it. r:,' K-i.k i i ii i r . . . ft 6f I li-Jl..l If, J i ,tv Ii lF U .Ki-..vtW i - :f "J -:. - , f I I & a I I ' . J- vv 'A f-.v 7 iT.V - 1 1 . I 1 .1 1 A. . f ! I I I mlf ' . ?FTSJ.i TO. .-5':-". H 1 I i 11 I t 1 I f-; I I 1 t".T.-'JI 111" i I It; . -1 t 1 i-:.; 1 I f I at -I 1.. 1 1 f ffl 1 1 . 'fiv j- T .It A-?:fp-ii'ai- J -ftn'':W', .-'---'-H--, ' gnnlir'T 1i,tf;f , --. --rr'i" r ?;v;--.-H:.; iIO UU silt 'Wjj y& 'hii J&iit; -sjw.'ii :is.M lint ilftilrjfjt' -is r'L- . TOL,. 4: 1T . ' J L ' ' iUi'r - ,.-1 TTT T . 1 XT s. CANHON. j - .-r 1AKGKST CIRCTTtATIOH. IH TBB CITT, WURBSir ,C: LAWS OF THE UM1 1 E1J MATts, pa i 'S' Session o ikt TkirtyfE-gklh Oongrtit. ' PDBLlc"ACTS,li. '1i' .. " ? Potted t the terond tetsionl which wa hegun an. ' hold at thr Gtyof Wavlington in th IHitrici of'Cbluthbiaon Mowliy, the fifthdayof Dee.mbert A. p..1(Htand end ing Saturday the jourth day of ifarfc 4-lP '865. f Abraham Linloln, President.- Hankiba.1 Bamlim, Vice president, and President of th Senate, Panikl Clabk J Vas fleeted President of the Senate, ro Ump-irt, on the 'ninth day of February, nd so acted; til J jnclndtfjr. - ithe nineteenth day ot ;ht meotk. Schdiukr Cots. Speaker of the House of BepresentatiTes. ' ; J , ' . ' . ' ' . Chap.LV.J' 1 itV 's - , . AN ACT supplemental to an Act entitled "An AeMr an nex a Part ot ne mate oi new aerajr f ? District f New York, and toapp-iintjan Assiaunt Col lector to reside at Jersey City," approved Febuftiy twentT-one, eighteen hundred and sixty Ihree. .- ' Be it'ecacted bvthe Senate jtad House of Repres- BU tives of the United States of America linponfrres a em bled, That the as istant cullector appointed under thi entitled " Au act to annxa part of the State of New vd sey to the collection district f New Tor t, and to appoint " an assistant collector t reside at Jersey Cuy, approved February twenty-one, egbleeii hundred and sixty three, be fcnd'he is hereby authorized Iq enrol and license, ac curdinj; t. the laws f the United H:utes, all vessels en eased in the coasting tradf a6d fiaberiesJowned io whole or in part by residents of the coiontiesiof lludaon and Ber -gen, in the State ,f New Jersey sd all j such enrolments ind'lice'oses shall be as va'id and effectual as if the same had been effected in any ether port of the United State i ; and the said ass:stant collector, in the enrolment and li censiue of vessels, shall be subject to the laws of the Dait- . " . i- ii -iiL x i: ed Slates, ana naoie io au we peuaiiies sou resuuaioiu tiesimposea upon cotiecwiain iiaeoaaea Approved, February, 25,185.; invBii Kxhrunrv 2.-i .1BH.S. 'i : tchaxyni AN ACT authorizing and requiring the Opening of Sixth Street West' ,.- : . .. ..-.-J Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa tives of thi United States of America iu Congress asseai- i bled. That the corporate authorities of thecitj of Wash-, ington be, and they are hereby authorised, and required tu -open Sixth Street wet, from the cu.l to. Maine Avenue; : under the direction ot the commissioner of public build-: iDgs, in acourdiince with: the p'an approved in. May, eigh teen hundred and twenty-tw.i, by Janes Monroe, t hdi President of the United -.States ; Provided, however. That : Sixth Street throngh the paHIio grounds known as Armo ry Square shall not be opened nmlH after the removal of . the army hospital from such public ground, or until the consent of the surgeon-general of the United States army . shall be first had and obtained Approved, Februar2a, 8ti5, ' , - Chap. LVIILJ AN ACT in Reference to Prosecutions for Libel in the' District of Columbia! " Be it enacfej bv the Senate and Ilouse of Represenfa tives of the United States of America in Congress assem bied, That in all prosecutions or indict meut a f.r libel in- stituteo, or wdicd may nerenner oe institntea,-in ane uis- tnct of Colombia.' tne trtrtn thereol mar be' given 'tn evi dence under ihe general issue as a justification of the al leged libel; and if it appear Ibat 1 he matter charged as iibeii Mons was True, ana was written Qr pnbiisned with. good motives and for justifiable ends, the, defendant shall be Hcquitted : ".t'T ;".'' "' ' '' '"' - Approved, February 9t i8ia, . . ,.. I l"ty . ZS,' fit i- if. : - 5ivfT Si f !C J 5iChaifc LOU 'k AN ACT for chsnging- the Time tor holding the Circuit uubtu in ui Liainct oi m irginia. - ,,-.. -I Be-it enacted bv the Senate, and House of Represen ta xi ves oi toe unuea states l America in Ciinre-is Assem bled, .That- the eircuit courts in the district of Virg'nia. Heretofore noiaeo at tticnmona, span ue neid at noitoik, "oa the. first Monday is May and oo the fourth Monday of jNovemDer jn acn yer; ana all proceeding-sand process in or issuing out of the said court wh ch are or may be ' , made returnable to any other times or places appointed for 1 1 noiaing tne same man inose above speeitjed, stiall be deemed legally returnable on the davs and at the place above specified, and not otherwise; and all suits and other proceedings in said court whioh stand. co:i tinned to any other time or place than those above specified, shall be deemed continued to the place and time prescribed by this ' act, ana no otner. 