f 7 . , J!. -T "V. ., yTTlTrr ': ivertlavnaenti; ill i i1 or 3taa. I VLHJl aKUUIJ., yiV,av I fOS. B. C AKRON. r' JOS. Wl Editor-- ttoStaudardy' JYtnfcrLiaJAdriGwMrt?i l aiMt authorized Publuhers of the Jbam of ' tiA f7f2 States. ' v - ' ! - LXftGEST CtaCiJLTIOJJ IN .(THE CITT, LABQK8T CIK- dart," U now K tUte Jifnr $bit pitp& Ml Uatjiaway will Ttslt th primjipii ttos - f'bGarnar11 nd the North. " " ' f CA1JN(J MOLDBN. Ealelgh, September 984, 1865. v 2i f K " ii Otf Jtejrday atfer the ua rrtlng bostnt?s,' rf the consideration of the ordinaaee eclanng : wnai , discussion at the hour of adjournment ine any oe-,. foreiraaVe6umed ilnd occupied a considerable por-' tionfofTseaswn. ectiop sefenrelatng to the legalization of marriage between ihe late slaves of me siftp,. wa sir'ten wui,- -,t ''o ' be adjusted by the Lfg'slature, unless, 6n the third reading; some provision on the subject, more ccep table.to the Convention, shall be inwrted. " ' ; j just before the adjournment, the ordinance in, re lation to Stateebts was reached, will come ap again-to morrow as unfinished buiine8. The vote by ayes aqd hoes, on the question to lay the whole subject on tb table, is- considered : by . some an. in dication of the course that will be adopted by the Convention on the subject of the State debts. The main'ordinance, that of Mr. Settle,! declares against the assuoiption of the wair debt by jthe State. i Neoko ScFrBAflg is the deadest thing in the United States, with the exception of "secession. I While the revolted States wore engaged, under the ! liberal policy of President Johnson, in settling this i question for themstlves, Connecticut has set them I a good example by' rejecting negro suffiage by six -I thousand majority.'' Henceforth sectionaTism dies, i and thejtf ntoir-wilj b alUn all j VVV predict that a T greqt national tfatinparty ;cdmppsed of the best 1 elements of .the old parties, will raUy around Presi i dent Johnson, and will sweep away everything that opposes it Gov. Holden is inseparably associated in this great moveroent lie has the full confidence j of .the President. To oppose and thwart him while ! he lis doing all he can for the cause of the Union i and the good of the. old State, , is., to oppose , and thwart the President himself, who. is proving him i i telf on just principle the bait friend that OTorth l Carolina eter had.1 The sel,fish and designing may l. t scheme and plotbut no true friend of the Presi dent or of "the S'ate will endeavor at this time to i embarrass the Governor, or to sow the seeds of fu- i ture discord. '' ; ' 1 . : ,' Mr. Vassal, agent for North Carolina, is in the City and desires to see the members of the Conven tion concerning tbe establishment of the post routes. Mr, Y. has been authorized to immediately Open temporary (nail routes from the County seats, i He will visit the Convention; Hall to day.. 1 , ' 'We urge upon all gentlemen the necessity of co operating with Mr. Vassal. ' ;No thing is more need ed in this State than mail facilities, and we hail this movement with sincere pleasure.- Tne relations which have" existed between the Progre&t and the Standard do. not admit of any dis cussion at the present time. Suffice it to say, that we do not feel responsible for the votes of the peo ple of Wake County in the last election.' Not be ing pledged to any one, it is a simple absurdity to say that we deserted any one. intend hereaf ter as heretofore to keep silent if possible upon this question, the present posture of which no one re grets more than we do. The Raleigh National Bank, of Raleigh, North-. Carolina, and the Second National Bank of Balti more,: Maryland, have .been designated as deposito ries of public moneys, by the Treasurer of the Uni ted Statea.f 51 .t ,z V ; Tns Nokth-Carolina. Weekly Tim e3 has been laid on our table. Messrs. Vestal McEnight have issued a large and beautiful sheet. . The. Daicy Dispatch; Wilmington, has made its first appearance. Messrs. Barry & Bernard have made a decided success. In Wilmington' there are now three daily! papers.; We trust! bat 'each will receive the most generous patronage: from' tbe pub lic. ' -r - ' ;.. , L:,U.y . '. Tk Wilmiwotoh Jopbnal, Messrs. Fulton & Price. . We have before' noticed the Journal, but call the attention of the, public to it again, in con nection with 3m Dispatch and Herald. f The daily papers of Wilmington are creditable in appearance and 'abiftty to one of the first cities of the State. ! '? "-vKku NokRecognition o Non-1 Assujir-T noH.-We learn that a. dav Or two s!ni.( n hnnt was presented to Gov. Holden for payment, for one thousand barrels" of !roin, signed 0, K. McRae ; and that Gov. H. t iOnce told the holder of this bond that he bad no awfhority tp pay it; Mr. Mc Rav it will be recollected, was oue of Gov. Vance's , eents in Europe for tbe ale of rosin bonds to purchase warrsupnlies;. and ; th4 belief is ! that Mr. McRaeVybetwos' wre quite tj-iQiant while they ?? bat B t' naaythisj fcotid was' not paid,hd this fa'vrhat we cU'pnciuoecoB---nition of the war debt 1 U ' 'T&K li ' ! . : nr -i ; lax Jkuio JUfEBsos. Etheidjb. Jknerson Etheridge commenced at Col first For encouraging resistance to thenfofces neatwf. the, law.r Seconder For having conducted iiuosalf in a seditious and insurreetionary manner' r-ith 0pctfletiOna representing him as saying that , Aegroas jweoa no more free now than they were forty-yeacs ago, and hat alt negro troops ought to a4-dwn4xfJtowple;and caying that . JeferscniDavw was mean enough, hut that John sea od Brdwtrlow mer4 meaner that Johnson had sold himself or . Jgreenfcacks, and that Lincoln ;iiad deeeived r.ied ;toii.It ii9 rthoughtj that he ,mflL get erere' sen tenoav f sfyrg i if :'m 4 vu Twin iv iMuifWfivuiv, uw' wi tu-fiiaGv, uenerai rGfttit: fn response- Co' n'-iid -of 'welcome spoke Wkiog potches. r.I ata , that I never letroed to make speeches fwben. I was yoong, and now I am,.eld and have nti dire- to begin.'