- ry- Friday, January 5, 1866. JO. CASXOS. JOB. W HOLDEX. CANNON & HOLDEN Siion tf 4M Standard, Printer to the Convention, and anthorized pubiixhen tf the Law f. Oh m United. State. ' . tABOBST. CIHCVLATION Uf THK CITT, CIXCFLATKKI IX THB STATE. LARGEST The President's Reception, j We gave an account yesterday of the Pres identto New Year's reception in our news col tunih We clip the following editorial notice . from the Washington : Chronicle of the 2nd :'. " The spectacle wUnesscd yesterday at the Ex . . centire Mansion, at the residence of the different' . tnembers of the Cabinet, although oecuring an nually, U nevertheless worthy of 6peeUl notice not aa account of its display, but as an illustra tlon of spirit of Our republican form of govern 'mint. The most exalted officer of the Govern; , ment unguarded by any array of military 'power, -and free from the "pomp arid circumstance" oi unmeaning forms and ceremonies, as well as hol- low show, receiving the hearty congratulations of his fellow-citizens without distiction at his own mansion, is a sight which can be seen nowhere but in the United States. Whatever may be th Impressions produced upon the minds of the rep resentatives of foreign governments at beholding such a sight, no American can view . any other -feelings than those of gratitude and pride. We ' have no privileged aristocracy before which the J basses are compelled to uncover their heads in ! token of reverence and respect. The humblest : as well as the most distinguished citizen had ac1 ' cess to and was received by the President witfc - like consideration. On such an -occasion we can not but recall and adopt the memorable Words 01 -Daniel Wesster tn his great speech at the lifting -' of the corner-stone of the new wing of the Capi- j tol : 'To-d;ry we are Americans all, and all noth- Ing bat Americans. " The Washington Star of the same date ogives, the following diplomatic : incident, at- . tending the reception : - . . It Is a subject of comment to-day that at the President's reception yesterday, none of the di- plomatic corps recognised or spoke to the Mexi . an,Minister, they evidently not recognizing him as a representative froin,an"y government. -Senor mero was cordially received by President John en, but remained only a few moments in the re ception room, leaving some time before the de-,-parture of the other Ministers." Gideon J. Pillow and the Free Labor System. It wHl be recollected that Gen. Pillow an. nounced. last fall his determination- to give ' the freedmen a' fair trial on his plantations. He then said that he would put his farms in good order for the accommodation of several hundred freedmen, whom he intended ito of fer liberal wagea; and expected, to work. He has recently written a letter to Gen. How ard, stating how he progreses. The following is the letter : I ' NASHvnxE,TEira., Dec. 22, 1S65. "Major General O. O. Howard Commixuoner: It affords me pleasure to inform yon that I have been successful beyond my most sanguine expec tations in engaging laoortor all my plantations in - Arkansas ar d Tennessee. I have already engaged about lour hundred freedmen, and have full con fidence in making a success of the work. ; I have given in all cases to the freedmen part of the crop of cotton, and I allow him land for the cul tivation of vegetables and corn for his own use. without charge therefor: I would have engaged one thousand laborers if 1 had needed that num- ber. My brother, who adopted my plan of work, succeeded in engaging laborers for three places - he is working. I have put one large plantation nnder white laborers from the North, upon pre cisely the same terms I engaged freedmen. I feel anxious to try the system of white labor of that enaracter lor the plantation. Knowing the inter est yon feel in the, success of the system of the freedmen, and feeling grateful for your kindness to me, 1 leei it to be a duty to communicate the re sult of my work, thus far. With assurance of my t pereonaisregara ana respect, ' ' I am, General, verv respectfully, GIDEON J. PILLOW." ;"-'. "..? ";'' For the Standard. . Carious and Entertaining. A magician once upon - a time advertised . on his bills that the evening's entertainment would conclude with the mysterious' disap pearance of a lady. Sure enough, after the performance he eloped with the wife of the man who owned the halL In the report of the American Association for the advancement of science for the year 1861, there is a communication from Profess or Horsford,of Harvard University, in which he states that the Bunker Hill Monument 8 wings backwards and forwards, like a pen dulum, every day 1 By an ingenious appara tus it has been ascertained that there is a very ' slight but ' perceptible mOvement-in the morning to the westward, 'at noon to the northward, and in the evening to the east. It is supposed to be caused by, the unequal ' expansion of the sides of the nionument by the heat of the sun. What confirms this opinion is, that a shower of rain suddenly on one side, also produces a movement. The ending syllable u ough," which is such a terror, to foreigners, is shown up in its sev eral pronounciations in thej following lines Wife, make me some dumplings of dough . They're better than meat for my cough ; Pray, let them be boiled till hot through, " But not till they're heavy pr tough; Now, I must be off to my plough, - And the boys (when they've had enough) Must keep the flies off with a bough, . While the old mare drinks at the trough. The sum uaid for white female slaves in Constantinople, varies, according to their at tractions, from $300 to $2,000. The lady who became the bride of Sultan Abdul Mejid, at the close of the Ramanza, in May, 1858, cost 65,000 piastres ($2,500.) She was purchased and presented to this sovereign by hia mother, the Sultana. Valide. who, in her youth, was a beautiful slave. The Sultan, at his death, 1861, left upwards of 200 widows; his whole household, black and. white, of both sexes, numbering nearly 3,000. An Indiana fanner, recently deceased, left by will a $100010-40, bonds, to be applied to the extinguishment of the national debt. Were he alive, it would gratify him, proba bly, to know that his money would pay the interest on the debt for exactly two minutes ! It is an old adage that " the flock will fol low the ram.? The following extraordinary incident which lately occurred near Marseilles verifies' it : , " u-Some shepherds were driving a flock of 1,400 '.' Ghostr. Many person pretend hot td believe In ghosts and spirits walking about the earth and visiting old churches and other , out-of-the-way places and some even have the hardihood to de nounce spirit rappers and mediums as nothing' more