1 -4- , i-' 7 T Dailn 4 Friday, ;Octotjxf OO'I CITY AND STATE ITEflS. : 31 GEN. IIOWAlUVS ADDRE LAST jIGHT t " - ...... 1 . ' ...... ... 1 - ' -. : ! . I-A Intere8tinar!Sp$eeliei,lr XMeT and Jradjeeade"Il -' v ' - j 1 u, v- - r fi- h t f-'-'iZ - The Condition of the Freedlnen, thei future, According -H' ottci'vlrge-n4 -mtteaHVe ndience. consisting of member ;of, the. 3ony-pntio p,!ejti. ns, ladies nd soldiers, ' ast-embled ; last uijfht. i; the romn,ons Hall, to bear the address of Gen. O O. Howard. Vhp Oeneral was introaucea y uoy. noioen. , . . The General proceeded to address the Convention. He beat! ,fTe tw aS8Qre tbw liat wHbittieViMlwt intentions for the purpose of doiog irafica1 foed d hV " while man as well as the freednMOTbat he had endear- , l orej t0 carry out faithfully vthe iBstruetiooa: of the Presii - dent snd that all his circulars had feeen submitted to sndf !i .pbrored by him. Ue wa'qowB tourtdSith.Oiro- Una. In psDg. tuoujiht that good might be accom nlished by addressing the Convention, .of Sorth Carolina Be wssglsdof the opportunity 'to, do to. -. a " r. Be bad been banded the report of the Committee upon Freedruen. - He asked leare to read it, as it so nearly co. incided with his own tiews and purposeN which ' were to establish some system f local laws, whereby social qrder might pretail and the evils -resulting from'a sudden change in the status oT society he Ter( f e jSenerol read the report. See it in Another colamo. -i He com men'ied A he course thereio woomasended.'; He lked wih interest lo - the action iDf tbCtmTenttpn1 n'4 Ifuture !;i8lationn this matter, Heh4 otnfideace nMgh.o believe that it 'Vould be sufBctent'intime to rectify aU eTihi. Bo be ' fere4: toi UwjM' i pssMp'B; face before the first of January peit, owing to the necessity of thor. ough legislation in the matter. It was -necesaary- he thought, that before tht time ;tha some cal coorts should be established, say three jnstices in each County, who should settle all differences arising between the whites and blacks, am enforce law and order. He bad no doubt bat that anjiCoui.ty cou!d ihus regulate . ils affairst J and impose order and quiet upon, all f'asees or, Its i citizen. Alabama ad Mississippi bad pursued (hi a course, and be now maae toe sggesiion; co me uieuiucm hk. v ventionf Nhfroina, that thesholild :dopt some aimilar method He booed that he was 'understood he desired on y tbegood of the people.. l; ' ' ilJ The General said that the Fredman Bureau thos far had aecompiished alt-it conid-'- Nperaoiia were sa.Uin ed in idieoess, and ragfaney about cities waadimioish ng. In this it had accomplished its purpose to break the .wv .f th suddisQ revolution in aocietT and labor.: He did not come to ad locate eqaantr merely to make prac- amrorestions and further solatton of the difficulties under which we labored- j v-,., , - The Bureau would . probably exist one year, probably longer.' It had Jio means at ban, and this ras the rea ion why offictrTS already in the piy of the government were assigned to ibia duty; becauutf tbey conld draw their pay as such offiaers .He. woald bar pfeilred tprij;ht, intelligent citiaeDa for ttkis doty, but bia meaaa bad bcea limited. As sun a Mortb Carolina was restored to the Union, the frecdjueu vta care. This isahare .lne natter .propeny fesw. to me mwo wbile, be came to co-pperate with citiseas of tbe State in the endeavor Ao establish local xonrta for, the adjudication of all diffleoltiea; twe; fIi"j' ceased to exist and the Stale toiE the charge : upoi her- self. ' X'sSii$jg' ' The GeneraV also nferred to and enforced 4he neoea sity of schcxili W diBSetaioata inteiHgeoce'andt- virtie among the freed chUdrenK.- B4boogbt bd diseipiine bet- ler fcr them Vbatf. that fie scnool room.; t v'' '--- Id closing ibe Geoerat reiterated nis kind feelings, and said that be would like to hear facts and sugestiuns from some of rbftBcmbevs present.:- After a ahort -'oauae'. ,'tbe "audience' ! cilled 'pa Genera' Dockerj. The call was repeated, wnen ine aeiegate trum Bichmond arose And addressed them. t V I.-' 'i.- - -'H MX. DOCKEBT H ;8PKCH t:ri fi ll- miA iKai b was loth to address be assemblv. when manV'morj able than hhnself were present, but a Gen so eral Howard bad called foriacts and uifbrmation, be wou d . . - . . . . s 1 1" give him sucn as ne naa. ; - -. He came from the ootteCroiiaa tme, from a County s lying on the PedeeJj He always had; kin feeling for the negroes. They bad nursed him and had nqrsed hs children,? This kind attachment still exis'ed. He w a disposed. hreJ' fore, to do the' negro justice. '. Be believed that the . State of North Carolina bad been aboiittoniied by the war, and that the people would do them justice. Bni the negro' did not .now rightfully', comprehend, his situation!' lie had; tiisuy crude ideas of ( liberty ,He; thought liberty .consisted In the privilege of. roaming, wherever be wished and cessation from labor Vagrancy was a grat misfortune The negroes wandered off to rbe'cw ties, searching for a crowd.. Some came back with mar vellous tales, and rendered whole neighborhoods disatis