IT 7- e'H, J w ' -ir "4 t. 4" -5 TOW (1 VOL. I. RALEIGH. N; I C. FRI DAY, NOVEMiBER I lOi 1865. a"1- . ...J,;. AJ TTn:;p,:TTT7j-:v? 11 Id N- s, for sir i ft. in. At to THE" DAILY'. ST A NOARD. JOS. B. PANNON. JOSTWM. HOLDER. CANNON' ii HOLDEN, - . Editor of tha Standard, Printers to the Conven tentionand authorized puUishert of the Lam of 1 tie United States. ' " ..5 LABGESr CIBCULATION DT ?THB CITT, tARGEST CIB-, " "CULATION THE STATE. ' " . CITY. ADVERTISEMENTS. DeCARTERET & ARMSTRONG'S N. O. BOOK BINtHEBY, : i . ' Oeer the JF. Cl'Booh Store, I . . ! RAIEIGH,fN. C. . HAVIVO ADDED AN ENTIRELY NEW SET OF MA chinery, we are prepaid to scut all cinds of BookbindtnK vith neatneaa tfaRpaMU,' i- h Blank Book Dcpartncat. ' BaTine on band a large stock of fine paper, wear pre pared to nil orders for aii kinds of Blank Books, from the smallest memorandum to the largest Bank Ledger, at short notice. . . . 1 RuIIb? Department. ! We are prepared to execute all kinds of Baling in a man ner that cannot be surpassed. : . Our facilities warrant us in saying that we can execute work as cheaply as any establishment of the kind ' m the Uoited States. ' . ' - . , . We also hare for sale, at Publisher's prices, the Na tional Series of School Books . . r , .'" . ' Orders from Teachers ind Country Merchants will meet with prompt attention. -. 1 ".; , y- ' ., November . J- " '-: 1 178 -tf - NOTICE Olf DISSOLUTION. ' THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXISTING between W. H. jAmith, Silas Halsey and J. M. Smel ser, is this day by mutual consent, dissolved. J M Smelxer retiring from the firm, the business, as usual, will be car ried on ia the nne of W H Smith A Co.- - j r r W H. SMITH. SILAS HALSEY, ', J. M. SMELZKR. Baleigb, Nor. t. " tf BMITH & CO., n a vje just RECEIVED A FINE ASSORTMENT '- -"'J f; op' DRESS GOODS, JADD3S AND t CHILDREN'S PURS, LADIES CLOAKS NOTIONS, . 1 I GROCERIES, &c. 'f Gire us a Call I We are bound to sett cheap, for Cash. Raleigh, Not. 2. t . W. II. SMITH & CO. 1 .JORLAN VOMBLE, GROCER AND COMMISSION Mi RCHANT. TAOa ALL KIND OF PBOUDCE AND OTHER GOODS. JL Special attention gtren to .The sale of DL.UUK, OA CON AND LARD. J ; i. :: j CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. f ! At Old Stand 4th door, North; Bide Hargett Street, Ral eigh. B.C. i ; - - ! ' ' ' August 11, 65. - " ' - - - 8 tf ' 3,000 BOXES HARD TACK. HAVING RECENTLY PDKCHASEI) THE ENTIRE Jot of Crackers, commonly called " Hard Tack " at the closinir out sales of the 0 3 Commissary at this Post, we can offer great inducements to Farmers. Planter. Tur pentine makers and others. We will sell them at f-2 per boxer ft ibsb? the quantity, v Apply euner to ur. W R. Miller. CoL Foster of tlw Exchange Hotel, or to i - . . u s.. W.H ARSTOCKER. . - Not 2 , ': V ; ;: I9tf M. GRAIJSMAN, CLOTHIER ANDlMEkcHANT TAILOR, r 5 Fajretteville St., Raleisb, N. CV TBTK70ULD RESPECTFOLLY INVITE THE ATTF ww tion of all his customers and friends to his fint and selecte.l stock of BROAD CLOTH, DOESKINS, ASSIMERES, of all kinds; and particularly to bis :fi-.:-imported: goods. ; Sf. Garments will be made up in the best and latest styles on reasonaDiet terms, - His. stock of Ready-Made Clolhin?, suitable for ail ages, is Tery large ana will pe Kept complete by new weekly srriyals from Northern cities. He also keeps a large assortment of Gents Furnishing uoods ot an descriptions snoes, Boots, Huts, and good many other articles too numerous to mention. ' , September 13. '-' 126 tf EXCHANGE HOTEL, -f II ILLS BO UO' STttJB13T, THIS POPULAR HOTEL, SITUATED ON THE FI net Street in the beaotiful "City of Oaks." has al ready earned the reputation, under the management of its experiucea rroprietors, or being tne best Hotel in the Boutbj it is located within a few yards of the State Cap itol, and ia near the business, part of the City. If pleasant and clean beds, a liberal table, and respect ful and attentive servants will -make guests comfortable. meaecau oe couuiea on at ne-xcnange aoiel ; : f . . RANDALL A CO. , September 12. r.