1 ! T" . - . - j. i l . ; rROPRtKTORS. . The crops are suffering in this vicinity tor the want f rain. ' .- T. H. Port!" Eq. of the banking hiisc of Soutter & Co., New York, is at the Yar ' borough House. . . m - ' Wra. Washington, who escaped from! New TJanovcr jail a year and a-ha!f ago' has been recaptured. . ., : . ., The Star says Gen. Rutherford declines to be a candidate for a seat in the Legislature rice Estt-s, resigned. . ; , The July number of the Carolina -Farmer is out, contains S3 pages of matter interest inn to the farmer. Published at Wilming ton by Win. H. Bernard. The body of Wm. B. Mcares who was drowned at the disaster to the. tug Brandt, July 3th, lias 'een recovered in Cape Fear river, four or five miles from the scene of tbe disaster. ICwas taken to Wilmington amf interred. . M. Grausman lias an elegant assortment of light goods lor summer wear for gentlemen, ami bis tailors make them op in the best style, and better si ill, bis prices are reason able. Call at his store on Fayctteville street, and satisfy yourselves. . We learn from the Wilmington Star that mn.y order o&ccs have leen established in the tallowing post offices in this State: Concord, Hillslioro', Kenansville, Loots bur, Trinity College, Warren ton, Washing ten atd Weldon, Sitrkms Court, Saturday July 10, 1869. AH the Justice's present, except Judge Dick. The casa of the State vs. Prince, from C'scmkee county, was argued. Attorney Gcncal foi tbe State. Lit tell's Living Age for July 10th contains -V hat is man's chief end" from the North British Review; Mr. Motley, frcm Satunlay Review ; Country House em the Rhine, con tinued ; several other prose articles, and in poetry "Earth to Earth" ami "Those Isth moan Games." Boston, Littell and Gay pub lishers. James H. Abrams, charged with an at tempt to commit rape upon the person of Mrs. Eliza Jaue King at Wilmington was tried last Tuesday. The Star says the jury spent the afternoon and evening in deliber ation, and had not decided apon & verdict at one o'clock next morning. New Advertisements.-' A valable rem cdf. Brandcth's Pills. Grant and Prosperity. Cbristodoro's hair dye. Important notice to farmers, families and and others. Dr.TTobias' Venetian Liniment for cholera and kindred diseases. Auction sale at the Courthouse door in Raleigh. W. J. Buslee, assignee. For aale, cheap. Second hand M Hernng" safel Apply at this office, Peruvian Guano the genuine article, for sale by Doaglas BelL , m The American Law Review for July con tains: The limits of theexclusiveinnsdiction of admiralty in the Unite.1 States; Bank cashiers; James Otis; Of the jurisdiction "f admiralty over contracts of man s insurance ; Digest of the English law reports fur No vember and December, 18G3, and January February, March and April, 1869; Selected digest of State reports; B-ok notices'; A list of law books published in England and America since April, 1869 ; and a summary of events-7-a valuable number fr the legal student. Address Littell & Brown, Boston. One of the most singular freaks of nature we ever saw has been on exhibition at the Pist Office, at this place, during the past week. It is a pig with a human face! its hape an4 structure are natural up to the , ears, but from the ears to the top f the liead and down to the chin the shape and features are those of the human, excepting that is covered with hair like the rest of the body and lias no nostrils, being obliged to breath through the mouth. The pig is boqt two weeks old. North Carolinian. A gentleman who has just travelled through 1be oranties of Carteret, Craven and Lenoir, inform us that the crops are in a promising conditio, corn and cotton particularly. Cotton btn recovered front the late spring, -and now, looks well- At Mo,sely Hall, Xcnoir aunty, the first cotton blooms were seoq on the 28th of June. Our informant counled more than one .hundred blooms open m a space of thirty feet diameter in. nn open eld in Lenoir county on the 8th inst. Corn is in ta-jwl and silk and looks well. There is no suffering for want of ram, and evepvthinsr nromises that there, will be a first rate com and cotton crop. Tbe third small drawing of theN. C. Real & Personal Estate Agency took place at Tucker Hall last Saturday July 10th. A crowd of interested spectators were present. Tieket number 1,200 owned by a Mr. Harri " son of Plymouth, N. C, drew the piano Nanfber 1433 drew the top buggy. rEvery-t thing passed off quietly and satisfactorily. The extra ', Yelocipede quickly cane out with the Bumberetltat drew the prizes. The case of the University Railroad Com pany . the Governor and Public Treasurer will beWrguod before the Supreme Coujt to day. The people await the decision, with a great deal of .interest, as it will i cover the validity of several millions of appropriations for building railroads, the bonds for which have not yet been issued, and ; win not be issued if the acts of Assembly to authorize tneir iwrae atelecleied unconstitutional. ; ertiscmeilts.v . TpOR 8 ALE Cn&Ar.