"... V i I II ' . . , n. J J, . - - -- - - - - - - - - - . ., .. i ' .. mi mini jnawiin ! . . ... . . - - y V - O0V Ma 5r ' 1 Lo'vd" ' 'SX'r-rt. H5Xv' ' .uOiiJIAJI JAinv.Lr.j- .uiucujm- :!: iV !; " n!l ',!qT; ' ? - .' ' ..o .ei,i2t?ri:-5JynY ; .rS$jM4 Wy-WlJS teA'-siri V- .r.' sins 1 ,v l:i J ".' n:. i uif. J'. t , THE C01fSTTII.TIQN ,Til3 UJfiQH .OI?; TltE 'A,JpESSUiflrB xiils ic trnnma tcrr air svw -oVl fit ftlGIiHi !7L tiu:::-i!-i.A 4 t ill JO. .u Itflawtj'' . ,; iiL :; h--n- '-nt i . " . -, 1 7 e ijfol-tiiS tot .-; 0-7 VOLUME A Y ;y.,:;?t'y;'i .. : I THE NORTnlCiLRWSiiRD J wil tiAivc yr. 3iijoLaEN, EDITOR: AND" PROPRIETOR. ' , . TiiiNorth Caroii'V feTASifDARD is published week- at Three Dollars yet annum, payable in advance; ' In bic same shall accompany the order.,, vSn5scribers and iothcrs, who may wish to send money to the Editor, can !do so at all times, by Mail ahd at his risk. Receipts for 'all sums will be promptly transmitted. ' " 1 '' Ul i AnvKRTisBMSWTs not exceeding fourteen lines, wttl be inserted one time for one dollar, and twenty-fiye cents, fo each subsequent insertion; those of greater length in pro portion. - Court Orders and Judicial Advertisements will be charged twenty-five percent. higheT than the above 'rates. '- A reasonable deduction; will, be made to those who 'advertise by the year. , . -.- J Letters to the Editor must come, free, of postage. BY AUTHORITY. - Acts and Resolutions passed the First Session of the Thirtieth Congress : Pcblic No. 121. ' " n Act makintr appropriations tor the naval service for the year ending the thirtieth of June, one thou sand eisrht' hundred and forty-nine. Sec. 1. Be il enacted bu the Senate and House of licpresentahves of the Untied States of America tn C-on- press assembled, -That the following sums be appro priated tor the naval service ior ine yearenouig juub thirtieth, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, or.t of anv unappropriated money, in. the treasury, in aifJition to the sum of one million five hundred thou- anA dollars of the unexpended balances of former annrrmrintions for the naval service.-. The remainder of such unexpenuea oaiances, aiier usuuckiw me ' 1 . iii i i. 1 1 -i Mid sum of one million h?e hundred thousand dol lars, to be carried to the surplus fund. For pav of commission, warrant; and petty officers, and seamen, including the engineer corps of the navy, .... 1 1 1 1 4 . I 1 two muttons one nunarea ana eigmy-mne mousana two hundred and eleven dollars. For the pay of the superintendent of the JNaval Observatory at Washington city, who shall be acap- urn. commanuer. or ueuienan n me navy, inree thousand dollars, which shall be the salary per annum of said superintendent. And the provision in the act entitled " An act making appropriations ior the naval serv ice for trift1 year ending- the thirtieth of June, one thousand eirut hundred and forty-eight,"- which is in these words, viz: including three thousand del hirs for pay of the superintendent, who shall be either a eaDtain. commander, or ueuienam in me navy, shall be construed to apply to the supenntenaeni or snid Naval Observatory, and shall take -eneet lrom and after the passaee of that act. For pay of superintendents, naval constructors, ana all the civil establishments at the severaL navy yards, spventr-four thousand two hundred and twenty dol For provisions for commissicn, warrant,.and petty orhcers, and seameq,, inciuai n-: engineers puu. ma rines, attached tor vesseU lof -sca-scrvicewx hunarea - T J: :t.'.i..c-JJ ana seventy-seven moasiiuu eigm uuhuicu hu sixij dollars. ' ' .-:.-: -:,- - For surgeons Becessaries--and appuaaces for the skk and hurt of tle navy, including thescfariuacbrps, twenty-eight thousand aye. hunureaoiiars.. .? For increase', repair, af mamentj-a-nd eripraetif for the navy, including wear ana iear or vessel meom mission, coal tor; steamers, purcnasept nerap, sum nnp mil linn two hundred thousand dollars lor com- pletinor four first-class steamers, tvrti millions five hundred and -thirtyXtoa thousand tfour htfndred and r j !!... . . n For ordnance and ordnance stores, including inci dental expenses, two hundred and eighteen thousand For nautical booksmapschatrts, instruments, bind ing and repairing the, same, and . all expenses of .the hydrographical office, thirty-five, thousand dollars. And the Secretary of the'Navf is hereby directed to expend five thousand dollarsJpr so much thereof as may be necessary;' in causing the observations .to be made which, have been recenUy, recommended Jo him by the American Philosophical Society and the Acad emy ot Arts and Sciences. , . f . For contingent expenses that may accrue 'for -the following purposes; via i . freight and transportation ; printing am stationery ; advertising in newspapers; books,maps,, models, and drawings ; purchase and repair of fire engines apd machinery. ; repair bf and attending on steam engines in yards ; trchase -and support of horsesand oxen, and driving teams; carts, timber wheels,' and the purchase ana repair, oi work men's tools; postage of-'public letters; furniture for government houses ;' fuel, oil, and candles for navy yards and shore stations; cleaning and clearing-irp yards; watchmen and incidental labor'not chargeable to any other, appropriation ; jaoor aitenfling xne ae liverv of . storesnd supplies on foreign stations ; wharfage,' dockage, and rent; travelling expenses of officers; funeral expenses; store and omce rent; sta tionery and fuel to navy agents and storekeepers ; flags, awnings, and packing boxes ; premiums and other expenses of recruiting ;.apprehending deserters ; per diem pay to persons attending courts-martial, and courts of inquiry, or other service authorized by law ; pay to judge advocates ; pilotage and towage of vessels; assistance rendered to vessels in distress ; seven hundred thousand dollars.! And the Secretary of the Navy -is- hereby, authorized, trorja the sum aforesaid, without further notice or advertisement, out of the appropriation for provisions, to purchase, at bis discretion,, a sufficient quaniiiy oi nour anu corn-meal prepared and dried by the process and machinery invented by J.