: - 1. oanji0 11 awasjawggsnsawqsjijjl 5 o ri n-fftVrff- Saa aa Rata. v4 Watcblas tbe dreary ceaseless rain. It kept on Its tireless piay ; ? And tbe poor little womto signed. n,e h!r tittle heart, grateful and Ray, V ft la'u'f so 1u to 1 lashing rain. AIM) IB oweria skies above. For the sombre room wss llgntea again n f tr.S the ihtle wuVs mannnr'd lay : Without, it mT tbrrat wi and wn if it wilK tYttala,-vliar agMfRJUdday?- Taleatiae. To love, to worship thee. ; O O H O The ea yearn lor therstaWatfore, - "H The sUrs (Jok on the sea, . Tl , The but moowWoos tteei-nted iW-lu The perched flower the dew-no ofltlt'l .tlKl TlMtlf love, their loving does not tail, Aud wjj should mine Jor yon ? Like a bird all spent with wandering ," Jl;a All weary mast I roam ., ; trJr.iiiJ mill i arovp wy raua wiu In the dear neat ot borne. But what were home without thy face, o Cilit-U lore of mine! VI ,1 -m il.ot LnmKlo IiAji thlvrinti I f And bte your valeutiaoj" ;:: t J Personal Jteat. . bH3QJOHIOOT3 IUs Kellogg, it is lumorcri, is to attempt theatricals. -f. Thalbcrg, the pianist, is saM to le worth half a miUnibu The u'it jiadagasear wants to marry an Anwrioufcclerfynian. Sir, Bright arrived rthe Java from Jjrepool yesterday. Gen. Bqe'r h'a finally paid Ames (1500 fur painting the portrait of his daughter. Tlie'.&nperor of China :s recti tiaj mirrors nnl costly household furniture from Paris. ' Inei'aeiuu'iOTernor of Jerusalem, has len srwAencetlta three yenrs imprisonment for emblement. ',!'- Mr. Chales Bile, who has been replaced as Ounsnl-Qeneral at Alexandria by Gen. UiiUerVnepfcew, was. in the opinion of An son Burlinjane, hc most influential pers-.n in Egypt' 1.4. -.Pi Iteaas. . NlyGerirtarr Jias 11,748 beer ahop. Both thffUaitwrsftj csaws are a wretch- Italy is 'RH1fiflg'Pi, into AVysja. ' TM erntftk chareh is LfMdon has tnn 4Jf,tittna Prifce DrtiiWkli aeqnittal iaQcli, cpm7 mentaa.MAfiWfll1- The Globe fqttnSalca that Joba Bright will soon resign $Js place ta the Cabiae. Tennesse and Georgia Rtlroad Bonds were wtpace aJke London market yes terday. . JU' ems. : Tim: best war to aha; a overuse. sitgcads.are; lx)ariL.centl. I Thi twehy-ffear 6u about Kjiiallr divided. The "girl of the perifid 1 iby no means all a made-up an accident r . - . it-- since Biie is affair." Governor Jewell has apjKiinted Friday, the IStJrday a( 4pr aa QyT"'J4 and prayer in IfcnjreeWiM ft 1 1 Vt 1 The bfgest shoes for women made in Philadelphia market go to Utah the smal lest are ordered from Havana. TIh? setttii irve can never grov out un der tlte warm and genius influence ot kind feelings and affectionate manners. An a morons swain declares he is so fond of his girl that he has rubbed the skin from his nose by kissing her shadow on the wall. Try has a man who bought a ticket to go to Europe on the City of Boston, but was a few minutes too late to get aboard. He says there is never anything gained by Jfcar- Tviwr. aadlheftrMT-fcnd;' At Jiauigoatms.. a row caugnt-a tor who had owed him eleven d the flood, and choked him till nis false teeth come out, which he kept. The poor victim was aroand next day trying to swear through the gums. F. W. Uolbrook of Amherst, N. H writes the Jfirror that mm near their orchards, the birds being thought to destroy apple buds very extensively. The missionary reports from China says tlint the population of that country has been greatly over-estimated. Instead of having 400,000,000 population, there are probably not over 250,WW.fm cfle -.adds, that the latVfc-s wive flrMftffsrfbd the Wfribcr tf the people.,, rprx-q-XIOH IOi liltl'lS A geniietwan .nwuiug a gon, during a snort resiaence mere oi iwo years, has loeen obliged in the way of busi ness, to Idte the noses off of five persons. And he is well and hearty, and his appetite never waSrtOrf Joshan jQjfrA An enterprising cx-town clerk- in Florida isscltins marriaff a Ikjcnsea, dating them bad to when he was authorized taact'ih thAfr&t" pacitv. A negro couple was ,marriel last week'snd the license, Oct.K!r, 1869. , Mi In i . a . i w? . - I ? r I qbci tne umerstty of Bonn have revived ail out law, .(which; eftpressH' tMktti&fe tbat all -indents who shall fight without wear- ing a m&3k to protect the face" n.d fyhtit 1 to protect the limb,, shall b exp&oKn the Lniversitv " , ( -p- Z ' XX X Tlic Catholic leUgraph corrects the mis- appitbeosKMi thatlhe Pope ha Temanflta"1 the Telegraph, which says: "Priest he is and priest he must ever remam. Til' et taderddi -St w rf'lT i. S A A 1 1 I I i f rs are now inaeUrnvmi? - ' i :-UiwUlbe heTo" 'h Cburt , Banic ... iH.- M An o)4 Udv ip Laoonia, i1..flfiilVof teav.h yy.. rr. -.--j - rfc-"?,"'iiVot conaounff wuawsensw werewreavetlby the death of Irietkfi On one occasion -she told a mourner tbat her case was not so af-1 r a. - a t t a tii I ecuug as.nei; owa, iorf naa .viuhiib r year, lost a dear, husbamt iwaeiiilc-cm and 4 five skeins of woolen varJii?-k-iU . t'l .