ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT TO THE STAtt. XtaXEIQH; WEDNESDAY, PEBRUAHY 14, 1850. GOOD IN SPRING, SUMMER, FALL, AND W1KTEU TTUiEY ARE COMPOSED Of SUCH MED iX ieiOM m have proved, 10 the practise of th Dart MBineni Pbysicisns in lh world, to ba ttu most effectual in purging nj purifying, and that My b employed it ill limn, in all kuoiii, and in all wethr. They irr composed of veg stable extracts cntirelv. THK.Y ARE 1 HE BUT ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS KNOWN, and 27,8 It superseding th uh of calomel and other ilame us madieinss. heretofore uiad, and combined ia moat other Pills. They are besides the greatest Aiiarauv riiia anown, and Ihe surest corrective of all tna vitiated fluids, 4c, of the body. iney are prepared bj Dr. Iv B LEIDY hi GRAND CAPITALS. ' $67,600 ' - 1 ol 7,500 1 of I4T.500 grand co.nsoudatf.d lottery of m. rylsaa, lor lu onrfil ol tbeCeasolxlaisd I AX I'nti of Mil., Clau II. To be drawn in H.ll.mor, Maryland, as Saturday Kebmaiy 13d, 1 850, antler we auparintcnocne ol woramisuoaera. 79 nana Oer l-attery VI drawn Ballots. MUST SPLENDID SCHEME. I pnae ol -I prise al 1 priae ot I prise of I prise of 100 prizes ol -IIS prises ol a.? prises of 63 Prises of I '26 prizes nf Wfi prizei oi 3 7" prizes of 3,426pizei of fSr.fOO is 7,50t 37.500 J7.5W 47.500 87,J00 17 500 17.5110 7.500 7.300 ISO 175.000 67461 77,50- 50 15.750 800 14 600 100 I a, 600 75 11.450 40 151.900 SO 46,70 : amotintine to 81.080.400 l resell, --llalira. SI0 Uuartera. 5 R .hih. - ' - a A certificate of Psckve-e Whnlea S-AaU.i... 9 JV HIIC, o ctgniOS, JX 50 50,000 iJTrIr'-K""1- (-bhCmi,"nd .rf GRAND CONSt.UUA .iToTTKRV of Ms- - - v. ... ... iL i in usev la. UH r ilia, and their adaptation to disease. s The public can take them with greater eonfj- eeaece man most other pills, which are prepared 7 persons ignorant aeln ol iiiwlir.lues aod die- ease . 'srty PilU in a box, ir 25 cento. (CPrincipal Depot Dr. l.KIDY'S DlSPEN- BABY, No. 114 North Fourth Street, above Maca Philadelphia. Bold also, by WILLIAMS, MA a WOOD CO . Kaleifrh, 8. J. Hinsdale, a-ayeneviiie; vv. n. uppnt, Wilmington; Diaee- way r Carreer, INewberm and most respectable awe uuougnoiu ins Lulled states. THE TRIAL ! Tht final mult andiht award ! Daring the past year e have beea engaged a sale al 1 ickcts under the mansgcrutnt Messrs. U. 1'aiae k Co. ol Baltimore, sjd Me air a s. w. Maury k Ca. ol Wairtingmn. Wclclieilats arselvee epoa Ihe sueeen hitli baa attended our Y'wrTortlto diau-IKOi. Wnitir and Fortune id our wanowt (.orrespoiiaeels lnrour.ln.ul the Union, snd s lime baa beea to fraught with graldVitu rrralta "-SiITjfrv ,aI !-V''b vWerpnse trr. - ' viisHKvu.naa also Cfniuu.Ir.t tun me tsencmea unoer ine man agaraeat of the Meaan. Paine k Co., hse eoalilet! i iio uiisaminale MUllt I'lll.KS ihsa anv other. The brilliancr of detail the CapruU aod lh eiwnl JiipoiitioD ol the who! I their Sehemas. afTurd I hem trtat tifimi... . d it it to b rriucmberctl that the public nct.oJ trrUioa of Comtniuiitnera appointed by the Go mrwar ot utm state, it tar relrrnbl and more aat ractorj, than if drawn in a iiuall town where the peetatoTii it any, mutt be limited. V Iwt, tberetorei arrivi-d at the cnnelu&u.n .ii.nn& Meaara. PAINK it CO'S Ticketa ony, and I.ffer law the aoniitieration of our eorrevjionduati a SK- im of Bi.HRnr.ij tor ih Month of J AN UAH V ' " rariicuiar atteation riircfi to lha '"rii n auLi u n 1 r.lJ SlJMfcMKi. V Rromite oar effort a ahall be amlackcuel. and Ml fullr aware that brOKnernna ro.itlt. t..ll Ordera are requcattil to be forwarded early, and he " 2J. lI0Pa?sI301T & CO. 47 WALL BTItEET, N. Y. $30,000 Cf.i?fP CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY OF MA ssssaAHU fur the beueht of Ihe Consolidated ....e. o,, Ulan N, (or. 4t. ,.fL,,r,"., WC Caty-o ttsllinwre, Md. lisitimore, Mil , on .Vaiurdar, Februsry 9 1850. HUM I 1 a wi uj.iiu..., ' ' ....I i.i mi ., a I Prize of 50,nii Ss 10,000 194 Lowest 3 pi lie 400 6 lal k 4 draan ass. 100 66 3d k 4th drawn ass 80 66 5lli k 6th drawn ms 70 131 7ih k sth or 9k kl0h 60 131 lOthkllihorllthkWih 50 132 2d k 3d or 4ih tt 5lh 40 1.763 S5.740 3 (n,mio 450,OUe) 77,K10 6,600 4 67g 7.VM 6,600 s.ano 1W.860 386; 1 00 'Jli.Oll' 30,316 Prizrs arormntinr to IICKel! y.5 ahsraa m nronarlinn 78 draon iiuinl.era 1-2 ll.llni. A Cerlifiralo of a nreksLe al 26 Tiakeia ill k. eni lor ssiu ansrea In proportion. 