he gailfl JtaMM; T. 15. NEATHERY &; CO, PBOFRISTOBS. ' SiVik. X. C FriJaj lonngj June ISA, 1869. CITY AND STATE. Mr. Ireland, of Alamance, has obtained -:.000 from the Central Railroad for dam aj;is sustained by the explosion of some ;owder in a freignt car during the last year K-i thenar. ! j There will be a Hailroad Convention I.i-l.lin Salisbury, ou the 5th of July, for vac purpose of securing concert of action in j-aVor of the construction jof the projected r. ivl from Cheraw to that i point We learn from the Wifmington Journal that astearul-oat line is to De run between that citjiuid Jacksonville, Onslow county. Capt. John N. Marfitt, will command one of boats. m a As an example of what North Carolina is cable of doing, the Beoorutruettd Farmer states that ;ca' can be raised in this State and that ilrs. Patrick Edraundson, of Scot land Neck, Halifax county, in this State, has f.r many years raised her own tea ; simply . roasting it over the fire, and drying it s ; ;iat it keeps in a close metallic vessel v. : hout loosing its aroma. ' Those who are Co: noisseurs in this artiele, have pronounced l.i r tea as fine as any imported from the "'.iwcry Empire." At a special meeting of Sedgwick Post 2, O. A. R.,' the following resolution v is unanimously adopted: EctihcJ, That we, the members of Sedg- v. ick Post No. 2, G. A. R.. at Raleigh. N. C r-fum tl:"ir sincere thanks' to the ladies-olT t e ladit-s of this city, who !so kindly contri ; ate.l U-'wers and assisted in decorating the !. raves oi'the Union dead, on the 2ith day . iry. lSS ; also to those gentlemen who : idel us in our christian work by contribu tions of money. I Br Or.DEi of the Post. On "Wednesday night last between 12 nnd one o'clock, Wm. nardy (colored) was found lying drunk in the Baptist Grove, now used as a market, bv policeman Rowe. Rowe tried to take him up, but being unable to so. eaiied upon Capt. Scales to assist him. He resisted them, nnd Scales then struck him, but that did not appear in evidence ; and Scales struck the man Hardy on the head with his billy, injuring him so severely that they had to carry him toDr. McKee to have his wound dressed. Yesterday after noon the case was heard before flavor Harri son, and the above facts were elicited. Ihirdy was fiucd $5 for being found drunk in the market. Capt. Scales was bound over to appear aVlJr next term of the Wake County Superior J Court in $200 b-i.ds. Sion H.Rogers appeared for Hardy and L. P. Olds for Scales.; i The fol;owinsr di&chargis in bankruptcy wrre granted by Judge Brooks at Raleigh J :r t 1 lib : i (M Mr.r?:! am CorTY i-John Frey, Mal coiia C Lr.n'.ont, John I) Jackson, Cicero P. Pit ice. (Jai-Uson & Piercci) Benjamin Rush, Jackson Johnson." j Staxt-y Edmoml L Carpenter, James F Parker. Whitson F Nash. ! MoouE-Wni A Hays. Allen W Jones. Haksett Samuel D Pepkin, William M McNeill. ! Richmond Matthew M McXair, Dunson Jones. i Anson Elcnt za D Ingram. CoLCMurs Daniel M Butler. Robesox Neil Buie. f SAiirsox Almond Holmes. Two of these, Jackson Johnson and E. D. Ingram, have been allowied the benefit of rule XXV by order ot trie court ; ana oruers to the registers directing the distribution of the deposit in these two cases are made and accompany the discharges. - . Report of Commotes on Wouking of Reapers. The Committee, appointed by Xha North Carolina Agricultural Society to examine, and report uponj the Reaping Ma chines and their work, at! the trial had to day oa the plantation of JIj3es A. Bledsoe, Eq., report that, after witnessing the ope ration and work of the two machines, name ly, the Buckeye and the Walter A. "Wood, belt" rake Reaper, they arc tompellcd to give t'ie precedence, in perfectness of work, to t!2 Walter A. Wood reaper; but they feel constrained to say that the Buckeye labored undi;r some disadvantage, j owing to the in experience of the driver and the unsteadi ness of the team. i (Signed) WILL. R. POOL, R. B. HAYWOOD, R. "W. "WYNNE, ANDERSON PAGE, . JACOB SORRELL. Raleigh, June 16th, 1869., Scpreme Court. TIi ursd ay, June 17, 1 SCO. The Court met at 9 o'clock, all the Judges present. The following cases were argned : Annie W. Miller vs. Thomas Atkinson. From New nanover county. Robert Strange for Plaintiff. W. II. Battle and S. J. Person for Defendant. Contested will. Certain real estate and $10,000 in money was bequeathed to "Bishop Atkinson and his successors in ofhee for the poor orphans of North Carolina." Heirs at law of the dece. dent contest the legacy and argoe that "jwor orphans" is an indefinite term, and Bishop Atkinson and his successors in office an un known body. Gaines and wife vs. Dempsey nays. From Cumberland T county. Action of ejectment. X. McKay for Plaintiff. Robert Strange for Defendant. Alex. Johnson, Jr., vs. E. L. Winslow. From Cumberland county. Jno. W. nins dale for Plaintiff. No counsel for defen dant. The case involves Hie constitutionality of the " magistrates stay law," passed nt the last session of the General Assembly. State vs. Benjamin Douglass. From Moore county. L. P. Olds, Acting States Attorney, for the State. No counsel for defendant. Heilig vs. Stokes. From Stanly county. Blackmer and MeCorklc for Plaintiff. Thos S. Ashe and W. n. Battle for Defendant. "Fourth of "Jaly", Trill be celebrated at Lbuisburg on ' Monday. Speeches will be mado and &. brass band will be present. .. The case of Henry Haswell, charged with, the murder of Sheriff Colgrqve, will come up on a. writ of habea eorput before Judge Thomas, in Newoern, to-morrow.