1 PUBLISHED WEEKLYi BY ' r-i . "X THE COIffSTITUTIOK-ANP. THE 'Vjn&S OK THE $TATE9-,THIii Y MTJST PRESERVED," xv 1 1 t i a lit w. n o i. p e iyf ; EDITOR J&D. 'PRoPRli&0 "! i i - ..':, I 1 t ... ' : " , .. . . -.. . - -'. TERMS. THE NORTH CAROLINA feTANP ARD TJBEE DOLLARS PER ANNUM itf ADVAKC' ' ' tbo? persons who remitby Mall" (posfage" paid)' pollars, will' be entitled to a Teceipt for Six Dollar rtwo rears subscription to the Srandsrd-t-oxieco- 1U' : j l " H'ubthe cash ($15.) will be entitled to tllo Stand- tId one year ree of charge. ; -. roTiJEMESTS not exceeding fourteen lines, will he inserted on time for. One pollar' and twenty-fire rents for each subsequent insertion ; tho9 of RreaU er length, in proportion." Court- JUrJerk and Judici al Advertisement will besbarged twenty-JBrejiep cent higher than the above raie.. A deduction of 33 1-3 per cent, will be made to those who advertise by tf,e year. OO-If the number of insertions be nottnark edon tlietn, they will be continued until ordered ojit. Letters to the Editor must come free ofpoalageiorthe mar not be attended to .: .. " -... g ' .. ' ' m. Company A, Rovau; Volunteers, Captain Long's -Defence. . From the Carolina Watchman. r Salisbury, February 8, 1847. Messrs. Editors : 1 shall make no apology to the public for'the apprarance of my own proper name in your'cblumns in behalf of m jjsrlf, to cor rect certain; rumors vhjch have been extensively ciiculated to my' injury. Till premise, Jovvev er. by stntinsr that ihoser Sports are libellous and ftlso, and by inviting all persons who may feel in terested, to a calm investigation of the circumstarf ces and acts under which I acted and which I will now lay beare' the public in a plain manner in the order of timein which' tney occur red. It is generally, known that a Volunteer compa nv was raised and organized" in Sil'sbury on tho 23-1 ff iy of June l.ifl.v'oviTvwhich l had the honor of b ing elected Captain. , Tbequisiiion, inobedi ence to which it was fornec onl required the men to serve twelve months. Our services were not thn demanded. 'Government after-wards chnnsfed its policy, and in-November foljovving another s:pnpral order was v4S.uetl from the War Department cariins1 upon the State of North Carr olini for a Res-im'ent to 'se'rve during tie tear iih M-xico. unb'ss sooner di.-!char-'ed. . Thi3 ex empted the Volunteers who had previously lnder ei their names ; but having Jaeen chosen Captain. I felt called upon to recruit my company and mike a re-tender of it.at as early a day as possible. H iving done so, I yofuntarily resigned the office ofCiptain, and was re-elected by acclamation, The Company was reported to Hi Excellen- CV. vjov. uranam, aoom ine ioin ni.u ennofr 1846, accepted on the 21st p c mb-r, rtnd Com missions were forwarded to the" Officers, with or der? to march to Wilmington. 3-e l iters' A. nnd B 1 The greater portion of"-my men had then been in bnrracksjn S ilisbnry several days, supported by the liberality of its citizens. In enm pliincc with the order, I fixed upon the Inst day of December to take up the line of march to Wil mington, as the eariiest possible time by which arrangements could be made to do 50. Afu-r considerable exertions both of myself and officers, having nearly completed the necessary preparations to commence the march to Wilming ton, on the 23lA of December, I received orders to rendezvous at Charlotte-by the 5th of January. See Letter C In obedience to this. I arrived in Charlotte with my Company on the 6th of Janua ry, at 11 o'clock, A. M. The General Older un der which the Regiment was formed contained on assurance that proper officers to- muster the men into the service of the United States would await them nt their points of rendezvous. I will here quote the language contained in the Order. The :' place of rendezvous will ba designated in a sub " sequent order within a v.ery fcv days, and offi 'cersof the Quarter-Master aoxl Subsistence De- iiiurimonio n?H n nrAomA tn ftifr.h nl irp hv the ence again to letter C. . On these assurances 1 fully relied : without them I could, not have .as sumed the rcsponsibility'bf carrying rdy men to Chnrlotte, in 1 the dead of winter, badly clad, un- provisioned, and without camp equipage, to-throw. them upon the charities of tbo citizens of thaU. place, however promptly and liberally tendered.; Upon our arrival at Charlotte, my surprise and mortification were great to find no provisions of any kind whatever made for our reception. The consequence of this condition of things-were dis astrous: my men became dissatisfied and disaf fected almost, to mutiny. They had relied upon the assurances contained ln.the requisition and in letter C. They were unwiljing to become ob jpcts of charily to a strange comrhunity ; , they were destitute of means themselves, "b ing most generally poor men, who relied upon their fcbpr for subsistence. , , - " . ... They were reconciled optfh the pledge of