35,000 825,000 , SIS.OQO GRAN D CONSOLIDATED LOU KY ol M.rv land Lisas 9. For IS50. To be tlra.n in Hal limqre, lil oD SJrdiut Ke 16, 4850- U11AII SCHEME. Drafting Architectural Msj. ciiatilcal. A 8 this uibe arasun lor yeoag eehaaics and otacra la apply lheraseles la the stlaiasseal of the greslealaid lo esainena in tbeir sarious pur wits, .s, a thorough kaowlcdga sf Geometrical Drawing We would call their allenlion to "Miniie's Tczl Bonk forgell-instnietioa," beings complete man oal ol Meehsnicsl Drawing, including KOM ET HICAL 1JKAW1NU and PEKSPECTIVE, illus trsted with 56 iteel pistes, and explained id a fa railiar mannrr, rendering ihe altsinment cf c be art essy snd sgreestile. t'ltm the AVw fork ScinHjSc American "It is llie bell work on Drawing Ibal we have erer sees, no yoang Mecliaoia. such as a .Machinist, r.ngiDeer, Cabinet Msker. e ., u ... m iiiii m i - From the jluttimore Wnttrn Continent ne, wno having thoroughly msalored this book, eannat make any of the ordinary drawing of this "'"i mar won nrariair ol ever l..'m. .1.1. ,n Bvuipiian aucn a reioll. from the Jt'atwnal Inlelhg-encer rT"HE senior oartner ofnnr In. i..,.. u. j X from Earope) fatTiog mad arranferoanu - icuiar conngnmanu of the were beat quil, of Bieichinj Powd.r or Chloiid. 01 Lime, wo shall now be able u (apple dealers and consumers throughout the United Stales vai uia snoai laroursnie terms , Wo ahall onlv aell th. h.i .,iil. -l. i.. ... . . ..... , CWVU IU1 will be analysed by a piaetiral Chonin befoio wtuje aninpea 10 us. CYRUS VV PIP t n s. n- Wholeeale Comam.ion Paper Warehouse ano oeaiers to orert descriniion nf Manas- M iL'. u.a 1 . . -j a naiciiaia. No. 11 Cliff Slreot. NEW YORK. 41-6 MHIRT8 at vrloleale, from fg to f34 per dozen. I .. 1 I I I liai 60 f I 64 lis .1,136 .irn prize U $35,0110 is , 15,0110 7,500 3,000 1.000 667 12 l 0 75 30 SO SO 10 Ticket! 10 Sharea'in nrononina. 75 number lotlerr if drawn k.lUia A Certrfiaate Ol a P.ekare ml 4S I'.ek.ia m,U k. wcni mr 14U Miarea in proportion. ror i icaeis, antlrcss r.. MOHItlaON k CO. 47 Wall St.. New Verb. jss.ono . 25.U0O 15,000 7 500 5,000 100,'K lo,?;:ti so e,4-i 4,8'K) 6,4'H) 3.84 68 7 2I,760 71 a...n.i. , a I, u ' ' - - .....uvea i aiawo SPLENDID SCHEME. 930,rOU' $80,000! $10,000 4 Prises ol fflKIO. " " --f S-CSVdullarl. 14 of 550 85 0f 3(jo WU3 Prizes of (200 esch ' 61 ol 80 I4ol50 li.olSO -, . .. ks ... ,..., .. .ir' Tickets )810 ahsrei in propoi linn. AMiSlr.l. l'i,kHKrj( S3 Tickets' a lit be Seat for fliJU Stiarei in urnpnrtion. Marylaad CON-iOLIDA I ED LOTTERY, fnr the benefit of Ihe uiiuclianaa C.njl and other pur poses Clsss 10. To be drawn m llalliraoro, M.I. an Wednesday, Fchrusrv 6, I S50. 78 Numbers 16 airawn oaiiuia. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. B35, $ 1 5,000 20 Prize of 5 l,00U each! 10 or 500 sMuf-.'id 20 or 150 dollars. 470 of $100 f!0 62 .of TO of0 6iof4o . . , he fce ke . J" . " ""'f I'-o-Shtres in proportion. M Joe.'l?""sk " ''" "' 20 1 ,ck8U ant lor flUO hbarei in prnpoition WUO.OUO! , L ,:USS )UMI KI) LOTTERY, for ll.e beoent of r.nil, ki Cl.i. II. IliP 1 1511 I 1 ha 'i ... - a 1 1 . i ' ..... iar.j . .7 " "aiurnore, Mil. 1 ,.M...,.r no. u, I85U. 7S Numbers 13 GUAND SCHEME. - 1530,000! 20,000 10,000 O,O0O 013000 r I of 4,870 dolUrs. -J SO Prize! at $1,000 etch "I 180 Prizes of 8200! 01 of 100 dollars, 05 of SO dollars. ISOol 60 IJ0 04 40 &c Ate 4o . T'ckcli $10 Share! in proportion -ill .Hif.'T ti ,'"k!5 f "6 Whole Ticket, will e sent for I3,-Shsrc. in Praporiioa- $33,000! M.LLf.rCONS'!,"U 1 FI LOTTERY for 5! ia.?; f-atVV"l" Canal, kc Claa. 12 wTc- .tw'lS.l T" '"?h,!L" "sltimore, Lo..' 