NcwMjJcrna.ldTcriiscacxits, i - - .Ye-nesdaj, i January n 1866 rToTo. i. the City-Largest Circ.lti- i the State. City and State Iteias T rT" v . .Hort trlD down the Gaa- Our aoi - a Ho!. He will oe oa uu r ,.rrie.-That popular and I ntlcmw. Dr- Grlssom, is married The nucmH - . , . a,mnst a confirmed or was once uiuSa.w wiu.'legiUemn; bathe has mended hU icb-u,c 6 - . - v- .11. -V nl him the HumllJmeoasut",u' , v- j i.tnMifnrmer mplimcnU. or tne occ-. " - I .rned associate, we en - - or murmur, m uapfj "- .. o .. f. . nnir an1 others Are I lttrwise. bouic &"- ; i i The onlj couit-i"" - L. tdkinsofl;" la i. Till llvnien oroux" " ;S d-clt no jof in Eden's rosy wers-, I r .nil was sai the garden was a wild, TUure"eit,sitiUwomanBmUed." . e flection of Mayor Harrison to a deserved ... ... m.u onnretle and courageous I..ji.rnt to tin ficcr. rtal Aflairs. We clip the following Items CknmicU: Reopen Trenton, inM countT, ud appoint ouu ter, vice J-B. Stanley. ILcock's Store, Columbus county; L tmaster. vice A. Wigga. Enoch Postroaster General Dennison yesterday award the contract for service on Route' 5,117, MU- v r to Wuiteioca, iu-vyuuiic j.. . .... . intinritv and industry is en taose cnaracici 6- - - , jbv several proniiuent gentlemen who know " . .. . H first, freed- Liui ell. cuarira . - hwmin the United SUtes ever admitted as a mau irrier. (from the Western Democrat if .meeting Of the Stockholders of the First Rational Bank of Charlotte, held on Tuesday the fch initant, Kufus Barriuger, Ei-, was called to fhe Chair. and T. W. Djwcy appointed Secretary. k uiajoritv of the stoci iwm,' reproseuicu, Ltin-Droceededto t.ic election of a Board of (Directors for the eusuiii- year, as follows : John Wilkes. a orc" T W. Dowey, Rufus M. Johnston, John M. Springs, Joan Al Young, ' James McDonald. . At a meeting of the Directors, John Wilkes was . z' w. ir t .ifv fre-elected President, ana xuuuiw ... .--j, Cashier.. The followin: " financial ' items are of in kerest : All the old fractional currency to to be called A new counterfeit fifty ent fractional currency has been detected. The gold receipts at the ports of New Tork Boston; Philadelpaia, and baitimore during tue rtntr hslf of tlie Oscai Tear euuiug tlStiS, amount U,, Toe Government realized $91,956,1 fro.t.h.e. 1 imports of dry goods at tue porx ; KreSSS vith the exhibit or iso i. . The Southern SUtcs have paid into the Treasu ry during the last vear, ro venue irom aircct i uioauUBg to $81, 16V -fcl Tuere remains to be Markets. We quote ia our Local Colnma 'from Uie Journal of (Www of the 13th, the following XewTork Market: - On Friday, the' 12th, gold opened at TOlaUed 1W, fell Off to lSi, auo cueu . li?i- ... r.-a Miver is in more active reqaesv a ceuw bvlovr srold. tue uncertainty In regard to the financial course lof the jsxreiary is used by ,tue bears to oisiura (ae luarwcl ; aaJ as it ta&es ou uiue w -jaic, tuere was at one time to-day qaite a blue i-elwg in inoaciary circiea.-- ,t COT f OS Tue inartet is not materially cbang- kX Tue ditfrLuee Del ween tue view ot seiicra Lnl buyer prevent mauy traaaeuona xaa sales iuciue 4.HW bales. - t ; We quote: N. Orleans. Upland. Florida. Mobile. aadlVsa Good ordinary, 44 44 . 1-MiJdUu.r, 50 J 01. Good iniudiing, OJ - TOBACOO rue demand to Heat and prices are wiuiout euauc Wo uoliee saiea of aTU liuas Keutucv alttSc; IS case seea teai at wyce tc, and 59 tmics 1' aiM ou private terms. In luana- fltctured, if taere is any iiK-reaocu ousincss, 11 mav be rateJ more particnlariy in Virginia black work, out of order, Uicse goods being offered at low nsnrea.- SUU AR The market for raw Is dull and beary. We quote fair to good reiiuing at HiH?ie- The sale include 145 buds, part at loo lor Cuba, l'JO boxes Havana at MjgUc, and l,U0U bags Pcmambnca on private terms. Kenned is quiet at nncnan,va rate. e uuc 1 Wl5Vc.ort wuite at WX&KX a hard ai ; lsalojc . Measurement of Crn ia the Crib. After levtUug tiie com, multiply tue leugth and breadth of the house together and the product by the depth, which will give the cubic feet of the bulk of corn; then divide this last product by twelve, and the quotient will .be the number of barrels of fuelled corn in the house or crib. If there be a remainder after the division, it will be so many twelfths of a barrel of suollod corn over. Example 12 feet long. , , 11 feet broad. 132 i 6 feet deep. , 12)72 cubic feet. 66 barrels shelled corn. 5 bushels in a barrel. 33QJ8hels sheUcd corn. . i The Home Jaarmal. We have often occa sion to quote this excellent and readable weekly, and few papers come to our office so full .of W" teresting matter, whether extended in the form Ol stories and essays, or condensed in pointed and prightly paragraphs. By the advertisement in another column, it Will be seen that the pro gramme for 18G6 is very brilliant, and froln a long experience of its past performances; we can llavo no doubt its present promises will be rigidly kept. The menu of the Journal only need to be gener ally known to be cordially recognized. The-pa-Jer under its efficient management, takes Its rignt iul place among the most extensively circulating weeklies in the country. ' In addition to the gen eral attractiveness or its matter, it has a marked IndicidnalitT. which discriminates it from all its rivals, and makes it emphatically the JountxiV Botto Tranacrifi, Dee. 1865. Hume Tw Officers. At an election for. Mayor and Commissioners of Charlotte, on Monday last, .the following were elected: 8. A. Harris, Mayor; John Wilkes, Allen Cruse, J.' L. Brown, R. M. Oates. A. JL N. M. Taylor, M. D. LJ MoodyH. L. Alexander and Wm. Harty, Commissioners. The new Board of Commissioners have appoint ed the following officers for the ensuing year v Thomas W. Dewey, Town Clerk and Treasurer. : Wm. Taylor, Marshal and Tax Collector. Town Gaacd L. A. Black welder, Job S Crane,' James Manning, A. W. Seagraves, Michael Healy, 8. A. Burns, 'J. Seidel, J. H. Mclntyre, " j The 