc-vi iT .w loiarqir Call on At his o id stand on Uargett BtreeV Engtish Letter" and Demi' Paper. 4 - 7t.; . U..,ij .,-!., . H .. if. wnj&jh. , ?1 00 esin jrbite.ise Lcltsr redi : "1 ;- a IK) wlme ia d IVtni ersrultd- Knr fiftlp bv lltf rpiim iv. rkp ' fiealers wotivti do well 10 c'f and examine. Bnyers' by ; the quaiitity4an secuta ai great bargain t - f. -f .-'ifestft E. A, SViilTAKEjt '..jBaleigh.Heit. J4, v DU U E. BURKE WA,V ERS HIS PROFESSU.'NAL 8KRVrt;E.t.!T4i'itfE ttaen o Haieiiih. Office at his rWdesnce.: j Cll Mar 542. lt CJOTTON ? COTTOXt!M Cd'rl'O'i' lf ANTED IMMMJf ,TKL. so BALr WitWrfW tyv.nJj; j f;Ta9:ftWliLUAMsJ5ieO Ralfcigli, September 15. PROFESSIONAL. WR EDWARD WARREW, -OFORtWoAROLIN A, aRREN, iinaMrJiv JaJr has. removed, ieuipo4riAv the ettfrbl tttftaaore. where he will practice hi.- profession iu all of Us liriiicbrs and gre rspecial aiteniiw ) Snrgeri Hp wH atsii pre- pare yoang men fur gradnatioo in Medicine or tor voter Ag ' the Armv or Narf. . - . , . 1 - ; Offiee 48 0ran4 'Street. 4ttt;fcf !! 4 ft .' JO ilEWA,KDi.,55 S7BAYEDiOFJS'EAR ICif AJBffllbf AjWNSt deep Bay Hore rather lng4 bodud, j ybands iph; abi-ut 7 years oid. branded 8 on the nee ana A on . the leftttbalder, orjr an od brand O. H ; W baa last haan he was on "the road to Fayetteyfl le. The above reward w4F be psd for. bis'delhrery to me at this ptaoe ' 1 p'"""' Raleigh, September 8, 6S. $75 REWARD. ii ai vr irn a u'l- 1J 1 STOLEN FROM MY STaBLES, IN RALEIGH,-ON the nigbt nf the ltfth; a large S-rrel Horse, hile fnoa and white hind lec-i, a'JJilWe While on lira let fore? t at aborVi the hoof, fie" has ihaiks lo harness . in iiaa., ilia tforeUp is crit Ahio a fine McClel an blaek H.dilie and Bride- A reward of twtmlx-fure dollars will be paid Jor Jhi- h rse fend saddle, and fi ty dollars firtbe apnbnaiaa Of the ihief. -! j 1 ' SION 'a: ROGERS SHIP BROKER i Parrlnar atl erttibn paid ti " huf ing Gt -enifih.' ions. Hardware, Ac, and. advances mderoponwAHna of Cotton. Rosin, Ac i , .' , . . t -.t?Sptetnhr-. v.0 . Jtt-9M SelsuBscladi'EKSB hJIx ttofinael vet dragetBer nodr t5 4y4a lot'"-- p -r' f Jor tbei nnvfr oF condoconir m WlMlertll ad' He- tall Dry Goods Itusiness and have Vake the, ainr Nr. l4HytaTTiore Stieet, for inanV year tecnpied .bv Geo. ti: Dnvitfc - Irore tbev will be arepaTed .kuiXMat.taAMt Sth of September a large and varied, assort taeoit jif STA ,Tfj8Arr FAi : Y DKY GOOM ' Therefipectfafly k Irom i0eir jnnas ana rne pauiic