THOMAS LORING, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. THE CONSTITUTION AND THE UNION OP THE STATES THEY "MUST BE PRESERVED. VOL. YL- -NO. 275. 1 RALEIGH," N. C. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1840. . THREE DOLLARS PER ANNUM. s THE NORTH CAROLINA STANDARD is published weekly, at three dollars per annum payable yearly in advance. A subscriber fail- lTlg tO glVe U1VC vri - the expiration of the period for which he may have paid, will be considered as having subscribed anew, and the paper continued, at the option of the Editor, until ordered to be stopped ; but no paper will be discontinued, until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements, not exceeding fourteen lines, willbe inserted one time for one dollar, and, twenty five cents for each subsequent insertion ; those of greater length in proportion. If the number of in sertions be not marked on them, they will be con tinued until ordered out. Court Advertisements and Sheriff's Sales, will be charged twenty-five per cent, higher than the usual rates. A deduction of.33i percent, willbe made to those who advertise by the year.- ' Letters to the Editor must come free of postage, or they may not be attended to.' - POST OFFICE, RALEIGIT, W. C. A List of Letters remaining in the Post Office, 31st December, 1839. A. Mary R. Anderson, W." W. Avery 3, James Alfrfend, John A. Averitt, Joshua Allen, John F. & W. Allen, Joh H. Arrington. B. Albert Beachy, Martha A. Butler, James Burke, Mary S. Bryan, Jesse Bryan, Alsa Be 'ers, John Bevers, Wesley -S. Blake, James Buf faloe, John Buffaloe 2, Jos. Buffaloe, William Barham, Otis Briggs, T. S. B.ckwith & Co. 2, Stephen R. Bledsoe, Louis Boon, John A. "Back house 2, Joseph Barlow, S. A. Baldwin, James Boylan, Jr., G. B. Bagwell, Martha Brickill, John Brown, W. A. Brown, Ether Ann Bridges, John Babb, William Bell, William Blalock, B. Buroughs, Sam'l R. Browning, Henry Benni field, Robert Broad toot. C. D. Culbrith, William Oliver Clark T. L Cltnginan, Sarah Cook, Maria Cook, Wil liam B. Cook 3, John Cope, Alexander Camp bell, Thomas F. Christman, Mary A. CroIIey, John Chesnutt 2. Cactanoda Costa, James D. Cooley, James W. Chadtvick. William Carlicke. D. Martha A. Djwd, P. W. Dowd 2, James Dempster, William Davis, James C. Dance, Re becca C. Dupti)', James Davis, I. Dowlhat, Ro bert B. Daniel. E G. W. Evans, Virginia P. Ea'on, Can dace Ellis, Seth Everett. F. James A. Fish 2, Tame3 G. Fletcher, I B. Freeman 2, Mrs.. Felton, Annelizer Felton, Mary Furgurson, Thomas Frentress, Hinton Franklin 2, Gillum 11. Faror. G. William C. Graves, Sesikiah Goodwin, Henry W. Gibhs 2. William A. Graham, Edwin Grant, John B. Green 3, Francis A. Gordon, James Gordon, M. S. Goldsborough, General Gredell, John Grims, Charlotte Gorflian. II Eliza Harrest, L Hinton, Emeltne-Hun ter, J. Mc. G. Huriter, Isoin Holden. J Hutch ings, Berjium$fiHarrison,- CtiLuvrd I4Trt?5n, Mathew "Hart, Alvrti Hamilton, Mary Hartsfield, M. E. Hnp&nsTot-l Houing-on, Smth.' How ard. Willis PffrrftoM, Jackswn Hamilton, Mary Hdliwfl,ifHrmah Harding. Alex. M. High 2. Walter Hubbard, J-.seph Hall, David H. Hol larrdiSJoseph Hill, Robert Hill, Eliz M. Hill, Thomas Howey. Anthony Hipper, G; orge W Howard, Ransom Hinton, Wiley House, Wiles Hobby. J. Alpheus Jones, Wesley Jor.e3, Minton Jones, Henry Jones, C. Jones, E. A. Jones, Charlea Jones, Robert B.Jones, Mary W. Jones 2, Louisa Jones, Mathew Jones 2, Hicksy Jonsnn, Ransom Jonson, Simon Johnson, Margaret P. Johnson, M. Johnson, Maria W. Johnson, Mr. Johnson. K. L A. Kyle. Mary W. Knox, William D. Kenner, Philip Koonce, Harrison Kirkham, Jno. Keatleyr John Keatley 2. L. Moses Lassiter, Alfred W. Lewis 2, Cath arine A. Lewis, "William Louhey, Simon A. Lichtenhan, A. J. Loftis, John Layn, Mary Van deline Lindeman, Ciaton Lea, William Leach, William Lashley, John J. Lee, John .Little, Jane W. Liggon, Joseph Langster, Anderson Lucas, Littleton Leachman, Dennis Leavey, John A. Leach. M. Edward W. Montfort 2. Caroline A. Mc donald, Mary MiComick, Wm. McCargo, Jno. McKinsey, Rutha Morris, Abrihan McQueen, Geo. C. Mendenhall, Wm. J. McLay, Mary Ann Murrell, Fany Murdin, Mrs. Miller, J. Julias Marlia, John Merrit, Chaley Moore, John C. Moore, Jesse Moore, Mary Mase, Ann Myatt, Cherry Melone, William B. Meares, Alfred Mitchel, John Mitchell. iV. Delier Nichols, George Nance, Angus tin Norten, David Outlaw 2, Ex-Go'nor Owen. P. Jonathan Pruden, Jno. Primrose, Turner Pullen, Elizabeth Pullen, Feureba Pilkinton, Henry Phelps, George K. Pickering 