TT ? , . ;7. J ;7 T77-': t'j 7:r? 7 Vs-v..: 7 '7- '' . .';-. ... . , : ... :. '7; ;--'-?-' -7 -' ; 'O 77': '-; . : ; -:-', . . V ' : . .. " V . , . . . s . : . " . . - , . - - . . . y. ' ' ' . .; : . . 3 . 1 . V f: u iW ' V? -.Is 7- ) V ! V : I: 7w 7j7 - 'it i - 'J ; 7r , i. i"- i mi i,;Mi5; r. 7-t; 1. i 'M.l if x I .-1 1 i i i i NEW BOOTSrANDcSIIOES !! ! noon djejlou the xoy Tcr, ir-rniil.n - MmMtfali inform the PiiWie that" tlie VV hare a very large asaortment of Boots and. Shoes, OmpriBUIg H yii ( . . For the Gentlemen. 850 Xair Men's Snp. Calf Skin lXooti,' Cases Man's up, in apoieon, . Cases Boy's, Good article, t s 3 Cases Youth's f . . WuraDie arucie, NEGROE'S . SHOES, of all lunds. ( 1000 Pairs liioed and Bound Crosans, . (Prices from counts to viwyj. ,' ' :T6x'tiie Ladies. J 7 .7 950 Pairs l.alle thick WalltliiB SIiocs, S50 100 400 100 60 0 100 100 ' KidBustiri, , ' , " Ties, r , . i . ' -1 u ' " Common Leather T r' 'Thick Soled Gaiters,' v H' : ' Straps,;. ; ' Kid Slippers Morocco SlippeTs, - . -. 4V' - 'Women's .Goat Bootees, s -' Forr Misses and Children 100 PtUrs ITClsse Fine Goat- Dootees. 100 " , Kiot l V 100 ""- Leather '': 200 . Children's Goat Bootees. r; , 7 ; Saoe-Findinjf Kit. Iasis &c7 . -Lining Skini, Calf Skins, Sole- Leather, Morocco . Binding do. and indeed every thingor. he trade kept for sale by them. Also, 10,000 lib, Oali-Taiined Sole Iieather.' E W ire determined to sell, and not to be out done in giving good Bargains to purchasers by any house in the CUy. As our Stock is much larger than any other house, we think wc can fit and suit them bet Ur. Call and. examine for yourselves, before purchasing isewhere.' C t v . U " i : ; ': November 22, 1848. i. 733 i - ; CHEAP BOOK' STATIONERY STORE, ACCOUNT B OOICM A NUFAC TORY,. : v v-Xiyp'. PAPER ;WAREHOysE.. 7 7. -"HENRY D. TURNERj,.7 SO 1, FATETTSVIIiLC STREET, KALEIGH, K..C. W'OULD invite the attention of his friends and the public generally to his choir e assortment of ' Standard Works, , , in the several departments of Literature-, including The ology, Medicine, -Biography, Civil and Ecclesiastical History, Poetry, Natural and Moral i hilosophy. Natural History t Architecture, Voyages and Travels, Fine Arts, Classical and General Literature.', ... , - - "'7 School Books, 7 oomprising all the various kinds in use, at the lowest market price... 1 vT - ' Vr . Particular attention paid to furnishingPublic, Family, Church, Law,' andSchool Libraries. ; j - ,. ; L " - " Staple ana nancy oiuiiwutrj. i English, French, and American, comprising in part, Drawing, Writing, Letter and Note Papers, Envellopes, Tissue and Taney Papers, Quills, Gold and Silver Pen--oil Cases, Enameled Cards, Black, Blue Red, Scarlet, and Copying Inks, best quality, Ink Stands, every variety; Paralell Rules, Red and Black Wax, Gunter's Scales, Port Crayons, Paints, Measuring Tapes, Writing Desks, Backgammon "and Chess Boards, Lbess Men, Mates, Pocket Books, Wallets," Purses, Portfolios in great varie ty, Pocket Memorandums, Ivory and Pearl Tablet Card Cases,. Dice and Dice Boxes, Knives of all kinds, Sec, The Whole comprising one of the largest and best select- ad Stocksjof the kind to be found in the United States. Books imported to order. - A complete assortment of blank Books always on hand. Books ruled and bound to any pattern required., ' November 1, 1848. " , 730 To the At f UctedIlatiug' Compound v Syrnp of IVapllia, ; t 7 58 now being used in nearly all our hospitals, and is also coming in rapid use amojogour beat physicians, for coughs, colds, and all diseases of the longs,: It has : been recommended in the worst state ot consumption, by the" celebrated physician, Doctor Moll, qf New jork; and Dr. Arnold, of Savannah, Geo., writing to the agent atNew York, under date of Jan. 30, 1848: '"Ireceiv " d the half-dozen Hastings' Naphtha Syrup, ordered from yoo.Tknd am convinced that Naphtha is the princi pal ingredient.. Enclosed is twenty-five dollars, for Which yon will send me two dozen and-a-batf bottles more. I have two patients in the Marine-Hospital, whom I think will be benefitted by it." -. - - . SATXirif ah, Feb. 9th. 1848. Mr. M, A. F. HARRisojr : . . Dear Sir At the suggestion of Dr. Arriold, the phy sician of the Hospital of which I amone of th directors, I would like to supply -myself with Hastings Wood Naphtha.- The Doctor ordered, tome days since, some . for the' ue-pf tbe Hospital.' Should yon deem proper ' to send the article on liberal terms, 1 can forward the eale ot it in our 'city; Yours truly, . J. TURNER BROS. Nona genuine wUho'at thsr Written Sitignatureot M. A. F. Harruqx on tbe wrapper. Price jjoe dollar a boftJe,- Six bptflesjbr five dollars. The usual allowance to the trade. . For sale Wholes! and Ratail by Pesnd Jt Johnson, aad Williams, Haywood, & Co , Raleigh N-C. - . Nov. 11, 1848. 1 . ; - , 73 ly. i . . . i in n' . i . I, i i i . Important Remedy Dr. Ulitcbell'i JEye fsalire. ; CERTAIN, safe and effectual cure for sore, weak Land inflamed Eves; designed expressly for diseases of the 'Eyes. The unparalleled' success which has at tended the use of this' preparation, and the acknowledg ed necessity for some article which can be relied upon, as remedy ' in severe cases of Opthamic affection' which are so prevalent in this country, ; induce the proprietor to make arrangement through" hif Agents, to place his 8alve within the reach if . every individual whe may need the benefits which may result from its use. ,- The great, advantages possessed by this article over very other, Its d rtainty, safety, convenience and econo my. A.ll Physicians dnit that great danger is to be ap prehended from .drugging the eye'' when in an inflamed and' unhealthy state. In the use of this 8alve this objec tion is entirely removed, as no harm can possibly result from its use ; it being, in all cases applied to the external portions of the eye thereby avoiding all the inconveni ence, pain and danger," which necessarily attends the in troduction of any pungent article into the eye. Its ac tivity in subduing the inflammation, is so great that but few eases require the use of more than one Bottle to ef fect a perfect cure. ". . -'. - , , The above Medicine is for Sale in this City by Messrs. Williams, Haywood & Co. and. by Messrs. Pescud and Johnson ; and at the North Csrolina Bookstore, by Mi Turner and by other Agents throughout the State. Raleigh, Sept, 13, J848. ; . r v , . .. 