14. V 1 i 1 - , I ' 1 v t '7 - . . r, - ' 1 ' j. .. , . , j M jyMBMljgggjaaBiWWHWWWMll,S : aapwuu Jhi in iwgaigii. ijjii . MBfci jWjjw1 1 . .jym.MBk. mmiim TIL-. ;:m... ......-i-. -- .'jJJjJ1" . ".l"T. .'Ii' t " JJJ" " "; ' v-i ' , - UBERlYANti UNION, NOW JAND POREVEB, - ONE AND SIABABIM-l)adel. Webster; - rf V '1: ' 'fy -'.O;?208f- ! . ..... . ; i I - vui i.vtt . , - t - I i . i ... . - . in . . i ' . t K. . . I i - , . .- I - - - - I - ' "V' . ij Rates of - Subscription.. , TERMS Cash in.Advancb.' 1 Daily paper, 1 year, $10 Weekly, 1 jw,,f.tt 4 4 6 months, 5 Five copies, 1 year, iJL5 " 1 month 1 Ten copies, 1 year, j 80 "Weekly, Twenty copies, 1 year, $50 j ; To those who get up clubs of five or more snb Bcribcrs one copy, gratis, will be furnished. j Subscribers who were cut off front us during the war, an Whose time of subscription had not ex pired, will be furnished the paper free on the restoratiou of communication, until the time be filled. If they desire the paper longer after that time, they must renew. : ' j' ; A cross 4 mark on the paper indicates the ex piration of the subscription. ' The type upon which? the' Standard is now printed is entirely new. No pains will be spared to render it a yaluable friend and adviser to all classes.'., .'" v : i --l.t;" Bates of Advertisiiig. Ten lines or one inch epace1 to constitute a square. .' . , , - One square, one insertion, $1.00 Each subsequent Insertion, 50 Liberal deduction made, by special- contract, to large advertisers. v; , . - . KS Takk Notice 1 : On and after the 1st day of January next, no Court advertisement will j be in serted in the Standard, unless the cash accompany it or unless there be-a special, understanding to the contrary. Six weeks' insertion m JUauy. ior Court advertisements not exceeding 3. squares, $30 each, in advance. Six weeks in Weekly, $10 in advance.' . '- ... . .'. ;. ; Special Notices charged 50 per cent, higher than ordinary advertisements. -.'.L.;:-'.V.-' For advertisements inserted irregularly, 25 per cent higher than usua rates wjll be charged.: No paper in the South has advertising laciuaes superior to the Standard. 4 Letters must be addressed to Jos. S. Cansos, JOS. W. ilOLDES. CANNON & HOLDEN, ' Raleigh, N. C. Special Correspondence of the Wash. Chronicle. j ' - -(; ; ALABAMA. ' j, KESULT OP THE RECENT ELECTIONS. . Character of the Officers Chosen. Tbe Secession Element is the State. Prescriptive Laws Relative to the Freedmen. Montgomebt, Ala., December 9, 1865. ;. ' . : I RESULT OF SELECTIONS, j I have been a long time silent, constantly cherishing the hope that I would soon.be able to write to you that I saw evidences of retirnuncr loyalty ana gooa ieeung m xms part of the country. But the weeks go by one after another, and the current sets as per versely aa ever, The elections have been held. It was scarcely - to be expected Mhat Union men those who had openly espoused the cause of the General Government against the seceding States-l-would be elected to the State offices, though; in view of the path re quired of members of Congress jt was thought that only those would -be sent , to claim seats in Washington who could take hat loath. For the Legislature, in view of the recent history of the State a reasonable hope exis ted that those candidates would be elected whose past record was not likely toj be par ticularly obnoxious to, loyal men. But the secessionists have made a bold and success ful struggle to retain their political power in the State, and the conservative and Union candidates have been almost X everywhere beaten.-. j ' .'.J . J! 1 .' .-. The immediate object . of ( the Buccessful ! party is, doubtless, to prevent the crime or " tigma of .their treason to the General Gov ernment from being visited upon them in any way, and at the same tfaue to manufacture a public sentiment of honor and-respect- for treason and traitors, and a loathing and con tempt for those who opposed secession and its consequences, and adhered to, the Consti tution and the Union. . '. ' PASSPORT TO OFFICE. The claims of the successftil candidates were such as might have been expected to be urged if the Confederacy made good its es . tablishment. ; " My services in the war, the -wounds I have received, the sacrifices I have made, entitle me to your gratitude and your suttrage." This was the plea ,ot the candi date, and the voters responded to it cordially at the polls." 'The greatest test of merit, the ; highest standard of qualification is to have lost a leg or an arm, an eye or a hand in arms against the Government. The Provisional Governor, .Mrj Parsons himself,? panders to 'his' knowledge of this fact, and gpea out of his'way in his message to suggest ' to the Legislature that especial care must be taken of the battle-flags of rebel regiments left in his possession,; jwhich ; he " calls " sacred souvenirs of the couraee and endurance of those who went forth to battle under their folds, and who manfully upheld them with their lile-blood." . yi Jl: SECESSION DEBATING CLTJb! Responding; to this idea, the . Legislature gives the. use of the ; hall f the House , to meetings of sundry gentlemen . who propose to form a State historical society, to preserve the records of the" deeds of the soldiers of Alabama, and to raise a fund to build a mon ument to those who die& id the Confederate service. Perhaps .nobody would have seri ously objected to all this, but , after one or - two meetings the- society ..appeared ; to have ; transformed Itself ' into a tegular ? secession debating cub, and any one ttiat listened to the speakers could' scarcely Believe that they had lived in the land during the last twelve months. - y''''?