- I bad rather start out in anything else than in making a speech. And now. ladies and ffentlemen, I vcan only say to Sn ,Uat fit afford me very much pleasure io get " ck to Brown County," where nay boyhood ; ptntJ Gen 0 (X Howard arrived in the City last night. ' I tsys: to the pol South. uuicau, uu Mieu u-veuerai - uvw - tt family had some negroes, several hundred in all in 'yj :n A.aoama, lor whom be wanted an oraer . wfjn importation. men t ex Dense !o these negroes belonjej and , whence they . .were .h or- t iiea or ineir owners wueu ucuciw . unci won ar rived in Savannah nda. )hreateod:.ihe libera tion of slaTeV'r'U'01'. made this absurd demand in Buch ao arrpjjai pudent manner, ithai Of nejraL Howard was com-1- f felled to order a guard Ho eject! ihe offender, but V i- M, THE CONVENTION Tbe State Conveotion now 'in'session at Raleigh, is i uroerressiner bravelv tot .tho .work of restoring "North Carolina to her proper status in the Union,'. Uur delegates are proceeding wtn trjougRtlui caim Iftess and digqUy in their deliberations, thus promis ing that when their labors are completed, tbejvot k .will be done thoroughly done. - iur. , I The consummation of an end? so important will he the greatest accomplishment' the people 'Af "thi 3 SUte had ever been called upon to perioral. Jt wii tend to advance Our greatness as a people in every i respect; and bring os before the world .as a com r'mon wealth: of patriots.who, stricken down by the. wastine results of war.; have boldlv rallied, and in tbe face of despair itseK rectified the error. ffbich brought desolation upon their land, j v'" .T . : j It must be a matter of pride that a Convention composed largely of elements heretofore at enmity with the ruling government has i exhibited such .unanimity in its counsels the ordinance parmount to all other actipn, having been adopted Without a dissenting, vote: No other, of the States "which have recently taken action with" reference to re- construction, can show such unanimity df purpose, f cnVi harmnnv At Atinn ? Such a course must of necessity have' an im mense moral effect It cannot but i tend to silenci ' and shame the traducers of. our good people thost who have filled the radical and revolutionary pre, with columns of correspondence upon! the subjec of Nortb-Carohna disloyalty. It has ' shown tha the nests ' of treason so often alluded , to in detai have no existence hem, and that the people of th- -State are not lost; to their.wonted sepse of decency their appreciation of the offers of kindness am conciliation extended by the ruling powers. Still more does; the action of the Convention ex hibit the determination of our people to Sustain th principles of national AUnionisnof which Mi Johnson is the exponent -in all the political woik ings of the government; and it speaks in languag that cannotbe misunderstood, a determination t abide by all the terms of bis reconstructior policy.. Let cur Convention,, in their grave deliberations continue to keep this policy in view, and the ill under which we now exist . will be speedily re moved. -t-HTeto Berne Time. - i v ?' :. ' ;'".- ; ' - - j ' ' NEW YORK POLITICS PRESTON KING ON " THE, UNION NOMINEES. uf At a Union Republican meeting held in Ne following let-' Yoik on Thursday, the 5th inst, the ter was read from; Hon. Preston King, recently ap pointed Collector of Customs by Presideut John son :e .. .. '. l.i-i ..:. :' L -:; ; ; ; Mk. H.. Blekmy,: Chairmdnt &c. i j j' ! " ' Deak Sir : Tour letter dated September 27, in formed me that the Union: men of the Fourteenth District will hold a meeting on: the evening of Thursday; October 5th, to ratify the Union State nominations, and inviting me to attend and address the meeting, is -received; I heartily approve the principles and measures of President Johnson, for, qualifying the State governments and establishing' the union of the States on the constitutional found ation of universal liberty; The Union State ticket nominated by those who acted together as Union mer, without regard to previous political or parly distinctions, and sustained the country j and the Government through tne years of perd: that are past, is worthy of the Confidence of the people of the State. This ticket supports the President, and will receive my cordial support. It is very gratifying j to find that .the course of the President, jwho was j elected by the votes of Union men, who then acted together at a period of great peril to the country, is T now, approved almost universally. It. will not be convenient for me to attend your fneeting, but ydu will find many who are able to address you more eloquently than I e -n, though there are none who more earnestly desire to4 see the Constitutional Gov ' eminent of the Union established in all the S'.ates, and our. whole country regarded and acknowledged by the people iin every State as our common coun try, hereafter ir.ne and indivisible. Though I shall not be able to attend your meeting, permit m to express io you my; thanks for your invitation. Very respectfully, j PRESTON KING. TUNIS. - - In view of the visit of a Tunisian embassy to the United States, a few facts in regard to their country will not be amiss. Tunis 13 one of 'the Barbary States, situated on the. Mediterranean coast of Afri ca. It has an area; of 72,000 squre