IB i r. rOETBT. . On h oae lm tb saw Ugh gteswta.... . , Uka a war katws trancing, , nag ! cr.iif with itt ur ttatioa, . . ., lis. the am', kynt ia Mr anotisa, j On to til short Watndtog, ' H'ltli t war of its ihrt'nu toua'JIiif, J rrrifMtJwiAfiM Jut Ming, t. , left la thy glidings: The. Ikil ort panting to roach ths vrx'4 rtrd TU w t!i UI of mw hr AaUat kl. ' petocfid fJ ! lift, ' Or th throes of wsrriug strifs 4 Trembling wave? what storm wind tons' J IkM From tot ile traafl see! tW besr o thy brwwt m mm" f wreekT .- mriiiCTfweptfroBttaftnajiWp'fk! ... tTVmarfv-tSfoNrtaaArit f ,U(wrnt-lnMlBtliUi)UfiT(t. f- Rut !im com ha Mwnm ' ' Wkm levisthsns site? ''..' V,re W wIM 1ill"wt Uli girt iW, - And wonttera .port In thy turbulent roar? 1 Islby veiett attbttoeg ()f Crowded port and ttir whWUaf, tar! f . Tho but patstd by fe,'Vtn,lilh f WbertsnowvriaUiii'srlf,3 Wk.r. tki1il Mast bosses tho lAvN stream ' Aal forests re-echo tbt hoars J Wuds sc.rs, a . Aad tb qidvering start . Seems ananswsr w "J "1' - j ' Oa shivering auk Itjmrt fcfun, And tha long Journey oa! -As whe for th nrj life mission W t'r, Paafinj sad yearning to recb th stilt short. It rink gently tortst UlkktwwwHlkrflbtM ... ' -Pas Christian January, IKH v." ' IIOMB. ; , r T . Old If thert b tortt spot ' i . m W hers luV toptu ' "I ". ' Or If there be a ehann Joy . Without ttiifty, or alloy - Whkuwryfw trffWtNWi " Or if tka k a W Ut !( OatlMM' MppfcW" H ". u- Tkaaytoaok wkart jrtrlf . " . K. railiigloilUi tkteaaafUft; -v Or If tkara k t Mm, iXffme; of lora-rf IUpla-'""" Or If tlitr ba a rtfugo blr, , A f rttrtat tat toll od rf, " , .Wbart tka kaart auiy t dwIU awl,' A tor of atany joyt eiinbiit'il, ' Wktra trery fcellnil, wry tnaf. , I HeH kanaoa; itk to own, ' WkBclta.i wlbe ae'tr taa ror, UU U i Hoiae! a koau f lor. . GUI ooaottpamkltlliMlj!, , Tbat Uttla irorii, I km, TV 4ot aot kno ko Mora a tklaf, Oaa olaiplo wor4 aay atm It b tba r4 af Dattiay i Tba l af wnana'i faH Ba trato wka tka braatbart " v : ' to That tlttl tkrllll vanl, , ' Bawawa at WW Ma arbiter, i , ' Aua kmnri hiauelf IbylarHt - Bit ftwt U oa thy aeoptr, . UltWo U tky Mai, ii Aal thy qrfrlt rraMr V-L,. Tkiawftatk bit arary baart aaag, t . . w t Bkall )lTr tkrok Iky braaati k- ' - Awl by eaal, aad ak thy nuaa. TbtaataotBtterHjrktly v ' ! natwor4fDU-tktl "V ' """"-Tliia 4otkoWrralllbliif w " '' " ' Tkat Uttt word any prow. . " ; WUAfUJ.OUl.IL -s Wkattaauit?torn1rlt J" . Wealth, aatoto, tad dfri Thrrt mart b wait athtr awril , SooMtbiiig jTOiler fcr aut tatar luU lifr'e akwtlt apaa. Fitted to trtatt aad ttatr True aobility la auw! Wkat l aobla? tit th Intr rortloa af tat ailed aad kart Linked to mnthiB MiO dtrlaar Thaa awra langvag taa laapartj Iter promptlaj tret tMlag . Hoaw Uaproraawat yat to plaai . i T apllft tur fallow btiag- j AitdUUataaU ittlforauar v - - What U atUa? it tht ubn ' KuMar tsaa tht batata tptdtt f -TWrt It dignity la labor . -Trat thaa t'tt Ptaip arraytd! lit wh taakt th ailad't bnprtrtaita AUlt th vrld4a aidiag atlaO! . grtry great naMatadlng atortawat . lu'wi att tat bat aJj aianVlad. O'er tht yorge'e beat aad tiktt . 0'tr4k eagtat't lro kead- Vker Hit rapid akattltlaekta, And tht tpladlt vklrle Ht tbrtad; Tliert it labor lowly toadlng ' iMk requirement of tb hoar. There It feaint atM txtoadlng 8rlnt ' aad lu world of power. 'Mid tht dawt, and tprtd, tad cUmor ' Of tht tooat tbod and tht aalllt )lilt the elluk af whael awl hammer (trtat rataltf art grtwiag itilU ' , THuagh too oft by Fuhioa't ertatana Work and worker awry ba blamed; Commtret aaed aot hide iu feature; ladaatry b aotaekamtill .-. ' f -j .. What it aobtt! that which pkrra Trath ra itt tafrarwhieed will! Leering etopt- like aagel traoet . That mtBklad may follow ttill! Ken thoagh SUeia'e mallgaaal fluet l"ror him poareetof bit elan, Jfe'e th KoM whoailreaeoe.-..-.,..,. Freedom, aad tht eanet of men! , t T118 t'SIOlf. t - -Thee , ! Oehlpef Htale! , . . Rtll OB.-0 1'nhi, etreaf aad great! llum.ultjr with att itt faart, . - . , . . Wilh n the aoptef MMrVytart, -- I, hinging Iraathlee thy Ikta! - i-e know wht mwtet hid thy watt, -.tv,., Whet workaiea wToeght thy rib af eteal. Who mad each auwt, ea 1 anil end robe, . ' ' W hut emit rang, what kaaimer beat, " -In whet a forgo aad watt a keat Were ihnpti ii aaohart af tliy kope." - . thitt PtJW Mathew hat nwwnl'y keep Ut wormy asarktt 0 U JilILT tiEi Habit of thought and dcrire oflra pr- pucrd in at by tba opcatioa of rlin eirmm uneet -ortfbar tha natunl beat of ilie mind, and lenl alto eoaratW Lre, and to iana- meraU arenas, atterly hbarmoaioM vtth the AFIIIIaaj IttA ab W -IMMfi n there i acirrfly any maa woo hi aot waited by Cimititaneri ia his course; ararealy ay trra thai, howerrr npright ii ii( original hoot, M not bent by tka prrratiinf wi'td. NcrerUiclei-r, wbea.Uie nnnu w kit Tree Itoia th habitoaainfluencen wIiihi . tlx pnuion that h been indulged r not called into plarwhea ths dcire llixt bare iwurjwd a y arciaa are fnra time withmtteillierob jflnr nppoition tlieoriginj chancier of it minU tnuuigw iimu h i a orici rpara naa a priaooer allowed a tew momenta of free air. 