9 Approved, February 25, 1S6S. . '.'f '1.: ! y: ; rcbap. lxiv.j ; ; AN ACT providing , for , a District and a Circuit Court of tne unuea Mates lor the District of rtevada. and Tor otner rurposes. - - i Be it enacted by the Sen te and House ef Represents tives of the United States of America inj Congress ass em bled, That the $tate of Nevada shall hereafter constitute one judicial district?, nd be called the district of Nevada; and for said district a district judge, a marshal, and a dis trict attorney of the United States shall be anoomted . . Sec 2. And be it further enacted. That the said district of Wevaaa shall be attached to and constitute apart of ihe tenth eircuit : and a term of the eircuit courtof the United 'ien cuiu uistritfc ouaf w uoiu in loe CUV OI var son. in tbcSlate of Nevada, on the first Monday of March, and on the first Monday of August, and on the first Mon day of December of each year: and a term of the district court of tha United Stales for the said district shall be Held at the said city of Carson on the first Monday of F- b Tuary, and on .the first Monday of May. and on the first jnouuay ui vctooer oi eacn year. ;: f Sec And be it fun her enacted, Thar the district -court of . the United States for the district afiffevada and the judge thereof, shall possess the same powers and ju risdiction possessed by the other district courts and xfis- irici. judges or me united States, and shall be governed Sec 4 And: be it" further enacted, Tbat thef circuit courtof the United States tor the said district i.f Vor.d. and the judge thereof, shall possess the snme powers add j- lounjiiuu iu ooia lustricv wjiicn are vesteq in said court and said judge in' the Other districts of the tenth circuit, i. pec. S And be it further enacted. That the district judge appointed tor the district of Nevada shall receive as his compensation the sum of thirty-five hundred dollars a year, payable in fonr eqnat instalments, on the first days ' t January, April, July.and Oetobeiv of each year .au f w Sec. 6.' And beit further enacted. That the marshal and district attorney of the United States for said distriet of eTada. and also for the district of Oregon, shall severally be entitled to charge aod receive for the services tbey may perform doable the fees and compensation allowed bv the act eottiled " An act to regulate be Tes aqd costs U be m .wed clerks, mar hals, and attorneys of tba circuit and district courts of the CoiCed 8taes,and for vther purpo es, .approved February twenty-six, eighteen hundred and utty three: Provided; That, the aggregate compensation allowed said o (Beers shall not exceed the amount provided 121 officers b said act. : . .' . . . . , oee- 7 And be it further enaeted, That the third,' Tl) i fif,h 8eolons oCihe act of February nineteenth, tor r hu"dred and sixu-four, en tilled An net amende S.7 an pplenientary: to, au act to pryide pircuit, courts for the districu of California and Oregon, and for otner pnrpo8ea,' approved March third, eighteen -hundred na sixty-three, shall be applicable ti the appointment, of, "penal wsslons of the ciieuit courts in the district aoa, and to the appointment cf clerts and deputy cierka,. , 5 .t""?'1 courU rf the diatrieta oi Nevada and Oregon i S"7'k clerk of the circuit conrtw the d etricts of 1 1 ot . 7 - " " WIS.. A. wstrict cimrt in said distrlcUt.and shall receive for like en h i 8ame n Dd compensation whish. are allow V 1 the clei fcs of the circuit aad district courts' of tne United States for ,CHlere1a4 Provided, Thafr the in each of aald idistricta abait be allowed . by the Sec r. J S i? e laletHr retaiiM the fee and eipoJuineuta ITef bimiaaJBlerJtiiiflbbtU eouria. oyer and above -necessary expenses of bis offi.-e-t and neceseary clerk " ",re nc.nded,: to be audited and al owed by the proper ac onung officers f the treasury, on iy i"clj en per an nuin m ia now allowed by lair to. th9 clerk of one f said courts, W !l toe remainder into the pnblic treasury, n la th manner and nuder the regulations now prescribed by law.' '' "v, '' ' , '. ' r k'-''s'' r ki!?0' 8- Aod " fitrtfier enacfed.'Yhat all case of ap 1 FlQr wrU of error hereUifore prosecuted an? now pend "l0.'epreme courVof th- United States.' upon any m r uprene court, or me lerrttory oi Nevada, fay be beard urA AiaminaA k h vk. r united StalM1 ndthd r. .,A . r . e - - -ooum, w umikiuu wr ui (ui luer Dffu iTTni, a I?"1 uwiu lB supreme coun oi tne ifi.r ti edl?,!'?,hf itrict Purt ef the United 8tate mJS-St ?f r Mr ne Bupreme conn of the Jfvad, e the nature of WiS appeal orwrit iray reqwre.endeach of these conrw shall be fae ft.Ht:' 'Official. ill laciv oaseswM Jfoll wwrer to tear wwi deterfoiWe tmj, same. atad toward mesne or Srnii nnicess tbereoti . And fnim aH jadjrmenls and decrees of th saprefne 'edan of ,: Uhe;Terrftor3Mf Nevad. prtor to it(kdWn'-fht0-th4T UUKllI its n OHtiewupe imrneB iqniajuujuiBiwauu Hmrera Bhajll liave tbeaflie right to 'prbsecite'Bppeats' and writs of error to the Federal courts as thewunld have bad, un der the laws of the United States if this act had been1 pass ed simultaneous!; with thft'ftCt admitting said State into the, Tlninn i PmIdL Thttf "Said BODeftlsr -8ha l be T)rose-' ea tiea and 'said writs, of efrorrsoed oat at antime.befvre, the tirat dav Aif JnJv." eitrlfteen trundrfed and sixtV-six. " - Sec 'S.. Atfd bi 'itr further watedrvThat0 pssessor'j action between Jndividaau ' tn any ot the courts oi tne United Sa forjbe reebVety ot any mitfings title; yK Jot damaffes tonv ftuch title, shall be affected bv lbe Tact that the Daramount title tti the land On which snch :iiines I are; is in the TJnjted; States; btlttac,h cas:abaH bekdjudgf-' ed by tnelawofwBse8slon;.