-,':: ::'. ' THBl BOT7SB OF . BEPKESENTATTVES is particularlyfuU of the secession element It requires the jnosfc - skilful; manipulation of: Gov. Parsons and the Congressmen -elect to keep the House within bounds. , The .mem bera would notr 'Select the? HOnLr 'George Houston a Senator -until" they were over and over again assured that Jie epuld not take the iron-claaoath.". Gov. Parsons, it was weltl? ZTll n&.imlPaf- known, could not take iL No man who e.sm take it can be electecU to any office by the Alabama Lejgislature.--i;in;---:;J ASXI15TY FOB POIIC.EESTOBAXtOlI, Yet withal thm ior full political restoration. You hfea dt f r . w j 1U wa nouses ot . tne Oenerat As embly, that the-heel of ,the bppressoria' on our necks : tnat weWminff tesa thfnira oecause there no other way for na to get v y guvcinuiiiut ananuutary su pervision of the laws: enact --that , we iu submit submity a one speaker ' said, ttMt?e 6ab,ait to the highway robber who ftoidshu pistol to 9ur heads" -r But there is no shadow of pretence even of sorrow for past treason, no evidence what ever ot respect for "the Constitution, except so far a its provisions .may be used asta shield to protect them from the consequences of .their failnre in s rebellion;; : I do not.look for love from them-rfthe passions, of men do not so quickly cool ; but if-ever' there is to be a Union, ot love instead of a Union "tol hatred in the land! isuch politicians as 'how have the'eonfidence of ftbe Southern, people must be laid upon the shelt A - .' THE' SENATE, is composed oi oetter : material tnan tne House: It is less rancorous, and more dis posed to listen to common sense and reason. It 'parsed a bill to confer the right to testify in court upon .freedmen a few days since.-- w nen it came into ine nouse iue uiu vva violently opposed and" amended by a pro viso that : u in all. cases ; where . negroes , were allowed to testify, both parties shall be com petent witnesses, and no interest or relation ship should disqualify either party from tes tifying in open court." ' . ' j .' ; 6 Sjl- The reason giveh for this amendment fwas, that if any nesrro brought a suit against a white man, and made up a combination of black witnses against him, he -white man could go upon the stand and "swear back at him"--" swear him out of court." The Senate refused to concur in this amend ment, and a committee of conference was appointed, which agreed to report the bill as follows : . t " ' ij ' ' : ' 'f. - Be it enacted, Ac., That all freedmen, free negroes, and mulattoes shall have the right to sue and be sued, plead and: be impleaded, in all the different and various courts of this State to the. same extent that whitespersons now have by law. That said freedmen, free negroes, and mulattoes shall have alt the rem-? edies for the recovery of property and re dress of injuries on their persons, property, and reputation iwnicn white persons may have by law ; and they ..shall be competent to testify only in open court ana only m cases in which freedmen, free negroes, and mulattoes are; parties, either , plaintiff or de fendant ; and iri civil and criminal cases for injuries in the persons, or property, or rep utation of .freedmen, free negroes, or mulat toes, in whichj tmder this act, a freedman, free negro, or mulatto is a witness against a white person, or a white ? person against a freedman, free negro, or mulatto, th parties shall be competent witnesses, and neither in terest in the question or suit, nor marriage, shall disqualify any witness from testifying in open court. The Senate concurred promptly in the re port of the committee, but the House had got a new idea' now, to wit : that the negro had no reputation that could be injured by a white man, and never should get any if they could help it ; and the report was non-con curred in by a vote ot 48 to do. how rr. was done. ' This result was far from satisfactory to the gentlemen who were in the lobby .waiting to get things right at home before -starting for Washington to- get into seats in ' Congress, and soon their arguments Drought aqput a motion and a .vote to recongider. A new debate ended in another vote to non-concur 47 to 37 and! a new committee of conference was appointed. This committee reported back the bill with the words that are above enclosed in brackets stricken out, and in the new shape it Was forced through both houses, li was immediately engrossed and approved by Governor Parsons, and the wires flashed forth to the world, (at Washington,) I have no doubt, that the privilege of testifying in the courts of Alabama was by law accorded to the freedmen. - . ; With a white judge, white lawyers, white juries, and the privilege of his j white anta gonist to " swear back at mur'-p-much good will it doubtless do mm. ' " :. ' A CURIOUS BILL. Pending all these proceedings, the House passed a very curious bill curious when you compare its scontents with its title. It is called a bill f to protect the freedmen of Ala bama" "t:It provides that w any white person or free person of color, or