- The Committee of the Legislature, ap pointed to investigate the affairs of certain banks, have concluded their investigations of the Bank ot North Carolina, until the meeting of the Legislature, and adjourned. They will meet soon in "Wilmington to in vestigate the affairs of the Bank of Cape Fear. A correspondent writing to the Standard from Troy, N. C, says: "Our farmers are now reaping the best crop of wheat harvest ed in ten years or more, if not the largest ever before in the County, and I am inform ed reliably, that the crop is equally good in adjoining counties. The Oat crop is also gooj, but fears are entertained tjhat the oat crop, if not other crops of smalf gram, will be seriously injured by an insect which has lately made its appearance on the oats, which is entirely new to our farmers. The insect is of a very soft and tender nature, of a dark brown color, and resembles, some what, the kind.'which infects pumpkin vines. They collect in knots or groups on the stem that supports each spear of oats at the ground, and when they get of considerable size (nearly; the . size of a small grain of wheat) they Beem to have wing. Ii they have injured the oats any yet, it is not known, as they are generally upon the ground oats. AfFv.TTVft op Stockholders of - the "WrxLiAMSTON & Tarboro' Railroad.- According to notice the stockholders of this road met in Williamston on Monday last. The Tarboro' SoutTurncr learns from Gen'l Lewis the following facts : "The line of the road was finally located from the Old Mdl Wharf, on the Roanoke River at Williamston via Robasonvillc, Bethel and Little Creek to cross Tar River at Tar Landing and pass up Mill Creek Street to the Tarboro' Branch Road. The following gentlemen were elected Di rectors for the tnsuing year, viz': Gen. J. I R. Stubbs, C. B. nassell, J. Edwin Moore, John R. Lanier, H. D. Robason, Jos. S. Sta ton and Jos. B. Cofficld. Messrs. Wm, A, Weathersbee and R. C Brown were appointed Committee of Fi nance, to which Committee the Directors afterwards added Mr. Dennis Simmons. At a meeting of the Directors on the same day. Gen. J. R. Stubbs was chosen President, Gen. W. G.j Lewis, Chief Engineer and Su j perintendent, Jos. D. Biggs, Treasurer and Sccrctarv. Mr. Henry A. Brown, of Newbern, was appointed Assistant Engineer. iYEriiecU On the 10th iust., at the residence of the briJc's father, near Tarboro', '. C, by Rev Thos. R. Owen, Dr. John V, Shekhod, of Mar tin county, to Miss Lou T. Mato, of Edgecombe county. At Moscly Hall, at the residence of the bride's mother, bv the Kev. Gcorjre W. Sanderlin, C. t Tatlor, of Mt. Olive, to Miss E. A. PAKKfcR, of Moselv Hall. Died, At the residence of Jude J. A. Stevens, in DeSoto county, Miss., on April 11th, 1SG9, Na than T. Allen. The deceased was in the 60th year'of liis tige, and was a native of Johnston county, Xorth Carolina, whence he emigrated in 1S57. Truly may it be said of him, "an honest man, the noblest work of God," and that living respected, he died regretted." Peace to his ashes. TOTICE j3 hereby given. That a petition has XN been tiled in the District Court of the Uni ted States for the Pamlico District of North Car lina, by John R. Tnrnbull, in said District, duly declared a Bankrupt under the act of Congress ot March 2d, 1867, for a discharge and certiticate thereof from all his debts and other claims prov able under said Act, and that the 29th day of June-, lSi9, at 10 o'clock, a. m., at the office ot A. W. Shaffer, Register in Bankruptcy, in Ral eigh, N. C, is assigned for the hearing of the same, when and where all creditors, who have proved their debts, and other persons in interest may attend" and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the 6aid petitioner should not be granted. And that the second and third meetings will be held at the same time and place. Dated at New Berne, N. C, on the 14th day of June, a. D. 1869. CHAS. HIBBAKD, Clerk. June 16, . 441 law2w. "VTOTICE is hereby given. That a petition has ii: been filed in the District Court ot the Uni ted States for the Pamlico District of North Car olina, by J. J. Goldston, in said District, duly declared a Bankrupt under the act of Congress ot March 2d, 18(57, for a discharge and certificate thereof from all his debts and other claims prov aole under 6id act, and that the 29th day of June, 1869, at JO o'clock, A. at., at the office of A. W. Shaffer, Register in Bankruptcy, in Ral eigh, N. C, is assigned for the hearing of the tame, when and where all creditors, who have proved their debts, and other persons in interest may attend and bIiow c&nse, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner Bhould not be grnted. And that the second and third meet ings will be held at the same time and place. Dated at New Berne, N. C; on the 14th day of June, A. D. 1869. CHAS. HIBBARD, Clerk. jane 16 442 law2w NOTICE is hereby given, That a petition has been filed in the District Court of the Uni ted States for the Pamlico District ot North Car olina, by Horace Palmer, Sr., in said District, duly declared a Bankrupt under the act of Con gress of March 2d, 1867, for a discharge and cer tificate thereof from all his debts and other claims provable under said act, and that the 29th day of June, 1869, at 10 o'clock, a. if. at the office of A. V. Shaffer, Register in Bankruptcy, in Ral eigh, N. C, is assigned for the hearing of the 6aTne, when and where all creditors, who have proved their debts, and other persons in interest may attend and show cause, if