'THE BREAKFAST TABLE. Grett are the drliglita oi a bfeakfttt la' le. Great th etiann of a ennrertilion amidrt the fragrance of coffee, lit fumct of tea, anil the dtmolition of buttered roll. Many a bright idet enmet into the brtin wilh aarw pile of loutnr it rolleii out wiui a ireit pat m Dul ler. Many a wtuicitm it brought to light. with the firtt deetlopmenl of a new-laul egg, and many acirniiric myrtery unfalhomed with the tight of lh ftrthett I'eplh of an egf. (hell, iiretkfatt, prrhn a, it rather the time lor wie ami philosophical diteourte ttitn for tht ligUtand lively tone or uinncr-ttlk 1 oo nit wotllr'eoroa down with a ttork of foot!. net about them to be tentible, The pood- note Wfjr off during the ly rery early in dead ia moat 'peoulrW NiU Py,TtTBlirt:,l thmirh lliey are not really more rneeriui.tney are" much mora willy, much more talirical, much more eparkling and well ilroneJ. ixAonvjTY. If, areording to Ilie old philoeopliy, nature abhor J tacuum, the roid the most halea it lm alwenrw of all action. The heart of every living thing it ever atkirig ''Vhjt next!" and the deepest eonviclion implanted in the mind of man it, that want of activity it eitinc- Wn u1Jij4.4U joitUaa.u4 P.1.1. tur dreaiif trid lohtra wlrn-wakt whHWi-ii rest are buried in forgelfulnesa, (her it a Con tant looktnif for tomediinrf assimilaling in solemrtitjMtith the hour, and the dnrkness, and thwartenee, to break the unnatural lack of buty lift that teem around. AUKKJUi-TUItAK LEAVES FOB MANURE. Ma. EmTOR, -The spring, anil warm spell in the winter when the ground it freed of snow will be found a very lavorable sea son for the collection of leaves, which, pos sess no small value for I variety ol purposes. In the first place we may remark dial lor til ler, bedding fir hones, sheep, neat stock, and twine, let ret are preferable to haulmot f Taw, bring let coarse and afford ing a warmer and mora comfortable bed, and they are also better adapted for absofding and retraining the liquid voiding, which constitute th aiost valuable portion of the manure. Ia tpring the ground it forest will be found covered with a tl rat am of the last year's foliage elocly eompre td by tht weight of the winter tnowt, and in a condition to b -r moved with Jaciliiy and eat. Al they lie closely and compactly up on tht ground, they can be taken up with a ihree tiued fork, and pitchod into the cart or other vehicle, with a much despatch, almott, aethort muck. It it an excellent plan fr thott who keep considerable ttnek, or who are bnrtrry-mgaged m the pork-iig -butint, to ley In, during tpring, and immediately after th jneltinf aLmmVsd$GI!m!l of comparative leisure with the farmer,) a Urge a quantity ol leave t many be ncces tarytosupply hit wsnuduringtb year. When gathered, they may e dcioitd io tome Con venient place, wher they - e remain to be ad at wanted; aad if on caa command time, it ia good policy to tolteel enough to Cover the oarn-yaroa ind hartebrM,- whi th nur mad during winter, thall have been re moved. All let vet, by proper mintgenient, make excellent manure when rotted, and by mixing them with olher organic and more raedilv deci mDoaable materials, advanced. In autumn, tha extremely light and imponderable! cUarac.lom DOr UI euiiocilllg ii, iu any suiiuijiiip iiiiti- ly, oe of no small trouble and expense, and many art iheroby deterred from availing them telvet of an article of much value for agricul tural purposes, (imply on this account. The soring it also a favonhle te-iton to toltrct oilier materials for the compost heap muck, rotten word, loam, turf, day, 4c. be , all af which posses Intrinsic value, and may aaallw b made conducive to the fructification aad enrichment of ihe fufm. Most of thcae a llele, indeed th wAtiloof them may be profitably deposited in the yardt with the leave. la form antrtifici&l itraluitt, .QD. which the an'malt confined therein during summer may repose and work. A person una tquamt d with the business, will b surprised to find how Urge a quantity of valuable manure may be made iu this way, and at small expense, aa Ihe aoty outlay required ia that expended in gathering Ihe nnterials and depositing lliem in the proper ai'ualion to become am-rk. The hog-pen alone will furnish many valuable loads, which will be of great advantsge to the empa of corn, whest, potatoes, tud alo lo lilt garden, and fruit orchard. "'DOMESTIC recipes. Coast 0a One pint good cream, one of butter milk, one tratpoonful salerato and one teaepoouful of salt - Stir in meal till it foams; eel aa convenient. If made ol good mral this eska will be excellent. i)o Cams. Dissolve one leaspoonful of lalcratua in cup of cream, and one quart of good aiilki alir in flour very tmooihly till tli mixture assume the consistency of a thick batu-r." Wet your tpoon with milk, and nlace vour battel at short distances in a but tered pan. They may be made entirely of cream either Willi or without crjt. Good Custard. On pint of sweet milk, a little lemon peel, and, a atick of cinna mon. Boil briskly, and while boiling, beat thoroughly, the yolk of five fresh rgs, oa pint of tweet cream. A toon at th; flavor io the epic ia perceptible in the milk, pour it in to ill cream, stirring well, and aweelrn to hetletirea inieantss, uut uo not per urn it u uou. Season wilh rose-water or any thing y ou plcttp, put into cups, and grate on nutmeg. , , VgAtt Boil two poundt. of good flour, half a pound of brown eugar, and a small quantity of salt, in four gallons of water for fifty minute, let it cool gradually Jo the. tom. peralur of newly drawa milk; bottle and fqrV fiUw, It may b ued : in iweiiiy four. boar. Uo pint will be amply miiirieni inr twenty pound of bread, unless it i required to be very right. In uch ease one pint i allowed to ery eighteen pound. Watkbv I'orATOK. A Jd to the w'r in- which diey arc boiled, a Itiinpof lime of the sir of a hen' r-Rg. N matter bow heavy or 'wa tery ilie potato may be, on pouring on tne water thty will be fotin.l jeriei",iy Ufy tnil mealy;- . , i .