any corporation who leases or rents, or otherwise lets to tree persons ot color any tenement or land, or. permits them to remain in any tenement or on any land, for any length ot tame, shall be responsible for the necessary food, clothing, medical attendance, medicine,, and j for all taxes that may be imposed or laid by law on such free persons of color during the time such tree persons of color are permitted to remain insuch tenement or tenements, or on such land.": If the party letting, &c- does not furnish all this, he is declared guilty of misdemeanor, suoject to an indictment, con .viction, and fine of not less than fifty or more than one hundred dollars in each case. For each conviction under this act the solicitor prosecuting shall receive a: fee of twenty-five dollars. The' vote on this beautiful bill was .-r-yeas 57 ; hays 26. j j THE BLACK CODE, j ' i The Mississippi Legislature passed a law ?rohibiting negroes from renting or acquiring ands.V This was promptly .disallowed by the United tates authorities; Hence, the representatives in Montgomery do not pro hibit the negro from leasing a house or lot. but they make the man who lets him either house or land responsible for his bills to his uuiuici, iuo ua&er, m taii ms aompr, and to the tai-collector. ' Of course no; bjatk man can hirehiinself a home under, such- a law He will be driven; out upon the roads with his family,1 and be at once a vagrant. ' " Then "xmes into play .the tagrant law.' me oeate jessed a. stringent law. ijpon the subject of vagrancy. ' It providesVthat the proper county or town authorities should purchase or rent lands and buildings' for a house of Wrreciion, and make ruls for he All agraht might be sent to shch; house of correcnphyLor to-thd'tmtyj'ail,'for:ierin not exceeding three months. - For a Second conviction within six months the -offender f snau receive thirty-nine lashes on his or her bare back or be fined fifty dollars, lat the dis cretion of the justice, who also had discretion to hire out such vagrant for not! exceeding bix months, mstead of committing' him to the jail ; oryS6userf rrectiottPhis lawi made no distinction between white vagrants and black ones. It is a stringent and sum mary law, -well calculated to meet the exi- ; gencies of the times .1 There can be ho ques- to put down the evil of lazines- among the negroes. ,5-, W-1s.-; Ir'm-'yJX v JBot:tne iiQnse referred it to their, commit tee, who reported a nbetitnte vfor the : whole bill, providing: that a .white; vaOTant should 1 e. Hj J- i. 'and on arsecond...cjDnvietioiir-twenty, days'; auction on a firet conviction for six nnnth ana if lie aoes , not worK' laltnimiy tor tne: person who hires him, he,, shall 'be brought before, the jnatice ana, if aTicted, shall be adjudged guilty of -vagrancy ' again, receive thirty-nine lashes, and be lured, out for twelve months, and so for every subsequent convic tion. - . ' ..i-.'-::-t "j ':.; This substitute is made the order of the ay'for.Monday nexty with a probability of a passing the' House. The Senate may con ol the spirit that would thus legislate the - egro back into the hands of the planted on vhatever. terms the planter might choose to ive him ; but the fact that the House, shows ach a spirit is a sad commentary upon: the ud protestations of a universal desire; to ieal the freedman even-handed , justice and rotectfon. 4 f;.ya.si-: ,j (. . The Senate has spent, nearly all of tp-day . ammering put a bill to regulate, contracts :-:4th,eednien;''. The principal debate was pbn a section that provided that the laborer lould have, a lien upon e crops raised for is wages. " It was' first amended to except . mtracbi made with the owner of the land, jjr the reason given that the land was re onsible for the wages, and the lien ought nly be afforded to protect the negro against ie designing people who would come down v ere from the North, hire farms, and go off ,itii the: crops without paying Sambo. Pi- . ally,i however, the section was stricken out: Yhis, bilLis still under consideration! ; Intelligent negroes assure me that the . reedmen do not want any of all this protec ion. - They say that these people are not so jjnorant of business as is alleged "; that they now how to make, their own bargains, and hat j they will be more oppressed by the rouble and expense involved in all these ' )roceedings tp hedge them round than ben- -ifitted iby their operation. Thef do not agreed with the legislative idea that they leed guardians. All they ask is to be per- uitted to make their own bargains tor labor, ust as ivhitfe laborers do in the North. They ' ay that the attempts of the Freedmen's Bu- . eau to regulate tne terms oi tneir contracts aave done them more harm than good. TTOLIDAY PRESENTS I ! Great Prize Distribution by the New York Gift Association, 718 Broadway, N. T., of Rosewood Pianos, Melodeons, Music Boxes, Silver Ware, line Gold and silver Watches, and Klegant Jew elry, valued at $500,000. . Uanseb op Uisteibctiok. Certificates na ming each article and its value, are placed in sealed i envelopes, containing: tne certificate or Order for 6ome Article, (worth not less than one dollar at retail,) will be delivered at our office, or sent by mail to any address, without regard to choice on receipt of 25 Cents. . The purchaser will see what article it dram, and its value, wuicn mayibfrom one