geoerany, in iioersjt patronage so long extended to jtbetoldrnjapf -.sl ft Thwr long exi-eriencein the Drv Goods Bastnesala "tbts ctv, thir perfect iuainoee wifb be'1w ib Tne Virginia and Jtortn tJaMtiw.iv VwaaanajJpowttawfla. ci lities for obtaining ffoods, justify them in ar fig ther - will be enabled o"T.fteTTTOUenTe nna- qua!!ed by any bouse in ti7!C j A ' .1 Are particularljr reqnested to examine onr stock, as wa aredeermined to'ffer-lbem Goods as lw.Mhey can be bought in tbe South" J .iR'IIniAYlH,vH.!v9i ' " " " ' "' ."-JO DRAKE, i .: ;T 2nii!U ' 'xvGEUSGE'B-'DAVISVr .Petersburg; Ya,Sapt,jay j , ...Ji . mJ DOZ Efi - A X ES: ! ',n.m-K? o -saubo 1 ,iini pounus o .t ana n w ith, j - .. ... I,.,, nm in ..; f.fifi itJiW . tf0 y UPi,aiiioic op(in.p!jHS tiYAjfifrffitn tober. " I wOoid prVfer ope not 'vbiins;er" than: wen!T- ftior teaia or f3? tseldJdt4''mg(nAii 6WiWfy atficL-ijAny fedy .who .cyeaertbyye, iiaifigio aitnation. cm Dt-ar of H(i bv nailo-mtr 1 ' Referecas gi'eti and' required. ttitru fere Jbl e'is lw' ,TUMYn ir.Vixfifir'iP- rkr.ita t.iirhrvir is K RM0VE1 TO THE LATE GEN mAXCB'S OFi flee, -on Hiilbrottnet 1 Special ataMba teWa? n atter. Will attend all the Federal Courts ol the State,, Tbe,Gpvenment having fstab'ished ils-JJoard bt War :taima ai- w?sinitjf 100, iiv-ciai a 1 ten 'on g hi mo prompt and ihoirt jf.e)tioO of feacbtaa arejeommit- Ifd to the care of this efflce, , , - . ' RE, If AIL ROt AfiP SHEET JROHi rOdlh LBS0 WIRE,- RUNNING FROM fltt ,,J6 " ,1 oa j aw, rwwi won, y. . ; , , j a-fcJii f om ,0tX) 2,tO0 f0 Plantation Iron. to IaAaw'Waav Horse ShcIrpn.. j v 'l, !TSboveI PlaTe In For salak -.Jo5 P: WlfcLrAM0rW.. L-;j . Commtssioa Marahaatavri'' lel-Ab)rf. .ilet?. ..i-llM I Oil' - At BTWlLliAMSOSA a tajaWr-tii" -' ' ..V-1-'' " fWr-T?i Ai LBS BAUOS wAMS, BRIGHT, TT a. I- . a'M&fll rf'----n-. I ; ksnid;aib.?i'dw' onciewtefiK? i aa . " " - - J . ' jfeVtM ' s i & rkliU'rdriW-ea t i.SJlif ii W DFTWR: THEO RY! ES ()F '-Vk TctOtOUCTHLY V4ju3if?ed t teacH'fh En Hift'elH!s:rFrVnel-ind I. -91 3.wf Itega.w wiaw nr-C" "1 ' 85 pM fts-eackr . f,T dfeci 'r IM .a I . .a,..Wial Jliaa TMf!!,l aC4F OlIKV IU (lliiro , - -Jr . 1. :a. 6 t a r'; .iiga' A.r.bCarohBa Hawi i siOlbs rt h-n"de r --'Voaaalab I B- P -WILLIAMSON j v' Cununiasio. ,r: '. -c t .&. 1 J I 1 1 -1 1 - i ' 1-: 'J! Stembsri. Saptambar ti. I ' ' . 185 4w SaJaigh,tf.&,Sapt.xa. 1M-Iaa 123-tf Raleigb,Aguit. 7 5, EaUigh, August 80, . -ii'-" ' .1 .1 ixm-y.,-.