-t., ; ' ' I TT !6D VaTEI Cut IA Opptf ' rTStJ a tli'iek ojjin at it it utoal to rut bread for loaat; brown It carefully but avoid bortiing or araokinj; place it ia th jug, and povf oa at much wtcr a it repaired, and cover Uit jug till eold. . Jt amatt aliee of orang ar Wat-; a rind, 'Bl thin, infused with it, greatly im prove lh flavor. : ' ' 1 T Mam NtcBaB. TaV oa quart of fine flour, two tcapKnfult of cream of tartar, mig dry, and a tnfliciwt quantity of awoet milk, and two-thirds of a tratpoonful of super carbonate of soda. Mig throughly and bake. Water instead of milk maybe used, if a little shortening be allowed. To CiuK a lla. Boil, if ofroedium aixe, for fiv? hours, then remove the skin, and pre pare it for the labia. Set it in an open oven for thirty minulea and cover it thickly with rusk or bread crumbs, finely powdered, and set it again)in theoven for halfanhour. In thit way the fat'will be fried out, and the fibre ren dered much more lender than when cooked in the ordinary manner. HOW TO MAKE CREAM CHEESE For two cream rhrett, lake tit qntrls of new milk and ono of tweet cream, to which aild two or three apoonfuls ofrenet, and let it twnd nnlil sufficiently firm; spread a linen cloth Hi a lare bsttin of odd water, lay the curd gently on it, tie the cloth and bang it up to drain for four or live hour in a cool place; then change the cloth, nml put the card into a vessel of the circumference of a common plate, aii'd press it moderately six or eight hours; it must be taken out, turned and split horiron'ally with a thread; lay the cloth be tween the two kK, trw asiam put inein iut prct twelve or inur.ccn i.our- .. ,.rc. r- uougfi, w ucli can w ascertained oy ine:r firmness, keen them in fresh eras a few days lurping lliem morning and evening. The price of ihrse eheesrs, about the size of a common dinifi? plile, is twenty five cents. Il is wonderful, what. variety ol torms anu dishes a good housewife will learn to make in the country, oul of a'few simple materials, to tickle the palate .of the "lord ami nunler," and leave him without any honest exeune toi be tried ami out of humor with his own home and fireside! - Literature, Art and Science. ORIGIN O V LITE 11 VRY 1) EC; RE ES. The nractiee of conferring bonora ol lilea- Ky tnttitiiliotit on individuals of distinguishtdj, ? " i 1 . vrtrt J,rb-vnlflri-ceMliiffyi4 Ciuuiion coiii"'"vi u ji when liie Kmporor uuuiairc, imriog Italy a copy oflhe Roman law. ordained that it should be publicly expounded in the schools; and that he might give encotir.igemenl to the study, ho farther ordered that the public pro fossor bf this law should be digniJicd by the title of doctors. The first person cheated a doctor after tliit ordinance of the Emprror at Uulgariui Ilugnlinus, who wa greatly distinguished for his learning and literary la bor. Not long aAorwards the practice of cre ating doctors wa borrowed from the lawyer by divine alto, who in their schools publicly taught divinity, and conferred degreeeon those wh nail mane great pionrwncy in inai sci ence. I ao plan Ol conferring oegreea in oi vimlywa firtt ailopted in th liuivewUies of r. , r-r I .1 U lu kf.,k... llOIOgna, vxioru, aiiu t an, otw i.ismic, Naguaiia'Chruti .Ameiicana, B. IV, p. 134,). It it remarkable that the celebrated Dr. Sam uel Johnson, when he had become eminent in literature, eould not obtain Ihe degree ol Mat ter of A rw, ftojn Trinity College, Dublrn, powerful interest were mtde in hi behalf for hit purpose by Mr. Pope, Lord Oower, aTKheTrfam 1 application., madeiu.taJMtt nf character still hiof duunguitid tuao, Joiinaon ... wen was. are also on lecord. So eautioua and reserved wrre literary institution, little more than half a century ago, in bestowing their hoa on.MilUr Life Btw, Jokn Kogtru TUE HAMMER. The hammer it the universal emblem of mfeliintcr."'" With rw-lhVe - farfed- the tword uf contention and the ploughthare of peaceful agricutturc the press oflhe free and the shackles of the slave. The eloquence of the forum has moved the armies' of Greece and Rome to a thousand battlo-fields, but Ihe cUqiieiiee nf ihe haTimer ha covered those of tong hat kindled high hopet and noble as piration in the bosoms or brave k night and gentle daraea, but the inapiration of the ham mer has strewn tha field with tattered Helm and shield, decided not only the fate of chiv alrie comhat, bnt the fate of throne, crowns, and kingdoms. The forging of a lhaudtirbeli wa ascribed by the Greeks as the highest act of Jnrti omnipotence, and their mythology beautifully ascribe to one of their godt the ttsk of presiding at the labor oflhe forge. In ancient warfare the hammer watt power lull weapon, independent of the blade which il for. mil. Many a stout skull has broken through the cap and helmet by a blow of Vul ean't weapon, i be armies of the Crescent would have subdued Europe to the way of Mahomet, but on ihe plains of France their progres was arrested, and the brave and sim ple warrior who saved Christendom from the sway of th Mutsrlmtn was Mattel "the hammer." The hammer, the savior and bul wark of Christendom, Tha hammer it the wealth of nationt. By It are forged Ihe pon derous engine and the tiny needle. It it an instrument of the aavage and the civilized. Its merry clinks point out the abode of indus try, ,h it s domestic deity. Presiding over the grandeur af the most wealthy and ambitioot, aa weft its the most humble and impoverished. Not a atick i shaped, not a house it taiaod, a ship flpats, a carriage rolls, a wheel spins. an eagint move, a press squeaks, a viol sings, a spade delves, or a (lug waves, without the ham mer. . V itltoul the hammer civilization would be unknown, and lb human tpeciei only at defenceless brute, but in skillful hinds, direc ted by wisdom, it it an instrument of power, of reathcet, and true glory, . EACUINCJ OF THE DEAF MUTES. It may ba recollected lhat several yean ago. the Secretary of tbt Massachusetts Board of Education gave a glowing description of th art if teaching draf mute i articulate;, which waa censured by many aa extravagant, if not quite erroneou. . . 4,. , Possibly he overrated die proportion of deaf same whu ean, pe mghl rUculat,()(tlnc( ly, of doing with tl English what cm be done with ill e German language; but thai he did not over state the facia which ha taw and heard, ihe evidence of many person t who have tinea visited the German rthoolt stem to prove eonelusiveif . ... (,... ,. i ..,,.. , . -Aa-tuu-UhjcMt'tniyenrt w.hot letter jnay be found at length ia the Chiitliaa Register of the OihinsL aavs.