to five hundred dollars, and can t hen send one dollar and receive the article named. or may exchange it for any other article on our . list ot same value. J3f ro Dianks-r-every pur chaser get mil value. : Among those who have recently drawn Valu able Gilts from this Association, the following - kindly permit their names to be used : ,i Robert H. Hotchkiss. New Haven, Conn., Me lodeon, value $150. W. F. T. Willis W. 22d St. New York, Diamond Cluster Pin, value $300. Mrs. R. G. Tappan, 16 York St., Gold Watch, : value $125. Miss Ellen F. Dickerson, Binghanip ton, N. Y.,Melodcon, value $100. r Mr. E. H. Stone; 52 Tenth St., N. Y Piano, value $350. Mrs.) Teresa A. Miller, Scran ton. Pa., Diamond Ring, value $175. Miss Ellen J. Peck, Spring field; HL, Melodeon, value $135. Dr. I. Van Ri per; Washington, D. C, Gold Hunting Cased Watch, value $150. Edward II. Lindsay, Wor cester, Mass., Piano, value $250. Miss D. II. Farwell, Dubuque, Iowa, Diamond Ear Drops, value $250. Francis I. Moran, 126 Pearl Street, Music-Box, value $40. Mrs. R. C. Ingereoll, Ur bana, Ohio, Silver Set, value $60. Lieut. B. F. Hendricks, Williard's HoteL Washinffton, D. C, Silver Patent Lever Watch, vaiue $ao. Captain L Warner, 15th N. Y. Vols., Silver Watch, value $35. H. Taylor, Ringtown, Pa., Gold Patent Le ver Watch, value $100. Jas. EL Bruce, Nashville, TennJ, Silver Watch, $40. Geo. D. Wood, Whit by, Canada West, Silver Watch, $45. Wm. B. Redfield, Columbus, Ohio, Music Box, $40. Many persons who have drawn valuable prizes, do not wish their names published or we might extend this list. Letters from various parties throughout the country, acknowledging the receipt of valua ble gifts, may be seen on file in our office. List of articles to be sold for One Dollar each, without rcurd to value, and apt to be paid for until you know what you willreceive. . 1 . BACH. ' 25 Rosew'd Pianos, worth $250 00 to 500 00 50 Mel'dns, Rosew'd Cases' 125 00 to 225 00 750 Mus. Bflx. 2 to 32 tunes 12 00 to 100 00 100 Sil. Rev'ins Pat. Castors 15 00 to 40 00 100 Sil. Fr't and Cake Baskets 15 00 to 35 00 500 SatsSiL Tea &T'ble Sp'ns 15 00 to 30 00 '100 Gold Hunt Case Watches 75 00 to 150 00 150 Dr'nid Rings, Cluster, &c. 50 00 to 200 00 . 200 Gold. Watches 60 00 to 100 00 300 Ladies' Gold Watches 60 00 to 85 00 500 Silver Watches 25 00 to 50 00 2,500 Vest Chains ' 5 00 2,000 Fre Ear Rings, (new styles) 1 50 2,500 Necklaces 3 00 3,000 Gold Pencils 8 00 3,000 Onyx & Amethyst Br'ches 4 00 to 25 00 to 6 00 t o 7 00 to 8 00 to 10 00 to 6 00 to 6 50 3J000 Lava & Florentine Br'ches 4 00 i 1.000 Masonic Pins 4 00 2,000 Fine Gold Watch Keys, New i i Pattern ' 2;500 Sets of Bosom Studs 2j50O Enameled Sleeve Buttons j 5000 Plain Gold & Chased Rings i 5,000 Stone Set and Seal Rings 5,000 Miniature Lockets, all sizes 10,000 Sets of Ladies' Jewelry 4;000 Watch Charms each) 5j000 Gold Pens, Silver Ex. Cases; ! I and Pencils , ! 4 50 1 50 2 50 to 7 50 to 6 00 to 10 00 1 50. to 7 00 2 50 to 10 00 2 50 8 00 3 00 to 7 50 to 20 00 to 5 00 4 50 3 00 to 6 00 to 20 00 to 6 50 to 20 00 to 10 00 5;000 Gent's Breast & Scarf Pins 2,000 Ladies' New Style Belt B'kles 4 00 2,000 Chatelaine & Guard Chains 7 50 7 00 1,000 Gold Tiitmbles - -; 5,000 Sets Ladies' Brooch & Ear Drops 6 00 to 12 00 to 6 00 to 20 00 to 40 00 ' 10,000 Gold Crosses I 1 50 6,000 oval Band Bracelets 1 o w a,000 Heavy Gold Un'n Brc'lets at 00 2,000 Ball Eardrops, all colors 8 00 5,000 Fine Gold Pens ! 1,2 00 2.000 NeW Stvle Jet & Gold Ear- to 7 00 to 50, i : drops - -. I 8 00 to 7 00 2,000 Gold Pens Gold M'nted Eb- ! - ony Holders t : i 4 50 to 6 50 ? 200 Lady's Fancy Work Boxes 15 00 to 45 00 ; 13?" A chance to obtain any of the above ar ticles for one dollar by purchasing a sealed ev velope for 25 cents. i; - i Parties dealing with us may depend on, having prompt return, and the article drawn vriU be imme diatdy sent to tiem by express or return mail. . - :i Entire satisfaction sruarranteed in all cases, "s W 6 Certificates for One Dollar, 13 for Two Dollars, 38 for Five Dollars. ' Great inducements to Agents: All letters snouid De aaaressea, i-fl&t& ..-..-; T. BENTON & CO., dec 20 lmpd. . Box 5567 Post Office, N. Y. COTTOJT AND WOOL HAND CARDS. WDITTE3I0RE. !' : Sarg-ent'fc;, Co.', Successors ''to'John : WhittemorS r& CaLNewYork, and John H., vyhittemore Co. mm v .no, iu seeaJBU si, .new urn - Sole Suce'essors to the Whittemore "PATENT BKT,".and only manufacturers 01 tne ; , ' -; -v ; t ; Genuine "Vfhittemore Cotton tCards.' : . .riieaiere are eauuoutsu unuuoi wuruueoo uiuw- tions. : , :-t ': f nov l--ies 6m rOPAKtNERSHIP jlfOTICE k The undersigned have to-day formed a Copart- jiKtptur turner mg iluc gmt v v" iHathawav. & Dtlev. (formerly Hathaway'! Co., "Wilmington; N. C.:) for the transaction of a Shlp- : pine: and General Commission business In. tne .City of New York, at 171 Pearl Street.' ?i rr . ; 4 r JAMES L. HATHAWAY, t'oct $iP8B& WM. E. VMS. . Us 'VTEW DAILY LINE OP STEAMERS FrDmRielixnoXid' T Clfy Pvlat,' Fortress Monroe. lfrfolk and j " , Baltimore ' I CABBTIHO THE GBEATf' Haroden & Reid's Express, Connecting with the Railroad at CITT POINT. from Petersburg, Gaston, Wcldon, Raleigh, Char lotte, and all otner principal Cities South. me new and spiencua steamers . CITY1! POINT, Capt. Leary. DICTATOR, " Deering. MAGENTA, Banlsir. From Richmond, daily at 6 o'clock A. M.. con necting