nor' less than humbugs ; but who of all these skeptics is there who would not feel a little queer to see a long white-clad, figure walking tdk wards him at a silent hour of the night from an old grave-yard, or who would not feel the wrin kles circling to the top of his head to have a large owl snap its beak just over his head in a lone for est at a dead hour of the night ? . For the benefit of those who flout at the idea of this, verity of spiritual manifestations we copy the following ghost story from an exchange : i The Western papers tell In good faith an In credible ghost story, and back It up by the sworn affidavits of seveW respectable persons at Grand Traverse, Michigan. A spiritual mediumess at that place, whose husband was a stubborn disbe liever in the "manifestations,", assured him -In her dying breath that she should reappear to him in her body at his death to convince him of the truth of her belief. Several weeks after, he was taken sick and a ? spiritual" rumpus wa kept up in the house until his decease which soon follow ed. Just before his death, which occurred at mid night heavy and irregular footsteps were heard in the,hall, the door was burst open, and the remains of a' human body, reeking with putrescence, stalk ed into the room, and in a muffled voice remin ded the dying man of the promise, and, as he died, fell a horrid mass upon the floor. An ex amination of her grave proved it to bo empty. The story created intense! .excitement,! and the house where the affair was Baid to have occurred was burned by the friends of the family" Miscellaneous. Mrs. Reid's Raetunatie Ointment. Read the following testimony, in its favor and it you are'afKd with jMeumdiitnt, pntratjyt. j any kindred disease, try tiW . . . II yon - nave inenaa so afflicted," get them jto, try 'V-W 'Owing to the want of maU facilities, certificates 'cannot be obtained at present from all who have slirnlfied their desire to furnish tliem. The fol- DR. ' CHEESEMAJfS V11.XM.- v tlThe eormbination of ingredients in these Pills Is the result of alongand extensive practice, They are mild in their operation, and cannot do harm to the most delicate-; certain m correcting allt ir regularities, Painful Menstruations, removing w n&tractinnft whether from told or otherwise headache," pain in the side, palpitation of the heart. Uensofthisclty:. " ; - whir-h arise from interruDtiofrbf nature. A1 REMISSION AND ITS EFFECT. s The act of the surrender of the civil au thority in this State by the President to the Governor elect, has been somewhat singular in its effect. It has produced a result alto gether unexpected. It extinguishes the Pro visional government and remits the affairs of the State, in all their rauiifications,-f except ing he particular duties devolving upon the Governor and the Legislature back to the care of-the militaiyor to no care, j It may not be fully comprehended that the office of every magistrate in the State becomes vacant by this extinguishment oi tne provisional government. The tenure ot every omce nnea by authority of the Provisional Governor ter minates with the existence ofthe appointing power.; The Mayor and commissioners of the town of Wilminsrton, appointed by the Provisional Governor, lose their authority with,1 the retirement of the Provisional Gov ernor. The polictrfofeeppointed under and by that board of commissioners, ana an BaimghV N. fef August lTth,' 1865;; Mrs. S. Al Eeid : I take pleasure in stating that I, and two other member of my, femily were cured of Rheumatism by the use of your valuable Ointment, and that for more than three years we have had no return of it. . '- " IV'- i ;, Very respectfullyj yonrs,4. H. PORTER. .; . Raikoh, August 12th, 1865; , Mrs. S. A. Reid :-This is to certify that I made use of your " Rheumatic Ointment ";m a severe case or uneumaiism u cured of it. ' I can recommend It to the suffering public as an invctfitable remedy. . ' Very truly, yours, - liAKJvJfi. ' 1 . Raleigh, N. C, Augustth 1865. Mrs. S. A. Retd : I take pleasure In stating that I was afflicted with Khenmausm ior two years, and was curea oi u yy juo ?,b w juui Rheumatic Ointment :" and . for three years have experienced no suffering from it whatever. . , ' Very truly and gratefully yours, ' ' - Lucr a Mcdonald Price, Two Dollars per box. - Liberal dis count allowed to dealers. Sold by -,-v-f. r . , ; D. T. CARRAWAT, 44 Fayetteville Styeet, Raleigh, N. C. W. H. Lippitt,. Druggist, Wilmington. -Primrose fc Dilungham, Druggists, Newbern. S. J. Htnsdalk, Druggist, FayettevUle. M. A & C. A StaIton, Druggists, Norfolk,.Va Dr. W. T. Walsh, Druggist, Kinstbn. ' sep 1 6m which arise from interruption-bf nature. PE. CHEESEMAJf PILLS . r was the commencement of a new era in the treat ment, of irregularities ;and obstructions which have consigned so many to a premature grave No female can enjoy good health unless she is reg alar, and whenever an obstruction takes place the general health begins decline. These Pills form the finest preparation ., eve, put Jorwardviih immediate and persistent wccesA . Dont be de ceived. Take this advertisement to your Drug-n-iat and tell him that! von want the BEST and fnont RELIABLE FEMALE MEDICINE 1ST THE WORLD, which is ; comprised in these Pills. " 1 iv- i . .: .,. ' DR. CHEESEJUN PILLS have been a Standard Remedy for ever thirty years, and are the most effectual one ever, known for all complaints! peculiar to Female. - To all classes they are invaluable; inducingr vtUh certain-, ty, periodical regularity. They are known to thou sands, who have ,nsed them at different periods, throughout the eountry, having the sanction of some of the most eminent Physician in, Ameriea. , Explicit directions, stating wen they Jundd not be wed, with 6ach Box the Price One Dollar per Box, or 6 boxes for $5, containing from 50 to 60 Pills. Pills sent by mail, promptly, secure from obser-. vation, by remitting to theTroprietors.j Sold by Druggists generally. I . ! ; , . - HUTCHINGS HTLLTER; Proprietors. ' " 28 Dey Street, New York. Sold hi Ralegh by P. F. Pescdd, and Geo. Z. French & Co. ; . 