rolea,'with a population of two or t Wo and a half millions, of whom about 150,000 reside in the city of Tunis. The Government is Mussulman, yet liberal. AH fi' cts enjoy a perfect toleration. " The By and all his chief officers have but. one wife each and di vorces are discouraged and discountenanced. The city is situated almost on the site of ancient Car thage, and scattered over the country are many in teresting relics andj ruins of ancient cities, among which may be mentioned the city of Carthage Utica, celebrated as the place where jjcipio died llydremen turn, where Cassar landed and attacked the forces of Setpio. Jugurtha, it is said; resided in the immediate vicinity of Tunis. Among other remains Of ancientl Carthage still to be seen are immense cisterns, which are at least two thousand three hundred years old, and are to this day in such a gJSi1 state of preservation as to be used for their orlgipRl purpose. Piracy was abolished in 1815 and slavery in 1845. The soil is very fertile.,' The principal vegetable products are wheat, maize, bar ley, millet, olives, dates, grapes, Ac, all of which come to perfection with little care on the part of the cultivators. r ; Cotton and indigo have recently been introduced, and opium and tobacco are grown in small quantities:. Copper, lead, silver, and 'sail abound in great abundance, and recently a quick silver mine has been found. The GovoiMmAnkM The despatch from Oormnr Ham'.. Kr4t, Caiolina,.to the P.-eaidenf, whichwe publ'sh else where, is another satisfactory evidence of returnine reason at the SohThe 20th of May, 11861. wai ."(WH7..roirNortfr Carolina and; the ac tion ot her Convention, which passed the ordinance of secession, set in motion a train of evils which car Tied lamentation a,id misery throughout: ail her iKders- . fi us hope that henceforth her people' wiHchensbraore sacredly tfce greai principles Tof our Government,-and esteem more highly the blessv ings oMbe UnionlThe declaration of tun Omwim. oi secession . s " n nil and Ypid," ! is.j also ahot her f proof of the wisdom of President JohnsonTs recori-1 stroetioB policy;, Wash. ' Chronicle. a b. rl 70Q0, bales .pf cotfonlbave 'beeii-rugKt-'to.'tliis market durins the east wk..;- Theai, heavy receipts. Flatboatg are becoming quite an 5 iub uiuuon in our wafers. There neems to be' an eydent disposition td f run iflat amunsfc etsamiiAit 2,017 have reached this cpoint by Xhese fst sailing! A Micfiijran lUtional bank caAhier Bnt 'Vsktli 6w wiijfl ueposit $9u,uuu. 'jne iurectors went OB s ireek after, and found tha-cashiardunk. and n hirong therwaf fand wait Ctopart tbe -At"?! i Veil IhAft s, 1 i.r .,''oli ; I-.,', . ,J M Inn I fr. ? titt l.hut gaWan W-nce i v. mo icbiucul. miu wiin an sksuiuulioii ui tiwi ; importance, profiered his advice to Mr. dtmosoii - tcv that RhnuTd h .nuiRiicd toward, the -J-.i. ' , . ,. :.'... nu..,.r.,oo ; , I Cotintv ere eta JlrJ Rhett then visited the madmen? T . T " , : r 1 . ' ---.r.iiJUtitteirt v -J--- , "oiaiiJ saoservMnt tq Tntkeyut.is in.rcality The triarof ' qute lndebenaentSrith arstanHm ;. -m IIZ-aJ uwbus. Kv.. 'e ho"sMd me,rr, and afleet of thirty gunboats. Pi' t'ErsEsi-iTrib tot. by Rv W Ai Wik;JonV.i tUrei.rjaiJ ine t jnTenu met tit a oc J J i ii . vs 14 - ithurcn.'1 (outicvioi liajiuns iUH power wi iuo uci: V - 'lj :i :.r n.- il. t-j u increase ithf - indebtedReas'oirtba Btete, reported AAn nrAJ ihdebof trJG here-fter-to-beeofefaote4ilVi Mr. Matily, from the committee appointed to re port what or dlrtaiicc MietikWttttiofilld'9e'' submttted to the people 'for-iheir action t reported tin part, recoraoieindiBg thatXtW ordioJtdeejjeclar- Una " ehouH dbe so submittiea: 51 "I J I wl MniPooUfrflwhe.iCKJffimitteotp which was re ferred .the address of the Freedmen's Conyenipp, submit Ud a report to- the - effect-Jthat -the subject matter 6thcf address icoeMine; njore-apprppriatelj jj actectqpoR try xttpy uegtsiaturo, out, tnat thejniporr tance of the subject, and the necessity for , consider-; ate afetlonfaTe sd ;gf e-thae t m&j; be' proper for the Convention to? initiate) tepls firslias adjustment. Adverting to t the change . of relations; con,se4uent upon the, cessation of slavery and UieareleAse of a Jaree clasS of 'tbe 'pop'ulationl ignorant and poor. from the stringent restraints of its late social and 1 political, ppsiton tpe committee held t Jbe duty of the State to assume, control of this'change'' of "rela tions, aha to ehaclt.shitaw ii 'right and justice may require, and as may be"niost conducive to the general Welfare. ' In! consequence of his late con " dition as a. slave," the committee say, , y the . fred ' man is ignorant of the operations of civil eovefn- ,'raent,1 improvident off , the ; future,' careless of the icMiuua ui jiuuiHi. iiiuium, , uuu nituyui sc j rear appreciation of the'dat.VBaV'l-11 f'oiWj imposed . by the change-in his relations to society. ;, I is the interest f thejirh.te race if he is to restde-among us, to iroprove-and elevate him by the enaettnent of such laws, conceived in a spirit of fairiiess "and iberahty as will encourage him to seek his true jwelfare, in honest industry, and the faithful dis- cuarge oi ine uuties 01 me. tiis inrenectuai ana social condition mnst depend upon his industry and virtue. The report deprecates ,' hasty and incon siderate action." and add, 14 above . all- -' things,, should t e delicate questions evolved from the new, relations among us be kept from the. arena of party -J (jviiuvb. i i swi 13 mc cjwioicm;o y vuo icuijrwai bonds ,pt attachment-, between the races, arising ' firom fbrnier domestic relations, and expresses the J conviction