tJSpfrlC 3SEPEBA BUB.-DWiel Webster. v,y a ' HV 'P VTf? k V ;VOL; I. 11 4 $" s - V THE DAILJ STAND HOI.DBH. . ' CANNON jjfctort ef jthe Standard, Printers to ;ihi- ohveh tA Unit& otato. ; IABG28T CIBCIH.fTl6N TO- THE CITT, LABSB8T Cm- Tbe XXXVUIth CJongress iriU conyne t WasV' ine'on cin Monday,' December 4th. , la Jthe Senate; th.'Hoh-LifaVe'tte ,SJ Foster,, of ; Connecticut, take the chair as President pro tem. sHith CoL J ohn W. Forney, . of Pennsylvania as Secretary: ;:The. majority of the 'Unionists is here so" heavy that it can in no case be Overcome. except Jby division ; the nlv ODDQsition Senutors i, entitled to'take seats without inquiry being MessrsTWjight., and Stock-; ton of ewmerseyf HuKaiew.rOT Pennsylvania, iuu dle and Salusbury of Delaware, Davis and Powell of Kentucky, R. Johnson f Maryland, ; Hendricks of V Indiana,, McDpugall pt j California, and Nesmith ot Oregdn 11 in all, to 38JJnionist&r ; If every State lately in rebellion were to have Senators ffresent at ' the hour of t'penin th Session as several of them will not,) and if each were to claim and hold his seat,: there would still be a ' Unionist majority, So. do more need be said of the Senate., j s As to the House" the case is but little difiFerent The Representatives who will; take seats, of course, , are politically divided,-as, follows t'. Union. 1 4 IT 8 11 ' 5 8 6 8 Dem. Maine,. 5 ,- .' KaosaS, tfew Hampshire," 8 Massachusetts, 10 Rhode 'Islaadt8 Connecticut ; 4 Verninot, - S New York,tv"V'0 Kew Jersev, 8 PennsjlTMia, IS , Delaware, ( Maryland, A' - K"ntnckr, ; 5 8 Ohio, 1 ; . i Indiana. : Jllinoia, MishigiiD, Wiacoosin Minnesota, IowJavjr.;'; Missoqri,. ; Kevada,. ' California,' 11 8 8 rl 8 West Virginia, : . - . Total 1 .Unionista - 143 Oregofl, IV Democrats 41 .The States whose ' reconstructioo" has not yet been recognised and ratified by " Congress are enti- J tied, when fully reorganized and recognized, to send representatives as follows : j Virginia, ISorth Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, : Alabama, Mississippi, ;j '' 8 , Tennessee 8 7 Arkansas, 8 4 ' : Louisiana, , 8 H: Texas, 4k i 6 ', Florida, 1 5 Total, 58 Were all these admitted at the outset, without demur or scrutiny, they would-Jiot all affiliate with the Opposition,;' and," even if -they did, their com bined strength would fall far short of a majority. Their candidate for Speaker would fall fully 40 votes behind, notwithstanding that sickness will prevent the attendance of Several Unionists. : tl ': - But tbe members from the States lately in revolt; cannot take theTr seatjatlblJ jotttsiet, .aojas to -vote; for Speaker and Clerk. ,.Nat even such- devoted and unwsverio'g Unionists; as. . Horace Maynard, representing a district that, though temporarily' overborn e by Rebel bayonets, never faltered in nor concealed its devotion to the Union, will ibe admit ted without preliminary investigation and.scrutiny. Our Copperheads never peeped when ther.Iast Con ; gress refused tp count the electoral votes- of Tennes see, Arkansas; and Louisana for Lineoln,,; because those States were " not in their proper relation to the Union" when they voted ; and the same reason will now prescribe an inquiry and report by a com mittee before their. Representatives can be admitted to seats, wA'-ViVi-'vy . "f. -The recognition of a State which has been for years inopea and deadly hostility to the. Union as once more entitled to share in r the government of that Union -by sending' members to Congress, is a very grave act :- Ho mere clerk dare presume so far. But each House, being first duly constituted, will proceed to take up tbe claims of air persons pre senting credentials from States lately . in : rebellion, and act thereon as the Constitution -and laws shall be found to prescribe. There is no hurry.' ' " s - . JTew York Tribune. WIRZ'S DYING STATEMENT. A short time previous to his execution Wirz gave the following particulars concerning his life. He was borr in the Canton of Solothurn, Switzerland, in 1822 and when, quite young removed with his parents to , Zurich where bis father carried on the tailoring business until 1834,. when he took a posi tion in the Custom House, which he still held when the prisoner last heard from him.' Wirz married in