7 : 't - eow eod Cm If You are Threatened with Pneumo- maf Kead tne iouowmg irom capt. hi r. vis, of Petersburg, Va: f- 1 Sympathy for the suffering, prompts me to certify that my servant man was suffering in the last stage of Pneumonia, throwing up matter and blood uf great quantities ; his case was considered entirely hopeless, so much so, that there was no medical prescriptions used for his recovery ; I re garded him as good as dead. Hearing of the great ! cures made by the SOUTHERN HEPATIC PILLS, I thought that I would try an experiment on him; without any hope of success, -however, I gave the Pills in large doses ; in a short, time, to jo Helmbold's Fluid Extract Buchn. FOR WEAKNESS ARISING FROM INDIS cretion. The exhausted' powers of Nature which are accompanied by iso many! alarming symptoms, among which willj be found; Indispo sition to Exertion, Loss of Memory, Wakefulness, , Horror of Disease,-or Jf oreuocungs miuvu; in fact, IJniversal Lassitude, Prostration, and inabi lity to enter into the enjoyment of society . The Constitution, once affected with Organic Weakness, requires the aid of Medicine to strength en and invigorate the system, which HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU invariably does. If no treat ment is submitted to, Consumption or insanity ensues. of authority by the power from wrhich their authority was'derived. The Judges appoint ed bv the Provisional Governo are likewise snmmarilv transformed into citizens. Thus sheep to a pasture which lay at the foot of a high tlle lvhQie state is left, with a State govern- other municinal officers and lxiards similarlv I my great surprise, there was a change for the bet- appointed, lose their authority with the loss ter. I continued giving them to him until he be- - Qneer Doings in Mississippi. "The problem of social equality between the races is working itself out ; but in lower Mi Rissippi it has assumed a queer aspect. The Holmesville, Miss., Independent, of the' 2nd, contains the following pertinent order from CoL Oscar J.-E. Stuart, of the Mississippi Militia, which explains itself: "Srancrr, Miss., Nov. 26, 1865. uettzrai. urder AO. i. in obedience to an order of His Excellency, the Governor of Missis sippi, 1 nave this day assumed command of all the militia in this s-jction of the State with head quarters at tbj place. And whereas, it has been reported to me that there are various individuals not belonging to any military organization, either State or i ederal, who are engaged in shooting at, and sometimes killing,- the freedmen oir private account; and, whereas, there are other white men reported as ithe attendants of, and partici pants in, me negro Dans, wno, alter placing them selves on a social equality witn the people or col on raise quarrels with the freedmen, upon ques' , tions of social superiority- already voluntarily waived and relinquished by them, in favor of the negro, by which the peace of the ' country is bror ken, and the law disregarded. I therefore order the Arrest of all such, offenders, by the officers and soldiers under my command, and that they be taken before some civil officer having power to commit to the county jail, for the purpose of awaiang ine action or tne urand Jury.' Men must quit blacking themselves, and do ev erything legally. .OSCAR J. E. STUART, ! Q. M. G. and CoL Commanding Militia.' - Who's Hit. We clip the following from an exchange : The Columbus (Georgia,) Sun savs : All of our .Citizens who take the oath of allegiance are re quired to state their political opinions in 1860. f wd .toe doors in tne commandant s omce the - Union signers ' largely predominate, Captain Gohieso the story runs, was looking over the list, when he would see for a whole page the : . names of secessionists as scarce almost as hen's teeth. My God!" exclaimed he, after reading awmie, xi tuese tew sccesn caused ns all this trouble tor .tne past four vears, what couldn't they bavejlone if U these Union men had joined Major Gen. J, D. Cox has' tendered his i jAsignation, to take .effect January 1st, 1866. A Mr. Charles Rhodes, a delivery clerk in the Post Office at Fen du iac. Wis., has been detected in depredations on the mails. Two -thousand two hundred dollars . have ; . been secured. . -i-Te ice blockade at St. Louis continues, : ih.ouh the mild weather gives hopes' of its peedjr termination. Toot passengers and Jight wagons cross the Mississippi en the ice. . We learn from the Buffalo Commercial that tX'President Fillmore and wife sail for. Rest on the 6th of January, expecting to ' remain abroad six or eight months. Dr. John White and Miss Dobbins, oi BuSalo, accompany them- A terrible locomotive explosion occurred on the Terse Haqte (Indiana) depot, throwing off the roof pf'the building, and scattering fcbin3 in all directiona. The engineer, Charles StAki, and the firemin, D. Miller, were so aeTerely ijured,that they will surely diei- ?Th extremo cold weather is assigned a the cans of the catastrophe. It was a freight train laden with hogs, and many of them -ireTB killed. . ! . prmiWeaMigIadtoeeintheCitythe Hon. Richard 8- Doanell, of Beaufort Mr. Don nell was confined by sickness In New York, and wm therefore unable to attend the recent session of the UgWatare; ;He U tolerably good :hJsnis RalerE.q4 of Cartaret, was In the Cltj yesterday, n bnaiaess, : hill ; the sheep, instead of following the path, no sooner came in, sight of the pasture from which they were separated by a wall six feet high, which was protected by a quick-6et hedge, than they bolted for the wall intending to leap over it. The first sheep were checked by the hedge, but the whole flock was in motion, and 6heep tumbled over sheep until 244 sheep perished, suffocated by the superincumbent living mass. A shepherd who attempted to check them was knocked down and likewise perished of suffocation." , The art of living easily, as to money, is to pitch your scale of living one degree below your means. What a thing, costs a man is no true measure of what it is worth to him ; and yet how often is his appreciation gov erned by no other standard. The safe way in purchasing is always to feel a want before you provide against it. A profound observer remarks : " I have often observed at public entertainment, that when there is anything to be seen, and every body wants particufarly to see it, eyerbody immcdiatly stands up and effectually pre vents anylnxly from seeing anything. The dog of one of the regiments of the French army died recently in Paris, aged 14 years ; it was adopted by the regiment be-; cause, during- a . painful march, while the sirocco was blowing in the Desert, it showed them. where water was to be procured; it went to the Crimea, where it was badly wounded, in consequence of its " detestable habit of running after the bomljs ;" it was present at the battles of Magenta and Sol ferino, and charged with the regiment, bark ins as loud as it could at the Austrians. . At a late public ball in "Vienna an officer became entangled bv the crinoline of his partner, and falling, broke one of his legs ; the .lady rolling over him in her turn," fell on the other leg and fractured it likewise. The Mobile' New savs an artist in tliat city painted a dog so natural that the ani mal had the hydrophobia during the hot weather. He is the same man, (says the Portland