,1' fliers rWfr--.it-i-ji- t V 1 r f . , iift.:J u fH? - nPini U'Omr rr Li . 4. I If I I II I .r . . ' 11 II- i- I I 1 ... . T 1 I II 1--1 II r" I v I 1 r -i' --4 1 TTHinK.'rv; ,AJVI tJTSTOJNV NOW - ATfld JBX1RV E2tt,V 03SFE BLiE.' '-Daniel .Wel)8ter:.;:;f :f Jr 1 1- . T .r , : 1U LEIGH, Qjf ."SUB 'DAT'WQViiMBERf 11, :18(ik- VOL. I. 1 11 , :- ' ! t . 1 1 III, ' I II II I THE DAILY'S ! T AN OARD JOB. 8. CASNON. . job. wjr. nfiOTi; a'atdAariaiPtf&KdiM jf Laws of LA.RGE8T CrRCULATION EN THB CITY, LABGKST CIR- ! - CntATION IS THE STATE. NEW AND IMPORTANT DISCOVERY IS , TELEGRAPHING. - r-V" . -Lancartbb Ooio, 0?t 28. 1865. Eds. Com Some years since , Mr. M. L. Maon, . a resident of CarirU,:in ;thia Coftntyjionceived a new P111 of transmitting telegraphic dispatches, differing from the present plans of land and, ocean lelegraphing. This ; system the discoverer j terms Atmospheric 1 Telegraphing." During the , past seven yeart Mr. Mason has experimented at all sea sons Of the year; and with such success as t satisfy himself, as well as: several scientific merj, that by this' system messages may be sent from New York to London through the aiii By- this pUnHmessages may also be sent from; mid ocean to eithef shore aching impossible nnder the present system of sub- ! The discoverer submitted his system to Professor John Williams, (one of the most learned, scientific men in the Slate, and author of thej" Topical Lexi con,") who, after a careful, examination, made the following statement: v ? L ; k I have examined a method proposed by (Mr. M. ' Mason for telegraphing, by which submarine ca bles may dispensed with, arid dispatches nay be transmitted through the.air between points on op x posite sides of wide oceans. The plan is. in the na ' tore of things, practicable; and I hope that Mr. JJason wHI meet with such patrorage 'rva the public as will enable him to test his metbodj by an experiment on a large scale. , ! ' I t v ; . John Williams." Mr. Mason bas written a - Small work, upon the. j subject, and has a number of designs, illusitrating ; i his system r ana nis ooservauons, anu eiperuueino made during the. past seven years. He proposes, during "the coming year, to present his plan land to exhibit bis designs to the leading scientific and commercial men Of the principal cities, I r- ;. - ,u. x A. P.M. ;. - - y . i . , t Thb Late Steamboat Bgrning at Pittsbcro. .William C. Cbamplin, who confessed to ihaving kindled the fire on the 10th September last,! which .resulted in, the ' destruction, at the Monoagahela ! wharf, of , the steamers River .Queen and George Albree, was brought into Court this morning, and "plead guilty to an indictment for arson, with in tent to defraud insurance companies. ... , j . ' He was asked if he bad any statement to make in his own behalf. . He said he had fired the River ; Qaeen,"of whicb he was part owner, with 'a view .to ber destruction, as ' a ' matter of revenge upon her . other,xwners."V This .was all he said, except that hecame from Connecticut, where, his family now - reside. " Judge Sterrett said that while the Court . should temper justice with mercy,", be felt that - this case ' .called. for. a severe sentence. It jmight, however, be one for executive- clemency. Champ ..lin was then sentenced to undergo an imprisonment r' of four years io the Westerrif Penitentiary. f Pitt$- A Baffled Rfbel. George N. Sanders has had ; a hard time of it in Canada ever since the Confede racy , became I a . moist nnpleasant body.'j The Canadians: are evidently becoming sick of him and his friends, and regard in a ludicrous light his de mand for justice against, the persons charged. with an attempt to kidnap bim to the United States. . The second trial has terminated like the fust, in the disagreement and discharge of tbe jury. The case, however, was marked by a display of partisan feel ing by the Jadge which reflects but litile credit on Canadian justice, f The Judge charged strongly against the prisoners,' and kept ,tbe jurors locked up for. ten days because - they were ; unable to agree to a verdict. .The difference, arose on the credibility of O'Leary, a principal w toes fOr the