1 Board fite I the prise of license to retail splritooo liquors at 9500 ; license to sell liquor In any quuntity above a quart $250. f Dr. -1L M. Pritcuard, the Provisional Mayor, and the ProvUioual- Board" of Commisstoneiv, Lmade good offlecrsand tried to discharKe their ; daties fiiuruiiv and satilactorily. DriPritch- i ard, tlie Mayor," has tue thanks of the cotemnBlty - fur 111 etf.irt t ,.nli nnrlur lhl ftiot Freeimu'i Barea Tke Appoinuneai of wfFwTiioal Govtrmm forj tke Somtfcera States. f'rr; Tn th Senate on the 10th fast; Mr. HoWe rn nf Wis.. offered a Idnt resolution de claring that, whereas the people of -the eleven insurrectionary States hare declared jtheir ipdependeoce of the United States, and. have made war against ,'the government j and abolished the political functions guaranteed to them ; and whereas military tribunals -'re not suited to the wants of those people, there fore pro visional governments should - pe in stituted suited to their wants , and neces Bities. . . L-., ' Mr. Johnson, (dem.) of McL, suggested the propriety of referring the'above to the special Committee on Reconstruction. , , Mr. Howe took the floor ana spoice aooui two hours in defence of his resolution. A.fter he concluded Mr. Johnson, of Maryland, got the floor, but the House adjourned to next n'n the 1 1 th. Mr. Johnson spoke about two hours, and at the time of adjournment Senator Howe was in possession - of the floon I The iattr crontleman intends resDondinff in detail to the argument of the Senator from Mary r The further discussion was'postpbned until to-dsy. v . . j THB SOUTHERN STATES AND THE PRESIDENT 8 POLICY. The Hnnae proceeded to the consideration of the resolution of Mr. Eldridge, namcjly':: That there is no warrant or authority in the constitution of the United States lor any State or States to secede, and that.all re nr nMiirianrM tn that end or foi that purpose are absolutely null and void, and i.t thp war havin? deieatea tne- aiterupi w thus divide and break up the Union, it; is of vital importance to the republic and all the States thereof that the States recently in rovnlt. and each and every one of them, should resume their appropriate; and ;con- stitutional functions in tne union wiioui delay, and to this end, and laying aside all partv feeling and all personal and other ani mosity, waiving all minor difficulties; and seekin" earnestly to maintain and preserve the Union of our fathers, we will cordially sustain and support the President ml any and all constitutional efforts in his policy of restoration, believing that thereby the poli tical, commercial, financial and general pros liects of the whole country will be most sub stantially subserved. : ' Tue Speaker decided that this resolution , must be referred to the Committee .oi lie-J construction. Mr. Eldridge, (dem.) of Wis., who wanted a direct vote on uis resiiuuuu, "Fr" i the decision of the Chair, but a motiori was j made and carried to lay the appeal on the j table, bv a vote of 119 yeas against J53 nays. The resolution was referred.- " " COXFIDENCE IN THB PRESIDENT ASD ' HIS POLICY. Afr riATi of N. Y.. offered a resolu tion that the House cherishes confidence in the President of the United States and In his desire to restore the Union on the basis ot ,.,.r,t i.nwturitv and ueace. and the co- miration of thisHouse is pledged to him in Q,rt f the ?eneral poUcy of reconstruc- niaW by fa all aa thorized by the constitution and consistent .l "L rannhMrn institutions. ) Wltu me sctuuij v ; t Debate arising, the resolution lies ovr. - j THE VEXICAX MINISTER IN THE SENATE. j Senor llomero appeared upon the floor of ; the Senate on the 10th, and engaged injVery cordial conversation with a - number ofj Senators. j ; j PROPOSITION TO PAT LOYAL PERSONS l THE ; SOUTH FOR STORES SEIZED BT OTO ARMIES, i An attempt was made in the House n the ; 10th, to provide for- the payment of loyal ; persons in the South who hold quartermas-. ters' or commi3sarie3, receipts for store seiz- 5 frr thfl nae of our armies. The objection a m.HA tthe resolution that it wai inju dicious to establish such a precedent as the xt 2.f nan . payment or any one 01 inese vuuuu ju . There are hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of such claims on file at the Treasury Department, the greater proportion having been presented by persons not in hostility to the nvernment at the time their property, was "taken. They were unfortunate in Jmng among rebels subsequently, however, so they cannot get theirinoney till the reconstruction question is fully settled. ' ' : REPUBLICAN CAUCUS. The Republicans of the House of Repre sentatives held a caucus at the Capitol on the night of the 10th, with non. Justin Mor rill of Vermont, in the Chair, and Ignatius Donnellv as Secretary. The meeting was held with reference to the question of suffrage fa ho nwiwt nf Columbia, and continued near- 1 v fo-ir hours. The bill now pending before - , - , , . the House was discussed at length, and van- ous motions and suggestions were made con cerning it. Although no dennite understanti in" was arrived at, it was evident that the majority were opposed to the bill as reported froui the Committee on the Judiciary, which implv proposes to strike from all laws in force in the District of Columbia the word white." Several gentlemen were in; favor of pacing a bill for a new form of govern ment for the District, Congress to po sess di rect control of affairs. But the gentmti sen tiiuent was that the qualifications for suffrage hould bear equally on both white an . jt&iacfv. including the capacity to read ana 'write. The pending Dili, it is pnwauie, be tmendeu in accoraauce mui tue - 1 .1U an above view. icrnun BUF1TRAOE. The neTO feuffra're bill continue I to Ik- the sooeial order in the nousc. Mr. ? ,iogers. of New Jeisev, speaKing two uuum it, and Mrj Farnsworth in its favor It - grows more evident, especially since the caut us last eveninT,that the bill, if