I THOMAS LORING,, THE CONSTITUTION AND THE UNION OP THE STATES THEY "MUSTBE PRESERVED. n EDITOR AND PROPRIE TO R RALEIGH, N. C. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8 1843. T H R E EDO LIARS PER A N N U Mi TIIESOUTnCAnOLINASTASDARD IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY -AT THREE DOLLARS PER WUVMim ADVAXCE. Those persons who remit by 1 Mail (postage paid) S3, will be entitled to a receipt for S6, or two years' subscription to the Standard or tiro co nies for one year, for tEe same amount. For five copies, : : ; : : ..' : 3i 12 fen : : : ' : : : 22 40 " twenty ":::::: The same rate for six months. ; XP$So order will receive attention unless the money accompanies it. Advertisements, not exceeding fourteen lines, will be inserted one time for one dollar, and twenty-five ceuts for each subsequent insertion,; those of greater length in proportion. If the, number of insertions be not marked on them,, they will be continued until ordered out. Court Advertisements and Sheriff's Sales, will be charged 23 per cent, higher than the usual rates. ' A deduction of 33$ per cent, will be made to those who advertise by the year. ' . r, - Letters to the Editor must come free oj postage tlioir mnv nnf hp. attended to. Office on Hillsborough street, south side, be tween McDowell and Dawson streets. PROPOSALS For carrying the Mails of the United States, from the lt of July, 1S13, to the 30th of June, 1S47, inclusive, in North Carolina, will be received ik Pnirooi Offio nf flip Pnit Offipp Dpnart- ment, in the City of Washington, until 3 o'clock ! P M of the 13th day of April, 1343, (to be decided bv the 1st day of May,) on the routes and in the manner and time herein specified, viz : NORTH CAROLINA. 2S01 From Raleigh bv Forestville, Franklinfon, Stauntorr; Henderson, Ridgeway, Macon Depot and Littleton to Gaston, 87 miles and back, daily in rail road cars. Leave Raleigh daily at 11 a m, arrive at Gaston same davs b? 7 pm Leave Gaston daily at 2 a m, j arrive at Raleigh 2S02 From Raleigh by Middle Creek and A ve rysburg to Fayeiteville, 60 miles and back, six times a weeArin two horse coaches. . Leave Raleigh every day (except Sunday) at 12 m, anive at Fayettevilie next days by 3 a m. Leave Fayi'iteville every day (except Sunday) at 6 p m, arrive at Raleigh next days by 9 a m. Proposals ae iuvited to cany the great Nonh rm and Southern mails, daily, on this rouie, by the f..ilMTfnr erhprfnlp. in wagons or such other vehi de3 as the contractor may telect so constructed as 1WIIUO.uk v,n. .. , ---- -- to secure the mans, ana protect mem a-amM me weather. Leave Rale.gh daily at lUm.arnve at bayetle- ville same day by U p m lie same day by a pin. Leave Fayeiteville daily at 12 at night, arrive at TlolJrt-W in Ifl hnnri hv 10 a m Proposals are also invited for the tranportation of the great mail on thp direct ro;d from Raleigh to Columbia, S. C. via Rockingham, N. C. ocm fi'rnnn Ralp!rh hv Eade Rock. Wakttield. Stanhope and Nashville, to Rocky Mount, 56 miles j aad bick, tliree liaies a week, in t o-hore coaches.! ... r rn : L-ave R ilfih every tsunuay, i uesuay ana Tliursday at 6 a m, arrive at Rocky Mount same davs by 10 p m. Leave Rocky Mount every Monday, Wednesday nnd Friday at 6 a m, arrive ai Raleigh same days by 10 p m. 2S04 From Raleigh by Holly Rprins, Haywood, Ling Street, Rollin's Slore and Pocket, to Johnson vil'.e? 67 mile and back, once a week. - Leavp Raleigh every Friday at 11 am, arrive at Johnonville next day by 8 p in. L'ave John-soiiriHe every Sunday at 6 a m, ar- rive at Uaieigti nxi uay ny p m. 2805 From Raleigh by Morinsr-ville, Chapel Bridie. Hill. HilUboro'. .Mason Hall. I rolinuer's Haw Rivor, Albiigh 's and Alleniance, to Greens- j V - - - ' bor ', S6 miU'S and back, three limes a week, m ' hni'k three limes a Week four-horse post coiches. ur-horse post caicln-s. . T.pavp Ral?i?h everv Mondiy, W ednesday and Friday at 12 m. arrive at Greensboro' next days by ' 1 . r. f.pave Greensboro' every Monday, Wednesday and FriJay at 10 a m, arrive at Raleigh next days !y 10 am , . BnJge three Proposal-, to supply Trollinsrei's times a week on horse from Haw River will be i-iin prrit . 2306 From Rale'uh by Kelvin G.ove, Roger's ! Store, Fishd-im,"StagvilIe, Red Mountain, Came- ! ron'i Mills and Van flook's Store, to Roxboro', ! i)Q miles, and return by Mount Tirzi, Red Monn-I tain, Round Hill, Stagville and Fiemioaion, to Ral eish. 52 miles equal lo 51 miles and b.ick once a j week. . j Leave Raleish every Friday ai 11 a m, arrive at Roxboro; next day by12 m. Leave Roxboro' everv Thursday at 6 a m, arrive at Raleigh next day by 9 a in. 2307 From Raleigh by Grove, Hackney's M Roads, Pitlsboro', St. Lawrence, Marley's Millsr Lanesville, A-hboro', Spencer, Cotton Grove, to Salisbury, 115 miles and back, twice a week, in two-horse co chps. Leave Raleigh every Wednesday and Saturday at 11 a m, arrive at Salisbury next days by 12 pm. L-ave Salisbury every Wednesday and Saturday at 9 a m. arrive at Raleigh next days by 9 p m. ;r-5-PrnnnaU to run three times a week : also in four-horse post coaches will be considered 2808 f rom l-ialein Dy ijusuee s oioie, uiiiiiu-j f roposais 10 enu uus ruuic i uuuciuu ui i field Boon Hill, o Waynesboro', 51 miles and ; nearest point on the Gaston and Raleigh railroad back three times a weefe in two-horse coaches. . 