. ' MiiiO;.wiiixE,v : . ., r (ST 1TE TRUSTS, Jj -. r -i - EDITOR, PROPRIETOR, i??Vjf THE XpONSTITlTTldN , AND 'THEUNION OF'TtlE STATES, -THEY "IklUST.BE "IIlESI;IyEI, , f t-Blfr Tvii m ' w TH E 'STANDARD. ' r Three dollars per&oupui) rflyable RalP.yeartyl ive notice of his desire to discVatinueju f be.,e . ..linn ill ih .riod for which Ire mat. have paid, f.11 k- maideredaa bavin sufoer-bed anew, and the paper continued,-at the option- offthe EditorV rtnril ordered to be stopped but m paper will taj Letters to the; Editor must come free of jwstgg, .1 ---irVint Ka fittpnilpit fn ' "' ' '';. ADVEKTEMENTstwiM be inserted at the fate on one dollar per square lor tnree insertions.; ;aiioc. ral discount will be made to those 'who advertise Those sendinz. in Advertisements Ji) be erood enough to mark the (number of times they wish" them inserted. j"r"TTirmin iiiiiiwi I Splei-flitl E-ii.e f HiCKSl ' .A rV r MILESThe sub- scribers' anxious to v .'V . -if THREE DOLLARS PERiANNUAl. f tFOR TUNE'S UOMirT0fi North Caroli-ia; State .Loiter j, for the Bentfiioj tht;$atishwy Acailkmy, ETFTH CLASS FOtt 1835. , .;iX--' TO be drarv at MHrfreesboraiigh, Jftrtftfd.Cfi. on Friday tthe YMdatf ofMaytmJLhtj)u Utr Tams8$m$, Figure Sjstm. 4 ; " . Ste v cmon &. loints, Uanagers. : OAPlTZiSpZE,m grSsffbrd err fktUhy to' the 22S5&3Tratrenitie VhblTc. nqwW nounce.lhai theyave compieted arrfttig-e menu, ana' can witnr irutn vsyf Wp pfesfcnto you :ZINE Q Ff W CK$ Jjossessing ad'vamti, e-es bverikily.tJtlief, if'vou' wish to' tretJ& with t, SCHEME. : Ptie of is Ptiie of .3:000 1 Prize of 8 Prizes of 10 Prises of 10 Frites of 10 Prizes or 10 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 116 Prizes, of 20 V Prizes of 300 Przes of ,000 Priaea of i,00Q Prizes of 6,000 Prizes of, 2.0C0 ; 1,000 soq 400 300 200 100 . 50 30 30 15 10 6 4 is is is is is is is is is is is is is is v 80,000 3,000 2,000 . 8,000 , 5,000 4.000 3,000 2iU00 10,000, .5,000 3,480 4,02Q . 4,600 0,000 36,000 24,000 18,868 PHzcs,atnoantingto $180,000 Every package of -10 tickets will embrace all the terminating figures from 1 to 0 so that t,he holder of a package f 10 tickets, as put up hy the -Managers), must draw one of each of the three smallest denominations f prizes, arid may draw ten other'prizes. -A Package of ten Whole Tickets will Cost Mr. Vaa- Eurcn. L Np.riiiin has been more grosslVrnisfe- prcemearor mqre viTul&ntly assailed than Martin Van ;Buren; i. Aiadng- ?other'cnar g'es which haye been unjustly ?efefred against him ,: "is that In which it is alleged that ho was unfriendly to the late war; TherfollowingJwhli5h;I frotri the pen of an iinuwxw uivim uijivir. van rsurenj ana appeared; originally in'the; Richmond En qmff,; .will phow that it Ayas 'entirely; un founded. S , r ' ' The late Tfar.-The charge of "upposr tionto the late!wart jwas first extensively put forward during Mt. ' Van Buren's a.b sencp from the icourttry, in the "hope proba bly, that it might assist in breaking' the efs feet, of his rejection by the Senate'. !;In,itB original "form, it imputed tohim, in broad and "unmeasured terms, a" general. Oppost tion not only to the" measure when adopt ed, but to its prosecution and support. " In this form, however,! it . was short-lived. caseanu oefpatcnf-Qaviiig DDlalnea tnaOgreat tteskkwktuThrith;iiir ttarellersnir detention on the toed- it: is so arrftngied as to torfespforuli1 in iisrrivaUit UaJeighith the departure 0f the followitig stages, v-s. the .Great Daily, J.ine to Blake ty . Njr Q, parsing th rough LouisbUrg, War rentttn; aiid Mibfak at the latter placej a line of- stages '-Communicates' Willi1 the Portsmouth Hiil Uokd: jfor.Korftilki: i'By'Coutinutng on to Dhkelvi Vou strike rtheretershurfe. Hail Roa and on Jrxiut an ival at,tha;pktes -ou have the cnoice of yvp unea.: ;euijer ovraita ioiYaSJung ton City, vk iCchmond, and 'Fredericksburg, or by stekmbt it toaNorlk. i'There isahwv a line of stages 'fyom tUale"tghTtt Norfolk, Via rTaVbo iughMurresborctighi Wiatoit, over one of the best; natural roads in the United .States, At IStorfoJki there- will ber no detention, as there is a line of jsteamboats, for Dahimore in qonnex ien with this line i a Jrrie from fialeigh trt New. befn also Connects with" this line; The, arrivals at Salisbury aie regulated altogether by the de parttire of the Piedmont Line , SotiU), and the Great Western .Line for . Jfashvilfe, ; -TlitiV via Lincolnton j HutheiTordtqft,fAhvjlle, Kno.ttrillej &C Sc.