His Excellency, Gov. Graham, contained in a letter, dated Jjn. 2. and received after my- arrival at Charlotte, that an officer wou Id be there in a few nays, see letter D to muster them into service, and comply with the requi?iti6D....1JVe .were quar tered in the vicinity of Charlotte, in a very small house with only one fire-place, the best, however, that could be procured, which was kindly proffer ed by a citizen. . .We purchased the means of iiv-jj ing upon the faith of the money to be lorwardca upon the passage oTtho resolutions, then pending, as stated in letter B. Whilst the re during a pf riod of twenty days" the weather was exceedingly inclement and variable. " The result was that my men were visited with severe . pneumonias ; and olds, so much so that a largo number .wee. con fined ia that small house at one limej entirely in: adequate to the comfort of so many-under-the most favorable circumstances It was abs1)Uitey necessary to sustain ljf that the money appropria ted by the Legislature should be expended to pnii chase provisions. This was alik obvious to hffii cers and privates. The men withpnt dissenting voice agreed that the money should be laid out for this purpose, in proof of which, Isubjoin the following certificate: -We, the undersigned, officers alCamynny A" C. Vdtunloora Aa hori-hu nnrtifo th.it lh nhane meo. men- 01 vompany A.gavemeir recerpiior 1 . r - - . . - -. . ... A. Johnston, Q,u a rter-Master at this place, for ten dollars each : and by unanimous consent they ?reed that their Captain, Rich. W. L?ng, should I u'aw the amount that each mar) receipted fot, and " The above-named men' retefs to all the men en ro!Ied. It is not deemed necessary o publish thlr list as confainea in this Certificate, nv two jears. of iwo- copies om jeir.v , i raie lor six monmsv 11 . . - " War Department with funds to meet the expenses "incurred." "This assurance wasreiterated- in Gen. Hivwood' orders, as will be seen by refer- discharge all . the claims." that Compapy A, bad incurred. The total amount drawn for tbfe above; named men,was seven "hundred and ten dblhys,; ($710.y Tho claims against said Company up to this date,-" Jan. 19th' 1846, omoonted to foyj hundred anZf sfxty-fiVe dollars and thirteen cents, (46515,); andid to errch-of the aboyennmed, men three dollars, (,) Noah Jackson , excepted, making the-sum of two'. hundred rid ten dollars, ($210 ) - This Wtfunt included with. Abe Bills makes six hundred and seventyfire dollars and thirteen centsleaving a balance in Capt Long's hands tit thirty-three dollars and eighth-seven ceftts, (833 87 ) ' We all agree that the amount remaining -in' the: hands of Cat. Long, shall bo. used to pay pther out-standing debts against the Company A, and particularly to provide for thbse men who are now sick in camp. Oiven undel our hands and seals, as officers pf Company A, January 23d, 1847 . N ; '-: - . - -. -.RICHARD W. LONG, Capt.fsEt;r - - ' ROBERT AV.- IX)NG, 1st Lt. fsKAt. M.'W. COLE, 2d Lt. seal. t ' JAMES SPEARS, 1st Serg't Charlotte, N C. " .'. . Xhis certificate, I apprehend, entirely removes from me every imputation of having appropriated any portion 0 the public funds to .myself, as has been charged in various irresponsible rumors, and in one instance, in the public prints. The whole' amount received was seven hundred and ten dol lars' the whole amount paid out according to the above statement was six hundred ana seventy-nve dollarsand thifteen cents: leaving a baratice in,! my nanus 01 iniry-inree xiouars anu ngiiiy-cvrn cents, the disposition of which is satisfactorily acr counted for bv the lollowinsr certificate James I. Spqprg account A- Sprinss' - do. Cash paid Taylor for attendance to sick, Do. do. to C. Cozort, Cash paid foe chickens and rice, Saddler'3 bill for boaiding D. West, Do. do. do. . CapfJXong, 825 4 1 00 00 00 25 25 10 00 5X)0 . : $40 .75 Cash paid serf ant for attention to D. West, 25 " , - $46 00 January 2lst, 184 I do certifylhat the above accounts are correct 1. AV. VVAL.L.b. So tfiat it appears from the above, instead of haviag paid out $33 87, I have paid $46 00; a portion ot whi'h had to be taken irom mv own p.ivnte resources, or rather "Trom money I was compelled tr borrow. To explain the manner in which the money was disbursed, it would be as well perhaps, to insert the annexed certificate: .The following is a List of accounts filed and paid off by Rieharrl W. Long, Captain of Com- pany "A, nt Kenaezvous, inarioue, i. v., viz Dwidson & Sp rails' Bill, $163 84 W. W Elms' Mr. Cross m tMr. Oh tes' Lt. Long's Lt Richards' Free girl, Hetty's, ' Mr. Se ller's Major Morrow's . Capt. Owens'" Major Kerr's Davidson &SpraUs' Mr. Coleman's 168 4 4 9 4 IS 9 52 3 70 07 00 69 00 00 85 00 ic it IC (I (( u u u II it 10, 00 14 30 3 00 Paid Serg'taJKingsbnry to returjn hbrso and carry-all . . . ' . " .1 00 $466 12 . Charlotte, N. C. tle undersigned officers have examined e - the above accounts, and approve -of - the same. Given under our hands and seals. ROBT. W. LONG, 1st Lt seal ) M. W. COLE, 2d Lt. seal JAMES SPEARS, 1st Serg't, seal. January 23. 