any they have, whv the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. And that the second and third meet ings will be held nt the same time and place. Dated at New Berne. N. C. on the 14th day of June, A. D. 1SC9. CHAS. HIBBARD, Clerk. junel6 443 law2w 1VTOTICE is hereby given, That a petition has IN been tiled in the District Court of the Uui tcd States for the Pamlico District of North Car olina, by John E. Boyd, In said District, duly de clared a Bankrupt under the act of Congress of March 2d, 1867, for a discharge and certificate thereof from all his debts and other claims prov able under said act, and that the 29th day ot June, 1869, at 10 o'clock, a. m. at the office of A. W. Shaffer, Register in Bankruptcy, in Raleigh, N. C, is assigned for the bearing of the same, when HUU wui'ic nu vivuibwiD, . r- ' debts, and other persons in interest may attend ana suow cause, u tuijr lutjr uc, uj lug iijvi th c.!l tuititinniir ihnnld nnt. he irrfltited. And Ul U DMU pvkl .IV . . r i 1 J thnt the second and third meetings will bo held at the same time ana puce. Dated at New Berne. N. C , on the 14th day of June, a. . 1869. CHAS. HIBBARD, Clerk. June lo t4 I WILL EXPOSE TO THE HIGHEST BIO der, at the Couat House, in Raleigh, on Mon day the 12th of July next, one tract of land in Orange county, the property of the estate of F. N. Strudwick a bankrupt, adjoining the lands ot David Hunt Strayhorn and Crabtree, containing 117 more or less. Terms cash. C. L. HARRIS, Assignee, june 18 443 law3t BY TELEGRAPH. NOON DISPATCHES. :-' ' Washinstoiu 1 ; : ' Washington, June 17. Judge Chase has again decided that the statute of limitation holds against tho government in their claims against Federal officers, notwithstanding the rebellion prevented legal proceedings. It is understood that Secretary Boutwell will appeal in these cases to the Supremo Court The medical society, by a vote of 5 to 1,, re jected the application of colored doctors for membership. Pennsylvania. Philadelphia; June 17. John M. Moriarty, President of ti.e Irish Republican Association of Pennsylvania, has issued an address saying that the Republican party must sustain the principles of Mr. Sumner's speech. The Irish will repudi ate any pro-English party. The Irish Conven tion at Chicago will .declare in favor of a protec tive tariff, universal suffrage, and war with England. Cuba. Havana, June 17. The Intendente has died of yellow fever. j - ; NIGHT DISPATCHES. Washington. Washington, June 17. Revenue to-day is $826,000. Secretary Creswell has made four thousand postal changes in the last 48 hours. Treasuier Spinner's wile is dead. President Grant returns on Monday. Dr. Brink, Mexican Consul, sails to-day. Cubans have the following advices : The fight at Puerto Del Padoe was more important than at first reported. TBe Spanish defeat was deci sive, almost destroying the effectiveness of the Spanish forces on that portion of the Island, and opens direct communication with the sea, and enabling the Cubans to protect the landing of reinforcements from the United States. The Cubans here are very solicitous to hear from Gei.eral Jordan's command. Last advices placed him in close proximity with the enemy and.a battle was imminent. Ce6pcdes and Lue seda express themselves confident as being mas ters of the situation. Every expedition from the United States has landed safely and joined the insurgents and form a formidable force, ahd are successful in every ' conflict with the Spaniards. It is stated that Federal agents reports a gen eral indisposition on the part of Cuban leaders to entertain annexation questions. . Georgia. Augusta, June 17. The negro who murdered a white man named Lewis in Burke county yes terday, was arrested in this city to-day and com mitted to jail. There was a heavy rain storm this evening. It is feared it will do much injury to corn. New York. New Yokk, June 17. The Grand Jury in tho United States Court have indicted Jos. Morales Lennis and Messrs. Bussone, Mora, Fesscr and Col. Ryan for fitting out the military expedition which leJt M:iy 1st. for Cnba in violation of the neutrality laws. They were released on bail of $5,000 each to answer, and $2,500 to keep the peace. Bail was given by Hon. D wight Towu scud, ex-member of Cougrcss. New York. New York, June 17. Several members of the Cuban Jui.ta were arrested by Marshall Bar low, and lodged in Ludlow street jail ou a charge of violation of neutrality laws. Maryland. Baltimohe, June 17. The jury in the gold caseof Abell & Co., vs. Chesapeake Bunk, lor three thousand dollars in gold, deposited in 1861, gave the depositors $3000 in gold, with nine hundred and nine dollars gold interest. Cuba. Havana, June 16, via Key West. Six hun dred fillibusters lauded at Puerto Aranas unmo lested and reached the interior and joined Gcn. Jordan. France. Pabis, June 17. The city is tranquil. Mana ger Le Rappel, of the anti-dynasty paper has been sentenced to four months imprisonment; the editor six months, and three thousand francs each; the printers in the establishment one month and thousand francs. Charge inciting contempt of fhe government. A collision has occurred at St. Etienne, be tweeu Coal miners and the military: Several killed. Five soldiers badly injured. Spain. Madrid, June 17. The Cortez established a regency under Scrano by a vote of 193 to 45. Markets. Liverpool, June 17. Cotton active. Up lands 120al2.; Orleans 12d to 12dal2. Sales 15,000. . New York, June 17. Cotton firmer but less active. Sales 