- . Heaves Salisbury Tuesday and SaHit day at o'cSock, A. M., (after the arrival of the Piedmont Stage, and arrives in liale'gh next ! days by 4, l M. Leaves Haleigh IVesday and Saturday atj 2 o'clock, AM and arrives in Sa lisbury nex, days by 4, P. M., allowing sufiicleut lime on th road (of sleep i ,k " ff The Hacks are Albany made. iventrely hew ! to withdraw an aecuaation apmk a noliti and cannot! be surpassed fr comforf an ease i cal opponent, hoWeyei1 irrefragable the evi lhe 1 eamsiare excellent, tHe Dnvers careful and denCe bV which it is riisnroH attentive, and the Fare lorn-only Seven Dollars I a ? y I !l u P all intermediate distances cents per mije. In any form the Charge may assume, VJr au Paggage and Packages at the! risk of -ZL. r V 3 the owners. WILLIS MomiiL The fact most freaxiently: referred to in Hituuniyja )vjuuu.ueiu(iQ restaea, otner objec. ouarie iearares oinc iormerimuen 1 xp-it.' l .nave witnessed youri was as'decided and as violent, dtiring'the system '-of, militia drafts,-7 This 'law 'haillabors arid, attention -to duty, nd;fondlyJ year 1812, as ii, had been before, of -'was been ulvharacterized bvl MrBehtoiiJhVrie that the Gtitefftirleiii will His friends in Ncav York readily ptodu 5od from the legislative records' of the State, an array of authentic" facts, which proved beyond disnute or caviLthat from November, tSi untfl the termination. of the contest, he had taken k very distin guished part in support of , all the war meaisures adopted by that State. This ex position has not, it seems, been sufficient to silence the imputation altogether"; al though it has evidently given to it a more qualified character -a Character, I am sor ry to say, indicative of an unwillingness lvcharactenzed bv- Coir Benton, horie that the Gatefftirieiit will dnlftrmn, afterwards. - Indeed, it' has never .been ifiri. hiV late -letter td'the commiftee -of the ciate therhVand tofbvided ftfr ifotf rf mrtrfl withdrawn, nor suspended from the; com Mi6sfesir;Cfcnt jtUSt'and adequate compensation, plating the-- mencernent of his ; political' cafeef tothe ergetid war measure evet adopted in'this General ";Pd6l Oilfc;titjtfriS the fobdn -of present day!?: Occasional exceptions might fiountry?lv In:; thel&jnslatfire, vit-'finCoun- other" ;tExecutiv; Departments.' 'I t tak' be mad m regard " tS individuals, . but ; nut Uere'd the mbststrenuousr opposition, which enougti to , vary the-general result , was Contmued ' aftef 'the ' adioumhierit )f1 j Upon the whole, it is submitted to the tatTbody'anduntU judgment of .intelligent and candid metti; copy of It was, soon after, its intrpduc that; "whether the support of Mic. Clinton lion.' delivered to Mr.' Monroe; then S?ecre was right or wron, there isjiothinsr in the ItarV of Waran'it would seem to" have mete fact of- that support; undeithe cirr silgestedto that gentleman some portion Cumstances stated., to. sustain the lrriputa- 6f the plah submitted by him to. Cartgress', tions efionnositlon tn thfi .wnr r In'hfft vprtriri if fri- t&h f .fWnhtf.iR1- i 'Let me now give yoa summary pfVIrU? At theensuingf V an Bttfen's'Tiubhd course inlhe I iista lahTts"whir?h fhrhmnfeed in JttnbftrV-1 ft I S.i tfe'riM: jork, so far as ii ; bears u pon I Mr. rVdn ;Burer agaiti "Took the lead;iii nu . v as tici uaii y til ap- 940 00 ir oo And jruat draw nett i.1" ;$23 00 tC Thbs1 whbprefer adjrenlttring for the large prizes onlrcan, in this way, lor $23,' get tle Managers certificate-tor Ten whole Tickets entitling the bolder to all that titer tickets may draW oyer $57t that being the amount that tle Package must draw of nedessity, say V ACertincate for a Package of Ten- Whole; "Ticketsi" fi:'?ur -23 . " . Ten Quarteroo: " 5 75 WILLIS MOlJlii JOSEpI L. 10RING. support of this accusationi and I believe the only one on which much reliance is nlaccd The fare from Raleigh ito Washington City bv those who make it. is the sunnort riv- amounts toi iy ou, as follows s t h,r TUt- V nnmn i iflto in Mr. Petersburg ta Richmond. We fai-e.. ! 