1 will be considered. Leave Raleigh every Monday, Wednesday and , 2824 From Clinton, by Taylor's Bridge and Lis- , . , f T-i 1 , O . O T.U 1 b riuay ai i a m, arrive m ajtavww t... n n m V.tr Q r TY Leave Waynesboro' everv Taesday, Thursday! and Saturday at 1 am, arrive at Raleigh same ! Anna Kv fi n m Proposals to carry on horse are invited. 2309 From Forestville by Nw L.ight, Wilton, anA Oranville to Oxford. 42 miles and back, twice , a week, in two horse coaches. . ! L.eave uoresiviue every cuuuar " , day after arrival of the mail from Raleigh, say 1 j r m arrive at Oxford next davs by 12 m. i II ill. ai i i j j . . Leave Uxtoru every xuesuay auu u.i m, arrive at Forestville next day 8 am. 2810 From Forestville to Rollesville, " 6 miles and back twice a week. Leave Forestville every Monday and Thursday at 1 p m, arrive at Rolles ville same days by 3 p ra. ' Leave Rollesville every Monday and Thursday at 6 a m, arrive at Forestville same days by 8 a, m. 2811 From Fayettevilie by Davis' Sprinss, Randallsville, Montpelier, Laurel Hill and Brighis ville to Cheraw, 72 miles and back, six tunes .a week, in two horse coaches. - '' ' Leave Fayettevilie everf day (except Sunday) at 4 a m, arrive a Cheraw same days oy II p m. Leave Cheraw every day (except Sunday) at .12 p m, arrive al Fayettevilie next day by 5 p ca. t ' Proposals are invited to carry the great North ern and Southern mails, daily on this route, by the following schedule, in wagons or such other vehi cles as the contractor may select so constructed as to secure the mails and protect them from the weather. -''. Leave Fayettevilie daily at 10 p rr , arrive at Che raw next day by 10 ai m. J Leave Cheraw daily at 11 a m, arriveat Fayette- : vIIIa en rvi rl.tr. Vtu'11 n TV, .... Proposal are also invited. lor the transportation of the great mail on the direct road from Raleigh, N. C. to Columbian s. C. via Rockingham, N. C. 2812 From Fayettevilie by St. PauU's, Lumber ton. Leesville, Gaddysville, and Marion c h, S. C. to Jeffry'a Creek, S. C. 85 miles and back, three times a week, in sulkies. ,..-.. : Leave Fayettevilie every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 6 a m, arrive at Jeffry's Creek next days by 4 p m. '. "" ; 2ave Jeffty's Cree& every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a m, arrive at Fayettevilie next days by 4 pm. 2813 From Fayettevilie by Murchison's Mills, Johnson ville, Crain's Creek, Caronish, Carthage, Caladonia, Oak Corner, Sugg's Bridge, Uharee, Lassitas, Hill's Store, Salem Church, Mount Le banon, and Healing Springs, to Salisbury, 116 miles and back, twice a week, in two horse coaches. Leave Fayettevilie every Monday and Thurs day at 6 am, arrive at Salisbury every Wednes day and Saturday by 5 pm. Leave Salisbury every Monday and Thursday at 6 am, arrive at Fayettevilie every Wednesday and Saturday by 5 p m. Proposals to carry on horse or in sulkies are in vited. ' " ' . XT' mm Fjvoi tpwillp hv Arirvle. Solemn 1 S & M. VS 14 A. W J V w mm w r O J 1 j Grove, New Gilead, Clark's Mills, Macedonia, and I .1 ..... V II mm 1 Butler's Mills, to L,awrenceviue, mues anu back once a week. Leave Fayettevilie every Wednesday at 6 a m, arrive at Liawrenceviue next uay oy u p m. Leave Lawrenceville every Monday at 6 a m, ar Irive at Fayettevilie next day by 5 pm. 2815 b rom b ayetteviue oy rrospeci nan, uwiza bethtown, Westbrook, and Robinson's to Wilming ton, 83 miles and back, three limes a week, in sul kies. Leave Fayettevilie every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 a m, arrive at Wilmington next days by 9 a m. Leave Wilmington every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 10 a m, arrive at Fayettevilie next days by 9 a m. Proposals to carry on horse will be considered. 2816 From Fayettevilie by Clinton to Warsaw, 49 miles and back, three limes a week in two horse coaches. T.untro T? jt-oif pu i!!p pfprv Rnndav. Tnesdav and . UJV............J J J j Thursday at 6 p rn. arrive at Warsaw next days ; oy o a ni. j Leave Warsaw every monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2 p m, arrive at Fayettevilie next days . 