--8econ'd Land Herring5 X- 6atevrA4)ty attfriaofflce.. ;v ; Jy 12-r-lw ;' PEEXJVIA1T . GUAITO V! cdJ U r'a. 1 iC- i.o! js. .ji :.t ,:;fjH-:ini.nryi k Cenuine Peruvian Cuano is the best Fertilizer for the ' Production of Turnips! I HAVE ON HAND A SMALL LOT ol tbts (Juao, which J will sell in Jots to suit purchaser, l j . . .' DOUGLASS BELL. Raleigh, N. C, Jnly 13. 463-till sept ...-NOTICE. A 8 JENEVAH FOWLEU is not my lawful J. wife, this U to notity all person not to deal with her a sneli on my account, as no contracts made by her will be settled by me. JOHN W. GANT. Raleijrh; July 9th, 1869. 5 jy 10 lw 8entinel piuase copy one week aud send bill to this ofiiee. . t i ' "-AV- NOTICJi. . A DIVIDEND of 3 per cent on tbe capital stock of the Ralcish & Gaston Railroad Company has been declared by tbe Board of Di rectors, payable lit the otflca of the Company, on and after July 15, 1869. W. W.TASS, Treasurer. -Raleigh, JulyB, 1869 461 Ira , DOTJGIiAS BELL, GROCER & C0MMISSI0NT.1ERCHANT; RALEIGH, N.'C.' CONSIGNMENTS !' , ' .. s ; OF 'T . CORN, MEAL and FLOUR SOLICITED. 4 GROCERIES! GROCERIES! GROCERIES! TACON AND BULK SIDES. LJ 50 Barrels ot Flour. 40 SACKS FLOUR. 1,000 Gallons New Molasses. 25 BARRELS OF SUGAK. SO Sacks ot Fine Salt. 15 r SACKS OF COFFEE (all kinds). 25 Boxes of Soap. 50 PACKAGES OF FINE TOILET SOAP. 25 Boxes of Candles. &c.. &c. fcr., All of which I will sell at low prices for CASH. DOUGLAS BELL. Raleigh, N. C, July 9, '69. 451 tllsepl 5 AAA LBS. PRIME WfcSlJMlw a.akl ,UUU just arrived and for sale by w. n T W TITV AH r.ARRF. IXiT OF BLACK PEAS lor sale UPCUUKCU WUU. GENTS FINE WHITE SOFT HATS. W. n. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. June 19 435 tf Banlcrupt Notices NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That a petition has been filed in the District Court ot the United State for the Cape Fear District of Norh Carolina by Kanweiler & Bro., in aaid District, duly declared a Bankrupt under the act of Cou jtreaa ol March 2d, 1867, lor a discharge and cer tificate thereof! trom all his debts and other claims provable binder said act, and that the 3 8t dayt July, 1SC9, at 10 o'clock, A. M.,t the office of A. W. Rioger, Register iu Bankruptcy, in Wiluiiugton, N. C, is assigned for tbe hearing of tbe same, when and where all creditors, who have proved their debts, and other persons In interest may attend and show canse; it any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be irrantcd. Dated at Wilmington, N- C, on tbe gtb day of July, A. V. 1SU. WM july 13 LARKINS-Clerk. 463-Aaw2w XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE V, That a petition XN bas been filed in the District Court of the United Stale lor tins Pamlico District of North Carolina by Benuers A. Etielt-y, in aid District, duly declared a Bankrupt under the :ict of Con gress ol March 2d, 18157, lor a discharge and cer tificate tbereol trom all his debts and other claims provable under said act, and that tbe 4th day ol Angnst, 1S09, at 10 o'clock, A.M., at the oiHce ofii. F. Lehman, Regirt. r in-Bankruptcy, in New Be'oc, N. C, is assigned for the hearing of tbehame, when and where all creditors, who hare proved their debts, and othei persons in interest may atteud and show cause, if any they have, why tnc prayer ot tbe said petitioner should not be granted. And that tbe. second aud third meetings will be held at the same time and place Dated at New Berne, N. C, on tbe Stb day of July, A. D. 1869. CHARLES H1BBARD, Clerk. july 13 463 law2w NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That a petition has been Died in the District ;ourt of the United States lor the Pamlico - Istrlct of North Carolina by Job L Kineey, in said District, duly declared a bankrupt under tbe act ol Congrws of March 2d, 1867, lor a discharge and certificate thereol from all his debts and other claims pro vable und r said act, and that tbe 4th day of August, 1869, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the office of K. F. Lehman, Register in Bankruptcy, in New Berne, N. C, is assigned lor the bearing ot tneeame, when and where all creditors, who have proved their debts, and other pei sons in interest may attend and show cause, it any tbey have, why tbe prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. And that tba second and third meetings will be held at the same time and plac . Dated at New Berne, N. C, on the 8th day of July, A. D. 1869. ' . CHARLES HIBBARD, Clerk, jnly 13 . . ; 463 law2w THE undersigi ed hereby gives notice of bis appointment as Assignee of Nathaniel H. Murphy, of Louisburg, Franklin count, who has -been adjudged a bankrupt ut5dn bis own pe tition by the District Coort ol the United States lor the Pamlico District ol North Carolina. , ' THOMAS HAMPSON. Assignee. ' " - july 12 lawtSw PO Raleigh, N. C. ON SATURDAY THE 81ST DAY OF JULY, 1SK9. 1 will sell at public auction, at the Court Uoasc doer Ut Raleigh, N. C, for cash, 56a res of laud; also the Bankropt's interest in 196 acres of land, on the waters ot White Oak creek.aM in Wake comity, N. C, and the prop erty f Tiiomas Leroy Jordan, Bankrupt. " P. O. Auburn, N. C. 1 . WOTICE OF' ASSIGNEE. ; -.' General Meeting of Creditors. ' . In the matter of Joseph W. Baxter, Bank rupt. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. Tbat a second ami ibird General Meeting of the Creditors ol aaid Bankrupt will be held at Newbcrn, in the Pamlieo District of North Carolina, on the 3rd and 4ta days-of Augnat, A. D, 1869, at 10 o'clock, A. M., Iiefttre K. F. Lehman, Register in Bank ruotry in said District, for the purposes named inthe27tb and 8th sections of , the Bankrupt Act ol Mach 2, 1862. . , ' Dated at Kewbera on tue iu uay oi uiy, -a.. D.. 1S9 -' July 13. , - .463-law3t. ' CIIFEES1TT OF IIOKTH C1E0L1SA. riHE Fall Session of this Institution will com X mence on the IStb 4ay of Augast prox. and continue twenty weeka. ieparatory anu onn Departments, aud a General Course ol University Lectures, will be opened. Eutire expense, In- eluding board. SS5 to $100. All the benents oi tbe Institution are offered, free or charge, to a limited number ol resident inttbe State. , Apply to tbe President. . . ... -.T - - fiOLOMON POOL. jaly8 , ' i ,.46iMSUWtaiBagl8. S'TF i NJ y o DISPATCHES. I have directed the reeoirnition" by the Secre tary ut ihq Rational Exccujivtt Republican Cn luitiee 'or the Executive CotumittueoJ jtho State of Texa J cboscfi by itlio Houston Convention wuldh uooiluated Gen. E. J. Davis for Governor of that State." " - J ' i." j-..-.,-- . y. (Sfgnet) . r - WILLIAM CLAFFLIN, :- i CUni'n National, Republican. Ex. Com. original ot t he above Is in ' the -jiosstsswri ol Maj. V?"B. Mot.rc, ot Texas,' who visited Mr Clufflin wl'b special view ol securing dorsemcnt. ';t;'V.,':.' thi& en- New York. New Toek," Jnly 10. The steamer j "ITenry Cbancey" brings Asplnwall dates to the 2nd. : Tbo yellow lever is snbsidiut; in Peru. It is stated that the claims of France and Ital$ against KicaraOgua has been amicably adjusted. ; Hew Hampshire. 1 ,i Poetsmooth, July 10. The 4,Narragansett bas arrived with three officers aud three meu alek with the yellow lever.- All are doina: well. EtV Ducr and one seaman died during tbe passage. , England. , London, July 10, When the report on tbe dis establishment bill was received Earl Clancarte gave' notice that when the bill came np lor third reading be would move three months postpone- mcntv . y:-"':-.-'.-.-Vp:' "'''-: ;;, ' ,. Brest.- t t- '; " Brest, Jnly 10 The Great Eastern will reach jtliuai water to-day. . . . '.. " : i ' .1 L Spain. ', 4 Madkio, July 10. The Governor of Catalonia has been dismissed for failure to prevent Repub lican demonstrations. ' Cuba. Havana, Jnly 10. The government estimates Jnly exienditnre at two millions. Tbe govern ment bas einbarged five hundred and forty es tates. Valmesada writes D Rodas that civil au thority is re-cstablUhcd; in, the jurisdictions of M.inzanillo, Bayanioa'nd Lairuari. Rodas accords nx-e use of the teK-gruph to. the agents ot the New York Af sociati-d Press. The steamer Quak er City arrived at Kingston on the 29th and de parted immediately thence. Destination is uu known. ! NIGHT DISPATCHES. . .-. Washington.. Washington, Jnly 9. Col. Robb, Collector of Customs at Savannah, is here. The Secretary of tbe Treasury l.as placed at bis disposal the revenue cutter, McUulhx'h, until the Nansemoud, "uow at Baltimore repairing, is scrvicable. Revenue to-day nearly a milliou. j The President has appointed John Dietrich Collector of Customs at Valasca, Texas, vice Wayley, suspended. , Distillers liceuscd to make spirits from grain may distil fruit without increasing their tax, attaching to an establishment exclusively devo ted to fruit distillation.: No fractional currency has been issued this week. ;' All spirits forfeited from having been left in bonded warehouses alter the first ol July, has been ordered to be sold. The Collector gets five per cent commission. j Cubans have the following : Letters received from prominent Cuban officers via Nassau and Key West bring dates to the first instant. Intel ligence of the arrest of the Cuban Junta and others in New York, produced a most profound impression of surprise aud . regret. No other uews could have caused such a feeling of de spondency. Due ot the writers says 4lit came like tbe news of the death of your warmest and best friend your only friend. The feeling of all seemed to be that we were alone' and must ex pect uo assists uce.-- However, all seeing that it is now liberty or death, for no mercy can be ex pected from the Spaniards, will fight as enly men driven to such 'desperation! can fight.' Litona, who succeeded Lesca at Neuvitas and Puerto Princiucls reoorted to have lost 200 troops by desertiou to Qucsada. Deserters report that the disaffection among the Spanish troops is increasing, caused by fre quent changes of commanders of posts and quar rcls of rcmmental officers requent collisions occur between outpots without serious loss on either side. The Cubans claim an advantage ol position and earnestness on tbe part ol their troops. The Spanish' 'commanders continue to execute all prisoners immediately upon their capture. Even those who are wounded are t x edited on the field. Quesada iW 'iUicrto re spected the rights ot prisoners. This policy is iriviuir dissatislaction in his camp, i His loli.sW- o o - era demand retaliation. I Public printer Clapp replying to the Commit tec of Book Binders regarding