lip. Jfliln flnbirbv Vily, October 0, 1 80S. ELECTIONS. TKeHectiim fbfGoTemor, EeprtsentAtiTei to Conjreu, Uembers of AjMembIy,Sb.eri ith day of HpTepibe 18$& " 1 1 i national TJtionirw Hohnsoi Tickets WIW.IAM , W. HOLDEN, Tickets Is Tickets The National Unioa Andrew Jetwsoa Ticket can be procured in any quafcSfcr at this Ooe, on appli- tioa-Governor, W. W. Holden. l?he Sentinel does moat warmly Mid heartily Support the administration of President Johnson so far a it has been developed. His reconstruction gwlicvooaunands oar admiration. The more it is developed the more. we dmire it) and the more we mdmuertsiaentr. j-Kk- - k . ; Now, wo" say emphatically and deliberately that we -do most warmly and heartily sustain the Presi dent, and defy the Standard or any one else to abowtbat we havenot done so, in every iota from the banning to the present time. Every body ap proves of his policy.' vV . i. - Tb Sentinel is pledged to give to Got. Holden's administration aatr ana Aonstt support" These are the extracts from the Sentinel, similar specimens of which niay Jberseen in ita columns any day, all well calculated to mislead the Union of North-Carolina. - The fact and truth is that; the Sentinel doe net approve President Johnson's re construction policy, and never did. From the first . day of its development until now he has been out and oat, totally and entirely opposed to it . I ; . President Johnson's reconstruction policy con sists to declaring void the office of erery officer in the rebellioUsOutes, who took the oath of allegiance to the Confederate States, and in having their places . filled by men true and loyal to the United States -j aod aot to the. Confederate States ; men whose toy jalty lo the 'National tioTernment, classes them aatong thVatraitest sect Union men. This is the policy of President Johnson,' andjhis is his only . policy.: i . 'i ; . j j . The Sentinel tota'ly opposed this entire arrange , nwbt1Trota the beginning and has opposed it all this time, and is against it now. He always wished and does' now wish, that the President had let erery re- beftieas fitate go on with all its offices filled with men true and ley at to the Confederate States. And be never has a word of praise for the President or for Governor, -except it be in some instance that looks . as If they were aiming to establish the Confederacy on a firmer basis. . Then he positively goes into i ecstaewsf highfaluten. L ; 1 ! r No man can continuously read the Sentinel and say whether Divisor Johnson is his favorite Pres ident fle fully indorses both and loves and praises both. The fact n the Sentinel -is as he Bays the organ of no party.; but he is the organ of the last remans of the so-called party, and the Sentinel and his friends are very anxious to make a party of it ' not a so-called party, bat a , real living, breathing, office-bolding party. Not a real, practical, fighting, - secession party, but an office holding and office filliog party there lies the rub this is the reason why Governor Holden can do nothing to suit the JSentineL Nothing but this can make harmony in North -Carolina, and this Got. Holden cannot do the SentineTe friends are comers and : goers, they are not the straitest sect reliable Union men. . Tho Sentinel and Jonathan ; Worth Occupy the saine positions. - They both pretend to be Andrew Johnson men, but they are hot. Jonathan Worth ' : muujjic ocrc nave never iaen out two positions 'updn' e. jssueS. now' befots us, both ot which are in direct conflict with; the President The President ays all men who beld office in the rebel States and i t - it ... . . - took an oath to support the Constitution of the onieaenu3 owies, nas ioneited nis omce and the place is thereby vacated to be filled by true snd loyai men we uonvention of Worth Carolina have - tt sari n Antln hm nrfit'nin f Km D-..-:-. i deelanne all these offices vacated. Thin the Coovntionwith but twit votes against it -Yet Jonathan Worth and the Sentinel claim to tain President Johnson and to be Union men, when 1 the pnestdent and the Convention are on one side ' and thej tre on tthe other. j v , Jonathan Worth and the Sentinel mtv -o wj uicu oi iue gait uxea to pay tne ' debt made to aid the rebellion.! The President says the loyal men hall not be taxed to pay that debt --yet Jeeatluui .Worth and the Sentinel are strong Andrew Johnson men.! If tne President should nave opposition, Mr. Worth and the Sentinel would give hiia tb anurfair andAonett tupport, which thd Seititoel pledges to rive in' the. above xpt! 1 .1 r if'l" a.i. . . tn 6m; 111 whiAli ' k';;n nt' : ' , . irjfiu IIHI HWM eesSionists and damaere him in , o- . - - J ("IIVK WHJT) oven to the distraction of the Union party. Nomanbas dene more for tne Union cause in the Sooth than Gov. Holden. In February, 1861, he was' a candidate for. the1 Convention on the same ticket with the Hod. George E Badger, and was endorsed by the people of Wake County as an Union man by 1250 majority,' The Union men of Wake it ill have confidence