. . 'VTt,,-. wr-r- .- -. .-. w.-f2Tr;i-i-''-?-;.f-.r: . 1 ; , . ju i -- :.-..:..... TERMS, OF THB' STANDARD' v Three dollars per'rmum, payWe half-yearly in advance; but H ill be necessary for llto hy ing at u distance,4 w our of the. State1, toftan fniive.vear' in advance. - A subscribef faUma to give notiGe Of his de'sireto djsCofi.rfntie at-theex-piratioii of the period for whjch he may have paid, will be considered as having subscribed kneand the paper continued, at the. option of the jSidnori until ordered to be stopped; but fk paper lyiU b? discontinued until all arrearages aw-paid-i Letters vothe Editor-must come free gf postage, ftf thev ninv not lp"'rStlpndpd ttt. 11 .1 . Ai)vertisemrts will be inserted at the rate of nufi dollar ner sanare for three insertions.. A hbe-. ral discount will be rnadeto those who advertise by the year. Those sending . in AaverusKincm. Will be ' good enough to -mark the number rof times theytwish them mseneo-. r NEW ARUAEMENT. Line of Four I?orscPost .Coalbc Runnm sr- Aom. Grc.ensborau?k.N. Csbv . Salem to Wythe Court JlquseVirjpthiaA three iimts a iccclc, and bath. - j njHIS . Line starts from Monday. Wedasdav.l and .Saturday,' at 2 ij'clockf A.-'M.., and arrtvea-at Salemsatn days, at & o'clock; A. M Leaves Salerri every: Monday, Wednesday an'rj, Friday, at nine o'clock,, A. M.. and arrivir at Wytf C. H., V?., every 'Tuesday, 'Th&rsday' -.and SMuV day at 4 o'clock P. M., in iime- to correspond" nth the great lines, leading tbrough the. Valley ol Virginia, to- Knoxville, $shvi!le, $;c,'.iQ. Ce.. Leuves Wythe C. H. every Monday AVednes dav and Friday at 5-t3'clock, A. M;'j and arrives .it Salem every Tuesday. Thursday an-d Saturday by f o'clock P.M., and at Greensborough, same evenings, at 10 o deck. ..r " It is so arraogeias to correspond iiy its arrivals at Greeiisborough with the departure of the- fol lawing 8tages,Tviz : the liiite to Raleigh, . 0- to Danville and Fredericksburg, Va. and to the Pe tersburg Rail-Road.,. By 1 this', line Passengers can be assured to'ajifive.at'Knoxyille, Tenav in. lour and one half days from Green sborough The Proprietor will rurTa 'fine ol four horse; post coaches during the trrr.e cl travelling, tpthej Virginia Springs, viz : froia, the first" lutje to the hi st of October, from Jackson's Ferry bnffew River, to Nevbt3nj,-Ya.vto corre9poinlvitli; the departures of vC'aldvteli,? linet ffom (iN'ebiin'"'to the Salt Sulphur, Red -Sulphur and AThite ! Sul phur Springs. Va. Tins route is between SO a&d 0 miles nearer and less expensive than any o- iher Stage route from, the South to- the Virginia Springs. .. ,-. ;" " 1 - A t wo horse Hack will be ruji by the Subscriber from Salern to Lejirigton N. C V(h'ree times a week -to correspciiCwitlj the arrival? and departures of, the great Isortherfl and Southern line of Stages, Peck and Welford, contractors, at Lexi n gion . Lea Ves Srlem every.Monday. Wed nesday and Saturday at 4 o'clock, A- M..,.vekves Lexington 'eve'ry Tue3dayThursday-anfii3tpr-day after the arrival of the Vtage from iheifcutbi This route passes through Salem, Bethabara, Belhania, within a' mile hi the Pilot Mbunta'iaVby Mount Airy, crosses the Ulue Ridge at Goitd Spur Gap, goes by Poplar Camp Furnace, V ythe ' county, Va., arid aflords some inieresiing rcoUn , tai n scenes to those Who ka'dmire,the sublimity of Jtiture. The accommodations of diet, fice." are ex celleni and cheap. ' "'- . ' . 1 ' v ' -HZ The Coaches are made at Tioy. N. Y., good and comfortable : the Drivers are careful and attentive, the Teams excellent, and the Fare !ow---oiily Eight Dollars from Greensborough to Wvtne G. H., Va.'; arid' from Lexington NO C to Newbern Va;, Eighr Dolors and Fifty Ceats, taretrom Ureensboroughr to baiem, 'v. "t Lexington to Salem - " ; -1 50 " - Salem'to. WytC.H.' - 7; -' ' " ' Salem to Newbern - . 