isfa'ed ; Bestdes,1be men did tiot seem dispmed to snpperi tbeir families. They would not work, and the women and children conld not support themselves.' '''" T , -' ;'J ' ' ' ' v' " In eonjubotioVr with mean, demoralised white mn, they bad committed many depredations ou stock and property, stealing cotton,andkilli-ig bogs and sheep.. In support, of what he said," the General' cited many instances of his own personal knowledge. ; ',.: ' tl',.? t Be' said that now the prevailing question iVtne country was what (o do with tbe negro. Io . bid times , it required . all the energy oS tie faster -to' make a livingcon the worn- out land'oy Lis country, and now that the'ViJegToe would not work, ne living; at all coatd be made. Were they fob'e j driven sway like the Ked wen, or snouiu t ney oe aiiowea to die in our yartatrom starvation 1 1 He did Woi believe that onr people' wottldf allow tbem to; TStarvebni. they Wild not work, and what Was to be done ? In his County there were srcely enouarh provisuons to- last through next! Spring, and he feared that ibe reedmen who had now ; become consumers and non-producers would tuifer ' , : ' He. said that in coming through, Wilmjnjton ,hebad waited on Gen. Crook; and asked for; the organixatoa of , a local police .in bis County: 8ioee tbat tloie be bad learned that a detachment of "neirrb tfbbos bad Wen seat . there. He dep'ored this He lboueht the negroes wild I me upon idem as protectors, ana wooio sofn commit some act to test whether they would be apheld a depre dations on the whites. 'He.bad tnueb. rather preferred home organisation or white guard i-iiZ'J, After some other remarks by,.Mf r. p6Atfjf,'llr'' Arose, and said that wttat Gen rckery bad said strength-' ened hinrsn tbe belief of the necessity b; locil cour e sach as he had referred to That be had a'so recei ved a new idea. If upon the old wprnoat lands: of 'GeeilDoekerJf'i :'Caif the negro could scarcelv-makea-tivinglwhena Bone now thai he was left to hse f, what'woiild be' ;bia fcte if left to himself in a neweoontiy i-j&ft .V:,; He would ask gentlemen if -it were not a stiicidal' poliev Klabor could be reguiatejironld it not be better that it abotild be kept at borne f ' Ha .referred to ao' ff ihrf French Islands of the West Indies s an exampieirbere, --r ya wr was properij, rewiea.-..t. i"..-r'Jfi i Geo. ockery wished to know4r ' eegroUbifdren eouid1 be annrentiiuJ .. -J.-i.2i '.-il. .,' -' W--. .t?.-fe-isu 'i ,uu w wii rjLieufc r x-h.. D'9hat ther eoutd. ta U aana extant that whitu ehL I - '.-i THIS !. - .S - 4rai'.i' - eyes us.ofavwbri M eCJceabl ysa(.y;-'Mia.pfcia jisuoe':sMs'": Vssnextlediou. He ket leave-itonreeneW Mbatb'a iaaiW feelinirs were fi'riiperlv.SJnersWid'lii- ----fc tP-i-'l.' g -fe i f j " appreciated. . Chat be ,wm from, the Northern border r lletste,fhis friend : Gem Dckery from tbeiSouirbers; . HetnewAhathiiiWd w,ld br itW HA iKigf?-W1Bmm tioa thathnder ibliT ior w . v.vt aBMtiUftMaicp toe war oor iue orainance byithijgaVet uld di-olve.A He beKieved. hei efore; tfil n no niatHnct of North-Carolina eooldia"- "wfomap be imposed upon. His former master would not allow it , when appealed to, Jaut would protect hiaa. Such 1 jHe die? 'noiininVhiaifleff betteraster lat'hrajj bis neighbors.. He had owned but : tejr slaves, some thw- Vtt ''or TrtT-Tet -there ; wrr jaembew ofh4.fiiinrly..tOf whon, the Whole course W his )fe, b bad ear .spoken an . o'KiM worwjv inerafore. fje inoaguvioar- were ima nailer left ttf be-people of the State ft WMdldbe Jdstlyr and properW regulated " The Intenigent peirplerand be; begged leave -to saorefhe General that mr4 people were intelligent vr,ui 4 do. it better than the free'nan's Bu reau, because they knew vsbat'waa best.M'here ureve some dtificultieeOrith fhe-negraea; annte' tninnndafandihg.ut the triple erd1 regulate these tbiDgi better than the' agents of the Bureau r ,y M ,-...-. i; BQ WARS M. r V.. Wished to know if he thought that the agents had caused any of thesed.-ScultJe1; L' i , k - , v i MAD, . 1 Thought thaMbey bad. Their instructions to the negroes bad been riven, he donbted not. in ariMid faith. But their instructions were to the negroes to go towi fk," and it tbeir employees did net pay them they, would ate that it wat done This fostered the belief that agents of tbe Bu retiifwece better Triends ttban theii -former Blaster, an4 made the m groea distroatfwlr Bvedes; white men had been brought from his County on the declaration of freed men, whether sworn, or not be did not knw':and put in jail hereto be tried. This also created b4d feeling In conclusion the Judge Again, reiterated I bis assuraBce to Gen. Howard that tbe Convention fully appreciated his General Hrtward made a few remarks, repeating succinctly what be had said, and lmprestting - upon the minds of the members tf the Cenvtotion the necessity or some action on the subject." 1 . 1-- ' .J ; ;v- - Kotk "This report was made up witbut notes, entfrety from memory. If any of the" distinguished gentlemen have been misrepresented, ir their" meaning not fully ex plained ? it' will be a pleasure to ublibh their speeches en tire, o correct the error. jjj v ; . -Z,'r-.