Switzerland a lady of aristocratic family with con siderable 1 moneys but he soon, by i his profligate habitsi. run through it Failing to agree, it wasar ranged that they should seperate, be leaving for this country -and allowing her to obtain a divorce. r: When growiog upiWiri father wished him to stu dy for the pulpit but-ho refused, preferring medi cine, and ook a course at Zurich, where he gradua ted. After arriving in this county he took another course and graduated at Cleveland, Ohio. He was' for two' years in a banking house ia Zurich, and af- terwards traveled through Italy, not stepping long. at any one place. ' , Wirz landed in New. York in 1649, and made an effort to establish himself as a phvsician, but failed because he could iot speak good English. He then went to Connecticut, where hfe remained ' several months, subsequently -4)e worked . in a factory in Lawrence- Massachusetts .for 'a time, arid was soon .engaged as interpreter in a factory three miles irom Northampton;- wnert Germans" were employed ; waa afterwards engaged ras superintendent of t a water cure ectablwhment in Northampton, Massachusetts, At the instance of a physician Wirz went with him to Cadiz, Kentucky, where he maaried his present wife, Elizabeth Savillslri 1 ?51- t Cadiz not offering good opening hev went to Louisville and was su perintendent of a water-cure establishment for some ume' Wir3f afterwards took charge of one of Mr Marshall's plantations,' near Natchez, -and in 1857 oved his fa mily. there : and remained nntil tbe . treaking put of; the 'n-m In the early part of the rebelHVri he enlisted In a company called-the Madison IrifahtryV and remained 'th it until Atipus;:l8oI, doinu1-d d Howard's Factory PrisoKirj Richmond. ! When the prisoners commenced to arrive from first Bull Run , ere was no list nd Wirz cpmmenced to make a w He attracted the attention of Gene- W.Winder;' and In a short fime, by - an order from ll?e' )7" Department, wasrpiiced on detached ser Jjce ln the South, with the rank of Sergeant.' In' Mayv 186 he retDrned-tn Richmond nd waa tent: ut to the attleof Fair Oaks, where he 'acted is. I i aojutant 'Uenerarana .Aid to, Ueneral eJohnsor andJja thls'Jbattt a the right arm, from a.' piece of . shell, makin g it fnece?RarT for.aijHaU' operation to be per Ml Wirz wa then: made AssiSUot Provost marshal uf Manchester, but did hofjike the placed na asked to be relieved, and, was placed on Win Jet's Staff an i,".;i-.";rn.ij . In fwn : . j- . tHJ ITP, tA k.' . W J I A . - . .- . When a K.J -J'.. t-lj . i.f....j : ne was assigned to dutyvMjshief of the iecreV4 . but dislikinc' Uiis tnore 'than the Provost Mar-' 'ship, and hot succeeding id being relieved, be ned a sick leaveHaotontharthirtdvVs Tuscalcidsai arid, ha ittextended for tbtrrt 1 rti.eJ wa ordered in a few days to come imme 1 . j "LcbmonA. ;,ThFa4t tbfis time startrV 18C2 ' LP T'mn ' tDd Bee' Islehiyaaearly ii i ' Wnett he came- td RTchtbdnd he.iwag made af S police ia the Provdat" Marshal' office He ' I '- : .v 'ft-', v -; ... ii. -' :. :.: . .; ir. v ' ;'A staid there two daysr!One day he met an ofBcer, who told him they were' looking for somebody to carry arms tov ther Transr-Mississippi Department: He offered to carry them, and. soon received orders from both the Secretary" of War and 'the Secretary of thVNavy. j He went to Charleston and got some fixed 'ammunition and guns that had just arrived from England. ' ,Ue i went, as far as Meridian, and had some trouble getting through Pembefton's De partment ; j went to Port Hadon and could not cross ion account of the gunboats Hartford and Al batross. He then got a furlough to go to Europe on account of vhis health EFe had a - furlough ' for four months, botiveas so delayed that his furlough? only lacked three weeks of being out when he land ed atiLiverpooi. After : returning from Europe he was ordered toAiigiatai to superintend the trans Tportation; of prisoners- to Andersonville, -and in March, 1864, was ..ordered by -General Winder to .relieve his on at Anderson viile. " u ---With respect to his. fate he said : " As far as I am ooracerned I have no hope of reprieve. ; These things which : were done meaning Andersonville) somebody t most suffer' for. 1 1 have nevervdenied that the