6 Wav-Passenffers7 cts. per milel- GIT'The utrast care and r, attention vwill be paid to baggage and other things entrusted to his wre but all at the risk of the owner. . T? The tru6isstAUKiia pettdd '6in.ee there existef such siti,oBcf,''ra8rins-Tor viari' lance, uiirarjin cartCQrt bae part'of repuDiicast as atner present We havp tov.eonter3.4iot p&y diist.bpeiye&eiesr huX enemies w'disguiseas well as apos tate friends ' v"3Ve dd,ni)Hpak toti trontr- ly in chXterizinghiSoalitioo hy tlie tejrn duplicity, By'rmrf we;dd not mean that 'little sild.ahybdiLoiily! called -dbhhle d.ealiqg; but, that 'reai du plicity of character, yhichliie opposition ol ; Uie partyacts uta-doubieieapacityand Jamts-lilk')ears tAibtacesanfivVo tongues, bynieanS,;.of wlilch they "seek to imposfe more effectually uponthV" comrnunity. nave we-not recently seen- tne iiiQitors-oi the lnteiligencer, the -reat organ of their party boldly avow- 'the Uoctrihe, that they are justified in 'ftctingTiotuiidn principle, Green sborougb tivery hut according to ckcurhstances; ' That were uiey louaiua ;m . iViassuciiustMis, uiyj would radvocate. the claims ol Mr. v ebstervi tp the Presidency y hut if, they' resided in the" -South, they tyOuld support "Judge White. ' . What i"f ''tliis'ltesurriehdip'ff to 1 iaecurreiit.anagoiH.g:--win tne leenng ana prejudices of .the tiTace-e may happen to " r3J 3eW' we fve a'TaoiSmiM 'Ihe cgrhtnunication-or ",Reat Voters,-"' al4ti(Ted4 to ip our 3i-g4VK vjjsrnnie. its .mtemper ance oi ianguugewauia -exctuae i; trom ' .: t . m. - ; Ai . - '. oux columns1: tsut asMr. uruaup s mo- tires in offeringrfo tCngress,- were, spoken af by " A'V.oter, we are'entirel witling he. should Be heard in rplyeither by'hinv self or his friends ; we have kt'cormneclv admittcduc-hpartSvof "the piece f v Real Mr; U's claims v tpieaseaBdhevwiir be, satisfied an,d cotq- ftentedandso viirbe maoy - , . A husivevlanorrjaffe. ?and hard nainesfeanaid.n.eitner .cause nor can didate? f We dqnot. helieve" the aifthorbf tnts piece -woutu r,istr iiis name at 'tne oot tom of, such language as this which is 3 sample of nvhat'we ilave ' expunged ""Does it (the 1 coitimunication t)f "A Vo ter," not spinfr from that blessed oew f sycopnahts, ' Se. r who'congregate at Ka leagh'i" -And if he is ashamed to let the public' see his name attach ed.to suchrefiy words as these, ought he in 'reason toexT pect us to pfomulgate them to the world under the sanction of our name ? whirfi we should do by .admitting them into our columps.. AVe cannot belk:e he '.would look us in. the .face, arid ask. us to do it, '.- :.FOR TlfB" -ST AST) A KB. ' In the -Standard of. the 17th THIu RANK'S lhiUtwashingCom7iiftlee:.of tk& Seriate. ;' .On the last of the session oGonr gress, the 30tf ne, 184, the following motion submitted by Mr. Southard, .was Considered; ' - .. K .. ; Resolved, That h committee bn ' Fi nance have lenvertn sit iti thip.' rr.ess. cm i il" -v r t'H subjects with'wh'ich they are charged X the .calling, of by f he resolutions off February 4th; -and ri observed an. article nurnortinff to be ad- their eyery,. thought d-actkmr? WitR nrrri n-nf th nf th Atrlrt 1 - 7. -XT' IX'. the open avoAyal ot SUQh a' principleiti is not surpizing-tlrey sholi the caricature as pressing their candidate forward with a pitch-fork, whilst exclaim ing " all is fair An politics" . But,' monr which.he is a,candidate" tprepfesent ih the nekr Congress." Ii is out present r pur: pose to notice d few ipf the fals statements 01 this piece pt party cant. tmv wm ts inis- voter r - w e are as str'ous , as