- j' - ; ; ;25 tf MRS. H. W. Ml LtfJEIl'S 1 BOARDINGVEOXTS E, UUKR OFJIWlIBKAKD PERSON STS n iV- EAUtiaH.Jf.C. s3 By the Day. Week and Month. - April. 17..65. -, .,4 , flw -I 1 tf. . ; . W.B. MILLER. ! U GENERAL BUSINESS AGENTji AND SPECIAL Agent for N C. Land Agency, for Wake,' Granrille nd,.Franklin Coanties.- ; , sv; '' BEESWAX AND TALLOWl-WE WILL PAY THE highest market price either in cash or trade, for any quantity of Beeswax and Tallow; ;-v wv ' - i - .. vrv-WiLfR; SaiTB 4C6"'p Jfeptemter,V-yi , ; ATTENTION I ! WtWTERlS COMING. 1, A LARGE iiTOCKOF, READY-MADE CLOTHING Lower than it car' be found elsewhere In the CitVi- Kaleigh, Oetober xt; WANTED TO PURCHASE, A GOOD AND CONVENIENTLY'-LOCATED CITY Residence. Apply immediately to xtH' . ' ! - BATTLE, HECK C04 s -1 i ' .'H- ':. .-2and Ageotik'? o . . "v . , .Fayetteviile Street:5. Raleigh, Js IJ, 18AS. f , -' ? -yt--ift npWO OR THREE NUMBER ONE BOOT and Shoe d Shoe Makers can Jnd cojistant employment-at rtSoerirjro'ft.'retorj';-V-' i - . . Aug.:i,l6.::vf .-viTSWtf. V gH wa uaieigi PR IME GOSH EN BUTTER. li"SH , CHEESE, AND E w' BUCKWHEAT CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. - KELLOGGi WHEELER & OOl I .T - n ' - v-vi (Old Stand of 8. H. YOUNG,) RALEIGH, 3V. C. Wholesale and Retail Mercnanu In DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, i f i 1 1 HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, &c. 1 LIQUORS! LIQUORS!! LIQUORS!!! WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF WHISKEY, BRANDY, AND GIN, Which we offer to Dealers by the'Cask or Case. ; October 17. i ..... 155 Sm AT W. R. ANDREWS' 2;000 LBS SUGAR CURED HAMS, 400 lbs Cod Fish, 800 do Dried tfeef, 10 bbls Mackerel. ' 5 do Leaf Lard, 10 do Fox Crackers 5 do Soda do -12 dozen Cotton Cards, No. 10, . 20-Boxes Cheese, 200 lbs Bologna Sausage, 200 do Beet Tongues. WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKEYS, GINS, cn fact, a full supply of the best Liquors , At W. R. ANDREWS'. Raleigh, Oct 11. 150-tf 1 PLATED WARE. TE HAVE A BEAUTIFUL VAUIET9 OF Plated Tea Setts, fi pieces each, ' Tea and Table Spoons, Suit and Mnstard Spoo4ts, Forks and C'upsj . ; , Also Plated Castors ot the finest patterns, Napkin Rings, Ac., Ac. ' These Goods are MADETO ORDER EXPRESSLY FOR OUR TRADE, a a of the best quality of plate on genuine ALBATTA, Warianted full weight of SILVER, and equal in appearance to solid silver ware. - For sale tow at 44 Fayetteville Street. ! ! j D. T. CARKAWAY, :': . i ,-;r i . -j' " With Hast A Lewis, V OOK1N6 GLASSES, at .JM Fayetteyllle Street. JJRESSING COMBS, At 44 Fayetteviile Street. THE CHILDREN NOT FORGOTTEN. TROLLS: FROM 25 cis to $9, at 44 Fayetteviile Street. GENUINE DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO -i At 44 Fayetteviile Street. WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, Aecl, j'. - ! t 44 FayettevilleStreet. BUGGY HARNESS . ( . I .t. -. At 44 FayettevilM Street. Persons visiting Raleigh, as well as citizens, are invited to call in at 44 Fayetteviile Street and see the variety ol USEFUL Articles. - , . D. T. CARRAWAY, I With Uakt Lawis. October. 