Slur gililn taitfliiy .1. B,; NEATHERy & CO; . PHOPRIKTOK8. - ' ; " f: RATES 0? SUBSCRIPTION t TKRXS Cah in AnvAxcs. - - RATES OF A0V2Ti::n3 1 Ono qaare, one Insertion 00 Daily paper, I year " " 6 mouths...... ' S i . .$10 00 ... 6 OU ' ... 8 00 . I 00 .. . . 3 00 . ... 1 60 ... 1 00 M 4- - I JUral dadnrtUia, hjr attedal ooatrarvta iaTJOtvar M " 1 Weekly paper, 1 year. , - , months...... . 8 " " " Scoriwl jew..'.",'."'."'.'. ." LIB ERTY AND UNION; NOW AND , FORE VEIt, ONE AND INSEPARABLE.1 Daniel-rVViebster. , &l t'oait adTertisMnent will b eaamd JXmM aaa4 .i... i - . - til .Urtaaa it ' KraeiAb Nonoss charged SO pr cent, ordinary adrurUsemcBta. ' ? 13 00 . 22 00 For advertlscmenta innrrt'-i im- To those who gat ri? clnbs of five or more utxcribers, on copy, gratia, will be mnitehud. ,.! 4 crotM M mark on the ps(er indicates the expiration of the subscription. . , . KALEIGHfjlf. Vol. III. iK:f f; ' nlghor than nana! ntoa will I I I C'J 1'!. f , ' No naner In the Hon W i 'i' . ;' . - - ;'"!,- ,- , - ,.- . .irfsJ ., . . ; i.'i.. J.'U... . i - ji rior to th tTA0kira. pa. I i" .; .-.. Lettimat iMiaddniit . ' . 4 CO , , r-r. -rrr tt 1 ' ' f k i ' . i , . ' 1 ; : i ,.; , .,; , , ,ii ; i State Directorv. GOVERNMENT OF NOKTII CAROLINA. .WILLIAM W," IIOLDEN, of Wake, Governor Inaugurated 4tU of July, 180a Elected lor 4 years from 1st January, liMi. . W. R. Richarhson, Prlvsle Sec to the Gorernbr. C. W. IIoknkb, Clerk Ex. Department, ' Tod. R. Caldwell, of Burke, Lieutenant Got crnor, elected for 4 years Iroiu 1st January 1SCJ, Speaker of Senuto ae-ojfleirt. . ' IIenkt J. Mevsingek, of Craven, Secretary of Sutc, elected lor lour years from 1st January ISO. -' . David A. Jixkho, ot Gaston, Treasurer elected lor four years from 1st January 1809. D. W. BaIH, Chief Clerk Treasury Department. A. D. Jknkiks, Teller. IIxxoer60N H. Adams, of Davidson, Auditor, elecU'd lor lour years from 1st of January 1)9. 8, 8. Ashlkt, ot New Hanover, Superintendent ' of Public Instruction, vlected lor tour years ; from 1st January 186a. , , . C L. Harris, of KutUerford.Snpermteiident of "Public Works, elected for lour years from 1st January 1SC9. .Abiel W. Fishbr, ol Bladen, Adjutant General, appointed by the Governor. W. C. Kxjut, of Mecklenburg, State Geologist. II. D. Colbts State Librarian, appointed by Su premo Court and Governor. Cuas. M. Farkis, of Wake, Keeper of th Capi ,tol, appointed by Governor and CounciL GOVERNOR'S CODSCIL flenry J. Menninp-r, SecreUry of State; Hen derson IL -Adams, Auditor; David A. Jenkins Treasurer; S. S. Ashley, Cvbura L. Harris, -ojjlcio. .' 8TATB BOARD OF EDCCATION. TheGovernor, Lieutenant-Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Auditor, Superintendent ol Public Works, Superintendent or Public Instruc tion and Atto ney General, constitute the State Board of Education. The Governor is President, and the Superin tendent ot Public Instruction Secretary ol the Board. The Board ot Education elect the Trustees of the University. .One Trustee f r each County in the State; term of file of Trustee eight years. ; 8CPREMECOURT. The Supreme Court consists of a Chief Justiee and four Associate Justice. There are two terms of tiit) Court held at Raleigh, in eaeh year cotBUK-ncicg on the first Moudaj in January, and the first Mouday in June un4 cout nuins; as long as the public interests ciiy require. t OITICERS. R M., Pearson, of Yadkin, Chief Justice, salary. $2,500 Edwin G. Reade, of Person, Associate Justice,' salary, - Wm. B. Rodman, of Beaufort, Associate Justice, salary, i 3.500 2,500 R. P. Dick,' of Guilford, Associate Jus- " tice, salary. 2,500 Thomas Settle, ol - Rockingham,. Asso- i ciate Justice, salary, . , 2,500 Lewis P. Olds, of Wake, Attorney General. Samuel F. Phillips, of Wake, Reporter, exclusive ol lees, Wm. H. Bagley, of ate. Clerk, D. A. Wicker, of Wake, MarshaL COO 500 GENERAL ASSEMBLY. The General Assembly commences its annual session ou the third Monday in November in each year, an l is composed of titty Senators and one hundred and tweuty Representatives, biennially chosen, by ballot, on the first Thursday in Au gust. - - . SUPERIOR COURTS. There are twelve Judicial Districts and twelve Judges. Every Judge ot a Superior Court must reUl in y his District. Judges may exchange Districts with the consent of theGovernoi. At least two Courts shall be held in each county an nnaily at the times herein stated, and will contin ue tor two weeks, unless the business is sooner disposed of. Judges Elected by the people. Term of office eight years. Salary $2,500. 