in him,' and will sustain bin in this election by a Urge ajority. f Pardons. The list 1st of two hundred: and forty-four pardons peWiaji in anobebi is the best ref-t srbie-we paraon puainesi. ; nu not oeen a seourtre to tho people, bati fi-iend. He has done all that he eould for his native State and her people will not ' now desert him and Andrew Johnson, j ' THXiTaist) DsstssctTwo j oandidates O an- ouneed for this District, Hon. T. C. Puller and A. B.! McDonald, Esq. Tbey aro Ijoth worthy gentle- snet e Mr. McDonald is known to bo a - warm and decided iriend of Gov. Holden. f. f ' y - ; I --jsitohr- v.uSLJ' ' ' :-';i;,:''-' :' ' !;"' All tbe leading Uqion men of the Coavewion opprse : iSt. Worth's .fiinqvj. Tbey vegret tt W-bia -'sake no xnor itSan 4e .tie and his friends and iSenJLinel lutre forced anissde upon itbe people srltboutsufflcient wson or ground of oomplaint. ; .Jfeare gratified to observe that Robert Bick Xsq., one of the "delegates to the Conyentkin 'from ; sUMUounty .oi uoy.wi w"w .seat on Tuesday asi. ; j ntuoa uim w7, ef enr,; w ine1 cnargo that Got. Holden h bff goreraed b malicions motives in ue TED BfG GUN OF THE; CAMPAIGN! 'I;-. is Tt 3 Conveatlca i7nalmously Endorse 1 The Hydra, Head of Faction Braked to Death; -4M Tintb will Prevail : Itead. ''' ' In the Convention on, the 18th. the foUowine resolutions were vnmimoutly adopted : -U I- i. .. , - , w ' Seeolved by the Delegate ofi. the people of North- Carohna ,-tit ontentionl attmnbled, ThatL the ad-J nunistratioi of Andrew Johnson, President of the United Staieslias been eminently national and consenratiTe, embracing every section of this Be- public-; and that he is entitled to the gratitude of the people of this State for the manifestation ;of his purpose to secure to them at as early a day as is practicable, the restoration -of t their- constitu tional rights in the Union; and that W. W. Hol den, Provisional Governor, deserves our: thanks for his, zealous and faithful, labors to the same end. Betolved, That copies" of the above resolution be transmitted by the President of this Convention to President Johnson and Governor Holden. ' The above is. a deserved compliment to tour worthy President and the Governor, Where How are the charges rung in the factious organ in this City t The resolutions were passed unanimously iot a voice in the negative, yet a few factious, evil oers have brought out opposition to the ! Gover- or whom they thank for Ms labors.; Let the pie put-teir feet upon these agitators ! Extremes bare Met : Strange and unaccountable movements are now going on in political affairs. Is it not strange that Jonathan Worth, after having been specially ap pointed Treasurer by Gov. Holden invited to come to Baleigh to assist him (the Governor) as one of bis cabinet advisers, to aid and assist in trviner tn Mfi the State from her down-trodden condition, and to get her restored to her rightful position in the Union should be found listening to the seductions of those who are dissatified and bent on mischief? Is it not wonderful that instead of I resenting it as an insult, Mr. Worth should allow himself to be used as an instrument in the effort to put down the man who had honored him, taken him in his confi dence, and trusted him as his friend f Well may Gov. Holden exclaim, when; thus stabbed by Mr. Worth et tu Brute ! What a scene to contem plate ! Whilst Gov. Holden ! is busily engaged in his laborious duties, working day and night in try ing to readjust jour political jdifficultiesV and to res tore the State to her position in the Union whilst he is relying on his supposed friend and iadvi ser, Mr.; Worth, to ;aid him in these arduous labors- this same Mr. Worth is in conclave withjGovj Uol den's biUerest enemies laying plans to undermine and destroy him 1 Can it be thatrMr. Wbrth has ever reflected on the impropriety (to use no harsher term) of such conduct I v j . vy nat is tne j cause of this opposition to Gov- ernor Holden f What has he dona t He has strictly carried but the programme aid down by Preaident Johnson in regard to the system of reorganizing the -State, j war on President Johnson Just s well make jas on Governor Hol- den. In fact to oppose Governor Holden now is virtually to oppose. President Johnson, the man who is our best friend, and who is doing everything ia his power to save us from the domination of the radical element at the North, j Was such madness, such infatuation, ever heard of f When we are powerless, when we are not yet in the Union, when our people are ruined, impoverished, care-worn and dejected when every good and patriotic man jde- oirc peace, qu ana composure a few factious personal enemies of Gov. Holden, united with a few hungry, greedy office-seekers, have combined to gether for the purpose of getting up a heated party contest in the State. i II In this instance extremes have met Tbey are not united on principle, either of patriotism or of btate policy. The State and its best interest must be victimized to gratify