148 tf , j cpomEys jiroTiiL., IS OPEN, AND THOSE WHO ARE TRAVELING and wish comfortable quarters and gxwt eating, stopai COOKE'S. My terms will be 1 as moderate as possible fur the t imes. Yon will always find. convey? nee at the depot to take yon to either of the Hotels in this City ; but be sure to inquire for Cooke's, where you will get good lodg ing, good toting, mineral water to drink, and a pip u, smoke if you wish it. i . I will be prepared to accommodate 1S or 2n members of the approaching Convention, j GEO. T. COOKE. September 1, 185. H v v ntf. ' NEW FIRM ; THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE ASSOCIATED THEM selves for tbe purpose of esiabliNhing in Raleigh an Auction and Commission House, and General Agency for selling and buying property of all kinds, collecting Claims, and transacting all sorts of business. ; ' . One of the firm being a practising Lawyer, we are pre pared to give legal advice, examine and adjust titles, draw conveyances and attend to professional business generally, both in and out of tha Courts The name of the firm is BAKHAM BROTHERS Two doors above Farriss' Store. J. Q A Bahha, r W. K. Babuam. Octobers. , ! - .; , 145 tf f lO REWARD. J ! I WILL PAY THE ABOVE REWARD FOR THE following named papers, that were lost or taken from my store on Hargett Street, 8rd dwr from Fayetteviile : One Captain's Commission. Henderson C Half, Co. A. nth Regiment Iowa Infantry ; one Discharge-as enlisted man, by gen'l order of Geo. W. T. Sherman ; one Pension order, also a lot of Photographs, aud one Transportation to Keokuk, Iowa, given by the V H. M Railroads, and also private paperi. I will ask no questions, but pay the above reward immediately on receipt of the Articles, or any information leading to recovery of them . '- ! rf ' r . H. C. HALL. ' Raleigh, October 8. . . ! 148 tf : 44 FAYETTE VILLE STREET, RALEIGH, N. C WE INVITE SPECIAL ATTENTION OF PURCHA sera to our large and interesting stock of 1 4 MISCELLANEOUS HARDWARE, Wooden Ware, 1 1 ..' ' . . : . v Willow Waro,r ' f ' u ;i. ; , Crockery Ware, - - . ' . . . :i -- Glass Ware, " " ' Chin "Ware,; Pot snd Hollow Ware, i t i , - - Stone Ware, v . !'.'.'. " :. " Tin Ware. ;'; -i ; Iron and Steel, A ' ry Buggy Material, I Bridles,: : 7Uvi- Saddles, flarneOTr-i'fy "'- ; ..JV'-f Collars: Ac, ,;i4fc2Jiiwfe'h' . OU?. Paints, Varnishes and Brushes.? Also . . 'AZ 'vrXIXROfcER " r : n jacs, iut any .ning in fWVij: HOUSE KEEPING LINE; Si - niATTtiE, AtKUK . MLB will buy, set) and lease, ad atfd take c-ener&l e&re of all' i CO,, f RALEIGH NftXW dju'tUfes of. pay. taxes on, t kinfb of. real,- estate. 'j;old,i copper, lead, iron and other mloea. Water-powers? Acj' -Throfeh reliable Agents In ierv'conntv: aeeiirata info ' K. HOUSE- tilfiKtf I NG MiF'" P -i ..i RaleTghict aij.- mM I4r?f mation wiL! -he given about particular localities, IracU of land, Ae. .-; -f'"" t; "-' " ' V---' ; Will. likewise , undertake . eoltection of debts in-. North Carolina and elsewhere;' by suit ftr otherwise. , f Commnnications confldeutiall Commissions and charges moderate. Raleigh, Jane 12, 05. 50 tf. f1 CITY advertisements; NEW GOODS .1 . AND .v T , OLD LIQUOf S AT WHITAKER'S. E. A. WHITARER HAS JUST RECEIVED ANOTH er lot . of new .goods embracing all sorts of osefut I 1? A TTT.V rs CTTT3T3T TT7 v together with an assortment of i " I'-'' GENUINE OLD LIQUORS. CHAMPAIGNE, ; 1 CONGRESS BOURBON WHISKEY, OLD PORT WINE, MADERIA, SHEBRY, CLABET, 4C. I ' n . . l- OLD HENNESAY LONDON DOCK BRANDY, VINTAGE OF 1840, Ac CHOICE LOT HAVANA CIGARS. dec, &C, j' For anything in the way of first rate &c. Groceries, ProTislont , Liquors, &c., Call on E. A. W HITAKER, At his- old stand on Hargett Street English Letter and Demi Paper. 100 reams white wove Letter ruled.' JOO white laid Demi unroUd. For sale by the ream or ease- Dealers would do well to call and examine. Buyers by me quantity can secure a great bargain at E. A. WHITAKER'S. Raleigh, Sept. 14, 1865. 1 ltf-ftf. WANTED, PURCHASERS FOR $50,000 WORTH OF GOODS! AT MAXON & STRONG'S, i 1 i ; 58 FA YETTEV ILLE St., and 3 Market Square.; DELAINES, POPLINS, CASSIMERES, PRINTS, . ; PERFUMERY, SHOES, BLACK SILK, ! UMBRELLAS, SHAKERS. FRENCH MERINOS, POCKET KNIVES, GROCERIES, J LILLY WHITE, HATS, Ac w ..