2, Penel ope L. Paine, Gill Patrick, John Pore, Lucy A. Pullum, Mary E. Porter, Nancy Patron, Nancy Payton, Rubin Perry, Clary Perry, William A. Patterson, Mikel Penny William Parish. R. Benjamin Rogers, James M. Rogers, Ja mes W. Rogers, William S. Rogers 2, Wil liam W. Roland 2. N. G. Rand, S. S. Reares, James Rowland, J. "S. Randolph, Ausborne Ran dolph, Thomas Ruffin, Mary Revels, William Robards. Delia Revels, John Rourke, John W. Rice. Wiley Robertson, William F. Robertson. Sarah Jane Robertson, Robert" Rodrick, Judge Ruffin, Mary H. Ruffin, Charles Raborn, J. Ro gers, Jonn Rucker, Berry Richerson, Wiley Rowlang. & Jas. Stephenson, N. L. B. Stithh, Jerry Starkey, Littleberry Sauls, Robert Sneed, Adaline L. Soloman'3, William M. Sneilings, Bnttor. Sugg, Polly Smith, Edward Stanley, Fahius Stanly, Re. Daniel Stratton, S m 1 B. Spruill, r rancis a. Stuart '4., J. vvniiarn o'uart, -oie-phen Stephenson, John Schell, J6hn Singletary, James Shaw, William Stothart, B. Smith, Sarah Saunders, R. T. Saunders, Phebe Spain, R. W. Stone. S. W. Stoddard, Christopher Smith, Lucy A. Soloman 3. T. Wm. Trusty, R. Tyler, William Trry, James S. Thompson, Geo. Thompson, Ahred Towns 2, James S. Terrell, Willis J. Turner, Lewis Taylor. U. Q,ainton Utley. jr. will iam Walls, Lunchfood Wornear, William T. Winslow, Jas. Woodard, James Weathers, Mary Wiikins, George West, Au gustus H. West 3, Samuel Wallon 2, William Walton, Hiram Woobard, Jordan Wright, Philo White, Ann White, Emma C. White, Ruffin Williams S. M. Wheaton, Gaston H. Wilder, Matild Wedding, Shadrack Wedding 2, George Waterson, John Wall, Sally Weaver, George Weaver, Mary Washington. Y. Mathew A.Tates, Thomas Young. ' Id3" Persons calling for any of the above Let ters will please say they are advertised. THOS. G. SCOTT, P. M. Jan. 29. 273-3t. 4 TIERCES Best qualitv Rice. 1(3 Half Tierces do. ' do. For sale by - FREEMAN & STITHS. Jan. 29, 1840. 274-3t. DETAL SURGE RY.-Ir. W. It. Scott informs the public, that he has returned toihis City. Raleigh, Jan. 29, 1840. 274 tf. - REMEDY FOR &c. ble mcdicjne, in cases of Cholera Morbus Diarahae, and Spring and Summer Complaints of the bowels, and Vhich has the highest testimonials in its favor, is for sale, at tl per bottle, at the Office of the N". Caroli na Standard,. and bv Auss. Pabks, of Hillsboro'. Raleigh, N. C. 1840. , 27 1-tf. REP6RT ON THE FINANCES. . REPORT FROM THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY ON THE FINANCES. tf Treasury Department, December 3, 1839. ' The undersigned respectfully submits to Con gress the following report on the finances, in obe dience to the "Act supplementary to the act 'to establish the Treasury Department." It is gratifying to be able to state, notwith standing the -embarrassments of the present year, that the revenues of the General Govern ment have been increased, tne expenditures di minished, and most of the Treasury notes re deemed. Revenue and means for 1839, exclusive of trusts and the Post Office. The balance in the Treasury on the 1st of Janua ry, 1839, which could be considered avaiable for general purposes, was 82,466.961 95 The receipts from customs, the first three quar ters, as appearing on the Register's books, are 18,328,393 50 This includes about two mil lions and three-fourths collected last year in Treasury notes, but not carried on his books till 1839. From this cause the ac tual receipts in this year will, to that extent, appear.larger than they ought. Receipts from lands the first three quarters including also some colltcttd last year in Treasury notes, Missellaneous receipts Esiinvited receipts for the fourth qauner from all those sour- " ce3"" . Receipts on some of the debts against banks not available 1st January, 1839, but since paid . - . f. From he third issiie of Trea sury notes under the act of March 2, 1839 " 5.417.286,31 125,208 78 5,700,000 00 1,322,636 00 3,857,279 21 Aggjregaie means 837,217,812 75 Expenditures for 1S39, exclusive of the Post Of fice and trusts. Civil, foreign, and miscellane ous, for the first three quar ters Military, for the first three quar ters , Naval, for thre first three quar ters. Estimate for all during the fourth quarter Funded debt for year 83,649,508 23 10,791,799 21 4.713,701 57 5.600,000,000 14.658 98 824,769,667 99 Redemption of Treasury notes in the first three quarters, interest as well as principal This includes two millions and three-fourths paid in for du 9,891,759 83 ties and lands last year, but not carried on the Register's books till 1839. From this cause