--"-v if -j ' ,' i AXn. vKVhurv -ibck- - - ,J l . , i Limn, lift i u i. Provisions of line act entitled i - -i . L . .. J . An aja xo revive certain An eX farther, io provide fr the Collection of Quties.. . ;6n Imports and Tonnage" approred; .March three, eigh- i ;.' teen hundred and fifteen and, fop other Purposes. - Be it enacted by the Senate, and House of Representa tives of ihe United States of America in: Congress assembled- That the first sentence, of the section of the act en titled,: A act furtbefc to provide Sir theTcQllection .of dn ties on imports and tonnage." apnroved March three, eigh teen hundred and fifteen, to wit: : That! it shall be lawful for anf ;CoUee(pi . naval i fficer. surveyor or inspector of the cnuoms, as well in any adjoining district as that to which. hi belougs, to stop, searcn, and examine any cirriage or vehicle of any kind whatsoever; and, to stop any pe- son travellintr on foot or beast of burden on which he sall siiFp.ct there are. goods, wares, or jnercuauaise whicn are subi t;tto duty, ot which shall have been introduced-in' the United States in Ant manner contrary:, to law ; and if such officer shall stop any goods, wares, or merchxnd B3 on any futh carrirfge, vehicle, person travelling on toot or beast of burden.- which -he shall have probable cause to be'ieve are subject lo duty or -nave beent nnlawfully mtr- dnced into The untied states, ne snati se se ana secure tue same f)'r"HV be, !8nd the -same - is hereby, ; revived and rt enacted and every iuCa laeaat of burden,1! carriage, or vehin e. tretber with the -teams or .ttier" motive iwer. and all the appurtenances used in -conveying such goods, wures, op.mercnandise, snail oe sum -cro- se iura nu wr- t : t : ! . . .H i I - . n m- .wI enure t uiauuer us ia uj ion imw ut,n,um.M . j . i 1 -11 & . IO sucn gooas. wares, ana mercoonoiasj auu an uucs. psu nltiea. and forfeitures recovered 'under this act.1 or in c-in- awiitencfi r.l such seizures. Sha' I be disposed ot as is. provi- ded"tnJBther cteb3rthe ninety first section of the act ea- titlet.An,ct torrgBiate theco.ieciion. oi auues on jub , tuirta Vnd tonnase. approved ' March; second, aeveitr-eli hundred aod ninety nine ; and the last proviso of said nine t nrstra:ttun it nereor reoeaiea.f , flis., i, .,: j Sev?9. And be it, further euacted. That the power and authority "g-Vcn to Collectors, naval ptfioers. and surveyors of the sixtv-eiffht Section of the last-mentioned act be, and the same are-nereov.- exieoaeu x mspecwirs oi me cu turns : nd any ofSeer or oiher person, entitled to or inter ested in a oar tor share f any. fine, penalty, or forfeiture incurred iwder this or any o;her law of the United S'ates li may be examined as a witness in any of the proceeding for the recoverof such fine, penalty, orifoifeiture hi either, of the uaitiea thereto. -and such- examination sbill n it de- urive such wituess of his or her share or interest in such tine! penalty, or toffeiture, " ' - '"' ! ,' See.' 3. And be it -further enacted. That' id ease any store; warehouse, or other building shtll upon or near the boundary line between the United States and any fur eirn country, and there ia reason to believe that-dutiable roods 'are deposited or have been placed therein or carried through or iu to the same without payment of duties, and in violation of law j and the collector,, deputy collector, na val officer, ot surveyor of customs. ball make oath before any magistrate competent to administer the same, tht ba has reason to believe, aad does believe, tliat such offence has been' therenj:-eiamitted,'auch - officer -abalt. have, the right to eearch racb building and the' premises belonging thereto-; ana u any saon gooas Kaan oe ioudu taerem, io same, toffrther with such building, shall be seized, for feited, and disposed of according to law, and the said build ing sbait be torthwita laxeo down nr renaovea- Ana any person or peraom who shall bavu received on deposited in such building, or carried through the same, any goods, as , il in - a . , - - i . . . r I . atoresaia, or snau nave aiueu .mereiu, m tiiwuii oi in, shall, npon doe convtction before any court Cf competent jurisaiction, be punished by Due not exceeding tea thou sand dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding two years, or hv both such fine and imorisonment. i ; i - , Sec -4. And be it further enacted. That the first section of the act of April -second, eighteen Hundred and forty four, entitted Air-act directing the disposition r certain unclaimed e ods, wares, or merchandise., seized f r being illegally imported into the United States, ' be so amended "that in p?ace of the word "one." wherever-the same may be found in said section, ahe word "fire" shall be inserted. Approved,-February iS j !