-iql t The tndianola (Texas) Bulletin. alladiflSf" kohmq neeeaaaxr. but the timdls! forr aon 1 f6rfloi ni .tbe, CuZ. .vTwT . .i K I Sven lrV rrorf BalelfTh adjoining the lands of I ai ng.asrparatfatpfrnn f I ' iZZ- oT 4VJ')AaiT 8, thugs iMwinMcvmuiflBt lariy low down In this 'world, than this an lr, rBmtf ki people wlio, neiUter hi Ihhr-b&Tkii&rhf tM-Ir deservings, have anjl i very depart unmerited disaster has most lshirtj to the top, of their benth " Ann vast strides in those verv derjsrtmentani were disaf 0nqii e D9S4?RSSMrer 4 k . "tri A l wuciuteu ourselves. ' , Bitter distrJtestQaqUpbrgh "birth" and imagined deservlngs are not ap f B t the nor in: Bitter di8stre83 at the reflection, jthat we WrWffltL'HiWffi; wWseetto tap the foundations of that noble offshoot which ftna arisen about the raina of a rotted and defunct aristocracy.. Rfalryyyy at a loss which most to ad mine the1 borones and candor' of the con- ion, orAheiweakncM of theiconfessor. Is btmgaIy,coranlaiAtouc North Caro- TK.utrfl8r-'s!ei7 "Dialectical biianwopiotilleUItorA driver us." inPjIiQWTfiAJaUfr.IEiii Doww." When a poor man attempts to rise attempts io show that there is no monopoly of genius, and that God has given as free and noble a rjalwppVse'Hf3e1raW irW envy and aeon are but toooftcnhls porti ahionsr his fellows. Thev do siot like to see v8ROrTppBlka whom they fhave reQpeA ojef ghajtUltfifflselves ; ana insieaa oi 'fmm sm. J " Qn aiQiltttllrriMllba.jH and idi&A'5Sn ne.xt tHas Above RTmlftfgjpgnfl sf jyifljan who has naught to bo4UftibatDilale,4foul, no treasures save thcaw4k'rfwdid, pftfeuming to take his place asMM(line4ndHhere is one universal hoWWjqjown P This upward struliiphjjei-poverty st rucH;gAHM:!ibs ,4a!dureytHe -struggle against prejodice awdvjatwf preajfcnaun and want has dauuted ra V'Wbid dis couraged many a tpJaX hf sutiup many a man formed to be.a Jamm .JsVihauworld in L mvJfftj.amtriartoe 0iWfenf nl days. Because of this many a noble rfnnt xuscon- centecf HV'BwIf- flafiie-sojM47 n mmi many! a filial nrivll 1 noble and .Tvfkfiitm JthUl world was not worthv. have oont4JftoV(htf crave with all the wisdiMMwKe 4aVitol(l Dhave died and Mfifff' All yankee notins( ,rpoT!JiJiiny Innovation. MasaAtll(htopy. I dllnia KKMINISCEXCES " At least one of tfi2 eia sors of Chapel Hill would' kanbeeW welcomed then." CW. ef the D&f Haiti ' Jfareh Aera notsy nfgut otleafeiwsoV, to the strong limb ot ajb.Mbtprtfee aSam pus, is found a huge, mwII aaafifcSI ef&sj, of M Pveeaor.J AKve?1 arW MJeVs, Prof. dent nnwittingly rppHaaf iWmdfeenUemen, you misrepresent tbP( ibaj(.t "jHUcb joy to you, gentle i a Uol- l,or.at'mau ,iatfV.TapHPiiion, But excuse ris if you pkfteaiJtftanMof the rebellions not any ptaieffiis7 " 'Tis distance lenuecHiaiitfleut'io the view. And rbes the mountain in its azure hue.". AKGaiCia.,! tifi 4j ,1K I Jllf the Legislature of North Carolina is I nil 1 HIS aiiam adjo rate AlMnhHkmtfttmrMhln plan to revive Ue common school system of L tne state, uur people wouiu ocar taxaiion r . m n. . ..." uirju4 HHllpallil Arr.enen LA ire in fa vor of supporting the penitentiary too. It would be an admirWble retreat for the Fac ulty and Executive Committee of the Board of Trugtg wf Any ATniv351,T4ftUheir farce "is anally hissed off the stage of action, and the doors of that important Institution are closed for repairs.7' Same Correspon dent of Sentinel. 'I have been informed that at the time of the suspension of exercises, the opinion pre vailed in Chapel Hill, that the University property belonged to the people. It is not surprising, therefore, that some laboring un der this pleasing impression, should have ed property with the request that no ques tions should be asked while others still re- .tain property undir fae0 ikhpres)ri that "somftthiDg may yet tnru up." Report 0 the J3ursar of the l(r J69. IrHILAJfTHBOFIC JLaXKCTICIAK. OXCE Ubcfcbvf el. Ckt plti eft ffled ill taVDTstrtcf Cbtf rTof theTJ, ted States for the Pamlico District of North Carolina, by Kanlman Baer and Alexander Ep !pler, copaitners, in said District, duly declared liankrupts under the act ol Congress of March Ud, 1867, lor a discharge and certiOcate thereof Urom all tbeir debts and other claims provable tinder said act, and tbat the 18th day of April, 1870, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the office of R. P. Lehman. Esq., Register in Bankruptcy, in New Berne, N. C, is assigned for ' the bearing of the Same, wben and where all creditors, who have proved their debts, and other persons in interest how causa, j.aqyjtfctyJsajni isi petVMpcn gMiuuracjL be granted. And that the second snd third meet- lners will be held st the same time and place. W WT - W VT d m A. A AO a 1 erfc march 20 75 law2w -TH M- OTICE is hereby given, that a petition has been filed io the iiatrfe:t UonrtofithB Uni- 8Utad9bne4rfnneV IMMeioriVortn Caro lina, by George W. Hammond, in said DUtrict, dnlv declared a BankrvDt under the act ot Con gress of March 2d, 1867, for a disyaargoadeiM4 iincate tnereoi irom an bis debts and other claims provable under said act, and that the 18th day of April. lXVi mw Mo4U.au.lt UeMBSke ot