Press) who painted a copy, of the beer bottle with such skiiy that the cork flew out just as he was finishing it. . A French newspaper recently announced that none of . its subscribers had died of cholera, that few subscribers were, pock marked, and these were subscribers for only three months, and that three only were bald, and they were in arrears with their subscrip tions.! A young lady in Westboro' was married on thanksgiving day to a returned soldier whom she, had never seen before, the court ship having been conducted by letter. On the following morning she put on her cloak and bonnet and ran away, and has not since returned. A Birmingham physiologist, one Dr. Ben- net, lias started the theory that there are six senses, instead of five. " If," says the doc tor, " two cubes gilded over to look alike, . and made of the same temperature the one lead, the, other wood, be laid before t a man, none of his five senses will tell him which is wood," which is lead. -He must feei their weight; and it seems as if physiologists would have eventually to agree to call this, tho sense of weight, the sixth sense." -i ; ; q. w. ment estabbshed, but no civil machinery through wliich to operate. So that we are virtually with no government. There is no civil officer aside from the Governor of the State and the appointees of the national gov ernment clothed with the slightest authority. We; are remitted to the control ofthe milita ry ind the provost marshal until such time as hew and more permanent mahpery may be set up. ' " ' j It was undoubtedly an oversight that' brought about this unlooked-for and much to be regretted state of affairs. It 'was un doubtedly, competent for the President to clothe Governor Worth, with the functions of a Provisional Governor, and enable him to maintain and carry on the provisional estab lishment until a more" permanent and com plete civil establishment could be set up. But this was not done. It was not done probably because it was not thought of. It was probably not suggested to the President that the vitality of all civil officers in the States was derived from the Provisional gov ernment. This peculiar jnd embarrassing state of affairs will explain the anxjaty manifested by Governor Worth to assemble the Legislature at-the very earliest possible day. Under these circumstances every day is important. If"! the Governor can get the Legislature to gether even one w eek sooner than the time that body had set for its re-assembling, he will have performed a meritoricfus act. ' But it strikes us that, there is authority vested in the Governor to appoint, in the re cess of the Legislature, civil officers to fill vacancies. Of course, if Governor' Worth wjas persuaded that he had this authority, lie would at once issue a proclamation con tinuing in office the appointees of; the Pro visional Governor until such time as their places could be regularly filled. But he is " not so persuaded. It is not for us to advise him in this respect, however much we may be inclined to the lelief that he has this au thority.' But it strikes us as a singular omis sion in the organic law of tne State, demand ing the earliest attention of the ponstitutional convention, if there is authority no where resident to repair an evil like tba'tnow so sing-ularly existing. Wilmington, Ilrrald. came a nerfectlv sound man. He is noW attend ing to his work with as much strength and vigor as, heever Jid.- With his case, and what I have seen and heard of the good effects ot these Pills, I do most earnestly recommend them as the best family medicine I have ever seen or. used.". J3f" For sale by the ; Druggists. Directions accompanying each box. Helmbold's Flild Extract Baehn. In affections peculiar to 'i Females," is une- qnaled by any other preparation, as in Chlorosis or Retention. Painfulness. or Suppression of Cus tomary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrus State, ofthe Uterus ; and all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from habits of dissipation, imprudence in, or the decline or change in life. Helmbold's Fluid Extract Bucha and Improved , Rose Wash, : ,' Will " radically exterminate'- from the ' system Diseases arising from Habits of Dissipation at lit tle expenses, little or no change 'Mn diet, no inconven- ience or exposure ; completely superseding those unpleasant and dangerous remedies, Copaiva and , Mercury in all these diseases.- rnFiiscelilneoris. f f JK-iA-i-jT GEO, AIXSX. ; K ' WHOLESALE pEALEKS Of '" 7 . "29 Pollodt St. V Newborn, If. C. v : HAVE IN STORE, AND OFFEK FOR SALE: ' : -. - .---- - .- , .. . '. , 200 doz. assorted Locks. , v 1,000 pairs Hinges, x . , ;'- :. -- J .-: . . 600 gross Screws. ; i --.j. y'i - 800 dot Knives and Forks. ' 150: do. ;Pockef Sntlery. - 100 dos. Taper, Cross-cut, Mill Saw,, and Bastard Files. : -A full stock of Carpenter'B, CoopersV Machi nist's, Blacksmith's. Turpentine, and Saddlers' Tools, to which we invite particular attention. , 50 kegs Horse Shoes. , . , JlOOkegs Cut and Wrought Nails. AOO seto Buggy and Wagon Rims 100 " :,. Spokea. ... 100 " - Hubs andAxles; M - - . 100 Ladies' and Gent's Saddles.. Bridles. Harness, Whips, Collars, &c, &c. , 200 bags 8hot. , ? ! - ' ' i-. ' 60 kegs Powder. : .- ; - ; . ' . ... -j.!-, .:. - .. iiAJND, ; V CROSS CUT, AND LEATHER AND RUBBER BELTING, Annonncemcnts. rro MY FELLOW. X EASTERN WARD. CITIZENS OF THE I beg leave to announce to you that I am again candidate for Commissioner. I have tried to serve you faithfully lor years past ; if re-elected, I can only promise to double my efforts in your behalf. Very respectfully. J. J. OVERBT. an 5 to. United States for $3 a dozen. Address, O GEO. W. DEEMS, jan 1 lm uammorc, Ma. . Itch ! Itch I Scratch I ! Scratch I X Wheaton's Ointment will cure the Itch in forty eight hours. Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all eruptions of the Skin. Price 50 cts. For sale by all Druggists. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS & POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, Mass., it will be forwarded by mail, free of post age, to any part of the United States. . P. F. PESCUD, Agent, sept 21 ly j ' Raleigh, N. C, Helmbold's Extract Bnchw gives health and vigor to the frame, and bloom to the pallid cheek. Debility is accompanied by many alarm ing symptoms, and if no treatment is submitted to, consumption, insanity' or epileptic fits ensue. rse Helmbold's Flaid Extract Bachi, i In all Diseases of these organs, whether existing in " Male" or " Female, ' ' from -whatever cause orig- DCUl w uuj P"1 pleasant in taste and odor, immediate" in action, and more strengthening than any of the prepara tions ot JSarie or iron. - I - Those suffering from; Brcjken down or Delicate Constit ution, procure the remedy at once. The reader must be aware that however i slight may be the attack of the above diseases, it is j certain to affect his Bodily Ifealth, Mental Power, and Happiness. :j, '' J , ' ' Ail Jne above diseases reqmre tne aid ot a diuretic. Helmbold's Extbact: Butmi, 1 DlCKETld. I. BAR AND SHEET IRON, LEAD, TIN, AND ' . .. ; ,. . j , . j HOLLOW WARE. We keep and are constantly receiving, PLOWS, SHOVELS, ; HOES,, FORKS ' AXES, STRAW CUTBBRS, . CORN 8HELLERS. fcc Sols Aqknts for the celebrated . - ,. . Queen of the Sooth COOK STOVE. Also; Agents for FATRBANE'S , Platform and Counter Scales, And EVANS A WATSON'S ; ' : ". ' FUELE AHB BUBGLAB PE00F SAFES. ; 'v.'