1 M Dy 4 a m. 2317 From Lumberlon by Philadelphus, Boli Hill Sicwnruvi!! Oueensdale and ! Atfordsville to Lumberton, equal to 35 miles, ouce If . - ; xtroub , Lamberi0n every Friday at 6 am, arrive , Stewarlsvi!e nt Jay- by 9 a m, and return to T.nnihprlnn camp iav hw 8 n m. Elizabethiown by 2S1S From Elizabethiown by Big Swamp, Por- m -m - - i nr o t l' L !.. ter's Swamp, Fair Bluff, Gum Swamp, Whitville and Western Pron-tc White Eliza- Marsh, Whitesville and Western Prong to bethtown, equal to ol miles once a eeK. Leave Elizibethtown every Friday at 6 a m, ar rive at Fair Bioffsame day by 8 p n:. eave Fair Bluff every Saturday at 6 am, ar rive at Elizabethiown next day by 2 pm. 2319 From Porter's Swamp by Princess Ann to Leesville, 15 miles and back, onbe a week. Leave Porter's Swamp every Thursday at 8 a m arrive at leesville same day by 12 m. . Leave Leesville every Thursday at 1 p m, ar rive at Porter's Swamp same day by 5 p m. 2S20 From Tarboro' by Oak Grove. Stantons burg. to Waynesboro', 50 miles and back, once a Leave Tarboro' every WednesJay at 11 a m, ar j rive at Waynesboro' next day by 12 m. j Leave Waynesboro' every Thursday at 2 p m, arrive at Tai boro next day by 12 m. 2621 I torn Kocky Mount oy i arnoro- oparia, i,' ,..i-! .n.i vH.omilUanrl Pjptnliu iii Wasliiiirton. -0 miles and back, three times a week in two horse .t,. KVJCM LilV 3. Leave nockv Mount every Monday. Wednesday a.,d Fridav at 6 a m. arrive at Washington, next days by lam. ro ivhlnirinn Pi-rv- Rundav. Tuesday and Thursday at 6 a m, arrive at Rocky Mount next ; days by 1 a m. ! 2S2 From Wvldon by Halifax, Enfield, Battle- boro'. Kockv Mount, Vicksvuie, i ossnoi iepoi, i:ahunta, Waynesboro', Goldboru', Dudley, Fai , SQQ,S De , Warsaw, Strickland's Depot, Wash- tn-ton Depot, Wilmington and Smithville to Char leston, S. C. 320 miles and back, in railroad cars . ami steamboats. Leave Weldon daily at 2 am, arrive at Charles ton next days by 7 a in. ! Lave Charleston daily aup m, arrive ai v ei don nexl days by 7$ p m. x r ' Proposals are invited locnrry the mail from VV il I niiugion to Winyayv Bay in coaches, wagons or other suitable vehicles, and from Winyaw Bay to ! Charleston in steamboats, in lieu of steamboat ser ,vice down the Cape Fear river, and by sea to ! Charleston, the schedules of arrivals and departures to be so arranged as to form -perfect connexions . with the railroads at Wilmington and Charleston. 2823 From Weldon to Raleigh, 90 miles and '. back, daily in wagons or such other vehicles as the ! contractor may select, so constructed as to convey the great Northern and Southern mails and secuie them against loss and the weather; p Leave Weldon daily at 7 p m, arrive at Raleigh nexl days by 10 a m. , Leave Raleigh daily at 11 a m, arrive at Wei- ooir next aays oy la a m n .1 . I . f ' .. T it tIntAn rw 1 K a or tourn, to ijfraveiiy rim, 2 mues anu uaun, i- . once a Leave Clintop every Tuesday at 5 a m, arrive al Gravt.v Hill same, day by 12 m. ..... er. Leav Gravelly Hill every I uesday at l p m, ar- live at Clinton same day uy cj p m. 2825 Fmm Clinton to Cox's store, 20 miles and t,u L ave Clinton every Fiiday at 6 a in, arrive at ijOX's storesameuay ty is m. Leave Cox's store every. Friday at 1 p , . u hv 7 n m ' m, arrive 2326 From Taylor's Bridge, by Harel's store, M 's Crpolr and Lon? Creek to Wilmington, il miles a nd liack . once ' a week. Black River Ch-ipel to be supplied on return trip. ' Leave Taylor's Brige every Tuesday at 12 m, arrive at Wilmington next day by 6 p ra. Leave Wilmington every Monday at 6 am, ar rive at Taylor's Bridge next day by U a m. . 2327 From Warsaw, by Kenans ville, Hallsvilte, Tuckahoe and Comfort, to. Trenton 51 miles and back, once a week.. , Leave Warsaw every Friday at 3 p m," arrive at Trenton next day r y & p'm. ; - Leave Trenton every Thursday al 6 a m, arrive at War.aw next day by 10 a m. 2328 From Waynesboro' to Falling Creek, 15 miles and back, once a week. . l r Leave Waynesboro' every Friday at 1 p m, ar rive at Falling Creek same day by 6 p m. . r Leave Falling Creek every Friday at 6 a m, ar rive at Wayneiboro' same day by 1 1 a ra. , r.t 2829 From ,Waynesboro', by VVhittield's mills, Sleepy Creek and Jerico, to Strabane, .29 miles and back, once a week. - . Leave Waynesboro' every Thursday at 10 a to, arrive at Strabane same day by 8 p m. Leave S.trabane every Friday at 5 a m, arrive at Waynesboro' same day by 3 p. m. : - 2830 From Comfort, by tvichland, Onsldw'c b, and French Mills toSwansboro' 45 miles and back, once a week. - ; - . . Leave Comfort eyerySaturday at 7 am, arrive at Swansboro' next day by 12 m. . Leave Swansboro' every Thursday al 1 p m, ar rive at Comfort next day by 6 p. m. 2831 From Onstow c h by Snead's Ferry, Stump Sound and Topsail Sound, to Wilmington, 53 miis and back, once a week. Leave Onslow c h every Monday at 6 a m, arrive at Wilmington next day, by 4 p ra. Leave Wilmington every Wednesday at 6 a m, arrrive at Onslow c h next day by 4 p. m. 2832 From Beaufort to Pilottown, 85 miles and back, once a week, by water. ' . - ' T- . Leave Beaufort every Monday at 6 am, arrive at Pilottown every Wednesday by 6 p ra Leave Pilottown. every Thursday at 6 a m. arrive at Beaufort every Saturday by 6 p m. 2833 From Newbern, by Polloksville, Trenton, Kinston and Moseley Hall, to Waynesboro' 74 miles and back, three times a week, in two horse coaches. . - '-, ' . . . .'''' - Leave Newbern every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, after the arrival of the mail from ' Weldon, say at 2 a m, arrive at Waynesboro' same days by 12 pm. Leave Waynesboro' every- Tuesday, Thursday. and baturday at 2 a ra, arrive at INewbern same-days by 12 p m. Proposals for four horse coach service will be con sidered. 