1 I :: I ii 1 i . - jos. s. casnos. ,OB- WM- ""r- . f . t?ANNOIfJ& HQLDEN, , . -Editors of the i&uidard. Printers to the Vonvtntion, and authorized publisher of the Lays; iff Va t United State. - - - Saturday,- Jecember '. 23, J865. y C ' ' ; " ; Christmal. " ' . The Standard Will 'not be issued until' "Thursday morning next: Prom" time , im- memorial the Intervening period has Wen "4he Printers-Holiday-' - - - J, . . Th6T Trail' of the Serpent? f -r-1 At the tim& the -opened upoa the ; jS&wwZariZ in earnest to use its own expressive iV phrase,- it ."feitKiife and tmeasy," Jt v charged upon the Standard that it was rms-j representing. and dainagingtto 6oyernor.4 ; Somehow or other in tbe'eyes of the Spinel, :: the, iSinn? and the GoTernor become one I; and the 'same thing. It was his ; u: Court Journal," his M organ," and he was held re-j Bponsible for it. i On the 6th of September it said: S -'1 - vif - "In all bur intercourse with Gov. Holden since 1 ' he has been in office, he has been uniformly dig 5 : nifled, affable, kind and courteous in his deport- l mentto -every oner We have not heard of an exception lie puts on no iorayr nuysi w uuuw? i 7 people tremble in their shoes.! Nothing like it! t ft is for this Treason, we counsel the SUndard to i change its course, and imitate the temper and -.spirit of the Governor, unless it misrepr&ent s him before the public and seriously damaj& Jds ad, ' ii ministration." J ;tM ;,?.' :K ' y, ' ;.-f.:.-.:i 'vr The italics are ours. . Got. Holden was then to be held responsible by the public for . the tone and conduct oi tha Standard. If it s !: did or said certain' .things, Gov. Holden would suffer. Why did not the Sentinel come out boldly and manfully and say that the Standard was as much responsible to the public ifor what k 'said,'as the Sentind was oi ever will be ? . .' But while praising the .Gov , crnor it sought to stab him; ; . . ... ij; , A few days afterwards a communication gned by onei Map," waa published in the " Sentind. It was a mere bill of indictment against the i Govbr; T Sentind sustain ed "llilo," especially where he, M Milo,'' 1 r made Go v.. Holden responsible for the Stan- r dard. To support "Milo" and itself it even dragged in a third party. It said on the 16th: ' A gentleman who has large observation and means 01 Knowning ine senumenis 01 me people of the State, after reading ' f Milo" remarked, . that the sentiment was becoming common among our DeoDle.1 that President Johnson is far more liberal in his feelings and purposes towards North " Carolina, than Gov. Holden ist We have antici Dated nothmg else from the course of the Stan dard." . .. , ; ::?: Here was a direct charge that Gov. Hoi ; den was illiberal and thai the; feeling was growing in theState agamst him. The Sen tind was pledged to GoyV Holden's policy, it had declared it to" be the true policy, and yet when it began to face popular opinion, bred k nom pia prejuaices ana aisanecaon, it, lurn . ed upon the Standard as the cause of th growing evil, and , held Got. Holden reppn- able . for. the Standard. The truth was, its own subscribers ana reaaers were the persons . who entertained such feelings, and instead of enlightening them and promoting harmony, it fostered their prejudices. To the extent of its circulation it leaned' against the Gov ernor, although its printed pledge of support i: and words of praise were scarcely dry upon the paper, t We could not reach such persons and if perhapi we did, the &nfrnZTiadwarp- ; ed their judgement and aroused their feelings against 'us. - ; - j.- -1 'hA OAaI m(l nrtill . n Aw. .mn n 4- n j - gathered in the Convention, if possible. The j rop amounted to $15,000,000 war debt, the j displacement of Gov. Holden, and a general scramble '. for office by the " true men, who ; swear to their hurt, yet change not." " But again, on the 20th of September, it r . deemed it .necessary , to re-endorse the Gov- I f ernor's -. policy. This wag . done in the most U; unequivocal iflmner, to be broken ere another ;y moon waxed and waned ' About this time an article appeared in the i oumaara neaaea " uorne ana let us reason j , together." The Sentinel charged Gov. iiol ? if den, by insinuation, with writing ijLt. ' Tliis insinuation, mark you, was meant to trap the Governor and clinch its former chargesthat he was 'responsible for the editorials in the ' Standard. Having called the : atten- tion . of the Sentind to th insinuation however, V it publicly corrected its state ment pn the 22nd of September. Thus, by insinuation it was assailing the Governor i: covertly. Observe how insidiously , it labor ed to destroy confidence in Gov.5 Holden-- praises fell from its lips one day, insinuations and ; misrepresentations the next.' Other anonymous communications were published about the same time, all tending in the same -direction. ' , - f rj v'vSj We think that enough has now been said to prove this point-that the Sentind, while it pretended to be friendly to the Governor, was really opposing him; as far as it was ; prudent to do so. The-name of such politi cal friends is "legion." The, pity is that : any honest citizen should have been deluded ' by this wolf hi sheep's clothingfe - VZ-v Distressinr Accident; V-ij, i : We learn that the train bound this way ; xrom CJnariotte yesterday evening, - broke a .