- - . Botlon .Uttctitrr. "Upon our first mil flo ihe Institution for Deaf Mute, w almost refuted lo credit our own re asst. but repeated visits inerred our Uniilianty with the marvel, but did nm dimin ish its marrelloosuctt. 1 he Director look ns at once, on that visit, lo the highest class oflhe Lislitiiliim,:; It wa composed of those, who i ti-ri fimriarintf lo e-nidiiatji. There wrre a. i lrt,jl m tlf.veii iiirle. nnj neortw' 04 tiionv bava ' - i j- in the elate. Cbelr ag wie4 from twelve to fifteen or tilt. They wert) employed with their bok aVid tlatei, t studying geogra. phy, hittory.Sfithmeti and th like, in tb earn tray at other childiwa. Their teach tpokt to thera ia the stare tun of voio aad wiikv tht sam rapidity af proaaacUtipii, UiaJ b would bare done to other. He gave them, ry, aama in trilhmetic which tliry copied upon the blackboard, or apoa their title, with perfect facility. U (tked tba queitiooa ia gemrraphy, Which they answered without any difficulty. They, on the other hand, address ed their teacher in a dulinct voice requested tim loaolve their diiTiculties; and to aid ihein in their atudiea. Several of them read aloud from various books unnn the table. Their stvle of reading and accentuation did not dif fer materially from that of oilier children. If any difference existed it waa on the tide of greater distinctness, lu short, eommuniea- lion, by meant oTspeech. between teacher and pupil wsj perfectly etta'.ilished. And yet those children could not bear a single wui d. They had no recollection and eould form no idea of sound. .Their ear had never vi brated to thj tones of music, or listened to the rich melody of the human yoiec. They were utterly and irremediably deaf. But, to all appearance, they had recovered the use of hearing- aa well ss speeeh. They were aluily ing, talking, jml laughing like other children. Instead of the dull, and inanimate expression, which deaf children so often wear, their feature beamed with life and happiness, in stead of a painfully unmeaning sound, their voices were cheerful and intelligent. Vit called some of them from their seats am is'kci' them to read a story or fuble. .... i iicj um ""'I Vff -einered tnw Tonversatiott mh (hem (q jf (1 fouW un,,prsla,)(1 a triin. wel, ,,, w whoin lhcy we ,P. ralher alower tl.an usual, but with this change, "! we were understood perfectly. It was beauliful to witness the interest, de picted on ihe countenance of these unfortu nate children. When addressed, they fixed iheir eyes jupon the speaker, an if tliry would read 'bit inmost thoughts. And as they com prehended hini, reading, as he spoke, his ideas iaJhe. nujluinattf hJjrjixJEre?ion.pfi jny stole over their eotHtwnaneus, auu iigtitc.u up every (eature. If lhcy did not clearly com prehend whatwna said, they loked distressed and iloublful. And when they had completely tnastered the speaker's meaning, lhcy would ejap their hands with delurnt.N. I hey appear ed like i)cings revelling in the enjoyment nf a new sense. They fell an inexpressible "pTeae tire in the simple act of communicating with their fellow beings. Wit and Humor. DARN HIS OLD PICTURE. Ned Grimes wore a sad countenance. He was asked what was the matttcr, but no satis factory answer was forthcoming. Al length a particular friend obtained the following partic ular of him: "You know," said Nod, "I have been courting Sally W. a long while, and so we had a great nouon of gtittmg married, when the darn'd old Colonel Oo on, Ned, don't b a boy; what about the colonel?" "Why, you see, Sally said . I had better ask him, and so 1 did as prriitc as I knew how." Well, what reply did he makef" Why, he kinder iiinu-d round as if I wam't wanted there, uo how." "Well, Ned, let a know what they were w hut the cnltmel -said-tor drsutrb ytfflf "ihuuT to! Why he :i!d- " Said" what!" ; "Why, he laid that if he catehed me there again, he'dVowhide me till I hadn'tan inch of rine li ft on my back, dam him!" iifljTt m Has, my charming Ski," " "A lover said to a Mat-eyed gal; I woa't," said she, "you buy elf, '"waVjr'vfrn LEAVING OFF "SCHNAPPS." "Veil, den, Holiness, I dell you how you do. You go aad puy un pamd viskey, und lake it home, und put a foshet iu it, mid vhnnefer you vant un sehnap, go und traw fts und' tliUBt ' wr tmirh yiakcy --aah-' yw-drw; thutt to much water pour into dcr par rel; den you tee you haf alrayt a full par rel viskey only, directly, aflhcr a vile, it coome veakcr and vcakvr, und at lasht you haf nothing put un parrel of vatcr, drn you van! no more use vor viakey, uud you jine dcr. dohiperanche." SIGN OF BAIN. Sir Isaac Newton wae once told by a shi-p1-herd boy that'll wasgoing to rain, though the sky was cloudless. As the prediction proved truSj Sir Isaac told the boy ho would give him a guinea jl hp would point out how WcouM fortell the weather to truly. The shepliorJ pock'ettcd iho "tin," and gaid "Now, sir, whenever you ec that black ram turn hi tail toward the wind, it's a sure sign of rain within tho hour." The philosopher sloped. CH.VPTERON PRINTING. "Can't print mc a Bible!" said a good old laily, who a short timt agocainc intoa printing office in tht; country, "Certainly," said the man al the case who waa dabbling at ihe type tike a hen pickintr, nicking un cornc "certainly madam, but not just at present; it'll take tome time to do il." "till! rcltirneu ino taay, "tor inai inaner I'm in no groat hurry any time to day will answer." "To day!" said dio printer in aslonishmeifl; "why mailam you dirt t think " "Oh! yet said the good woman, seating herself on a chair and taking out her knitting, "I can wait just as well at not. It it onty about one o'clock now, and 1 'tpote you'll got il done by tea lime." : "What! print a Bible ia one afternoon! Why ma'am, il would take me an my Devil a whole year lo print a Bible." "Oh! my gracious!" acTeamed the old lady, starling up in astonishment you don't have tits Evil Ouo to work for you do you!" "Evil One! Yet, he'e evil enough, llielaxy dog.".. ." ; ::',,; L-: "I wouldn't have him print a Bible for me on no account, I alimuuirt helieve a word oiilif :r i.M .1 .1. lie.".... -.i..: "I don't know whether he't th father of lie of not; he't a little Devil thero't no Irustiiig hint;! mean to cancel hi Indenhiret." "Well, good bye.'Mr' Printetwl could not lln'nk of havinf a good book dim in ach a bad office. Employ th Devil! Oh! aWf " '. ' s ' ' "' V ' ' ' V. r .?.; : r f Brawuw.rMUntirig 'ot'er the defeat of Ihe Virginia and l enncaae Kuad Bill In the Ifialatura, says Tennctaet it irrsreaentod in Lite popular branch of her Ixif islature br 33 such, and misrepresented by ill twtr7 Quite compluiicnlan-, I'arsxin. 