rm. '-, ' .v -.it wANN "T J 'l J'Op. 'H. HOLDK5. Editor of the StawrforaV Printers to the Convention, and ' anthorixed Publishers of the Laws of the tint ted States. Political Northern cup the Rlertlnna. GEOBOS L. HATHAWAY, Business and Traveling Agent for the North-Carolina Stan "u5r.r5a? rfMP?yW4 Mr. Hathaway will vlslfH )MBeiM8W-!rthica6iliia. Virginia and Chrani1 Massachusetts votes IbiGoveraor Snd Lwoten nt Governor, and (the usailjSutiofficerson the first Monday in next November. How, much hope the so called Democi, eren opoa beir amended platform, may indulgeljh regard to Massachusetts, mav be ascertained from the following reoort the-l I 81 nnual election: majority for LincolD,-?7,tf7- . .--New York elects tier State officers by alurality vote, everyrtwqyears. Great interest at tht result of the present campaign, which , ..i.6tu. iruw Aurope onngg us addition etrcOncerfhgniSges Ifo. .wful epi, deinicj.few ofiour citftentr now? 1 Jiw ....ft T -m .: m. , . " " I WflW V WUBBBwW Us IS V r r WsSMMRBBMBa mm i It n 'i - i - --- - - - ' -S U I fffftll. ' tr7itnFt?PK 10 coiBinenee. in the CitT s a : CANNON HOLDN. ifrViiJUleigfc; September tSd, Je8 ! xI-lbb C. Railroad, will receive any subscriptions placed ia his hands tor this paer. Ow nindaea the Uneof the N. C. Railroad are thus enabled to!fsead money to as by a Laws of thb united states. ,V ufiaAaeeeired the heessearr authority, inst motions and patnphleta, we Will commence the regular publication of the taws f the United States Immediately. : MEMBERS OF THE CONVENTION i Who may desire to receive the StakpaRd daring the session, at their desks or at their boarding houses, will please notify us tasiafaitlj?.- Prfc eTAe BiMai'tlnrkg1 the. session, 80 aentt each week. ' made the necessary arrangements for toll,. dally ts 2f f.ihf i0fei,"i,e Coaveathm. -.; ' ,U : " Tfco Convention. -The Convention asseinbled at 12 olocfc in the Common's Ua.V-aod was called to border by 'Mr. Thompson, of Bertie, who had been appointed tem . ltytCliiftmJhy attjitiformal meeti"nky prVvious ly held. - :"f. I '. & fff ittee-oa credentials was tppointed, and P3 bundred"delegates appearing, were qoalifledf.";"' iDted to do the same thinga piece of generosity which has bjKSn-UPP.thein W wfcalvnrktinatA baa formidable split in their ranks. ' The result of the last election; in 186 in Newark, was as follows: fresidenti-Union- majority, ' 6,749. Governor--iUnipnmajojnty,8,23. . - : $pz Ne Jersey elects her State officers, by a plurals ty vote, every three year. Her general election takes place On the first Tuesday in November next. JNW Jersey is the only free State in which Copper headism has been, boldly and ateadilyavowofby , the Democrats, and -sustained by the people at the polls. In the present canvass, they runTopeh a platform distinctly anUgonistico President John- son s rewnstruction policy, and carry the weight of -& ..ur.cu lomiii inejoinr resoiutianof uon- gresB fmerutirig. the Constitution of tbe TJnited States by the abolition of slavery. General Run.. y is their; candidate for Governor On the part of th? Un'pnlsts, who have j warmly -supported President Johnson's administration and course in their platform, Hon. Marcug L Ward is the candi date At the last election in New Jersey, McQlel- Pennsylvania elects he Stot AffiMM r.iv.. I Ae terrorithatjtsresepce Infu iJto a people. k JT! WAf anf whos9 midst tanjdreds are hour- T.y' " wi we do not atticTpate personal geMoHbe fnhabiUnt8o the llgh cities ofjbe &Sm&&(& oolSSanffltHaorttfftraWna: w scsgvml ua UU.nhvantJmiu .V.J ..J: . 1 llninrl and W Iff u. i ' r ttt t . ' 01 me oouib, will nevertheless add tooorereat X Por,er earnea tnat Messrs Howard,: Dick, and r vuiiKiancinoDia Rnrrpnrnnii0nf c r i . ;-!- . , n till- a KnKT -ir-'t- urn. - . . - v .tt.twt .