1 50 n opposition to Mr. Madis'on. Let me Kiclimond to Fredericksburg; stage fare! 5 00 nrst aaven xo xne circumstance attenamg PrederiCksBurg g Washington tyty, steatn this fact, for the purpose, of enabling you to boat fare, i - - ; ''3 00 decide how for the inferences which "have The. stem boat fare, to; Baltimore, tia Nor- been drawn from it afe .well founded, Mr, toiKj, is cneaper. f I April 12 J8$5. I: 6(32 Van Buren was elected in April, 1812, a member of the Senate of thisiState, by the (Republicans of the then middle. district of frXOUSale. The subscriber offers X orK. His legal term Ot. service X for sale the valuable tract of land, ' did not commence until. July, 181 3, nor his Wake ,Jf or est Land, thispoitj As has been. stated,? he opkjsuppo'rt of the "war; arid, was1 actually his seat in the. Senate, of t,New Yrk : in (gusred, as Chafrman of a Cdcnmitfeei Jiovember, 1812. ?f j ? . f, pointed on4 his motion, to consider ;wHetKer Until , the adoption OjT -tke i netv tfonsiitu any Additional p'fopsibns were necessary tiort in 1821;ihe Governorj instead fit-, a to cafry the Classiflcafidfi Laxv into imme message, delivered a speech to the Legist diate and successful bperatioh, in the de lature, at the opening of each session.- An liberations of that Committee when the answet was made to the speech, in which hews of peate ws redeived at the Seat M the jrlowsof the majority upon , the proml Groviernmdnti t V nent political questions of ths day, were Gkher partieukS might be en!i6tleidV set forth, and thus made the subject of dis- ftut It k believed that those which 'have cussioh, before any legislative, measures in beerk stated, are abundntiuicient to en respect to therri were matured. , Commit- able1 you o decide on the accuracy7 and tees were appointed to prepare the answer, fairn'essof the charge; under reviewi - 3 majuiiiv vx vjioiu,iuvaa5upposeu,wouiai - , . --.t i-.-t-,,.- ... - . - be most able Sfld willajko present faithful &ESPECT TO MRl ttAilRlfS .; ly the views of the maiority; of their re-1 f At a meetincr of the Offifief s and Clefts Spectivef houses, and the strongest 'man bf rif the rralu'Post fHfe. and of ihW the myiority was usuaJLy seleeted td 6tiei a Wahingin (?iry Post Office, assehibled ouwauiuie. Aiiiiouifii iius was mi. van m me iarcnB room oi tnef uenartment: on trre Buren's first appearaneer in any legislative 21st Apfil? J33p, on-the occasion of the body,, he .being, with pefhaps a single ex approaching witfidrawal of Mafor "Parry eepuon, the youngest man that had, up Iq frQm the Depayttnent.- . ( f;f that time, been selected to the Senate, he -Oh motion of vid;Saun5ers,tK.rnet was placed upon the committee, and pre- ing.Vas organized by falling J. "V? Hand pared and reported the answer to the Gbv to the Chair, ; and appointing Oeo. Pitt ernor's speech. , This answer was publish-! Secretary i - ' ed by his friends,on the oiicasien referred : The following pfeamMe and resolutions to. It vindicated the justice of the war, were then presented by'' R. llobbie, and and urged a vigorous prosecution. . This, uanlmously agred to. ; you wul observe, was at the very session Whereas, it i undefstdod that the tlon.- at which electors were chosen friendly tt Wffl. T. Barry ntend sodn to dissolve Mf. Clintbrl.