1st District Charles C. Pool. 3d do Edmund W Jones. 3d do Charles R Thomas. 4th do Daniel L Russell, Jr. otii. do Ralph P Burton. CtU do Samuel W Watts. 7th do Albion W Tourgee. ' Sih do John M Cloud. ; IrtU do George W Lgan. ; 10th do Amierson Miieiiell ilth do. Jamus L Henry. 13th do Riley II Cannon. Solicitors Elected by the people. Term ol otliee four years. 1st District J W AilH-rtson 3d Jo Joseph J Martin. 3d. do - John V Shew rd. ' 4th do John A Kietiardsou. 5th do Neilt McKay. 6th , do William R Cox. 7th do J It bulla. 8ih do A II J-vee. 9th do V P Bvuum. 10th do W P Caldwell. 11th do Virgil S. Lusk. -2ih do R M Henry- RALEIGH POST OFFICE ARRANGEMENT OFFICE HOURS FUOM 7J A. M. to 7:S0 T. M. TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF MAILS. WESTERN. New Orleans, La., Angnsta, Ga., Columbia, S C, Charlotte, Salisbury, Greensboro, Salem, Chapel Hill, Hillsljoro, ifcc , due 6 A. M., close 55 P. M. EASTERN. i Charleston. S. C, Wilmington, New Berne, Beaufort, Goldsboro, Fayctteville, fcc, due 6 P. M., cloe 6 A. M. NORTHERS. i New York, BaUimore, Philadelphia, Washing ton, Richmond, fetersounr, JNorToik, VVeldon, &c., due 4:4o r. M... close a. . . MISCELLANEOUS. Eagle Rock, Monday and Thursday, duell A. -M.. close 1 r . Al. Roxboro, every Wednesday, due lli A. M. close 1 P. M. t Leaehburg, every Wednesday, due A. M.', elose l P. ai. C. J.. ROGERS, P. M. " JOHN ARMSTRONG, x look Binder tai Ilank fijt Manfiikturer, (OVER the . c. bookstore,) RAXEIGK, N. C. - TIBIAL, EXECUTION, MTNUTE AND RE- J. cordins Dockets made to order. North Carolina Reports and other Law Books Donnd in superior law binding. Missing numbers of the Reports supplied and Odd numbers taken In exchange for binding. August 15, 1S08. 1S4 tt X D- "WEED ! REVENUE LAW OFFICE, Corner Eleventh and Bank Streets, - RICHMOND, YA. ATTENDS ONLY TO REVENUE CAUSE8 In the several United States Courts in the IVth and Vth Circuits Virginia, North and South Carolina. Georgia. Florida, Alabama. Mis sissippi and Louisiana,) and the Departments at Washington. . jane 11 ' 438 3m TEA CAKES LEMON AND SODA BISCUIT I A NEW 8CPPLY of Fresh Tea Oakes and 3L Lemon package, at and Soda Biscuit, lor sale by the i UPCHURCH & DODD'S. SALT ! SALT f SALT I 2X 8ACKS L. F. SALT Large Sacks. J 1 C.aft Table- . in boxes. At DOUGLAS BELL'S. TC AAA LBS. PRIME WESTERN LARD 8 "Uv just arrived and for sale by - UPCLIURCH & DODD. Bankrupt Notices: NOTICE is hereby given, that a petition has been filed in the District Court of the Uni ted States for tho Pamlico District ol North Car olina bv R. N. Lowe, in said District,-' duly declared a bankrupt under the act ol Congress ol March 3d, 18U7, lor a discharge and ceruncate thereof Iroin all his debts and other claims pro vable under said act, and I hat the lbtn day ot August, 1S09, at 10 o'clock, a. M., at tho otnee ol T. B. Keogii, Register in Bankruptcy, in Greens boro, N. C, Is assigned for the lieariug of the same, wuen and wuere u vrruuuia,,wiiu uuve proved their debts, and other persons in interest may attend and -show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be triunte.d. And that the second and third meet ings will be held at the same time and place. Dated at New Berne, JS C, on tho 2bt h day or July. A. D 1S69. CHAS. I1IBBAKD, Clerk. ' rpHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE,. That a petition lus been, tiled in tue District uourt ot the United States forth Capo Fear District of North Carolina by James A. Kel-'y,1n said District, duly declared a bankrupt tinder the act of Congress of March 3d, 1SC7, lor a discharge and certificate tue real ironi all bis debts and older claims pro vable under said act, and that the 35th dav of August, 1SC9, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the otliee of R. H. Broad Held, Register in Bankruptcy, in Salisbury N. C, is assigned for the hearing of the same, when and where all creditors, who have proved their debts, -and other persons in iuterest may attend and show cause, it any they havr, why the r.rayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. ' .