1847. . These statements must satisfy all persons of - J a candid mindg. that .entire integrity has been pre served in the appropriation of the State funds; nor can I reconcile it to myself to believe the charge wlas ever serjously entertained by'sensjble men; for howcould a mart holding office ' worth $600 per annum, permit himself to be cashiered for a less'sum, far a crime involving theforfeitufe of his own character, nnd the disgrace of his family? But it has been rumored tne company, was dis organized with my consent andtiy my proenrance, or at least bv my connivance. To rebut this im putation, the circumstnncei themselves as they oc- cured, are all sultteient l teia my meniogeiuer under- every disadvantage' in Charlotte twenty days; disaffected; sick, mutinous, the pledges of ffovernment unredeemed ; held together by no power on earth, save , only the confidence reposed. in me, and py wnicn 1 teei aigniy nanorea anu gratified. - . Surely this has no appearance f a disposition on my fftrt to'disorganize. But then the proof that as an officer my official conduct was not on Iv not culpable: but such as became an officer of of the army exists not inferential ly upon argument, nor uobninv own assertions, but upon the opin ion's of others competent to iudge, and of character sufficient to challenge denial. Here are the opin iortSof'the citizens of -Charlotte and rr number of mv -own men. : ' " 'We, "the nndcrs7gnedrcitixens' of ihe Town of Charlotte, take pleasure in stating that Vapt. Liong, since his arjival in thistTown, as tho Rendezvous of his Company, has conducted himself towards his men in an officer-like manner, as tar as we have been enabled to judge and that, pndeavoling to preserve the organization of his company, he has used the strictest discipline': and to those Who have beery sick, he has extended the utmost kind he's? in procuring medlcaraid as well as in grv ing his personal attclfillon -. . 0 G. W. CALDWELL, e ' - - . Cf J..FOX, , , " W. JW-. ELVIS, . ,.r'V Wif.iDAVrDSON, , . ;. . " H: C- OWENS, - 0. CALDWELL Tnri 130. 1847. We, the undersigncd.jrivates of Company A, commanded by Rich., W. Long, do certify that w never have at any time heard Jpapt. Long, or any of his Officers, gi velheir consent or. permission to inv niemDer or saiu uompHr w. n-oo 1.10 OUT" - .Lat Cant. Lbn?. in nr,v.i; nootiP in' his Wen.' solicited them to rc- main in tJirracus. nnu v. . ' , t 'A under no' consideration' ivk:ite.ver to leave without .:r&y were honorably discharged, apd vith these orders we have remain ed with-hirn up to this date; and we also state, at no onetime-sioce we arrived at our Rir racks in Charlotte, havr wp been without it plenty of good provisions. The iBarrancks - were ; the best T the citizens of Charlotte could Furnish us, and "we also ovaic luoi v;ipu jong. ana nis pmcers gavje their whole attention (o 'he Company except when jEey were indisposed.' jGivcn .. under. ;o.ur , hands' and seals, this the 25th of January, 1847 rS&v. r .- , nCharle8 Reich, v Alexander Boyd,1 -. f Jamrs A. Campbell: Alexander Clingman,' uiuca uuiiii, jno. M. oauoie, - " 1 ; his ? ' ' " his - Sarrtuel-'M. Smith.' ' , William M L "Jones, , ..mark .... Joseph M.k C. Reed James Glover, " r ,. marie . SamueUMoore, : : hiS ' - ' , Clark. i Tippet, mark H. Q. Ratts, Joseph B. Todd;. Jod. Sullivan. , T. W. Walls. XM. Fry, i P. A. Kennerly, W. P. Mooring, Jno. R. Gorrell,- I certify to the signatures of the within. ' : ; riJTT. -.W1 WALLS, e ax.. v; I am induced to believed these reports oxi?ina- ted from the deserters as an excuse for their con duct conduct which certainly admits of no, pallia tion. Having shown that no culpabilty' attaches to me in this affair,-it may not be improper to en quire into the causes which' produced dissatisfac tion in the first instance, and ultimately, .total dis organization. M iqy of th&c have already been mentioned, having a necessary connection with the chain of circumstances that controlled my conduct, viz: the failure of government to comply -. L -L . J L .1 I , wnn in terms unuer wnicn tne men.voiunteerea. want of camp equipage to renaer them comforta bleand conseouent sickness. The final disor ganization did not take place until, from the de: lay of United States officers to muster the men in to regular service, all means of further subsistence were exhausted. When this became manifest, but not till then, I tendered my resignation. Had I-beeri wealthy, possibly I might be obnoxious to the charge of not expending my own substance to provision the merj. But such Is not my. situation. Had there rjeen' any ceVtainty vith reference to thetime wfcjyi the officer designated by" the Gen eral Government to muster us into service, would arriye in "Charlotte, still the evil might have been remedied. But after