that "from such ties, and from the com ; mon feetiags bf interest, justice and humanity, more jis to be' Roped for the improvement; arid welfare" of Jthe c lored race, than from the agitation of imprac ticable., claims for- social 'and.;" political 'rights, or from the aid of those.; whose ; intejferenee - is. li?ly to be regarded wiih j'alousy, and met with resent inent." Withtlie views, the Comfnitfee JigkUhat i4 legislation should be suited to the actual condition 1 if Jlhe partits-f-arid'tA bedimed rather tp their mr terial and moral welfare, and to the general peace and prosperiiy of the State, .than to any theoretical schemes of social and political equality. in vu4'ynwiu, vu5 uiuiriiiucij icuiiueiius, uiB i ine nrovistonai wovernor-be 4 requested to appoint f and constitute a commission of three gentlemen. fatinent foi legal ability, to prepare and submit Id tbe consideration v of thei Legislature, at its next session, a system of laws upon the subject of freed uier, and to designate suuh' laws or parts of lavs now iq force, as should be repealed, in order to con form the statutes of the State, to the ordinance of tbi Convention abolishing i the-, institution of slavery." The report" was accompanied -by "a resolution. constitute a, commission . to prepare and report to the Legislature a code of laws oa the subject of freedmn " i pn motionr of Mr -Caldwell of Barke, it wns or dered that 60O copies of this report be printed, j Mk Jones. 'of, Davidson, introduced an ordinaiy?' for vthe election of, Clerks and Sfieriff-!. "Provides that they be elected at the same lime as the mem berk of the General Assembly, Representative's in Congress and Governor; and that they hold office t ffom the expiration of the Provisional government, until farther provided for by tbe Legis'ature. i . I Mr. Moore of. Wake, resolution that so much of the jTreasurer's report, as relates to the adoption ot pcme summary remedy ; against parties refusing to d4 ver State property, or wiibhol iing funds placed in their hards for Sute purposes, be referred to a special committee of three members' -s j j Mr. McCoy of Simpson, a lesolutbn requesting the Governor' to correspond with President; John son, in relation to certain officers and citizens con fined by military authority in Raleigh and W liming ton. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. . he Convention proceeded to consider the unfia- ... j isbed business, viz :, an, ordinance' declaring what laws and ordinances are in force, and for other pur- poses." - '- j : i-.',- . The. seventh section affirming and establishing marital relations between men and. women foriner- i ly slaves who -cohabit asi man and wife.jvas discuss- ri meuuop nu injiy Kinciten out, Alter iuTtner verbal antendment the ordinance passed its 2nd i -A! motion to suspend the rules and. put tbe ordi nan 4e on its 3d reading was rejected, i ! An ordinance to apply to the president for a gen era amnesty 'was puf" on'its 2hd reading, Vnd the rcV utions eopcerniog 'general aincestv. prbbd- I ed by the coramitteel as 'a substitute therefore were adopted. fThese resolutions appeared in connec J j tion witn a former report J ; - ; a.;; i 1 AnVdinance recognizing the just debts of North- ; Carolina and prohibiting the pay ment of all public debts created or incurred in aid of ! the rebellion, ' was read the second time. .- - vi ; ? i Mr. Mebane moved to I lay the ordinance on the ! table. V ; j On this question the yeas and nays were ordered, pn motion of M Settle, U i ; m?? - ! I The Convention; refused to lay on the table yeas 51. nays. 62. v, , Z ,-- "Cl'T, : These who voted in the afiirtnative. were'Messrs. Adams, i Allen, Baker, Beam, Bell, Berry, Boy den, Burgin, Buxton,' Caldwell, of Burke, Caldwell, of Guilford, Clark.iConiglahd, Fairclotb, Faison, Fere bee, Furches, GiHiani,;Grissotn, Harris, of Guilford, Harris, of 1Rutherford,ones,i of Davidson, Jones, of Rbwan,;:Kenncdy, Lashv Logan, Lov!e,'of Jackson, McCoy, of - Sairipson, McKay, 24cGehee, McR-ie, Manly, Mebne,-Murpbyt Nicholson, Noi fleet, Pat terson, jPerkins, , Phillips,: Polk, RtTSsell, Saunders, Smith, ; of Anson, Spencer, of H yder;Starbuck, Stephenson,' Winstorf, and Wright v Those who voted in tho negative were Messrs. Bames, Sarrow'Bingham; Bradley,' Brown, .Brooks, Bryan, Cowper, Dickey, Dockery, . Donneli; Ellis, Faulkner, Gahagan, Garland, barrel t; " God wih, Haynes, Henry, 4Iodge, Jicksdrt, Jaivisi Johnson, yuiuuju, oiies, oi nenaersoii, tioyce. JMat McLean1. 'McLaoehlrri Moore -of Chatham. Moofe, vf Wake, Cdom,'PooI,,Rdmloy,?8h?'SH' tie; Simmon, Slean; Smtthof Jotin'tton, tStt&bf w uses, fepencer ol Montgomery Stewar.t, rStubbs Swan, Thompson, Walkup, Ward, Willey, Williams, Wilson,1 and Winburnei, .-JL.. tit. 1 The nnpieasanlc color produced by perspiratTTs frequently the source of vexation to . persods Vrhd' arc subject to it Nothing ia simpler- tha td re move this color much more effectually than by the application, of. such, pnguents and; perfumes as are conipound spirits of ammonia, nd ijilaca about two table-epoonfulsi &a 4)asin ?ot vt&iek EWasbingthe fyftelbwtta.mr'WiwltiiliiBtl 4' xieto, street nmt'!! jbsuk pnm&mmmifam . wash imperfectly harmless, and very cheap, iiCi puysiciaa. i' A swarm of bees in their natural i stale contain from iq,000io 20,000 of the insectsJ! whilst in hives iiuuiucr ii uiu oo,uuw . io WjWUiST jo a square feet ff.Aooi a4 queen bee lays; flesfeggaflfor 5f or ,0 consecutive datsL layinar about. 