-'R. Stafford,' of Ohio, to be sent to different naval stations- to test, its capacity to resist the influence of. time and climate,,and to ascer- tain what advantagetbera may De in imrouucing me use of the same for the navy. For the transportation 'of ' the 'United -States mail between New York and Liverpool between New York and New Orleans, and Havana-and Chagres, and between Panama and Astoria, under the act of the third of March, eighteen hundred and forty-seven eibt hundred and seventy-four thousand six hundred dollars. And the Secretary of the Navy is hereby directed to advance to the' contractors for said service, or to their assignees, for the purpose of enabling them to finish the steamshiDS. contracted! for under their respective contracts, the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars per month on-each of said ships, after such ship shall have be.en launched ; but, the money so advanced under anv one of said contracts shall not exceed the amount of one year's compensation stipj mated for in such contract, to be secured, in all cases y a hen ort said ships-, in' such manner 'as the ec retary of the Navy may require; ? and the money so advanced shall be faithfully expftdeu-innnreningsaia ships to the satisfaction of the-Secretary of the Navy I and comDensation"6h 'the contract from Panama to Astoria shall commence from the time the ships are ready for service, and placed at the disposal of the united States; the said annual compensation, now- e?er, not to commence until' first October, eighteen hundred and forty-eight: Provided, .-That the contrac- l'Jr ior the line from Panama to Astoria, as me con- ition of this advance, be reauired to stop and deliver and take mail nt San T)iffro. San Francisco, and Monterev. in Halifr.Tnia. 4f rp.n nire'd 'so to. do by the 'ecretary of the Navy, with the concurrence of the 1 ostmaster General : And provided further That, in consideration of the foretroing advance the line of -tuners provided in the contract witn a. oioo , ,gf' i '-';-;2 "'i .ii.i ;o i.i.r.;. oj shall stop,' going and retniiiing,, at' Charleston," if practitable, and "Savannah: e V'1' ,Jf'"."' ' ' '.' . i For contingent expenses for objects not hereinbe fpre enUQijerated, two thousand dollarst ' , i;.--'i I. vTo. pay ?arparages,tf due !tfor . gradmg Uniyersi,ty square, and other "expenses', for the " construction ,of the: depot ' for charts arid instruments, being a reap--propriation in; part of a sum carried ; to the surplus i"und, -heretofore:, appropriated for that, purpose,-ten thousand fortvthree. dollars, and. seventy-seven cents,. For furnishing the marine hospital building at New Orleans, seveir thousand five hundred dollars. Ji 1 For metebrological obselvations,' to' be conduct ed. under the,4reoUon.of the Seci'etary of tbeiNavy, two thousand dollars.. ..r, . : ! ..;i!tjs1 '" For the establishment of a depot for naval'stpres, "which !the Secretary of the Navy is ; hereby lequired to caose to be located" at or near the city of New Orleans, twenty fth,0HS&nd dollars. : : : For the construction, .extension, and completion of the following objects, and for the current repairs at the7-several navy yards,-viz:' ' ' ' ' : , : ; : At Pobtsmodth. !'- ; - r -1 - ; For completing quay, '.wall and wharf, and iwharf i-'il w '.ij-.'ifi-iMoiT- number one ; . wall west side ot atun-nouse numoer foiir, fcand filling in; timber shed opposite "number "seven, and addition to smithery It brick 'powder rnawazino,' enffine, fixtures, &c, for blowinj-fires to- . fierce s ; and for repairs of all. kinds,, fifty thousand five hundred and fifty-one dollars. . - " '" ' At Bostox. For timber shed number thirty-seven,1 and ' pier wharf at ansrle number fiftv-nine; coat-house near drv-dock, -and pier wharf in rear of carpenter's and joiner's shop ; for eight knee'-rBocks, and tracks for siowage or guns in gun pane; ror compieung uock. barn ; and repairs of all kinds, ninety-seven thousand three hundred and fifty-one dollars. -' . At; New York, i ,; j. ,. : For iron and copper store, cooperage, cob wharf, and filling in timber pond ; dredging channels and wharf in front of hospital lands; steam engine in smithery, steam pipes, &c, " and cistern for each re servoir ; paving and .flagging, and granite skids, and platforms . for cannon, and for .repairs of all kinds, one hundred and six thousand dollars. For the dry-dock three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For the purchase by the Secretary .of the Navy of the Jand, above and under, water, hounded. by Hush ing ave'nue, in the city of Brooklyn, in the State of New York, the United States navy yard, hospital -grounds, and the Wallabout bay to the channel, two hundred and eighty-five thousand dollars ; Prvided, That no part of said sum of money shall be applied to the payment of the' purchase money until a good and perfect title is secured to the United States for the said latid and its' appurtenances'.' y- ' ;' ' " ' : . At PniLADELPirfA. " " ' ! For removing and extending snip-house ;G; com pleting u harf number two ;. dredgmg machine ; and repairs of all, kinds, fourteen thousand five hundred dollars.'' ' '' ..... - At Washington. ! : ' For chain-cable forges, and fitting up a part of number eleven for a boiler shop; steam hammer for smith s si hop, and alteration in hydraulic proving ma chine converting joiner's shop in number twelve to mould loft, and steam hammer in place of old tilt hammer; ordnance workshops, and extending brass foundry; extending; blacksmith's shop and iron store under N, and finishing shop for smithery ; convert ing old foundry into stables, and for repairs' of all kinds, thirty-two thousand four hundred and' eight een dollars. ' ' j ..-"' V-y:-, : ! - .,.' At NoRTOLK. i .. '' ' ' ' J For the extension ;of quay walls ? completing slip fortvreiffht,and for the storehouse "namberirtneteen $ brick. Btables' steam: hammer and. engine; culvert drill -press ; punching -machine and cutting , shears, and foe: repairs of all kinds, one hundred and forty- four thousand one hundred and thirty -six dollars. ... At. Pessacola. : - For two third-class officer's houses; completing timber , shed number twenty-six ; dredge machine scows ; .lour-' warrant officer's houses, and guard house; coal house v paint shop and rail tracks ; per manent wharf;: drain. in rear of officer's quarters; wharf and. rail tracks in front of storehouse number twenty six ; pavinsr, jrrading, planting trees arid lev elling, and for repairs of all kinds, one hundred and fifty-nine thousand six hundred and twenty-nve dol lars..; .. : n-.'