R. F. Lehman, Esq.. Reerister in Bankruptcy, in New Berne, N. C, is assigned for the bearing of wheiid wbroMaUedMorsj4ra iave "proved their debts, and other persons in ioni tereei may aitena ana snow cause, it any taey have, wbyefiiwrotbaUpeiUieBcnhonld sot be eraWo jTdnhaflhe1 serontt'aifd third meetings will be held st the aame tUnejtQ(LnlaM.t J Dated at New Berne, N. C. on the 17th dav of 1 argh WU.il. 4fl Si: U-jIhui vta tiuuni 9111 i CHJLRLEfll8rAiflleHw.li4 mareu xv i uwsw ,.,hliii JO iiijjJ i IU illt fTHH ISTO GTV1TNOT1CE, That on the 23d jj- j ot ! lMUe1 ont ot the CanrCoObe fJnit 1 &ronnt1gIintt tfeulef oTs.Joes d H. T. Bennett, cojQiM,)pf Ufe$rm of 8. T. Jones & Co., of Neerne. Bankrupts on their own petition; that the pajmtyi;iAnj debts, 'and the delivery of any property belonging to of aali KnLrunta.U t)MMnlaM4ai U 'choose ohe or more ,aatepeet teaiaU, ,lj ruptcy to e lholden a JKf A. D. 1870. at lOoVloci ' SAM'LtOWf tJ: MarshaL ! By Sam'l T. Blagok, JfiPnt tLMfl1' inarch25' .xTTJ Jrf-lW2v 1 ' 'ReaaWJlcMa .Frepare. fvWUfl T&xf irpgtaiti a convention of the RepBbliLL right to take precedence mi ns, flourishing tq vasTstrides in those very departments where completely. uM preciated., . Tf . fuinf .iii.'JZ : ir - fnainrh jST) akfurrinOelS l. j r I T-"i"T,TlAKI7ESTirBiJAKD. CI stricLon the 18th day of April, r. A MiTx;t V DUU.Sk I' ll i Remetnbtr ilia r t? 77,;. :.T.. " TrTTT.i. I iUi.ni.MfJU)dkenH Williams and olnersintrf tri ;tralafi41fews Washikotom, t April 2.r-Tbe Steamer "Alii ancc, lveafWDrrrpa ftpm Boston US si eaas Coancll am ecjbhMO Tt nt Aling Jackson CilrkadlWrater. Works 8todk, Tremendous press m from th west asalnst thd ftdiiftoiii fj on jj u uy At ii u i u u u i Nw Tom, April 2. Wendell Phillips AntW Slavery Society disbands Api 11 9th at Apollo Han where ejj bota 10! meeting 1 S' i-a XeWsV , LosDOjr,A l.--The,Conra6h8 has rejected) all the Loads" (force) bllUy; JKiw lo r iTlotr di3i, Wheat dull ana nouuy wrr.,i better. Fork! heavy, .llWb Cotton quiet idling uplands nxlest spntr turpentine' arm t 47 to 47f. Rosin steady at 13 for strained. Freights dull. ' 8tocks doll but steady. Honey easy at 5 to 6. is; London, April 2.rConsols 93- Bonds ft). Turpentine SO snd 6 to 81.' jdJnSfrkiKfjctf fVlTplahas 10K ; Orleans flffrAIWg palea- New Adyertisenients. 'TuSBK'wfll he regular monthly meeting of i Resene Steam Fire Engine Company, No. 1, at their room in iea of Pi emprit's Barber Sa loon, on this (Monday) evening at IV o'cloek. eamaa-aar eocs io anavrin. A Oflrads tptanfcbuU- Tirnn tnV'snbject of KdRcathMat tan following times nd- JSjCjapn, Northampton connty, April-1413 . EllM&etn Cltyfasqnotank county, April l Hertford, Perquimans count, April 19th. CltyPssqnotank county, April 18tb. Edeia 04 aoutciy aprttxciui- Mr. Ashley and Dr. H. C Vogell will speak as follows: at Plymouth, Washington county, April 21st. Washington, Beaufort CouBty.April 23rf. GMnxOll PUNUAliHA Apriktefint fllM TaV(oilXdgeeMs4Z!buntyflrp11ll3Trh: Dr. Vogell will be at Elizabeth City. Mr. Hood will fill appointments In Bertie, Tyrrel, and Mai tin, after the 21st, ir the friends of Ed ncation in those 1 canities TwillT.mske arranec- menu and mfoM bun.' April 4. 7-td. oone Men rs Christian Association will be held In the Lecture Boom of the Presbyte rian Church, on, Monday M WW, 4th bist, at ?X o'clock, fanthe liectlof od QfJsA R300 mem ber of the Association is earnestly requested to attend. March 4th, 1870. 78 -It Of the tonditwn of the Raleigh Nat ional Bank the 24th day eft'lS70 ; BSSOVBCES. Loans and discounts, $463,672 74 lt,SD0V0 120,000 09 i00,0QOD it 3ilyl iBifs .,! t ii" E&nda on juand;- ti . -!i ttfMU'OO it 8tockBon4a. e..i ,.-tu.t !..! .-.n&X nt Irom.1 redeeming an4,.rearve,. iifuiiui sgei SaiflL&i Houae. OtBer real estate, Prnlnre and Fixtures Expenses, .ilij Pi viulunu. 15,511 99 eeks'viid other cash items. nut. r Ai.Al.-rilur-Ii Quia v,yiucr nivuai ju9tj Fraenunai currency, ate, SpecleVJ" Kegsl Tferider noUs. 11 267 00 86,379 00 ,023,I6 25 ,,,(300,000 00 ... ,.14,000 00 5,481 49 ..r .101 .'tiLrrrKs,,', Capital stock,, 5 . Echaget .11 outstauAT 16,5Mtati iftttoual Bank Cll ircn iaiton a , lfWiSW fX) -4514-,T7 IndJvidaaJ yJOu Deposits ot idaa tieposits, 4,41W H .8, hv Dm iIBSJUIi 1 her Banks and Bankers, 19,095 26 11,022,916 25 I. P. A. Wiley. Cashier of e Kaleuztt-iJNa- tioual Bank of North Caroli do solearnly is true ttqthe swear4hat tbe above stateniei best ot my knowledge and befj l i - IT. A. 8nuicribed and sworn to Y, Cashier, me thiylet BLAKE.. day of April, 2870. Correct: Attest tary PubQ. C. Dxwbt, 77 r R. SiTtjckih, A. 8CMRBIMON, aprtT2 W- V4 . BAN H. ATa meet! Btthe " i Corpori 9 was en tbat Woks of s capital i be oneped i Rlellk D. G. Folrle. jjStOOf SrmaDdB'. .is A 111. Humprey, riv At WllfcAiaSnirnler'Itwe ttrttiU (fce Boruen. Harris, B..IL CpwsTTITItl.GeQ. JQtayis., ,, Ut !Srn4,waVlsV 4 UtfMtteVttW'. C. WWtfowLAiea, Msr and TJUoaahB Mitch!.! Anedr80n,, wadejrt the dfiwetioniof iiPc& AJ qn.Pi rsw w -wiir. , Warrentoni under tbe.jllrclloB'iO.