-i ii I 'f mm iiiii 1 i m Km win in' i" iiiiwiiMMMMteMMwMMMaiMM i ..ju.iL ..munii Jmil. " EDITOR PIIII.O ?WlUXEf 3 - ,,t .HE CONSTrrUTION 4ND THE UNION ;OF ,THE , SPATES.. THEY '.J MUST ,BE PRESERVED.,,r RAIilGEI. IV. CFUIDAY, MAY 20:1835. V I TQt.'i:.::.ivo.'so. THREE DOLLARS PER ANNUM. ( 41. """TIM TERMS OF THE STANDARD Three dollars per annum, payable half-yearly, in advance but U will bo necessary for those hv n? at adi8lance; or out.of tbe lati, to pay an lilt, av ' , ; cnhcfifitwr fnihnir tn notice of his tiesire to discontinue at the el- pntire.Tcar m auu"; his desire l . rwvtfnr which he mat have paid pi ration i - vji ' , ii l - .nnaiiiapPH VI S 111 V 111 SUUWI Vt OUV T . y f heWper coatinnect, at,the; option of the Ed. or, utiil ordered to be stopped; but no paper will be discontinued unUUll arrearages ai paid. Letters to the Editor must come free of postage, ,,r (iiev mav not be attended to. Advi rtisements, will be inserted at the rate of nn- Hollar per square for three insert ion's. A libe-ra-rdiscoilnt will be made to those who advertise the vea- Those sending in Advertisements will be good enough to , mark the number of hmestliey wish them inserted. FORTUNE'S IIOUEJ . .IVortli Carolilia State Iottcfy, for the Benefit of the Salisbury Academy, 4 SIXTH CLASS FOR 1835. TO be drawn in the Giy o f MA LEIGH, on Thursday thtlH day of Juue, on ihepvpu JGr TcrkuKitti&Jigtre , System- StevciiSOBiv& i4iut 8$ Managers. . ; CAPITAL1 PtilZEy $(!,000. 'SCHEME. 1 Prize of "$.6,000 is 6,000 Prize of 3.000 - is 3,000 1 Prize of 2,000 is 2,000 ' 6 Prizes of 1,000 is 8,000 10 Prizes of 500 is 5,000 10 Priaes of 400 is 4.000 10 Prizes of 300 is ,3,000 10 Prizes of 200 is 2,000 . 100 Prizes o 100 is 10,000 100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000 116 Prizes of 30 is 3,480 . 201 Prizes of ' 20 is 4,020 If 300 Prizes of 15 is 4,()00 6,000 Prizes of 10 is 60000 6,000 Prizes of 6 is 36,000 6,000 Prizes of 4 is 24,000 - rirociiAifiATsoiv : By the Governor of North Carolina 2fH) dollars UcAvard. 1 HEREAS it has been madeVnownto jjie by the verdict of a CoionerV Inquest, that Grqvdisan IVuliams, late of the county ! of Pitt, -was recently murdered 'in the said county, aud ihat JAMES WALLACE, stands charged with the commission of the said felony': And wnereasj u is represented tpat ine saia Jaines ed to have fied beyond the limits of the State ; iw iiiciiuiyf uic tyiu, vuai ine saip James Wallace Kial' be apprehendetl-and bronshtito trial, ! have thought proper td issue this any Pro ciamauon, onenng a iteward oi lxto Hundred uonars to any person or persons, who; will appre hend and Confine him m 'any Jail withi this State And I do moreover, hereby requiie all Officers whether Civil or Military, within ihts oiate, to uae their best exertions to apprehend, or cause to be apprehended llifti aforesaid fugitijre. rP ''en Qrder my hstid as Governpr, and under the Great Seal of the State HlftB cf North Carolina, at the Oily of jja leizh: the 15th! dav of W A. ID. 1836. DAV10 L. " SWAJNJ " By tbe Governor. TV. T". Coleman, Private Secretary.' JAMES WALLA CE is represented to be pe tween sixteen and seventeen years of age, of faircoinplrxion, light hair, blue eyes, jroiund lace, tolerably long nose, and no beard. He is about five feet three or four inches high, and would weigh one hundred and fifteen or twenty pounds. He has some fine' freckles on each cheek bone and nose and walks with his feetsiraight for ward. ,. i 1,S6S Prizes, amounting to $15.0,000, Every package of 10 tickets will embrace all the terminatinjr fisnires from 1 to 0--so that tho holder of a package of 10 tickets, as put up by the-IdaKagers, must draw one of eacir of (lie three smatlest denominations of prizes, and may draw ten other prizes. A Package of tea Whole Tickets will cost f , ' $40 00 And nrust draw, nett 17 00 f 11HE ; iubsenber havin purchased' JE4. nhia well known'esiahlishment, sit uated hear the Conrt House in this city, respectfully. infornis the public that it will, in fu ture 4e kept open for the accommodation -of company under bit own immediate superinten dence. Heledges himself that his table shall be always plentifully supplied with Ihei best of every thing the-market affords. His stables are