3000 bales at 33. Flour active. Wheat in good demand at la2 cents better. Corn heavy at la2 cents lower. Pork firmer at $33. Lard firmer; kettle 20a20. Whiskey firm at $1.03. Rice dull, 8a8. Turpentine 43a43. Rosin 2.25 to $8. ' Money closed easier. Supply liberal at 7. The failure of a dry goods firm was announced, but the name wa's withheld. Sterling 9. Gold closed weak at 37. Stocks weak and unsettled. Governments steady. Southerns quiet. Baltimore, Juffe 17. Cotton firm at 83. Flour fairly active but unchanged. Wheat firmer Corn dull and lower ; white 98 ; yellow 90. Whis key scarce at $l.02al.03. Provisions unchanged. Wilmisgton, June 17. Spirits Turpentine 38. Rosin .steady at $1.80 to $4.00. Crude Tnrpen tine $1.60 to $3.00. Tar $2.25. j NOTICE is hereby, given, That a petition has been filed in the District Court of the Uni ted States, for the Pamlico District of North Car olina, by Wm. H. Wood, in said District, duly declared a Bankrupt under the act of Congress of March 2d, 1869, lor a discharge and certificate thereof from all his debts and other claims prov able undei said act, and that the 29th day of June, 1869, at 10 o'clock, A. m. at the office of A. W. Shaffer, Register in Bankruptcy, in Ral eigh, N. C., is assigned for the hearing of the same, when and where all creditors, who have proved their debts, and other persons in interest may attend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. And that the second and third meet ings will be held at the same time and place. Dated at New Berne, N. C, on the 14th day ot Jnne, a. D. 1869. CHAS. HIBBARD, Clerk, june 16 442 law2w NOTICE is hereby given. That a petition has been filed in the District Court of the Uni ted States for the Pamlico District of North Car olina by John A. .Will'ain3, Jr. in -said District, duly declared a Bankrupt under the act of Con gress of March 2d, 1807, for a discharge and cer tificate thereof from all his debts und other claims provable under said act, and that the 29th day of June, 1869, at 10 o'clock, a. ;M" at the office of A. W. Shaffer, Register in Bankruptcy, in Raleigh, N. C, is assigned for the hearing of the 6ame, when and where all creditois, who have proved their debts, and other persons in interest may attend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. And that the second, nnd third meetings will be held at the same time and place. Dated at New Berne, N. C on the 14th clay.of June, A. d. 1869. C1MS. HIBBARD, Clerk. june 16 442 -law2w VINEGAR t VINEGAR! Barrels genuine Apple Vinegar at UPCI1URCH b DODD'S. -1- Special Notices. " A "WORD TO HORSEMEN." Dr R. TOBIA8' CELEBRATED VENETIAN HORSE LINIMENT has been tested by the first Horsemen in this country, and proved to be superior to any other. Auo - lato Hiram Wood-' ruff, of " trotting fame," was never without a bottle in his stable. It is also used by Col. Bush, of the Jerome Psrfk Course, at Fordham, N.' Y., who has over twenty running horses under his care, among which rank some Of the finest stock in America. It is warranted to cure Lameness, Sprains, Scratches, Brnises, Galls, Cuts, Wind Galls, Colic, Sore Throat, Nail in the Foot, and Over Heating, when used according to the direct tions. All who own or employ Horses are assured that this Liniment will do all, if not more, in curing the above named complaints. No horse need die of Colic, if, when first taken, the Liniment is used according to the directions. . Always have a bot tle in your 6tablc. Price, in Pint bottles, One Dollar. The genu ine is signed S. I. Tobias on the outside wrapper.. For sale by the Di uggists, Saddlers, and Store keepers throughout the United States. Depot, . 10 Park Place, New York. june 12 I'm. . IMPORTANT FACT. We see that persons of strong constitutions, and young, suffer lor days with pains of the limbs, loss of appetite and fever, who suddenly get well after a cholic followed by slimy, bilious stools. The relief produced by these evacuations were ,the original guide to the idea and practice of pnr fgation, and which, when enforced by BrandrethTs Pills, always benefits, usually cures, and ofteu prevents disease, especially Scarlet Fever and diseases of similar character ; I. L. Cook, publisher of the State tanner," Bennington, Vt., says Brandreth's Pills cured him of Dyspepsia, after being afflicted with it over five years. His friends and doctors consid ered his recovery impossible ; but six boxes of Brandreth's Pills restored his health perfectly. A yonng lady of Mount Pleasant was sorely troubled with Tape-worm. All advice and medi cine failed to help her. She had no rest. Thin, careworn and unliappy, she looked tho picture of misery. At last she concluded' to try Bran dreth's Pills. In one year she took seventy-two boxes. They brought away, according to her computation, over two hundred yards of tape worm. At length all her bad symptoms left her ; she slept and ate naturally, and health became fully restored. june 12 lm A GREAT POLITICAL REVOLUTION was accomplished by the election of Grant, arid a revolution of immense social importance has "been effected by the general substitution of that pure and harmless preparation, Cristadoro's Excelsior Hair Dye, for the deadly compound of lead and brimstone, of which, according to the "Journal of Chemis try" and the "Medical Gazette," more than thirty varieties have been foisted upon the public ! Cristadoro's Dye is the only one that HAS BEEN ANALYZED ; and Professor Chilton, over his own signature, declares that it is