-. r-s"---'----"." i un. .iw says the nam- aarnson, a justice or the Peace forhe County of dur in th fifrv 'I AO' aammifcrfto the de legates a . . iT . ' :- O "J t arfwAr-AMt ft ra a.. L. ' ' ' ' ' i j . - - . . o aays prevalence of cholera Were not less than fiftv r tt j o . ' w fBpPort me.cnnst.it it t ion. jpf the uL. "iAl'lv?.! irii iitV w "1,n United States. . j MTSf!! f it i VT?rrrcs 177Z, "st 'T-' i vi01" w winracnce. in tne Citw tr,j.i , i7,"'rrMI -.wcio. ftaoauThos. HaVn -M f-," T ; U lft $ rly te, tb, publication ol t Yancstho MiTcaLG. Tat ind II 7TVIM r e the h!8 practicable po-J . B JI n I K IJ A R R I i-pm,. ww m dju Br.JOf ARlia Knfua :J i-i.ii . i ... w i ;w a iTairJaBdja.fvi ,WWrtniW orauifTord sia HenhlnrnTpS'S '.fHinrt W ofCioclh,, Art, Politics, IJoomJ 7PERIOR ' b LAf R-D RKsa i rti irV 8o4id Colored D-'IiT - fftt'.'W'W eorored." --- w i k iiiuiaurw iiintraiiv mmumi sear . w m t imtih tteoroiwhlvr and imrf. L vuB41iiii- cIm iinnchm Wt, I. ak. . . . . i. ( n uuj iuB enure control of toe work will Ku k j j i , :rV BS tuMunu, inoc-gn TOe-omciarrelurns of the TurkislH . TidelewtiHi r..i;n - k ' J, . . GivmentA.rge.i,th death has barred; amongTCbiT American residents, HonBdSrin GMteade, orPereoTCountywIb wai thM.VJRtiifbflo?.iW: elected by.cclamation. . , M l ' '.,iD 5?? .man requeswa Hons. N. Boydet Alfred Itockent. to jConducUtbe Prasldent .i, v asAbiirn The average morUlitjuwas ixty five per cent of , those aUarkedV while those treated by the mtdcal 1 men of the American missioni only fifteen percent died. The writer said the cholera followed cloWn laws, raging with the greatest severity in the hih. vtJentu. ea.na , most .cleanly quarter- of & ,h gVerdmehl whicKeeT the city, where in previous epidemics not a single t rfcSasttVoi vmo uTOurrcu. x ne mortality amone be in the hands of the Editor 'r kAi. W.-l a circulation which will enlhle liim tncUni i t,a Gtnimbzdmr-! ait which Amaiica and Euronecan afford ; f -toe so-well known in all e Churches for liberal! H V, ?J pLu. i,c"on OI may uubesitatinely be nl into the lamiiiW f nh,... . f7 y oe tne mission rtnia JdJrflal t6 make ai Ohrtstiana see one another in a lovelier lieht taxing tne Uhair, Mr. Read said : ma wjs ykn I'iN . A4 tne repre sentatives of the people of North-Carolina we nre was TlaT tT1- iraiT 01 ?reM rjjlexity toreorgen ttutba3d hy a Europeans . firatiftrit g tov know batr a vvinuous and maen grehter 'after the NdKeaaaflTni ! nwmgpn peoweav.chsje 6odv oCmeri deenne Tthan durinibeigU . ;P.rsons whohad IMS'!?, '"fe0 mu experience, and of fled from tnfectect "aistricti - aVn.rntl. i r. ;r -I.r'TM.uw grave mat- .'. -j i . v, . TT-t-jr?'viiy,"' " re trmrusiea to tnern. I thev ' S liu9Rrtere8ts Of our Annfitiiiicrtte b tu&o... , iK w oe noped that there wilt,b th inflict of . B u. ,mu mat iran k speech and cour- j us mnner8 will distinguish our intercourse; so i7kVj;?"rrr ufr.11 j. pre2?de ow our de venience from Ares Kl Arl frVa avn ,i . . . . - mil vustvicu W UBQ -cni The writer cirerajyf joeen auaQKea as soon as reached their new places of refuge, -adds: : li ,;i i " . . 1 .II '! awd that - the swallows and .several ether kinds of birds deserted the city at the commence ment ot the epidemic, and are only 6w beginning to return atd. I btlieve this to be a.lactflt is i al SO said that the irildintr on iH ! den JJorn and- Bopphorusj has tarn:8hed, especially in those localities whom th ihnior. j a i . " , ...v. (. una latccij musi . miJ v-.i utKc umy one paper, tAia will ?PPl7?lMtsartta tbanJan; other. A Home Gazette, a RenArtnr"nr ir k!1 k.4 -.-- . r :. . J weak cur- .wrauire, a summary of all important Intel-: hgence m, every department of Humantforti a Journal of Progress, an Adtrn r t-u s. "Thw frKCI?d' .QV K-1 s what 1 he; Watchman" IS intended tAk. The Editor has never been a partisan, and expects tne discussion of Dolitics do mainly with its hiirher 1 he only desirable and peananent f7fon of States VAL : feL? r ebo,c aaaortment, Tj-diea and Gema' while Kid Qlorea. Gent enten'a ilk sK;rt. if r'OTe- l1"! ', dierchiefa. Beat Family Lrnia" Cloths.' Genuine Iri'h LiDepa. 4c AxT-' tafeih, Octoa-r MM87 i f -. mad riAthi- n.f- n menf u'l? la.WUnde DaS W- U. A R S. October. B. F.GRADT7 ver CBankS.Hea.!,' ?H and 8iU f7 aaa aee me before joo aelL' i5P 5yetteville(at, J. tb .tore of fl Octobers.- .: -:i s M0UMENT! MONUMENTS : . - '-'TUB 8UBSCBIBER3 -j: ' I KlNdV WHITEI.A W & CO ' IT3EO LEAVE TO INFORM THEIR Ol.n pdVJL MARBLE AND STONE WORKS Oav tkc Barat Block, st iiiitnnu - . SUal, Fayettef lite Strett ; They 4imw pfpaetdS faraish - J MONUME TS, ! "1 i T ir VAULTS, i - ' . i : ; - t. y s iiiflEAmsTONKa ' -! ; ' - r w.-,, , . - SLABS,. - j ;i aVUg associated With mm n. n tav Tr. f THE CddNTRYFandirom.L we have made, we lUtterhrea that w. ean Ihrnish . work in oar line aa cheap aa it can be don. in era city, for proof of which. Call .ad examine imr hZ ranetr oi acMgna ana our list of rieea, , We me also prepared-to furnish' . t 1 c-J" '" s Window"- oaps.