prosecution, who perverted his stand ing as ' a ' Freemason to worm himself into the confidence of the prisoners, and lure them on to the perpetration of the crime, to which the defence insisted our old friend George was a consenting could not agree to party- At any rate the 'ury a verdict, and sullenly beH out asainst tbe directions of 'the Judge to convict the prisoners. There "is to be a third tnai, ana tnis precious ornaitient of the Canadian Judiciary mean ly, entered; Upon the docket a request to his broth er Judges to bold the prisoners in custody and re fuse baii.:-4;i!W;v Mify-'- ! i':::'Y - These proceedings are far from helping Senders among the Canadians, who appear to be heartily disgusted t with bim and his cause. . The papers complain that tbe1 fugitives continue to keep the Provinces in hot water all the time, and have cost tbem more than a million of dollars in warlike) prep arations against the United States, and intimate , that ibcir, presence is no longer desirable and profitable.- G aware of this plot to abditict him, and the fault of his lifetime is that, be indefinitely -. postponed bis chances for pardon by refusing to bo conveyed, free of expense, to tbe genial atmosphere of . . Wasnington. Aw Old STOfV.-ThiB worsrpers of Mammon, says a Constantinople correspondent, nave' discov ered that there as another power beside that of gold, and another Gjo who is above the idol of woildly wealth. ' During the time the cholera lasted, it was pitable to see the fright of all those who used .to boast that they bad oo religion and no creed save that of Nature. The young Turkish school of Mos lems, who had many of them, thrown off. even tbe semblence of a beliet in the Jioran, were in a great erfngbtof death than any men I ever saw. The christians "were bid enough, at least ,-such a mong them not a few who had led. lives not exactly in accordance with fhfir creed. The Armenian, atin, Greek, 1 and .other churches , were ' crowded every day with men and womea bearing' mass and going to confession who. for; months, perhaps years, pre viously had never put , foot inside a sacred edifice. Many of the' priests were actually' prevented going to administer to the dying,' by tbe importunity of tbe living for the consolations of 'religion, j Now that all' fear of the cholera has passed, every one cas returned to.nis old ways. ?- - - ' The Xlttle Gale on the Iakes. BoFf alo, Nov. I. The Commercial publishes a list of the disasters-by the late 'gale. The follow ing are the, most important: The propeller,5 Her Majesty, sunk at Port Colborne, had 500 barrels of flour on board. : Propeller . UarQoletto was sunk in shoal water at ,Biro!'hv';Te;pHgeiferj:CaldweU lost ber shaftand vrflltbave to be' docked, f The schooner:Lucy uiklahd' jwitb coal - from Cleve land, lost ber deck load The schooner Cornwall, With 7,000 bushels of corn from Toledo for 0swego i is ashorer oh Noi-ib Ambo ref; fuir bf water.he ' Schooner E. S. J. ' Hemes.' laden, with wheat from Milwaukie, was . towed -into Cleveland in a linking eocamon. iThe propeller, Mineral tCock, crossed l Sag'ha bay during the storm Heir agas were burst in :kj jLheforce of tbowsives;j4n4 ber deck load and eighteen bead of cattle washed Wer.- ooard. . The achooner Algenne,-with a load of bar- lev. 14 Cnnlr at Pnr tlnlKnMi. r ' ... . .t-jf,-..'-:,...-- P. ( The PpiirDEHi TArr. family p.83e4 through , here to day, en route to city Advertisements. , IVOTICE OF-DISSOLUTION. .s., fflHE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXISTING A, between WtE. 8oaith. Silas Halser and' J. M.-Smel- xer, is this day bf motaal consent, dissolved. J M Smelzer retiring fronx the firm, the business na usual, will be ear ned on in tbe name of VV tl omun & Uo. f , - W H. SMITH. 1- . v t - 8ILASHALSEY, - - , j.m SMELZER. , Raleigh, Nov. 2., i ! ls9 tf SMITH & CO., 1HATI2 JUST RECEIVED A FINE ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS, ' LADLES' AND 1 CHILDREN'S FURS, LADLES' CLOAKS, ' " j 1 NOTIONS, -:. : ! ! ! .... , GROCERIES, &c. Give as a Calll We arelbound to sell cheap, for Cash. 1 ! W H.i SMITH & CO. Raleigh, Nov. 8. C r- lS tt DeCABTERET & ARMSTRONGS W, O; pOOK BINDERY, Over the 27. 