500 dailv. .It tkea. thre davs to batch eggs. ? In one, geaspn v Jingle queen bea hatchea About 100,000 beea It takes 5.Q00 bees to weigh a pound. Si : ":KsB': ? r) 1 eci 01 umiiine me power ui vue uegisiaiure 10 i ij 4ng nun anu-voiu ine-oryuiij oi aiVrwio, sw 1 Carolina " eKouId Jbe so stibmiltifea? 3S I T I wl oyoer,. eaiey, iVfpg Love 5oT ChathmT.yn, McCauleytcCfeese; McCorkfe MpDoMd of Chat ham; Mcl vor'N. A." McLean McDoiifald br Moore. .ill ! -Si nd t' ,t- TNT" Ad t erse : toTe an i. i l di t nt for e at i ' ly i ring parts t, th$ C u y th. flat f n t e iegisk jt ;to a emb iJieC-Uine rl ..." VWfc-Jo ( jv l ,er y f -erja. may be advised upon tne? subject, l ue tnis me- mlormmgr iaea-wij:.neTOiera?PLJine nerany inac i am- not a canaiaaie ior tne s to too to go -to the polla on. the day of election and cast ibeir votes for eobd'ahd'r Union: lime! i6riners. bat meTWfvho wit! Bteadt rvlheedministration 6f Governor Holdeof and w "cef e tnTnTsTtpanyilfrie'nds forthB leal manifested m-i ray oeuairfe iUiiMouijw v ii " iTi p 1x'1 be cherished and remembered byme duringfllfe -. j -T W- -K ICHAKDSON. REM On the noti 2 In makins the motion to re-onsidef ordinan RNo. 1CL and. which bad passed this Convention, he 5 PVArOF JACKSON ttad toherigle WL and Mt asltSw that those who bad voted lor him and other memterslJ nt the late Wecfiolilpd' th proclamation of; tjfe Governorf sb8uld1iave the rlglit orprivifege to vwi oni the 8c6ndi Thursday PftNotfniberv nexkj jMi ; would not and could not be ' less libeal than thai proclamation had provided.' "He was' no proscrip- liomst. ne wouiu u jgwu io see every roan voie in( the State who was a' quired ! voter iinder the statute law T'ttte jBtatet 'He wjoold ibe!El.d'to see all exceptions removed, and alL qualified voter vote . as. nereioiore. f ijui,. iuia wouiu .tiov weii oe anu sus , tain the policy bf lthe'geiferal government But as : the ordinance required a poll tax to be paid before voting; itfetdWyf excluded! many ?wh,o, bid o$ at the. last election, j There were many men who had been in both armies, Federal and Confederate,) who, by the operation.6df this ordinance,' wobld be excluded from toUni because they had not paid a 'public tax'J-S He was; .therefore dpposed to ttaodf 1 desired a reconsideration, with a view to.introduce J an amendment, so that , all qualified voters could ' vote, except that the payment of a poll tax should not be required. He did not believe that the dis tinguished gentleman from . Wake, the author of this ordinance, designed intentionally to "proscribe ..men from voting in so many words, but the effect of his ordinance was the same. " ' He! hoped,' there ? fore, that in order! that he might escape this di lemma, that he would ; come up to the support of the motion to reconsider. '!;;: i He objected to the ordinance 'for another reason: . the limci fpr "convening the General Assembly was too short between that and the time for: holding tbe , election to nable; .the- members eleted -iron the extreme Western ..Counties tp; be ' present ".at! the meeting of the General Assembly, and !cohsequent ly it would 't xcladtt them from the rightTn choosing i United Suk-s Senators to rarfresant. the State in the general' government. : The effect of -ihi9 ordit.an.ee is to exclude the West from .voting, and;hence to disfranchise ic , If the motion to reconsider prevailed, he would move an. amendment , fixing jthe time of' conven jnrt (be General Asemblv on the 4th Mott- dav of November instead of the 3d Mondav of No- vemoer, wuicd wuuiu give uie western iyounties a chance. He-hoped the ntion would prevail as he Mitjl nA( MBA klu OA'nftflnnPl .kMifliJ.nji'w . I. 1 L. virtually.'disfranchised so . many .voters. He de manded this as a right in bthall ot bis constituents and at least one-tenth-of the' voters bf .ihe State. , ., j ' -For the Standard. Messrs Editors : -Having seen the1 names'of sev-' era! gentlemen mentioned as suitable to represent the County in 'the ensuing Legislature, we have thought proper to bring the name of Nathan Ivt 5 to tne noiit-e-or ine puouc, as a-suuanie man tc represent the Oounty in the Senate branch of the next Legislature of North-Carolina..; We know that no purer, 6r more: ptrjo'ti&' k 'genttemati. walks the soil of this County and. his; business qualifica tion are unexceptionable, i, M ANY-VOTERS, -i. ' Rareigh,-N. C. - ! - " : : v ...;.:"-:' - " - r ; " v'"h" - . .. ALABAMA. ': ' ! - - y' Repudktting fhf&atk t4r deUthe (nntui. , ; Mostoomery, Sept. 28, 1865. , ' THE 8TATE DEBT. ' '; j In the Convention, to-day; r. Elmore,' from the Committee on the State debt, to which was referred an oidinance to repudiate the war debt of the State, reported a substitute for the same, which was adop ted by yeas sixty, pa8 nineteen.,1. Tbe ' followio g is the ordinance: ; vh . Be it ordained, Aa,l That all debts created by the State of Alabama in aid of the late war, directly or inairectly, are hereby declared void, and the Uener ar Assembly of the State ' shall have no authority, and they are. hereby: forbidden, to 'ruify the same, or to assume or to provide for the payment of the same "or:any part thereof. .