---l- MaIlIrresBlrHie Complaints constantly come to us of the prregnlaritj of the Mails, especially from points ff the line of Kail road. For these irregularities we are not responsible; as the pa per is regularly mailed at this office ani 'oent to the cars for tbe different roads in time, to go i-if every day. A cor respondent at Hanson, N C., eaya that the StaltdaYd din not reach that place as regularly as it should. We e.ua.t account for lhi; for although there aie CO mail Agents on that line, the authorities of be Road and their em. ptoyees have been supplying the service for; months, much jto the convenience of those-tfvhig in iheCouniiesihmugh which vtpas$e jAnAgtnt tow go ng over the rome.s iu thVState for the purpose f reuUtiing In ail matters, nd we hope Isooiio have tbe: benettr of-h.a iffrta in the more certain ftranstmssiou of mail matter throughout the state. v .,i J -j,. I;., ,.:i,urv: ;v ' : ' i A Brt ra Row. :' A dispute and wraBgla occurred oear the ; NJ"C. Depot, 3ust night, between a negro man' by ihe name of Roas seemed to hire the best of it, rocks and other missiles being used on both sides to the endangermefit of peisoos passing in the viciuiiyi The solditts teiiied but sooii r turnea with reMn'orceinents, wheD llit begro was again attacked, kud we learn, very seriously if not niortaitv beaten. Ono of tbe soldiers, vn leaving, was hea'd to say ' d n him,'he;is dead w. .We "beard' taf vho difficulty originated, or was in some way connected with one of the colored fair sex. i ; i 4r'$nT" , goes in i U pay tl Hi The Question. k i' ;. , I' ever bnl-trhb' has mouey oV: the means of raising money, goes into trade and speculation thereon, who will be led U pay thexeeted profits? ' Trl' old supply of clton and Tobacco will soon all be in ma.ket and the uro ceedd inrested insotneray tere.is verj (ittte 'of these products cultivated, this year, so that the influx of money will cease after a little while, outH auother ; year's crop shall be ready for market. It would be well fr people to look to these Jftcts aud iu time -void difficolifea ) - Announcements. '1 - tt E ARE A VTslURXZ fc'O TU ANNOUNCE WV Maj W ILLIE D iObhsi as a Ca d 4 ue I., repre sent Wake County in, the, State cjenjie, at the approaching eicetion. - i,!k:??,"i. -f'"'' ' ' UCK II. A ft a UO-tde E ARE AUTHOR I LED TO ANNOUNCE Col N TllaMIli Ucuh tS. . t Kobeu. aa the Union Candidate lor Congress in the 3rd Uiatritt October l.:An&-th'?.i''-'ti? 150'de. l&seellaneons. - ' PUttLIC MEETING IN JUHN8THN. rglHE ONIOX M15M OP JOllMHTOJf CQDNTY' WILL fl meet in Smitl field on Saturdiy, the ?!st: int, lor the purponeif nominating candidates for the Legislature tnd recommending a cabdidate for 'ni?re - 'ome one. come all I f f " UAXY CI llAKSa. Oct. It. ! i I :P: r lMtf RECRUITS FOR TUE REGULAR AH MY. A Bl E BOuIKL) MEN WILL KB hNLlSTIil FUR .ariL Light Artillery service ot the U 8 Army No ob ject on to men who" bave served tu the, Rebel army Ap ply at the Caunp, near the Insane Avtotn Rate gb, N. C , W . . ;'. " ' ... tlUll.X tt i i Kit ; l 1st Lieut, and Brevet Major 3d V S. Art .. Com dg Lt Co " E ' October 11, IMi-j-tmpd KEGS CUT S AILS, Va to xO's. 9J V 25 kegs iiorse Mioea, Itt Mule do !-2,1 boxev O lbs Horse Shoe Nails j , . 12 dox Spades. Jj ' 25 r't Cast Steel Axes i. i i iln store nd km- sale by i. .-4viJ?v'" t-"B 0 W1 III ill B P WILLI AMSONA CO. ' ' v i: If t4 tf Raleigh, Oeteber W f M1 RS. THOMPSON HAS JUST RETURNED from Mew York with a line tck of , Caps, B nnets. Lace. Ribbons, Aol f. J;. 8he invitea her old cttstooiers andUiej public to give era can aiuer oiu un.i 4 Raleigh, Oct (. 14? tf SOM ETUtV & fUOOD TO SMO K E AND- OR1N K Wg irt'li'Bof TLES VERY BMT OLD BOURBON m nruiaae.v io,oo rrtine tl ivuna gari., a genuine article -y barrel mjteiior Appie Br iudy, m-t hard io uik . Beceivea ana lor sate a . r , 5 : ,v H. if. WILLIAMSON- A GO'S, 1 Raleigh, Oct 3. ; t ; r; .' Us tf" : UHi-s0.i-,i i:''v. '."' s - '. -ft.O'-l'' it, y B;,R?I;:Gl;G-:S.si&, I) ODD, ' FA'ETTEVII.I.k STBEET. t iii - ' i - ll' v i POpR TO W. , TUCKER, RALEIGH, N. .--t f, ;y u:j Of-.. 'A E.OWi IteCEltlKOiANO 4.' stock of 'X-.- uaraware, r amiiy .roceries ana croefcery. : ' , l'eraon.'Wfiwnx purcoase w ao Weh to,- examine their atock bef-.re buying . ' . 5 TKevTatsu offier f r eule Maaon -A Harh'inV Cabinet t; Orgu,pc-ce tro.m fl 00 If 1WKi$ . .ri;ui.y.-. !; :AL0 . I Grnver ;A Bakere fanaHy, Sewing "Machlues, price Portable Steftoi. Eogines and Saw tSIitle, and all r-Tbe-rlbitreilttUlwIsli 4wf9di! L working MMchtnery. iuid a eC"nd band jo hortw power port ao ie .leanx engine. ,uatu vwy,Htirie.iipwnicaare efletred at'veM6wrice:iMi"tl- H Raleigh; October Btober 70-ai:,i1;':tiv " ttrf l - .1 - .f. if ,Jl6kea; Bonds and Conpons; J JJps'i ts recei ved nftiSUKANCEAfJAlNST FIRE ANO THE I-JUUifERILH OP INLAND TltAKStlORTATJON 14 tf A Hit I flJI,' A -;,,Jf il BAGH of FINE TABLE SALT. A- D FOR at T. V , I.KR's. McKimtnoa'a old stand on FjvettBi. 