having: remained at Char lotto sometime,. a letter appeared from Lt. Fre mont, published in several of the papersof the State, stating that he would not visit the place nn ti I at least-three companies had assembled there, or something to thot amount. This letter was seen and read by the men. It certainly had no tendency to relieve them from the uncertainties of their situation. . They had already suffered much. The period of their endurance seemed to depend upon contingencies they could not control, and such as they had not contemplated. How could they tell when others mijjht arrive? Having ex; hausted all their means, they were compelled eith er to go home or to starve. They chose the for mer alternative. Under the force of these cir cumstances I tendered my resignation to His Ex- VClitliv 1 1 jawa 'jiiuwiiii vii'iuw awai v iiiiuii y j take:c ffi-ct on the 25th, which was accepted, and ine company oroereu 10 oe aisoanaeu. uii me : ot Volunteers to., tne place ot rendezvous, o&c 26th ultimo, Lt. Fremont, the officer appointed to : Should it pass, as I think probable, rail road fare roaster, os into service arrived, when the subjoined 'can be easily paid, and there will be a further al correspondencp occurred.: lowance for clothing. I'lhink' you need not de- Charlotte, N. CT, 26th Jan. 1847. j lay at Salisbury for clothing, but can supply the SiRi I have the honor to inform you ihar in (company cheaper and better, perhaps, at Wilming obedience to instructions from the War Depart-- ton, besides the advantage of having a uniform. ; .. menl I have just reached this place and am ready You will exercise your own . discretion as to to muster into the service of thoVUnited States such coming bv this place or Fayetteville.1 Should the companies of theRgiment pf Volunteer Infantry called frorfflhis State as His Excellency the Gov ernor may' bave ordered to this rendezvous. .The cornp-iny from the County" of Rowan un der your command having, been reported ready for muster nt this point by the Governor, I will inspect and muster them into service to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. '. '9 I m very respectfully, your ob't servant. S. L FREMONT, ' , . 1st Lieut 3d ArUHejy, , Mustering Officer N, C Volunteers. Capt, R. W. LONG, , . Com'd'g Company :A" N. C. Volunteers. Charlotte, Jan. 27th, 1S47. ; Sir : I have the honor to "acknowledge the re ceipt of your favor of last evening informing me that you would inspect and muster into the service of the United Stages Company A " of the North Carolina Volunteers, under my command, this day at 10 o'clock. On the 2d inst I was ordered by His Excellen cy the Governor, to march my company to this, as one of the places of Rendezvous for the North Carolina Volunteers and by the same communi cation I was informed that the United States Mus tering Officers had been apprised of ihe fact, that my company would .reach this, place by the Slip inst, and was assured, that the company would be mustered in vcry- soon after lhaf day in case it should arrive. -. ' - :: In obedience to these orders I marched from the Town of Salisbury, with my companyon the 30th December and reached this place on, the 6th in stant Upon rfiy arrival I found" trTal thcr was no officer here to muster my companymtp the servicp, and under th4 belief that such an officer would arrive in twoor three difs at farthest, I retired with my company . into camp wferoI rc mained from the 6th to" the 20th instant, on vvrfich day,-there being still; ho officer present to receive the company," and provide for their support, and not having at ray command the means of subsist ence for the men, they 'became dissatisfied, and disbanded contrary to the orders .and strenuous exertions of myself, and officers. ,. It is proper to state further that desertions commenced on the 9th instant The men were badly provided for, and Exposed to the severest weather of, the seasgn, with oat caTifprq'orpage or any of the ordinary com forts of citizens or soldiers. " a.. The men of my company were informed before leaving their homes, by the general order pf His Excellency, the Governor, bearing - date Nov, 19ih. A. D. 1846, of the following regulation of ihe War Department: " ron-commissioned officers, musicians arrri privates, will receive inr advance tin ridejiirigihi plaice of rendezvous, twenty-one dollars to -pay for or provide clothing for six months, and also-be?al-: lowed fifty cents for.. every twenly mileS distance in going to the plaxe of rendezvous," See.. Dissatif iction '.was manifested by the men. so soon asUl?y; arrived at thisplace- and fotfndthat this order had nof been complied ' vithj;frtr they had. made no provision for othing before leaving their homes; expecting that iheledgc of the Dc partmeht wQjjld ba complied vith, and that they would he furnished with the meaps upon their(sar riwnf of rendering themselves comfortable. , In consequence of the greai exposure of . my , company while encamped .here, . rborethatupne nail er the men had, from time to time, been placed upon the "Sick listi and hve are now lying dan gerously ill tvith vneufnonid. Prom these causes the officers-pf. the company found it- utten v im possible 16 keep the ' men together. Jhe.'grealir; portion of ray men are now. scatterethrouffhbui the counties of Rorfan and Davfdson I hare in formed His Excellency, theGovernor, of the con dition of my company andam now waiting his orders . .