prisoners Vere mistreated; but It was' not my feult I If I am the last one that is to sutler death for the Southern Confederacy I am satisfied., I donot fear death. ' I -never saw a man shot nor never shot one myself. That I will say as long as I can say: it 1 never bunted prisoners with the dogs, nor ij anything of that. kind. Unfortunately, Gen, Winder is dead. v-If he was living I know be 'would come out and not let the innocent -ones suf fer. I never could get Winder to set his foot on the inside of that stockade. I don't know the reason. I have no'complairits to make of the persons who have- taken care of me here in. prison, nor do 1 have any ;11 wi'l against any member of . that court mar tial, nor the Judge Advocate. If I have against any one it is they who have perjured themselves The 'man,1 who gave his name as Delabon, a grandson of n !4 . . m ' .. .. 1 uen. Xiaiayette, will joe iouna out to ne a uerman Jewj named Schaffer, a deserter from a New York regiment? I went down info tbe yard to-day, and there saw preparations being' made for the scaffold, which would make most any .man flinch. I had no such feelings. I cannot express it. ' It is not hard hearted ness, but I had no such feelings. Anybody who knows anything of military matters knowB that one in command of thirty-five thousand men has to be strict, hut when l am accused of conspiring with Jefferson Davis and others it is all a lie. . ' .; Wjrz has had two children, one of which, a girl, ten years old, is living. He denies that he and his second wife lived together unhappy, and that be was'ever in the house of correjCtion in Zurich for for eerv. Tbe latter rerart he says, originated from the fact that a distant relative failed in business, and was arrested on the charge of false bankruptcy. He leaves no property for his family. His manner of speaking was composed throughout; his state ments were made in a remarkably direct manner, considerine the surroundine circuai stances, and none but a few of the least: importance were drawn out;by any direct" questions.! . CITY ADVERTISEMENTS, NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. T IHE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXISTING between W. H. Smith, Silas Ualsey and J. M. smel sec, is this day by mutual consent, dissolved. J 11 Smelaer reunng irom me arm, me ousinesa, as usual, win oe car ried on in the name of W" II Smith A Co. . ! W II. SMITH, ! SILAS HALSEY, J. M. SMELZER. Baleigb. Nor. 8. 19 tf SMITH & CO., OAVJE JUST K,EC?EXVJ1L I ; " -- ' A FINE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FURS, LADIES' CLOAKS, i v NOTIONS, '. 1 ! GROCERIES, &c. Give us a Call! We are bound to sell cheap, for HJash. W. H. SMITH & CO. j 169 it Raleiffb, Not. 2. M. GRAUSMAN, CLOTHIER AX & MERCHANT TAILOR, Fayetteville St., Raleish, If. C. W"W7 0ULD RESPECTFULLY INVITE THE ATTBV. 4 w w tion of all hid customers and friends to his tint, and selected stock of : I 1 . ' BROADCLOTH, i. f i I DOESKINS,' I ! CASSIMERES, 01 aiiKinas; ana pamcuiany tonis 1 IMPORTFI) GOODS. ! Garmfents will be rnadeup ia the best and latest styles on reasonaoie terms. Njv j His stock ;of Ready .Hade ClOthin;, suitable for ll ages, is very large and "will be kepi complete by new weekly arrivals from Northern cities. : ,i I He also keeps a larsre assortment of Gents: Furnishing: f , .11 J ' a .... Ti . ,T . . igrooaa 01 an , aescnpiions . .onoes, , poow, - xiats, ana good many other articles too numerous to mention, i September 18. 1 j - -: - 128 tf NORTU STATE IROIV AND BRASS WORKS. 'H'llw ONB' AND TWO-HORSE FLOWS,; COM- . 850 one and two-horse Plow Castings, ready for ! wooding:. "! j ' " ' " V: 2.B00 Plow Points and jLand Sides f ? - ' we nave on nana, tne best assortment or rattens tn ithe State, and are Dreoared to furoiah on abort notice, all kinds of MILL GBAKING. MJLL SPINDLES, and all jMill Irons, and Iron and Brass CASTINGS ' that may be ireauirecL.i '.