-ii;-i-l n i. i Parties buying goods by the piece will I I SAVE MONEY I By looking through our stock. Orders from the Country solicited. We give orders our , personal attention, and will send prices of any article by mail, on application. j MAXON & STRONG. Raleigh, September 26. j 187 tf W. B. B1CBARDSON. : W. R. MILLER. NEW BUSINESS- GENERAL INTELLIGENCE AND LAND AGENCY. j For tbe Purchase and Sale of Land, Pro curing of Homes and Situations for I Freed men and others. j fWlHE UNDERSIGNED WILL ESTABLISH IN THIS M. city, on 1st July next, a General Intelligence and Land Agency Office tor the purchase and sale of Real Es- 1 tale ana other property also for the purpose of Procuring Homes for the Freedmen and others. Parties desiring to hire labor of any description will do well to call on us We will have connected with our business a firstrate Auction eer for the Sale of Real Estate and other property. Our experience in .business generally will, we trust, be a suf- : tioient recommendation to secure us a liberal share of pat ronage. 1 f , Our office, for the present, will be one door above the Progrets office. ! RICHARDSON A MILLER. Raleigh, June 22, 185. j , 67 tf. FRESH BUTTER. A 4dk LBS FRESH BUTTER. ! , At r W. R. ANDREWS'. I October 18. 152-tf I ": :-: NOTICE. I . 1. ; Buying, Selling and Leasing Eeal Estate. ArLL PERSONS WISHING TO BUY, SELL, OR v Lease Real Estate, are invited -to call upon the sub. scriber at bis Hotel, on the corner of Wilmington and Davie Streets, Raleigh, N. C., who promises to give their business bis prompt attention, and spare no pains that will enable bim to give entire satisfaction ' . , Being so well known to the citizens of Raleigh and Wake County, the nndersigned hopes the will not hesitate to . put their business In his hands. G EO. T COOKE 1 ' Agent for Wake County of the Pioneer Land OtheJ September 2, 6, ,-:.. - , ; 117 tf i : STOTES ! ' STORES !! STOVES ! ! ! . ; WfOUGEE A BROTHER HAVE JUST RECEIVED A t UJ large lot of Cooking and Office Stoves, at the old 1 stand on Faydttevitle Street. . , . , : - 4 . PLANISHED WARE. 1 -A Jne assortment of French Cofjee and Tea Beta. . Trunks, Cake and Sugar Boxes -Tea add Coffee Canisters, !ust PansSpittponsi Pep HardivareaidRon . " Wi Irons, Frying Pans. Sauce Pans, Lined "Iron Ppta, CofiseTMiilsi Snuffers, Ao , Ac, Ao. li Jl:f V.wFrp. A complete a&sortmeni; Mnd honw tnade. Jobbing aid 4 Repatrjng. House RuoTing. A.', xectd ' at ; the shortest k notice.- Ti:Pf ,;cTjk r ;f :H- ? ?'Ji'AV'- U W: We are oreDared. to make and renair Stove Pin nut tin.-: A NOTHER SUPPLY t)FJiCHOICE AND DELIGHT' ful French Caudjv'Dates, Citrons Nuts, Ae. ' CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. "1 MOISUMENTS! M0MUHENTS 'it t- - i i i . --', J w . , THE SUBSCRIBERS ! I KING. WH1TELAW & CO.. BEG LEAVE TO INFORM THEIR OLD FRIENDS and the citizens of the State generally, that haying re-opened their - , , - , . f - . , - MARBLE AND STONEWORKS, On the Borut Block, at MAUNDER'S Old Stand, Fayette vi I lo Street, . ' They, are now prepared to furnish j ' MONUMENTS, i i i- VAULTS,; ;. . ! .