- : ?f.t-: - ; -i "T- I am, very respectfully, .j -: ' ' " ' ' ' . ' " your ob't. servanf : r ' ; : v rich'd w. long; y' " Capt. Comp. "A," N. C. Vol. Lieut. S. L; FREMONT, v : . . Mustering Qfficer. : ' , . . . In this statement I have attempted to attach cul pability to no. manJ My soloobiect has been to vindicate myself from charges of-Which1 1 am in nocent.? I am perfectly wil"u to assume respon sibility for any act I may have done, nnd that aiy cnaracicr may- oe measurea oy my. jconujict. .1 nave.inereiore inouffht ; necessary to state every transaction which has occurred connected with the disbanding of the Rowan Company, fully and fair ly, not relyingr upon my assertions. I have pro cured the certificates of other gentlemen of char- acter, wfto feel - ho further interest in the matter, tharr a wish to make known the truth. : - " . ; RICHARD W. LONG. . Adjutant General's Office, To Capt. Kichard VV. Lono, ' ' - . : - 1 ; Commandingjlhe Company A, of North Carolina Volunteers: Sir You are hereoy commanded 'to' march your company from their present pTace of rendcz vous, in the most direct route to VYfimington,1JJie place of general rendezvous for the Regiment re quired of North Carolina, and report your com pany ready for inspection to the officer who is commissioned by the War Department for mus tering" the Reffiitient from North Carolina into the service of the United. States "Respectfully, your obt servant R W. HAYWOOD, Adjt Gen'l N. C. M. ' B. " -: " ' Executive Office, Raleigh, Dec. 23d, 1846. Sir I am much gratified, to receive informa lion, of the completion of your company, and have instructed the Adjutant General to issue orders to you. to march immediately to Wilmington. . I have also directed him to . make inquiries as to transportation from here to that place, on the Rail Roads. He informs me that the President of the ; Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road agrees to convey Jthe troops at $1 each", and the Wilmington Road at SI. 50: making 82.50 per man, from here to Wilmington. A resolution is before the Legisla- iture, making an appropriation to pay the expenses appropriation be made, I will at once supply to t l . . 1 mA ... i. . l vou r company a part of it whether yetL. tike the orieToad or other . r ' - '. flease present to your company and accept for, yourself my especial thanks for the gallant and 1 promptness with which they have responded to the call made upon them With high respect, ' :", your obed't. serv't . . WM. A. GRAHAM Capt Rich'd.1 W. Long, uommo g. sovran volunteers ' ' - . C. Adjutant Gene"ral's Office, i Rileigh, Dec. 26, 1846. To Capt Rich'd. W. 'Long, . ' Com ma hd ing the Company ' ' No. A. of the N. C. Volunteers : Sir-Ifyou have not received my former older to ma meh vour eomnanv m Wilmintrton. or if vou have ! not taken up the line of march, for lliatfen- dezvous, you are commanded to march your comM pany to Charlotte, the place -of rendezvous for the companif s of the Western part of NorihCarotrna. Your company will be expected to be at Char-lotfo-by the. fifth of Japirary when" thee will be an officer commissioojd by the War Department to muster yonr company into the service of the Uni ted Stotcs.- r ' , . ? r. Respectfully your ob't. sey't, R. H. HAYWCDOD. .; " ' .:.. : . Ad't Gen'l. N. C M. By order of 'the Commander-in-Chief. ? - D. -; ' t EElcutiyFT Office, ' ' , .fealeigh, Jan.. 2d, 1847.1 Dear Sir As there has. been sopae chapgon' the oiders recently issuejj to .you,- lh'conseqnorice of letters received from -the Officers of the United Stales, I fasten to advise you that I am gratified to learn that you-have marched'for Charlotlo. : 1 ha re ' a pprised 1 st. Lieutenant Sv L. Fremont,. Ass't. Cluarter Master?at Wilmingtorinnd Bre vet Major 'R. D. A Wade', Mustering officer, at EjDU Moultrie,-near Charleston, S..C, that, yon will boPat Charlotte by the 5th inst It may -be possible that they rriay not . arrive for a few days alter you. You must make the- -best provision you Jcan for ijrour company until they 'reach Charlotte, ond report tp them. Or either of them immediately after their arrival. . . . V Willi mv thanks to vour rrallanf comnanv. and I- - ".-; J - o I ' J 1 assurance of regard fot their commander, I remain very truly yours, ? .. - WM: A. GRAHAM. Capt;R.