-Jaeol .bPaiker,JSan'l,ff1AlrUgn1and JlXu Chris mas. j.,,,, - ft !.: viitbiMi sir . rtiMbio AlXbtfor under the direction, Ri B. GiUiam.tl A4Hm0ivVR4e Utf .aHwetioa of Ja.U.i r JWrklaud, H..N, Brown ,a4 rfas-vlV Caav Aisjnrj, nhdef tbtlirecttonof JXJAJDaVfc,: vy . u. oau v ana i. &. onooer. kt 8Utesville, under tbe direction of C,Aaja4'l I ton, K. r. Simonton and W. AliewM. kt Louisburg, undffMtlhei4iraUaaef Jos. J Davis, Jordan, yarrow ana rnotnas wntte. ?V5rWr43rnll, 70. 60 lawd30d -w.t j t 4a . .inn ;k . a v r iin wv r T ONS ,!. .i.li!K.': y I-tt .i iTTT. 37m! TVtMjftaffrff Zn:vWoTd. in it.: i .ii.' " r it., ii n miij- '' f 0b4 UPnAM'S FREStf' vi a sasaav VhMieWinftwl lf 4atStte4daUV ?NMafeB,wVta raasH Hkat is creaa-aaostitsaad asaf Ion In Europe. ju beseacui resoiu nave Deeq neraa areas in both hemispheres' The' Fresh waatnrst tria tw Miistia " Sr. ; Wets mmU wnOMmM itomri sararlBiar. OB TBOU8SX.U wsssau, of jfsris, that fbewprldis cUeSyJis. VKnSsla AreliTibsftlrely asserted debted for wires otftV that, in noiiaaawasKtwo.tsonsana cases in wnten ' u hean MeoUltrWvsiieeashil in nearirtaw." ' 'H ttsnWreAsoccessfDl in nearlytaw. The Fresh' eat Care la now offered te the AmeiW KflllDdTrtw meat.. It J 3mJnVLDc.the BMt.afaNttanel wtf Uaovtrttwasitae iSf healihltrinifiajf AaanJniatkptarrjnt- wit I In oriler bo iiiace tpham's Fresh Meat Cure wlthhiQj'! raacb or all Classes, we price wiu oe as iouosrs : uii tJti nr alz bottles for Sft. ,l' "v fr- . - . iAf i i . i Apacaagc - aii ojhuw ki .TCl.", imxked, to any part m uie niuiw olbw waeipt w Bby the Proprietors. . . ... JOHNSTOJVBOTLOWAT" XXJWDKN, riArchttreet, Fhila. Sold b yall Drnrnit.Vv en U - - . . . u eoaom wftfK54Vrh 1 u u n I A-fAl U. 8, Dl?uwufflfijrs. eciciiitJajuii i n i mjwh ,r other Banks and Bankers, aa, wia jNtm It y77f7 1 Tl ' irapf aat ra navatfterUneiitfl ftk of AaleighlU STMcrr iionioEj i 'nw4el lb?:;recii hAaawthe Passed at the Becon& itmof tlie Forty-First ; V ju Cojvth2itk: i vMjnw48S JeftWn General Post Office ofjAlhed Stufr jafmerica and the GtitmmstjtfsfUkited KingA Thflnml Post OfHeeoTthe United States of iAAmttrWandl.tlto Getidrsl Pds4 Office of ftie . United ILtagdomof ureatirita ana iretoad, being desirous of eflectioe, by means of an ad ditional convention, a redupthwfiajtHefWtdbf postage chargeable upon letters conveyed be tween the United Kingdom ed the United ' States, t'ae undersigned, only authorized for that purpose by their respective governments j have agreed upon the following articles : ,AftCI'B ! The postage to be collected in the United Kinrateai wpn paid letters posted in the Uni tedKlngaom addressed to the United States, as shall be three pence per half" onnce or fraction ofJbta&an-OVnce, Reciprocally, the postage to be collected in the United States upon paid let ters upoirpaJdr ijtrnar Tj06tg the Uuited 8tates addsesScd to tbenTtcdy.KlngJom, as .WKysbpftfcMdAitiM eH hfe?lW Uni ted Ktngdpr,iaddreased to .the. .Jntted, aep, shall be sf cents ttei t fifteen grauimes qr Irac tion of fifteen gfittinies. '"-r'' ' 1 , - The BritlshPost dnlce shall, account to flxe United States Post office fo ten cents an ounce -on sU tt4r imeraatkrialltrtterB iit to the Uni ted States, and for ten eents an oaneeomBll bu-PSid?iatcrB4U-klL letters r eeU'etl' -Irum i tbe United Statesf-and the United States Post Offlce lnffdom. and for tear cciUs international lexers 1 1- ceiveTror thTJnW!jd Kingdom. AimcLK 3 ltf.!3; 1 1 'Ever try inter iefnatloual letter insufficifcatlv paid. or wholly uni lpaid, .received in tbe United King dom from the1UnlteQ States " stiall, in addition tQ-tiueBoleat postage, be subject to a flneof tbree pence, to be retained by the Britlsli Post in addition to the deficient postage, be enbjeet ,2irlfl folitkyaniisisyil - Atlantic of letters sent in closed mails through the United Krogdonii,! B! throufe 11 'the United States, shall be computed at six cents per ounce orpcrthjrtiy granimeai ; i ;1 ,W. Jl Aeticle 5. The coaditloah of tht con vention between Ibe Genbsal PefiC Office of the United Kingdom frnd the' General Post Office ol tbe United States, signed in Lon4pl4efvAnth Aaj)0t November, and In Washington the twenty-fourth day of iMvetoerYo ' fbnouan4 J'efgb't 'Hundred' aiitt sixty-eight, so far. as' bey 'are contrary to tire preotfiagrlk4caj are'fcpealed. AltTIgI.E 6. . - rR8,?at cojrvsntbjjn.rwhichi shall be. eOif asAdcUtionaLto.tne convnttbu of fth-- ovember. 1868, stall'coeae; into operation onthJs,ofif.anuijrfi. Pfi k,upjicate, aa signed; in. Washington the thfrd Jday of Docejjaber, "one thousand eight hundred aHdto-nlne, and is iondpn the four teenth day ratraKtedntlL . . . liVjJJl)A'.iff.OIE8DL-L, . S 5 PoBfaWteV 4Maera1 ol the United Stater. " - L. a. ' HARRINGTON, A Postnulslel'Geh'erat ot llnrUriifed Xtoedonf. f -LahWflKafprbve'tHin'fbioing con title, and.iatAftUmotiy whereat I bavea8Cd the seal oMhniUoJW States to sm affixed. 1 - " 1 L. 8.1 U. S. GRANT. BjlllwPjDealdkmtirrj&'i-: fLiafQitt)N Fish, Secretary of State. ' : 1 - Washington, December 3, 1809. -aOHHO'l'H AMI' l!