723-9m. " ';;-j ..A'Pike,--: ,;7,", -. 7-7".' rj3HE vffllna. IrismanceTCompany bf Hartford, Coni. tcr- ofiexa.tei insure- Buildings and Merchandize, against Iosk of dainageiy re at premiums to suit the time , This Is one of Ihe oldest and best Insurance Companies in the United States, and pays its losses promptly, f j Application fox. Jnauxajjce. in-Raleighor its vicinity to bo made to r. "- , 8.AV4- WHITING, Agent. ' And for Milton, N. fX, and vicinity, to- , . -v I . , October g0, 184$. ,: ' 676:Iy1, ;Oardeti Seed, Crop of,lS4s,; 7 iP. Every Deacriptionreoeivjed-this. day direct front V aaQdfetns. toa ptns. ix u, a ukner, i.;yJiorft Caxolifta Book Store.: .787- P7 BARGAIN$ ! BARGACfSriGOOD:, :BAKUAW8,! WTIOLESALE AND - BE TAIL GKqV MAEKlf THBIT,AI.KleH,.K.C- - Vtttw 'tinharriTx has. now in store-for sale large .arid Veil selected quantity ' pH SAIiT, SUGARS, tUKrJfciis, SHOES and LEATiiiiKi--"- t verylow, and in fact a general issortmerit aBd"Tariety of r.i c.iu- irTTiT4V'rtdAvfir'- . of bougnt with thai-very scarce article called vasirj ivnicn ne now offers 'at iow3 prices for7 Cash, ' or short time to ....... - a - r-' (.nA VAMivixl froro liw friends in the City aid surrounding country; he. hopes oyiairaeaimg nu onicw lwu7" . seeure a onuBuance or me same.- ; - iKi cobDX)tDXiq,troRS. f ; -r-ft ShouTd the gentlemen of the apprdafching. Legislature want any7 good old Liquors, he will be pleased to furnish them. Jugs, Decanter and Tumblers .loaned also. " ; Also," on hand somer' of the hest'. family RpeHfrrings Rags,- Feathers Beeswax,'' Dry Hides, V&C, .t. barter. --viv . rft-.----5" v- - f , ; ; TrVi.t BtrecC 4th door North side. wj ,w-nii not to be-indersold by Any regular nhint in tV fcitri JORDAN WOMBLE. Raleigh, Sept 3848'"! 7 ': ' ; :7 i- Court of Pleas aid Quarter Session, Nqv Term, 1848. Harrington Daniel, vts John E. Ltndaey f Petition r:. i to erect a Mitt.. 'f 1 rr appearing to the satisfaction'of the Court that the defendants, AlfVeo? Xewis anK Jesse Pope and wife 8usan are non-residents: It is therefore ordered h the Court, that publication .be iaadelnT the North Caroling Standard for six weeks successively, notifying the said defendants personally to appear before the Justices of th said Court at the" Term thereof to be held at the Court House in Nashville 0i the 2d Monday m'Fehruary next, then and there show eauso why the prayer of the peti, tion should not be granted and the land condemned to the plaintuTs use. - -v - - ' ;- J V Witness, John W. Bryant, Clerkxf our said Court, at office'in Nashville the 2d Monday ef Nov. A. D.-1848. f a JNO. W. BRYANT, C. C. C.- (Prvadvv$5 62j-cts.) -A - v ' l) 738 6t; ; Valuable River; Xds ftrSale ? A' TRACT of Land lying (more than a mile in front) on Alabama River, inWilcox - cbunty, four miles from Camden. andnearlvoDDOsite Bridgeport--contain- -ing one thousand and eighty acres all of which is Low nrnnnrTa. exMot eiVhtv acres. which is lip. Land anT a eOod spring1 on it The Low Urounds ail lie nign auu , . , .7 2f.- , I. V- - 1 -. Wrood Land, except enough. fresh cleared Land on it to work twenty-five or thirty hands-a Framed House, Crib; Negro, Houses, &c. Spring Water, on the bank of the River, and if desired a small 'ract Of. Land about a mile from the Plantation a high healtliy" -situation, ffood SDrinar Watcf a Framed Dwelling House,' Kitch en, as. healthy a location for a Family residence as any in the Southern County. Air the above- Lands I would sell on accommodating terms as toprice and pay ments. - ' -"M. H. PETTWAY. - Near Canton Post Office, Wilcox Co., Alabama. . f . - i .. 739 -Pw Obituary Notice. " Died, at the residence of Redding Richardson, in John ston County, on the' 17th of December, 1848, Mr." John Leonard, son of Caleb Leonard, formerly a resident of Stanhope, Nash County. ' jThe subject 'of this brief no tice died at the age of twenty-five years. " Mr.'Leonard was left without father or mother. HLs mother died when he was very young, and his father some years after married a second wife and moved to the South, when he left- his wife - by whom he . had some children, and also, his oldest son John, who, finding him self abandoned by his father, made his way back to this County. His illness, which was that of Consumption, was long and lingering, yet borne with great patience and fortitude. REDDING RICHARDSON, .,. v ;. 139 2t. " DISSOLUTION: " THE Copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of Pescud & Johnson is this day dissolved by muty al consent. . P. F. Pescud is alone authorized to settle up. the business of the late concern. P. F. PESCUD, v ; C. E. JOHNSON, Jr. Raleigh, Jan. I, T849. . . . - ,739 ' THE Subscriber having purchased of Dr. C. E. John son, Jr., his entire interest in the late concern, will continue the Drug and Apothecary business in its several branches- He has recently examined the stock on hand, and thrown away such Medicines, &c as were inert, or injured by age, and received additional supplies, needful to make-the stock compIeterAeni(rt7y of which is guar antied. He hopes, by assiduous, attention to business, with the aid of competent assistants, to retain' the liberal patronage which was extended to the late concern, and to ' secure the trade of many; Physicians ' and other pur chasers, who have hitherto bought their supplies in Nor thern markets and elsewhere. , ! P. F- PESCUD. January 1, 1848. . - . ' . 