the expendi tures on that account will ap- near larsrer by that amount than they actually have been within those quarters. Estimated amount ot notes re deemed in the fourth quar ter Aggregate payments Leaving an available balance of money in the Treasury on the 31st of Dec. 1839, of 1,000-000 00 35,661,427 82 1,556,384 93 837,217,812 .75 The funds computed to be not available, nor applicable to public purposes, at the commence ment and at the close of the present year, can be seen in the table before mentioned. Public debt and Treasury notes. The condition of the small remains of the funded debts has not materially altered since the last annual report. A statement of it, with the several payments made within the year, isjiere with exhibited. Though incommoded by repeated pressures in the money market and suspensions of specie payment by the banks, within the last three years, the interest and all the principal due on that debt, as well as on the Treasury notes, have been punctually, paid in specie whenever de sired. Not more than one fourth of a million of the ficst and second emissions, and two millions and a half of the third, will probably remain out standing nt the close of the year. The former emissions have been for some months redeema ble, but the (ast one does not begin to be till March, 1840. except as previously offered in payment of public dues. The aggregate of two millions and three-lourths of principal is there fore all that it is computed will be unpaid of ...... ' ... nearly twenty millions, which were issued since October, 1837, in consequence of indulgences granted to the merchants on their borids, and the banks on their deposite debts. At no one time has the amount ol- potes bulstanding been allowed to exceed ten millions, and the present very reduced aggresrateT unredeemed, is . less than "the sums still owing from, the "banks that suspended specie payments in 1837, and from the Pennsylvania Bank of the United-States on its bond due in September next; and might with ease have been paid during the presenfyear, bad the money been received on the claims. Exports and imports -within the, commercial year 1839". The exports durinjr lhe year ending Septem ber 30. 1839, re computed to have been 81 18, 359,004. This js 89,872,388 more than .those in the year 1838. ' Of the whole exports only 817,488.000 were of foceign origin, and of the excess in .exports over 1838, only about five. millions were domes tic produce. 2 "; -v ..' . ' . The imports - nurmgVihe ,sme y ear. -were 'at- bout 8i57,609.560,rbeing4h.e very- large excess, of 843,892.356 over those iun'ng the previous year. This may be a solution of a-p&rtion of the pressure in the money market. The differ ence between the imports and exports, being 839,250,556 in favor of the "former, is larger than in any year, except three, since 1789, and is much larger than any difference in the valua tion cf th same articles with the profits in the foreign trade added. It must, therefore, except so far as reduced by an unusual quantity of goods consigned here from abroad,, and yet in store un sold, be a very decisive evidence of an increas ed indebtedness b,y this country to other nations. And except so far us this new indented ness may consist of slocks sold and the proceeds returned here in merchandise, it must furnish.another proof of one immediate cause of the present pe cuniary ptessure. The history or our commerce during the twenty years lrom 1818 to 1838, presents a sin gular change in the last hall ot that period, which tends strongly to illustrate the correct ness of these suggestions. During the first half of it the excess of imports over exports was on ly about seventy-five millions ol dollars, or the proportion of near seven millions and a -half ari nually on an average. But during the last ten years of it the excess was near two hundred and twelve millions, or over twenty millions annually , and thus more than two hundred and fifty per cent greater than it had been. Supposing that the seven and a half millions were composed principally of the fair profits and difference in valuation, the ex cess over that rate in the Jast ten years must con stitute a debt, either mercantile. State, or corpo rate It equals near one hundred and thirty-seven millions before 1839. The debt thus com puted to have been created abroad, by stocks and otherwise, within that period, will, with the a-mount-of previous indebtedness, form an aggre gate quite as large as has been estimated by ma ny from other data. Further particulars, possessing a general in terest and relating to this subject during the last six yearsr are exhibited in the statement annexed. Additional information of some importance con cerning our exports and imports, from the com mencement ol the Government to 1838, inclu sive, has been prepared, and is subjoined in oth er tables. These tables are intended to be in a form convenient lor a reference, & are calculated. by easy as well as extensive comparisons, to throw new litrht on this several subjects of com nierce and other branches of industry connected with the finances. 