-.- ' ' Cnap"TxVlir AN ACT making ;' Appropiations 4fori the Constrnction, PcevatioiWajBil:' Repairs of certain Fr6Seatins and other Works of Defence, for the Vear ending the thir ' ticth cf June, eighteeeo hundred and sixty-six Be it-enacted by the Senate and House of Pepresenta-' tives of the United States of .America in Congress assem b'ed. That the foilowinir sums be. and the? are hereby. appropriated, out of any m ney in the treasury not other-! wise appropriated, for: the construction; preservation, and repairs of certain fortification's and other works of defence, fn'r the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-six : x ' '- : ' !.- ' . For Fori Way nei' near Detroit, Michigan, eeventy-fire thousand dollars. ) ' Fur repairs of Fort Niagara, near Youngstown, New York, twenty-nve thousand dollars f . ! For Fort Ontario, Oswego, Nl-w Tork, fifty thousand dollars.) : .. : ' . ' - ' ' r For Fort Montgomery, at outlet of Lake ChampI tin, New York, fifty, ibotwand dollars - ! For Fort Knox, at narrows of Penobscot River, Maine, seventy-nve thousand "dollars. i For Fort Piipham, Kennebec River, Maine, seventy -fire thousand dotiars. 1 A ' ! - - For Fort PrebleJ Portland, Maine, seventy-five thousand dollars r : . j For Fort, Scam pel, Portland, Maine, fifty thousand dol Iars .-"' '-'' ;. ' i-; .:! - " -"' .for Fort Georges, on Hog Island fcedge Porfland, Maine, seventy nve tnoussna aouars.. . . p ; . i For-Fore Constitution, Portsmouth, New' Hampshire, twenty-fire: thousand d liars i ' '' For Fort McCiary, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, fifty ltinicanl Atlur A ii. - . 1 1 : For Fort Wtnthfop, Boston, Massachusetts, ten thousand" dollars, f , For Fort Independence, Bxston, thousand dollars. 3 .''' ' 'j.'.t- ; Massachusetts, five - For Fort Warren, Boston, Massachusetts, ten thousand ao liars.. I . T.? i 5- ..f-5 ' -UV':- T's :.f i ' FoTSea:w"allof Cfreat Brewster's Island, Boston harbor, Massachusetts, twenty thousand dollars. - t ' For r.fcpairp sea-walls pn Deer and on Ixf ell's Islands', oiwMin uaroor, massacnusetiH, inree loousaa aouars : For permanent forts at New Bedford harbor, Massachu setts, faftr thousand dollars. ! ! 1 For Fort Adaow Newport,; Rhode Island, fifty thousand dollars. 1 ; '-. ij ' ' '"r -' ' r For Fort H,ale, New Haven, Connecticut, fifty thousand dollars.- -j .' ' S. ,''-.- ' )"-! j 1 : . . ;Fot Fort Sphuyler, East River,. New York, twenty-five thousand d tilars . -i For fort at fillet's Point, opposite Fort Schuyler, New York, fifty tbousnnd dollars. i . ' For repairs of Fori Hamilton. New Yorki twentv-fire . inousana. aouars. "For fort on site of fort Tompkins, ? York, fifty thousand dollars Staten Island, New For tort at Sandy, nook, New Jersey, fifty thousand dol lars. - - - f J 1 For repairs of Fort MifBio, near Philadelphia, twenty thousand dollars. I 1 "For repairs of Fort Washington, on Potomac River, twenty-five thousand dol'ars I I'i: :--S loorM.flP0e, Hampton Roadsf. Virginia1, twentyrfiTe thousand dollars , " " '"" v 'j-.-., v ; ! For Fort Clinch, Florida, fifty thousand dollars J - -:'' For Fort Taylor, Key West, Fleritla, two hundred thou , aand dollurs. .- . ii - . - i - ' - - . . For Fori Jefferson, Garden: Key, .Florida one : hundn d thousand dollars : ' : , If f For fort on Ship Island, coast of Mississippi," fifty thou sand dollars. i T ! t ' i .., ; , For fortsi Fort Point. Ban Francisco Bat: California. r one hundred and fifty thousand dollars '' r" -i For fort at Alcatraz Island, Pian Francisco. ;'oar Califor nia, one hundred and fifty thnsand dollars.' V For additional "defences at San Francisdoj Catifortfa,fifty tbnqsand dol'afa. , For defences of Washington, three hundred thousand dollars - t h"hr-. t, v , ,- For field works and field operations, one million dollars. " Eor bridgo trains and equipage for 'armies fn th field, ibree bundKeoT hoesaad dollars. '. ur" -l- ,'5 ie u.'i' 4 For tool and siege trains for armies in the field five bunr dred 1housan4dollarau" P r"u" 'f' "r' ' n"-- For surveys for military defences, for purchase of cam DjRu maps, three hundred housuud dollars,; - -i . For Survey of northern nt 'nirthtojitt l?1rM:rwIti. d'n? -i?' PDt'ltwa4'ed and twenty-fire thou HUU.UUIWII.-.,.-; : -,---.r;; ,:Fyf engraving and printing "cWta of lake nrveys. fif- Mien mousanq aouars. j : vj,-ur puituare tug repair oi lnstmoients, twenty tnou aand doll f,rJttJ; 1 j j , v . Ar ".. 2V. Wir? W. MappiSg. M enlafgfiig FBrf t'qrter. at Buffalo. filtV tblHMonaM..'r?:'-rt,t.? : ' hi .yT FARRIS Jt IlTTAS JUST RETURNED FBOii THE NORTEt WITH J-,jtit?aMii3u- mail -t.M-ft.. ? rl a.;?-'-d-:y'1J J ;LGOopsi Setoptefl expressly - for this M arket, 1 . '' v J ? Conaistioff in di Consisting in part of , , ' imuDttUAUvwitio) r f,if-s -f- .. 5-'; .- n ; s RTinT.Tti ?a m n onnrnn r a sst mkrer : rt RTT.lT'MTVlPrt rrCTlWTl!C! iJ-'i'ro;rt i-i '-.