-' Dated at Wilmington, N. C.on the 17th day Of July, A. D. ISti'J. WM. LAKhlftB, CierK. julySS- - 477 law3w N1 1 1TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That a petition United States for the Cape Fear District of Norh Carolina by Eiisha McBrayer, in said District, dnly declared a Bankrupt uuder the act of Con gress ot March 2d, 1SB7, for a discharge and cer liiieate thereof Irom all his debts und other claims provable under said act, and that the 35th dav ol Auust, lJjf;9, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. at the olliceof R. H. Broadtield, Register in Bankruptcy, in Salisbury, N. C, is .assigued lor the hearing of the same, when and where all creditors, who have proved their debts, and other persons in intcre may attend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer ot the said petitioner should not bo granted. ' Dated at Wilmington, N. C, ou the 17th day of July, A. D. Iti9. WM. LARK INS, Clerk, july 20 477 la-.2w E IS HEREBY GIVEN, That a petition lias been tiled in the District Court of. the United States for the Cape Fear District ol North Carolina by John Z Falls, iu said District, duly declared a Bankrupt uu 'er the act ot Uongress ol March 2d, 1S07, lorn discharge and certificate thereof from all his debts and other claims proij vable under said act, and that thc3oth day ol Au srust. 1S09, at 10 o'clock, A M., at the office ol R. 11 Broadtield, Register iu Bankruptcy, in Sal isbury, N. C, is assigned" lor the hearing of the same, when and where all creditors, . who have proved tht-ir debts, and other persons in interest may attend and any;tney have, why- Tue prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. Dated at Wilmiugton, N. C., on the 17th day of Julv, A. D. 18!39. M. LAKKINS, Clerk, july 28 477 law2 "VfOTICE is hereby given, that a petition has JLl beeu filet' iu the District Court of the United States lor the Cape Fear Dist. ol North Carolina by A. R. Horaesly, in said District, duly de clared a Bankrupt under the act'ot Congress ol .March zd, lSo7, lor a discharge and certificate thereof Irom all bis debts and other claims pro vable nnder said act, and that the 25th day of August, l!Si9, at 10 o clock, a. M., at the othce ol R. H. Broadtield, Register in Bankruptcy, in Sal isbury, N. C, is assigned for the hearing ot the same, when and where all creditors, who have proved their debts, and other, persons in interest may attend and show cause, it -anv tnev nave. why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. Dated at Wilroingtcn, N. C, on the 17th day ot July, A. D. 1S69. WM. hAK&LNS, Clerk. jnly28 477 law2v NORTH CAROLINA LAND COMPANY, FOR THE LOCATION OF Northern and Enropean Se tiers, FOU TUB SALE OB Improved Farms, Timber and Mineral Lands, Houses, Mines, Winter Powers, Arc. Also ol 7 , Cotton, Tobaeco, aud A'aval Stores, On consignment, and advances made on same. JUXCFACTrKEES' AGE.VTS For Improved Agricultural Implements, Fertil izers, Machinery, tc. Also. ; NEGOTIATE IOAlVS, ON Mortgage or otlier Securities. Those having Lands or Farms for sale, will find it to their iuterest to communicate with this Company. RALEIKII, N. C. officers: Little, rresL R. W. Best, Sec. & Treat. Geo. Directors at Raleigh : ' Hon. R. W. Best, late Sec. of State Col. Geo. Little,- " U. S. Marshal Geo. W. Swefson, Raleigh Nationa. Bank. " R. Kinosland, late of New York City. , Directors at New York : A. J. Bleecker, Agent at new York and Bos ton, 77 Cedar Street, New York City, may 3 404 d&wSm DU.RICIIAU'S GOLDEN REMEDIES. Ask for no other, take no other, and y'ou will save time, health ana money. $1,000 REWARD for any ease of disease in anv stage wnieu tney fail to cure. Lr. KICHAU'S tOLI)EN BALSAM INO. l.Clires Ulcers, Ulc -rated Sore Throat aud Mouth, Sore Eves, Cutaneous or Skin Eruptions, Copper Col ored Blotches, Sorenes3 of the Scalp, Scrofula, ftc. ; Is the greatest Kenovateiy Alterative and Blood Purifier known, removes nil disease from the system, and le-ives the blood pure and healthy Dr. KICHAU S tiOLDEN iiALSAM 2io. 3, cures MercuriarAllections.Rlieuir.atisili in all its forms, whether from mercurv or Other causes'; gives immediute relief, in. all cases. No dieting neces sary. I nave thousands of teitiucates proving the miraculous cures ellected by these Kemedies. Price of either No. 1 or No. 2, 5 00 per bottle, or two bottles lor 9 00. Dr. Richau's Golden Antidote, a safe.speedy. pleasant and radical cure for all Urinary Derange ments, accompanied with full directions. Price, $3 per OOttle. . ' ' Dr. kichau's uolden li-LtxiKD' amour, a rad ical cure for Nervons or General Debility, in old oryoong; Imparting energy with powerful el fect. Price, 5.00 per bottle, or two bottles lor 19.00. . .. . .