'rfikrilk A'esr. ; TV very latest new from Turkey' nivutbjus llinttiou. Bern died ludd. nly. , y' ' 'v vo t'Ttrw ncr t trrwfc t.- . KITE 1M I NU I.N CAM ON. u , Tlie sky it a D.iii ersal flutlcr of kitoa. I counted this afternoon from my window, tme- tybrec, which were flown at various netgnia, with great skill. Some repretentcd hawk, and admirably Imitated their mamrnver in the sis, poising thcautclvea, and tailing, and darting; gaudy .buUerflii t floated nmail; and dragon formed of a long succession of circu lar knee, with a tierce bead, flew about in the sky. ,'llie innjority wrre of mon-ly fanciful sharve. Iioud nowesTikc a wind iustrutnent eould be Jieaf J froin iliem. The most amns ing form wss that r.f a lmtre fish which twam the bine above, moving its tail and (ins with a Ifidicrou't natural effect. 'FIiom like animals arc also flown in pairs and made to fight. Fbrrign Mistionarij. A PUZZLE. The following i recommended as a reading exercise: "I saw fire Tjrare niaiiR sitting on five broad beds, braiding lirond hrniiU. I ?nid to these firr brave mail!, titling on' five broad bed: braiding broad bnids, 'Umitl broad braids', have maids. MllW'SOnTS. MAM r'At Jl UIMi t: ItiSKTII i UIMI , I'.ir-mnn in th I(sl.-'b i IV i; .:i tl lil Hl.-u-J-fimitli K!i f.. I ip-ppi'SJ !lv f.ni film-1 ' cititcn ftf Knlriirll ur.-i tli-! .ni-rl.iii 'I m-- I tl.ttt lie in rejMrcj iu iEi:iii'.;a luip . (k in' it' I 'Unci .;.''..,. - ' i' i .' C. I npi wd' .'tin r,i it n't t i ..nnr. .Ami, ia snort, amr -thing in Marii:i'Ceiul !;!; mil ftork. Ue l? alf o ii ru.i. ii , t the irrl p-t nniice. IU.' i rtiutiit ol' 1 .irks l;-i on linii'l nil etion--il nil k.liiti. &t .rii-i-j ; f'."i.r!. irti ii-.,11 L s ,("ut ..r ou In 1:" i....';irs Am-1., .i:.v. n4.i 1!: lli.i-,- i'ci . I' mer" I'ile" ni' wrl-! i ili'.-rl Mi-ltrWn in hi-line ni u-iiici: '' I r. o nlVi.. All iTitcis t'iuUi?'.iliy eftLUlodul lin. u.u ftli'l lii-w ttv' K i-;i!i n.-ti '! i.'i , c-ir.' w "1 1 . ed. ( h-ili ff"!:i !i 'lr-f: tl'" V '', I." ,.i-i :i excemtd at tlio .-ihoi fp-1 ':i-!il--. ' !! i I' , will be I'lauiil ui Ilie tini. . ill Ki.ii !,.i:i-i ii, lti-pniriiiy in l.j m L ' f .i .l i r ii ?: (ll'ST'llll-ll, V' '. f ' - ' I 'i i f fill -.J, RaleMi, M!-ch. IPS''. iuL2i:iilj:c. i ..-'. -r-- .y : DRAW1 Xf! AnCHITKCTnt A"JhM V'- i CIIAXICA!,. Ah thi, j, ,).,, ,M.on f..r! yonnmi-ehaiiics htoI others lo npply tbem-i-iTcs to the atlninment ot the pre:it"i.t cbl lo eminence in I their various pursuits. .jii,:. ALnr.malt Juaawlailaa ol lii-niui.1 . Iin.ii ilij- WcY.inihl cull 1'ioir a:tentifn lo oiinjf;e's jey( ' llor.k for Self-in-rruclion.'' l einir n roTiijiicle mnnu.-il ' of let'liliii-:d lrnvviny. ineiiniin-r ls l.MKTItlC I, : IlKAWlMI n.l,l"r:il..l'K.:'i'HK; illuli-aK-d with! Sti MUel plntei.. au-1 i; -.pi-iiiie-l inn laioiliur niaiiner, renihirui).- the nlt.ui.tu.iii .1: the art easy snd sgree ablu. roui tht Xric York frirntijif AmrririmS "It is tho best work on Drawing that we have ever seen ; no young Mechanic, snrh at a Machinist, Kngineer, Cabinet Muker, Mill-wright or Carpenter, should be without it.' From the Jlc'iimore W'ntrrn Conlitnl " IU, who having thon; utdily mastered this book. '" . " u'" "r""""'J",rw,nlt" "f "' kind, mav well despair of ever homg ahl to sccoin push turn a result. on the Xdfifinal fnlrttiftimrer. '" " Indeed, one who patiently and carefully goes through it, could not I .nhl, so far s principles and methods are concerned, anylnngrr to want a master. ....., ' From the American Hnil Rnnif Jfitrnrt. " It is commended to tboe l est qualified to judge of its merits, as lieing the moat thorough and eom pltitc work uf the kind ever published in this coun try." "It ha roeeived nnIrorJjil.xammedtlMTvm tliewoaa-.-snd woheTlsvs it fully merits all that has beta said in its praise." Price $it,H0. . HAltTICTfcAH StrTKIt- We will forward a copy of the above work, free of ejrpenfe, to suy part. of.tiieX-uum,.on. the racaiptif three dollars, which may be sent per mail at our expense. ' ' W. M. k C. have also published an abridged edition of the aWe work for ths use of schools, eoataiaing all the principles that are contained in the large work,-"illustrated with 48 steel plates. Price J1.23. Prrhrished and for tale hr WILLIAM JUSIKIK "A CO. lit Daltlinore-st., DAt-Tiaoas. CHERRY PECTORAi, For th enr of Cougha, Colda, Hoaiaema, Bronchi tia. Croup, Asthma, Whooping- Cough and Consumption. The uniform snccfiaa which has attended the use of this preparation its salutary effect its power to relieve and curt affections of the Lungs, have gained for it a celebrity eo,ulcd by no other medi ciue. IV offer it U tha aihicted with entire confi dence in it' virtues, and the full belief that it will subdue snd remove the severest attacks of disease upon the throat and Lnnirs. These results, as they become nn'dislr known, verv naturnllv attract the n-tontion of medical men aiid philanthropists even - tin re. , vi i.iri tri i Ti, n-.iiiii. a oi wliKRV i'Kitorvi, may be stvn in !in- .-'oil.iwiii VA!.'"'T!Ni: MOIT, V, rr'f. Hi-ryr-i Vi.'. CH,y,, A'. IV It i gives mo plcuuro to certify the v,iluo ami efscacy of Ayes' cuKHiiY i-kovuhai,, which I con sider peculiarly adapted to cure distance of the Thr-mtond l.un--" Tin-: nr. i;i:v. i.onn bishop field writes in a letter to his "nen-l. who wa fust sin!