- .. StS aa-ak au at a a V WW a U leUkJ f ; ; :J-:l fi BLUE CLOTHS: ; BLACK SILK VELVETS, ? V t Mu. ,.; CLOVES AND SCARFS. . SHIRTS OF ALL, DESCRIPTIONS ! ARMY HATS, '-; yr:;-. r NAVY CAPS. - HALF HOSE CtTCDli'Wnt'PC 1 ; HANDKERCHIEFS, NECK TIES, LINEN AND PAPER COLLARS, SHOULDER STRAPS, , MILITARY BUTTONS, k AND LACES, SCARF PINS, - SHOES OF ALL KINDS, 1 ! : 1 TRUNKS AND VALISES. ' ; IRCHAIiT TAILORING '.DONE IN THE VERY BEST STYLE BY C. AJ. Farriss, and his siiperb Cutter, MR. GRIFFITH. s of every description made to' order at the shortest notic and in the very best manner. 3f What you do not see in, my Store, order and yoa shall have it iu the quickest possible time. - ' . ! '-;?':' ; ; I ' ' ' C. M. FARIUS. Raleigh, August , 1SsJ I : tf M. GRAUSMAN, i CLOTHIER AND MERCHANT TAILOR, " Fayeltevtlte St., Raleigh, N. C. WOULD RESPECTFULLY. INVITE THE ATTEN tion of all hia customers and friends to his fiue and selected stock of i ! 4 ! BROAD CLOTH, ' i i ! 1 DOESKINS, j " -vi i ,: ; .. "T'!'t ' k CASSIMERES, of all kinds; and particularly to bis , , ' IMPORTED GOODS. Garments will be made up in the best and latest stv lea on reasonable terms. " - " . 'His stock of Ready-Hade Clothing, suitable for al I ages, is very large and will be kept complete by new weekly arrivals from Northern eities. He also keeps a large assortment of Gents Fnrnishiug Goods of ail descriptions Shoes, Boots, Hats, and a g.iod many other articles too numerous to mention. September 13, .';. I, 126 tf THE OLD HOUSE IN NEW DRESS. FINE STOCK OF CLOTHING FOR MEN AND A Boys. Extensive variety of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, and the largest stock of UNDERCLOTOING in the State.- '.!-''-! ; ',k The same reliable fabrics which the c tizens of Raleigh and surrounding country have hitherto found at this house are now offered. j EVERY GARMENT we offer ia made to order. We sell the finest, medium and lower grades of t'lolhing. 1 We can fit you wiih Ready-made Clothing equal to the finest New York custom work, at 1 ' ; HARDING. ANDREWS A CO. FOUR DOLLARS! f OUR DOLLARS ! ! Buysas gxd a HAT as is sold elsewhere in -Raleigh for 5. Uur HAT-S are boaght by the CASE and we 'can. make a satisfactory profit ana sell 25 per cent., below, prices geq-' e rally. COUNTRY MERCHANTS can select Hats by the dozen or case of us upon as good terms as maiern aianuiacinrers can supply mem. HARDING, ANDREWS CO. - - i; (Harding's old stand) Fayetteville Street. ;iU . PARENTS AND GUARDIANS Can find at Harding, Andrewsand Co's CLOTHING STOKt, the newest styles, the desirable colors, the dura ble fabrics and best made i Youth's aud Boy's Clot hiMff in the State ;s ;j , : We pay particular attention to tie wants of Parents for tneir suns (jiuning at " HARDING. ANDREWS A CO'S Clothing House. UMBRELLAS f UMBRELLAS I t Largest Slock of best make, at . HARDING,. ANDREWS A CO'S. ' It Matters not how Large Toil Are, ' HARDING, ANDREWS & CO., can fit you to Clothing and Under-Wear. They are opening a large assort- went ot ... ' ' :- --''-i' : .- , Euslisb Merino SHIRTS Sd DRAWERS, Something entirely new in this Msrkst, to fit all SIZES' ; UAKUINO, AKURbWa d CU'S., Clothiers Ac. Why pay $5 or f n for a Hat such as we can sell rou for Four Dollars T -'At-.- i a t.;. f -UAKDIJIO.-AWDKISWS 4 CO'S,.?'1) ! ;.t ..riterWbpll and ReUjl Pealers in Uatja, ':. Wfei THE PLANTERS of North-Carolina should, sac, the fLANTKo Uat sold by UARDING, ANDREWS 4 CO. 1 --,-- - f - --"i. . -: - . : BIT EXPRESS PAII.Y, t 4 Clothing, Gent's Furnishing Goods s. Underearments AaU HARDING, ANDREWS A iiO'S. i Raleigh,' October lit. fm,;iivSf;;f5 i ';-ai4-UI6i-;.-i THE CLOTHING BAZAR RE-OPENED I I I irnos. - MONTOOHBBT, OSO A LACK, t B. K 8H KEWOOD. ofiVyarrenton, N.C.i of Ralelffh. N C. of War'nlon N ft ! MOITrGOMERY,IiACECa, Al sbafers Old Stand, cor. Sycamore & Banfe ''"y'.-X: Streets. Petersbars, Ya-; -;- '. VENTS FURNISHINO STORE. ' READY-MADE CLOTH iNff! V1 ' ) jJJO0TlHOES, 4crc M -.-4--.fc-t Sf I jASaiRT.-, COLLARS,- DRAWEnSMJ , t j IH AJTp TRUNKS YAilSEDalBREiXS 1 J 1,1 tit - vestiNgM"'1' is J : Ui,Hml ?ir .t-f'-i!..- i.-'TBIatlttNOSIlI I' Af W HOLES ALE AMD RETAIL. ; i OotMr 8brwood, ao long knovn to the poblio ai an expert CuUer will have charge jrf the Custom deoart ment, where all orders-will be promptly executed; ana ev ery effort will be made to ptease m- ; ' Call and examine the large Stock ri , t; r rSHAFERS OLD STAND; . .;; : s5f-iwf Coroer Sy earner a.nd Bank StreeU;'r OctobertB.fji: j.-.-ii.i,; sr;. if-Ji!";-.!; t ,,148-8ni ,i ; m v V PRIME HAVANA Rs,jrjffst -H Vlifl il b J f rMWivedInd for WiTaT QMWWetPnmgionB; JAa nnrs.- &c. i -A 1 V, MS K PO O I S AlliT vctooer lor - Miiwiaci-ijrer?. ia. H9-il m -! f " .1 HAMS, SIDES, SHOULDERS &likmn 5TIRCESyi.50O lbs choice SUGAR CURED HAMSV r.J'Mi:,eOrtlbc pritne ShonWeisi am fe 1 j j.l,fOtt lbs very pice Bacon Sides, recommended- o retift iresh and sweet white lard, . .. 25. kegs ,; doi:-;j'dd do . " ; 10hairbarreli' -&'do"t ; , Jnstteeeivcd and far sale bv f?'ti ? 1 - h- October to.