- . - On receiot of price, these Remedies will be shipped to any place. Prompt attention paid to ait correspondents. IS one genuine without the fiamcofDr RICHAU'S GOLDEN REMEDIES, D. B.. RICHARDS solo proprietor." blown iu glass of bottles. . Address. UK. D. a. KlUuAKUS, Ne. 238 Varick St., New York. " ' ' ' - Circulars sent. Office hours from 9 A. M. to 9 p. M. july 8, 1369. ' ....:' 457 dly . CUBA MOLASSES I Hogsheads more of new crop Cuba Molasses just arrived at CPCHURCH & DODD'S. IiisTarance. '&c. LIFE - INSUEANCE. The Leading Company In North: Carolina Is THE ; JETN A LIFE, of Hartford. assets! 12,000,000.00. DIVISIBLE SURPLUS $2,6750.48. i i - All the Surplus of the C ompany Divided among the: Assured. Bivideii&s declared and paid annually on the Plan. Contribution ALL POLICIES (after tit;o full 'payments) N0N-V011FEITABLE. No Restrictions as to Resi dence and Travel in the United States. Rates tower than, any otlier Company that pays Divi dends to Policyfholders. It issues all the various forms of Life and Endowment Policies. LOSSES PAID PROMPTLY IN CASII. DIVIDENDS PAID AT TnE END OF THE FIRST YEAR, AND ANNUALLY THEBE- . AFTJSR. Its ratio of expense to indbmc is extremely low. Thi m:iy be een by rcl'crence to the Offi cial Rejort3 lor 1SCS. For example : Expense on the SI 00 HscBiyed. Knickerbocker, Equitable, North America, BrooklyH, Universal, Johu Ilnucock, The National, THE ETNA, It has au $16.54 17.44 21. 1G 21.09 2T.24 18.27 C3.48 7 13.41 Important "Hevr Feature that has been copy righted.' According to this p.lau, the rates are , , J 1 ' ' Much Lower - 1 than in any other Company in the world, its ratio ot Mortality 13 low. Its Kntcs are very low. Its Expenses arc very low. Its -divi dends arc large. . ' 'f ' It insured more lives in the City of New York in 18GS, than any otlier Com pan except one. It issued more Policies in the; United States than any other save one.: It insured more lives in Canada than any other Company, British or America. , See what the Highest Insurance Authority In this country says. In the June number of the Insurance Times of -New York; the following opinion was expressed : " If there is any great benefit in mutual asso ciation, any gr. at advantage to be derived from scientific organization and a chartered source. . tending to luitigntc the Bufferings, lessen the privations, and acid to the peace," security, and happiness of humanity, We are prepared to show that these blessings flow in jill their fullness and purity irom this 'excellent, 'powerful, and flour ishing company, theEtua Lite of Harlford." "No institution has brought more prompt, mil, and grateful relief to the hearths of the be reaved and desolate,' ajid none has been more uniformly distinguished for, tho enterprise, wis dom, and equitable liberality with which it has luMllcd the purposes of its formation." Its success has been almost unbounded and beyond all precedent. Eight years ago, in 1861, it lbsued only 589 policies, received au income of seventy-eight thousand dollars, ud : possessed net assets summing up ,to something over two hundred and eighty-one thousand dollars; but last year, 1868, it granted 13,837 new policies, more than any other company,- except the Mu tual i.ue ; receiveqjan income exceeaiog six mil lion dollars, and huo amassed solid', securely and profitably invested net assets amounting to over Ten Million Tiir. e Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. And this wonderful ratio of growth has uceii sustained in i&oy. GENERAL STATE! SOLICITOR, - - - .--.: . .. REV. T. B. KINGSBURY. Wa n. crow, ; , GENERAL AGENT : FOR N. C, ' AND.' : Virginia South of M he James. OFFICE:: J.... Raleigh, N. v. 11. .ncii.EE, Aieaicai tsammer. julyv'.5 406 3m Insurance, Etc. 11 Nothing BTioceeds ' like?" snccessj i , THE ; NATION JsJJ LIFE INSURAHCE COMPANY '. ' OF THE ;;- ' ' .UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,' "' WisnnrGTOJi, d.'c. ' ; , JAY COOKE & CO. Cmenil Sontliera Agents, ; E. S. TUENEE, Manager, : Has issued in the first Ten Months of its exis tence 5,SU5 policies,- insuring over ; ; . i S i po oooo O 5 being double the business of any other Company in the world during the first year of its existence. The Company alfords its policy-holders Per fect Security by its cash '.capital of One Mil lion Dollars, and guarauf ces , to the insured, by its low rates of premium, large dividends in advance, or a Reversionary Dividend ol lOO per cent, by its return premium plan.; , Apply for Agencies and Policies to , P. F. PESCUD, Raleigh, ' Gencaral Agent lor North Carolina., Dr. Chas. Ej JonNson, Raleigh, N. C, . i Medical Examiner aud Referee, july 459 3m u The Old North State Forever." ENCOURAGE H 0 M E ENTERPRISE The Worth Carolina ' H0xE (Fire) INSURA.NC& CO., Has now been in operation fire month, and the liberal patronage it has received insures it to be J SUq'CESS ! . Amount liable for Losses $184,000 :. 