2834 From Newbern, by CravensviHe, to Beau fort, 48 miles and back, three times a week, in two horse coaches. Leave Newbern every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7 a m, arrive, at Beaufort - same days by 5 pm. Leave Beaufort every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 a ra, arrive at Newbern same days by 5 pm. 1 " 2835 From Newbern to Milton Park, 20 miles and back, once a week. Leave Newbern every Saturday at 1 p ra, arrive at Milton Park same day by 8 p m. . Leave Milton Park every Saturday at 5 a in. 'arrive at Newbern same day by 12 m. " 2836 From Newbern 16 Core Creek, 22 miles and back, once a week. Leave Newbern every Saturday at 1 p m, arrive at Core Creek same day by 8 p in. Leave Core Creek Saturday at 5 a m, arrive at Newbern same day by 12 m. 2537 From Polloksville, by Cross Roads to Had not's, 22 miles and back, once a week. Leave Polloksville every Friday at 1pm, arrive at Hadnoi's same day by 7 p m. Leave Hadnoi's every Friday at 5 a m, arrive at Polloksville same day by 12 m. 2538 From Stantonsburg, by Speight's Bridge, Snow Hill, Hookerstowu, . Airy Grove, Kinston, Sirabane, Albertson's, Saructa and Kenansville, to Warsaw, SO miles and back, once a week. Leave Stantonsburg every Friday at 5 am, arrive at Warsaw next day by 6 p m. Leave Warsaw every W ednesday at 5 a m, arrive at Stantonsburg nexl day by 6 p m. 2539 From Greenville, by Hookerstown and Snow Hill to Goldsborough, 50 miles aud back, twice a week.'. Leave Greenville' every Tuesday and Friday at 5 am, arrive at Goldsborough same days by 9 p m. Leave Goldsborough every Wednesday and Sat urday at 5 a m, arrive at Greenville same days by 9pm.-, Proposals for 2 horse coach service will be consi dered. 2340 From Hookerstown to Johnsou's Mills, 20 miles and bacc, once a week. Leave Hookerstown every Friday at 1 p m, ar rive at Johnson's Mills same day by 7 p m. Leave Johnson's Mills every Friday at 5 am, ar rive at Hookerstown same day by 11a m. 2841 From Washington, by Bath, Pungo bridge, Pantego, Leechville, Germanton, Swan Quarter c h, and Lake Landing, to Middletown, 96 miles 1 and back, twice a week to Bath, 20 miles ; and once a week the remainder of the route. Leave Washington every Saturday at 1 p in, ar rive al Bath some day by 6 p m. Leave Bath every Saturday at 7 a m, arrive at Washington same day by 12 m. Lpave Washington every Thursday at7am, ar rive at Middleton next Saturday by 12 m. Leave Middleton every Saturday at 2 p m, arrive at Washington next Monday by 8 p m. 2842 From Washington to Portsmouth and Ocra coke, 75 miles and back, once a week, in a vessel. Leave Washington every Thursday at 1 p m, ar rive at Ocracoke next Saturday by 12 m. Leave Ocracoke every Monday ai 8 a m, arrive at Washington next Wednesday by 12 m. 2843 From Rosencath to Scotland Neck, 4 miles and back,"once a week. Leave Ros'eneath ev.ery Friday at 8 a m. arrive at Scotland Neck same day by 9 a m. Leave Scotland Neck every Friday at 11 a m, arrive at Roseneaih same day by 12 in. 2344 From Enfield, by Hilliardstown, Belford and Louisburg, to Franklinton, 50 miles and back in two horse coaches, three limes a week to Louis burg, 40 miles, and six times a week ihe residue. Leave Enfield every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 5 a rn, arrive at Louisburg same days by 4 pm. ' '' ' ' Leave Louisburg every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday al 5 a m, arrive at Enfield same days by 4 p rn. Leave Louisburg every day, except Sunday, al 5 am, arrive at Franklinton same days by 8 a m. Leave Franklinton every day. except Sunday, at 2 p m, arrive at LouUburg, same days by 5 p m. . , Proposals to commence the route at Rocky Mount, instead of Eufield will be considered. 2815 From Enfield, by Heathsville, Brinkley ville, Hill's Bridge, Sycamore Alley, to Enfield, equal to 17 miles and back once a week. . Leave Eufield every Friday at 6 a m, arrive at Enheld same day by-5 p m. ' 2346 From Halifax, by Da wson's X roads, Scot land Neck, Palmyra, Roanoke, Hamilton, Williams ton, Gardner's bridge, to Plymouth, 72 miles and back, twice a week, in suikeys. Leave Halifaxevery Monday and Friday at 6 a ra, arrive at Plymouth next days by 6 p m. ' Leave Plymouth every Wednesday and Sunday at 6am, arrive at Halifax nextdays by 5p m. 2847 From Plymouth, by Windsor hotel, Brit ton's siore, Rich. Square and Jackson, to Gareys burg, 74 miles and back, twice a week. L-aye Plymouth every Monday and Thursday at 5 a m, arrive at Gareysburg next days by 6 p in. Leave Gareysburg every Wednesday and Satur day at 5 a rn, arrive at Windsor next days by 6 p m.1 .. fl3Proposal to carry in two horse coaches, and to run three times a week, will be considered 2843 From Plymouth, by Washington and Swift Creek Bridge, to Newbern, 70 miles ana back, three times a weefc, in four horse coaches. - Leave Plymouth every Tuesday,. Thursday and Saturday, ;aj 5 a m, arrive at Washington same days by 12 in, and at Newbern same days by 8 Leave Newbern every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 5 a rh, arrive at Waibington same days by 12 m, and at. Plymouth same days by 9 p m. 2849 From Plymouth, by Cool SpriDg, to Colum bia, 36 miles and back, once a week. Leave Plymouth every Wednesday, at 7 a m, arrive at Columbia same day by 4 p'm.