-vn. uixuci mc Mggjige ,carf near uoncord, . killing two persons iustantlyi-one being the aggage-master, Mr, Ope, 'and the other the Southern fExpress imessengery Ir.i T ?! A. White. . - -' t J - j - ! Tlie Message of the TPreident. ; Ve'This admirable doumn'acxibmpanied by I theJreport of Ge"n. Grant, appears on pur first ' pag. ; Sir. Sumner8' remarks are also given,' as well as' the scathing answers of Messrs. Dixon and Doolittle, We invite our readera to an attentive perusal : of these documents. : ; Rev: Joel W; Tucker will preach the fu neral ermon; of Mrs. Julia A. Bromell, to- .morrow -morhiBg, Jat'the Methodist Churchv 'V . ...... - 1,t3 ; We Are informed by telegram thai the ' Southern, members of Congress have resblireo , toretuTn to their homes until after the 4th (jay of Mareh ;ext. Alabama. liltcMgomerj advices to the 14th say that I Jndee Bneteed, of the United States District, . C(tt9SL that tlie Congressional I oatifor attorneys anacivu omcers is consti- Mphwl J. Semmea (of the pirate Alai V. 'VTTL. rrftted last evening br: order . ' i U IM ll HMrf IV. from Wasninuwui - '-"ri w North under jgsma. f.:., . U , V EVASION, s- .:l , : The LerisUture of .North-Carolina has ad ;tht no law-was passed,, nor even proposed, "for the gotesnmeht or' protection, of the freedmeru, Thia is1 to-be regretted. No amount-nf wilful blindness "can obscure the fac$ that his very question "was, of alothers, J the one that the JNortn-uarouna xiegwasure should have met and disposed of in a broad and liberal spirit. It was unworthy of them as men, and particularly so asT politicians, to dodge this vital tissue. ' The State is.full .pf. freedmen; their condition is anomalous and painful, leth to themselves and " the whites ; they are accused of criminal excesses, and their late masters are as loudly accused, of persecution; the 5 densely -populated .negro districts nave given a voie auuosi, suuu n trainst tlie candidates supposed : tabe ' fa vorable to the governmental policy of recon struction, and so preponderant Tias been that vote tnatit-13 now a quesuou uiusauiuhuit trafinn will not summarily set it aside and continue indefinitelythe existing military rule. In r this ; action of the legislature we see "nothing but evil.. They failed to setUe, ana t!hp. orrpat niiestinn CVCUUailVU WVWwiwj tl f the day, one, too7bearing so directly upon reconstruction tnat every evasion ,4 must be set4down as iesigni to emDarrass, me President and Congress, ahd postpone, so far as the voting power of North-Carolina can do" the wished-for msaent of readmission.-h- Before the election we had hoped better re- suits in tne oia pionu owttc owwiuiug semi-neutral position between hot-headed South-Carolina and pride-driven Virginia, she seemed to be ,a sort of neutral ground, where there was at least hope that the seeds of Union might fructify ; but we fear that the Waves ' Ul . JJVXOVXX 11VU1 uv r South have rolled over her, barren plains and infected her with all the virus of herneighbors. Certainly the statesmen (if such :still exist) of North Carolina cannot expget by lofty disdain to brush from thieir soil a quarter of million of freedmen, nor ican they hope by this ostentatious ignoring of the very ques tion the General Government deems most im portant, to gain consideration in quarters Where j consideration must ultimately he gained,- in order to bring about that re-union for which all good and loyal men are ao ar dently; hoping and striving. JVr-;-.-F. Times. Paris Correspondence of the N. Y. TribimeJ ; G EN ERAL SCHOFIELD'S ALLEGED .. MISSION THE TRUTH IN THE CASE SPIRIT OF THE EVENING PRESS. i " The journals speak of the arriyal in Paris of General Schofield, said to be charged with a mission bv the President of the United States. We can positively state that the French Government has received ho commu nication on this subject, and we .Believe the news to be, devoid ot loundation." The wording of this paragraph is mani festly insufficient to allavthe curiosity which inquires the reason for the arrival in Paris of such a considerable personage as General Schofield. There he is at the Grand Hotel, attended by a suite which includes two aicls-de-canips, of whom one is a General If the Comtitutionnel knew that all that has been said about his mission toParisis unfounded,; it would have said so in clear terms, and have declared that he was merely at the Grand Hotel like so many other personages of note, for the purpose of making a holi day. I But this is far from being the case. ; I deliberately commit myself to the opinion, founded upon various indications, that Gen. Schofield has a political mission here. . It is perfectly true, as the Constitutionnel says, that the Frepch Government does not pjfickdly) know anything about it, and General Scho field has not yet been presented by the Uni ted States Minister, either to the Emperor or to M. Drouyn de L'huys. 1 f It may be that having " unofficially" sounded the disposition of the French Gov ernment, he may ultimately not think it ex pedient to act upon his discretionary in strctions. But that he is authorized to make important political communications, should he judge it expedient to ! do so, is a fact of which I have nocdoubt whatever. With these few prefatory remarks I subjoin a few observations on the subject from the French evening papers. - - - -; i The! France, more cautious than the Con- xtitutionel, says : "We-think we may affirm that no official notification has as yet revealed the existence ot this mission." We read in the Temps: ., " What is it that the Constitutionnd de clar'es to be devoid of all foundation ? Is it the fact of the arrival of Gen.- Schofield in Paris, or only the fact of his having a mis- ' sion ? We know that the Constitutionnd has a right to speak like ah oracle, but it might be a little less obscure than the sybils. Itis certain that the General is in Paris, and we could mention the hotel where he is stay ing We believe, also, that he had yester- - day an interview with M. Drouyh de Lhuys.' I doubt the last fact mentioned by the Temps, i The Patrie says : . ! 