1 hey exhibit not only the whol exports and imports in each year, but the eon sumpn'on of the latter, and the changes in the whole aggregate value of each principal article, whether exported or imported, and the progress of our loreijjn trade to and lrom each State s? parately, as far back as is practicable, and to and from each country of much commercial import ance abroad. A few of ihe most striking results are condensed in a note. Estimate of the Receipts and Expenditures for 184Q. For reasons hereafter to be explained, the re ceipts into the Treasury, the ensuing year, can not be estimated so high as in 1839. From the best information possessed by this department, it is computed that the aggregate of them, available for public purposes, will not ex ceed 818,600, viz: from Customs Lands Missellaneous Add to these the balance avail able and applicable to other purposes, which it is suppos ed will be in the Treasury on the first of January 1840 815.000.000 3.500.000 100,000 1,558.385 The efficient means in that year will then amount, in the aggregate, to If Congress should make ap propriations to the extent de sired by the different depart ments, the expenditures for 1840, independent the re demption of Treasury notes, are estimated at Including all the Treasury notes to be redeemed, the ag gregate expenditure would be about. This would leave a deficit in the Treasury at the close of the year, amounting to But there will he due lrom the United States Bank, in. Sep tember next, on its fourth bond about k The principal now due on the Treasurer's deposites in oth er banks, which suspended specie payments in 1837, is Should all these claims be col- . lected 1840, they would pre vent a deficiency, and leave an available balance in the Treasury of nearly 20,156,385 20,000,090 22,750,000 2,593,615 2,526,576 1,149,904 1 082.865 It is not, however, considered prudent to rely exclusively on the collection of tnese debts. " mode, then, - of obviating any difficulty from that circumstance, will be to reduce the ag gregate of new appropriations, by postponing same and lessening others, so that the means probably available will be sufficient to meet all calls upon the Treasury, and leave ia it .an ave rage balance of about two millions. It is believed,, for reasons enumerated hereaf ter thai such a reduction is possible without es sential injury to any useful object, and that this balance is the smallest,. which is adequate to se cure promptitude and gotfd faith in public pay ments, so.Jieav' in amount as ours, so unexpect ed at times in the demands for them, and so dis perse over a wide territory. If the appropria tions are not thus reduced, it will be wise to pro vide seasonably in some other way for the a mounts of the contingent deficiency, and of such a balance. According to th? opinions of the different de partments, as to the. Sums of. money, proper for each and which constitute the basis :of the esti mates submjttedlo' Congress, the new appropria tions required" for the nxt year will equal the sum of . 818,289.600 55 Civil foi-eiffnHnfercoarse onT jni6QelUnebus4;gs 1,344 19 Miliiiajry services, pensions, &c. 8,213.610 74 Naval service, 5,085,645 62 Besides these, the permanent appropriations, which, by existing laws and the modification of them recominended, first become chargeable ojn tne Treasury in 1840, amount to 81.586,000. They are, in the War Department, 81,236,000: . ft. r A -k j - . . ' in the Navy, 8340,000: and public, debt. 810 000. The principal on Treasury notes falling due will be about 82.750,000 more. The ap propriations, already made and chargeable, which will remain uncalled for at the end of the present year, are estimated, by the different de partments, at the further sum of 811.827,371. though that is considered by the undersigned as likely to be about two millions too small. "Df these they compute that nearly 88,270,793 will be rtquired, in order to accomplish the objects contemplated