perfectly wholesome. CRISTADORO'S HAIR PRESERVATIVE, as a Dressing, nets like a charm on the Hair after Dyeing. Try it. Sold by all Druggists. june 12 lm BUCHU. From Dispensatory of the United States. DIOSMA CLREWA TA BUCHU LEANES, Properties. Their odor is 'strong, diffusive, and somewhat aromatic, their taste bitterish, and analogous to mint. Medical I'rojurties and. Uxts. Buchu leaves are gently stimulant, with a peculiar tendency to the Urinary Organs. They are given in complaints of the Urinary Organs, such as Gravel, Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder, Morbid Irritation of the Bladder and Urethra, Disease of the Prostrate Gland, a' d Re tention or Incontinence of Urine, from a loss of tone in tho parte concerned in its vacation. The remedy Iws also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Kheuinatism, Cutaneous Affections and Dropsy. IIembold's Extract Buciitj is used by per sons from the ages of 18 to 25, and from 35 to 55, or in the decline or change of life; alter Con finement, or Labor Pains; Bed-Wetting in chil dren. In affections peculiar to females, the Extract Buchu is unequalled by any other remedy, as iu Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ul cerated or Scirrhous State of the Uterus, Leu corrhea, or Whites. Disease of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, and Dropsical SiceUings. This medicine increases the power of Digestion, and excites the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the Watery or Cal careous depositions, and all Unnatural Enlarge ments are reduced, as well as Fain and Inflama tion. IIembold's Extract Bcchu has cured every case of Diabetes in which it has been given. ' Ir ritation of the neck of the Bladder, and Inflam mation of the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of Urine, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland. Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brick-Dust Deposit, and Mucus 6r Milky Discharges, and for enfeebled and delicate con stitutions of both sexes, attended with the fol lowing symptoms: Indisposition -to Exertion, Loss of Power. Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Veak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, "Wakelulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin. Eruption on the Face, Palid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of the Muscu lar System, &c. . : Hembold's Extract Buchu is Diuretic and BlooittTurifying, and cures all diseases arising from habits ot dissipation, exceeses and impru dences in life, impurities of the Blood, &c, su perseding Copabia in affections for which it is used, such as Gonorrhoea, Gleets of long stand ing, and Syphilitic Affections in these diseases, ' used in connection with Hembold's Rose Wash. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Beware of counterf eits. Ask for Hembold's. Take no other. Price $1.25 per bottle, or six bottles for .36.50. Delivered to any address. Describe symptoms in all communications. Address " ; H. T. HELMBOLD, - 594 Broadway, N Y. 13" None are genuine unless done up in steel engraved wrapper, with fac-simile of my Chemi cal Warehouse, and signed june 10 2m H. T. HEM BOLD. SUGAR I SUGAR ! Barrels of Sugar ot different grades at UPCHURCH ds DODD'S. 40 ERRING BUT NOBLE. Self-helf for Yonng Men who having Er red, desire a better MANHOOD. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, HOW ARD SANITARY AID ASSOCIATION, Box P., Philadelphia. may24-Sui ROPE! ROPE I ROPE I , ONE-HALF, dNE-FOURTH, THREE eighths and five-eighths Manilla Rope. . Oiie-lourth, three-eighths and five-eighths Jute Rope, at ! UPCHURCH & DODD'S. CITY BONDS ! ! THE CITY BONDS TO THE AMOUNT OF $50,000 are now tor sale, and sealed propo sals will- be received at the Treasurer's office (subject to rejection) up to 12 o'clock, M., July the 1st, 1869. Applications for nearly (at par) are already made, and as the City Bonds are even more pre ferable than United States Bonds, (paying 8 per cent, per annum, interest payable semi-annually ) persons desiring to invest, theiv capital should m t hesitate in making their application-at once. PHIL. THIEM, City Treasurer. Sentinel copy till July 1st. rjnne 10-jnlyl COFFEE I . COFFEE ! O A Sacks of Coffee at OU UPCHURCH & DODD'S JOHN JONES, Barber and Hair Dresser, CORNER HARGETT ASO WILMINGTON STREETS, Raleigh, N. C, ' TETURNS HIS THANKS to the public for l the generous support heretofore extended Mm. and soJicits a continuance oi uie suiuc March 1, 1809. S40 tf.- SOAP I SOAP ! SOAP I ' ; Boxes Rosin Soap at UPCIIURCH & DODD'S. 80 r-,r"ri7rJf'irii- imri j- ti 11 iiiniiaii iTmtwyrjiTiir'r RaleigliMarkets. . V ; COBRSCTSI) DAILT.BT., .: . , . William C. Unchurch; Grocer -: kaleigh; n. c. I-, 1 25 BACON per poun. BfiBP per ponnd.-. BEKSWAX per pound....;-. SO 25 r 25 -14 80 ' 2S30 . 2035 'i blujs btojnjb per pouna..... bui i'JSifr : .v. CANDLES adamantine, per B... ULUSJSS.1S per pouna .... CHICKENS (spring) apiece COFFEE per pound COTTON YARN per balo . COTTON per pound . 225 . 1 0 .. i7ao . 811 . 1 25 40 75 f .10 0010 50 . 25 .. 105 6570 .. 8 009 00 710 100 .. 18X15 . 90 . 1 25 CORN per bushel EGGS per dozen FLOUR per barrel ODIER per hundred, new, . . . GINGER ..c. HAY (meadow) per hundred HERRINGS per barrel.. LARD petoound. . . MEAL perTHishel M.OLAsi!3 (new crop; per gai. MULLETS per barrel .. .. NAILS ... OATS per hundred POKK. per pound ; PEAS red, per bushel ..... . .. . white PEACIIES dried .. 