7 739" THE .undersigned, although he has no pecuniary in terest in the Drug and Apothecary store of P. F. Pxsccn, late Pescud & Johnson, will continue his pro fessional connection with this establishment, and super intend the putting up ef his prescriptions a heretofore. tie also assures his friends that the medicines dispensed herein, filling his prescriptions, shall be of the best quality, and he hopes the same patronage will be extend ed to the present firm that was enjoyed by the firm of Pescud and Johnson. - CHAS. E. -JOHNSON, Jr. Raleigh, Jan. 1st, 1849. . ' ' : -- . 739 CLrOTHING ! CIXJTOI JTG I - '-' Tcisdat, Dec 26, 1848. RECEIVED and opened 'this -morning, direct from our manufactory in Newarky New Jersey,- .36 Cheap Tweed Frock Coats, - 34 Pairs' Cassimere Pants,- ; f' ; : ' - 34 do.-'.".-8atfc'; do. .t L i.Y 36 Fine BIk Satui Vests, - . - S4 do, do; Cloth Frock Coats, V -7 -' r "ALSO; :r-'--v On hand a large lot of fine Over-Coats and Cloaks, which will be offered at reduced prices for cash.' ' Call at - -EL. HARDING'S - - Clothing Store. Raleigh, Dec 27th, 1848.;- ' . 1 - 738 -r. I. O. of O P. " - THE Unfted State's Odd FellowY Register, compris ing a complete list of all the Lodges and Encamp ments, working under a legal charter, granted by .lhe Giand Lodge of the U. S., their time and place of meet ing, and othef information relative to the.Oj.der.,i;4, Also, the Odd Fellow's Gift, for all times and seasons, by Kate Barclay, Editress of the Odd Fellow's Token. Odd Fellow s visiting Cards. For sale at the North Carolina Book Store; Raleigh, N. C. .Dec. -24, ; T848. 738- Great laarins Selliets . on( at cost- -. ;., for Casti !. . ,.r --y. EUFUS H.. PAGE ofiers his large ! and .- splendid Stock of Goods, at-cort fbfe cash. The Goods are new and fresh the most of them having been purchas ed for this Fall's trade. Persons wishing- to buy Goods cheap,, will do well to call and examine my Stock before purchasing elsewhere. .. .r- i . , '. i ' r. All persons indebted .to, me my noia.or account! will please call and settle, as longer time cannot be given. - ' KUFUS H. PAGEv : ; " Raleigh, Dec 29, 1 848-. i" . : . 739 tf. Clasalrfil RrtTinAt rHlIE Subscriber will open a Classical School Jtt Ra- : 1.I.L iL . w "m i-. wwy - - ----- - - - m 'B me secona jnonaay in January next.? "jpi ( TiMin sKssio3ror nr xearHs r Tpition-foXatin.Greek and French, : " - $15 00 f -?rrr- the highest brancheAirf English; IS 0D 5; Board per session v- - 1AT7M t DATitiimm - -December 25thf i848. r 731WU r; iOford idale Acadcmr, : i . - Hp HE exorcises of the above InstituUon wiH commence JL o ne iota of January next. :.- rr . : -For further information. rml iliv hiu1.;..i r. yueular of the Trustees.-"' r Ar -VrL7 ,v7" ' ,V - ' E.' HrHI0KS; Principal. w, x i rrt 1 baa t 1 1 u n a. . .. . .v. - -. vr - . -c y.U 'RICH fJERClTANpiSETr Attrafctlbii f or Studies XSenUettieriv liore Uew fJoods; from ;IfeTr5rprlc; ,XN addition to (the very elegant and extensiye: assort- I ment of S TA PUS AJW A ss u .k u n. i v wy inimiMi' in tha Ttnblie'orihts, the undersigned rhas now the pleasure pf informing the iritclligent'reader tha fie bas-just received -anoiuer suypiy i. e4'; andbeanuful rancy JJry uppos, wuicu.sievucrT'r-, his assortment ample and complete-rcpnsiBting in part fnllnnra tn.wlt : e - . Plain, plaid, and stnped super dik. "Aipaccas, ; V 1 Plkid and'satin strincd mohair and Jmney Lind, s v .1 ' .'Rich brocaded and changeable silk Alpaccas,. . . Til:.i, . i Monair ana araga jt i4ui, -, , , r i.,, .jj.. "Splendid French cochineal Prints, ' - ; ' American and English do.- t: J f : : -: . fi.w- D-iraair tt and eolored Silks., ?;r iT! .' ,J . .v jJHagiincent Cashmeresi and Lamare Plaids, Splendid .Cashmere-Shawls,. , , .' . ' 'DP .BLUB AN 1J BVK CLO THSr. -a t'jt. tjvvn fjtJVCfV-CASSIMERES, WMte'iind'!re'4 Flanttep'o '.v'Sai .sri.:-i2-Worsted Shirts and Drawers- -:ri " rASIII03Br,E HATS ATfD C AtS A splendid lotW New Stylo Good; for Lidie't Spring, ..U Dresses.- ril'--"; a fy 5-.' vr'"i' j Members of ther. Legislature and others, ; desirous-, of presenong .meir iamiupo n.M 'Tew Year's Gifts, selected fro'm a rich .and bleridid-'slock of -Fancy Vry "tioods,?iust at nana, are respectfullylnviteVl to call and getargains. V - . X iiVO w mint "jRaleigh, Dec. 20. 1848., 737. Mutual insurance company.' TBURSUANT to a'n'acfc of the Gefierat Aasemhly of IC, North: Carolina, - Company Jiao peen lormeq in thr SUte.onder the name. and style of the North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company," The following are the Directors of this Com pany for thepresent year? ,?Josiah O.' Watsoh,:of Raleigh,-waice counry. iViiilam W. Hotden. , -do . do no Richard Smith, .' , do . do John Primrose, " - 1 ,; 'do do Henry D. Turner" ; do- da : James F. Jordan . do v.. do Arhi. R. Stith. do vdo da do do g. do do . jmM V.: Hovtiof Wa'shineton, Beaufort county, ' John McRae, of Wilmington, New Hanover couply, George McNeill, of Fayetfeville, Cumberland county, Jams LitChlOrd. or Kaieign, aae coumy, : J. R. Sloan, Greensborough, Guilford county r, . Rich rd N,-Taylor, of Newbern. Craven county, v . : : The following are the Officers of the Company lor the present year: "" - --- '.".''"' - Josiab O. Watson", President,' .M . . r - ..; , Albert