-,.!!" i .m.iiiAiJDirPi05fAJi CONVENTION ;i .GfckAofith tfnited States of AnUriea axd ns pa ungut ine. Twemy;stxwtay ltptmiW,tJU ytttf eighteen hptidrftL 'stseen.' ' ' '" ' :- v. An Additional Convention, between the General pOftUOfflcc fltU United States i of America vand Uit.G4aral;PoBt -offioe , of -4he United t Jvflngdom of jBreatiBtiUinand Ireland, having 'establisbed a redueed ehargs of ais. . cents per - owieepO.pttoirtV"Rra3mnes, lor tbe sea con vtyancs. across the Atlantic .ot letters sent in rlifTf i1 i-inphnnt tli Uat4 -KiBdom, the nnder8inged,,doly anthorized, by4ueirre- .iotlgfef v&w f Akticxe 1. el ins to the reserve mentioned In Article 8 of the con vention Qi the twesty-sixt day ofyeptember, 1. On letters from the UnlU-dtaies, ten cents, .Utterefroml'the Nitherlsnds, twefAyi flAnd "senvljlice W letjJ-s in'ilosed mails ffcrAslthe nbjteral tf . We ABntic llceau, the U e six cents per ounce, or peathtrty.grauiQteB. ,- Thaoadltions of. Articles 5 and 14 of tbe, eon- ventiph VHweeh the General f oat Ouse of the United iBtates'of America ahd the General Post Offlce -of thecNetberiands, singed, at the Hague the 20thdajryof Sept-lS67, so far as, tbey arc con trary lb the preceding article, are pealed. , Lfdeadolthithe convention of, the 26th of Sept. 1807,' 'Shall come into ' operaylorT on tne I -Dote-in aplreat;nd'8rgWeat ttie flagne the 10th dy ol Jan. 870, and in Washington tbe39Ui alay of. tne same month: v . , , . JNO. A.-JCRESSWELL, ' Irjti i'i'PostmaatenGrieraI of the U. S. vl-v ; .v., 4-, J. flQFSTEPE,, , . A V" -' Chief 'Direetor of Posts of(the, Nttlmrlaids. . '1 hereov atirnroVevthe: foreroInsr ebnverttton, and in testimony thefeof I have caused the seal pf the United States to be affixed. t.i -. . S-J,Jtit ..j-S V VT a PRANT' ..Ajuut nth I ..' U.; St.GBANK. By tuePresldentf .... r t ,.im .O -.v'f WASHINGTON, .4SU, 2i 1870. . . . . 'V aATmONAL CONVENTION ii, , . , if'e'fan'd'lgitlni; signed at Brvf setsihe '2lhf August, A. D. 1867. j. ir"betwwn tle -General edHBtates of iAmerlcrf t Pi the 3 unitea inatfd.a-eiemtiaTtng jrtainttiesiax- taajaa foa veiAOceacroa the Atlantip oCi .letters, seat la. cloMmaUa ftArQghj.tfio'UnUei ..Kingdom tbjiandersiodyt''anUiriBed,by lwTr re Bpsetlvw tfveiBnilentse.1' wive"agre?d npon the: followtfli TrfeWt' " ' ' -"! TlsJglelvjlet oslske on trMf'reecbr- Bj.flnprqnaijlAatsraJro-fc ueiin.Hy oents. And, los4kc sea oonveTsnee of letters, ib closed inails, afiroas-the wajerai of , the Atlantic Ocean, the UnitecfStates i)fflce sbajl receiceflx tents perouneeorlltyjfcraiimell 111) ARTici!te "2. The conTiti dbs gT A Acf snlali d t$e&(Ji- entlon Mfetwn til: UnJteB datesCancitS;nuii. iignedfal BTafseTsihelfl8taay of August, in the ebiohTlorT' bWaHhoumM-l&KiV ' hnndrtd ' HeithousBd elgbt'. '.hnpdr,fc'd i tar kU thejajre.i CoMrW1 M lletfei iare'wpeftted.' -J r ' lMl:Mkf4l6eenV tbk'prshedlnArt The.nresent canv8Utien'which11shsll,,be .conr d"ereds ddUlOBsirtlpitlie, pynt,ipH' of. the JlstpOingufet, 1867, shall come into opeoatioq. an toe fifteenth day ol Maren, one tnonsand thrr IJniil Malt. edelfosse::. atad, itesfimdny hettoif t fJave'caused Jhejwak oj thfe'Untted States to be iafflxedA J'jlu ?1U' TJai..rtoft ul R. Wvattvkli ilriAi .vko liiaL ben.adtadeed I BankWBtltaisit'Wa.o' petition by thDls-j at fAnitt At tu i niffffr fliues inr iuo iudo i Offlca;m OA ivejarppiernanopai. wwi Anw?i ciectly paidpf wbolly unpaid,. ,ireoelvd. IA tae TTnlM4 atktAa from the United Kinffdom shall. mi Mh.'rt e rata of lette postame on the mrseti ov closed nnaii.via .ns;i3na, suojeci AnMddlJuuulJOuuiLUtlS afcn4henMIt1f Offle mara4rnlvr3w wnt f -?P Fulton, N, C. J;.1 i i- -.,-i.-i'.u.i i. -1 j 1 t ooaaaoTKOi mx'-.ai: - J t 'wtLttA'la''tJ)PC GEOOEB AN1nIIFPDEALBB fa U'v Af: Green BACONper -pound i .Vv.Jii'ifsT BEEF iu!.:.!-.. iT-.-ivi'. . i,'.. W 'tB-UTTSR&t mi. i.i.'i'-'i!'.'..'.-!1.1..' CHEESE wivtmiA't,i.:t:ur XJUICKENS (spring) apiece, j f jusjij& per puunaw. .... i'i;-.", ,r' COTTON YARN ner hale L . . : ' -2 15 COTTON--per pound j i , . . i4 : V . ; i i , V !i! 1 ?(18 ! CORN per bushel l Is: .1 .. Vi . I'; 1 80V25 EGGS-p-pee .dozen . ; ; :i J. . . : i ; . .". ' 1517K ;FLQURMsr barrelUUiiv.Cii: 4 00g8 50 FODDER per hundred,-new . .vi:,' " ' I 50 i HAY i(meadowKper hundred;. 1 OOf HERRINGS per barrel ......... .; i ;17 08 (JO le?th?r 'ww&s'wt zmrh& MEaJ- per .bushel. , , . . v , . . . .,v 1 ,,25. SO MOLASSES (new cropl.per gal,. , ., 60 j , -I MpiT8per.h.VVt.p,e4. "..fi&iU NAILS per DOund 1. I-.... 7ra& . OAT8 per hundred. : . X 25t 50 PORK per pound; . .. . ... i. V, I2iiai5 POTATOES-J-Irishj per bushel. : i . iV t RICE per oonnd . . SHUCKSper hundred :.i ALT pr sack. . . ; SUGAR -crashed ... . . . extra C. . '. . . . . .'. .; ; best brown. .-. ; : i. -. brown,... SALT per bushel . : . . ' r. ' 'll ;SOAP turtrentia'e, 'pei'rSdnad,..,..' j 15 20PA--per pound... '15 U-hs B llEETlNG-r4-4... i& xl8SQ .TLmPNTiNEnereaUen .i i ;w.