it passes at a 11, wil! strikeout the word u white " and imp ose an intelligence qualification upon all clasi ses. - The naileries of the House 01 epn e"- tives have, for the last three days, beeni dense ly crowded with attentive lister e s o t he de bate on the.bill extending suffrage in tb e Dis trict of Colombia, Never before w ;re many blacks mixed among the white aucL- J . nn a. a. HMAWafl- litf It tors as to-day. iue interest nuiuUft classes in regard-to the question, seem tole constantly on the increase. TRIAL OF 8E3DTES. . '1: -. t : tw trial of CaDt. Semmes -r ' vfouia have been commenced but for the abse: ice ot nmmnAnr Winslow. one ot tne bp portant witnesses. .1 - TTtv r A9E OT GEJT. BAKER. n, T7i,r'umnl Tnldliften&r of to-daf ;savsi u We learn that the muster out of Laftiyette C. Baker as a BrigadierrUeneral was n i consequence of any dissatisfaction in the mind of the Secretarv of War toward his te alous and skillful instrument, but in obediet ce to an express command of the President.j .' ENFORCEMENT OF THE 1COKROE rXICTR' WE. " The House Committee on Foreign A flairs has under consideration a joint resoluiti ,m fa favor of the enforcement of the Monroe doc trine. Foreign princes and potentates need not fear any rash, hurried legislation on this subject, since the resolution is deep dow n in a pile of papers of similar import, and will not be reached before Max leaves' Mexic yit atalL .; ; ' :".?; - ' A ' THE RECOK8TBTJTION COMMITTER Met-this morning, (the 12th.). before vt! e of Conirress. One of the i St nate 1 memlers ot the committee has introduc ed a r.olntion into the Senate, authorizirtg i summon the attendance of men andpa pers found necessary t. assist in determinina; the vexed questions brought under conffldra' son. 1 The resolution found its way: to thejHf use, CONPfTIOIT OF THE aODTHEBK; BtATE8rTHE . PRESIDENT CALLED UPON FOB - MORS tf- 1 ;- FORMATION.- ? h rX' -t''S ' ' Mr. Raymond stole a inarch upon the presi dent's enemies to-day very neatly. - Hev sent fa a resolution calling upon the Pfesideht for all information tending to throw light on the political condition of the States lately in re bellion, -such' as proclamations from Pro visional Governors, election returns, reports -of. government agents, and the! like.. The ' House at first refused to receive this by operating fa technicalities, but subsequently" agreed to it,' whenbffered by Mr. Davis, of . the Onondaga district of New York, to whom Raymond turned it over for presentation.- The effect intended by Raymond is the frus:4 tration of a scheme the radicals have for sending a subreconstruction committee down South to make a report to suit them. - The President is fa possession of all the unbiased testimony needed fa -this matter;; but the radicals, bent on throwing every obstacle fa the way of reconstruction, refuse to receive it as reliable, backed as it is by newspaper reports and the tales of commercial travellers fa the conquered land. Mr. Raymond's re solution gives the President a chance to pro- , 'duce information which will prove exhaustive of the subject. If afterward the radicals are shamefaced enough to insist on a special spy Committee, the country will readily observe that the Reconstruction Committee is really bent on obstruction. . j ' CREDENTIALS OF BOCTH CAROLINA MEMBERS. The Speaker laid before the House the cre dentials of James Farrow and John D. Ken nedy as members of the House from the State of South Carolina, which were referred to the joint committee on ltecpnstruction. THE BANKRUPT BILL. The special committee of both Houses on the bankrupt bill will report next Wednes l:iv. The committee has agreed to the amendments of the House and some of the Senate, with a few additional I amendments of no material importance. j THE OHIO SENATORS HIP, Senator Sherman and Hon. R C. Schenck, finlil:ifa for the-next Senator's term, of -Ohio- mt.nrned to the Cunitol. ! It is under- the l)cst informed, that Mr. Sliurnian is certain of re-election. - I 1 . PARDONS. (rpntppn rardon warrants were issued by t, iH.i.v flpnoral on the! 12th. all of which were for parties included i the $20,-OOOcla-s. Among the applications for par rinn'nwivArl. was one from the Rebel Gen. RosS, of Texas. f TEEEDMES'S BCREADi n niinn nf Mr Trumbull the bill to enlarge the powers of the Freedmeu's Bureau was taken up aua reiui ua nuimuvu . " j timt ! af t to establish a bureau for tue relief of freedinen and refligees, approved :-March, 8, shall continue in force until other hv in. and shall extend to retu- ' fr.iimn in all narts of the United States, and the President may divide the sections n,.nnrrc . n t i ninir such refuirees aiidfreedmen iuto districts, each containing one or more States not to excedd twelve h number, and by and with ti... a.n-ii-i. nd I'onsitit OI meoenaie, iw ut an aesistani commissiuiicr ii . - . . r .11 I. covrl j.. r..n uive a HVe bond, receive tne same iniiiKiiinn and Twrform the same duties luties pre- "r i.T".v . . - ;j 1 scribed by tins act, or fetid bureau may. in the .......!.. nrih rrMiiripiit . he rjluced under commissioner and assistant eommisioncrs, to be detailed from the arniy ,in wliich event each officer so assigned to duty snail serve without lucrease of duv or allowances. i . Sec'tion two provides for the division of thedis tricts iuto snb-districte and the appointment of clerks, aud authorizes the president of the U nited States to extend the military jurisdiction and pro tection over all the emyloyees, ugents and other 0tSecUon three authorizes the Secretary of War to issue provisions, fuel, clothing, &c, for relu- eees and freedinen, ' 1 . sectionfour authorizes the President to reserve for sale, or from settlement under the homes tt ad or preemption laws, and to set apart for the use of freednien and loyal refugees, unocenpied lands in Florida," Mississippi and Arkansas, not exeeed iw in alltnree millions of acres of good land; and the Commissioner, nuder