-1 I- Which we sell at Manufacturer's prices, "dec 15 tf ' t -' f-A-- 13 THE G&EAT Semmons' Brazilian Spectacles, to strengthen and improve the sight of old and young, by day or night, with ease and comfort to the eye, without the distressing results of frequent changes.) These celebrated glasses are too well known throughout the South to speak of their superiority over all others.' Double and single Telescopes of immense! power and field. Cata logues sent free, by enclosing stamp. - , SEMMONS, Oculist Optician, . ' 669 Broadway, under Lafarge House, N. T. nov 18 2m. " WE ARE AUTHORIZED to announce Col. WM. H. HARRISON a candidate for refelection to the office of Mayor of the City of Raleisrh. ' f , jan4 tde Progress and Sentinel please copy. TTTE ARE f- CM REQUESTED to announce FARRISS, Esq., a candidate for re- a commissioner Irom the Western. election as Ward. . Election 3rd Monday in January. janl te Another Railroad Project. The Car roll ton Press says it understands "there is a movement ov. foot by which the Carrollton Branch is to bo extended so as to intersect the Steuben vill and Indiana Railroad at Bowerstown. Tie entire space between Car rollton and Bowerstown is one-fast coal fields with as good strata aa is' found in any part of Ohio. i -: Forgery. A man calling himself N. M. Swank, formerly of Portsmoath,Vai, presented a forged oraer irom k. t. ecnoneia, or wuson, on Messrs. Andrews & Hardin, and drew thereon hundred dol lars, with which he left the City, and ws last heard of at' GoldsboroV Swank Is a smell, light man, of modest appearance, and speaks low; has been a printer and s strolling negro minstreL - He in sinuated himself into the confidence of Mr. Scho lleld until he found out enough of bis bualness to represent himself ss bis agent and pass Ms forged order. The prs shoald pass him round.. We learn that Swank is a native of Portsmouth, Vs., ana married la Newbern, iN. CWUmLiton PARKER OVERBY. Esq.. a candidate for re-election as a Commissioner from the Western Ward. ' Election 3rd Monday in January. janl te mm mm tmm j .' '. . ; Wanted. ' . !, ' 1 - . "y" ANTED. .-" - Beeswax and TiJlow. We will pay the highest market price, either in 'cash or trade, for any quantity of Beeswax and Tallow. sept 8 tf 8 . WM. H. SMITH & CO. -4 : , , . "YT ANTED I COTTON ! I COTTON ! 1 1 50 bales Cotton wanted, for which currency or specie will be paid. . acpt 23 tf8 E.. A WHTTAKER. yy-ANTED. . A srood Tanner, to take charsre of a Tannerv in Edgecombe County, nearTarboro', N. C A com fortable house and sufficient land attached to ret Wood, make bread, and raise meat. - Apply immediately with references, to f Da. J. W. JONES, decl 2w , Tarboro', N. C.' y ANTED. : . y, , To rent, for the ensnin? vear. a Lanre Dwelling House, near the central mud business part of thei City. One suitable for a private boarding house uesirea. - i - , For particulars enquire at this office. , dec 14 tf. . , ,- : j , -. Agna de Magnolia. A toilet delight! The ladies' treasure and gentlemen's boon! The "sweetest thing " and largest quantity. Manu factured from the rich Southern Magnolia. Used for bathing the face and person, to render the skin soft and fresh, to prevent eruptions, to perfume clothing, &c. I Tt overcomes the unpleasant odor of perspi ration, , I. ' It removes redness, tan, blotches, &c : It cures nervous headache and allays inflamation, It cools, softens and adds delicacy to the skin, , It yields a subdued and lasting perfume, It cures musquito bites and stings of insects, It contains no material injurious to the skin. Patronized by Actresses and Opera Singers. It Is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Try the Magnolia Water once and yon will use no other Cologne, Pesfumcry, or Toilet Water af terwards. - DEMAS BARNES & CO., nov 22 6m Props.1 Exclusive Agents, N. T. Helmbold's Highly Concentrated Compoud Flmld i Extract Sarsaparilla, For purifying the blood, removing all chronic con stitutional diseases, arising from an impure state of the blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure of scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Pains and Swellings of the Bones, Ulceration ; of ! thej Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples o9 the Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all sealy eruptions ot the sKin. And Beautifying Tmt Complexion. Not a few of the worst disorders' that affect man kind arise from the corruption that accumulates in the blood. Of all the discoveries that nave been m ala vnm nnt nAn tt oon onitsl In 'offMtA HEEMBOLD S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA It cleanses and renovates the blood, instills the vigor of health into the system, and purges out the humors which make disease. It stimulates the healthy functions of the body. and expells the disorders that grow and rankle in the blood, such a remedy that could be relied on. has long been sought for, and now, for the first time, the public have one on which they can de pend. Our space here does not admit of certifi cates to show its enects, Dut tne trial or a single bottle will show the sick that it has virtues supa-. sing anything tney nave ever tafcen. " Two table spoonfuls Of thcExtract of Sarsaparilla added to a pint of water is equal to the Lisbon Diet DnnK, and one bottle is luiiy equal to a gal lon of the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, or the decoction aa usually maae. i JSP" These extracts have been admitted to use in the United states army, and are also in very general use in all the State hospitals and Pn blic Sanitary Institutions throughout theiand, as ivell as in private practices, and are considered as in valuable remedies. j See Medical Properties of Buchu, FROM DISPENSATORY OF I THE UNIT1TD , STATES. . , See Professor Dewer's valuable works on the Practice of Phvsic. i ? : i h: See remarks made by the late celebrated D rj Phwai nf T!iilnrll'nhia i . i See remarks made by Dr. Ephraim M' Do well, a celebrated Physician and Member of the RoyaJ. College of Surgeons, Ireland, and published in the-, Transactions ot tne iiing and (Queen's Journal. See Medico fihirurffical Review, published by' Benjamin Travers', Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons.-..:1 , ' :. I ; -i 'i . See most of the late Standard Works of Medi cine. . ; ' Mi : '.( 1 - EXTRACT BUCHU, ' gTOVES ! STOVES 1 1 J ; Longee & Brother have just received a large lot of Cooking and Office Stoves, at the old stand on Fayetteville Street. .' . j' .1 ' PLANISHED WARE. '' A fine assortment of French Coffee and Tea PotS. . , . - J" . JAPAN WARE. Trunks. Cake and Suerar Boxes. Tea and Coffee Canisters, Dust Pans, 8pittoons, Pepper Boxes and Fancy Tin Cups, Hardware and House Furnishing tioods. .-...-... Waffle Irons. Frvinsr Pans. Sance Pans. Lined Iron Pots, Coffee Mills, Snuffers, &c, fcc., &c TIN WARE.' : ' s " 1 ' A complete assortment, and home made. Job-1 bins and Repairing. House Roofinz &c executed at the shortest notice. ; i . . 1 We are prepared to make and repair Stove Pipe, put up stoves, c : j . , Persons desiring anything in our line would do well to give us a call, -f j ; octlO tf7. A A FAYETTEVILLE STREET, . RALEIGH, N. C We invite special attention of purchasers to our I large and interesting stock of MISCELLANEOUS HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, I. ! WILLOW WARE, - . CROCKERY WARE, GLASS WARE, - I CHINA WARE. ! POT AND HOLLOW WARE, . STONE WARE, p TIN WARE, AKUJN AINU 8IEEL, BRIDLES, ; , JSAUDLK8, ' - COLLARS, Ac., -;. . LAMP LANTERNS, f OILS. PAINTS. VAKJNiaiAKS AJSU UtiVSaJLti. : AiSO F1HILT CKOCEBIES. In fact, for anything in the . i HOUSE KEEPING LINE Call at 44 Fayetteville Street, i D. 1. UAKKA WAX, oct 6 146tf8 With Heart & Lewis. TLATED WAREj A ;-' ; ' ' We have a beautiful variety of Plated Tea Setts, 6 pieces each, i Tea and. Table Spoons.'; . .' Salt and Mustard Spoons.: : ; 'Forks and Cups. . i . '' p I Also Plated Castors of the finest plttern, Nap kin Rings, &c, &c t i ' These Goods are MADE TO ORDER expressly for OUR TRADE,' are of the best quality of plate on srenuine Albatta, WARRANTED full wehrht of SILVER, and equal in appearance to solid Sil ver Ware. : l ' - For sale low at 44 Fayetteville Street, p: D. T. CARRAWAY, : - 1 W1 Heabt & Lxwis. T OOKING GLASSES, at V "SARSAPARLLLA" I ' ij " Sold by aU Druggist. ILSON SELECT SCHOOL. The Sprine session will commence on the. sec ond Monday in Januarv. and continne twentv weeks. . Tuition per session, in specie or its equiv- iTimary EngUsh Branches, from 115 to $20 Higher1 ? , 25 - Latin and Greek, . . : ; . 80 -: OnlV a limited nnmhpr nf afnAmUa -nrTIl ha . ' t . ' ... v. vummum7 nu. w IB- ceived. ' ' .. - . -. . " - For further particulars address ! . ' - ' -M M G. W. ARRLNQTON. Principal. deeS8-10t Wilson, STc. .S T 1860 X. Drake's Plantation Bitters. They purify,- strengthen and finvig? orate, - ' ''!'"". . They create a healthy appetite, - They are an antitode to change of water and diet, '- : . ') ''I' : ':' ; . " They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours, , - ; ' They strengthen the system and enliven the mind, , - 1 ! "j- ' : . ) '' : They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers, They purify the breath ' and acidity , of the stomach,' . y ' ;.',.:-:.;'. ' V Thej cure Dyspepsia and Constipation, Thej cure Diarrhea,' Cholera and Cholera Morbus, ' ..",..' . j. ! ,. ', . They cure liver Complaint and Nervous Head ache. They are the' best Bitters in the world. They make the weak strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer.' They are made of pure St Croix Rum, the celebrated Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a bever age, without regard to age or time of day. Par ticularly recommended to delicate persons requir ing a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, -; Druggists, Hotels, and Saloons. ' Only genuine - when Cork covered by our private U. S. Stamp. Beware of connterfeits and refilled bottles. . P. H. DRAKE & CO., nov 23 6m ! 21 Park.Row, New York. Batehelor's Hafr Dye I The Original and Best in the World! The only true and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable and Instantaneous. Produces immediately a splendid Black or natu ral Brown, without injuring the hair or skin. Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. - Sold by all Druggists. The genuine is signed William , A. Batchelor. Also, ' -l ?' . Regenerating Extract of HUIeflenrs, for Restoring and beautifying the Hair. : v . CHARLES'BATCHELOR. - r angis ly - i New York.; : J pAGGING, ROPE AND TWINE. ' A large quantity of Bagging, Rope and Twine, in store and for sale by i . - - , . dee4-tf B. p. WILLIAMSON A CO. - PRINCIPAL DEPOT I i HELMBOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warehouse, ! nov. 11 taw2m - ! 594 Bboadwat. 1 iTTEJrriON AGEXTSt i TTERE IS TOUR CHANCE ! A FULL AND XI complete history of the war in one volume for $4 50. We are at last enabled to meet the wants of the great mass of the people by offering; this new work which will contain about 800 close ly printed octavo pages, (including illustrations) embellished with numerous and beautiful steel plate engravings and valuable maps, and bound In American Morocco; gilt back, and sprinkled edges for $4 50. j Disabled soldiers will , find in . this a rare chance for profitable employment. Send for terms to the" I ' r ; AMERICAN PUBLISHING AGENCY, sep 2& tf 10. -600 Chesnut St, Philadelphia."' ; Sills on London, '., IN SUMS OF SI AND UPWARDS, i, , - !,'- FOR SALE BY ' ;.' '1 8.T. JONES, & CO., BANKERS, I JTEWBERX, JT. C. , dec 28-rlm - "' i ' i: r'" i . The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company will transport Wood from Tar River, or any point this side, for one half the Wood The wood in all In stances must be divided before it is transported. The above are- onr only terms, and that at con. venience of the Company.! -i '-. i ' S i ALBERT JOHNSON. , ' I " Gen'ISup't Dunn yjrrivis, xv. Co. J. xw XV. UO. noviu ttiu i gTOLEN From the subscriber on the night of the 28th of November, . a small black MARE. She has a star" in the face, foretop trimmed, heavy mane, lying on the left side ; a little grey Spot on one side of the back, made by a rob of the saddle; Bhoes on her fore feet qnly, trots and lopes short and easy ; is 7 years old. T A reward of $25 will be given for her delivery ten miles from Raleigh,' on the Haywood Road. J I 7V " A: D BLACKWOOD. ? v Stolen , at '.' the same time, a black Mara' afnln. marked " U. 8," and ,"I C " over it dimly, and letter " N" on the rump ; liti bands high, 4 years old, has a long navel, is shod all -ronnd. A re- ? ward of $25 will be . given