920,000 Deposited with the State Treas- urerfor security of Policy Holders I Kates moderate and all losse3 prompt ly adjusted and paid ! , This Company, organized upon the most, lib eral principles, appeals to the people of North (Jorolina lor support, irUaranteeing, 111 return. protection against loss or; damage by fire, and circulating its receipts i . At Home. ;.i ': J. II. FOOTE, PresMt. SEATON GALES. Secretary. . W. II. McitDocii, Ass't. Sec. and Local Agent. juiyo.isoa. i , 4 tujuiyio .. .-aecticut Mm-. "ai Insiirance :CBiBaiy. ASSETS OVER $2 5,000,000.00. . .'i .." - y -.- . - - -; ANNUAL fNCOME OVER ' - $8,500,000.00. Numkring more tLm 00,000 ' Scmbcrs. Surplus Assets over Liabilities "t $7,0 00,600,0 0, A PrRELTCTTlL COJIPlSY, All its surplus is equitably divided among the Policy Holders in '- ,1. ANNUAL DIVIDENDS Paid up Policies are irranted. for a stated amount, alter two or more years, or an equitable consideration 111 Cash will be given therefor. It issues Policies upon all V Desirable PIoqs of ; Jagvranee, , And has adopted in its workings several SPECIAL FEATURES,'' ,: Original with this Company, and offered bv no other. - fe$. O WAIT, Qeti'l Agent, AUlClgU, V. juneS, 1869. 431 d&wtil dec23 Rational . feeedman'.'s savins ann to 1 fTt fChftrtered by Special Act of Congress, j BRANCH AT RALEIGH NORTH-CAROLINA, , r Corner Fayettevllle and Hargett streets. Opeafrom A. M; to 3 P. M.; TPvE POSITS OF ANY AMOUNT, FROM FIVE A7 cents upwarus, reeeivea. .- ; . j -! Interest payable In March, Jaly and November - '-' ; "oifKtas 1 liixS: hmi F ' -. . Gov. W. "W. HoLDEN. Chairman. I . non. Geo. W. Swepson, - Col. R. W. Pulliaro, tion. J . 1 . Aieweese, jaon. jjti. Hams.- ;,; . . G. W. BRODIE, - .. CatMer.- Nov. 2t, 1868V . ' -268 tt. j ' NOTICE.1 - - t ' - A DIVIDEND of 3 per cent, on the capital Y. et:-k of the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Compaq has been declared by the Board of Di rectorn, tjuyable at the oflice of tho Company, o ana alter juiy a, ioow. , ., ;, ' W. W. VASS, Treasnrer. Raleigh, July 6, 18o9 , 461J-lm ' 1 1 1 ' : .Insurance, etc .C-Ui A -l i-W -h ;,;i. - ,-r : .1 rt- ... 141 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. v; '-. The only ' Company ; in - the Cotintry ; -which G-uarantees Definite - ;' .". V CASH SUBRSNHBR VALOBS In case ca Policy is for- feited" for non-payment I Premium. " - -n.r: of ALL POLICIES Are non forfeitable after two full Annual Pre- miums have been paid. The policy-holders of tills Company may travel or reside where they choose anywhere on the Globe. ' ' ' " ; j " The BROOKLYN LIFE has paid, snd now pays to its policy-holders; (. LARGER DIVIDENDS than ever before paid by a Life Insurance Com pany. Dividends are paid In Oasn, , . or amIied to the permanent Increase ot tue poliev. or left with the Comoany to accumulate. at interest, in either way, at the optiou ol the i !i"w ' .' ' ; -' .1'' CHRISTIAN W. BO UCK, . . . L . . . President.. WILLIAM M. COLE, ............. ..Secretary. r D. P. FACK LEK.... ...... OnumUuM Actuary. DAN'L AYERS, M.p., LL. D.,.tfedr cami,ier A. W. LAWRENCE Gettt A ,. . Italei h, N. C.i jnlv7 459 lv y A PE0CLAMATI0N.I BY DJS EXCELLENCY GO VERS OR HOLDER. ' Executive Department 'of N. C, :r - -.5 Raleioh, Jnno 21, 1869. ' ."TTTIIEREAS, Official information, has been re- V V ceived at this Department that a vacancy exists in the representation from the county of . .JNtsw ! Hanover: caused by Hie rcsitcuatKxi oil. . U. Estes. Esq.,. late member of the House of Representatives ! Now, therefore, I, VV. W. Holden, Governor t.f the State ol North Carolina, by virtue of au thority conferred by law, do issue tuts proclama tion, ordering an elect iou to be held at the sev eral places ol voting ii said county, on the first Thursday in August,- for the purpose ol" tilling said-vacancy. , . . . ., i ' Done at our City of Raleigh, this 21st IL. s. I June, 18'',. and in the Word year ot our Independence. J - - ; a-,, . . : W; w jjoLDENi Governor. By the Governor : ,,; i . : - i If, r 1 W. R. Richardson. Private Secrelarv.