convenient and extensive, and will be attended by a faithful and experienced ostiler. - No pains nor expense'shall be spared for the comfortable accommodation of customers. TUT" He will be prepared to accommodate with board, thirty members of the a p proa cbinsr Con vention. DAVID CARTER. RaMgh. May 19, 135 3t31. For Members bl the Convention. FHHE Subscribers, hnvintj ltolir nni B- chased the house formerly occupied oy oenjamvn King, tsq, and bav - 23 00 fET Those who prefer adrenturing for the large prizes only, can, in this way, lor $23, gel the Managers' certificate for Ten whole Tickets entitling the holder to all that the tickets may draw over $57, that being the amount that the Package must draw of necessity, say, A Certificate for a Package of Ten Whole : ' Tickets, : -$23 00 . ..." t- Tea Half do. 11 50 " Ten Quarter do. 5 75 Uy All PrizespayaWe in CASH, '-forty dtys after the drawings subject to a deduction of 15 riff ri-nhim . T1 ' A 11 orders from distance, by mail (poitsaid) or bv private conveyance, enclosimr the CasTi 6r Prize Tickets in our previous Lotteries, will receive the most prompt attention, if address ed to STEVENSON & POINTS, and an ac count of-the Dra wine will be forwarded im mediately afterTts event. Whole Tickets $4. Halves 2, Qrs. 1 : To be had, in the greatest variety of numbers, at STEVENSOrt &, POINT'S Office, RALEIGH. N. C, FraiiklhEaird for Sale. EXrARtE'; the heirs of Isaac Howjie, dec Petition. Bv virtue of a decree JL. vt the Court of Equity for Franklin coun ty, made at iprfng Term, 1835, in the above cause, I shall ofi'er for sale to the highest bidder, at the court house, in the town of Louisburg.ion Monday, the 8;h day or June net, bpon a credit of one and two years, by equal instalments, the loyowinff valuable tracts of Z,Jjr2?, siittatej ly ing and being in the county of Franklin : One tract, lying on Lynch's creeks, on .which. Isaac Howze resided 'at the time of histteath, adjoin ing the lands of Wm. Johnson, Wra. Jones and bothers, containing by estimation seven hundred and seven acres, be thfe same more o-r le3s. Ano- her tract in the same county lying cn Red Bud creek, adjoining the lands of Dr. Davis, and those winch formerly belonged to Wm. Gtint, being the same tract twhich Isaac Howze bousht of Jerry Gant, containing two hundred and sixty two and a half acres, more nr less. These lainds will be scld on a credit of one and two years! by equal instalments, the purchaser to give bobds witn approved security, to the Clerk and Master for his said purchase the bond at two years to bear interest from and after the expiration of bne ear. I SAM L JOHNSON,? CM. E. Franklin county, May 8, 1835. 3i3l El ing entirely repaired it, td accommodate in a genteel style fifteen or twenty members of the ensuing Convention, they solicit the patronage or tueir inenas nereioiore oestowed on them j tiiev will, as usual, endeavor to-render their situ ation agreeable. ANN PULLI AM & SISTERS. RaUigh, JSIay 12, 1835. 4t3l " P.S An early anpHcation would be nre ferred, in order to fit up rooms for the reception oi gentlemen.. Wake Forest Laud, I iOll Sale. The subscriber offers JL. for-sale the valuable tract of land, whereon he now resides, being the a late residence of John Martin, Esq deceased, and now owned by himself ; lying on both sides of the stage road leading from Ra leigh to Oxford, fifteen miles north of the former place, and one and a half miles north of the Falls of Neuse river. Jt contains between ele ven and twelve hundred acres ; the larger por tion of which is wood laud, well, timbered, and FROM . THE 6JLOBE. . 1 WHITE WIIlGGlSAtt fie old saying" "verilaiHn vindS Vvas never mora si 211 ally illustrated than at the two North Carolina electioneering feasts the jone given at Raleisrh, for the benefit of Manextm and Whiter the other given at Qxford, "without regard to foTmer party aisupcuons," m nonoT-oi tiugn u- vvnite, Mr. Aaangum appeared for the joint ticjket at Raleiffh. Mr. Pevton. of Tennessee. o - - j - - - - , was the guest and speaker for the "with out distinction" party at Oxford. we give some samples, m the 'toasts drunk On the occasion, of the principles which are . to characterize White Whig- gisnv It will be seen that it differs from blue Whiggism and red tVhiggisin only as the white, blue, and red raspberries dif fer from each other. They may all be served up m the same dish at table. At the Baleigh feast, the White toasts, by way of precedence, were . most profuse ly, poured out. In the first given him, heJ is obliquely introduced m oppositwn to the lJresiclent, by peronifying the latter . as Executive patronage thus : 8 Executive patron a e4-0Tth Caro lina will respond to the noble sentiment off her distmguished son, Hugh L.