their personal hatred their unhallowed ambition., This opposition or to Gov. Holden consists of three classes of k men, coniposing three antagonistic elements. First, there are a few secessionists in disguise, who are the ac tive and leading spirits in the business, and wno have played upon the credulity of a lot of old fogy whigs and old fogy democrats, wiio; are as blind and deaf to the . lights and teachings of experience as were ., the old Bourbons in France, that never learned anything and never forgot anything.'' li These secessionists cannot forgive Gov. Holden, because he has been an adder in their path, fie opposed their machinations in breaking- up the Charleston Convention, and disrupting the Demo cratic party,1 with a view to the election of Lincoln, that they might have a pretext for dissol Ting tne union. : uov. noiaen reiused to concur with thm in their secession morements. He never Wou Id agree .to take North-Carolina but of the Union until she was actually forced- Out by circumstances beyond her control. In this regard Got. Holden and Mr. Worth occupy the same position, and yet these secessionists select Mr. Worth ss the instru ment to defeat Got. Holden not that they lore Worth, but that tbey hate Holden." .1 ' POTr golden had the boldness! when he saw . bis country was being ruined, knd that the deTastatioh of the South must end in its subjugation, to openly aTOW bis desire for peace.,. For this his office was mobbed and bis life threnl ! this, he has beenmagnanimous and forgoing. ' To the soldiers who were: in the Oonlfederate serTice be has been a true friend. He was working for them when they did not know it He labored bard to have the last of them Released from prison. ; Many of;ihe most.ultra secessionists n the State are in debted to him for their pardons. ; He bas taken the ground ever since J he; was appointed Provisional Governor that he cared not what a man might have been tn time jwwt The only question with him nas oeeui what is he uno f-U he now loyal, is ho now sincere in wishing all resistance to the govern 'uent to be stopped, 6d the State to be restored to he Union good faith Some of Ithese secesiien 3 S d H6' '""P086 Pn the credulity i d kindness of heart of, Gov. Holden. Like the iper in the fable they hare stung their benefactor, I nerhebad warmed them into life. They are play- old gw of diTide and destroy, that they l'L''rE Mr ' ST7 i Mike a rorn I , T 7. bro eniocratio party at .S ? ln ordeT to get the spoils of a severed 5 !-. 00 ' SV- X noF tTtog to embarrass President -.-coMtru policy uitMarolins, V dth opethat by dividing and froAiog I th; ort thisspi . f f .rt - ; , r 1 -marsc be few of them, however, and are too contemptible in - numbers -to 'excite isnyatlenQon r CaFfbali fBer ihajjinfcuoatelyedueedDdL rn1aled:C3iew.3 t 1.5 . . . . . - . . , ugjuga .lewpia wgy aemocrsts, wnavfcL n apeditoTthrohNand , who hve takenT icounseljthei&pusicuiBndteild whigs are plied j with the , argument, that Holden was for yearejj-lole did more to break down the wbigf parly,-and, said mere hard tbings of-thai party than any man in the State, Sri. Has not Gov. HoTdenMhsIettef $h$ men?bers of thConvlhfdnvttRreue8M didaia; say that liowHil isneli deU&a! tto whig; that the only party be now recoenizes is the Wtv,rhia!'1crV MMZS. tftt&S.1l&i:JXd hi faith bvhiA rwnHthlt-hftnhAttayrBA iKi k grck uijuriiy.,oi o appointees. are mose wno were ! whigain old party, times. Mr. Worth himselfL wa -appointed Treasurer by Gov. -Holdetij j Ho was an f ,,r . whigs. All the appointments in his own office. aid Secretaries, &a, were whigs. This shows wn u.uvH) iancor. ueisinninoy anat. he wishM pastjd tjfjjbe' lorgotten. Cannot . these old wjbigs, rho are op- Holden. or rather who are1 al - lowing themselves, to be led by secessionists in 1 - V ,,. disguise san they not Also forget and forgive at all events until the State-is af SUteof the Union,, in fact f Are they so greedy for office that they can't wait a few'lnenths f "fHaWKey atffiidlf no . charity- no forbearance, t)iaUheym' us grave wnere tne war consigned jt the old bitter party Ppirit of tnipaS'-j, They can't Iforgiye Gov, Holden, because of his former democracy 1. How can they forveJP bave not forgiven him. They hate him as badly as ythey lo Got Hqldeh but at present they dare hotshow it They arelnow for wheedling and fawn ing around him, just as some of these very men, wheedled and fawned around Gov. Holden. But they will siab President Johnson in the dark just as they have Gov. Holden, as soon as they dare do it But strange to. say,, thene Arpcii.inn!cta in i;ni guise are misleading and deceiving some 'old demo crats into this warfare against Got. Holden. And would any believe it whilst old whigs are oper ted on by considerations of Got. Holden's former democracy, old democrats are led estray by the argument that Got, Holden has deserted and aban doned the democratic party, in bestowing his pat-7 ronage on whigs. Inshoit, Got. Holden ia assailed ly a union of