-". - -1 - v 4 .Tt t;,t I ' : DOORSTEPS. &a.c As toeoatractlarall kads of ' :f i CUTTING SND STONE MASONRY. Jao. Kno,; T ,r . Jjio. .KaitaLaw. w p BEFEKS TO " ' GaoJW. lloaBBoit: Esq.. R n v..- Baioos A Dodo,' ' P Battlb. E,n .... f y v":vuw ia a anion upon the basis of an af JeetionaU reception of fundamental political or """ rciiKioug inizna with I J.""' n? wno n8 heen called to presid j hberationsiUv fid bi Jit0 incbt ! h lack of experience. lanawfll'hVa Ii J(a T"? He hMtonored, abe 4ly (desires jo do.!for its Ieuime octs years. Her general election, when onlv auditor gen eral and surveyor general are to be chosen, is on .Sft fc' elected President by; ac- I the fecond Tuesday of October next. In this State, wcrjr, ine pemocralic le ders have ta ken extreme Copperhead ground, and yet have been enabled io secure two soldiers as their candidates for State officers. The Union, party, more consistent, ly, haee endorsed the President's policy, and have nominated two of the ablest and most conspicuous heroes in the Uon army. The result of the fast ..cv.n tn,s great fctate, was as follows : Presi- . were thirty four deaths, from -bis cause, apd on the dentj Union majority, home vote, 5.712 : armv, 4 9tbi fortv had neen .IpM. .i u llSfia Ti.l onW . n. ' !. J . ... ' vU-. M.w-u.Y. ' It I Bn -s ' w.f BU V. U1UIJ a.e I severely. The a.imnW h, he i;. r L f e?-cuizens, ve ore aoina horns. tiefer foowrf more berfect eHn ( ct'?n8 our late separation, and pleasant Let. painful tarnation. Mr. Jas. H., Moore, of Halifax, was elected Principal and Mr. C. Badger, cf Wake, As liatant Clerk, by a unanimous vote. ', ,r ;Mr,,iR 'H. Kingsbury, of Forsythe, was elected Principal and Mr. John H. Hill, of Randolph, As sistant .Doorkeeper.' Mr. T. H. Hill, of Wake, was elected Enrolling Clerk ; and Messrs. Cannon St Holdeo, Printers to Abe Convention. Cl.j r The Committees to wait upon the Governor; and 10 -Prepare rules of, order for the goveromenTof the Convention were appointed. - ' Tbe Convention adjourned until to morrow '12 o'clock.- ' ; ' - ""vqmckenur footsteps .IT:" 7i:-?:rn? !W grasp i hi iinnu oi r nendnhin which tmnAa . K i hard Pie. POT two months before thn ohnla. .k. health of the city was better, than it bad been for ' r Tv "c " wilier nas remamea tne same dor .. l : r"r bwhiu ine me1 the onlHam.. .K- . tr '""""""w door: and, sheltered bv tb M k.j - o vu!. tudi 1 1. wns uk i re. j nave care iwiw-vi, wmuu fully read the description of the cholera in- Woo7a 711".'.! t"d.h?s eatheredt he storm. ineory ana Practice of Medicine," and it isiwonder BV"r . wnS gnt tuJure which awaits fully correct, although the treatment of the disease touh ' , , " . ' . " ' ; bere recommended, is noCas a Whole.tthnn1 SfC 'f.WWori. nde wmcQ i snouid recommend, j i i i-,. ;.J -. F rom Marseilles the news of the cholera does not ehqw the hoped for dirounition. On -the 8th there iwi tne gnyiance of Infinite Wisdom, and "the 1 iTir TkrCul ProvWence, which I. earnestly in f I. V Convention, and lor each individual member, I invite you to the calm consideration and ; TWB" which are : r""npo'T buu Iiappir . .Judge Underwood's Decision. -r Judge.'Joha W. Underwood, presiding itf ftie Vailed States ' Utrict Court now in session at sAlexandrit Va.;says the Richmond Republic, has rendered a decision upon the application of Francis Ly Smith, Esq , a former member of the bar of Vir ginTa, to be admied.tOf practice in the above named vourt MK Smith Asked to be admitted to practice ineioatat' be Tud'noi aided the' rebel-' Jionainea b received his fult pardon from the Pre sident, in;juno last, assuming that the Tact of Jan-! uaryr865,:requiring an oath that he had never .aided the rebellion was an t post ado law, and herefore unconstftotional, and that tbe pardon un sS)'1?6' ' 50n8.t alioh'absblutely "cancelled all former: jcts ,f disloyalty, Judge Underwood held that fwiless the ipplicant could take tbe bath required by the act of Congress above referred to which HK'.SmUb saysrhe cannot do he could not. be ad mitted to practice in that court The petition was' accordingly reused. This case decides a number of applications loVblch ttieWe reasons are as-1 TheiBoardjof Engineers have-made majority, 15,325 Ohio electa her State officers every two years. The next election takes place on the second Tues- uy ui vciooer. jpiotning eould be stronger and more explicit than tbe declarations of tbe Ohio Unionists inj favorj. of .President Johnsoii and his policy, and nothing is 'more certain than the elec tion of their ticket by an overwhelming vote. Here, as rn New York, the Democrats have gone to pieces in the effort of one wing to bre-.kloose from the "v" u,e 'cinyes ot tne other, and the peter 'biHiation'oT ihi Jatter Wt to give up its recod The (result of the last election was as follows : Pre sident; Union majority, home, 28,107; soldier's. oi.c&i. lotal. 