- HEADSTONES, I .i. SLABS, : L -i.. " , I MARBLE MANTLES, Ac. Haying associated with as one ot THE BEST CAR VERS IN THE COUNTRY, aud from the arrangements .we haye made, we flatter ourselves that we can turnish all work in our Hoe aa cheap an it can be done in any North em city, for proof ot which, call and examine our large variety of designs and our list of prices. j I "cmsmMi prepares to lurnian WINDOW SILLS. i i ! WINDOW CAPS, DOORSTEPS, &c, &c And to contract for all kinds of I I STONE CUTTING AND, STONE MASONRY. KING, WHITELAW&CO. J.NO KlKO, JKO. rt'HITBLAW,! WM PbAT. ' KEFEhS 1 0 j j Geo-W Mordbcai, Esq., Rev Da. Mason, D D JM Hbck, tq, B P. Willumsox &Co. Buoos A lioDi, K. P. Battlk, Esqi tk-ptember 29. i ij 140 - Sm CONFISCATION AT AN E?D I I The North-Carolina Bookstore still Hour- - ishing. I jL i j H. D. TUUXER j 1 RALEIGH, N. C, Ner khe'Capitol. ! OFFERS TO HE TRADE AND PEOPLE OF NORTH-! Carolina a large and v.triod stock standard School.! Law and Miscel anenus Books, nmong which may be touod "Our own " series of ."school Books, together with d liter-; ent kinds of Spellers. Readers, Gram tuars and Ariihme-; tics. They also offer the following valuable standard Law! Books. i i . j Supreme Court Reports, full sets or separate vols , num-i bers furnished t- &mpete volume. iCantwell's Unstice.! Cantwell's Practice, Revised Code of N. C. Journals ,f ihe Convention of 1835 and I8rtl, C. Form Book, Iredell on Executors, Jones' Digest . ; j - Are now publishing, and will be ready by the i first of j November, i, 0" copies of Turner's N. C Almanac f..r the year t-fiK. Th8 indispensable favorite with,. eveiy family aqd busiDesa maa in the State will contain ia vast fund of useful and statistical information. j ' Also on hand, a splendid assortment of Stationery and Fancy Toilet ti)od from the most celebrated manufactorysj on tne contineat i , Book Binding, with neatness and dispatch; Blank Bdoks ruled to any pattern and manufactured in tbe fiorSt style: Musip Books and Periodicals bound in handsome tnanoer.i B, D; TUHSiSli- Raleigh, October 17. i5-tf. QUENT. BUSBEE, j ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office in the Court House, Raleigh, N. C. PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO, THE EX AMINATION ot TITLES, to CONVEYANCING, to the adjustment and settlement of Books aud Accounts, and the COLLECTION of Claims. Raleigh, July S!l, 5 80- Pm. AUCTION I AUCTION I AUCTION, ! ! WE HAVE OPENED OVER OUR STOKE. LARGE AUCTION Rooms, where we will receive goods and have weekly Auctions. Merchants and others having remnants and packages of goods that they wish id re llze on AT ONCE would do well to put t hern in our! bands. B P WILLIAMSON A CO Commissi u Merchants aqd Auctioneers. Raleigh, Septem tar 7. I3 tf LADIES' CLOAKS. BEST AND CHEAPEST IN TOWN! THE HAVING SOLD NEARLY ALL OF FIRST STOCK, have ordered a new suiiplv b Express. i MURRAY & TREDWELL. Agents, j Brown Stone Front. Raleigh. October 18. 15H lm ' WANTED!? ' - COTTON! COTTON!! C4 BALES COTTON WANTED, FOR WHICH currency or specie will be paid. t A. WUII'AKCK 28. 135 tf 8ept, . BANKERS AND BROKERS, WE BOY ANI SELL GOLD; SILVER, BANK Notes, Bonds and Coupous Deposit received Coll.Ctit.ns midrt.. JOUN G WILLIAMS A '0 ; Raleigh, N C, October 1 1 . looj lm PHOTOGrRAPH AND PINE ART GALLERY. THE SUBSCRIBER TAKES THIS METHOD 6f IN formii'g'tbe citizen of Norih-Carolioa ibat he has taken the Pbotogiaph Gallery formerly occupied! by E. Hunt, on Main S reet, renovated and refitted it in a first ctacs style, mid is now piepared to execute all kinds of pic'nres known in his line. In.nvthe mallest m mature t a life size portrait colored in oil Persons baviiig pic tures ef deceased friends may send the likeness with de scription of pei son, color of hair, complexion, Ac j, and obtain a picture of any size, colored in-oil. A snilendw1, stock of material always on hand. Plain and fancy cses, frames and eurd de nimies made at the shortest noli.ce The subscriber fl itterx himself that afrer a practical ex perience of I years he will be able to ple.e even Ihe mott fastidious. He is determined to keep pace with the times, and that none may have cause to send work in his line beyond Raleigh to get it better executed, or uu better terms .; Particular attention given to the making of Children's Likenesses. j Citizens and strangers are invited to oall and examine specimens of the art, whether they desire a likeness r not j over the stire of M. Graustnau, Main Street Cloudy weather mikes no d fference. Tbe trade can be furnished with instruments. st'Mskand materials. . J. W WATSON. Raleigh, October 5. 