tba employment of apprentices -denies the right ol j any private organization to dictate to the Government. Tbe Journeymen Carpenter's Asoeiatiou in this city have inserted the word "white" in their Consti tution, thus excluding blacks from membership. The conservatives ot Mississippi and Texas arc not hopeless of securing an earlier election day than that ordered at the Cabiuet meeting yeeter day, and one which will not interfere so much with cotton picking. It appears that Mr. Bout . well, in Cabjnet council, thought tbe proposed day would 6e idlest ot the season. I Wilmington. Wilmington, July 10. Weather hot. Ther- mometer 86. Wind light S. W. Markets. WtLMmoTOW, July 10.r-gpirHa ; s Turpentine steady at 39. Rosin quiet at $1,65 to $6. Crude Turpentine unchanged. Tar $3,20.' New Yoek, July 10. Cotton opened dnll and closed firmer, Sales 875 bales at 34 to 84Ki Flour less active. Superfine State $5,35 to $5,65. extra State $6,50 to $6,70 Wheat one and two cents lower.' Corn closed dull and declining. Whiskey firmer at $1, $3 10 $4 Pork firmer. New $30 to $33. Lard quiet. ' Kettle to . 19. Turpentine 43 to 44. Groceries steady. Freights firm. ' v'V'l ' " ' . ' ' Money closes easy, good at 7. Sterling 9 to 10. ; , Gold firm at . 85X- ; Go ernments atock firmer and higher. : . .i : : Baltimobe, : July ; 10. Cotton f" nnchangcL Flour firm. . .The scarcity ,rrtrlct Jmsiness. Wheat higher. - New red $1,50 t '$l,60. ; Corn firmer; - White $1,:$8 1o $5. Yellow 95 to 97. Oats firm at 70 to SOJ. Provisions quiet.:" r LrvBBPoot July 10. Cotton active; Uplands 12J. Orleans 12H Sales 12.000 bals. On the 1st Inst, at the Pendleton Hotel, ; li:ttzanfcdCttr. bv Rev. G. W. Nolly, Mr. J, in R, Clark to MhV Lacba. Morgan both New Kent countyt Va:;:J f;.''i : -i it''' At8PauI's, Edenton,- N. C. on Tacsday eveniug, Ju..e29, by Bcv. Francis y. Hllhard, Miss Bbttib S. Wood tu OcxAViUS Cook, Esq.; all of Edenton. .: . ' ' ' ' " Near TJleevilloVon Thnrsdaj-, 1st Instant, Miss Mabxha .MEAOHtMviaged about 70 years. She ' was i for1 -many years a worthy and consistent .niemberof Cedar Creek Baptist Church' ' On the 15th of June, near Elizabeth City, Mrs. A-'B. Pxkssb, aged 41 years. -. ' In Edenton, on the 2d nit.,' Sabah Jans Simp bon, in the 23d year of her age.-- - ' " TTAf ING KECENTLT CHANGED HANDS. JtL i now under the management, of the an-dereient-d who is 'detennined : to apare no ex uenae or pains in Tendering a. .first class Rail Uoa4 Htl. ' ;. V: ' ' : -' ' .:- ', :' HIS TABLB y will be supplied with the best the market aflordo. and every attention bestowed noon passcntrcrs t render tbcm comfortable and; to favorably im im with the character of the hoao: lllValluS, Or , nsnvua yi , o : uran nig p .if-Hnmit eummcr retreat are invited to Compunv Shops, pleasant village supplied with the purest of water.,, ; -i -T90iI4?T,9x- ' may 18 r i-am. B OYDE N ;H OTrSE, &ALISBUBY, Nr, 0. ; THIS HOUSE IS 1N.TH0 ROUGH REPAIR, and I am determined it shall be kept second to no Hotel in the Slate.' Wtth ten ycure expe rtenca as a Hotl Manager, I feel "confident that I can give entire satisfaction. My .tyHjv -j-,' ;'. TABLE,, ;ii' J W 111 at all times be supplied with the best HiatJ this market affords, besides JHCJCSii C1SU, OIS- TERS and GAME (in season) trom JMorioltc, new Berne aud Wilmington. The ' - ' ROOMS P-zf'j' v Of this House are well arranged and ventilated. The Beding all now and in perfect order. '' I! , servants ;;; ; .' ' , Polite find attentive. - Guests may? rely; upon good attcution to their every want. : ; 4j in connecuoa wun ine uouse is a guuu ;; where Carriages, UaefcaBuggiea atfd liorses can be had at all times, and horses wcH groomed at moderate prices. A large and handsome twecty- tour passenger v- T I. , i v is, OMNIBUS ',;; to the Depot oh arrival ol every train, to convey guests to and from the House,re of charge. boston ice. ' ;, ..; A full supply lor the Season.. - . A call is solicited ; i" :, : i' ' C. S. BROWN, Proprietor. J. J. Bell, 8op't. - June 28 ($10) A N D B I L LIARD SALOON, Fayettevllle Street.rnear Tncker's Hall, RALEIGH, N. C. TTAV1NO PURCHASED FROM MR. J P. tl iPrairils his interest in this well-known and popular establishment, the undersigned f wishes HIS oiu inenas aua pairoiis nuu nn; uuih; p erally, to call upon- him. , The House: will be kept lathe finest style, and nothing will be lelt undone to make it a first class .establishment. I .THE RESTAURANT .will .be supplied with all the delicacies in season, served up in the best manner. , , . ' THE BAR will contain a large assortment of the finest wines, ules and liquors, and the pnblie will be waited upon by polite and gentlemanly attend ants; Feeling 'that his past reputation is the best guarantee lor the inture, the undersigned hopes to receive a liberal share of patronage. ! W. R. PEPPER. June 16- - 443 lm TTNITED STATES HOTEL, CAPE MAY CITY, N. J., Will be opened for the season Saturday May 29th. In all first class appointments, equal to any and yet affording to families all the comforts of a home. President Grant expects to visit Cape May this season and will stop at the " Uni ted States." Address, AARON MILLER, Proprieior. June 19 . . 