-tti-A ' ' " For construction, in party of a new timber shed at said : navy yard, nTty thousand dollars. ; for payment ot such Arrearages as the secretory of the Navy may in law. and equity decide to be due; to Jerrison and Foster, seven thousand dollars.'' ;-r'u" At j Memphis. : For completing commandant's house: and store house; tarring-house ; engine and machinery for saw mill ; timber shed, and boat builder's shop, and wall to enclose yard ; embankment and excavations $ ma chinery for ropewalk, and for repairs of all kinds, one hundred .and. seventy-four thousaad and thirtyeight dollars...: , -: ' ; ' " '' n - - - At ;Sackett's Harbor; For the completion of officers' quarters, and for re-' pairs--of all kinds, two .thousand dollars. ,. . . f OB H0SPITAJ.S, VIZ I . At Boston. For fepairing hospital buildings and dependencies, fences and furnaces, painting, glazing, and whitewashing,: two thousand eight hundred dol lars. . V ' , ' . :' : - For the completion ot the marine nospiiais now building, viz ; At Pittsburg, ten thousand dollars; at Cleveland; ten thousand dollars ; at Louisville, ten thousand dollars.' For the purpose of erecting marine hospitals on the sites owned by the United States, at the following places, viz ; - i At St. Louis, ten thousand dollars ; at Natchez, ten thousand'-dollars ; at Paducah, ten thousand dol- ars - '' :-' At Napoleon, Arkansas, fso soon as the govern ment title to. the site selected and purchased shall be perfected,' ten thousand .dollars. Also for the construction of a marine hospital ori such site as shall be selected by the Secretary of the Trersury, on the lands owned by the United States at Chicago, ten thousad dollars. .. ;- ' At New York, r or purchase .trom the city oi New York of water front to' hospital lands ; for sur geon's house; paving,' guttering, and completing sewer, and for current , repairs, twenty thousand and fifty-seven dollars. At Washington. For current repairs, one hundred dollars. , u ' At Norfolk. ' For repairs of galleries,1 cells ; bath house, fence-,-ad suTgeon's house, one thousand fbur hundred dollars ; .and for. making necessary repairs for the marine.hpspital at Norfolk, sixteen hundred dollars . . ,..;. . At "Pensacola. For bricking , tfp ponds and drain, repairs to hospital, and for current repairs, six thou sand three hundred and aeYenty-eight dollars : ; At Rlqbile. . For necessary, repairs of . the-ynarine hospital one thousand and .ninety dollars. " - - ;-svj -For Magazines, viz.'1' , ' . AtBotorY, five hundred dollars'.- - --At New ;York,-five hundred dollars. ( , .. i. At Washington, two hundred, dollars. At Norfolk, one thcusand nine hundred and thirty eight dollars. . ,. . ) :. i - - ' Marine C6rP3.'-;".'-;' J -For pay of orfioers, -non-com missioned bfB"cers,:mu ftirirtris. Drivates; arid r servants serving, on shore, subsistence of offiqers, and pay for undrawn cjothing, two hundred and eighty-three thousand dollars. ; For provisions tor marines, serving on shore, sixty thousand dollars.' - ... . i . ' ' For clothing, eighty-ono tbcusand lour hundred and ninetr-two dollars. For fuel,- eleven thousand three hundred and tlnrty- four dollars. . . For military stores, repair ot arms pay ot armor- ers, ' accouiTemeniSj oruimnii na., uiuuis, fifesand musical instruments, eight thousand dollars. For transportation of officers and troops, ' and for T 'if-':!.! 'expenses' of recruiting,1 twelve thousand dollars."' --.For c6ntirigences;-vi . Mr- l : Freight,' ferriage, toll, cartage, wharifage,1 eomperi sation to judges-advocate, per diem' for'.'atteriding courts-martial j courts of inquiry and forconstant-la-bor ; houeie-rent, in lieu of quarters; burial f deceas ed marihesrf ' 'printing, : BtatiohaTy, forage, ' postage. pursuit of deserters ; 'earidles, ' oil straw,1 furniture, bed sacks, - spades, axes,' shovels, picks, carperiters, tools f keep of a'horse for messenger, pay of the mat ron, washerwoman. ; and porter at hospital headqoar ters, twenty-two thousand dollars' !I ' - 1 ' ' For the Relief tind protection of American seamen in foreign counties, further to supplydeficierjcie in appropriations jnade'folr the service of the fiscal year ending thirtieth' June, eighteen hundred and lorty eighth twenty thouSand'dollars;" - ; ' '; Sec. 2'. And be it further knaeted, That the sum of seventeen thousand and three nunorea dollars De,ana the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any money iri the treasury not otherwise' appropriated, tor lm "provements and repairs at the naVal school t Annap olis, to be expended as follows : For enclosing the grounds embraced in the new purchase, repainng the house thereon, docking; grading, and improving the. i . .. i i a, i ''. , groupas, six mousana eigni nunarea aoirars.' " For repairing arid tinning superintendent's house, Xfiie thousand five hundred dollars.' ;' -'For building an arsenal, five hundred dollars : For raising the row of houses occupied by profes sors, one story, six thousand dollars. For completing mess-room and lyceum, five hun dred ' dollars. : ' For painting outside of houses, and other necessa ry repairs, one thousand five hundred. dollars. ' For fire .engines and apparatus, complete, five huri- dred dollars. '- ' ' ' 5 ' ' ! ' --' Sec. 3. And be - il ' further enacted, That in execu tion of the act approved March third," eighteen hun dred and forty-seven, making appropriations for the naval service, &c., directing among other things the construction of floating dry-docks at the navy-jards at Philadelphia, Pensacolaarid Kittery, and in pursu ance of the reports in favor of the two plans herein after named as best adapted to naval purposes, made by a board of officers appointed to examine all the plans, and by the Bureau of Yards, and Docks, the Secretary-of the Navy is hereby directed" forthwith to enter into a contract with Samuel D. Dakin and Rutherford - Moody, for the 'complete construction, within a reasonable-' time trom the date ot the con tract, of a ' sectional floating dry-dock,' basin,' and railways, at the navyryard at Philadelphia, accord ing to the plan and specifications submitted by them to the Navy Department; and! also 'to enter into a contract with John S. Gilbert' and Zono Secor, for the complete construction, within- a reasonable time from the date of the contract, of a balance floating dry-dock, basin, and rail ways, -at' the navy-yard at Fensacola, according- to the plan and specifications submitted by them to the Navy.