by them. It is proposed to apply qjo.U 14, J 1 to tne service ol the ensuing year without -appropriation, and the residue of a- about 8541,866, not being required in order to accomplish these objec;s. will go to the surplus iuiio. Li uiereiure ioijows, 11 an tne new appro priations called for are mndo, that the whole charge upon the Treasury in 1840, exclusive of the Treasury notes outstanding, will amount at least to 831,152,105, of which, as previously ob is computed that 820,000,000 will be expended within that year for ordinary purposes, or two millions and three-fourths more, includ ing ihe redemption of Treasury notes. From these statements, it must he perceived that our condition in relation to the deposite of another in stalment ot public money with the States remmns much the same as at the close of the year 1833. Consequently, the views then expressed by the department have continued to govern its course. Thisstate of the finances renders ft also un necessary to submit any remarksupon lhe1m: policy of providing for the additional deposite or distribution of surplus not likely to occur, or for any donation of the proceeds of the public lands, while they are all tieeded to defray the ordinary expences of the General Government. Besides the further objection to some of these measures, arising from their apparent conflict with constitutional principles, it must be manifest, that if the proceeds of the lands should be given away when needed to discharge appropriations, the derjt-iericy must be made up by the unplea sant alternative of a iesort to loans or increased taxation. Explanations concerning the estimates of re " ceipls. The estimates of the receipts from duties and for 1839, tor the following reasons: lands during the next year have been made low- : A further reduction of certain duties, amount ing to nearly 8800,000, will take place after the close of the present jear. It likewise happens that, subsequent to a large importation and a fall of prices in the articles exported, as in 1839. the amount ol imports often declines for one or two years. After 1825, it declined uninterruptedly tor six years. The contractions and expansions of our pa per currency have at times proved another strik ing indication of the reduction and increase in importations. Without dwelling hereon the intimate connection between them as caus and effect, by means of the foreign exchanges, and the necessity.after overtrading and overissues by the banks, of drawing on them and adjusting large balances in specie, it may be observed that a diminution in the circulation of paper has been going on tor several months. Hence a diminution in the imports has already commenc ed, and is confidently expected to continue for some time, The country is also supposed to be supplied with foreign merchandise in greater abundance than it was a year ago. This will lead not on ly to a reduced demand for the iniportatiop of more goods, but to a greater export of what is already here, to other and better markets, and thus, by increased drawbacks, a well as dimin ished imports, materially lessen the nett receipts frora'customs. The price of some of our principal articles of exports being lower, the same quantity will like wise furnish less ability to make purchases a broad, and, where the quantity is larger, the commercial embarrassments boththereand here will tend to prevent buying, on either side of the Atlantic, much beyond what is needed for early consumption. The greatly increased lia bilities on the part of many corporations, and States, for the payments of interest & dividends on their stocks ownetl by foreigners, will still more sensibly affect the revenue. Those payments must require millions of exports either in pro duce or specie, which jvilf lead to no returns in additional imports." It is. believed that within a few years past an annual tax or drain on this country has thus been created, equal to twelve or thirteen millions ot dollars. This is a new and important element, besides overbinking and overtrading, to disturb the in dustry, the commerce and finances of ihe Union. Its rapid growth has ben accelerated by the d,is-; tribution of- the surplus in deposire among the States, tempting them in several instances to new and unprofitable enterprises, and stimulating de lusive hopes of still further distributions. Ls influence for evil has .been aggravated by a few other causes, some of them temporary in dura tion and limned in eje tent, but others diffinett in a degree rer considerable portions