-W. Long: vV'; -'itcttcr from Liiil. Itichard-i. , r . For the North Carolina-SUndafd. . . " Mr. EniTOR: To-day hat been the first lime which ! havebeenblelo lay barVds upon Gipl. Lqng's defence j Jind having read. it carefully, I present Jhe following review of the sanc,.. which L must; saV has been composed wilfvfee lings of sorrow rather than anger.- : . . '' . . : , To one:who knows all the facts of ihe case, the Captain's defence-is not viewed in a very envktbl ugnif ,wiu,-"owin;ocu.Bopni5uy vvi at if istance,5 while its bosom ray be hlled Hvith attemptedto be th town ppon the ;case, truths yili hhe'rotten remains of a body of vVltJiny. l stand up notwtthstandiMg. . - - The next certificate is a stronger document in- I can,1 'wjth6uCafIecuitibn,' deflare that" J. regret the disgrace thrown upon Company , A., Every member has beenshaded bv it, whether; they, de serve itor not -the desejvirig, the undeserving, all, have to share alike in lhedisgracc. : And, hot only this, but Rowan 'and Davidson have tof sufftf top; .and evenr' the Stateltself, Tqrehe-is now left with but' nine companies in her regiment i "Ai3 lyhether.tbe bTame rests most, upon the -Captain or eisewnere time will enow, - 5 . .; ; . .In reviewtngrthe causes that ; have4, produced thisflect rsballiuso plain Ian G-Unee, mid calf things by their right names and; 4 if offnce-is given to anySone, it is not intended. : Yet, I feel myself responsible for any thing I may write or say, upon mis or any other subject , :-; II, cannot be expected that I should wn out the history of iCompany A. If I had an Inclination so to daf time .will nor admit ; arid, if I even wertf to I doubt' not lh-it . would not be afpleating comparison to manjrpeople.-' -'Henee, I'vrfl ton-' hne myself , chiefly To a. review oi Capt Long s defence,and notice some other fitctS not mentioned therein. ' '. .i' " ' Effects may generally be traced to their causes if they cannot, it is none the less true that a cause did produce the effect Tow, if the true, causes can be traced out that produced the eflecl-of first scattering Company A and then disbahdingft, I shall feel fully satisfied with the matter, v ! There are no doubt many causes' that brought about this effect, but it will be. impossible to notice them all;. I shall notice but a, few of the' most prominent r V lt is no doubt well known that the Department of War had fixed the place of rendezvous of North Uarohna at Wilmington,; before Company A. ' w any other Company in the State had been formed ; butcher this, for purposes besttnown to those who did it, at the solicitation of some one nigh in power w this State, the Department was induced to establish another rendezvous at Charlotte, but detailing no mustering Officer exclusively for it, notwithstanding Capt Burke Was within 40 miles thereof nearly the whole time. It is-cxecedingly J to be regretted that the mustering Officer was not . 1 . e. 1 1 . t . j 1.1 - inougni oras4eii as ine rendezvous oy tuosc wno became so officious in ihe matter. ' . f shall not presume to say what motives opera ted on those who procured the rendezvous at Char lotte ; it is to he hoped it va3 intended for the fur-; therandof the publjp service; but whether, it this, or to furnish a-plea to confer the appointment of i?eld Umcers upon the Governor, it hStbcrn and gratified. ijrood heavens ! This out. attended with bad cohseTjuencPB. J Hetods Herod 1. This, in my deliberate- opinion, Comply A. was ordered by the Governor, first is"t he very reverse owhatis true.- The cntjr' to WilmipgTprT and then to Charlotte; and the or,- loss of confidi nee in X'opf. Ing by the mrnris' der Teqjiired the Company to be at Charlotte by certainly one of the principal causes of the creak-" the 5th of January. This, order irqiii red a great, ing upo the Company. And how -ho can now, deal of despatch on the part of the Company OfB- in the face;: of day, make.the foregoing dec la ra cers. and. after orest' exertions, the Comnanv was lion, when- facts stand no in suchf bbldarrar; I j j r. , j r j j , i . " J brought up to Charlotte on the 6tb. JjJut, in doipgytannot conceive. It is the general opraiorY tf other this", many of ;he men were forcrd to leave home had been in command,. the Company. would have at a moment's warning,' some vifithoutcont An tabic, held on, notwithstanding all the grievances under' clothes, andmany without blankets, and with but'j which tliey labtTured. . a miserable tent large enough to accommodate six The Captain assigns the want of supplies' otift". men, was all the shelter the comparty had. Yet, such..wa the spirit, the patriotism, of both officers , they must enher starve or leave. vow,vhnt are and wn, that nil these were considered but trifling i the facts ? - -A Hhe lime of the inerr's Itstving there hardships. They -considered A l, when thcurj was a plenty of provisions on hand to last severnki country was in danger her child renjjught never to days. In ,f ct it supported tliSfe t ho, did tfof falter inkier defence. After the Comprnv reach- leave some tirfie. Over and aboVethis, there wS ed Charlotte, notwithstanding the mustering Offi- 8225 still due, company A. that was hot drawn, ' ' . . .1 .!