-Department; and also to enter into contract with one .or the other of the respective' parties above-named, for the complete construction, vithin a reasonable time from, the date of the contract, at the navy-yard at Kittery, of a float- inr dry-dock,' hasin, and railways, upon either or the above-named plans that the said Secretary may prefer as best adapted. to aid yard ; .the said works at each yard to be of the largest dimensions proposed in said plans and specifications r Provided, That in each case'such contract -can be made at prices that shall not exceed by more than-ten per cent, the priees which have been submitted by either of the said pro prietbrs to the Nvy Department for a floating dry dock on either of said, plans, and for the basins and railways, of the dimensions aforesaid, aj any ot the said navy-yards: And provided further. That the said Secretary shall also, by further contract with. 8a id parties, enlarge the dimensions of said-works at each yard to a capacity sufficient for 'docking war steamers "of the largest class, at least .three hundred and fifty feet in length; if the dimensionsaboye men tioned should not be found adequate for that purpose. . Sec. 4. And be . -it further enacted, tTbat the sura of four hundred thousand dollars is hereby appropri ated, towards said works from any money in the treas ury not otherwise appropriated, which sum,, together with the sums that remain unexpended of the appro priations made by said act of March third, eighteen hundred and forty-seven, for floating dry-docks at the three, navy -yards aforesaid, shall be applied towards, the payments to be provided for in the said contracts, and. be equally divided between the said contracts for the said works at the three navy-yards aforesaid. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That hereafter the amount of money commutation allowed bylaw in lieu of the spirit ration 6hall be increased to four cents. ' .",'"' Sec. 6. And be ft' further enacted, That when hy master in the navy, or passed midshipman, holding an acting appointment as master from the Secretary of the Navy, has performed, or shall hereafter per form the duty of a lieutenant, under an order 'of the commander of the vessel to which he 'was or shall be at the time attached, to supply a deficiency in the established complement of lieutenants of said ves sels, whether belonging to a squadron or on separate service, which order shall have been subsequently ap'-' proved by the Secretary of the Navy, shall be auqwep the pay of a master for the period or periods during which he shall have performed such duty: ;- ' Sec. 7. And be if further enacted, That in calcula ting for the pay of surgeOris In the navy, hereafter, the time upon the graduated scale ' of pay shall be reckoned from their original entry, into the service. Sec. 8. And be it ' further enacted, That the Secre tary of the Navy be, and he is hereby, directed to report to Congress, at the cormnencement of the next session, the number of persons in the naval service flogged in eaeh ot the years eighteen hundred and forty-six and eigHteen hundred and forty-seven, spe- .... .. ..'...i? .1 rr- . citying tne name or me snip, me onence, me sen tence, and the number of lashes inflicted; and it shall be his duty to make a? -similar report for each year thereafter. ' Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That, on the ap plication of the Secretary of the Navy, the President of the United estates be authorized, when, in his opinion, the contingencies of the public service may require it, to transfer any portion of the sum of one . 4 1 . I I 1- II 4 1 million hve hunarea tnousana aonars ot unexpenaea balances of former appropriations, mentioned m the first section of this act, from one head of appro priation to any other head of the appropriations made for the naval service; and in all cases of such trans fer, a Special account ofthe moneys transferred, and their application, shall be laid before Congress at each session, previous to its adjournmerit. Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That it shall bc'thC'dqty of the Postmaster General, under the directiorf'of the President, to cause the net receipts of postages collected on theseveral lines of steamers from New York to Liverpool, from New York to Chagres,' and from Panama to some point in the Ter ritory of Oregon, stipulated for in contracts ' made with the Secretary-' of the Navy, to be deposited in the treasury to the credit of the appropriation for the annual compensation for the service to be rendered under 'said contracts, of ! otherwise apply the said postages in payment of the said annual compensation. ' Sec. 11. And be it further, enacted, That' so much iof the proviso of the act of third of March, one thou- sand eight hundred and forty-three, entitled "An aetmaking' appropriations for theimaval Iservico-'for the half calendar year beginning the first of Janua ry, and ending the: thirtieth 'of June one- thousand J eight hundred, and forty-four," &c., as requires that materials of! every name and nature for me . nse-of the navy be furnished by .contract .with: .the lowest bidder,' be,' and the same is hereby, so-' far modified, that it shall be lawful for tho.Secretary of the Navy, hereafter, to enter into contract for .tobacco, from time td-time, as the service requires, for a period not. ex-, ceeeding four years; and. in making such contracts, hft shalfnot be restricted to the lowest bidder, unless, in his opinion, economy and the best interests of the service will be-thereby promoted, Sec. 12- And be it further enacted. That the num- ber of professors of mathematics in the navy shall ffi'ffi'l u -'.,ti.' it.it ;tV fM.w--5:n ii -n ':i; a -! l-n&t exceed' twelve ;' that theytshall