this principle is, and daring and Lrtai; n at ivpi can. lift- nf anv thintr' Whfr.h pMenf s'm its avowal, it- wille We canriot tesV by.our' senses, that he is found to be one, upon which the coalition Voter, in thu district, -He hoists pi- pieem-a. -ve nave -me numuers raticai coior;n order more efTectuallv W deceive the people. . No poll keeper in this at - A VALUABLE Tavern Stand, i. Sal supporting J uqge White, whose rear oh ject Is to ; embarrass the administration to defeat Mr. Van B.uren, and to promoie' ihe .views of Mr. Calhoun. , We have the nationals uniting with them , , acting with the same viewi , except they; desire tev' ad2 yaiice the cause of ' Mr. Webster. ' Whilst we' have a sort of quasi Jakson-rhan, who tells us thry control is no longer with Gen. Jackson and his opponent but between Vai B uren and WhiteV Here is ' the de ception, against which We caution every true friend of the administration, both in their vote fOr Congress and the Legisla ture, iren. Jackson s term pi service does not expire; until March U 1837 at which time will also terminate the next Con gress. So that every act upon which the members now 'elected to Congress will haveto vote, will relate, to the present ad: inmisirauon, excjpi m uie ; eveiu vf me election of President devolving upon the House of Representatives -Tms the-opr position desire, as, the only means of ad: vancingftheir end; "but which.it is .to be hoped the people will prevent. So, with ;'the:fteit Legislature, they will have noth ing to do with. White and Van Buren, hut may have to act "up'oh 'measures haying aP importafife - bearing: on the old President himself. Should Willie P. Man gum be induced to resign, the legislature will have to elect a successor," not for six. years; but lor the remainder of Uen. Jackson s term "Should they1 by anVuaauthorrzed act, force district would receive his vote : and could formed- of the"dolnigsTdf thiraveJlirig, partly made uttt ?ojie isidecl and,? maV be 18th of -December last Mr-: Tyler raadea reporof the-rloings, proceearngs,Landex aminations ef, that Committee 1 AlitNrhat Was. the report ? 4VKat 'its" merits ? ."VVhat its, character? . AVhy,- it was suc.h, tlijat.nj member 01; the committee was , -wiiliflff .to undertake its defence; but Mr. Tyler i-and he only at the moment after he had madehv I in July, iNeitner tfie-irienas 01 tne liank, or tne members of the. Committee, dared to move the printing of an extra ; number .of copies May 5th : .andthat said Committee be ftf r-y the Senate. 1 his would- have brought ther instructed toenquire"vhether thg subject 01 thank, and the report FHlHIi Subscriber, desirous of rehov- Je incr to the westj oft ersjbr sale ' the iJilMotarre commodious TAVERN, which he occ.i nies.' situated Tn the town of Charlotte, tlree doors westpf thc-Court-ltouse. TBjs estabish- ir.cnt has all tlie necessary conveniences for Jcar rvinc- on the business for which'. it is desiened.. 71i.e Kitchep.S;jb1es..ibsi'.::&'c:.-are in-gjbod repatr. IfR present ..mtfonageJiberaLv' Per, the purposes of a tavern, this" house -affords many advantdffes icorjri' its situation.-' "'The. village? Jbf Charlotte is generally -healthy and its condttioiv flourishing. It is situated, in. a -populous &nd wealthy commnriity, and is tl e.tbqrough-fire;of the travelling from the north and . eastern Seer, tions of the Union, to. the south and south-tfiesU Having determined to remove, time premises will be afforded at very liberal terms.' If tjiey iarc are not sold before tlie first of September,: tliey will be ottered torrent or lejise. . . , '. -r: We have the . population ;ef any adjoining district in amy before us, we. Could say, as Nathan said to