-j a,' wSW . r - i All repairs on STEAM ENGINES and on MILL IRONS aone at tne snortest notice. ' f r . Orders accompanied with the cash shall have our prompt Raleigh, October '26. j'T ; , : J ; iKElm . . stolen. . EBOM THE, STABLJE OP ,THEoUBSCRIBER, AT BDrine Hil I. near Ralieb,on the nierht ot the itth ioat , two borsefrjiODe1 'Blatelr' Horsey 1 hand bigb. nine veara old. oranoea - o on me rigai siae of i ne neca,- nen t tuna loot wtiiu, nas ir seraicoes :. oaaij ;ana ire- iqufcuiiy mis Disneni nina 1001 woeu jjiapainjf ; ineoioer ' 1 . - . . I J 1 . y V j u : u I 1 1 "a" on right side of tbe neck,: a white lace; on b.i left, hind foot under the fetlock is a sore place, ragged tail, as, if ea ten by males, 1. .' 1 : -. A liberal reward will be sriven for tbeir apprehension and delivery to me. at Spring Bill dear Raleigby'or ai f Jtaiergh. - , t-r"--tj w.u. UlAU Rovemoer J. l3-tft ; HNSlJRANCE AGAnvs FIRlSABilS" THE flJi; PERILS, OR INLAND TRANSPORTATION. - '1 IKP01 of tHGERMANrHANOYER,T4AGtAand! REPUBLIC Fire.loauranee ConrpantevNeW York.' Cap : jtal over t3.00Q,( Oft. ' - f. ... 4 f v v r j -jC MCflPKENCH'CONt'jfiCjiONERIES ' ' A'NOTHER.SrJPPLY OF,r CHOICE j ANIX DELIGHT--L ful Frericb Candy, Dates, Citron, Nuts, Ac. -. ' , -V ' "WM S TUCKER. " r-EaleighNov 1 : j! ' DRESS GOODS, . - j 1 . ? CITY ADVERTISE KELLOGG, WHEELER . & CO. (Old 'Stand, of 8 H. Y'PUNG,): Wholesale aiid Retail 'Mercluuita In DRY GOODS, BOOTS toD SHtES, i . ; HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, &o. LIQUORS I LIQUORS J ! LIQUORS J ! ! WE HAVE A LARGE 8T0CK OF WHISKEY, 1. BRANDY, AND GIN, Which we offer to Dealers by the Cask or Case, j - - " , October 17. : 155 8m PLATED WARE. 7E HAVE A BEAUTIFUL VARIETY OF Plated Tea Setts, 6 pieces eaeb, Tea and Table Spoons, Salt and Mnstard Spoons, Forks and Caps. Also Plated' Castors of the finest patterns, Napkin Kings, AC., Ac. I . These Goods are HADE TO ORDER EXPRESSLY FOR OUR TRADE, a ft Of the best quality of slate on genuine ALBATTA, Warranted full weight of SILVER, and equal in appearance to solid silver ware. For sale low at 44 Fayettevil le Street. JJ.T. UAKKAWAY, With Hart A Law is. T OOK1NG GLASSES, at . jLi . j 44 Fayetteville Street. DRESSING COMBS, ' I At 44 Fayetteville Street. THE CHILDREN NOT FORGOTTEN. TfcOLLS FROM 25 cts to $3, at M-M I 44 Fayetteville Street. gi ENUINE DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO WH I I At 44 Fayetteville Street. WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, Ac, i j j At 44 FayettevUle Street. BUGGY HARNESS i At 44 Fayetteville Street. Persons visttinz Raleizh. as well aa citizens, are invited to caM in at 44 Fayetteville Street and see tbe variety of us&f ULi Articles, i i j D. T. CARRAWAY, ' I Willi Hart A Lkwis. Octobers. ; H8 tf MONUIVIENTS! MOMUMEISlTS! THE SUBSCRIBERS ! WIHITEL.AW St CO. KING. DEO LEAVE TO INFORM THEIR OLD FRIENDS LP and tbe citizens of the Stat generally, that having re-ope nea taeir 1 MARBLE AND STONE WORKS, On the Bnrut Block, at MAUNDERS Old Stand, Fayetteville Street, They are now prepared to furaish. MONUMENTS, VAULTS, HEAD STONES, SLABS, MARBLE MANTLES, Ac Bavin? associated with as one ot THE BEST j CAR VERS IN THE COUNTRY, and from the arrangements we hare made, we flatter oarselves that we can furnish. a 11 work in our line as cheap a it can be done in any North ern city, for proof of which, call and examine our large variety 01 designs ana oar hsi or prices. , j We are also prepared to furnish ; WINDOW SILLS, , WINDOW CAPS, j DOORSTEPS, &c, &a And to contract tor ait arods or STONE CUTTING AN D STONE MASONRY. KING. WHIT EL AW &. CO. Jko. Kino, liJlisoi.WHitia.AW, Wn Put. II REFERS TO i Geo. W. Mordbcal s.. Rev. Da. Masok, D. D. J. M. Hbck, Esq., B P. Williamson A Co. ISaiOGS 4 UODD, - September 29. K. P. Battlb, Esq. 140 8 m PHOTOGRAPH AND FINE ART GALLERY. fTlHE SUBSCRIBER TAKES THIS METHOD OF IN- JL formirfc the citizens , of North-Carolina that be has taken the Photograph. Gallery formerly occupied by E. Hunt, on Main S reet, renovated and refitted it in a first class styie, and is nAw prepared to execute all kinds of pictures known in bis line, from tbe smallest miniature to a life size portrait colored in oil. Persons having pic tures of deceased mends may send the likeness with de scription of persoB color of hair, complexion, Ac , and obtain a pic ture of aoy size, colored in oil. A splendid stock of material always on hand. Plain and fancy cases, frames and card dehintts made at the shortest notice. The subscriber flatters himself that after a practical ex- pertence or 3 years ne win oe aoie to please even tne . most fastidious. He is determined to keep pace'' with the times, and tbat noae may have cause to send work in his line beyond. Raleigh to get it better executed, or on better terms- - 1 ' Particular attentibo given to the making of Children's Likenesses. .