B. Stith, Vice President, Richard Smith, Treasurer, 1 Jjmes F. Jordan, 'Secretary. v ' ' ' . Charles Manly, Esq Attorney, . . I ,., , ..John Primrose, 5 . . - ;i . . Richard Smith, Executive Commiflee. ' : William W.Holden, - ' - ' ' 1 . .The Company is now prepared to receive applies, tione for Insurance, and to issue Policies on the same. By the Act of Iocoiporation, the Company is authorized to take risks on Dwelling Hooses, Stores',-Shops and other Buildings, Furniture, Merchandize and other pro perty, against loss or damage by fire. . Up to this date the Company has insured nearly three millions wort!) or property, and it nas on band as a capi tal to say for Josses, about three hundred and sixty thou sand dollars.' . . .. . .,: . . - The Office of the Company is in the second story of the large Brick Building, recently occupied by Mr. B B.Smith, at the corner of Fayette? ille and Hargett Streets, where full information and explanations, touch- ins-the principle of Mutual Insurance, cheer roily tarnished by4ne Seefetarv otthe Company.' . Raleigh, October 19, 1848. .' 728 tf. ECLECTIC ItXAGAZI-fE. FTHHE Eclectric Magazine of Foreign Literature is pub- - M Iished the 1st of every month, at No. 120 Nanssau SUeet New York.. Each number contains J44 pages, or 1728 pages in a year, making three large volumes, and is embellished with a beautiful mezzotint engraving by Sartian, either a portrait of some distinguished person age, or a historical subject making twleve superb en gravinga in the year.- The Eclectric Magazine embraces a careful selection of the ablest articles which adorn the pages of the Quarterlies'and Magazines of London, Edin- burg and. Dublin, regularly - received 'by the steamers. Among the number are the North British Review, Eng lish Review, Westminister and Foreign Quarterly Re view, the Edinburg Review, and others, and from . Black wood 8 Magazine, Frascr s, &c.Thc selections . thus made comprise the most desirable and valuable-portion of foreign literature in the same compass any w here to be found, and constitute yearly a rich addition to any libra ry. , Ihe January number wdL pe embellished -with splendid plate of extra size, entitled tbe "Literary Party embracing nine portraits. of . the literary men of England. The January number, which begins Vol; XVI, will be issued the. 1st of December. .Terms of the werk $& per annum in advance, otherwise $6. -Tbd work.willbe promptly sent to any one who will -send us. $5 by jnail, ' . . r . n. nvt. - ' . ' " i i . or omerwise, posipaia. a ne postage on eacn numoer to any .part of the Union is nine cents. Address' W: H. Bid- well, Editor and proprietor, 120 Nassau St. New York. - From the Commercial Advertiser. " The Eclectric Magazine ig an, agreeble and instruc tive' miscellany, which supplies American readers with the best articles' from a long list "of. foreign periodicals," gives 4hem, in fact, the real yalue of ' many high-jriced magazines and reviews at a moderate rate, r - ; In the quality of .its ' embellishments, the Eclectric al ways excels. ; December 27, 1848.' 738 T Foi.Lowi3io. ExTa acts from letters, show that Dr. Jayne a Medicines are universally esteemed, . ' Messrs. Dyer & Co.. Middletown. Conn., sav Will yotrplcase tosend us some" more of your Sanative Pills, as we are out. Please 'send them as soon -as yea can, a Lney are in great demand.' "-r.- . -':,.-.. Dr. De Wittis a Physician of high standing in Lor raine Co. ' . " . 8mith TV Price, Morristown, Ohio, says Yout Me- dicianes sell well, and are: in high repute here. - The Sanative Pills are very highly esteemed. - r. Wm. M illington, Ashland, Ohio, says, May, 3. 1845, ihe Expectorant and Vermiiuge is now selling very m wii ' ' a W - last, . 1 ne ruu are .tincipaiiy sold. itwant a new sup ply of all your articles. ; - .... . . . . .. Wm. Mcintosh, Beverly j, Ohio, March,' 1 845-, say Your Medicines so far; have proven excellent remedies for the diseases they are recommended for. . The 8ana- -live Pills and Vermifuge in particular " . . " . ' Elhs Afinshall,-Eaton, Ohio, Dec '22, 1845, says x our banmuve nils are an excellent t arnuy Medicine. The .Carminative Balsam sells well. ; The. Ague fills I think a good article. . '. y ' , ' Thompson Graham, Mnrcer, Pa., says Your Medl cinea are highly valued here by all who have used them: -Dr John G. Schmidt, - Woodstock. Ya- savs You will please-send roe some, more of ypurJExpectbranfL x our vaiuaDie-niLeuicines are seuing weu, particularly the xuxpeetorant andoanaave Ifills.' , i , ' " . f : Mr." C Cw Winf Wayne, Ohio, says Your Pills and Vermifuge are .giving good satisfaction, and are doing wonders here.'' - ' - ..i v ' '-K " ' -"i ' ' - .rrxepareu vmy vy xr. J. 4 ayRe, jruiiaqeipaiSL, ana Sola on Agency by Williams, Hay woodror Co- Druggists, staleigb, Pft Sity-t. .L.;. I v i .Si,.-. -T-, Superior Court of -Law, Fall Term, A. D. 1848-. Thomas L. Clifton, Tilman Clifion, WmieSrCliftorr; .7 Doling Clifton, Elizabeth Jones and Goodwin Jones .her. husbandvand -Elizabeth- C!hftdii, MaryxClift6n .Martha Clifton, Charies. H: Clifton. Julius-, Clifton. Sidney Clifion, Willie Clifton, and Ann Clifton by R. ;Ri 8 . Lawrence, Guardian pendenti lite vs. Ridley Clif- . ton, Ann Wall and Frederick .Wall her; husband Pe- . tition for Partition of Real Estate.-. ; ; :-. ,:. . TT appearing to.tho .satisfaction of the Court, that the 1" defendants in: this ease,' Ann "Wall and her husbahd. Frederick and Ridley Clifton, reside beyond "the limits "of this State- it is therefore ordered that publication be made in the North Carolina Standard for-siir weeks for the said defendants to. appear at the cextJSuperiQr Court of Law to beheld for Jhe (jounty of Franklin aforesaid, on the. second1 Monday after the fourth' Monday in March next, A. D. 1849, then and there to plead'answer or demury or the-.saiiPetitiOflrof; Qie tPmtii&i .will -be .taken as to them pro ionfusoi taid jvdgment rendered accordingly. -ii S-fV R.