'y'K,tb- 'iU ,M0- Number; SPLENDID SCHEME $33,000! m,0W Bl I.OO0! tarund afc Maunrr- NOS. 8, 11 61 11 EUTAW gr, OPPOSITE THE EUTAW HOUSE, "BAIaTJll'0,R-ffi.",TT5. TT" NAME &. GAEHLE would respect- J aV iuuy can me attention of Ihe nuh r lo their aujierior GRAND AND SQUARE PI ANUS, J'he Pianos Manufactuied at thla ... laoueAmcnl hve for de loaor of touch. nesa,cluinas and brilliancy of tone, beauty and lylo of workmanship, been pronounced by the moat eminent Profeaaors to be uuaurpaased bv any inatrumenla made in this or any oilier country 1 iofessora,ainatuere. counlrv merchants ami others nailing lialtimore will find it to lieir. advantage to call al our e.lnsire establishment oeiore purchaaing elaewheie. 38 ly, one a no patiently and earelully goes fcj) rni I IRS ffnm a I n V through .1 eould not be said, so f.r .. pri,iplc. --LRf- frJ" f ' H pc doseo, snd methods sre concerned, sue lon.-r L . Msnufsctured and sold at 'From the American Kail Road iam,1 1 It la eonjmenilH in .kn a. . , t . . u.,fneu lojunge Ol Ita urn . .. .. ' .J a . , " " " o" inorougn and com, plele work of the kind aver ,,nl,l,.k..l f ,i.. try." ' " " ass received universal commendation from toe pre.., snd we believe it lolly merit! all Uj.i hi iD ,(t nraise." frie S 1 ilfi PilUTICUI.lRlinTiri' We will torward e oonv of ih. ik.,, ten.b i oj expeme lo any part of the Union, on the receipt of thiee dollsri, which rosy be seal per mail at our expeaac. W. M. k Co. have also publiahed an sbrideed rdinon ol the above work for ik. an i Kruiw.i u containing sll Ihe principles are eonlained ia .. . . 1 uiuairsieo wnn 48 steal ai.a Price II. 85. Pnkll.k.J ...i r i . r ' , u.LiA .vji.-Mrir. at r.n tU KallHBore-it , Uilnani. - - 46-6m. HIZEof I fiVIE SECOND CRAND CAPITAL I J. $15,000 DOLLAKS .' Nos. 38 52 6'i, Suaqueuanns Canal, Class 42 Win S.W YetlerJaf S,ptmbtr 19, Attus tiaiiT PnizsiAosscr OS COLVlk0., N. W. corner of Bslnmore and CalVeit ill Museum Huildiu?. ' ll.l.t UJ ALL PHlZEs aold it thl. Aeenev. akovr ai tav are alw.r. duly announced upon the bottom ai the" Manager's Official Kea.inr ' Li,uMOLLAH9 17V BaltiBnorr) ., Between Litrht cssaas a taivi'r , MEN'8 sod BOYS SHIRTS. Cotton U Linan on hsnd and constantly making, all sizes nlsin m i u inney. frrhmamber the name and No. I7 BALTIMORE 8TREET, Fourth door below Light. T. W. BETTON, , "-'y. M. OHEVf. WM S. HOPKINS ORIsM& IIOPKIXS. MCBOH41TT TAILOaS- AND WH0LK8ALB DEALERS IN Cloths. rasKimrrFa, VetiKS and TAILUHS' TUIMMLWOS. J30 Market St. N. W. Cor. of Charles, PALTIMOBE. A I.ARUK ASSORTMKKT nv 1EADY MADE CLOTHING ol Suncrior aaalire OSE PRICE OX l.Y. Cloth moms an sialra Enirasee .mk j r.i.. More on Chsrles street. ' 30 I v TASTY ANDBL'AUIlFrL J1URT al hand from New York ar.d Philedel bis, embracing every variety of style and laanion lor ma t ALL and WY.VTJTA Trade of losa. say. Rich emhroideied. and Salin Sirin.,1 n.l.;. PUin and Bslm Striped Meriaoes and Caih. anerca. Cashmere, Chameleon, and Thm nhiJ. Pled Orlrana Cloth, and high colored Drlains, t;" ....... .... j Rich Chameleon Mohslr Lustres, Drsb, and Mode color'd Alpacoas, Mode color'd Paramatta, and Mouselina Superior Bl'k, Plaid, and changeable A Ipso CSS, lareal i.ri. aa.lfl iK U-lt the momli ol anii UOLVIX h rn nmniTi " "-"isr mem, as ihe mirn-erV olicial rerorna snnw. " Or4,r,fnriieket! in the Co,,kH1 ,erie, .. . -t'aya receive perimm atleniion. Plcsse adtlreii COLYlV k CO., Baltimore, Md. 38 34w, I of 5,195 I of 3,000 2i. Pcizei of 1 1.250! Oof 730 20 of 4.0 "Oof" 62 of 100 1 i- fce ks (Jo . Tickets only 10 Dollars. ITi.""1 0' l'ckage of 25 Ticked will be earn lor J120 shares in proportion. TONSOUDATEDllnXrlY'of MARYLAND, ZZ 7 .?fi' lh Suiqnehaanah Canal Ia7 j 7 ".,'" nrawn in llallimore, Hra w fiaiiuii CO-PA IP K-s ' i it: V .. . 7 Iin.....a L. j , . . 