- ' Citizens and strangers are invited to call and examine specimens of the art, whether they desire a likeness or not ; over tbe store of M. Grausman, Main Street.' Cloudy weatner inaKes no siaerence. The trade can be furnished with instruments, stock and materials. J. W; WATSON. Raleigh, October 5. , ,145 3m W. B. K1CH ARD60. W. R. MILLER. ' NEW BUSINESS. INTELLIGENCE 'AND ' LAND AGENCY. Tor tbe Pnrchase ..and , Sale of Xand, Pro- caring of Homes and Situations for Freedmen.and others. : ,v. 't;,'' rWlBE UNDERSIGNED WILL ESTABLISH IN THIS . M. city, on 1st Jaly "next, a Oenerai lBtelhfrence and Land Asrencr Office: tor the pnrchase and sale Of Real Es tate and other property ; also for the purpose of Procuring Homes for tbe Freedmen and. others. Parties desiring to ...hire labor of any description Will do well to call on us. We . wfll have connected witb our business a nrstrate Auetion4 eer for the Sale of Real Estate and other, property.4 Our exDerienoe in businass srenerallr will, we trust, be a suf. . neient recommendation to secure ns a liberal share of pat. jonage. . . ,: ;- i i - i ., Our office, for toe present, wuioe one door above the Progrtu office.; ' RICHARDSON A MILLER. Raleigh, Jane 22, m - jm amiv m rti njw,a'lrMiwwAv HfcRCHANT. TrOALLIKlNDOEEKODUCBAND OTHER GOODSJ ' JC Special attention irlven to.the sale of FLOUR. BA- f, Awn t.4Rn - '-. a;f ??!- 1 CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. At' Old Stand 4th door," North side Hargett Street. Rat eigh.NC. 7 August 11 O rii B BLS; FLOUR. T A RiOUg Brands. OlIU For tale by - B WILLIAMSON A CO. . :l- CITYnADVERTISEMENTS NEW GOODS AND OLD LIQUORS . . AT WHITAKER'S. 1 A. WHITAKER HAS JU3TRECEIYED AN0TH i er lot of new goods embracing all sorts of useful FAMILY SUPPLIES, together with an assortment of 1- ' GEUIAE OLD LIQUORS. CHAMPAIGNE, . ; CONGRESS BOURBON WHISKEY, OLD PORT WINE, - j MADERIA, SHERRY, CLARET, AC. r , j OLD HENNESAY LONDON DOCK BRAND y VINTAGE OF 1840, Ac. CHOICE LOT HAVANA tJIGARS. For anything in the way of first rate Groceries, ProTtsioiis, Liquors, &c, Call on E. A. WHITAKER, i At bis old stand on Hargett Street English Letter and Demi Paper. 100 reams white wove Letter ruled. 100 " white laid Demi unruled. For Bale by the ream or case. ! Dealers would do well to call and examine. Buyers by the quantity can secure a great bargain at ! E. A. WtllTAriEK M. Raleigh. Sept. 14, 186S, 127 tf. F ARRIS' COLUMNi C. M. F ARRIS HAS JUST RETURNED FROM THE NORTH a New Stock of with FALL OOGDSL Selected expressly for this Market, Consisting in part of BEAVER CLOTHS, BROADCLOTHS, ENGLISH AND SCOTCH CASSIMERES, SILK MIXED CASSIMERES, I TRICOT CASSIMERES, ' BLUE CLOTHS- CASSIMERES OF ALL COLORS ! CORDUROY, r 1 BLACK SILK VELVETS, GLOVES AND SCARFS. SHIRTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS ! ARMY HATS, 1 I 1 NAVY CAPS, : ! - 1 HALF HOSE SUSPENDERS, HANDKERCHIEFS, NECK TIES, LINEN AND PAPER COLLARS, SHOULDER STRAPS. ! MILITARY BUTTONS, M AND LACES, BUAKF JPliNS. SHOES OF ALL KINDS, . TRUNKS AND? VALISES. MERCRAM TAILORING DONE IN THE VERY BEST STYLE BY C. Farrks and his superb Cotter, MB. GRIFFITH, s of every description made to order at the shortest notice and in the very" best manner. ! What you do not see in my Store, order and you shall have it in the quickest possible time. I CM. FARRIS. ' Raleigh, August 86, 1SB5. ; j tf WANTED, PURCHASERS I F0R : j $50,000 WORTH OF GOODS ! .-I'!- : AT i i ' MAXON & STRONG'S, 58 FAYETTEVILLE St., and 3 Market Square. DELAINES, POPLINS, CASSIMERES, PRINTS, PERFUMERY, SHOES, . : BLACK SILK, UMBRELLAS, . SHAKERS. FRENCH MERINOS, ! ' POCKETK'NIVES. I GROCERIES, i LILLY WHITE, . HATS, &c J- ,.-W ararepored to sell in large or small quantities." ! ' Parties buying goods by the piece will ;Kr . AVE MO NEI . By looking, through our stock. 'Jl'f iM '': '" ft'Ji .1 Orders from the Country solicited. '; We gi'f e orders onr V personal attention, and will send prices of any article by. mad, en application. -. . ..