- White - "A good man will not desire it" a bad ONE OUOHT NOT TO POSSESS IT In juxta.-position with Judge White, we have Judge. Marshall toasted as Bacon, Mansfield, and Hale. This, we presume, is intended to hint to the- Federalists, that the White Judge will very naturally take the complexion of those with whom he is associated. But then, to show that thfe new Whig candidate is already absolved of all the sins contracted in the support of as good aS the cotintry affords, with a plantation sufficient to work ten or twelve hands to ad-jthe present corrupt Administration, he is va i...8C, aiiu iu Kuou repair ,- ana vwo vaiua- ;next toasted as follows I aoie nieauows, wen set witn grass. I here is Hush L. While A native of North THE PRESIDENCY JUDGE WHITE. As a portion of the history of the poli- tics of this State worthy ot note, we re cord the fact, that orr the 13th instant the Charleston 'Mercury " hoisted the Whig nag;'- ine eaitor, jn an eiaooraie anicie, endeavours to cover his inconsistency, TO the support he intends giving this gehtle- mani . l he Bloody Bill, which ever and anott like Banqub's ghost, has risfi up le- tore the fruitful imaginations of the do minant party m South -Carolina, as an act of the most outrageous despotism, it .seems is to be forgotten. At least so tar as judge White's instrumentalityin its passage, is concerned.' " C ", , .'. ' The ediiot says : "Judge WiiiTi: voted for the force-Bur! True, but out States Rights friends, in every other State, have discovered abundant reason why that sin should b forgotten, if hot foTgiven." And what are these abundant reasons?-- Ler the Editor speak for ihirnself. " He sa'ys he is a 'conscientious man" "mild and amiable in his temper," "moderate and unassuming in his conduct' with a variety of other matters equally cogent and convincing : . and these are the "abundant reasons whif that sin should be forgotten? Truly the Editor- makes ah abundance Of matter out of very few materials. But we did not take up our pen for the purpose of discussing juage white's claims' to tne Presidency, for it matters not much whom we might favor for that distinguished sta tion. We could not hope to have any in fluence On the final result Much has been said in this State and elsewhero, about the "Albany Regency. New York tactics, &c," but we douDtt" much if we have not a Regency in South Carolina as potent and magical as that of Albany, and we think we can discover its workin gs iri this movement, of the Charles- 4 DOCTOR BOBEftl'S'S 4 , . Tr.U AND CEJiUINE , Ittlch Iflciliciimcntum, rOU dinner Indieestion or Dyspepsia, L.i'er I n I . ; f'l.rlLr. lfo.i Irha .UllipiIlli:, ilitUUUllC VIIUIIV, uv.au vuv Pever and Ague Dvaentary Loss of appetite Flatulence Hypochondria ilystericks Dropsical Complaints iliiirt-bum lit)eumatim Also prevents BiliousJDjsorders . Reihoves Habitual Costivenesa Asthma, Gout Stranguary , Gravel Aud Impurities cf the Blood. A person who uses this Meuicaroentum wu not require the ue of the lancet,: or any means of the healing art. It restores anrt revives tn animal apirjts, invigorates the system, removes nervous tremors, abtunus rneumatic ano anuin tic pains, and prevents their return ; cleanses the htcrnach or ail morbid: numnra wiucn cause inditrcsiion, acidities, headache and lowness o spirits ; cure all bilious disorders, all cuolics of the stomach and bowels almost immediately insireschcerfulness. gives cemfort to the drop sical, takes away palpitation of the heart, gives circulation to the blood ; restores bloom to the sal' low and sickly cheek, aud plumpness tdrihe meagre halut purges without' pam, and baju&nes a catises of fever of everv kiqd. " The Meflica meuttim acts on the stomach, that great reser yoirr.f th human system, a diseased state of j which causes all disease. No alteration in the ' usu;il habits of Jifi is required, but tKe abstain Ing'frorn distilled spirits. fIT3 The above invaluable Medicine, price S2 per .bottle, can be hd at the D ;g Store of r WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD Co. -Raleigh, May 1, 1835. . . , 2S5 ? ,; . some valuable creek bottom included in the plantation, in a good state of cultivation. T be improvements are a large' and comforta- louses, &c. situated within a few hundred yards '(,-, j. j.