the direction of the President, sdall cause the same from time to time to be allotted aud assigned Inparcels, not exceeding forty acres eacu, tobe loyal refuzee and freedmen, who I shall be protec ted in the use-aud enjoyment thereof lor such term of time and at sucu annual rent as may be j I-.. -.. tii cnnimissiuuer and sucu f . ;;r lH;"du.rn: TUe renUl shall be base uyou a valuation of the land, to be ascertained in sucii a manner as the Commisswuer may under tue direction of the President, by regulation pre scribe at the end of such term, or sooner if the Commissioner shall asseut thereto, lue occu nauts of auy panels so assigned may purcuase the laud and Veceive the title thereto from the United States, in fee, upon paying thereof the val ue of the land ascertained as aforesaid. Section live provides that the possessor of tl ths irranted in pursuance of Major General Sher maus special tield order, dated atSavaanaa, uu nary leT IW are hereby conhrmed and made "section six provides that the Commissioner shall, under tue direction of tue Resident, pro cure in the name of the United fctates, by grantor Purchase, sucn lands, with the districts aforesaid, L may be required for refuses aud freedmen de pendent on the government for support; and .he E provide, or cause to be built, suitable school asvlums and schools. But no sucu purcuto shall toe maae, nr nu. -- v ----inw nor other expenses incurred, until alter ap " "iiii .t7v h,..n tirovided bvCouffress ?TK"a.l ' r, of I this act. out of which payments for said lands shall be made; and theCouiiuWioiier snail cause such lauds troni ti. to time, to be valued, aiioiiea ussiguyu u sokl. in manner and form provided in tne pre- ceding section, provideJ always 1 1 -1., .11 not be soid lor less that the said than the cost t iercof to tne Uuited Suites, t ' Section seven autnorizes the President to ex tend military protection to tue treedinen in a:l case, of laws inLing discrimination against them ou ueeouut of color. I auction eignt prescrwes punisuiueut wi rh hiii wsw. after readinsr. i on motion 01 Mr. ionday. 1. 1 Hendricks, postponed till GOVER3SOB 8WANN OS KEGBO StJFFBAGE. fiovemor Swann, of Maryland, submttted hi( .,..-t tn,, LeirUlature of that State, now eouveSed in extra session. The present tinanchu needs of the Commonwealth, growing out of the extraordinary demands produced by the rebellion, .V,;. 1 rcon lor oaniua: the legislators , ur r at wreseut. Tue Governor approves the p,.i....nt' o-i-onstruction policy i Is gratihea at tue total extinction of slavery, of which he says no was an advocate, but opposes nniversal sut- lie says: " Tarn willing to do the colored race full justice. If they prefer to remain with us upou lenus not inconsistent with onr claim to ex .....v.o ,.,,tr..i tn tiie eroverninent of the State, I am willing to try ihe expeil.uent without pre ,rA trt th.. fullest extent: tut I am not at liberty to wituuoid tue opinions which were fore- suadowed oy me uu . , ' , ' .1 I'nnKtitntion. wnose provisions de- ,r..t of sutfratre to the neirro, tuat ui :r... ,i.,.?ir uaaiimA ilim sooner or later, not """l"TrA7iXv7comoulsion, but of his r! iimt. iv motion to some more congenial locality, wiiere his distinctive characteristics wih nn htfrim toiiis eniovment ot social aud 1U1 uieu uv - - w VUlv - -0 f woBit TROOP : ORDERED ' MUSTEBEn OUT. The Secretary of War has issued an order di- Ve.5r.r...i..aiftt dischanre of the following reeling. 5 The lOttth. 43X- . f imnizations i .sSSTwth 'Jeth, MsT, 110th and 13d United w. "' Li .'.,n,,.nt of infantrv: battery A Second United States light artillery, 7, w it;.. si.. rathtred cavalry. ' and tue XrThorN:Bliwell toay obtained an or? : i - a- ... fifsinr nrnRniiir laic uiuoii v STe nirtyukh IndlaTia-regiSienl, now statioued Brownsl-iLte, Texas, and with which regiment Mr. BUUWeil was lunuciij " " . DISHONEST CLERK. To-day Anthony Shoder, formerly clerkinthe J-zTz. i.r in hRnre ol an officer and waTuSSo 'nrt-hou.3, when Jpage fisher remitted him to prison. He is charged with ab- frrfr.tir. T....- tn K.20 bonds from the 'SS" ",:a iwTw Toved as clerk.- One f J r'ZZZZr! :tT iv.ctmeat was sent af- . ffiwtS.Mtehlgan, wherethe wrocured his arrest ; --.- v. r :- . ' -Resolutions have been hUrodncedin tne Maine Sei ate and referred to tue Committee on roderal KelJuons deniandingthai Jfferaon Davisand the KUuuon, aou uU s colleairues in re- PROTECTION OF LOTAL .WBSOHB AOATNST TJi- " FBOFKB CrVH, ..SDITB. AND PENALTIES ,IS ,THE , LATtLT BXBKLUOrS BTATa.-.v... '-. -.;,,.;,.,-, The following order waa issued by Gen. .Grant ; . to-day--;, 7:: ; S: 'J':.W ;V -';T::l-:W OKNEBAL OBDERS 'NO. . 8. - j 1 Waahintrton. Jan. 1SL I80U. f - Apartment commanders JU1UUU J Via v iuivu j whose commands embrace or are com posed of any of the late rebellious States, and who have not already done sa, will at once Issue and enforcew ders protecting from prosecution or suits toe State or municipal courts of such States all ota cers and soloiers , of the armies of the United States, and all persons thereto awaeireu r u j7 wise thereto belonging, suDieei w j thority, charged with offences for aets done in their military capacity, or pursuant to orders from proper military authority, and to protect from suitor prosecution all loyal citizens or persons chare, d with ffeilces done against me uu ces, directly or indirectly, during the existence of the rebellion r and all persons, their agents or em ployees, charged with the occupancy of aban do led lands or plantations, or the possession or custody of any kUia oi property occupied, used, possessed oreontroUed the same, pursuant to the order of the President or any of Fi ..: iiuora innorimRnts of the erovern- tllO U1VU VI11UUJ T. I ment, and to protect them iroiu any : damaees that may have been or may be pronounced . aArA,raA hi aM nnnrtx in anv of such cases; and also protecting colored persons irom pc- : cutions in any 01 saia otates vuiK. r " ; ces for which white persons re hot prosecuted in the same manner and degree,. .