8t wi r t TELEG R APH K EJYSi. TBB VMliRrCAS TELEQKAPli CHPAT 4r 0 lUIIflU laKUUW v ...... I s ... . - . i- . '. . i ; j"' ' WAsanrQTOH. Oct I2C The Corarnittee from the Sooth Uarojina: Convention wailed hii tbe Pjesidenf to-day cttnCefitlnelthe release of JeSerson Pavis I The pR,eldertt has issued a proclitotattoq releasing", nentucKy irooi tnsrt'al law. j .!-.( T A dmpatch from Fortress Monroe saja tbat theT Vir-jmia Cn-rr-sbQt election vaFed :t& quety The Union candidates, ptohabl Ie; ed n tb fir, and second Uistricta. j,,- t j . In the Norfolk district, T, U. Chandler undoubt edly elected i , 5 , . .- TflV " ;'V ; Special gotieeg. tt . . Bin. BetcPav Rheumatic Ointment. , Read the following testimony in it lafor,' and if you are afflded with Jihtvmatum, fauralgia, or any kindred, diaeaae, Jtry is ' If jou bave frieuds so affl eled, get tbem to try it , , ; t Owing to the.want of mailTacilitiefi,Feertihciites cannot be obtained at present from'ail who have Signified their deeire to farniah them. The following; are trom respect able, and well known citjzeus of .this city . y xJ I- RALBroHV N1 0 .r Angast l7lh,1865. ; Mas 8.: A-'Usini- I tate pleiisnre in stating that I. and two other mem beta of my family1 were cured of Blieu matism by the use of your valuable Ointment, and that for more than three years'we have bad no ret urn i.f -t. j Yery tespecttully, yours, 1 . U.. POKTER. !! . Raleigh, N. O., August 13th. 1805 i Mas.- Hv A, Bbid4 This lato certrfy that I made use of Juc. Kbeumatic, piniman "in jBevere case of Bben maiism. and was entirely cured of it.j-1 can recommend it to, tbe suffVnng public as an invaluable remedy. . '!" " Very truty, yooray - - j i " Jli CLARKR; " ' Raleiob, N. C, Aogiiat 12th, 1863. , . Mbs S. A Rcio : 1 take pleasure in stating that I was affi:ctd with Rheumatism for t wo years, and was cured of it by the use of Jnur Rheumatic Oinnenl ;" and jor three. jreara uaT uiieriennea no sunenng from it whatt ver. Very truly and gratefully yonra, 1 " i - -i -- -! i : i 1 LUCY A McDONALD. Price, Two Dollars per b.x Liberal disoonat at T CARRAWAV. lowed to dealer Sold by i - D 44 Fayetteville Str eet, Raleigh, N. C. ! 1 ilK-itm September V, l shs. - No family at the South Should be Without f The 'Ate Col. John Wright, of Goldsborw', ' N. C , Aug. 14. If2,says : " I have used the SOtTHEKN HEPATIC PILLS in my family here, and also Alabama, and alwvy with vcce. I vant girl who had betn a long time consumption without receiving any on m plantation in b-re a valuable aer- under l re .ttent Cr benefit. Almost in her extremity I was induced to try the Ikpatic PM Tht-y wee given according to direction. nd she is now well. entirely rtelored Itp them A si mi or case occurred ajuottgmy srvanuin Alabama For liver anu lung dig. eases I have lerfeet confidence in. "Ai."J j I3r For aaieby ibe Drnggists. Directions accompany each box.) Sent to any part of the United States lor 3 'per dozen!' Address, " ' . "'"', j ' ' GEORGE W. DEEMS, October. 1. . j . ; j Goltkb ro', N O BATCHELOR'S II IR DYE I Tbe wig nal and Bet in tbe World 1 Tbe only trne and perfect Hair Dve. Harmless. Ketiab'e and Ioxtanta- ueous. , Produces immediately a splendid Black or natu ral Brown, without injuring the hair or akin '. Bemeoiea tbe ill effects of bad dres. Sold, br iall Drupjrisis The genuine is signed William A. Baicbelor. Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT Op" MILI.EFLECRS, ' ' 9 ' for Restoring and beiutiftring the Hair. CHARLES BaTCUELOR. Nkw Yoke August 18, 185 " r 101-ly j, ITCH I ITTH I ITC H I ( . Scratch!! Scratch! ! Scratch ! ! WUE ATOM'S OINTMENT Will care the ITCH IN S HOt'KS. Also cures SALT RHEUM. ULCERSJ CUILBLXINS, and all eruptions of Ihe tSKIN Krice 0 eta. For sale by all Urugists By sending W cents to WEKKS A POTTER, Sole Agts 170 Washington street, B reton, llass., it will b-forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United States Bept. 1. - 1 ' i& tf Hotels, Boarding Houses, &&. BILLSBORO' STREET, ; : xi .,.:(.. : it ATroTGrXr, pv. c. THI8 POPULAR HOTEL. MTUaTEO ON THE FI-oe-t Street in the beaunltii "City of IKIw," has al ready earn-d the reputation, wider ihe tnantrgfiuent uf its expericticed Proprietor", of being ihe best Hotel in ti e Mouth. It is located within a few yards of the State Cap itol, and ta near the bui-ineea part Uf the I'tty . . If pteasaut and clean b-d. a liberal table; and respect ful aud attentive servanis will, make gots c latr-rtable, these can be counted on at the Cxohaiige II .t el . KAiND.tLL A CO. : September i. - j ( ;!5 tt . COOKE'S HOTEL, MS OPEV, AND THOSE WHO ARE TRAVELING and wih comfortable qtmrvers and good eainir. flop at COOKE'S; My terms will be at o oderate as pMb e for the t tries.' You will alwa find convev lice al tbe depot tu takeyoa to either of the Hotels in this City bn- be sure to inquire tor Cooke', where yon wll ge pint Uxtij n.g ffw-i tuiiug. mjitra water m ortni, at aa pipe tu sm ke it yu wid n -. -,; i. ' 1 will be prepared to accommodate the apprtatch ng. Convention. . j 8epieinber 1. lio.. S r 2" member of "f GEO. T COOKE. HH tf. : PACIFIC HOTEL, 170, 172, 174 & 176 Greenwich Street, " ' L i) O'KS -QUAES WKST OF BMOAUWAT.j Retweeu Courllandt and ley Ms.. New Yotk. JOIIN. PATTEN, Jr Proprietor .