David, "thou art the man.' He.; brings prominently to' view tlie act, thaf Mr.C is -a preacher of the Gospel; and charges ah, abapdonment of his .sa cred office, for .purposes of party. W? freely admitIr. C., is a preacher ; he is an eloquent, consistent and pious minister e that patriotic, republican ind amiable de nomination of people styled Baptists. And what if ; he is a baptist preacher? Da thet talents; integrity and moral honesty, which qualify htm to. preach, render him less capable of discharging the. duties of a representative "ot the. people ? It we ad- mit tne proposition mat good ana moral irterk ought not td fill Our public statians; then we recognize its coaverse, that bad men alone should represent the people. Will the honest and intelligent voters of this district assent to this doctrine ?. Verily they will ' not ! .although moved thereto by the invitation of this fictitiou? Voter." FoY our own pa rt, we wo aid prefer a good man to represent pur interests, as soon, J at least as one whose moral qualities are questionable. The insinuation that Mr. Crudup has abandoned his office, is false. He has rairely failed tottend iiis regular appointments . and.he will riot do stf. : . l-This "veracious scfibbler denies that Mr. Criidiifi-. is ft- frieTtd-'rjf fiem. -Tacksoos. Mr. Bro-n $ut;of the Senate, they; 'ill l Was hot; Mi. Crudup a-warm advocate -.of i".e "xtu iu gaiiiuirituupw;vw, su.iyerli jacKson , wteTi evewine - oevotea all -important at this penorl; ; Tf3e'enate Hawkins was opposed to him Certain at its xtei-Ml.p'rtfel) jjeas, and he will, "as faithfully, ex- ahd 24 should an" administration man' be nrs thV Wish nf this ViefinT' insnAtairi elected to succeed dindeiter afjtoutwhi(;h ino. ai the proper measures of fhis ad-1 w- ' - t - ' , Bank of.the UnitedStateSi hasviolated its charter whether anyl moneys' ofthepni tedStg!tes,renainirig.ia saidlBank,. are sale ; what -has been, the conduct of the Bank since 1832. infegard to the -exten sion and curtailment of its-loans 'and dis coQnts, apd to its dealings in internal ex change r and what has been, its ffeneral conduct and management since that pe riod" - K The motion was determined in the affirm alive, by the -following vote : . l ea. Messrs.. B i bb,.sChambers, Clay; LwmgFrelmghtiyien,, Knig; ht, Leigh, ivlangum, Moore, Naudain, l?oindexter, Porter, RobbinsSilbeei Smimuthafd Sprague, -Tomlinson, Waggaipan, ster-U. , ;w '. ; ;!k i . , iVaj-Messrs. HendrickWHill, KtneV King of Alabama, King of Georgia, . Ro: binsort, -Shepley, 'allmadge,: . .Tipton,; White, Wright 412.' , ? The resolution referred to in the- above, of th'e 4th of .February, Was offered by Mr; iPoindexter, ahd js as iollows : ' " Resolved, That the Committee on Fi- nance be instructed to eiiquire ipto the.pre-i sent conaition, ot the.currency ot the uni- ted States, and-the effect of.the. removal of the deposites orr the same." r That vlnder the.da.te of the 15th of May, was offered by Mr, Southard,, and is as fol lows: ' - ' ' ' '. .' "Resolved, That the Committee .of Fi nance be directed to enquire whether any. land which of the Banks selected by the pre- sent becretary.or the Treasury. Ipr the de posite ot the public moneys, have stopped payment, the amount of public money de posited in them at the time of their suspen sion, if any ; that they inquire also into the circumstances attending their; selection and the security taken by the Secretary ; and whether the public moneys are-safein the places where there are now deposited: and that they have leave ta send for per sons and papers." - .,. .'hK: Here was a Committee of ihe Senate, delegated during; the fecess, with, its own power during thesession. . We are, wrong m saying a Committees It was but a por theubject of to Bank, and the report "-of , RichmofldvinaTl ?7&? Mr the Finance .Committee, up fardiscussioru Ditto, 6o$foJtr5 n Qmf 4 " Ml". Benton o-ave. notice that he ' would ex-'. and ' lnhkino-'onrn tn ' Mileage fiorooslofrto'ew-Vort rl! . back; 5fJ&mileS,'V a ' - 8202T .40 . Thirty' daV." -attendance 6h " i V, - KULl1UO Ui VWUUUUIiVVI ' V.. N.'