3f"The Constitutiond oughtto have stopped at the first part of its. denial. It may well be that Gen. Schofield has no official mission ..here;., but the belief is persistent that he has : reauy come on ousiness connectcu witn jaex- ican affairs in connection with the United States. . What we hear is that Gen. Scho ' eld is instructed to explain to the Imperial Government the political signification Of a passage4 which will be inserted in President Johnson's message relative to Mexico, and also to state why the Cabinet' at Washing ton accrecutea a new envoy to Juarez." ! QHRISTMAS I CHRISTMAS 1 1 Please year Children, Sweethearts, .Wives, tad Husbands. : Call at Ph. THIEM'S Store and examine the largest "and handsomest Stock of Fancy Goods, ojf6 ana uomecnouenes, oi an uescnpuonB.' $10,000 worth of Fancy Goods. . i $10,000 44 . 44 Toys and Confectioneries. $10,000 44 44 ' Jewelry, Perfumery, &c. : 1 FqrChristma flffef ings ! Which will be sold at the lowest prices. ; CALL AND EXAMINE, Ur ; i '' vY r CALL AND EXAMINE, , t- , - CALL AND EXAMINE Ph. THIEM'S Beautiful Stock of .Christmas " C7 Great inducements to persons wishing to ?i' dec 13 tf ,-. V:.- , PhTmEM. S50 REWARD l Stolen .from )the stable tof the subscriber, on Tuesday night, 19th inst; a medium sized Chest nut Sorrel Horse, round body the mane- and 1 tail ?Sfi?e.lH?S? ttt uearly'grown out,s a Uttlewhltein thforAht o i' shoulder, caused by a snag ; shod before, -when he 3 WJLCU. I n il I TaV Ttio ahnira 4knrnJA. ."U if thorse to me, two miles from Sa- rFr ouse,in the Haywood Boad -of iSfnf0l?M.,W lead o his recover C 'jrwV;iBIi GOODWIN and:' thoroughly Prietor wltetTft52SS OT2J2T P" ibure' . -j. ua.. nrn. nov IwmtflO";. For the Standard. 1 If.!-. ,,,'.,..1-'V ' ' "" LOCAL MINISTERS'NDONVENTION. The Convention re-assembled in the' City j ' -of - Raleigh at 12 o'clock, December the 8th J ? at the call Ot tue uommutee ProfTPool, Dr.'Rnooker.waa tailed to ine chair and ' L. ''Branson appointed secretary, i Jm Branson being called upon to explain the objects f,the Cnventiontated briefly, of the-preTious seion of the Convefaon . held in August oi 186: also of the circular letto, sent out, m Marcn, oi tne present ye, BuU of the general , interest manilestea Dy tne Local Body; so far as intelligence has teached them--that it watlesired;now; to orgajnize; the Convention into a regular Association so -fiPvtirrf thin class of workingmen, thereby I preventing those euithets s too often -.circulated about; 1 these unassuming' and comparatively, un Irnnwn Ifthnrers in the MinistrV. Rev. Solomon Pool, then made a brief but valuable speech, showing mmselt alive to tne ffreat work of thVMmistryw and very highly approving every proper ' means ' for elevating church. f-'1-"":';;-'?.7. 111 , ' ; On motion. W. n. Cuninggim, Soloman Pool, L. Branson 'JvW. vCr0Wjdeand j Turner M. Jones, were appomtca commit tee, to prepare appropriate business for i the Convention On motion of G. W- Heptinr stall the former committee was relieved. The Convention adjourned-to meet at 7 o'clock. The Convention re-assembled at the hour annointed. and Rev. S Turner M. Jonea of Louisburg Female - College was called to the The committee on business reported as follows: " I! -.-if 1. We recommend that this body be re solved into a Local Ministers' . Association to meet annually at Bome appropriate place. 12. That 'the Association appoint a Presi dent, a Secretary and one Vice President for . each Presiding Elder's District. ' i 7 ' . ' - 3. That the Annual Association be held in the month of August, each year. 1 i 4. That a committee! be appointed toi ad dress a circular letter to the local ministry throughout the State. ... . i , 5. We fecommend that the following reso lutions be passed,, and that they "be incorpor ated in the circular letter. . 1. Resolved, That we recommend local ministers,- so far as ' practicable, ; to preach once on each Sabbath and at such churphes as do not usually have; Sabbath preaching hy regular pastors. j ! ! , i 2. That it is desirable we should give spe cial attention everywhere to,, our Sabbath School interests. - , j . ; ' - 3. That we recommend, always, a cordial co-operation with the itinerant ministry.! 4. That We desire tike next General Confer ence to enact such laijvs as shall require all ministers to pass examination, on some spe cified course of study, before receiving .ordi nation. !!. ' ' :,- "4.Lv; " 5. That we do protest against' locating men with full powers as local ministers, jwho at the timie, are liable', to impeachment! or, whose character has not been passed. ItespcctluHV, j ' ! j W. 11. CUNINGGIM, ") . jj SOLOMON POOL. L. Bit ANSON, i I Com. W.J.WJCROWDER, TURNER M. JONES, J The report of the committee was received and the Convention proceeded to take up the articles seriatim.' On motion of W. 1 . Cuningjim, the som and requested to pre sent to all the local mittee was continued pare a circular to he ministersof the State, showing more fully the objects to be accomplished by the Con vention, and desiring them to assemble in one united Convention at some specified time and place. ! j 'j On motion, an assessment of one dollar on each 'member present, was made to defray the expenses of printing. ! 1 The Convention then instructed the com mittee toi especially incorporate j the follow ing points m the circular letter. ! l.Jihe duty ot regular Sabbath preaching so far as practicable, j i a.-. A cordial co-operation witn lntmerant Ministers in good st iding 3. The importance oi higher ministerial attainments both moral and intellectual 4. The necessity of strictly: guarding against admitting improper persons into the Ministry from the laity. ij 5. The impropriety ot receiving men from any source, or retaining men in the Local Ministry, who are detrimental to the cause. 