at City Point as above mentioned, and at jNortoiii, va., witn tne nrsi ciass steamers GEORGE LEARY, Capt. Blakeman. JAMES T. BRADY, " Landis. For BalQmore. . r i I Through tickets sold and baggage checked to all nrincinal Northern and Westera Cities. Passengers by this line never fail to make sure connection through, and notwithstanding- 'adver tisements to the contrary, arrive in Bultimore much sooner than by any other line. Tickets can be procured ana any information cheerfully given by applying to C. E. DUNN. Pass. Ajrt. Gaston. N. C. C. J. TKO WxJivlUtiK, rass. Agt. Petersburg, Va., or 11 u. JJAvttJ-', Agt. Jity romt, va. P. Is. Uc sure to enquire ior tne jxew L.me. sep 22134 dly8 I ' GHRISTMAS I CHRISTMAS I ! Please tout Children, Sweethearts. Wives, ud 1 ' Jj 'Husbands. : ' Call at Ph. THTFM'S Store and examine the largest and handsomest Stock of Fancy Goods, nr i ...i 11 Jl . i ioys anaconiecuoiieiicv, wi uu ucscripuuus. $10,000 worth of Fancy Goods. ; $10,000 " " Toys and Cojnfectioneries. $10,000 " " Jewelry, Perfumery, &c For Christmas Offerings ! Which will be sold at the lowest prices.' CALL AND EXAMINE CALL AND EXAMINE, CALL AND EXAMINE J . i . Ph. THIEM'S Beautiful Stock af Christmas Offerings. j E3f Great inducements to persons wishing to buy by Wholesale. ,1 dec 13-tf Ph. THIEM. SCHENCKS MACHINERY DEPOT, Jacob j B. Schenck, Proprietor, No. 70 Maiden Lane, isew xork. 1 Woodworth Planing, Tongueing and Groving Machines; Sash and Blind Machinery; Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers; Page's Circular: Saw Mills of the most approved con struction, ot all sizes; and an Rinds ol Machinery lqr working woott or iron, ajso a superior quality or .Leather Bolting, Kubber Belting, racKiug, bc. ii . Orders respectfully solicited1, which will receive prompt attention. . Price lists and circulars can be obSbined from Wm. P. Moore. References. Wm. P.. Moore, W. B. Wads- worth, Esqs., Newbern ; James J. Whitelmrst, Jbsq., 'larboro , U. Kout. Green, Greenville, oct 13 2m8 W. R. K1CHARDSON. I W.. B. 1ULLEB. J-EW BUSINESS.: General Intelligence and Land Agency. For the Purchase and Sale of . Land, Procuring of Homes and Situations for Freedmen and others. The undersigned will establish in this citv. on 1st July next, a General Intelligence and Land Agency Office for the purchase and Sale of Real Estate and other property -r also for the purpose ol procuring Homes lor the D reedmen and others. Partiesi desiring to hire labor of any description will do well to call on Us. We will have con nected jwith our business a first! rate Auctioneer for tbe Sale of Real Estate and other property. uur experience m business geueraiiy win, we trust, be a sufficient recommendation to secure us a liberal share of patronage. Our office, for the present, will be one door above the Progress office. I - TlfASON & HAMLIN'S CABINET iL ORGANS. I : I '- - Powerful and cheatM-loud voiced and low priced for Parlors, Schools and Churches. These instruments have the automatic swell, knee stop, and double bellows, and are" tbe finest instruments made. Steinway &) 8on's celebrated Piano raftes of every style for Rale by f CHARLES S. BENTEEN, Agent for the above Factories, No. 80 W. Fayette St. Baltimore, Md. sept 4 3m7 . . ; WT ARRENTON FEMALE COL- t V' LEGIATE INSTITUTE. WARREN- TON, N. C. The! next session of this Institution will com mence Thursday, January 14thi I860, with a full corps j of highly educated and experienced In structors. ' j The) subscriber is gratified at being able to inform the public that Maj. R. W. Jones, a dis tinguished graduate of the University of Virginia, with fthe degree of ' Master of Arts, a most thorough and accomplished scholar in every de partment of learning, has accepted the position of Principal and Professor of Ancient Languages, German and Natural Sciences. We think we hazard nothing in asserting that no Female Semi nary in the land offers superior advantages. The course of instruction is extensive ; the puildings large.j means of accommodation, apparatus, &c, ample. Terms moderate. Particular attention paid to the health, manners and morals ot pupils. Warrenton is noted for the salubrity of its climate, and during sickly seasons is the favorite resort of persons irom tne Eastern, part ot. tne state. Every effort used to secure the comfort and promote the progress of pupils to make the In stituteuworthy of continued patronage and public confidence. . For further information, address Maj. k. w Jones, or Mrs. m. j. vviiaaia, nov. 23 2m7 Warrenton, N. C. TIONEER LINE OF; STEAMERS, X. i for Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston, via Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal. The- commodious Steamers Pioneer and Commo dore Adams, will leave New Berne for Norfolk on Tuesday ot each week at 8 o ,clockr A. M., con necting with the different lines of steamers for the above named points. On" and after the flrsfday pt December next they will leave on xnesday and Friday of each week, making senu-wceklv trips.! Shippers of Goods will receive every facility andj wwuuuuuauuu uui Lilts irHXispurutbiuu ujl laic emuc, as arrangements uave been, mane witn tne arner- ent Companies to forward eoods to this line at low irates and without "delav. Each of these steamers are eapable of - carryingf'IwoHundred ana finy i ons u reignttnrougn tne canai wiinouc dtfliculty;- as- they were, built expressly for the trade. : They are fitted up with STATE BOOMS and BERTHS, capable of accommodating thirty five passengers. ; Every attention will be paid to me comiort or passengers, who wm not oe bud; ject to tha inconvenience of transfer to other ves sels,' but will be taken through direct without change, .: . ; . - - : : - The tables of the steamers are liberally suppli ed with the best the market affords. Families traveling wili find it to their Interest to ' take this linej as they -will, thereby escape the danger and . J! i. . i J A 1 jux; . .. X- - tuauuuuurii vi a oca ronte, nuu luo iikiguo oi riu- road travel, r :- ; .