. ' 54rt' nrt ol 13 : "? ' .V -J ,jL iTi. i jj 't iT- r ' Travel ta ah'drrroTrrhfladelphiader - oers the' cHtimufcee7! I ZSl l'ravel toBrid tfom VortolkJ?j - - to. Idbk' intovthe bttji?-! J jiuo, iur, sjimr purpose ai Brandi reVja ProvfH dence,cic: 10 Ditto: at mshm'rton. titt Ct 4 f X ' . samepuTposeodirdura iXftt '' ' - j. ' .-" .' 4- 'tyt.'. . . . .V..V..V-4,' ?. Mr Tvler stateis- Mt. Benton gave.notice that, bev would ex pose the fallacies, m. the report, as well as; the:partialxharacter of the report favorable to the Bank, whenever an opportunity was ofTerefjl him; This it was promised should be'iyen him, by a motion being made by one of those friendly to the "Bank; to print an extra number of copies of the teportr This was not only denied, but eve ry trick andartilicevr was - resorted to there after during the session, to' prevent Col Benton's.; obtaining the fldor whereby lie cr5nld incidentally enter upOn. th'e subject: Reports of ;Cbtotmittees were brought .put in greater aTjpndaace, and motions Were fyresented to4 occupy jthe time of the Senate untu tne.-nourarrivea ror caiJing ior trre special vrditofi0he. day. When these, 'failed; a :motidh vvas.ir(&de to go mtoBixef cutive.husiness--oT $n ' ladjburnnnt;:.was. called for. It was by such '.subterfuges; that the report oiUhis whithofeiiAf. 'urnfe. miitee ot the Senate was preserved trom ex posure, ahd.the members, of the Committee held up for the sc"orn and derision of every honorable mind. . . ... . The jifth line of the report of theCom- rhittee tnaa to Jie Senate ays , . " i . Teetter marked AfiM comriiitteethtough its I chairman, and the reply of the Presideht 'of the Bankmark- " At the close of the sessiOnCof .l 8S4. . I ed B, are hereto appended, together with;A ! went to the;city ldf Hadeip there can be no. doubt ; - and provided. Judge White should cot- -lend himself : to " tlie purposes' of the opposition. - Be that asit, i l iiuni Tjii t.t may, iu jo wupuiiaiii uwi xua r,yjip oiuuiu. understand the; true' issjie, --kiiiixi;-betweeri Geh: Jacksoti ' 'p.d. his pponent We say then, trust so;iia nul!i-i tier, a Jvnoiyn feppo$itipnman', "or, one who how ' siysiijhe is' no longer a.-Jactson man; because Jackson -'hirhseif has become a Vap Buren- mart. ; The .object of those menislo frairi a majority bdtliin.. Congress Wit re r-w? trvPts. t luvuiis nil -riiivii wuwprv tniiutti-iuas. V7t;ij. Charhtte, June 15, 18S5.- .5t39'v!;' ,'. . v Tackor':.m his 'adtiiHaistrati"ri; bting:disW g racu yi-iuc .iuse ui UKitfeL xiify g.nu ynk dqwn ineVerj- manner arid fOr,; all such as Kave sustained khd ,- "supported -im'. We repeat, then, that the Atiff"tselectl6ns will decide whether (he : fojal(lal&'sr-&re stall fo triumpli, m " sustaiing cause; vofl tne people ana tne iJresMient 01 .meir. cnoiee ministration as any man. He will not slavishly "surrender his judgment and character, at the feet of Gen. Jackson, Ju dge White, nor any. one else :, but he will support all measures whtcn are consistent With the interest apd, wishes of his districb These are Josiah -Crudup's professions ttind; he would not sacrifice his character IVortUern Carriages fr SalJ ; : ESS'liS. Crtrtissr Frezee Corny: hire taken house on Wilmingtbrt-s.treef near the ea.st end .of the Ivlkr ket, where they Intend k'eefrWg: ah assortnent of fsprthern made ' CAKItIA GE&imX If A 7?j tion of a Committee. ' The Finance Com mittee befame incomplete When Mr. Wil kins was nominated Minister to Russia.