6. The great advantages to be gamed by united sympathy and more frequent associa tions among ourselves. ill The Convention was then entertained for a length of time, by an! able address 'from the Kev. N. F. Keid, of the North Carolina Con ference, approving the olijects of the Con vention, and showing the absolute necessity of diligence and devotion in order for minis ters of any class to obtain eminence in the calling, i- -. 1 . ! .. I A unanimous vote 'of thanks was! returned Mr. Reid by the Convention, for j his j pro found remarks and paternal advice. ! cm motion tne Convention adiourned, sub ject to the call of the committee.' j j 1 TURNER M. JONES, Pres. 'L. Bn anson,' Sec. . -I j i Raleigh, Dec. 8, 185. j funeral Notice! The funeral of Mrs. Tcija A Bbomkll will be preached at the Methodist Churehi on Sabbath morning the 24th inL, by the Rev. J. W. Tucker. The friends of the deceased are invited to attend. Iied: j V : . ; In Jackson, . Northampton County, N. C, on theSOth day of October, 1865, AitNA Barbow, daughter of Dr. William, and Eliza BarroWj aged 19 years, j f, -."!' ; A few days hefore her untimely death, the sub ject of this notice was in the possession of full health and vigor, which gave her the promise of a long life. "But death came in an unexpected hour and hurried her to the tomb. It found her. 1 however, not unprepared, as she had for more jthan twelve months enjoyed the consolations of religious life, and been a consistent member of jthe Protestant Episcopal Church. ,: i This blow has fallen with crushing force upon er parents, of whom she was the idol, and unon the society of which she was an ornament. j Highly intellectual and accomplished, of great Hivacity and sprightliness in conversation, warm, ardent and unselfish in her nature, she attracted those who came within the circle of her acquain tance, and many tears unmixed with worldly grief vf mnu&n Biam, wm oe Bneaupon ner eany grave. But titf ever thus, " The dearesV noblest, Uove-: uest, are always first to go." ,:.. Anna, thou hast indeed gone ; .' ; . "Thy day without a cloud hath uassedL' And tfaou wert lovely to the last .; . ,-'. jsxongBisnea, not decayed J ,.? - t As stars that shoot along the sky i 8hine brightest as they fall from high." - ' rpHEFJBMs OFSHAY W1XLIAMS0NS 'JL jijij.jti uasoiVBa xrom this date, s i:? B. P. Willi aiHson.-Baleigh, N. . C.,.is appointed A A . J-V. ri V. J .!--- - m Office ef North S't Iron aad Jrass Works, iieIgN !c;De XTAGBEENvAyA'INTED AGENT TO Xlt close up the business; of ,8hay,- Wmianison & Co. , , i hereby notify " all-; creditors to present their,claimsr and all debtorsfeto come forward nd iflSw'fFW6 18 s4the office of toe CpniT .".- a.; l, .WII.lJA.'iJUN. Airetlt. , 4ecJ23-tJwul4 twj-ftr-JMF a4 sole Agent to close up the business. stv--T'.--"'!-';';ii,--'l j W V-- - H A V- WIT.T.T AMSnW Xr nh ' ;-dee?3tjah Mjm.ml4itJM sBpSMITolicaa. Mfb." Reid' Rheumatic "Ointment.- the following testimony In its' favoranl ii .you are afflicted with Jtheumatiatn, jyeuraigta, or ; any kindred disease, try it. -If ypu'have friends, get them'to try it 4 , 1 vVi , f I" V t to tng vattt pf fitcUities, certificates : obtftlned at-ptetfenf from aU who have . fa . are from respectable . andell-kdown dt- , - , . . izens of this city ' .- - tTuZujaB?JSt. C, Augutnth, 1865 Mas. SA'REp;' I . take. Pleasure, iu stating that I, and twoxother members of my family were cured of Rheumatism by the use of your valuable Ointment, fad that for more than three yt years we iave had no return oj it. , ; Verv resDectfully. vours. ' H. POBTEK. '; t ' .TIuSioi'N. C.; AugustlSdS.' Mbs. 8. Ai Reid: This is to certify that I made use of your RheuniatacOhitment ) in a severe case of Rheumatism, and was entirely cured of I can recommend it to the suffering public as att invaluable remedy. Very .truly, yours, ; B. CLARKE., ' ' v Raubigh, N. C, August 12th 1865. Mbs. S. jA Rbid : I take pleasure in stating that I was! afflicted with f Rheumatism for two years, and; was cured of it by the use of your "Rheumatic Ointment;" and for three' years have experienced ho Buffering from it whatever. ' Very truly and gratefully youii, v ' j " : J i lucy aJ Mcl0NAiiD f" Price.lTwo Dollars per box. Liberal dis count allowed to dealers. Sold by , .;;:" i ;d. t. carraway, ..-'4ayettevUle.8tyeeti Raleigh, N. C. W. H. LiPPiTT, Druggist, Wilmington. , ; ; ; Pbimrosk & Diixingham, Druggists, Newbern. S. J. Hihsdalk. Drure:ist, Fayetteville. : , M. A&C. A Stakton, Druggists, Norfolk, Va. Dr. W. . Walsh, Druggist, Kinston. A sep 1 6m j H i : Itch ! Itch I Scratch I ! Scratch ! I Wheaton'sjOintmenl will cure the Itch in forty- eight hours, i Also Acurea Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all eruptions of the Skin. Price 50cts. For sale by all Druggists. "- r J By sending Sole Agents, 60 cents to WEEKS & POTTER, 170 Washington street, Boston, Mass., it will be forwarded by mail, free of post age, to any part of the United States. ,P. F. PESCUD, Agent, Raleigh, Nj CV sept 21 fly Semraons Brazilian spectacles, to strengthen and improve the sight of old and young,by!day or night, with ease and comfort to the ey e, w Jthout the distressing results of frequent changes. iThese celebrated glasses arc too well known throughout the South to speak of their superiority over all others. Double and single Telescope "of immense power and field. Cata logues sent free, by enclosing stamp. j 8EMMONS, Oculist Optician, .. 