- t w . t . ... U I ."k ...... 14 I .....A.I ..1 cer was not present, they remained for nearly three . weeks waitingor one to'come. They wailed the! j greater part of this lime with heroic .fortitude, . i m 1 .1 . , f , . - j but, when other causes, unlooked for: began to'l operate in conjunction, the men became discon - - tented and left for their homes.. It is indeed to be, lamented that the thought of establishing a ren- jdezvorfs af Charlotte ha4 ever been conceived, i i iui, ii.iu iu ia vuwi iiau y ucvii iiiaiiiiiu iu r vi'iM'Ji" i . . t i i i . i - . ton, wnere u wouia nave oeen musterea into ser- vlce,JI have nodoubt but that it would now have - been sailing for Santiago, in Mexico. Hence I ' consider Ihe-cstablishing a-rendezvous nt Uhar The-maxim of some men of'ancient times " to rule or ruin" I fear has not been entirely unprac-j ticed by an Officer in Company A. I understand that one of them said that he would never march to Mexico in . his present grade,' fur. he. was too small lb look well on the ground ! One thing is certain he did not look well enough then to go. But I had rather die. a private Upon the plains of! Mexico, and be burried and forgotten, than to be in nis situation, now ocauumi so ever ho mignt think it to be. Death L.have always been instruct ed to prefer .to a. base, dishonorable net The infamous Mexican preamble did harm ; the law .conferring the appointment of FiVlJ-Officcxs upon the Governor more"; and the appointments under the circumstances oidnotbing (iQ.rawc thcvjelemenls in the Com pany. "Bet lcitlofscd Vfor mfrself. and, so Air rfs I was able to extend it Jo others I did, the sentiments of thebfave old Ad miral in the days i)PXL?rom well: litis true," said be, Io not like Cromwell over tv-f ll,-yet I rttVe my country so dearly that I am determined tode fend her if those dofeowimancf vliom I drfnot likej' But Capt Long says, 'in his defence, that him self and Officersdid all in their powerta keep the Company together. Iligree withhitaTfntst cheer fully, souar-nsHhe Dniccrs, excenfehimself.t wcrC concerned,. But asto Ca fit Long's doing all '-withf in his power to keep the Cnmpany togethej",. I cannot, dare-not believe but, on the contrary I fear he did covf rliy the reverse. Fo,- if by tell ing soldiers if they wanted to leave they might go. nnq go (1 shall not say where) for what he eared ; or; that a henjia knew a large portion of the men were about. leaving, 6 use.no means to prevent it, either by placing out proper guards or vrn ap pearing in person to frown it down ; or if sayyig that he4vas not'going under such a batch as were appointed to command the regiment? f acting in- this way was doing all he could to icerp the Corn jparry together, I mrrstcon I have bernin. a gross error all ihy days as to cause and'rflect i cannot go into an-me points ne touches-, it is I proper to notice.two certificates that be has brought up tg sustain himself. ;lhe first is fignedJy a n'ttmjjer" tfj the most respectable citizens of Char lotte, and stattsjio more than they believe to be -so but there if-a greal difference between a man's living in camp nnd one mile off ; and fhVy appear to be very careful npl to say tbraihings arip so,' but so fa r as they ire able to judge,.' jT.hr r is a great difference in the judgment between those vfhb are enabled to view the -surface andnhose who could ,see. the bottom. Some, rivers haye smoth surfaces whose beds are but & mass rf: sediment. of x:ilfivdecaying bodies. - The srpulchre',my glitter lotto and its consequent order &c. to be one of the j tney nau about tnracn man rai$ first causes of the disgrace of Company A., to relieve the sufT-rirfg. Then could v deed. - Jtr purports to bo,sjgncdby a, pornber,fof the privates ofthifxrpDy. serish,y.t .neitbejthantajflt aofqyol'is cers gave .penTjissionno ant'rnan tri leave nnA thaf lUW VyOIJTBUilJ V II4U 1)U IU-V Ul KVOU UTUVIflQllS UIUM riebbarraSkli: fhepitrenould aFbcdv- ...Thiii, jpn vajesf ithis; cU.fiteswas '1nja?n(JefJr Tor a different -marked than.hit .to. which: t r haa been, bro.ugM,aud, pJov.e8 pepiselywhaCspt?li'rX- , f.nncr riff Arwnrrl jr ia rtrtf iriffVmsi: 'rtmpft lhnt the ,ifiii wpe compelled. .either tc srjeHefr ..But a'lvord as regards, ttie.cerlicates retjfj iwircu uouDi vynnner very many oi memjumr enn derstood it when they sigpedfti-at IeiiSt Sei ejaf oJ, them demanded that their 03, rnes shoWji1 be. (r jtsedfi. I understand tfiat Capt .Long iola them ho ihtdi . dpne or 1 would do . it, . Among'them jare JI2Jy JJoby ahd, Charles Reich ;Ahd there are; seven; others of them that Capt Long innnenccd to entef, the regular secvicej -ihese are SarfiiL Smith, Jo-, seph McRead, James Glover, y.