9 ......w.p, mil una vj rnierrn into punnei alup and will eoi.iinue (he t.kOLKUY ANi r.txi heretofore, under the Bun ot ITIcllwaillC. It row n In v A tCA. We hotMi bv eanatiint anil fuhlul fini 1 ,-v- ua uui II irilHI. ID lUrr If a ft rial i n.i a. rv. ol that patronage, to long aod ao liberally extcbded Our Stock ot Groceries will be laree and maud in tr rmbracinj; a yroeral iinymtfai Uamlt ..... ,....,..,1,.,.. i,juur rsueiieu-j We ahall Kie aiteutioii iu the ale ol Product univunim.ifiun, ant win be at all timet urenared in malt lil..ul ..U...... l. . i 1 A. G. MclLWAIME. Wat. 8. HltOWNLEY. Ro. I). MclLWAIXE. Ro. A. MARTIN. JOSEPH B. DUNN. Petersburg, Jan. I, 1850. . A STltlV linnet? rjpAKEN up snd entered on,.ihe Merger's book js. oi moore county on the 1st iMv ol January i.j uj v-aiiiniue .iicionaiu, living on Drowmug in.iij ..en. i,.uiiioc w nun. ci,j pr,e ,( uuoui ii nanus nign, a atar in Ihe fare, am iha tight bind leg while half way lo Ihe knee,- sup lassu iom between ta anirso veala idnV anpraia d lo 120,00. WM DOWIl Ran.., Januay 18th, 1840. S 3pd. Md.. on 66 Numbers, 10 iACNIFICF.VT SCHEME. J Prizes of 10,000 ench! 6 of 85,000. " -PWei- it i,ooo7 M prizes of $500 each J"eJ4oo n t,r$Tf llol io . '' IO-.Shsr.s ia Proportiou. " ? "'"ehage of it Tickets w ria-onarta in prcporlua. ill be ItlAlMl TACTl HISi (tora number ol years Foreman in ik. p-i.:k and llaalnn I7.;i D.-.l til..., r.. . . O ..... uiavasmun snopi repect. fully announces to the citizen. ,.r R.1.1.1 .1 Ihe surounding Coul.lie that be is prepared lo Loth of alt detrriptiantGunt and Ph. louuurnagt &pngtMitl n0rk Ilrase Caslins. AND, IN SHOUT, ANYTHING IN AND BLACKSMITH WOllR. H II ALIO PHP.PAkED TO EXKCIITK BKLL HA NGING. AT THE 8II0RTES T NOTIPR Also.. haS 011 hand an vlen.iv ....... . .e T - . m-kiikiii M i.ocse-ot all a mils at orieea fram 10 , man dollsrs; Edgatools, an assortment of Aiea. Draw. ...E .....c, curia, nammere, n Ira of various deecriptioue, and a number of article In bis line too tedious to mention. All orders faithfully executed af ihe Inwssl prices, and new work entrusted lo his ore will be warranted. Onleia from a distance will be si l? '!."".d "dat the ahortest notice His Establishment will , be found al th. Kaicigh Railroad Depot, ,,ro - Rspairinf In file tine performed wild neatness and deapateh. Also, . general assortment of uuna and Pistols constantly on band. t J0SEPH WOLTERINO. Baleigh, March, 1849. ; 4f JOB PKIKTIlVO, " " ft tally Execuled al thii Offir. CHERRY PECTOHAL: t ar Iha Cau-a af O0T7OHS, O0LD3, BOAaSEVSSS. BAOSr. OH1TIS, OROVPrAgTBi Aj WH00PIVO OO UGH AHD CONSUMPTION. I be uniform success which h.. .n.n.ii .v. -r . L - : - ..- me u '' preparauon 11s salutary effecl its power to relieve and cure ailectiuns of Ihe Luiica have gained for it a celebriis em,. II. J k. .i! .' medicine. We offer it lo Ihe afllieiel -,tk .:.. "" ",tc vuiues, ana Ibe full belief that it "t-t". . wit rcmota ana mvmm. .. l - . r ,. --- ..a. ui uiseare upon ine iDiost and Lunga. These re sults, ss Ihey become nubliclv ltnn . ..... rally allracl Ihe attention of medical men and phi Ismhropl.ta every whe e. What ia, Ihaar onanw ofCMERftr PECTORAL may kTmmT fpllowiog . . . VALENTINE MOtT, M D , Prof. Surgery Md. College, iV Urk, ,, "It gives me pleasure lo certify the value and efficacy of Ayci's CHERRY PECTCRAL which I con.ider peculierly adapted lo cure diseases of Uie Throst snd Lungs " TMB HP. REV. LORD BI8HOP PIPl r. writes in a Idler lo his friend, who ws. r,.ui ingunueran tneclion, ot -Uie Lunaa,u-'Trv th '"i," anu 11 any medicine can giv you renei, nn ine blessing of Go.l thai wilt1 CI1IEE JUSTICE ELS1IS, 01 i.quisians, mrllre That a voniu, ,l.,,ki- .e . , e -"n,,,r ft .... Lairg o aCVCISI MVere StlScllS Of CtYHlh by tli 'CHERRY PECTORAL." P ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS 7Ac Canadian Journal of Medial .,V-e ststes. "Thai Ailhms sn 1 Bnmchitia, so prove lent in this inclcnienl climate, hss yielded with surprsing rapidity lo Aycr's CHERRY PECTO RAL, snd we cannot too strongly recommend this skillful prepsralion lo the Profei.ion ami nnkMe generally." Let the relieved sufferer speak for himself: HaaTruan, Jan. S6 1847. Dr. J.C. Aver Dear Birr Hain hen re.. cued from 1 fiaihfhl and dangeroue disease by your medicine, graliluJe prompts me lo send von Una cknowledgmrnt, nol only in justico lo you, but for the informsiion ol others in like affliction. A alight cold upou the lunga, neglected at first, bees ma ao aevere Ihsl