145 8m NORTH-CAROLINA MUTUAL FIRE INSU RANTS COMPANY, j AT A MEETING OF THK DIRECTORS OF) THE Company on the 27th of September, an assessment of 15 per cent was levied on ail premium Notes in the offic-S of the Company at the time the losses occurred, to be paid in three : instalments, viz : six, nine and twelve months from 1st October 1865.' ' I The amount of premium Notes on hand, 220.CQ0 ' " ! " Allowed Losses, $1 6,000 " Unsettled do. T,& (There are snm losses not yet reported, the amount of which, of Course, cannot now oe stated .) , - The assessment may appear to be disproportionate to 'the amount of the losses ; but the Directors, taking into consideration the changes in property ' by sale, without transfer of policies, by destruction during this War, Ao, Ac, do not think tbat more will be raised by it than will be needed to meet tbe actual wants of the Comparjy. There wi l be, necessarily, some elay in the payment of losses. It is hoped, however, that there . wll be & complaint on this accrtunt ; especiaUy,'wheB it is recol lected that payment in some cases, was tendered i& Coa- federate currency and .refused j . -afegf "''' ' The Company, is prepared to take risks an iri forsaev times, and on as favorable terms Address art letters to. lueoecreiai?. . - . . . ocuii , rresioeni. . Hamdbn S. Smith, Secretary: Raleigh, October 21. . ' , 159-1 in p4 CASTINGS. rmO ACCOMMODATE TH E PUBLIC TBE RALEIGH i liv j and Gaston Railroad Compuay wit 1 make Castings of any kind when the Patterns ara tnm theda their sbopa.'' Stft -.. ; AlJWSRTiiOHNSONift m August 21, 5. ..;T-f,Kr--: LADIES DRESS'GOODS, BEAUriFULtLINE 3rWLlNS, FRE .BM0plwB.mi4Aru4hfIteri Diess Goods. ;Hoopr Sltiito,'' Balmoral Skirts-i CarseAs," Hosiery, Gloves, Ac. At MURRAY ATllEBWfiaL'SjiV ?v CITY "ADVERTISEMENTS BRANSON & FA RRA IV '? ' . PUBXISHEES AND BOOKSELLERS, ";. No. 40. Fayetteytlle 'Sirtet,-: ' v RALFIGII, N. C ,' ' . " KEEP CONSTANTLY OV HAN D AN AS051TM ENT f 8tmdard Books and the la't pnb icati n con sis' ng nf.Theological. Historical and Miscellaneous &oks, with a large supply of . t , - SCHOOL BOOKS, Ac., Call and Re. ' Orders will be pr raptiy fi'led. Books not on hand will be at once obtained, if to be had in the United States. . . 1 -They a' act as agents for the purchase or sale of any goods in their line of business.. f BRANDON A FARRAR. THE AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY has deposited with us a large nn ruber of Bibles and Testa ments for OaU or Donation at cietv n'es " BRNSON k FARRAR. AMONG OUR STOCK may be found Copy Books, Slates, Chalk Crayons, Slate Pencils, tie. i ; BRANSON A FARRAR. ALM, Writinor Charts, Spelling Charts, and other improvements for Schools, . . - BRANSON A FARRAR, MAPS ! MAPS!! .Larare Map of Nor'h Oari?);na, , , $10 0Q Porkft Mapol ftqrfh Carolina, , . . 1 0 Pocket Map of Virginia. 2 25 Pocket Map of the United States 2 00 . I STATION FRY.; : 1 Fo'lsciip, Ijeltr Piiper. Note Paper. Pens, Pencils ;Fn velopes, Arnold's Writing Fluid a'so h penariirn Fluid nriaOi 4 r AEKAK. JUVENILE BOOKS. - ; Illustrated, of great variety in srvi and pv'cs.' , BRANSON A FARRAR. I SHEET MUSIC Constantly kept on hand. Also, KU.nk P.ooks made to order, BRANSON' & FARRAR. BOOK BIXDING, Of all kinds, dene at thon u tice and in, the very best style. BRANSON A FARRAR. NEW YORK DAILY PAPERS. Also Ladies Fashion B k. crisi.