-R. S; LAWRENCE, C. S, O.- : Dec. 4848. .-.'i i v ..-r 739 &Li . . i -: -. .I ust in Time. -X JfQTHER Lot of Prime Cheese, in boxes, for sale J r by , R. TUCKER &. SON. - 7-;v7 : -T -'-",732 ;-7 Nov. : 30th, 1848. 4"f-t i-t !srT. w v ' " , BAr.EIGIi;;N. ' DEALESS in tine Gold and Silver Watches, Rich -Fashionable. Jewellery, Silver and Plated w-' finl.t -Silver aTid" Steel Spectacles, Uo.J and Si'ver Mounted Walking Canes,- Fine Cutlery, -Tex-fumerjV of the-best quality,' and rahef., Goods, Waiters, and PpcketPitpl.ti.-;irt tVu- rjiaibTiW)ieS fronr theKottha asssortment oi uie uuvuiui"i."w - , mined to sell on very reasbnahle terms ThftlpuhUc aft respectfully invited to ciU and examine themselves rff II''ti''i:infi1J','.! T ArT"! A "V. m- u .1 ji n n iv. m - - . : .Practical and Experimental Watch Makers and Jew ellers. This branch of their business" will receive their personal 'attentiori. .All work executed by,, themselyea and warranted to peribtrm.-walU.': JvV- ?i?.ti' , ru.i CirMV nA fitvfe tstAn in cxchaiKre for Goods. vRaleigb, Nov, 70, 148. - r , 33 i Dasuerrotype llke,nestcav t or Ig2.50,; Fithe-very-best' coloredjand finish ed of alf sizes, Vahd warranted please.- .. aouDscnper uitiii Kimif fi-nm three or four yearTexperience arid .having all the new improvements', that his work Will be welt executed. '"Membersand bthers'willcall at his? Gallery, at the Jewellery Store f .Palmer and Rartjay'a.1 . . " , - .. : ; J t . JOHN C, PALMER. ; I Raleign, Nov: 20, 13; 733-i- 41. PifemnKAfttP! rLOTrlING STORE.1 Under tU nei eUiiptk Omce . . FAtbTTETILIX- STRfiET, KALEIGH, W. X?,. mH13 4ttensive iDatrbnaffe1 this Establishment nas re J' eelyed the - past year haa -induced he eUbBcriber; to irs'ihn ESIARGE HIS STOCK. ,;7 and he is now prepared to meet the demands of his numer ous customers with .the largest and . best assortment of -:; READY TOAI ever before effefed- for sale in the 8tate of North Carolina. - His Clothing is .. manufactured in a superior, manner , :J3XPSESSLy FOR THIS MARKET, 'jh. and In. quality and tyU, cannot be. .surpassed by , any clothing Establishment in the State., v, r ': . C3?"..Purcha8er8 . axe tespectfully requested to call and examine. HARDING. ' Raleigh, Oct,' a,' 1848; vl. 727 Snt.' ; v FEMALE SCHOOL, . ? iUjjLGJZOIlO JY.. '. ' ., . - - , .!: -MIR A MRS. JttUBWEJLI-, yrinclpaj8., i:. . Miss KOLLOCHc Teacher of JJrawing and 'French. ? Ma. J. L. KERN, Teacher jot Music - 7 ' TWIHE Winter Session wiU open on the 10th of Jan- I uary, and , close ihe Jast of May... The buildings have been enlarged and improved. . There are a few va cancies, which can be secured by early application; Ad dress Rev; R. Burwell, HilUboroN. C - - . : - i. Term Payable tn Advance ? Board ana 1 uiuon, per session, Music on the Piano or "Guitar, Use of Instru ment for 'practice- - Drawing and French, eaxh December, 14; 1848. . . ; $67-50 - 20 00 ' M 6.00. 10.00 : 737-3L THE Spring Session ot will commence on Monday the Si h of January. ' The Academy is located in Franklin County, midway between Loui-burg and Shocco Spring in a very desirable community Thankful for tha liberal patronage heretofore receiv ed; the subscriber 'will continue' to exert himself To promote the iateltectoat and moral cultivation of those committed To his care. - - '-. .i j Tuition in the Classical, and higher English and t ..1 - .... AtX ... C...!. jiMiuciuiuvii ucniilinciii, . 47 1 jci uciuu uommoD cngitsn nrancBts,- --, iu Board with the subscriber, - 8 per month. In families convenient to the Academy 6fo $7. No extra charge: ;.4' " - r ' - . , f '., : : - T. JONES, A. M., Principal. Dec. lr 1848. . r- ; -j ... .x, J36 fits, 7 V e AlI) WEIiI INSTITUTE, 7" .. Illllaborouh, ,?!. C. " 7-r rflDTE next session will commence on Wednesday the -1 10th of January, 1849. Students applying for ad mission are required, to produce satisfactory testimonials of good moral character, and no student will be permitted to remain in connection with the Institution who. is known. to' be disorderly or immoral' '" ' ''. " - ' I' Thtf Instructors in the diflereht 'departments are : . : Greek- Rev AiixAXnE; Witsow,' D. D., JVeaidcnti Latin-Rey. Johw.AvBisgh-ij A. M.--. , . Mathematics Ralph H. Gbaves, A. M. . . ' ? English Enwnr Ai HcaitTT; : f- ' J.W.NORWOOD, '. , Sec.' of Bd, of,Trustcer, . HilUborough.'Dee iV 4 736 3t. OXFORD FEMALB ACADEMY. rflHE exercises of-this institution" will be resumed on. - .1 -the loth day of January nextt,The 1 course pf study is extensive, embracing all the branches taught in our best Schools. ' ' v ' '" 'V ; ' V: ' ' .The 'Principal, who gives "his whole" attention to tha School, will bo, aided by, experienced and approved . As-, sistants. .. .. . . .. -t . f '"Terms' per 'Session of five Months Board, including every personal accommo - datioD, "- - : ' - .' . . . - -;. -: ; .r . Tuition in the English branches ; " . In lilusic, with use of Instrument, 1 ' - in' the Latin, French, "'or Spanish Languages, an extra charge each of $45 15 . 20 00 00 00 00 f 5 : .i'rn-frs SAM1.'L. VENABLE," r"iv A .-.-'. -r - - r Principal.', Oxford, Dec 15, 1848. ' ' - 737-4 1. - V LOUISHURG academies; r I lHE Spring' Sestdon will begin second Monday in I January. J?rices as heretofore. 