spitting of blood, a violent cougn n 1 profuse night eweala followed and far lenea upon me. 1 bees me emaciated, could not sleep, waa distressed by my cough; and a pain through my chesi, and in short had sll ihe slsrm. ing symptom of quick consumption. Ne medi cine seemed al all to reach my care, umil I provi dentially tried your CHERRY PECTORAL, wiucn soon reueveu anu now naa cured me. l-urs wilh respect, E. A. STEWART. Aiaasr.T N. Y., Aptil 17, 1848. Dr. Aver, Lowell Dear Sir 1 have for ve.r. boon afflicted wilh Aetbina in the worst form; so that I have been obliged to eleep in my chair for a larger part of the time, being unable to breath on my bed I had tried a great many medicine to no purpose, until my Physirisn prescribed. . sn experiment, your CHERRY PECTORAL Al Drain seamed to make me wane, but in lea than a week I began lo ei icrience the moat rr.t lying relief from ita use; and now, in four week the disease ia entirely removed. I can sleep on my bed wilh comfort, and enjoy a stsle of health which I had never eipeeied In enjoy. GEORGE 8. FARRANT. r j. r. sviB raraisT, towazi. Mass. Sold by William., H.yood k Co. Raleigh, Dr. A- C. Evana. Wiltninatan. rati bv Dm r fiat "y. r. HARDWARE J AND J.EWfS MABRY CO;.".ri now receiving -aJ Ihen Kail suddIv of Hsr.lw.r. .n.i t:..,;.Z Mslerisla, and ale enabled to oflar for ul. . ..Jti. jresily increased, and many arliclea at much re duced nrieei. Iir Carnage Triniminra esneei.llv. ik. k. urcharod laraclv. and t-.,n mHl,a tn ik. :n. . . - v . . .. . . . . . ... . 1 1 It. 1 li C . VI .iiBituiacturera 01 Carrtnirea m th . t..l, .. . theii supply of Ihcni. It is ol consequence la sell foi cash snd to Ihose u psy promptly on short time. Such nt.i. ere will do well to give them a call. They enu merate some arliclea that thev knn f... ..1. Cosch Lamps, Hub and Ssnd Bunds. Sp'rings, Axles. Slumn Joint. Pi. 11 II k si.u .7 , , - "aHHtl, ria. led Handles, Braneh Irons; Curtain Prames, Ms) lesble Castings, Patent Leather Curtain Do, En amelled Do, Step Do. Roan Bti na. Cloth, n.m ask and rlu.h, Brussels Carpet. Oil Cloih Patent v, nuooer uo,i,ace; J ufta, Fringes, Bindings Tsssels. Tscks. Sesminw Cord. T.,fi;. k..ti.' Ispan, Biass and Silver Knobs, Top Props, Mosal Cosch Steps and Hinges, Felliea Shafts, Spoke oowsi crc.'KC. Snncf. the-Key, i BoHinghrdok Sirret, Petersburg, Va. 49-ly. Beautiful Brocaded Chameleon Lualrea, (. ery hue) Splendid American and British Print. Jenny Lind Calicoes, and London Chintz, ( r aKIflfllJ, LvFiBiPraid and F.jubfoldered Gingham. cuper uios ue nmnc, snd changeable Silks, Swiss snd Jaconet Muslins, Bishop Lawn, Irish Linen, Lona Lawn, and Thraad Hltf. Beautiful China Pearl, and Leghorn Boaa-ars-- ten oonnei, vsp, neca and ueit Ribands, Silk Fringes and Velvet Trimmings, (of evert thadc) Thread Laces, Edgings, and Muslin Trimmings Dobbin Edgings, Silk snd Worsted Braids, Bleached snd TTV.bleached Cotton Shirtings, Red and Whits Flanncla. Woollen Shirta and Drawers, Plaid and Omhre Shaded Linseys. Embroidered Uaeaimere, and Rich Cashmer and Woollen Shawls, Fi ax Cloths and C.ssiMKaxs, Overcoating and Kentucky Joans, Silk and tjjiiBhain ymbjcUas. - ... -t . T. A. MITCHELL. Raleigh, Oct' 10, .1849, 41 DR. MARTIN'S Al nivrriutl PnrcaUve Pills. Keniedy for all caiion, and aafe at aU times. The moat superficial observer i aware that one great cause of disease is Cosriva aasa, and that ly ihe timely taking of a Porgaliv, he sysrm is nftcn restored to its usual health. By eueh a course, the lives of hundreds are saved, wlw would otherwise hire fallen vactim to disas. The Pills remove sll irritating matter In th bow Is, and excite the biliary function to a healths ao. lion- The press is teeming with th recommends. lion of Purgative Pills, gotten up by men who ktow nothing or the iffecla of median on the hit... system, snd hence sre endangering the lives of thousand, who ar dailv usina ihm. In air.. therefore, ihes Pills, ws think w ar doing a public benefit si l hey are the prescription of a reg ular physician, who hss used them in hi. r,r.,tu for ten or hileen