- the conndxicm existing between him and At the ensuing session of the Leffisla- the Post Office Department, and to erive ture, which commenced in January, ,1813, to our venerable Chief Magistrate the aid the political relations previously existing of his talents In another branch of the pub- between mt: Clinton ana Mr. Van liuren he Sei leave with ' feeling-'df friendship for all f. you, and ; with an af 4ent Jesif e forydur i n! dmduai hapftinessTand- ptdsiJerity; ' ' To the Chaif man and Secretaryof the met-i ingi lii&dez mv acknowledgments and re ciprocate" most cordiallyihe kindsentiments : t theV hdv$ expressed? ' K v ? - x t :J , With sentiments ofthe mastberfeef arid? sjtirief e f egard, am 6ut friend and; obe? dient efvant; - -j , , w: BAURYi&$ t-5 Hi1 -t 04th3 st nf,'May -1835t;Wetetm beingeotganizR ! JHandrirl'rthl Chairs and A; tfelscno t Secntfam'tte otTf umg protjeecungs anuepjy di ivtajor jar'1 wetef eadi and drl tootian tjf J Buteri ri Wherecrri he nor resides, being thejactual service until Novenibet following. late residence f John Martip, Esq.In the mean time, the Republican mem ased,andnowownedby himself j lying on ;. nf thn TrrisUfni'n nf Nw VV pfdee, antlone and a half fmilea nbrUilol the ifTT Alf Priie9.tarable in CASH, fortv dvs Falls of Nvuse riverl It contains between ele- iflerlhe drawing:, subject to a deduction of .13 1 ven ind twelve hundred apres the larger por- Vn i- U"'- ' f x ' J : jtionof which is wood laud retrtimBefed, And l V 1 titrceasea, ana now owneu py aimseu i ijing on v. T twt vi. both sideUof the stiBcnewfimfe" JJW X? feigli to Oxford fifteen milfesi north bf the former fleeted m .the Spnng "of 1811. resolved, Der centum. ;jrn All orders Jrom a distance, by mail (post paid) dr by 'private conveyance' enclosing' the Gash or Prze 1 ickets in our previous Lotteries, will receive the most prompt attention, il address ed to STEVENSON jfc POINTS," and an ac- eouiit.,of the Drrfwmg will be forwarded im mediately ;fter Us event; ? WWesTickets, S4, Halves 2. Qrs, 1: To be lAd, in the .greatest variety of numbers, at arBYENSOrt Ac POINT'S Office, :T:rfL'-.. RALEIGH. M C. DOCTOR KOBERTS S . T8CE AND GENVIKfi . , .'. WTtlch Medicamcntuvt, ITiOu curnifr itKtieestion or Uyspepsta. Liwer JL Complaints, Jaundice, Cholic, Head Ache, Pevep ami Agae Dyserrtafy Loss cf appetite Flatulence j llypochondfia, rlysterickar Dropsical Complaints Heart-burn . Eheumatism Also' prevents Bilious Disorders . . Eemores Habitual Costiveness Asthma, Gout Straguary Gravel And Impurities cf the , Blood. A person who uftes thj Medicaroenttim "wil not require the use f the lancet, ot any means of the healing art-' . It restores and revives the animal spir its, invigorates the system, re moves nervous tremuts, abtunds rheumatic and anthri tic pains, ami prevents their return cleanses the stomach of all morbid hufllors which cause indrgebtion, aeidtttes, headache SnAloWrtess of spirits ( cures all bilious disorders, all chohes of the stomach and bowels, almost immetftatery j inspires cheerfulness, gives comfort to the drop sical, takes away palpitatioh of the heart, gives circulation to the blood ; restores' bloom to the sal? Ipn a-:i strkly thteky stud plumpness to the meagre naoit; purees yithout pain, and banishes all canses of ftjver of every kind. , The Medica. meirtrim acts on the stomarlil that in eat reser voir of the human system, a diseased state of wnicn causes all disease. No alteration in the usual habits of life is required, but the abstain mg from distilled spirits : - CUT The above invalnfTe 'Mptfielne. brice 62 per bottle, e-n be hd at the D:-ug Store of ir u,iajL 31 Sf i HA YWOOD d- Co Raleigh; May 1, 1635.' . f 26 as good aj the country aftrls, with a plantation sufficient ito Work ten or twelve hands to ad vantage, 4nd in good repfirir and twa valua able meadows, weir; set vith grass, There is some valuable creek bottom includedn the plantationi"in-'Ksi good state of cultivation. The improvements are large and comforta ble Dwe,llingilouse, wit Iv all the necessary ottu houses, &e. situated withii a few hundred yards of Forest llill ACidcmy, wbcre