- , . - By command of Lleutenan v vrenenu . E. D. Townbend, Asst. Adj. GeneraL A special from Columbus, Ohio, to the Cinci- natt Gazette, savs : "Gen. Sherman nas written a private letter tb a prominent gentleman now in this city, in which he takes strong grounds agaiust any interference in the Mexican imbroglio. - Mr. Jacob B. HanesUng.ja distiller, domgbu- slnessinElm street, Newark, waa terrmiy scai ded yesterday by falling Into; one of his own vats while showing one of his friends through the dis tiUery. ' He is not expected to recover. The rebel rioters 01 Aieiuuuna, one man and wounded sexeral otuers in that city 00 Curistmas day, are now on trial there -by mili tary commission. Twe of the counsel for the de- , 1 1 . .1 i.,1Ai.ia Imu pnnln Tint. fence nave Deen exciuueu ucvav take the test oath. , ti. ,r,iiitUrtr Committee of the House will re port favorably upon tue proposition to create the . . . . 1 r .1... Tilt, nrtttitinn office or ueuerai o tuc when the office is created by jlaw, will be tendered to General Grant, for whose promotion, as is well known, the office is suggesteo. CHRISTMAS I CHRISTMAS ! t v. ! , n . - "j . Please your Children, Sweethearts, Wives, and ! . Ilnsb&ndg. j - ; . , rnii t Ph. THIEM'S Store and examine the largest and handsomest Stock of Fancy Goods, Toys and Confectioneries, of all descriptions. . $10,000 worth of Fancy Goods. i ,$10 000 ' " " Toys and Confectioneries. - $10000 " " Jewelry, Perfumery, &c For Christmas Offerings ! 1 1 '. f Which will be sold at the lowest prices. , , r 11. 1 I I ! t CALL AND EXAMINE, 1 f ' CALL AND EXAMINE, CALL AND EXAMINE Ph. THIEM'S Beautiful Stock of Christmas Offerings. ! ' I3f Great inducenientS'to persons wishing to buy by wnoiesaie. dec 13 tf- Ph. THIEM. RNITU R THE undersigned respectfully informs the cit izens of Baleigh and vicinity that he has re opened his . FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT, where he will constantly keep on hand a good as- 1 , BOrtuieni 01 PARLOR. . DINING ROOM, ; Asi ' ! " ! ' CHAMBER FfBSITf RE. 5?nFAS '- ROCKING CHAIRS, . CHAIRS, ir - ' I MARBLE- TOP TABLES, RTTREATTS. BEDSTEADS, MATTRESSES, &c. iminr.sTF.RlNG AND REPAIRING Done with neatness. All kinds of FURNITURE i j - v Made to order. Ladies and Gentlemen are Invited to examine mystockatthe BURNT CORNER, Fayettevule o ,i 1r RsirRMlM'8. ' DUC, Uv w FRApS i Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture. dec 21 Im offlM af Xorth State Irtn an Brass Works, I RAleish. N. C. Dec. 25th, 1865. HAVING BEEN APPOINTED AGENT TO close up the business of Shay, Williamson &C0.1 I hereBy notify all creditors to present their claims, and all debtors 10 come settleJ , - ' 1 ; I All the personal affects ot tne una wm for at Auction on Thursday, January 2oth, 1866. at the office of the Company in Raleigh. dec 23 tjan24 J ' . V . . nfflr af Msrth State iroa ana rsa -H " ! 1 . - - I n. . 1FA.ta ' Ruleiah. N. C. Dec. 25th, 180 r-wTT-c VtDU ItW SHAY. VVli.LilAOT.OVn x - . n... r r k ironU f. I: ffl !o JiaanlvoH from tlllS dUte. : , t. , ID U.OOW. .- ... B P. Williamson, naieiRu, n. v., "ff"'"1-" sole Agent to close up the business ! iSHAI, viiilLa.i.ovj. yv. ee 23 tjan 24th ! 11 T7IRE INSURANC1S. The Greensboro' Mutual x ire insurance uum- mny is now issuing Policies of Insurance upon Houses. Stores and Ware Houses, Jttills, Miirrhandize. Ac. For : insurance or .nformation apply to our Agent m your place, or aaureso uic t v kT I ! N. 11. U. WlLBUfl, jrresiuu. rsr- w wish to nnnoint local Aeents in all the towns and business neighborhoods of this State, Applicante for agencies will address me as aoove. , nov 13 tf 9 ' . - ! j- . "OTICE. " ' : i . i r,GT STlroxninT of Nohth-Carolina. f The following Counties comprise this District, fiirrttiif.ic. uamaen. rasauouiim, xci- ,.i,v.or. rtnwin antes. Hertford. Northampton, uailiax, uerue, mwuu, j ' Hyde, Beaufort, Craven, Jones, Carteret, Onslow, Lenoir, Pitt, Greene, Wayne, Wilson, Edgeteombe, wmn . Oranville. Person. Oranee. Franklin, icoah w.Lp and Johnson. All articles liable to the Internal Revenue Law must nav the same to the collector of revenue before i.iQTfimr- tlm rliatriftt. i ' '( . nnmVr nf nnnnds marked thereon, as well as Nnpnriim win ue muveu.uuiu xa r.-..... the mark of the shipper, and the duty 01 two- uav I , cents per pound paid, when a permit w snip ui be ented. Offices open at Newbern and. Ply mrSth for the Dresentothers will soon follow. t ,tf E. W. JONES. Collector. t T Vs ' .... TMPnBTAIfT, SALE OF TOLL I1UU- 1 SES. TOLL BRIDGE, LUMBER, Ac, t., .niidAiue With a resolution adopted by the Stockh lders oi The Fayetteville and Western Plank Road Company, in general meeting, i uy- .....,tiio v r rfmhnr 20. lstis. l am antuor- ized to sell tne i oil nouses ana otuer pp.'? rfhfv Notice that I vriti sell" at Public Auction, at the places of location, the following 'P.iiUrtnaP ai Ffl vptf prills " Xfondav. JannarrlS Ltttle River, - IV . - ; . il: - ifi Tnesd y, Iff AU ! " - " Round Top, - ! - " 33 m le Stat' n, Wednesday " it . Underwo d's, on Deep Riyer -1 17 ! Branch, - Thursday, J an y Toll Bridge on Deep River Branch " " ToU House at Carthage x'l t Friday "i x Bear Creek . - " Saturday " 7 i- . Page's Station i" . i.i,knn .--j : " Monday is' 18 19 20 20 23 k Ian kn At yi rwi fuKt. nf aiiAonid Timber at the a mllo station on Wednesday the 17th, at 10 . a . nnnnnf aali 11 o'clock ' AI M.. eXCCpt .-. ti Mid atwrui iiM Aim. then the ntut gale at 10 o'oeioc A. M. &n&UieeeorvLa.t 8 o'clock P. M. Terms, cash, in national currency. ; i . - TliOW. C. FULLER, j':" ' " ' i Commissioner. r-, anH r!hnrlotte Democrat copy till niviu - WAaBTOOTpN, Jan.! 15.