years, snd with great success. -Prepared and sold bv MARTIN A, wurrf. LEY, al their Wholesale Drn Nmn a a ...... k Calvert street, Bsliimore, and for sale by r. r. i-esuud-llalcigh N. C, 31. UNITED STATES W HOLE8ALB OLOTEIirO WAKKlIOirSE, LEWIS A II ANFOH D. moa. 93a, 94 1, 58 & ajaj Frnrl Si osiwisasui.ron sT.iNB Buaimo Lir, NEW YORK, a THE LiaoCST usNlirar-rnaei,. k. CLOTHING- IN The united states. tnd ar now oll'ciinir Iheir eilejsive s.sortmsnt run i he SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, SCITKB TO SLIa X1M11L Also, an immense stock of white siiiRrs. FLANNEL SHIRTS limwina x,. On. Clothing, and Covere'h Hats Catalogues i of stijcjfc,ant brmuir.Ot4tn prenipiiy uneu. une price, and no deviation. January 1,1830. Sl-14t. N E W GOOlJSf N EW GCrODS. JujI ficccivvd nt K: 19. Fiaveltc- v.He St., Huleisli, m. C. THE 8UBSCHIUER hss Just relumed from New York, and is now onenintr a Isrcre and well selected Slock of Gootls iu his line. They were bought entirely tor Cash and will bo so,d at modnrale advincna for Cash, and to punctual cue- tuuicrs ot crcau. .i large and beautiful Jltaortment of LADIES DS.ESS G00D3 Connaling in pari of Black Silks, Colored Cham eleon, Do. Figured and Plain Cashmere French Me nnos, Orleans Cloths, Plsid Lustres a great variety. Black Alpacas. O'inglisms. Delsinee, Sic. I rench, English, and American Prints a large IWI, Silk end Cotton. Hosiery, Glove, French wor'd iollsrs, Lscas. and Trimminjr for Ladies' Dresses, Brown and Bleached lairttrnrr and Sheering' While and Red Flannels, Brown and Bleached i able iriapera, dec. Clollm. Cassimcrpa. Ar. Superfine Black Prcnch Cloth. Blue, tt Brown do. Tweeds, Sattinet, Kentucky Jeans, plain h atripad. resiings, uinuemm s ui at-a Kin and Black and Whits Silk Gloves, Cravata, Pongee and Ban danna Handlers, Irish Linen, Reedy Made Over-Coat and Vesta Blankets. Ac. A large assortment of Blanket, from SO cents apiece lo 10 a pair, Kerseys, Osnaburgs, a large sssonmont oi csrpeung and Hearth Hags, a very Isrge stock of Hoots aod Shoes at the lowest rates. nmttrntua CttQS.""m Beaver and Satiin Boaver, the latest styles, Broad Brims, low price, Black and Colored California do. a great variety of Youih'a Bov's and Gentlemen's Cloth Csps. Urocerles. Bronfn, Clarified. Crushed and Loaf Sugars, Rio, Lsgusira, and old Java Coflee Imperial ti Young Hyscn Tes of Ihe best oualitv. Sperui, Adamantine and Tallow Candlea the beat. Itcsterntioii V Proservntlou of a a. iseoc Konot A CA It D. Hull, by M ise& son ot VlritiiiW. M, Laiormtorti of Thonptomm Botanic Mtdicina. m.f..min LiUHABEE. ' No. 14 boBTiOnviiT Btxiit. . BALTIMORE:r:-- TJZS " 1TIA8 ihe largest Bolsnk Eslablishmcnl in th 4aU United Bute, and has always on hand th most eomokd aeaonmeul of pur Botanic aiedi- cineaj, in balk or put up in nest and lb peek sire labelled with direciion auiubl for retailing. nana, in verwoe lincluie and cawnlial Oik ith a full aasertokSnt e Boiania Medieal Wnrk. Hyrirki, &c, c. F.( 6t. WISE d Son, Undinir it aliom!hr O posaibl to attend personllsv lo ih ar..t n'lmiwr ol osiiy spphcalions, from all sections nf ine union, lor melt Remedy for Bladness, and for Ibeir celebrated HAIR TONIC, har. found it necssary lo appoint a General Tra,;Uinr A,., lo run different cities and lowna throughout the United Ststes, vetting him wilh authority to appoint sub-sgcnls, use and vend Ihe Hair Tonic, and lo apply ibe liiaTomn vs. and lo nut ih.m i.,t ik. nauua ui uitiae ne may appoint to oneral. wk.... vr a aufficiant number of patients in any town or neighborhood alls I be'obtsined. Cspt. GBORGB CALVE HT. f county, Va, ia alone authorized to act aa General Travelling Agent, with the powera above indica ted. J. Capu C- may be expected to vwit, aa speedily ss practicable th principal cities and lowna of the union, N. B. Capt. Galverl will always hav on hand a supply of Ihe HAIR TONIC (which clesnses the head of dandruff, strengthens and invigorate . .., iiu prevent m siso irom lalling off, ror ine region ol country moat contiguous lo his operation!, er it may always bo obtained, at whole seta