-e,ljj ; , i And be it further , ordained, .That the General Assembly of the State shall have no authority, and ' they are heieby forbidden, to assume or make any promise foi the payment of any portion of the debt . contracted or incurred, directly or indirectly, by the Confederate'States ' tit l by its agents, or by its authority. .' .. . . ; ; . ;. s-.?; n'.:..: '.:,-:.' A SPECIMEN OF TBE PARDOKED; REBELS. Barnett, Micon & Co.,i composed of several per-r sons of this city, are now and have been, since and before tbe'cbmmencement ofthe Tate vebellion, the owners and proprietors ! of the Tallapoosa Cotton -Factory, located in Tallapoosa county, in this State. They have made during the war an immense amount ,; . of .money, as favored contractors of the late so call ed Confederate government. The parties composing the company were persons' particularly hostile to the United States government, and delighted to persecute and punish Union .citizens who adhered to the flag of their country. . During the war they refused to furnish a yard of cloth for the destitute women and children of the State, giving as a rea son that " they only manufactured cloth for the soldiers of .the Confederate army." : At the close of the rebellion, they found; themselves in , possession : ; of a large amount ot cotton, estimated aV two-thou-4 : sand five hundred bales, j Much of this cotton wast the property of the rebel" governments !sent t to.the ' factory to be manufactured into clothing for the . army "a-ifwiu ,'-"'iJt i k '? A A', t vw.ir fcfaj'rfe. ! : This company, coming within several, exceptions' of the President' amnesty proclamation, and their factory being liable ,to con fiscation, under the'actf; of . ; Congress, engaged the services of a' prominent citi zen lawyer and contracted-with hi nr "to obtain par dons tor the tarious 'weiinbersof thai coatahyfdr whichi:be was to,repeive pne-third of the cotton. ' '! The petitions wete ; prepared,' recommended and forwarded to hingtqn, andip dn time the par dons were granted. , Finding themsel ves, pardoned -and free to act they. com pim fseji ; witby'lhe tttprney by paying the handsome sum ..of. sixty - thousand dollars. The next move was tbpresent to the Sec retaVy5oth?lats targef claim for eompeaaa tion. I The Hon. (lugh McCulloch will have a good time examining ipterthis claiih iMW-J. Jauies Q.;SniithV UnTted-States District1 Attorney; finding all the promihebt rebeHere ,beTn?'pardor ed,;set bQu,t.jfiiingiJthe caused hen. the. abpF facts came to light. AU ttbe'. facts'jii, he 'above case, with others, will be presented hy ' the District Attorney tpje Attorney s General -shirigtoff for direction ia the pretW;;.--' liWslfluatritted Newsaberbf Sept feSdives its ", D9 wona, a eut purpurupg io pe txor? rect likeness "of .CharapFergaso'nV ken lrdma, phDtBgrmph;bry.S; OVfHughes, of this placeCR Ilj is" Vsimply.Tilikeesaj apd,;is in all probability an old cut -of-some person, which has laid in the office tor y ears, and ;ueedfor-(Con venrence. That kind of enterprise is' about flayed out. and .'FAblfJBtf6Mha,ta-Wfli:ir last nersofi to nalni L f ll'.J The Star vat influential Ena-'iah naner. ? writes "If a and Aroerjcii, fnd if juch a Ihing efe pbvsically e'fcgthe liridind1 of an American exnedidon. under any 1 VenwnneraV o lb iltish Ccoatt thence, elieve4tbaC; general nhtar from Cork. to Dublin without one Irish hand being raised w aiay 01a progreaa. : - v.:-m w m vt. ; (t w, v row . ixt 3.' rt V 14 I" CORN oecJ8heLw. . J. . L. .t . i .12 W V I 43 -1 00 ttf -1 85 UEl tk.. U.,K 4 VV I 1jAKI per iQ j.Siii i-M VC3 Dried, oer bah 1: 60 0 ; . ii" nz. f; MV ' j, - . --Comirwu Brown, -r l'f r"'' PEASRed, per buab s -7-wnite,per r.. OATA-inbaf; i"'oo'H;t'''',', : 1 - . -. UUBU TlAS-r-.i.-........6 "160,'-, JT oo'. ?a ( i.hi fv SWUm POTATOES newwp, ,V-, w s w - .......... Mi au rami ly per id ... SPICE, ' - . . - ;T7 ..-.! i ! COKRBCTID SA1LT BT JOB . WILUAMB A CO, BBOKaKS AX .1 ' 77...fAmW-: DAti' l':UiM:i,h0i3A SKI Gold $1,40 ; 8ilter l,85f;f Old Couppni Ti-:llVlC; Railroad Conpone 40, ; : '.: '-''Vy : NnC., Bakk Norrg. Bank of Korth-CarollDa,' 8iS ; Cape Fear, 85; ThomaavilleSO ; Roxboro', 85 :! Misers aad Plan ters, 80 j Farmers, 80 iMercbaots, 80; Bank of Charlotte, 254 Lexington, 85; Wadesboro; 2 . ; Wilmington,' 20 ; Commerce, 20 ; Washineton, Fayette n lie, . Clarendon, Yancey ville, Commercial Bank of Wilmitigton, Greeu born' Mutual, 15. . 7: :ir '' :', ' j, 'V ;.;";'' Yibqikia ahd SouTHKRir Notb. From 10 to 90 f ? .? PRICES AT -THE If ATION A BANK OF '' '.f--' NORTH-CAROLINA. laying Rates. Ii Gold 1140; Silver J8S. NortV-Caroliiia Bonds 75, in cluding nine Coupons. :i Coupons of ( Id Sixer 8Kt C. Raik'Road Conpons 40 Old Sixeanine conponaon. 77. '; , N C.BaxkMotbs. Banks pf jiortb-Carolinai Cape Fear: and farmer a Ban k, 0reenaboro',Sa; Miners aDd flanters,.' Merchants, -Roxboro', 80 ; Charlotte And -Lexington, 25 ; Wilmington, Commercial and Commerce, 20; Wadesboro , WashlBjitoD, Yancey villa, Fayette ville. Clarendon and Greensbom' Mulusl, i5. ,t s r, L Other State bills from 10 to 20. ,1 , j TiBGUfiA akd Sodthibk Notes.. From 10 to 45. ; . " " Nobtbbrm Bakk Notks From 00 toC5.. .;. , , 0 AR HI V ALS AT TH it . EXCH A If GE ' HOTEL, !- i 4 f i.OoiOBEB 9tb, lOtb, and lith 18fi5; 'ilin v-'' ! John B Rand, Warren ; Wm A Thomas, Pay Ikiwrtanent USA;N J RobertsodJ do ; Llettt Joseph Raa;dall, ym niinjctoa ; Kisa Mary E Smith, Conr(Iaod, N. f Y 6H Cle tine, Herkiner, S Y ; J M rieree, lia 12 Indiana, Vola Samuel Ervy, Lt do ; P J McNamard, Mewbeni ' W B Rodman, dj j . B M Paretoa, U S M R j W' i Thomas, Pay DeptUS A; W J Kbey, 183 Ind .Infty; fr ft B Taylor, Greene County ; John N Moore, do ; Capt P jl Adrich, Washington, D C R Lealy, do ; Maj U V Sloasen; Sew Yoik ; Wm SIoiseB, do; W S Camp, Smithfleld ; fl 0 Clarke Worcestert Mass ; , E Milliard, Philadeiphia ; I'fi Boras, XC; A Smart, New Orleans; Maj E Forcf.DS A J SHck and wife, New Uaveir; M Clark; Hewbera r W. S Cadman, USA; JV Hathaway, do; Lt IV:U Metxke 28 Mich Tola ; IH Bliss, G B Stanley, Frank Miller. Or J W Page,di; E L Rnrael I,. Petersburg ;r H Barnett;- J S Cbupman: B S Smipron, Cincinnati ;' Asa Leal, : 5th Ohio Cavalry ; Lt S C Krulia, U S A ; R W Bradley, Haw Han over ; J B Cagart, do ; L Cnlbreth, Camberland ; G W Bullard, do; J Williamaoa, Raleigh; W S Bredet and two ladies, i MeUhun, Smitb6eld i Daniel Bellara. do J W Pennington, A Gallaher. J S Price, Q W Merral, New, York ; 8Oavis,. Tiflio, Ohio ; D Bf Cooper, Mt Vernon,- v mo ; w n v oson, m u a vols ; uapi j , Wi Infwibuek, Washington I C ; W S Broidio, Warren. Co, N C; Miss B Broidie, do ; Miss H Breidie, doLt J-Koster, U S M R R, J S Scott, Graham. N C; J U Aawlw.do;, ,W -W Rollins Ashvi'le, N C ; Edward Wearren 6th Ohio Car; Dr Custis, Beaufort, S,C;JH McCwlloogh, Lt U 8Inf ; Mr I'ugh and friend ; G Dunbar, Lt Colr LexSngtoo.; John Frey, Piny Forest ; A F Lassi ter; Eagle Mills;N C . John Frey, the Piney Woods , Miss Sail ielrrinif. Yemon. Ind ; H Hanson,: W Cooper, Greensboro; R McKniirhl, R.ibiosoa Co ; T M Cook, WUminarton ; B W Pond.JJ Y ; J C Lee, W E Hunt, Newbem;L Nelson, SCSHonahton, N Y ; Di Barrow, Nawbern ; D fiartt, C 3 a ; O M Hood, WashJngtun, DC; G B Parker, U 8 A ; W R Strionats ; B CParker Mich ; H Parker, U 8 A ; O B JCelsor, New Lt A A Barns, wife and servant; Dieut Hart, D3A:W H King, 1 P Sippie, J C fltnbby, Prof H Toneey, Newbern. :i ': i Kew Adyertisements. j ; louiburg Female college. ev. T. St JOITES, President and Fropnetoi! T1 H.S ; EXERCISES OF THIS INSTITUTION WILL beirin on ihe 2d Wednesday in January. Iffl6. " Louiaburs Lis a villasre seldom sdrnassed for health. in .lejUgence, refinement and 'morality,. It is in .Pranklia County, nine miles from Kranklinton, on ' the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad. Between these points there is a daily stage line, connecting with trains going North and Sotuh. The College building, located in a beautif 1 grove, on an elevated site, is large, commodious and wel I ventilated It will ho thoroughly renovated,; and fitted np with Heat fur niture and fi rep aces in" the dormitorie. " Jt is oijr purpose to establish for young ladies a school of j the. highest grade, afiTording superior facilities tor the acquisition of a thorough and accomplished education. With the advantages of a good lihtary, a' well-selected Chemical and Philosophical apparatus, a competent Fac ulty, and large experience in connection with the Owns bcro' Female College, we hope, by a faithful discharge of duly, to meet a liberal siiare of patronage. Boarding pu pils will Uveas members of the President's Jamily. . Terms res.'nable, and will' be made knpwn in dne time. Those desiring to stjnd their daughters, will "please ad dress ine. folr the preheat, at Greensboro, N- C, and eir culart wilt be sent. ' .-J' -V-iL TV'M. JOXE3. October IS; w .-; .--.:i . . 151 tf GEOBGE SAGSTEB0 m tT : IMPORTER OF .WINES .:;ANI' LIQUORS, l . - . -H; 1 . V HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AND OFFER FOR sale: 1 : I .,V - ' I f'tis; GIN, " WHISKEYS,, BRANDIES, n IRUM. w'f-7'J -. Port;, Sherry and Hadelra' Wise1:! idle; . .. -: , . .. . I .AIM ;' ! r. ...1 ..: i : t Rosa FtDdiningo BiUera, . Bourbon CocktaU; .Gm J. do . Branily'- ol i4 I? .SU.Dommgqt a&ysi y. Ginger Cordial. These! Goods can be rornisbed,by tb 4se or )n bulaiilNe'TM ifc- tost 01 rreignw. wif ?; ?ym.r tCountry; Trade is invited. M v .VIA f Pa? - r revised k::o cor zc: i .' - 1 .i.jr- . ; - ' -rf v. - - - i Lit 1 ?4 '- ,;ii. 1 i - " yiitf, -ij) air-i .are :q;4 -. 3vS'-$ '$ AT : THE - TAAataWfj j 18 lteanoke Sqaare, 1FOLK, Ta. I COoISTS. IN' PART. OF TBR p lowife Goods, which weifier to the Merchant. .1 Norlb-CaroSina atr verytow price fet-i sr -: eO.CCO. Cigars, Henry ClaySantiagoa, Cabanas, Ao. K?::X.W bbxea Ping Tooacei: ; 1 , - ; ;:'"i'' IOC gross Chewing do - - w5 60 boxes Pipeiv new varjetiea. : ' 0 do Pipe Bowls, . white and gwfced,1 e f bQ do 20do M (Masses. N V. Mulasaif, -3'lOOrt f iJnraaitgradea, if 1 ii loai$piate r j v: I'-sbOs.de'-.beat Admantine Caaaiea, ' " ! ."t&Jfsr4BTallo3rfc-.dov .:-,.;. .tt;'bbla:'-UaekereL;-v. " . :" '-H 60"Tlf BteaL Maekerel, i : SO aaeka-MarWiaU's SaJtr . 100- 86 rGroJblKt'Aldia f 00 bags fine Table Salt, vj. t . vr ddb. jrora, tiatvy ena iniBatesa, i S5 firkins Leaf Lard, -; it 10 bb s. ..a; -j rio ' do -f ; - 100 boxes Mirk and Boston Crackers, 10er bblii 44frQyaier and Sods Crackers, 50 boxes Raisins. i 7! 80 half fcixies Raisins, 60 qr . .. do -1 do,1. : .':f ala-O 6OO J0S. assoried Candies, 800 do Corn St arch. " -ml 5 caddies-Tea, - -- 7ft sacks cboic Green. Coffee, , , 'i ; 15 cases Union Mills . do , 15 do Riibia i doT.do ' i 0O lbs Ground RW.,.,. - do in tinfoil, r fi, sacks Grain Pepper :- f i r.. -. 'r' 'do 'Allspice.; -iirJ - - ' 10 sacks Race-Gfni W1 . j SOO dozen grouBd Cinnaoa doves,' Ae.r ' ; BOO ' de ," do & 'Pepper, Mustard and Allspice J 00 lbs Extract IkiawoouV 10 gross Blneine, in stnall hexes, 1 " v 000 ids r ig ,-aar,44isKt- j - ; 20 boxes Saleratos, - , X and 1 lb papers, 00 cases east jrowaera, -;iUv: -tV) do assorted Paper, , . .'a 10 kegs Cooking Soda, English. -Si0 x;dot Washing do v SO boxes Concentrated Lye,. 7 - ' ".10 .lbs Oepwj-.-,j.- JV MM VII CO,, iT " ' .",.1 - do . Duiant's OTire Oil, pints, v J50 dozen Congress Water, , (, ,80 gross Colgate's Toilet Soaps, , , ; '-50 boxes: Starch, Tt-T 1r' ;ii 1 . '" ' ' 10 cases French Muatard, U : 10 gns Laudasnm,. ., .' 10 do . Paregoric, '; v -:. , I 0 dozen Perry Pan's? Paint Kit fer, . - ' ui. 50 v do Flavoring Extracts, : --20 do- Esseribe Cinoasnon, : ' .100 do ' --do., vj Peppermint, ' 600 lbs BlueStoae, s .1. . 800,do,;Sulphur,. . ., . . . 500 do. Brimstone, i ':",,.. I" - SSt dox. 'Batemaa's brops, , ' '-iSO-Ldo iOpodeldce,,,, t - ' 80 do Vermifoge,; . aj; ,4, ; ;, . : 2 gross Hampton's Tincture, , . . . 