2 003 00 PEPPER black..... .......... POTATOES Irish, per bushel. . . 50 . 1 502 00 tfweci. : . 1 OU 15 RTCE per pound. . . STAliUIl p iier nonnd. .-. 20 SPICE per pound . : 50 SHUCKS per hundred 75 SALT per sack 3 75 SUGAJt cruanea .- 0vtrn I: 5CU beet brown . . . t 17X18 brown 15 SALT per busheL 1 JO SOAP turpentine 15 SODA ner uonnd. ; 15 SHEETDfG-p4-4. : TUJENTINE per gallon . . . 40 Brilliant Scheme for July 10th, 1869. -, 0 n RMAT.T. TlRA WTNli TAEK FLACK AT ..';..,:.; . TUCKER HALL, RALEIGH, N. C, Jnly 10th, 1869. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. : lion. Sion H. Rogers, Raleigh, N. C. Cyrus P. Mendenhall, Greensboro', N. C. L. C. Latham, Plymouth, N C. . James H. Footc, Raleigh, N. C. Dr. J. H. McClintock, Raleigh, N. C. J. W. Harrison, " " The third explanatory drawing of the N. C, Real and Personal Estate Agency, will come off in this City, on the 10th Jnly next. Below, we append the scheme, which is a brilliant one, and offers, as will be seen by a mathematical calcu lation, one prize to every ten tickets. 2,750 TICKETS AT $1.00 EACH! Send for tickets immediately, and enclose pct age stamp to prepay letter. LIST OF PKIZES. 1 Prize 1 Rosewood Piauo, 7 Octavo round corner, Tremaine Bros, New York, 1 Prize 1 Fine Top Buggy, 1 Prize 1 China Tea Set, 1 Prize 1 Chamber Set, . 1 Prize 45 yards Brussels "Carpet 1 Prize 45 lPrizuSS " 8' Ply Carpet, 1 Prize 30 " Matting, 1 Prize 30 " Carpeting, 2 Prize 1 1 Sewing Machine, each, . . . 1 Prize I Green Silk Dress, 5 Prize 1 Acre Building Lots, 150 each, near St. Mary's,. 1 Prize 1 Lady's Gold Watch & Chain, elegant, 1 Prize 1 Silver Pudding Spoon, 1 Prize 1 Music Box, 1 Prize 15 yards Oil Cloth, 1 Prize 35 " Striped Carpeting,.... 1 Prize 40 " White Matting, 1 Prize 1 Saratoga Trunk, $650 00 350 00 35 00 25 00 135 00 135 00 79 00 18 00 45 00 120 00 45 00 250 00 110 00 20 00 125 00 25 00 25 00 23 00 18 00 7 00 25 CO 1 Prize 1 Morocco Satchcll,... 5 Prize 10 yards Gingham, each,... 1 II. " , IM l?..n onnti 10 Prize 1 Elegant. Fan, each, 50 00 0 Prize l Gent's Hat, each,. oo uu 5 00 85 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 CO 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 1 Prize 2 Table Cover, 7 Prize 1 Mnslin Dress, 10 yds. each,.. 1 Prize 1 Bronze Watch safe 1 Prize 1 " Inkstand, 2 Prize 1 Dressing Case, each, 1 Prize I Glass Tea Set, 6 pieces, 1 Prize 1 " " i " 1 Prize 1 Parian Toilet Set, bine, 1 Prize 1 Toilet Set, Bohemian, 1 Prize 1 Wine Set, 1 Prize 1 " " v 1 Prize 1 pair .Silvered Glass Goblete, 1 Prize 1 " " " 1 Prize 1 " " " 1 Prize 1 Silvered Glass Salver, .... 1 Prize 1 puir Glass Celery Stands, . 100 Prize at Stf each,. 200 00 93 Prize at $1 each, 93 00 262 Prizes. $2,750 00 -.Persons ordering tickets will please ad- dress Secretary If. C. Real and Personal Estate Agency, RALEIGH, N. C, With stamp for return postage euclosed. jnne 14 w3t dim J. D- WEED, REVENUE LAW OFFICE, Corner Eleventh and Bank Streets, . RICHMOND, VA. ATTENDS ONLY TO REVENUE CAUSES in the several United States Courts iu the lVth and Vth Circuits (Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mis sissippi and Louisiana,) and the Departments at Washington. Mr. Weed will be at the Yarborongh Honse, Raleigh, during the session of the U. S. Court, to attend to North Carolina cases, june 11 438 3m POPULAR SUMMER RESORT FOB HEALTH AND PLEASURE BEBKER8. MAC ON HOTEL, HASSELL, DUNAHUE & CO., PROPRIETORS, Morehead City, N. C. ' 1869, Terms, per month, " per week, " per da', juno 14 $45 00 13 50 250 440 lw PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE. A New Course of Lectures, as delivered at the New York Museum of Anatomy, embracing tho subjects :-How to ive an? What to live for; Youth, Maturity and old Age ; Manhood Gener ally Reviewed ; The Cause of Indigestion ; Flatu lency and Nervous Diseases accounted for Mar riage Philosophically Considered, &c, : These lectures will be forwarded on receipt of four stramps by addressing : Sec't Baltimore Muse um of Anatomy, 74 West Baltimore Street, Bal timore, Md. ...... apl 6, '69 ly DISSOLUTION. THE Law Co-partnership of Phillips & Battle has been dissolved by mutual consent. S F. PHILLIPS, R. H. BATTLE, Jr. Raleigh, N. C, Dec. 15, 1868. 293 tf LAW CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE undersigned have entered into.a co-partnership for the practice ot the Law in the State and Federal Courts of North Carolina, WILL: II. BATTLE, KEMP P. BATTLE, R. H. BATTLE, Jr. Raleigh Dec. 15, 1863. 293 tf. HOTEL AT PXTTSB0R0, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C. MR. H. H. BURKE HAS RECENTLY BE fitted aud put in first class order, his Hotel at Pittsborp, and he invites the attention ol the TRAVELLING PUBLIC. nis table is well supplied with all the market affords, and good and attentive waiter always in attendance. - Terms Moderate. jone 1 Impd Special Newspaper Advertising and General Coi tion Agency lor North Carolina. , WM. A. HEARNE 4; CO.,, Special Agents for the North Carolina Press, and General Agents for the Collection of claims of every description througheut the State. Office, liC-i.OBBOHb'. N. C. Are authorized Agents lor the North Caroijuja Standard. april.24- - 897-tf ml' I'lir1 ClotMng, Urv Gtobdsi 5co. J1LT1VE j. 'i f) - t r AND R ESio0 Leaier in StylM Ming AND LOW PRICES, . OFFKKS THE Largest Assortment OP BOY'S CLOTHING- IN THE CITY, ST YLISH- CU T , 27 Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH, June 9 N. O. 377 Sm fiPSIKG - 1869. NEW ST0EE! NE GOODS, AT REMARKABLE LOW PRICES! S. KLINE & CO. HAVE OPENED NEW AND ELEGANT Stores, corner of Hargett and Fayetteville and Hargett streets, and invite their Mends ana nnhiin frenerflUT. 