- He was the only individual upon that Com mittee, wKo, during-the session, had Sup ported tlie Administration. He was ' the only member who was nqt opposed to it He was the only member of the Commit tee who had pppdsed the Bank during-that ; TXTUi-j .' . ii. ! I ' . . se&eiun. . ykiy was nut lue vacancy inus caused, Jilled; arid the Committee delegalr ted with such powers made compl efel Why was'it, that norfe- hut friends of the Administration, were permitted to.be -upon this -Committee ? Why did not the skme proceedings take place in respect to th vacancy which occurred in the Committee, as m that which occurred in the Committee on ;the Post Office, (also directed to sit du' ring the recess;) when Mk,Ciaytoa yesigrir eaf mat vacancy was immediately niiea by the electionr of :Tvirr Southard. . ' Why was not the vacancy m the b inance Com mittee filled, also ?, .. We will answer, 'vhy it was not. v ;If4hevhad consented ttf- have filled the vacancy, it must have-been rilledJ by-a friend of the administration, and an iqi yeraejty, to-ibe. the dispenser of: thel opponent .of. the Bank. In all probability place, with all possible despatch.:.: Persons tvant intr Carriatres of any description: 'are inVited lb cull and examine tlieir wort hefqrer they; puj- C huCA ( QAIlrhAKA ' -if IlaMgh, Jan. 28,; 1835. Cotton GiViSf v .1' ilF.-difTerent sizes, audi first-rate" njaterials VJ' JtiKfworkmaiishin, from tbe'factorv of the subscriber, may be had throtiffh he agency 1 on iipsrs. uflu q- Jonnsonh wiercnants ot t;ayette ville, on credit of six months', tr,a lib;ral;'re duction of the usual prices'for cash. " u ' . i JOHN wFfrvygLL-- UfSvtUe, Kpbes&n toJuly 7 1835. 13t50p levcreux Arliattles K.epo;(j HB'subscnTjersf have betbrre the prnrie tors ofthe current Reports of thfe;Supreme ,Lourt , and bee- those irenIeTneni wh'afrwisii ta become subscribers,brwafoV; theafeiri And maulv-v warfare! ATradv, hatth"e man date, gone ;fdrth .from thosfe lafely 'as- and men in disguise, , shaH Mbro'fht out. wherever there, istheyleas prospect of. success,,' and'unlcss the republicans bfp on ; their guard they wfllr;.b'e, when -it is to,a Jate,-flf(;eeQ.(, a ;prian' uuited eriort will Stills maintain! the vfn fluency nf ih4 te'pleJillUfenagif merit . their puhlic conqeriiS.Y -fi ne-quesiion vis, wnetner w.e re;-to' bejgTiyer na3h4 c'ontroled by those ' whose 'eouhclls we despise, or whether we sau ioiiow tne i. patriot voice. wnicn.;;will ftrwarriuo uie way to sarety, to nonor ano to a eiori rhe first nirrnKS- U hno fn TJli'TtailJ arnbnfinn hf Mk :.lth th ast.huriibej'ofevi.rHT' iZ : one cent per naee .i Jv r, . ;- - DRNEatfr?rtiMlfrom nous prosperity :-wJ Son shall retire in rd is wrealth and honors of ,this whole nation. ; He prefers White OA'e,r..the 3ew-Y:drk'; et; HaGert. Jacksors successor ;;; arid tftat is me resornth.viteT; .falsely i assetts. only fgr efect", . that he. has abandoned his early frieiid. ; : - ; ." j ,';. ; -v; Tri short, jhe will support the adminis- tf ation for. the goocTet the people,- and , nbj ror what personal gains' net may .g"-. wr himself or his Criens : and that 'will hot ;pleaselhnse,whirvWant .all.the money and all j&e defeat wthot'm.ig teither th'e one ,orr:ineomerr; .jipsian oruaup is a pai- g0es?r -anu : one wv e is no W: he Will bean Congress, if : r'r':Prup:"'s';jilWayB be.ejCa mosl .ef-j ficient-landeaipus'n right Gjristhitip ;pol1ticlVrjQr' teshe.s bb-H hie figbt of the people: iAndTnqw Wtells' vxjters.jin iiis '41i7.adresseit: that- he fayorVudge but sboiuitf tbejiistrieiyote .arrdUtsior Vn Bwren e any)t electron; snpuievoiyepuni hevill;disrer mve-me vote bf-iiiKdistricI-; &tiMme&ri r f ;i"'-Vv i'i .".'ri.S:.;s.