0. Book Store, RALEIGH, N. C. - TTAVINO ADDED AN ENTIRELY NEW SET OF MA- Mlm. chinerv. we are Drepared to execute all kinds of Bookbinding with neatness and .despatch. Blaiok Book Department. . Havinsr on hand a large stock of fine paper, we are pre pared to till orders for all kinds of Blank Books, from the smallest menaoracidutn to tbe largest Bank Ledger, at short notice. ; ' . .1 .. .. ' -r Ruline Department. We are prepared to execute all kinds of Ruling in a man ner that cannot be surpassed. . Our facilities warrant us in savin? that we can execute work as cheaply as any establishment of the kind in the United States. i . We also have for sale, at Publisher's prices, 4he Na tional Series of School Books. ? Orders from Teachers and Country Merchants will meet with prompt attention. i 1 i Novembers. J 72 -tf GREAT REDUCTION IF YOU WANT A GOOD CIGAtl CALL AND SEE : '-'.".':. . i i. ... it . LEE'S LARGE TOCK ! '--v. - ; ' JUST IMPORTED FROM UAVANA, CUBA. r - i , L f ALSO " TOBACCOS OF ALL KINDS Batter, Cheese, Sugar, Tea, Coffee, j Flour, Potatoes, AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT GROCERIES. OF AT WHOLESALE AND EETAIL. . IMPORTED AND NATIVE WINES AND LIQUORS Soldto Officers Bottle. ... . and responsible Citizens by tbe AT McKIMMON'S OLD STAND. Fayetteville Street, one door from the Cornet , 1 of Morgan. . Raleigb, September 2, 65 nr tf CONFISCATION AT AN ESD I The North-Carolina Bookstore still Flour- ishing. D, TURNER. H. RALEIGH, N. C, Near the Capitol. OFFERS TO THE TRADE AND PEUPLE OF NORTH- J Carolina a large and varied stock of standard School. Law and Miscetiaueous Books. amoQg which may be found "Our own " series jof hebool Books,' together with differ ent kinds of Spellers. Readers. Grammars and Arithme tics. They also offer the following Valuable standard Law BtKJKS., ! Supreme Court Reports, full sets or separate vols., num bers furnished tv complete volume. Caot well's Justice, Cantwell'8 Practice, Revised Code of N. C Journals of the Convention ot 183aand 1861, Si. C. Form Book, Iredell on bxecutors, Jones Digest. Are now publishing, and will be ready by the first of November, 10,000 copies of Turner's N. C Almanac for tbe year lfi. This indispensable favorite with every family and business man in the State will contain a vast fund of useful and statistical information. Also on hand, a Splendid assortment of Stationery and Fancy Toilet Goods from the most celebrated manufactorys on tbe continent v . Book Binding, with neatness and dispatch ; Blank Books ruiea to any pattern and manufactured in the ho-st style ; Music Books and Periodicals bound in handsome manner. i. lit H. D. TURNEK. Baleigh, October 17. 155 tf. M. GRAUSMAN, CLOTHIER AND MERCHANT TAILOR Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. mJK70ULD RESPECTFULLY INVITE THE ATTEX. . w V tion of all his customers and friends to bis fine and selected stock of I : BROAD CLOTH, f- v :M DOESKINS, . ' ' '-m J . . CASSIMERES, ut an iLiuus , aoa particularly ;to nis IBPOBTED GOODS. Garments will be made up in . tba best and latest Styles on reasonable terms. His stock of Ready-Made Clothing, suitable for all ages, is Viry large and will be kepi complete by. new weekly arrivals from Nortbero cities. f - He also keeps a large assortment of Gents Furnishing Goods of all. descriptions Shoes, Boots, Hats, and a good many other articles too numerous to mention. September 18. . ; i " 126 tf 17. B. E1CHARDS01?. W.. R. MILLEH. GEIf ERAL I Ill T JLIiIOIVC . AND .For .l the Purchase and' Sale off Land, Pro- 4v carioff 'orifomes and. Sitaations'for vFreedmeBaB-oih fmHE.DNDElGSBD;WtLE eity.oo 1st J ulyj, next, av Geoerat 1 nt elligenoe an d Land Agency Officeior the Durcbase and isaleof Real Es tate and other property $, also for the purpose f Procuring, Homes for the Freedmn d'therstiiPartiesdesi ring to hire labor of any description will da wellto ail oo ns. We Will oave CODDeciea Wlt& our, hiisinm rirfitmtP Anntmn. ' eer Ahe Salejuf ea Bstate aodtolher pr0perty;Owr ficient Recommendation to secure iisa liberal abare of pat ronage. '''':'i$:ipiX " Oar office, for the present, will be one door above the m. .... RICHARDSON A Bleih, Jnncj 22 1865. MILLER. 