secessionists, office seeking whigs and bitter partisan democrats because he is motional mtn so far as the Union is concerned and because be is resolTed to 'subojaUVailfpar'ty nsidera tions to the interest and: welfare of ifortb-Carolina. GoTernor Holden has been secretly stabbed in hit pun-household. Whilst he is relying upon those whom he had called sround him to aid him in his efforts to restore our good old State to her proper position in the Union, these very men have listened to the voice of the tempter, and have been induced to enter into this Crusade for hunting hin down, j It is for 4he just .and magnanimous people of North-Carolina to decide Whether they Will now sacrifice and aink still deeper in ruin nd desolation our good old State whether ihey vil) countenance Such injustice and ingratitude as are now shown by, a set of men who have nothing of principle in com mon except their hatred i of Got. Holden. f Jaat think of it a piebald faction .of secessionists in disguise, old whigs and old democrats, to make war upon a man who is laboring incessantly for the good of all of tbem. It is because tbey cannot near to see "Mordecai sitting. at, he king's gatel" " Jo. xumer spoke in Wake Courthouse , the other night and made a men attack npon the Governor. Mr. Turner's fuendsseem tor tblame Got -Holden because he is not pardoned instanter. They say the President is more liberal than Got. Holden. Well. Mr. Turner has been to see te President and re- turned without his pardon. How so? J -Was not the President more liberal than Gov. Holden ! Verily, it is stranjre. Then Mr. Turner's friends mtrlt flow Holden been use he is not as liberal as President Johnson. They mean to tay that President John ton is illiberal aUo lecause he did not pardon jo. Turner oner Gov. Holden' head. They either mean this, or they meaii nothing when they say that Pres. Johnson is more liberal than the Governor. - The Convention. The Convention was engaged during the morning session yesterday iji consideration of., the ordinance known as the ordinance in regard to the debts of the State, and the original ..ordinance passed the second reading, all amendments having been re jected On the third reading an amendment sub mitting that part of the ordinance which relates to the" war debt to the people, 1 was 'offered by Mr'. Grissom of Granyille, and was under discussion when the Convention took a" recess until o'clock ,R M. - i.j . . . V : l The Convention at the evening session yesterday passed the Ordinance ite regard o the State debt It requires the Legislature to make provision for the payment of the teterejst on what' is knoas. the old or ante-war .debt, and forbids the payment. Of deb's' con traded 'in id of tWrebeTfionl f 47 ' An, Ordinance was, also passed to 3the, vvuiw vi ic-a nuu vuaner cessions tne same ju risdiction in criminal cases givea before the war aa laid down in the Revised Code. I ij A Resolution of thanks to the President was un animously adopteHadapnded In a feest' happy manner by thai officer. We shall endeavor to procure the remarks of the President on adjourn, ing tbeeonverftion1 for:pication''in afuture' num ber. ; . ! jjj . , . j . ; We are unable to giTe theprbceedings of the morning and afternoon sessions of yesterday, but will publish tbemf hereafter. ... t T h '? ' ami .m"mm - ' " " It ' xne uonvention- adjourned, to meet on the 1st of ;May neXt.:;i.eii U-M Milii. ,'Jr' , Col..5dSrairds;; ; :' ' -f.-t" The card of Col L!Ekjwards announcing. nimseii a canmdate, foe Congress in his t district, will be fowad-HVaAoefUhimn -CoL Edwards Icird ofwirdslwifl 69eidQSeeVt by jbi numerous friendtbrouglotithe district) ' The same bitter and i proscriotiVo. baMiimha oJJ . uavis wno used to bang around the Confederate . . - . . - .i - - - i j ; office, of this cltyawlanOr i Sentinel office. The sam bid pdisoinbat ervaaa iConederat runs tbrougli the ag. Lucir a Taction ! cord among the Union men 9 o ana resident .lohnonn'a iHmtntTr;.. l. .u. t 9 A ajj i 'iO anc -yi ;ous c rcula ste i .he! '.inel niay i i iseB ii : folic 1. r p: 2 aplj ;j re .ome c s tne t es nt a re sice J liov- H its an ntte- ,nr s f i 1 the tide of hisappoiiAuienf, Uii ofS JaWcts lace Jeaare ln matters of publio notoriety. It is well knowntlhat I nlA has hAnn vflnrn 11 Ka.D T " ueviuivM vuMu viwi uuiuonr - uv unrimtott - tv administer the State govern men harCBoateovrxi8ideftSf John the duuesf Wa cfijee with the declaration of " char 'ityowardsati; uvallce towards nOnenls Essntierlyf talsibep ueuproresuenvrrsind ito sack an extent Mat tVrfP.ntWofl !v-' -:LV'.L rsin4 pardoned mm in oppoditionytQfebis. fe Does continue 1 tion L Carolina I , We press toryHd sedkioua matter-, .jt )' . V 5 tin tiejpintrwbichr sucbfainas whpssole aim appears to Jm.toi "rrmZW?SlHiB nimseiRjistpowerj ftna to atone tor nisDast,, fc-rrj :r"! wu PUYU"? w," f ,l"f"'" . socessi on prPAuviiies am tewnings by.aeiotyjn- " diOivenws towards Wiosa whom ha lared to dekfcruo- , k "wifewto innsK ana speak; or it -asf xn -'the tiaanTnv'i .idestrw tho sufixwes of ttfrneoole'of Norini ?f JP9f W V.'Jf W pperitf : wanglt - 1 for its nreaerVatmhWfth iMlmia ;At-fliRhrtrtti- i-j4 ls x. 1" r ; 'f tenancine'wbatevet taav'Suereest eveft a sosoicidn iuwuw ivwuu-'UB UOT8IU ISIS-. 