- WilmiiiKton Post and Wilmington Journal will insert till day. : -jjM us June 23 tdi : ' ' A PEOCIAMATIOU. , By Ills EXCELLENCY, THE GOVERVOB OF NORTH CAEOLINA. : 1 s v( i Eibcctivb Department of N.. C, , Raleioh, June 21st, 1869. TTTHEREAS. Offlcial information has been ',:W received at this i Department that a va cancy exists in the 19th Senatorial District, com posed ot the counties of Wake and Franklin, caused by the death of Richard LiWytwe.Esq., .ln Sjn.itrvi-fnim jsnirf rltKtrlctj r - ' t i ; 'U Now, therefore 1, Wm. W. Holden, Governor tl the State of rnortntTironnay THtueof au thoritv coiiferred by law, do4ssnOi)Ws proclaina tion. ordering an election 10 ne neja at tue , several places ot voting in the eouaties aforesaid, on tho Hist Thursday in August ne,xt for the ' nnrnose of fillinir said vacancy. r . -er, .1 '5.-1. ..1.1. m. T- xonu a ourciiy-oi Aaieisu, iuiiati uuc, i. s. ,1869, and in th 9Srd year of our indepen dence. M ' - W. W. nOLDEN, Governor. By the Governor. , ; jf , w; H. KicnARDsoN, rrivaie cecreiary. IRON COTTON TIES. .h;: SOLE AGENCY. IN NEW YORK FOR THE SALE AND . DISTRIBUTION OF THE , . ARROW 'TIE'V.' AND SELF FASTEN ING BUciKLE TIE,1 Manufactured by J, Jt McCOMB, Liverpool. , SWEPSON, PERKINS & CO., ; 80 Beaver St.. N. Y. 4 (Mailnitdressr Box 5,724 P; O.)' "' July SO - "479 Sm . Old 'brth State Distillery. ,; W. fde't i f : G-root, Kuck & Co., OF ' Com and Bye WHslds, ' ' tAAAUJiUi A Ajf , A. . ' V. N. june'8 435 Sn . MEAL! HkAL! 00Z Bnshcls tine white mesial . .if ) j J UPCUURCflf fc DODD'S, Distil Am M-mm Hotels &c: ; - 1 . -i rnv KflDTn. rinnrivi RAIL R 0 AD , HOTEL : COMPANY it r r J (1 M.'A.ia-hAi. .tiUtuimi iT tjl . ! i HAVING RECENTLY CHANGED HANDS U inoyt under, the manugomwnt ot the un-dei-signcd. who. is determliiea to' spare no ex iiehse dr pahis in rendering' It "ffsf i-lass RaU Road Hotel. ,w njq .;ii..!iv;ii-a j, .noi? ( will be supplied with the best the market aflords, and everV attention' bestowed noon pas&enifers to render 'them comfortable aud to favorably imt press them,wUh the character of the house, i tL invaiias, or persons or pleasure desiring a Pleasant summer retreat are Invited to Com nan v Shops, a pleasant Village supplied with tho purest BOIT)E:;KpTJ;SE, v:u ...1 .it: .:. v-r....) . ....; "., I THIS HOUSE IS IN THOROUGH EPAIR and I am determined it shall be kept second to no Hotel in the State. With ten- years expe rience as a Hotel Manager, I feel confident that I can give entire satisfaction. ' My " 'i 'i.ABife.i;:'"'r:; :; W ill at all times he supplied with the best that this market affords, besides FRESH PISH, OYS TERS and GAME (in season) from Norfolk, New Berne and Wilmington. .The ' " ROOMS ' ' "' ' .. Of this House are well' arranged hnd ventilated The iieding all new and in perfect order;. ' r SERVANTS! v--Polite .nnd attentive. Gnests nay ..rely upon good attention to their every want, i In connection :with the Plonse is a good LIVERY STABLE, ' ' . where Carriages, Hacks, Buggies aiid Horses can be had at all times, und horses well groomed at moderate prices. A laige and handsome twenty lour passenger - o r OMNIBUS .. , . j to- the Depot on ai rival ol every train, to convey i guests to ana from tue House, jree oj charye. BOSTON ICE. , f , A full supply tor the Season. A call is solicited.- U i' n , v'.', -. C. S. BROWN, Proprietor. J. J. Bell, Sup't. June 28 ($10) AND BILLIARD SALOON, ' FayetteTllIe Street. '"Bkr Tucker's Hall, . RALEiGn;-'''"''-! HAVING PURCHASED TBOM-iMTCi. P. Prairie his iuterest in this iwell-koowif and popular establishment, the undersigned wishes his old friends and patrons and the public gen erally, to call upon him. . The ,.Hojus will be kept in the finest style, aud nothing will be left undone to make It a first ' class - establishment. i THE1 RESTAURANT' " ? ' '''' will be supplied with ail the delicacies in season, served up in the best manner. , '."" -THE-BAR . '" will contain a laree, assortment of th finest wines, lcsand liquors, ' and the pnblie will be waited upon by oolite , and eentlemanlv attend ants. Feeling that bis past reputation is the best guarantee lor the future, the undersigned nopes to receive a uoerai snare 01 patronage. - . - W. R. PEPPER. June 16 ". - . v-i-jm , ; 44a3tn, Virginia & Tennessee Air-Line I - . -' ' -D,M. -:- ' v.." . :! .... AhcUlWOiV., , X Mile FOB). TIIK "ji South.-TV'f3stf :West and JT.fjrwest.- THIS ROUTE COMPRISES TUW NORFOLK and, Petersburg, . the? South Side, and the Virginia'and Tennessee Railroads, and thelrelose connections west, ana filers to tue travelling j public 60 penor laetutxes at, lov. rates. , . Ulie attention of emigrants. and parties moving is called to this, the shortest, cheapest and quickest route from this section of tue conntry to 1 ne umat ana iNUKiti-wtiar.i :. Choice 'of 'five different' routes' to' St: Louis offered.