67 1 CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. KELLOGG, WHEELERjJ& CO. (Old Stand of S. H. YOUNG,) Wholesale and Retail Merchants in DRY GOODS, ! BOOTS AND SHOES, ' : HATS AND CAPS; I GROCERIES, &c. LKtUORS! IiiqUORS ! ! ; l.IO,UOBS ! ! ! t WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF WHISKEY, BRANDY, AND GIN, Which we offer to Dealers by the Cask or uctober 17. 155 8m PLATED WARE. E HAVE A BEAUTIFUL VARIETY OF w Plated Tea Setts, pieces each, Tea and Table Spoons. Salt and Mustard Spoons, Fork and t urn. Also Plated Castors of the finest patterns. Nankin Kings. AC, &c. . These Goods are MADE TO ORDER EXPRESSLY FOR OUR TRADE, a e of tbe best quality of plate on geouine AiiBAtiA, wan anted tun wei-rut of sily&k. and equal in appearance to solid silver ware. l or sale tow at 44 f ay ette vi lie Street. D. T OARRAWAY, With Hart & Lewis. ! T OOK1NG GLASSES, at JLl 44 Fayetteville Street. JRESSING c6MBS, At 44 Fayetteville Street. THE CHILDREN NOT FORGOTTEN. TROLLS FROM 25 cts to $3, at 44 Fayetteville Street. ENUINE DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO At 44 ayetteville street. WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, Ac, At 44 r ayetteville Street. BUGGY HARNESS At 44 Fayetteville Street. Persons visiting Raleigh, as well as citizens, are invited to call in- at 44 Fayetteville Street and see the variety ot D. T. CARRAWAY, t WitL Baet A Lswis. October j i US if MONUMENTS! MOMUMENTS ! THE SUBSCRIBERS I KING. WH1TELAW & CO.. BEG LEAVE TO INFORM THEIR OLD FRIENDS and the citizens of the State generally, that having re-opened their j ; MARBLE AND STONE WORKS, On the Burnt Block, at MAUNDER'S Old Stanid, Fayetteville Street, They are now prepared . to furnish MONUMENTS,! ! VAULTS, HEAD STONES, i SLABS, MARBLE MANTLES, Ap. Having associated with us one ol THE BEST CAR VER IN THE COUNTRY, and from tbe arrangements we have made, we natter ourpelves tbat we can turnUb all work in our line as cheap as it can be done in any North ern city, for proof Jot which, call and examine our large variety oi aesignssnu our usi or prices. We are also prepared to turmsn WINDOW SILLS, ! WINDOW CAPS, I DOORSTEPS, &c, &c And to contract tor an Kinds nt STONE CUTTING AND STONE MASONRY. KING, M HITELAW & CO. Jso. Kino, JNO. WHITS;. AW, Ws Pkat. BKilSKS TO Gso. W. MottDBCAl, Esq., Rev Da Mason, D D j WlLLIAMSOX A CO. Battlb, Esq. : 140 - 8m J. M. Heck, Eq. Bbjggs A Dodd, September 29. if V. K.P. PHOTOGRAPH AND FINE ART GALLERY. rTtHE SUBSCRIBER TAKES THIS METHOD OF IN- X forming tbe citizens of North-Carolina that he has taken tbe Photograph Gallery formerly occupied bv E Hunt, on Main S reet, renovated and refitted it in a first class style, and is now piepared io execute all kinds of pictures known in nia line, from tbe smallest miniature to a life size portrait colored in oil Persons having pic tures of deceased friends may send the likeness with de scription of person, color of hair, complexion, 4c, and obtain a picture of an size, colored id oil. A splendid stock of material always on hand. Plain and fancy cases, frames and card devintes made at tbe (-hottest notice. Tbe subscriber flatters himself that after a practical ex- -.. - i - i a , . penence or io years ne win oe aoia io pi ease even tne most fastidious. He is determined to keep pace with' the times, and that none may have cause to send work injhis line beyond Raleigh to get it better executed, or on better terms Particular attention given to the making of Children's Likenesses. unisons ana strangers are invuea to can ana examine specimens of the art, whether, they desire a likeness or not ; over the store of M. Grausman, Main Street. Cloudy weather makes no difference. : The trade can be furnished with instruments, stock and materials. , J. W. WATSON, i -jRaleigh, October 5. 