-'-. ;j - ,v 3 ' : -;: ' 'JT-. i . ; On the 15th of Deeember nextj if the business of the line warrants it, the sterner WILLIAMS will be put on the route, and tri-weekly tripa will be made. ' ' -'--v-V''rr"h-''''--"s'1". ' : ' For freight or passage, apply to ,WHrrF0RD; uuuu ua rtew jserne, -a,' u--'?'-u i f-tm s DAVID, WnjJAMS : , nov 20-tf, .-isrietorv SHACKELFORD, HAAS & CO., Grocers and ' Commision Merchants, 1 ' North-water Street, Wilmington,: Nl C." 4 :1 ' 'Rekebehces. Baker,' Cowper & Co., Rs'-ieigh,' Ri J Gregory, 1 'A''--4-:rr- John Everett. Goldsboro V :l, i Robert Sloan and Rich'd Sterling, Grea sbbro, N Eff GOODS AND Olib LIQUORS at r WHTTAKEFS. "t E. A. WHITAKER has just received another lot of New Goods, embracing all sorts of useful Family Supplies, , . . Together with an assortment of : : .... i Genuine Old Liquors, CHAMPAGNE, ' 'r CONGRESS BOURBON WHISKY, OLD PORT WINE, j MADERIA, SHERRY, CLARET, &C, OLD HENNESAY LONDON DOCK BRANDY, VINTAGE OF 1840, &c." S CHOICE LpT HAVANA CIGARS. &c &c, . &c For anything in the way of first-rate : Groceries, Provisions, Liquors; &c, Call on C- :- i E. A. WHITAKER, At his old standon Hargett Street English Letter and Demi Paper. 100 reams' white wove Letter Ruled. ilOO1 do" white laid Demi Unruled. For sale by the Ream or Case. Uealers would do well to can and examine. Buyers by the quantity can secure a great bar gain at sep 14 tr . is. a. wjniAtn b. JEW GOODS ! New Line Opened ! Makes Two Trips to the Old Line's Onej " ; A. CREECH has just returned from the North where he has bought his second supply pf Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Embracing the various New Styles of the Season, together with Ladies' Cloaks, Long Shawls, Breakfast Shawls, Ladies' and Misses'- Hoods, La diesl and Misses' Hoopskirts, Ladies' and Misses' Balmoral Shoes, Gent s Boots and Shoes, Boys', Youth's and Children's Boots and Shoes. Felt Hats the Derby, the Dasher, the Planter's wide Brim, and other styles for Men's wear. Boys', Youth's and Children's Hats. Wood and Willow Ware, Crockery and Glass Ware, and a very supe rior lot of Family Groceries. Take my atock ttltogothor, I have one among the : largest and niost desirable and complete stocks of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods in the City. Nowf'allow me to 6ay that I bought my Goods to sell, and they must and shall be sold ; but I don't expect to take a piece of poetry in one hand and a full grown humbug in the other and climb up to the clouds and fisii out the birds of Para dise and gently bring them down with a placard stuck on their backs, "Selling out at Cost! sel ling out at Cost !" No, I deal in no such hum- bog. I keep no such a class of Goods. I keep no .time-worn, shelf-rubbed, defaced or dusty Goods. Dust so thick you can rub it off with a knife. My Goods are all new, and of good Styles, and I intend to sell them as low as anybody that bought goods with the expectation of paying for them, and the man that sold the goods to the man that don't intend to pay for them is a fool and the man that sells them is a rascal. Now this is plain talk, but 'tis no slip of the tongue. I mean what I say, and say what I mean. I have lived here and sold goods here for twenty years. I ex? pect to remain here. I pay my taxes to support Institutions of the City, County and the State. I expect to continue to do so. I respectfully ask my old customers, my old friends and new ones to caHnind examine my stock. I will deal with you honest and treat you right HI don't sell you goodi si cheap as you can buy the same class of goods elsewhere I don't expect you- to buy. Call at the R. Smith building, house formerly oc cupied by Creech fc Litchford, Commission "Mer chants ana Auctioneers, nov 2 191tf 7 A. CREECH. C? ELLING OFF OUR LARGE STOCK OP DRY CJO OXS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, GROCEJUES, . LIQUORS, &c. As cheap as those advertising "to Bell A.T COST. NO GAMMON OR NONSENSE. We will not be ? XJiid-ei-fsold., "The Proof;; of tbe Podding, Ae. kelloc;g wheeler & Co. dec 13-f-tf JjCOld Stand of 8.E Young.) 