of the civi- Jlized world, and presenting some singular ano malies in credit, .currency and trade. But with out enlarging on the consideration of them here, the following conclusions may be regarded as inevitable. Should the States not speedily suspendv more of their undertakings, wh ch are unproductive, but, by new loans or otherwise, find mens to employ armies of laborers in consuminraiher than raising crops, and should prices tfcVen tinue in rrrany cases to be unnaturally if lated b? they have been of late years in the lacea con tracting currency, the effect of it on otfinan ces wiU be still more to lessen exports, (con sequently the prosperity and revenue pOrOur foreign trade. -It will also impede, the jatcof the public lands, by diverting labor from he "s if to works which'i for sme time, must be i'h'ojjy without profit. Circumstances like thosey withthecarcity of money and high rates of;in terest abroad produced by them and other o ''Te rences, not necessary to be-'now repeated. I xP 4 already diminished the income in the present i i.-.i tii , The estimates for revenue from lands have been reduced , the most in proportion, because besides the diminution of sales, which will pro bably be caused by the present and prospective scarcity of money and fall of the prices of pro duce, the amount received from them during the present year has, as was anticipated by the. de partment, been much increased by the temporary fpower of the late pre-emption law The unusual quantity of land newly advertis ed during the year 1839, and the consequent large receipis connected with that cause and. the pre-emptions, are circumstances not likely io re cur in 1840. It is believed, therefore, that the low estimates submitted as to lands will prove, sufficiently high, unless a graduation bill should j pass. The effect of such a bill, judging from reason and from analogy to the graduated prices, under which lands are now selling, on account of the Chickasaw Indians,. at Pontitoc, much' more freely than elsewhere within the samel state, wouia oe to aua considerably to the re-! venue for a few years. , ,,pt Explanations of the estimates as to expenditures and vf some further reductions in them. The estimates of expenditure for ordinary purposes in 1840 are in the aggregate about five millions less th an what it is computed will be spent in 1839. This great reduction has been proposed, although the expenses of 1839 will be quite six millions less than those of 1838, and those of 1833 were somewhat less than the ex penses of the previous year. Ihe various items of new appropriations ask ed for are, as usual, in the amounts requested by the different departments having charge of the dil- lerent subjects. If any omissions or miscalcula tions occur in them, they must, therefore, hap- pen lrom inadvertence by those ohicers nest ac quainted with the business within their own peculiar province. But, in the present condition of the country and the finances, it is not expected that much necessity will arise, eitherin theopiniou of thpse departments or of Congress'to' make important additions to the sum3 jiow requested. On the contrary, it is confidently hop?d that some reduc tions from them can be effected without material injury to any great national "interests. It is difficult in a young, growing, and enter prising community, to restrict publi;: expenditure within reasonable limits. Certain exigencies also occasionally occur Requiring extraordinary sacrifices. When patriotism and honor demand large pecuniary contributions, the latter are rich ly repaid by their lejrdeocy to impart vigor and security to the former. But, an expenditure-ot twenty millions for ordinary purposes, though much reduced from the 2rgregate during a few years past, is believed b the undersined to be more instead of less, thn sound policy ju?tifies, while the prt-seel unusual embarrassment in moneyed nffiirs shall continue. Indeed, strong doubts exist, if it be not more than the real ne cessiiies of the General Gevernment usually re' quire. The reasons for this conclusion arc brief ly these: It is true that such an expenditure, equalling only a dollar and a fourth per head of our population, is not a very large one to sustain a Confederacy with such widely extended duties as this. If reduced to the amount of itn posts, which are the vvhole real burden, and if compared with the taxes elsewhere, equalling sometimes fifteen dollars per head, under politi cal institutions of different forms and less fruah ty, the pressure from