59.418. SecTvf r Q..f-.rr: 26,619; army, 28,152.. Total, fedj that a case has occurred at the village of Cabris I , asserted to arise from some linen which had been used by a cholera patient which had han Bunr rkawa. , - w.v.t sjvif fwa c ; I f t-v i -ma - ' ints tact, if efttahlifihori n.,u Kk af;A::"rwr.ei i Mr. W nnmmw'- J'es H Moore of Mecklenburg Cwnty. who was unanimously elected. tin mntmn Af vi aO.u m w. . most important as teridirfg to Drove that in rt..-Ji' vent inn lr5ivW- conditions .t least, cholera is contagious, At Bar n Mr. Caldwell of mkTii ceiona me oisease is increasing, On the, 29ib there tf p " v'omity.so were twenty eight fatal cW and 00 fhe 2d Va' ' n" of Csswell sa logna, and it Luccra. 1 home, majority, 54,751. , West Virginia e cers for two years. Jects her Governor and State offi- The next general election taken F.t0 ii me iourtn . inursday of October. The resuhTat the Presideptial election Was a Union ma jority of .12,714. j - j near.' Naples, there were on '' thej 3d nine cases and five ileafbs. . : ; r p K", '' ' ' T The Marseilles papers publish accounts from Suez, which itate that' iU Cholera was "making nu merous victims there. A general panic bad arisen among the mn rmnlnfui t hA j .t docks, and three fourths of them bad fled. The ' company were making 'great1 exerfibng io fill their ! , places, but tbe work will be delayed for'it least I three months. 1 ' tion, Mr. rning the relefif, merits if the. -Algonquin and gmccskj.., Jbe. report states that tbe economical tperfoftf.nee of each vessel was equal, that the ar rangetnent of the Wfnooskfs machinery is the aim. $$ffi$& ntPWi$ Pod itsecpflomy ofTuel equalto that givan by-the very complex e "n tfJty AJgonquiq. -wci :i-r ' here. wilLnbwt be sikea race between tbe two wats. The superiority of the Wintt'-L'Ii.IijL inonairated, leaves no doubt as to tbe result Mr -rekerson hail lost h engines nd failed to make food, his promiseeyJWe are sorry for him, and glad aL. S.'Hrats built for the government MWTy department4 are " of so .uperipr an.d.;e5onomical a character. ' The result 4hua far aa been as -we suppled it would be.: ' ? - - ' -MexicoV I'-.:- :;-.A7 From Maxieowf ;have advices cfeontitfued fight, ing and uncertainty. The beroic city cf Mataoras' M mJ besieged by! the jiberal: dnder General Escobedo. ;;Tbere' garrison -of eighteen hurf dredmen in fthe city, And the attacking force con aisteof twenty five hundred br three thousand then, exclusive of Cortina's predatory.bids.- Ectent ly handled, the imperial troops should Isuffice 1o bcldtbacityrbut the JuarUts think so meanly 0f jTPTSr" general in command, that they assert "T!a!i-'" Bm'Hunit5on, they xjouM, yrry the Mylby storhi. The.republican forces had captured the little town of Catorzo, in Leon, and tecared mBsketry and ammanition. ' Mbreovef " quaintly adds th -officer itr command, tha mer chants of that city furoishedlne $18,)00 for tbe nse of the troops." At thopass of Cabras the Juaflsta also claim to have defeated fim bundred imperial wts with two hundred cavalfv. ind: papers makgk an-d entirely; deny awi - - r.np-r.r., -"iy,ueny inese sjBC- 1 eaaes. Juare is at Chibuahua---;fb .Li$ I aDdnen'--' -;'--v ""2 i , , Tbe Wirx Tilal. The defence has been entered bv Wir'. rtnnpl It is now attempt ed by his counsel to remove the blame from him to Winder. The following testi mony was taken on the 27th : ; Lieutenant Heath, of the Third Georgia Reserves , was called for the defence, but his evidence told the :other way. He cdmitted that be had seen Wirz take from federal prisoners half the vegetables they had bought i Dr. t'asten gave negative evidence, stating that he had never beard of j Wirs mkltreAt ing unsonera nnri nF i , . - i ""j """i ui biarvattonor