there now is a gfood SChboIi The situation is high, jhealthy and pleasant. WiLh excellent spring wateif witlim fifty or sixir steps of the dwelling. This Lajid 13 Within a tew mdes of the Wake Forest Institute, a large ahd prosperous institu tion. Lf Any tertons wislinig to avail them selves of the above advantages arid situation Kie requested to call on i'the subscriber f who, being desirous to move to the West, till sell abarffamJ .: r Sam L H. SMI I H. Service were dissolved, and never again resumed. esolvd, f'Thjat Wfr fianftel Contemplate The disastrous results of . the preceding this r separation from its, of one 'who has year had then -began to press heavily on held suchvimportant relations, and display thtfcCoUntry, and especiallt' on the State of ed in his personEa"! intercourse such kind- tKi.i V'.l. TT. ; J J. . j ,--jL--;JL . tl-ilil. r. rV ofdef to heirtibiiBheri; ' - V mfm . Mr. Barry beinrf wafted! tmorllby MesSfit' Douglass", Saunders, and aiaSusdti:: as a colnrhittee, attended thVeetiM!Mrts after an addresrelchatoed -wecuTfit tatidns'with ; thembWs'madHiallf y4VlHvlfj kvvl V11F 4 sREipkcf ..ViT!he ,de ' derslghed feel at the separation f which & , n bw?ab'(t toj&fe to ;htgh ahH ofeVdyj nfied (Jtationt, ini; . pels therfttptendpr :stiuiqn joT; their rat1tiiUepf ' iciDldn'y6tf b0 at all JimeVtenedtd tKe while 'yciiii were 'discharging' the duties bLthe f otirta Gohnected Wjth (of man jr .years past, the' andersigne.can-; not refrain from expressing tne high sensf ' they ente rtain of the manfier in which yot ha"ve attended o ttrig; vitious ahdifcrftjjt? cated tfanctibns 3tir!ab toliSi dnlyi that tne public pUsinenVutJd, bir..f4itlf folly q.ti bhif'rkiy iperforraeddttT required !less;frpmt perintendence thdn you vrefe wilfihg to 'da ' Jfdurself j whiley at the s4mtjrnee had the , behefi t bf;ou t trfpraatibiiiniK adidev to aid them 'Tfl . tn-cischrV''6r their respective Idutie theiro pleas'iife to say was on all otfriflsiohst cum iuiiy aim reuuuy accurueu 10 ineni- A ..t4u wrutt "LiW. :i f Forest Witt Wate r. AM 29, 1635, i6t31 7"" The Uiblical Recorder ; will insert the above 6 eeks, and ser.d: the accoftntito me at Wake Forest, H ake coutity Q J TT. To ?Icrctmiitu OTSt SllqEs UND HA f& 11 JUL Go-, wouid infrm the merchants of Sorth jCarblina and adjoining States that they have established a house in Petersburg Virginia, for the purpose of sellingat wjaolesale. JUTS, BOOTS and SIIOESJr They Will keep on hand a complete asjsortirtent .- i ! .? J ' r .i? J i " !' Oi every jtre6cnpuon oi iuq aoove namea gooas, which thy pledge; themselves to sell s low as c4ti oe purchase in the United State$. I Hey manttfacttire a great parf bf their gooyis at the JikL ' u .. iill I. , X vorm, cqntseejucioy can cii iiiein iowj, Merchants are vety resoectfHr invited tcrCall and examine the'ni goods as it may be to their advantage They are determined to sell every articfe iirltheir line quite: as low as tin be ob tained in If ew Turk or any other city; thereby saving to purchasers at their establishment, the expense and risk of. transportation: from the North, Kespectfuliy,? s f j HASTINQS, PipnCE & Cflf. Pettrs&vr Marih 26, 1835. 8t2$r NEW BOOKS. TjECEIVEU tins tla and for sale at the JL North Carolina Book Store, ' A treatise orf tbe Pope's supremacy by Key. Isaac Harrow, The primitive creed examined by Bishop Hop- ., kins ot Vermont, No 1 of Bush's Commentary of the Psalms, rheTSelieious Offering for 1835, - Mental cultnre, or the means of developing the hitman tactrrues, ' 1 " ; Bancrofts history f the TJ. States, Vol. 1st Chittys rrfedieal jiirwpmdences.l Vol. 8vo luhglison8 Elements of Hyeriene, v v , ' ,' Life-afjGeni La Fayette including the raemora ble TTe blutionof 183,a, f. cruise pv,ine uiiiieaTaies rngaic i-aromac round flit world from the year 1 831 to '35 recks Gajftteof tnre State oMHmm,, Father Bfttler, b sketches" of, frish; manner, The Yountr' Infidel reclaimed, by R.HewletU' Happy bid agey exemplified