10 cau ana examine iiwir oiw before purchasing elsewhere. They ofler great Inducements to buyers. Their Stock was selec ted witb great care and taste, and they pre confi dent of suiting all, in quality and price, aa our . J x 1 AA I.k maIa An) email ItKArltfl ' mOllO IS lUICI OUIVO AUU D AAA 41 A IVUifl) Their Stock eonBista of r Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, READY MADE CLOTHING, 3 cX3 LADLES' AND GENTLEMEN'S Furnishing and Toilet Goods, CHINA AND GLASS WAEE, and every thing that is kept in a first class house. Their CHINA STORE Is a temple of unsnr naoanrl taste, and eleirance in the State. ,It ad joins their Dry Goods Store, on Hargett Street, wnere you can nna Frnh. -Fjisrllsh and Foreign, Chin tad Granite, Dinner, Tea and Toilet Setts, of all 6tyles; Bohemian, French, English and American Cut, Ground and Pressed Glass-Ware ; Fancy and Domestic Ware, and, in fact, every thing tllat is kept In a FIRST GLASS CHINA STORE, uhlli tliv nflp.r at reasonable low nrlces. We respect lull y iuvlte all to call and examine our Stocks bciore purchasing elsewhere. Atten tive and nolite Clerks, are always on hand and ranriv to show our Goods. Thankful for past favors we hope by strict at- tention to nusiness ana correct ucuuugs, w tiuue to merit the patronage ot tho punuc. S KLINE & CO., n.nr. nf Fv. A; Harsrett and Harzett Streets, Raleigh, N. C. april 10. 885 8m. Great Eeduction IN W E WOULD CALL ATTENTION TO OUR Fine Organdi Muslins. Price ..45c. Worth 75c. W. n. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. Raleiu-h. Jnne 8. 1869. 435 tf r- i LARGE STOCK of PRINTS, DOMESTICS, LINENS, &C. At still lower prices. W. H. & R. 8. TUCKER & CO. Raleich. June 8. 1809. 435 tf LADIES HANDKERCHIEFS. 25 DOZ. SALLUS LINEN lUfiitt'l) BITIUUU Handkerchiefs, at 25c. each. ; ; A Great Barcala W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & 00. Raleiffh. June 8. 1869. 435 tf. CINCINNATI LAGER. BEER, AT LAST ARRIVED. Wholesale at.. Retail at .... . .PHIL. THIEM'S . .THIEM & MILLER'S Come one, come all, and try the best Boer in the world. may i uini MOLASSES ! MOLASSES I -t f Hogsheads of Molasses, new crop, at ) B UPCHURCH & DODD'S. TirsT RECEIVED AT GRAUSMANS I a new lot line Coatiugs, Vestlngs, -Pant Goods, &c. . Tf von want to be suited call at ' GRAUSMAN'S. aDril SO ' 4"2 2m 7 ; ... MEAL I MEAL ! 200 Bushels fine whlt i meal at UPCHURCH & DODD'S JOHN W. HINSDALE, illiumvy uiiu vuuuschwj at uaii) FAYETTEVILLE, N. C... WILL ATTEND THE SUPERIOR COURTS of Cnmberlaud and New Hanover Counties, Sunrcme Court ot North Carolina, the United States Circuit Court at Raleigh, and United States District Court at Wilmington. Claims collected In all parts ot North Carolina. inn V K. WJlU. CANDLES X CANDLES ! -4 or Boxes. W Boxes sd V Boxes Adsman- lOti tine Candles for eale low at wholesale by i UPCHURCH A DODD. JACOB WEIL, suub tti DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, . x r Bats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, . KhiADx-MAlJj UljUlilXiXU'i .i r H Grata. lnishtog Hie, i-4'V Jto. 54 Fayetteville Streot - A Two doors north of the Market, . BAIEIGH, K. C . ' Respectfully solicits an Inspeetloa of hla atoek New Goods received isvery ueK. . anril 1? ... t.,: 8m EEDING HOESl Elwerpa Weeding noes foi6aleby . LiVV.r i ' Miscellaneous. QUEENS ;DELIGfHT. . .'. ... i.. u: i:. .a . . . ' r THE CROWIJIQ iGLOBJT. UK lUl: CINE ANfi THE, WONDER OF . "MODERN PCIENCE, " riTE WAVING BANNER OF nXAtni J3PREADS TRIUMPHANT OVER -Til ELAND; "r " . A Great and Good Mdcii. HEINITSITS QUKB1TB DBUCWT. THE NEW THEORY OF , HEALTH. THE LIFE of all rioah U BLOODTb HJU . ox all Lite la rarity or neafr-wiuou . Purity of Blood no 7kk eta 1 be free from Disease. IIEIHITSH'S QUEKS'8 ELI AN AN11D0TS TO LISIASS , THE GREAT AMERICAS iXTUUTm A , ' - nr&irira. . "' '' Fur the Curt of aU thorn Dimm nktek' ' ... xL traced to a vitiated ccmdUUm of The Theory is that Blood U the LUe .6 Flesh, and If Impure, the Lire ot an UUcm, uum and Health i only to be maintained by the circu lation of pure Arterial bloodJ ' " Bucb as Bcroiaia, Kueumiuim, w-. . erdor, Inflauimtlon, Uvef i.. Complaint, CoMorojttVoe, K.lnjr..,. , ; Humor of the Skins, Ei7lp las, Skin DUeasrs, xetter Roughness of tn l i i . I 8kln, Pimple, - .' Blotches, '' v T.ln In thA RnnM old UlMrS. I- ' 8yphllU and Syphilitic Bores, Indigestion,. Js flamfttion of the Bladder and KldMrs, Pains la tho Back, General Debility. ud for all eoonplaiaUy arising from aencieucy ana pwyry v. mww. HELNITSH'S .1. QTJEE1TS SZLZQIXT IS THE WONDER' , t T or Modern soionoo- Nn medicine Las sttalned such a world-wide rJ putatton as this Justly celebrated 'J1-,:; Tt. ..ImnrillniirT tinallnlf DOWftrl SK attest to by thousands, snd every mall Is freighted wha. letters bearing testimony to Its excellent cbaraoj tcr and worth ss a medicine Orders sr comlna; in from all quarters, ana su near QDinmuioif evidence of Its great popularity. ' ' Be sure and ask for ' , ' " HEINITSITS QUEENS DELIOUT, -And see that his nsroe Is on It '4 , ('m ' Look out and svpld base Imltatlooa . t ' , f l For sale by Druggists. ..y ,i Wholesale Agents, FISHER TTETNTTSH, amil 27 Stawlv . Columbia, 8. U HOLLOWAY'S 'Ulnn VERMIFUGE CONFECTIOKS. u . -i.