--3r. , Chandler, of Mi1iimn. submitted a resolutioh declaring" tb&t wherea9i the British Government has re- fhiA indemnity for damaare "done to Ameri- cm commerce by Her Majesty's "subjects fa "the late war,' therefore . resolved thai the President be requested to withdraw our Minister from the Court of St.' James, and de clare j national non-intercourse between the two nations. The resolution was objected to, and goes over jnnder the rules.' ; - ' ' ' Mr; Howard," of Michigan oiffered ' a Ijoint resolution to the following effect :' Whereas it aniiftftra hv the reoort of the Secretary of rr-- ; . ---rt War that ; Jenerson jUavis ana tjiemeni v- n .T 1a1T in Anviflnamont Mmfprn- Clay, J llLfnr iciu uuiiin.iu.ut . u ed ini the assassination of President Lincoln and the murder of Federal soldiers prisoners of war, therefore, it is" respectfully recom mended that they be immediately tried by a military commission pr court martial, resolution being objected to, lies over. ., :. Y '; . HOUSE. : - T The credentials of Representatives The elect, "fromi Arkansas, were; presented and referred to the Committee on Reconstruction. A proposition which received only twelve votes was made, to jallow the negroes District of Columbia to decide by whether white men should vote. I in the ballot Mr; Stevens introduced a resolution m- structfag the Committee ot the Judiciary to enquire into the expediency of amending the act of January 24th, 1865, relating to the test oatht so as to allow Attorneys at law tb prac. Vice heir profession; without! taking said oath, on qualifying as all other professions are required to do. He said that by the act referred to, which was passed during the war, attorneys were prohibited from pra pticing without taking that- oath, but as since the war many men wh. were engaged in the re bellion are trying to make a living, but are prohibited from practicing law, he did not see Why they should not be placed onja foot ing with other professions. I Therefore, he proposed the enquiry. ! . ;; 5 The resolution was adopted yeas qJ, nays 77. - -- :-,,.! ; . ;i Mr. Kasson'made statcment den-Ving the published charge that Mrs. Lincoln hid tak en from the White House articles paid for by the! United States. j ; ' . I ' , The House resumed the consideration ot the neprro suffrage liill, before disposing of which, the House adjourned. From Mexico and the South. New Orleans, January 15. Brownsville i - I j . . .. : 1 1 accounts say that) the recently surpnseu Liberals were captured through the treachery of bne of their number: The state of affairs fa Monterey is so alarming that the inhabi- tants are emigrating to San Luis PotOsi, with their specie and al their movables. The Mobile Kcqixier says mat tuc steamer Lillie, captured by outlaws, was rescued at Montgomery, by a 'detachment of the Twenty- first Missouri regiment, after seventy-five bales of Government cotton had beeti landed. TiU Third Michigan Cavalry was disarmed at San Antonio for mutiay there. Captain Coleman, late of thel Confedera te States army, and grandson of John J. Crittenden and ne- nf fifTHm Pillow, left to-day for Havana, having been banished by a, military . commission lor jsteamboat; burning under General Forrestfs command.; The Eperor m the Mexltan Qaestion. New Yobk, Jan,1 15. The Tribune's , Washing- ton special states Ithat a private letter from a trustworthy source. received from Paris, states lot Mm lriRlat,ive bodies of the French Empire will assemble aboni the 18th inst., and that the Eknperor in his opening address, will express am icable and peaceful sentiments towarosi me uu- ted SUtes, and unless in the meantime the rela tions of the two countries become hostile on the question of honor1 he will promise to evacuate Mexico as promptly as practicaDie. New Yobk. January 15. The SecreUry or the Treasury has instructed cotton agents o make no cotton for the present, ine Secretary believesjthe delay will be adafatageous to the Government, in bringing into the 1 reasury lkigher prices for cotton than can now be obtained. The Carolinian of the jLOth says that the weather at Charleston has ,Jbeen colder than it ever was before in the iecollection of its editor. i - -..'.- ' ' I Dalton, we are informed, is being rapid y rebuild ' ! I A gentleman from; Dalton says the Uni ted States troops at that place ainiksed them- tlv nn Christmas bv running all Ithe negroes from town. j On Friday and Saturday thejice in the Mississippi river near St Louis again com menced moving1, and swept past thfe city with terrible force, crushing and sinking several steamers and barges. ! '- A trans of outlaws recently captured the steamer Libby, with 1,000 liales of cotton, at Mcintosh Bluff, I Alabama, landed' her passen- Igers in the woods, and took tne uoai up me Tombigbee river. ; L ' A dispatch from Washington Philadelphia says: j. to ! the 1 "Thnvft ftiithoritv for Statins that the re- ports of a reconstruction of the Cabinet have no foundation in fact The only change that is likely to occtr is in the War Department Secretary Stantbn severahnonths ago placed iiia rpaitmation !in the hands of the President; but has receivejei no intimation that it is like ly to be accepted for the present, at least.", ' Louisvixle, ljan,12 The case; of Colonel James .a Jacques, charged as Accessory to the kilUng of Louisa C. Williams by abor- n in September last is bow ori trial in the Circuit Court here, j-"- i Savaksak, Ga Jan. 13. Hon. Mr.; Call and Ex-Provisional ' Governor Marvin have r-iAftted trnited States Senators from U'lnt-irla (WOT tWO rebel tzeherals, and arrived at Savannah on the 16th, route for Wash ington. j . Accounts from Spain represent that the. cholera has broken out with great severity at Santander. ' On the 22d Jof December, one hundred and thirty cases knd fiftly-six.deaths occurred, and, oh the following day, the of this latter had increased to sixty. Among the victims, is the Governor of the province. T ' ( ' v i The threatening demonstration made on Senator Wade last Wednesday night was by a man well known to another Senator,-upon whom he called a. short time after leaving Mr. Wade, but not in toe .way oi menace. The offerider 'is from Massachusetts, and has Heretofore been iia trouble both here andelse where. Washtboton, JtA. 16. In the Senate, Chand ler's resolution offered yesterday declaring non intercourse "between this country and Great Brlt aln, and withdrawing Minister from Conrt of St. James; was tabled. 