-JL-.: .i..21vj "i i wmcp -no repuoticau xepreseniaiLveyvouiu reiase(io.ao ana w.piQmwsjeww-i3Xf: er Apdrew Jaek? asked-of him,? gra,ce pr.tlose'his pord, . We are willing- to. tr.ust i . - ax ijiw . vii ill in .iv i k i ' S and wUl shortly he'blhe$ -JEHjBlGASt5 bfcexecutedlh a sunWlKn: liite t urmshea to subscribers Qrt,iion ,-v,VMr? i--ii--1. 'iv"l efiSpteristl .'-i5'' ..'; .' r "FoftheJfew days'wheriTlrwas'ailxOrne; twas engage4.miheens deie rithsu llatipti ducting tesultsiarm on-thanktri er di Atf or Sfe the Saica . a?mcjst ,?e,if ejy l;eageJrer wnqie recess, suijuuc ling weniyHwq' Gays travelllng.;-, r its dl .r illwL it 7''1A'VW'r(.' 2.844 milet'"4(TKerits? X'M or flaw t f3i . i . r ceiss Snb4afct '--- ; r. Vi'r?' - '- T .--. "v1 : . " Kext-rTIlOlS states; i- mikee to receive the eommittee.of the ;Se;pusp pate, adopted at a subsequent' day. viz. on j TisttSico the 16th Seriterabef;.;-; . . Idehish ; 'Now,' 6r referring to the(repojt bt-M(f&ps ; Tyjerf and mappepdix affixed to itpiim-i'ipb .'iOO.W' ed by the -Senate, the letter of theJiacT:&Wcdi& ''h:A ?f; '-T-!'ivfrt?-::"'f' iJSK marked A. and the Presidenf of theBdnk in answer tof theiComniittee. marked ho where to be found. TKe first in marked No. 1, i3 the resolution oT : the Board of Directors -of the 16th of Sept -1 , By whom, and for what purpose wefe these documents suppressed,- in the ddcu- . ' .' i - 1 - t .1 ., r' '.. a I ments prmteq Dy oraer vol tm? senate i-i i ney were isuppressea Becatise : there "vvas a call made upon the; Bank far many things which it did not answer; and.' relat- ing to wiiirr .it prpmiseu to lurntsn evi dence but did not. Alsohecause'tlieTe- port referred to: subjects noi erpBr4cei irk the resolutions ofthe Senate-under which the Committee'.acted, and entirely. xtrane ous to the rinatters iiltd which it was' in- itructed to induire. ; 'r . . vv . , . , as containing, some eyiperrce ; ol me character an.d value. oihejepoAi ss weli as of the -dispositions and . qualificatifips pf some of the members chhstitatmglffie mine, we giye,frora'.pag'ft ;6x-teH rw"rt thet fnMnvvi-n cf -s' . - '' - ' - "' .'' '' .''' v -l' . ELarell 'Spirit, lis i;tM6'i3WmTOr;: if .uxui-itt - -I . on mey the; Pr 00 Travel, ti'iirpMpM4. " Boston, $lass.,-850mi!eS 340 00 I atfehde the corrimittee at Bos- - . : tonPjrcvidence, and Phiia v ,exctuaingaytutrajelimgv; :i68;w , And fravelimg froi ;PravidenceV Nev York; ind " Iji .Phiiadeldhi. to CWdshingtori-" (?'&: VSSriiil ppit.the following: Letter from Mr. WefijbjS'. :MMu$ie. , : v New: Yorkebruarx3; " Sir : I haye theshphor; td ehclpsepti: a., copy of an assignrriejnt; made'-bV-rnein December last in which. 1 have made pror Wsirr far the pafmentpf' ifie:hote4rawa pyrivi. ivirioaa anamyse was protested on the;18trlriit V; '; oeg teaye;i cau ypur aiientipn'jB me is. made ferascharg cause, at tne me oi making it,- .i j fetly satisfied of -my ability ies they . would hnve been1: obliged to selec CbL Benton. .This would have led tf de feathig ; the, object for which the co.rhmittee; was appointed T that wa Si to whitewash the! tianlc.. -liie appomtmenf or C1. Benton or airy oilier efficient suppo rtet of - the axl rhinistration and opponent of the - Bank', sas a rpember ofthq Committefei.wbuld have led! t-o anorougn investigation pi us transae tion' and an expqspre of itsprruptjkais. The friends pf .the ankih- tjlei .Senate, and the member of this partiaKyi jforrneil Comfhittee dat el riotincurM fisk?fieiT preieriesn -ip proceeu-in--iiJtr liivtsugauon so eonstitutedrthatthey fjftig having ja dissenting yoice in any