in tk le of rXls. : Bortonv' rtK:' Sir Frizrie Pumpkin; and othef tales iVpl. l2tno.I The Coqtvett by-the anfhnrof Misserhnus 3 Vol. fa thr-tr Jocfcirtt in thit Sririnnr nf lQtO to meet m CotlVention for the -purpose or nominating a Candidate lor the presiden cy. ; Their numerical strenMh in the two Houses, was nearly otic hundred. . Of this number, eight v-seven met in convention on the 20th of May, 1812, and nominated Mr. Clinton : who, on bomg mfofrned of the, nomination accepted it. Mr. Van Buren was not then a member of the Legislature nor was he in a-?y way connected With these proceedings. He, however, concur-; Yi , in the riTvmriiMf cnnnnrttnnr ihtti nomination thus made and acceptedand af the session of the Legislature, ;yeld lit ioyeraoer ioiz, in conjunciion.wun a majority of the Republican members of eacn orancn,- no iook a aeciaea part in tne support of the Presidential electors, who were voiea ior its inemuy 10 lvir. Vyiimom and who ultimately' gave him the vote of the; State.- The Republican members j the Legislature of 1811-12, who brought forward Mr. Clinton as a candidate had been themselves nominated and chosen, b the; itepublican eieGtsrs ol .inc severa counties and districts itl the frla'nner usuat ty tuupiuu in j.'icw x urn., uiiu were tuup sidercd the Representatives of the De moqracy of the State, They and their constituents had supported the Adminis tration of Mr. Jefferson, and that also elf MfV Madison, in all the great questions qf ork. Her course in respect to the nefis dfld urbanity towards: Us. without an! war pecame tnerelore a matter oi tnenrst expression at our acknowledgments, and a importance.. Mr Van Btifen, from- the tender of our gtoodveishes ifpy his future commencement oi nxs legislative career, welfare. f '"-... gave to all waf measures thot moM decided Kesolved .That the' gfeat and tlhe&im- l1rt.AIA1lo t-n v-.-v-v A at. -mv 1 1 f 1 A . T ll J 11 f 1 ?..... . . a ins spcfcues aim votes on me noor oi ineiunaer me aaministration oi iviajor carry; kj4iC4.i, iivy iuua a reauug pan iu 'uc it is pruui uous z.eui Hi un; uuoiu: service nomination of Governor Tompkins, andiandhis devotiorf td the wishes and wants was appomiea oy tne meeting to prepare ot the people. To multiply, tififl fiufCken an address to the Republican electors in the sfrextms of intellieencet; tintit fhev support of that nomination. In this na-1 should beaf its blessines to all--fo our em- V. ....a li. : lilt jji. m:. a 2 2,. J v: i' l.r '; pv vvciu i wigc iuiu ine causes uuu i oryo eiiiemenis unu iroriiic.r population,- as KiumiM ui war, turn viuu.a!u wmuweii as to me oiaer communities oi ine re- riiuch force of reasoriing, athd with all the pubi-has been the ficmbition qf f he' Post? fervor' of youthful patriotism,' tifeihuisiii-' iiiastef General . ' , , vi In the fecent compilation of Mr EttomdntfffarU for the virjfue&" and talens of Mafor which Vdtt may have seen, you maf findfBafry ; a grateful retfcfileetiori of his fna copious" extracts from this address , No ny acts of friendliness and Courtesy; and man I think ean fedd them without a deep an ardent fcfrpe that h'fs foture lot may be conviction of the' writer's sincerity arid sfeal ftf owned with prosperity and feappiness ' In April,- I8l3f Govefnof. Tompkins) fcesolved, That the Chairman find was re-elected ' but the Federalists obtain- cfetary commhnit'afe tliese proceedings to eda majority in the House of Assembly, the Posmaster as a tekifnonial of the seii During the next session of the! Legislature", thflents afid feelings cherished toafdtf which commeneed m 1814, Mfv Van Bn- nim oy tne omcers anu cierKs pi tne rost rcn was again Conspicuous : and as the ptrp-' wmce epaxuneiu in me enyoi rv a nlsir .JitdticIi tiro in fVi hnTidanf n ftTmn.'l toft : - sitibni the rourse . of the Senate became In pursuance of this resolution .the fcl doubly importanU He assisted in carry. loving letter was, addressed to the Post ing through theSenate several