-, ,J rm M known to the tiavelline public The location t .ei peciAJJyWtble 'o metcbanta and btin-eift nien : it is :n close ptoiimity toibebiiaine8 part-jf the City Is on the bisrhwav of Sibthern and Wertern travel, arid ajasent to ,al me principal nmmntu aim rieinuw ueiii r -: The I'acitic Thas .liberal acc-mniodatioua f-.r over ,8' 0 P" teaJs -t is weH fiirniahed, and pttiMse very modern lpiovetnmt fr the coiiiPrt and enterianmeut of its in, mates. The room are uptciojui and well ventt luted ; pro vided with g and water; tbe alienrfiince is- ptonipt aod reeptcfui aod ibe- fc.bie ia generously provided with every, deMcaey ,'f tpe ea1in-Vg!y?..--v-:'r.t1-.i--.-; t The Mibicber, who lr the past few years, has been the . leasee, is now ao'e. proprietor. a d ili'enda to identify him Sett thort-aghty W)'IV tbe interes s of hi lMu-e With long rxpertence w eihoiet-keeper,, be trus, by moderate cbaige and a. fcheralr policy, 40 maintaioMhe ;voruble rep mation of .the. P,Citic Hotelw ,' ; r 'i:i- . -i - a; . . N B To I't event o vet charge by Hackmen, the coacbea of the Hotel are ownedJy'.-the proprnet r . - ' ' JOHN PATTEX, Jr, : 4 HetH't;-va.' Kef''-y'-r'' -'i-Ty'!. tiMlf tftt OIT TUK COVtuMTlOJI; AID' f tbetp-VJsiunir'ihe-city, can tinu ciiifoiiub e rooms. with or without, b-ard, oi'reasnbi temm, by t,pl.nf 'to :-, -;i-.'5t-wV y,kiMaa;el-fti-l.S:jli03ti. D' Kewbern street, f . lUleiirbHeptemberfi. KfjM ZyW-t . . 'I iiP. v-U. l .,""T '!' : .'',. '.: ; -ff AM PREPARED TO TAKE A fftw HSSB w )U- M.-trinif the sessi n of the MUt.ventton.at mf .invate Tea-, 5 iderce. el tnecorner wt M.arim aiu ,ici"weii ttreeta. , abtfnt it one hundred yards frbm!the l'andartl V j.ffice.?" ' : , if-.' ii. - ' S.rH .it;:ii iiJ..-- vJ-5?-'Vft i, ..t t, This leadinff Bofei. kbrorarib and RsrcasHeo. Is no4r in perfect ttrdet Kr, tbe recrption and avcimnodatitn f S'ttaTold tiatrmtH-:! vro'--fV-''":. si s- tbt.-ti;',-3t.?--.f -.. .; . ' , j. ,-ji.it' i : '? . 1 '' ' i" ji Sni .ar' CORNER OF NEWBERIv AKir PERSON 8TSL : . By the Day. Ween ana nouttt. -. 1 -v r -' f WprtbCarollnaf 1 1 : w AUCTION SALES OF HORSES, MULES, ARMY tSio jf). -a OKSRESa.ANaOTUEB; i COVt?HTJlET PROPERTY, $ ! WW7ILtTXKE rCACEFBOirr'tlMST-llv;T(M'BvA-' ue principal Tit jes and Towns in . tbe State - . H rTbeae sles will affi.rd Farmers exeeHent tpp.rtnnities ; to Stock tbeir Farms with any class of animals they desire to purchase. f .-"kt t I , i Ench pate wrl embrace a variety of 8t4ckJ including Riding and Drauirh Horse , and MuU of every eleaa. f A few very j large Muea jthr'ughij broken to harness and in Bne condition, will b offered -.t each sale. " 1 " -The attention ot capitalists and dea'ers in Stock is par ticu'arly Called to ihe 0pp.riuniti8 here presented, for profitable investment. M.k i ntehssed for cash at ibese sales may b sold on eredft, with amp'e securitv, at a large advance to Farmers Who are depending on tb'etr growing -crops for mJaiis to pnrehaas ; or may be retained and edld for cash a a large profit after the crops ha e matured I , TERMS CASH ON D AY.OF hlhtr ' ! S l will continue during the montbti o' September and October, and; ;Wi be advertised in thia eoluina a oona dates are fixed. At RALEIGJLTon Tuesday. WedVesday", Thursday and Friday, OcU.ber IClh. Mih. 1 2th and iRth, Ih6 under the directHin nr.Capt A M. GaBODTtb, A. Q. M, Sate tueotn nienoe at o c'ock. A M , and will continue from day to day. as long aa may be deemed expedient after! the above dates..; j "V1 ' -'i'- --' k- . . At GREENSBORO', on Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursdav and Friday,. October i7 lb, IMh, Mth and 2ith, 1865, i-nder the direct ton of (apt I) MV U Day, A Q M. Sale to commence at lo o'clock, A M. . ' -I - ;; At NEWi BEKNEon Tuesday,! Wednesday Thursday and Fr dy. October atfh, i'th 2rtth, and 7th. l8Sutt der the direction of Capt D WH Dat, A Q M. Sale ito I". i'-A::" .k '' J. F. BOYD, . f J: Col. and Chief Q. M . Den"!t N.C. Kaleigb'N C, July 24, . T j h2tt Land-Agency, Proposals, Monuments, &c. ; BATTLE, HECK & CO.i, RALEIGH, N. C, will bu, self and leaei adjust titles of. pav taxes on, ana take "general cae f al. kinds of real estate, goldr copl'tr. lead, iron and other mines, water powers Ac. : ' " . Through rel able agents iu evert eountv. accurate in fur mation will begtveu about particular localities, tracts of1 lana. ti. i , Will, likewise .undertake col'ection of debtu in North Carolina! and elsfwiiete. bv suit or otherwise ' Comutunicatiouscouhdeutial: Commissions and charges uiouermu. f i ..... i . - Raleigh, June IS, 65. - "i 5(Wtf. W. K. KICUAKDON. W. R. KILLER. ! NEW BUSINESS GENERAL. INTELLIGENCE LAND AGENCY. i For the; Purchase and; Sale of Land, Prp- cuihig of Iii mes and Situations for f K Freedmeu and others fMHE UNDERslGNED Wli.L ESTABLISH IN THIS I eitv, on ist Jiriy next, a General Intelligence and land Agency Office t-r the purchase and sale of Real Es tate and oilier pn.pertv ; also f r the purpose of Procuring Homes for the r reed men and others Parties desiring to hire labirof any de-jript'oo will do well to rail m na. We' will have connected with our business a tinstrate Auction eer for the Sale if Ral Estate and other property Our. experience in buainca iteoerally wilt, we trust, be auf tic eitt recommendatioo to secure us a liberal share of pat ronage t; ; ' 1 ; . ' ' : . Our office, for the present, will be one door above the Prvateo office. ' . ' ' RICHARDSON A MILLER.; Raleigh. June 22, 1RB5. - S7 tf.; ROSI2V! IiOSI! : ROSIW ! CONTRACTS WANTED, PROPOSALS ".