-,.V!'40i TOBACCO per pound I..': . . .1. : . . . S0S70 TOBACCO in leaf...... if ',V.!V;i. Every Oaf Brings' Somethirig Hew ! IAM;DEtttMiEjDi'TQiiPAC ktTH ' the itncS. " Look at tbe 'list of .fresh arrivals a'-,' '..;r.'i.ui''y;.iti-i i-'h.v w.iih.it v'i.'KV.o - . : '- : -'u-Ii... Rink C. Hardiers; SEGARS . :U- ir. . V:i.. . .... ! PAHtAgA,S, InreandnMistiet --- ' REGAUA.BRfTANLAjii'Upma!sia,:; . VEUIATO, '- hio!oni)o, ;;; ' ' mo COST ALES. .-.Lui.h CABINET, ; J.f" . V " ;' " MEPHISTO, 'fi -r .". LAiFAVOtllTA; And many other brands: ' ' , . , . j ITEWING TOBACCO, I j SMOKING TOBACCO, J? . . - snuff;: &q. Remember tUa't t, keep, nothing' but Tobacco nist's goods, which euables me to sell tower than any other honse in the city. " ' !!l" Call. opposite Tucker Hall, sign of the Indian jnrl. . PINK?C. HARDIE. - march 81 76 mar 173mJ Phalom'S VIT I A -oa, ' Salvafion for the Hair. CLEAR ABATER I . ' WITlHOTtSEDIMENT!! f OPENTfcTHE LIGHT ! 1 ! :', Original . , Phaixin's "ViTALlaTOffers'ut ! terly from all tjjrair coloring - DreDaratinsrcrctofofc-- niech It as lanTiid, sweet sme. Ititesnom 9 mater.requires nobiiaK.mg,iiu- . pamnostarntofiTeskin. Hold cloulles's. Itleavesnorparkori gray haimtiraliolottbfetn;! bleacned out oi it Dirj .mini Mi :iiiimin l1 lis fp one sqpurpa reproducing, with abs mm. er- raliWorotHe1 ibainovtt ifo aknckdiaiikOVf raff: nor jot; cu- .tm5:tigrwiYthidF thihalfrtrti aitcraiic cuiur iiita occii tli-thVifelik.bV Pfiajii 'i mnJUaiedt?flwgof0(I HOuvtlf-TlKOLTSi AuBIClLTUKlL SOtlETl . rpRjlsktroaTivibMjrTiW rsdl JL North Carolina Agrietntural Society are. bn TWedneSdAy; the 20th Apvffuext, 'at 9 oclock, f MSI thltAitriclnH County AgricuUnral Societies are requestedr toj gales. It will op ot great aa vantage lor us io i confer tofO&to.tttf tjffaa Tlp'1h0j Anuual Fair, ana on ether subjects of. common I Interest.! 'I be state and tne uisiriei ana uwmty Societies, by eoncert of action, can be made to asa?oewotbe jroj f tles I tfat:X:. AgVfeaite' iyiUAUi00 A ill Groceries, Staple Dry, G!sr 8hoes Hardware ana an Kiuas oi. . . . ; FARMERS SUPPLIES ! Alsbji'DealeM; In'-jFIisalnd; , 9dnhiuB . I VtE1 BEG TO INFORM OUR ; FRIENDS t iVV anxrHreifeublic that 'we ' occupy the store. ' ieWiUbe'Klad to'seo theia and sell them' gWds ' iTrMBit.odd tnrms'flg- thev can be hlrttisted:' Late wiUiOiHiAaanis''i i. M.jsrbw.- T . U ci.l.; :..f.f 'hi ntfa'lUtfV Mil P' tnithminn apra 7.7 lm'' . ijw -prut vftpBO "2iJ I ; lor sale my houaesnnloil at WarDenl 1 I ton. known as the Alston Place. It contains JKJ acres, and is unsurpassed for beauty of sua-; tlon l The ' dwelling, and , ont houses jare sll la pdoq urucr.juui iuuc mi lt inwvfPfiiiiiv v i Ir fi ''(' 11 fi I :H fill 'IlLiU A PPLES-driedr. . " . .,. 50 " r- i 90 i risAS rea, per bushel l oorr PEA4ES-H!rrred.Vf..1r?,f3'3 50 . ioI ;:18':"" . scu - Tr4ore desiraDlff residences m tne town, , . j , 1 , i 1 S 1 11 Jt.lt J lIIARVEFiH.- WOpDLOto ft 4 . 1 . - ' k w : j - . a at. ivt a w 1 -snpeytoiM atfother ' S For Coughs, Colds, Bore Throat, and BronebltWt ! Noxb sgpjafSAapaa Ciraa, W.Mtnsm Jecj-d4tv8ia' vA'i.l Hii:. .".Ki1l!"lm'Tl A RADICAL REVOLUTION -'Has beeh acccrB&piiefaedn hallesl'i Thsliorf' Tible cb'rapbnndB 'contsialng LAD. MLt and ;$tlteHUR areAtaearded: The leading eaeaslsto implore the publle not to 'use tbeiri, and Profes-, sor Chilton, whose wpntation Ui second. U hat of no anayUcl!hemlt in America, has reeom- mended . r:.'; r. " .. " )' I'l- Ciatadbros xcelsior Hair Dye as' a PERFECTLY INNDCUOUB ARTICLE (eltma)ajB,iirioat fear. .Remember, It u the only, one.thati baa been anlyzed and round wholesonie.f Its' jett'ris.taieut,, and thec'oWiwlt Imparts' 'nanr&tl T ' CRISTADORO'S HAIiPRESERVATIVE, as a Dressing, acts like a charm on . the, Hair after mar 12 lm Xf.'iMPM soth;. ' 'it. C. jtwBiraBB6t Loctl Agent v4t;-U-: J for "Etna" Life Ins. Co., Hartford, 4Jon." , Siai Through W.H. Cjrow;1 general Agent, , Raleigh,' N. C. ; i have to acknq wlege the receipt i of 110,606.00, for PpUey ; 86,0, nctdbyiMr. ! David J. R imsey, deceased, Jn the ta Comps-; n fy tts 'With' iIB're;recbmniend 'ly'od to the ;cp.ljbijfy M'Im as well as your excellent company for their prompt pay ment of-claims ajjainsj them."'?-,; ; ' , , . .. . WM. B. DUNCAN, Adm'r : mar iJ0--3w ; r : ' 1 of D Jf.: Ramsey, decd., . . ; ,. ,i :;TAr?r :kilik.;v .; ; V -i' i. vlVe ask attention to this' Unrivaled ' . ' . : ;FfAJk3Tlr 3f,X:XI47XNl3. ' ' ' - ;Tha 7f ATUfti' rs, by-nnlversal eensent, allow ed tb" have won for itself a reparation nnsurpasa c4 in the history ol medklnal preparationa. - Its instantaneous effect 1c the entire eradication and extinction of Pain, In all its' "varions jorma Inci dental t'o the liu'rnan family, and the unsolicited written! and verbal testimony of the masses ito its favor, have- been, and are,' Its own best sdyj vertlscment For e videpcCj ifij lavor jof. iTtiii Killer tor Ministers' Sore llhroacf ruphl,tiy read the lotro'wlng6: , ' ' Gents The Rtih teller h&i been a constant occupaofour-JltusaAr ovwjtwo years, and a portion .of the time IV has been tbe only meAU cine nn4erar roofjc Hardly e6f do I have my thfltWA pWirior;' belq