and forwarded to any part of the Union, by aouressing Ihe proprietors, M. WISE h BON, aucomona, a. Pric 9 per dozen cb. Six bottles for J5 vi wti uuiiar singi ooui 1 ly. ww,i,!ol,,,,, ' Printers! We hare on hand a large font of gecond unna L,ong rrimpr, which we will sell un usually low. Thit paragraijh U a wed men. 1 Also smaller fonts of Bourgeois, Dieviot and ..iiiiiou. i bis i thi Oovaoioi. The Brevier it nearly good aa new. ffere U i , AT Printers deiirma in .r1.! t tk.i. .aa . do well lo and of ibis opportunily as nuaaiilkAULI (JtlKAr! . ,- . jEn rlamoa 6ra iCtincinv - THE Subscriber' CIsssicI School opened a 1st Inst. Tiaais ria xssioa, For Board, gB0 Tmtion, J8 Tuition (English.) i. ,...,, , JN0. B. B0BBITT. Raleigh, 3rd Jao'y, 18&0. t. 51 A large lot of Cnickery Hadws,;Cllfy, twiif, mackaronh-s Uellows, Anvils, Vices and Hammers, iNaila, Cc. cVc, slid slmost every ar tide uiually kept in a Retail Store. T. H. RELBY, No. IS, I'ayntcville St., Kaleigh. October S3, 1849. 43. . KOTIETIIIIVO NEW TUCKER V SON, always at the top of the limes, have just received, and h.v. tne pleasure loouer 10 the public, HATS of llie rairat and most ingenioua mechanism ever aeen in (his market. They are a Frtnch invention lately introduced into Ihia counlrv. calle.l' Gitiui't "chntleailx mecaninnes" merf,n,r,.l iiiur, ior wiucn ine ingenious nailer, nl. Gibus hn recoived th eulogies of the Society fat iha Gneooraoement of National Industry, and th Academy 01 industry, or franco, wilh gold and silver medals. This hat i an elegant curiosi ty, as wsll as luxury, as it posaesie an elasti city by which il can be folded into the compass of a cap, and then thrown out into the ehap and smoothness of a moleskin ot beaver. Com and see. Dee. 1 9th, 1849, MARTIN & WHI TELEY'S NATIONAL TONIC, a itsTiia eras ro FEVER jtxn juiitp In our Summer sod Fsll months aaa. etlM ol m sounlry sra prostrsted by this disease. It hss been our parlieulsr itudy to Snd out some reave, dy lo stop this trulr dreadful I.,..- .-j .1 this scienlifis eompouad we have effected this neat disaidcralura. Read ihe following eenifiaate- rowaarraa facioar, aariialiimora. A raMi Ask. St 1 Messrs. Martin k Whitdeg Gentlcmen-lt is with linaera r.le.anl .kl. lo give my evidence ia favor ol your valuable "JVav tienal blue." llsving licen troubled foraeariv foor years wHh rtnr Ague sad Fever, I tried sisost everything 1 heard of, but nothing seemed la rtra me any permanent relief, until a lew months ago. I purchased from one of your areata (Messrs-jia. bbane fx Co.,) a bottle ol our Tonic, and after civ ing ,t a lair trial, 1 an to my great satisfsatioa ser Isioly cured, and bare no beiiisiion in . a ing it 10 all person! afHieied with Ago and rarer ss ihe best remedy known. ' s. , JEPHGLATFELTEa1 - . Prepawa .nj sold by Martin tt. Wblteley 41 South Calvert street, Baltimore; and for sale by - P. P. PESCCD. . , Haleigh, N. C :----- t DR. MARl'IN " T 1 h. WiM i k SYP 0F W,LD CHERRY. 1 he Wild Chei ry and Sarsspsrilla, which are lb basis ol ibis Drenaralian. ha. k 1 l , I' .7;" . . " -a - . 77 IT """"naii snu seroluls, Coorhs. Cold!, bpitlingol Blood, Ailhms, ks. I hisremVdv mcresst! rather than impairs ihe appetite, and nr V lle degree '-the function, ,nu. tntton." till! IS not sunriiin. -k X,j . . , ' s ww woaiuar thst nt peaular properties are to rouse Ihe morbid action of the oia.rooK tieareut, and the nervoui and muscular system, while st the tame time k dicain iihei the scu.ii ol the blood veaielt. It it surnris ing what a wonderful effect Ibis remedy will fro. queaily produce even in the most sggraVaied aad ada,.d .ug. of ScrolulQUiaud Civiooi. Pns. tryDlsesst. t sui, to pervade th wool tincture of th CW, and tolien those cmcrele tubercular maeoe. formed in the, and brief ing them down to Ihe same title of .01,00 with the rcit ol the tyitem, by which health it promoted snd to.ta,ed. It. so differs Iron, most ether remit, diet in being remarkably nlasaa-t. l . a... iog any of those healing, atuptfytng or diurualiat? properties, 'which sre found in moat - troni ofTbeWtLD CWEUBYand 8AUSAPAK1L. to tSl ft ENGLISH AND GOSHEN CHEESE, just received aod for sale by . Nov. SI, 1849 TUCKER sV SO.'V). 