-, ,-! i,ih-' ;:-'-:- -. ; ;U9-rtf '.; , Office, Depot Commissary of Sabsistence, ;; 4 . '. , Wabhino'toh,'D. Cli.Oct. 618(15. ' : bALE OF. HARD BREAD 1 fl- Sealed Proposals, in duplicate, will be receive a fhis Office until 12 M , oa Thursday, the 2th inst., for the sur plus HARD BREAD at this and Ihe Alexandia De pots.' The Bread is packed in boxes of fifty ff.Oi miunda each, and can be examined at 6th Street ,Wbarf. in this City, or at the Subsistence Store" Honse in Alexandria, Va. No bids wjli be received fir less than twenty (i'0i: boxes- nnx thnilKant 1 1 llAnVnniinitii ' Tho and quantity desired willjbe sUted 'in each proposal Sit ': will be placed on transports at Alexandria, Ya , or at th Street Wharf,, free ot expense to the purchaser. Twenty thousand boxes (50 pounds eacL,) more or less can be pur chased. . -: - - ' - : i The attention of Shippers," and others' using Pilot! bread is called to the advantages now offered for obtaining their aupnlies of this article. I , ; The Government reserves the right to reject bids, i - Bidders not present will be notified by letter of the re-, suit of their proposals. All purchases will be removed within twenty days 'from; the date of acceptance. - Blank Proposals, if desired, can be obtained from the undersigned. . '. ' Terms : Cash, in Government funds, before the delivery commences. G. BELL. Maj 4C.8, D. S. Aj. 14U-f8t October 10 GREAT REDUCTION IF YOU WANT A GOOD CIGAR CALL AND SEE LEE'S LARGE STOCK ! : JUST IMPORTED FROM HAVANA, CUBA. '!v -.' ALSO r . TOBACCOS OF ALL KINDS .... ': ' j Ratter, Cheese, if ; f Sagar, Tea, Coffee, I j : Flour, Potatoes, ! AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OP groceries. I AT WHOLESALE AKTJ SETAIL. IMPORTED AND NATIVE VINES AND LIQUORS Sold to Officers and 'responsible Citizens ' by the Bottle. 1 AT McKIMMON'S OLD STAND. Fayetteville Stieet, one door from the Cornei of Morgan Raleigt', September 2. 65 117-tf . .ax. atrursoK, o. b. colokovb, s. turri.r. J. M. RUL1FS0N & CO. 1 -WBOLB8ALI DRALtES IN . Groceries, Provisions, WARES, WINES, AND LIQUORS. Cor. Middle and Sooth Front Street?, , NEW BERNE, N- C !. Would call the attention of the Merchants of North Carolina to the fact that we have just received a complete assortment of all goods in our line, and are prepared to fill orders promptly, and will guarantee satisfaction to our patrons. , . . ! Octobers. " . ... v . 14' Smpd ASHWELL & BRO., No. 78 and 80 Sycamore Street, i PKTERSBTJKG, Va., WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS ' ; ! and , .' 1' ,.;': XmpoTters of Choicest Brandies, Wines, leas, Havana Cigars, &c, &e. 1 Keeping constantly on hand a large stock of Groceries.. Liquors and Cigars of all grades. : Our facilities enable us to offer inducements to the trade. : ASHWELL A BRO . Petersburg, Ya. 140-!-8m September 29. PRIME OLD BOURBON AND MONONGA II EL A WHISKEY, SUPERIOR COGNAC R It ANDY. HOLLAND GIN. &c. Arc. 25 CASES OLD BOURBON WHISKEY, ! 25 cases M.nongabe la Whiskey, i 10 : do superior Cognac Brandy, 10- do- Otara uupuy, 184, 10 do . Holland Gin, . .. 10 do Fine old Sherry, ' 10 do i Port Wine, ' HO do " , Madeira, ' 20 baskets Champagne, Royal Crown, So do " . iiemaitre. Jnat rMeived and for sale bv I B. P. WILLIAMSON A CO. Raleigh, Sept. T. '65. 121 tf T. J. FLACK & SONS. WHOLESALE DEALEBSIN F02EIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, WINES . ; Corner. Bowie y antl Guilford St s. -: ; Baltimore; nd. -, . SOUTH ERiV : ORDERS -SOLICITED, AND THE MOST:, ACCOMMODATING TERMS. :.S; .Hariri ' OFFEUED..- - August X4r 1 865v j - lOC-Bmpd IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE. .BBLS, EXTRA;. FAMILY : FLOUR, MADE OUT tJ'V New w neat-i . ' soo Bounds Choice Hams, i 'n -i 'V .- k i 400-'. V Nice White Lard. - ' : jiOOi 'iBicei.f -i .; .it.-. :- i - ... J - ---ii , v- T i .... mieigli. August. fc'.iw..V-jf .Mf -4f iEXTRAi SlTpERFINR FLOURS --ai-avv-' BARRELS EXTRA SUPERFINE FLOUR, JE3T liSMV. received and for -.alat'v;-Ff'----M,'?-;-t"i. -h ,vas ;;-.;?-;J-,Cv y AAiiAAaiinyiy. v J49 tf ' T OOODIITG, lifTATRISffS 4; CO.. PsLre,I)rigi, Iledlcinea, Winev Invars, I)je f-.t Btxixa. reirumexy, . rautu, uiiav cce, : . m r n a A.iat A . s;MJV;j?:I'f:;bDD FELLOWS? -HALL.' ' ! u ''i Inlink nn1 'finntlt frnaf St a.. "5 NEW-BERNE.' Wi C-iV) ili-fl 4- rwaxi jfirbceries, : IdttornV ' 6& '?..'! -I -fiff I ;ij 'i t, . '-f irv '-w '4 'iri iriri i n vim, r:,i'i irfiSV:iM -' I ' i-' w 9 ,m w a e mm av wa w w v .. v 1 03 r isi -s -if - .-!-' 1 1 l t.i- v. I. . i uui icn;i.;,;t!,. - it 1 j.-, '. do. Xioaf Liard, 10 do Fox Crackers,"' 1 S do- S;da d:r- --.-- iirtffir'T. ii. 13 diaen Cotton Cards, No, 10, i . . .20 B xe8 Cheese, - . ' 200 lbs liofogna Sausage, A V--1 r- 200 ;' do IleetToBgufea.'-- - WINES, WHISKEYS: GIXS, cn tact, a mil supply 01 tne nest liiqnors . j - , .. ; Is -i.-, ' I.At.W. R, ANDREWS'. " Rateighj Oct u:. , . : .., .,.,.;' iso- tf . 44 , PAYEOTEIJLE STREET, ' . . " : ' - ' RALEIGil, N. C. -'-J i.rl- .: a-HfJE INVITE SPECIAL ATTENTION OF PURCHA- sera to our large and interesting stock of : : Jil "MISCELLANEOUS hardware, .Wooderiv Warei r- :ty'..Vi. IITMI TIT " 1 if' -:i.'-;j i - v;;:,:;.tUOW; litre, .:- 1 r-fir-' -..-i. .; ., t", ; : y fCtockery Ware, . y ..s Glass, Ware, 4 ,'..!'..' v China Ware. Tot and Hollow Ware, ys,'i: obtoneWare, , . r -.- Tia Ware, f . Iron and bteel, 1.: if: Buggyi Material Bridies, - ' 1 Saddles, , .; . j' j. - Harness, j-' -. . . Collars. &c, j . ' .Lamp "Lanterns, ' Otis, Paintp, Varnishes and Brushes. Also ' FAMIliY GROCERIES. In fact, for anything in the : ' . HOUSE KEEPING LINE ; ' Call at 44 Fayetteville Street. s '.