(J;ig under on sffoction of the Lungs; Try the cusauv ; rscrouM.. ami if any medicine cm give yuu relief, with Urn hle.-aing of 0I, that wi'l. nur.r .iHKTicn kustw, of Loni'Inni", wii:)' - Tluit ayrungdangliternf his was cured of sevevn! attach of Croup by the cnr.n at ric-rnsAi..'' ASTlIMv AND Iir..iNrilITIPt The friwlim Jm;r-:.i! e.f V- ii-ral li-;jnhl -af llcs, "That Asthma an-l rtrnnchliis, so prer4lent this inclement climativ.h.i yiebled with surfodslng ra pidity to Ayer's cnr.nnv i K -TeRAi., snd wc cannot too strongly teeofi.ru'til ihia sliilll'nl preparation to the profession ani ptihlU gtaenJly. ' Lot tht rnroJ.tuTei-r ru,k Ux Ii'iaf -'i'; . Ii vitTi-uiin, J.111, So, 11I7. Dr. J. C. Ayar rirjt!r: .llavinr rjeeri ri-cti"i from a painful an.I dungcroufl disease by yonr Piedi emoi gratitude prompts me to send you tliis ac knowledgment, not only In jnstieo to you, but for the information of others in iiks aillictuin. A slight eold upon tho lungs, neglected at first, became o severe that spitting of blood, a violent con'h and prjfVe night s--ert followed and fasten ed apon mo. I b-icoHie ematiated, eould aot sleep, was diatreatod by ni v aoagh. snd a pain through my chest, and ia short had all the alarming symptoms of quick consumption. No medicine seemed at all to reach my case, nntil t providentially tried year eiisr.av rsi-rua tl, which soon rellovod aad bow has cured Has. - . Vours with respeet, J w K. A. STEWART. Ataviir, X. V., April 17, 184S. been snllcted with -Asthma In tht worst forms so that I have 'been wHigcd to steep 4n my chair for a In raw part of ths time, being unable to breaths on my bed., I hail tried a great many medicines to no purpose, until my iniswiaa presort bad, at an ex perimeat, year cusssv rrirroaAX. .... ' At first it seemed to make me worse, but in leas thaa a seh I began ta asperiewes th moat gratar mag relief name iu astt ami aow, in tWur weeks, the diseaea hi otirLVevd, j J eaa sleep on say bed with comfort, ami enjoy a state of health which I had aerer expected to enjor. --- , - . .. .- , 6K0H6R 8. FASRAXTa rsar.tasn tv 1. e. Avaa, cutaisr, lowxll, hass g.Jd by Williams. Haywood A Co. Raleigh, Dr. A, C. Ftsxs. Wilaungtoa, and by.Lragito generally. ' 5.: --:.,j.M-il.,:L...ii K JTSttj. ..,.1. y.f r , ,-, : 'p.' - JOB rmXTIMI ' ':V'-"V; Xeally aud promptly exvcutcd at this Office.' ' ..ran. GRAyTVTiND WjOiflETTIAKaRPoCTK MASrFAl'TOKY.KM'., hi, at tw tt. Oppoeit th Kotaw Hoaet, Baltimore, Md. , - KNACK k GAKH1.K ' WoM respeerfally nil tht atteatina of (he pwMit to their aaparier graad aad seatit Piasine. .. The Piaaas hUanfeerand at this tataMishajeat have far delicacy af teach, sweeinaas, clcarnrts sad brilliaa cy of tone, heaaty aa style of worirannshlp, hew prorMaaeail by the most amracat Pnftin i to a unsurpaiiiKd bj aaj uxtrnmeBU latije Ui this or J biker roaatry. I'rofeMora. amsteani, eoimrry merrliants, and others visiting Baltimore, will ami ft to their edven-U-e to aall at ear extMsiv eetnbUi)imnt bofura furchasing elsewhere. gtM ly. , rplfK 8K0OND r.RANTt CAPITAL PRIZK A OF D0I.LAK8I Xo. 3, 62, i Sasqurnanna Canal, Class 44, was eold jestcrday, 'September I'.l, at the Urcat Priie A(rency nf roLvix a co " S. W. corner of Hiltimnro sad Calvert ets., hluseum Building, Baltimore, ?ld. All Prij!t sold at tills Agency, above f 1,000, are alaays lnlj irnouneed upon the bottom of tht Manager's Official Drawing. i.").(hio dollars:! Tl, in in the larirrnt priie aold in Baltimnr daring the mouth of Hrptemher. AND COLVIN & CO. SOLD IT! Mid arc daily selling them, si the manngers' official reoTil show. - Or'lrrs for ticket in the Consolidated Icteric, of MarylamL aiwnj-i leceiva prompt aitiitiimv lWc sddrfis COLVIN" & CO.- ltdllimorc, Md. S Jw. M KTIS VTIIITKI.KVS NATI"NAL Tt.iMC. ,1 r-ri-iii! nj,-i fur Vrrrr and Afftte. In our summer and Full months, many ecctions t,i nnr couiilry arc prostrated by this disease. It b.-.s been our pnrlicul.-.r stndy to find out some reme- i . ... ...... i.. .1 ir..i ........ .,,,1 ,l,;..b I... t, i- dentie componrnj we hare effeoted Ibis groat fiirl irtatum. Hend the hdlnwing ccrttliciilc : I'owuattks F..-Tiinv, near Baltimore, April i.th, INK V. - r? Vurim Wni'rtiy. ' " niv etriih'lfie In t'HVor of vonr vaill.tl.le ' Na- . 'inMii.1' Having been troublo-l for "neilily : ,ii-i.r.i- with the Ajnc and Fever. I tried almost "vci t' in-- I hoard of. hut nothinr seemed to give n:i- liny permnnent relief, until n few months S;o, I 1 .n-eli i.-ej from ono of your agents fMessrs. Jos. .-bane I' ( o .) a bottle of your Tosic, and, after : 1,'ivlns It a ffiir trial, t am, to my prent satisfaction, - -in!.- I'-mi-.l : ttinl lmvo no' he).itfltioii in reeoia mi : .oi; ,i hi ft'l pL-,. iis nr.iicteil itil AfeHC .! .-, i! w. t ". , IJ"ji'sl:MI :i,ATlJ-:t.n:K. ' - nnil s ?ul.lJi t hUoi t Mil id by Martin & Vthiieloy. 4n V," Eaifi.QoTtrr"sn WWw b-y. '.;. 1'. F. 1F.-CI l, Raleigh, "S. C. 81 Dlt. MAItTlN H 1: i fy f. RS A tr -Pl: HMT1 VK- PII.LS.- - A Keine'lf for all ifwons, and safe at nil - tinios. " The nrnfrt' superficial obeoTcr is uwiiro-tliH; one grent cause ot uncase islostue vr,s, n-l tbat by the timely taking-of a Purpitivc, the vateni is often restored to its nsiinl health. Dy snch u course, the lives of hundreds are saved, who would olherwiso have fallen victinvs to disease. These Tills remove all lrritnting lilnttcr in the how rln, and CTcito the biliary functions to a healthy ac tion. The press Is teeming with the recommenda tions of I'urgativg Pills, gotten op by men who kuow nothing of the elfects of Tnoilicine on the hu man system, and hence aro endangering the lives of thousands, who are daily using them. In offer ing. Therefore, these rills, ww think we are doing a i l,r,r henrft. thev are tho nrcscrintioa of a i , . . . , .... retnilnr-idiTsicisn, who hss used them in his prac tice fiir tenor fifteen vesrs, and with great success. Prepared and sold by MAUTIN & WIIITLKr, at their WlM,lesale Drug Store, t8 South Calvert ft. P.aItiiuore,"and for sale by " P. P. PF.SCI D, -St. " Bahih. X C. WiMKTHIXO NKW. Tl TITKEIl SOX, alvfnys at the top of - ine lllut-H, imvejuas nx-eivou, unu nave U10 pleasure to offer to the public, Hats of the rarest -mw mrios- ha iu, this market. They are a French invention, lately intro duced into this country, called ilibui " char-earn. Tueca-niqireo'1 jVscaowyrf-Vq,-for-w-h1cli tho'ln genious hatter, M. (libus, 1ms received the eulogies of the Hociety for the Knconi-ftgement of National Industry, and the Acailemy of IiHlostry, of Franc, with Gobi and Silver Medals. This hat is an ele gant curiosity, ss well aa lnvury, as it possesses an elasticity by which It es be folded into tha com pass of a cap, and the thrown oat into the shape and smoothness of a moleskin or beaver. Come and see. Doc. 18th, 1810. 