for her delivery at the ' same place. nov 80 tf 10 P. H. KNIGHT. DRESSING COMBS, at , - - J ' '. - V f .144 Fayettevilte Street ; ' i . .. ' THE CHILDREN NOT FORGOTTEN. DOLLS from 25 cts. to $8, at . ,44 Fayetteville Street, ri E'NUINE DURHAM SMOKING TO- VJT bACCO, at ; , 1 44 Fayetteville Street. TTTlNDOW GLASS, PUTTY, Ac, W .1. . - i At 44 Fayetteville 8treet ' BUGiSY HARNESS, i i ' At 44 Fayetteville Street Persons visiting Raleisrh, as well as citizens, aft i invited t o call at 44 Fayetteville Street and see the varie ty of U3EFUU Articles. D. T. CARRAWAT, oct ft 3148 tf 10 L With Hxabt Se Lxwis. . JJONCMENTS I MONUMENTS; . The subiscribers. King. Whitklaw A Co.. bear leave to in form their old friends and the citizens of the Stfcte generally, that having re-opened their MARBLE AND STONE WORK8, on the Burnt bloc ki at Maunder5 s old stand. Favetteville street, they are -now prepared to furnish Monu ments, vainu, xieaa atones, Slabs, Marble Man tles, &c. i. Havlnz associated with us one of tha best carrei-s in the country, and from the arrange- menu we nave mane, we natter ourselves that we can furnish all work in our line as cheap ss It can be done in any Northern city, for proof of which, call and examine our lanre variety of deslms and our list of prices. . ' I We are also prepared to furnish Window flin. Window Caps, Door Steps, Ac., Ac. And to con tract for all kinds of Stone-cutting and Stone Ma sonry. KING,WHITELAW & CO. Jrol Kwv " Jk. Whitexaw. Wm. Pat :l'v"'.: '' : (REFERS TO Geo. W. MoBDSCAi, Esqli Revt Dr. Masoh, p. D. J. M. Hbck, - j: B.P. WnxiAHBOM ACo. Bnieos & Dodo, j K. P. Battije, Esq. . sep 89 3m. . ' .-. . . ., v - JWLBT WATCH &EP1IRISG AD ESCS1V- "pr.' MAHLER,. HAS RE-OPENED his-8tore 11 on Fayetteville Street opposite the City Hall, and having laid in a good stock of materials will continue to manufacture all articles In bis line, and will keep on hand an assortment of ' j. JEWELfiY AND WATCHES. X. , ' He has secured the services of Mr. dLLXKXH. a superior Watchmaker, whose ; experience in Europe and the -principle cities of thu Nnrth gives a guarantee that all work entrusted to his care will be executed With skill and nerfectinn Every description of jr ; -,. y-r.j-, ft: ,'y f ..u-b-ENGRAVINGv? ''s-'-. Courts, Lodge and Business Seals made to order. All kind of Jewelrv repaired, and tha hlo-hant prices paid for old Gold and Silver, Grateful to the public for the confidence re posed In him he hopes to merit a continuance of its favor. - ' i " ' - . . t Oct 7 1478m 10 : V H. matttp UNITED STATES OP AMERICA, I DISTRICT.OF biOETH,-CAROUNA f ALBKMARtn iDrrnuoT. Qocst, 2nd Monday in jtoremoer, ooo yv ' TV The? rule of practice of the Courts of the Hnlted states in cases of Adrraltr and Maratlms jurisdiction on the instance side of the Court, pr. scribed by the Supreme Court of the United BUtcs stv the January term 1845, and the rules of said Court in addition and In modification of the same, -are hereby adopted as rules of practice In this Court in all cases of Admiralty and Maratlme Ju risdiction.' . - 2. Upon filing Libels in the office of tbs Clerk of the Court (except libels for Seamen's wages) the llbellant, his agent or proctor, shall enter into s stipulation in the sum or two hundred and fifty dollars, with good security, before the Clerk of this Court to pay all costs and expenses which shall be awarded against him or them by any de cree of this Court, or upon an appeal by the hp. . pellate Court ; and In case the libellant prays for warrant of arrest of property, and ask for such ' process to issue, the libel shall be verified by oath or affirmation before the Clerk, a Commissioner of the United States, or any State nicer author-' ized by law to admlnisteroattM r and tn such mm the libellant shall enter Into additional stipulation before the Clerk of this Court, with good securi ty, in the sum of five hundred dollars, to pay all damages which shall be awarded against him by any decree of this Court, or a pan an appeal by the appellate Court, and thereupon the Clerk ihail Issue the process prayed for ; Provided, however. That when the libel claims salvaire. and avers that - . I the libellant has possession of the property and Is "CIRCULAR ' ' ready to deliver it to the Marshal, no stipulation i SAWS, hall be required before process issues. ft' , I . 8." When the libel is lor salvage, us vaine oi us t property shall be appraised oy tne commissioners of Navigation for the portof lulenton, and the bond or stipulation to be taken by the Marshal from the claimant, shall be the amount of the sp-.' praised value. ' ' ' ;- 4. In case of arrest" of property by the Marshal,, he shall cause public notice thereof, and of the time assigned for the return of said proccess and . the hearing of the cause, (which shall be the next -regular term of this Court unless a dlffercreot day Is specially ordered by the Court) to be given in some newspaper published in this district, for three weeks, and In event there shall be no such paper published, then in tome paper puDiuned in the City of Raleigh. 5. When a libellant claimant or respondent re sides out of this District tlie libel, claim or an swer may be sworn to by the Proctor, Agent or Attorney, in tact If the personal answer, under oath, of th libellant complainant or respondent to averments or interrogations shall be demanded and it shall appear to the Court that the ends of Justic require such answer, a Commissioner or dedimut potestatum may issue to take the time. 6. In addition to that which is required to be stated by 23rd 8upreme Court rale, the libel shall ' aver the amount of the debt damages or salvaga for which the action is brought, this amount with the addition of two hundred and fifty dollars in a -suit in rem, and one hundred dollars In a suit . permmam, shall be endorsed by the Clerk on tbs ; mesne process, so tt to enable the Marshal nnder the act of 3rd March, 1847, or the Court or Com missioner to take, and the defendent or claimant to give the bail or stipulation required by law or the rules of the Court In esses of salvage the libel shall also state the value or estimated value of the property saved, the names of the principal salvors, and that the suit Is Instituted In their be half, and In behali or all persons wicresiea or as sociated with them. It sball also have annexed to, it a list of the names of the salvors and of all other persons entitled to share in the salvage, and also any agreement of consortshlp existing among them, so as to enable the Court to decide the salv age according to the tights and interest of the parties.;' ,-. - v- ' 7. Whenever It may. become necessary, tbree disinterested appraisors may be appointed by the Clerk of the Court ; and all pprslsments shall be made at the costs value of the property, snd if there be -different kinds of goods, then the scpa-.. rate value of each kind shall be assessed, and such appraisement shall bellied In the Clerk's office) without unnecessary delay. Before entering upon the execution of the trust the appraisors shall be' ' sworn before the Clerk to its faithful and honest discharge. Such appraisors sball be allowed ten dollars for each day for the tlmo they may be en gaged necessarily in making such appraisements. 