-' Leave Columbia every Tuesday at 8 am,' arrive at Plymouth same day by 6 p in. 2S50 From Windsor, by Merry Hill, Ashland, Colerain, Bethel, Pitch Landing and Winton, to Murfreesboro', 63 mil as and back, twice a week. Leave Windsor every Tuesday and Saturday at 4 a m, arrive at Murfreesboro' next days by 12 m.- ' . Leave Murfreesboro' every Wednesday and Sun day at 1 p m, arrive at Windsor next, days by 8 p m. s "'- 2851 From Edenton, by Hertford, Woodville, Elizabeth City, New Lebanon, 'South Mills, Lake Drutnmond, Deep, Creek, Va., to Norfolk," Va., 79 miles and back, three times a week in four horse post coaches. . . Leave Edenton every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday at 4 a m, arrive at Norfolk same days by 6 p m. Leave Norfolk every" Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 9 a m, arrive at Edenton same days by 1 1 p m. 2852 From Edenton, by Ballard's bridge, Min tonsville, Gatesville, Sunbury and Middle Swamp, to Suffolk, Va., 65. miles, and back ouce a week. Leave Edenton every Tuesday at 4 a ra, arrive at Suffolk next day by 11 a m. Leave Suffolk every ' Wednesday at 1 p m, ar rive at Edenton nexl day by S p.m. . - 2853 From Woodville to Durant's Neck, 12 miles and back, once a week. Leave Woodville every Friday at,9 a m, arrive at Durant's Neck same.day by 12 in.' Leave Durant's Neck every Friday at 1 p m, at rive at Woodville same day by 4 p m. 2854 From Elizabeth City, by Camden, Shiloh, Indiantown, Currituck, c h, Northwest river bridge, Va , Hickory Ground and Great Bridge, to Norfolk, 66 miles and back, once a week. , Leave Elizabeth City every Wednesday at 5 a m, arrive at Norfolk next day by 12 m. Leave Norfolk every Thursday at 1 p m, arrive at Elizabeth City next day by 8 p m. 2855 From Currituck c h, by Poplar-Branch, to Powell's Point, 32 miles and back, once a week. Leave Currituck c h every Saturday at 6 a m, arrive al Powell's Point same day by 5 p m. Leave Powell's Point every Friday al 6 am, ar rive at Currituck c h same day b 7 p ra. 2856 From Franklin Depot, by South Quay, Winton, N. C. and-Edenton to Plymouth, 103 miles and back three time a week in steamboats. Leave Franklin Depot every Monday, Wednes day and Friday at 1 p 'rn, arrive al Plymouth same days by 12 p m. Leave Plymouth every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 a m, arrive at Franklin Depot same days by 6 p tn. 2857 From Muifreesboro' by Mat:insville,,Pote casi to St. John, twenty miles and back once a week. Leave Murfreesboro' every Friday al 6 a ra, ar rive at St. John same days by 11 a m. Loaye St. John every Friday at 12 m, arrive al Murfreesboro' same day by 5 p m. 2858 From Murfreesboro' to Newsom's Depot, Va. 17 miles and back three limes a week. Leave Murfreesboro' every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8 avin, arrive at Newsom'a Depot same days by 12 m. Leave Newsom's Depot every Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday at 4 p ni, arrive at Murfreesboro' same days by 8 p m. IfProposals lo carry in 2 hove coaches will be considered. . 2859 From Westland to Littleton 10 miles and back, once a week. ' .' Leave Westland every Wednesday al5 a m, ar rive at Littleton same day by 7 a ui. Leave Littleton every Thursday at 8 a m, arrive at Westland same day by 10 a m. 2S60 From Warreuton to Macon Depot 3 miles, and bick, daily in 2 horse coaches. ' Leave Warren ton daily at 2 p m, arriveat Macon Depot same days by 3 p m. L-ave Macou Depot daily at 7 am, arrive at Warrenton same day by 8 a m. Proposals lo carry on horse will be considered. 2361 From Ridgeway by Exchange and Wood worth to Boydtown, 30 miles and back three times a week" in two horse coaches. Leave Ridgeway every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a ra, arrive at "Boyd town same days by 12 ra. . Leave Boydtown every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 a m, arrive at Ridgeway same days by 3 p m.- . Pioposals to substitute 2 horse coach tri-weekly service between Henderson and Ciaiksville in lieu of the above will be considered. 2562 From Henderson by n'llliamsboro' to Lynesville, 10 miles and back three times a week. Leave Henderson every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a m, arrive ai Lynesville same-days by 9 a ra. Leave Lynesville every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 10 a ra, arrive at Henderson same days by 1 p in. 2563 From Henderson by Oxford, Berea, Rox boro', Leasburg, Red Horse and Milton to Danville, Va. 73 miles and back three limes a week in two hore coaches. - Leave Henderson erery Monday, Jfednesday and Friday at 5 a in, arrive at Danville nexl days by 3 a m. Leare Danville every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 4 a ru, atnre al Henderson next days by 3 a m. Proposals for four horse coach serrice will be considered. 