- D T. CARRAWAY. : i With IIakt k Lewis. Raleigh, Oct 6. j U-tf NEW GOODS : . - ' and;:'- ' ! ' AT WIIITARER'8. A. WHITAKER HAS JUST RECEIVED ANOTH er lot of new goods embraciug all torts of useful - - ,-'!'' i : E. FAMILY SUPPLIES, together with an assortment of. GENUINE OLD LIQUORS. CIIAMPAIGNE, ;;;; ' K;!' CONGRESS BOURBON WHISKEY OLD PORT WINE, MADERIA, i SHERRY, CLARET, AC. OLD HENNESAY LONDON POCK BRANDY, VINTAGE OF 1S40, Ac. CHOICE LOT HAVANA CIGARS. For an ythingjin the way of first rate j ; Groceries, Provisions, Liquors, &c., Call on E. A. WHITAKER, : At bis old stand on Hargett Street Englisli Letter and Demi Paper. , 100 reams white wove Letter ruled. j 100 " white laid Demi unrulid. - ! For sale bv the ream or case. ': S Dealers would do well to call and examine. Bujers by iOQ iuaniiiy cau eauic u great, uaigiiu n E. A. WDITAKER'S. Raleigh. Sept. 14, IS6S. f U7 tf. . BACON, WRAPPING PAPER, AC. tif REAMS COMMON WRAPPING PAPER, OvF ?i, reams Fine Buff i do do. Sl lbls Family Flour, j SOOO' lbs Prime Shou'ders, I 6d0 do Nice N. C. Hams, j i . 5 bbls Crushed Sugar, . j 1 R do C. do i - 20 gross Parlor Matches, i , - .'' 15 1-egsLard, J 10 pails do; ' f For sale at ' B Pi WILLIAMSON A CO'S. Raleigh.'Sept. 22. 1.34 tf J,v ' NOTICE, . , . Jt STORE AND FOR SALE, AT LOWEST MARKET rates: . .,. . ;; n0 bbls Extra C Sugar, 50 do'C Yellow do 9ft da Crushed, ' 20 hhds Cuba Sugar, 10 tierces do do ', 75 bags Rio Coffee, ; , 1.00 coils Ropej . 25. bales Bagging, 50 bbls Molasses, SO coils Rope, 1 4 50 dozen Buckets, 10, bbls Extra fine Lard Oil, J.0 do Liaguira ao l ooo sacks Marshall A Wertbent L P.' Salt. with alt other articles usually kept in a; Wholesale Grocery Store. R. A YOUNG A BRO., i -' -, t; I No. Iron Front, Petersburg, Va. i October 6. .- . .:-:d;-s : t 14 Sm OLD APPLE AND PEAfH BRANDY. -m BARRELS FINE OLD APPLE AND PEACH i ft Brandr. For sate by the' barret: 1 ' : '" ' ; W. H. A R. S: TUCKER. : Raleigh.-October.7.'-':r:---7iT---:rj 14T 4. ; SUMMERFIELU 4 Cfc ! .:..-.: -;p E aM 'RE PlNE IV f r:-: L - CONFECrripNERl'7I : .Pollock St., Next door to Ute Post Office, .' " -:-l-::' NEVVBfcltN-f,M C-.. - r October. " : ; fi .f: ;--:'f .,-; U3 Iropd ' W,;,MILk MILK 1 1 , MIlM S.' s Cheaper. to Bay your i Milk tbaa Keey. a CoT H.;iH A MILTON vRESPECTFCLLY- INFORMS his friends and thconbltc that be wHl. on or about the 1st or October, comxence the Data v Bosiaess, and half nint to anv amount rermired. win uetiver oew kiik. cyta y utifriug. uvt ifrotn, A book will be kept at f arrisa? alore- for any persons i to insert their names, requiring milk to be left at their hon-aea-i ' Price cruts pet quart, at present. :if Jf . - Mode of doing business Selling ot tickets from ijhe 'value of fifty cents to afiy amonaC Collect in thesanie On "the delivery1 f the milk. V Thi3.ia - the method, parauad at the North and in Europe : He hopes by strict attention, to. business; to, ensure the cordial support of bia frieods. v : ." . ""r .' Sepi..iber2. J ? ;;iff SUPERIOR FAMILY FLOUR. tetji i fkHALFBRRELS SUPERIOR FAMILY -FLQUR, CFl " 70 bbis'Exi.ra in.erune: '' JusVreivived cnd war- t- ...... ' : :d urn i iiivnu t. rta,; ran rea to mease !- - OU) L I Q 1 0 1! S R'P, WVLLlAaUiON A CO.S; SOLTHLUiY KQOKS, fq 1 " "PUBLISHERS AltD IDEALE&S " : - ' GREEWSROROUyNrCta ((JNTnfE'TOrpTJBtlSirTJUR OWN "SERIES OF J School Books cunlsM4fttef iPrineraj "Spelling Books,. Readecs, Arlhfnet'ics,Tid English Grammars ; also, Bing-. -. hxm's Latin G ranimar and Ctear. - We' OfTer our Books to -Teacbersf and BobkaeHers b as 'moderafe, tenneaa are of. t ffered by publiherein nr part of jlhe. United SUtes., ; . - I- - ror specimen copies or lists 01 prices, aaaress as , above1 tti ,J09tiiaiiu:im $v. tmd.ositl nc4.uMih Augnat h-i yi-r '-he t&:g?r$ ml NEW BOOKS !NEW.B0pEB: iJS-flLMJUajJa.wjtiBS( r " Call at once,' ot yoo may have to Witfbt;r ' .1 t 1 r:-; k. itaeA,ririvlJt--r4i ' COPY BOOKS, iWITH PRINTE1 COPIES, i.EMERrfij-i son's First Part, Mitchell's intermediate Geography. . i Conneirspriniary, als intermediate Geographies. Croaif Masnbie Text Bbriks, 'iicGufrey's :lt;, tod.'jSrd; Jind Atk, Keadei'S Dayies JJew tchopl Arithnjetics, Bullion's Latin V . Grammar, Bullion's English' Grammar, Webster's Elenietfi',t tai y Spel ler , Slate Pencils, JSIates of . varipuaeraea, xtiwxa dera': 1st, nd and ,314 :Readers-, Webster's , Common ' School bieriouary', Parker's PWilosopht, mhhVGftai ?i ' .roar; Butler' GrommasyiWebsier's Speller: andj DauaiWua ".GitlottsPens. Li ' 4 'j irk- '.' t ; y - ' ' t - ALSO 'iw'-i ': tifotsib A large consignment! of BiMes and Testaments from 4bai rJ ' : American Bible Society, for sale, or donation, at Society , rattS. - ' "' T '''" it UMJ SriMH&V) iiiKitf ' ' -s'ititij-.-J 'Ali: Wf :r.,;ailap(ffesi;a-9dj' z Our Own Primary Grammar. I . I ' . Elemental- " ' . .' . I Elementary First Reader. Second ' Third H Schnol Arithmetic r.ingham a Lntin Grammar, -Deems' First Reader, ana sud SulballrJ i Ihe Southern Zi oh Songster; by W'.' E; Pell,' school UoOks generally. i -" V- 'JiA .4-Fir Raleigh;W-G.IS BRAKSON & FARRAR, R A It JB, V A LU A BL E A N D C UHIO US WORKS. rgnilt Narrative of C1. David Kanhiiig. a Toryet Iton JL Carolina from t I7tw if' r:t. Mart. Maj-r Geo.., Washington's Journal, 1754, 1 50 The Province ofPetinaylvaniaTll,15 ' i ' i --Tto Older Book of Captain Leonard Rleeker'a C prf.