0. C. RURTON, Auction and. Commission Merchant, No. 2 Iron Front Hoildimr. Peler&bunr. Va. Will give st.ict attention to Sales by Auction of Real Jistatlnid all kimds of Personal Property. Will also s( ;11 on corninissinn. all kinds of Coun try Produce Stocks, Merchandize, &c, oh as fair terms as any house in the State. V.; ' - tsF" Particular att ention paid to the Tobacco Breaks and. Cotton Market. ' Liberal advances will be mf.de and all orders from the country promptly -and carefully filled. iSf Refers to the business community of Richmottd and Petersburg. -,1 ... nov21--2na8 K EBOSENE WARE. Lami is. Chandeliers. Brackets. Haro Hansrexs. ovxe d ac s Diae uimps, -witn . ana witnoRK ite flecton, ; " Fancy -Hall Lamp, - Lanterns pegs -and Founts,. Patent Glass Cones, isuraersy Glassf rA. Chitnniesand Wick. Druffaists' Flint amA Greer Glass, Crockery Dealers' and ConfeetioBf - wp - - vxuftOB vv u v. uuuua vi , au -iv - nwu aj oidcx. ; Kerosene OIL - f ; : '. . ,. , JAMES T. WRI8RT. . ' " 225 "Greenwich st., twp doora below Barclay, N. y ANTED. A good Tanner, to take charge of a Tar Rflo-eenmba' Conntv; nearTarboro.' N. C .. - " - . T T .1X7- - to JONES." dec 1 2w- ' Tar I decl6 2tawl2t JLH. MILL8. . ; Osford, N. OSIN; BOILER .A. We keep constants 75. 120. and 200 eaUo- '' Iron Cauldron - ,. . . - ox , trmytnv LY T JUr ATT WW - nov 14-tf 8 Meronantsf -yr ANTED " PURCHASERS FOB " k 5d;000 Wortli rif Goods! AT RAXON & STRONG'S; 58 FayettevQle St., Mid 3 Market Square. DELAINES, POPLINS, CASSIMERES, PRINTS, PERFUMERY,- , - J SHOES, BLACK SILKV ; ' " 1 UMBRELLAS, SHAKERS, FRENCH MERINOS, POCKET KNIVES, GROCERIES f LILLY- WHITE, TTATS .f!. Art. We are prepared to sell in large or small quan tities. ... , :. Parties buying Goods by the piece will SAVE MONEY By looking through our Stock. Orders front the -Country Solicited We give orders our personal attention, and will send prices of any article by mail, on application. sen 20 tf r MAION & STRONG. SELLING OFF AT COST ! WM II. SMITH & CO.. . . (Old Stand bf HtJnry Porter, Fayetteville Seet.) Being about to close out. our business at this place, we offer for slale our entire stock at NEW YORK COST. Corilisting of DRY GOODS, , DRESS GOODS, j LADIES' & GENT'S HATS, GROCERIES, i ' , HARDWARE, .,- J - LOOKING GLASSES &c. A rare chance to purchasers is thus offered. v' "all andj see for yonrself. dee 14 tf " M ONUMENTS ! MONUMENTS I The subscribers. Kino, Whitelaw & Co., beg leave to informi their old friends and the citizens of the State generally, that having - re-opened their MAK151.JEi AJN1 SlUJNa wuitii.o, on tne Burnt block, at Maunder' s old stand,' Fayetteville street, they are now prepared to furnish Monu ments, Vaults,! Head Stones, Slabs, Marble Man tles, &c , Having associated witn us oneoi tne best carvers in the country, and from the arrange ments we have made, we flatter ourselves tnat we can furnish all; work in our line as cheap as it can be done in anyi Northern city,- forproof of which, call and examine our large variety of designs and our list of prices. ; : ; - VV e are also preparec? to rurnisn window bins, Window Caps Door Steps, &c, &c. And to eon tract for all kinds of Stone-cutting and Stone Ma sonry. KING. WHITELAW & CO. Jko. King, Jho. WniTst,A.w, Wm. Pkat. REFERS TO Gko. W. Mordecai, Esq., Rev. Dr. Mason, D. D. J. M-Heck, i - . B.P-WtI'T.tamsqn&Co. Bkiggs & DopD, K- Batti. Esq. sep 5afc om.i ' pORSALE. I desire tb icll 1200 acres of land, between Cape 1 I ! i i 1 ,i tJ. .... t-. 1...-. I.ni.l.iti.1 ' mi n1 i eleven miles! Ironi Fayettvule. One thousand acres of thig land is well wooded, in pine and ( black-iack. on which an unlimited supply of tar, ! turpentme, 5tc., mignt De proaucea, anaonwnicn tract is also a good Dwelling House and all nec essary ont-hbuses. The buildings are convenient and the location healthy. Also, as good a stand lor a country store as there is in the country. Apply to . mr . nov 27190 taw3w. ' Kingsbury, N. C. JUN HERE EVERYBODY I HENRY D.TENDT, Corner of Hillsboro' and SalLsbthry Streets, next to the CapitoL JKverytnmg lor L-nuarcn anu grown outs. Candies of aflkinds.Toysof all descriptions, Can dy Toys, French Candies, Basinsj Citron, Cur rants, Cocoanut Candy, Oranges, Lemons, nigs, Nuts, Dolls lof all sizes. Pertuuiery, choice, rare Appleg'oi Crackers, Cigars, good assortment of ; men .Kueitoes, oy tne. parrei or renui, vjniooB, occ. ; Persons will find tbe above articles cheaper than any in the city, , '. '.L. .. . j dec i ti . HKiMti i. n&ziui. I FISKS PATENT METALLIC BURIAL CASES. . ;SOlJ):Bir,v;v:vrfV .BZ. 33. VV'aitt, At the old f ' Star" office, near Presbyt'n Church. i ' :'i SALEIGII, - N. C- a rXf Walnut and Pine Coffins?aiwavs on hand; Fur.feVPeneral Cnis nitnre made and reotired to order ' ' i niture mauo ana repairctvxo pruer. Orders from a distance solicited - "dec 20y-2taw2m v i ;.. jyJARRIAGE CVUIDE. Q YOUNG'S Gre? Phvsiolorkal Work, of every one his owii Docr being a Erivate Instructoi for Married Per sons or those about to marry, botl Male and ien-ale, in evewtiung: concerning tn ;i' physiology ar. id relatibns of. our Sexual System, I.-.: and the Pro ntlon or Prevention of Oftsoring'. ? J including f ji the new dieeoveries never before L' , Particiilar attcntioo paid to orders for FertH given in t'ije English language, by Wm. YOUNG; -"t;ers of aB kinds; also Groceries ndLih.notB. M. D. Tjhte is really . valuable and interesting L , . oct 24 Sm8 xm ti, 5 V V work, jft is Written mplam language for tbegen - .v; " -m1 :;:'. eralre jdfer, and teiMuAtratenwi& upwards; of)iKv hnnd- d engraviom .AU young married people rTMV li125al' or t' acJcoMempSating marriage, and having the J LaW reports -June Termo r !; 18841 $2 lea' it impediment to-inarried lUe, should read thit iviOEqnity-; v'i'v -.,1865 br . ft disclose secrets that. every one should ,- Law Kep'ts Oct and Dec-terms, 1864,. . . 