- ;,:- ! t?.- r - -s ,1 -ft ,-vi' '.'- Close connections made and fine accoraniods tlons afforded. .,.... Take the Norfolk and Petersbnrk Railroad at Norfolk, Va., the-Southside Railioad at Peter-: bursr. Vaorat Bnrkeville, Va.-, and the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad at Lynchburg, Va., to whose respective Ticket Olllces apply for fur ther information. . 31 " v- Train leaves Norlk daily, at- 4:45 a. m. . . " 'Petersburg 8:15 - ' Butttevme Jritfa V C 1 I.., . it , A. An t. u 1 xurouau 10 uuiau. in iw uuure iroui tciuro burg. Val "-'- - : - ' ' - Bairgaire checked, through to ell- points, and tickets good until used. ' ' . . , -. -,, -.rv .iiwni T.'Va.Tenni.'itt .v-i - ' ,hkn; , i,:;:- Lynchbarg Va." . M. WOOD, " , . .. : Gen'l Passenger' Agent, Flncostle, ;Va.' '1 -r. may 10- -' ' 41v-Bm. u DOTJGfcliAS s BEIsIi, ! GROCEtl'&'CaMMfSSlON MERCHANT; V i.i'ft'v. !'!!-, flt '1-ffs'; ?! CONSIGNMENTS. t1- or CQRNMEAUand F.LOUf4! ; SOLICITED. t i i Ji, GROCERIES I -. fi--- -- P. .'H GR0CEEIE3I C20CEBIES! .ui AL A j: u: . ; a rt TACON AND BULK SIDES I ! .' if t 50 Barrels of Flour. , ,40 25; SACKS FLOURj u .1 1,000 Gallons, New Molasses. . BAURELS. OFjfiUGAK. SO Sacks ol Fine Salt. , ii ; .'; i r SACKS. OF, COFFEE, (all kjd. . , . " ' LO 25 Boxes of Soap. ; .f r JTV PACKAGES OF FIM tJU (25 Boxes of Candles. FINE TOILET? 80AP Acl;1' tc; :u ' -.; : AU. P?. wWcIa.;.jrfl. eUat Ior prtcesfof-. n URte At-R'CIDER'VTNEGAR .trim A a 437 UU sepl" rri 1 r A NOTHER SUPPLY of Parlor MateSe at? . r.UPCnURCUA DODD'8 Raleign, July 23. J ' ' ' 473-tf. ..; v rt.J. -.-I - ! JJcam Engine, 22 inch Inder, lour foot (troka. . made by Sutton, w ij ooutr, w-iacu, u- 4aJii&t 1 Beam Engine, 18 inch cylinder, fou r foe tt troka, meter, S8 foci long. . ' V- -awnin.. i . m " Hf trnahn, 1 rgpXS andiahmtlea, Harness, 8 and giWioa, lick ad Pick, Cad : also 4 Boxes. . . , - 18etW64lkh ftWx481s4Bmketa "Mule Cards. 1 48x43 a " J '"oO'plndPt varus. , i aAv4'1 1 1 , ii Viade, - - 80il Condenser. -yn' hr431t Breaker, - I" 43xi8 2d . ,5'Ti! Tr 48x18 CotoderiiarJ Mai V4"3 plodlaa, ia.Kaar a JluleaafiO apladles e-ti ? V-iaclianca. , 1 8arj-en,r BwrPlck enlarge rgealsu, au, nearly bw. COTTOH ViCHISEKT, FOB COiCSZ TJLXIS. , 1 .Willow, Hodson's . makc Urn !. Bpeeder o Inch, two Beaters. - I 4 Cotton Cards, 86-Inch, sell Btrlppcrs and Griaw 7 -der.50-iektrararM.. .,,. L I J)r wing Frame, fou r Colters, D a iBtViriL'a Dr w iuif Frame, six Corier. '.-1W l Condeoaar feeder, 84 aVelWeriaa. -' 3 Spinning Frames, 2 inch Ulga.linpndkMack 1 " " lX-incb flt' ' With Sbaftintj, Belilnr, - Ac., OMlot to run the cotton machinery. Ui " ..i -3 Warping Mills, hy hand and power. . m 1 Balling Machine lor caudle wick, die; 50,000 Bobbins. t ; i u i,.-, ... ." . , Will take part COTTON trad. Jnno 80 ' 4Ht-fea ORANG'S AMERICAN CIIROMOS. In Oil and Watar Color Palotiags ' PRAko's American Ciiaokos ar fksklmn ra prod net Ions of oil iad water color patotbira; so iaithtully and skillfully done that It reqolrea Um experleuce ot anl-fpert to detect the dlflorvnca bet wees-them and ttM original, . . y . For every punOM.r4eontloiv-.4rMriora, sitting rooms, draalng mpoma, tmmAat, or cnamoer, notyuig so exaalsltely bcaoiUu M these Clirotnos Can be Mttulotd lor Ilia aama amount of money. No othcfrnaincatS Of Uta same cost are so admirably Calcalaled to adora a homer to cultivate love Irfr Art amanr tba people at largo: to brighten Bp tbadwtfUlnjr of every cla.-s of onr citizens ; and to tcsctt the ris ing generation by their alleat yet Mtfnltr la tlucnce. to love the beautiful In Art, and in na ture. Hitherto,' Art hua bcctl aristocratic Id Irs ; aswiations.-rnon but th wealthy rlaaaas ootid afford to. buy Una. works of art; Aut,cbrpoto lithograplr hak changed all that: and broojcht ex quisite painUngaUhiwthe reach of every tamlly. It Is doing lor Art what the printing prest did lor Liters tore:-' Lei Mmy,'Vitotortb: 1m with out a lew classical hooka,- and one tr Iwo'Daa . terly paintings. Both shool be rerardod at to. dispensable to complete a home.' ' ' r3f-Ask for them at the Art Stores sad Book . Stores. ' - ' 1 t" Our Chromes are sent free, to iny'sffaresa, within the United States, east of the MUahwIppL on receipt of price, ; . . ... vf v 7 Prang's Chromo Journal," bsaad qaar terly, contains a complete descriptive catalog no of our CUromos, with, speelal fafortnafion about the art Specimen copies of the Journal