be appointed and commissioned by. the President of the United States; by and whh the ad icej land consent of the' .Senate, -arid shall perform each duties as may be assigned them by order of the cecretary -of the Javy, at the Naval School the Observatory, and on board 6hips-owarj in instructing the midshipmen of the navy, or other wise; That when on duty, the pay of a professor of mathematics shall be at the rate of fifteen hundred dollars per annum, with a ration; and when, on leave of absence ot-waiting orders! the pay shall be at the rate of eight hundred dollars per annum. .i-S::rt Sec. 13. And be it further tnacled, That 'the Seere-I tary of the Navy be, and he is hereby, authorized to eause persons, in the naval service or marine corps, who shall become insane while in the service, to be E laced in -such lunatic hospital as in his opinion will e most convenient and best calculated to promise a restoration. of reason; and that in addition to the pay. which may. from time to time be idue to such person, he may, from the annual appropriation for the naval service, under the head ef contingent enumer ated, pay any, deficiency of-a reasonable: expense ; providedythat in each case it does, not exceed one hundred dollars per annum. m lii i v-'t Sec. 14. And be -it. further enacted,-Th?A the provi so of the act of August'ibOrtb,"eighteen hundred and forty-two, lumttag the jaumber ot officers of the navy of the grade of midshipmen to the number that were : ; .u c . .i r t .. in service on the first day of January, eighteen hun-1 dred and forty-one, be, and. is hereby, so modified to authorize the appointment of officers of that grade, to the number of four hundred and sixty-four: Pro vided, That the appointments" shall be made accord ing to the directions of the fifth section of the feet ap proved March third, eighteen hundred and forty-five, entitled "An act making appropropriations for ;the naval service for the year ending thirtieth June, eigh teen hundred and forty-six ;" and in appointing from each State, hereafter, its proportion of officers of that grade, the appointments shall be apportioned as near ly as practicable, equally among the several Congres sional districts therein; - ' tf i '; i ' Sec 15.- And be it further enacted, That from anH after the passage of this act, the annual pay of boat swain, gunners, carpenters, and sailmakers at the navy-yard, at Pensacola ; shall be the same as now allowed by law to the forward warrant officers at the navy-yards at Boston, New York, and Norfolk. : Sec 16. And bd it further enacted, That the re striction established by the fourth section of the act approved March third, .eighteen hundred and torty five, whereby no more, than one hundred and eighty passed midshipmen, and those senior in rank, shall at the eame time receive the pay fixed by law for that class of officers, be suspended in its operation from the passage of this act, untit the class of eighteen hundred and forty-one and eighteen hundred and forty-two 6hall have been examined, end the relative rank established among those who shall pass their examination. : : .: - ROBT. C. WINTHROP, Speaker of the House of Representatives. ;,'! G. M. DALLAS, . Vice President cf the United States, and : r President of the Senate. . Approved August 3, 1848.' . - ..... JAMES K. POLK. fPcBLic No. 122. ' '' 1 An Act supplemental to an act to confirm the survey and location of claims lor lands in the state ot Mis sissippi, east of the Pearl river and 'south of the thirty-first degree north latitude, approved March three, eighteen hundred and forty-five. - : . Sec. 1. lie it enacted bu the Senate and Hinae of Rdp- retciiatives of the United State of America in Oingre&s amemiiua, 1 bat a. 1 confirmed claims and settlement rights for lands-situate in the States of Mississippi. east of the Pearl river and soh of thirty-first de gree of north latitude which fr-l not been actually surveyed" on the ground,, and for which: no plats of actual survey had been' returned to the'stirveyor gen- erars office south, of Tennessee, on or before the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, ehall be, and are hereby confirmed, af- cording lb actual surveys hereafter to be made as herein provided for, in the . same marrnei' that said claims actually surveyed ori'the grouridi and returned to the surveyor general s office at the time aforesaid, are confirmed by theact to which this is .a.' supple.' ment ; and the surveyor general is hereby authorized and directed, on the request of any'.par'ty interested,. to cause the survey of said claims,:without delay, and at any time between the passage of this act and the first day ot January, eighteen hundred and htty. to be made and returned to this office, and he shall certify the return and plats of such actual surveys, se made to his pmce, to the register and receiver tor lands in the "Augusta district for said State. Arid the surveyor general, and the said register and receiver. shall. regard tlies&'claims and plats .Of actual siifvey; in all respects, upon the 6ame tootrng With th claims confirmed as actually1 surveyed upon the ground, by said act to which this is a supplement,' and subject' to, and entitled to the benefits of all the provisions of 6aid act: Provided. That if it shall appear to the surveyor general,' from the plats of actual Survey al ready returned to his office, that any of said claims cannot now be actually surveyed on the ground, ow ing to their conflict .wjth' other claims already con firmed as actually siirvej'dd on the ground, by the act to which this is a supplement, then it shall be lawlul lor him tb' grant to the claimant, so deprived of his location, a warrant, as provided by the fourth section of said act without causing the survey to be made. , ; '' ' ' ' Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That all war rants which have been heretofore issued, or which shall hereafter be issued, by 'the surveyor general south of Tennessee, under the provisions of the orig inal act to which this is a supplement, and under the provisions of this act, be,: and they are hereby, author ized to be located upon any lands subject to sale at private entry in the State of Mississippi, in any of the land 'districts in said " State, in the same manner that said warrants are now authorized to be located in the Augusta land district. " " Approved August 5, 18-18. ' - i Public No. 140. An Act to authorize the issuing a register to the bark . .. r Mary Teressa. .