2.2 taeaualnteilwitn. . StiJL it Is a book, that must iJ- Eqnlty Keports Dejcember 18641 'Ibe locked up, and not lie aboutae" houseV It wiL nov 25-tf 8 SU,Jg jBRANSON: 3s FARRAE j be sent to anytme on tne receipii oi uijr : veuuv Address, Dx-.,Wc YOUNG, No. 416 Sprnce Street; above" Jrourwi. rnnaaeipuia, "wjp eo-ioowumo- ' K'OTPSiBRIGHT IBAeQN SIDES. i-y ' Jtrai.s,f.' - -.Vi' J..vU lO half bbls Lard. " :,,19.keg9;- 10-tubs Mountain Butter. " ' 1 ' " iS-X?J. i -f -In store and for sale by , J dec 13 tf v e B. P. . WILLIAMSON & CO. rOUMONT, BROOKS A CO., tVV-.':- COMXmiOJfs.ltmCHANTS, oi'S'Sbuth WimantStreet, New York, f Liberal advances made on consignment Represented by CoL James P. Foster, Exchange Hotel, Raleigh, N. C: . " 0ITY RESIDENCE FOR SALE. . I offer-fo Bale-the House andLot lately occu . C i pied bv p.. K. f Diekinson. Terms one - cash one-fourth 'one; two .and three years. awSalyis THOMAS. r. .HOGG. CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL V SCHOOL OXFORD. N. .C : c. V -. The next session of J. H. Horner's Classical and Mathematical School wUl commence the aeeond - .a -- ' X - 'V.v XTE i MUST, SBEA . --v-Tv' ; BEFORE JANUARY As we close our buinesB inBALEIGH on that date., Wo shall bpII for "-- " WT TWELVE DATI,.,-:; t fn RTrTT PTTSTTiXtTTtS ' - X ' ? WheiTm Thnrsiay an4 Friday, 'ecemher 28th' and 29th, thfr balance wfll bc 'l ' i ' ; We are in EARNEST, and m ' The Stock con9istrof'': f Dry Goods, Slilllncry Goodi, Groceries,: h t- a v -.. CU : -4 Country Merchsats, . Don't forget the.r ' W' AT 5 GEO Z. Co'a., - EajetterUl Street. TKnrsday and FridftyY December 28th and 29th. ,7 . -".vt " f" ' dec i4r-istjanl? c. M. FAURlSS Has just returned from the North with a New Stock of - fr . ; t . r ff , h r" . -- i FALL GOOpgr Selected expressly for thfe'saarket, fbasTsting in ' part of r --".,-'-- BEAVER CLOTHS, "f I . BROADCLOTHS, - - - .-,-Zir - ENGLISH AND) ' - . ' " SCOTCH CA83TMERE&, " ' - -v- .- .-. .'-1 TRICOT CASSIMERES, ' SILK MIXED CASSIMERES, - - ' -' - i BS.TJE CLOTHS, Cassimsres of all Colors. CORDUROYr' - r ' - ' ' jW BLACK SILK VELVETS, -. GLQVEaTANT SCAR3v ARMY . r: NAVY XTAX.V . ; , SUSPENDERS IClllEF! KECK iilv, SHOULDER STRAPS,'- -:'"- ': - -''7 :-v ..-ru.yr: MILITARY BUTTONS, ! u ? -1 j SCARF PINS, v ": c'?"""'"- -KtW :w:-8HOES.OF'ALB'KlNDS'::! . V v TRUNKS AJJD VALISES; .!i Done inthe verybest style! by 3Cl M: Farrissrand his superb Cutter, Mr. Gkiffith. :j "gi Suite of every description' made to order at the "; shortest notiee and in the very. .best manner. ? -fi i ISf" What you do not see in my Store, order, v,1 and you shall have it in the quickest possible time. . , .vi MgaMf....vh: a M-.-FARRISS:' . : ' . .. - .i'', ; j gTOLEN, '. fvfr'f From the stable of the' subscriber, on the night 4 , of the 8th inst., V, Yellow Bay Mare,5hmd feet i white to the. anklesf- and - one for,e -wot white v i . black mane and taiL five ) years old last Spring, : '. bare-footed, had a star in the forehead,' and the . mane cut off near the withers i somewhat sway-, backed, and was suckling ia eolt. Any Jnforma-"-tion concerning her will ibe r thankfully Jleeeelved ' . by the subscriber, living hear Piaeyille, In Coona- : ; boro' District, Johnston County. , ' dec 20-dlwpd c ' "J0HN TLYNNI s i ' : - . . . -.;-..v 'i or;-.. J rpAKEN UP.- .! vk-'v V-'ffV'I A flark bav Mare Mule: Its under jaw nas been - hurt in some way, causing it to be swollen j About S 12 or 15 years old. 'T T: i'-?r'r"s''ir5 ' - - The owner will come flsrward, prove, .property, pay -charges and take the: Mule, j n 4 Tjxr-pv toTrorii ' dec 20 Stpd: - J,;ear MorrlsvHleTN. Cf ; .In store and for sale, at lowest market rate:'- wa. . . . i- ' . -inA ; i T5 .- 5U nois jsxtr v ougar,y i w oi Aujfo, - 25 , do Crushed,! oftbbla Molasses, V, 20 hhds Cuba Sugar,. au eqiis i&ope. 60 dozen Buckets . I 75 bags Ria Coffee, ;f 10bblsExtiufine Lard 1 SO do Lag ira Coffee.1 . - Oik , . Marshall A Wertheiit L. fewitk all other articles, usually kept ha Wholesale . -i ;ftWRA;:TOUWotBBO; ogt feNr-SmT j No Iran FronbnrYt q -w-toti a rR"TW Tt ARRYT'?- 'i'CiU-"! - - :weaier B-wuw'rHWi'' jr.QC1 aAVant mnAet n -wOnRifrnmentf f 0 Arthur Leary,! New York: ' ?', s -? '. .v -' : f t:. Agent for Steatoships Starlight and Com 7IOR3IWELL,,; WEBB j Ar-CO ';,,,: .VGeneral. Commission Merchants, for tiie safe c Grain, Tobaccb, vShinglesv Lumber, Turpentint Tar. Corner Pratt fredericfc fits. . , v TpRDAN WOMBLE4Se ;s-rj - . Grocer and Commission Merchant, for All kl ,f Produce and btherOoodftrAV f t4 Attention idvestd. the sale tit Fit SniRTS Of ALL- DESCRIPTI0S9, -V . . i cAPs.si-';m2;- m ShonWersVBacon and Lard. ? Ctonsigmiients solicited, t Ola Stand tnt North side Hargett treet, RaleighN, C. aug U-tf8 . " u:...r f A PAY I Agents wanted to sell, a new ndwtmd SEWING MACmNEth&Mcheaponeucer. Address SHAW & CLARK, BJddefMlne $90 A MONTH! Airents wanted for te entirely . mem articl'. ouCT Address- GAREY CiBni Biddeford, Maine. . er2T-l ANOTHER HORSE STOLEN I "fx.'JVy.'.V"." T ' ' ' 't ' - "1 ' Taken man y stable, nearMorrisvuIe, 1 on the Chapel Hill Road, on Monday inlgbt a BLACK HORSE, medium size,' roafebed ii inclined to turn to the right side, both bind white, right has more white than thelfcft, .are fourth rump. snod oeiore, oneioe musu. r - $25 for the return : horse and thief. J of the horse, or .iiOOT J ' Mss. . J. HATRAT 'rM: Nawhern, N. Qtf i ....... v . - ...,.. .-s - r neM"rw r S i - ! - :