48 Read Uie folowine from ah:.kl. M. .-li llemao in Shenandoah county, Vs. . .. . -aaw M.aasT, May tth, 1149. ' Or, Martin Dear Sir For Sheen or twraalw years 1 have been much troubled .nk - .:i.. csur-A and difficult)-ol breathing. I bad tried many things, bui ail with no benefit, till I met with roar Compound Syrup e H ild Cherry, ai Meatert'lA. Henkel kt Son't More. At the aaau. Al Irirntl. Mr. Noah J- Henkel I w.. A 1 s bottle of Ihe Syrup, sad Sliding so mash nlicf 1 aoaliaoee) (0 use It, and now think enliralv relieved. ' "Paiur Kacrr, Sc'ar.M ffrPrcnared and sa MAltTI a. wniTS tET;"No 4t- South Ci'vei-rMreei, Balilmorej aad for aile by p. f. PESCUD- Kslcigh N. C, '" FIIANKLI.'M pTpeh MILL, Ifichiuoad. V. THI8 property, now owned and woiked by tb BELVIDERE MANUFACTURING COM. PANY, has been repaired and rresllv iammj in iU machinery. At considerable xpn, aup ply of par amine water his town seeiirnd Kiel. enables the company to furnish at all lime, on th GOOD WHITE PRINTING PAPER, of the best msterialt and workmanthip. They ar ' also prepared to execute orders for almost any oth er description of paper. Al the PAPER AND BAG 8TORE of th Company, (next door lo Messrs John Thompson ck Co., and two doors below Messrs. Webb. Bacon o Co., Main at.,) will be found a large and full assortment of WRITING AND WRAPPING PAPER, embracing col ton ysrns snd envelope, at price suited to the limes, to which they invito attention. From the advantage of climate, facility of irans. porlalion, lie, which th' Company poaae, they flatter Ihtmaelvea rhst tfaiy can compel success- " " fully wilh Northern manufactories. Expanding, aa Ihey do, some fifteen Uiouaand dollar annually for materials, the product of Virginia and North Carolina, and affording employment to about fifty persnnt, whoa earning are expended her, con stitutes, as they think, some claim on I li. ...... of lh Southern public. Order ihould b addreaaed lo Mr. John Richards. Supt . OTnagt purchaied at th Mill and al th Store. l-L T TUCKER & SON. would call attention to Aka their excellent lot of Tobacco consisting; of 100 lbs, )rat Chewing Tobacco, 10,000 Cigars of different Brands, 1000 Papers old Vircnia Smokina Mr. Millti'a 4 Mayland 8nuff. in Bottle, Bala and Bladders. Also a fresh and fia article of Rice. Dec Ath, 1849. 4g lleadj Made Cottag; AFRESH supply of Ready Mailt Clothing; just received, and will be old cheap for cash. Also, a lot of over sir uk hirt. dress shirts, Lamb woal and Merino nn dassbirll and drawer, which will la aold an r... eonahle terms, J. J. BlO'..i Rleigh, Dec. 10, 1849. 50 w4w. .Nfcw lioots and feoes. OLIVER L. BURCH, TayetteviUe St. 1 TJsor below the p, qffim., N C. iy0LrLD Inform lh public Ihsl he hss jort iT; """'d l"B assortment of BOOTS ex wHOES, coropring in-p.rt ,he following a,ije Ladia a boat well Buskins. French do do. Kid welt Ties, Fin Kid Buskin. ria Orecia La Victoria, (New Faal.ii do do. da. da. da, do MEKC HANTS' HOTEL, Fourth atrrel, bet u ret Arch and Market. PkilnsielnH.ia. srniiE I'HoeuiETiiu.sHip iMn miv 44 AUKMENT oi thi. well knower hotef f twnicn is incsled in th vera centra nf k.,.i . having Ihia day passed into th hand. atih. ,L eribcra, they beg leave to stats that it i. their pur- i "- wormy 01 uie nowrai patronage who which it ha been heretofore sustained and boo. by uuremilling s.Untion to dearv th p.tran.g. j hrgei in th. Cll. .d Z .TT" ,h -.-T.i.a..d,,o.b!Un-.5: sa: C, k J. McKlnmw " " r- flail A ' a ' " Ull, 1-.' nch Kid do. Children' Black Morocc, Do. Colored da. Do. Bronx do. Do. Laced Boo la, By' Calf Bool, ink mp do. " . Do. Laced Monroe's, Dj. Peg slrspped do, - Children's do. mJt .MmiUmem'.. pit, SlilchsJ and P.gge d, differont qualilie. Home 1 Gratia Huoti, (New Sty! J Do. Fleah Oat, Negroe'e Cosra Bborw, 4c Ac. - ' H reioeataall wranlinv Hinf. ilk him a call, a h. know hi assortment to be ih lararM! an I I'll J I a . .. . . ... tornHwIy ofthEichanf HoUlPituburg, J tiftnAm tl 1849. 0. I BURCH. . t-