669) Broadway, under Lafarge House, N. Y. nov 18 2m A Few! Important Facts in Regard to the Southern .Hepatic Pills. L They are prepared from the best quality of Medicine by the discoverer, now an aged Minister of the Gospel, and are safe, j 2. Theyjbave been known for years and tested by thousands in the South, and are specially adapt ed to the diseases of this climate. S. Hundreds of persons are known to have been cured by them. 4. Theyiare not recommended by the proprietor for everything, but only for diseases which arise from disordered livers. 5. Directions and certificates accompany each box, and these certificates are from well-known and most respectable individuals. 6. Correspondents recommend them as good for liver Disease, Chills and Fever, Pneumonia, Jaundice,! Dyspepsia, BilUous Fevers, Billions Rheumatism Worms, Plnrisy, Bronchitis, Cos tireness, Diarrhea and Hepatic Consumption. ' 7. Several gentlemen state that the use of these Pills has been to them an annual saving of from $100 to $200. 8. Some Physicians of the highest standing prescribe them to their patients, and hundreds oi boxes have been sold to regular practitioners. J5? Fibr sale by the Drnggists. Directions accompanying each box. Sent to any part of the United States for $3 a dozen. Address, 'j 1 GEO. W DEEMS, dec 1 lm Baltimore, Md. Agua de Magnolia. A toilet delight I The ladies' treasure and gentlemen's boon! The "sweetest thing " and largest quantity. Manu factured from the rich Southern Magnolia. -Used for bathing the face and person, to render the skin soft and fresh, to prevent eruptions, to perfume clothing, &c, It overcomes the unpleasant odor of perspi ration, ; I j ; . . It removes redness, tan, blotches, &c . It cures nervous headache and allays inflamatibn, It coolsj softens and adds delicacy to the skin, it yields a suDduea ana lasting penume, It cures musquito bites and stings of insects, It contains no material injurious to the skin. Patronized by Actresses and Opera Singers. It is what eyery lady should have. Sold everywhere. Try the Magnolia Water once and you will use no other Cologne, Perfumery, or Toilet Water af terwards. DEMAS BARNES & CO., nov 22-4-6m Props. Exclusive Agents, N. Y S T 1860 X. Drake's Plantation Bitters. They purify, strengthen and invic- orate, They create a healthy appetite, They are an autitode to change pf water and diet, They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours, i- They strengthen the system and enliven the mind, .j They prevent miasmatic aud intermittent fevers, They purify the breath and acidity of the Biuumcu, They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation, , They 'cure Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera Morbus,! They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous. Head ache. . , ... -o; : A V They are the best Bitters in the world. . They make the weak strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. " They are made of pure St Croix Rum, the celebrated. CaUsay a Bark, roots., and nerDs, ana are taken witn the pleasure of a bever age; without regard to age or time of dayi :?rTar ticularly recommended to delicate persons requir ing a gentle .stimulant; : S6ld by ;- all ; Grocers, ,IJ.!WW feentime' When Cork s covered by our private UiS, Stamp'. Beware of counterfeits and refilled bottles.- v . r.'y PvBL DRAKE & CO.,- nov224-6m ,.,:j 21 Park Bew Yerkk '. ; Batckelor's. Hair Dye l-Tbe Original "an Best ut the. Worldr.: The onlytrue -and perfect Hair Dyel : Harmless, Reliable and Instantaneous. Produces. Immediately a splendid Black or natu ral' Brown, without injuring,, the hair oir skin Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Sold bv all : Druggist. ;;The ehud . signed IVUliam -A Regeaerating Extract of MiUeflenrs, for Restoring and beautjying the HairV? ? sffi ti;l"ft ?W CHARLES' JBATCHELORSS; -Vt ifm 'Hra-New Torki 5'Beeswax TeJlowwilt Wthelfighest? V (miHhrnf.llirW TU. awn-A, " r 1 sept WMV EL- SMITH A CO. 0fejaugl5 v The Ladies connected with, the Methodist Con gregation in this City, 'will hold a Fair in the Sen ate Chamber, at the Capitol, on Friday and Satur day evenings, the 22nd and Sdt'toiraise funds for Denevolent purposet . :v j-jS '-TlflrAtj fnr r,T at, tJiP. floor. Poors on open, each eyenins at t o'clock, . j v 22--2t, ir j i ..ait'f"; f Jj; '"';t h dec iniasTJsiAs vcinnsTaAs i r -v- VJ".. ":'-. . r "i . Will seB. at Auction, in front of our Store, on Tuesday, -26th December, ? sale ' to coaainence at 104 o'clock, A.'M, the following articles: f : llrt hnttlAa Rnnrhnn "Wfilskpv.- -' " . Mononeahela 10 baskets Chamttaerne Wine, 5 barrels Old Apple Brandy. 1.500 lbs. Bacon Shoulders. , 1.000 " prime Lard, in Pails and KLegs. . 50;- Shoe Thread. . - Z 10 aoz. faa ixcks - u ( s 10 " Pocket Knives. I ,.e -ty haaels Apples, v ' " L ' - ' And monv other desirable articles. uec tas ,.- a. r.. wixULAMeuiN "V AKNS AND SHEETINGS... 5 bales, 400 buneues Cotton xarna, Id; . : k ... iinn t u , .. t . .8 9 5 " 400 ". , " 5 ." 400 , Ut , , it fr- 10 12 6 " 400 - " " . 44 as'rted Nos. 44 2,000 yds 4-4 Sheetings.- a 44 :- 2,ooo -. 44 44 10 pieces 4-4 Bleached Cottons, t In store and for sale bv dec 23 tf , B. P. WILLIAMSON & CO. A CASES BROGABTS. ' .'Mv J X7 ?',";- - Just received at .1 - - ' - . 1 dec 22 tf B. P. WILLIAMSON & CO'8. FOR RENT! - T. "! .. '?- A desirable family residence, how occupied, by Rev. Mr.! Hnf ham. !. i : - Alan arrtiriV. 