that source here" would seem to be remarkably light. But it should be remembered that the people of the United States are obliged to defray a large amount of. other public expenses imposed upon ihem by State authorities, and, at the same time that their forms of government, amon?, various excellencies, have been preferred particularly for their economy. Hence the true question with them, in respect lo expenditures, is, not how large burdens can be borne, but how much can be dispensed witi. It is not what is splendid, but w,hat is useful and necessary; not how much can be collected from them without suflerinsr, but how much can be left with them, both of money & power, and insure all the benefits of the sociu system. As the interests and wishes of the people formed the Government, they should control it Considering these circumstances, & the severe simplicity and frugality btfitting 11 republic what amount of public expenses is necessary ? In 1331, it was calculated that the ordinary expenses of the General Government need not exceed ntieert million 01 dollars. The under signed expressed, an opinion four or five years afterwards, that sixteen or seventeen millions would then be sufficient; and he still believes that, notwithstanding the continued increase o our population and wealth, they might, with prudence, be limited, to eighteen millions in 1840, and perhaps, after the expiration of most of the present pensions, and the removal of the rest 01 me inaians, oe tor some time aimm ished still lower. Indeed, in point of fact, so recently as 1834 and 1835, the whole yearly expenses were only seventeen and eighteen millions, independent of the public debt. Though the amount has since been increased by wars, pensions,, Indian remo vals, and other peculiar causes, deemed at the time, in most cases, sufficient to justify the ap propriations by larger and often unanimous votes in Congress, yet a redgcuon has been going on .Junnnr 1833 and 1839,. and all the ordinary ex penditures would not in the present year, but Year oeiow-wnai u-omerwise wouia nave wftnttftatier oMnlerence inniv,-tr;0!V9 dat 1 til 1 - ' I nwUfobaUy,jiiamfest their powwfcurfriless accurate in Uwoosc! ves ' Suchr rooxpnri.tne year to come. .. Jim fbr the pension ind Indian disbursement, exceed thesmal.. t puth last - mentioned.- ' The whole inerease; Luve?er, has not been 'confined, to these two it ins," nor could the whole reduc tion safely be, which, in the opinion of the un dersigned, sound economy appears Jo require. In the inquiry, as to the amount of expenditure which should be considered necessary, light may sometimes be obtained, by adverting to the f increase of-population and wealth. Looking to t;, if the expenditure, independent of the pub lic debt, 71s reasonable in magnitude during tba firstight years of our present Governmant, the sum $f seventeen oreigbieen millions annually vvooW not now be greatly disproportionate, nor probably be found either irtuch deficient or very unnecessary. It would be nearly five limes the Average amount about hlf a century ago while our population, since that time, has undoubtedly increased more than four. fold, and our wealth and resources have pre' y increased in a ratio still larger.' Ihe last remark, however, is a at more or 3 tTh5A.vrag portatrons, which h-ave.-only doubled in tbet ast forty or fifty - years ; the foreign tonnage, wbich.has increased but in a like ratio; ihe ex ports, of domestic, produce, which have quadrup ed since 192; and the whole tonnage, lnclud- ng domestic a well as Jbrdigri, which has also undnipled, and become more than proportion- lly efnuient by introducing into it over eight hundred -sVam vessels. Other data, less accurate, but not- less sure ndicationskof a still larger increase in wealth. re to be foojid in the vast extension of- agricul- ure, manufactures, the mechanic arts,, and vari- us i:seful applications of steam, a3 well as in pening reads md canals, building up floursih- ngr cities enlarging our territory, diffusing prac- ical education, and mulHolvintr by ways too umerous for repetition, the comforts, advanta ge., and powers of -a great and prosperous people. But such general considerations, though bene ficial in comparative examinations, are usually better tests of the ability to pay than of the pro priety of the expenses themselves. A scrutiny nlo the principal items of the loiter, and their mounts at this time, compared with those from forty to, fty yipars ago, will aid much, in connec- iun with the considerations before mentioned, in forming a more accurate judgment on the pro priety and necessity ot most of the present ex penditures. It will show what branches havo since sprung into beings and vh:it, from their haracter, should or should not be longer con- 1 inned: Some suggestions were submitted on this sub let intlie last annual report, and its importance the excuse for adding more'on this oc casion. The expenditures nominally connected with foreign intercourse have increased least. 