-...it) ,' . Sec' I..' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Con gress assembled. That there! be issued,' under the di rection of the : Secretary of the "Treasury, a register for the bark Mary Teressa, formerly a French vessel, but now owned by Nathan Rogers and Charles But ler, citizens of Baltimore, in the State of Maryland; and which said vessel having been wrecked and. con demned in the Chesepeaka.bayi and has been . repair ed at great expense c : Provided It shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Treasury that the cost of the repairs made in the United estates ex ceeds three-fourths of .the original cost iof building a vessel of the same tonnage. in the United States. . Approved August 7, 1848. .u-r.l .: - i - r.. .. - V . Public No. 141. ' ' . ,.: An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to . . -ti license yachts, end sor other purposes. .. Ssc. 1. Be it enacted ,by the Senate and .House of Representatives of the United. Slaiei iof, America in Con gress assembled, .jThat the Secretary ;tof the Treasury is.n.ereoy auuiorizea to cause yacnts usea anq em pioyed.'exclusively as pleasure vessels, and designed as. models' of naval architecture, and. now entitled to be enroned as American vessels, . to be licensed on terms which will authorize them to proceed from port to port of the United States without entering orclear ing at the custom-house. Such license shall be in such form as the Secretary of the Treasury may pre scribe t Provided, Such vessel so enrolled and licens ed .shall not.be' allowed to transport merchandise or carrypaspenarera for pay ; And 'provided further, -That the owner of any such vessel, before taking out such lnse. Shall criva a hnnrl. in snrh form anH rnr onnh ! .. , , , j ramohnt as tleri'fV:o;;tHerrasIS7, stall pre- Bcnoe, conuuronai inai ine saia vessel shalfnot en gagein anyunlavrful trade1,' rior in, anyway? fiolafe the revenue f laws of' the Uriitied VStatss,'; aBd'liall comply with the 'laws in all other.' respeefs. 'T 1 :';Scr. '2J 'AfidJ be il further'- enacted, That all 'such vessels' shli'-in all Respects;' except ' as ;aT6ve, tie subject to the' law's bf the 'Uniteoi Stoles ihd, shall be liable tp BeiitiTe'-Aiuf forlefttlre. for ;a'n,ViolaUoB of the provisions of this act. j" ,;- ,r - - v ..; r'' " Bic:'3J AnHLBe it ftiriher'enatiedXx&i. ali s,uc)i licensed yachts Shall use a. srghaT.'ofme'forrnji'size, and colors prescribed by the "Secretary of the Navy; and the owners thereof shall at all ;times permit the naval architects in.' the employ of, the United States to examine'and copy the models of Said yachts.. -. , 'Approved August 7, 1848." ;' ' : ' ' " .'.' .' ,' ' TPcBLfc No. 143. t ISO An Act to change he place of holding ' the district ' court of the United States for "the middle district of Alabama, and for other purposes'; - . 1 Sec.7 1. Be it 'etutctefrly'the Senate ' and 'lHouse qf Representatives tf the United, Stales of America in Con- gress assembled, That : 'the "State of Alabama shall be, ' . J VI . . .-.,1 l: ; : 3 . . 'i .... ana.ine same is uereoy, aiviuea into inree aistneis The '-counties of Mobile. Vashington. Baldwin. Sumpter,; Clarke, Marengo, Green, Pickens, 'Wilcox, 4 i tt'l l t.-.ti " ' , . . t. . Monroe, Conecuh, shall compose one district, to be callled the southern district, and a court shall beheld for the said district, as heretofore, at Mobile. , The counties of Montgomery,1 Augusta, Coosa, Tallapoosa, Chambers, Talladega; Randolph, Macoq, Kussell, uarbour, Fike; Henry, Dale, Uoaee, .Cov ington, Lowndes, Dallas, Perrv, Bibb. Shelby, and Tuscaloosa, shall hereafter 'compose one district, tp be called the middle district, and a court shall be hpld for the' said district at Montgomery.'. And the Tesidue of the counties of said State' shall hereafter compose1 the "northern ' district Of " Alabama, and court shall be, held for the same; as heretofore at Huntsvulel - Sec. 2. And be it fu'r(her enacted, That the next term oi tne aisirici court ior xne saiu miuaie Gist net, and every term thereafter; shall te held at'Mont- gomery ; and the clfcrk and marshal bf said middle district are hereby required, forthwith, to remove all the books and papers and records belonging to their respective offices from Tuscaloosa to Montgomery. SeC. 3. And be tt fuYther enacted, That all causes at law or in chancery, pending' in . the said "district courts at Mobile' and 'Huntsville,; or in: 'the circuit court of the United States at Mobile, in 'which the 'defendant or defendents reside in the middle district (as hereby established) at the 'time of serving pro cess, shall ''be transferred for trial to the district court for the. said middle district, and be proceeded in, heard, adjudged, and determined in the same manner as though originally commenced or prosecuted in the said court ; and it shall be the doty of the clerks of . i . i .1 A 1 1 . ;ti . : i -i . . ine saiu courw ai numsvuie ana iviooiie, saieiy to transmit to the clerk of the district court at Montgom ery the original papers in all cases hereby-, ordered to be transferred, together with a transcript; of all orders and other proceedings had thereon. ': Sec. 4. And' be it further enacted, That all laws or parts of laws contravening or opposed to the provis ions of this act; be, and the same arte hereby, repealed. Approved August 7; lo-B. .. t-- Public No. 144. An Act to annex the town of Essex, in the State of Massachusetts, to the collection district of Clou ' ceslcr. "" Sec. 1. Bs it .enacted 'by the Senate and House of Tl : l J 7 IT " i n. , . . w gress asseinbted, I That the town of Essex fri the State ft T.. r. ......;' i t ,j ' 1 ' . i . - i - trict of Newbqryport. shall hereafter 1e included in- arid form a part . of, the collection -district of Glou cester.'