-nlv 00 had - j miASUJH A r AKKAU PIIOTOGRVPHS Of distinguished Southern iner A "o'hio?rarh Albums I . j l'RANSON & FARRAR. Just' from the Prw. I MARY BARKER, . A thrilling narrative of early life utnonf 'he Indiana of Nonh Carolina s rrtm the e'f'ed pen of Charlie Ver non The book is 72 paeps! elecnntlv prtrj ea. Price, per hundred $20 sine e comes SO e-nta The nsual denc idn mad to the Trade Call for . atttlneues. containing prices. lIVArUI a I.lfiKMt, Va eigb, N C. Novemhei- S. 7i tf N EW RED CLOVER SKfcD, I YV - 11 ft B S TUCKER fi tf- Octohor 24. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY J II. & l S. TUCKER. OCTOBER 33rd, 1 SOS. WrjST It CCK1 VKD AhD FOR SALE BY W.Ujk R." J s.TUcJeRi ,t . Pi ime Gosh-ii Bufr. twe ve pound kegs, Buckwheat, in small . . Beef Tongues, i ' Bologna usages, j No one MacWeiel in k'ts.' No th'ee Mackerel, in barrels, Kiigiinh Oairy ; heene. Kxtra. fc Fox and Oys er Crackers, fresh, Sa dines, " , I Macaooi, ! 'I Frtsh and Spiced 0jstir8, in ?:ns, Mick Turtle roup, in can-", fine L Seven Gold baud and. White ijh-na Tea fspt W. H & K, S. TUCKER. October 2t. ttil--tf WILLIAM jK. BARI1AM, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, RALEIGH, N. C Will practice in the several Courts of Wake. Franklin. Nash and Johnston Counties and in the. Supreme Court of North Carolina. : Special attention will bel given to Conveyancing, and office ou.sinetts generally, and u the-sett leuieut and collec tion of Olatms : Office No 48 Fayetteviile Street. October Hi. i i ! 1S9 1m JEWELRY, WATCH REPAIRING AIHD EajGllAVWC. HHAHI.KR HT RE-OPS.NEU HIS STORE ON e Fayetteviile Street, op(Ha. te ihe 't;ity Hali, and baying laid ia a gooi stock of maan it will continue to n auuiacture ail aiticies in bis iiu, aodj will keep ou hand an assortment of T . JEWELRY AND vVATCHES. j . He has secured theserviij-s of 3d " Cillkkss. a RCPE Kloit WATCHMAKER.. whoe exierieuc to Europe and the principal cities of the iNonh g vea u guarantee that all work entrusted ti his care will be execute! with" skit-j and perfection. ! Every description f ; ' ENGRAVING. - . A Courts. Lodge i nd Biuvnes Seals m.nde to order. Aii kind ol JBifVELIvY REKAlRKI), and the HIGHEST PRICES pid for old Gold and Sot er. ; Gratetui to tbe public for the Coi fids?nce reposed in hm ' h hopes to merit a contiiiUaLcof t i"r 4 H. JH.AHLER.'i:.: ttateigh. Oct 7. - 147 8m : LOOK out; FOR TOE1 miOV X XUNlv FRONT, (D.ic MtrtV-i Statitl.) - IF YOU W.'iNT TU,BUV iHOif tJOOO-J. CUEU" a.ds and Goods that! win p eas- ai .home aud abruaOU, call and exunWne our .be4ti1 .assort mtnA of v. - . Fancy and t f.taple Dry Goous, r Boots and Anoes, - j . Iides' and (leuts' ITatsj Retdy-niarlip C othmg Ac, f Ladies' an dOnl's Oioyes. ' ' '' . -. - '''2 Betore tnak .B piucbsaes elsewhere. Your oxamiivtr.r out allele will 1 .... ...rnr :tiv ekst otillifatlvb. to hv e guar t nteA loo. ih of MaiWOf iiriin;ii interest; f or ifw d. ao e.' we willcauaesoaienf eie t very law. fLr.afe. i : . ' One of aor firm b i.g resident .eW;.rx. ia 00 tne nruit atsl i,.o. ti tj.krt kdvntife ot theMarttet; v" r . Sboul i the 1. .dies and Meai tmen i rvaie : " ' -- r i 1 1 or "WU lfLni!,i . " . . .. i. A .....1 k.u lhjii I Ageots., . . flat r.i j 10. 15-1 ,IJ j- Hirer .v :A NDRF.W JOH NSON P RIZ 12 PACK ETS. nif nE--F.!Vkl- AMI DUtv SAiiS. - I' OAIicn., - iWnff ! l4geht -of Andrew: Johnsqii Pr ie wil l mVC TH tt 11 KSH Ert r -A'ASH I KH ES rUK t" "I" ' r . . Ui : x iwes 01 .ui.xinni io .. oe. in goyu if I hipping order. Anolvi to 3 - 1 Sauiidetft. at " W - J ' rftrV BOXES KUPKjRIOR BBG GHT-CHEWING baccoLa cho ceart'cl i Smptecan be wen at f 1 -X " D -t V ? ljntrr.f,M. Wa w.yc '(StT i 1 au5MBi ' CUY,ADVEKTI GREAT REDUCTION IF YOU WANT A GOOD CIGAR CALL; AND EES 7 , K , - v . ' v ' v.'