445 lm KE E I COO L I Icb Cream , and Cake, H Nol 15 Fayetteville . Street. i Keep Cool! 1 Watbb-Ices asd Cake, ' FENTRESS' OLD STAND ( Ladies are respcctlully invited to call. Families supplied at short notice. Also afresh supply of Confectioneries for sale by N. S. MOSELEY, Agent. july2 456 1W- 7 ' WANTED I " A '' SECOND HAND STATIONARY STEAM JX Engine, fifteen or twenty horse power. A saw mill engine. Make application at this office. JulyS. ; 460-10d. . RICE t RICE ! BICE I BAGS RICE. FOR SALE, by " V , TJPCHURCH fe DODD'S. 10 I DIVIDEND NOTICE, Raleigh National Bank of N. Cabouha, Ralkigh, July 1st, 1869. ' rpHE Board of Directors have this day de JL clared a Semi-Annual Dividend of seven and a hall percent, (free from U. S. and 8tate Taxes.) pavable to stockholders or order; on and alter Tuesday, July 6, 18G9. - julvi 5t r P. A. WILEY, Cashier. ! i - ' - ! Fbom 4 to 850 Hobsb Pow er, including the ceieDratea Corliss Cut-off Engines, 81ide Valve Stationary En gines, Portable Enginea,c. Also, Circular, Mulay and Gang Saw Mills, Sugar Cane MiHe, Shafting, Pulleys, &c., Lath and Shingle Mills, Wheat and Corn Mills, Cir cular Saws, Belting, &c. Send for descriptive Circu lar and Price List. WOOD & MANN STFAMENG. CO., Utica, New York. Feb 13 337 d&w6m j j NOTICE. PERSONS WISHING TO SEE THEIR iriends in the Jail of, this county w 111 be allowed to do so on Friday, of each week, and at nn iit.hnr lime. T. F. LEE, I Sheriff Of Wake County. June 18 444-lui. ABENT WANTED New Prica List for Agents. Agents ' can - make from-10.00 to $35,00 per day, selling Blake's Dol lar Patent Chair-Springs. They make a Spring and Bocking-chalr ot any common cnirH ,uj( m- tacnmgioiii ioiwini legs. They fit any chair and cannot get out ol or der: they will last a life time. Tbe old-fasbioned rockers are dispensed with. For tbe bowaeaad office tbey arelndispenba ble;' Ladfa pronounce t hem uneqnaled for a sew ing chair. It you want an Agency, call and see sam ple, or send for Circular, with terms etc." wouia HKe to sen Hie ngui io manufacture in. the Southern or Middle States. - All Springs made by us are warranted Steel, therefore beware of others that advertise. All ordem tshould be addressedljto our only office, i 1 GEO. K. GOODWIN, 012 Broadway. V AIso, head-quarters tor the Magic Comb (or coloring Hair brown or black. Sent by mail upon the receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Jy 7 10d . i f i . A.I i a. a. & . CaiTED STATES DISTRICT COFRT. PURSTJ'ANT TO THE AUTHORITY vested iu me bv Act of Comrress. I do hereby ap point special terms of the District Court of the United States for the Cap Fear District Ift North. Carolina, to be held as follows: At Sallsbnn.ia. the county of Rowan, to commence oa tbe fiist Monday In August nexti and; at Morganton, In the county of Burke,. on the second Monday in A llmiAt. lipvt. Ordered that this- he published weekly in the Stasdabd, a newspaper in Raleigh, N. J., Jor thirty clays . . G. W. BROOK, ,J District Judge. June 24,.1869. : . ' ' ' . - 449 wlm , LBS. PEAJIL STARCH for sale by ' 7 '..upcuurcu & dodd; J , 1,000 . BRANDRETH'S PILLS. - oTbcy remove all a& accumulations irom the ,, bowe s, and purify and lavigorate the system. 'Alt whoae health ta not pericct owe it to them ' selves to take a lr tloBcS ofUrandreth's Pills, becaase the seeds of decay are constantly eiadi eated byHbclr use, and the principle of lifecon finned, thus giving a vigor of bdy and mind to period .wheik we have been used to Joe he lalter- ' Ing step and the enlcebled Intellect. ' ' t General Paeat tln' distinguished liberator of . Venezuela,1; says''he"has'ilised heiu as his only uo'dlciuc for tbirtf . years, with the most salis , iuctory results.'"' ; - y'-'y ',' 1 .:, ': For Cosliveness, Dyspepsia, and as a Family , Medicine, they are uuri'vallcd. . .. . Daniel L Tenney,- Esq?, Castor House, New York, cured by Brandreth's PtlU of Dyspepsia and Costiveness,' wheu all other means used had failed.';, . ', ' '..'i- . :v ..... . . A gentleman, whose lather died of consump tion at SO years, was also at tacked, when about 31 , bj the jd'iseas& lie had coughi night aweats, ttjidgencr4 di!biJityi; P"uc-tor8'rf!CJ'n!Ppdcd eod, liver oil, but he wastid away. At last he deter mined to use Braudreth's Pills. In two months l they made him a sound man. jnly 13 lm , iGRlSi ;. -.' Business revives under the new Regime. Other than geuenil causes have"; boWeverIgiven a tre mendous impetus to tbo Bale of i - ; '-' ; 'p l Crlstadoro's ' Excelsior Hair D ye i The ehemtsta have eome out la two leading 'sclenfific Jonmals agalnst'the lead' and turphuf poixott for t he liead (lor that is their proper des ignation), with . which the country is infested", while Dr. Chilton, the first analytical chemist iu America, annouuecs to the world that ' Cristadoro's.Dye iiTItterly oisonlesa, and that he know it to be so, because he has ana lyzed it. , , ., . y CRISTADORO'S HAIR PRESERVATIVE as a Dresolng, acts like a charm on the Hair after Dyelhgt Try it. ; ; d july 13 -d&wlm IMPORTANT NOTICE. FARMERS,' FAMILIES, AND OTHERS CAN purchase no Remedy equal to Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment lor the euro of Chelera; Diar-. rhcea, Dysentery, Croup, Colic, and Sea Sickness, taken internally (it is perfectly harmless; see oath accompanying each bottle) and externally for Chronie Rheumatism, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Cuts, Burns, ' Swellings, Bruises; Mosquito Bites, Old Sores, Pains in Limbs, Back and t'hest. The Venetian Liniment was intro duced in 1847, and no one who has used it but continues to do so, many stating, if it was Ten Dollars a Bottle, they, would not be without , it. Thousands of-'certificates can be seen at the De pot, speaking of its wonderlul curative proper tics. Price, Filty Ceuts and One Dollar. Sold hy the Druggists and Storekeepers throughout the United States. Depot, 10 Par Place, New York. ; july t3 lm From Dispensatory of the United Statcs.l ,'.; VIOSMl CIWUTATA BUCHU LEANE3. v JVopertie Their odor is strong, diffusive, and somewhat aromatic, their taste bitterish, aud analogous to mint. Medical Propertie and Unes. Buchu leaves are gently stimulant, with a peculiar tendency to tbe Urinary Organs. , - . . They are given in complaints of the Ur,na,y Organs, such as Gravel, Chronic Catarrh of tbe Bladder, Morbid Irritation ; of the Bladder and iTrrthra.: Disease of tbe Prostrate Gland. a-d Re tention or Incontinence ol Urine, from a loss of tpne in the parts concerned in its evacutioa. i ne remedy has also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Affections and . Dropsy. . . - ' ', ' , ; Hembold's Extbact Bdohd is used by per sons from the ages of 18 to 35, and from 35 to 55, or in the decline or change of life ; alter Con finement, or Labor Pains; Bed-Wetting in chil- Iii affections peculiar to females, the Extract Buchu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulncss or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ul cerated or ScirfKus State oi the Uterus, Lea corrhea, or Whites. .'" Distant of the, Madder, Kidney, Oraoel, and Dropsical Swelling. This medicine increases the power of Digestion, and excites the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the Watery or Calr carcons depositions, and all Unnatural Enlarge ments are reduced,, as well as Paiu and Inflama lion. ..'.'.. ' P Hemboi.d s Extract Bcchp has enred every case of Diabetes in which it has been'giveB. Ir rltation ut the neek ot the Bladder, and. Inflam mation ofthe Kidneys; Ulceration of the Kidneys and Blacder, Retention of Urine. Diseases ofthe Prostrate Gland. Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel j Brick-Dust Deposit and Mucus or Milky Discharges, and tor enfeebled and delicate con stitutions of both sexes, attended with the fol lowinf teymplonis: Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Vfower. Loss ot .Memory," Difficulty of Breathing, vVeak Nerves, Trembling, Horrorof Disease, Wakelulness, Dimnt$s of Visiou, Pain in the Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness ofthe Skin, Eruption on the Face, Palid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of the Muscu lar System, &c. ' " : " . Hbmbold's Extrac Bpchu is Diuretic and Blood-Purifying, and cures all diseases arising Jrom habits ol dissipation, excesses and lmpru deuces in life, impurities of tfie Blood, &c, su persedlng Copabia iu HffocUons for which it is used, such as Gonorrhoea, Oloets of long stand ing, and Syphilitic Affections in these diseases,! used iu counection with Hsmbold's Rosa Wash. Sold by all Druggists aud Dealers everywhere. Beware of counterteits. Ask for Hembold's. Take ' no other. Price f 1.25 per bottle, or six bottles for $6 50. Delivered to any address. Desciibe aymptoma; in all communications.- . - ; v H. T. HELMBOLD. " v j : ; ; 594 Broadway, N Y. None sregenuine unless done up in steel engraved wrapper, with lac-simile of my Chemi cal Warehouse, and signed " -L, ; junelO 2m H. T. HEM BOLD.- SUGAR t SUGAR I A A Barrels of Sugar of different grades at 40 "DPCHURCH DODD'S. ; ERRING BUT NOBLE, Self-helf for Young Men, who having Er i wir a hotter MANHOOD. Sent in sealed leiier envelopes, irec u v""'rV rVixr dt P ARD SANITARY AID ASSOCIATION, Box P., . e e ..i... rm. Annnn, HOW- Philadelpbiiu p ; rope i 'rope t ;ROPE t;;1 - NE HALF. ; ON EFOURTII, , THREE, O eighths ad five-eighths Manilla Ro)e.i . -One-murth; three-eighths and live-eight lis Jute lioperat UPCHORCH DODD'S. v COFFEE I COFFEE I - . $ , Sacks of Coffee at ' . UPCHURCH & DODLTS. 30 JOHN JONES, j m Barber and Hair Dresser, '$1 COUSEft HABOBTT AND WILMINGTON STBIKTS, Raleigh, N. C, it'.:. RETURNS Hlsi.THANKS toth tpubllc fbr the generous siiptort heretofore extended him, and solicits a continuance of the same . March 1, 1869. -, -: t V JWt tt. SOAP I SOAP t SOAP I , , Boxes Rosin Soap at . ,a-' . - UPCHURCH & DODD'8., 80 TO BOND HOLBEB - - OF THS Atlantic Karth Carollaa Eailruad Camaaif. 'XT INTEREST on the above Bonds, duo July 1st. r869.' wtn be paid at the Eulibn National Bank. Citt of New York, on fresehrttlrtir: . -a,l 7" : K. K.BTANLEY, Presd't ' ' - . Atlantic A N. C. R. K. Co. Newbera, N.'P. Jtine 28, t9. - jnty 3-10t ; TRINITY COLLEGE. ; . rpHE Fall Term will commence August 4th, X and close December 17th. Entire expense, including all contingencies, $85 to f 100. Cata logue furnished oq i appUcaUons .rtlrJ :J 1 "VIUUbb C4C2curik? Grocer - BALEiQH. N - Gh APPiS-drie' k X . -.yjy;--:?. . t ' R AffyN" urr Dooml.'