--.U , INVITED, ,:dny. I For Melting, Straining. Barreling and Trans porting to the Railroad or Kiver, all tbe Kooin in Sampson County, belong j- ing to tbe S.tte. Proposals inviternntil Thursday. Xevetnber 2nd. awj RA LEO PROPOSALS ARE INVITED UNTIL 7 Thord ;y. t he md day of November next for contracts to make barrel, melt xno strain K mm nU and head up rmrreli and transpori vi inn p'aceadesisrnatedrbelow, the following beds t' Ki'Stn. to wit : All inampin County. One bed "i4r Archibald Miwk, known at ttU Oox bedi Weibr. ks District 1 00 bb I , tube del vered at Faisou's Dept, distance i v miia tioe'ine'' tM near James M. Ma-libcrp's, known aa the MaKhberu bed, .Wesl brooks Dis trict, li.n bbis, to be delivered at Faisone Depot, 14 miles,.? One other bd near F Jero-gan'a, iingo Dtsfrict,' v iwm bbls i ne o'her near B. Jermgan'a Mifleo District: 1 ? 0 bbls- One other neiir UcDona'da "X Roads. Minaro Diairot. l.itNl bb's . Ooe other near Spring Branch Meet ing House.: Mingo Dtatrict. .tvO.. eacb to be 4et vered at Fayetteville or Smith field Depot, as the Contractor may tleet i diatance 25 miles H 7 . , Proposals will be received for any part or the whole of . llaw worR rvr iniivoice, a may propose to tnaxe ano oei.ver tbe burrels. B to u elt. mraio rosio, fill -and head wp the barrels, and C to baUJ to the Depot, any one or More bed ; while U may propose io lake tbe wbole c m- . tract ot WH the bed. . The roan mast be pot io rood mer- cbantable barrels wtbie;ght ho--pa. and delivered in gord . shipping order; ttte! rosm all V b melted and well i ruined, Coniractors will be required to erform one- ilinrtb prt ol iheir cintracis eacl month, completing toe vh- If bv the 1st dav of April. I8ih . Bond and approved ecurit-iwitlbe reqniret. witu ctindttioh for i&e laithtut fuifi nieritot ctiniiactav The (Slate wiUqiHke partial pay : xnent lo ContracUirs ai the work progresses, ,reei viu2 iu each case at lea' ope third of the tainuut due to eacb. niil the cootraot t coinu eted ; oui no mouey will -pe mid in advanee for woiik not performed, and jwtl receive ihe nmin tv the rooiidl burreu of at least sSSil ilbs net. , The Quantity of rosin in e tch bed is ihe estimated quaa- liiv : jihouJd it run over or fair under the estiina'e, the. intriict will be cooxidered fi'led cintv when the whole bed .is lakvn tip The right to fej-ct bids "is reserved. B;ds should be endorsed uttt ih bcfc i Proposa'a to laTce op Miate Rosin in Siimi'soo County." arid addressed to W. If. ' A.vera, Algw"rmiilifeldf N. C BidsdiJged in the PHtt office at N'ewtiin Gf ive; feainpn'tilo , Vni.'or before tbe last day ; of this uiouih (Uctobet,lvili be ca!ta tor. at j Ibai ofhee.. !'- . - 1 ' "i - . . : W U.AVKRt. I i: Ag nt for rbtie Treasurer. Ri'rArdIeJohnstoniCunlv. N C ' I ' otk I 1 her are two beds' in lolinston Cootitv, (one the Itn.iw.n. the othar toe Uaiiev Deal-an- i woo a .let out; pr vatetvi. 1 AV ,H. AVERA, Airt-V Ac-i , potoberT ' r : . "7 ; MONUMENTS! MOAIUMENTS 1' W?!4V' . THE; "SUBSCRIBERS KtNG. WHITEI-AW I'. - cx. m,'i IJCAVJS TO JArClttn IHtia VbPcIUI.SMB i KO IJCAVE 10 INFORM TH El OLD! It uiid the etritens of the Sta.e ftenehiliy," that haviejt re.opend,tbeir, . 4:-"., ; i" j V : : ' - - M AU Bf, K iA Nl) STONE WtiRiCS, o tk; Barut Blnek, at MNDER'g -04 Stand, Fyei textile Street, j They are n"- prepared to fui'niah MONUA1E IS, TAULTS. c4 U- U BAD STONES , '-'. it' " .. WABBLE MANTLES, A& ! Havia-f associated with " nS"oievf THE BEST JAB VKk)t IN THE COUNTRY, and fnrtn'tbe' arradjrements we have made, we flattt r (nri vetiiit we ean turnib a II w.rk' in ..or line us cbeaH'a aObedoo'i em city, for proof ofrwhti-b'CH: and!1exa-m -varrety of desiKos and bur. '! :firto?:W.pfc - And" lb extract-Ii 4f kfei.-;: -i:' 4 v -T '.I.'- M fa-tit.i?;'-5f-:r Btoeua,-?-- Lrieinber;i!"t,i4i '- ... '-i. Al. ; Buying, sen nig juitt Jbeasiiig iieai jatiatft3 yKfili? PEROS, stf WlilNG iTO -; BI:SBlt;ft V,i"-;-'IaiietKei'EilV bis Hotetw- on Hheeraersoft Wlrot 'WatWl-itteetiliMI.?. - buiMOe hi pr"mptriutw wiethL btm ttt jfiveeu'ire aatisMei' 'iff' Betiijt:rwel knoavo 10 the et nsof Bal-gb an. 4 "Walce rj'tity tht-und.'rti(red h ptbe' will -n T. es -ittc4o viU( ,jneirJp!wm' ra -iii ouitu.;i,ui'Ar -., .j . vtv B.IS rAcent for Wake Cotwtv ofe jfioueec Land "AJfli" .f AUCTlONrSA.t BS aSt-CT rIJ: Tzr&Sr .TTtnited; Por Cale tz. -"4 $10 REWARD. a'Wltt.r PAT 'THJABtTV'E REWARD iF0THE followiag named paperaj tbafrwere lost wt taken from vay store oo Hsrgett fetrtstt, Brd dt"j from Favetevllle ? r -t One Captain's Commission, Henderson (1 Hall, Ho. A, th Regiment Iowa Infantry j one Discharge B "en1itfd; man by gen'i order uf Geo, W. T. Sheraiao f one Pension ord;r, bio lot of yhotogchrrand owevTn8poration, to Keokuk. Iowa, snven bv tbe U 'S. H- Kailrada, and also -privaie papers.'