- .1 the South Carolina mapician. Mr. Cal- of lores Hill Academy, where there now is a! , irouN? Would the, Mercurv have corn- good Schoof. The situation is hiirh. healthv '" Jrieoiucw u, e 1 . r. u,t u .j Ti . kjlUieS. I ...... ; ,'.t milliAno "InVit o KftlPtwT winth am1 qute amusing, to hear people talking ofrvrV.T. - Za' T "?a rnmlinnon 1, fnA jton Mercury. At whose suggestion is Istitntinnnl lnnnrr r,J MirUA: efnt.c. Judge v HrTE supporteu Dy the Mercuryr ble Dwelling House, with all the necessary out-'; mant ' The eortuniion of the times dr. Vanany one doubt but ltis tbe work ofl nds the services of such an in the next President of the State of North Carolina, RANK LIN COUNTY Superior Court; of equity, zkI jionuay alter theUth Mondavin March. 1835: -Harriet Freeman, and Wi I linm reeman, Bryant Freeman, and Amanda Free man, the lasi three-of whom are "infnt.nd sue by their next friend, Harriet Freeman. ompleinantSf- vs. Jones Cook, and Marraaduke earing to the satisfaction pi -the. vourt.-that ntarmaduke JN Jenreys, one, or the defendant n the above cause. hath removed ont of this State, and is therefore a non-resident ; it is there fore ordered by vhe -court, that advertisement be made for six successive weeks in the North Ca rolina Standard, published'in the City of Raleigh, commanding and requiring the sas-l IVIarmaduke N; Jeffreys tn be and appear at the next Supe rior Court of Equity fo be held fur the. county of Franklin at the; court house in Louisburg on the and pleasant, with excellent spring water within fifty or sixty steps of the dwelling. This Land is within a few miles of the Wake Forest Institute, a large and prosperous institu tion. HT3 Any persons wishiner to avail them- n . . . . i A 1 L a" - L' a 1 r. selves ot tne above advantages and situation, :lut- inacmnauons oi me crany rew orK other, r:cV lsu,,ucrw""t JI1a"- sr v awning is oiena The Washinoioii Globe in ati attirl ueuigoewrousio move to me, est, wm sen ed with Mr. Man?um's. for. as' he wns nf, ...u' i.j i Y T , v T- . . i. . i uuuiisiicu auine vvetiKS sintre. nnins rnis dentally . but happily christened at the fan age - Cashier of (he U. g. ; PTro:BANK IN TUB FIELDv the Wasnington' Glohe, !n?ft VeW. able ' s article relative j to' the. Bank'of the Jnife"d:" States,; asserts that lthe Bank is now ma u -upon stocic security, payable hi threeyears, at jiveper cent: trterestpayj ' able semirmually.Vj he f charter of this . institutbri-prodeSj standing ? the expimioniC lne" tef m fo?V which the said 4rj)oratiottiischartere it shall be lawfttlrtb use : tfieporate; name, style, and5apacityV Jor the pifp6s& oi suiis ior me uiiai seuieiur.iii aiiu iiqui"- datipn ofith anairs arid' awounfs 'f the x corporation, arid JfcJ sale and j&sskfo of their estate, real,; and mixed : Muinotfot . . ... . - - .. . - any oi ner purpose; or tn'any omer manner whatsoever, nor for a period extfeedinitwo 'a.L - ax-l -. - years aiier me expiration cm me saia lerrns- of incorporation. ;. -;i - The charter' of this Banlc will expire y its own limitation iri about ten months, and yet in full view of the above" provisions of the - act of mco'rporati0ftr' the officers of the Bant atej tailing measures to continues the poweriF: the insitita'firtfirdiminiah until the twd years have been folly com pleted at least. - v ; ':;''- .;;;r There can be no doubt that the United . States Bank is to be in field with her whole strength during the next campaign, Eigh teen months ago the bank was curtailing us aiscounisana resincung us issues, up on the idle ptetehce that it was ; essential that its anairs shonld be woundsttp,,lin view of the speedy termination of its cor porate powers. What an imposition upon tlie credulity of the peoplerwhat trifling with the best interest of the merchants', mechanics, and husiriess men in. our coun try. ,The charter has : approached more than a year nearer the time limited for its expiraiion, auu we uiiu uy viie Biucniem oi tlie Bank itself, that during4 five months from the -1st November,. 