145 8m NORTH-CAROLINA MUTUAL FIRE INSU- . . JtAWnij COJHf AN Yt . A T A MEETING OF THE DIRECTORS OF THE XW. Company on tne z tn ot beptemoer, an assessment of IS per cent, was levied on aU premium Notes in tbe office or tne uompany at tne time tne losses occurred, to be paid in three instalments, viz : six, nine and twelve months from 1st uctooer ten. The amount of premium Notes on hand, 220.000 - -4 Allowed Losses, . flOooO Unsettled do. 7 500 (There are snm losses nut yet reported, the amount of which, of course, cannot now be stated ) . ! 14 The assessment may, appear to be disoronortionate tn the amount of the hisses ; but the Directors, taking j into consideration the changes in property by sale, without transfer of policies, by destraction during the war, i Ac, aia.f oo not miDK mai more wm 00 raised oy it tuan will be needed to meet the actual wants of the Company. ; ; There wi 1 be, necessarily, some relay in the payment of losies. It is hoped, however,, that there will be ne complaint on tbis account ; especially, when it is recol lected t hat payment in some cases, was tendered in Con , federate currency and refused r . 4 ,,..vy.--,'-.h,; ; The Company is prepared to . take risks as in former Jilmes, and on as favorable terms, , Address all letters to UheHeerefarr T. il. SELBr. PremiaHtz-mtic JIamdknS.Siiith, Secretary..- 7 A ':-. . ijr. Raleigh; OctoberJIlfa ? A'.: -M, . I59mpl GE0CER AND COMBilSSIuK MtiRCHAirT. B?OR 4LLKtNDOF PRODUC.E AN D OTHER GOODS- .'i-Rv'kSpeoiai attention given to ine sale of 1 FLOUR.4BA- i con: and lab Dwi:rAz f: ; :.ivv:i-c0N3i6MEraB0LICITRD;--V At Old Suhd 4th door, 'North' 6ide Harget Street Rai- t- August II, 65. t8-tf CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW GOODS s WHITAKER'S. . i :! E J A. WHITAKER HASftjST RECEI7BD-AN0TH-' er lot of new goods embracing all sorts of useful FAMILY SUPPLIES, together with stt assortment of OEKVINE OLD UaUORS. CHAMPAIGNS, . coyaftEss bourbon whiskey,! OLD PORT WINE, MADERIA. SHERRY. CLARET, AC. OLD HENNESAY LONDON DOCK BRANDY, : VINTAGE OF 1840, Ac. : . i LOT HAY ANA CIGAES. CHOICE Ac, For anything &c. n the way of first rate Oroceries, Provisions, Liquors, &c., Call on E. A. WHITAKER, f At his old stand on Hargett Street. English Letter and Demi Paper. 100 reams white wove Letter ruled. 100 ' white laid Demi unruled. For sale by the ream or case. Dealers would do well to call and examine. Buyers by the quantity can secure a great bargain at A. WUlTAuK n. Raleigh. Sept 1 : - 14, 1865. 427 tf. FARMS' COLUMN. - i C. M. FARMS ' 1 I ! HAS JUST RETURNED FROM THE NORTH WITH a New Stock of , FAJ.Ii GOODS, Selected Expressly for this M air ket, Consisting in part of : BEAVER CLOTHS, j , BROADCLOTHS. ENGLISH AND SCOTCH CASStMERES, SILK MIXED CASSIMERES, . : TRICOT CASSIMERES, BLUE CLOTHS- rAssiitr IRES OF ALL COLORS ! jCORDUROY, BLACK SILK VELVETS, - GLOVES AND SCARFS ;i - - SHIRTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS! ARMY HATS, NAVY CAPS, i HALF HOSE SUSPENDERS. HANDKERCHIEFS, NECKTIES, ) LINEN AND PAPER COLLARS, SHOULDER STRAPS. MILITARY BUTTONS, j I AND! LACES, SCARF PINS j TRUNKS AND VALISES. MERCHANT TAILORING DONE IN THE VERY BEST STYLE BY C. M. Far Iriss and his superb Cutter, MR. GRIFFITH. 8 of every description made to order at the shortest notice and in the very best manner. V bat you do not see in my htore, order and you shall have it in the quickest possible time. j. jn. rAititis. Raleigh, August S6, 1S5. tf WANTED, PURCHASERS FOR WORTH OF GOODS! AT MAXON & STRONG'S, 58 FAYETTEVILLE St., and 3 Market Square. DELAINES, POPLINS, CASSIMERES, PRINTS, PER TJMERY, SH OES, BLACK STLK, UMBRELLAS, SHAKERS. FRENCH MERINOS, POCKET KNIVES, GROCERIES. LILLY WHITE, HATS, &c We are prepared to sell in large or small quantities. Parties buying goods by the piece will : v s!at b mo ney By looking through Our stocky i v g i; Orders frotn the Country soHcited. "We give orders our personal attention, and will send prices of any article by mail, on application. MAXON & STRONG. r?:-1 - 'y-,r. 187 tf Raleigh, September 28. HOTEL, IIILLSUOUO' STREET, finHIS POPULAR H OTELi SIT U ATE D' ON ..T H B V FI .11 nest Street in the teautiful "City of. Oaks," has al-. P ready earned the repatatmn, under th management of its r - j t ;r.r.i. .:-t.: .u- u...i i. .l expencuveM 4 u(niriitvi ucmjf iuc ues. nuict . la- luc South- 1 1t jsilocated within a few yarda Af the State Cap- itul, and is jiear the business paft of the Dity. " .' ' ' ' If pleasant and ,lean brtls, a liberal table, and respect--fuland atieDttve servants will make guests C'lmft-rtable, these can he coubfed On at tbe Excbanee H ote) ; '. AND ! OLD LIQUORS r L - at - s J: $50,000 f Septeipber 18. P1-1 ADVERTISBwEN fS. 1 I - 4i FAYETTEVILLE STREET, " f , - RALEIGH,' N. C. '' 5 V ' TKTE INVITE SPECIAL ATTENTItiJTOF PURCHA-1 .W W s sera to our large andUintereptrns stock "ofi' 1 'K " ' MISCELLANEOUS HARDWARE,' V Woodeo Ware, .V . . , . WtUow Ware,. 