2864 From Louisburg, by Reubentown to Ran som's Bridge, 13 miles and back once a week. L.eave Louisburg every Saturday at 5 am; ar rive 'a I Ransom's Bridge same day by 11 a m. Leave Ransonvs Bridge every Saturday at 1 p ni ; arrive at Louisburg same day by 7 p m. 2365 From Franklinton by-W ilton, Tally ho, Buffalo Hill and Red Mountain to Hillsboro', 44 miles and back once a week. Leave Franklinton every Wednesday at 3 p m j arrive at Hillsboro' next day by 6 p m. Leave 10' every Tuesday at 5 a m ; ar rive at Franklinton next day by 8 a m.' 2866 From Oxford, by Oakhill, Youngs J Roads Brownsville, A bram's Plains, Bullocks, Water.loo, to Oxford, equal to 25 miles and back twice a week: Leave Oxford every Monday and - Friday al 8 a m; arrive at Oxford next days by 12 m. 2867 From Oxord, by Tally ho, DutcGville, Knapp of Reeds, Stagville, Lipscomb and Enoe Mills to .Hillsborough, 42 miles and back once a week. ' " L.eave Oxford every Saturday, at 6 a m ; arrive at Hillsborough same day by 6 p ra. , Leave Hillsborough every Friday at 6 a m ; ar rive at Oxford same -day by 6 p m. 2363 From Chnpel Hill by Frice'a Store, Pratts bur, ;West Point, Fishdam and Tranquility to Wilion 39 miles snd back once a week. . Leave Chapel Hill every Friday at 6 a m j ar rive at Wilton same, day by 6 p m. Leafe Wilton every Saturday at 6 a m ; arrive at Chapel Hill same day by 6 p m. ' 2S69 From Hillsborough, by Cedar Grove, Jun to, Prospect Hill and Gordontqn to ' Leasburg, 32 miles and back once a week. , . Leave Hillsborough every Thursday at 6 p m ; arrive at Leasburg next day by 12 m. .Leave Leasburg every Friday at i pm; arrive at Hillsborough next day by 9 a m. 2870 From Hillsborough by Walnut-Grove and Van Hook's Store to Roxboro', 24 miles and back once a week. ' - Leave Hillsborough evefy - Tuesday at 6 am; arrive at Roxboro' same day by 4 p m. Leave Roxboro' every Wednesday at 6 a m ; arrive at Hillsborough same day by 4 p m. . 2S71 From Hillsborough by Hawfields, Mount Willing and McDaniels, to Hartshorn, 34 miles and back once a week. Leave Hillsborough every Thursday at 7 a rc; arrive.at Hartshorn samd day by 6 p m. jje&ve Hartshorn everyFnday at 6 am, arrive at Hillsboro' same day by 5 p ra. 2872 From Mason Hall by Scottsville, Pleasant Grove, Fawcett's Store, Moorest ille, Sloney Creek, Anderson's Store and High Towers to Leasburg, 57 miles and back once' a week. Leave Mason Hall every Friday at 6 a m j ar rive at Leasburg next day by 12 m. Leave Leasburg every Saturday at 1 p m ; ar rive at Mason Hall next day by 7 p ra. 2873 From Greensboro'' by, Ramsboro High Rock, Slade's, Brown's Store and anceyvi'.le to Milton, 54 miles and back three' times a week in two horse coaches. . . i: Leave Greensboro' every Monday, Wednesday and Friday al 12 m ; arrive at Milton next days by 12 m. Leave Milton every Monday, Wednesday and day at 12 m : arrive at Greensboro next days by 12 m. Proposals lor 4 horse coach service will be con sidered. ,. , ', - : .2874 From Gi eensboro' by Jamestown, Brum mell's, Rich Fork and Lexington to Salisbury, 52 miles and back three times a week in, four horse post coaches. Leave Greensboro' every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ai 1 pm; arrive at Salisbury nexl days by 6 a m. Leave Salisbury every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ..at 7 a m ; arrive at Greensboro' same days by 12 p m. 2875 From Greensboro', by Shaw's Mills, Clapp's, Holt's Store, Hartshorn, Rock Creek, Snow Camp, Sandy Grove, Mudlick, Hickory Mountain, Cane Creek, Hadley's Miils and Rock Rest to Pittsboro', 68 miles and back'once a week. Leave Greensboro' every Thursday al 6 a m ; arrive al Pittt-loro' next day by 5 p m. Leave Pittsboro' every Saturday at 6 a m ; ar rive at Greensboro' next day by 5 p m. 2876 From Greensboro' by Fentriss, Centre and New Salem to Ashboro', 28 miles and back once a week. Leave Greensboro' every Tuesday al 9 a m ; ar rive at Ashboro' same day by 6 p m. Leave Ashboro' every Wednesday at 6 a m ; ar rive at Greensboro' same day by 3 p m. 2377 From Greensboro' by Hillsdile, Mount Zi on, Troublesome, Reidsville andj Rawlingsburg to Danville, Va., o2 miles and back, three times a week in 4 horse post coaches. Leave Greensboro' every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10am; arriveat Da'nville same days by 10 pm. Leave Danville every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at lam; anive at Greensboro' same days by 12 m. Proposals for two horse .coach service will be considered. Proposals to run by Went worth instead of Reids ville will also be considered. 2S78 From Greensboro' by New Garden, Friend ship, Kernersville, Limestone Well, Salem, Old town, 'Bethania, Little Yadkin, Tom's Creek, Mount Airy, New Grayson, Va., Hillsville, Aus linville and Jackson's Ferry to Wy thevilleVa. 