1834; to the 1st of April 1835, it extended' its business $14,340,001 ! ! ! arid this is the same corrupt institution which a yea?; and half since claimed that its c5wn intetest f eT-" quired that it should cUrta.il, at tKe.'tale 6i. ' tnL t J ? . - . ,i ... ine juage is again toastea as tne "in- th own convictions of what ought or aepmaeni poniictan, nis election to the ou ht hot t0 be done when it is evident fluency is to secure me country against th are but echoi the mandates of an. the machinations of the crafty New York ntK0r- a bargain. - SAM'L H. SMITH. Forest Hill, Wake f.o. April 29, 1835.' 6t31 The Biblical Recorder will insert the 0ll?K iuin i nimueipmaj lur, lg 8 Bank (Mr, Jaudon. the son-in-law of Judfre eat; praises. . He, as Judge Whites Vice or Waite STent sorfte Vveek& towards tL above 6 weeks, and send the account to me Wake Forest, Wake county, N. C. : A Splendid lane of HACK?, From Salisbury to Raleigh) A A rV MILES...Tbe.sub- X". X scritersr- anJatAis lo affoi-d every! facility to the Travelling Pubhc, now an nounce that they have completed their arrange ments, and Can - with truth say, "We present to you a LINE OF HACKS possessing advantaJ ges over any other, if you wish to get on with ease and despatch having obtained that great desideratum with ail travellers, no detention on the road. It is arranged as to correspond in its arrivals at Raleigh, with the departure f the following stages, viz : the Great Daily Line to Clakely, N.C, passing through Louisburg, War renton, and Halifax ; at the latter place, a line Lieutenant, is not forgotten brazened : 5. of stages communicates with the Portsmouth 2d Monday aftf r the 4lh Monday in September Rail Road for Norfolk: By continuing on to next? ana men and mere plead, answer orde- Riakelv. vou strike the Fetersbnrp- Hail Road. murvo the comply and on your arrival at that place you have the as confessed by himt and heard ex part, and de- choice of two lines t either by land to Washing- ion city, via Kicnmonti ana rreaericKsburg, or cree. made accordingly. I6t24 Test. SAM'L JOHNSON, CM E. one volume II ECF.IVED this tlayf and for kla ,at the L North 'Carol.i na Boo . Ji'tore --" U- -A treatise on this Pope's supremacy by Rev. . Iaac J3arroW, ,a . .-. - The primitive 1 Examined, by Bishop Hop kins ot. Vermont, ' No 1 of .BuslrV Cbmriienttiry of Uie Psalms, The Religious Offering for 1835, - v Mental culture, or the means of develdpmg the ;' human faculties, ' - ' . Bancroft history (jf'the States, TpL ;lst ; jT Chittys medical jivrispnidences 1 Vol. 8va Dunglisons Elements of Hygiene, ' .' Life of Gejil La Fayette including the memora ble RevolHtiott of 1830, .i r y Cruise of the United States FrtgMe Patomac, round tbe wwrld fi-Om the year 11531 to '35, Tecks Gazette of the State ofailinois , ' Father Butler, or sketches of Irish manner, 'Hia viii. ''Tn&l4l Vpclaimed bv E. Hewlett. Happy old age, exemplified in the life of llrs Sir Frizzle4 Fumpkirr ami other tales 1 Vol, 12mo. The Coquett by the antbbr of Misserimus 3 Vol. -?aves irom my t.g ihwk, u - wuv The Princess or the Beguln, by Lady Mergan il : i lTURNEa & HUGHES. -J. ,. Kalei&h. AvrilltK A :P;y,-. N. B. Tlie subscribers are now"; prepared 4o execute all kimU of Book Binding ,with neat- Books! Books! TTUST received and forjsale at the Pforth Car- J' oiina Book Store, at a verv reduced nrir.f . .i- i".ti - . , 1 1 ' . i . ine luiiuwin vaiuauic ayu lnieresxing -works, Hannah Morels works complete in elebrajted Tibials of all countries History of the French, Itihrolution in ; 1688 Fitche's Tiental Surgery;fnew edition Wonderful and Eccentric Characters, compti- sir.g memous Ana anecdotes or very per- son ana naiion ; Emerson's Arithmetic 3d Part, and key Irvine's newwork Touroji the Ptaries Go Ahead, Col. CrocketTs Tour to the North, Influence, a moral tale j -: . gparke's American Biography Dick's Work, Uniform. Edition, 4 Vbls Life of -Samuel Drew, fry his son ' Highland mtkggler, a novel Melmath jthe Wanderer , - Velerius, a Roman story Burnes 1 ravels m BokUara An Old Sailorfa Tough Yarns j The Gernassels. a Romance of Carolina Edgewortrf ori Education , No Fiction, by Rev, A. "Read , 1' Martha, vdo ! do do ? j j 9ockwood,"a.rojaaftrice:' 11-..'