1 &nQ -.;W.. "? fcT - . . ,t1 U;,T ?. vwuBMmwr,' o we p granny ircwning tipdn :the',rrst dawlsingof everyi' which puDIished it is'.diSseminatTae Inflanima ' T' attemDt 'to' alienate an V f boirotfof 5Mir cAtorttrv1 .ou,,, inatnenas exerciseu mean hearted kindness and generosity; as they recency passions, prhat he Is.attepvnp atonefprjsecea- '. P fell fnoitf the Iiof'bDf11(iePtag sion.; prbel(vittet 'W perseeqUiv--''Seeeooista.l we .hei-fkMing,5i efafioijSo'fittierl gefitle"- repeafis infamously &lse.' ; These rogeneral eh ' J jte c. Ua 4v--ii----.. . t "desfrertoidtbe-Presldtfb i 6-6-v" - ww"ur -niues niaiwiit ossi ff ie h" tne 8001 9 t man; wbat we have said will reach him. . , h' ' 'i And now we call npou the'people'of "North i Car- Ai;. i..l t,., . ... I v . , olina to witness how bitter malignant, ate ;the men wno support jonatnan Worth. "It should rouse, me inaignauon oi, every iooest neart to know that k nanpr. nrofpssJncr tnA iwMnnii Gnvtrnnr: nhftnH ciirraftf !irina1i -------l ww'ivw-jj ttu suwu a uiuMg' nant, inceodiary.assanlt npon -hinw-l.t ; -,-ih i The President has never interposed and pardoned, any maiun opsitioii to OoVl Holden's recommen dation.. Two persons accidentally obtained pardon by means which we will not now discuss; but the President has since Openly, expressed : regret J that they wero pardoned I , The whole' tbing is a tissue of ,base fabrication. -r ' ..' ' ',1 Gov. Holden has recommeeded and secured par dons for hundreds of North -Carolinians. Day and night be has toiled and sickened at thi labor.' Not a man, who has ever conversed with him in his of fice, can say thit he fever . comprised the dignity of ; the otttce or exhibite.1 hauteur or. malice towards' a formed foe.1 Why then is this onslaught made upon him? Because he does hot recommend Jo. Turner ' for pardon ? - It the President is more magnanimous than Got. Holden, why is not Jo. 'Turner pardoned i iu spite of the GoVernot's recommendation ' of sui- : pension ? The whole thing will not bear telling i The man who wrote it knew he penned a falsehood, I and charged upon the Governor the same., base, pas- ! sions that animated his own breast JL..- Court or Oteb akp TermC5sr1 J udge Gilliam (will hold a Court of Oyertnd Terminer forDavid on County, at Lexington, commencing on the first Monday of NoTember. !: - ' 7:-f,; 'For the Standard. To the Voters or the Foorta Consressionat District Of the State of No tkCaroIina; comL ; posed of the5 Counties of Granville, Franklin', : Warren, Nash, Johnston, Wake, Orange and : Chatham. ; . ' . ; , . Fsixowr Citizens. : Yielding to the solicitations of nany highly respectable gentlemen, from. various portions of your district, I offer myself as a candi date to represent youi in the next Congress of the' United States.. , ,ft .i(,r! ,;7 It is both ; natural and proper, that y pun should wish to be informed of my political opinions, before giving me your votes ; and as the interval,, between1 the passaee of the ordinance, and the tfm YtrfAnrihi ed thereinHor holding the 'election, is too bneftot admit or my canvassing ithe' dwtrictltoke this: metnod mi acquainting you wito ray views. It is likewise your" right to be so informed ' I acknowledge i the obligation and proceed to acourt. myself off it frankly, and without1 reaerration, or vunccumeni. - . , You know well, fellow-citizens, that there is not iow pending before the Country any great political issues, such as in other days were accustomed. to , eperate the two great parties into which the peo- le were heretofore divided.; For' once" there are no parties. The termination of the rebellion has left ":.s with but one object ; and that object, thank God, j common to us alL It is this, bow we shall but f romote the prosperity, the happiness, and the glo 5y of our country, and of ouf- JwbbLE country. 'bere being, as I have said, no , great -issues, as heretofore, pending' before tbe 'fcountryv the "only ; eans which I baTe of 'informing you of my pres- i , nt sentiments is by refering yen to. the past jrom my past conduct jou,r will inter, my future .ouree. ;:y'";K:" ' I haTe been uniformly, consistently; nay I I may: id witb entire truth, persistently devoted to the 1 Tnion of the Sutea, under the Constitution of the United States. 