s'lc;wItout having tli'as'k fje' KiUes. ) : ' For several: years-before I became kcqaaiated with the Pain Killer, J had suffered'' great deal rQm' ao 'affection In my.fh'foat thought by aome phjifcieiaps .to be. Bronchitis, by others to be what is' called Ministers Sore Throat. At one time'lt'was bo s'eveVe tliat I sas obliged to give up preacUip. WitWu a few months after I had oeeame acquainted' With the' Tain alUer,' I had anot'ner attack, frpinhat. distressing complaint. I trlA' ufy' 'new-found1' medicine, aad, to my as tonishment ettd'idelightV it prodooed a wonder fully soothing effectin a short time 1 was wholly relieved. Since thaf 'time I have had a number of attacfts of1 Ihe! same nature, and the Pdtf filler has alWaJ-s afforded rne relief. About one year sinCe,'Jny wife becams subject to severe suffering (rom RbeatnaUara : our resort, aa usual, Wa's,to ths Pain Killer,. which woald always re lieve her.." ' v"' , ': ';.','! I'rittve nb'.thnow to say more, a I eonid wfh a hearty good wijl, and always have done, in pratofe otb' Paln Killer. If this hastily rttteu lettcrjn c(ihlWendation of Perry Dala' valuable medicine, will be oi any service, yon' art at liberty, to do wttn It as yon please:'1 ' " ' " Very truly yqtrrs,;. .., ... . EDGA$ ' jCXjkPX,, 0WATONMA, Minn., il M&.iimary of A. B. Home Minion Society. niai 9 " '"58-Im inventor of several uaa naTOvTiUcnnrtrerarry use oa. Among his inventions are Hairs1- Balsam for "tbe Lnngs" and Liverwort and Tar.". For. the .past six years' ajieaejanireoty liasheen Wfered Jt0 the public. Read "-tho; following letter from Dr. aaaTjajlCLfhMrts 1st i . ' ' 1 1 K" Messrs? Jj.'N'HAWtlS AC'1 ' !,u'" 1 GeiiU:l ihaKt) 'the follow In ir statement from a perfect conviction and knowledge ot tbe benefits.of.cA'Ilena IAHra1saaai lb burlng theimest decpnMatedPdliDenary Com nmptlon I I hava.tf eased Ua;eAeflt-Bn) th yenag and thoid, and, I,jan trnly.ssyitbat it is by far the rest expectorapt rsmeay , wita wntcn l am ao- ; quainted. For CongbsaTjd all the early stages jof Lnngconjphijnbi, IfballfVf jttJbjQ eertain cure, and if every lainily would keep it by them, readjj ft admjnsjter. upea.the &n appearajiceof disease about tne yings, inert woaKl be very fewjcasvs pf, fatal,. consumption, j Itcaasestte phlegm and matter to raise, without Irritating those delicate organs (the Lungs X and without producing constipation 'of the bowels. It also gives strength to the ' system, stops the night jsweats, and changes alLlhe-morbid secretions to a healthy state. YeurS Ireepectfally, rn .: A. L. ACOVILL. Sold by all Medicine Deaiers In Raleigh. n WEDLOCK. ; The Oasis of . Civrl Swoteffr'.-tsssyi 'Ibr jy oung Mcn,.on! the hondr aad happiness of Mar riage, ami me evua aasugin Of veuoaey wnn sanitary help. for. Aha attainment of ataU'stnie bositlon in life. Sent free, in sealed envelopes. (Address, HOWaRrrSWClA'TfON; Box P bllsdelphlRt Pa ,s ' ' 1A0 J8-Sni Y utf. ,l-ri . i t - BRANDRETH'8 PILLS. ' i Their great vajne consistsln thU i TlMymay. be u3 songta anjjllscffin affeeuLsny-ol the organs of the body ; and by thus persevering In their nee Us dseasa. wUipe purW, aad the body rJe&UtthWrr purity. ( Their repnmtJon.proTies tJbelxjnariL 6 I Thomas Smith. Coroner and. Jpattceof the eace, Hts'tfngs'on tui1 Hudson, ssysBrsndreth's PUJs curd, him qf Dyspjepala ji4, Heartbarsv then 'every otli nwdh-lsc.ba.fJU to relieve im. Certificate' dated April 2,' 1888. ' A'jiU .hii.MiIr-H.N tlnnl Oiun'A 't Dr. Turner, of savannah, Ga., taya he has, lor iearly forty years, recommended Brandreth's t'ills as a specific in fellow Fever ; that be never WWr tftlrtnJforM bidfaay, being otherwise sennd. .Their prompt use talM.04 )h bodyithpae-iiaalieMs which feed the fatality of the disease. As a general fcraily raefaeliM he eonalderT tbeai far la advance of all others, and here he speaks irom jersoaal xperrerrcdfielr'i4trties: '' ' mar 12 las ' " Children's Lives Saved for SO Cents. 1 Thousands of Children die annual: I cronp. ow.MoMflrofwfiiMr and always have a bottle of Dr. Tobias Venetian iave a bottle of Dr. Liniment in the bonae, yen never need fear loa- ibg yonrajtUefwbtscy.lth.t plaint. It is now 23 years since I have pat up 4iy JBlmen, and bc:yer head of ebili dying 1 croup wueu my usuneni was uaca ; pat ana reW MWf&XW'X& wii, aad 10: be without it. resides wnica. It U a eertala re for Cuts, Barns, Headache, Toothach, Sort hroaiags, MMP,Ttflc, DUrrhosa, yseriry Spasps, Old fJores tad Palas 4aa imof: Baekrand Chest. No OBe once tries It ho i ls ever wltbouH7 KM wVitaatedAWrV Ue to take, Irternally.vrulI-iDlreetlow with . 1 .. '- .. .. ery botUer.l Sold bv tba JinurolaU and Store-. PeffiifejfVP VffietBlM. IpoiO; acerWi'xY " ' " ' 1 mar 13-lm ,ii jManufftCinrediijis RUIHTON COf, f n.ivl- ,0h .ii iiu.