'Music- on' Guitar by a superior Instructress. -. The best assistants employ ed' id the several" departments. ' ' Weekly reviews ahdj uourvcrijr cxhihuuiuuis)- rigjuxr eiaaerrea 10, ana sucna Bystom of drilling adopted, as, it is believed, can scarcely fail of .securing sound scholarship. , Parents and Guard ians are again urged to see that their children and wards are at School from the jSrsr to The last day at the Se'sssion. KICH'D F." X ARBRO UG H, v . "i. ;Sec;y, Board Trustees. - f Dec 16, 1848, ;6373tp.t; UW ITED STATES OP AiTXERICAi United States District. Qourt for. the yl)ifitrict,of Pamlico, - October Term, 1848- . - ' TT is ordered by the Court that all Petitioners under the JLBankcuptlf aw, whose cases are pending in this Court, are required to bring in all the requisite Papers, E vidence, and jFeea m their .respective cases, tp the noxt term of una c ourc And on Tailure to doi this, the Court will t?ke order thereon, m- '?: " '" t " . - ,' .v By order of ihe Court,; siril -,C; . f r r-- ' EENJ?iWBR0 WN, Clerk. (Pr.of Adv.v $1 50 ; r 7 , -7 jB37-t.7 BOOT & SHQEJVJAXITFACTORY. tft4 7 HAVE :aad. keep on band of . the& own- make. 1 ? a - .- .. j- ...... V-A General- Assortmeht of. Boota and Shoes; WHch for kieautj and DuTabtUty "Cannot be1 Sur ,-'-IATEST'; STYLES ' AND - FASHIONS 7 ' 7 We are at any time in receint of the T.r and, are prepared at the. ahorteat notice 0; make any ar ticle in their line, tqual torany body t they fiare not who. S'AIl work mada bv- thm noni.nt.J ' ; f Raleigh, Nov. 22, 148. 1l " 723-: Pr. iriagtvin-s Xucina Corel inl. ITS a sovereign remedy. forMncipient CoDsumption, It Indigestion. NervonsnesaJ Imnntnr ri.,n du Lossof Muscular Energy, Physrcal Lassitude Female Weakness, Debility, &,c. , - V ? " . ... irice 3 per bottle, or $24 per. dozen. I .V- . 7 Beware of snurious imifsiinn which -'. reduced price... v- . , . ,,, l For sale Wholesale arid nk and Williams. Havwood h.r.n.i RqTiVK m n ; 7 00, .,;. .--V .W. a. i?jrsr side r.i-vTTv imju r- I- 7 -.TAyOR-JNG t&i (USSflJUBRUi:. U, - FtLTMOrTi JORTJ? IS, .CHIEF BUI X.i.. , - , :i't . .. ; ' .. fbrajid Entree CounJentlv, Prognosticated YZ4 --EVERY BODY. RUN HERE I N"OW all men in particular, women' andcjuldren In general, (tot purposes of more'ge'neral circulation.) by these presents, that Ui cohsequerici of the low jprices, and limited foreign demand 'ascribed .to, revolutions and large domestic supply of Broads T;and w cloths, .the co-parthers,. , - .. , ; -jf . r , f:,-i in i these " digs' jntend to serve tipi To nse and adornment of M A. s, and others, who knew where to tooK tor artis tic noinl theii superb and copious surplus Tayldr-inge, CasMinerin gs, gathaetingsCMhrnerfngSi- Vestings, ,Crai J vatingsand All other thingSV togetherwitn any quaiiHiy, of - sundry tands Sunday ome-to-meeting"' timbragedus styles, during the approximative season, at theirwhilomer stand and stall,' on Ugly Row, opposite LougeeVand the Pepvet box, eaid hard by Tpwles', Primrose's, and Litch lutu 0, nu. av A j mv --HV . J , every where -and every day,-.4 indrvjdualiy and collective ly; caU;and? taff-JVfc'ma.-:'few; ef ;tiie, tallest, widest, hlackeaV brownest bluest, ; and most extensive dido raDtivatinir. and succumbing killing Fits, that man or monkey. baboon;r ; dandy, i waeaver knockedr into 4t .out-o oh this terraqueausorb. r'We ais)Jherein intimate. to-those-whq have tested our artisttcairiuu in ; trentie menjcostumery " and potify pthers,wno wish and expect tpj rehearse anecdotes " , tha duepreparatiOA ihas heen' marie br all who feel so inclined, and in order that every thing pray goron smoothly, a number of scientific gentle- menr of tasteful art and merited skill hats been engaged to be employed with great -despatch and promptness on all customary and,, enstonier's 'costuznic Jobbery. . ; We will therefore say jn conclusion, ..j.- 7- 7i iyome every, oedy, old anu.youngv . - v '---- "; -. : V";Whp wish tocuttadash, -i"-fU h ' ii: :'.vWtei pome, itrfrfn; .-t ;,f ' tq y- v i ; TJG-EE. TO'their ancient iatrbns wont sayAhykre grateful,' they know' rtbut that they wiU'once moreipat themselves; With' their usual Highfallufing and lowfalluting speed;' V-rv'--?2 v-' r-'-;.n:' V,,.r:: yV- Q.' &.'P'- Royal Raleigh Ringtail Rousers, Oct. 30, '1848. "- ; 731--" J; OLIVER & PltOtTIRf ; ' 7 -.: K?11?? ll t.,R alel fthv -Jfr ;'C.'. r.i ' r "VTTE ARE-now opening our usual supply of Fall tfnd v-f V; Winter .Goods, embracing. ;.f!-cuK.- fay:,-:-ss;-.' Cloths, Casslmeres and- Vestings, - of every cdlotahd fluafity, which-Vill be made-up Id or derj wkh our usu'arprfimptness'and despatch; -'Members of the approaching Legislature,' and .' others 'visiting" the City i would" do well to give usa call, as.weare determine ed not to be undersold or outdone inthe making tip of our garments' "A complete suit of Clotliis made in 24 honrs, if necessary. i: ''5-w-;': '0.;& P. Fashionable Clothing! WE HAVE alsd on hand, a beautiful assortment Over-Coats, Cloaks, Bunncss Coats',Trocks, Pantaloons, Vests, &e. Also Fashionable Dress Shirts', . Flannel Shirts and Drawer,' Cotton Shirts aud Drawers, Gowns, 8aspenders, Gloves,' Scarfsi Stocks, -Pocket Handker chiefs, &C. &c; "Call before yon buyi- - : O.'tfe P. Oct. 30, 1848.- ' - V'; ' ' 731 - ' -. ' " ' ' " ; r vSAMUEL Hi MARKS, SYCAMORE STREET, . PETEUSDTJRGj, .VA- -' WHOLESALE AND RETAXL DXALEa' m CONFECTiaARy; FRtTtoQEGAR3, iND pi k-s4 'f. '.77, FANCY. GOODS4:-7..