1 have ever regarded tho Union un ker the Cprtitutioc. as .our greatest blessing, pin ; 'iat Union consist our ace prosperity, and bap-v iness at borne ; and our strength, bonor, and great ass abroad ; I believe with " Mr. Webster, that while the Union . lasts' we have nigh,.' ' Acitingi-? tifying prospects spread Out before us,' for us and i ur children." With these views, which long ago ' ad sunk deep into my heart, I strove, aecording ted le measure of my poor abilities, to vert; tbe late ; iost calamitous war. 4 1 In coramorrwith nnaby pa i -iotic sods of the south, raised my, feeble voice in , ileum warning against "ibek:deeiS damnation of ' lis taking pff" and earnestly besought my coun- ymen lift a parcidal hand against iuir com i .on mother. Our voices were, unheeded, our coun ts slighted ; our warnings despised aid,the Soutt ;iuined j5Bdtl the late disastrouV 'collfsiou between ; ie North and the 'South' naS tadgb Us this most duable lesson',- that -seceSsionv-jtatteaftfc teceuioh ! delusion, a (,cheat, ,a lie., ,,Tbt there.,. , iere can be, no such; thirig as peaceable secession. y at secession is war, and war is destruction, u .? ; FeUow citizenB, iny reiading-furnishes but one f : vrallel to the late' dreadful rebellipo; ! K fa to be ; und recorded in the second pages of Holy Writ .1 allude to the frantic conduct of-the children of Is j? el aftera God had miraculously delirered tbem Inestimable IblessIrarUn nro. dieting them from AS enemies,: ini hoarding them i gainst all. perils, iri,supplying4aU,itheiri wants without money and without price, in a forty years : J ourney through ! the wilderness, they deliberately i-ected a golden Col,' and bowed down before it, ) d worshipped it' as their God. An4 we the peo le.ef the United States nn instructed by kheex- erience of past ages and of other nations ;nnmind ,l f oar deep and manifold obligations to the he-' MS arid sages of the revolution, for the best govern- ient eYer devised Jby the wit.nd. wdria f man. i Ubra'te17 estroye sdelfaWtf 'bU I'en. Lefi rbuHm2.raneI-byer8ut?? i- !,vs " wrung. ijei ps ieamwi8aom and virtue ! 1 ;nm the errors and chaiteriings bf the t;l$tIfaaT V evate our affections and expand our rbearts no,iil t iiey and ilarga enough; to m,uraihe who,e country fxomhe! froseit regions o? onb to the burnings plains of the Soatb I om the AtlanticCTciheciffc:rr ft,weafter know nolhrT- Sddth, no East, no ! -ranee thefaylntfebunselB of tbe -f taVltf Wh ngfVttJIlbatrinnOi(he w JuraiiB ipeaee.nfSK iniwr, andoflrst in barts of -.bis CQUDtrymenii aJeiagiireiau coot OftP his f farewell address" S3 toadPor .-.vial founuin of wisdom and virtue. Let us re- I om thbnWerableyoj bort : ige. By way of manifesting imr gratitude i to Him 1 .r his coujitlesaT and. inestimable IblliJm'iin nm. ogb to emt j to the con nd take care y ! of govern - :i -. rt 1,; ni now we ineed jbis adv. :a. ' : e : J ,nr.:i:.,.i. .. . people, is now fe to ar u. J !s ast ' ii for it is the .1, tes you one 'main pilfow in theedifice of "your real independence to foresee Jhat fromdiffeFent causesand-fromjdifa - ' - i -r v 1 -3 -f-r-rf - -.-;-ar - entquarters, much pains wUl be tAken, many artilces employed to weaken in your .minds tne conviction of this truth ; as thuyisJtiponMn y "P external enemies most constantly and ac andnriffiotisIvT de-' proerfyn;e8timart t rom or6'!-nfeble thesScreUecwbich5 f or. North. : the lttt-vktWiiaiMWn-itnUir r in carryinje; o-t 'tbe'orincinlesbf theiOonstiiutMrf., 1 It is1 nottb bi deniiid that Vfe have beenJt dffef !rL2hdGoo?? 91 f sides, nd, much misery is, beinendared as the ne cesktymultof'solr , canUof we cornr together, and" 4trciri(f the cominon w oor been made cannot we approach lkkM other'rupon epriricipeS which are rigbt.inltbemselTesj1in.wbfcbi)! b productiTeof good. to.all.lTThe day is not distant when we shall feel like ? s familTthat has bad a deep and desperate; feudi the various members f which have come togethcrandf compared the evils and sufferings they have indicted npon' each other; They baye seen the influence of their error and the! result nd governed by a generous spirit of concil iation, they have' become mutually; ferbearing and forgiTing, and rStnrned tokhei4ld ' habits' of fra ternal kindness, and become-better friends than eyeiv Then let us jconsider iLnatrsthe i fouds whicb haTe alienated us has beenf settled and adjusted to ! our mutual satisfaction; and that we bad come to gether to be bound by firmer bonds of love, respect and confidence tban! even ; The iNortb cannot get along without th& South, nor the South trnm th North, the East from the West, nor the West from i ine juisq ano l say that it is our ddty to dosll that in our power lies to perpetuate and make, stronger the bonds of our Union, seeing thatHt ? k for the common good of all that we should be united. 1 feel that tbiX Union though but the creation of a century, is to be perpetuated for all time, and -that it cannot be destroyed except by the AllwiSe God who created it 'i-'j-jp:Hi-.i- 4 : j,: ify Fellow citizens. I am unalterable onnosed tone-. gro suffrage, not from any ill-will towards the ne-j gro, outoecause I believe bim wholly' incompetent to its intelligent exercise. v r.; ; i h ; tit If upon consultation and deliberation it shall ap--pear to bo practicable I shall favor the colonization of the negroes by the general government so as to I rid the people of the South from the eTil which has been so suddenly turned loose upon tbem. I am of the opinion that the colored troops shopld be withdrawn from the -State at once, -and if elected will exert alt my influence and ability to compass this most desirable end." -4 f:.