1- ... v ' - Crockery Ware,-- .? ' : Glass Ware, - : Js . . i , . . i China Ware, Pot arad Hollow Ware, . -Stone Ware, ..Tin Ware, . i, , , "... Iron and Steel, . ! Buggy Material, Bridles, - . Saddles, i " Harness, ; i , Collars. &c, t Lamp Lnlern. Oils, Paints, Varnishes and Brushes. Also FAMILY GROCERIES. In fact, for anything in the - ' t HOUSE KEEPING LINE Call at 44 Fayetteville Street. K . D T. CARRAWAY, i ' With Hart & Lewis. Raleigh, Oct A. I ufit STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES !!!i W OUGEE A BROTHER HAVE JUST RECEIVED A Li large lot of Cooking and Office Stores, at the old stand on Fayetteville Street.. - PLANISHED WARE. A fine assortment oi French Coffee and Tea Pets. JAPAN WARE. Trunks, Cake and Sugar Boxws Tea and Coffee Canisters, Dust Pans, Spittoons, Pepper B xts and Fancy Tin tips, Hardware and Honse Farnishing'Goods. Waffle Irons, Fry ing Pans. Sauce Pans, Lined Iron Pots, Coffee Mills, Snuffers. &c , &c , Ac - . TIN WARE. A complete assortment, and home made. Jobbing and Repairing, House Roofing &c, executed at the shortest notice. j We are prepared to make and repair Stove Pipeput up oiove. c. . i . ; - Persons desiring anything in our line would do Well to give us a call . ' Raleigb, October 10. 149 tf COOKERS HQTEL, S3 OPEN. iAND TUOSE WHO ARE TRAVELING and wish comfortable ausirters and erood eatiner. ston at f COOKE'S- My terms wiii be as moderate as possib'e fur f? iL . . TTT -II .1 H 3 ... . ine times, i ou win always una convey nee at tne aepoi to take you to either of tbe - Hotels in this . City ; but be sure to inquire tor Cooke's, where you will get good lodg ing, good eating, mintral -water, to driuk, and a ie to smoke if you wish it : " . J will be prepared to accommodate or 2" members of the approaching Convention. GEO.'T' COOKE.' September 1. !S5. 1 1 tf. , NEW FIRM. T' IHE UNDER-IGNED HAVE ASSOCIATED THEM- selves for the purpose of establishing in Kalciirb an Auction and Commission House, and General Agencr fur selling and buying property tot ail kinds, collecting Claims, and transacting all sorts uf business ' ' One of the firm beitiar a practising Lawyer, we are prs pared to eive legal advice, ex imine and adjust title's, draw convevanees and attend t professi'mal business generally, both in and oat of thu Courts The nuue of th? fit in is i BARM AM ItRoruERS ! r"" "' ; Two doors above Farrrs'Store. J. Q A Bahham, W K. Baruam October s-j1 --!-' H.v. tf 1 y ' io kewaro. ! WILL PAY THE A iVE rtE vaRD FOR TOE following named; pipar.i, Ibit were l'-st or taken from mv store ou H a rgi-tt street, dia a r irom ravetievuie : One Captain 8 I'omraission. Menders d U. UiiU, 'o. A 3"th Regiment l'wa lnfautry ; n lisoha'rf an enlisted 4nan, by gen I order ut Uen. vv i. fmerm-m ; one fension ord -rr, als a lot ot pbi'yigriphs. aud one Transportation to Keokuk, Iowa, eivfii br the U .S. M itaiiriads,' and a' so private piper I wiii ask no questions, but pav the above reward imuiediate y. n receipt oHtbe articles, or any information leading to recovery of them U. C. HALL. Raleigh, October . . - U8 tf QUE1VT. m sill E, . ATTURNEY & COUXSKLLOK AT LAW, Office in the Court Iloue, Italeit:!), N. C. P ARTICULAR ATTENTION 'GIVEN TO THE KX- AMINATION ot TITLES, to CONVEY N- ING. to the adiuptment and settlement of Books aud Accounts and the COLLECTION ot Claims. Raleigh, J lily 21. V 80- (Pun AUCTIOfV I AUCTION I AUCTION ! I W E HAY1' OPENED OVbR OU8. STOKE. LARGE AUCTION Rooms, where we will recsive soods and have weekH- Auctions Merchants and others Lavntsr remnants and packages ot' goons that they wish 10 re.i llze on AT ONCEl would do weil to put. hem in our hands. j , ' B P WILLIAMSON & CO Comn)i8-i n Merchants and Auctioneers. Raleigb, Septemle- 7 ' fgstf ; LADIES' .CLOAKS. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN TOWN! HAVING SOLD NEARLY A Lhr-OF I FIRST STOCK, have ordered a ncw supplv b Express MURRAY A TREUWELL Agents. - - - ; - Bruwu' Stone Front. Raleigh, October 18. I' 151 1m WAXTED ! ! COTTON! COTTON!! BALES' t'OTTON WaNT LD, FOR WHICH currency or specie will be paid. - 15. A. WH1TAJ1EB. 25..: ; 185 tf Sept. i ; . ? ; NOTICE. Buying, Selling and Leasing Heal Estate. ALL PERSONS WISHING TO BUY, SELL, OR Lease Real Estate, are iuvitea to call upon the sub scriber at bis Hotel, on the corner of Wilmington and (Davie Streets, Raleigh, N. C., who promises to give their lousiness uis prompt aiituuou, auu spare no pains mat twill enable bim to give entire satisfaction, i Being so well known to the citizens of Raleigh and Wake 'ounty, . the undersigned hopes they will not hesitate to I ut their busintss in his hands. GEO. T COOKE. - ; Agent for, Wake County of the Pioneer Land Office... September a, 54 ! ! 117 tf ; it ' A' -HT Tfc'J A ""1 :V7 5"MT f.JT&T s 19ATTLC. HECK & CO,, RALEIGH. N. C. D will buy, sell and lease, adjust titles. of. pav taxes on. nd take general care of all kinds of real, estate, gold (per, ieuu, iron nuu uiuer mines, wuier-powers, olc. -Through reliable agents in everr county, accurate infor- laiion-witl be given about particular localities,'tracts of ' nd. So. ; Will likewise undertake collection of debts in3 North arohna and elsewhere, by suit or otherwise Communications confidential. Commissions and charges oaeraie. . ' - . . . : - Raleigb. June 12, 65. ' C. .: i SO -tfy MRS. II. W. MIIjLEirs - 3 Ol RD ING Hl O X5 SE CORNER OFlNEVVBERir.ND PERSON, STS 1 lli By the Day, Week and Mouth. '-p f April 1?; ?. BR ERA L BUSINESS A GEN TL AND SPECIAL Agent for N C. Land. Agencv,- for Wake," Granville id Franklin Counties. Ml-im BEESWAX AND TALLOW,- WE WILI.,PAY THE highest market price either in ci6h or' trade, for any .dantityof Beeswax' and-Tahw'-'ji'-, . uy'- . ,- v; ' W M..H SMITH A CO. , ; j epieniOer", e.-' ',?r. . y-iM 122 tf : : L - -f ATTENTION ! WIN TKR IS COMING. A .LARGE STOCK OK READY-MDE'CLOTUING, A- Irfiwcthatf it ca -be Trtuftd: eisewheni'in ihe City. .CXTX ADVERTISEMENTS, PTTBI1SHE&S 'ASH ;B00ESETJLEBS, t v'. No. 40. Fayetteville Sirt-: .EEP rONSTASTIA'OV H AN IiAX ASSORTMENT or mtrnara Dwis txi rne latest nubj-icntin con. ,suu.nsrj4 ThetJgica, Historical andHiscelfa nanus Books, I with a large snpplyvf ."", "J : 'scripO L BOOKS, &e. V--J Call and seJ ; Orders, will.be prjmptiy filld.--" Books x not. on hand wilt be at once obtained," if to 6e had in the United Slafe.' ' v "jvf Mr"- --'f - Thet also act as agents fif the purchase tr sale of any goods In their tine of business."' ; - . rTHE A tj ERIC AN BITJLE SOCIETY has deposited with us a large anmher'of Brblea aad Testa. mentalpt Salt or. J)onati t H,ieietr rfitnrtrft . tv' v "BRANSON A.FARRAR ' - AMONG OUR STOrJCVAf mav be found Cdov Books.' Slates. Chalk-oiil Klat Pencils, Ac. -f- , t y , v 1 JJKANSQN A FARHAtt. V r i!r? jJ-j,r' Writing Charts, Spelling Charts, and other improvement! for Schools,-- r -:y-y.',;i .v-,;va .v.1- , . i; v.BRANSON AvFARRA MAPS! HAPSftl 5.fS Larsre Map of North Carolina,"- Pocket Map of North -Carolinaj f, Koclcet Map of virgitiia, - -v - .r Pocket Man of tbe United Statea.V ' BRANSON St i 00 STATION ER1T. Foolscap, . Letter Paper, Note Paper :Pens.'Pneila. . .En- velopes, Arnold s Writing Fluid, also h Hpenarian Fluid, ' . , 'brandon a fabrab.' ; .; ; ; "juvitniile boqks.v ,: - Illustrated, of great variety in stv leeCand prices. I X- , J BRANSON AFARRAR? -. Ummi f ' Constantly kept oii i hand. ' AlsbABIank. Books jnade to order. - 'f--r-i: - -.--- --vx!' 'f- BRANSON A FARRABJ Of all kinds, done at , short, notice and in the very best style. - - fr-y;:v-a""iv:' . " 1. ;- BBANS03? A FARRAR;, ' .NEWy YORK;i!)AtLYp'i Also Ladies' Fashion BokSiConstsntlyji'hOTa '" , " ' - - - i: ' ":y4r$'ii PHOTOGRAPHS r-vfc ... Of distinguished Southern ree ' Also Photoarrapb Albania. BRANSON A FARRART i Just from tlie Press. 