. K irtlf ask ao qaestionsbut pay tbfr r uutv.iv7m v iiuiiwuHtivijf va iwciii.ui lag viiivibv any -mformation leading to recovery of bem i ,4' auiteigo; uctoDen.8. -'viyc-'-n ?" lid if..L. -frjrn as taken from maj besitlky.jsy gen. a. w w, : R Lawton,' (Cnfed. at w near DanVille,- Va J ; atoX)t tbe 1Mb of Aprt last, a Cream Colored Mare,' While mane ind tail, white star in forehead, fine sttieatid setioat Was last aeen in pnssesKion of Maj ; J N Edmondson n. Cnntuluini' M It . TKauK..m . A :lr .rj w f V , A. V i wewn aswatiA will UC IMIU Wl.iliS . w ... .. :i's 1 - J . j .. . . . . i recuterjr ui buiu auiiuai, u- uoi iniurea. oore v. . , . -, r Ma JOHN KEID. , ' ,.' Petersburg. Va. ' September 27. -',f ' S3 lm 1 f23 REWARH. ' j 63T OLEN FROM THE UNOfcRSIGNED;! ON THE- night of the 4th instan', a Roan Horse, with a star inv hra forehead, a scar -over bis left eve, been-struck with a rt.ck his left fore foot tin&hod.' The above reward wilt be giyen for bis recovery. ,- i JXO JOS ES," 4 f : f . I - At Camp Holmes I Octobr , r - i ; . f y s 148 twpd j 5 50 REWARD. f ' STRAYED -OFF :, NEA R jCH h PE-j - HILLj A- FINE deep Biiy tlorse.Tather long bodt d, ifj bands high, about 7 years old j branded Son 'the neck and A on, the left fhoubler, over an old brand C S.! When last seen he was on the road to l Fayettev.lle. The aboue reward will be pa'd lor bis delivery to me at rats t uce W. U. JONES. Raleigh, September 8, ' . 122 tf WANTED. BEESWAX AND T A LLO WE WILL PAYj THE highest market price either tb ceh or tra'de. fur any auantity of Beeswax and Tallow - '. 'v" : ;':W ' WM. H. SMITirCO: 'i, 122 tf September 6S. WANTED TO PUUCllAsE. " V A! GOOD AND J CONVENIENTLY LOCATED piTY? Land Agents.' , FayettevirWStreet. Raleigh, June 17, 1865. j 5? tf. --! . . : : i " . HANDSOME ANDi VALUABLE PROPERTY. j-tOK SALE j 28 JCRES OF JfiX'ELLExT" F A R31 ine Land. 44 ea tivm. ltrfiegn, on- tpe i.-oirai : Railroad. .imoroveinen's.Jrerv' good two'aforw dwelling Mint mil' Hniius c Thftienre Td acres Vif orilt itttil erowth nf Pine. Oak arid Hickoi-y, besides id acres of other Woiod- land. -This tarm is very welt wa'eced. and neil adiniiab'y for cultivation,! -There) is a beautiful grove ound i the . ... . . ' . . . .n r J J Wl aweiiing, ana it is atiogemer a oetigniiui ann ueauawi residence. ; Apply to j Li. -.wijrn.es , Pionesr Land Office. i i.so tf September 19. -' "i -! WASTED!! - ! ': COTTON ! COTTON ! ! ef B ALES .tpTTON WANTfc.D, FOR -WHICH ' currency or-sptete wil be paid I E. A WHITAKER; Sept. 23 TEACnER WASTED - ;; f I DESlRRTHE'SEKVIi ES OF ONE THOROUGHLY qualified to teach the -English branches,- French and -l.atm, and Music ou the plan.ow'VScboul to open the 1st jrf -October. I would orefer ne not younger than . twenty :foor, years of ag?, decided in .her manaitrn-ut and, very strict.' Any lady woo can answer to tbe above, wisnipg a bituation, can near oi one ov aa iresajng i i- AIR or WES. M. J HUHLiE., ;1' ,i - Cr.leraine. BertieX'oi, Ni-CV Keterences given ana requtreu. . t , Bept. 23. . . -. -. , . . , . ,j . 185tff WOODS: WOOD!! WOOD!!. WANTED TO CONTRACT FOR O E; HUNDRED Cords of Wood ; Oak'. As-b and Hickory, and sfme Pine! To be delivered immediately Apply at the ? Standard ofSce ftr farther intoi-matiotr. - , September .15 - . . J , 128 tf r WANTED. fc&rfcsr A DAY II AGKNIS WANTF-Di TO SELL R9ia5eJanew and 'wnoderltil SEWI.XQ M ACHINE. the "Ply cheap one licensed. Address AW (A CLARK, Biddeford, Maine ! ; ?! : 1 Ok A! BIO NTH I AGENTS W AIjTED FOR tTTJeFr nx tutit ely w afticle, just out. i Ad dress O. T GARbY, City Bui.dirg. Biddetotd, Maine. ' i f Seoteinber 7 - 13 8m - Three1 Hundred Cords of Wood Wanted.) ; PROPOSALS W I LL BE RE-El VED FOR THREE hundre l Cords of iro d Hickory and Oak Wood, lo be deli vet ed atktbe Yarborougb-House, oo -or ;b''f're the I Mb of October, latio. fropisls tor s nailer quantities will be received. J. H. HOKE, Proprietor, f Septembers I ., . . . i - tf Profe-onitJards, &c.Vj v Dlt. E, BCliKE HAYWOOD VtFERS -HIS PKObJhSSlONAL SERVllJES TO THE .J citizens of RaieiubJ. Office at his residence. ( .- ;-.' : QUENT. BUSItfcE, ATT0K.NEY. & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office in the Court. lioue, ttaleiyb, n. V. . "ARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVES T0j THE EX AMINATION of Tl l lJiS. to CON VEY AN' 1NGL to the adjotmnenr nd setttetnenl of Books a ad "Accounts, and tbe COLLECTION of .Claims. Raleigh, July 21, 155 60- Pm. O H BROWStXO, Of Illinois. THOMAS RWING, Jtt. 1 Of Kausas. ijl BRCWTSIKG & EWING; Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, OffiM. W mrth A Street, VapiUftMU, .- ',".-1 r?i .fe Kshiiglo' Ui-;'C(?- '!.