8. Parties, their Agents, Proctors or Attorneys, may apply for special terms of this Court, sod la case a special terra of Court shall be ordered by the Court then it shall be the duty of the Clerk . to cause notice of the time and place of holding; same, at the Court House door in the town of ' Edenton for twenty days prior to the kitting ot , the same, and notify the parties, their Agents. " Proctors or Attorneys in all suits to be tried at such time. ,'' ' - 9. The 1st; 2d, 4th and 0th rules ofprsctice In relation to Attorneys and Proctors, official news papers, and the manner of forming Juries, adopt- . ed at Fall term 1858 of this Court, are affirmed, and the residue of said rules are hereby repealed. Ordered by the Court that these rules be pub lished In the N. C. Standard for 8 weeks." . nov 28 1916W SAMUEL T. BOND, Clerk. " i i . i . ' . PIONEER LIRE OF STEAMERS, for Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and " Boston, via Albemarle and Chesapeake CanaL The commodious Steamers Jloneer and VommO'' dote Adam, will leave New Berne for Norfolk on Tcssdat of each week at 8 o'clock, A M., cbn necting with the different lines of steamers for the above named points. On and after the first day of December next they will leave oh Tucsdsy and Friday of each week, making semi-weekly trips. Shippers of Goods will receive every facility and accommodation for the transportation of the same, as: arrangements have been maps with the differ ent' companies to forward roods to this line at low rates and without delay. Each of these steamers are capable of carrvinflrTwo Hundred. and Fifty Tons Freight through the canal without ' difficulty, as they were built expressly for the trade. They are fitted up with STATE ROOMS and BERTHS capable of accommodating thirty- . nvo passengers. Every attention wiU be paid to " the comfort of passengers, who will not be sub ject to tha inconvenience of transfer to other ves ' sels, but will be taken through direct without change. J The tables of the steamers are liberally suppli- -ed with the best the market affords. Families traveling will find it to their interest to take thai line, as they will thereby escape the danger and. discomfort of s sea route, and the latlgue of rail road travel. . On the 15th of December next. If the business ' of the line warrants it the steamer WILLIAMS- -will be put on the route, and tri-weekly trips will . be made. , 1 For freight or'passage apply to WIIITFORD. DILL & CO., New Berne, N. C. - i I . DAVID WILLIAMS, - 'Inov20 tf . . Proprieter. ' Large 1 I- BUGGY MATERIAL, j44 Fayetteville Street ., : A.LAZZARO, First-Class Barber and Hairdresser. Corner sTsrgaa lid Wlimlagtei Streets, So. East corner Capitol Square. HAVING EXERCISED HIS ART IN NEW York, and with M. Victolrc, opposite 8C Charles', New Orleans, also with M. Mora A Yle toirc, Paris, from whom he baa the highest re commendation, feels confident be can give tb Pand satisfaction to all who may call upon bwik He keeps the rarest and best perfumes, lit class clean Towels, comfortable Rooms, sail itir ikco enure vi puouc patronage. , . , His prices are as follows : .' . I For8having.., ........... .......' 80 ctnhw - iac Jetung..;.i.t..k..,;j.- -40 fihlmMAntniv . AJ .A. , Dyeing MouBtacbe... AO " . - lull Whiskers..... .83,50 - ! 4 I Jan 8 lw LA. u C T I O N The undersirned will sell st nnbllA AmUIm m Friday, the 5th day of January next on. the nrttnr lses. Ms Farm In Granville County, X. C .7 o at taining about 473 acres 75 seres oXwh&ih ar rich Bottom Lands. and a .Iacm inAitia& aT Timber of origins! growth. Of thefeaatthisst b uunj, wiu running streams, springs anftwaus ax the purest water. . . He will slsOi at the same time ssm ptoe? sail his stock of Cattle, Hogs, Males, storv g. one and Carts. Also, a superior Ihreshiba Ms chine, an Iron Cane Mill, -AgrtaaUaaX Annl. . . IT L-l J I V I . . 1. V I . L UUU9CUWU IUIU iUKUCU S IVUIM&WW The terms wlU be one-half cash-lax, the nm, the balance in equal payments sin- sn4 twelKe mouths, with: interest; the title rrtsleti until paid for. For the personal property. sM soma under 850. cash ; over that aateuat six ssealha credit, with interest, on appae4, bosnt sod ss curity. ' For further particulars, ierensls giien ta Richard Henry Gregory and! 8tephcn Bacsgbst Esos.. Whose lands are Sil1Snlr. aruf.tr b man. J. Maespxw 8mitH, second on the prrmlkes. dec2St-tde . , ... TCklOL.8MITl. r. old tAw orncE, Removed to the lute n. TtrmjtBis' nrHr esk milsboro' Street SpegialaUesalon to! War Bat ters. . Will attend all the redend Courts U the. State. The Government having established It Board of War Claims sbvStehsKon, apecM ftfr tentlon given to the peompt sad thorough prase j cation of such ss are eemralttod to the eeee f i thU office. v ,.'v '.i . sep 23135 tf 1 ' . Ilsywoo the 8U1 laipo nmns th porUnt reader's sale of n salt by C of Toll 1 the Ttye P7, hy Accld -last even gun stnll sccldeuU the baud Gas Llg) gerotfs fjolnt lmcnt In here for day ncx The lint their pU Oatn colored ccntly t j neigh bo j visited ti lated,tb'1 Duncan. some of , cere m i ciilorcd turn tol We loan ' Fsrt on I But t: of thnse Iten nt the boui their da i ' other sq a rape c four of it be shot the tUli Ws ti retnoveq "putlnt!! . lara wou Lead CI" The i rial Age k North C mlngtoti tO pCIMO aa veil mall srr ness snl cauooa r : Firut- tvrorui TMnl and tbfl Fotui ; ' iyih " Idler He n post ofli. flndsof) years ofj at oure : We h. pcdltiot: noved. tloa of nt-tghbol ' Ing the i The gov It ran ti not be li , proprli ', celve at- ' Rele pwr , frutn W VU. lal Cm fed r arrive It prpoc arriral. i . Sena , creasing ID ad, w ndtbrr ' Coepai ' g;' eafcaaa EJa to Vf 4a wsaas ) la frrra alosc osU&. borsr i bcbeldi' Avacs rcajinr tng ' an' fornarf 5 of Che K alraclW I . an4 6e a V1 had cxr ' ant tlx aiAaast, TiriNSTON BtEBOnTI. - - law reporu JnaeTenni. - 184, t8 Eq,nlty " . ' ' 1W5, . 73 Law Rep'te Oct and Dectersas, J864, ' 124 ; Equity Reports naeembeis "i 1864, nor 25-4f , BRANSON JAES1B. last-4 i thrall nisantli rem sec that m i amfl, prsUla.'j Hrty to feeti, thesr entesv-' slngla Jti

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