-.-.-myc.ft h .,r i I am likewissj of e pinion, that at the earliesti practicable moment all troops should be withdrawn from the State; and civil law restored to the coun-; try; fori believe we are fully equal to the man- agement of our domestic concerns.' '. mTz :; , I do net desire to use any jmproper , interference In the election of State officers: 'but T think it A n; to the distinguished gentleman who is now at the- neaa ot tn executive Department of the State to bear my testimony; to his devotion to the be st interest of the, State and of the Union and' to tender him my. cheerfolsupport whether at home or- in -Congress: And what: I have said of bim I repeat ( forhedi..; Xlngnisbsd patriot and the friend t4 Mrih lbo is attbe bead of the Executive Department of : jwe. United SteteiM':-:'t:-':--M-'-!!'i(r t.i,; ; fellow-citiiens,.- there has been : enough of divis; tons and strife, botb ofa spirit and ! of action. The bountry needs repose.. vOur. strength - bis been pasted-, our energies paralized. I ' But our countrT ;syouagoa . territory: yaat and rferfcilei and by "6""s fmoy iuu cuiuTuDg Kinaiy JeeungS'. irthe future, we may regain, yea! sur oass oar inner prosperity and fulfil our mission of beirur to ' he world an example of rirtue. ifircllig-enea and berty. , .: j . .y;. -j-. j .s-, ., ;. . . 'Jmvto the honor to be,-. v,r.-.-.-Tj .y"i"i--4-':' Sallow-citizens. Terv fesneotfallT. Jr. -our ooeaient servant, 1 f C.2 EDWARDS.-- " MBS THOMPSON BAS JUSl0 RETURNED fimm.NewYork with a fine stock of 1- ? 1 :. ' MiLui?ERir, ;' :. . -tr: ; .-: aps, BVnaets,' lace. Ribbons. Ac. ' 1' 1 ' ' ' ' She uivites her old customers and: the nnWie f to eiv'e j alliatbei? old stand. - ui ' 1. "h : g t Raleigh, Oet .; : -.Ifwf ; '"f ' grj : itr ,-148-tf ON CONSIGNMENT. rfSefsV BUNCHES COTTON YARN.-, J,6P prs Ladies', Gents' and Child's Slioas,. i,ot Bla and Dib Felt Hats, J , will be sold by the Case or dozen,1 at very low pri-4 'hich MITCHELL A AT.T.RW 2 Pollock Street, New Serne, sc." Octobe 17. 155 lm lXlTElftv (.I3EE&WAX.AND TALLOW. WE WILL- PAY'THB li3 highest .market price either in cash br trade: fir aoT j f . . r .: ' 1 . . m 1 KJ if Slid September 8, 65. ','lf AlliS t '(''"NAILS I I S September- 8.1 i.j'ViTj suif-V Hi y. i- tsoff " 11 i ? r t1 SUMMERFIELD fe GO , Pottoclt Sth Next door tti tie PosV dfficc, - i ;,14BWBERSwK.!,c,:1 , v October, t.r,$. !, -it; ,: iWa tr 14S-llmpd i A8 TAKEN FROM MAJ. BENTLEY. Bf GKN, Aj B- Lawton.'iConfed.l at w nmr rtonviiio v. ,?ont the 15th of j April last, a Cream Color. aoe and4 tail, white lUr in fardtiohri flna brriA n; i . r"" auu. auvu. as last seen in bossessieo of-Maji J; -N. Edmowdson. n Kpeensboro. N. 0. The above reward will h covery ot said animal, it- not ininred. Address Petesburi. Vat,! J J , ;J88 1b4 Sept em Rer 27; ESTBAYEl OR STOLEN v l A HOESB FLAX' MANE AND TAIL: NT ; jars' old, mediom sized, strayed Troni Dr. Forrest's, about 4 t:TatniesoTlh-weat rof Kataigfajoa, Thursday inirbt!httt'l ' nawtf emu w n-iO., neogooo. fili8 08t-omc futcbville. Granville conntr.N.C. ... 1&4-Ltwi' ; : i W U AVV O v. J Jjj i Jt l Jli -.iii OctoDeflr-HV f 8 OewiniT Hint, inoa' s ' f - - ' i 5f.lnjiilA to fc membefi Cat HL hec E w brace Irpcntiner a: b: duct of a 1 Empir. ., L t uz country neai ine"wounas Jthat !have f ADeep wounds baTe' been' iiiiiei:ed!:lX': naseen seared all 'oTer. Then whv OctobaclB. i f Jl t S L n M it C tosu 18th and lth. H " El B. Wi minvtmi". W V t t tie -JI. t rt T1 1 n in n. . -r n n. 1 tr:.- "K r tnrdnTlrOctOBer " mtssien StoM. alflmm-r..v'luf' 011. an ti.i... .u : '. ;"""" W1. ODD and rw Bw oeo. a use or Deant fal Dew TlnM . "a' Watehes eaaear Ota R w?t?M J SiWer w. xoa ID) (jand Fancy articl. uv t auw, ii ukus vwuiit : uflnis' nnrf nvsii j , s ea Shoes ; BaleighOctober 1 f Fablio Ueetings. --,n-,i-li f.i', lul l. r.M - nr -rrji -J- -. ----- ,t -rr - v nr7yr-f-Tr I mHS C0NSERVAT1TE DNinw u en ab , X - tv of Wake, are re- nested to ntTt uT.1 cS08 fop t-SuriiSy :. 2i rBT - tet feratenihera of the IsgislJturJ Ft?' ye'ection in.drember nti ..... "fwe, at tbs ... f'"'" " hiiiuu, WIIQ S Til 1 " : pu is Liic?. ihi eeti Kti mtMLr ! Jl -meetAii SmlU.fiefd on; Satorday, the sl w thenarMHeoT oiiiti.. i?e " 1DI,t. for come all I :iia,EecoauneBUuuE a eandtdat.fcr n..n...r VR,""uni MANVcitlZPV inotTAoo Oct: it WE AttEUTHO klZED TO ANNOTTwr. Cbh L; 3. EDWARDS is re.nWMn TU,rcB TTT 1 t gatherings .rbstats County between this and th, - Oetober'SO.'-J ' -! ; . .i. . 168 . Progress, and Sentinel will pase copy until Lr of elecuon.and gaod JilA tqfiStandaid " office , rpiIE FRIENDS flFTOD H. DALDWErT J. Jsaf of Sorke CoantyTespeei.f.iHy present him tl the voters ol the 7th Congressional . Distncti as an emU nentj proper person to represeBt them in ih'e nort knows .uivuuuii .uc ismeiec wr an IUObCO Union ana aw aign caaraeter as a wtea. . October 20. ; ., J : principles - 158 tde WE ARE AUTHORIZED TO . . vA-IWWHALDBsa;. . Candidate foV-SJ in th3d Congressional District. Copgr uctooer 20 1J58 tde WE ARE AUTHORIZED TO AANOCNCK Uv. 4 Jfc-Mfc KAltSAY aandid.te ' forCongress 1he 6th DUtricf composed Of the Counties of Rowan narros, ueesie&barg, Unioa. Oastos, Lineoln, Catewba. Iredell Atexander, WUkes Yadkin and Davie. 