1'hose connected with the War Department lave increased most. The civil and miscellane ous charges continue comparatively modera.'e. But several of our heaviest burdens, such as the navy, the pensions, Indian disbursements, and. a class-consisting1 of light-houses, fortifications. roads, and improvements in harbors and rivers, have augmented very largely since, the first eight years of the Government. , Some of them lave increased more than ht:y fold. On a careful examination-it will be seen that various vindications, more or less plausible, have oeen maae lor tnese auuitions at cinerent periods. but they cannot be now applicable for the contin uance of them all. Thus, the enlargement of our naval expenses from Jess than half a million yearly before 1795, to more than six millions now, was in soma de gree justified, from.tirne to time, as an efficient aid to foreign intercourse with semi-barbarous people and lor the .protection of our commerce and citizens against injustice ortapine whether n remotest Asi a, or nearer quarters of the globe. The. increase of pensions from only forty or fifty thousand dollars yearlyat first, and only eighty thousand as late as'1811, to nearly four millions no-w .was defuned on various grounds. . But in most cases it was considered less as a liberal charity fchan as a payment of the Revolutionary debt to a patriotic soldiery, who advanced arduous services in the field rather than money, and endufed sufferings in the esta blishment of our liberties, which a grateful pos terity should endeavor to remunerate. Ihe In dian expenditures, enlarged from a few thousands to three or four millions of dollars, have been re garded as the most efficacious means of improv ing permanently the condition of the aborigines. as wisely extending the' boundaries of civiliza tion over the new States, and, in a fiscal view, as profitable advances of money, soon to be fully repaid by the sales o! lands, to which the In dian title has thus been amicably extinguished. The other group of items, far forts, light-houses, roads, harbors, and rivers, some entirely new. and the whble augmented from fifty thousand dollars to three and four millions, have, on sev eral occasions, and to a proper extent, been con sidered as prudent precautions for national de fence and useful atds to the extension and securi ty of commerce. Some expenses of smaller magnitude may have swollen quite as last ng these; others with less rapidity; and others still have been, wholly created since 1797. lJart. ot them have apparently become a permanent charge on the Treasury, and part undoubtedly may be, as others have been, properly discon tinued. But,, without lime now to go into the consideration of det tils as to any except those four enumerated classes, it may be added that these are, when united, nearly quadruple all the other ordinary expenditures ; and either of those four classes alone amounts yearly to a sum about equal to all the other ordinary expenditure and more than the whole of every kind except the public debt, each year, from 1789 to 1797. The precise periods when the greatest in creases happened, and the ratio of them, have not kept an uniform pace with the progress of population and wealth. In many respects ihe ratio has not been nearly so great .during the last ten or twenty years as at some previous terms. Thus, the whole expenses of the Gov ernmeat in 1793, with the exception before men tioned, were about three millions yearly ; and in 1818, after the lapse of a quarter of a century, had increased, though in a period of peace, to fifteen millions of dollars, or five fold, while our population in that people "had .only doubled.- . But, during the next sixteen 4r seventeen year,' as in 1834 and 1835, the expenses had enlarged not twenty-five per cent, while our population had advanced at least sixty six per cent., 'Du ring the present year, though in intermediate If 1 ' ' ,.1 'I ;'f i 1 "y- ! i 1 ! ) t ? i e j. V y ii- r. i I I X : I: i V : ! .V t V

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