60 " HeitoTtttiou and' Piiawu iiirteajt of trw-Hir-by ' M, Wise A Son nf Virginia. A CARD. t MWISR SON, finding it altogether im- possible to attend personally to the great number of daily applications, from all sections of the Union, for their remedy for Baldness, and for their celebrated Ham Tosie, have found it necesaa vy.to afapoiat UmidJEix&dlm0A!pi&..ii-wat-different cities snd towns throughout the United States, resting him with authority to appoint snb agents, nse and vend the Hair Tonie, and to applv the KasToaATrvavand to put them into the hsnds nf those he may appoint to npcratt wherever a siifll eient anmher of patient ia any town or neighbor hood shall be obtained. Capt. Otosos Calvist, of Fauquier eonnty. Ta., Is alone authorised to act as Oencral Travelling Agent, with the powors above Indicated. Capt. C. may be expected to visit, as speedily as practicable, the principal cities and towns of the Union. N. B. Capt. Calvert will always have on hand a supply nf the HAn vostc (which cleanses Ihe head ! nf dandruff, strengthens and invigorates ths hair, ..a"11 prevents it oiso irom miiuag on, rur uie regum or e.Tr.ntry ruisrcotnigiioui to nrs operatb hs, of it ! may always ho obtained at wholesale, and forword- ed to any part of the Union, by addressing the pro- pnetors, M. Vliss & hos, itichmoni!, a. tMt I'rice per doien cash. Six bottles for J.j or sue dollar single bottle. 51 ly. M. OHKM. Wll. 8. HOPKINS. flKKM A HOPKINS, MgcHANr Tailosa, and 11. m , ! ptroct, X. V. Corner of Charles, ' BAtTiaoas. A large assjitmcnt of Rsadi-Mads C'aothiso of buperior Quailtv,; isffrRtCr! oxi.r. " Cloth rpoms np stairs Entrance, south end of U: store on Charles Street 80 It. I'XITED STATES WHOLKSALK CL0T1UXC WAUKIlOUriP. LFAVIS A nANFORD, No. V,2, 254, 250 and HoH. l'earl Stroet between B'ulton Struct am! Burling Slip, New YoaK, are the Urgent Mnmifao turcrs 'if cuirmsa In the United Slates, and are tiow offering their extensive assortment for the Spring ami bummer trade, eulted to all markets. Also aa isuueuse stovh of Whitt Skirti, FUmtul Shirk, Drtxcn, $t. Oil Clovuiso, and CovtatB Hats. Catalogues of stock sent by mall. Orders prompt ly fill. I. One price, and no deviation. - Janaary 1, 1B30. 61 Itt. LalnriUary af 7Wftoaum liotanie XeiUcmtl. Kl'lIKAIM LAKJUBKE. No. 21 SoI-vh Calvist St., BALTixna. nA.? h8,!??,"t Bo"?"'0 EtoblUh-mer ttifrl,. rMiot to sutanwM aot taoaod thirty l. niton attaioa. a t, .1 ka a . 1 -i 1. ,.n hanj ik. . . . . i . i e. -e United Statos, and hat alwavs on hand the most complete issortmaut of fvn Botanic Medi cines, ia bulk or put up In neat 1 tad , lb packages, labelled wrth direction's 8iitallafrretoiling;- Also, tha varlons Tinctures and esmnilol Oils, with a full assort siaal ef Bolanit Mediaai Workai tlyidngca; ftc. . - ... -.. . .. .... ... s, F. (it. BLKACHIXO I'OWDEB. fTtllE senior partnor of our Ina (jusrrnturriod from Europe! having made arraniremmta fur Urge and regular ooasignmeiila of to rery beet taaJity of Bleaching Powder at Chloride of' Lime, aA shall now ha ahl to sajmly dealers autl ean sumers throughout tlie Uniied states,, oa ths moat lavourable terms. Wt shall only teO tht bast article, aa each lot will be aasJyaod by a practteal Chamist Mm btiag saippau w as. . s.,.,t , . 1 - Vho'essle Commission Paper Warehoes sad It , , ., .No, U Cliff fc'tii,.sXssi lTaaa. l'RrMAitTix's ;--v::.- - bl "i l" Or " ILD CUEBIK.V Tht Wild Cherry and rtaneparilla, waieh art tha 1.;. ,1.1- Mm.MtlM km - Lm. I , rasrtsratod as Conmmptlea aad Herafato, i'ovaV, Colds, rlpHthif of blood. Asthma, lev Thioreme-' , dy uieroasea rather thai impairs th appetite, aiuf oromwtoa to a sasoitslila iheiaa A ' nmrim.' Thi to as sayariaiag. whta wa est iJ er that lU parol iar properliee art torww tht mat, boil actina of lh aAeoranet renes, aad tha aarvaa and mascnlar syvtvat, whil at tha asm time it t- minl-hes the act I'm of the blood vrosels. It is Mr prising what a woarierfal affect this remedy win freaaently pnalaev evra ia tht etas aggravated aa4 . adnncod stage of Bcrofalaaa and Chronie Palm,, awry biiieaae. It tarma to porvad th whole atmetar of tba t'aaav, aa softea thorn mm rNArmor manre formed in th IBige, and toWaayt them down to tho same slat e aetiua with the rest of the system, by which health it promoted aad sustained. It also (litters from moot other rrmedi sa in Iwihg remarfcaMy pleasant, aad ia aot having any of those heating, atapifyiag or diigastmg proper--' ties, which arajouad to most ether atiaaseiioae the W i l I n no or aad 8aaj-aiuu. . . Read the following from hifrhly res pec to Me gw tleman in Kbcnandosh eonnty, Va. - - New Mask, May Ma. IM. " Ir. tfarlia Dear Hiri For tlteca ar twenty year I have been much troubled with a violoat ranyt and difliculty of breathuig. I had tried ma- ' ny things, bnt all with -no heaellt, till I Best wide your Vn,Kfmi,n4 -tnp nf Wild (aerrw, at Messrs., A. Henket Son's Ktore. At the iaetanee af rear lYiemt, Mr. Knah R. Il.nkpl. I waa iadneed to take a bottle of the Hyrup, and finding so much relief, I continued to net it, and now think myself entirely relieved. i . TllII IP KNIPP. Hen'r." '-r- cV- IVcparcil aad sold by AUstix ft Wtrrr i.kt, No. 48, South Calvert Street, Heltlmere; aad for sale by I. P. PKHtTf), Raleigh, N. C. -II JL. " uZ J I " 1 WMlliaua. I I a ,.,,""! 