.........k.....:..'.i.-- BEEP per pound. .u.t.nM,i BUKSWAX in ponnd. .........,,...., . BLUK STONK per pound... ........... ; , a u an - BU2i9 UAIiUUlsa aaauHHUue, per C1IEESB per ponwl.. ....... ....... tJIIIOKKNS apriS) apleeu..'.:.v. V.4.. COKFKK pur immimI..... ..w " , COTTON YAltN pee Mtie ....... t COTTOS--per pooBa..., ......... ..j. CORN par .bushel j. EfJO S piv dosea 1 ..... ....... . FLO TK per IjaireU . . .... t. k. t ; rKHWKti per unnureu, nw, ...j .. HEKHIrfG-pen. barrel.... j.. .10 Wi9 60 L AKperponnd.w-.,..i.j..i, MB Alfpr luahl....'ii. . ... ;.. ... "t .iJ.i W j MUIXirRi--wa-barrel,.w,. i. ...v..-.. NAIL...- V. ..,..... ?. jt? n is oer hondred......!...... 100 18X1 ltRK -per pmind.-.i. .........-.."..... PRAst jnL ner tiUiiheL.t..-u.......... . 77. r . . 7 . - . 1 on PEACnE3-4lried..:.,.;..-.;...y...... "" 00 PKPPKU black.'; ... , POTATOES irit-hvpecbnsaiel..-.. 1 0U1 60 RICE per pomid. ........,.-.;-.... j. 15 8TARO1 per pound...,...,,,.,., .....j... f RPTPRnr nnunil . . . . ........: . . . i . . SHUCKS per hanttred i... , 8 ALT per sack ........... ............ .1 . ,. ' SUGAR crushed.,.. .............. -.f t - .r y best hrown...ii... ..... ... I, 17)i18 . I! .r ; 1 "tW i browu... ..,,...... i.. , j HALT per bushel... 4.-! , i BOAF-T-turpeutine. ., ,.t..y. 'J ,; ' SODA-pcr pound. . .... . ,-. -1 1 SHKETfNO -4. . .. . . . : . -. . fe . - . f . J TURPENTINE per gallon.. ' r.,j.... ; . 40 i CHARLES HIBBARD, uoiiiiiussioiier of f Deeds, v. : NORTH CAROLINA; ; NEW TORLq PENNSYLVANIA, ;; :;' fENNESSEyrt.;::, CONNECTICTT.- t 'A ',f ' Residence, ; New Berne, N. C. may 19. 418 6m. . :;' NOTICE. : -r. 1 T WILL sell for cash, to the highest bidder, at 1 the Court House-in Mocksville, on weanea- .w.iAM. Hav nf.lniv next. K. Johnston's ioterft i m pr.- or Imid Iviiiir on the waters ol Red Fork. Desha county,' ArKansas, laujoumog iuu lands ofMr. Bolton, jnge r leicnerwnu wm. A. A. UAlttflJM, Assignee. June 26 - ' 4:l Chatham Railroad Corapaay, RxiEion, June 24th, 13C9. npiIE NEXT ANNUAL MEETiNG OF THE ..JL StocKhoiaers oi tue uuaiiiam xuninwu com pany, wl 1 be held at the office ot tuo company, in Raleigh on Monday, July 19. vm. , : - Treasurer aud Secretary. June 25 ' 450 td Special Newspaper Advtrtieiug aud General Col- wm. a; hearne & co., Special Agents for the North Carolina Press, and tienerai Agenisior me otH-eiiou vmiu of every description throughout the ; State. Office. GOLDSBOKO'. N. C. Are authorized Agent for the Nosth Carolina , , . btanoako. april 24 ', . ";. ' ' . .:; ' 897 tf RALEIGH k GASTOJI ! R1ILE01D, . Raieigh, June 20th, 1868. THE next Annual Meeting of tbe Stockholders ' of the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Company, will be held at the office of the Company, In tbe . w t iri. KU'.fi City ot KaictgD, on l nurbaay. uiy kjw, .n...mniinrnt 11 oVloek. A. MJ The transfer books will be closed Jrom 1st to 15th July, inclusive. ' ; ft- a -1' , J W. W. VASS. TreaB. A Sec. Inn23 , I "'' 447 td DISSOLUTION. r; rpHE Law Co-partnership of Phillips Battle 1 naa been aissoivea oy mmuai cooncm. : 8 F. PHILLIPS, - R It. BATTLE. Jr. Ralrfrh ' N O.. Dec. 15. 1868. 293 U - LAW CO-PARTNERSHIP.. rrtTF. nntrRl!med have entered iuto a co-part- 'X nership for the :practVce-ot itlie. Law In the , - -WILL H. BATTLE, - ' ' '' V : KEMP P. BATTLE, ' . r : . , - R. Hi. BATTLE, Jjc Raleigh Dec. 15, 1808. -gati TO ALL XONCERNElV.I'i ?C ' From and after this date an oberVrtco of the T.aw in nm rd otbe navment ol Cost sand Fees, before the istiig of prtKex, iTJhel performance of ojfietal utreice oy ihewiaerwtea,yiui ue rcnuircu trom all persona. ' - N J. RIDDICK, ':. "'""? f Clerk 8. Circuit Court. ; . -S. T. CAKKUW, TJ. S. Marshal lor N. C. Raleigh, N C, July 1, 18(59. I JulyS-lm ::' : DR. RICHAU'S !:;r;M U GOLD BN REMEDIES. Ask for no other, take no other, aud you will save time, health and money 1 1 ' $1,000 REWARD for any case 61 disease inauy stage which they tail to euro , rr RinnAir'a Goi.tikn Balsam No. l. cnres Dicers, Ule rated Sore. Throat . aud Mouth, 8ore JfiVCS, dlTaneous oromn HjruyuvnB, wf ofed Blotches, Soreness of the Scalp, Scrofula, &c. ; is the greatest Renovate Alteratire aud Blood Purifier known, removes all disease from the system, and leaves the blood pure and healthy. Dr. Ricuau's Goldbn Balsam No. 35, cures Mercurial Affections, Rheumatism In all Us forms, whether trom mercury or other causes, gives immediate relief in all cases. No dieting neces sary. I have thousands of Cl'rttflcatea proving the miracuMus cures effected by these Remedies. Prlceot either No. lr No. 3, 5 00 pur bottle, or two bottles tor $9 00. - ' . ':!1a. Dr. KiOHAti's Golib Artidots, a sare,sjeeay, pleasanfaud radical cure lor nientmaeeouipanted with lull dintctlomw .Price, W Rfcs Goln Elixib D'AMOtJitv a rad icai cure?Nens or Generatpebllitnli. old oTyoung; imparting energy with-powerlul d- feet. irnce, i.w - On receipt of price, these Remedies win be shipped topny place. Prompt attention- iaid to ..ir!j.rnnninrlintA. None irenuine Without the name pf "I)r RICHAU'S GOLDEN REMEDIES, D. B. RICHARDS aohii proprietor,' blowa' in glass of bottles; . I " t Address ; - DR. D. B. RICHARDS, :-i tt- No. 223 Varick St.i New York.' x; . .. ) . Clrealara seqt . OfBce hours from 9 A. M. to F. M. ' ' ' July 3, 1869. y ; t I "' 4T dly ER09I TnEV 1 ST OFi-JULY ,TO THE .15th of AUGUdTr.lwa:.. J:Mm y. ;r Gaana aa4 ther FertlUxeti " ' V r,.,..