-.i it I. w Dr.'noltoway. some fifteen years saw. w1tBBilDC t4 distress occasioned sickly ctuklm la Uhlnjr u mb on vormifuKC of that day, rratolved t snalyss tncao. and from the roost effective or tbrae remediea i ed lu Bejinraring their sctlrw medical projwrltea, MM, tastoless and inodorous. Tbo, bj eoatblniB Utas with sugar, and moulding them Into an SKif blssw. fcctlon, rormea uio proaeut wniiM mrrmmtm vsnMiruaa known as t .. t lU(l. j . J Holloway's VermSfnge Confcetlonfu which have almoat entirety sntorJ3l the old ln oS Vennirueos, to me (luiigni w om poor hmt w It contttfna no calomel or oOmx pulmMMNia ti lU. So hlphly csteemwd la thin popular Vennlrat, by tM profoBciou, that all intolllpont phyalclana who jmw m them, prescribe them is preftjrete to cUmt wadles, aa not only more pleasant to take, but smm effective f "pS'rents snd guardlani, navlnir ths ears of children, shonld keep them aa a family medlcl ne ; ft tbey ao only eradleato worms thone peet of child bond but eorrert any duranperaent of the digestif organ, so pfvvaJeat with children. .... , . . . , niESRELL'8 OLNTilEKT.: i tm. ftintmant.' alter an exMrlene of twsnty vsars has proved a sovereign remedy tor all diseases of lb4 Skin : having effected a radical ar la every eaas mt which it was need, carina-many battaaUsaaas af Sftaaa ttwaa ueed, caring many tmnmtimm mm vnm snty years' a tan ding, that had prevtovary rsiata4 ledJes prescribed by the best medical taJesl of t ry. Its effect is aatonlablnz; la a lew days Us or twenty all reme anreneas and Irritation Is removed ; th skin beootnaa smooth and healthy, and remains beraaasBttj heals, without the nse of any other remedy. - Thus, Tettkb, 8xT-Kat, Itck, Boxjmtb. slresL Ertsipelas, BwrrcHas, Pnrrxaa, and mtrrf ttb of diaease of the skin Is panctoallv eared, no nttsr f kw lone standing. It has cored bad eases of larLAaas Btklids, and discharges from the Bar, wan Botaiaa; else would heal Hiem. PiLsa, that have feslstsd s II other treatment for many yeara, baveisi sffectaodly cured by the uae or oufy one box of this Otiiaal. Bitrnb, Be ALUS, snd Ctt.D Bobm It heals la a vary abort tune. FBica Kiftt Cbwts rsa Box. If BoSanUbr your Dnuxist, send sixty eenU to Johnston, Iloltoway Sl Cowdcn, Philadelphia, a box wlU b sent too of ps age to any address. ' ' , . OBSERVK None genuine without the aUjnatsra ft the Proprietors on the wrapper of each box. t Holloway's Comftntraicd Essence Juuict. Ciav Tills is a pure extractor ths tm Jamaica QiMgre.rm from Captteum or any deUterkmi admixture t eooUla. inirall tho Aromatic, Carminative snd IMJAislvety tttiaa ulatinir properties of th Jamaica Ginger. Ho eafcacloM ln all casea of ehlll from exposure to euld ordampnaas, Cholic, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Dyapsy sis, nervous Debility, Uaadaohe, ilea Wckneas, V. ' Being double Ou ttrengtk cf any gaaaaes f Olnyr to the market, it Is cheaper to vmxam and aaor . venient lor travelers. if i : : ' - CONSUMPTION CAN BI CDEXD. :.. The Tr4 Remedy at La IMmxMHi.: .1 1 :l y UPHAM'S FRESH MAT CU&KI - . Prepared According to the Toraaula of Pref. . of Pans. The new plan of treating Palmpnary PI''' FassM Mbat Is creating s profoondsensaUflai la Estp,' Its bencacial results bav been heralds tsntri a press hi both hemisphere. The Fresh MeatTrasraiaaa was first tried In Uasdia by Dr. Wslas. Tb r it were no lew gratifying- than surprising. OonswrapUv caaea In his hands, which had prevtoaaly hanWd tk most skilled of tb prafssaloa, ylaldad, wptdJTj yi charm, under the new treatment, ltat It I a rrm sob Tbodskbav, of Paris, that tb world I eh War In debted for making-known to th afflicted la treat saa tores of ths Fresbieat Cnrs. U I tJUay " that, in no less than two thousand eaas la wkkji t has been tried. It proved smxrnl U aarly aO.M The Fresh Meat Cnrs is now ofJartsd ts tU Aasartea public as a Proprietary kesasdy. It U pat aptataa) form of a Syrup, eacbbotUe eootalnlnf Itoaairttaai properties of on and a half pounds of raw meat.' It I pleasant to the taste, and a sinirU bottle of Us aMdldasr wlU eonvlno the most skeptical of Its vlrta as Sn) mat heallns; remedy of th nineteenth eaatary. - " D order to place Upham e rrash Msat Car wttkla aba reach of all classes tprio wlU b aafuilowa $1 a ApackaiX -it six bottles Sent br Kxpraaa, . sari i tfr rackwT tosny part of th United Blase oa rseetps f sxaAitibBM,niaa, Sold br allUragsUts. , , ,.,., r.. , march 18 . - . iCl sottaaj NOTICE Is hereby jrlveo, that a petltkm bast been filed hi the District Court of the Uw ted States W tb Pamtir Dlstrlet of North Oar olina by John U. LaUw, tn said District, da! declared a Banknpt under ths act ol Uoaf isaa W March 9d, ItHttj lor a discharge and esrtlAoat tkereof Iron all his debt and other rial ass pro vabl under said act, and that U U day bl Jane, 1869, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at lbao A. W. Bbaffsrs BKisUr lo Bank rap try, la aU-elirb- N. C. la aaslroed for tb kaarlnc of U ssrae. who and whar all credltora."wb oreved their dsbta, aod other parson Is) Uti mar attend' and 'akenr eaasav If aar ibt why tboprayer of the said pcUtloMraboaU o4 be granted. .And that tb ascaad sad third aV nsr will be held at raw saaa tls and rtaa. " Dated at New Bern, N. Ca 1bOk daj s- June, A. O.1809L ' h .. i'. . T ;r.f, CHARLES UIBJAXD, Jaoa lT - it : . , aaUma NOTICE Is hereby tfv that tb ummi baa heo appointed AVT ol Jot A Hardy; of Greme county, who baa beta adjadjr4 a Bankropt nnoablsown petttloii by tho District Court f tb Uhltwf feutes for th famlleo lis Weef North Orcdlna.. . J ' :!-T' JOHN U IlArRDEE, Isslrtso, ' C y .j' P 0 Moaaly Half, N. O.