0 '':,:.'VvT.x -V: ' ' :; The bill for extending negro sufflragelnUie vur. trict of Colnmbia was disenssed. ; v . " i In the House, Mr.! Conkling introduced a series of resolutiona proposing a j re-establishment o" federal relationship m rebellious communities on the condition of absolute renunciation 01 ece alon,. repudiation of Confederate depU of all kinds, and the adoption of such measures as will relievo, the Government of the necessity of stand ing armies In the onth, etc. ; The resolutiona were' objected to.;: " - .-'- The consideration of the negro suttrage niu was resumed. ' ' ' . ! I - , ; The GoverHor, f Iswa. New York. Jan. ! 16th. The Governor of Iowa was inaueurated Monday last; He approves of the President's acts, hut desires Mm to go farther in favor of negro suffrage. ! He also opposes the admission of Southern. 8tates until their people abandon the offensive theory of 8tate Sovereignty. 1 l i -i - - Foreign. ' '' 16. Borussia has arrived.' New York; Jan The Herald1 Paris letter says that Napoleon and Cabinet aradevising k method to withdraw from Mexico French troops, with as little loss of pres ttge as possible. The Emperor desires to do so of his own free will, and not under menace. , : 1. Markets.. :- - New York, Jan. 16. Cojtton bonyant, 51 52 chieflv latter. . Naval stores dull.. Gold 139. Special Notices. ' -Mr. Rpid's Rheumatic Ointment. Read the following testimony in its favor, an it you are aiflicted witii IBiuiuUimi, Keuralgia, or any kindred disease, jtry t If you have friends so afflicted, get theiij to try it." ,1 O wins' to the want of mall fiicilitics, certificates cannot be obtained at present from all who have siguined their desire t furnish the..., Tue 101 Iuwing are irom respectable, and well-known cit izens of this city :;. J : Raleigh, N. C,, Angust.l7th, 1865. Mrs. Si A. REib :M take pleasure in stating that I, and two otuef members of my family were cured of Rheumatism by tlie use of your valuable Ointment, and that for more than three years we have bud no return of It. - Very respectfully, yours,' H. PORTER. ' Raleioh, n7(L August 12th, 1865. Mrs. S. Al Reid : I take pleasure in stating that I was afflicted withj Rheumatism for two j'ears, and was eurcu v. 1 j - j Rheumatic Ointment ;"f and ior uiree have experienced: no suffering from it whatever. , Very truly and gratefully yours, " , i. I lucy a. Mcdonald. 5- Price, Two tolhir4 per box. Liberal dis count allowed to' dealers. Sold by, : . j j d.- t. carraway, ; - 44 Fayetteville Styeet, Raleigh, N. C. W. H. LiPPiTil, Druggist, Wilmington., Primrose & DilLixgham, Druggists, Newbern. S. J. Hinsdale, Druggist, Fayetteville. M. A. & C A.' Stanton Druggists, Norfolk,, Va. Dr. W. T. Wa-sh, Druggist, Kinston. sep 1 6m Agua de Magnolia.--A toilet delight! i aud irentlemen's boon ! Th " sweetest thing "j and largest quantity. Manu factured from the rich Southern Magnolia. Used for bathing the face and person, to render the skin sort and fresh, to prevent eruptions, to perfume clothing, &c. f 1 , ;! " It overcomes, the unpleasant odop of perspi ration, ' , j l .:.-. "... It removes redness, tan, blotches, &c ' It enres nervous headache and allays inflamation, It cools, softens' and adds delicacy to the skin, It yields a snbdued and lasting pertnme, -It cures musquito bites and stings of insects, ' Tti Contains no matcriai injurious to the skin. ; ' T..t.,.n; Api.rpj5R;s and ODera Sinirers. - It X 1 1 vy w-,.. j is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Trv the Masrnolia Water; once and yon wiU nse no oMmr ColoL'nel Perfumery, or Toilet Water af terwards. : . : I,. u nov 22 6m LPfops. Exclusive Agents, N. Y. 'j S T 1 8oO""A Drake's Plantation Bitters. They j purifyi strengthen and invig- orate, - I 1 i They create a healthy appetite, They are an antifod to change of water and diet, . J I - -'f , They overcome effects oi dissipation uu u ' -1 1 hours, . -J j -V ' They strengthen the system and enuven uie mind, j ; - ' . ; - ,. Th.v nrevent miasmatic and micnniixeni vcn, m.. ntntrv 'Mia . hriath and acidity of the lUCJf i . stomach, r j ' .." Thev cure nvspepsia ana uubumuuu, They cure niarrhea. Cholera and unoiera Morbus, iliver Complaint and Nervous Head- They cure Thev are the best Bitters in the world, i ney make the weak strong, land are exhausted nature's irreatrestoren ;They are maae oi pure ou vivi Hnm the celebrated v;ausav xiu&, herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a bever . without resrard tolage of time of day. Par ticularly recommended to delicate persons requir- i,r a irentle! stimulant Bold Dy an urocers, lirnffsriste. Hotels and Saloons. Only genuine when Cork 1s covered y our private o. duuuh - OC7 - . a IT a OUn Beware of counterfeits and refilled bottles. . P. JL DRAKE CU., nov22-6m ' j 21 Park Row, New York. - -I ! ' ! ' : : t.v i TtrK t Scratch 1 I Scratch 1 1 Wheatou's Ointment will cure the Itch. In forty- .-io-ht hours. . Also cures oaiv nueum, n htihioin and all erhbtions of the Skin. Price 50 ets. For sale by all Druggists. aaaawawauu , - By sending 60 cents to WEEKS & rOTTEK, Sole AeentSi 170 Washington sireei, dobwh, Mass.. it will be forwarded by man, iree oi post age, to any part of the .United SUtes. " ' ; i, Jt. i riovviw, Ageni, ; Semraoas' Brazilian Spectacle, to strenathen and improve the eight of old-and young, by day ;or . night, with ease and comfort to the eye, without the distressing results oi ireqneni ehanies. These celebrated glasses are too well known throughout the South to speak or their superiority over all -j others. .Jjoubie ana single Telescopes of immense power and nela. ana logues sentfree, by enclosing stamp. . r ; SEMMONS, OCtltisi OPTiciAir, -669K Broadway. under Lafarge Hoase, N. Y. nov IS 2m 1 c'-f Batchelor's Hair Dye ! The Original and Best in the World!; The -only true and perfect Hair Dye. parmless, Reliable and Instantaneous. Produces immediately a splendid Black or natu ral Brown;t without injuring the hair or skin. Remedies the 111 effecU of badT dy es. Sold by all 'Drngglsta. The genuine is signed W illiam A. Batchelor.j Also, 4:. :a--? ; - Regenerating jExtract" of Millefleuri, for. Restoring and beautifying the Buint I .