120 miles and back, three times a week in two horse coaches. Leave Greensboro' every vTuesday, Thursday and Saturday ai 1 p m ; arriveat Wyiheville every Thursday, Saturday aud Tuesday by 1 p ra. . Leave Wytheville every Monday, V ednesday and Friday ai 8am j . arrive at Greensboro' every Wednesday, Friday and Monday by 8 a ui. Id- Proposals to carry in 4 horse coaches will be considered. 2879 From Rei 'sville, by Wentworth to Leaks ville, 16 miles and back twice a week. Leave Reidsville every Wednesday and Satur day at 6 a m ; arrive at Leaksvill'e same days by 12 m. Leave Leaksville every Wednesday and Satur day at 1pm: arrive at Reidsville same days' bv 6"p m. 23S0From Reidsville, by Lawson's Store, Black well's and Sergeanlsville lo Milton, 35 miles and I back-once a week. Leave Reidsville every Weduesday at 6 a ra j j arrive at Milton same day by 5 pm. Leave Milton every Thursday at 6am; arrive at Reidsville same day by 5 p m. 2831 From Hillsdale by bummeifield and Oak I liidge and iielew's Creek lo Kernersville, 19 miles and back once a week. Leave Hillsdale every Friday at 7 a in ; arrive at Keruer.viUe same day by 12 m. Leave Kernersville eveiy Friday at 1 p ni ; ar rive at Hillsdale same day by 6 p m. 2382 From Hilisdale by Pleasanlville to Madison, 15 miles and back once a week. Leave Hillsdale every Wednesday at 6 a m; ar rive al Madison same day by 1 1 a m". Leave Madison every Wednesday at 1 p m; ar rive at Hillsdale same day by 6 p in. 2883 From Weniworth by Eagle Falls,- Ayres ville. Crooked Creek, Colesville, Boyle's Store and Big Creek to Mount Airy, 6 1 miles and back once a week. Leave Wentworth every Thursday al 6 a m ; ar rive at Mount Airy next day . by 12 m. Leave Mount Airy every Friday at 1 p m; ar rive at Weniworth next day by 6 p ra. 28S4 From Salem by Panther Creek, Huntsville, H&niptonville, Cbapell'sJ Roads, Mew Castle, Elder Branch, Wilkesboro', Church's Store, Red dy's River, Jefferson, North Fork, Taylorsvilie, l e., Moore's Ironworks, Dogger's Ferry, Hampton and Elizabethiown to Joneboro', 171 miles and back, three times a week in two horse coaches. . Leave Salem every -Monday, .Wednesday and Friday at 6 a m ; arrive at Jonesboro', eveiy Wed nesday, Friday and Sunday by 6 pm."- Leave Jonesboro' eveiy Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6a m ; arrive at Salem every Thurs day, Saturday and Tuesday by 6 p in. . 2885 From Salem, by Germanton, Red Shoals, and Colesville to Patrick c h, Virginia, 50 miles and back once a week. Columbia Ion to be supplied on the return trip. Leave Salem every Sunday at 4 a m ; arrive at Patrick c h same day by 10 p m. Leave Patrick c h every Monday at 6 a fh ; ar rive at Salem next day by 10 am. Proposals for four horse coach service will be considered. 2886 From Salem, by Columbia Inn, Blakely, Madison and Grogansville to Martinsville, Va. 59 miles and back once a week. Leave Salem every Friday at 6 a m ; arrive' at Martinsville next day by 12 ui. Leave Martinsville every Saturday at 1 p m ; ar riveat Salem next day by 7 p mv'v" ' 2S87 From Salem, by Midway, to Lexington, 21 miles and back,three times a week intwo horse coaches..- ,,- ; ; -. - ' . Leave Salem every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7 a m arrive at Lexington same days by 2 pm. " iXl " ' ' Leave Lexington every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday'at 1 p m arrive at Salem same days by ' 8 pm, y ' . ' - . : lEProposals to carry on horseback once a week are invited. ' : !. . " 28SS From Salernr by Clemmonsville, Mock- ' ville, County Line and Oak Forest to Siatevil?vi 56 miles and back twice a week. V Leave Salem every Sunday and Wednesday at' 6 am; arrive at Sfatesville nexr davs by 11a m.-' Leave Statesville every Monday and Thursday at Ijp m; arrive at Salem nexl days by 6 p ra:".:'. ) iLProposals of carrying in two horse coaches ' wilt be considered. - ' 2SS9 From Bethania, by Vienna, Red Plains,-' rorousnaaa Uowel Town to Hamptonville, 30" miles and back once a week, r Leave Bethania every Saturday at 7 a m ? ar- -rive at Hamptonville same day 1y 5 p m. - ; Leave Hamptonville every Friday at-7.a m ; ar- . rive at Bethania same day by 5 p m. v ' 2S90From Doweltown by Rock ford and Jud-.'Y ville to Bowers' Store, 50 miles and back once a week. " v i - ;- . - - Leave Doweliown every Tuesday at 6 a m; tr-. rive at Bovvers' Store next day by 11 a m. Leave Bowers' Siore every Wednesday at i . p m ; arriveat Doweliown nexl day by 6p m. . " 2891 From Rockfurd, by Walnut Lane, Jones-'-; ville, and Brier Creek, lo Wilkesboro.' 40 miles and back once a week. Leave Ro. kford every Friday at 5 a m, arrive ar Wiikesboro' same day by 6 p m. " " Leave Wilkesboro'' every Thursday at 5 am, ar- rive at Rockford same day by 6 p m.' 2592 From Rockford, by Siloam, Stony Kidgp, ' . Wolfe's, and Litlle Yadkin,, to Germautui, 2& miles and back, once a week. ; Leave Rockford every sunday at 6 a m, arrive at Germanton same day by' 4 p m. . ' - Leave Germanton every Saturday at 6 a" fr?y. ar- rive at Rockford same day by 4 pm. ' . 