.' . ?! Allan Bre,ci : , . . '..... ' -Tire most unfortunate- man in the world Cavendish, orj the, Patrlca at sea. r The Gentleman in blacfc v ;. -1 '"H . Tfre Irtfhirgenlts, ar Historical novel ; .'.I by steamboat to Norfolk. There is also a line of stages from Raleigh to Norfolk, via Tacbo- rough, Murtreesborough, Winton, &C. over one of the best natural roads in the United States. At,Norfolk there will be xno detention, as there is a line of steamboats for Baltimore in connex ion with. this line j a line from Raleigh to Ne"w bern also connects with this line. The arrivals at Salisbury are regulated altogether by the de parture of the Piedmont Line South, and the Great Western Line for ISashvilIe, Tenn., via Lincolnton, Rutherfordton, Ashville, Knoxville, &c. &c Leaves Salisbury Tuesday and SaTur' day at 9 o'clock, A. M., (after the arrival of the Piedmont" Stage,) and arrives an Raleigh next days by-4, P. M. Leaves Raleigh l.uesday arm Saturday at 2 o'clock, A M. and arrives in bu- fisbury next days by 4, P. M., aRowing sufficient time on the road tor sleep . The I lacks are Albany made, entirely new, arid cannot be surpassed for comfort and ease the Teams are excellent, the Drivers careful and attentive, and the Fare low only Seven Dollars j all. intermediate distances 7 cents per mile. r All Baggage and Packages at therisk oi the owners. WILLIS MOUINli, JOSEfH L. MORING. 1 - -r- tie is tnus close of the session in this city, and obtain ed a full view of all the arrano-ementsr of Our honored guest, Willie P. Man- the opposition. He ascertained that Mr gum Faithful and fearless true to his Calhoun, who introduced the bill to re'- tountfy's best interest, the Constitution, charter the Bank for twelve . vears. would nrA (ha Iowa rlf.io,. r, .4. i .U: J" 11-11 i ' ' -r " i '. bosom, my own stricken deer. White in the South." It will be recol- It is, then, remembered, that he had h?Cted that Mr. Calhoun, took Charleston been stricken, (that is, instructed.) by tlie pri his route from Washington to Pendle- consuiueru oouy Dy wnom ne was elected ; lu" 111111 l"e result oi nis visit -is seen in and he is comforted in another toast, by the advocacy, by the Mercury of Judge the assurance that the People will cunish VY kite, lor the .Presidency. We are cu- the Legislators for having instructed not rrou 10 see "how the Columbia branch of the "faithless , and fearless" who rlnrrl tn the family will relish this measure. The disobey instructions. He is told, in anoth- Telescope and Tines were both silent on er toast: the subject last week. Was tt because The Legislature has denounced. tneY "ave 1101 yet received official instruc but the People will sustain. . tions, or was it because they have too much But that is not sufficient amends: the deeency or honesty to swallow now, what rery next toast gives an intimation of his-h they have for some weeks' past beri re- rewards in reserve, both for Judge White jcting? What apology will the Telescope and himself, for standing out against the make to its coadjutor, the Tclegiaph, previously denounced cxpunnncr resolu- when he comes out for Judge White, af- ler iiavuitr iaKen vxenerai luff. so se- which did in facturtail its issues fn fifteen months; 818,406,1 38y and in four monthsf 85,270,77 1 ! ! There Cannot; he a : doitbt that the mammoth is preparing to- cre ate another pressure : at such time - as shall be best Calculated for the1 accomplish ment Of r its sinister purposes; its next struggle will be a desperate one, a death grapple in which the' people are to beover-? come or tne tsanK aestroyea. - Hartford ( Von. ) fatnoU ' yerely to task, for "his old trade of Presi dent making' We shall see. Camden Journal. The People's man. Thefollowihg con- Winter in tbekWest Mayor of Wiiid Gan . Leisure Hours , Cavaliers of Virginia I ne rebel, by Bulwcr Canvaosmg, a tale iVly Cousin NTchoJai .r Alleri, Preacot, or the fortunes pf New Eng- ''f: - tts The fare from Raleigh to Washington City amounts to 19 50,-as follows f f From Raleigh to Blakely, stage fare, 5 7 w j Blakely tb Petersbiirffi rail road fare, 3 00 Petersburer to Richmond, staire fare. 1 50 r " . .. - v. nnt Richmond to Frettencksburc,.' stacre tare, o w Frederacksburfifto washmston Citv. steam . j. " : ... boat lare - -, - o w .