--!' I CHARLES BATCHELOR. i. aug lfi ly . j. if rrcnzLL. : ' ; . , -WHOLESALE DEALERS IN . - . . . 2Z Pollock St., Newbeni, N.C.- HAVE IN STORE, AND OTI JtK iru SAt 1 1 - aoo doa, awortea iocks. 1,000 palm Hinges. 600 gross Screws. . i - ' 300 doz." Knives and Forks. ; . . j ... - 150 dozr Pocket Cutlery. ' ; x 100 doz. Taper, Cross-cut, MM Saw, anil . Bastard Tiles. ' t ' . ' ' " . A full stock of Carpenter's, Coopers', -Machl- . nlst's, Blacksmith's.. Turpentine, ana aauiwa Tools, to wnicn wo luvius uti i 50 kegs Horse Shoes. '''- . 100 kegs Cut and "Wrought Wall. . '. . . , , 100 sets Buggy and Wagon Rluw - j ; 100 " 'V " Spokes. . ' ' v 100 " Hubs and Axlw. ; 100 Ladies' 'and Gent's Saddles, Bridle .v r Harness, Whip, Collars, &e, , 900 bags Shot v . ' .' "".v1 . ' -i ' 50 kegs Powder. 1 - HAND, CROSS CLTT, r 1 AND CIRCULAR SAWS. r ; LEATHER AND RUBBER ; ; " ' : ' BELTTNOr 1 - BAR AND SHEET IRON, LEAD, TIN, ASD. 'i HOLLOW WARE, We Veep and are constantly rtcelvlnff, , . . PLOWS, SH.OVELS, . : ' HOES, FORKS, ; j ' IaES, STRAW CUTTERS, ' ' " i CORN 8HELLER8, AC Soli Agents for thepelcbrated - Queen of the Sonth" COOK lTO?E. Also; Agents for FAIRBANK'S ; k Platform and Counter Scales, 1 ' 1 i And EVANS & WATSON'S FIRE AUD BtTRGLAB PROOF SAFES. Which we sell at Manufacturer's priced dee 15 tf PALMER' SvjS? PHILADELPHIA. ASTOR PL Cl , I H C9ENSTi NEW YORK. I, BOSTON. AC0CSS THE j INVCI.TOW B.FRANK.PLMER.lL.u.PREStA.a UMBC. ti, invnntinJi utiinil nnnroved as the "best" bv the most eminent SclcnliUc and Surgical Socie ties of the world the inventor having been jjon ) with th awlrdof FIFTY GOLD AND SIL VER MEDALS (Or "First Prizes") including th 'Great Medals of the World's Exhibitions in Lon don and New York ; also the most Honorary Re port of the great) Society of Surgeons of Parta, giving his Patents place above the English and ifrtiiic ti " I ' " & Dr Palmes gives personal attention to the bu siness of his profession, aided by men of the best qualifications aud greatest experience. Ue Is spec ially commissioned by the Government, and dm the patronage of the prominent Officers of the Army and NavyJ Six Major-Generals and mors than a thousand less uuswuuirm-u uiuv.t, diers have worn the Palmer Limbs on active duty, while still greater numbers of eminent civilians are, by their aid,! filling Important positions, and effectually conceal xueir iuipiui 1 ui-. Advice ana i-ampaieia iu . - T .iH tii fniTvwition of Dlratlcal copyista. apply only to Da. PALMER, as above directed, or to his Agent, GEO. 1L TAYLOR. dec 6-tt New Berne, N. C COPARTNERSIIIP. f L : VT VT- 1 1 QM -; . We have this day formed a Copartnership under the name and style of , WIIITFORD, DILL .CO., For the transaction of a Shipping and General COMMISSION BUSINESS In this town, west side oi graven Direct, ud,vi County Wharf, i. J -w. To tne saie oi .v-mwn, v Lumber, Slaves, I Shingles, Corn and all kinds of. Produce and Merchandise, and also to the sale and purchase of Real. Estate aud State and other : Stocks, we will give our personal ttcntlon. We are Agents for Murray's North-Carolina semi-weekly Line ot Steamships between New bern and New York, and for sailing vessel for Baltimore, PhUadeipnia ana ouier United SUtes, and for different ports in the West Indies. Thus it will be seen that we arc furnished bv bur own vessels with the amplest facilities for the speedy transportation of Freight and Pn. eers But in addition to these, there U a weekly fine of Octar Steamships on the same route, and a tri weekly line ot steamers j through Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal to Nor folk, altiinorei Philadelphia and New York ; hence Merchants ana ouippers transportation or their ireigm xo u, ou w.m. confidence on It speedy transit . f" We will make iioerai;aavancewu wu.ii-. ments. All letters addressed to us onlthe subject of SeredT.JOHN dec 5-197 tf lb WM. C. WIIITFORD. "WlioleHixlo XJimgrglHt, NEW BERNE, N. C (Successor to'L Dlssosway A J. Gooding, It. July 17--76 tf, ' ; ' ' TTOUGII is ' C CO., A ; XX " I-- WHOLESALE GKWCEKB m.nA Commission Merchants, comer South Front and Middle 8treeU, New Berne, F. C Nelson. Hamilton IIo(i, Wholesale Grocers arid Commission Merchants, No. 60 Vesey Street, New York. ... sept 30 6mpd7 ' L. J. nOLDEN witt. pnirt Jt Poole. Wholesale urocm ana ji.r. in WMVn Brandies. Wines. Alta. Clears, Ac, corner of South Front and Craven Street,. New Berne, r.,v. , nov 29 tf 8 Bills ,on London, , IN 8UMS OF ' " ' Kl AND UPWARD, !for SAUt rr S. T. JONES, A CO., BANKER. dec 28lm - . , ' ' ' ' TOSlN BOILERS, i . ' We keep consUnUy on hand Iron Caaldrona, 75, 120, an5 1Q gallons. i r Hardware Mefchanta, . m New Urn, N. C nov U-4f ITTEjmOX 1CDTS! TTEBE IS YOUR CHANCE I A YTLL AND. XX complete history of the war In one volam for t4 5a Wf are at last enabled to wJtth wants of the great mass of the people by ncilrif This new worfwl.lch will 1 mt.Jn .bo-trlo- ly printed octavo pages, (mdJilS,U.0J embeUiahed with numerous and biautlfulUs plate engravings and valuable roaj-a, ,aod bound In AmerTcan Morocco, gilt back, nf.'P0" edires for f4 50. Dlaabled sol will and la thif-rareihance for profitable employment- AMERICAN PITBLISHIN AGENCY, J. R. BLOSSOM rO,, v dnrKPedVBioVB7oth Merchants, New York. . . , - Will nromptly forward Cojton Ww"' av i I, - 'i 1 I most odious crimeauiiicted. ;;; y -1; 1 .p ji fW rciwi,uaw-aur. . I :". I. l now Ptt : 1 y :