measure? master Getierar arid the annexed reply fe mtenaed to aid the CJeneral Ciovernment nl triepfosectitJott o! fhe' tval,j which were ref 4 tt 1 you bat! dany'interioutseV weir cminw uibiiy wtneeu;, ypu,o uspea ror re-i. ject any paft-enr, very: fewf of 6f went rt wa'r a1ssatisf1edrv:f t' ws ouf :aou fbr tune,- in most cases, to overcome prejudices: by misrepreserifaHbn and, Sgndfahc X'f,bti! those who (fame with UnfaVofable "vletvs'f .oi: jrout1 coi'du'lV went tLmfiviimelilid yun.wcre aujtiuuaiy uisppeu jo uo tnent allthejuhi(f5 cc-rrectj) missions We have he?rTd Mm WZpattftt themselVeSrd:deem itvvC youo siate thera;6rl ihls oWnr v ? v w 'Such of theundetiiged llhllirifeifi:' He c6nferenes'to which these differences between ihe two Houses led, was one ofthje principal speakers on the part of the Se nate. At the speeial session of the Legis Northern Carriages ftfr Sale. MES iRSi? Curtiis Frdzee S'lCo'nv. havef taken a Ihouse on IVtlmington street, sites tile east end of the Mar. kct, wheire they intend keeping: rlr assortment oi iNonnern .maie UAq$IAG8 eid . tlAK NESS? bt their own matmctufe j wich they will !ell low fiirlcasli, ank warrant the 'work to be of the best kind. They will receive order! for Carriages, and have them forwarded tohts place, with all possible despatch. Persons want ing Carriages of any .description, are Invited iff call and examine their work before they pur chase elsewhere; Koleim, 30 6mt30 ; : faiVr.H (uii ami. iocit ita , I' :RELL IIAXGIZG, rSV3AZ jcmdwigned, respectfully. Informs tlte pjti :citBiisofI.Ia.kigI''4 that we was established hitosett in this city t and is i. execute ail oruers lnr .we aoove Weigh; April 1st N, R. Th .txecvtte! fSs and 5 TtJ JiK K. fc2' I W m e subscTiber? at",' rib enaretl to all kind jof R.wtk itt.ttAltfi w'.tK nit public polky connected with our foreign JjefeteaVby the other House and m the pubj relations. r ne great mass ol tnem, so.ia from being opposed to belligerent measures against Great Britain Were! in favor of ft more decided policy towards hef . In regard to Mr. Van Btiren this vdk peculiarly the case. There was probably no person in the State, of his own age, whp had given a more efficient support to the measures of the Uenerai Uovernment, di ring the whole period of the restrictive sys tem, than himself. Ff is cotemporjarieS of all parties', m the County of his residence, might do appcaiea to as witnesses on tms pen He? was tin open and decided advocate al the strong measures proposed again Gfeaf lXrifain durini? the session of Col gtess or 181 1-12 the war included- Hay ina" been born and reared in the same town ;; riavliig; been; from July, 1 8 12, Until aftr the peace, an inmate of fnsJamiiy,. I am able to speak on this subiect .from Dersorjal krfowledge. iNo man of character", ac- mtalnted with his course and opinions m lor win veifture ro .assert, tnst ne ever expresses auooiDi as to me justice oi tne war, or tne expeuiency oi engaging m p, af the time it was declaredV : p k ; -; L In supportmg thai, nomination of Mr Ciriton Mran JBwtett: clonsultedi what he believed to be the wishes of the Repub licans of his State. His efforts1, however, wrei conhned toANew. Yor.f?; made -by the friends Mr. Clinton, in I othef States, he naa no concern. And though - Post Office Department. ) 21st AprU 1835. V Dear SiR: - We have thehoTiof fo enclose certain re solutions unanimously adopted at a iiieet- imr of the officers and clerks of this De- aturcof New York, held in Septemberl partment; held to day ; and assure you, sir, 1814, his efforts,, though not more zear m making tins; eommuniration, we iouV were more efficient and useful the performd task;most grateflil ttr our wfi MuvA" s-ftf'.lfn Tvovtvr hormrr mtha moan i i-rt a I IP PI 111 iTSV regained theif ascendency In the Assembly We a dear sir, very fespecffulyf Yorii obedient servants. utive nroclamation.nconsenuence of thef , J. W.