-JThe steAm boat fare to Baltimore via Nor folk is cheaper. - j ; hrtifilWifc iipiii wi i m i ih n i f mm hp i mil i Ur! W DioijIun, a novel ty Mary Bruxton Trials and'T'Hhmphs K . - Sharpe's Letters ana nissays mdy Story! Book Coach Making. flHHE undersicmed ten 'JH. ders his-eknowledg ments to his friends and the ruDiic generally, ior ine en ctiragement heretofore re ceived in his Tme of busi ness t and begs leave to inform . them,' that he rfiltl contintrefl . at his old stand. two hundred Turner's Sacred History it being the 72 ftp. of yards West - of Capt. jfi. Jr Quion! Hotel family Library' Paragraph Bibles," by Nmirse? Young Ladies' book ot Piety Real Dialogues by AWot China and the English Abbot ihe.School oy!a Frierwl Book-of Science, 1st Part Catechism of . Phrenology . Aotiolography ot Jack Ketch Lire oi urabb Where he has on hand, and continues tomanu' acture, FAJMILY CARRIAGES of every de scription, made tn the most f substantial naan ner and or tne oest matenatsr tie therefore solicits gentlemen to call and judge for themselves, before they send their Orders to-ine iwnn, or purchase ea?rc---.nav ing employed Workmen of the first order, lie is able to execute any joo m ms .line, wun taste and neatness not surpassed at any of the tion. Here is the hint : i North Carolina Let her stand forth f0& the advancement of her OWN SONS. f Mr. Mangum is again and again toasted tor "his patriotic Services in the Senate," and as "the constant OBDoser of Executive r$sp. bnt hnnmrlptter nf th Prvlrif in o. 1 I i M vv Vi A VUIVlVllk M.XM. X usurpation." This properly calls forth a ply to a note from the democratic citizens trioute to the majority ot that body, which of 11th Ward in the City of New York, it commemorated thus on the occasion of rpreivinor frnTn thpm a ' The majority of the Late UniteI) Choice slice of eef, fully develope3 .the States Senate. Distinguished alike4un.anectecl democraticcharactef of the man for their wisdom, el oau ehce: ' natriotismAand- points to a manly and generous feel- and moral courage. ing heart, which the calumny or vituper Judge White entitled himself to a full allon 01 ieaeraiism navje caneo savage. share of this "majority" compliment by his vote to make offices life esateg-a- ; 'WAsfliNffl'ojsr, ArKiL 15xh, 1835. gainst the contingent appropriation for na- , Gentlemen I have received your fine uonai aeience ana nis course against the present of beef, for which I thank you expunging rpsolution. , y and let me assure you that those homely JNow, it there i&fruM tn Wine" or if bfferino-s. whichnnnretetidino ckizenshave there is truth ir theJnWadage,1 that "a presented, giving proof of the warm and affectionate feelings they cherish for me personally, have often afforded toe greater pleasure than the expensive and ostenta tious displays with -wiliehmvf services I have been so liberally'signalized by public, munincence. . , a ?sjn?j . 1 It has heen the' aim of my life to jsecure the happiness, and ; thus' to, gjain the affec tions o the cottagers of mi country. To this end I have toiled,, mat labor might be safe-in its earnings- a thing impossible wben the government is not uhdertne con trol of the working- men, 'Our- happy condition i,"af this moment,- an example of the blessings which only1 belong to that country wherethe .irill o" the. People i law, where every, industTious honest man may command: a supexfluity of those ne cessaries ol lile which you have presented me a most substantial example. - -lam, gentlemen., :' " ' ' Your most bb't serft, . ANDREW JACKON. Vert complimentary. The Charleston Mercury,' which has te cehtlySpeTjne speaking of the propriety pfhirbeinrg'uj-, ported by the people of South ' Garolina" says, "we areto decide, whether' we sKaU take up a stick that lies in our way io kilLf a snake, it may be, we will sold, & weak4 sticky and a had sticks but there is no neE. . ii.. -.V1J i ".. - -. cessiiy iiiu