20 do Pepper auce ; 50 gross Tomato Catsap : jo cases Combetland Sauce: ao 'dozen Worcestershire ..j Lfindon Club Sauce ; W) dotetT Mrs Winslow's Soothinr Pate Cider Vinegar; ?h0 dozen best Blacking ; 50 dozen DiacRiBgwu cicruDoiqg orusnes; iwaozen Brooms and Whisps; tOO-doz. Waahboards,'; wood and zinc ; 50 down Water Paila, two .and ibree hoops ; 15 doson Barrel Cov ers; 5 nesta Cheese 'Safes; 15 dozen Painted Tubs snd Keelerg; f,O dz Clothes Line; 50 boxes Clothes Pins; 400 gross Bram's Block-Matches, stamped ; 6 gross Stovs Polish; 24 doni Cotton. Cards; 20dez Wool do y 60 doi Ink; I bbl Dried Pears"; t eisfc do Peaches; 10 dozen Bread Trays; 10 doz Rolling Pins 10 dos Potato Hash ers ; 10 doz Vinegar Faucets;' 50 doz Seives; dos Tobac co Cotters, new aty le; 50 doz Ti n Cups ; 1 00 dox Tin Plates ; 8 dozen Sugar Scoops; 60 kegs; Nails 40 Scales and Weights ; 5 doz Molasses Gates ; 4 dos . Lanterns; -10 doz Sugar Boxes ; 10 boxes Chocolate; (5p ewt , Mace; 50,0u0 Paper Bags ; 800 Cotton F.our Bagt; - 200 lbs Wrapping Twine; SOO reams W tapping Paper: 5 reams Tea Pa- per; 15 half bbls Fulton Market Beef: 200 lbs' Smokier Tobacco. in bales Lalf od 1 ,1b;,.'., case Brit isb Lustre ; 10,000 Italian. Pipe citeuia; 0 neste Market Baskets; 100 . nests Wood -Measures J 10 JMises Capers; 60 coils' Rope, assorted sizes ; 25 gross Ess Coftee; 40 dozen Gingerine , 10 cases Bath Brick ; 100 lbs Spanish Whiting ; 50 lbs ' Gum Camphor, in 2 lb I boxes ;4 cases Bay "Water, qts. . i ESP"" Agenta for Herring A-.Co's celebrated Cbaapion ' Fire apd Burglar Proof .es, . and Fairbanks . and Co' eeieorated scales. Norfolk, Va, Oetobef1 W IBlli m SCHENCK'S MACHINERY EPOT, J ACOB B- SHENCK PROPRIETOR ; ;:k : uNpt'TO WaUdeB; JjaBe,,Neisi3fork r5 WOOD WORTH PLANING. TONGUEINa: A N D Grovmg'MachiSes; Sash and 1 Blind . Machinery ; Portable and Stationary Steam Engines sad Boilers; Page's Circular tiaw Mills of the most approved construc tion, of all sizes ; and alt kinds of Machinery for working wood or Iron: -Also a' superior quality nf Leather Belting,- Robber Bel tins, Pacjctng, &e. Orders respectfully solicited, which wilt receive prompt attention-' Price! ists ind circulars can be obtained from Wm. P. Moore.---.ir' '-f-: -''"r : I i ..-:u -"-ft feasKaEKCKs:-.'. '''1.::- - : Wo; P. Moore, WV B. Wadsworth,' Esqs., Newbern ; imts J. Wbiiehnrst, Esq , Tarborb, N.'C, Robt. Green, Jami Grefenvijk, N: c : uciober 12 151 2m i ' ESTi ILISHED 1852: LTCURG S BERKLEY. ; ; 3 afaln Street, Under JobasoaS Hall. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FOREIGN" ' -j j AND .-':.' ";' ,; -" DOMESTIC DST, OQODS, - ?Wnolesale-Room8 op8tairai Also Agent for Grove A Bakei-'s Sewing Machines. October,2;;:e.-4.i iJUii; .V-.d";!wolSn THE RALEIGH NATIONAL BANK OF NORTH-GAROLINA, BALWGH, N. C. United States1 Depository & Financial Agents j -.-;'. AatBortzed September I2tb, 1865. . DIRECTORS:' ; " Oio" WaSwBPsoK,! Pres't: -'C: P. Mnrnaintau, . I Jos. 8. CAHKO,"Vi4e Pres't." ios. W. Houaa, f, ,-; , ,W. B. .Gduck, Cashier. . i On and after the Snd Of October, this Bank will be open for the transaction of; Banking business. , . Gold and Silver Coin iDom.estio Exchange aad United States, State and, Local jSecurities bought ass) sold. ; Unearrent money 'dsoounted on the most JsvoraVfr terms ; Deposits received and careful atl entkm paid to tbe accounts of business men snd Firms, r. ; - :-, , : Collections made at: all points . in , the St of Nortk- jaroiua,-!., -;. ---.-,- s ;'tf-TREA8URYJ)EPAKrMENT,. : . Orfics or THB CoarntOLLKBor TtEB Cvbbbnct, ; ? -. . ) ii : 4:Wahinirtan. tieotembes 12tb. t - Whvbsas,' By satisfactory evidence pvescatcd to the up dersigoed,it has been made to appear; that "THE KAI EIGU NATIONAL BANK OF N0RTB-CAB0LINAI' i tbe Cityf Raleigh, in tbe County of Wake and State or NorthOarolina, has been duly organise aoder snd aceord ing tehe eqtiirementa of the Act 4" Congress, entale an Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States Bonds,! and to provide for rtSeireolattoa and redemption thereof, approved Jeee M, 184t and Das comp lied wiih all the provisions of saie acj neaired to se complied with before commenciog the husiaess of Bankiog-undH- said acti .v-fvrt k" -"; ' - - "; . ' ' i Now, therefore, I, FREEMAN ClJkRKE,-Compro' or the Cnrrency, do hereby certify that-r THE BALKIOla NATION AL BANK OF NORTH-CAROLINA," in tbe City r of Raleigh in the County of Wake: aad State of North Carolina, is authorise to oommeace ths bnsiatas of Baok ing odder tbe act aforesaid. la teatiooBT whereof, wine my hand -Sd seat ofoBcethistlfta day of 8eptwnberr 1865.; ;. .., : ' Currency Bureau. - ' '-v 'Seal- -t ' 4 ' i 1 of tbe j - . . J Comptroller f tbs Corveaey, -' 1 Treasury Departmeat.1 . ..FSKKMANCLARKf. f. . Comptroller. t.-. TREASURY OFTHB UNITED STATES, I - 'if DlVKiON o Na-MOKAl. Baxss, f - - WasbiBftoKv Oct. 4, 18 VItiaVerbyeer(ifiedikl tU"'ateigb National 01 norvn varouna, .: aaicigpv.n-v -T, v7;nl nrrm.WaA nnrlor th Ae4 to nrovide a fiaiioD.M Cnrrency, .and I menu of section? 45 el X Act.eBd with the JtpSt Of this Depurtmeot tr.adeim Brsoance thereof has been designated aaa. Deposiioryr of Public Moneys, exp receipts from cusSoasst and by virtue of such n5iLv: wilt h .iDttLtviHl aaa -RKiBcial Aeent of n y 3 ar "j'-ci v v uusu - ... o iou t urn , 1 17 ux uerrr Perry Pectoral 5 dz jGodfrey's Cordial 'r 20 boxes Cas tile Soap; lo kegs Eosom Saks : 100 lbs Indigo i in hhi urea oy a pieage -.f . Unnlta. Iv proviae ipcj ne eireuiaroo as a reueii'"u :.,vi. 1 o - aA;-un.iiiu oiin ina rm""- sVpeffbjer xJSl" .s 1. OFPfCEa A !

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