- . .. L "V.--H . - ..." . MAXON & STRONG. Raleigh, September 26, ' "V. 1 1 EXOTAjSligiEfe :W" Bwwrfti'S'Wi1t tSi jcw. a j.aji a 3nif3yiii&,wr,!y ft fTHHIS POPULAR H " - iA -est Street in the beauti v readv Arned the ren'ntation - exoenuicea rropneiorsj or uei : Sooth.- It is located wittin a few yards of the' State Cap- - il.l ..i ia Hm.ttl hn.)no.i t..!? ik " fl-'trtrtfi. .i v ".f pleasant and clean jfredsT tilibei&J t iui na jLvtenure Berrams win mace gaests Coiatori&Qlew - ..;,"'- :, BAETALLA CO. .- Septeisher IS. ' i-.'- " I ; . 125 tf IfcBlTUATElI 'ON-THErfc ;V iLr1?8. " A A, ANI' TAL?. SSiS&Ti; inderthearemtii! etUUltt CITY ADVERTISEMENTS.- 44 FAYETTE VILLE : STREET, rJf. i , s , RALEIGH, N C.T-;V:-'r" t- - " WE INVITE SPECIAL ATTENTION OF PURCHA sers lo our large and interesting stock of a, f-':; MISCELLANEOUS- HARD WARE, Wooden Ware, :. l;-.V .fiT.--:-)?; ;',; ;. ; Willow, JVare, . urocitery vy are, 4 mm: ... i i- rfi-, vriaoa Tarc,s.asji China. Wiare,f Pot and Hollow Ware, 5 " Stone Ware, . . , ; ! Tin Ware, ". .. 1, " ;-l .. . :; , - Iron and Steel, . f ? Bueev Material. Bridles, ' ";-?r v ?- "r - ' Saddles,.; ... ;j! -V ' f- ' 'r": ..Harness,:'-'..1 . jr- -- -Collars. 4c, - . Lamp Lanterns, . i t Oils, Paints, Varnishes and Brushes. Also FAMILY GROCERIES. In fact, for anything in the - " ,t. HOUSE KEEPING LINE Call at 44TayetteTiIIe Street. ' ' ' , V T. OAKKAWAY. , 1 With Hast A Lkwis. -Raleigh, OctS. , . , '; ; 146 tf STOTES ! STOVES ! ! STOVES ! !! W OUGEE A BROTHER HAVEJDST RECEIVED A li large lot of ,Cookins-and Office Stoves, at the old Stand oq Fayetteville Street. ... j , ; v j PLANISHED WARE. A fine assortment of French Coffee and Tea Pets. - JAPAN jWARE. Trunks, Cake and Sugar Boxes Tea and Coffee Canisters, Dust Pans, Spittoons, Pepper Boxes and Fancy Tin Cups, Hardware and House Famishing Goods, Waffle Irons, Frying Pans, Sauce Pans, Lined Iron Pots, Coffee Mills, Snuffers, Ae, Ac , Ac. - .t . 1 TIN WARE. 's A complete assortment, and home made, fobbing and Repairing, House Roofing Ac, executed at Jhe shortest notice. ' Vie are prepared to make and repair Stove Pipe, put up Stoves, Ac. . ; . Persons desiring anything in our line would do well to give us a call. Raleigh, October 10. U9 tf I COOKE'S OPEN. AND THOSE HOTEL, WHO ARE TRAVELING I and wish comfortable quarters and good eating, stop at COOKE'S. Mv terms will be as moderate as twssib'e for tbe times. .You will always find convey nee at the depot to take you to either of the Hotels in this City : but, be sure to inquire for Cooke's, where you will get good lode ing.good eating, mineral water to driuk, and a jipe to smoke if you wish it. - . :'. . 1 will be prepared to accommodate 1 S or 20 members of the approaching Convention. GEO. T. COOKE. September 1, 185. - - ,11 tf. NEW FIRM. T' IHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE ASSOCIATED THEM- selves for tbe purpose of establishing in Raleigh an Auction and Commission House, and General Agency for sellitig and buying property t an Rinds, collecting Claims, and transacting ail sorts 01 ons'Uess. . . One of the tirm being a practising Lawyer, we are pr pared to give legal advice, examine and adjust titles, draw conveyances and attend to professional business generally, both in and out et tne Courts 1 tie name ot tne Dun is BA.KH AM BROTHERS Two doors above Farriss' Store. J. Q. A Babhah, VV. K. Baeham October s V . 145-tf 4. tlO REWARD, j , WILL PAY THE ABOVE REWARD FOR THE .following named papers,. that were lost or taken from my store on Hargett Street, 3rd dwr from Fayetteville : One Captain's Commission, Henderson C. Hall, Co. A ' 3"th Regiment Iowa Infantry ; one Discharge as enlisted , man, by gen'l order of Gen. W T. Sherman ; one Pension ordr, also a lot of Photographs, and one Transport ai;i. id to Keokuk, Iowa, given by the (7 S. M Railroads, and also private paper. I will ask no questions, but pay ithe above reward immediately on receipt of the articles, or. any information leading to recovery of them' ' fl. j UAuli. Raleigh, October 8. ' , CU8 tf QUENT. BUSBEE, ATTORNEY- & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office in the Court House, Raleigh, N. C. "ARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE EX . AMINATI0N ot TITLES, to CONVEYANCING, to the adjustment and settlement of Books and Accounts and the COLLECTION of Claims. Raleigh, July 21, 65. ! 