1 ,. . .". . . 2IART BARKER," A thrilling narrative of ;'Hy life amonjr be Indians of ; North Carolina. rora the, gifted ien of -Cbarhe; Ver non " -.- - : . The book is 72 pages, elepantly pno'ea.- ! Price, per hundred $20. Smgle copies 80 cnts. -v- . . v- BRANSON A FARRAB. t , . The ncual dediic ionmade o the Trade.'. - -' tf Call for valalogues, contatmnc prices.. - r . BRANSON A FARRAR, ' ,VJeigh, N C Nr-rembTr-it 7-1 ' - - 7 72 f JEWELRY. WATCH .REPAIRING fASD EIWG RATING. 1 " UlAIILKR U VH RE-OPENEf) HIS STORE" 6n . tayettevtlle Street, opp)St-4be i-ity - Hall,. and having laid hi a good stock of in-iterwls will continue to u anutacture ail mc:es in nis line ana wilt Keep on nana uu assuriuieol ot . . ... : JEWELRY ND VATCIiJESr t. He'has seen red the services of tikLatcif" a SDPE- HlOk W AT HH KKR wUweexierieuc in Euroiie and. the principal cities of the North g'Tes a guarantee that all work entrusted t his care will be exeeated-with skill and perfection. Every description of f ENGRAVING. ;; Courts. Lodge 1 nd Business SealS'mn'de: to-order, AU kind nt.JK iVELRY REPAIRED, and tbe HIGHEST PRI Ep .td for old Gold nn Silver. , -.' I- Urateuti to the pubuc tor tne connaence reposed in Dim he hojts to merit u cotillDuacee of Hsjavor v L I . Raleigh. Oct. 7.- . ' 147 8m look out: , FOR THE 13HOVVN. STONE FRONT, " (D. Cr Morrny8 Otd Stand.) 4 F YOU WANT Tt BUVS GOOD . GOOD.'CHEAP God: and Goods that will pleas, at home and abroad. cail and exumne our beautiful assortment'of . . Fancy and Maple Dry Goods, ; . " " , i t , ! BiMits and boes, Ladies' and Gents' Hats. - li ' Ready-made t3hthfiigv&c 'i$!i& Hc:Vi ladies and Gent' Gloves,'? ,.1 " Before makiug purchases elsewhere' Youl examining ohr stock will not incur the least obligation to buy r- We goar- an tee to make the trouble of examining our stock to your interest; for, if we do not sell,"we will'cause some one else to do an at very low figures. - . ' r' ; ''. ,c, 7 ; Oae of our firm b-it2 a resident of New York, is on the spot at ul I times to take adv mtaze of the Market 'ifUiKV csboivrd the Ladies ana ueni'.etnen i tutietn or tne sur- . rounding coitotry wish an'v article not on hand, wilt or der whatever they'may need, aud haveV4bem here ai BOOU . a Express, can trayeL. ...vf . ; .-. v-: ' v ' j "7 . And Ai TaSOWEbL.ti October IS. .. .... - 7UCiJSm-, . JUST.KECIJVIpD ANl FOR SALE Bt A W. H. &ICS. TUCKEIt.1 J UST .REUK1 Vfi'AND.:FOttALlSBY.a'-'a'B' . nime tosao ouiier, iweivo uuuuu kCKs, -v .Buckwheat,, in. small Back:,i'S':'vif Bologna Sausages, - s; f , Ne oneMackeeliital 'a-'4 i No. three MackereMnfaerrels, .-tj, :. v . .- - English Dairy .fcheese'Etra,- 1' 4-Fox and; OimGmlfuinpt'fi' f Kardmes, i r fe.-Wv '--a . ufuiu, : ,;- -i.vf- . ;i- r;,.'i . -Frtsh and Spiced. Oysters in-canti- ' 10 'sAMoek Turtle Soud. in cans: fine. t. j- s.;-; i ; Seven Gold band add Wbite Chfria Tea setts.' - October 24. ll.T-ttr v ' : . . . , . . .) ..V-.'. .. . ., : .. ili Attorney.aTid Counsellor at Law, t Will practice In the 'several Uoarta ef Wake.' FraBun". Rash and .1ohnston JJountie8ratMl4B the Supreme Court nfNoi-tb Carolina; &r?:'px -vt-j'r-. :Hr' Sneciiil attention wUI' be' irrven'fo Couvevancins. and office iiusiness generatly, nd to the settlement end eoUes tionrof i launs v j..; , u , Office No Fayetteville Street; i '.OOO BOX ES ! HARD TACKi? AVING RECENTLY PURCHASED THE ' ERTIbB lot nf Crackers. cQinmonir called Hard Tack at fthe clsiBgot sales of ihe U S Commissary at this Poat, . we cm onyr great inducements to Farmers, rianters. inr- , pettine makers and others We will sell them at fa -per ' btx tf-,';4bs.,bv the. quantity.. ,pply- etiber,to Dr. W. tt Miller, uol, D osier ot ine jiixcoauge noiei. or u . , - , - .,: . w Hi RS TUCKER: s? P ' ' !.. '""6. LBS FRESH BUTTER, 5 Uv;At , w. R. October 18., ,.'? K- -' Andrews. 158 if LADIES DRESS GOODS, Ac. . y y- E U f I kUC tl S E OF POPLINS,1 FRENCH MERI- nos. P.aiu nd fjgiirer De Lames aud other styles or Dress G mds Hoop Skirts, Balmoral Skirts, Corset,' Hosiery. Gloves, Ac, At : . .. ' ' Agenta. Octobw 18. i'. :1 r ; yiy:j- ,r -t j.

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