pne'prb TWo' rrL cikoo. r,Aii" baveTiO other means of judging,) the debt jh Committee toapp W. P. MAN GUM." ,wiii-ja ptuce)eceu'T.a iuvt;s.ugittije mi u its of tliis friiglity. ins itutioFii was imposed pf eft 3e i y responsibilities from jhe. profits i)f the paptr, xn' the course of a Text) ears. ..Uni derthis cOhviGribh apd. w this pbject.in view,, 4 did .not seej for . jJmt jjh rny : debtfL but onifented fecohd!ucff&Ba pet op a salary, 'jferthe'Beaiefit oi.xriy edi' eainst me. shtdlbe irquidlted.Wespect- fullyc.:. .,,-;JAS "WASdmWEBBl resident7Bank0m Followin g this'Ietter of thefollo wing cerltificateviz , 'I exalhirid'the deed of assignment in the-feank, andfittH' thatthe paehtcfthe SIct,600 is! provided?' for " If the " fund be sumcieni,.mna it is so representea, out appears Daniel Webster John Tyler Thomas Ewt in, apd- Willie , P.. Mangpin. ' ' ;. V-v . I he session oi .Uongress. closed oJ,the 20th of June: and , the ' first whicri Was lieard.rjf thi Bahk'C was at Philadelphia,; lit the. viBank Whig ceieoration :oijtne. 4tn oi. -jmy, maKing heird :6lirlisir0w&nWN e York, and Philadelphia.r Sdnie of fhe members of theMnance Cornmitte.e,' as well as some ol tnelr'ost urnce (Jommittee ot tpeoerlate, " Lot a4 Daniel, even a second Daniel come to iudgment 1 V1 " If the fund be sufficient." What fund? That which is to arise ''from the projils of a paper in the course of a few years. Says Mr. Man grim, if that be sufficient, " the debt is well secured.' To such a prophetic certificate is Mr. Mangum's name affixed. The same who pledged himself to "revolutionize" North Carolina, arid bring heT voice against the Administration. But let us see what compensation Mr. Mangum has secured out of the money of the People, for the above certificate, and other services performed in common with Ithe other members of the Committee, as well also the sums which the others re- f eeived. This we are enabled to dof and ta give it officially, from, the original ac cents rendered to the Clerk of the Sen ate by eac-K the different amQuneach re ceipted for. B9& 00 .: . .. . -V;. '.. '.V:.- '-'. .. : ..v.-' : , itosngfrr JVFhilaelphJrsr - 3. "esideheiri(SroHna TS.iK , ;.-;.' ;toijtcasrii 4, Boston to ' hiMelphJa "via-, ;k . X $. Philadelphmd 3S3fa&fia ?:IQ0 : ;6. 'New York to 'k$dfiihi:J: 100 . 7 Philadelphia tp;.Washipgt6nt,V: 1 150 orri asningwri riorxieyia tonolK, -3i5 , f riiileSji 23Q1' ' 10 -days' 6om Ifprr&tBusiveL T J pfravelf aiQ smiles v UP' dayiit:S8, , , - ; 8 00 , WHOX.B lPNSES oniTHBr. - INTOKTIMG'HEI lesanexrnditurc public; treasure? by hopldupo yast sum lavished? , By and-upoii the same in- aivimiais wftp.nad. neerior months before warrmg upon the President and defending the Bank;, Men, .whose1 daily theme it was to charge the President with having seized upon the purse and sword. It would have been better for the country if the President had, so far held the purser of the nation, as to have prevented these gentlemen from having thrust in theix hands and abstracted so much of the trea sure. Let the items be carefully exammerl. To Mr. Webster, 8202 40 mileage from Bo ton to New York and back. And when Was this journey performed ? iWe answer at the period of the New York election, when and where Mr. Webster addressed the populace, and when arid where it was understood, had the election resulted dif ferently, Mr. Webster was to have been nominated foiuhe Presidency by acclama tion. ' " - Look at the details of tne travelling e penses of Messrs. Tyler. Mangum and Ewmg. Everyone wlw feadsjsjcapable of putting a just estimate ofthe propriety and the necessity of the journeys upoa which these charges Vre founded. The more so, when, by referring "to tlie papers X