- ... - ' - ' i will be transported at tba following ratea, via : From Portsmouth to. any ntjn he?N. C. Railroad at $4.08 m r ton ol 2.000 lbs. j. ; . From Baltimore fo.ii per nu, j From New York 6.00 per ton. J J , , W. A; 8M1TH, Predent July 3. 458 lm. sr.CUNDUS . NULLI Of- T3R0F. JACK MO W ATT: J i eradnata of Philadelphia, New Yorh, ete. aiwl lata or ..nul Hill lu-lnu- thorouiru masiT: oi me phiiosopliy ff Boot inakmg.Bd the etuuia vf Calfskin,-is prepawd to exeeuta all-anl,anv order In bis profession. 5; , -u . 'ih ' N. B. Repairing done according to the latest d?W!VlJAclMOWA " . . over D. C. Murray's Store, july 7, 1869. . 1 tai-rita.., RortQ Carollaa UnJ Company, : 'l- , .i Ralxiss, :Juiy3,ii9 Ta'jW ESSRS. EDITO R3 :Ava af : rceelVtiijj M- JM tew dally, making Inquiry as to the onn. e tlon of tbo North Carolina Land Coropuay, With the "aaenc y In this city that la carrying; oa the Lottery business. ' . -. ' T,r . ... ti..n K mthlt. vninnillv. that bnr C4muwny Is j ad tfUilnei organlxa- non4 coidueLd uuou antlyd rr . GEORGE LTTTLE, President' ; R."W. Bmt,. Secretary, , , , . ;a(L - t. "july 3 - 457 d&wlm'' Raleigh Sentinel,' vCharlotta- Democrat, WiT mington Journal and Star, ;Nsw Berne ;TiK, ao4 A&hcvinc' New cpjr one wouUt, ; , . . , L ll .T. i Tmli s4ppJror r . . . .. LADIES. AND MISSES .: , HAND MADE WALKING BriOtS ? ' ' LACED AMD CONG KES3 GAITERS. f ' PKliaROSE, PETTT A Kiwioit. ; HAND' MADE CALF GAlTXrvS, t , . . . . . - PRIMROSE, PETTY A NXWSOM. TEAL HAIR TTUHX, CUK1 PRIMROSE, TETTT A NEWBOM. a good assortment of u j ri a a viwtjtm- v' ' ' '" 1 ; w a i '' ' V-r For tba Season. a'y PHiMROSE, TETTT A HEWI0M. ! ! a minm .ill U . T, ATT 1 T. 1 MM I'KlMKOaJE, rJCTTX HIWBUa. . , 1 .y " '' Uityr . ORDERS WILL receive prompt tlenlloa. Raleigh, Vune 28 t ; 879-4aa 1 At K. tf i4 I AND EE W S . V, , if i it ' .i .'.r; .,'.' -Vi t ' f. IE .' AND - i ,; .it ;) H -Kr- "A t"'. LOW PRICES,1 I- ' '-, 1 ';i OF r IKS TBI Largest Assortment A or BOY'S CLOTHING j i; IX THE CITY," ' & T YLIS KHz O IX Tr , ( I. ... - i ' ... ., . r r 27 Fayette villa ftreet, .r RALEIGH, N. O. IT7 yE, WOULD CALL ATTKNTIO K TQ OU 1 'Fine Organdt Mufilins Price :.45c . Worth ...TSa. W. H. A En. TUCKXB CO. Raleigh, June 8, 1809. v435-ti Tl ARGE STOCK.; J- ' 4 :0 i. DOMESTICS, , XJNEN8,a Atatill lower prices. 1 W. 11. te K. S. TUCKER A CO. Ealeigh. June ; 1889. ; iOtt . I LADIES HANDKERCniJEFJi; f - DOZ. 8ALLU8 LINEN nEM'D BTITCffD JIandkercMela, at S&e. mcb -S ' ' A , Great; Barf aln. ( . ' ,' " '. wl'll A R ft TUCKER tO. i Raleigh, June 8, 1809. .... , , t 4rtf 1 fy. ir J-. HARL vLENOCf.i ' . 5l AAA YARDS MARL LENOES. Prlea 'UUV 25 to 8U cents, worth 40 to 0o. 7 v v - u w. 11. ft R. 8. TUCEEE A CO. Raleigh, Juno 8, 1899. ' T.AnlFJi KID GLUTLI. V) D i Ladlea Two-Button KM O10T&.. JdO ow and fresh coiora. , r .J "w'k'JU , , . W. H A R. a TUCEIE jC?i Raleigh, June 8, 1809. " - JSL. NAILS t NAlL I . If AIM I 4A Ee Old Dominion Nsltojt. V.- HEAL I . MUAlti - rrrr '-.,'.'1 200 nlw.l flna whlb MmmI at ' , - UPCHURCH & bODITt JHOLASSETI MOLAtnSf - A Hogsheairfor MoloaMM, new cm, at 1 ' J O v- i t CPCHURCU DQDD'K JUSTREOEiyED.- 1 A A WHITE STRAW eUNDOWNS, NEw STILES AT ... y...... Tta . - ; - i W. H. A R. S. TUCKIE A Ca June 19 PHILLIPS : A I MEBRIHOX '. ATTOR N EYS ' AT, LAVV . ' ' ' ', Raleifk. If Cm; .rn :v. miLLiFB. ' 'i a..a.'faania. oec v . .. VINEGAR I .TIKEGAR I, r Barrel aeNalae Ayvln ynrpt at UPCHURCH DGDD J R EVENU p, LAW O Fiji 0 U, " -i '..Vt Corner Elavanta asd Bank Strwrts, , r niCIIMONDf 1 VA'a 'y l ATTENDS ONLY TO REVEHUI ClT In the aaverai United autea Crt ta i IVth and Vt Clrra'ta (Vlnrlala. Narth o Booth Carolina, Grorgis, Florida. llaUma, Kuw lipplaiidLoaUlana,)aad tha Drf-anaiesU l Wasblngtoa. .-.. Mn WaavwIlI ai tha Tartoraujrli r.ai .Kaleigh, during the aesslos a4 th Vvart to attend to North Carolina caaea.. ! " ' - jane 11' ,-,-k-s ' 439 sat iu. ' . ,i. .'. "'t.i.' t ' 'Charlotte Femalo; iKtito, TniE iiErf Session 6r TCii irrrrm. '"X tloa will rooimcaea Oa Iba lt i'j ' Oetm ber.i.rxt.and continue until Xl Jane lo'.wla. A full rorpaoT Teaebef la all braacbrs aaaay lanahl im Arat elasa FmuOe Behuolar tsa Umm employed lor tbe enuin eftlon .:'.. V Foe OaiaJogaeeooialalng tall pwtclaaU Expent, Course of Study. Lernlailon. Aa .a;nilj.to , . BEY. B. BURWELl A HON, , , -.Jf. : t- . . Chart!, V G . ;Jnly..t,:i;V ..:. .; ' ? ; - . HENDERSON FAIIi, -VpBE KEXTilEaiTLAR VimNOCF THE 1 Ceutml Agricultural todrtj fill ba l.rtd la tUiwrwlMiUM4arto.y.tU. c t Jnlr. Aa' butineaa Of trH ir -rit- f mp lot oakleratU)B a tbat of It .mcrobrrs, Jrom.-UrauvW,., I 111 !! . ill v 1 I aM-- v--w- W I - - tr ;4ii Eiecuilvs V C QLICJTO. ?Ul3 ? ! V I 1U1 . ) Leaner StyM GlQlMl