-1 --i i Practice in ihe Suprebie Court, the Court of Claims, and in the Oeparttu Aug a4, i- menta l('9-tf. LW1S P. OLUS LAW OFFiCri j R RMOVE1 ; TO THE L TE GEM BR I NCH'S OF- 6ee, n HiiUborol Strpfet Special at teh turn to W ar o.atters. , Will attend jtll the ttfiternaits 1 mediate. The Government having estntrished; its Board f- War ClaiwS nt Wtihingr'on,, gjecial attention glveB-. to j the lirtMODt and thorough 'prosecution of such as are commit . . . ? .. . . -m ... -i ;- i . - : Xea o ne care oi tuia iuice, t ; Seotember 2H. . ; - s' S - is.i-rtt 6;K''la1si?13a8OTwAirv:.-vi-- ffl-H EDWARD WARREN, OF N U KT H C A KOLI N A j :ll ff haf yHmiivwlv, jymjxH-ertlv 1 In' ttie iettjr of "Baltimore, w here he wi ft practice bis profession--in all of jts branches aad jfive especial aitention Jt,y.urgery; ; . He wail also pr'e- lre young nmn lor eraanaiiua in xaeaiciae or ior envermg ;surrl)ana;0t v, leather; Boots and Shoes;: j :'ffESi iK 1818.: Z j ; -t WM. SMITH BROWN A CO., ..Muni a 11 w fki 1 ana - - .-'- r',. war; stith: b RcwsricetveBa MneniUv iyii 1-ION tor . on,. Commissiori., tad utksV cash advances oq;bipmt. nta, : Uts at rangetoeoM are sncn .dren nweaf. .arti&lijw metal-tibt hoe Is roioutbe feet are kept dry, thbs Atinigr v tbe neai tu ana saving 'Bvmeyv. i t.-MX. i i -rf-'.s:tv'iWii-' ;.--irf';s2te: -.- is i-fi-' -ii?..-. . ; i-ir1- . v-i .. .. .jfiir. : f i S.-.tnti, ' . .ll iane BDod'MaKers can. hbo cr..iv twages atHowemA JCblWTweloTITrrr n bii?h; imi Rf? Jt-K "ii- fiAltEIt-SEAND rla trwFKte M AttBRS. rl 1 3 M l.KATHKK. JUSt . 53, Cfianiber Si. Sew Xt.r "IJ t At Byj?BCVj(Nf3- HOEWITtotEntltQ U ip twonth trd irtie tfsuat expe-fBupplyin'hff fMmMPE J ! with f bts teay 'be fevedTSrtrtmiiJrj. K--;jteptetnbef'-,-'y - ' v.: rcaaanora to puvany inner Miinons ot aotiaraare -IIS" V" - j--w,.5 t.- i., a,--' -w P-i --.i-,t......v.'-f:' aavett bf rtWs UBefut inventio: The Hbe v,f U AIUESiSfc'ii M.f' 'C'-t-;?T?- drsboea?wrna-in perfect until theest of iii h -metM ' p i iHADLFY'8 DUPLEX feUiiraC, Itir?Tav j -eje,!)- oecnpye ' Uakitjfttlte mftatf AGREEACLE Skirt worn. 3 - . vfi' t"'?' - At.hore8aIaA4 retail MM W,B.4..S.TUCSESkV- " RaleignZ belt T-TTf -r. j i. .t:MAXONt3TBQNG.f-': 3 58 FAXETTKIIJUE St., Marketsqaare DETjATNES, POPLINS, ..'.nr- -frt "fflO s''"4 W 150.000 W(l TH . MUllffi -':CASSIMBBBfft-lg ' - -.r- ; f4:' ysfe SB-AKBRfm - ' - '-41 ' ,Vi' .. . - - OlTS- - - s" -P i aY rjewt? t' We are prepiredjd sell jnlarge or - amall quantitiei- Parties buying goods by tbe piece wUKftl "?' SAT By looking fhrongh bar sfocu '""t intl Orders from the Of ontrjr MmHtijJ,i glveordefs bn personal attention, agd wilt, send prices of snytrtkle by mail, oa BDnlication. !i " i v4.;.W?:4s-"i "4V ii..s-il : Raleigh, September 25... "...';.- ."i W--'' ; XL U.JLii A A A,, a? j3acixox.'azf rfffr ,rr' f ' I 'fii tfe::ftjFSipy?a EMMET, CUTllBERTi STORE.' Crime nf ,VeHnfir nnrl T.TirlrllA Rt.e . t . . w..'tJ'' ?r"T-r"r,"TV''--i ,..f5 ilJCitf i JUJCilitJCi i. ,t' 'AVE JDST RECEIVED A FBLIV ASli COMPLETE. assortment of ; 4 AND mux : FURNISHING .GOODS MhiMM HATS ANHCAPS-iiV 'ivlSl' . BOOTS AND sSHOES, tlay! at Hanablepi4cHa . 't.fMMMyU ! Which they will sell The public generally are invited to,.-'.f, ;,'.; i tAklir-i t-; '- - , ' i '" . .-. ' 'rs t. V4':;r fi.-1st?-- i -2jt-:rf.jrfS Orders by Express promptly atteadad tesfe- -New Berne, Oetobey V tej4a ' - . i : 'JvV'X i.J &, I 'll fflHE.TJX DERslONED JiiSS LEAVE;:TOJiiF0R':'r ; 1 thft citizt'nH Af Ra'eiffb ibtit he has renved to the ' abov ntunedSttlifietn-tii 'd-tUyttecemitg Goods, ana oners then tor iwfie cneap tor casa, sooowwiMijui-r- Drefs TrimiiiingsaW Ribbons', B!eaAd and -iinbWchea : l(4mttcs Table,-DiaSb'a If BiroVVye Diaper jeans. Paper, and,tjtajn.Cnbica, s " - 'LADIEENS-ADISSES - boots and saoEaJ. - - . . . - -1 . '. - .- a.Kir n a do. - rGts:FTJRNlSrtliGSwi . ? CD IXKRY. PERFTjlBEItY, '5 -j For Gent's; Youths; and ByA ' . - - !: 1 ROSEIfBATJJu' -r '-y, -' - l September19 . Ttrrrtv-fi-?': rv ,a; BTCOMISGliARtY; CjftMiNfl LATE AN COM ISO ALLITHE TIMEiTBD , W. L Pometw'aifvi.ofctrevr-f -rf'r T. tFay etteville tU i Raleigk fk'.OS '.. .. -J aa- " i' JO :iTJ W i- J--.--V -ii-.-,r;if-Ms.l'.ixi.--p? itypQ g .--S"lf.;'M'.W-A-"!?1 .-C4-! JL'A .X4J a . a WiMr ' HAY hi? J UST KKiUS HUt eJMSil6 w IVWa r toirh o Unrtfar.A ttHU-t ed ab.ek iif Stable add Fancr- ' UtrV' CRwdi; TUmMS and tlb(fe8rats and fJaps,-' Hardware, ! ' Groeeries aod Crbclw; wbltE.r Ib-sale mt 'theiewl " 1 1 '."ri . .,' V 3 -sm&-$- ;?iwVjIIict!ianeoiiikt;f- -v 1 B .inform tbeir friends and 3he public ewtlfc.bti I tl c. j.'m;iv4 tr.rvi-r tl a n tna; ruonc-w e. b -having obuinf'dpS8t8sioii,by ''eiSe,if the Site nfKhoefcoe- r, ' War Lme. bev are no recin t? imitable bn Ww-fo' ' i bei5tovKe and I of peel ion.if-4tl Tobacoo c"ued' t iedv in.xDection.when desired indthe saTit of Storage. -' TbevlViiLW-reatlln .?TW!y;-feneetttWr i jind tbe public a eonttonancA of their iMOsonsge, asatane ben thtjtj;ort;wnt Jte e 4 .-'4v."L f ;.-'vvrn''' I'ai'sSi" i;.i-vy j (torro-iy; t- sjartis Son j:) .-"j;. .-fI---'; -1 tHBff ettesnnn io ine eoova) vr Kabm ia that p","(IL It forwardioeebjaa per . BOPqc j. rjj V (t . -tok ' f .KtV ' i n; WfTTRft PALE. ALES. . r rvr wnTHRRN USE; .v Tbese .leWf proved UdF I .-.- , - . "Pi MA i ',.;.4 1 al. J win ' M "M bis opiBion, Bepteaber U Y-. V . Xid tf AprUU-fA. wa : i4y-A- '.."V: -vi.