17170179 niia An ili.t.tiL J near Martin, and the other on the lot of B. F. Moore, J-sq. Liberal terms to the renters! Ap- ply to the Editor. aec its u. "COPARTNERSHIP. ? , , i . JMSWBBBN. NJ V.f. fHOV. 1, 1865. We have this day formed a Copartnership under tne name and style or WHITFOBD, DILL fc CO., For .the transaction of a Shipping and General COMMISSION BUSINESS j In this town, west side ot Craven Street, bnold County Wharf. ! I ' - To the sale of Cotton, Naval Stores, Tobacco, Lumber, Staves, Shingles, Corn, and all kinds of Produce and Merchandise, and also to the sale and purchase of Real Estate and State and: other Stocks, we will give our personal attention!. We are Agents for Murray's Nortn-Carolina semi-weekly Line of Steamships between; New bern and New York, and for sailing vessels for Baltimore, Philadelphia and otner ports in tne United States, and for different ports in the West Indies. Thus it will be seen that we are furnished by our own vessels with the amplest facilities for the speedy transportation of Freight and Passen gers, i out in aaaiuon 10 uiese, were is a weemy fine of Ocean Steamships on the same routeJ and a tri weekly line of Steamers by Inland t route through Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal to Nor folk, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New jYfrrk . . , .i. i a i . il. uence jnercuaiiie mm ouiupcra cuiriuuug; iuc transportation of their freight to us, can rely jwith confidence on its speedy transit. i We will make liberal advances on consign ments. IS All letters addressed to us en the subject of freight, or on any other business, will be promptly answered. iuhin u. vy in i r ukl, ! GEORGE W. DILL,1 ! dec 5 197 tf 10 WM. C. WHITFOBD. jp DATED WARE. We have a beautiful variety of Plated Tea Setts, 6 pieces each, Tea and Table Spoons. Salt and Mustard Spoons. Forks and Cuds. Also Plated Castors of the finest patterns, Nap kin Rings, &c., &c. These Goods are aiauk i u vx.ua.ti expressly for OUR TRADE, are ef the best quality of plate on genuine Albatta, WARRANTED full weight of SILVER, and equal in appearance to solid Sil ver Ware. '; v ' i . I , For sale low at 44 Fayetteville Street, ! j D. T. carraway ; With Heabi & Lewis. T OOKING GLASSES, at I j 44 Fayetteville Street i . TVRESSING COMBS, at XJ i I 44 Fayettevllte Street , i- I I - THE CHILDREN NOT FORGOTTEN. DOLLS from 25 cts. to $8, at ! j , 44 Fayetteville Street GENUINE DURHAM SMOKING TO BACCO, at 44 Fayetteville Street l I . : : i I " WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, : &c.t i 1 At 44 Fayetteville Street ' i ; :-. . i--- BUGGY HARNESS, I i At 44 Fayetteville Street Persons visiting Raleigh, as well as citizens, are invited to call at 44 Fayetteville Street and see the variety of USEFUL Articles. i j U. 1. UAKKAHAI, ; oct 9 148 tf 10 With Heart & Lewis. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, MURFREESBORO, N. C. M The Exercises of this Institution were resumed on the first Wednesday of October last, under the loiiowrag , I . FACULTY : J President and Prof, Mor. Phil. i; Rev. Jno. Williams, A M., Prof. Lat Lang. and Lit WTm. M. Jones, A. M., Prof. Nat ScL and Math. k.'Prof. Mod. Lausr. and Music, Miss Sailie M. Cross. Asst in higher Lang.; and Math. Miss Mollie SouthalL Music. J. steward. ; The building has been renovated and necessary supplies obtained for the accommodation of a laive number of pupils. Charges as before the war. I ' i : Terms, per session of twenty weeks, payable In currency, one-half in advance, the remainder at the end of the session : hi. English Branches. .$18.00 Ancient and Mod. Languages each , .... ... 7.00 Music Piano and Uuitareacn Use of Piano.... 8.00 Useof Guitar..... ....w., 2.00 Drawing, Embr'dry, Wax work, &c, each.. 10.00 Oil Painting. ... 30.00 fainting in pastel ano waier coiors. m.w 8chool-room expenses.. 2.00 Lectures and use of apparatus , 2.50 Board, including everything........ 2.00 The blanks will be filled at an eany date. For additional information, address : .- .: Rev.. JNO. WILLIAMS, , President pro tern) W. F. College, Mnrfreeeboro', N. C. 1 W. N. H. SMITH, Pres't Board of Trustees. Applications for this chair will be received, dec 4 196tianl 10 ( , .; : , I , . , . 1 1 CONFISCATION AT AN END t The North-Carolina Book-Store stm Flourishing! H' D. TURNER. RALEIGH, N." O offew to the trade and people of North-Carolina a large and varied stock of standard School, Law and Miscellaneous Books, among which may be found '.'Our own", series of School Books, to- ether with different; kinds: of Spellers, Readers, Gj rrammars and Arithmetics.' iney also. following valuable standard Law Books. i Supreme Court Reports, full sets or separate vols., numbers furnished to complete volumes. Cantwell's Justice, Cantwell's. Practice, Revised Code of North-Uarouna, journals or tne uonvenv tion of 1835 and 1861, North-Carolina Form Book, Iredell on Executors, Jones' Digest - Are now publishing, and will be -ready by the first of January, 60,000 copies of Turner's North-. ele faorltoeirylandm Carolina Almanac tor tne year itsoo. -me indis- tmaa inlhe State will containa vast fund of use- -1 ful and statistical information. Also on hand, a SDlendid assortment of Station- ery and. Jfancy louet uoods zrom the most cele brated manufactorys on the i Continent ' Book Bindingswithivneatnesff'- and" dispatch : ' Blank Books ruled to any pattern, and manufac tured m the finest style ; Music Books and Peri odicals bound in haodsome manner. . . .;t oct 17 155 tf 10.; X. . EL D. TURNER. -, 4JL ' jMEBANES VILLE, N. C The next session begins March.. 7th, 1866, and ntinues iorty weeks. ; : jiar terms address - 1 s fiLIU (illAM, -ov 17Vtjanl 8 Mebaneaville. N. 'fcf. flHTA REWARD - St Stolenfrommvtabl&on-Tueaaav.iilfi'ht.l9th' tinst. a Bay Mare, "trim made; about ten years old, star in her forehead," and few white hairs on one' or ner lore reet ; .no other mark reraemberedu I wilT pa the above reward for : her delivery to me four miles from Salem Church, Intake .County, or. for information, that may lead to her recovery, v dec 81-dlwpd , : ISAAC HUNTER. OURGOOPS , Aa we close ouirbuinesa'in K4IJEaGH onthat4ate.r We shall sell for-4 -. 