emaciauon. Colonel Persons pave testimony tend ing td shift the blame of the atrocities proved to have been committed upon " Hog Winder.," He assert d that Wirx suggested the removal of the hospual out of the stockade, but that- Winder de clined la permit tjhif to be done, and also tbat Wirs protested against Icrpwding more prisoners into the AnderSonville pen, and expressed great displeaure at the meagreness of the supplies , He never heard ot thirty days' furloughs being given by Wirs for shooting Union prisoners. All lurloughs over sev en days were given! by General Winder. In like manner he never heard of undue violence being practised by Captain Wnz, , B At the conclusion of thi witnpc.'a i..l. courts adjourned. - -"- a. i . 4i ThO Shenaudoah. Resides the-Americad vessels in' pursuit of the S5BMdoab;s therelare eight British ves$eMl. The French vessels Jin the Pacific are also expeeeted to look for her. The Shenandoah wiH hot long uucjvuc viguance ot the combined navies of the world. j . Libels DlmiMii. Since the openfng of the United States nia.f Court it Alexandria, Va., on Monday before Ust tbe libels against? seventy eight persons were dia misbed jipon the payment 'of. costs. Amotfg them were the libels against Henry W.! Thomas mrf w D Cone:15' - .-:..- : ' it.t. Ft i 3 "T . e stea IIIIIXOO'; f cn the 12th Amv sf rv.- ot November. ISDhlILl " sioiei fjoert. TJie session of this coari' neretof: Jili wv w uviucn m tuenmond rrfiabee HondsyriSth mm before ttiis court wifl, not. tb9 change pf day' .: . Rational Bank, Vau , - 1 The ftllowin gentlemen h,.- uA-Va" r rsT r it. p . -- 'sa .pnosen .oQx- --.h win go into ettea ia that , EUROPE. -'K-Cuba arrived i at FTsli&v day, wjtb European-advicesto-the 17th inst- - - LZTT Dksen fairly scared out of all proKMety by the Femari movement arwl 1-A..u2. !JWuUb M ,r ti,e arm7 of two. 6ub. ; 1 y"m .uion uau aireaay landed On his, Shores;. Gen. Sir Huh . Rn- JL.' j i loaian rebellion by shooting tbe 1 Sepoys from the f .moMl!?y,?'io-oaitoana of the British troops1 , ' : fc v I I? Ireland, ahd' has under him a force which our Uu.felia.cbrresponaent estimates af nearly seventy-ferHbeBineiU- A sweep has been made UDon 'h uiw "l.a "'-frr''"' weesiy newspaper. irOKTH-CAROLINA STATE COB VENTJ0H. Monday. October 2d iSfiS The delegates elect to the State Convention sem.led in this city.Uay ,n the hall of the House .of Commons, at 12 o'clock, M.- . ...... Mr, Lewis Thompson, of Bertie County, wan call ed to the Chair and Mr T, ft: Cs dwell, of Suike County, was chosen Secretary pro Um Mr. B F. Moore, of Wake bounty, moved the ap pointment of a committee to cbn-ist of threes dele gates, to examine the credentials of delegates prior t0i !!f lua,,fiotion. This motion having been ffopted,-the Chair a ppof nteoTVessrsT TTH Win stoni TV K. Caldwell and R.JB,; Powper, as commit tee bo credentials. ; r i . Thexomn.ittee aubnentlyjreportedl aa present tbe following delegates, viz : l " AtiAMANCE Giles Meban& hr i .f.kn xxr ' --. AtsxAKOBR. Mr. Stephenson. . A won Messrs L L. Polk. W. C. Smith. ' L;?RVU0!!VK- 8- Donhen. E Warren. iwia tnompson, John PobL BLa den Duncan Kelly. - Brunswick. Daniel L. Russell Sr : BbKC vbb L L Stewart ' I ' - ! BpkKBV-Tod R. Caldwell, t ' i ' CXBARRus Dr. L S Bingham. ''Z, I C amd kn Dennis D. Fervbee., r CaRTSRET--James Ramlev O ASWELI' "on-; Bedford Brown, Montford,' Mc- : ' Catawba-Dr. J. R Ellisl , V ! Chatham - G. P. Moore. Robt Love. - Ohowan Dr R. H.:: Winborne. Colcmbps A. J:! Jones. ; - ' r-i.s . :lrke; :Hoo-1 Mitt.-E, Manly;, fiS hA -,0KHABHWT--"NeiU McKay, Hon. Ralph K BuxUm. D G McRae. - . s i? ! 1 DAvibsow-Hendeiwn Adorns, S. S. Jones.1 ; Davie D M. lurches. ' gj"M-Re.; D B NicbolsonV Wm A.' AUen. Edoecokbb and Was-.jf-John Norflee? FoRfiTTHE-I G Lah. D. H Starbuck. - v FHANKtwi-p. H Winston; Jr. " ' : Gaston-pr. VViHJam Sloan, j : 'P' ' Gates Henry Will?sj, . , '' v ' . Greene R J. wqiiams. J -.'i'-i 1 G.AiirdJ.:v Caldwell,: Jonathan Hirrli ; , Halifax El ponigland, . WJW.