80 to. AUCTION ! AUCTION ! I AUCTION II t VJKTE HAVE OPENED OVER OUR . STORE, LARGE i ww n uui ihuuuia, nuvio nc whim cuciv o kuuuo and have weekly Auctions. Merchants and others having' remnants and packages of goods tbat tbey wish to reallie on AT ONCE, would do wel I to pu 1 1 hem in sur hands. B rWlLLliUSUIt4Wflr. ; Commission Merchants and Aactioneers,' 1 S?Sr Raleigh, September -tt. j .. a , 13S if."- LADIES' THE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN TOWN! HAVING SOLD NEARLY ALL OF FIRST STOCK, have ordered a nw supplv. bv Express. I. -, ! MURRAY A TREDWELL, Agents. Brown Stone Front. Raleivh. October 18. lXRlrn V ' WANTED!! ... " COTTON ! COTTON! BALES COTTON WANT ED, F FOR WHICH iwW currency or specie will be paid. V ! E. A. WHITAKER. Sept. 23. ; '''I'-'- '-i' ' 185 tf notice. . " Buying, Selling and Leasing Eeal Estate. AL L PERSONS WISHING , TO,. BUY, SELL, OR Lease Real Estate, are invited to call upon the sub scriber at bis Hotel, on tbe corner of Wilmington and Oavte Streets, Raleigh, N. C, who promises to give tbeir business his prompt attention, and Spare no pains that will enable bim to give entire satisfaction. . , Being so well known to the citizensof Raleigh and Wake County,- the undersigned hopes they will . not hesitate to put their business In bis bands. . GEO. T' COOKE. Agent for Wake uounty 01 tne Pioneer iand Utnre. September, 5. r ' - ! . 117 tf ; ; ' -r- : , : ' - Li a iv i ma E'ifc BATTLE,- HECK & CO.,-RALEIGH, N. C will buy, sell and lease, adjust titles of. pay taxes on. and take general care of all kinds of real estate,, gold, , copper, lead, iron and other mines, Water-powers Ae Through reliable agents in ever v county, accurate infr r mation will be given about ; particular localities, tract a 0'i land, Ac. . , -.. :j v .:, r:..-'!-.!-.--.;-: ,y'j 'Will likewise undertake collection of debts in No 4 Carolina and elsewhere, by suit or otherwise ' - uommnnicstions conndeotiau Commissions anr, cb LiL moderate; ; V :l.;;;v-;:!r-4:!i- Raleigh, June 12, 65. .'..r,.4i-t ;:--.M RS. H.W. I RO A RUT Nfr lWY r;W kimd af TL. VftVTJ AND FPEClAI. and Franklid Counties Pntnklirl f!mi nt5 r r " yi. lor w aae, . ranviMe , October 24. -"" --j.4- .'a wn j. artwwW-f: A Lower ;U)CKV6F -READYM AI)E CLOTHING sS"5 fal Citt Of Oaks.? ihas at t; - nignest mart mf-Ht r: Tf i inir the best Hotel in :the5 1 : - S iWiV lolml t'-V- Raleigh, Pel- . V W-H.B.. TUCBK, . : ifiherM. , 101 ti 'CITY ADYETmsmfrJTS liR ANSON & FARRARrrfi Mfaws PXrpT.TarTT.Rtf AST) : No 40 Fayettevtllev Street. V Hi 1 . , .. RALEIGU, Hi C.f . , . v -r, , J KEEP CONSTANTLV OX HAND AN AS809TMEir sis rxgW TheoSofrica!, ifistoricii feodMfeoeltaiwoQa Booksn-' wun a urge snppij 01 v - 1 , ;r SCHOOL BOOKS, Ac, ; Call and see. Oiera'willlrje'nruiabtlv' filled. 'Booka . . 1 .v ,, 1 . x - , . . J .f I' . , t .. . United at ales. tates. - ' n . ilso act as agents for the pnrebase ox sale of any their line of business. , ) -c - ' J . BRANSON A FAftBAB' $ , Tbey also i goods in i THE- AMERICAN BIBLE! SOCIET1T has deposited with use large number of Bibles' and Testar menu for bale or Donation et Soeietv rates -' ' ' . BRANSON A FASRAB .J'p AMONG OUR STOCK. 5 c w mmv ha tnnnA fnn Rnnlr. 1 R?ataa m.ilW : rlu.a Vtl 1 I' " J vu.i, vijv fjrj '"'- Pencils. Ae. . . v'tfMiic&.i. ;: : Pencils, Ae. BRANSON A FARRAR, - - 1 v t' 1 . ALSO. 1 Writing Charts, Spelling Charts, and other improTernefl for Schools," a I - 1 si . i r BRANSON FARRAR, , $ , : ' : ' . MAPS I .MAPS X I v 'f,l ..Vp ' Large Hap of North-Carolina, i V . fin OO.i. ft 1-ocset Mapor nortn-uarolina,, , 100, ' .A AM Pocket Map of the United States. - H BKAJSaoJt A BARBAE" "' ' STATION ERXi r ir Foolscap, Letter Paper, Note- PspSr, ! PenaPenetla, Xa3 velopev Arnold's Writing Flaid, also the Spensrian FinitL v." ? . -; BRANSON A FABRAR. . ; " t JUVENILE BOOKS. . -Illustrated, of great' varietv in stvles and DHee Li ' ' '- BRANSON A FARRAR SHEET MUSIC , 5 ; , , Constantly kept . on hand. - Also Blank Books mada-fa' c order. - i , - . ?.-f v ,. .4 , . BRANSON , FAR.RAR.i 4. v-.