'Jew t - ; . ; v" j-Vf -Jvr At prices to SUIT CUSTOMERS, -&.3L v i,-;: 3egaxdlesai-: of Oost ! .4 ' When on Thursday : and Friday, ' December 28th and 29th the balance will be ' ; , rSoldlat AUCTION ! We are in EARNEST and mean Business r i ne biock connsui oi $ MUIinerj- Goods, Oroeerlet, v. Xdqnorc, Clgari. Don't forget the A.TTOTI01V GEO Z. 7EEHCH & Co't., . . p -FayetTille street ,7 '. Thursday and Friday, December 28th and 29th. . . ' : . ' -. . dec 14-istjanl CR11S3IA5, - - CLOTSXEB AND MERCHANT TAILOR. "Fayettevflte 8t, Raleigh, NC. - WOULD RESPECTFULLY INVITE THE attention of jail his customers and friends to his fine and selected stock of Broad Cloth, T" 1 : i e ii . . inKa&uiB, wusBiiucn, ut. iuj jujiub , unq. parucu- larlytohis ; . " i Imported Goods. t3F Garments will be made up in the best and latest styles on reasonable terms. His stock of Ready-Made Clothing, suitable for all ages, is very large and will be kept complete by new weekly arrival from Northern cities. I He also keeps a large assortment pf Gents Fur- Hats, and a good many other articles too numer ous to mention, sept 13 tf 9 T J. HOLDEN With Powers & jPoole, Wholesale Grocers and dealers in Whiskeys Brandies, Wines, Ales, Cigars, fec, corner of South Front and Craven 8treete, New Berne, N. C. - J nov 29 tf 8 . IHTRBIY k MURCHISON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLE SALi! ; DEALERS, Wilminston. N. C. PARTICULAR iLTTENTION PAID TO THE sale of Cottop, Naval Stores and Country Produce generally, i All orders for Groceries, Produce, &c.,.- filled at the lowest market rates. E. MURRAY, I- ... K. M. MURCmSON, D. R. MURCHI80N, J. T. MURRAY, ' .Wilmington. , New York. joct9-5m9 i gTOYES! STOVES!! Lougee & Brother have just received a large lot oFCooking and Office Stoves, at the old stand on Fayetteville Street , PLANISHED WARE, A fine assortment of French 'Coffee and Tea Pots. I - - JAPAN WARE, k Trunks, Cake and Sugar Boxes, Tea and Coffee Canisters, Dust Pans, Spittoons, Pepper Boxes and Fancy Tin Cups, Hardware and House Furnishing Goods. I . - . Waffle Irons, Frying Pans, Sauce Pans, Lined Iron Pots, Coffee Mills, SnufferB,.&c., &c, fcc . TjprWARE. ' - A complete assortment, and home made. : job bing and Repairing; House Roofing &c, executed at the shortest notice. ' ' We are prepared to make and repair Stove Pipe, put up Stoves, &c j - Persons desiring anything in our line would do well to give us a call, - oct 10 tf7 GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. : TF YOU WANT 1A GOOD CIGAR CALL AND JL see Lee's Large Stock, just ' imported from Havana, Cuba. i ! , Also Tobaccos of all kinds, Butter, , Cheese, Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Flour, Potatoes, and a general assortment of Groceries, at wholesale and retaiL Imported and native Wines and Liouors. sold r- to Officers and responsible Citizens by the bottle, at Mciummon's old stand, ayetteviue street. one ooor irom tne corner oi Morgan. Raleigh, Sept 2, 1865. 117 tL A PRIVATE; SCHOOL. Miss Man gum will open the seventh sesBjon of her School for Young Ladies at the reeideneeof her Mother, Mrs. Wilie P. Mangum, on the 8th of January, 1866. Only a timited number of pu pils can be received. They will find a home in her Mother's family. Dor particulars apply to MissM. P. MANGUM. nov 18 6w9 Flat River, Orange Co. N. C. HATHAWAY, LEACH k STEARNS, 417 Arch 'St.; Philadelphia. MANUFACTURERS OF BORING TOOLS, Steam Engines and Boilers, dealers in Port able Saw Mills, Engine and Hand Lathes, Planers, Bolt-Cutters, Power-Punches, Drills, Slide-Rests, Scroll and Independent Jaw Chucks. , Depot for Bonks, Dinmore & Co's Platform, Beam, Railroad Track, Cal and Hay Scales. novo stay - - QUENT BUSBEE,' .ATTORNEYS COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office in the Court House. Raleicrh..N. C. : - r Particular attention given to the examination of Titles, to Conveyancing, to the adjustment and settlement oi books and Accounts and tne col lection of Claims. - . ju!21-m9 MAYNARD, ELY k ROSE, TANNERS AND CURRIERS,: No. 46 and 48 S. Calvert St.; v . BALTIMORE, MD. . , Have on hand a large stock of Gentlemen's Gaiter Uppers and Boot Legs, and all Goods used Dy .isoot and snoe Manufacturers. ' ; -nov 14179 lmlO " - - LEWIS P. OLD'S LAW OFFICE, Removed to the late Gen. Branch's -Office, on uiusDoro street. . epeciai attention to war mat ters. Will attend all the - Federal Courts of the State. -The Oovernment having established, its uoaru oi war uiaims at wasmngton, special at tention given to the prompt and thorough prose cution of such as ore committed to the care of this office. :-i - -eep 2S 135 tf 10 SHORB, RANNEY & " CO., Importers and Dealers' in Crockery, Glass end China, assorted Crates, particularly adapted for. uu; uuutucrn inuc, iiviw i noj oh me? h -nov 29 8m8 - ' '- ' -: -yfTpop WARD,' BALDWIN kCOij: : Dry Goods and Cotton Commission Merchants. Nos. 9 & 11 Hanover St.-1 IW uuane street, i ' ' : Receive Consignments and make Cash advances. oct in 8m8' , .v, ' , 1 v-''-", "T,r t rraE present Lessee; of, the i I xn i Tirt 1 i i it i.t j., JT7i.