wv, ouuuiu Keep ii as a cane iQ wane wun, or a sian iq lean upon. , we; . only say; kill the shake." '. Onlyifimfcpf men talking of suriportrnga ttari Presidency whom they can' e'onlhari fto' noming pexier man a wean, ana oaa stiCK, and dhg 'who is to he used only as h merc( instrument 1 in the hands Of others for the' purpose of destroying those with whom he has acted, whose measures he., htts sup" ported, and of whose principles he h'ai "jpro essea io aupTove, ana wmcn is comptrea o the killing Of a snake What-a beaud ul illustration it affords of the honesty of ais supporters, and what tan "adrriirabh idea it affords of the opinion they entertain of the inan If Judge '.Wlnte.ryid.'ilis' riends ckn feel any ssitisStCtioii oh account . of beihg connecteo! - - -jHtieall; witti 'jnezf who speak of him in such terms, they ar& certainly very easy satisfied. "i. . ; v V .r'pammor-jtieotuan.... man is hnovnby the' company he keeps," we think, after this, there will he little dif ficulty in ascertaining the Hon. Hugh L. White s present principles or his present party. " Peter Panlev's Librarvln- 8 vols, alt new worts Northern Manufactories. 24th volume jBngUshCbmpon lWiReports, ' In every: instance, the vrork wilT be warran v Also, iast eeivecL a fine assortment of LEots- teoftrto! the price as low as- Utcan be purchased mopel Trayer books; all sizes and prices H i elsevhere. 0ier respectfully solicited. ' i?flJw-a0, V '': ' r V? - l March SO. 1835, v 22i THOS., COBBS, Alabama.-The republicans of Ala bama, ought to be on their guards Many 'it: 1 -i c j . - inoKs win - oe - penormeu io entice tnem from - their'- political fait h; " Principles not men" should be theif polar star The true cruestidh Vis','i4ot,::"'4t. Wnite' anl'.".'Tan Buren," as has beeti repeadly -asserted. It is whether our political faith' shall be maintained at all hazards: or our strength frittered away byt our 'own feudsA It is a tint; Kuyiug, mai.a nouse -uiviaea againsi itself cannot tand, and the remark is equal ly applicable to a party? ; The V Whigs" would like much to see the election of- Pre- sident.devolveori the House vbf Represen tatives. Such a result would be playing info their hands. .Wie should; more.than probable have a Burr and Jefferson con test, and- iff the end experience thamprti- fication of seeing Henry Clay , elevated to our -.. highest, office against .the ; popular wilU &ucn an ; issuer cannot bt too xare, Yfully guarded against. ; - f T V " ; ' - . Montgomery Aatenisvt , ; s JdWilliam Fogleman, who murdered Christian Shores at ;Wvthe Court-House. Virginia, in; 'Jannarv last, was tried" at j Wythe Superior Court, and sentenced to tentiary, . s . ' ; k:UX,r:- rkeai the ffittATiwv(Mi.y DEwociif . t . GEORGE POiN DEXTER t On the 4th of Match last, the Senatorial ernwof this notorious man exfeifed. VHe is politically dead foretell i His:fuheral bell has tolled, andthefeafe ndrid'fomoutn.1 On the Contrary., he' makeat his' exit? fromt the stage of public- life, branded - with In famy and the deep abiding execrationai: 'oT!5 nis ouirageu teonsiiiruenis ivir xromoex-ut ter has - enjoyedimuch of the favor of thfr people; MississlppLioh Pomdextexswas content to. represent-' the ' sentiments: svof the. State, and to r executaf "'- faithfully the trusr cnlriiitfed (6 -himy thiaK x error andhis- guilt were partially' bvef rerca rrt hit vtira a' Inlonfai t ani i MMi- &VVA.VU - UUU U V II IM'; VU1WIUVU' OUIt . V blT'' supported fcy ' men'; itho ioould iiot allow, , rum .pit :iwvr iBwuKiir: it i Tit : V s.- I $ 81 -3 fecdysensftlhowpdw people of tAMamaf hencelfKe ne&&siif i6t -tc? reafldtiiniyour fevbrpyonrhav iDiagiucur iu" jpicaein w- iue; a propilious moment your aim isto ride into favor onf k the shonlders i of ;ttugh ; L. itel JiFor this pnfpoie yba have lauded hihi to the smes; auu xieapea-upon ivir.- van' 'ouren ; . immeasure'd abuse.' ; -Tour 'fViendshiry for Judge White will do hintnoo6d, for;the ; y people of Alabama have" former top just mesfirnateiiyour o to be dtfped tby 'font vShaUbaftices ahxl v; fiwui.rifi'iATttfeioni'l- ' ." i' , . v ''zWzAFldrvnce f : U; ; .It is said thaf ?Mr5Spl 'eS !: been safely &eveTeQ 'oi read ing i ne, of I his owh 'speeches abou$ - i h disiressruin and re6lmiom & t