-. BOOK BINDING, - j ,, . Of all kinds, done at short notice and in the vei7 beat style. 1 , 4 J BRANS A FARRAR. NEW YORK' DAILY PAPERS. Also Tjidifta' Fashion Rook. nnnBtantl ah hatiAiil BRANSON A FARRAR. photograpb;C Of distinguished Southern men Also rotosrapb Albums. BRANSON A fARRAR. , i Just from the Press, : MARY BARKER J A thrilling narrative of earl v life among be Indians ot - North-Carolina From the gifted pen of V Char uavTer ;v:T: non " -n , r? - The book is 72 pages, elegant! y. noTecu KnesV Br hundred $ 20. Single copies 80 Cfntsi . ' ' BRANSON FARSAB,; The nstial dedncion made to theTrada r . tf" Call for Catalogues, containing prices. ' : ; , BRANSON A FARHAS. V ' , -'. -Haleigb,N CL, 'f November B. - ..V t i ;.-r;W-fx JEWELRY, WITCn RCPAIRIIG f AIf EWGRAVANIO. S t HMAIILKR HA8 RE-OPENED HI3 STORE ON 4 Fayetteville Street opposite, -the , City Hall,, aadv t haviogr laid in a good stock tif materials will continue lo, v , manufacture all articles -in his line, . aod will keep on band 1 ;t - an assortment of f , W s - -s, lt ' JEWELRY-AND. ATCXti;' , . . '' He has secured the services' ot Mr. CiLLursK. a. 8DPE- - - . RlOU WATCHMAKER, whose experience in Europe ndk5"' tbe principal cities of the North, gives a guars A tee that i all work entrusted t his care will be'eiecated witn-akill; and perfection. Every description of -- ENGRAVTMOi Courts, Lodge end Business Seal made to order. , f'- All kind of JEtVELRY. REPAIRED, and the HIGBJE3f PRICES paid for old Gold and Silver, v . 1 Grateful to tbe public for the confidence reposed ia hha' -he hopes to merit a continuance ot its favor. - -I H. JttAHtEK. " ' ' Raleigh, Oct. 7. - "-j. - i'.,-147 8m, - FOR THE BKOWN STONE ROfiT; Cl (D.'c'. Marray's Old Stand.) --.V"" - IF YOU" WANT TO- BUY GOOD GOODS, CHEAP' - a. Goods, and Goods that will please; at home and abroad- y . , " .call and examine our beautiful assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, : Boots and Shoes. .; . Ladies' and Gents' Hats, : r .Readv-made Clothini Ac. . '.'Ladies' and Gent's Gloves; v. . Before makiug purchases elsewhere. Yonr ezamiuing on . stock will not ineur the least obligation to We coan antee to make tbe trouble of examining oar. stock toaua! inlereatj for if we do not sell, we wtHauseaomeaaalMt ' to do so at very low figures. - "l - - -" One of our firm being a resident of New York, iioathtj5. spot a all times to take advantaga at the Markets - . oaouia me Jjauiesuna uentiemea otivuieisurvr . - v rounding country wish any articleauot 00 baad, wilt OTKi der whatever tbey may need, and hare aa Expreas oan traveh - ' - ' k . , rm wwvm e tnem. nere af .,eont v i '- , v D,C MURRAY, And I v,A.TRDWBLL: lA , October 18. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE DX W. H. & R.s 8 TCKR. ; t OCTOBER 3rU "li Gt&O. I JUST RECEIVED AND FOR. SALE BY tX. II. A S.TUCKER . --f ' f ' ft v" Prime Oosha BMtter, twelve ponnd kega'- :'-ft.-. ! Buckwheat, in umali sacks, ,v i?.rt$ - Beer Tongues, 4 - -i v- Bologna Haulages, ' -' ,v 1 No. one Mp.cketeL io.ltiU, - -; .. No, three -Maekel,i barrelsiK English iairy Cheese. Etra, ; 3 . r ox w a uy a ee j rapaers, irewai - . - - I - ' MaCirnnl. . -.. . Frish and Spioed Oysten, in cans, 'B OCK ian cwuu. ia cans. uiw. - Fjeven Gold band, and White China Tea sette, - t . s W u. A R. 8. TUCKER. Cctobj8... t.'4s.J fjfj-.. tx ' ' WILUAM. K. B ARH AM Attorney and Counsellor at Tjatr; Will practice in tbe several Courts-f Wake. FrankUn,, v -ish and Johnston Counties, and in th Supreme Courts ' North-Carolina. , 1 - - - ' l -1 . . - . Nash i u-n;..i .n.niinn wilt ha irlnn tn ConVevaaoinf .and office business generally, and to tbe aetflemeat and eollepj-r tion of Claims . . - J- Office No! 48 Fayetteville street. ... October il. - " in! 1 1 3.qpo boxes HAtogK; WTTAYISa RECENTLY IHif JTl1"! r ? ai,lot-..fCjackeil. commonly called Hard . -. ling out sales of tbe-U juomoMaaawjje u - -4 bfler great rnducementato- Farmers, riaoters. Tar- 4 , lll-ler; Wur of theaage "JJ, S; , , ,T At V, W. B. ANDRE WS- October 18. 1 JLADIE9 DBE8S CjOODS, &. waEA UTI FUL Ll ur rurtMiv "bw ; - -Uana-: Fiia n4fiirnrw.i DeUiiies, and othwatyJ-Mf rii. Goods.k'Hwp Skirts, Balmoral-.fains, vorseta, . osierv, Otovea,te;, MDEEAY A XRDWELLS. - Oetoberl8. V lT. ll J '. ' -v. f 1 I : ' ! j ' 1