- . jMLL-iuuigc luicuuiug. w give, up uie business on the expiration' of the "present year, offer at very great. Darealns: Furniture; Crockerv. Groceries; Wines and Liquors. , A superb new ' 1 KANDALL & CO., -JJdee Proprietor Excnahge Hotel. ;T?OR RENT"';' t fM' tv In the Eastern part of this City, a two story jaouse, contammg large rooms ana a cellar. Alsp; 4 nice Brick'1 Building, with- 3 ' rooms; Kitchen -containing 3 rooms, ft Smoke , Houses Stable, and a Well on' the Jot, ' besides a Garden contammg acre or ground. . The above buildineis are verv Tjleaaantlv situa ted. Apply fttP. H. THIEM'S Btore-tho Tenv- pie of Fancyj - dec21 tf PJJG? iJlothini at Com t J in Baleigh we offer our New, lave t5 wejt assorted Stock of DEIS GOODS rfM1 ING. and FANCY -ARTipt. SQF&- Cost' - - -ii . " , tr" Jorlt . vucues. ao w Oil cents WTaM of Delaines; 37 - ' : l? 7r f " "s. 40 1 ' t .00 tb $3.00. f ' Genfs do. Clothing, $20 to $35 per Suit Ladies Cloaks. KTM in nn And other articles m proDOrtion. SbSZ? M to. The attention of Country Merchantu ;. . licited to ,our large and well selected tSil18 8T theywin find it to thetr Interest to i m : U , i s w , GOLDSTEIN & WILSON - - No. 5 FayetteviUeStrlU ;noy8o-tj;;J.aPAga. JAKES B. HEBBEBTj " ' ' ;v Of Maryiand. . Of North-CmO!".' TWtt ititoui aad General Cemiaiggios Mertb X&UffittlhmML, Baltimore. " Liberal advances made on consignments ... ' . , '; betx&skces; ' Jakes W. Aixnutt, Prest Bank of Coin ru WOODWABDj BAtDWTKA Co., BaltinTow'' - Howabd, Coia & Co., Baltimore. , WnxiAM JoHKsosr, Charlotte, N. C ' judge ualdwell, eausbury, n. C : y OCT lVOia iip gTOLEN . i jrrom tne suDScrlber on the niot r v. of November, a smaU black MARE. Shi. w. shoes on her fore feet only, trots and lo7wJ andeasyr isTyearsold. JA reward of SfS be glveufor her deUvery ten miles from&deSr on the Haywood Road. uwgn, .Stolen at the same time, a" bhaTew marked " U. S. and "I b " T ii 4 letter " N" on the rumo : 14 hana. i(Zr f I old, has a long navel, is shod all round.' Frl ward of $25 will be given for her delivery at the ToVtef lO 1 P. H. KNIGHT. INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE AND the perils of inland transportation. Underwriter's Agency, Composed Of the Cermania. TTantm and Republic Fire Insurance Companies. New York. Capital over $3,000,000. oct Sfl0 G- WILLIAMS,. & CO., Agents. W. H. D0LLEMAN, ; FAMILY G8 0 CER. ILL CONTINUE TO CARRY ON BTTRT. NESS at his old Stand, corner of Wii ton and Hargett Streetsj and invites his old cus tomers and the public generally to call on him and he will give them good bargains. . nov 20 lmpdlO ' j v . JAMES IV HATHAWAT f : WM. E. CTLET. JAS. L. HATHAWAY & FILET, (Formerly Hathaway & Co., Wilmington, N. C.,) SHIPPING & C0MMD3I0N MERCHANTS, - 171 Pearl Street, New York. We 'solicit consighnments of Cotton, Jfayal Stores, Sheetings, Yarnsf 'Tobacco and other Southern Products, ! to the sale of which our prompt personal attention will be giyen. , We will make liberal advances upon receipt of invoice and Bill of Lading. - , ; All. merchandize and produce shipped to us is insured from point pf shipment with or without advice. -, Invoices should always accompany each shipment '- c . Both of us Mving-had Over Twenty years expe rience in the South, and our J. L. Hathaway three years in New York, we feel confident we can se cure full prices for ouT friends who will favor us with their consignment . ' oct 24-3ml0 - j w - N0KRIS A BALDWIN, i Hi 18, Hanover Street, Baltimore, GO M M 1 8 8 1 0 N MERCHANTS FOR THE sale of Cotton Yarns, Sheetings, Osnaburgs and Cotton. : t,-,?.:..;!. :, SoIicit consignments from the South. They will make liberal cash advances and prom, ise quick returna at full market prices. Refer to , any of the Baltimore Banks or Dry Goods Jobbings Merchants. Also, to Wm. H. Powers, Esq.E. B.j Bentleyv Esq., H. L. Kent, Esq.,: Richmond, Ya.; and to Hill, Warren & Co., McUwaine, Son & Co., Petersburg, Va. -Jup 14-61 ly 10. i F V R NIT U R E. THE undersigned respectfully informs the cit izens of Raleigh and: Vicinity that he has re openedhis '" " ' - FUBNITUBE I ESTABLISHMENT, ; . j . ,. . ... . . . j . , Where he will constantly keep on hand a good as t v.. ' sortment of c":" 'pJaRLQR,-" 1";;' DINING ROOM,- -AND CHAMBER FURNITURE. SOFAS, t- ROCKING CHAIRS, MARBLE IT QP TABLES, BUREAUS, BEDST EAD8, MATTRESSES, UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING F j Done witn neatness. All kinds of . 1 ' ' - : a "?V:f:'i? ,-Made to order .. Ladles and Gentlemen are invited to examine my stock at the BURNT CORNER, Fayetteville Street, next to Mr. Gbxcsman's. Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture. dee 21 lnv AKEfFOREST COI.I.EGE. W The exercises of this College will "be, resumed on Friday, the 12tbrof January, 1868. Student of all grades Academic as well as Collegiate will be admitted..; For. circulars containing paif ticularsj address, --f --vf-r - ' . i- !- Kev: W. KUIALIj, Bee Ol racuiij, nov 28 (Jw9 "": -r't - Forestville, N. C. J. D. WHTTFOBD, GEO. , W. ' DEL1,! W.D. WHITFOBD. . , i.WHITFORD, BILL CO., - SHIPPING, RECEIVING, FORWARDING AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, " ; Vl . NEWBERN, N. C Personal attentioh paid toi theJ sale of Produce. ' ASBNTS FO - ... ' HTRRAT'S N. C STEAMSHIP LEVES BETiFEEN ' NEWBERN AND NEWf YORK. ' '' General Vessel Agents. dec 5-196 ly 10 i ' 'il l, j f , ' I " I' " '' " ' - Crass P. Mekdenhu ; Jixnaxx Nichou, , , Greensboro', N. C, . , , , Baltimore, v ' C Pr MESDENAALL k CO.', ' fiOTTON fcTORACCO FACTORS, And General ConuniJtsion j Merchants, W 156 Pratt Street Wlarf, ' 2- ;T Z'l BALTIMORE , J: Shlpmenie ;to' uTr ' Insured Immediately point of Bhipment,imd through to Baltimore, whether advised Or unadvised. ,,-octl9 6ml0- v i - " : r Lamps, Candeliirs, Brackets, hW hm Hectors ; Fancy 'HaU Lamps, Lanterns, Bas Pegs and Founts, Patent GW Cones, Buraerv Glasses, Chimmee and Wlck,Druggisby Fhnt i u Green Glass,-Crockterf Dealers and Cijjw' ers' Glassware. Goods of- all kinds made v order... .Kerosene Oil. . : - i,tt' ' . vVAMES T. WRIGHT, 225Greenwich stV two doow below BarcUy, . v MALTBY' HOUSE) y X :c B. Miller, Proprietor, gQA AJtfONTHf ;u-L;. . Agents wanted fo six aHrhf w r. J ' outTAddr. O. T. GAREt, Citf Bul Biddeford, Maine. 1 .;,iL-&m . . jrupuns, o so do. - Ginghams, 5 to 3 Ladies' Shoes, $1 Diuv w wjv vm.i, luttuc uv a. mn fit tua