sant to any address on receipt or stamp: ' ' - July 1 tt - v nOLLOWAYS, otv VERMIFUGE C0NFJEtTI3 KS. vr mm t yt i.i;r , Dr. Eolloway, some fifteen years afro, wtraMUif ta s diatresa occasioned tlckly child ma In taklitf tit. auaa ous venaifugaa of that darVMolrad toanarjraaittta, , and fronj the most eflectiva of the retnedle. tc d- edla- setiaraHnf their active nadlcal propwlus, par, tasteless and iaodoroan. Then. hy-firfiMrlr- ihr.a with sugar, and moulding them Into an afraaw)a enn fectlon, formed tho nraaant rorvLAm and arraonva Tiuimsi snown a .iir; Oolloiraj's Fermifngc Confectlans, whicn bav almost autlrety stmersec naJanoaa VermlfuOTs, to the delight of the pJt UlUa inSmn, 'It calomel or caaervolKMioaahiTMliMU. . 80 btthly wteraed ia tbla aypolar ymifnc4 Vl profession, that an lfclc11iriit pliyalcUo. who know ot ,thei piaacrMte Uieavrafiuajr:c tn .flu. iimiiiIIii as not only mora ptannt to Uka, sat mora aAMtlr. tm care. .1 T Parents and guardians hannir tba ear of chtldrwo, should koep Uwm t s XasfiWj mecficio. ; for Uurf aoi oolr eradicate worms those poatt M childhoal-out eorract any aieranpsinent of (he UUve oripa.M yiralaa with children.. ..: ' 'lit J-'i.llli .7- tl ;':;3iESKELi-vJiiv . This Ointment, after an sxptrlweaof tw'rw ha. pwfad a overeign' rtimedy for all tlaamm b Hkfn ; Lav-lag affeeiwl a-radtaa cbm intrurt, turn which it was used, cnrinir many obiiat nun. 0 1 or twentf jresra". arandtnn that had atwrtoaa) v xklMad oji remedies preocnoea oj torn Don mMMai Uiwt of IM country. Its ell eel : to woaiirn la a tr-w &mj ta 4renoM aud lrritattoa I removed; tba akla knumiaa mouth and hem thy", aba remain. permaiMBtly hwlrt. without the ass 0 any oUms rnadjr j ;i . . Xhn. Txttsb, tlALv-aavM, Itbii,, Soxam'alTcs. EaniKMi, Buvrcnxav Piartsa, aad rtrr rmaar inali.r of hew twin r-'iLktn Pu.aa. ttMS hM rw44 all other truatroent ft many yr.. bars tx-ro HTactaally enrcd by the um af oafyi mox f Ails tiinUBaoX BoRKt. Scald. andOi.Baoau It heal. Id . w-r mKnr. ttaia-i Pkcica Kirry Oatrva rca -Box.' If n- tmid b you Druggist. Mod sixty. ml to JabjtMon. j: t loway & Cowdon. Phnadelphla.a box wlH b mI Leo U naaa. jBratoan.addi-M.;.i(n.. , . 1 . 1 -t vn. l.'.w vrautva-noM gonoma wiuxjbi tiMlrwaia) of the PtoprMtora 00 Lha wiapfr oC aack 1t.s i . J Wmvii Cnmtrile Issca - - . . . Till. I. a puna extract of the tm. amalca f'-rm.rt flrtmi Capriemm ar may Wtnw hnrrm, -'cm Lata, lag all tha AroBiUc,Caj-miatiT ao4 L"-'''t" - tnim. alaoag propertiMor the-Jamaica UIom.' hxuw vln aUyCMf. of; ohltj fmaa cipoiir ctioiic, cnoiera Moron., iuuT&ea. l ahw aervoaa PeUUty, Headachy aa fleXmr dnulli thjt arnrt rt anv Kmmim .t rjrtM lm ine marKci. i.cnusDor 10 eoowunera miui anora enlenl1pf trtVclcra. u t-d Ui U it n .. . pON)UMPT)N CANrB. -.CUW0..JV, ' miiV i V'f ' 1 jv1 t.Uui'y ."f 4.' .1.-. , .-i.-.t m .-jTr i .'i i 'it L.I i'l - ; ' -ifl v.f. a A '', T 'i1h 'iJ l!".' jJt I-MiiH Preparod Accord 1b to taa romalaaf Ttt Smmun fn.uI-r- vA -t-n-"t aa Pans. r.i x"- iT-a roa li.iil b'.M-is ..,!." 1 : nl'iff V t -Tti fBh new claa .rtreatlaa Fahrew.e. iMae -wrta FaaitiIaATlacreiihifftiwf(aai. tloa la 'tof. Its beneficial resoaw hare- bea ber d t h tm praaala both beajjfph.. 2"ha Freeh Koat 1 n dmbi waaant tried la KowUbr Dr. fe eiaao. Tin raaailta werehoteMgmtUylag taaa arprttr ConwpUa raMMia hi. haada., wht.h had prvvbia)). ' -J ta moot .killed ff tba prodawkM. yWWu4 rapL ', aa hy eharm."madar the -new troaimaat. Jbat fi at h 1 aa iKiJi TsovaMAD. af.PsrK iha tea world ! r efl law kibied tor. makiasr knuwa ta) tba ajK !--) u i - .t faa. torea-ef the rmh aleatCnra, ItU po.aW 7 anartaa , Jr that, in no leva taaa two .lboawwd t. ich tt has hoen tried, ft prorodfucccaeM tn !( t iT. ' Tha rraab MatOaMlawier4toi.iA uterleaa Mhlie as a I'rpprteiaay frmaAi. 1 4t ! rt 9 sunn of a 6rra p. each Dot I la fcnuln tie antritoaie L'tjTOoertlo. of i aai a half Doaott. of ra turat.' Itta uiaeasa 01 me aam ia punctuajry cored, ho longaumaiur. - It Qua cured b.4 caa KTB-lw. aud dlmhatipas from 1hstar.'w el.e would heal them.. fipleaaaat to tba tiawtand a alark. h40e-W IK. awdtcta I will convinie the.root akrrilnl Iu in-ata nl'(rreat'nealln?feimdyof UeiimeV-ctrtli eetitury. " . -,. rmea (11 aiiciaeaua, laapneawiu o iv'"" a .'iwtU Milt kntllbe ii -' 1 A-oackAB mt alx houLa Ml trr Xxrweaa.' aaraialy .packed to any part ot Uo taltcdjiiatw tm nrap4 aa Soldi tixiiuJ ' ' - . ;.i aaarch law -ii-:- rfJv iu lfU, laiiwas f'C : 5 iTit. 1 ImM tJ. t-rrr YIifIMaAJIttwv -4-.l A N OTHER ARRIVAL of tht rcw4-Vl TT 1