&.JrJppeeiSai&, uoi Aioore, and OJark I ipprt; anoTTicrtt-d, lara. irtformed, every : man there present to Vntert'hei . regular service f I s -S much fbi-thUccrtificatau and no one permitted' fo" leave. ?r - ? . i n c 4 J In speaking of my much respected friend,: Capt-, Burke, I do it with riom? .other thaa.thK kindest, feelings ; and I believe. th,rt Captain ,B. did nothn; ing in ibis-matter, but what itvns his duly- to"do i, On - returning to Salisbury.-1 wtd informed bf several gentlemen of ihe highest respectability that CapL' Long had written, while at CharloltCi tcfr sctmc of his .friends in Salisbury for advice cirfo' tho' manner for him.to get out of the M sera pe.V I. know not the general answer, but I heard a para' graph rcafdrom a letter to the Captain that cori-f vinctd.rne what the advice of some was. .At any, rate, it is said that Captain Long .wrote to Captain' Bure to come on to Charlotte, or.he (Capt..:B.jf could get a number of recruits., Accordingly"! when Capt. B. arrived what does Capt L do but: leaves the " Captain's .Office," and runs down to eamp and solicited all has men. present to--enlist I. its, and he (Capt. L V having took, prior to Ihjsv t.i .1 r -cc-- 1 me oiuu 01 oiuce i . . . The Captain .fuithcr says ".J held Utij meii ifr gelher inVAarlolle twenty days, dissected, sick, mutineering ; the pledges of the Governmtai un. icdee mcd: held 'together by no ouier powerTon earth save only the confidence reposed in jibT Capt. Long, and by ichich I feel highly honor ; of the grand reasons for the- men's leaving that which woufd have supporXorf the company at least a fortnight; and further, "the Stato was mdoabtedv ly bound for 1 he support f the: company. sJ But . f. .1 r . r . 1. r. 1. ; . . i . y-i further. One. of the wealthiest merchants in the. plac tiiforrtied me and si id it publicly that" whatever lhe. company needed until they were mustered into service, they should have it. . And not r this only;7 bot if our fricndS.at horae tvohkl - . .. J " - v.-'o' Ji) uuiiui nicy l ...... i i . i i ... i t rr vuum u.i vr.uifi n sn;iriu.yiin us., juoojf ior in-., stance at the cinki'ns of Davjdson. 'In a'Xew hocr after they'xvere informed IhaCneir brothers were , snivering; wun com in inc oarracKS of vnarrott, q anu sent on . re have sun- that our friends would have let us starve No. Davidsoostfonnty herself would. have raised oney enough to have supported the company, a fortnight before she. would have seen the company , butchered up as iVhas berh; and I hnve no doubt but that Ronlih would havo done the same bene, lhi pleads, nothing, but a.rotten humbug. , . . - I will now touch the money matters, and sde ; how things stand in regard to this Subject Capt. Ling says fhat $710 was nil the money .' heTdresv for company A-. Is, this trije, or, is it , false ?.' I shall be able to prove the negatived 4 It is not true. ' ; '..';'; .7 I. '.' ' .Lt us l St the fnct .Gov. Graham mad'er; Wm.' Johnsoq of Charlotte, Paymaster for that jeuVzyous to disburse the5tite?s bounty jolhe vpt,, itntffers,'an cfirccted him. to pay to eajjh non-com, missiorKd office. and-(trivAlq, facb,r to the, Lieutenrnts $L5tcoch, nncl to Tthe a plain $2d. Wellthe reporf-or father certificate of C.ptaip Lopg.shows th- there were 7 1 jnen signed the f e- relpts j i irj th is is included the'scjgea nts apd corpo-. r.iv non-com .missioned .officers: y Fr-thee? he d r'civ $ 1 0 each, ma king the-8Z Q h ich be . sets, foth as the wholi .arnount;dravn?and out, of, vhclv all the expenses of the company. Vcre paid . cvci Capt LongViills atllTp taverns,, and.when theT men corn e to rivettrc-ir'. morxey ibry f r tferved' , but $3 instead of$jo.- JJtJt there' happened to fa a Captain and three LjeHtenants totompqfiy A, and for those he drew asTollowsi;"-!... C' : Vrei" For the Captain, ... ,;,,; $jt6C For 3 LJeiitenants $15 each, j ,t ; - 45vCi For 71 men and iiop-com. pfficcrs .t,. jW Making.a total of - . ,v . T;) -t.-.-TJ $775 ihsteadf $710, aliflerence ot out $65- . A pretty-: close calculaijon indeed in a sum of Jefsjhari &8&Qti or Capt- Long. did , not rriiss ihc truth more lbaf one tctitli of .the whole sum. v. " . . Yes, and this is not all ; but look at it in anothef - I light What kind of justjeews jt to fconipeiilhe met. anu non com missionea orncers toDaveto pay tali the experises of the corhpany nnd exempt the comv. missioned ofHeers from paying any at all yefjlo, take $7 out of the private's $ I Q to. pay Expenses,. -even the ;stpport of Arte., effmmifsieetied .:ojficer tI?enisel.vesJeaviog them but' birely$3 to caclM ma, nnd at the same tiftVe paying the com mission ed officers their, rntie. amotihts, viz TheCap- tain his $20 and the Xseirtehants rath ti This, is CapC Lang's arraogement of money mat: ters, as rtfO fiisown crftrficate goes topfdvn. r,j 1 Whrn fiirding.rJie gross:inusj,ice pfacticrd Hpbn the non-comm;ssionfdj)fficrrs andmen; when see ing the men hivering with cold upon shucks-and-straw i with very -little cow frig through the. Jdog chilly nights tf januarythen'turntng my tftt'Ut" a comfojtable wclfTumish d room-one rttfe ofl,