-! LEE'S LARGE STOCK. ?, JUST IMPORTED FROM HAVANA, CUBA TOBACCOS: 0EALLK1NUS nutter 4?tt Floar, .Potatoes, AND A GENERAL f ASSORTMENT OF . ...GROCERIES,; ; AT WHOLES AIE AITO EETAIX. SWINES ANlijif Sild to Officers . and responsible Citizens c bf f the . Bottle... ---J fW-B T.McKiOS' ' Fayetteviile eei, ooR-'deor trom Ute Corner of Morgai Ra'eig' , September 2t 5 ITTrtf F ARRIS' COLUMN, I. II A-i JUST RETURNED KBOM THE NORTH' WITH a NeW'Suick.'ot'. Selected expressly for ; thi M a'f k et, : .;h'k1 V:';Crng ia parP;- BEAVER fL0rq: t?.? BRWAOCLOTHS. ' i ENT,LlirANl) SCOTCH CASSIMERES, MIXED CASSIMER'BS'-S' :. y SILK . i TRlLO I CASSIMERES,- t - V'iBLUE CLOTHS. OF ALL COLORS I CASSIMERES it r BLACK SILK VELVETS. 4 - GLOVES AND SQARFS. I SHIRTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS ! ARMY UATS,---- i J ; - - ': ? - NAVY CAPS, -!- .1 Pa. .:"-J: Sf :'?R ALi?"H0SE SUSPENDERS,. v rrf&. , . r HAN DKERCHIEFS. NEE TlRSiM LfNBN AND P A PEtv QOLLARS, SHOULDER STRAPS. " ,- ";:Ki '.k i ; MILITARY BUTTONS: -. ' . ciANDitACEs, SCARF PINS. - - - i r-j?' , Y ? SHOES OF AtL KINDS, x , ; - TRDNKSAND JVArjES. M DQNEr IN-' THE VKRY " BiST STYLE" , C. AT, ' Fa itRii'r Satid v-Kist 911 pgrb' tputt, MR. 4GRirPITri45''''? fi' : s of every dscriritfi'A ftnnV tii ordtr ift notice and in tbe very besttmfinBer:&.-, ' ' ' What you d. not see in my Store,. order, and ytt shall have it in thequickist j;siW-!tinie. - I CM. FARRIS.V RMgh. Anensf 9B, ih: ,r . --( A i-fk LBS. I'KIJIK IIACON IDB H. vrlvl a'd should' r Just received at ; - vmtt-'WILLUMAuW-ACOU', ' " -; ; ;, yr, . i t j,. 7.000 LBS. CHOICE Wf STERN 4;Np Jrunti-t aroiitii I aid daify smvnjt at , :A. B P WILWAStrN A f O'S, 5 BALKS COTTOV YARN, ; ' .-. -A.) 4-4J5iieelinjis 'rr.v. t d ur at - i "X -'. : .P. "V f L5 1 SON A rfl' niHk AVttS SUOE-rllltfiAD, s mrfA r boxes AUnmiiuLne Ut-nJiea, ; .-vlO b.xe -Cfry'-IMM f nV In'Stnre and for s ite .by Ji I WILLIAMSON k CO. , DOJ5, WIIITlv GUVNIPE DINNER d Hr UKla-ii roues-. t Just W veJi,H P- WlAMxQV; 2. L B s, GROUNO iNfe R, ) F uer uu.l Mii.iuid, -tor nd lor sa.e by V V BP?WILLlAMSONAO. 300 11BLS. F LJU R . VA RIOUS Brands , t.n aale by U P rt tSU iM.SOSE kVO.z stvi 300 lu sl.ire Anil a-.v;nt.- vlt. " B K li'XI AMSON AO' Ll S. ASSORTED SUGARSf I11 store ui p ffir 1 r f i t MW 1 rift s V -Jr. - ll. E W IS. P. OLli'S LAW OP PVJS my in iai: - i m - ww w m m w a 6.000 NovLmber,4;:.,-. i- KMtiVKl tice. 'n Hirtsb-TOtreet-- Special aTieniiun. w .v r " ters. Wit' ane'io aii i..e.-i!-tiii .u v'-;w The !,.nmont OHVinir Sl..D IsneQ -Its soara .m imr ;iaini8 h Wabiogion.; special atieOiw gilfen jt- the nrmipt and thor-mgU jmsecni.on or qircu ae aiy.wiuij- led to the eare ' th 1 HI J 1 1 1 4 " IP A GAINST FIRE AND Tlx J5 PERt L." Ur lLAi uajamu, Aui. USDERWRltEKS AlbTEIf CT, Comw BEPUBf. "' ital 'over JOHN Raleigh, Oct "i . . iSBrs .- BEb r'.-'v jib! " 4 w 1 W WW ST3 rw ' -' .i'.. .... N aiuiTt eCFn WllStf " v.,o. buauils ptMe R E' TO lit LiTrTtiENtBRi NOB'S pV'f0 ,sed ot ineGtsRM VSt A. HANOVER. AglAana - ,IC Fire luSuraiice Companies, flew joravrap- G- WILLI AaS ACU., Agents... . .tf '. -y 'iT-i.. ' - ' "" " - a 1 . 1 11 1 Sft fcaVa.. 1 tj DUIUI7 m. - - .PRIME APPLE BltASUXivsn p Noy'eniber 6 ; 187 tf TfT 4NT ED, 'B V A L DY O EXPERfENClL ASH? ; ;tr; lot e. N 04e-,-. .V- ?t---f- tTAAtfv'it- , VRANBEUlESCUANBERIUESJUirT p received and tor sate oy tCc- ; f UOGSUEADS FIN E B VCON SIDES. W U, Bk IJjiIJv"B Sorembor ,4 HAVfVOOP TP - " " "... . i .-L-nifioru our -fc. I, 6"l"ltS HIS riUir tSWil'JtA" i-iciVT iVviM- v u mPeit aensol Raieigb.. Oiftce at bis residence. ntf - n".-. 1 ifctvr iirx v w w w i'l '3 -,5 : j 1 K 1 Flour. : W H A B S TUCKER, Raleigh, Kot , ; " " . ;' ls4tf October 18. Raleish. October S7J . May xt, ls6o- 1' 1 . j : 1 T J I r. 1 a 1 j : f