-'iJi A'atdr Housi; BfevrT4f t ;.'lf.o;ff 6 of te hrlbie taaasWag Dr. A. L. SCOV1LL is the l Twenty years' atpsilenos baaT proven thU taa meet popalar remedy with PSyalclaae and Pa rtoU forikot pestJ o; ChlUbood- Worsaa. They are pleasant to taka aad always affaeUss In expelling the Worms aad teaelac Ue systasa ap to Its normal eondlUoa. Beware of coaster felts and.' bmltatlowa. The gaawlaa aay tbe ahrnatars of ti proprietors oa . Us wrapper of JOJtqS', tOLLAWAY A COWDU, PhlU. , P4o t Cute I No JPmjr I .a IIItKBLirt T1TTI1 IITAIIT J inpoahlWyenrs Tetter, Zryslpelaa, fait aaeam, caroars uaa. napiea. niotc&ee aaa ail . foraisof Skla DUaase. AlsoT Sors Eyes sad EysUds, DkKrkarres from the Ear. aa4 OU Sores, no maUat of bow loaf standing, at taa moasj ratarnfd by the proprietors, ; . ( JOHNSTON, HOLLOWATA OOWDIN, nna, ' Sold Met, perbds try all Drnrrlats. Seat by mall for 00 eents.- - 7 . Coninmption PoxitiTel Cam I UriIAJf'S FBEJU MEAT CUBJI Will ears Bronchitis, ConsampUaa, all Lang Diseases aad Spitting of Blood, and strengthen snd build an the system to Its healtav eeadidan. This has been tested by Prof. Troaaean In .Two 'xaensaoa esses in ue nospitaM m ram, m which It eared nearly every ease, aad la this country toy tbe approbation al the. Physktea many hopeleaa eases have .beta restored, to health.. ' . , -i one bottle wlu prove 1U emcaey. Sold 11.00 per botUe. Of six for 1400, mar 21 t S-eodly .1 socTitxtx litk usrxucx CwXPilT. To tit PtopU JhriX-tonllMr AT THE REQUEST OF GENERAL JNO. B. GORDON, President Atlanta DeparUaaaC, 1 have come to yonr State to bring peoaalaeatly before yon the claims and merits ot the aoata ern Lite Insurance Company. It la nodar tha control of as honorable sad as responsible atan as there are la the land. It la mantged la the most prndent aad economical maaaer and will deal InaUv and lalrlv with alL ... . We have no war to make upon other Xi ance Companies, bat wiaA ta lmprssa the people the Importance of kmpimm tAWr mm t mi home. By eareful calculaUen It is aatlaaated taat a asm ot not less tnaa twelve buiiiom an nually risen from the Soath to the North tor Lite Insurance, and unless checked will earely prove salelaal to oar interests. We ask yea to consider how greatly the material Interest ol this section woald be benefitted by the rstsaUoa pf these enormous suais la oar audst. . We send no money away to enrkh lorelfa capltallats, but every dollar of premium (leas expenses) is nivasTxn in Taa Stats vaote WHICH IT IS DMJVXD. This department of the Coerpeay has opera tad both in Georgia and Soath Carolina, aad has done an anpreeedeatedly large boa rase. . Boeas ' of tbe moat prominent gentlemen la taese BUtea are MenUfled with Its latere t. Its Board of Directors embrace the names of the ablest financiers and most successful baalaeae mew la the South. Tbey are the Trustees of the aa cred fund of the widow and orphan. WIU ywa not trust yonr friends snd neighbors, or at It more secure la the hsnds of straacsrs f We ap peal to you to assist na In puahlag forward tatt deservedly popular and reliable Southern corpo ration. Its solvency Is unsarpassed by say Company doing business In' tbe UsKed Sutaa, iU ratio of assets to liabilities, UU otJw trm traf of Company's strength, fully luatalalnf this statement. We woald reapcUally call atlew tion to tbe Board of Directors aad Stockhol ders, published la another eol ana, and to oar Board of Reference In this State aad otheva. J. H. MILLER,' General AjreaL mar 21 - aewias. ' PIANOS, m - ' . AMP. . ' SEWUTa MACHETES, 1 , TBZMADrrS CELEBRATED PUNOS FOB sale from $300 to $4O0 each. GBOTZS A BAKER'S World renowned Sewing Xschlaes for Mis-; Price, 900, rented at $3 per month or sold on monthly installments at the cheap Dry Goods store of ' ' ' E. YIA 90 fayatteTille Strwt. aign,Ji.w. trshaactlons'warranted to satisfy. JE All 17 E ADVANTAGES WE ENJOY. as the result of a lona tttablisned and successful business, eabJs ut to offer inducements that makat this an nounctmant worthy af , . .. V ATTEfiTIOJ. Importing our foreign' goodf difKt. controlling many leading styles of American fabrfes, employing tht. beet artistic talent in the production. of oir goods, and " constant pfOgreean our motto, we claim to lead the afttritet U: - READY-MADE CLOU m.! 3, of which we keep full linat of ' all grades, for Men and Boyt. - ': CU3T0U woni -: our products are unsurpassed for qwal " ityV6rmanshrp and elegance.:,..' . ' ttNTLEMEN'S FIRNISHUU C:::3 'our stock is constantly large and tea sonabter- We are ' the' sole manufac turers of the , which we supply both ready-made and to olier.v' ' Genfle'rnen Visiting New-York are re- . quested to call and have their mess-, iures recorded 'upon our booka. j System of Self-Measurement snd -other information DromDtly furniahod - When detifwdb'-l'. :i' . ' ."t .-..' Address Box 156, New-York P. O. ' ....',.. ! . ;. . y ... ... , I DEVLIII Cc CO. feb IS - ': ' 'I': 'r.ttboCm' ". t IXEULL t HEAXt SBAL I - - , lBXX HUNDBXD BUSBZLS. ST1MCTLT Prima White MsaL at alitor. V DOUGLAS BtXLY. t ,r...y: S LABG LOT OP AXIS, lost receltred. at UPCaUBCU DODLVS 1 r TATJXITAlf SlfOKRrO TOBACCO POX SALI xy at. 1 MsUonal Hotel Cigar Stand. ' 1.4 : : i - ' . .. .-if ' --,!-.....-...

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