-f :'7 "YTT"OlTLD respectfully inform his 'town and" country " y V ' friends, and the public generallyi" that' by Teceiit arrivals' from the Northern Cities, .he is enabled to offer greater inducements-in his line than any other bouse in Petersburg, he having taken a much larger house,' (five doors below his former stand,) and adding, at a considera ble expense, a large Establishment for the manufactory of Confectionary of every description," can- say with confi de nee, that he can sell as good articles and at as low price 1 as can be purchased at any of the Northern cities. ' He would particularly invite all Country Merchants-,' who are about making their purchases, to $ive him it call. -iVi.i; ; v c ' - - . . j - SAMUEL H. MARKSV .'N. B-r- All, those disposed to favor me with their or ders, mayvrely upon their receiving my immediate at tention, r .. ' S. H. M. - September 27. v ..,u ;vl :4.;f26-ri Slate of Worth. Carplinat t:jyake .Comity. Court of PJteaa and Quarter Sessions, NoyemberTerm, 1 - iTx: .... :- , 1848. . ; : t: : Sally A. Smith, Widow, vs. the heir at law pf Sam. A. , . - ; . Smith, Petition. for Dower.,, .. , .. .. , .,. IT appearing, to the-satisfaction of . the Court that John Smith, Zachariah Smith and Abner Smith are now non-rei-idents of this Slate, it is therefore ordered by the Courtlhat public advertisement be made in the North Carolina'Sfandardj a newspaper published in the City of Kaleigh-for six weeks successively, notifying the said John, Zachary, and Abner Smith personally to be and appear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter" Sessions to be ho !d en for the county of Wake aforesaid-,1 on ' the third Monday ot February next, at the Court House in the City of Raleigh: then and there to answer or demur to said petition, otherwise judgment pro con fesso will be granted, and. the petition ..heard exporte aa to them... -'-'- ....;.,.. . vWitaess, James T. Marriott.iCIerk l ot oar-said Courl at office; the third Monday of, November; A; D 1,848, ,; r . - ,. JAMES T.. MARRIOTT, C. C. C. (Pr.of Adv. $,5 6 21-2). . r 735 ffw. l'-l: 7'7'7:..kpticivW";''7'7,:7.1.. : 1 1 lHE ., Subscriber wishing- to remove to the-. Wet,-o I . fhrs. for sale his -tract of Land,' lying in the County of Uranville, J orth Carolina, three nulee-Souui of Henderson Depot,; -containing four, hundred and fifty acres of -good corn, and .wheat land. .J here is about 150. acres of it cleared, and in good condition for cultivation. There are some fine lagoonea on; it, and the best Meadow for grass in: the country- The Plantation is well watered,: with good springs dec - It bas on it a comfortable Dwelling House, and all"necessary out houses. : The wood land is well timbered with heart pine and oak, suitable for build ings The nearest part of tiie land is within, four ot five hundred yards of the Raleigh 1 and Gaston . Rail ."Road i and 1 'Venture to say that it is the .most desirable, place: ia point ot health and beauty, in the neighborhood. - reraous wishing to purchase. had better call soon, as I. am determined to sell. Tor-further reference, apply , to T 1 T-k -rr 1 , n n . v ' . . 1 - J- jouu v. nawains, jonn o.Xiaton somuei ridwards and Wm. A, Moorev ; .. ,: . ii . - A.V. VAUGHAN. ; October 12, J848. .: ;;- , "s ..... JZS-rtL r JOSEPH W0LTERING. ; 7:77 -7 Fo a jnrptar.a or- tsars FoaxiUv.Hr tii Eiion iAJin Gabtok, Raii'.Roao Saorv; - ':.. 7 v v i . 7 Ralelglt, Jfc C r : ' i7. RESPECTFULLY, offers his services to the citizens bfiRaleigh and nei2hborhood.'. Mill 'Work' n1 Horse-Shoeing attended to in the verv beir inmm, --es --.v.w w jui iciTwifi msnner anai at the lowest prices. A splendid assortment of the finest 1 bertsinirnr ia Carrin mA.' : Carriage-'Springs deer Solicitingthe custom of his neis-h- 1 bors, it wiU be his-constant endeavor to. give i general saU ' lsiaction. !- Raleigh, August 4th, 1848.' .718 tf. i!f ;2Q DOLLARS REtVARD. "TV AN AW AY cm the 23d of last month, a negro man jLV..namea W ef peiongmgno the estate of the late WiU .T. Hopkins. Said ecro was tiurchased-tof Rufus. W.v Edmondson, of; EdsrecOmbe. and' triavoha in ma seeuoa o counuy, aoout otantofisburg. : .?:.--:-..:- The above Reward will paid &rraDoreheridinir: eaid L .. . . T. ..." r . J . negro, and. lodging bim in-any jail, so. that ho i Secured j t the above -Reward, -with the -expenses. for bringing him to Raleish, wiU be forthcoming 1 when tha Iip(m ia deUyeoeoV.-iiai ss liL P. 'FINCH.' Acent for Ex'rs iVw5 .fjof.WtT. Honking. -..': November l it, U348.: :"r r Tliirty DollarsKexvarcI. : I ..WILL r give thirty dollars for .the . apprehena and delivery of my Negro man Tom. who has been absent some month;: ,Tom ii. about five feetj six inches high, stout and heavy, thick .lips rather light complected, and Iooksdown when, spoken to-riO particular mark xe T k "ITTr -1 1 : April 8tb, 1848.7 t,v; VAy 41J JSM ill ;.i prices - Repairing in his line attended to with neatness ,B dry good hne, -.i ;: - - . and despatch.- Also all work twrt,N,. x cim. . Also, Morehead cotton yarns ;' and almost sot :m 7 Fayetterflle 8trcet,RaieIgh, N. c, , ' THE Subscriber begsjeave to inform the public ti he has puxchasedT, the House formerly owned by Robert Fihd'itii; and has raade,ex tensive impr ments npoii ithaying tepaired,' painted, and rennora. ted the same throughout from the cellar to' the atfic. and . he is iiow fully ' prepared lf o attend upon all maybe pleased Jto faxor him' with a call. . 4 ; 'Having : taken out Jacehse for a BILLIARD TABLT" he respec"tfullyhivites the 'patronage of those who dI sire' io participate in the fashionable and pleasant tecrev affords., s , ' ' 7j:,7j '-iBUE&p He Is ataJd times supplied with FRESH OYSTERS FRESH iFTSH BIRDS, and aU the delicacies that the Market afiords, which will be served up in the. best man. ner, and. at all times, day or night. . He is ajso well fm. nished with .every yarety of relxeBhroent. .usually tep in a fashionable and, well conducted, Restaurat. - Room, for select parties... Accommodating Attendants and po. lite Servants always at hsnd. !;; -.