2593 From Hamptonville, by Zion, New Hope, Mount Pisgah, and Liberty Hill, to Statesville, le turn by Liberty Hill, Snow Creek, and Williams burg, to Hamptonville, equal lo 30 miles and back, once a week. . Leave Hamptonville every- Monday at 6 a m, ar rive at Siatesville same day by 6 p in. ' Leave aiatesville tvery Tuedy at 6 a m, th rive at Hampton vide same day by 13 p m. ' ' , ' 2S91 From New Castle to Tiap Hill, 16 mile ' and back, once a week. ' Leave New Castle every Thursday al 1 p m, arrive at T.ap Hill same day by 6 p ui. -Leave Trap Hill every Thursday at 7 a m, ar rive at New Castle same day by 2 m. 2S95 From New Castle, by Brier Creek, Hay Meadow, Mulberry and Laurel spring, to mouth of If'ilsou Creek, 50 miles and back, once in two -we'tks. : Leave New C;i,l!e eve.y other Thursday ' ai 8 a ni, .irrive al mouth of VVjUou creek nexl day liy h2ni Leave inouth of H'iUoii Cieek every other FnJ day at Ip m,arrive at Newcastle next d.y by 6pm. 2896 From I'llkesboro', by Eikviile, Fort Defi ance. Lenoir c h, and Copenliagen, lo Morgan -town, 49 mi.es aiid back, oi.ee a week. l.eave Ittlkt'sboro' every Monday at 6 a in, ar- live at Morgantown next day by 10 a m. Leave Morgantown eveiy Tuesday at 1 p my arrive at H'lJkeaboro' next day by 5 p m. 2897 From Morgantown, by lirmdleiown, Mi nersville, and Pmciney, to Rutheifordtou, 46 miles aud back, twice a weefe. v . Leave.Morgantown every Wednesday and sattir-' day ai 6 a ni," anive at Rulheifordton same days x by" 6" p'm Leave Rutherfordton every Tuesday aud fridny at 6 a ru, arrive at Morgantown same days by 6p my 28lJ8 From Morgantown, hy Love Lady, Cataw ba View, Whitteuburg, Litiie River, and Gray Fork, to James' M Roads, 47 miles and ack, once, a week. Deal's Mills to be supplied, once a week, on the return trip.. Leave Morgantown every Friday at 6 a m, ar-' rive ai james' fj Koads nexl day by J 1 a rn. Leave James' ft Roads every saturda at 1 pm, arrive at Alorganiov n next o'y by 6 ii m. 8y lrom Morgan. own bv Linville River, Nortfit Cove, Bakersville, Burusville, Bald Creek, Ivy, Stoi kvilie, to Ashville, 97 miles and, back, once ft wet k return by Young's instead of Bakersville. Leave Morgantown eveiy Saturday at 6 a rn,'ar rive ai Ashville every monday by 4 p in. Leave Ashville eveiy Wednesday at 6 i in, ar- rive at Morgantown every Friday by 4 p rh. 2900 Froai Morgantown by IVrkinsville, Col letsville, G;obe, bugar Grove, Councill's Store, Morel's Mill and Eik Roads, to Jefferson, 7 miles and back, once a week. Leave Morgantown every Saturday at 5a m, ar rive at Jefferson next day-by 6 pm. " Lease Jefferson every Thursday at 5 a in, arrirff al Morgautown next day by 6 p m. 2901 Froai PleasaiUGarden by Turkey Cove and Bakersville to Elizabethiown, Ten., 67 mile and back, once a week. - Leave Pleasant Garden every Wednesday at ft a m, arrive al Elizabeihtown next day by 5 p m.;- Leave Elizabethiown every Fridrty at 6 a in, ar rive ai Pleasant Garden nexl day by 5 p m. 2902 From Statesvi.'ie by Turnei's Siore, She ril's Ford and Mountain Creek, lo Lincolnion, 36 miles and back, once a week. Leave Statesville every Sunday at 6 a m, arrive at Lincolnion same day by 6 p m." Leave Lincolnion every Monday at 6 a m; arrive. ' at Statesville same day by 6 p rn. ; : . i 2903 From Statesville byFancy Hill, Stoney ' Poinr, James' 4 Roads and Bogles', to Wilkesboro, ;. 33 miles and back, once a week. . - . i . Leave Statesville every Sunday at 6 a m4' arrive ; at Wilksboro' same day by 6 p ra. Leave Wiiksboro' every - Saturday al 6 a in, ar rive at Statesville same day by 6 p rn. 2904 From Statesville by Bethany Church, Tabor Church, Houstonville, H. i-plon ville, Dowelliown, '' RocArford, Scull Camp, Haystack, to Mount Airy, 84 miles and back, once a week. Leave Statesville every Wednesday at 6 a m, : arrive at Mount Airy cext day by 8 p m. Leave Mount Airy every Friday at 6 a in, arrive -at Statesville next day by 6 p m. 290-5 From Salisbury by Miranda, Spring Grove, Deep Well, Mount" Mouroe Beanie's Ford, Ca lawba springs, Vesuvius Furuace, Graham's Forge, , Lincolnion, Wilsonville, Garner's Ford, Rulber fordton, and Fairview to Ashville," 136 miles and back, three times a week, in four-horse post coaches. Lieaye Salisbury every Sunday, Weduesday and Friday at 7 a rn, airive "at Ashyille, Tuesday, . Friday and Sunday by 3 a m. ' ' : Leave Ashville every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 6 a m, arrive at Salisbury every Tues- -day,Thursday and Saturday by 6 a ra. ICProposala to tun with two-horse coaches are . invited. 2906 From Salisbury by Mount Vernon, Mocks ville and Farmington, to Huntsvi.Ie, 39 miles and back, once a week. L"ave Salisbury every Saturday at 6 a m, arrive at Huntsville same day by 7 p m. " Leave Huntsville every Friday at 6 am, arrive ' at Salisbury same day by 7 p ra. 1 2907 From Salisbury by Rockyift'e Kendall'a Store, Albemarle, Norwood, Cedar Hill, Beverlyj. Wadesboro', Morven and -Sneedsboro', to Cheraw, S. C, 85 miles and backj three" times a week, in , two-bore coaches. '' ' :.' Leave Salisbury every Monday, Wednesday and ' " Friday at 9 a m, arrive at Cheraw next days by 5 p m. ;.. ' . - .'" : . '. -. -; 3 Continued oh fourth pa gt.y J '! . 1 1 ' , . M t h J f : 1 v,. 1 A. 1!! V..