'WTtr--ateilUlst tl",r nil supply of Hardware aad Carriag I Materials,. Sad are enabled to. offer fqr sal a stock PJy ingn. ed, and many article at much rt In Csrrinee Trimmings especially, thcr have pur- elemoil lni-inTr nml ran if 1. e Manufacturer of .Carriages In this vicinity to get their supply of them. it ia of eonsciueuee to sell for cash aad to those who pay promptly on short time. Huch customers ill do well to giro them call. They enumerate some aTticies thnt they keep for sal, ri t Coaee Lamps, Huh and Hand Danoa, Springs, AleK sunup Joints, l'Uitcd Duvh Frsuie Plated Handles,. Iir.uu-h Irons, ("iirtnln Friimes, Mullcnule Castings, tt-eha-riTfrtiriwtwiTtnw ll 1'...,, ('I...!... llul. VI I. I, ; .., i.. L.r.ii.1-, vi-'iii., .'.iiiiaoa no vi r.iusif, pnS. ! t'arpct. Oil Cloth, Patent Do.. Hubbcr Do., T n"f'.'. TiiCfs -Vriwh m4..i.. . S'. IT I - . lluini.. flA.l T. . V.:i I II ! ""ul" ... ... i .iiiuji ,,anp, uiipau, i f nU Oli ver Knobs. Top Props, Moss, Coach Btep aad Hinges, Fellies and Shafts, Spokes, Bows, Ac, ft. ; Sign of the Key, Bollingbrogk Ktreet, ' , , Petersburg. Ta.'. ' '; X ' 40-lT. NKW HOOTS AXD SIIOHS. I (UXW L. Bl'KCII, Foyettailh St. one V'r I v' ocWMe VoH flire,K.ujtwa, N.C.,) would inform the public Hist he hss just received a large assortment of UooTa k olioss, comprising ia part the following articles! Ladies' Goat W lit Uuskins, French do. do. -Kid Welt Ties, Fine Kid Huskies, Fine (J recta J. a Victoria, (New Fashion,) Geat do. do. do. French Kid do. do. Children's Tllack Morocco, do. Do. t'olored do, - do; lm, rtronxe do. do. - Do, Lseed Boots, da. Boy s Calf Boots, , -XNX. Jup.ao. - Do. Lsced Monroe's, ' - Do. Peg atrapped da.. Cbih Iran's do. 100 'airs 1'hiMelpkia meiJc Cctlemn'l Btl, Stiched and Pegged, different qualities, H'iwimi's (?racia Uovti, (Xcw Stylo,) . r r icsh uut. Nerroe's Coarse Shoes, kr. 4e. vt rttmtrm - wsatlhr ltootseS -Sif K-STrF '" him a rail, aa he knows his assortment ta bs th largest in tha City, and be getters himself Hut ht" csn furnish as good bargains, if not bettor, thaa can be got any where else in th Hrr. O. L. BCHCH. November gl. 149. 47 Miumrxsxu.MmuiAKxt.v&k- - tiPKlNfl ilOOI3.--T'--'-'.--.--5-- Tn A." slITCIIELL, has jast raeaivtd from Sew 41 York a handsome Lot of cheap Srini Goods, Til, A'aaorfeil tricot"'" Irish Linen, " rancy timghams, .. Colored Cambricks, llleached Shlrtinga, llrown Ditto, Kentucky Joans, MarllNiro' Stripes, Cambric and Jaconet Mnslin. SilkftCottoa Mkfs. Fine Jeans, Bed Ticking, ' Spool Cotton, " 't WhlteAblk waddiog Silk and Gingham vmnrellas. fiwiss-MUsliM S Blsliop Uths," Ladies anohoM Slippers. . . Super Moleskin Hats, ' Oentlcmen's do. do. , ' T-tf OAKDEX SEEDS. OF all th most popular varieties warranted fresh and genuine, just received sad far sal si tht Drag .Store of WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD ft CO. 7 at. CONSUMPTION. . There is perhaps, na disease with which country is sffveted, which sweeps on" tanaally as many victims, ss that fell destroyer af tha aumaa race Caasamptinn. Day after slay, year after year, the insatiate monster harries to th portals of the cold and silent tomb fresh added victims to its conquest. So walk of lift is sacred from lis blighting influence. No sgs is sxewipt frnm it death dealing shafts. Tba old, th middle age, and the young, all alike, ar food for thi teasstoa ene my of mankind. Th whitekalred patriarch, whost lift of temperance hss rendered his system impsrvK ous to Hi atttacks of other ills, ana whose toed deeds prepared him fof tht en joy men to af lift' calm evening, finds Consumption fastening ka fangs upon his vitals, and tearing him from a World erer bright to. mind which look complacently a days wed sjMut. Is ther no elp for ths afflicted! Te preventiv of the darfgergi which beset as in tsac changeable ami lick! clime? Ws think chert to, . And if th allegations of those who are at least aalitlod to vr- racily. may be believed, ther it t preventivt and remcily. ' - " Wlstar's Balssm of Wild Cherry is offered to a suffering world ss such. It seeds net tbt "sdven titious aid" of a long string af aetitioa certiftcatts to give it notoriety. It tnw value and intrinats excellcnct art aufBolent to tntitlt it to th eona- ilenc of th publievand to r "Waft on to fame" ' the name of its inventor, -ss a benefactor of hit specie. - :.,! hunt genuine unless signed I. Bl'TTS pa ths wrapper. ... tor sale, wholesale snd retail, by WILLAMS, ItAVH OOD Co., Raleigh 5. C. -. . , NOTICE. , . THR andmigncd, ta tb aama and aa behalf tf Lafayette Division, No. 2, of th Boa of Temper ance, will give Hi 1,01) for the best Origins! Essay on ths Evils of imtempersne and tht Hwmedy. This Essay must b written by a North Casnllnia a,rna itrimlaotma. and mast ba forwarded tret ar charge, on or befbrt the Mb af Jns et, to Rev. -T .. - u. u r i . : . l awl f i SbImImn - p.. l . rieuin, n. n . r niiioa . KeqsC IUieigh, S". C;; who a klaaly eattatit to act as adjmlicator. Too manasenpt. must at M- companied with sealed letter emmtatng We srt dress of th writer. Tht award will ba adjudged lh last day of AguaW c: p. joxEi. ha - t;l w- HIE PIHTiSOPIIER OUTDONE; , 7 A tearoet. phllosViphcr oetrif vwf tntfim hi uidv.a little girl came to ask him for ivmsio ' Sntv "But,' ay the Doctor, "yon hav Bolhy l ing to pal it in; and as he waa (roinf to frith tomething for that purpose, tb little firl loop ed down at ilie. fire-place, and takinf oo cold aslie in On band, the pot liva ember on theta with the oilier, r Noks, ant ini;,"wilh alt my lttM f never have funnd'oul. tHat k4nU" ; rictrAi4.JI.MVWVJtgJ. y.,tWJWfc-Wr., lI,--ft,'Wl.a,V- fti:;ajTeaVV.'-". J"V54ia