- Brickell. -r HATWeob W G.TB.' Garrett, - - - k8or AND TitANiTi.vANiA A. H Jones. Hhtfokd Richard G. Cowoer HiJone. VSfenS.0Wi5. JJ J ' 5 IitpDELu-Joha u. McLaughltnl S R. BeH ' Jacksok-J K .iaier'Wf. JoflNBTON"- Wis.; A ' R T n 1 w,uuuu,iU, ww X. Vf. cjimmqns. urMi V LSHOIJ-.R. W. King. Lincoln W. P -Bynurnv Mici.N R M. flehrv. m MlDrsoNG, rtr, :Gahagait:j . wAKfiN Jesse it mbbs. ,, MOlowELk Alney Bdrgin. :chard Hon. Bedded Brown of Ciwell said that he bad r2 an ..nnAnn nrown Tt MAHiiav. r i . iiS&S thi8P.nent-bnd wwnot a candidate for any office in the gift of the Conven- tfr Caldwen of Rurfce. said there v v,nU mantjf the iim1riJ'Wen-if Counts and Mr Caldwell of GuSlfofUm that there was yetno,ne.Roi.tnename residing in Guilford, but n Wether he was a ""didate or not I y w. Baoer'wss unaniroouPlw elected. On motion of MrL Grimmm "h n 14: ceeded to the election rth& ZZTW Mr Grissoni jfibVotpated; ajrlck;? McGowan, of Mr. Starbuck nominated H. B. Kinsbury, of reor W&! nomfnayte1 M? Ml" llama, of We, Mr K Kingsbj Mr. Moore .iiwi.., ana a generous absence of alt fa utic,Sm, ana strire in regard to what is not essen tial to DOlitlcaL commnn Ml a. o;-:....i . Into this happy unity the Watchman will labor to 4 wunin toe reacn of its influence. jvuiuai will a Horn nnmmnn . fiTOund fnr Rnnttiaon - -11 ... d- ii , . - : u iuu -p ur peupie m onev ponton 'of Hhi South i lOrtned nf the ftantimar.fa .a sntsKfiuicum maiia wmwa aw va-a m otber partav It will present to other aectmnef United States a clear view nf K. ,vra.,- people. It will, thus secure to the South support without promoting sectionalism. f 1 Many reasons anneccessary to state have led many influential persons to tbe belief that the ml terests of the South and of thn hAi.w.., L.:iti be greatly Dromoted by issnino th n..M..-j. ! New York. 0 The Price cut a 2 y? i.' J f 1 -or Me frai A month. No subscription re-l cerved for less than thrae or mnri ik.n inese terras allow one cnKcik. . , - r norm ana south. Writn 'r.iiniK name, the post-office, the hlimlsPP nf eAnwko nA el lebgtb oT time, and address r CHARLES F. DEEMS, ! vuuier a lavor DV eivinir thfa , o o ; : dj:i .. 0 : ouuora win prospectus as many insertions as their convenience .now ana for Represent feans;the pper m exchange to " The Watchman: R3k: 1ST fr - ITW A toTTTn . ' In Chatham'CounYy. ooUe 8 th of Annst t it..' J idenee of Mr. J p Taylor, bv the R 1 .tj:- Dr. J. B. McCLENNAHAN to Mrs M OLI.IR K em tv: TON, eldest daaghterW the RevJ RV,P. Uibfe: '' f '. . September 2. Kingsbury wm elected by4 ftfeifVole: ory, 74; WJIiam'fgiGliwaWI or Wike.' nominifeVf TAW AeotiaK4 ' u1" i?Jr-yth of County. vTKfi H,If 8 tloA receiving , 87.yoteB ; Ma. Williams receiving 'TO5 vbfeA?" 4 'ViKSlt nn tnM :rni . . . . 1 k.rJ:- T'Vi OT?"TB 01 vvake. theConven4 " Pruceeoen to elect an Kirol in Clerlr RALEIGH ITIOEirrinAaia.ET. coaaacraD da:i.t bt john a. wiluams a co. aaoaaaa axb j..- , ; " n KXCBANOB. Gold tl.40 s;u- at e 11 j . J. Rilm-H t.n - ' wu P" H. C pif- C. bakk Noras Bank of North-Carolina. s ; Cane .! f:'4.'mera. So rferbaota. 80 : Bank of CbvSvl l:Llln' j. WadesboroV2 ; J W.lminSSso vrnfT. ;? ""O'Dgiop. Fayette ille. CUrendon riadusiA Ato'ShibTHaaN Nov a. From 10 to so . -r '. .... ; :,tM.-.. ;,rl,.T PRICES ;AT f THE , NATlOlf AI. BANKibp i NORTH-CAROLIWA. ., ' vintf Ratf .i - sls...hip ,,Ter ,8, orth-Carol ms Bond, 7S,' .. R,i K rt CooP,'- Coopona of .J Id Sixe 3 V; .tJ. Rail Koad Coopons 40 O d Si. V.' ? ' tV N n:Rvw o j- ..140-Jm j.intx nr inMn.r'aa.iM arx.. eat i - va . . ... wimn, veiuo r emr BESgfcli! JHiL. Al'i MKf Wright -nominated-' Th ballot resulted in the election of Mr. Hill. Mr. Hill received 65 Kenan, 19. ii On motion" of - Mr. Other StatA bill. IWu. la an. Vibginia Asa 80DTBBKX Noyaa. -Prom 10 te 45. Nobtbbbx Bake Noras Frwn 0 to So. t votes j Mr. Bowman 21 ; t Progress and Sentinel copy one month. VBt Q8SOM B ft O T HlE7s corroi i?AViS Stores? gr a in, tobacco COTTON YARN3, SHEETING, Aft ; ,. : .. .4.'. No, 159 JFieat. Street, . ; - j " JoaiAB-B. RLnautM I : 1 I - ' ! ' KU,T on reLeiptof W!.?ErCCL:t,,e of Oi and othe Baers st S V" Wf06" WaahlBgton,.Turooro. Pavettovilil thnhfifbSterSB'e,5hJ N CW,,L forward to , tbrougb that pbtea. (As tffrmmlir evm.,. J7 ing raiird uvtsrht u. . r GEO. H BROWN A r-n ir..v?L 1 V'JL 'HENBT GHlSKfJX. NTik v ' vFiil finrwurH nhJnM . 4 r' V f" warning eomm $ A1 "if -Tj8 tne shipping p()rts v . a. 0. Uonsignmenta to us are overed bv Fire and Ma. RaiiiMds aad Rivers far North ad ooth-Carollnr Gwr. eervoVt5e,r K fher adre of h.pmeat ia i r Mr.! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. lor net Jone 87, 18S5. Moore, of WbIca th nnn... tion xt ejected Printers fo tfie ronventmn l u- nominated Messrs Cannon FTnMnn r u "t!r. darrf office, who were unanimously ele.ctori I Mr Mebane moved that a committee of five ppoinieu w prepare rules of order fdftbefi ment of the Convention. .wiUm Mr. Winston suggested that 'thwinumber be creased to nine. ti ti -x , vSS110 ,ht 8"en "ould be tbe prop etrnlnVbr similar (committees heretofore havine been thus constituted. 'ihatt-rhaoSi Tirs soaieTHi5r good to smoke ajvd drink 2-ly. Raleigh, Oct 8. B. P. WILLIAMSON A C013. :.- . m .. . ,. .148 tf ' , . COTTON I COTTON ! C0TT0N1 WAlf TED i 1 M1TXEDI ATELY. 5ftiJtP!?? C0tTos F0R which areaathoriaed to pav thiriy-three (33) Nta par Sf.! n,. j BP.. WILLIAMSON kCO. ; Kaieigh,.Qct.J8. iio-t TO SADDLERS AND IIARMRS.t MAsrs. Ceived and for sale at DU reVvnW? LEATHSB, BE- Bei-H, Octiber if! W,LL B. M PCITCBAtS. 148 tf r- if .l . . . ... I i3rz ewtibbFrjTlTni-T w uw """"""on o nis JfMra7JM. Mr. Mknlv noved to am.n.1 ,b.: u-L. toliHL 7. WTe-. Vf vidi..g that, until tbe committee reported, the Con- Mo tn: vention be governed! by the rules of thsWnn vention. j y Some desultory discusrion ensued as to whether SltuH? thjaaren-of l(HHn-heef the Convention of lis- AothS used temporarily, j j iiitiV," S"5.d tbathe only preferred those of the mt Cooventioni because they had been- CHHrar ly prepared-rwder the supervisWbf J&dg ,-tftrfger and appeared lo him to he rAt!ir r, . , ..-7 i it .( .mnjiu mill me former for the government of a-Ieeislative bnrl i m.. oeuie suggested that the committee could 7tf JfekSr ru,eS ore them, arid CdoYd ea., S M0 , Pi .WlPrroprrow. He preftdM Mebane's.motioa asNnodiBed at. rho Ji' JrwL? Eaton. The question being on the amendment of- "" "j .r. Maniy,; it was rejected. Mr. Mebane's motion was tben adnntul n..,J.-x to which, the President annointcrl Mx-cr. Thompson. Bovden. Gilliam Phiii, w.i . y W.nstcn. . r, t I -T7 T"p ",jr rna Mr. Winston lihtroduCed the following resoln- tions which, morrow n.a insuuice.jitaitofl "tesohfd, ThatsconriSieeoThVbe appoint- Z'aZT- "i'T"1'- to report thesubject meters jH-ppu for jthe action of the Convention l and thenumher of .committees necessary for the proper d'SDOs t oh of thftBm" J i " STOLEN FROM THE STABLfi OF THE 8PBSC1J vw r iaiia. itiur tphpb aii maw a. . . . f ce. heaw built 'n Zl" cotfari Twenty flv d5i.M . . . -v vwaws, . m TTIrIIB. V SI WSBV 1J-kB laa aa tO M ava cnoBSTBB. CITY PJLAII!f O KIII.LS. PT ; uaXDBSTER & CO. JLIUNfiR A RCHITRAVESL BAND RAllBRACKET TRUSSES ."4?? Jfamr!ifl every 'le$criptimi ea hand and made U ord4r. : ' " -1 8CROLL SAWING' AND W000 T0RNINO. 13 es 14 Weyaev MU9 cor. Greene, Octobers. r i 141 laipd ieWH.ni HIM Da ITIVatV- f.aaa Jttl. or any fafcraaaSpMhe wUl VnM? L iTjtZT va October l48-8tpd FOR SALE VERV rimAi . MORQAlf 8TALLIOS, IV YRAKS OLD VRT Raleigh, October 8. ; Uw PACIFIC HOTEL r 170, 172, 174 176 Greenwich Street, 'v t (oaaaocABswaaTar ftiT.. 1 BetWeea Coertlaadt aad De, sta.. New tor. PTTir, Jr., Propriety. . v pany wiH be held at their office in the Sv rf- NArf.il; Tbrfraday, Oct.(ber 2ith, l Ut'?$?&$ oj o?aer oi toe Stockholders i oe 8uspe0B$tmn4sm,r nd twelve ert. foerieett MKLENBijRa-Tho3.-X Alexander, A4 McIvW in wuipuijnuonuuBi l;emu;u noi , ie Pe eomposi- r T,i . opencer. hot, were aacurea. A sun more mntirtsiit :hit tW.o bsequentiy.when the police came' ccos a Uve Ajnertcan captaip with documents and1 a uniform in his possession, .he PnVy Cpuncii! has been solemnly convened to .decide what is te be done with theiprisOi.ers. Bntjtihar teal Km' f around every 4p.oii Hon of the Irish, coaet at which aV ml6 u! COuId ffttci 1nding, and Donald ii i " km u)icui MOOKE- A. R MVn..na1,t . "A? 4j B. Batnesj n """f'SftjW8 &Wm resolu- tion r . - v on m. ' narrow. . .1 MiKTr the ntnhiiilrtAv Vin l n . '. . Auglaeash JfRli-Jeel. Aj;'. ticePresident I.7, 1 a'!.rpedoesin'se ofWarlv A thl BriV Asmatant Cashier JlZ Z r IateSt excitement and attseo1 Vn0hytffNjmWuWi ' A plot to asawainate the French EmrJrTSl T o luierview wun tne Uueea i of Spainat SanSeba.tian, : is stated to hae been . !. iC ' 9mhmHteF? has been ported toBveerfa!Ir re re- Sse 'wSfS ft; White ebe7kSeral - nr. - ' :.w . r - - : -. " v woioKon discovered, rA near Tetive of Orsint is .