-JOHNr KANE,- , 'y.x'A' -tCQroer-AWIirPPV6 CilJ Sotel . .i'No.verabcr 20th, 1848. : ; . v 738 REV. IR HOOPER'S FAMItY SCHOOL," IN THE COUNTRY, y Co., ,V. c THE Subscriber having spent upwards of thirty yean as an instructor in the Colleges of the two Carolina, i desirods- to retire,, for ..the rest of his life, to a more private situation.. -He proposes,-. therefore, to open it January -next, at jthe place abovementioned, A Scltd Schooi for : Boys between -8 and 15 years of age-; in which their . intellectual and moral cultivation can bt carefuIly?attendedrto, and where they will be withdraw from , the , usual temptations of oar towns and village The subscriber hopes that his long services in public in solutions' have made him sufficiently known to the pub lic to furnisS to pasents a guaranty that their sons, if en. trusted, to him, will be well taught and well taken care of He is happy also to add, that he is to have tlie-ass'u. lance of ' Prof. J. JJcbcrniere Hooper, for many years past, instructor in Classics and Modern Lan- of guages", in the University of this State Terms, $200 per annum ; for those who study Mot ern Langiiagcs $20 extra. The first year there will he accommodations for only 14 or "16; applications, therefore, should be early, made, "lid boys over fifteen will le tak en; if a sufficient number under that age be offered. AH "other particulars given in a Circular- which will be sent to any one. on application to the subscriber at Wake Forest CollegeN. !., till tbe 1.5th of December next ; after "whirh time, application must l e made to bim si Littleton, Warren County, N. C.' - " i " W. HOOPER. UTawcemRer , 1S15. 732 tL . FE5IALE CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, , ' huxsbobough stbeet,' - 7 . ; kal33;jgh; e. ; Rev. BEJSVYET TV JtULlfiE- Principal. WM. C. DOUB, A. M-, ,xs, MISS LUCY M. BROWN, A"" MR. KARLE W. PETERSILIE, Prof. Music, THIS Institution, to be located in a very pleasant put of this City, and furnished with every aceommot tion for a limited number of pupils, will be opened ol uu lstday of January next. ' . -' - ' -'' Board, with tuition in English or the Classical ) Department, per -session of five months, ' J -..Music on .the Piano or -Guitar, V i . 20 CO Drawing and Painting in Water Colors, - 10 to T Painting in Oil Colors,-'i '::: 15 00 French, :-'' -" '.U '.- -. . . 10 0 .-Tuition in Preparatory. Department,", i . ' 15 00 r;Twenty young ladies can be accommodated with boara in the Institution. v Every attention. will be paid to thrir comfort and to the formation , of correct motal habita Board may also be some of 'the most respeo table families in the City, -''''i'l-' V; Raleigh, Nov, 1848. j- "7 i ; .V.,'; 732-2m. Young Ladies' Select School. THE next Session of this School will commence 01 the 1st of January next, under the'manaecmeiitof the M i SSC8 , Ia r f r I I ge assistedby a young Lad-, who has for a few years past; been' Principal of a flour- lsning oeminaiy m xew xork. tekjcs oriTriTioir, rKii sxssi.ojr, or rtr? moxthj, 11 r 03.1.0 wb, T12 : Sm. $ j. . J- t-i: --1st Class, $ 7 CO 10 00 12 CO 15 CO 10 CO 20 00 5:00 8 00 " 2d- ''' f'-'v. -s 3d--- ? - 4thr. - '; ' .v.', ;. :t v Latin, French and ItafiaTi'each ,1 t" Music, on the Piano orGuitar,- " ' '' Drawing and Needle' Work; ; : C C ?' ' Painting?'ir:,ir;'''r '-" '"''; ,v---s; .rvv.T,': ; Board; Washing ahd Fuel "$50 hct SnsslQii, ? November 0," 1848.'' '-:- ; " .' s v ; ' 734-tf. . 'NOW LANDING, per Schooner Ann Kx trom INew Jfork the following . which are of tbe best quality : 500 lbs. Zanteo Currants,! -i 800: do. SdfVhelL Almond: : 50! boxes Raisins, new crop, : '. 5 " do -Genoa Cftt, ! -' j 3 cases Ppeerved.,Gingerj - i 3r sacks Walnuts. r r a sacks. Filberts, ; r 5 boxes Sly Oranges,. ; ,5: do i do Lemon, 13 bblsv Hav. Oranges, 10 kecs Mai. Grap, ' 25 Ibbls. Pippen AppH 1 Amo. l5SiOOEGALJA CEGARSi a prime article, jfor; the' country trade, besides a large assortment of other brands.- always n hand, f The. above goods I will offer for the lowest possible. prices. . . , r -: ', : :- -t-lrlSAWU,m: MAKK9, , Sycamore St : : 7 i7;'y'vwi-;--ri-rs.; iu....C Petersburg, ya..-;: ' . P. SwWeekiy arrivala at CLAGGETTS CREAM ALE, known to be tbe beat ia : thisvicoBntryi ' 1 am (be only agent in this place.-; - . .. 7 ! - Octobet.-S018.48i.:' W''u-'i' r- i-- ' no- - . 4 7. yvftiooiviiere. TUST- to hand", and for eale by th e-ubscriber, a lot w T)rvOooda. conaisti of Lawns. Tiino-bains. Calicocf, - J . - . ' 8am3e5 coating, Pants stuff, Vestng8, Brown blew"- ed? shirtincrs. Virfiirda?osnaburirs.' - and many other arti every . -ai , Alsd,' Hayes- superior family, ffour,- and other braw kept constantly oiLhand:. H.B-.HAYES-! -New Market Streef, nearly oppesite the MarltHoo j . Sept 7, 1848. t -' '.'..'.-;,',: ..: .-, 706 ; 7V flTIHE Trusteest of i the -Macon. Academy in -WJD J- County N.C.esire to engage the services of a cm I l?et.intruxrtnv to take charge.of the. English, ClaicJ apd MathenaticardepartDlerits in that Institution. , J'Uf" need apply except i3eaHemenf unquestionable chara ter. knd. such aC Tiwnt &stif)ulai-ii aiinonil f their qualifications i For, tefma address the subscribe Dudley' Post OfficoWaynoCodtjtr. JiR , -rue V- Ya.lua.Mot Iczro fov Sale. ' - THE Subscriber offers for sale his-negro man Atri" whq is ayeryyaluable Carpenter by trade. " Pcon who-may wish to purchase. caw address the subscriber Newbern.'North Carolina and the negro can be rcen o application to the Jailor "of Wake County1 7 ' -i:-,--- '..&;.:; 4 -ijj SMALLWOOP- pSept; 84s; 'wa .xi-x ?,v..5--- -723-' r nriifi iilLL r mhr n a fit oil wmM 3 mm1 . " nl J?.-. x.ue,ipcavorioj me. ahoye-Academy: i .'; t? tl"est ejJaia Eastern QatolUii!J .7 -'' i : ; - -- . . -V.,-r,J..J.-BAKER' ' i- 2-

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