. ' ! . '. '' . ' Approved Ah usr 7 1848. ,,-'r , rPcB.ic4-No. i45.i ' , l; , An Act to annex that part of the State oflridiana border ing on lake Michigan to the Chicago collection district. . . V '. ' ',,.; '. . i . Sec. 1. Be il, enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives cf the United States of America in Con zress ' assembled That, from and after the thirtieth 4ay of September next, all that part of' the State of Indiana bordering on- lake Michigan, $nd heretofore iricluded in the Detroit collection i di'strict, be; nd the same is hereby, annexed to, and made a- part of the colIectrirdistrict of . Chicago, in the. State, of Illi nois, r. !-,: Approved August 7, 1848. t f ft r - rPirnr.ic No. 147.1 '" An, act for the relief of. those pre-emption, claimants upon the Miami lands in Indiana, who, ! by their, services in the Mexican war are entitled ito bounty land ; -'.'i-i.' . i . I Be it enacted by the. Senate and House'ofBepreseiila tives of the United Stales of America in-Congrcss assem bled, That those persons who are entitled to bounty land,warrants,fpr one .hundred and sixfy acres in vir tue of their own services during the present war with Mexico, and, whotmay likewise be entitled to. the. i.l-'. . ? !' . J -. : ! -right ofpre-empljiorf upon the Miami lands in Indiana,; under J.h act ol the third of ,Augus.t eighteen. hun dred and forty-six, shall hayq.the privilegejof . apply-, ing ' their warrants in payment.or part payment for , the tract to which they may . establish their right, of pre-emption ; said warrant to be estimated,' when re ceived as aforesaid, at, the sum 'of, one.;, dollar and twenty-five cents for each acre therein contained : Provided, That in no case shall the government be required to refund any excess of the estimated amount of said warrants, oyer and above the price of the tract claimed to be entered ; and should the fraet claimed to be entered as aforesaid exceed, at the rate fixed by law, the.: said sum, then and in such case the balance of the purchase money of said tract shall be paid in cash. . , ' Approved August 7, 1848. . Public No- .151.1 An act lor dividing the State of Georgia into two iu- dicial districts and organizing and establishing an additional district court of the United States, with circuit court powejrs and j urisdiction. . , . Be it ehacted by. the'. Senate and Htuse of Represen tatives of the. United States of America in Congress As sembled. That the State of Georgia shall be, and the same is hereby, divided into twojudica. districts, -in manner following, to iwitiJthe counties of Harris, Talbot, Upson,! Monroe, Jones, Potaam,-Hancock, Vrarren,vColurubia, and all the other counties in said State south, of them, shall compose one district, to be called the southern district; and the courts shall be held as heretofore, and at' .the. times now author ized and required by law, at Savannah. The 'coun-' ties of Troupe, Merriwether, Pike, Butts, Jasper, Morgan, Greene, Taliaferroy;,Wilkes,' Lincoln,- arid all the remaining counties m) said -State north of them, .shall cdai pose one district, to be' called the northern district, and a court shall be held for the Said district I.Marietta! in the county of Cobb.- .-ii -! Sec." 2 And be it further. enact4d,: That there shall be'two terms of the. district, court for the" northern district; .held 'at; Marietta, in each-and every year, to begin on the second' -Monday in March, and on the second Monday in September. And the district judge of Hie United. States :'for the 'State' of Georgia is hereby irequired tor hold the court3 aforesaid; and furthermore, he is authorized and required to hold one oc more, special terms. at Marietta! - in' each year; -If.- in hi Opinion, the business of the court or the pub-"4 i - - . t 1 1 . . . , i - ..i iiq convenience snan require n to De eone.'. - -i- ? Sec. ,3 And be it Jurtter enacted, That the second Monday in March and the second Monday in Sep tember in each year shall be return- days for writs and executions, returnable to the said district court to -be held for the northern district at Marietta ; and the parties to such suits as shall be so- returned shall make up their pleadings under such rules as the oit8 avcd !9hl Ir.-..iiiJcKj i X UMBER: : 4 court shall, prescribe, in order to have, the Cises to retoned in a state of readiness for trial t the SBceeed iogregular termkcmi: ,7 : A i ? - n;n.i. ctlr ,i Sc.v4 And be U'further enacted That alf caoses at.law orja .'ribancery ipending iin; tire Isnid .'district courts at Savannah; or in the circuit tJOHrt of the- Uni ted States at Sa VtfnBah and MiDedgeville, where the defendant oa defeadainta resided. m the; northern i dis trict (as herebyjestablished) at: the time m iseryrng proef ss. shall be- transfeired. for trial to. the district ciourt for .the said: northern district and te proeteded in, . heard, adjudged and determined in the same maa ner as though originally commenced or prosecuted tn said court.; And it sha-Jtbei the dstv of the clerk of fhe sa.id courts: at. Savannah and Alilledgevrl la saeJy to transmit, in mecierx ot-tne aisirici court ativian elta the original papers in all cases hereby ordered to be transferred, together withr, a transcript of all or ders and other proceedings had thereon i-L:i&n' Sec. 5. 'And be 4t further enacted,, That -.all suits hereafter to be instituted in. either of said courts, not of a local nature shall be. commenced ib a court of the district; where !ihe defendant resides ; but if there be more than one defendant, and they; reside in dif ferent districts, the plaintiff. mayrsue in either and send duplicate: writs fo ; the. other defendants, on which the plaintiff or his attorney shall' endorse-that the writ thus sent is a copy of a "writ sued out -of the proper district; and the said writs, when executed and returned into the office from which they, issued, shall constitute: one and the same suit, and be pro ceeded in accordingly. ' . ., -Sec. G. And be it further enacted, That the judge ,of the 8ad district court shall appoint a clerk of the .district court ot the northern district, who shall re side and. keep his office, and records and documents appertaining thereto,., at the.; place ef. holding said court. .And the said .clerk,, shall, be entitled to- the 6aine fees allowed by law .to the clerks of the district courts in the other district in said State, perform the like duties, and be subject to the same liabilities and penalties. : . .: Sec. .7.' And be it farther enacted, Tliat the dis trict attorney and the marshal of the southern district of Georgia shall respectively perforin the duties of the district attorney and marshal of the northern dis trict... And the said marshal shall keep an office at Marietta;. and discharges for mileage, in the. execu tion of the. duties of his office within the said north ern district, shall bojcortiputed from Marietta. .