-. HAND, Chi rl. cnaracter wnicn naa neen eivenio sne war . . - . iiTf ., fft ...... durmg the year, and of the exposed eonM ri""' vv i . isarrt. ditiori of the State.- .1 he answer . of tne Senafe fo the spe'edh of .the Governor, af gain prepareu jyy iuiu ua.iuxit iaan yi in; uommatee,- ana;wnicu you win. : aiso una in the compilation1- f Mf. Emmons, ref stfre of your artfuaintanc'e betqt e -xoii eh testimony iO tkb nnblernished teaof of ypur, privatejife, an the u oi your puouc course, i ney aeen ra proper time fS make tf is declaration "as afi&dtf justice teQttired of ith nlkrf mme.1 feceived mrife ufimeritetf .abuseF from those . ifilcT PlM tpeatcf kiitK tetest in the defucioh or rirbp, misled th6fa of others, were tofailV jgfioiant .of you true character. X: : ;; '' .' !- ;VvVerfc1teratere with which We part from too, soffene don !y by the hope-tbat the jthinge wilF coa . duCe td1 (he interest of totfr family white: it promotes your own nonof ariti the pdb- tic goog. Drawing oui. concl usions lib ra out knowledge f vbfit ; talems nd fnfegri ty, we cannot obbt Ihttt Iri the Statjoatd which jyou i ate ealled, yon will so dis. Whh thfe toost Sincere wishes foKvouf prostref itjr, a'hd that tod may long retain 1 See; 1 Pots4 Office hiikklkiSkvA f tasbinon2drAprl eMemehI have the pleasure 16 dii affirmed the justice of the confesTon out knowledge the; recerpt of yr letter; -of. meetingbf eOfficers' nart. adverted to flW eventM nature of ffie yeSertfay, enclosing to me certain resoluy crisis,, its dangers and its1 dtifie and ftledg- tiohaf adopted at a me I f i v t thereon fidence of this jCotimty wh ich yott haveso faithfully served; w i bid yoa && affectibnatefareweAl.'r "4 ''i " i v;,:' . vis f i ed to the State and Union, the activeco auuierits oi im ipuiMirein, auu oi me operation bf , the. Senate. II think '2 on, pe Postmasterand his Assistants,. of Wash-nisino- it you will affree that it was- in ingfori Chy, wherem Itinl sfpbken of fcmd-- keepintf With the character and exigency ly, personally, an r With apprbbatKTtf to ef the times. ' . ,a J:) --:'t U myfficialcoridtfct .Havmattheinyim tltiTiTKr thlrf SrWinT sssforL Mr. Vari tiori M theesident Consetd to eriter . ; U r v, GEO. .G1LLISS , a?C.,WlLLlA RlCH't) BENNfilX ? SA1'L GRUBB.; T?nif.Tv rAnf,rd hrnno-hf inTrvL arid deS Up bthCf Qfl fehded in debate several wan measures ei IJTi'HW!f.Hn fty ft th. i Rfrrmtrt iKWirdS'.rfc flif source of the highest sistoibn an, siepa- most prominent was W A an aetata autherf ratmtotiiose watfl 6m; aite been ise the raising of s troops iqr. the delence oi"a" Ti .T" fr' prepare niiviii:3 ita . itrvMiaSTH. in l rrer w r- rv ufhi ilia 1 icr. ' - - - - - - - v - Leaves fi-om mv Leo. tt.k..Sv 'PL Ommet 1 Vol He haston it.uf 1 mt.?!.i fa iwr-in! the choice of electors, Mr Clinton Tib,ev(Hall2 Vola, the jrotes of ,the Fedeiial The Princess or the'ntine, W lMt tnrgari; AU job entrusted to hira, willbeexeckted wimlm :s Jkdfij& teL 20 , 6' -'towards him, of the;oraIxsi pa: a Jaw,6 Jhs 24fbkiDf;.'ktoer.I-8l4i -IK authorized Gfterrior tpae thesj posal q the General Uoyerflment,- menrortwofyearsto oerai classifications of the, militi' but with such ' irnnroTeinenivrnt its.'deMW y.tas to avoid many ' o jil .-JU.t.'VJ sea ny Buiiaoie a of the Stated v '':in.. ; . 5-.: --':-v :' '. . " i ' : otrfffff Atwtroit'a Office; 3. v - 3 -- 1 - Gentiemeiii ft ay 111,18331,'' T have the pleasure to at l (r ut'. 4 knowledge the reeejipfby ihe, hands of the ' Chief JClek Df the rourth AuditorXomcei qf Vqucom toon jcation of the 7th" ti It. , has .been my principal anibitiogi succeed ;in:-ac thejstreamyof mfeltigence trnfilthc bear ks raessrags to ai 1 : to our em tlemenfs and frrxeraJaroiis;'as'' well it was5entif 'ej je jpomaneoai .unexpect-; as ffef older cmi&kMbftheRepuhlicV? dy"fr'h6i Kpenro'f 'design'mMpabl!e lifer 11 1 naye uol carrv jnvyreii whd- perrec -lusiice ana "i . object, i:mprtiaiity towards a jl with whom, l may ;r - comriDuicti'uave aau ouiciareiaiionsr ano.uie unuea v,r. r j " ' . '.-. -v v