-n of 17T9, , - j , , . V '..- KtKli New-England's Pirsti Fruits, lf.8ftf.r, t,)ls -.'ni. $ fQi A Relation of Marjland in IMS. . . ' i 4 00 ! Certain InAicementi to 'Well Mwded PerifYle.qwt&'i'&rfena ; Parent Stale ot the Indians in New fcnglawd,5fl Jtt, Further Progress of ihe Gospel mm ug the Indians, of New England :tlr 2;'- ' 11 --;uy-u- WVPtfs ; Progress. ! ihe Gospel among Uie Indionsf Jfw. .A' . x fci'gland,;6.;, , ' r 1 ?0 . , Vindication of the fjaptors of Major Audrensir'e'? A few copies of uthe abot-e. books- have Jately ;been te printed by Mr. Sahini in the most elegant manner. ' The works art esceedingiy interesting on beconht of theiiagtev '; and very valuable as histories The name of David Fan- , ning is esptciaUu familiar in North-Carolina, ' J 13i tf.' ("tAlvL J their OS BRANSON PAHBKSAT ' da,; standr br-iok .tationarj, -Ao,r..fcuich; gtKds as are-ordered will be obtained it to be bad 10 the , tjbiied states. Tbey; also act as Agents for the purchase c and aleof such things as ,,may come it: theina yt,; .business. Produce, also, wnf-be-tVkftSnaMWf'jeds. --.'"- iJKAKfttUJN rt KltA it,, 'ff ,-No..40 Fajettevifee Street, ,. , --'.Ralergbii V.'CIW ' June 22, K- ,. J . -!- .V ;':.:' .'-.J; .kTTr' La NEW MP orNOMROBINAv4 61SY 8 FEIST, pin Ki.v EMni?i.i.KiiF.n t-T .wj r .-TOrTV s ....... - .Ti5r ;-. ,r With Engravings and Painting. tT rrDIS TS THE LARGEST, THE FINEST; THE v X BEST, and rost-ACCUtsVTK Map or jne ftuato od -ost ' AUtUUitii stap'Oi jse 0UMC- . .... Tbe balance of -ibe entire edilion is now lenee.jthe work canhol'be had at inV bthtir Expressed to an j pbint $lor.-4. f -!.-t. ever nubbsbd.. T in our nana: nence.i nlaee. Price. fExUressedl ".' r- : ' Raleigh, i C.I August 7, C5. . ' ' vn.fji- ta-s-tf y N E W STOCK t NET? STQCK Ij:': J UST RECElEl) FROM 'THE N0RTH,lA GREAT;. varietj of . f .fJ : School and MfseeuaneoBS nook i, - "A splendid assortment of Juvenile Works,. . A I so Music I'boUigraphs, Ptiriodjcals. Ac; Ac ; Ac ' - - r j y- the very lowest terms. for Cash, v Call eooBj and look through our stock. ' ' J BRANSON A FARR' a 1 Raleigh, Augnstv,185.f. vj u .ll8-tf-it JUST FROM THE, PRESS, THiULUiSG NARRATIVE ,0F , EARLY UXJTB among the Indians of North-Carolina. ''Ffoui tjba gi'fed pen of - Ctnrlie Vernon.1 , J1 w .bo tifil The book is 72 pages i el egjmtly : priniled, xf4ce, JDe, hundred , Single copies 80 cents r,..:T.:'Tfti-J,i ' HRASSON A FARRAR,i; i September 2- 5l STATIONERY t STATIONERY 1 1 , rTk REMS SUPERFINE WHITE RULED LEtTER OV Paper-' ' ' y 20 reams Redmond Mills whit ruled Letter, Paper., j 23 do Potomac Kot- ', 80,000 Buff Envelopes,' 'u-t':iVir' .For;salechep.flt;-Bi..PA,WLIAi1aO'4i.CO-i.,!(j R!pirh Sent 21. I .. " jii i i -if : - . ATTESTIORl AOEJiTS t XIEjIVCj iC-;lWH-ini-iV"'''';'i A Full and Complete Htstor.ot, the- V(qrji ' Ooe-Yoliim.iW50-Ji:'s'r' We afe at last enabled to meet.: the' wanta of the. grrai mass of the people by offering this new work which will contain abOnt 600 closlv printetavo'pageslincrodinjt Ulnstrotion3eui8ePishedi wjtjy uameroua aij beanUb steel plate engrafting and valnabip maps, and booed in American Moroceo, gilt back; and sprinkled edgtsforW Ma Disabled soldiers will find in thia arare chance; r4grptt table einnievment, ! Se- d for terms to the - .-uV AM,ERICaN PURLISHIsa AGENCY,? Ih!x . -60C Chestnut Btraet. PhibuJphia. i ,f " Seper 2C'3 : T j. - ' . AH,ltf ' i . -.NEW BOOK. mDERYVI;:;:::;3'! AYING SECURED THE SERVICES Or BKi Dicxs.a nrsi-ciasa uinueiiweareBowprrr" k .;ac. ll- . - - . Ww i - a . i' . ? aiahortaotiee and in the very best styles BJaak Books of attd8firipJks manufiwjtured no osder: - s, cTlUha store o f BRANSWI ATARRAR.liLn Jnly?. 85. MAXsACTtTBEEtll? LOBiHrSia' SPOOLS, 'z&.ptmst -?GlJSTAiiw:'4i': - A IOV cOMSJfsSN DEALER IN CTEftt SVARK: jf etvxf Supplksitbt Coxtoai and-WooLFaeter leak whicltKiH beniskat ewi,lftlfc: prj transportation. (, f :r ;s-r-'(i-l' a-.t---i-'"j-- -V(- -.- Cloth and Yam will be taken, U exchange or aof pa Commission- fr Wood; Taming, io every yariety, prcarpt yeaecav heAHlfoebiM bb4 8poo warrant Je ba,.4e of Jo. pughly seasoaed Umbsriauiform.ia finished!. ; , l'vS v rr '''- :'; , ? iv:J;i,iAL biMaufeevmcaTwilt!pleaaei Wf ; wanted by lUprrs-tbe eaaMtef the ..ftatoij ahelaVitMt iaarltoeaehiKiekagoi4itiM. j - ioVrtaoMetted and prompt! eaeeeaeaV .3 ASON & 11AMUNS CABINET OBGAK8L p,. ana nhMn load voicefl ana low pncea r,u-i, iit.nnim nd rnavebes. TnesemsrameiHe Jve tbeatttoroatie s well, ea atop. nd dooWolows; nd ar tha Hnestiinstrumenia ww. Son's 6eWbr4te4l?tano Forte of ever, 5?u ii&i . ' .-ji i i ., j CHARLES'S. I'waiflhft ,tH i- Ageut fbane above S acterieescn oi September jSg ; -paj y ieo,ft kiLS NAILS T-I t wt4 ikrkfG OF" ITAILS ASSORTED SIZESttGa r Tit vie for sale oj benteen;i." i rl c JiaieigbwOctober September lfk HIIa'T fi mm ;c)i , .".'I - - fl J :' V j ! t fii October -aV. J ' .'