-, S?c, 8. And. fee it further, enacted, That th. said .district court for 4he norllttrn district of Georgia, in addition to the ordinary. jurisdiction and powers of a district court of the United StateSj'ishalU wiiliin the limits of the said .nor.thern district, have jurisdiction pf, allj eauses,.. except ; appeals .and,, writs.' of error, wlvch:iiow are or hereafter may be made cognizable in a circuit court of the United States, and shall pro ceed, therein in. the same manner as a circuit; court.. -.Sec 9. And be it further enacted, That appeals, and.writs of error. in the nature of. appeals, shall. lie and may be sued. from the said district courtat Mari etta to the Supreme Court of the United State's. . ,i ; Sec. 10. And be it.further enacted,. That, should the judge of the district courts aforesaid fail to attend at the time and place of holding, the- court for the said northern district, at any one of its terms afore said, before .thecjose of the fourth day of any such term,, -the business pending in any such court shall stand adjourned to the next term thereof, Sec. IL.; And be t further enacted. That all laws contravening, or opposed to the provisions of .this act be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved August 1I,,18.48.' - : , ! ;i PuBLir-No. 152. . 10 1 .' .. Anacrtd authorize the State of Alabama 161 ap)ly certain .anas neretotore granted -to that State for internal improvements, for the use of schools- in the valueless Sixteenth .sections in said'State.Y Sec . Be it tnacted by the xSenate! and House' of Representatives 'of the United Slates' of America in Cori-i gress assembled? That the lands granted to the Statfl of Alabama for purposes of internal improvement, by the eighth section of the act-entitled: " An act 'to ap propriate the proceeds of the sales of the publio lands, and to grant pre-emption rights,": approved' September faarth; eighteen hundred and forty-ow; may be;: arid the same' are hereby,' plaeed at the dis- posarouthe legislature of "saitf State, "atsueh prioe as the - said legislature of Said ; Slate' may-d.rect, ' to be applied' for the' ase-af- schools:fn 'such townsthine ors-Ki oiaie as in wnicmne sixieentQj or seirool sec tions are comparativ.y v&ltireless; arid" the legislature may locatesaid -.ands in a-riy legal subdivisfons not- .ess than forty acres, withi the limits of said State. - Approved Augttsr-11, 1848. I. ! ' 1 -,; PuBiirc-No. 169. An ;;conc of the army.' '."S-Eci"!.1 Be il enacted bv the. Senate and ttni.'h nf Representatives of the United' Stater tf America in Con gress assembled, That the Paymaster General be"; 'and' ha ia 'liirtlw i'ri V HA n1lAn,.'w.U . V . . .1 .- .'J,lL J'l II i '. ."! tr Jm umoicis ui me arinvwuu biiaii nave oeen employed in the payment' of ydlunteferisV duririg the late war with "Mexico, such a' commission, not exceeding one half of one per centum on all sums disbursed byhem aS? aforesaid, as he Sliall' deera a" Treasonable compeh-' 8ariHrifor. the risk and Tabor attending such service i Prtiiiae'd. ; That e Sato cominissiori to any one:p'ay master shdll. riot exceed one thousand dollars per-an-num, frortt' tne commencement to the close of the war. 6fpc. :2i '.''And 'be ' it further' enacted. That -the sai d Paymaster General may," in his dtscretionrallow, to any payrriaster's clerk, in lieu of the" pay noW allow ed by taw;, an annual salary of seven hundred doP Iars." ' " "., ' "' ':,: '"-':; - .'"' - Approved Ahgrit 12, 1848. . ;' ' 'l '"' ', " Public No. 174. : '' An act. supplementary to','" An act to authorize the Secretary.of State io liauidate certain claims there in mentioned,' passed "eighteenth ot April, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen. Be il enacted by the. Senate and House of Representa tives of the United Slate of 'America ih 'Congress as sembled, That IVb Secretary'of State be,' arid he is hereby, directed to: examine, according to principles of equity and-justice,' the claim bf Joseph' De la Franria for advinces, made for the use and .benefit of the United States? 'prior' id; and since 'the.Tairirtg ' of that portiori'of the late'provirice of West'Florida'des-' cribed in the apt - Capprpyed eighteen hundred ahd fourteen) to which this is a supplement, as included witb!nyetlimitbrt!iei State' bf Louisiana, or of 'the' Mississfppi territory', by the United States; ahd,tbat'i such, sanji 'of'rribney'as he may find to be Jufetly du to the' said De la Francia be paidto hin, or tiis legat; represjirifcitives, but of arty moneys' iii the' treasury" not otherwise appropriated. ,k ; ' 4 Appjoved' August 14, 1.8.' ; ;i ",',r- lr'' An Act in. relation to the terms of the circuit and dis trict courts of the United States in and for the dis trict of New Jersey.-. i-r , p--1"'. Be it enacted by the Senate aud Home of Representa tives of the United, States bf; America in Congress assem bled, That the circuit court:6f the United Sfate for the district of New Jersey ehall hereafter be held 'on the fourth Tuesdays ofMarch arid September, instead of the first days'of April nd ;0 ctober," as' heretofore t and that the district5 chart -bf the United States fa the district of New Jersey's"halT hereafter be held on the third Tuesdays of January, 'April,' Jane1, find Sep tember, instead of the second Tuesdays. oT Alay and November, as heretofore ;' and all wntTabttorisap peals, recognizancesand proceed ingswhaf'ever,' pend ing, or which may be 'pending in said conrt!: nip- turnable to the terms as they now exist, shall be con- unuea, neare, tnea, proceeded with, and disposed pf" by the said courts, in the same manner as might or ought to have been done-, if thesaid corirtsrhad been held. at the times-heretofore directed by law. Approved August 12, 1848, '

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