8, October 20. October 20,., ;g .... (.ion We WE ARE AUTHORIZED AND RQUE8 ted to aonoaooe Col. C. Ia. HARRIS 4 fLtVn eDwlei?i'B 8t:h ,Di8trit. composed of the Conn- ics ui uutwnvni, vicaTBiana ana ruiK. : October 2."? - T'jt.?':-frv-'j .-1 - r' 158 -tde i CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS. f RESPEQTFULLr ANNOUNCE MYSELF A CiNDI. date for a seat m the House of Represtntatives of tha Coagtef tnirDaitedStiuesv theslectioa to be beld pa ThttTsday, the BAh pf November, ? , Lam a ,fiiffiend of the j Ad ministrations of Andrew Johnson and W. W. ; Holden, and, will cord iallr -support the lawereleetToa as Governor ty the people. If elee dvXwUdo alHa mj power to restore; Nrth-Carolina to!lheCnion-,it,;i; hU :s Slffl espectfuUT . ... Kie 4tfi DrricV eomdsecT'orhe Counties of Wake Cbatbsms. Orange, Grunnlle, Franklin, Nash, Warren and JohMtea..b edi H urf rw.S j Pbe-:- ; Uy,.-lay.rtde. . IRESFECTJfTTl.LY J AWITOUN CE tttSBLF a Candidata to represent; lfae voters of the rd Du. trict ia the next Congress pf, to United SUtesJ The 8rf Cdheastonal District composed of the' Conn ties of. Brunswick. Columbus. Bladen. Simnun 4 UU3. c J-UliLEE. gomery and Moore. . , ,. j ... : . . 1 : .. , vciooer so. - r -; ; 1 lsatiT. ' WE ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE CoL BKDFORO BKOWN aCandidm. rw . 7. the Honse of Bepresentstives of the United States, in the fifth Congressional District, composed of the Counties of Alamance, Randolph, Goilfbrd, Rockinahara, Davidson ;yfflKr?y. WlfJis hAan??RRi!Lzd to announce TV LEIS PANES, T DaTidson County, a candidate for Coogresia the 5th DistrkU' ' -i c t ' .' October Ws.rt rffl.-yyf; VI'-Mf-tepd i j ;TO THE PEOPLE OP CHATttAJh HAVING; JlNCB;Mr SO JO0RN i ilN , THE . --IS '? r opposilion to the Administrations iof Presidedl (Johnson nd-Oovenior Holden. I annonnoe ' myself as candidate ftMaeeaiia the' Honse of pommoW at.iae.B9eins; oteaua.-. f,:.J. . - I Rire the Administration of President Johnson and G&nBolden a nM eordfat support, and I am opposed to '. aH who oppose the Administrations of President Johnsoa and Got. Holden at this tin. 1 . ti , t. . 4. 1 j I wHjeaavaas ma'tbodty if 1 get borne in 'titae, and I am ready ,to meet any and all persons who oppose me. uopnng mat my menus wtll we that I.have justice dose me, JOHN A. Urnnvit n October IS. 3 "iVL iY,Utiu ML is M EDITORS rTME FRIENDS OF C. C" CLARK, Esq of Craven CowIt, announce him a Candidate to vpwwenthe 8d Congressional Dietrict in ,the next United, State Coagrera v ' .li -:t3F, GdsV-WJJolt. aid Jew Berae papers .JT-.lin I ., ,1.. .,r, - T . mil 7: E. ARE AUTHORIZEn TO ANNOUNCE W W the name of A. H. JOES. for Congress, in tbe 7tB district. Uenderseni Conuty, i October 4Tf"l i 4 unit 1 ISattpd W1?RE AI7THORJ3 f1!il,r,l& i. r.11 r., 11 I J r w w. " Cot. NATHANIEL MniTeAlT Ar u UNCB; TJnibn'Candiaat br Congress the 8rdtiistrie! as the ISOtde WKABI ACTHORIZFJl'TO ANNOUNCE ,1V." re-elect ioa, J.; J.FERii ELL, of Wake !Conntyr iol1 fj'nnty Coert Clerk. , '- 1 : f Hopmff that his past services have been satisfeitory, br. yeufrea niinseu u tee sane eeui 1 eeurse in the future. i FOR SUPERIOR COURT CtERRl .' WE ARE ATJTHORIZJED TO ANNOUNCE JOHN LN BUNTING, JCso ,as a Candidate for e Office of Superior Coort Clerk. If elected he will serve to tha -best e bis ability. wjtfsr nv?- IM-t. E ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE f V wViMaji WILLIE D JONES as a Candidate to repi-; cent Wake Coaaty iatae Stole Seawte, at the approachmr . ejection liXiuaoyni- hm kfvtt,?. !.. .-u ,A, 5 WE ARB ' AtTTHOSIZEn TO ANNOUNCE Col. T P. ALSTON aSe Uaib oandldaf 'ib repf? Seat the peoaM ef Jloaw Ceuoty ia tbe State SeSste ier j, October lStb. . ' f!.H vr.;. j, .7--!.- ifflllO -! W irilTitEtt CAN DIDATE FO i J. CQBtaaavrilt addvesa taejeoplet tt4 MIowibc: wrasif nataraay, ,., Tfrn-ar llnaifas ; October SI sa ev as- . 8S- "Koettaena i-4 ombertoa. Meaday, a v EJisabeitwa, Tuesday . VwavK-W uaiHI BBJk .y ( a--e- . Wovembe, f juntori war annaanev j 4. fiioVlady itB E HamiaoaafW5 B L 8pS av mm, KivDiviiDW. iura ja ill ' f &9H of ,aceom;,(tjsute, one twoor:: Harness, one set of xellni r...- ""Trae W- JTAV Vfs A- v .1S8--91 fc-f-n-,,... '' - ' lw U r :,oncements, ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOTrwrw r. O. BRIOO a Candidate for theSfflffiffc? WE ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE . iWM '.-HIGH, jM.a CaadidaU for tbe, SfterifiaJt of WakeCoontyL fTT "'i ' J- j - ' v fOctoBerli ufq. -s K'"'! tfeL arvweeVSftmeayi ywesbors;TjiBraeUyh im. Fridav. . 1 ; 137-X n r v vcioner ao. , .11 . V 3 . ; 152-tf

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