-mixed-p in; tfaj aftir.;Th9 Qaeerr of Spain' ftlsisted' iiplin accompanying her guests on1 their; return. SoiaO DMbm ai.: Muba - -- ,, . i'-.b. onoiera, po; ..wwoewnoins; its reported backward movement, as' ctinggreiit havoc in FranC The way or oi MarseitieB hag summoned Jhe physicians together to consuit . Hat was best to be done, and JcJubitAptA were nV8 tbe ciiy panic- wry' yjwmjj . '3 -I 4 New HAHTjrvER.i-! Wirtiitn vmsi,ow isaac r Sanders. f f ' "! ' Oi4A6a-John erryj S. a FPhillfps. sQo.;TANxon1 Geo Brooks., nPxKSOU -HHn. Edwin 4Reade. V , 3pi.-Churchiil -PeiiTrt': H,a i., i.. ; Bandoxph, S. S. Jackson. Zebedee RusbJ ; .RiCHSosD Hon. Alfred Dockery nraroaf-r-. A .McLean. NatbTL .M ; BoAH-.Hon, iB6f4Dr.WrjLmt 1 ;SAtr?o-Af; A' m fnWJ: ; -WAiiLiJaniMTCbrkie. u iC j , Sowty-gaiouel Faulknr. o o . .. .. .aYi2. . i,. wnh?if"f. fb the President of tbe Conven- , u rnua invitation to the clergy of the city of SSion ''te Mr. Mebane movej its reference, to -committee appointed to prepare roleajof pd. I j The Convention the resold. ! tion was sdop-ed. , if. T U;e"Wved committee i&tef 5RSrf to on His Excellency, ,tblibtemor, to announce' the organization of the jConvention and its readiness toifaAaT saL;, bunication he may wish 13. minted a -3VWX?V?" PT nmntarl a i ; .w aw. w w I , 3?esrs. Caldwell, of A$B&9$m$a Mjoumed until 10 oNslJck, a. M., to-morrow, i ij ; . , i IP BE PACIFIC HOTEL W WELL AND wIDELT M. anowptothe travel Hag pablie Thelseatioa ia as OiGMt Afii.. jiL I r,"v T"r" " IBrM aea oaaiDeas men : u m:a .TfrvWpa lJ"PLT talMiaiaeMpart is on the Ji0RF0l4K. Vl' s.' .TnT TheAmmeos irJJfJ n It IhAw AfKitA tit. - . - " 1 " I iMimmnniiriniiai ana- nvwr w-y gneaU ; it ia wed furnished, and possesses every moesra improvement for tha coaifort aad eatertaininent of its ia-mt- J fOoma are spacious and well ventilated ; pro vided with Use a water; thetlendsece ia prompt sad respaetfal, aad tbe table ia geaerenaly pnsvide with evart eliBeyAbaaaao & - - .naobacrjber. wbo. for the past few yeara. has heea the oow molm proprietor, and intends to identify hiw settMBMttujrhly with tha intererts of hia bmue. With 'DT experience aa a botat-keepar, he trap's, by moderate c5a JW a liberal policy, to maintain tha iarorabla rrp 4tieb of the Pae.fie Hotel' ! 'iB-'To mveat overebarge by Hsehmen, the eoaeheJ of tbe tfotel are ewaed bv the proprietor nllli - Vi J " JOHW JPATTElf, 3u lpartberSA.l4v 141 ly -OetoeerS,' -wumw Mm SUM MERHEL0 & CO . w..w nru uoor ie ib Fet- eVe. . . . " m.mww ' : - 1 " V -,r. THE CLOTHfNG OAZAK n t W4aT. tK !.. 14: TBOS A MOKTOOMBBT, ,of Vrarrenton, N. O. OBO A LACK, urBileigh, NO. -av. eHa'aworw, or War'ntdn N Q At Sfaafer Old mummilkbl M Jai22m' iaTUSs' . ;y. af v assBBiva j mm ZmmVmmM v VJSNrs FURNISHim : STORE:. UpiS S0 T. v.- tjm. FOR 8ALK. ' 4T1ll.iT:ft BEO WN HH EETINGS vyare KngBah Umf Vioth, " .V.,! . , Hiel'ttTirt, ... .atti Icwft-i p WILLXABrtON A OtTS V r '.-'rweaffJChaBBjaiOBMeiltfc "J! Weigh Ao.TS,, .-t IMA 3.ti,-t - r is- 5i;;,WSr I - A- fjrlar A Z WLL. JPjt BSE.fT . TO EVERY . MAN, W0- :.: v-,JWBW,TI5STAIIEllT, k ia eaif. BT CALUNO AT TO KERU' tl i.t4 fuibiia. on the sooet reaaoeabta! Umi Alan nlM Ella irU ,whieb ia aot to be forgottea by tbe lisft. I iZl.fi7L- t . WH ARB TUCKER- - , ,aUIaigKlteiKemliMH?0 i m 1 .V' T rii', , Ttrkeu.- Charlett McCleese. i;fn4r(H,.' r m. ' . . x ae gross receipts of the Illinois State Fair amounted tiv.9oroi o 5 1 i WAfttj-j-4i'svra : : 'WABRJcarw4nmk U7. .H.iv t,-, v..,.. -Vrof ;? u..ontnrton.' f'4 r..j5n 1 J -i.? . 1., 1 w .1- Acireus pertormer in YBrmont kniarl hir.V ' P.: II, Joynet'. attempting; a petildus feat .r.i I: .1 - .... ., . . 1 t; is .-OritH - ' 111 3 The Lnke Tunnel at Chieif ha hMnM. ,! iA O " wiwiet oi.JBeu test. . CLOTHS! ! V J i j f ioB. wewU18EUiealf ooea .toieS ,a ii ilHo.vT-A-wT;i 13" Oar Mr 8hrwodBrt totMa. 41 . . .... ! n expert Cutter, will hM .k , P"" aa inAtwberiall aVwara . ill illTKm fW?W afTS VVAMEHOUSE AT AUCTION. err effb-t will be mad vaii aaa examine th tetobars. I i fiTtj ILL U SOLD AT TMWLK-t' na ION A COM toZtt??Wm:Jkll W mieMo. SJaWihelMih de. aVat. for Ca. 'M miii.iJr. I pelarfy Wareboase ear the IT O Kaifroad Depot. -U '! I he rmoMiS arh:4 it aaia mt k t tha Htata. BtlAaV-leftsx m va m-. Corne, ayaamore and Bak Streela.5 the purchaser will aeuaire the riah bi remove the hail fllwav , a m aa naat aajam a.-kS a Aua. ivnwi l:ir ii " 140-M . 1 .v...aaua - ' .rus'.i.i.il j;.,. 1 s- -ft: .l.o-.K J i l4a-aa,:

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